'How often to the worthy Sire Succeeds th' unworthy son! Extinguished is the ancient fire, Books were the idols of the Squire, The graceless heir has none.
To Sotheby's go both old and new, Bindings, and prose, and rhymes, With Shakespeare as with Padeloup The sportive lord has naught to do, He reads The Sporting Times.
Behold a special act of grace, On Rowfant shelves behold, The well-loved honours keep their place, And new-won glories half efface The splendours of the old.'
The volume also contains verses by Mr. Austin Dobson, the Earl of Crewe, and Mr. Wilfrid Blunt.
William Morris, the poet, art-designer, and manufacturer, was born at Elm House, Clay Hill, Walthamstow, Essex, on the 24th of March 1834. His father William Morris, a partner in the firm of Sanderson and Co., discount brokers, London, died in 1847, leaving him a considerable fortune. Young Morris was first educated at a preparatory school at Walthamstow, and afterwards at Marlborough, from whence he proceeded to Exeter College, Oxford. On leaving the University he wished to become a painter, but his studies were not sufficiently successful to warrant him carrying out his intention. He also paid some attention to the study of architecture. In 1858 he published a small volume entitled The Defence of Guenevere and other Poems, which received but little notice at the time; but The Life and Death of Jason, published in 1867, attracted general attention, and his reputation was further greatly increased by The Earthly Paradise, a poem in four volumes, which appeared in 1868-70. From that period until the time of his death Mr. Morris published a considerable number of other works, and, in collaboration with Mr. Eirikr Magnusson, some translations from the Icelandic. In 1863, in conjunction with D.G. Rossetti, E. Burne-Jones, and Ford Madox Brown, he established a factory for the production of artistic glass, tiles, wall-paper, etc., which has greatly contributed to the improvement of household decoration in England. A large number of the designs were the work of Mr. Morris himself, his leisure hours being devoted to literature, and it has been said of him 'that his poems were by Morris the wall-paper maker, and his wall-papers by Morris the poet.'
In 1891 Morris established a printing-press near his residence, Kelmscott House, on the Upper Mall, Hammersmith, from which he issued a series of beautiful and sumptuous reprints, principally of old books, with ornamentations by himself, and illustrations chiefly by Sir E. Burne-Jones. Of these reprints, which at the present time fetch large prices, that of Chaucer's Poems is considered the finest. In 1898 the trustees of Mr. Morris published 'A Note on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press. Together with a short description of the Press by C.S. Cockerell, and an annotated list of the books printed thereat.' The list gives fifty-three works in sixty-three volumes and nine leaflets. This was the last book printed at the Kelmscott Press. It was finished at No. 14 Upper Mall, Hammersmith, on the 4th of March 1898. In it the aims of Morris in founding the Press are given in his own words. 'I began printing books,' he writes, 'with the hope of producing some which would have a definite claim to beauty, while at the same time they should be easy to read, and should not dazzle the eye, or trouble the intellect of the reader by eccentricity of form in the letters.' Mr. Morris, who died at Kelmscott House on the 3rd of October 1896, collected a fine and extensive library, which passed into the hands of a Manchester collector for, it is said, the sum of twenty thousand pounds. The purchaser, after selecting the books he required—about half of the MSS. and one-third of the printed books—sent the others to Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, by whom they were sold on December 5th, 1898, and five following days. There were twelve hundred and fifteen lots in the sale, and the sum obtained for them was ten thousand nine hundred and ninety-two pounds, eleven shillings. All the books realised good prices, but the manuscripts were of greater interest and value than the printed volumes. The following are a few of the principal manuscripts, and the prices they fetched:—Testamentum Novum Latinum, Saec. xii., vellum, handsomely illuminated, two hundred and twenty-five pounds; Hegesippus, De Excidio Judaeorum, Saec. xii., vellum, in the original Winchester binding, one hundred and eighty pounds; Biblia Sacra Latina, written on vellum about 1280, with handsomely painted initials, one hundred and thirty-nine pounds; Biblia Sacra Latina, vellum, written about 1300 by an Anglo-Norman scribe, with finely illuminated initials, three hundred and two pounds; Josephi Antiquitates Judaicae et de Bello Judaico Libri, written on vellum by a French scribe in the thirteenth century, and beautifully illuminated, three hundred and five pounds; Missale Anglicanum, called the Sherbrooke Missal on account of it having belonged to the Sherbrooke family of Oxton, County Notts, a member of the family having inscribed his name in it about 1600; it was written in the fourteenth century on vellum, and has illuminated capitals and fine marginal decorations, three hundred and fifty pounds; Gratianus, Decretales, Saec. xiv., vellum, with finely painted and illuminated initials, two hundred and fifty-five pounds; Virgilius Maro, Georgica et AEneis, written on vellum at the end of the fourteenth or beginning of the fifteenth century by an Italian scribe, with beautiful illuminated decorations, one hundred and sixty-four pounds; and Legenda Sanctae Catherinae de Senis, Saec. xv., vellum, handsomely illuminated, one hundred and forty-nine pounds.
Some of the more notable printed books were:—S. Hieronymi Epistolae, printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz at Rome in 1468, fifty-three pounds; Speculum Humanae Salvationis Latino-Germanicum, printed by G. Zainer at Augsburg about 1471, one hundred pounds; Ptolomaei Cosmographia, Ulmae, 1486, ninety-one pounds; Dives and Pauper, printed by Pynson in 1493, fifty-five pounds; Higden's Policronicon, 1495, Thordinary of Crysten Men, 1502, and The Orcharde of Syon, 1519, all from the press of Wynkyn de Worde, realised respectively thirty-eight pounds, fifty pounds, and one hundred and fifty-one pounds; Hystoire du Chevallier Perceval le Galloys, Paris, 1530, seventy-nine pounds; Epistole et Evangelii et Letioni Vulgari in lingua Thoscana, Firenze, 1551, eighty-nine pounds; and the Historie of the four Sonnes of Aimon, printed by William Copland in 1554, eighty-one pounds. Among the manuscripts retained were a twelfth-century English Bestiary, for which Mr. Morris gave nine hundred pounds; the 'Windmill' Psalter, written about 1270, which cost him upwards of a thousand pounds; the Huntingdon Psalter, and the Tiptoft Missal.
