[Illustration: FIG. 66.—A, spore of the ostrich fern (Onoclea), with the outer coat removed. B, germinating spore, x 150. C, young prothallium, x 50. r, root hair. sp. spore membrane. D, E, older prothallia. a, apical cell, x 150. F, a female prothallium, seen from below, x 12. ar. archegonia. G, H, young archegonia, in optical section, x 150. o, central cell. b, ventral canal cell. c, upper canal cell. I, a ripe archegonium in the act of opening, x 150. o, egg cell. J, a male prothallium, x 50. an. antheridia. K, L, young antheridia, in optical section, x 300. M, ripe antheridium, x 300. sp. sperm cells. N, O, antheridia that have partially discharged their contents, x 300. P, spermatozoids, killed with iodine, x 500. v, vesicle attached to the hinder end.]
In choosing spores for germination it is best to select those of large size and containing abundant chlorophyll, as they germinate more readily. Especially favorable for this purpose are the spores of the ostrich fern (Onoclea struthiopteris) (Fig. 70, I, J), or the sensitive fern (O. sensibilis). Another common and readily grown species is the lady fern (Asplenium filixfoemina) (Fig. 70, H). The spores of most ferns retain their vitality for many months, and hence can be kept dry until wanted.
The first stages of germination may be readily seen by sowing the spores in water, where, under favorable circumstances, they will begin to grow within three or four days. The outer, dry, brown coat of the spore is first ruptured, and often completely thrown off by the swelling of the spore contents. Below this is a second colorless membrane which is also ruptured, but remains attached to the spore. Through the orifice in the second coat, the inner delicate membrane protrudes in the form of a nearly colorless papilla which rapidly elongates and becomes separated from the body of the spore by a partition, constituting the first root hair (Fig. 66, B, C, r). The body of the spore containing most of the chlorophyll elongates more slowly, and divides by a series of transverse walls so as to form a short row of cells, resembling in structure some of the simpler algae (C).
In order to follow the development further, spores must be sown upon earth, as they do not develop normally in water beyond this stage.
In studying plants grown on earth, they should be carefully removed and washed in a drop of water so as to remove, as far as possible, any adherent particles, and then may be mounted in water for microscopic examination.
In most cases, after three or four cross-walls are formed, two walls arise in the end cell so inclined as to enclose a wedge-shaped cell (a) from which are cut off two series of segments by walls directed alternately right and left (Fig. 66, D, E, a), the apical cell growing to its original dimensions after each pair of segments is cut off. The segments divide by vertical walls in various directions so that the young plant rapidly assumes the form of a flat plate of cells attached to the ground by root hairs developed from the lower surfaces of the cells, and sometimes from the marginal ones. As the division walls are all vertical, the plant is nowhere more than one cell thick. The marginal cells of the young segments divide more rapidly than the inner ones, and soon project beyond the apical cell which thus comes to lie at the bottom of a cleft in the front of the plant which in consequence becomes heart-shaped (E, F). Sooner or later the apical cell ceases to form regular segments and becomes indistinguishable from the other cells.
In the ostrich fern and lady fern the plants are dioecious. The male plants (Fig. 66, J) are very small, often barely visible to the naked eye, and when growing thickly form dense, moss-like patches. They are variable in form, some irregularly shaped, others simple rows of cells, and some have the heart shape of the larger plants.
The female plants (Fig. 66, F) are always comparatively large and regularly heart-shaped, occasionally reaching a diameter of nearly or quite one centimetre, so that they are easily recognizable without microscopical examination.
All the cells of the plant except the root hairs contain large and distinct chloroplasts much like those in the leaves of the moss, and like them usually to be found in process of division.
The archegonia arise from cells of the lower surface, just behind the notch in front (Fig. 66, F, ar.). Previous to their formation the cells at this point divide by walls parallel to the surface of the plant, so as to form several layers of cells, and from the lowest layer of cells the archegonia arise. They resemble those of the liverworts but are shorter, and the lower part is completely sunk within the tissues of the plant (Fig. 66, G, I). They arise as single surface cells, this first dividing into three by walls parallel to the outer surface. The lower cell undergoes one or two divisions, but undergoes no further change; the second cell (C, o), becomes the egg cell, and from it is cut off another cell (c), the canal cell of the neck; the uppermost of the three becomes the neck. There are four rows of neck cells, the two forward ones being longer than the others, so that the neck is bent backward. In the full-grown archegonium, there are two canal cells, the lower one (H, b) called the ventral canal cell, being smaller than the other.
Shortly before the archegonium opens, the canal cells become disorganized in the same way as in the bryophytes, and the protoplasm of the central cell contracts to form the egg cell which shows a large, central nucleus, and in favorable cases, a clear space at the top called the "receptive spot," as it is here that the spermatozoid enters. When ripe, if placed in water, the neck cells become very much distended and finally open widely at the top, the upper ones not infrequently being detached, and the remains of the neck cells are forced out (Fig. 66, I).
The antheridia (Fig. 66. J, M) arise as simple hemispherical cells, in which two walls are formed (K I, II), the lower funnel-shaped, the upper hemispherical and meeting the lower one so as to enclose a central cell (shaded in the figure), from which the sperm cells arise. Finally, a ring-shaped wall (L iii) is formed, cutting off a sort of cap cell, so that the antheridium at this stage consists of a central cell, surrounded by three other cells, the two lower ring-shaped, the upper disc-shaped. The central cell, which contains dense, glistening protoplasm, is destitute of chlorophyll, but the outer cells have a few small chloroplasts. The former divides repeatedly, until a mass of about thirty-two sperm cells is formed, each giving rise to a large spirally-coiled spermatozoid. When ripe, the mass of sperm cells crowds so upon the outer cells as to render them almost invisible, and as they ripen they separate by a partial dissolving of the division walls. When brought into water, the outer cells of the antheridium swell strongly, and the matter derived from the dissolved walls of the sperm cells also absorbs water, so that finally the pressure becomes so great that the wall of the antheridium breaks, and the sperm cells are forced out by the swelling up of the wall cells (N, O). After lying a few moments in the water, the wall of each sperm cell becomes completely dissolved, and the spermatozoids are released, and swim rapidly away with a twisting movement. They may be killed with a little iodine, when each is seen to be a somewhat flattened band, coiled several times. At the forward end, the coils are smaller, and there are numerous very long and delicate cilia. At the hinder end may generally be seen a delicate sac (P, v), containing a few small granules, some of which usually show the reaction of starch, turning blue when iodine is applied.
In studying the development of the antheridia, it is only necessary to mount the plants in water and examine them directly; but the study of the archegonia requires careful longitudinal sections of the prothallium. To make these, the prothallium should be placed between small pieces of pith, and the razor must be very sharp. It may be necessary to use a little potash to make the sections transparent enough to see the structure, but this must be used cautiously on account of the great delicacy of the tissues.
If a plant with ripe archegonia is placed in a drop of water, with the lower surface uppermost, and at the same time male plants are put with it, and the whole covered with a cover glass, the archegonia and antheridia will open simultaneously; and, if examined with the microscope, we shall see the spermatozoids collect about the open archegonia, to which they are attracted by the substance forced out when it opens. With a little patience, one or more may be seen to enter the open neck through which it forces itself, by a slow twisting movement, down to the egg cell. In order to make the experiment successful, the plants should be allowed to become a little dry, care being taken that no water is poured over them for a day or two beforehand.
The first divisions of the fertilized egg cell resemble those in the moss embryo, except that the first wall is parallel with the archegonium axis, instead of at right angles to it. Very soon, however, the embryo becomes very different, four growing points being established instead of the single one found in the moss embryo. The two growing points on the side of the embryo nearest the archegonium neck grow faster than the others, one of these outstripping the other, and soon becoming recognizable as the first leaf of the embryo (Fig. 67, A, L). The other (r) is peculiar, in having its growing point covered by several layers of cells, cut off from its outer face, a peculiarity which we shall find is characteristic of the roots of all the higher plants, and, indeed, this is the first root of the young fern. Of the other two growing points, the one next the leaf grows slowly, forming a blunt cone (st.), and is the apex of the stem. The other (f) has no definite form, and serves merely as an organ of absorption, by means of which nourishment is supplied to the embryo from the prothallium; it is known as the foot.
