= U =
Ubiquity = cxieesto. Udder = mamo. Ugliness = malbeleco. Ugly = malbela. Ukase = ukazo. Ulcer = ulcero. Ulterior = posta, nekonata. Ultimate = lasta, ultimata. Ultimately = laste, ultimate. Ultimatum = ultimatumo. Ultramarine = ultramarino. Umbra = ombro. Umbrage = ombrajxo. Umbrella = ombrelo. Umpire = jugxanto—isto. Unaccountable = neklarigebla. Unadorned = senornama. Unadvisedly = malprudente. Unadulterated = nefalsita, pura. Unaffected = neafekta, naiva, simpla. Unalloyed = nemiksita. Unalterable = nesxangxebla. Unanimity = unuanimeco. Unanimous = unuvocxa, unuanima. Unanimously = unuvocxe, unuanime. Unassuming = neafektema, modesta. Unavailing = malutila. Unawares = senatente. Unbar = malbari, malfermi. Unbearable = netolerebla. Unbecoming = malkonvena. Unbelief = malkredeco. Unbeliever = malkredulo. Unbend (relax) = distri, amuzi, cedi. Unbending (resolute) = decidega, neceda. Unbiased = senpartia. Unblushing (shameless) = senhonta. Unbosom (to disclose) = malkasxi. Unbound (of books, etc.) = nebindita. Unbounded = senlima. Unbridle = senbridigi. Unbroken = senintermanka. Unburden (reveal, tell) = malkovri. Unbutton = debutonumi. Unceremonious = senceremonia. Uncertain = necerta. Unchain = elcxenigi. Unchangeable = nesxangxebla. Uncivil = malgxentila. Uncivilized = necivilizita. Uncle = onklo. Unclean = malpura. Uncleanness = malpureco. Uncomfortable, to make = gxeni. Uncommon = nekomuna. Uncommunicative = nekomunikema, silentema. Unconcerned = nezorgema. Unconditional = nekondicxa, absoluta. Unconnected = nekunigita. Unconscious = nekonscia. Uncork = malsxtopi. Uncorrupted (phys.) = neputrigita. Uncorrupted (moral) = neacxetita. Uncouth = malgxentila. Uncover = malkovri. Unction = sxmirajxo. Uncious = grasa. Uncultivated = senkultura. Undaunted = neintimigita. Under (prep.) = sub. Under (adv.) = sube. Underbred (rude) = vulgara. Undergo = suferi. Underground = subtera. Underhand = sekreta, kasxema. Underlie = subtavoli, subteni. Underline = substreki. Undermaster = submajstro. Undermine (to dig) = subfosi. Undermost (adv.) = la plej sube. Underneath (prep.) = sub. Underneath (adv.) = sube. Underrate = malestimi. Underscore = substreki. Understand = kompreni. Understanding = intelekto. Understanding, to have an = interkonsenti pri. Undertake = entrepreni. Undertaking = entrepreno. Underwrite = garantii. Undesigned = senvola, senintenca. Undignified = malinda. Undisciplined = malobeema. Undo = malfari. Undo (the hair) = malligi. Undress (one's self) = malvesti, senvestigi. Undulate = ondolinii. Undulating = ondolinia. Undulation = ondolinio. Unearthly = supernatura. Uneasiness = maltrankvileco. Uneasy = maltrankvila. Unemployed = senokupa. Unendurable = nesuferebla. Unequal = neegala. Unerring = neerara, certa. Uneven = neebena, malglata. Unexpected = neatendita. Unexpectedly = neatendite. Unexpressed = neesprimita. Unfair (dishonest) = malhonesta, malrajta. Unfaithful = malfidela. Unfasten = malligi. Unfavourable = malfavora. Unfeeling = sensenta. Unfeigned = sincera. Unfilial = nefila. Unfold (open) = malfaldi, malvolvi. Unfold (disclose) = malkovri, malkasxi. Unfold (relate, tell) = rakontadi. Unforeseen = neantauxvidita. Unfortunate = malfelicxa. Unfrequently = malofte. Unfruitful = senfrukta. Unfurl = malfaldi, malvolvi. Unfurnish = senmebligi. Ungainly = mallerta. Ungodly = malpia. Ungrateful = nedanka, nedankema. Unguent = sxmirajxo. Unhandy = mallerta. Unhappy = malfelicxa. Unhappiness = malfelicxeco. Unhealthy = malsana. Unheeded = nezorgita. Unhook = malkrocxi. Unhurt = sendifekta. Unicorn = unukornulo. Unification = unuigo. Uniform (dress) = uniformo. Uniform = unuforma. Uniformity = simileco, unuformeco. Unify = unuigi. Uninhabited = senhoma. Union = unuigo, kunigo. Unique = sola, senegala. Unison, in (mus.) = agorde. Unit = unuo. Unite = unuigi, kunigi. Universal = universala. Universe = universo. University = universitato. Unjust = maljusta. Unknown = nekonata—ita. Unlawful = malpermesita, nelauxlegxa. Unless = esceptinte ke. Unlikely = neversxajna. Unlimited = senlima. Unload = sensxargxi. Unman = malkuragxigi. Unmask = senmaskigi. Unnatural = kontrauxnatura. Unnerve = malkuragxigi. Unoccupied = neokupata, senokupa. Unpack = elpaki. Unpardonable = nepardonebla. Unpleasant = malplacxa. Unpolished (surface) = malglata. Unpretending = neafektema, simpla. Unprincipled = malhonesta, senprincipa. Unproductive = senfrukta. Unpublished = neeldonita. Unquiet = malkvieta. Unravel = maltordi. Unrecognisable = nerekonebla. Unremitting = sencxesa. Unreserved = nerezerva. Unrestrained = nedetena, libera. Unroll = malruli, malfaldi. Unroof = maltegmenti. Unruffled = trankvila, nemaltrankvila. Unruly = malgxentila. Unsaddle = senseligi. Unsafe = dangxerhava. Unsalable = nevendebla. Unseal = sensigeligi. Unsearchable = nesercxebla. Unseemly = malkonvena. Unsettle (disturb) = malordigi, konfuzi. Unshaken = firma, nesxanceligxa. Unsightly = malbelega. Unskilful = mallerta. Unsociableness = nesocietamo—emo. Unspotted (stainless) = senmakula. Unstable = sxangxema. Untamed = sovagxa. Untidy (dress) = negligxa. Untie = malligi. Until = gxis. Untimely = antauxtempa, trofrua. Untiring = senlacigxa. Untoward = kontrauxa. Unto (prep.) = al. Untrammeled = libera. Untrue = malvera. Unused = neuzita. Unusual = neordinara, malofta. Unvarnished (plain) = simpla, neafektema. Unveil = malkovri. Unwary = malsingardema. Unwavering = nesxanceligxa. Unwell = malsana. Unwholesome = malsana, malsaniga. Unwieldy = multepeza, nemanregebla. Unwillingly = kontrauxvole, malbonvole. Unwise = malsagxa. Unwittingly = senintenca. Unwonted = nekutima. Unworthy = malinda. Unyoke = maljungi. Up (adv.) = supre. Upbraid = mallauxdi, riprocxi. Uphill (fig.) = malfacila. Uphill, to go = supreniri. Uphold = subteni. Upholsterer = meblisto, meblofaristo. Uplift = altlevi. Upon (prep.) = sur. Upper (adj.) = plisupra. Uppermost (adj.) = la plej supra. Upright (erect) = vertikala, rekta. Upright (honest) = honesta. Upright (post) = fosto. Uprightly = rekte, honeste. Uprightness = rekteco, honesteco. Uproar = bruego, tumulto. Uproot = elradikigi. Upset = renversi, renversigxi. Upshot = rezultato. Upside down = renversite. Upstairs = supre. Upstart = elsaltulo. Up to (until) = gxis. Up to now = gxis nun. Urban = urba. Urbane = gxentila. Urchin = bubo. Urge = urgxi. Urgent = urgxa. Urine = urino. Urinal = urinejo. Urn = urno. Us = nin. Usage = uzo—ado. Use = uzi. Use (employment) = uzo. Use (custom) = kutimo. Use, to be of = utili. Use up (wear out) = eluzi. Useful = utila. Useless = senutila. Uselessness = senutileco. Usher (school) = submajstro. Usher (beadle) = pedelo. Usual = ordinara, kutima. Usually = kutime. Usufruct = gxuado. Usurer = procentegisto. Usurp = uzurpi. Usurpation = uzurpo—ado. Usurper = uzurpulo. Usury = procentego. Utensil = uzajxo, ilo, ujo. Utilise = utiligi. Utility = utilo—eco. Utmost = ekstrema. Utopia = utopio. Utopian = utopia. Utter = ekparoli. Utterance = ekparolo. Utterly = tute. Uttermost = ekstrema, la plej.