B. (Baker). B.& L. (Baker and Leigh). C. (Christie). C. & M. (Christie and Manson). C.M. & W. (Christie, Manson and Woods). E. (Evans). L. & S. (Leigh and Sotheby). L.S. & Son (Leigh, Sotheby and Son). P. & S. (Puttick and Simpson). S. (Sotheby). S. & S. (Sotheby and Son). S. & W. (Sotheby and Wilkinson). S.W. & H. (Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge).
ADAIR, JAMES. -1798. 2 parts. L. & S. Nov., Dec. 1798. 8 days. L1815.
ADDINGTON, SAMUEL. Autographs. S.W. & H. April 1876. 3 days. L2151. Library. S.W. & H. May 1886. 2 days. L3522.
AKERS, EDMUND FLEMING. 2 parts. S. [March], April 1820. 21 days. L3729.
ALEXANDER, WILLIAM. 1767-1816. S. Nov. 1816. 6 days. L1380.
ALLEN, THOMAS. 2 parts. L. & S. June 1795, 1799. 19 days. L5737.
ASHBURNHAM, EARL OF. See page 384.
ASHBURTON, LORD. S.W. & H. July 1896. (Selection from French Library, with duplicates of Lord Crawford.) 4 days. L1870. S.W. & H. Nov. 1900. 4 days. L6256.
ASKEW, ANTHONY, M.D. 1722-1774. See page 220.
ASTLE, EDWARD. 2 parts. E. Jan. [1816], March [1817]. Part I. 2 days. L2366.
AUCHINLECK, LORD. (Auchinleck Library.) S.W. & H. June 1893. 3 days. L2525.
AYLESFORD, EARL OF. C.M. & W. March 1888. 9 days. L10,574.
BACON, THOMAS SCLATER. Cock (London). March 1737. 76 evenings.
BAKER, GEORGE. 1747-1811. S. June 1825. 3 days. L1468.
BAKER, JAMES. Autographs. S. & W. May 1855. 1 day. L278. Library. S. & W. May 1855. 2 days. L2336.
BALME, REV. EDWARD. E. March 1823. 5 days. L1540.
BANDINEL, BULKELEY, D.D. 1781-1861. 2 parts. S. & W. Aug., Dec. 1861. 8 days. L2885.
BASKERFIELD, THOMAS. S. Nov. 1817. 7 days. L1426.
BATEMAN HEIRLOOMS. S.W. & H. May 1893. 6 days. L7296.
BAYLIS, SIR ROBERT. B. Nov.-Dec. 1749. 12 days.
BECKFORD, WILLIAM. 1759-1844. See page 318.
BEDFORD, CHARLES. L. & S. March 1807. 6 days. L1648.
BEDFORD, FRANCIS. 1799-1883. S.W. & H. March 1884. 5 days. L4876.
BENTHAM, WILLIAM. E. March-April 1838. 11 days. L3090.
BENZON, ERNEST L.S. S.W. & H. May 1875. 2 days. L3622.
BERESFORD-HOPE, RIGHT HON. ALEXANDER JAMES BERESFORD, 1820-1887. 2 parts. S.W. & H. March 1882, June 1888. 9 days. L5148. (including engravings and drawings).
BERNAL, RALPH. -1854. S. & W. Feb. 1855. 6 days. L5273.
BERNARD, CHARLES. 1650-1711. Sold at the Black-Boy Coffee-house (London). March 1711.
BERNARD, DR. FRANCIS. 1627-1698. See page 112.
BERWICK, LORD. 1770-1832. S. July 1817. 3 days. L1180.
BERWICK, LORD. 1773-1842. S. & W. April-May 1843. 13 days. L6726.
BETHAM, SIR WILLIAM. 1779-1853. MSS. S. & W. May 1860. 1 day. L2194.
BINDLEY, JAMEs. 1737-1818. See page 246.
BLANDFORD, MARQUESS OF. See Marlborough, Duke of.
BLEW, REV. WILLIAM J. S.W. & H. June 1895. 3 days. L2220.
BLISS, REV. PHILIP. 1787-1857. Books, 2 parts. S. & W. June-July, Aug. 1858. 25 days. L5057. Autographs and MSS. S. & W. Aug. 1858. 1 day. L614.
BLOOD, BINDON. -1855. 2 parts. S. & W. July, Aug. 1856. 13 days. L2530.
BOLLAND, SIR WILLIAM. 1772-1840. E. Nov.-Dec. 1840. 13 days. L3019.
BOSWELL, JAMES. 1778-1822. S. May-June 1825. 10 days. L1753.
BOUCHER, REV. JONATHAN. 1737-1804. 3 parts. L. & S. Feb.-March, April 1806; May-June 1809. 40 days. L4509.
BRABOURNE, LORD. 2 parts. S.W. & H. May 1891. P. & S. June 1893. 7 days. L3100.
BRAGGE, WILLIAM. 1823-1884. MSS. S.W. & H. [Anon.]. June 1876. 4 days. L12,272. Books. 2 parts. S. W. & H. Nov. 1880 and June 1882. 5 days. L2146.
BRAND, REV. JOHN. 1744-1806. See page 276.
BRIDGES, JOHN. 1666-1724. See page 157.
[BRIDGEWATER, DUKE OF.] 1736-1803. Duplicates, 3 parts. King (London). Aug. 1800, April, June 1802. 11 days. Part II. 2 days. L210.
BRIGHT, BENJAMIN HEYWOOD. 4 parts. S. & W. June 1844, March-April, July 1845. 32 days. L11,086.
BRISTOL, EARL OF. -1676. See page 106.
BRITTON, THOMAS. 1654-1714. 2 parts. John Bullord. Nov. [1694]. Thomas Ballard. Jan. 1715.
BROADLEY, JOHN. Part I. E. July 1832. 3 days. L2052 Part II. E. June 1833 (with another). 5 days. L3510.
BROCKETT, JOHN TROTTER. 2 parts. S. Dec. 1823, June 1843. 22 days. Part I. 14 days. L4259.
BRODRICK, HON. CHARLES, Archbishop of Cashel. 1761-1822. Books. S. June 1825. 5 days. L847. MSS. S. [Anon.]. June 1825. 7 days.
BRUTON, H.W. (Cruikshankiana.) S.W. & H. June 1897. 3 days. L2519.
[BRYANT, W.] King and Lochee. Feb. 1800. 8 days. L2566.
BUCCLEUCH, DUKE OF. Duplicates and other books. S.W. & H. March 1889. 3 days. L3705.
