Richelieu and Canada, 288.
Roberval, colony, 285.
Robinson, John, character, 155; in Leyden, 157; remains there, 160; death, 172.
Rolfe, John, marries Pocahontas, 72; plants tobacco, 75; secretary of state, 77.
Roxbury, settled, 198; emigration to Springfield, 247.
Russia, English voyages, 8.
Sable Island, attempted settlements, 284, 286.
Saco, settlement, 273; and Plough patent, 277; submits to Massachusetts, 280.
St. Croix, French settlement reduced, 72, 149, 289.
St. Mary's, founded, 127.
Salem (Naumkeag), settled, 175, 183; Endicott at, 186; named, 186; sickness, 186, 195; and Roger Williams, 213-217.
Saltonstall, Sir Richard, agrees to emigrate, 193; attempted settlement, 248.
Sandys, Sir Edwin, in London Company, policy, 76, 78; treasurer, 81; enterprise, 82; royal opposition, 82; and Charles I., 91.
Say and Sele, Lord, grant, 248; buys Dover, 268, 271.
Saybrook, founded, 249, 259; sold to Connecticut, 260.
Scarboro, grant of site, 274; submits to Massachusetts, 281.
Scrivener, Matthew, in Virginia, 54, 57; death, 57.
Separatism, rise, 154; refuge in Holland, 154-156. See also Congregationalism, Pilgrims.
Servants, in Virginia, 100, 115; in Maryland, 128.
Sheriff, in Maryland, 129.
Ship-building, New England, 322.
Slave-trade, English, 8-10.
Slavery, introduction, 81; social influence, 116, 147.
Smith, John, Virginia settler, 43; career, 43; rescued by Pocahontas, 46-48; arrested, 49; in council, 49; cape merchant, 51; supplies from Indians, 52; captured, 52; condemned by Ratcliffe, 52; restored, 53; president, 54; answer to company's complaints, 57; maps, 57, 150; sole ruler, 57, 63; avoids famine, 58; deposed, 64: leaves, 64; on coast of New England, 150; attempted settlement, 150; captured by French, 151; service to New England, 152.
Smith, Sir Thomas, buys trade right, 31; in London Company, 76, 78, 81.
Social conditions, slavery, 81, 116, 147; servants, 100, 115, 128; Virginia (1634), 101-103; (1648), 110; houses, 114; hospitality, 115; absence of towns, 115, 129; Virginia education, 116, 117; Maryland (1652), 147; New England criminal codes, 180, 203, 326; influence of Calvinism, 321; New England towns, 322, 323; education, 323-325; marriage, 326; sumptuary laws, 326; general characteristics, 326; literature, 327; bibliography, 338.
Somers, Sir George, at Bermudas, 62; death, 68.
Sources, on period 1574-1652, 329-331; on Virginia, 331, 332; on Maryland, 333; on Plymouth and Massachusetts, 334; on Rhode Island, 335; on Connecticut and New Haven, 335; on New Hampshire and Maine, 336; on New Netherland, 336, 337; on French colonies, 337.
Southampton, earl of, in London Company, 34, 35, 77, 82.
Southampton, joins Connecticut, 259; settled, 296.
Southold, union with New Haven, 265; settled, 296.
Spain, decay, 3; influence of colonial empire, 4; religious influences, 4; English rivalry, 5; and Drake's attacks, 13; attacks Gilbert's expedition, 16; English war, 28-30, 35; Armada, 30; power destroyed, 30; and English colonies, 36, 60, 74, 283, 284. See also colonies.
Springfield, settled, 247; and river-tolls, 305.
Standish, Miles, Separatist, in Leyden, 158; exploration, 161; suppresses Merry Mount, 175.
Stone, William, governor of Maryland, 143, 144; removed and restored, 147.
Stuyvesant, Peter, and New England Confederation, 312; treaty, 313, 314.
Suffrage, Virginia, 116; Plymouth, 180; Massachusetts, 202, 210, 211, 243, 319; Connecticut, 258; New Haven, 262-264; New Hampshire, 271.
Taxation and representation in Virginia, 90, 96, 113.
Theocracy in New England, 200-202, 258, 262-264.
Thompson, David, settlements, 175, 267.
Tobacco, Raleigh introduces, 26; cultivation begun, 75; growth of trade, 83, 92; duty, 83, 93; monopoly, 86, 93; fall in price, 103; legislation, 103; in Maryland, 128.
Towns, absence in Virginia, 115; and in Maryland, 129; government in Plymouth, 180; unit in New England, 322; meetings, 323; selectmen, 323; business 323.
Trade, English, development (1550), 8; slave-trade, 8-10; direction under Mary, 9; Hawkins's voyages, 9; tobacco, 83, 86, 92, 103; Virginia, 100, 103; fur, 168, 286, 287, 291, 293; New England, 322.
Travel, New England conditions (1652), 322.
Treaties, St. Germain (1632), 290; Hartford (1650), 314.
Twiller, Wouter van, and claim to Connecticut, 242; governor of New Netherland, 293; and Eelkens, 294; recalled, 296.
Uncas, captures and slays Miantonomoh, 233; policy, 240, 302.
Underhill, John, at Dover, 269; and Dutch, 269.
Union, Rhode Island, 230, 237; Connecticut, 250; New Haven, 264; New Hampshire, 270, 272; Maine, 278. See also New England Confederation.
Vane, Sir Harry, governor of Massachusetts, 200; and Antinomian controversy, 220-223; defeated, 224; returns to England, 225.
Verrazzano, John, voyage, 284.