[Illustration: FIG. 67.—A, embryo of the ostrich fern just before breaking through the prothallium, x 50. st. apex of stem. l, first leaf. r, first root. ar. neck of the archegonium. B, young plant, still attached to the prothallium (pr.). C, underground stem of the maiden-hair fern (Adiantum), with one young leaf, and the base of an older one, x 1. D, three cross-sections of a leaf stalk: i, nearest the base; iii, nearest the blade of the leaf, showing the division of the fibro-vascular bundle, x 5. E, part of the blade of the leaf, x 1/2. F, a single spore-bearing leaflet, showing the edge folded over to cover the sporangia, x 1. G, part of the fibro-vascular bundle of the leaf stalk (cross-section), x 50. x, woody part of the bundle. y, bast. sh. bundle sheath. H, a small portion of the same bundle, x 150. I, stony tissue from the underground stem, x 150. J, sieve tube from the underground stem, x 300.]
Up to this point, all the cells of the embryo are much alike, and the embryo, like that of the bryophytes, is completely surrounded by the enlarged base of the archegonium (compare Fig. 67, A, with Fig. 55); but before the embryo breaks through the overlying cells a differentiation of the tissues begins. In the axis of each of the four divisions the cells divide lengthwise so as to form a cylindrical mass of narrow cells, not unlike those in the stem of a moss. Here, however, some of the cells undergo a further change; the walls thicken in places, and the cells lose their contents, forming a peculiar conducting tissue (tracheary tissue), found only in the two highest sub-kingdoms. The whole central cylinder is called a "fibro-vascular bundle," and in its perfect form, at least, is found in no plants below the ferns, which are also the first to develop true roots.
The young root and leaf now rapidly elongate, and burst through the overlying cells, the former growing downward and becoming fastened in the ground, the latter growing upward through the notch in the front of the prothallium, and increasing rapidly in size (Fig. 67, B). The leaf is more or less deeply cleft, and traversed by veins which are continuations of the fibro-vascular bundle of the stalk, and themselves fork once or twice. The surface of the leaf is covered with a well-developed epidermis, and the cells occupying the space between the veins contain numerous chloroplasts, so that the little plant is now quite independent of the prothallium, which has hitherto supported it. As soon as the fern is firmly established, the prothallium withers away.
Comparing this now with the development of the sporogonium in the bryophytes, it is evident that the young fern is the equivalent of the sporogonium or spore fruit of the former, being, like it, the direct product of the fertilized egg cell; and the prothallium represents the moss or liverwort, upon which are borne the sexual organs. In the fern, however, the sporogonium becomes entirely independent of the sexual plant, and does not produce spores until it has reached a large size, living many years. The sexual stage, on the other hand, is very much reduced, as we have seen, being so small as to be ordinarily completely overlooked; but its resemblance to the lower liverworts, like Riccia, or the horned liverworts, is obvious. The terms ooephyte (egg-bearing plant) and sporophyte (spore-bearing plant, or sporogonium) are sometimes used to distinguish between the sexual plant and the spore-bearing one produced from it.
The common maiden-hair fern (Adiantum pedatum) has been selected here for studying the structure of the full-grown sporophyte, but almost any other common fern will answer. The maiden-hair fern is common in rich woods, and may be at once recognized by the form of its leaves. These arise from a creeping, underground stem (Fig. 67, C), which is covered with brownish scales, and each leaf consists of a slender stalk, reddish brown or nearly black in color, which divides into two equal branches at the top. Each of these main branches bears a row of smaller ones on the outside, and these have a row of delicate leaflets on each side (Fig. 67, E). The stem of the plant is fastened to the ground by means of numerous stout roots. The youngest of these, near the growing point of the stem, are unbranched, but the older ones branch extensively (C).
On breaking the stem across, it is seen to be dark-colored, except in the centre, which is traversed by a woody cylinder (fibro-vascular bundle) of a lighter color. This is sometimes circular in sections, sometimes horse-shoe shaped. Where the stem branches, the bundle of the branch may be traced back to where it joins that of the main stem.
A thin cross-section of the stem shows, when magnified, three regions. First, an outer row of cells, often absent in the older portions; this is the epidermis. Second, within the epidermis are several rows of cells similar to the epidermal cells, but somewhat larger, and like them having dark-brown walls. These merge gradually into larger cells, with thicker golden brown walls (Fig. 67, I). The latter, if sufficiently magnified, show distinct striation of the walls, which are often penetrated by deep narrow depressions or "pits." This thick-walled tissue is called "stony tissue" (schlerenchyma). All the cells contain numerous granules, which the iodine test shows to be starch. All of this second region lying between the epidermis and the fibro-vascular bundle is known as the ground tissue. The third region (fibro-vascular) is, as we have seen without the microscope, circular or horse-shoe shaped. It is sharply separated from the ground tissue by a row of small cells, called the "bundle sheath." The cross-section of the bundle of the leaf stalk resembles, almost exactly, that of the stem; and, as it is much easier to cut, it is to be preferred in studying the arrangement of the tissues of the bundle (Fig. 67, G). Within the bundle sheath (sh.) there are two well-marked regions, a central band (x) of large empty cells, with somewhat angular outlines, and distinctly separated walls; and an outer portion (y) filling up the space between these central cells and the bundle sheath. The central tissue (x) is called the woody tissue (xylem); the outer, the bast (phloem). The latter is composed of smaller cells of variable form, and with softer walls than the wood cells.
A longitudinal section of either the stem or leaf stalk shows that all the cells are decidedly elongated, especially those of the fibro-vascular bundle. The xylem (Fig. 68, C, x) is made up principally of large empty cells, with pointed ends, whose walls are marked with closely set, narrow, transverse pits, giving them the appearance of little ladders, whence they are called "scalariform," or ladder-shaped markings. These empty cells are known as "tracheids," and tissue composed of such empty cells, "tracheary tissue." Besides the tracheids, there are a few small cells with oblique ends, and with some granular contents.
The phloem is composed of cells similar to the latter, but there may also be found, especially in the stem, other larger ones (Fig. 67, J), whose walls are marked with shallow depressions, whose bottoms are finely pitted. These are the so-called "sieve tubes."
For microscopical examination, either fresh or alcoholic material may be used, the sections being mounted in water. Potash will be found useful in rendering opaque sections transparent.
The leaves, when young, are coiled up (Fig. 67, C), owing to growth in the earlier stages being greater on the lower than on the upper side. As the leaf unfolds, the stalk straightens, and the upper portion (blade) becomes flat.
The general structure of the leaf stalk may be understood by making a series of cross-sections at different heights, and examining them with a hand lens. The arrangement is essentially the same as in the stem. The epidermis and immediately underlying ground tissue are dark-colored, but the inner ground tissue is light-colored, and much softer than the corresponding part of the stem; and some of the outer cells show a greenish color, due to the presence of chlorophyll.
The section of the fibro-vascular bundle differs at different heights. Near the base of the stalk (Fig. D i) it is horseshoe-shaped; but, if examined higher up, it is found to divide (II, III), one part going to each of the main branches of the leaf. These secondary bundles divide further, forming the veins of the leaflets.
The leaflets (E, F) are one-sided, the principal vein running close to the lower edge, and the others branching from it, and forking as they approach the upper margin, which is deeply lobed, the lobes being again divided into teeth. The leaflets are very thin and delicate, with extremely smooth surface, which sheds water perfectly. If the plant is a large one, some of the leaves will probably bear spores. The spore-bearing leaves are at once distinguished by having the middle of each lobe of the leaflets folded over upon the lower side (F). On lifting one of these flaps, numerous little rounded bodies (spore cases) are seen, whitish when young, but becoming brown as they ripen. If a leaf with ripe spore cases is placed upon a piece of paper, as it dries the spores are discharged, covering the paper with the spores, which look like fine brown powder.