BUCKINGHAM, DUKE OF. (Stowe Library.) See page 342.
BUCKLEY, REV. WILLIAM EDWARD. 2 parts. S.W. & H. Feb.-March 1893, April 1894. 22 days. L9420.
BUNBURY, SIR EDWARD HERBERT. S.W. & H. July 1891. 5 days. L2965.
BURGESS, FREDERICK. S.W. & H. May-June 1894. 4 days. L1558.
BURGHLEY, WILLIAM CECIL, LORD. 1520-1598. See page 39.
BURNEY, CHARLES, Mus. Doc. 1726-1814. L. & S. June 1814. 9 days. L1414.
BURNEY, CHARLES, D.D. 1757-1817. See page 308.
BUTE, EARL OF. 1713-1792. Duplicates. L. & S. [Anon.]. May-June 1785. 18 days. L843. Library. L. & S. May 1794. 10 days. L3470.
BUTLER, CHARLES. 1750-1832. E. Dec. 1832. 6 days. L1014.
BUTLER, SAMUEL, Bishop of Lichfield. 1774-1839. 2 parts. C. & M. March-June 1840. 15 days. Part 3 was not sold, although catalogued; the books being purchased by Payne and Foss, and the MSS. and autographs by the British Museum.
CAESAR, SIR JULIUS. 1558-1636. MSS. Paterson. Dec. 1757. 3 evenings. L356.
CALDECOTT, THOMAS. 1743-1833. S. Dec. 1833. 6 days. L1210.
CALEY, JOHN. 1763-1834. E. July 1834. 9 days. L2620.
CAMPBELL, HON. ALEXANDER HUME. B. April 1757. 9 days. L867.
CHALMERS, ALEXANDER. 1759-1834. S. & S. March 1835. 11 days. L1880.
CHALMERS, GEORGE. 1742-1825. 3 parts. E. Sept.-Oct. 1841, March-Nov. 1842. 23 days. L6189.
[CHARLEMONT, EARL OF.] 1775-1863. 2 parts. S.W. & H. Aug.-Sept. 1865. 2 days. L4444. A large portion of this library was destroyed by fire at the auctioneers', also the catalogue as printed for the intended sale in July.
[CHARLOTTE, QUEEN.] 1744-1818. 2 parts. C. June-July 1819. 20 days. L4540.
CHAUNCEY, CHARLES, M.D., and NATHANIEL. L. & S. April-May 1790. 15 days.
CHENEY, EDWARD. S.W. & H. June 1886. 5 days. L2216.
CHICHESTER, SIR JOHN, Bart. Jeffery. Feb.-March 1812. 19 days.
CLANRICARDE, EARL OF. L. & S. Jan. 1809. 5 days. L1103.
CLARE, EARL OF. 1793-1864. 2 parts. S.W. & H. April 1866, Jan. 1881. 3 days. L2959.
CLARENDON, EARL OF. 1609-1674. MSS. B. April 1764. 2 days.
CLARKE, ADAM. 1762-1832. 2 parts. E. Feb. 1833. S. & S. June 1836. 14 days. L4865.
CLARKE, SIR SIMON H., Bart. C. & M. April 1840. 10 days.
CLIFFORD, LORD DE. MSS. C. & M. Feb. 1834. 4 days.
COCK, ALFRED. S.W. & H. July 1898. 3 days. L1564.
COLE, ROBERT. MSS. and autographs. 2 parts. P. & S. July-Aug. 1861, July-Aug. 1867. 9 days. L1591.
COLERIDGE, LORD. S.W. & H. May 1896. 5 days. L2845.
COLLIER, JOHN PAYNE. 1789-1883. S.W. & H. Aug. 1884. 3 days. L2061.
COLLINS, HENRY. S.W. & H. April 1883. 4 days. L2699.
COMERFORD, JAMES. S.W. & H. Nov. 1881. 13 days. L8327.
CONSTABLE, WILLIAM. (Burton Constable Library.) 2 parts. S.W. & H. June 1889. 6 days. L3093.
CORNEY, BOLTON. 1784-1870. S.W. & H. May-June 1871. 10 days. L3539.
CORRIE, JOHN. S. & W. April 1863. 4 days. L4409.
CORSER, REV. THOMAS. 1793-1876. See page 374.
COSENS, FREDERICK WILLIAM. S.W. & H. Nov. 1890. 12 days. L5571.
CRAMPON, ALFRED. S.W. & H. June 1896. 2 days. L2492.
CRAUFURD, REV. C.H. 2 parts. S.W. & H. April 1864, July 1876. 6 days. L6517.
CRAWFORD, EARL OF. See page 402.
CRAWFORD, W.H. (Lakelands Library.) S.W. & H. March 1891. 12 days. L21,255.
CROFTS, REV. THOMAS. Paterson. April-May 1783. 43 days. L3453.
CROKER, RIGHT HON. JOHN WILSON. 1780-1857. Autographs. S. & W. May 1858. 2 days. L1099. Library. S.W. & H. Jan. 1882. 1 day. L136.
CROSSLEY, JAMES. 1800-1883. 3 parts. Thompson and Son (Manchester). May 1884. S.W. & H. July 1884, June 1885. 23 days. L8296.
CURRER, MARY RICHARDSON. S. & W. July-Aug. 1862. 10 days. L5984.
CURRY, JAMES, M.D. S. March-April 1820. 10 days. L1918.
DALY, RIGHT HON. DENIS. 1747-1791. James Vallance (Dublin). May 1792. L3700.
DALY, ROBERT, Bishop of Cashel, Emly, Waterford, and Lismore. 1783-1872. 2 parts. S. & W. [Anon.]. June 1858. S.W. & H. July 1872. 5 days. L2618.
DANIEL, GEORGE. 1789-1864. See page 360.
DASENT, SIR GEORGE WEBBE. Part I. S.W. & H. April 1895. 2 days. L803. Part II. S.W. & H. March 1897. (With another.) 2 days. L728.
DAVIS, HENRY NEWNHAM. S.W. & H. Nov. 1900. 2 days. L4168.
DENT, JOHN. 1750?-1826. See page 278.
DIGBY, SIR KENELM. 1603-1665. See page 106.
DILLON, JOHN. Books. S.W. & H. June 1869. 3 days. L2349. Autographs and MSS. S.W. & H. June 1869. 5 days. L3080.