= V =
Vacancy = malplenajxo. Vacant = neokupata. Vacate = forlasi. Vacation = libertempo. Vaccinate = inokuli. Vacillate = sxanceligxi. Vacillating = sxanceligxa. Vacuous = malplena. Vacuum = malplenajxo. Vagabond = sentauxgulo, vagisto. Vagary = kaprico. Vagrant = vagisto. Vague = malpreciza. Vain (fruitless) = vana. Vain (conceited) = vanta. Vain, in = vane. Vainly = vane. Vale = valeto. Valet = lakeo, servisto. Valiant = brava. Valid = legxa. Valise = valizo. Valley = valo. Valorous = brava. Valour = braveco. Valse = valso. Value (appraise) = taksi. Value (esteem) = sxati. Value = valoro. Valuable = multekosta. Valuation = takso, taksado. Valueless = senvalora. Valve = klapo. Van = veturilego. Van (of army) = antauxgvardio. Vane = ventoflago. Vanguard = antauxgvardio. Vanilla = vanilo. Vanish = neniigxi. Vanity = vaneco. Vanquish = venki. Vanquisher = venkanto. Vapid = sengusta. Vaporisation = vaporigo. Vaporise = vaporigi. Vapour = vaporo. Vapour-bath (place) = sxvitbanejo. Vapourous = vapora. Variable = sxangxebla. Variance, to set at = malpacigi. Variation = diverseco, sxangxo. Varicose vein = vejnego. Variegate = multkolorigi. Variegated = multkolora. Variety = diverseco. Variola = variolo. Various = diversa. Varnish = laki. Varnish = lako—ajxo. Vary = diversi. Vase = vazo. Vaseline = vazelino. Vassal = vasalo. Vassalage = vasaleco. Vast = vasta. Vat = kuvego. Vault (leap) = salti. Vault = arkajxo. Vaunt = fanfaroni. Veal = bovidviando, bovidajxo. Veer = turni, igxi. Vegetable = legomo. Vegetable-garden = legoma gxardeno. Vegetate = vegeti. Vegetation = kreskajxado. Vehemence = perforteco. Vehement = perforta. Vehicle = veturilo. Veil (for face) = vualo. Veil = vuali, kovri. Veil (conceal) = kasxi. Vein = vejno. Veined = vejna. Vellum = veleno. Velocipede = velocipedo. Velocity = rapideco. Velvet = veluro. Venal = acxetebla. Vend = vendi. Venerable = respektinda. Venerable (aged) = maljuna. Venerate = respektegi. Veneration = respektego. Vengeance = vengxo. Venial = pardonebla. Venison = cxasajxo. Venom = veneno. Venomous = venena. Vent = ellaso. Vent-hole = ellastruo. Ventilate = ventoli. Ventilator = ventolilo. Ventriloquist = ventroparolisto. Venture = riski. Venture = risko. Venturous = riska. Veracious = verema. Veracity = vereco. Verandah = balkono. Verb = verbo. Verbal = parola. Verbena = verbeno. Verbatim (adv.) = lauxvorte. Verbiage = babilajxo. Verbose = parolegema. Verbosity = parolegeco. Verdant = verdanta. Verdict = jugxo. Verdigris = verdigro. Verdure = verdajxo. Verger = pedelo. Verify = verigi, ekzameni. Verily = vere. Veritable = vera. Verity = vereco. Vermicelli = vermicxelo. Vermifuge = kontrauxvermajxo. Vermilion = cinabro. Vermin = insektoj. Vermouth = vermuto. Verse = verso. Verses, to make = versi. Versed (learned) = klera. Versifier = versisto. Version = traduko. Verst = versto. Vertebra = vertebro. Vertebral = vertebra. Vertex = supro, pinto. Vertical = vertikala. Vertigo = kapturno. Very = tre. Vesicle = veziketo. Vespers = Vespera Diservo. Vessel (ship) = sxipo, boato. Vessel = vazo, ujo. Vest = vesxto, jaketo. Vestibule = vestiblo. Vestige = postsigno. Vestment = vestajxo. Vestry = pregxejocxambro. Veteran = malnovulo. Veterinary surgeon = bestokuracisto. Veto = vetoo, malpermeso. Vex = cxagreni. Vexation = cxagreno. Viaduct = vojponto. Vial = boteleto. Viands = viando, mangxajxo. Vibrant = multesona. Vibrate = vibri. Viburnum = viburno. Vicar = parohxestro. Vicarage = parohxestrejo. Vice = malvirto. Vice (screw press) = prenilego. Viceroy = vicregxo. Vice versa = kontrauxe, male. [Error in book: vers, kontraue] Vicinity = proksimeco, najbareco. Vicious = malvirta. Vicissitude = sortovico. Victim = suferanto. Victimise = suferigi. Victor = venkanto. Victorious = venkinta. Victory = venko. Victuals = mangxajxo, provizajxo. Vie = konkuri. View = vidi. Vigil (watch) = viglo, gardo. Vigilant = vigla. Vignette = vinjeto. Vigorous = fortega. Vigour = fortegeco. Vile = malnobla. Vileness = hontindajxo. Villa = domo, kampodometo. Village = vilagxo. Villager = vilagxano. Villain = kanajlo. Villainous = malbonega. Vindicate = pravigi. Vindication = pravigeco. Vindictive = vengxema. Vine = vinberujo—arbo. Vine-culture = vinberkulturo. Vinegar = vinagro. Vinery = vinberejo. Vine-branch = vinberbrancxo. Vine-stock = vinbertrunko. Vineyard = vinberejo. Vintage = vinrikolto. Vintner = vinvendisto. Violate = malrespekti. Violation = malrespekto. Violence = perforto. Violent = perforta. Violet = violo. Violet color = violkoloro. Violin = violono. Violinist = violonisto. Violoncello = violoncxelo. Violoncellist = violoncxelisto. Viper = vipero. Virago (fig.) = drakino. Virgin = virgulino. Virginal = virga. Virginity = virgeco. Virgin, The Blessed = La Sankta Virgulino, Dipatrino. Virile = vira. Virility = vireco. Virtue = virto. Virtuous = virta. Virtuoso = virtuozo. Virulent = venena, malboniga. Virus = veneno. Visage = vizagxo. Vis-a-vis = kontrauxulo. Viscera = internajxo. Viscuous = gluanta. Visible = videbla. Visibly = videble. Vision (sense) = vido. Vision (apparition) = aperajxo. Visit = viziti. Visiting-card = vizitkarto. Visitor = vizitanto. Visor = viziero. Visual = vida. Vital = vivema. Vital = necesega. Vitality = vivemo. Vitiate = difekti. Vitreous = vitreca. Vitrify = vitrigi. Vitriol = vitriolo. Vivacity = viveco. Vivid (color) = hela. Vivifying = viviga. Vixen = vulpino. Viz = nome, tio estas, t.e. Vizier = veziro. Vocabulary = vortareto. Vocal = vocxa. Vocalist = kantisto. Vocation = profesio, inklino, emo. Voice = vocxo. Voice (vote) = vocxdono. Void (empty) = malplena. Void (null) = nuliga. Void (emptiness) = malplenajxo. Volatile (fickle) = flirtema. Volatilise = vaporigi. Vol-au-vent = pastecxo. Volcano = vulkano. Volcanic = vulkana. Volley (gun firing) = pafilado. Voluble = babilema, fluantparola. Volume (book) = volumo. Volume (size) = dikeco. Voluminous = multdika. Voluntary = memvola, propramova. Volunteer = memvolulo. Voluptuous = voluptema. Voluptuousness = volupteco. Vomit = vomi. Vomiting = vomado. Vomitory = vomilo. Voracious = englutema. Voracity = engluteco. Vortex = turnakvo, turnigxado. Vote = vocxdoni, baloti. Vouch = garantii, atesti. Voucher = garantio, garantianto, atesto. Vow = dedicxi, promesi. Vow (religious) = religia promeso. Vowel = vokala. Voyage = vojagxo, vojiro. Vulgar = vulgara. Vulgarise = vulgarigi. Vulgarity = vulgareco. Vulgate = Latina Biblio. Vulnerable = vundebla. Vulture = vulturo.
