This text uses uses the digraphs "cx", "gx", "hx", "jx", "sx" and "ux" to represent letters with diacritics. Problems of orthography and transcription are discussed in greater detail at the end of the file.
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J. C. O'CONNOR, Ph.Dr., M.A.
In response to numerous requests from almost every country in which English is spoken, we have much pleasure in presenting to the public this the first English-Esperanto Dictionary. The demands for such a work became so pressing that it was absolutely necessary to issue it as quickly as possible. Were it not for this urgency we would have waited until the larger Dictionary was ready, but the knowledge that the progress of Esperanto would be materially checked or retarded decided us to issue this smaller one. The compiling of a Dictionary is always a difficult task, but the difficulty is increased in a very great degree when an initial and original work is undertaken. Such a work demands careful and thorough research, absolute precision, and much patient labour. The labour, however, has been lightened by the good wishes of Esperantists all the world over. Not from England alone, but from that Greater Britain beyond the seas, kindly help has been offered, and gratefully accepted. We have spared no pains in the endeavour to make this Dictionary (within its limits) perfect, and we hope we have succeeded. The busy Briton, who has not time for word-building, will find within the following pages every ordinary English word, with its Esperanto equivalent. It has been said, and with truth, that with a perfect knowledge of one or two thousand words anyone can adequately express oneself—conversationally—on any of the ordinary topics of everyday life, and for this reason we have taken special pains to select those words which are most in use. The student who possesses a knowledge of the process of word-building can from the material within these pages extend such material to an almost unlimited extent. (For an example of this see pages 10-15).
The larger Dictionary is in course of preparation, though some time must necessarily elapse before its publication. For this the collaboration and counsel of the most eminent continental Esperantists have been secured. We shall be extremely grateful to those who use the present work for any suggestions that may render it more useful, in the event of a second edition being required, and also that the larger Dictionary may receive the benefit of such suggestions. (Any such suggestions may be sent to J. C. O'Connor, B.A., Esperanto House, St. Stephen's Square, Bayswater, W.; or to C. F. Hayes, Fairlight, 48, Swanage Road, Wandsworth, S.W.) It is to the interest of all loyal Esperantists to do what they can in anything that may help to extend the scope of this marvellous language, which our revered master has so generously given to the world.
We take this opportunity of tendering our very sincere thanks to Dr. Zamenhof for the invaluable assistance he has given us during the preparation of this little work, as well as for his aprobita of it; and at the same time we acknowledge our indebtedness to M. A. Motteau (Author of the Esperanto-English Dictionary) for his careful revision of the proof sheets, and for the many useful suggestions which his thorough knowledge of Esperanto enabled him to give.
Particular attention must be given to the fact that it is to the root of a word that the prefixes and suffixes are added. When it is stated that the final letter "i" indicates the infinitive, the letter "o" the noun, the letter "a" the adjective, the letter "e" the adverb, the letter "j" added to form the plural, etc., the pronouns "mi", "li", "vi", etc., do not interfere with the statement, for they are complete words; the letters "m", "l", and "v" are not roots. The word "do" is not a noun, because "d" is not a root. The word "plej" is not a plural, because "ple" is not a root. The word "meti", to put, has nothing to do with the diminutive suffix "et", because "m" is not the root.
The reader of this Dictionary will see to which part of speech the English word belongs, by looking at the ending of the Esperanto translation of the word.
The Authors.
bo'—denotes relationship resulting from marriage:
patro = father, bo'patro = father-in-law. patrino = mother, bo'patrino = mother-in-law.
dis'—denotes division, separation, dissemination:
semi = to sow, dis'semi = to scatter. sxiri = to tear, dis'sxiri = to tear in pieces.
ek'—denotes an action just begun, also short duration of an action:
kanti = to sing, ek'kanti = to begin to sing. ridi = to laugh, ek'ridi = to burst out laughing.
ge'—denotes persons of both sexes taken together:
mastro = master, ge'mastroj = master and mistress. edzo = husband, ge'edzoj = husband and wife.
mal'—denotes contraries, opposition of idea:
estimi = to esteem, mal'estimi = to despise. varma = warm, mal'varma = cold. amiko = friend, mal'amiko = enemy.
re'—denotes the repetition of an act; it corresponds to the English "re," "back" or "again":
doni = to give, re'doni = to give back; iri = to go, re'iri = to go again. diri = to say, re'diri = to repeat; veni = to come, re'veni = to return.
'ad'—denotes duration or continuation of an action:
spiri = to breathe, spir'ad'o = breathing. pafi = to fire (a gun, etc.), paf'ad'o = a fusilade.
'ajx'—denotes a thing having a certain quality, something made from a certain matter:
mola = soft, mol'ajx'o = a soft thing or substance. ovo = egg, ov'ajx'o = omelet; bovo = ox, bov'ajx'o = beef.
'an'—denotes an inhabitant, partisan, member of:
Londono = London, London'an'o = a Londoner. Kristo = Christ, Krist'an'o = a Christian.
'ar'—denotes a collection or reunion of certain things:
vorto = a word, vort'ar'o = a dictionary. homo = a man, hom'ar'o = mankind.
'cxj'—inserted between 1-5 letters of a masculine name denotes a term of endearment:
Johano = John, Jo'cxj'o = Jack, Johnnie. Ernesto = Ernest, Erne'cxj'o = Ernie.
'ebl'—denotes possibility, something likely to happen:
legi = to read, leg'ebl'a = legible. kredi = to believe, kred'ebl'a = credible.
'ec'—denotes an abstract quality (similar to the English suffix "ness"):
bona = good, bon'ec'o = goodness. pura = clean, pur'ec'o = cleanliness.
'eg'—denotes augmentation, intensity of degree:
granda = great, grand'eg'a = enormous. pafilo = gun, pafil'eg'o = cannon.
'ej'—denotes the place specially used for or allotted to:
dormi = to sleep, dorm'ej'o = a dormitory. lerni = to learn, lern'ej'o = a school.
'em'—denotes propensity, inclination, disposition:
timi = to fear, tim'em'a = timorous. amo = love, am'em'a = lovable.
'er'—denotes one of many objects of the same kind, the smallest fragment:
sablo = sand, sabl'er'o = a grain of sand. mono = money, mon'er'o = a coin.
'estr'—denotes a chief, a leader, a ruler, the head of:
imperio = an empire, imperi'estr'o = an emperor. sxipo = a ship, sxip'estr'o = captain (of a ship).
'et'—denotes diminution of degree:
ridi = to laugh, rid'et'i = to smile. monto = a mountain, mont'et'o = a hill.
'id'—denotes the young of, offspring, descendant:
kato = a cat, kat'id'o = a kitten. Izraelo = Israel, Izrael'id'o = an Israelite.
'ig'—denotes causing to be in a certain state or condition:
morti = to die, mort'ig'i = to kill (to cause to die). pura = clean, pur'ig'i = to clean (to make clean).
'igx'—denotes to become, to be made to:
rugxa = red, rugx'igx'i = to become red (to blush). ricxa = rich, ricx'igx'i = to become (or to grow) rich.
'il'—denotes an instrument or tool:
kombi = to comb, komb'il'o = a comb. razi = to shave, raz'il'o = a razor.
'in'—denotes feminines:
frato = brother, frat'in'o = sister. leono = lion, leon'in'o = lioness.
'ind'—denotes worthiness, to be "worthy of," "deserving of":
lauxdi = to praise, lauxd'ind'a = praiseworthy, worthy of praise. estimi = to esteem, estim'ind'a = estimable, worthy of esteem.
'ing'—denotes a holder (thing), that which is used for holding one object:
cigaro = a cigar, cigar'ing'o = a cigar holder. kandelo = a candle, kandel'ing'o = a candlestick.
'ist'—denotes profession, trade, occupation, etc.:
drogo = a drug, drog'ist'o = druggist. maro = the sea, mar'ist'o = a sailor.
'nj'—has the same force as the suffix 'cxj', but is used for feminine names only.
'uj'—denotes that which contains, produces, encloses or bears:
pomo = apple, pom'uj'o = apple-tree. mono = money, mon'uj'o = a purse. Anglo = Englishman, Angl'uj'o = England. cigaro = a cigar, cigar'uj'o = a cigar-case.
"Tree" may also be expressed by "arbo", pomarbo = an apple tree.
Names of countries may also be denoted by "lando", as Anglolando = England, Francolando = France, Irlando = Ireland.
'ul'—denotes a person or being characterised by the idea contained in a root-word:
timo = fear, tim'ul'o = a coward, a poltroon. avara = miserly, avar'ul'o = a miserly person (a miser).
mosxto—this word denotes a general title of respect or politeness:
regxo = a king, via regxa mosxto = your Majesty. via mosxto = your highness, your eminence, your worship.
Esperanto. Free Translation.
Lern' root word. i Lerni to learn. ad Lernadi " study. eg Lernegi " cram. ig Lernigi " cause to learn. igx Lernigxi " learn intuitively. et Lerneti " dabble in learning. dis Dislerni " learn in a desultory manner. ek Eklerni " begin to learn. el Ellerni " learn thoroughly. mal Mallerni " unlearn. re Relerni " learn again. ant Lernanto a pupil, a learner (mas.). " Lernantino a pupil, a learner (fem.). an Lernejano a schoolboy. " Lernejanino a schoolgirl. ge Gelernantoj pupils (mas. and fem.). ist Lernejisto a school teacher. estr Lernejestro a school master (head teacher). [Error in book: Lernjestro] ant Lernantaro a class. ej Lernejo a school. et Lernejeto an elementary school. ar Lernejaro an university. ul Lernulo a learned man, a savant. " Lernulino a learned woman, a "blue stocking." ajx Lernajxo knowledge. il Lernilo intelligence (the). ind Lerninda worth learning. o Lerno act or action of learning. ebl Lernebla learnable. ec Lerneco learnedness. em Lernema studious. er Lernero a subject of a curriculum. ar Lernaro a curriculum. a Lerna learned. e Lerne learnedly.
Adj. Adjective. Math. Mathematics. Adv. Adverb. Med. Medical. Anat. Anatomy. Milit. Military. Arith. Arithmetic. Mus. Music. Bot. Botany. N. Noun. Conj. Conjunction. Phil. Philosophy. Fem. F. Feminine. Plur. Plural. Fig. Figurative. Polit. Politics. Geog. Geography. Prep. Preposition. Gram. Grammar. Prof. Profession. Inter. Interjection. Relig. Religion. Intrans. Intransitive. Sing. S. Singular. Jud. Judicial. Trans. Transitive. Lit. Literary. V. Verb. Mas. M. Masculine. Zool. Zoology.