D'ISRAELI, ISAAC. 1766-1848. S. & W. March 1849. 4 days. L418.
[DONEGAL, MARQUESS OF.] Stewart. March 1800. 14 days.
DORMER, LIEUT.-GENERAL JAMES. 1679-1741. B. Feb.-March 1764. 20 days. L2123.
DOUGLAS, REV. W. S. Dec. 1819. 11 days. L2986.
DOWDESWELL, LIEUT.-GENERAL WILLIAM. 1761-1828. E. July 1828. 4 days. L1347.
DRURY, REV. HENRY. 2 parts. E. Feb.-March 1827. 23 days. L8917.
DUCAREL, ANDREW COLTEE. 1713-1785 L. & S. April 1786. 8 days. L997.
DUCKETT, SIR GEORGE, Bart. Autograph documents, etc. S. & S. June-July 1832. 4 days. L1362.
EDWARDES, SIR HENRY HOPE, Bart. C.M. & W. May 1901. 4 days. L11,033.
EDWARDS, JAMES. 1757-1816. See page 298.
EVANS, HERBERT N., M.D. 2 parts. S.W. & H. May, June 1864. 13 days. L3186.
EYTON, J.C. S.W. & H. June 1881. 3 days. L1793.
EYTON, JOSEPH WALTER RING. S. & W. May 1848. 8 days. L2693.
FAIRFAX, BRIAN. 1676-1749. (Osterley Park Library.) See page 172.
FALCONER, J.J. S.W. & H. Aug. 1877. 6 days. L1925.
FARMER, RICHARD, D.D. 1735-1797. See page 237.
FARMER-ATKINSON, HENRY JOHN. 2 parts. S.W. & H. March 1896. P. & S. April 1897. 5 days. L2066.
FARNHAM, BARON. 1799-1868. S.W. & H. June-July 1869. 9 days. L2168.
FAUNTLEROY, HENRY. 1785-1824. S. April 1825. 3 days. L2714.
FIELDING, HENRY. 1707-1754. B. Feb. 1755. 4 evenings. L364.
FOLKES, MARTIN. 1690-1754. See page 197.
FORSTER, RICHARD. King and Lochee. Nov. 1806. 10 days. L1696.
FOSTER, BIRKET. S.W. & H. June 1894 (with others). 4 days. L5198.
FRASER, SIR WILLIAM AUGUSTUS. S.W. & H. April 1901. 8 days. L20,334.
FREELING, SIR FRANCIS, Bart. 1764-1836. E. Nov.-Dec. 1836. 10 days. L3730.
FRERE, JOHN TUDOR. S.W. & H. Feb. 1896. 4 days. L3747.
GAISFORD, THOMAS. -1898. S.W. & H. April-May 1890. 8 days. L9236.
GARDNER, CECIL DUNN. S.W. & H. June 1880. 6 days. L4734.
GARDNER, JOHN DUNN. 2 parts. S. & W. July 1854, Nov. 1875. 12 days. L10,153.
GIBSON-CRAIG, JAMES THOMSON. 1799-1886. See page 396.
GILCHRIST, OCTAVIUS GRAHAM. 1779-1823. E. Jan. 1824. 6 days. L1355.
GLENBERVIE, BARON. 1743-1823. 2 parts. E. June, July 1823. 15 days. L2534.
GLOUCESTER, WILLIAM FREDERICK, DUKE OF. 1776-1834. S. & S. July-Aug. 1835. 8 days. L1265.
GOLDSMID, JOHN LOUIS. E. Dec. [1815]. 5 days. L2179.
GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. 1728-1774. Good. July 1774. 1 day.
GOOCH, ARCHDEACON. S. Nov. 1823. 4 days. L1212.
GORDON, SIR ROBERT. (Gordonstoun Library.) Cochrane. March 1816. 12 days. L1539.
GOSFORD, EARL OF. P. & S. April-May 1884. 11 days. L11,318.
GOSSETT, REV. ISAAC. 1735-1812. L. & S. June-July 1813. 23 days. L3141.
GOUGH, RICHARD. 1735-1809. See page 240.
GRAFTON, DUKE OF. 1735-1811. 2 parts. L. & S. Dec. 1811. E. [Anon.]. June 1815. 12 days. L4803.
GRANT, FRANCIS. 1834-1899. 2 parts. P. & S. Nov. 1881. S.W. & H. May 1900. 3 days. L2526.
GRAVE, ROBERT. 1731-1802. L.S. & S. April 1803. 8 days. L1023.
GRESLEY, SIR ROGER, Bart. E. May 1838. 3 days. L1601.
GUILD, J. WYLLIE. Chapman and Son (Edinburgh). April 1888. 10 days.
GUILFORD, EARL OF. 1766-1827. See page 322.
[GULSTON, JOSEPH.] 1745-1786. 2 parts. Compton (London). May [1783], June 1784. 15 days. Part I. 11 days. L1750.
HAILSTONE, EDWARD. 1818-1890. (Walton Hall Library.) 2 parts. S.W. & H. Feb., April-May 1891. 18 days. L8991.
HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, JAMES ORCHARD. 1820-1889. S.W. & H. July 1889. 4 days. L2298.
HAMILTON, DUKE OF. (Hamilton Library.) See page 329.
HAMPER, WILLIAM. 1776-1831. E. July 1831. 3 days. L1820.
HAMPTON, LORD. 1799-1880. S.W. & H. Feb. 1881. 3 days. L3539.
HANROTT, PHILIP AUGUSTUS. 6 parts. E. July, Aug. 1833; Feb.-March 1834; Jan. 1857. 50 days. L22,806.
HARDWICKE, EARL OF. (Wimpole Library.) C.M. & W. June 1888. 1 day. L3242. Hardwicke State Papers advertised for sale by S.W. & H. were purchased en bloc by the British Museum.
HARLEY, EDWARD, Earl of Oxford. 1689-1741. See page 155.
HARLEY, ROBERT, Earl of Oxford. 1661-1724. See page 155.
HARMAN, JEREMIAH. E. May 1844. 5 days. L1761.
HARRISON, W. S.W. & H. Jan. 1881. 4 days. L2890.
HARTLEY, LEONARD LAURIE. 1816-1883. 3 parts. P. & S. June 1885, May 1886, April 1887. 28 days. L16,530.