= W =
Wobble = sxanceli—igxi. Wadding = vato, vatajxo. Waddle = balancigxi, sxanceligxi. Wade = akvotrairi. Wafer = oblato. Waft = flugporti. Wag = sxerculo. Wage (make, carry on) = fari. Wager = veto. Wages = salajro. Waggish = sxerca. Waggon (cart) = sxargxveturilo. Waggon (of train) = vagono. Waggoner = veturigisto, veturisto. Wail = ploregi, gxemegi. Wain = sxargxveturilo. Waist = talio. Waistcoat = vesxto. Wait = atendi. Wait on (serve) = servi. Waiter = kelnero. Waive (abandon) = forlasi. Wake = veki. Wake of ship = sxippostsigno. Waking time (reveille) = vekigxo. Walk = marsxi, promeni. Walk (path) = aleo. Walking stick = bastono. Wall = muro. Wallet = sako, tornistro. Wallow = ruligxi, ensxlimigxi. Walnut = juglando. Walrus = rosmaro. Waltz = valso. Wan = pala, palega. Wand = vergo, vergego. Wander = erari, vagi. Wander (be delirious) = deliri. Wanderer = nomadulo, vagisto. Wandering = nomada, eraranta. Wane = ekfinigxi. Wanness = paleco. Want = seneco, mizerego. Want (need, require) = bezoni. Wanton = malica. War = milito—ado. Warble = pepi. Warbler = pepulo, silvio. Ward (guard) = gardi, prizorgi. Ward (turn aside) = deklinigi, evitigi. Ward (a person) = zorgatulo. Ward (care) = gardeco, zorgateco. Ward (district) = kvartalo. Ward off = deturni. Warder = gardanto. Wardrobe = vestotenejo. Warehouse = provizejo, tenejo. Wares (merchandise) = komercajxo. Warfare = batalado. Warlike = militama. Warm = varmigi. Warm = varma. Warm (zealous) = fervora. Warm bath = varmbano. Warm up = revarmigi. Warmth = varmeco. Warn = averti. Warning = averto. Warp (twist) = tordi. Warrant (money) = mandato, monmandato. Warrant (justify) = pravigi. Warrant (assure) = certigi. Warrantable = pravigebla. Warren = kuniklejo. Warrior = militisto. Wart = veruko. Wary = atenta, singardema. Wash = lavi. Wash one's self = sin lavi. Washerwoman = lavistino. Wash-house = lavejo. Washstand = lavtablo. Wasp = vespo. Wasp's nest = vespejo. Waspish = malgxentila, ekkolerema. Waste (squander) = malsxpari. Waste (grow thin) = konsumigxi, malgrasigxi. Waste (rubbish) = forjxetajxo, difektajxo. Waste (untilled) = senkultura. Wasteful = malsxparema. Watch = observi, spioni. Watch (guard) = gardi. Watch (timepiece) = posxhorlogxo. Watch (a look out) = observisto. Watchful = atentema, zorgema, vigla. Watchman = observisto. Watchword = signaldiro. Water = akvo. Water (plants, etc.) = surversxi. Watery = akva. Water-closet = necesejo. Water-colour = akvopentrajxo. Waterfall = akvofalo. Water-spout = trombo. Water-tank = akvujo. Watering-pot = versxilo. Waterproof = nepenetrebla. Wave = ondo. Wave = agiti, svingeti. Wavelet = ondeto. Waver = sxanceligxi, sxanceli. Wax (bees) = vakso. Wax (shoemaker's) = pecxo. Wax, sealing = sigelvakso. Wax candle = vakskandelo. Way (road) = vojo. Way (sea) = marrodo. Way (manner) = kutimo, maniero. Way, Milky = lakta vojo. Way, in that = tiel, tiamaniere. Way out (exit) = eliro. Wayfarer = vojiranto. Waylay = inside ataki. Wayward = memvola. We = ni. Weak = malforta. Weak (to become) = malfortigxi. Weaken = malfortigi. Weakness = malforteco. Weal = felicxeco. Wealth = ricxeco. Wealthy = ricxega. Wean (a child) = debrustigi. Wean (alienate) = forigi, forigxi. Weapon = batalilo. Wear (use as clothes) = porti. Wear away (decay by use) = eluzi. Wear away (to decline) = konsumigxi. Weariness = enuo, laceco. Wearisome = enua, enuiga. Weary, to = enui. Weary = laca, enua. Weather = vetero. Weather, to = kontrauxstari. Weathercock = ventoflago. Weave = teksi, plekti. Weaver = teksisto, plektisto. Web (tissue) = teksajxo. Wed (cf. marry) = edzigxi. Wedding (cf. marry) = edzigxo. Wedge = kojno. Wedlock = edzeco. Wednesday = merkredo. Weed = malbonherbo. Weed = sarki. Weeding hook = sarkilo. Week = semajno. Weekly (adj.) = semajna, cxiusemajna. Weep = plori. Weft = teksajxo. Weigh = pezi. Weigh (trans.) = pesi. Weigh (ponder) = pripensi. Weight = pezo. Weight = pezilo. Weight (importance) = graveco. Weighty = peza. Weigh-bridge = pesilego. Weir = akvosxtopilo. [Error in book: akvostopilo] Welcome, to = bonveni, bonvoli. Welcome = bonveno. Welcome! = bonvenu! Welcome = bonvena. Weld = kunforgxi. Welfare = bonstato. Well = nu. Well (pit) = puto. Well, to be = sani. Well (adv.) = bone. Well-mannered = bonmaniera. Well-nigh = preskaux. Well-spring = fonto, akvoputo. Well-wishing = bonvola, bonvolanta. Welter = ensxlimigxi. Wen = tubero. Wench = knabulino. West = okcidento. Westerly = okcidenta. Westward (adv.) = okcidente. Wet = malsekigi. Wet = malseka. Whale = baleno. Whalebone = balenosto. Wharf = ensxipigejo. What, what a? = kia? What? = kio, kion? Whatever = kia ajn. Whatsoever = kia ajn. Wheat = tritiko. Wheedle = karesi, delogi. Wheedling = karesa, deloga. Wheedler = delogisto. Wheel (turn) = turnigi. Wheel = rado. Wheelbarrow = pusxveturilo. Wheelwork = radaro. Wheelwright = radfaristo. Whelp = ido, hundido, bestido. When = kiam. Whenever = kiam ajn. Where = kie. Wherefore = kial. Wherever = kie ajn. Wherry = barketo. Whet = akrigi. Whether = cxu. Whey = selakto. Which (rel. pron.) = kiu, kiun. Which = kio, kion, kiu, kiun. Whiff = subitventeto. While = dum. Whim = kaprico. Whimper = ploreti. Whimsical = kaprica. Whine = ploreti, bleketi. Whinny = cxevalbleketo. Whip = vipi. Whip = vipo. Whip, riding = vipeto. Whir = turnigxadi. Whirl = turnigxadi. Whirlpool = turnakvo. Whirlwind = turnovento. Whisk = fojnbalao. Whiskers = vangharoj. Whisper = paroleti, murmuri. Whisper = murmuro. Whistle (of wind) = sibli. Whistle = fajfilo. Whistle = fajfi. Whist = visto. Whit = porcieto. White = blanka. White of egg = albumeno. Whiten = blankigi. Whiting = merlango. Whitish = dubeblanka. Whither = kien. Whitsuntide = Pentekosto. Whizz = sibli. Who = kiu. Whoever = kiu ajn. Whole = tuta. Whole = tuto. Wholesale = pogrande. Wholesome = saniga. Whom = kiun. Whooping cough = koklusxo. Whosoever = kiu ajn. Whose = kies. Why = kial. Wick = mecxo—ajxo. Wicked = malvirta, malbona. Wickedness = malvirteco, malboneco. Wicket = pordeto. Wicker = salikajxo. Wide = largxa. Widen = plilargxigi. Widow = vidvino. Widower = vidvo. Widowhood = vidveco. Width = largxeco. Width, in = lauxlargxe. Wield = manpreni, manregi. Wife = edzino. Wig = peruko. Wild = sovagxa. Wilderness = dezerto. Wile = ruzo. Wilful = obstina. Will, to make = testamenti. Will (bequeath) = testamenti. Will = testamento. Will-o'-the-wisp = erarlumo. Willing, to be = voli. Willingly = volonte. Willow = saliko. Willy-nilly = vole-nevole. Wily = ruza. Win = gajni. Wince = ektremi. Winch = turnilo. Wind (air) = vento. Wind (coil) = vindi. Wind (twist) = tordi. Wind (on spool) = bobenumi. Wind up (watch, etc.) = strecxi. Winding sheet = morttuko, mortkitelo. Windlass = turnilo. Window = fenestro. Window blind = rulkurteno. Windpipe = trahxeo. Windy = venta. Wine = vino. Wine making = vinfarado. Wine merchant = vinvendisto. Wing = flugilo. Wing (building) = flankajxo. Wink = palpebrumi. Winning (pleasing) = cxarma, placxa. Winnow = ventoli. Winter = travintri. Winter = vintro. Wintry = vintra. Wipe = visxi. Wire = metalfadeno. Wisdom = sagxo, sagxeco. Wise = sagxa, sagxema. Wish, want = deziri, voli. Wish = volo, deziro. Wistful = pensanta. Wit = sprito. Wit = spritulo. Witch = sorcxistino. Witchcraft = sorcxo—arto. With = kun, per, je, de. With reference to = rilate al. With regard to = rilate al. With respect to = rilate al. Withdraw = eligxi. Withdrawal = reenpasxo. Wither = velki, sensukigxi. Withhold = fortiri. Within = en, interne (adv.). Without = sen. Withstand = kontrauxstari, kontrauxbatali. Witness = atesti. Witness = atestanto. Witness, eye = okulvidanto. Witticism = spritajxo. Wittiness = spriteco. Witty = sprita, spritema. Wizard = sorcxisto. Woe = ve. Woful = cxagrenega, malgxoja. Wolf = lupo. Woman = virino. Womb = utero. Wonder = miri. Wonder = mirego, miro. Wonder, a = mirindajxo. Wonderful = mirinda—ega. Wonted = kutima. Woo = amindumi. Wood (material) = ligno. Wood = arbareto. Woodcock = skolopo. Woodcutter = arbohakisto. Wood flooring (parquetry) = pargeto. Woodhouse = lignejo. Woodpecker = pego. Wooer = amisto, amindumisto. Woof = teksajxo. Wool = lano. Woollen stuff = lanajxo, drapo. Woolly = laneca. Word (spoken) = parolo. Word (written) = vorto. Wordiness = babilajxo. Word for word = lauxvorte. Work = labori. Work (physical) = laboro—ado. Work (literary) = verko. Worker = laboristo. Worker (literary) = verkisto. Workman = laboristo, metiisto. Works (place) = fabrikejo. Workbox = necesujo. Working day = simpla tago. Workshop = metiejo, laborejo. Workmanlike = lerta. Workmanship = metiistarto. World = mondo. Worldly = monda. Worm = vermo. Worm-shaped = vermoforma. Wormwood = absinto. Worn out = eluzita. Worry (vex) = inciteti, enuigi. Worry (importune) = trudpeti. Worry = enuo, cxagreno. Worse (adj.) = plimalbona. Worse (adv.) = plimalbone. Worship = adori. Worship = adoro—ado. Worst (adj.) = plejmalbona. Worst (adv.) = plejmalbone. Worsted = malvenkita. Wort = mosto. Worth, to be = valori. Worth (value) = valoro. Worth (esteem) = indo. Worthless (morals) = malnobla. Worthless = senvalora. Worthy (of) = inda (je). Wound = vundi. Wrack = fuko. Wrangle = disputi, malpaci. Wrangle = disputado, malpacado. Wrap = faldi, kovri. Wrapper = kovrilo. Wrath = kolerego. Wrathful = kolerega. Wreath = garlando. Wreathe = plekti, girlandi. Wreck (ship) = sxippereo. Wreckage = derompajxo. Wren = regolo. Wrench = ektiregi. Wrest = tiregi. Wrestle = barakti. Wrestler = baraktisto. Wretch = malbonulo, krimulo. Wretched = mizera. Wriggle = tordi, tordeti. Wring (twist) = tordi, premegi. Wring (the hand) = premi. Wrinkle = sulkigi. Wrinkle (facial) = sulko. Wrist = manradiko. Write = skribi. Writer (author) = verkisto. Writer = skribisto. Writing = skribajxo. Writing-table = skribotablo. Wrong = malpraveco. Wrong = malprava. Wrongfully = malrajte. Wrongly = malrajte, malprave. Wroth = kolerega. Wry = torda.