[Illustration: FIG. 68.—A, vertical section of the leaf of the maiden-hair fern, which has cut across a vein (f.b.), x 150. B, surface view of the epidermis from the lower surface of a leaf. f, vein. p, breathing pore, x 150. C, longitudinal section of the fibro-vascular bundle of the leaf stalk, showing tracheids with ladder-shaped markings, x 150. D, longitudinal section through the tip of a root, x 150. a, apical cell. Pl. young fibro-vascular bundle. Pb. young ground tissue. E, cross-section of the root, through the region of the apical cell (a), x 150. F, cross-section through a full-grown root, x 25. r, root hairs. G, the fibro-vascular bundle of the same, x 150.]
A microscopical examination of the leaf stalk shows the tissues to be almost exactly like those of the stem, except the inner ground tissue, whose cells are thin-walled and colorless (soft tissue or "parenchyma") instead of stony tissue. The structure of the blade of the leaf, however, shows a number of peculiarities. Stripping off a little of the epidermis with a needle, or shaving off a thin slice with a razor, it may be examined in water, removing the air if necessary with alcohol. It is composed of a single layer of cells, of very irregular outline, except where it overlies a vein (Fig. 68, B, f). Here the cells are long and narrow, with heavy walls. The epidermal cells contain numerous chloroplasts, and on the under surface of the leaf breathing pores (stomata, sing. stoma), not unlike those on the capsules of some of the bryophytes. Each breathing pore consists of two special crescent-shaped epidermal cells (guard cells), enclosing a central opening or pore communicating with an air space below. They arise from cells of the young epidermis that divide by a longitudinal wall, that separates in the middle, leaving the space between.
By holding a leaflet between two pieces of pith, and using a very sharp razor, cross-sections can be made. Such a section is shown in Fig. 68, A. The epidermis (e) bounds the upper and lower surfaces, and if a vein (f.b.) is cut across its structure is found to be like that of the fibro-vascular bundle of the leaf stalk, but much simplified.
The ground tissue of the leaf is composed of very loose, thin-walled cells, containing numerous chloroplasts. Between them are large and numerous intercellular spaces, filled with air, and communicating with the breathing pores. These are the principal assimilating cells of the plant; i.e. they are principally concerned in the absorption and decomposition of carbonic acid from the atmosphere, and the manufacture of starch.
The spore cases, or sporangia (Fig. 69), are at first little papillae (A), arising from the epidermal cells, from which they are early cut off by a cross-wall. In the upper cell several walls next arise, forming a short stalk, composed of three rows of cells, and an upper nearly spherical cell—the sporangium proper. The latter now divides by four walls (B, C, i-iv), into a central tetrahedral cell, and four outer ones. The central cell, whose contents are much denser than the outer ones, divides again by walls parallel to those first formed, so that the young sporangium now consists of a central cell, surrounded by two outer layers of cells. From the central cell a group of cells is formed by further divisions (D), which finally become entirely separated from each other. The outer cells of the spore case divide only by walls, at right angles to their outer surface, so that the wall is never more than two cells thick. Later, the inner of these two layers becomes disorganized, so that the central mass of cells floats free in the cavity of the sporangium, which is now surrounded by but a single layer of cells (E).
Each of the central cells divides into four spores, precisely as in the bryophytes. The young spores (G, H) are nearly colorless and are tetrahedral (like a three-sided pyramid) in form. As they ripen, chlorophyll is formed in them, and some oil. The wall becomes differentiated into three layers, the outer opaque and brown, the two inner more delicate and colorless.
Running around the outside of the ripe spore case is a single row of cells (an.), differing from the others in shape, and having their inner walls thickened. Near the bottom, two (sometimes four) of these cells are wider than the others, and their walls are more strongly thickened. It is at this place (st.) that the spore case opens. When the ripe sporangium becomes dry, the ring of thickened cells (an.) contracts more strongly than the others, and acts like a spring pulling the sporangium open and shaking out the spores, which germinate readily under favorable conditions, and form after a time the sexual plants (prothallia).
The roots of the sporophyte arise in large numbers, the youngest being always nearest the growing point of the stem or larger roots (Fig. 67, C). The growing roots are pointed at the end which is also light-colored, the older parts becoming dark brown. A cross-section of the older portions shows a dark-brown ground tissue with a central, light-colored, circular, fibro-vascular bundle (Fig. 68, F). Growing from its outer surface are numerous brown root hairs (r).
When magnified the walls of all the outer cells (epidermis and ground tissue) are found to be dark-colored but not very thick, and the cells are usually filled with starch. There is a bundle sheath of much-flattened cells separating the fibro-vascular bundle from the ground tissue. The bundle (Fig. 68, G) shows a band of tracheary tissue in the centre surrounded by colorless cells, all about alike.
All of the organs of the fern grow from a definite apical cell, but it is difficult to study except in the root.
Selecting a fresh, pretty large root, a series of thin longitudinal sections should be made either holding the root directly in the fingers or placing it between pieces of pith. In order to avoid drying of the sections, as is indeed true in cutting any delicate tissue, it is a good plan to wet the blade of the razor. If the section has passed through the apex, it will show the structure shown in Figure 68, D. The apical cell (a) is large and distinct, irregularly triangular in outline. It is really a triangular pyramid (tetrahedron) with the base upward, which is shown by making a series of cross-sections through the root tip, and comparing them with the longitudinal sections. The cross-section of the apical cell (Fig. L) appears also triangular, showing all its faces to be triangles. Regular series of segments are cut off in succession from each of the four faces of the apical cell. These segments undergo regular divisions also, so that very early a differentiation of the tissues is evident, and the three tissue systems (epidermal, ground, and fibro-vascular) may be traced almost to the apex of the root (68, D). From the outer series of segments is derived the peculiar structure (root cap) covering the delicate growing point and protecting it from injury.
The apices of the stem and leaves, being otherwise protected, develop segments only from the sides of the apical cell, the outer face never having segments cut off from it.
There are three well-marked classes of the Pteridophytes: the ferns (Filicinae); horse-tails (Equisetinae); and the club mosses (Lycopodinae).
CLASS I.—FERNS (Filicinae).
The ferns constitute by far the greater number of pteridophytes, and their general structure corresponds with that of the maiden-hair fern described. There are three orders, of which two, the true ferns (Filices) and the adder-tongues (Ophioglossaceae), are represented in the United States. A third order, intermediate in some respects between these two, and called the ringless ferns (Marattiaceae), has no representatives within our territory.
The classification is at present based largely upon the characters of the sporophyte, the sexual plants being still very imperfectly known in many forms.
The adder-tongues (Ophioglossaceae) are mostly plants of rather small size, ranging from about ten to fifty centimetres in height. There are two genera in the United States, the true adder-tongues (Ophioglossum) and the grape ferns (Botrychium). They send up but one leaf each year, and this in fruiting specimens (Fig. 70, A) is divided into two portions, the spore bearing (x) and the green vegetative part. In Botrychium the leaves are more or less deeply divided, and the sporangia distinct (Fig. 71, B). In Ophioglossum the sterile division of the leaf is usually smooth and undivided, and the spore-bearing division forms a sort of spike, and the sporangia are much less distinct. The sporangia in both differ essentially from those of the true ferns in not being derived from a single epidermal cell, but are developed in part from the ground tissue of the leaf.
In the true ferns (Filices), the sporangia resemble those already described, arising in all (unless possibly Osmunda) from a single epidermal cell.
One group, the water ferns (Rhizocarpeae), produce two kinds of spores, large and small. The former produce male, the latter female prothallia. In both cases the prothallium is small, and often scarcely protrudes beyond the spore, and may be reduced to a single archegonium or antheridium (Fig. 71, B, C) with only one or two cells representing the vegetative cells of the prothallium (v). The water ferns are all aquatic or semi-aquatic plants, few in number and scarce or local in their distribution. The commonest are those of the genus Marsilia (Fig. 71, A), looking like a four-leaved clover. Others (Salvinia, Azolla) are floating forms (Fig. 71, D).