HARTREE, WILLIAM. S.W. & H. July 1890. 8 days. L8255.
HARWARD, JOHN. 2 parts. S. & W. Dec. [1858], May 1859. 9 days. L3800.
HASLEWOOD, JOSEPH. 1769-1833. E. Dec. 1833. 8 days. L2471.
HAWKINS, REV. W. BENTINCK L. 3 parts. C.M. & W. March, April 1895. 6 days. L2903.
HAWLEY, SIR JOSEPH, Bart. S.W. & H. July 1894. 3 days. L2882.
HAWTREY, EDWARD CRAVEN, D.D. 1789-1862. 2 parts. S. & W. July 1853, June-July 1862. 16 days. L7048.
HAYTER, THOMAS, Bishop of London. 1702-1762. B. May 1757. 16 days. L1130.
HEATH, BENJAMIN, D.D. 1739-1817. See page 255.
HEATHCOTE, ROBERT. 5 parts. L.S. & S. [Anon.]. April, May, June 1802. L. & S. [Anon.] Feb. [Anon.] Dec. 1805. 16 days. L7684.
HEBER, RICHARD. 1773-1833. See page 341.
HENLEY, JOHN ('Orator'). 1692-1756 MSS. Paterson. June 1759.
HERMAN, HENRY. 2 parts. S.W. & H. May 1883 Jan. 1885. 3 days, L2401.
HIBBERT, GEORGE. 1757-1837. See page 302.
HIGGS, WILLIAM SIMONDS. S. & S. April 1830. 3 days. L1838.
HILL, THOMAS. 1760-1840. 2 parts. L. & S. June 1811. E. March 1841. 25 days. L2846.
HOARE, SIR RICHARD COLT, Bart. 1758-1838. (Stourhead Library.) See page 316.
HOBLYN, ROBERT. 1710-1756. B. & L. March 1778. 26 days. L1962.
HODGES, CHRISTOPHER. E. March 1814. 3 days. L2046.
HODGSON, WILLIAM. S. March 1824. 6 days. L2079.
HOLLAND, LANCELOT, and HENRY. S. & W. July 1860. 6 days. L4475.
HOPE, ADRIAN. S.W. & H. April 1896. 5 days. L3551.
HOPE, HENRY P. L. & S. Feb.-March 1813. 18 days. L3837.
HOPETOUN, EARL OF. (Hopetoun House Library.) S.W. & H. Feb. 1889. 4 days. L6117.
HORSLEY, SAMUEL, Bishop of St. Asaph. 1733-1806. L. & S. May 1807. 9 days. L1822.
HOWARD, HENRY. C.M. & W. June 1898. 2 days. L3500.
HUNTER, JOHN. 4 parts. L. & S. Feb. 1805. [Anon.] [Feb.] 1808. [Anon.] Feb. 1813. E. May 1842. Part I. (with another). 5 days. L1523. Parts II., III., IV. 9 days. L2516.
HUNTER, WILLIAM. E. Feb. [1816]. 6 days. L1421.
HURD, PHILIP. 2 parts. E. March-April 1832, July-August 1845. 11 days. L7364.
HUTTON, JOHN. Paterson and Bristow. Oct.-Nov. 1764. 28 days.
[HUYBERS.] S. May 1818. 3 days. L2288.
INGLIS, JOHN BELLINGHAM. 1780-1870. See page 350.
JAMES, CHARLES. S. March 1819. 6 days. L1857.
JARMAN, JOHN BOYKETT. Illuminated Missals, etc. S.W. & H. June 1864. 1 day. L2331. Books. S.W. & H. June 1864. 1 day. L136.
JERSEY, EARL OF. (Osterley Park Library.) See page 172.
[JOHNSON, RICHARD.] L. & S. Dec. 1807. 12 days. L1948.
JOHNSON, DR. SAMUEL. 1709-1784. C. Feb. 1785. 4 days. L247.
KEMBLE, JOHN PHILIP. 1757-1823. E. Jan. 1821. 9 days. L2577. This sale did not include the collection of old plays, which were privately purchased by the Duke of Devonshire for L2000.
KERSHAW, JOHN. S.W. & H. July 1877. 6 days. L2099.
KING, EDWARD. 1735-1807. L. & S. Feb. 1808. 8 days. L2423.
KNIGHT, EDWARD. E. May 1821. 10 days. L2415.
LAING, DAVID. 1793-1878. See page 378.
LAKE, SIR JAMES WINTER, Bart. Stewart. March 1808. 15 days. L1855.
LAMBERT, JOHN. L. & S. June 1808. 4 days. L1568.
LANG, ROBERT. E. Nov. 1828. 11 days. L2837.
LANSDOWNE, MARQUESS OF. 1737-1805. See page 251.
LARKING, JOHN WINGFIELD. 1801-1891. S.W. & H. April 1892. 3 days. L3925.
LAWRENCE, EDWIN HENRY. S.W. & H. May 1892. 4 days. L7409.
LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS. 1769-1830. S. & S. June 1830. 4 days. L1020.
LEIGHTON, LORD. 1830-1896. C.M. & W. July 1896. 2 days. L631.
LE NEVE, PETER. 1661-1729. See page 149.
LETHERLAND, JOSEPH, M.D. 1699-1764. B. March-April 1765. 22 days.
LETTSOM, JOHN COAKLEY, M.D. 1744-1815. 2 parts. L. & S. March-April 1811, April 1816. 11 days. L3565.
LEWIS, JOHN DELAWARE. 1828-1884. 2 parts. S.W. & H. June 1866, May 1868. 4 days. L3257.
[LITTLEDALE, A.] S. June 1820. 5 days. L1606.
LITTLEDALE, EDWARD. E. July 1837. 10 days. L1750.
LLOYD, CHARLES, Bishop of Oxford. 1784-1829. S. July 1829. 5 days. L1538.
LLOYD, THOMAS. S. July 1819. 6 days. L2035.
LORT, MICHAEL, D.D. 1725-1790. 2 parts. L. & S. April, May 1791. 25 days. L1269.
LUTTRELL, NARCISSUS. 1657-1732. See page 141.
LYSONS, REV. DANIEL. 1762-1834. Part I. E. March 1828 (with others). 3 days. L2093. Part II. E. Nov. 1834. 1 day. L451 (including remaining copies of Lysons's Reliquiae Britannico-Romanae).