= Y =
Yacht = sxipeto. Yard = korto. Yard (of ship) = velstango. Yarn = lanfadenajxo. Yawn = oscedi. Yawn = oscedo—ado. Ye = vi. Yea = jes, vere. Year = jaro. Yearly = cxiujara. Yearn = deziregi. Yearning = dezirego—ado. Yeast = panfermentilo. Yell = kriegi. Yell = kriego. Yellow = flava. Yellowish = dubeflava. Yelp = hundbleki. Yeoman (farmer) = farmisto. Yes = jes. Yes, truly = jes, vere. Yesterday = hieraux. Yesterday, the day before = antauxhieraux. Yet = tamen. Yet (adv.) = ankoraux. Yew = taksuso. Yield (surrender) = kapitulaci, cedi. Yield (produce) = produktajxo. Yoke = jugo. Yolk of egg = ovoflavo. Yonder = tie, tien. You = vi, vin. Young = juna. Young (offspring) = ido, idaro. Young lady (unmarried) = frauxlino. Young man (unmarried) = frauxlo. Younger = plijuna. Youngest = la plej juna. Youngster = junulo—ino. Your, yours = via. Youth = junulo. Youth (collectively) = junularo. Youth (state of) = juneco. Youthful = juna. Youthfulness = juneco. Yule = kristnasko.
= Z =
Zany = sxercemulo. Zeal = fervoro. Zealot = fervorulo. Zealous = fervora. Zebra = zebro. Zenith = zenito. Zephyr = venteto. Zero = nulo. Zest = gusto. Zigzag = zigzago. Zinc = zinko. Zinc-worker = zinkisto. Zodiac = zodiako. Zone = terzono. Zoology = zoologio. Zoophyte = zoofito. Zouave = zuavo.
* * * * *
The larger English-Esperanto Dictionary, to which reference is made in the Authors' Preface to this volume, and for which Continental Experts have kindly promised collaboration and counsel, is being prepared by Mr. Joseph Rhodes, President, and Mr. John Ellis, the Hon. Sec. of the Esperanto Society at Keighley, Yorkshire. Due notice will be given of the publication of this work.
* * * * *
W. & J. MACKAY & CO., LTD.
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Containing Full Grammar, with Exercises, Conversations Commercial Letters, and two Vocabularies
Edited by J. C. O'CONNOR, Ph.Dr., M.A.
Price One Shilling and Sixpence. By Post 1/7.
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The English=Esperanto Dictionary.
By J. C. O'CONNOR and C. F. HAYES.
Revised and approved by Dr. ZAMENHOF
Price 1s 6d net. By Post, 1s. 8d
Foolscap 8vo, 216 pages
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The Esperanto=English Dictionary.
Foolscap 8vo, 138 pages.
Price, 2s. 6d. net. By Post, 2s. 8d.
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Done into English by JOSEPH RHODES (President of the Esperanto Society),
And Approved by Dr ZAMENHOF
PRICE SIXPENCE By Post, 6-1/2d
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"Review of Reviews" Office Mowbray House, Norfolk Street, London WC
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"The British Esperantist."
A Monthly Gazette in English and Esperanto containing reading for beginners and those more advanced
"It has an International Circulation."
Annual Subscription, 1s 6d, should be sent to the Hon Sec, British Esperanto Association, 14, Norfolk Street, London, WC
* * * * * * * * * *
The Esperanto alphabet contains 28 characters. These are the characters of English, but with "q", "w", "x", and "y" removed, and six diacritical letters added. The diacritical letters are "c", "g", "h", "j" and "s" with circumflexes (or "hats", as Esperantists fondly call them), and "u" with a breve. Zamenhof himself suggested that where the diacritical letters caused difficulty, one could instead use "ch", "gh", "hh", "jh", "sh" and "u". A plain ASCII file is one such place; there are no ASCII codes for Esperanto's special letters.
However, there are two problems with Zamenhof's "h-method". There is no difference between "u" and "u" with a breve, and there is no way to determine (without prior knowledge of the word(s) involved, and sometimes a bit of context) whether an "h" following one of those other five letters is really the second half of a diacritical pair, or just an "h" that happened to find itself next to one of them. Consequently other, unambiguous, methods have been used over the years. One is the "x-method", which uses the digraphs "cx", "gx", "hx", "jx", "sx" and "ux" to represent the special letters. There is no ambiguity because the letter "x" is not an Esperanto letter, and each diacritical letter has a unique transliteration. This is the method used in this e-text.