* * * * *
= A =
A = indefinite article, not used in Esperanto. Aback, to take = surprizi. Abaft = posta parto. Abandon = forlasi. Abase = humiligi. [Error in book: humilgi] Abash = hontigi. Abate (lower) = mallevi. Abate (speed) = malakceli. Abbey = abatejo. Abbot = abato. Abbreviate = mallongigi. Abdicate = demeti la regxecon. Abdomen = ventro. Abduct = forrabi. Abduction = forrabo. Abed = lite. Aberration = spiritvagado. Abet = kunhelpi. Abhor = malamegi. Abhorrence = malamego. Abide = logxi (resti). Ability = lerteco. Ability = talento. Abject = humilega. Abjure = malkonfesi, forjxuri. Ablative = ablativo. Able, to be = povi. Able (skilful) = lerta. Abnegation = memforgeso. Aboard = en sxipo. Abode = logxejo. Abolish = neniigi. Abominable = abomena. Abomination = abomeno. Abound = suficxegi. About (prep.) = cxirkaux. About (adv.) = cxirkauxe. Above (prep.) = super. Above (adv.) = supre. Above all = precipe. Abreast = flanko cxe flanko. Abridge = mallongigi. Abridgement = resumo. Abroad = eksterlande. Abrupt = subita. Abscess = absceso. Abscond = sin forkasxi. Absent, to be = foresti. Absence = foresto—ado. Absolute = absoluta. Absolutely = absolute. Absolution = senkulpigo. Absolution (from sin) = senpekigo. Absolve = senkulpigi. Absolve (from sin) = senpekigi. Absorb = sorbi. Absorption = sorbo. Abstain = deteni sin. Abstemious = sobrema. Abstinence = deteno. Abstinent = detenema. Abstract (abridgement) = resumo. Abstract = abstrakti. Abstracted = abstrakta. Abstruse = tre malklara. Absurd = absurda. Absurdity = absurdo. Abundance = suficxego. Abuse = trouzi. Abuse = trouzo. Abyss = profundegajxo. Acacia = akacio. Academic = akademia. Academy = akademio. Accede = konsenti. Accelerate = akceli. Accent (sign, mark) = signo. Accent = akcenti. Accent = akcento. Accentuate = akcentegi. Accept = akcepti. Acceptable = akceptebla. Acceptance = akceptajxo. Acceptation = akcepto. Access = aliro. Accession = plimultigo. Accessory = kunhelpanto. Accident (chance) = okazo. Accident (injury) = malfelicxo. Acclamation = aplauxdego. Acclimatize = alklimatigi. Acclivity = supreniro. Accommodate = alfari. Accompany = akompani. Accomplice = kunkulpulo. Accomplish = plenumi. Accomplished (of things) = elfarita. Accomplishment = talento. Accord (music) = akordo. Accord = konsento. According to = laux. Accouchement = akusxo. Account (bill) = kalkulo. Account = rakonto. Accountable, to be = respondi pri. Accountant (profn.) = kalkulisto. Account (current) = konto kuranta. Accounts = kalkularo. Account (rendered) = raporto. Accoutre (milit.) = armi. Accrue = kreskigxi. Accumulate = amasigi. Accumulation = amaso. Accuracy = akurateco. Accurate = akurata. Accursed = malbena. Accusation = kulpigo. Accusative = akuzativo. Accuse = kulpigi. Accustomed, to be = kutimi. Ace = aso. Acerbity = acideco. Acetous = acida. Ache = doloro. Achieve = plenumi. Achievement = elfaro. Acid = acida. Acid = acido. Acidity = acideco. Acidulous = acideta. Acknowledge = konfesi. Acknowledge (letters, etc.) = avizi. Acknowledgement (letters, etc.) = avizo. Acknowledgment = konfeso. Aconite = akonito. Acorn = glano. Acoustics = akustiko. Acquaint = sciigi. Acquaintance = konato. Acquainted, to be = konatigxi. Acquiesce = konsenti. Acquire = akiri. Acquirement = akiro. Acquisition = akirajxo. Acquit (debt) = kvitanci. Acquit (blame) = senkulpigi. Acrid = acida. Acrimonious = akretema. Acrobat = ekvilibristo. Across = trans. Act = agi. Act (statute) = regulo, legxo. Act (drama) = akto. Action, to bring an = procesi. Active = aktiva. [Error in book: activa] Activity = aktiveco. Actor = aktoro. Actor (drama) = komediisto. Actual (time) = nuna. Actual = reala. Actuality = nuneco, realeco. Actuated = incitita. Acumen = sagaceco. Acute = akra. Acuteness = sagaceco. Adage = proverbo. Adapt = alfari. Adaptation = alfarado. Add up = sumigi. Add together = kunmeti. Add to = aldoni. Addendum = aldono. Adder = kolubro. Addicted, to be = kutimi. Addition = aldono. Additional = aldona. Addled = senfrukta. Address = adresi. Adduce = prezenti. Adept = adepto. Adequate = suficxa. Adhere = aligxi. Adherent = aligxulo. Adhesion = aligxo. Adhesive = glua. Adieu = adiaux. Adjacent = apuda. Adjective = adjektivo. Adjoining = apuda. Adjourn = prokrasti. Adjudge = aljugxi. Adjure = petegi. Adjust = arangxi, almezuri. Administer = administri. Administration = administracio. Admirable = admirinda. Admiral = admiralo. Admiration = admiro. Admire = admiri. Admission = allaso. Admissible = permesebla. Admit = allasi. Admonish = admoni. Admonition = admono. Adolescence = juneco. Adolescent = junulo. Adopt = alpreni. Adopt (child) = filigi. Adore = adori. Adorn = ornami. Adroit = lerta. Adroitness = lerteco. Adulation = adulacio, flato. Adult = plenkreskulo. Adult = plenkreska. Adulterate = falsi. Adultery = adulto. Adultery, to commit = adulti. Advance = antauxeniri. Advancement = progreso. Advantage = utilo, profito. Advantageous = utila, profita. Advent = advento. Adverb = adverbo. Adversary = kontrauxulo. Adverse = kontrauxa. Adversity = kontrauxeco. Advert to (to) = aludi (al). Advertise = anonci. Advertisement = anonco. Advice = konsilo. Advise = konsili. Advocate = defendi. Aerial = aera. Aerolite = aerolito. Aeronaut = aerveturanto. Afar = malproksime. Affable = afabla. Affability = afableco. Affair = afero. Affected (manner) = afekta. Affected, to be = afekti. Affecting (touching) = kortusxanta. Affection = afekteco. Affection (love) = amo. Affectionate = aminda. Affectionately = aminde. Affinity (relationship) = parenceco. Affiliate = aligi, anigi. Affiliated, to become = aligxi, anigxi. Affirm (attest) = atesti. Affirm (assure) = certigi. Affirmation = atesto. Affirmation = certigo, jeso. Affirmative = jesa. Affix = afikso. Afflict = malgxojigi. Affluence = ricxeco. Affluent = ricxega. Afford, to give = doni. Affray = batigxo. Affright = timigi. Affront = insulto. Afloat = flose, nagxe. Afraid = timigita. Aft = posta parto. After = post. Aftermath = postfojno. Afternoon = posttagmezo. Afterwards = poste. Again = ree. Against = kontraux. Agate = agato. Age = agxo. Aged = maljuna. Agency = agenteco. Agenda = memorlibro. Agent = agento. Aggrandize = pligrandigi. Aggrandisement = pligrandigo. Aggravate = plimalbonigi. Aggression = atako. Aggressor = atakanto. Aghast = terurega. Agile = facilmova. Agitate = agiti. Ago = antaux. Agonize = agonii. Agony = agonio. Agree = konsenti. Agreeable = agrabla. Agreement (deed) = kontrakto. Agreement = interkonsento. Agriculture = terkulturo. Agriculturist = terkulturisto. Agronomy = agronomio. Ague = febreto. Ah! = ha! Ahead = antauxe. Aid = helpo. Aide-de-Camp = adjutanto. Ail = malsani. Ailment = malsano. Aim (purpose) = celo. Air (appearance) = mieno. Air (music) = ario. Air = aerumi. Air (atmosphere) = aero. Airball (toy) = pilkego. Airballoon = aerostato. Airhole = fenestreto. Airpump = aeropumpilo. [Error in book: aeropompilo] Aisle = flankajxo. Ajar = duonfermita. Akin = parenca. Alabaster = alabastro. Alacrity = rapideco. Alarm = maltrankviligi. Alarum (clock) = vekhorlogxo. Alas! = ho ve! Albeit = kvankam. Album = albumo. Albumen = albumeno. Alchemy = alhxemio. Alcohol = alkoholo. Alcoholic = alkohola. Alcoholism = alkoholismo. Alcove = alkovo. Alder (tree) = alno. Ale = biero. Alert = vigla. Algebra = algebro. Alias = alie. Alien = alilandulo. Alike = simila. Aliment = mangxajxo. Alimony = nutramono. Alive = viva. Alkali = alkalio. All (every one) = cxiu, cxiuj (plur.). Allay = trankviligi, kvietigi. Allege = pretendi. Allegiance = fideleco. Allegory = alegorio. Alleviate = dolcxigi. Alley = aleo, strateto. Alliance = interligo. Allocution = paroladeto. Allot = lotumi. Allotment = lotajxo. Allow = permesi. Allowance (a/c) = dekalkulo. Allowance (share) = porcio. All-powerful = cxiopova. Allude = aludi. Allure = logi. Allurement = logo. Allusion = aludo. Alluvial = akvemetita. Ally = interligi. Almanac = almanako. Almighty = cxiopova. Almost = preskaux. Almond = migdalo. Alms = almozo. Almshouse = maljunulejo. Aloes = aloo. Aloft = supre. Alone = sola (adj.), sole (adv.). Along with = kune kun. Aloof, to keep = eviti. Aloud = lauxte. Alphabet = alfabeto. Alps = Alpoj. Already = jam. Also = ankaux. Altar = altaro. Alter = aliigi. Alteration = aliigo. Altercation = malpaco. Alternate = alterni. Alternative = elekteco. Althea = alteo. Although = kvankam. Altitude = alto. Alto = aldo. Altogether = tute. Alum = aluno. Always = cxiam. Amalgam = amalgamo. Amalgamate = unuigi. Amalgamation = unuigo. Amanuensis = skribisto. Amass = amasigi. Amateur = nemetiisto. Amaze = miregigi. Amazed, to be = miregigxi. Amazement = mirego. Amazing = miriga. Amazon = rajdantino. Ambassador = ambasadoro. Amber = sukceno. Ambiguous = dusenca. Ambition = ambicio. Ambitious = ambicia. Amble = troteti. Ambrosia = ambrozio. Ambulance (place) = malsanulejo. Ambuscade = embusko. Ambush = embuski. Ameliorate = plibonigi. Amend = reformi. Amends, to make = rekompenci. America = Ameriko. American = Amerikano. Amiability = amindeco. Amiable = afabla, aminda. Amicably = pace. Amid = meze. Amidst = meze. Amity = amikeco. Ammonia = amoniako. Among = inter. Amongst = inter. Amorous = amema. Amount = sumo. Amphibious = amfibia. Amphitheatre = amfiteatro. Amphora = amforo. Ample = suficxa. Amplify = grandigi. Amplitude = amplekso. Amputate = detrancxi. Amulet = talismano. Amuse = amuzi. Anagram = anagramo. Analogy = analogio. Analysis = analizo. Analyze = analizi. Anarchy = anarhxio. Anatomy = anatomio. Ancestors = praavoj, prapatroj. Anchor = ankro. Anchorite = dezertulo. Ancient = antikva. And = kaj. Anecdote = rakonteto. Anew = ankoraux, ree. Angel = angxelo. Angelic = angxela. Anger = kolero. Anger = kolerigi. Angle (corner) = angulo. Angling = fisxkaptado. Angle (fish) = fisxkapti. Angler = fisxkaptisto. Angry, to be = koleri. Anguish = dolorego. Angular = angula. Animal = besto. Animate = vivigi. Animated = vivigita. Animating = viviga. Animation = viveco. Animosity = malamikeco. Aniseed = anizo. Anisette = anizlikvoro. Ankle = maleolo. Annals = historio. Annex = kunigi. Annexation = kunigo. Annihilate = neniigi. Anniversary = datreveno. Annotate = noti. Announce = anonci. Announcement = anonco. Annoy = cxagreni. Annoyance = cxagreno, enuo. Annual (publication) = jarlibro. Annual (yearly) = cxiujara. Annuity = jarpago. Annul = nuligi. Annular = ringforma. Annunciation = anunciacio. Anoint = sxmiri. Anointing = sxmiro, ado. Anomaly = anomalio. Anonymous = anonima. Answer = respondi. Answer (affirmatively) = jesi. Answerable for, to be = respondi pri. Ant = formiko. Antagonist = kontrauxulo. Antarctic = antarktika. Antecedents = antauxajxo. Antechamber = antauxcxambro. Antedate = antauxdatumi. Antelope = antilopo. Anterior = antauxa. Anteroom = antauxcxambro. Anthem = antemo, himnego. Ant-hill = formikejo. Anthropology = antropologio. Antichrist = antikristo. Anticipate = antauxvidi. Antidote = kontrauxveneno. Antimony = antimono. Antipathy = antipatio. Antipodes = antipodoj. Antiquary = antikvisto. Antiquated = antikva. Antique = antikva. Antique (noun) = antikvajxo. Antiquity = antikveco. Antler = kornbrancxo. Anvil = amboso. Anxiety = maltrankvileco. Anxious = maltrankvila. Any = ia. Anybody = iu. Anyhow = iel. Anyone = iu. Anyone's = ies. Any quantity = iom. Anything = io. Anywhere = ie. Aorta = aorto. Apace = rapide. Apart = aparte. Apartment = cxambro. Apathetic = apatia. Apathy = apatio. Ape = simio. Ape (verb) = imiti. Aperient = laksileto. Aperture = malfermajxo. Apex = pinto, suprapinto. Apiary = abelejo. Apish = simia. Apocryphal = apokrifa. Apogee = apogeo. Apologise = pardonon peti. Apologue = apologo. Apology = apologio. Apoplexy = apopleksio. Apostle = apostolo. Apostolic = apostola. Apostrophe = apostrofo. Apostrophize = alparoli. Apothecary = apotekisto. Apothecary's = apoteko. Apotheosis = apoteozo. Appal = terurigi. Apparatus = aparato. Apparel = vesto. Apparent = videbla. Apparition = apero. Apparitor (beadle) = pedelo. Appeal = alvoki. Appear (come in sight) = aperi. Appear = sxajni. Appearance (aspect) = vidigxo, mieno. Appearance, to put in an = cxeesti. Appease = pacigi. Append = aldoni. Appendage = aldonajxo. Appendix = aldono. Appetising = apetitdona. Appetite = apetito. Applaud = aplauxdi. Applause = aplauxdo—ado. Apple = pomo. Apple tree = pomarbo, pomujo. Appliance = aparato. Application = atento. Apply (to put on) = almeti. Apply to = sin turni (al). Appoint (nominate) = nomi. Appointment = elekto. Apportion = lotumi, dividi. Appraise = taksi. Appreciate = sxati. Apprehend (seize) = ekkapti. Apprehend (understand) = kompreni. Apprehension (fear) = timo. Apprentice = lernanto. Apprenticeship = lernado. Apprise = sciigi, informi. Approach = proksimigxi. Approaching (time) = baldauxa. Approbation = aprobo. Appropriate, to be = difinita por. Appropriate (take, keep) = proprigi. Approval = aprobo. Approve = aprobi. Approximate (time) = baldauxa. Apricot = abrikoto. April = Aprilo. Apron = antauxtuko. Apt = kapabla. Aptitude = kapableco. Aptly = kapable. Aquatic = akva. Aqueduct = akvokonduko. Aqueous = akva. Arab = Arabo. Arable = plugebla. Arbitrary = arbitra. Arbitrate = arbitracii. Arbitration = arbitracio. Arbitrator (profn.) = arbitraciisto. Arbour = lauxbo. Arc = arko. Arcade = arkado. Arch = arko. Arch = arkefleksi. Archangel = cxefangxelo. Archology = arhxeologio. Archbishop = cxefepiskopo. Archduke = arhxiduko. Archer = pafarkisto. Archipelago = insularo. Architect = arhxitekturisto. Architecture = arhxitekturo. Archives = arhxivo. Arctic = arktika. Ardent = fervora. Ardour = fervoro. Arduous = laborega. Arena = areno. Areopagus = Aeropago. Argue = argumenti. Argument = argumento. Arid = seka. Aright = bone. Arise = levigxi. Aristocracy = aristokrataro. Aristocrat = aristokrato. Arithmetic = aritmetiko. Ark = sxipego. Arm (milit.) = armi. Arm (of the body) = brako. Armament = armilaro. Armchair = segxego. Armistice = interpaco. Armlet = cxirkauxbrako. Armorials = insigno. Armour = armajxo. Armourer = armilfaristo. Armoury = armilejo. Armpit = subbrako. Arms (weapons) = armiloj, bataliloj. Army (military) = militistaro. Army (non-military) = armeo. Army-corps = korpuso. Arnica = arniko. Aroma = aromo. Aromatic = aroma. Around (prep.) = cxirkaux. Around (adv.) = cxirkauxe. Arouse = veki. Arpeggio = arpegxo. Arraign = kulpigi. Arrange = arangxi. Arrant = fama. Array (deck out) = ornami. Arrears, in = malantauxe. Arrest = aresti. Arrival = alveno. Arrive (on foot) = alveni. Arrive (by vehicle) = alveturi. Arrogance = aroganteco. Arrogant = aroganta. Arrow = sago. Arsenal = armilejo. Arsenic = arseniko. Arson = brulkrimo. Art = arto. Artery = arterio. Artful = ruza. Arthritic = artritulo. Artichoke = artisxoko. Article = artikolo. Article (commerce) = komercajxo. Articulate = elparoli. Articulation (anat.) = artiko. Artifice = artifiko. Artificial = artefarita. Artillery = artilerio. Artisan = metiisto. Artist = artisto. Artless = simplanima, naiva. Artlessness = naiveco. As = kiel. As—as = tiel—kiel. Ascend = supreniri. Ascension (feast of) = Cxieliro. Ascension = suprenirado. Ascent = supreniro. Ascertain = certigxi. Ascribe = aligi al. Ashamed, to be = honti. Ashes = cindro. Ashpan = cindrujo. Asia = Azio. Asiatic = Aziano. Aside = aparte. As if = kvazaux. Ask = demandi. Ask (beg) = peti. Asleep = dormanta (adj.), dormante (adv.). As long as = tiel longe kiel. As many = tiom. As much = tiom. As many as = tiom, kiom. As much as = tiom, kiom. Asp = aspido. Asparagus = asparago. Aspect = vidigxo. Aspect (phase) = fazo. Aspen = tremolo. Asperse = kalumnii. Asphalte = asfalto. Asphyxia = asfiksio. Aspirate = elspiri. Aspirant = aspiranto. Aspiration (breathing) = elspiro—ado. Aspiration (aim, intention) = celo. Aspire = celi. Ass = azeno. Assail = ataki. Assailant = atakanto. Assassin = mortiganto. Assault = atako. Assay = provo. Assemble = kunveni, kunvoki. Assembly = kunveno, auxditorio. Assent = konsenti, jesi. Assert = certigi. Assess = taksi. Assessment = takso. Assiduous = diligenta. Assign = asigni. Assignment = asigno. Assimilate = similigi. Assist = helpi. Assist (at) = cxeesti (cxe). Assistance = helpo. Assistant = helpanto. Assistant-master = submajstro. Associate = kunulo. Association = societo. Assort = dece kunmeti. Assuage = dolcxigi. Assume = supozi. Assurance, self = memfido. Assure = certigi. Assure (life etc.) = asekuri. Asterisk = steleto. Asthma = malfacila spirado. Astonish = mirigi. Astonished, to be = miri. Astonishing = mira. Astonishment = miro. Astound = miregi. Astral = astra. Astray, to go = erarigxi. Astringent = kuntira. Astrologer = astrologiisto. Astrology = astrologio. Astronomer = astronomiisto. Astronomy = astronomio. Astute = ruza. Asunder = aparte. Asylum = rifugxejo. At = cxe, je. At (house of) = cxe. At all events = kio ajn okazos. At any time = iam. Atheist = ateisto. Atheism = ateismo. Athletic = atleta. Athlete = atleto. Atlas = landkartaro. Atmosphere = atmosfero. Atom = atomo. Atomism = atomismo. At once = tuj. Atone = rebonigi. Atonement = rebonigo. Atrocious = kruelega. Atrocity = kruelego. Atrophy = atrofio. Attach = alligi. Attachment = alligo. Attack = atako. Attack = ataki. Attain = atingi. Attain (to) = trafi, atingi (al). Attainment = akiro. Attempt = atenci. Attempt = atenco. Attendants (retinue) = sekvantaro. Attend (on) = servi. Attention, to call (to) = atentigi (al). Attention, to pay = atenti. Attention = atento. Attentive = atenta. Attest (a document) = subskribi. Attest = atesti. Attestation = atesto. Attic = tegmentcxambro. Attire = vestajxo. Attitude = sintenado. Attorney = advokato. Attract = altiri. Attract (entice) = logi. Attraction = logajxo. Attractive = cxarma. Attribute (v.) = aligi al. Attribute (quality) = eco. Auction = auxkcia vendo. Audacious = maltimega. Audacity = maltimego. Audible (adj.) = auxdebla. Audience (interview) = auxdienco. Audience (congregation) = auxditorio. Audit = kontekzameni. Auditorium = auxskultejo. Auger = borilego. Aught (anything) = io. Augment = plimultigi, pliigi. August (month) = Auxgusto. August = nobla. Aunt = onklino. Aureola = auxreolo. Au revoir = gxis revido. Auriferous = orhava. Auscultate = subauxskulti. Auspices = auxspicioj. Auspicious = favora. Austere = severmora. Austerely = severmore. Austerity = severmoreco. Australia = Auxstralio. Austrian = Auxstro. Authentic = vera, verega. Authenticate = verigi. Author = auxtoro. Authorise (permit) = permesi. Authorities (of town, etc.) = estraro. Authority = auxtoritato. Autocrat = auxtokrato. Automatic = auxtomata. Automobile = auxtomobilo. Autumn = auxtuno. Auxiliary = helpanto (noun), helpa (adj.). Avalanche = lavango. Avarice = avareco. Avaricious = avara. Avaunt = for de tie cxi! Avenge = vengxi. Avenue = aleo. Average (n.) = mezonombro. meza kvanto. Averse = antipatia, kontrauxa. Aversion = antipatio, kontrauxo. Avert = deturni. Avidity = avideco. Avid = avida. Avoid = eviti. Avow = konfesi. Avowal = konfeso. Await = atendi. Awake = veki. Awake (intrans.) = vekigxi. Awaken = veki. Award = aljugxi. Aware, to be = scii. Away! = for! Away = malproksime. Awe = teruro, timego. Awful = terura. Awkward = mallerta, malgracia. Awl = borileto. Awning = sunsxirmilego. Awry = malrekta. Axe = hakilo. Axis = akso. Axle = akso. Axle-tree = akso. Axiom = aksiomo. Ay (yes) = jes. Aye (always) = cxiam. Azote = azoto. Azure = lazuro.
= B =
Babble = babili. Babe = infaneto. Baboon = paviano. Baby = infaneto. Bachelor = frauxlo. Back (of body) = dorso. Back (reverse side) = posta flanko. Back (behind) = poste. Backbite = kalumnii. Backbone = spino. Backslider = rekulpulo. Backward (slow) = mallerta. Bacon = lardo. Bad, ly = malbona, e. Badge = simbolo. Badger = melo. Bag = sako. Bagatelle (trifle) = bagatelo. Baggage = pakajxo. Bail = garantiajxo. Bailiff (legal) = jugxa persekutisto. Bait = allogajxo. Bake = baki. Baker = panisto, bakisto. Balance (scales) = pesilo. Balance (poise) = balanci. Balance of a/c = restajxo. Balance-sheet = bilanco. Balcony = balkono. Bald = senhara. Baldness = senhareco. Bale = pakego. Baleful = pereiga. Balk = malhelpi. Ball (globe) = globo. Ball (playing) = pilko. Ball (party) = balo. Ball (bullet) = kuglo. Ballad = balado. Ballast = balasto. Ballet = baleto. Balloon = aerostato. Balloon (plaything) = aerpilkego. Ballot = vocxdoni. Balm = balzamo. Balm-mint = meliso. Balsam = balzamo. Balustrade = balustrado. Bamboo = bambuo. Banana = banano. Band (strap) = ligilo. Band (gang, troop) = bando. Bandage = bandagxi. Bandit = malbonulo, rabulo. Bane = pereigo. Baneful = pereiga. Banish (exile) = ekzili. Banish (send away) = forpeli. Bank (money) = banko. Bank (river) = bordo. Bank (sand) = sablajxo. Bank (note) = banka bileto. Banker = bankiero. Bankrupt = bankroto. Bankrupt, to become = bankroti. Banner = flago, standardo. Banns = edzigxanonco. Banquet = festeno. Banter = moki. Baptism = bapto. Baptize = bapti. Bar = bari. Barbarian = barbaro. Barbarism = barbarismo. Barber = barbiro. Bard = bardo. Bare = nuda. Barefoot = nudpiede. Bargain = marcxandi. Barge = sxargxbarko. Bark (ship) = barko. Bark (of dog) = hundobleko, bojo. Bark (of tree) = sxelo. Bark (a tree) = sensxeligi. Barley = hordeo. Barm = fecxo. Barn = garbejo. Barometer = barometro. Baron = barono. Barrack = soldatejo. Barrel = barelo. Barrel-organ = gurdo. Barren = senfrukta. Barrenness = senfrukteco. Barricade = barikado. Barrier = barilo. Barrister = advokato. Barrow = pusxveturilo. Barter = intersxangxi. Barytone = baritono. Basalt = bazalto. Base = fundamento. Base (mean) = malnobla. Basely = perfide. Baseless = senfundamenta. Basement = subetagxo. Baseness = perfideco. Bashful = modesta. Basin = pelvo. Basis = fundamento. Basket = korbo. Bass (music) = baso. Bastard = bastardo. Baste = surversxi. Bastion = bastiono. Bat (animal) = vesperto. Bath = banilo. Bathe = bani sin. Baths (place) = banejo. Battalion = bataliono. Battery (milit.) = baterio. Battle = batalo. Battle, fight a = batali. Battledore = pilkraketo. Bauble = bagatelo. Bawl = kriegi. Bay (geog.) = golfeto. Bay (bark) = hundobleki, boji. Bay, to keep at = repusxi. Bayonet = bajoneto. Bazaar = bazaro. Be = esti. Be, able to = povi. Be, obliged to = devi. Be, willing to = voli. Beach = marbordo. Beacon = lumturo. Bead = globeto. Beadle = pedelo. Beak = beko. Beam (timber) = trabo. Beam (light) = radio. Beam (of scales) = vekto. Bean = fabo. Bear (animal) = urso. Bear, give birth to = naski. Bear with = suferi. Bearable = tolerebla. Beard = barbo. Beardless = senbarba. Bearer = alportanto. Beast (animal) = besto. Beast (brute) = bruto. Beastly = bruta. Beat = bati. Beat (with a rod) = vergi. Beatitude = felicxegeco. Beau = koketulo. Beautiful = bela. Beauty = beleco. Bearer = kastoro. Because = cxar, tial ke. Beckon = signodoni. Become = igxi, farigxi. Becoming = konvena, deca. Bed = lito. Bed (horse) = pajlajxo. Bed (garden) = bedo. Bed (river) = kusxujo. Bedding = litajxo. Bedroom = dormocxambro. Bedstead = kusxejo. Bee = abelo. Beehive = abelujo. Beech-tree = fago. Beef = bovajxo. Beer = biero. Beet (root) = beto. Beetle = skarabo. Befall = okazi. Befitting = deca. Before (prep.) = antaux. Before (adv.) = antauxe. Before (conj.) = antaux ol. Beforehand = antauxe. Beg (entreat) = peti. Beg (alms) = almozon peti. Beggar = almozulo. Beggary = almozpeto. Begin = ek, komenci. Beginning (origin) = deveno. Begone! = for de tie cxi! Beguile (deceive) = trompi. Beguile = amuzi. Behalf = parto. Behave = konduti. Behaviour = konduto. Behead = senkapigi. Behind (prep.) = post. Behind (adv.) = poste. Behold = rigardi. Beholder = rigardanto. Behoof = profito. Being = estajxo. Belabour = bategi. Belch = rukti. Belfry = sonorilejo. Belgian = Belgo. Belgium = Belgujo. Belie = kalumnii. Belief = kredo. Believe = kredi. Bell = sonorilo. Bell (door, etc.) = sonorileto. Bell (ornament) = tintilo. Bell ringer = sonorigisto. Belladonna = beladono. Belle = belulino. Bellow = blekegi. Bellows = blovilo. Belly = ventro. Belong = aparteni. Below (adv.) = sube, malsupre. Below (prep.) = sub. Belt = zono. Bench (seat) = benko. Bench (work) = stablo. Bench (of judges) = jugxistaro. Bend = fleksi. Beneath = sub. Benediction = beno. Benefactor = bonfaristo. Beneficial = profita. Benefit = profito. Benevolence = bonfaro. Bent = kurba. Benumb = rigidigi. Bequeath = testamenti. Bequest = heredajxo. Bereave (of) = senigi (je). Berry = bero. Berth (ship) = kusxejo. Beseech = petegi. Beset = cxirkauxi. Beside = apud. Besides = krom. Besiege = siegxi. Besot = bestigxi. Besprinkle = sxprucigi sur. Best (adj.) = la plej bona. Best (adv.) = la plej bone. Bestial = besta. Bestir, one's self = sin movetadi, vigligxi. Bestow = donaci. Bet = veti. Bet = veto. Betimes = frue. Betray = perfidi. Betroth = fiancxigi. Betrothing = fiancxigxo. Better (adj.) = pli bona. Better (adv.) = pli bone. Between = inter. Bevel = trancxi oblikve. Beverage = trinkajxo. Bewail = ploregi. Bewilder = konfuzi. Bewitch = ensorcxi. Bewitchment = ensorcxo. Beyond = preter. Beyond (across) = trans. Biassed = partia. Bible = Biblio. Biblical = Biblia. Bicker = disputi. Bicycle = biciklo. Bid (good day, etc.) = diri. Bid (at auction) = pliproponi. Bid (order) = ordoni. Bidding = invito. Bide = atendi. Bifurcation = disduigxo. Big = granda. Bigamy = bigamio. Bigot = fanatikulo. Bigotry = fanatikeco. Bilberry = mirtelo. Bile = galo. Bilious = gala. Bill (a/c) = kalkulo. Bill (of exchange) = kambio. Bill (beak) = beko. Bill (posted up) = afisxo. Bill-poster = afisxisto. Billhook = brancxhakileto. Billet (note) = letereto. Billet (wood) = sxtipo. Billiard-ball = globo. Billiards = bilardo. Billow = ondego. Bin = grenkesto. Bind = ligi. Bind (books) = bindi. Bind (together) = kunligi. Bind (wounds) = bandagxi. Bind-weed = liano. Biography = biografio. Biology = biologio. Biped = dupiedulo. Birch (tree) = betulo. Bird = birdo. Birth = naskigxo. Birthday = naskotago. Biscuit = biskvito. Bisect = bisekcii. Bishop = episkopo. Bismuth = bismuto. Bit (piece) = peco. Bit (horse) = enbusxajxo. Bite = mordi. Bitter = akra—ema. Bitters = vermuto. Bitumen = terpecxo. Bivouac = bivako. Blab = babili. Black = nigra. Blackboard = nigra tabulo. Black-currant = nigra ribo. Black pudding = sangokolbaso. Blackbird = merlo. Blacken = nigrigi. Blackguard = sentauxgulo. Blacking = ciro. Blackish = dubenigra. Blacksmith = forgxisto. Bladder = veziko. Blade (grass) = trunketo. Blade (knife) = trancxanto. Blamable = mallauxdinda. Blame = mallauxdi. Blanch = paligxi. Bland = afabla. Blanket = lankovrilo. Blaspheme = blasfemi. Blast = blovego. Blaze = flamegi. Bleach = blankigi. Bleat = bleki. Bleed (trans.) = sangeltiri. Bleed (intrans.) = sangadi. Blemish = makulo. Blend = miksi. Bless = beni. Blessing = beno—ado. Blight = velkigi. Blind = blinda. Blind, window = rulkurteno. Blindness = blindeco. Blind-alley = senelirejo. Bliss = felicxegeco. Blister = veziko. Blister (plaster) = vezikigilo. Blithe = gaja. Bloat = sxveli. Block (pulley) = rulbloko. Block (log) = sxtipo. Blockade = blokado. Blockhead = malsagxulo. Blond = blonda. Blood = sango. Bloodshed = sangversxo—ado. Bloodvessel = sangvejno. Bloom = flori. Blossom = flori. Blot = makulo. Blotch = skabio. Blotting paper = sorba papero. Blow (stroke) = bato. Blow = blovi. Blouse = kitelo. Blow (of flowers) = ekflori. Bludgeon = bastonego. Blue = blua. Bluish = dubeblua. Blunder = erarego. Blunt = malakra. Blunt (mannered) = malafabla. Blur = malpurigi. Blush = rugxigxi. Bluster = fanfaroni. Boa = boao. Boar = porkviro. Board (food) = nutrado—ajxo. Board (plank) = tabulo. Board = logxi. Boarder (house) = logxanto. Boarder (school) = edukato. Boarding school = edukejo. Boarding-house = logxantejo. Boast = fanfaroni. Boast = fanfarono. Boaster = fanfaronulo. Boat = boato. Boatman = boatisto. Boat-hook = hokstango. Boat-race = sxipkurado. Boat (rowing) = remboato. Bobbin = bobeno. Body = korpo. Bog = marcxego. Bohemian = Bohemo. Boil (blain) = furunko. Boil = boli. Boiler (saucepan) = bolpoto. Boiler = bolegilo. Boisterous = perforta. Bold = maltima. Boldness = maltimo. Bolster = kapkuseno. Bolt = rigli. Bolt = riglilo. Bomb = bombo. Bombard = bombardi. Bonbon = bombono. Bond (finance) = obligacio. Bondage = servuto. Bondman = vasalo. Bondservant = servutulo. Bondsman (surety) = garantianto. Bone = osto. Bonnet = cxapo. Bonny = beleta. Bonus = liberdonaco. Booby = simplanimulo. Book = libro. Book-keeper = librotenisto. Book (copy-book) = kajero. Bookseller = libristo. Boom = soni. Booming = sonado. Boon = bonfaro, gajno. Boorish = maldelikata. Boot = boto. Booth = budo. Bootless = neprofita. Bootmaker = botisto. Booty = akirajxo. Borax = borakso. Border (edge) = randajxo. Border, to put a = borderi. Bore (a hole) = bori. Bore (of a gun) = kalibro. Borer (tool) = borilo. Born, to be = naskigxi. Born again = renaskigxi. Borne = portita. Borough = urba distrikto. Borrow = prunto preni. Bosom = brusto. Botany = botaniko. Botch (spoil) = malbonigi. Both = ambaux. Bother = enui. Bottle = botelo. Bottom = fundo. Bottom = malsupro. Bough = brancxo. Bouillon = buljono. Boulder = sxtonego. Bounce = salti. Bound = salti. Bound = salto. Boundary = limo. Bounden = deviga. Bountiful = malavara. Bounty = helpa mono. Bouquet = bukedo. Bourn = limo. Bout (contest) = konkurso. Bow = saluti. Bow = saluto. Bow = pafarko. Bow (violin) = arcxo. Bow (ribbons) = banto. Bowels = internajxo. Bower = lauxbo. Bowl = pelvo. Box (small) = skatolo. Box = kesto. Box, money = monoskatoleto. Box (shrub) = bukso. Box (theatre) = logxio. Box = pugnebati. Boy = knabo. Brace = paro. Bracelet = cxirkauxmano. Braces = sxelko. Bracket = tableto. Brackish = saleta. Bray = fanfaroni. Braggart = fanfaronulo. Brain = cerbo. Brake (fern) = filiko. Brake (for wheels) = haltigilo. Bran = brano. Branch (of tree) = brancxo. Branch (of roads, etc.) = disvojo. Brand (fire) = brulajxo. Brandish = svingi. Brandy = brando. Brasier = fajrujo. Brass = flava kupro. Brave = brava. Brave = bravulo. Brave = kontrauxstari al. Bravery = braveco. Bravo! = brave! Brawl = malpacego. Brawny = muskola. Bray (ass) = bleki. Bray (to pound) = pisti. Brazen = bronza. Breach = brecxo. Bread = pano. Bread (unleavened) = maco. Breadth = largxeco. Break = rompi. Break off = disrompi. Break, to pieces = frakasi. Breakfast = matenmangxi. Bream = bramo. Breast = brusto. Breast = mamo. Breath = elspirajxo. Breathe = spiri. Breathe (heavily) = stertori. Breathing = spirado. Breech (of gun) = sxargujo. Breeches = pantalono. Breed (race) = raso. Breeze = venteto. Brevity = mallongeco. Brew = bierfari. Brewer = bierfaristo. Brewery = bierfarejo. Bribe = subacxeti. Brick = briko. Brick (fire) = fajrsxtono. Bride = novedzino. Bridge = ponto. Bridle = brido. Brief = mallonga. Brier = rozo sovagxa. Brigade = brigado. Brigand = rabisto. Brigandage = rabado. Bright (clear) = hela. Bright, to get = heligxi. Brighten = briligi. Brighten (polish) = poluri. Brightness = brilo. Brilliant = brila. Brilliant (jewel) = brilianto. Brimful = plenpota. Brine = peklakvo. Bring = alkonduki. Bring back = rekonduki. Bring down (of prices) = rabati. Bring forth (a child) = naski. Bring up (a child) = elnutri. Brink = rando. Briny = sala. Brisk (lively) = vigla. Brisk (quick) = rapida. Briskness = rapideco. Bristle = harego. Brittle = facilrompa. Broach = trapiki. Broad = largxa. Brochure = brosxuro. Broil = rosti. Broker = makleristo. Broker, to act as = makleri. Brokerage = maklero. Bromine = bromo. Bronchitis = bronkito. Bronchial = bronka. Brooch = brocxo. Brood (fowl) = kovi. Brook = rivereto. Broth = buljono. Broom (sweeping) = balailo. Broom (shrub) = sxtipo. Brother = frato. Brotherhood = frateco. Brotherly = frata. Brougham = kalesxo. Brown = bruna. Brownish = dubebruna. Browse = sin pasxti. Bruise (crush) = pisti. Bruise = kontuzi. Bruit = bruego. Brush = broso. Brutal = bruta. Brute = bruto. Buccaneer = marrabisto. Bucket = sitelo. Buckle = buko. Buckler = sxildo. Buckwheat = poligono. Bud = burgxono. Budget (finance) = budgxeto. Buffalo = bubalo. Buffer = sxtopilo. Buffet = frapi. Buffet (restaurant) = bufedo. Buffoon = sxercemulo. Bug = cimo. Build = konstrui. Building, a = konstruajxo. Bulb = bulbo. Bulgarian = Bulgaro. Bulk = dikeco. Bulky = multdika. Bull = bovoviro. Bullet = kuglo. Bulletin = noto, karteto. Bullfinch = pirolo. Bullion (ingot) = fandajxo. Bullock = juna bovoviro. Bulwark = remparo. Bump = gxibeto. Bumper = plenglaso. Bun = bulko. Bunch (cluster) = aro. Bundle = fasko. Bung = sxtopilo. Bungle = fusxi. Buoy = nagxbarelo. Buoyant = nagxema. Burden = sxargxo. Burden (refrain) = rekantajxo. Burden = sxargi. Burdensome = multepeza. Bureau (office) = oficejo. Burgess = burgo. Burglar = domorabisto. Burial = enterigxo. Buried, to be = enterigxi. Burn (trans.) = bruligi. Burn (intrans.) = bruli. Burner (gas) = flamingo. Burnish = poluri. Burrow = kavigi. Bury (something) = enfosi. Bury (inter.) = enterigi. Bush = arbetajxo. Bushel = busxelo. Buskin = duonboto. Business (profession) = profesio. Business (in general) = afero. Business-man = aferisto. Bust = busto. Bustle = movo,—ado. Busy = okupa. But = sed. But (prep.) = krom. Butcher = bucxisto. Butler = kelisto. Butt (end of gun) = kapo de la pafilo. Butter = butero. Butterfly = papilio. Button (verb) = butonumi. Button-hook = butonumilo. Button = butono. Button-hole = butontruo. Buy = acxeti. By means of = per.