LYSONS, SAMUEL. 1763-1819. E. June 1820. 8 days.
MACKENZIE, JOHN MANSFIELD. S.W. & H. March 1889. 8 days. L7072.
MACKINTOSH, SIR JAMES. 1765-1832. E. Nov. 1832. 9 days. L1797.
MAIDMENT, JAMES. 1795-1879. Chapman and Son (Edinburgh). April-May 1880. 15 days.
MAINSTONE, JAMES. L. & S. April-May 1800. 13 days. L1175.
MAITLAND, THOMAS, LORD DUNDRENNAN. 1792-1851. Tait and Nisbet (Edinburgh). Dec. 1851. 9 days. L2395.
MAKELLAR, REV. WILLIAM. S.W. & H. Nov. 1898. 11 days. L11,118.
MALKIN, BENJAMIN HEATH. 1769-1842. E. March 1828. 7 days, L3539.
MALONE, EDMOND. 1741-1812. S. Nov.-Dec. 1818. 8 days. L1648. The Early English portion of his library was presented to the Bodleian Library, Oxford, by his brother.
MARLBOROUGH, DUKE OF. 1766-1840. (White Knights Library.) See page 327.
MARSH, JOHN FITCHETT. 1818-1880. S.W. & H. May 1882. 9 days. L2809.
MASON, GEORGE. 1735-1806. 4 parts. L. & S. Jan., May, Nov. 1798; April 1799. 11 days. L2661.
MATHEWS, CHARLES. 1776-1835. (Theatrical Library, Portraits, etc.) S. & S. Aug. 1835. 4 days. L947.
MATHIAS, THOMAS JAMES. 1754-1835. E. April 1820. 12 days.
MEAD, RICHARD, M.D. 1673-1754. See page 163.
MIDDLETON, CONYERS, D.D. 1683-1750. B. March 1751. 10 days.
[MIDGELEY.] Robert Saunders (London). Feb. 1818. 6 days.
MILLS, GEORGE GALWEY. Jeffery. Feb.-March 1800. 13 days. L4319.
MILNER, JOHN. E. May 1829. 3 days. L1236.
MITFORD, REV. JOHN. 1781-1859. 3 parts. S. & W. Dec. 1859; April-May, July 1860. 20 days. L4846.
MONRO, JOHN, M.D. 1715-1791. L. & S. April-May 1792. 15 days. L1650.
MORRIS, WILLIAM. 1835-1896. See page 423.
NARES, REV. ROBERT. 1753-1829. E. Nov.-Dec. 1829. 8 days. L1286.
NASH, JOHN. 1752-1835. E. July 1835. 5 days. L1748.
NASSAU, GEORGE RICHARD SAVAGE. 1756-1823. 2 parts. E. Feb., March 1824. 20 days. L8505.
NAYLER, SIR GEORGE. 1764-1831. (Heraldic books and MSS.) 2 parts. S. & S. April, July 1832. 5 days. L1991.
NAYLOR, F. Autographs, etc. S.W. & H. July-Aug. 1885. 6 days. L2710.
NICHOLS, JOHN. 1745-1826. 3 parts. S. April, May 1828. S. & W. July 1856. 7 days. L1833.
NICHOLS, JOHN BOWYER. 1779-1863. 2 parts. S.W. & H. May, Dec. 1864. 11 days. L6174.
NICHOLS, JOHN GOUGH. 1806-1873. 2 parts. S.W. & H. Dec. 1874, April 1879. 9 days. L2313.
NICHOLSON, ALEXANDER. E. Feb. 1830. 3 days. L1468.
NICOLAY, FREDERICK. L. & S. Nov.-Dec. 1809. 8 days. L1101.
NORFOLK, DUKE OF. 1746-1815. 3 parts. E. Nov.-Dec. [1816], March [1817], Dec. 1821. Part I. 8 days. L1777.
NORTH, JOHN. 3 parts. E. March-May 1819. 25 days. L12,707.
OFFOR, GEORGE. 1787-1864. S.W. & H. June-July 1865. 11 days. First two days, L2901. On the third morning of the sale a fire occurred, which so far damaged the remainder that the salvage was sold to Mr. Henry Stevens for L300. The library is said to have been valued for probate at about L70,000.
ORD, CRAVEN. 1756-1832. 3 parts. E. June 1829, Jan. 1830, May 1832. Parts I. and III. 4 days. L3029. Part II. MSS. (with others). 5 days. L2654.
ORFORD, EARL OF. 1813-1894. S.W. & H. June 1895. 2 days. L2609.
ORME, ROBERT. 1728-1801. L. & S. April-May 1796. 10 days. L1179.
ORMEROD, GEORGE. 1785-1873. S.W. & H. Aug. 1875. 5 days. L2199.
OUVRY, FREDERIC. 1814-1881. S.W. & H. March-April 1882. 6 days. L6169.
[PARKER, WILLIAM.] E. June 1820. 5 days. L2460.
PARR, REV. SAMUEL. 1747-1825. 2 parts. E. May, Oct.-Nov. 1828. 15 days. L2720.
PARRIS, P.C. L. & S. May 1815. 5 days. L1302.
PARTON, JOHN. E. June 1822. 4 days. L1736.
PEARSON, THOMAS. 1740-1781. T. and J. Egerton (London). April-May 1788. 23 days. L1807.
PEEL, SIR ROBERT (Peel Heirlooms). Robinson and Fisher. June 1900. 4 days. L5883 (including autographs).
PENN, GRANVILLE. 1761-1844. 2 parts. S. & W. June 1851. [Anon.] July-Aug. 1851. 10 days. L8471.
PENRHYN, LORD. 1737-1808. L. & S. March 1809. 5 days. L1188.
PERKINS, FREDERICK. 1780-1860. See page 348.
PERKINS, HENRY. 1778-1855. See page 346.
PERRY, JAMES. 1756-1821. 4 parts. E. March-May 1822. Feb. 1823. 27 days. L7400.
PETIT, LOUIS HAYES. 1774-1849. S.W. & H. April-May 1869. 14 days. L2937.
PHILIPS, NATHANIEL. 1795-1831. E. March 1837. 2 days. L1464.
PHILLIPPS, SIR THOMAS, Bart. 1792-1872. See page 370.
PHILLIPS, GEORGE. E. Feb. 1818. 5 days. L1113.
[PITT, WILLIAM.] L. & S. Jan. 1808. 4 days. L1239.