Of the true ferns there are a number of families distinguished mainly by the position of the sporangia, as well as by some differences in their structure. Of our common ferns, those differing most widely from the types are the flowering ferns (Osmunda), shown in Figure 70, C, D. In these the sporangia are large and the ring (r) rudimentary. The leaflets bearing the sporangia are more or less contracted and covered completely with the sporangia, sometimes all the leaflets of the spore-bearing leaf being thus changed, sometimes only a few of them, as in the species figured.
Our other common ferns have the sporangia in groups (sori, sing. sorus) on the backs of the leaves. These sori are of different shape in different genera, and are usually protected by a delicate membranous covering (indusium). Illustrations of some of the commonest genera are shown in Figure 70, E, J.
CLASS II.—HORSE-TAILS (Equisetinae).
The second class of the pteridophytes includes the horse-tails (Equisetinae) of which all living forms belong to a single genus (Equisetum). Formerly they were much more numerous than at present, remains of many different forms being especially abundant in the coal formations.
One of the commonest forms is the field horse-tail (Equisetum arvense), a very abundant and widely distributed species. It grows in low, moist ground, and is often found in great abundance growing in the sand or gravel used as "ballast" for railway tracks.
The plant sends up branches of two kinds from a creeping underground stem that may reach a length of a metre or more. This stem (Fig. 72, C) is distinctly jointed, bearing at each joint a toothed sheath, best seen in the younger portions, as they are apt to be destroyed in the older parts. Sometimes attached to this are small tubers (o) which are much-shortened branches and under favorable circumstances give rise to new stems. They have a hard, brown rind, and are composed within mainly of a firm, white tissue, filled with starch.
The surface of the stem is marked with furrows, and a section across it shows that corresponding to these are as many large air spaces that traverse the stem from joint to joint. From the joints numerous roots, quite like those of the ferns, arise.
If the stem is dug up in the late fall or winter, numerous short branches of a lighter color will be found growing from the joints. These later grow up above ground into branches of two sorts. Those produced first (Fig. 72, A), in April or May, are stouter than the others, and nearly destitute of chlorophyll. They are usually twenty to thirty centimetres in height, of a light reddish brown color, and, like all the stems, distinctly jointed. The sheaths about the joints (L) are much larger than in the others, and have from ten to twelve large black teeth at the top. These sheaths are the leaves. At the top of the branch the joints are very close together, and the leaves of different form, and closely set so as to form a compact cone (x).
A cross-section of the stem (D) shows much the same structure as the underground stem, but the number of air spaces is larger, and in addition there is a large central cavity. The fibro-vascular bundles (f.b.) are arranged in a circle, alternating with the air channels, and each one has running through it a small air passage.
The cone at the top of the branch is made up of closely set, shield-shaped leaves, which are mostly six-sided, on account of the pressure. These leaves (F, G) have short stalks, and are arranged in circles about the stem. Each one has a number of spore cases hanging down from the edge, and opening by a cleft on the inner side (G, sp.). They are filled with a mass of greenish spores that shake out at the slightest jar when ripe.
The sterile branches (B) are more slender than the spore-bearing ones, and the sheaths shorter. Surrounding the joints, apparently just below the sheaths, but really breaking through their bases, are circles of slender branches resembling the main branch, but more slender. The sterile branches grow to a height of forty to fifty centimetres, and from their bushy form the popular name of the plant, "horse-tail," is taken. The surface of the plant is hard and rough, due to the presence of great quantities of flint in the epidermis,—a peculiarity common to all the species.
The stem is mainly composed of large, thin-walled cells, becoming smaller as they approach the epidermis. The outer cells of the ground tissue in the green branches contain chlorophyll, and the walls of some of them are thickened. The fibro-vascular bundles differ entirely from those of the ferns. Each bundle is nearly triangular in section (E), with the point inward, and the inner end occupied by a large air space. The tracheary tissue is only slightly developed, being represented by a few vessels[9] (tr.) at the outer angles of the bundle, and one or two smaller ones close to the air channel. The rest of the bundle is made up of nearly uniform, rather thin-walled, colorless cells, some of which, however, are larger, and have perforated cross-walls, representing the sieve tubes of the fern bundle. There is no individual bundle sheath, but the whole circle of bundles has a common outer sheath.
[9] A vessel differs from a tracheid in being composed of several cells placed end to end, the partitions being wholly or partially absorbed, so as to throw the cells into close communication.
The epidermis is composed of elongated cells whose walls present a peculiar beaded appearance, due to the deposition of flint within them. The breathing pores are arranged in vertical lines, and resemble in general appearance those of the ferns, though differing in some minor details. Like the other epidermal cells the guard cells have heavy deposits of flint, which here are in the form of thick transverse bars.
The spore cases have thin walls whose cells, shortly before maturity, develop thickenings upon their walls, which have to do with the opening of the spore case. The spores (H, I) are round cells containing much chlorophyll and provided with four peculiar appendages called elaters. The elaters are extremely sensitive to changes in moisture, coiling up tightly when moistened (I), but quickly springing out again when dry (H). By dusting a few dry spores upon a slide, and putting it under the microscope without any water, the movement may be easily examined. Lightly breathing upon them will cause the elaters to contract, but in a moment, as soon as the moisture of the breath has evaporated, they will uncoil with a quick jerk, causing the spores to move about considerably.
The fresh spores begin to germinate within about twenty-four hours, and the early stages, which closely resemble those of the ferns, may be easily followed by sowing the spores in water. With care it is possible to get the mature prothallia, which should be treated as described for the fern prothallia. Under favorable conditions, the first antheridia are ripe in about five weeks; the archegonia, which are borne on separate plants, a few weeks later. The antheridia (Fig. 72, J, an.) are larger than those of the ferns, and the spermatozoids (K) are thicker and with fewer coils, but otherwise much like fern spermatozoids.
The archegonia have a shorter neck than those of the ferns, and the neck is straight.
Both male and female prothallia are much branched and very irregular in shape.
There are a number of common species of Equisetum. Some of them, like the common scouring rush (E. hiemale), are unbranched, and the spores borne at the top of ordinary green branches; others have all the stems branching like the sterile stems of the field horse-tail, but produce a spore-bearing cone at the top of some of them.
The last class of the pteridophytes includes the ground pines, club mosses, etc., and among cultivated plants numerous species of the smaller club mosses (Selaginella).
Two orders are generally recognized, although there is some doubt as to the relationship of the members of the second order. The first order, the larger club mosses (Lycopodiaceae) is represented in the northern states by a single genus (Lycopodium), of which the common ground pine (L. dendroideum) (Fig. 73) is a familiar species. The plant grows in the evergreen forests of the northern United States as well as in the mountains further south, and in the larger northern cities is often sold in large quantities at the holidays for decorating. It sends up from a creeping, woody, subterranean stem, numerous smaller stems which branch extensively, and are thickly set with small moss-like leaves, the whole looking much like a little tree. At the ends of some of the branches are small cones (A, x, B) composed of closely overlapping, scale-like leaves, much as in a fir cone. Near the base, on the inner surface of each of these scales, is a kidney-shaped capsule (C, sp.) opening by a cleft along the upper edge and filled with a mass of fine yellow powder. These capsules are the spore cases.
The bases of the upright stems are almost bare, but become covered with leaves higher up. The leaves are in shape like those of a moss, but are thicker. The spore-bearing leaves are broader and when slightly magnified show a toothed margin.
The stem is traversed by a central fibro-vascular cylinder that separates easily from the surrounding tissue, owing to the rupture of the cells of the bundle sheath, this being particularly frequent in dried specimens. When slightly magnified the arrangement of the tissues may be seen (Fig. 73, E). Within the epidermis is a mass of ground tissue of firm, woody texture surrounding the central oval or circular fibro-vascular cylinder. This shows a number of white bars (xylem) surrounded by a more delicate tissue (phloem).
On magnifying the section more strongly, the cells of the ground tissue (G) are seen to be oval in outline, with thick striated walls and small intercellular spaces. Examined in longitudinal sections they are long and pointed, belonging to the class of cells known as "fibres."
The xylem (F, xy.) of the fibro-vascular bundle is composed of tracheids, much like those of the ferns; the phloem is composed of narrow cells, pretty much all alike.