Virginia, Raleigh's charter, 22; exploring expedition, 22, 23; named, 23; Raleigh's attempted settlement, 23-28, 31, 32; charter, 36-38; and Spain, 36, 60, 74, 283; boundaries, 37; regulations for settlement, 42; settlers, 42; topography, 43; Indians, 44-49; voyage, 49; quarrel, 49; first officers, 49; relation with Indians, 49, 51, 68, 71; Jamestown founded, 50; suffering and dissensions, 50-54, 58, 63-66, 69, 74, 84; search for gold, 51, 53, 56, 69; Smith's enterprise, 51, 52, 54; First Supply, 52; cargoes, 53, 54, 57; Second Supply, 55; first marriage and birth, 55; company's instructions (1608), 55; Powhatan crowned, 56; search for Raleigh's colony, 56; answer to company, 57; map, 57; Argall's relief, 59, 63; new charter, 59-61; gentlemen settlers, causes of calamities, 59; communism, 59; absolute governor, 61; Third Supply, 61-63; Starving Time, 66; abandonment decided upon, 67; Delaware's timely arrival, 67, 68; his administration, 68-70; deputy governors, 70; Dale's rule, 70-74; expeditions against Acadia, 72; communism abolished, 73; in 1616, 74; tobacco planting begins, 75; third charter, 76; company's policy, 76; Argall's tyranny, 77, 78; land division, 77, 79; charter of privileges, 78; Yardley governor, 78, 79; in 1619, 78; private associations, 79; representation, 79, 92-94, 123; church of England, 80, 106; first assembly, 80; first negro slaves, 81; cargo of maidens, 81; tobacco trade and regulation, 83, 86, 92, 103; prosperity, 84, 102; first massacre, 85; commission to investigate, 87; charter voided, 88; loyalty to company, 89; taxation and representation, 90, 96, 113; royal control, 90, 91, 95, 96; policy of James I., 91; population (1629), 93; (1635), 100; (1652), 114; Harvey's rule, 93, 96; deposed and reinstated, 97-99, 136; northern expansion, 94; and Maryland charter, 96, 120-123; Wyatt governor, 99, 104; servants, 100, 115; trade (1635), 100; settlements (1634), 101, 102; (1652), 113, 114; continued mortality, 102, 104; corn trade, 103; parliamentary charter, 105; Berkeley governor, 105; petition against charter, 105; loyalty to king, 105, 111; Puritans, 106, 108, 109; second massacre, 107; peace, 108; cavalier immigration, 109, 111; improved ministry, 110; in 1648, 110; and parliamentary commission, 111-113; control by burgesses, 113; houses, 114; hospitality, 115; absence of towns, 115; democracy, 116; influence of slavery, 116; education, 116, 117; and Baltimore, 119; origin of laws, 123; claim to Kent Island, 134-138; and Dutch on Delaware, 294; bibliography, 331. See also London Company.
Voyages, Cabot (1497, 1498), 6; Prado (1527), 7; Hore (1535), 7; Willoughby (1553), 8; English, to Russia, 8; Drake (1577-1580), 12; Cavendish (1586), 13; Frobisher (1376-1578), 14; Davis (1585-1587), 15; Barlow and Amidas (1584), 22, 23; Denys (1506), 284; Aubert (1508), 284; Verrazzano (1524), 284; Cartier (1534-1536), 284; Alefonse (1542), 285; Hudson (1609), 291; bibliography, 329, 330.
Walker, John, voyage, 17.
Wars, Spanish-English (1588), 28-30, 35; Pequot (1637), 251-257; English-French (1627), 289, 290; English-Dutch (1652), 315.
Warwick, earl of, in London Company, 76, 81; grant, 185, 239.
Warwick settled, 230, 233-235.
Watertown, settled, 198; restless, 242; migration to Connecticut, 245, 246; settles Wethersfield, 246.
Welles, founded, 272; submits to Massachusetts, 280.
West, Francis, in Virginia, 55, 92; and fishermen, 168.
West Indies, Spain and England in, 284. Wethersfield, settled, 247; Indian attack, 254.
Weymouth, George, voyage, 35.
Weymouth (Wessagusset), settlement, 166, 168.
Wheelwright, John, and Antinomianism, 220-224; banished, 226; at Dover, 269; settles Exeter, 269; founds Welles, 272; return to Massachusetts, 272.
White, Andrew, Jesuit, in Maryland, 126; sent to England, 141.
White, John, water-colors, 26; governor of Raleigh's colony, 27, 28; attempted relief, 31.
White, Rev. John, and Salem settlement, 183; pamphlet, 194.
Williams, Roger, in Massachusetts, 212; harsh creed, 213; objections, 213; in Plymouth, 213, 217, 218; and Indians, 213, 217, 251, 253; on land titles, 214; trial, 214, 215; objection to oaths, 215; and Salem, 216; banished, 216, 217; flight, 217; settles Providence, 218; secures patent, 235; triumphal return, 236; Baptist, 237; thwarts Coddington, 238.
Willoughby, Sir Hugh, voyage, 8.
Wilson, John, Congregationalist, 196; sermons, 218; and Antinomianism, 220, 223.
Windsor, Plymouth fort, 242; Dorchester settlers, 245-247.
Wingfield, E.M., in Virginia, 43, 49, 51-53, 54.
Winslow, Edward, Separatist, in Leyden, 158; agent in England, 206, 279.
Winthrop, John, agrees to emigrate, 193; governor, 193, 224; Congregationalist, 196; and Antinomian controversy, 220-228; character, death, 243, 321; and La Tour, 307.
Winthrop, John (2), theoretic governor, 249; settles New London, 260.
Wyatt, Sir Francis, governor of Virginia, 85, 90, 92, 99; commissioner, 95.
Yardley, Sir George, governor of Virginia, 70, 75, 78, 92; death, 92.
York (Agamenticus, Gorgeana), government, 275, 276; submits to Massachusetts, 280.