POLLOCK, WILLIAM. E. March 1818. 3 days. L1823.
PORSON, RICHARD. 1759-1808. L. & S. June 1809. 7 days. L1254.
PREST, WILLIAM. S. June 1819. 6 days. L2032.
PRICE, SIR CHARLES RUGGE, Bart. S.W. & H. Feb. 1867. 7 days. L3439.
PRICE, LAKE. S.W. & H. March 1880. 2 days. L1915.
PRINCE, REV. SAMUEL. S.W. & H. Dec. 1865. 4 days. L1902.
PRYCE, REV. D.F. S. March 1824. 3 days. L1146.
RAINE, MATTHEW, D.D. 1760-1811. L. & S. Feb.-March 1812. 13 days. L2794. Aldine and classical books bequeathed to Trinity College, Cambridge.
RANDOLPH, JOHN, Bishop of London. 1749-1813. E. April 1814. 8 days. L2046.
RATCLIFFE, JOHN. -1776. C. March-April 1776. 9 evenings. L1105.
RAWLINSON, DR. RICHARD. 1690-1755. See page 191.
RAWLINSON, THOMAS. 1681-1725. See page 178.
REED, ISAAC. 1742-1807. See page 269.
REEVES, JOHN. 1752-1829. S. & S. Sept. 1831. 10 days. L1859.
REID, HUGH GALBRAITH. 2 parts. S.W. & H. May 1894. 12 days. L3466.
RENDORP, JOHN. S. Feb.-Mar. 1825. 8 days. L2522.
RENNIE, JOHN. 2 parts. E. July 1829. 11 days. L5169. Remainder. E. March 1833 (with others). 5 days. L2130.
RHODES, ABRAHAM. S. Feb. 1817. 3 days. L1328.
RHODES, WILLIAM BARNES. 1772-1826. S. April 1825. 10 days. L1751.
RIDGWAY, JOSEPH. 2 parts. S.W. & H. May, June 1879. 5 days. L2011 (including autographs).
ROBERTS, EDWARD WALPOLE. S. March 1828. 4 days. L1343 (including the Numismatic Library of his son Barre Charles Roberts).
ROGERS, SAMUEL. 1763-1855. C. & M. May 1856. 6 days. L1415.
ROSCOE, WILLIAM. 1753-1831. Winstanley (Liverpool). Aug.-Sept. 1816. 14 days. L5150.
ROUPELL, ROBERT P. S.W. & H. July 1870. 5 days. L2089.
ROXBURGHE, DUKE OF. 1740-1804. See page 261.
RUSSELL, REV. JOHN FULLER. 1814-1884. 2 parts. S.W. & H. June 1885, Feb. 1886. 9 days. L9485.
RUTHERFORD, ANDREW, LORD RUTHERFORD, 1791-1854. Nisbet (Edinburgh). March-April 1855. 11 days. L6886.
SALA, GEORGE AUGUSTUS HENRY. 1828-1895. S.W. & H. July 1895. 4 days. L851.
SAUNDERS, WILLIAM WILSON. 1809-1879. 2 parts. S.W. & H. Aug. 1873, March 1880. 4 days. L2543.
SAVILE, SIR JOHN. 1545-1607. (With Sir Henry Savile, 1549-1622, and Sir John Savile, 1556-1630.) 2 parts. S. & W. Dec. 1860, Feb. 1861. 3 days. L5844.
SCHARF, SIR GEORGE. S.W. & H. Feb. 1896. 4 days. L1304
SCOTT, SIR CLAUDE, Bart. E. June 1831. 6 days. L4137.
SCOTT, GEORGE. 1751-1780. L. & S. March 1781. 16 days.
SEAFORD, LORD. 1771-1845. E. June 1832. 4 days. L1551.
SEDGWICK, WILLIAM. L. & S. April 1811. 4 days. L1107.
SELSEY, LORD. S.W. & H. June 1872. 9 days. L4297.
[SHEEPSHANKS.] S.& S. May 1834. 5 days. L2679.
SHELDON, RALPH. 1623-1684. (Weston Library.) See page 110.
SHREWSBURY, EARL OF. S. & W. June-July 1857. 12 days. L2901. Remainder and imperfect books. S. & W. May 1858. 1 day. L164.
SIMEON, SIR JOHN, Bart. S.W. & H. March 1871. 9 days. L3509.
SIMES, N.P. S.W. & H. July 1886. 6 days. L4621.
SKAIFE, JOHN, M.D. S.W. & H. Feb. 1883. 5 days. L2710.
SLADE, FELIX. 1790-1868. S.W. & H. Aug. 1868. 6 days. L5718. Selection of MSS. and ancient bindings bequeathed to the British Museum.
SMITH, GEORGE. S.W. & H. July-Aug. 1867. 22 days. L9817.
SMITH, JOSEPH. 1682-1770. See page 185.
SMITH, RICHARD. 1590-1675. See page 94.
SMITH, THOMAS. S. May 1825. 8 days. L1583.
SMYTH, SIR ROBERT, Bart. L. & S. April 1809. 6 days. L1499.
SOUTHEY, ROBERT. 1774-1843. S. & W. May 1844. 16 days. L2933.
SOUTHGATE, REV. RICHARD. 1729-1795. L. & S. April-May 1795. 12 days. L1332.
SPENCER, GEORGE JOHN, EARL. 1758-1834. See page 312.
SPLIDT, PHILIP. L. & S. Feb. 1814. 6 days. L1440.
STANLEY, COLONEL. E. April-May 1813. 8 days. L8233.
STEEVENS, GEORGE. 1736-1800. See page 242.
STEPHENSON, G.H. S.W. & H. June-July 1899. 2 days. L1915.
STRANGE, JOHN. 1732-1799. L.S. & S. March-April 1801. 29 days.
STRETTELL, AMOS. 2 parts. E. Feb.-March 1820, May 1841. 11 days. L3023.
STUART, JAMES ALEXANDER. L. & S. June-July 1814. 16 days. L1393.
STUART, WILLIAM. C.M. & W. March 1895. 1 day. L4296.
SULLIVAN, SIR EDWARD, Bart. 1822-1885. 3 parts. S.W. & H. May-June 1900. 21 days. L11,002.
SUSSEX, DUKE OF. 1773-1843. See page 12.
SYKES, SIR MARK MASTERMAN, Bart. 1771-1823. See page 335.