The spores (D) are destitute of chlorophyll and have upon the outside a network of ridges, except on one side where three straight lines converge, the spore being slightly flattened between them.
Almost nothing is known of the prothallia of our native species.
The second order (Ligulatae) is represented by two very distinct families: the smaller club mosses (Selaginelleae) and the quill-worts (Isoeteae). Of the former the majority are tropical, but are common in greenhouses where they are prized for their delicate moss-like foliage (Fig. 74, A).
[Illustration: FIG. 74.—A, one of the smaller club mosses (Selaginella). sp. spore-bearing branch, x 2. B, part of a stem, sending down naked rooting branches (r), x 1. C, longitudinal section of a spike, with a single macrosporangium at the base; the others, microsporangia, x 3. D, a scale and microsporangium, x 5. E, young microsporangium, x 150. The shaded cells are the spore mother cells. F, a young macrospore, x 150. G, section of the stem, x 50. H, a single fibro-vascular bundle, x 150. I, vertical section of the female prothallium of Selaginella, x 50. ar. archegonium. J, section of an open archegonium, x 300. o, the egg cell. K, microspore, with the contained male prothallium, x 300. x, vegetative cell. sp. sperm cells. L, young plant, with the attached macrospore, x 6. r, the first root. l, the first leaves.]
The leaves in most species are like those of the larger club mosses, but more delicate. They are arranged in four rows on the upper side of the stem, two being larger than the others. The smaller branches grow out sideways so that the whole branch appears flattened, reminding one of the habit of the higher liverworts. Special leafless branches (B, r) often grow downward from the lower side of the main branches, and on touching the ground develop roots which fork regularly.
The sporangia are much like those of the ground pines, and produced singly at the bases of scale leaves arranged in a spike or cone (A, sp.), but two kinds of spores, large and small, are formed. In the species figured the lower sporangium produces four large spores (macrospores); the others, numerous small spores (microspores).
Even before the spores are ripe the development of the prothallium begins, and this is significant, as it shows an undoubted relationship between these plants and the lowest of the seed plants, as we shall see when we study that group.
If ripe spores can be obtained by sowing them upon moist earth, the young plants will appear in about a month. The microspore (Fig. 74, K) produces a prothallium not unlike that of some of the water ferns, there being a single vegetative cell (x), and the rest of the prothallium forming a single antheridium. The spermatozoids are excessively small, and resemble those of the bryophytes.
The macrospore divides into two cells, a large lower one, and a smaller upper one. The latter gives rise to a flat disc of cells producing a number of small archegonia of simple structure (Fig. 74, I, J). The lower cell produces later a tissue that serves to nourish the young embryo.
The development of the embryo recalls in some particulars that of the seed plants, and this in connection with the peculiarities of the sporangia warrants us in regarding the Ligulatae as the highest of existing pteridophytes, and to a certain extent connecting them with the lowest of the spermaphytes.
Resembling the smaller club mosses in their development, but differing in some important points, are the quill-worts (Isoeteae). They are mostly aquatic forms, growing partially or completely submerged, and look like grasses or rushes. They vary from a few centimetres to half a metre in height. The stem is very short, and the long cylindrical leaves closely crowded together. The leaves which are narrow above are widely expanded and overlapping at the base. The spores are of two kinds, as in Selaginella, but the macrosporangia contain numerous macrospores. The very large sporangia (M, sp.) are in cavities at the bases of the leaves, and above each sporangium is a little pointed outgrowth (ligula), which is also found in the leaves of Selaginella. The quill-worts are not common plants, and owing to their habits of growth and resemblance to other plants, are likely to be overlooked unless careful search is made.
The last and highest great division of the vegetable kingdom has been named Spermaphyta, "seed plants," from the fact that the structures known as seeds are peculiar to them. They are also commonly called flowering plants, though this name might be also appropriately given to certain of the higher pteridophytes.
In the seed plants the macrosporangia remain attached to the parent plant, in nearly all cases, until the archegonia are fertilized and the embryo plant formed. The outer walls of the sporangium now become hard, and the whole falls off as a seed.
In the higher spermaphytes the spore-bearing leaves (sporophylls) become much modified, and receive special names, those bearing the microspores being commonly known as stamens; those bearing the macrospores, carpels or carpophylls. The macrosporangia are also ordinarily known as "ovules," a name given before it was known that these were the same as the macrosporangia of the higher pteridophytes.
In addition to the spore-bearing leaves, those surrounding them may be much changed in form and brilliantly colored, forming, with the enclosed sporophylls, the "flower" of the higher spermaphytes.
As might be expected, the tissues of the higher spermaphytes are the most highly developed of all plants, though some of them are very simple. The plants vary extremely in size, the smallest being little floating plants, less than a millimetre in diameter, while others are gigantic trees, a hundred metres and more in height.
There are two classes of the spermaphytes: I., the Gymnosperms, or naked-seeded ones, in which the ovules (macrosporangia) are borne upon open carpophylls; and II., Angiosperms, covered-seeded plants, in which the carpophylls form a closed cavity (ovary) containing the ovules.
CLASS I.—GYMNOSPERMS (Gymnospermae).
The most familiar of these plants are the common evergreen trees (conifers), pines, spruces, cedars, etc. A careful study of one of these will give a good idea of the most important characteristics of the class, and one of the best for this purpose is the Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris), which, though a native of Europe, is not infrequently met with in cultivation in America. If this species cannot be had by the student, other pines, or indeed almost any other conifer, will answer. The Scotch pine is a tree of moderate size, symmetrical in growth when young, with a central main shaft, and circles of branches at regular intervals; but as it grows older its growth becomes irregular, and the crown is divided into several main branches.[10] The trunk and branches are covered with a rough, scaly bark of a reddish brown color, where it is exposed by the scaling off of the outer layers. Covering the younger branches, but becoming thinner on the older ones, are numerous needle-shaped leaves. These are in pairs, and the base of each pair is surrounded by several dry, blackish scales. Each pair of leaves is really attached to a very short side branch, but this is so short as to make the leaves appear to grow directly from the main branch. Each leaf is about ten centimetres in length and two millimetres broad. Where the leaves are in contact they are flattened, but the outer side is rounded, so that a cross-section is nearly semicircular in outline. With a lens it is seen that there are five longitudinal lines upon the surface of the leaf, and careful examination shows rows of small dots corresponding to these. These dots are the breathing pores. If a cross-section is even slightly magnified it shows three distinct parts,—a whitish outer border, a bright green zone, and a central oval, colorless area, in which, with a little care, may be seen the sections of two fibro-vascular bundles. In the green zone are sometimes to be seen colorless spots, sections of resin ducts, containing the resin so characteristic of the tissues of the conifers.
[10] In most conifers the symmetrical form of the young tree is maintained as long as the tree lives.
The general structure of the stem may be understood by making a series of cross-sections through branches of different ages. In all, three regions are distinguishable; viz., an outer region (bark or cortex) (Fig. 76, A, c), composed in part of green cells, and, if the section has been made with a sharp knife, showing a circle of little openings, from each of which oozes a clear drop of resin. These are large resin ducts (r). The centre is occupied by a soft white tissue (pith), and the space between the pith and bark is filled by a mass of woody tissue. Traversing the wood are numerous radiating lines, some of which run from the bark to the pith, others only part way. These are called the medullary rays. While in sections from branches of any age these three regions are recognizable, their relative size varies extremely. In a section of a twig of the present year the bark and pith make up a considerable part of the section; but as older branches are examined, we find a rapid increase in the quantity of wood, while the thickness of the bark increases but slowly, and the pith scarcely at all. In the wood, too, each year's growth is marked by a distinct ring (A i, ii). As the branches grow in diameter the outer bark becomes split and irregular, and portions die, becoming brown and hard.
The tree has a very perfect root system, but different from that of any pteridophytes. The first root of the embryo persists as the main or "tap" root of the full-grown tree, and from it branch off the secondary roots, which in turn give rise to others.