= C =
Cab = fiakro. Cabal = kabalo. Cabbage = brasiko. Cabin = kajuto, cxambreto. Cabinet (room) = cxambreto. Cabinet (ministry) = kabineto. Cabinet-maker = meblisto. Cabinet-making = meblofarado. Cable = sxnurego. Cackle = pepegi. Cacophony = malbonsoneco. Cadence = kadenco. Cadet = kadeto. Caf (coffee house) = kafejo. Cage = kagxo. Cajoler = delogisto. Cake = kuko. Calcine = pulvorigi. Calculate = kalkuli. Calculation = kalkulo. Caldron = kaldrono. Calendar = kalendaro. Calf = bovido. Calf (of leg) = tibiviando. Calibre = kalibro. Calico = kalikoto. Calk = kalfatri. Call = voki. Call on (visit) = viziti. Call (a meeting) = kunvoki. Call = voko. Call (visit) = vizito. Caller (visitor) = vizitanto. Calling = profesio. Callous = kala. Callosity = kalo. Calm = kvietigi. Calm = kvieta. Calm = trankvila. Calmness = kvieteco. Calumniate = kalumnii. Calumny = kalumnio. Camel = kamelo. Camelia = kamelio. Camisole = kamizolo. Camomile = kamomilo. Camp = tendaro. Campaign = militiro. Camphor = kamforo. Can (vb.) = povas. Canal = kanalo. Canary = kanario. Cancel (erase) = surstreki. Cancel (nullify) = nuligi. Candelabrum = kandelabro. Candid = simplanima. Candid = naiva. Candidate (political) = kandidato. Candidate = aspiranto. Candidature = kandidateco. Candle = kandelo. Candlestick = kandelingo. Candour = verdiremo, sincereco. [Error in book: sinsereco] Candy = kando. Cane = kano. Cane (walking stick) = bastono. Cane = vergi. Canine = huna. Canker = mordeti. Cannibal = hommangxulo. Cannon = pafilego. Cannon (at billiards, etc.) = karamboli. Cannonade = pafilegado, bombardado. Canon = kanono. Canopy = baldakeno. Cant = hipokrito. Canteen = drinkejo. Canter = galopeti. Canticle = himno. Canto = versaro. Canton = kantono. Canvas = kanvaso. Canvass = subpostuli. Cap = cxapo. Cap (military) = kepo. Capability = kapableco. Capable = kapabla. Capacious = vasta. Capacity = enhavebleco. Cape = promontoro. Capital (city) = cxefurbo. Capital (money) = kapitalo. Capital letter = granda litero. Capital (of a column) = kapitelo. Capitalist = kapitalisto. Capitulate = kapitulaci. Capitulation = kapitulaco. Capon = kapono. Caprice = kaprico. Capsize = renversigxi. Captain (ship) = sxipestro. Captain (milit.) = kapitano. Captive = malliberulo. Captive = mallibera. Captivate (charm) = cxarmegi. Captivity = mallibereco. Capture = preno. Capuche = kapucxo. Car = cxaro. Car (of balloon) = korbego. Carabine = karabeno. Carafe = karafo. Carat = karato. Caravan = karavano. Carbon = karbono. Carbuncle = karbunkolo. Card = karto. Card (playing) = ludkarto. Card (visiting) = karteto. Cardboard = kartono. Cardinal = Kardinalo. Cardinal (adj.) = cxefa. Care = zorgo. Care of, take = zorgi pri. Careful = zorga. Careless = senzorga. Caress = karesi. Caress = kareso. Cargo = sxargxo. Carman = veturigisto. Carmine = karmino. Carnage = bucxado. Carnation (flower) = dianto. Carnation (color) = flavroza. Carnival = karnavalo. Carnivorous = viandomangxanta. Caricature = karikaturi. Carousal = karuselo. Carp = karpo. Carpenter = cxarpentisto. Carpentering, to do = cxarpenti. Carpet = tapisxo. Carriage = veturilo. Carriage (railway) = vagono. Carriage (cost) = transsenda pago. Carriage (of goods) = transporto. Carrion = mortintajxo. Carrot = karoto. Carry = porti. Carry away = forporti. Carry back = reporti. Carry off (by force) = rabi, forrabi. Carry (by vehicle) = veturigi. Cart = veturigi. Cart = sxargxoveturilo. Carter = veturigisto. Cartilage = kartilago. Cartridge = kartocxo. Cartridge-box = kartocxujo. Cartwright = veturilfaristo. Carve (sculpture) = skulpti. Carve (cut) = trancxi, detrancxi. Cascade = kaskado. Case (gram.) = kazo. Case (cover) = ingo. Case (in court) = proceso. Casement = kazemato. Cash = mono. Cash (ready) = kontanto. Cashier = kasisto. Cask = barelo. Casket = skatoleto. Cassock = pastra vesto. Cast (throw) = jxeti. Cast (iron, etc.) = fandi. Cast (skin, etc.) = sxangxi felon. Cast out = eljxeti. Cast lots = loti. Castaway = forjxetulo. Castellan = kastelestro. Caster = radeto. Casting = fandajxo. Castigate (with a rod) = vergi. Cast-iron = ferfandajxo. Castle = kastelo. Castrate = kastri. Castration = kastro. Casual = okaza. Casually = okaze. Casuality = okazeco. Cat = kato. Catacombs = subteraj galerioj. Catafalque = katafalko. Catalepsy = katalepsio. Catalogue = katalogo. Cataract (eyes) = katarakto. Catarrh = kataro. Catch = kapti. Catechise = katehxizi. Catechism = katehxismo. Catechist = katehxisto. Category = kategorio. Cater = provizi. Caterpillar = rauxpo. Cathedral = katedro. Catholic = Katoliko. Catholicism = Katolikismo. [Error in book: Katolicismo] Cattle = bestaro. Cattle-pen = bestejo. Caudal = vosta. Cauldron = kaldrono. Cauliflower = florbrasiko. Cause = kauxzo. Cause = kauxzi. Cause = igi. Cauterize = kauxterizi. Caution = averti. Caution = singardemo. Cautious = singardema. Cavalcade = rajdantaro. Cavalier = rajdanto. Cavalry = kavalerio. Cave = kaverno. Caviare = kaviaro. Cavil = cxikani. Cavity = kavo, kavajxo. Cease = cxesi. Cedar = cedro. Cede = cedi. Ceiling = plafono. Celebrate (feast) = festi. Celebrate (solemnize) = solenigi. Celebrated = fama. Celerity = rapideco. Celery = celerio. Celestial = cxiela. Celibacy = frauxleco. Cell (of honeycomb) = cxelo. Cellar = kelo. Cellular = cxela. Cement = cemento. Cemetery = tombejo. Censer = bonodorfumilo. Censor = cenzuristo. Censorious = cenzura. Censure = cenzuri. Censure (blame) = riprocxo. Census (take a) = sumigi. Cent = cendo. Centenarian = centjarulo. Centenary = centjara festo. Centigramme = centigramo. Centime = centimo. Centimeter = centimetro. Central = meza, centra. Centralize = alcentrigi. Centre = centro. Centre-bit = turnborilo. Centrifugal = decentrokura. Centripetal = alcentrokura. Century = centjaro. Ceremonious = ceremonia. Ceremony = ceremonio. Certain (some) = kelkaj. Certain (sure) = certa. Certainly = certe, nepre. Certainty = certeco. Certify = certigi. Certify = atesti. Certitude = certeco. Cessation (of hostilities) = interpaco. Cessation = cxesado. Cession = cedo. Cetaceous = balena. Chaff (ridicule) = moki. Chaff = pajlrestajxo. Chaffinch = fringo. Chagrin = cxagreno. Chain = cxeno. Chain of mountains = montaro. Chair = segxo. Chairman = prezidanto. Chaise = veturileto. Chalice = kaliko. Chalk = kreto. Chalky = kreteca. Challenge, to = ekciti, al. Chamber = cxambro. Chambermaid = cxambristino. Chamberlain = cxambelano. Chameleon = kameleono. Chamois = cxamo. Chamois-leather = sxamo. Champagne = cxampano. Champion = probatalanto. Chance = hazardo. Chance (to happen) = okazi. Chancel = hxorejo. Chancellor = kanceliero. Chandelier = lustro. Change = sxangxi. Changeable = sxangxebla. Channel = kanalo. Chant = kantado. Chaos = hxaoso. Chaotic = hxaosa. Chapel = kapelo. Chaplain = ekleziulo. Chapter = cxapitro. Char = bruleti. Character = karaktero. Character (theatre) = rolo. Characterize = karakterizi. Charge (attack) = atakegi. Charge (price) = kosto. Chariot = cxaro. Charitable = bonfarada. Charity = bonfarado. Charity (alms) = almozo. Charlatan = cxarlatano. Charm = cxarmi. Charm = cxarmo. Charm = talismano. Charming = cxarma. Charnel house = karnejo. Chart (geog.) = karto geografia. Chase = cxasi. Chase = cxaso. Chaste = cxasta. Chasten = korekti. Chastise = puni. Chastisement = puno. Chastity = cxasteco. Chasuble = mesvesto. Chat = interparoleti. Chattels = bieno. Chatter = babili. Cheap = malkara. Cheat = trompi. Cheat (trick) = trompo. Cheat (deceiver) = trompanto. Check (restrain) = haltigi. Check = kontrauxmarki. Cheek = vango. Cheekbone = vangosto. Cheer = aplauxdegi. Cheer = konsoli. Cheerful = gaja. Cheerfulness = gajeco. Cheer up = rekuragxigi. Cheese = fromagxo. Chemise = cxemizo. Chemist = apotekisto. Chemist-shop = apoteko. Chemistry = hxemio. Cheque = cxeko. Cherry = cxerizo. Cherub = kerubo. Chess-pieces = sxakoj. Chess-board = sxaka tabulo. Chest of drawers = komodo. Chest (box) = kesto. Chest = brusto. Chestnut (edible) = kasxtano. Chevalier = kavaliro. Chew = macxi. Chicane = cxikani. Chicken = kokido. Chicken-house = kokejo. Chicory = cikorio. Chide = riprocxi. Chief = cxefo. Chief = cxefa. Chiffonier = cxifonujo. Chignon = harligajxo. Chilblain = frostabsceso. Child = infano. Childhood = infaneco. Childish = infana. Childishness = infanajxo. Chill = malvarmigi. Chill = malvarmo. Chime = sonorilado. Chimera = hximero. Chimney = kamentubo. Chimney-sweep = kamentubisto. Chin = mentono. China = Hxinujo, Hxinlando. China = porcelano. Chinese (man) = Hxino. Chink = tinti. Chink (crack) = fendajxo. Chirp = pepi. Chisel = cxizi. Chisel = cxizilo. Chivalrous = kavalira. Chivalry = kavalireco. Chocolate = cxokolado. Choice = elekto. Choir = hxoro. Choke = sufoki. Choke up = obstrukci. Choler = kolero. Cholera = hxolero. Choleric = kolera. Choose = elekti. Chop = haki. Chop down = dehaki. Chopper = hakilo. Choral = hxora. Chorister = hxoristo. Chorus = hxoraro. Chrism = sankta oleo. Christ = Kristo. Christen = bapti. Christendom = Kristanaro. Christian = Kristano. Christian-name = baptonomo. Christianity = Kristanismo. Christmas = Kristnasko. Christmas-box = Kristnaskdono. Chronicle = kroniko. Chronology = kronologio. Chrysanthemum = krizantemo. Church = pregxejo. Church-yard = pregxejkorto. Churl = malgxentilulo. [Error in book: malgentilulo] Churn = buterilo. Churn = buterfari. Cider = pomvino. Cigar = cigaro. Cigar-holder = cigaringo. Cigarette = cigaredo. Cinder = cindro. Cinnabar = cinabro. Cinnamon = cinamo. Cipher = cifero. Cipher = nulo. Circle = rondo. Circlet = rondeto. Circuit = cxirkauxo. Circular = cirkulero. Circulate = cxirkauxiri. Circumference = cxirkauxo. Circumlocution = cxirkauxfrazo. Circumscribe = cxirkauxskribi. Circumspect = singardema. Circumstance = cirkonstanco. Circus = cirko. Cistern = akvujo. Citadel = fortikajxo. Citation = citajxo. Cite = citi. Citizen = urbano. Citron = citrono. City = urbo. Civic = urba. Civil = civila. Civil (polite) = gxentila. Civilian = nemilita. Civility = gxentileco. Civilization = civilizacio. Civilize = civilizi. Claim = pretendo. Claimant = pretendanto. Clamber = suprenrampi. Clammy = glua. Clamour = bruego. Clan = gento. Clandestine = sekreta. Clank = resoni. Clap = manfrapi. Clarify = klarigi. Clarion = milita trumpeto. Clarionet = klarneto. Clasp (buckle) = buko. Clasp = preno. Clasp = preni. Class = klaso. Class = ordigi. Classify = ordigi. Clatter = bruegado. Claw = ungego. Clay = argilo. Clean = purigi. Clean = pura. Clean (boots, etc.) = senkotigi. Cleanliness = pureco. Cleanse = purigi. Clear = klara. Clear (mental) = malkonfuza. Clearness = klareco. Cleave (split) = fendi. Cleaver = fendilo. Cleft = fendo. Clemency = malsevereco. Clement = malsevera. Clergy = pastraro. Clergyman = pastro. Clerk (commercial) = komizo. Clerk (ecclesiastic) = ekleziulo. Clever = lerta. Cleverness = lerteco. Client = kliento. Cliff = krutajxo. Climate = klimato. Climb = suprenrampi. Clinical = klinika. Clink = tinti. Clip (shear) = tondi. Clip off = detrancxi. Clipper = tondisto. Clique = fermita societo, kliko. Cloak = mantelo. Cloak-room = pakajxejo. Clock = horlogxo. Clock-maker = horlogxisto. Clod = bulo—ajxo. Close (finish) = fini. Close = fermi. Closet (w.c.) = necesejo. Cloth, a = drapo. Cloth (material) = tuko. Clothe = vesti. Clothes = vestajxo. Cloud = nubo. Cloudy (not clear) = malklara. Clove = kariofilo. Clover = trifolio. Clown = sxercemulo. Cloy = satigi. Club (thick stick) = bastonego. Club (cards) = trefo. Club (society) = klubo. Clue = postsigno. Clump (tuft) = tufo. Clumsy = mallerta. Cluster (of berries) = beraro. Clutch = kapti, ekkaptigi. Clyster = klistero. Clyster-pipe = tubeto. Coach = veturilo. Coach-maker = veturilfaristo. Coachman = veturigisto. Coal = karbo. Coalesce = kunigxi. Coalition = kunigxo. Coarse (manner) = vulgara. Coast = marbordo. Coat = vesto. Coat of arms = blazono. Coat (walls, etc.) = sxmiri. Coax = logi. Cobalt = kobalto. Cobweb = araneajxo. Cock (trigger) = cxano. Cock (tap) = krano. Cock (rooster) = koko. Cockerel = kokido. Cock's comb = kresto. Cocoa = kakao. Cocoa-nut = kokoso. Cod = gado. Code = legxaro. Codicil = kodicilo. Coddle = dorloti. Coerce = devigi. Coercion = devigo. Coffee = kafo. Coffee-house = kafejo. Coffee pot = kafkrucxo. Coffee tin or box = kafujo. Coffer = kesto. Coffin = cxerko. Cogent = videbla. Cognomen = alnomo. Coherence = kunligo. Coil = rulajxo. volvajxo. Coin = monero. Coincide = koincidi. Coincident = samtempa. Coke = koakso. Colander = kribrilo. Cold = malvarmo. Cold in the head = nazkataro. Cold, catch a = malvarmumi. Coldness = malvarmeco. Colic = koliko. Collaborate = kunlabori. Collaboration = kunlaborado. Collar = kolumo. Collation = mangxeto. Colleague = kolego. Collect = kolekti. Collection = kolekto. Collector (of taxes, etc.) = kolektisto. Collector (of stamps, etc.) = kolektanto. Collective = opa. College = kolegio. Collier = karbfosisto. Colliery = karbejo. Collision = interfrapo. Colon = dupunkto. Colonel = kolonelo. Colonial = koloniano. Colonist = koloniisto. Colonize = koloniigi. Colonnade = kolonaro. Colony = kolonio. Colossal = kolosa. Color = koloro. Color = kolori. Color (complexion) = vizagxokoloro. Colorless = senkolora. Colt = cxevalido. Column = kolono. Comb = kombi. Comb = kombilo. Combat = batalo. Combat = batali. Combatant = batalanto. Combine = kombini. Combustible = brulebla. Combustion = brulado. Come = veni. Come (after) = postveni. Come (back) = reveni. Comedian = komedianto. Comedy = komedio. Comely = gracia, beleta. Comet = kometo. Comfort = komforti. Comfort = komforto. Comic = komika, ridinda. Coming = veno. Comma = komo. Command (milit.) = komandi. Command = ordoni. Commandant = komandanto. Commander = komandoro. Commandment = ordono. Commemorate = memorigi. Commence = komenci. Commend = lauxdi. Commendation = lauxdo. Comment = komentarii. Commentary = komentario. Commerce = komerco. Commercial man = komercisto. Commission = komisii. Commission = komisio. Commission (brokerage) = maklero. Commission agent = makleristo. Commissioner = komisario. Commit = fari. Commit (to prison) = aresti. Committee = komitato. Commodity = komercajxo. Common = komuna. Common (vulgar) = vulgara. Commoner = malnobelo, burgxo. Commonly = ordinare. Commonwealth = respubliko. Commotion = konfuzo. Commune = mempensi. Commune = komunumo. Communicant = komuniigxanto. Communicate = komuniki. Communicative = komunikema. Communism = komunismo. Communist = komunisto. Community = komunumaro. Community of interests = solidareco. Compact = kontrakto. Compact = densa. Companion = kunulo. Companion (travelling) = kunvojagxanto. Company = kompanio. Company (society) = societo. Company (theatrical) = trupo. Company (military) = roto. Company (troop) = anaro. Comparative = kompara. Compare = kompari. Compartment = fako. Compartment (train) = fakego, kupeo. Compass = kompaso. Compassion = kompato. Compassionate, to be = kompati. Compatriot = samlandano. Compel = devigi. Compend = resumo. Compend = resumo. Compensate = kompensi. Compete = konkuri. Competent = kompetenta. Competition = konkurso. Competitor = konkuranto. Compile = redakti. Complacency = komplezo, servemo. Complainant = plendanto. Complaint = plendo. Complaisance = komplezo. Complement = plennombro. Complement (gram.) = komplemento. Complete = plenigi. Completely = plene. Complex = malsimpla. Complexion = vizagxkoloro. Compliant = ceda—ema. Complicate = malsimpligi. Complication = malsimpleco. Complicity = kunkulpeco. Compliment = komplimenti. Comply = cedi. Compose = verki. Compose (soothe) = trankviligi. Compose one's self = kvietigxi. Composer = verkisto. Composition (music) = kompozicio. Composition (mixture) = kunmeto. Compositor (printer) = kompostisto. Compound = kunmeti. Comprehend = kompreni. Comprehensible = komprenebla. Comprehension = kompreneco. Compress = kunpremi. Compressible = kunpremebla. Comprise = enhavi. Compromise = kompromiti. Compromise = kompromiso. Compulsion = devigo. Compunction = memriprocxo. Computation = kalkulo. Compute = kalkuli. Comrade = kamarado. Concave = kaveta. Conceal = kasxi. Consecutive = intersekva. Concede = cedi. Conceit = malmodesteco. Conceited = malmodesta. Conceive = gravedigxi. Concentrate = koncentrigi. Concentric = koncentra. Conception (idea) = elpenso. Concern = koncerni. Concern (anxiety) = zorgemo, malkvieto. Concerning = pri. Concert = koncerto. Concession = cedo, cedemo. Conciliate = pacigi. Conciliating = pacema. Concise = mallonga. Conclude (infer) = konkludi. Conclude (finish) = fini. Conclusion (inference) = konkludo. Concord = konsento. Concordant = unuvocxa. Concordat = kontrakto. Concourse = konkurso. Concrete = konkreta. Concubine = kromvirino. Concur = konsenti. Concussion = skuego. Condemn = kondamni. Condemnation = kondamno. Condense = densigi. Condensed = mallonga, mallongigita. Condescend = bonvoli. Condition = kondicxo. Conditionally = kondicxe. Condole = simpatii, kondolenci. Condolence = kondolenco. Conduct, one's self = konduti. Conduct = konduki. Conduct, behaviour = konduto. Conductor = kondukisto. Conduit = tubo. Cone = konuso. Confectioner = konfitisto. Confederate = konfederi. Confederation = konfederacio. Confer (holy orders) = ordoni. Conference = konferenco. Confess = konfesi. Confession = konfeso. Confide = konfidi. Confidence = konfidencio. Confident = konfidema. Confine = enfermi. Confirm = certigi. Confirm (religious) = konfirmi. Confirmation = certigo. Confiscate = konfisiki. Conflagration = brulado. Conflict = konflikto. Confluence = kunfluigxo. Conform = konformi. Conformable = konforma. Conformity = konformeco. Confound = konfuzegi. Confrre = kunfrato. Confront = kontrauxstarigi. Confuse = konfuzi. Confusion = konfuzo—ado. Confute = rifuti. Congeal = firmigi. Congestion = sangalfluo. Congratulate = gratuli. Congratulation = gratulo. Congregate = kolekti. Congregation = auxdantaro. Congress = kongreso. Conical = konusa. Conjecture = konjekti. Conjoin = kuni. Conjointly = kune. Conjugate = konjugacii. Conjunction = konjunkcio. Conjunction (joining) = kunigo. Conjure = petegi. Conjure = jxongli. Conjurer = jxonglisto. Connect = kunigi. Connection = kunigo. Connections = parencaro. Connoisseur = virtuozo. Conquer = venki. Conqueror = venkanto. Conquest = venko. Consanguineous = samsanga. Conscience = konscienco. Conscientious = konscienca. Consecrate = dedicxi. Consecutive = intersekva. Consent = konsenti. Consequence = sekvo. Consequently = sekve. Consequential = malmodesta. Conserve (preserve) = konservi. Conservative = Konservativulo. Consider = pripensi, konsideri. Considerable = grandega. Consideration = konsidero. Consign = sendi. Consignment = sendo. Consist (of) = konsisti (el). Consistent = unuforma. Consistory = konsistorio. Console = konsoli. Consolation = konsolo. Consolidate = fortigi. Consonant (letter) = konsonanto. Consonant = unuforma. Consort = kunulo. Conspicuous = videgebla. Conspiracy = konspiro. Conspire = konspiri. Constant = konstanta. Constellation = stelaro. Consternation = konsterno. Constipation = mallakso. Constitution = konstitucio. Constitutional = konstitucia. Constraint = devigo. Construct = konstrui. Construction (building) = konstruajxo. Consul = konsulo. Consulate = konsulejo. Consult = konsiligxi kun. Consultation = konsiligxo. Consume = konsumi. Consumer = konsumanto. Consummate = plenigi. Consummation = plenigo. Consumption (phthisis) = ftizo. Consumption = konsumigxo. Contact = kontakto. Contagious = komunikebla. Contain = enhavi. Contaminate = malpurigi. Contemn = malestimi. Contemplate = rigardadi. Contemporary = samtempa. Contempt = malestimo. Contemptible = malestima. Contend = batali. Content = kontentigi. Contentedness = kontenteco. Contention = kontrauxstaro. Contentious = malpacula. Contentment = kontenteco. Contents = enhavo. Contest = disputi. Contest = disputo. Continence = sindetenemo. Continent (geog.) = kontinento. Contingent (milit.) = kontingento. Contiguity = apudeco. Contiguous = apuda. Continue (to last) = dauxri. Continue (go on) = dauxrigi. Contortion (of face) = grimaco. Contour = konturo. Contraband = kontrabando. Contract = kontrakto. Contract, make a = kontrakti. Contract = kuntirigxi. Contractor = entreprenisto. Contradict = kontrauxdiri. Contrariwise = kontrauxe. Contrary = kontrauxa. Contrary, on the = male, kontrauxe. Contrast = kontrasti. Contrast = kontrasto. Contravention = malobeo. Contribution = depago. Contrite = penta. Contrition = pento—eco. Contrivance = elpensajxo. Contrive = elpensi. Control = kontroli. Controversy = disputado. Contumacious = obstinema. Contumacy = obstineco. Contumely = malestimo. Contuse = kontuzi. Convalescence = resanigxo. Convalescent (man) = resanigxanto. Convene = kunvoki. Convenience = oportuneco. Convenient = oportuna. Convent = monahxinejo. Conventional = kutima. Converge = konvergi. Conversation = konversacio. Converse = interparoladi. Converse = mala. Conversely = male. Conversion (of one's self) = konvertigxo. Conversion (of some one else) = konverto. Convert (relig.) = konverti. Convex = malkaveta. Convey = alporti. Convey (by vehicle) = veturigi. Conveyance = veturilo. Convict (man) = kondamnulo. Convict = kondamnato. Conviction = kondamno. Convince = konvinki. Convocation = kunvoko. Convolution = konvolvado—ajxo. Convolvulus = konvolvulo. Convoy = veturilaro. Convulse = konvulsii. Convulsion = kunvulsio. Cook = kuiri. Cook (man) = kuiristo. Cookery = kuirado. Cool = malvarmetigi. Cool = malvarmeta. Coolness = malvarmeto. Coop = kagxego. Coop = kagxigi. Cooper = barelisto. Co-operation = kunhelpo—ado. Copeck = kopeko. Copier = kopiisto. Copious = plena, plenega. Copper (boiler) = kaldronego. Copper (metal) = kupro. Copse = arbetaro. Copy = kopii. Copy = ekzemplero. Copybook = kajero. Copy (a corrected) = neto. Copyist = skribisto. Coquet = koketi. Coquetry = koketeco. Coquette = koketulino. Coral = koralo. Cord = sxnuro. Cordage = sxnurajxo. Cordial = kora. Core = internajxo. Co-religionist = samreligiano. Cork = korko. Cork = sxtopi. Corkscrew = korktirilo. Corn (on foot, etc.) = kalo. Corn = greno. Corned = salita. Corner = angulo. Cornice = kornico. Corolla = kroneto. Coronation = kronado. Corporal = korporalo. Corporal = korpa. Corporation = korporacio. Corpse = malvivulo. Corpulent = vastkorpa. Correct = korekta. Correction = korekto. Correctness = korekteco. Correspond = korespondi. Correspondence = korespondado. Corridor = koridoro. Corrode = mordeti. Corrupt = putrigi. Corrupt (bribe) = subacxeti. Corrupt (vicious) = malvirta. Corruption = putro. Corsage = korsajxo. Corsair = korsaro. Corse = malvivulo. Corset = korseto. Cortege = sekvantaro. Cossack = Kozako. Cosmopolite = kosmopolita. Cosmography = kosmografio. Cost = kosto. Costiveness = mallakso. Costly = multekosta. Costume = kostumo. Cosy = komforta. Cot = liteto. Cottage = dometo. Cotton (raw) = kotono. Cotton (manufactured) = katuno. Cotton plant = kotonujo. Couch = kusxejo. Cough = tusi. Counsel = konsili. Counsel = advokato. Counsel = konsilo. Counsel, to take = konsiligxi kun. Counsellor = konsilanto. Count = kalkuli. Count upon = konfidi al. Count (title) = grafo. Countenance = vizagxo. Counter (token) = ludmarko. Counteract = malhelpi. Counter-bass = kontrabaso. Counterfeit = imiti. Counterfeit = falsi. Counterfeit = falsajxo. Countermand (an order) = kontrauxmendi. Counterpane = litkovrilo. Counterpart = kontrauxparto. Counting-house = kontoro. Country = lando. Country (rural) = kamparo. Countryman = kamparano. Countryman, fellow = samlandano. Country-house = kampodomo. Country-seat = somerlogxo. County = graflando. Couple = paro. Couple = kunigi. Couplet = strofo. Courage = kuragxo. Courageous, to be = kuragxi. Courier = kuriero. Course (race) = kuro. Course (of lessons) = kurso. Course (of course) = kompreneble. Court (royal) = kortego. Court (justice) = jugxejo. Court (yard) = korto. Court = amindumi. Courteous = gxentila. Courtesy = gxentileco. Courtier = kortegulo. Cousin (masc.) = kuzo. Covenant = kondicxi. Covenant = interkonsento. Cover = kovri. Cover (the head) = surmeti. Cover (roof) = tegi. Cover = kovrilo. Covet = avidi. Covetousness = avideco. Covey = kovitaro. Cow = bovino. Coward = malkuragxulo. Cowardice = malkuragxeco. Cowherd = bovgardisto. Cow shed = bovinejo. Cowl = kapucxo. Cowslip = verprimolo. Coxcomb = dando. Coy = rezerva. Coyness = rezerveco. Cozen = trompi. Crab = kankro. Crack (split) = fendi. Crack (noise) = kraki. Crackle = kraketi. Cradle = lulilo. Craft = ruzo. Craft (vessel) = sxipeto. Crafty, to be = ruzi. Crafty = ruza. Cram (of food) = supersatigi. Cram = plenegigi. Cramp (metal) = krampo. Crane (bird) = gruo. Crane = sxargxlevilo. Crape = krepo. Crater = kratero. Cravat = kravato. Crave = petegi. Crawl = rampi. Crayon = krajono. Crazy = freneza. Cream = kremo. Create = krei. Creation = kreitajxo. Creator = kreinto. Creature = estajxo. Credence = kredo. Credible = kredebla. Credit = kredito. Creditor = kreditoro. Credulity = kredemo. Creed = kredo. Creep = rampi. Creole = Kreolo. Crest = tufo. Crevice = fendo—ajxo. Crew = maristaro. Cricket (insect) = grilo. Crime = krimo. Criminal = krimulo. Criminally = kriminale. Crimson = rugxega. Cripple = kripligi. Cripple = kriplulo. Crippled = kripla. Crisis = krizo. Crisp = friza. Critic = kritikisto. Criticism = kritiko. Croak = bleki. Crockery = fajenco. Crocodile = krokodilo. Crooked = hoka, malrekta. Crop (harvest) = rikolto. Crosier = episkopa bastono. Cross = kruco. Cross = krucigi. Cross (manner) = malafabla. Cross-over = transiri. Cross-out = streki. Crossing = krucigo. Crotchet = kvarona noto. Croup = krupo. Crow = korniko. Crow = bleki. Crow-bar = levilo. Crowd = amaso. Crown = krono. Crown = kroni. Crown (of head) = verto. Crucifix = krucifikso. Crucifixion = krucumo. Crucify = krucumi. Crude = kruda. Cruel = kruela. Cruelty = kruelo—eco. Cruet = oleujo. Cruise = krozi. Cruiser = krozsxipo. Crumb (bread) = panmolajxo. Crumble = elfali. Crumple = cxifi. Crupper = postajxo. Crush = premegi. Crust = krusto. Crustaceous = kankrogenta. Crutch = lambastono. Cry (call out) = krii. Cry (weep) = plori. Cry out = ekkrii. Cry (of animals, etc.) = bleki. Crypt = subterajxo. Crystal = kristalo. Crystallise = kristaligi. Cub (of lion) = leonido. Cube = kubo. Cuckoo = kukolo. Cucumber = kukumo. Cudgel = bastonego. Cuff = manumo. Cuirass = kiraso. Cull = kolekti. Cullender = kribrilo. Culpable = kulpa. Culprit = kulpulo. Cultivate = kulturi. Culture = kulturo. Cunning = ruzo. Cunning = ruza. Cup = taso. Cupboard = sxranko. Cupidity = avideco. Cupola = kupolo. Curable = kuracebla. Curacy = parohxo. Curate = vikaro. Curator = kuratoro, gardisto. Curb = haltigi. Cure (act of curing) = kuraco. Cure (remedy) = kuracilo. Cure (a malady) = kuraci. Curious (inquisitive) = sciama. Curious (strange) = stranga. Curiosity = kuriozajxo. Curl = buklo. Currant = ribo. Current = fluo. Currier = ledpretigisto. Curse = malbeni. Curt = mallonga. Curtail = mallongigi. Curtain = kurteno. Curve = kurbigi. Curve = kurbeco. Cushion = kuseno. Custard = flanajxo. Custom = kutimo. Customary = kutima. Customer = kliento. Cut (with knife) = trancxi. Cut (with scissors) = tondi. Cut off = detrancxi. Cutaneous = hauxta. Cute = ruza. Cutlass = trancxilego. Cutlet = kotleto. Cutter (blade) = trancxanto. Cutting (under-ground) = subtervojo. Cycle = ciklo. Cyclone = ciklono. Cylinder = cilindro. Cymbal = cimbalo. Cypress = cipreso. Czar = Caro.
= D =
Dab = bateto. Daffodil = narciso. Dagger = ponardo. Dahlia = dalio. Daily = cxiutage, cxiutaga. Dainty = frandajxo. Dainty = frandema. Dairy = laktovendejo. Daisy = lekanto. Dale = valeto. Dally = malfrui. Dam = bestopatrino. Dam = akvosxtopilo, digo. Damage = difekti. Damage = difektajxo. Damask = damasko. Dame = sinjorino, patrino. Damn = kondamni. Damp = malseka. Damsel = frauxlino. Dance = danci. Dancing (the art of) = dancarto. Dandle = luleti. Dandy = dando. Dane = Dano. Dandelion = leontodo. Danger = dangxero. Dangle = pendeti. Dare = kuragxi. Daring = kuragxa, maltima. Dark (colour) = malpala. Dark = malluma. Dark (to become) = mallumigxi. Darken = mallumigi. Darkness = mallumeco. Darling = karegulo. Darn = fliki. Darning = flikado. Dart = sago, pikilo. Date (time) = dato. Date (fruit) = daktilo. Date = dati. Dative = dativo. Daub = fusxi. Daubing = fusxo—ado. Daughter = filino. Daughter-in-law = bofilino. Daunt = timigi. Dauntless = sentima. Dawn = tagigxo. Day = tago. Day (a, per) = lauxtage. Day (before yesterday) = antauxhieraux. Daybreak = tagigxo. Daybook = taglibro. Daydream = revo. Day laborer = taglaboristo. Daze = duonesvenigi. Dazzle = blindigi. Deacon = diakono. Dead (lifeless) = senviva. Deadly = pereiga. Deadhouse = mortintejo. Deaf = surda. Deafen = surdigi. Deafmute = surdamutulo. Deafness = surdeco. Deal (sell) = komerci. Deal out = disdoni. Dealer = komercisto. Dean = fakultestro. Dear = kara. Dear (person) = karulo. Dear (price) = multekosta. Dearth = seneco. Death = morto. Deathless = senmorta. Debar = eksigi. Debase = malnobligi. Debate = disputo. Debauch = dibocxigi. Debauch = dibocxo. Debility = malforteco. Debit = debito. Debris = rubo—ajxo. Debt, to get into = sxuldigxi. Debt = sxuldo. Debtor = sxuldanto. Debut = komenco. Decadence = kadukeco. Decalogue = dekalogo. Decant = transversxi. Decanter = karafo. Decapitate = senkapigi. Decay = kadukeco. Decaying = kaduka. Decease (v.) = morti. Deceit = artifiko—eco. Deceive = trompi. Deceived, to be = trompigxi. December = Decembro. Decent = deca. Deception = trompo. Decide = decidi. Decided = decida. Decimal = decimalo. Decipher = decxifri. Decisive = decidiga. Deck (adorn) = ornami. Deck (ship) = ferdeko. Declaim = deklami. Declaration = deklaracio. Declaration (of love) = amesprimo. Declare = sciigi, anonci. Declension = deklinacio. Decline = ekfinigxo. Decline (health) = ekmalfortigxi. Decline (refuse) = rifuzi. Decline (grammar) = deklinacii. Decline (in price) = malplikarigxo. Declivity = deklivo. Decompose = dismeti. Decorate = ornami. Decorator = ornamisto. Decorum = dececo. Decorous = bonmora. Decoy = trompi, delogi. Decoy = kaptilo. Decrease = malkreski. Decree = dekreto. Dedicate = dedicxi. Dedication = dedicxo. Deduce = depreni. Deduct = depreni. Deduction = depreno. Deed = faro. Deem = pensi. Deep (sound) = basa. Deep = profunda. Deer = cervo. Deface = forigi, surstreki. Defame = kalumnii. Defeat = venki. Defeat (n.) = malvenko—ego. Defect = difekto—ajxo. Defend = defendi. Defer = prokrasti. Deference = respektego. Deficiency = deficito. Defile (n.) = intermonto. Defile (soil) = malpurigi. Define = difini. Definite = difinita. Definitive = definitiva. Deform = malbonformigi. Deformed = malbelforma. Defraud = trompi. Defray = elpagi. Defunct = mortinto. Defy = kontrauxstari. Degenerate = degeneri. Degrade = degradi. Degree = grado. Deign = bonvoli. Deism = diismo. Deist = diisto. Deity = diajxo. Deject = senkuragxi. Dejection = malgxojeco. Delay (trans.) = prokrasti. Delay (intrans.) = malfrui, tromalfrui. Delay = prokrasto. Delegate = delegi. Delegate = delegito. Delegation = delegacio. Deliberate = prikonsiligxi. Deliberation = prikonsiligxo. Delicacy = frandajxo. Delicate = delikata. Delightful = rava, cxarmega. Delinquent = kulpulo. Delirium = deliro. Deliver (save) = savi. Deliver (liberate) = liberigi. Deliver (goods) = liveri. Delivery (childbirth) = nasko. Dell = valeto. Delude = trompi. Deluge = superakvego. Delusion = trompo. Demagogue = demagogo. Demand = postulo. Demean = humili. Demeanour = konduto. Demesne = bieno—ajxo. Demise = morto. Democrat = demokrato. Democracy = demokrataro. Demolish = detruegi. Demon = demono. Demoniac = demoniako. Demonstrate = pruvi. Demonstrative = montra. Demoralized, to become = malkuragxigxi. Demur = sxanceligxi. Demure = modesta. Den (animals, etc.) = nestego. Denial = neo. Deniable = neigebla. Denote = montri. Denounce = denunci. Dense = densa. Density = denseco. Dental = denta. Dentist = dentisto. Denude = senkovrigi. Denunciation = denunco—ado. Deny = nei. Depart = foriri. Depart (life) = morti. Department = fako, departemento. Departure = foriro. Depend = dependi. Dependence = dependeco. Depict = priskribi. Deplore = bedauxregi. Deponent = atestanto. Depopulate = senhomigi. Depopulated = senhoma. Deportment = konduto. Depose (give evidence) = atesti. Depose = eksigxi, detroni. Deposit = enmeti. Depot = tenejo. Deprave = malvirtigi. Depravity = malvirto. Depreciate = maltaksigi. Depredation = rabado. Depress = malleveti. Deprivation = senigo. Depth = profundo—ajxo. Depute = deputi. Deputy = deputato. Derail = elreligxi. Derange = malordigi. Deride = moki, mokegi. Derive = deveni. Derivation = devenigado. Descend = malsupreniri. Descendant = ido, posteulo. Describe = priskribi. Desecration = malpiegajxo. Desert = forlasi. Desert (place) = dezerto. Deserter = forkurinto. Deserve = meriti. Design (draw) = desegni. Design (intend) = intenci. Design (intention) = intenco. Designate = montri, nomi. Designing = ruza. Desire = deziri. Desist = cxesi, cxesigi. Desk = skribtablo. Desolate = ruinigi. Despair = malesperi. Despatch = ekspedi. Desperate = furioza. Despicable = malnobla. Despise = malestimi. Despond = malesperi. Despot = tirano. Despotism = tiraneco. Dessert = deserto. Destine, for = difini (por). Destiny = sorto. Destitute = malricxega. Destroy = detrui. Destruction = detruo. Detach = apartigi. Detachment (milit.) = tacxmento. Detail = detalo. Details (minutes) = detaleto. Detain = malhelpi, deteni. Detect = eltrovi. Deter = malhelpi. Deteriorate = difekti. Determine = decidi. Determination = decideco. Determined = decida. Detest = malami. Dethrone = detroni. Detonation = eksplodbruo. Detract = kalumnii. Detriment = malprofito, perdo. Detrimental = malhelpa. Devastate = dezertigi, ruinigi. Develope = vastigi. Development = vastigo. Deviate = malrektigxi. Deviation = malrektigxo. Device = devizo. Devil = diablo. Devine = diveni. Devious = malrekta. Devise (invent) = elpensi. Devoid = senenhava. Devote one's self = sin doni. Devoted = sindona. Devotion = sindono. Devotee = religiulo. Devoid = religia. Devour = mangxegi. Dew = roso. Dexterity = lerteco. Diadem = diademo. Diagonal = diagonalo. Diagram = diagramo. Dial = ciferplato. Dialect = dialekto. Dialogue = dialogo. Diameter = diametro. Diamond = diamanto. Diarrhoea = lakso. Dice = ludkuboj. Dictate = dikti. Dictation = diktato. Dictator = diktatoro. Dictionary = vortaro. Die = morti. Die = presilo. Diet = dieto. Differ = diferenci. Difference (dispute) = malpaco. Difficulty = malfacileco. Diffusion = vastigo. Dig = fosi. Digest = digesti. Digit = fingro, cifero. Dignify = indigi. Dignitary = rangulo. Dignity = indeco. Dignity (rank) = rango. Dilapidate = ruinigi. Dilate = plilargxigi. Dilatory = prokrastema. Diligence = diligento. Diligent = diligenta. Dim = dubeluma. Diminish (length) = mallongigi. Diminish (price) = rabati. Diminutive = malgranda—eta. Din = bruegado. Dine (midday) = meztagmangxi. Dine (evening) = vespermangxi. Dining-room = mangxocxambro. Dining-room (public) = restoracio. Dinner-service = mangxilaro. Dip = trempi. Dip (in water) = subakvigi. Diphthong = diftongo. Diploma = diplomo. Diplomacy = diplomatio. Diphtheria = difterio. Dire = terura. Direct (govern) = direkti. Direct (command) = ordoni. Direct (straight) = rekta. Directly (time) = tuj. Directly = rekte. Director = direktoro. Directory = adresaro. Dirge = funebra kanto. Dirt (soil) = malpurigi. Dirt = malpurajxo. Dirt (mud) = koto. Dirtiness = malpureco. Dirty = malpura. Disable = kripli. Disadvantage = malutilo. Disagree = malkonsenti. Disagreement = malkonsento. Disappear = malaperi. Disappoint = malkontentigi. Disappointment = malkontentigo. Disapprove = malaprobi. Disarm = senarmigi. Disarray = konfuzego. Disarrange = malordigi. Disaster = malfelicxego. Disastrous = ruiniga. Disavow = malkonfesi. Disband = disigi. Disbelieve = malkredi. Disburse = elspezi. Disbursement = elspezo. Disc = disko. Discard = forigi, forjxeti. Discern = distingi. Discernment = sagaceco. Discharge = eligi. Discharge (dismiss) = eksigi. Discharge (a debt) = elpagi. Disciple = aligxanto. Discipline = disciplino. Disclaim = malkonfesi. Disclose = malkasxi. Discolour = senkolorigi. Discomfit = malvenkigi. Discompose = malkvietigi. Disconcert = konfuzi. Disconnect = disigi. Disconsolate = cxagrenega. Discontented = malkontenta. Discontinuance = interrompo. Discord = malpaco. Discord (music) = malakordo. Discordant = malpaca, malakordo. Discount = diskonto. Discourage = senkuragxigi. Discouragement = senkuragxeco. Discourse = parolado. Discourteous = malgxentila. Discover = eltrovi. Discovery = eltrovo. Discredit = senkreditigi. Discreet = diskreta. Discretion = singardemo, diskreto. Discriminate = distingi. Discursive = tro skribema. Discuss = diskuti. Discussion = diskutado. Disdain = malsxati. Disease = malsano—ego. Disembark = elsxipigxi. Disengage = liberigi. Disentangle = liberigi. Disfavour = malfavoro. Disgrace = malhonori. Disguise = alivesti. Disgust = nauxzi. Dish = plado. Dishcloth = telertuko. Dishearten = malkuragxigi. Dishonest = malhonesta. Dishonesty = malhonesteco. Dishonour = malhonori. Dishonourable = malhonora. Disillusion = elrevigxo. Disinfect = dezinfekti. Disinterested = malprofitema. Disjoin = disligi. Disjoint = elartikigi. Disjunction = disigo. Dislike = malsxati, malameti. Dislike = antipatio. Dislocate = elartikigi. Dislocate (to take to pieces) = dispecigi. Dislocation = elartikigo. Dislodge = transloki. Disloyal = malfidela. Disloyalty = malfidelo. Dismal = funebra. Dismay = konsterni. Dismember = senmembrigi. Dismiss = forsendi, eksigi. Dismount = elseligi. Disobey = malobei. Disobliging = neservema. Disorder = malordo, senordeco. Disorderly = malordema. Disorganise = malorganizi. Disown = forlasi, nei. Disparity = neegaleco. Dispatch = depesxo. Dispel = peli, forpeli. Dispensary = kuracilejo. Dispense (to give out) = disdoni. Disperse = dispeli. Display = vidajxo, montrajxo. Display (show, pomp) = lukso. Displace = transloki. Displease = malplacxi. Displeasure = malplacxo. Disport = ludi. Dispose = disponi. Disposable = disponebla. Disposition = inklino. Dispraise = mallauxdi. Disproof = refuto. Disprove = refuti. Dispute = disputo. Dispute (quarrel) = malpaci. Disputatious = disputa. [Error in book: Disputations] Disqualify = malkapabligi. Disquiet = maltrankviligi. Disrespectful = nerespekta. Disappointment = kontrauxajxo. Dissatisfied = malkontenta. Dissect = dissekcii. Dissection = dissekcio. Dissemble = hipokriti, kasxi. Disseminate = dissemi. Dissent = malkonsenti. Dissenter = alireligiulo. Dissertation = disertacio. Dissimilar = malsama. Dissimulate = kasxi. Dissimulation = kasxemo. Dissipate = malsxpari. Dissipation = malsxparo. Dissolute = dibocxa. Dissolution = solvo. Dissolve = solvi. Disrespect = malrespekti. Disrespect = malrespekto. Dissuade = malkonsili. Distaff = sxpinilo. Distance = interspaco. Distant = malproksima. Distaste = tedo, nauxzo. Distend = plilargxigi, sxveli. [Error in book: sxvelo] Distil = distili. Distinct (clear) = klara. Distinct = neta, klara. Distinctive = distingiga. Distinguish = distingi. Distort = tordigi. Distortion (grimace) = grimaco. Distract = distri. Distraction = distreco. Distress = cxagrenigi. Distress = mizerigo. Distribute (scatter) = dissxuti. Distribute (to share) = disdoni. District = kvartalo. Distrust = malfidi. Distrust = malfido. Distrustful = malfidema. Disturb = interrompi. Disturbance = tumulto. Disunite = disigi. Disunion = disigxo. Ditch = defluilo. Ditto = sama, idemo. Ditty = kanteto. Dive = subakvigxi. Diver (bird) = kolimbo. Diverge = malkonvergi. Divers (various) = diversa. Diverse = diversa. Diversity = diverseco. Divert = amuzi. Divest = senvestigi. Divide = dividi. Dividend (finance) = rento. Dividend (arith.) = dividato. Divider = dividanto. Divine = dia. Divinity = dieco. Divine service = Diservo. Division = divido. Division (arith.) = dividado. Divisor = dividonto. Divorce (judicial) = eksedzigxo. Divorce (judicial) = eksedzigxi. Divorced, to be = eksedzigxi. Divulge = konigi. Dizziness = kapturno. Do = fari. Do away with, to = forigi. Docile = obea. Docility = obeemo. Dock = sxipejo. Docket = karteto, bileto. Doctor = Doktoro. Doctor (med.) = kuracisto. Doctrine = dogmaro. Document = dokumento. Doff = demeti. Dog = hundo. Dogged = obstina. Doghouse = hundodometo. Dog kennel = hundejo. Dogma = dogmo. Dole = disdoni. Doleful = funebra. Doll = pupo. Dollar = dolaro. Dolphin = delfeno. Dolt = malsagxulo. Domain = bieno. Dome = kupolo. Domestic = hejma. Domestic = servisto—ino. Domicile = logxejo. Dominant = potenca. Domination = potenco. Dominion = regeco. Dominion = regno. Domino = domeno. Donation = donaco, oferdono. Donkey = azeno. Donor = donanto. Doom = kondamno, sorto. Door = pordo. Door curtain = pordo kurteno. Doorkeeper = pordisto. Dormant = ekdorma. Dormer-window = fenestreto. Dormitory = dormejo. Dorsal = dorsa. Dose = dozo. Dot = punkto. Dote = amegi. Double = duobligi. Doubt = dubi. Doubter = dubanto. Doubtful = duba. Doubtlessly = sendube. Douche = dusxo. Dough = knedajxo. Dove = kolombo. Dovecot = kolombejo. Down = lanugo. Downs = sablaj montetoj. Downfall = falego. Dowry = doto. Downwards = malsupre. Doze = dormeti. Dozen = dekduo. Draft (bill of exchange) = kambio. Drag = treni, tiri. Dragon = drako. Dragon fly = libelo. Dragoon = dragono. Drake = anaso. Drama = dramo. Dramatical = drama. Dramatist = dramauxtoro. Drape = drapiri. Draper = drapvendisto. Drastic = drastika. Draught-board = dama tabulo. Draughts (pieces) = damoj. Draughtsman = desegnisto. Draw (water from well) = cxerpi. Draw (pull) = tiri. Draw after (load, etc.) = posttiri. Draw (near) = proksimigxi. Draw (lots) = loti. Draw (together) = kuntiri. Drawer = tirkesto. Drawers (garment) = kalsono. Drawing (lots) = lotado. Dray = sxargxveturilo. Dread = timi, timegi. Dread = teruro, timo. Dreadful = terurega. Dream = songxi. Dreary = malgaja. Dredge = skrapi. Dredger = skrapilego. Dregs = fecxo. Drench = akvumi. Dress (clothe) = vesti. Dress (wound) = bandagxi. Dressing case = necesujo. Dress coat = frako. Dressing gown = negligxa vesto. Dressmaker = kudristino. Dressing room = tualetejo, vestejo. Drill = bori. Drill (tool) = borilo. Drill (military) = ekzerco. Drink = trinki. Drink (to excess) = drinki. Drink = trinkajxo. Drinkable = trinkebla. Drip = guteti. Drive away (expel) = forpeli. Drive (in carriage) = veturi. Drive back (repel) = repeli, repusxi. Drivel (to slaver) = kracxeti. Driver (car, etc.) = veturisto. Droll = ridinda, sxerca. Drollery = sxerco—ado. Dromedary = unugxiba kamelo. Drone = burdo. Droop (pine) = malfortigxi. Drop = guto. Dropsy = akvosxvelo. Dross = metala sxauxmo. Drought = senpluveco. Drove (cattle) = bestaro, brutaro. Drown = droni. Drown (trans.) = dronigi. Drowsy = dorma. Drub (beat) = bati. Drudge = laboregi. Drug = drogo. Druggist = drogisto. Drum = tamburo. Drum, of ear = oreltamburo. Drunkard = drinkulo. Drunkenness = ebrieco. Dry = seka. Dry up = sekigxi. Dry, one's self = sin sekigi. Dry land = firmajxo. Dryness = sekeco. Dual = duobla, dualo. Dualism = dualismo. Dubious = duba. Ducat = dukato. Duchess = dukino. Duchy = duklando. Duck = anasino. Ducking = trempado. Duct = tubo. Ductile = etendebla. Dude = dando. Duel = duelo. Duet = dueto. Duke = duko. Dukedom (duchy) = duklando. Dull (unpolished) = malbrila. Dull (sombre) = malhela, nebula. Dull (stupid) = malklera. Dull (blunt) = malakra. Dumb = muta. Dumbness = muteco. Dumb show = pantomimo. Dunce = malklerulo. Dung = sterko. Dungheap = sterkajxo. Dungeon = malliberejo. Dupe = trompi. Duplicate = duobligi. Duplicity = trompemo. Durable = fortika. Duration = dauxro. During = dum. Dusky = malhela. Dust = polvo. Dust, grain of = polvero. Duster = visxilo. Dustman = kotisto. Dutchman = Holandano. Duty = devo. Duty (import) = imposto. Dutiful = respektema. Dwarf = malgrandegulo. Dwell = logxi, restadi. Dwelling = logxejo. Dwindle = malgrandigxi. Dye = kolorigi. Dye = kolorigilo. Dyer = kolorigisto. Dying, to be = ekmorti. Dying (person) = mortanto. Dyke = digo. Dynamics = dinamiko. Dynamism = dinamismo. Dynamite = dinamito. Dynasty = dinastio. Dysentery = disenterio. Dyspepsia = dispepsio. |