TALBOT, SIR CHARLES, Bart. L. & S. May 1814. 6 days L2191.
TAYLOR, GEORGE WATSON. 2 parts. E. March, April 1823. 14 days. L8776.
TAYLOR, REV. HENRY. S. June 1822. 9 days. L1169.
TAYLOR, SIR SIMON, Bart. E. June 1833. 2 days. L1607.
TAYLOUR, JOHN. L. & S. June-July 1793. 24 days. L1023.
TEBBS, HENRY VIRTUE. S.W. & H. June 1900. 2 days. L1468.
TENISON, ARCHBISHOP. 1623-1715. 2 parts. S. & W. June, July 1861. 7 days. L3089.
THOMAS, THOMAS. E. Nov.-Dec. 1843. 3 days. L1360.
THOMPSON, SIR ALEXANDER. S. Dec. 1817. 5 days. L1648.
THOMPSON, SIR PETER. E. April-May 1815. 5 days. L1376.
THORNHILL, SIR THOMAS, Bart. S.W. & H. April 1889. 2 days. L2030.
THOROLD, SIR JOHN, Bart. 1734-1815. (Syston Park Library.) See page 234.
TITE, SIR WILLIAM. 1798-1873. See page 393.
TOWNELEY, JOHN. 1731-1813. See pages 229 and 231.
TOWNSHEND, GEORGE, MARQUESS OF. 1755-1811. L. & S. May 1812. 16 days. L5745.
TUER, ANDREW WHITE. S.W. & H. July 1900. 1 day. L600.
TUFFEN, J.F. 2 parts. S. March 1818. Feb. 1821. 18 days. L2866.
TURNBULL, WILLIAM BARCLAY DAVID DONALD. 1811-1863. First library. Nov. 1851. 14 days. Second library. S. & W. Nov.-Dec. 1863. 6 days. L2779.
TURNER, DAWSON. 1775-1858. Library. 2 parts. S. & W. March 1853. P. & S. May 1859. 21 days. L6902. MSS. and Autographs. P. & S. June 1859. 5 days. L6558.
TURNER, ROBERT SAMUEL. 1818-1887. See page 416.
TYSSEN, SAMUEL. L.S. & S. Dec. 1801. 13 days. L1744.
UTTERSON, EDWARD VERNON. 1776-1856. 2 parts. S. & W. April 1852. March 1857. 15 days. L9601.
VALPY, REV. R. E. June-July 1832. 10 days. L2045.
VAN MILDERT, WILLIAM, Bishop of Durham. 1765-1836. Wheatley. June 1836. 10 days.
VINCENT, WILLIAM, D.D. 1739-1815. E. March [1816]. 6 days. L1077.
WAKEFIELD, REV. GILBERT. 1756-1801. L.S. & S. March-April 1802. 7 days. L1215.
WALKER, T. SHADFORD. S.W. & H. June 1886. 2 days. L4461.
WALPOLE, HORACE, Earl of Orford. 1717-1797. (Strawberry Hill Library.) See page 214.
WALTON, BRIAN, Bishop of Chester. 1600-1661. Samuel Carr (London). April 1683.
WAY, BENJAMIN. E. May-June 1834. 3 days. L1111.
WAY, GREGORY LEWIS. 2 parts. S.W. & H. July 1881, March 1884. 2 days. L3056.
WEAVER, HAROLD BAILLIE. 2 parts. S.W. & H. Dec. 1897. C.M. & W. March 1898. 5 days. L6575.
WEBB, PHILIP CARTERET. 1700-1770. B. & L. Feb.-March 1771. 17 days.
WELLESLEY, MARQUESS. 1760-1842. E. Jan. 1843. 4 days. L1217.
WELLESLEY, HENRY, D.D. 1791-1866. 2 parts. S.W. & H. Aug., Nov. 1866. 16 days. L4821.
WELLS, JOHN. E. Sept. 1841. 6 days. L1341.
WEST, JAMES. 1704?-1772. See page 205.
WHELER, BENJAMIN, D.D. B. & L. Nov. [1772]. 10 days.
WILBRAHAM, R.W. S.W. & H. June 1898. 3 days. L3231.
WILBRAHAM, ROGER. E. June 1829. 6 days. L1000.
[WILKES, J.]. S. & W. March 1847. 11 days. L6533.
WILKINSON, GEORGE. E. July 1836. 3 days. L2984.
WILLETT, RALPH. 1719-1795. (Merly Library.) See page 216.
[WILLIAM IV.]. 1765-1837. E. Feb. 1837. 7 days. L1932 (including prints).
WILLIAMS, REV. THEODORE. 2 parts. Stewart, Wheatley and Adlard. April-May 1827. 15 days.
WILLS, HOWELL. S.W. & H. July 1894. 6 days. L8204.
WINDHAM, JOSEPH. 1739-1810. L. & S. Feb. 1811. 12 days. L4269.
WINDUS, BENJAMIN GODFREY. S.W. & H. March 1868. 4 days. L2988.
WODHULL, MICHAEL. 1740-1816. See page 265.
WOODFORD, EMPEROR JOHN ALEXANDER. L. & S. May 1809. 11 days. L4572.
WOODHOUSE, JOHN. L. & S. Dec. 1803. 5 days. L3135.
WORSLEY, BENJAMIN, D.D. (With others.) John Dunmore and Richard Chiswell. May 1678, 'daily until all be sold.'
WREN, SIR CHRISTOPHER. 1632-1723. Cock and Langford. Oct. 1748. 2 evenings.
WRIGHT, WILLIAM. S.W. & H. June 1899. 3 days. L8685.
WYNNE, EDWARD. 1734-1784. L. & S. March 1786. 12 days. L1066.
YATES, EDMUND. 1831-1894. S.W. & H. Jan. 1895. 2 days. L968.
YORK, DUKE OF. 1763-1827. Library. S. May 1827. 22 days. L4703. Maps, charts, etc. S. July 1827. 4 days. L1014.
YOUNG, ALEXANDER. S.W. & H. June 1890. 3 days. L2238.
YOUNG, JOHN. Library. S.W. & H. April 1875. 2 days. L807. Autograph letters and historical documents. 2 parts. S.W. & H. [Anon.]. April-May 1869, April 1875. 10 days. L5525.
Printed by T. and A. CONSTABLE, (late) Printers to Her Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press