The sporangia are borne on special scale-like leaves, and arranged very much as in certain pteridophytes, notably the club mosses; but instead of large and small spores being produced near together, the two kinds are borne on special branches, or even on distinct trees (e.g. red cedar). In the Scotch pine the microspores are ripe about the end of May. The leaves bearing them are aggregated in small cones ("flowers"), crowded about the base of a growing shoot terminating the branches (Fig. 77, A [Male]). The individual leaves (sporophylls) are nearly triangular in shape, and attached by the smaller end. On the lower side of each are borne two sporangia (pollen sacs) (C, sp.), opening by a longitudinal slit, and filled with innumerable yellow microspores (pollen spores), which fall out as a shower of yellow dust if the branch is shaken.
The macrosporangia (ovules) are borne on similar leaves, known as carpels, and, like the pollen sacs, borne in pairs, but on the upper side of the sporophyll instead of the lower. The female flowers appear when the pollen is ripe. The leaves of which they are composed are thicker than those of the male flowers, and of a pinkish color. At the base on the upper side are borne the two ovules (macrosporangia) (Fig. 77, E, o), and running through the centre is a ridge that ends in a little spine or point.
The ovule-bearing leaf has on the back a scale with fringed edge (F, sc.), quite conspicuous when the flower is young, but scarcely to be detected in the older cone. From the female flower is developed the cone (Fig. 75, A), but the process is a slow one, occupying two years. Shortly after the pollen is shed, the female flowers, which are at first upright, bend downward, and assume a brownish color, growing considerably in size for a short time, and then ceasing to grow for several months.
[Illustration: FIG. 75.—Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris). A, a ripe cone, x 1/2. B, a year-old cone, x 1. C, longitudinal section of B. D, a single scale of B, showing the sporangia (ovules) (o), x 2. E, a scale from a ripe cone, with the seeds (s), x 1/2. F, longitudinal section of a ripe seed, x 3. em. the embryo. G, a germinating seed, x 2. r, the primary root. H, longitudinal section through G, showing the first leaves of the young plant still surrounded by the endosperm, x 4. I, an older plant with the leaves (l) withdrawing from the seed coats, x 4. J, upper part of a young plant, showing the circle of primary leaves (cotyledons), x 1. K, section of the same, x 2. b, the terminal bud. L, cross-section of the stem of the young plant, x 25. fb. a fibro-vascular bundle. M, cross-section of the root, x 25. x, wood. ph. bast, of the fibro-vascular bundle.]
In Figure 75, B, is shown such a flower as it appears in the winter and early spring following. The leaves are thick and fleshy, closely pressed together, as is seen by dividing the flower lengthwise, and each leaf ends in a long point (D). The ovules are still very small. As the growth of the tree is resumed in the spring, the flower (cone) increases rapidly in size and becomes decidedly green in color, the ovules increasing also very much in size. If a scale from such a cone is examined about the first of June, the ovules will probably be nearly full-grown, oval, whitish bodies two to three millimetres in length. A careful longitudinal section of the scale through the ovule will show the general structure. Such a section is shown in Figure 77, G. Comparing this with the sporangia of the pteridophytes, the first difference that strikes us is the presence of an outer coat or integument (in.), which is absent in the latter. The single macrospore (sp.) is very large and does not lie free in the cavity of the sporangium, but is in close contact with its wall. It is filled with a colorless tissue, the prothallium, and if mature, with care it is possible to see, even with a hand lens, two or more denser oval bodies (ar.), the egg cells of the archegonia, which here are very large. The integument is not entirely closed at the top, but leaves a little opening through which the pollen spores entered when the flower was first formed.
After the archegonia are fertilized the outer parts of the ovule become hard and brown, and serve to protect the embryo plant, which reaches a considerable size before the sporangium falls off. As the walls of the ovule harden, the carpel or leaf bearing it undergoes a similar change, becoming extremely hard and woody, and as each one ends in a sharp spine, and they are tightly packed together, it is almost impossible to separate them. The ripe cone (Fig. 75, A) remains closed during the winter, but in the spring, about the time the flowers are mature, the scales open spontaneously and discharge the ripened ovules, now called seeds. Each seed (E, s) is surrounded by a membranous envelope derived from the scale to which it is attached, which becomes easily separated from the seed. The opening of the cones is caused by drying, and if a number of ripe cones are gathered in the winter or early spring, and allowed to dry in an ordinary room, they will in a day or two open, often with a sharp, crackling sound, and scatter the ripe seeds.
A section of a ripe seed (F) shows the embryo (em.) surrounded by a dense, white, starch-bearing tissue derived from the prothallium cells, and called the "endosperm." This fills up the whole seed which is surrounded by the hardened shell derived from the integument and wall of the ovule. The embryo is elongated with a circle of small leaves at the end away from the opening of the ovule toward which is directed the root of the embryo.
The seed may remain unchanged for months, or even years, without losing its vitality, but if the proper conditions are provided, the embryo will develop into a new plant. To follow the further growth of the embryo, the ripe seeds should be planted in good soil and kept moderately warm and moist. At the end of a week or two some of the seeds will probably have sprouted. The seed absorbs water, and the protoplasm of the embryo renews its activity, beginning to feed upon the nourishing substances in the cells of the endosperm. The embryo rapidly increases in length, and the root pushes out of the seed growing rapidly downward and fastening itself in the soil (G, r). Cutting the seed lengthwise we find that the leaves have increased much in length and become green (one of the few cases where chlorophyll is formed in the absence of light). As these leaves (called "cotyledons" or seed leaves) increase in length, they gradually withdraw from the seed whose contents they have exhausted, and the young plant enters upon an independent existence.
The young plant has a circle of leaves, about six in number, surrounding a bud which is the growing point of the stem, and in many conifers persists as long as the stem grows (Fig. 75, K, b). A cross-section of the young stem shows about six separate fibro-vascular bundles arranged in a circle (S, fb.). The root shows a central fibro-vascular cylinder surrounded by a dark-colored ground tissue. Growing from its surface are numerous root hairs (Fig. 75, M).
For examining the microscopic structure of the pine, fresh material is for most purposes to be preferred, but alcoholic material will answer, and as the alcohol hardens the resin, it is for that reason preferable.
Cross-sections of the leaf, when sufficiently magnified, show that the outer colorless border of the section is composed of two parts: the epidermis of a single row of regular cells with very thick outer walls, and irregular groups of cells lying below them. These latter have thick walls appearing silvery and clearer than the epidermal cells. They vary a good deal, in some leaves being reduced to a single row, in others forming very conspicuous groups of some size. The green tissue of the leaf is much more compact than in the fern we examined, and the cells are more nearly round and the intercellular spaces smaller. The chloroplasts are numerous and nearly round in shape.
Scattered through the green tissue are several resin passages (r), each surrounded by a circle of colorless, thick-walled cells, like those under the epidermis. At intervals in the latter are openings—breathing pores—(Fig. 76, J), below each of which is an intercellular space (i). They are in structure like those of the ferns, but the walls of the guard cells are much thickened like the other epidermal cells.
Each leaf is traversed by two fibro-vascular bundles of entirely different structure from those of the ferns. Each is divided into two nearly equal parts, the wood (x) lying toward the inner, flat side of the leaf, the bast (T) toward the outer, convex side. This type of bundle, called "collateral," is the common form found in the stems and leaves of seed plants. The cells of the wood or xylem are rather larger than those of the bast or phloem, and have thicker walls than any of the phloem cells, except the outermost ones which are thick-walled fibres like those under the epidermis. Lying between the bundles are comparatively large colorless cells, and surrounding the whole central area is a single line of cells that separates it sharply from the surrounding green tissue.
In longitudinal sections, the cells, except of the mesophyll (green tissue) are much elongated. The mesophyll cells, however, are short and the intercellular spaces much more evident than in the cross-section. The colorless cells have frequently rounded depressions or pits upon their walls, and in the fibro-vascular bundle the difference between the two portions becomes more obvious. The wood is distinguished by the presence of vessels with close, spiral or ring-shaped thickenings, while in the phloem are found sieve tubes, not unlike those in the ferns.
The fibro-vascular bundles of the stem of the seedling plant show a structure quite similar to that of the leaf, but very soon a difference is manifested. Between the two parts of the bundle the cells continue to divide and add constantly to the size of the bundle, and at the same time the bundles become connected by a line of similar growing cells, so that very early we find a ring of growing cells extending completely around the stem. As the cells in this ring increase in number, owing to their rapid division, those on the borders of the ring lose the power of dividing, and gradually assume the character of the cells on which they border (Fig. 76, B, cam.). The growth on the inside of the ring is more rapid than on the outer border, and the ring continues comparatively near the surface of the stem (Fig. 76, A, cam.). The spaces between the bundles do not increase materially in breadth, and as the bundles increase in size become in comparison very small, appearing in older stems as mere lines between the solid masses of wood that make up the inner portion of the bundles. These are the primary medullary rays, and connect the pith in the centre of the stem with the bark. Later, similar plates of cells are formed, often only a single cell thick, and appearing when seen in cross-section as a single row of elongated cells (C, m).
As the stem increases in diameter the bundles become broader and broader toward the outside, and taper to a point toward the centre, appearing wedge-shaped, the inner ends projecting into the pith. The outer limits of the bundles are not nearly so distinct, and it is not easy to tell when the phloem of the bundles ends and the ground tissue of the bark begins.
A careful examination of a cross-section of the bark shows first, if taken from a branch not more than two or three years old, the epidermis composed of cells not unlike those of the leaf, but whose walls are usually browner. Underneath are cells with brownish walls, and often more or less dry and dead. These cells give the brown color to the bark, and later both epidermis and outer ground tissue become entirely dead and disappear. The bulk of the ground tissue is made up of rather large, loose cells, the outer ones containing a good deal of chlorophyll. Here and there are large resin ducts (Fig. 76, H), appearing in cross-section as oval openings surrounded by several concentric rows of cells, the innermost smaller and with denser contents. These secrete the resin that fills the duct and oozes out when the stem is cut. All of the cells of the bark contain more or less starch.
The phloem, when strongly magnified, is seen to be made up of cells arranged in nearly regular radiating rows. Their walls are not very thick and the cells are usually somewhat flattened in a radial direction.
Some of the cells are larger than the others, and these are found to be, when examined in longitudinal section, sieve tubes (Fig. 76, E) with numerous lateral sieve plates quite similar to those found in the stems of ferns.
[Illustration: FIG. 76.—Scotch pine. A, cross-section of a two-year-old branch, x 3. p, pith. c, bark. The radiating lines are medullary rays. r, resin ducts. B, part of the same, x 150. cam. cambium cells. x, tracheids. C, cross-section of a two-year-old branch at the point where the two growth rings join: I, the cells of the first year's growth; II, those of the second year. m, a medullary ray, x 150. D, longitudinal section of a branch, showing the form of the tracheids and the bordered pits upon their walls. m, medullary ray, x 150. E, part of a sieve tube, x 300. F, cross-section of a tracheid passing through two of the pits in the wall (p), x 300. G, longitudinal section of a branch, at right angles to the medullary rays (m). At y, the section has passed through the wall of a tracheid, bearing a row of pits, x 150. H, cross-section of a resin duct, x 150. I, cross-section of a leaf, x 20. fb. fibro-vascular bundle. r, resin duct. J, section of a breathing pore, x 150. i, the air space below it.]
The growing tissue (cambium), separating the phloem from the wood, is made up of cells quite like those of the phloem, into which they insensibly merge, except that their walls are much thinner, as is always the case with rapidly growing cells. These cells (B, cam.) are arranged in radial rows and divide, mainly by walls, at right angles to the radii of the stem. If we examine the inner side of the ring, the change the cells undergo is more marked. They become of nearly equal diameter in all directions, and the walls become woody, showing at the same time distinct stratification (B, x).
On examining the xylem, where two growth rings are in contact, the reason of the sharply marked line seen when the stem is examined with the naked eye is obvious. On the inner side of this line (I), the wood cells are comparatively small and much flattened, while the walls are quite as heavy as those of the much larger cells (II) lying on the outer side of the line. The small cells show the point where growth ceased at the end of the season, the cells becoming smaller as growth was feebler. The following year when growth commenced again, the first wood cells formed by the cambium were much larger, as growth is most vigorous at this time, and the wood formed of these larger cells is softer and lighter colored than that formed of the smaller cells of the autumn growth.
The wood is mainly composed of tracheids, there being no vessels formed except the first year. These tracheids are characterized by the presence of peculiar pits upon their walls, best seen when thin longitudinal sections are made in a radial direction. These pits (Fig. 76, D, p) appear in this view as double circles, but if cut across, as often happens in a cross-section of the stem, or in a longitudinal section at right angles to the radius (tangential), they are seen to be in shape something like an inverted saucer with a hole through the bottom. They are formed in pairs, one on each side of the wall of adjacent tracheids, and are separated by a very delicate membrane (F, p, G, y). These "bordered" pits are very characteristic of the wood of all conifers.
The structure of the root is best studied in the seedling plant, or in a rootlet of an older one. The general plan of the root is much like that of the pteridophytes. The fibro-vascular bundle (Fig. 75, M, fb.) is of the so-called radial type, there being three xylem masses (x) alternating with as many phloem masses (ph.) in the root of the seedling. This regularity becomes destroyed as the root grows older by the formation of a cambium ring, something like that in the stem.
The development of the sporangia is on the whole much like that of the club mosses, and will not be examined here in detail. The microspores (pollen spores) are formed in groups of four in precisely the same way as the spores of the bryophytes and pteridophytes, and by collecting the male flowers as they begin to appear in the spring, and crushing the sporangia in water, the process of division may be seen. For more careful examination they may be crushed in a mixture of water and acetic acid, to which is added a little gentian violet. This mixture fixes and stains the nuclei of the spores, and very instructive preparations may thus be made.[11]
[11] See the last chapter for details.
), x 1/2. B, a similar branch, with two young female flowers ([Female]), natural size. C, a scale from a male flower, showing the two sporangia (sp.); x 5. D, a single ripe pollen spore (microspore), showing the vegetative cell (x), x 150. E, a similar scale, from a female flower of the Austrian pine, seen from within, x 4. o, the sporangium (ovule). F, the same, seen from the back, showing the scale (sc.) attached to the back. G, longitudinal section through a full-grown ovule of the Scotch pine. p, a pollen spore sending down its tube to the archegonia (ar.). sp. the prothallium (endosperm), filling up the embryo sac, x 10. H, the neck of the archegonium, x 150.]
The ripe pollen spores (Fig. 77, D) are oval cells provided with a double wall, the outer one giving rise to two peculiar bladder-like appendages (z). Like the microspores of the smaller club mosses, a small cell is cut off from the body of the spore (x). These pollen spores are carried by the wind to the ovules, where they germinate.
The wall of the ripe sporangium or pollen sac is composed of a single layer of cells in most places, and these cells are provided with thickened ridges which have to do with opening the pollen sac.
We have already examined in some detail the structure of the macrosporangium or ovule. In the full-grown ovule the macrospore, which in the seed plants is generally known as the "embryo sac," is completely filled with the prothallium or "endosperm." In the upper part of the prothallium several large archegonia are formed in much the same way as in the pteridophytes. The egg cell is very large, and appears of a yellowish color, and filled with large drops that give it a peculiar aspect. There is a large nucleus, but it is not always readily distinguished from the other contents of the egg cell. The neck of the archegonium is quite long, but does not project above the surface of the prothallium (Fig. 77, H).
The pollen spores are produced in great numbers, and many of them fall upon the female flowers, which when ready for pollination have the scales somewhat separated. The pollen spores now sift down to the base of the scales, and finally reach the opening of the ovule, where they germinate. No spermatozoids are produced, the seed plants differing in this respect from all pteridophytes. The pollen spore bursts its outer coat, and sends out a tube which penetrates for some distance into the tissue of the ovule, acting very much as a parasitic fungus would do, and growing at the expense of the tissue through which it grows. After a time growth ceases, and is not resumed until the development of the female prothallium and archegonia is nearly complete, which does not occur until more than a year from the time the pollen spore first reaches the ovule. Finally the pollen tube penetrates down to and through the open neck of the archegonium, until it comes in contact with the egg cell. These stages can only be seen by careful sections through a number of ripe ovules, but the track of the pollen tube is usually easy to follow, as the cells along it are often brown and apparently dead (Fig. 77, G).
There are three classes of the gymnosperms: I., cycads (Cycadeae); II., conifers (Coniferae); III., joint firs (Gnetaceae). All of the gymnosperms of the northern United States belong to the second order, but representatives of the others are found in the southern and southwestern states.
The cycads are palm-like forms having a single trunk crowned by a circle of compound leaves. Several species are grown for ornament in conservatories, and a few species occur native in Florida, but otherwise do not occur within our limits.
The spore-bearing leaves usually form cones, recalling somewhat in structure those of the horse-tails, but one of the commonest cultivated species (Cycas revoluta) bears the ovules, which are very large, upon leaves that are in shape much like the ordinary ones (Fig. 78, A).
Of the conifers, there are numerous familiar forms, including all our common evergreen trees. There are two sub-orders,—the true conifers and the yews. In the latter there is no true cone, but the ovules are borne singly at the end of a branch, and the seed in the yew (Taxus) is surrounded by a bright red, fleshy integument. One species of yew, a low, straggling shrub, occurs sparingly in the northern states, and is the only representative of the group at the north. The European yew and the curious Japanese Gingko (Fig. 78, B) are sometimes met with in cultivation.
Of the true conifers, there are a number of families, based on peculiarities in the leaves and cones. Some have needle-shaped leaves and dry cones like the firs, spruces, hemlock (Fig. 78, C). Others have flattened, scale-like leaves, and more or less fleshy cones, like the red cedar (Fig. 78, D) and Arbor-vitae (E).
A few of the conifers, such as the tamarack or larch (Larix) and cypress (Taxodium), lose their leaves in the autumn, and are not, therefore, properly "evergreen."
The conifers include some of the most valuable as well as the largest of trees. Their timber, especially that of some of the pines, is particularly valuable, and the resin of some of them is also of much commercial importance. Here belong the giant red-woods (Sequoia) of California, the largest of all American trees.
The joint firs are comparatively small plants, rarely if ever reaching the dimensions of trees. They are found in various parts of the world, but are few in number, and not at all likely to be met with by the ordinary student. Their flowers are rather more highly differentiated than those of the other gymnosperms, and are said to show some approach in structure to those of the angiosperms.
The angiosperms include an enormous assemblage of plants, all those ordinarily called "flowering plants" belonging here. There is almost infinite variety shown in the form and structure of the tissues and organs, this being particularly the case with the flowers. As already stated, the ovules, instead of being borne on open carpels, are enclosed in a cavity formed by a single closed carpel or several united carpels. To the organ so formed the name "pistil" is usually applied, and this is known as "simple" or "compound," as it is composed of one or of two or more carpels. The leaves bearing the pollen spores are also much modified, and form the so-called "stamens." In addition to the spore-bearing leaves there are usually other modified leaves surrounding them, these being often brilliantly colored and rendering the flower very conspicuous. To these leaves surrounding the sporophylls, the general name of "perianth" or "perigone" is given. The perigone has a twofold purpose, serving both to protect the sporophylls, and, at least in bright-colored flowers, to attract insects which, as we shall see, are important agents in transferring pollen from one flower to another.
When we compare the embryo sac (macrospore) of the angiosperms with that of the gymnosperms a great difference is noticed, there being much more difference than between the latter and the higher pteridophytes. Unfortunately there are very few plants where the structure of the embryo sac can be readily seen without very skilful manipulation.
There are, however, a few plants in which the ovules are very small and transparent, so that they may be mounted whole and examined alive. The best plant for this purpose is probably the "Indian pipe" or "ghost flower," a curious plant growing in rich woods, blossoming in late summer. It is a parasite or saprophyte, and entirely destitute of chlorophyll, being pure white throughout. It bears a single nodding flower at the summit of the stem. (Another species much like it, but having several brownish flowers, is shown in Figure 115, L.)
If this plant can be had, the structure of the ovule and embryo sac may be easily studied, by simply stripping away the tissue bearing the numerous minute ovules, and mounting a few of them in water, or water to which a little sugar has been added.
The ovules are attached to a stalk, and each consists of about two layers of colorless cells enclosing a central, large, oblong cell (Fig. 79, A, E), the embryo sac or macrospore. If the ovule is from a flower that has been open for some time, we shall find in the centre of the embryo sac a large nucleus (k) (or possibly two which afterward unite into one), and at each end three cells. Those at the base (g) probably represent the prothallium, and those at the upper end a very rudimentary archegonium, here generally called the "egg apparatus."
Of the three cells of the "egg apparatus" the lower (o) one is the egg cell; the others are called "synergidae." The structure of the embryo sac and ovules is quite constant among the angiosperms, the differences being mainly in the shape of the ovules, and the degree to which its coverings or integuments are developed.
The pollen spores of many angiosperms will germinate very easily in a solution of common sugar in water: about fifteen per cent of sugar is the best. A very good plant for this purpose is the sweet pea, whose pollen germinates very rapidly, especially in warm weather. The spores may be sown in a little of the sugar solution in any convenient vessel, or in a hanging drop suspended in a moist chamber, as described for germinating the spores of the slime moulds. The tube begins to develop within a few minutes after the spores are placed in the solution, and within an hour or so will have reached a considerable length. Each spore has two nuclei, but they are less evident here than in some other forms (Fig. 79).
The upper part of the pistil is variously modified, having either little papillae which hold the pollen spores, or are viscid. In either case the spores germinate when placed upon this receptive part (stigma) of the pistil, and send their tubes down through the tissues of the pistil until they reach the ovules, which are fertilized much as in the gymnosperms.
The effect of fertilization extends beyond the ovule, the ovary and often other parts of the flower being affected, enlarging and often becoming bright-colored and juicy, forming the various fruits of the angiosperms. These fruits when ripe may be either dry, as in the case of grains of various kinds, beans, peas, etc.; or the ripe fruit may be juicy, serving in this way to attract animals of many kinds which feed on the juicy pulp, and leave the hard seeds uninjured, thus helping to distribute them. Common examples of these fleshy fruits are offered by the berries of many plants; apples, melons, cherries, etc., are also familiar examples.
The seeds differ a good deal both in regard to size and the degree to which the embryo is developed at the time the seed ripens.
The angiosperms are divided into two sub-classes: I. Monocotyledons and II. Dicotyledons.
The monocotyledons comprise many familiar plants, both ornamental and useful. They have for the most part elongated, smooth-edged leaves with parallel veins, and the parts of the flower are in threes in the majority of them. As their name indicates, there is but one cotyledon or seed leaf, and the leaves from the first are alternate. As a rule the embryo is very small and surrounded by abundant endosperm.
The most thoroughly typical members of the sub-class are the lilies and their relatives. The one selected for special study here, the yellow adder-tongue, is very common in the spring; but if not accessible, almost any liliaceous plant will answer. Of garden flowers, the tulip, hyacinth, narcissus, or one of the common lilies may be used; of wild flowers, the various species of Trillium (Fig. 83, A) are common and easily studied forms, but the leaves are not of the type common to most monocotyledons.
The yellow adder-tongue (Erythronium americanum) (Fig. 81) is one of the commonest and widespread of wild flowers, blossoming in the northern states from about the middle of April till the middle of May. Most of the plants found will not be in flower, and these send up but a single, oblong, pointed leaf. The flowering plant has two similar leaves, one of which is usually larger than the other. They seem to come directly from the ground, but closer examination shows that they are attached to a stem of considerable length entirely buried in the ground. This arises from a small bulb (B) to whose base numerous roots (r) are attached. Rising from between the leaves is a slender, leafless stalk bearing a single, nodding flower at the top.
The leaves are perfectly smooth, dull purplish red on the lower side, and pale green with purplish blotches above. The epidermis may be very easily removed, and is perfectly colorless. Examined closely, longitudinal rows of whitish spots may be detected: these are the breathing pores.
[Illustration: FIG. 81.—A, plant of the yellow adder-tongue (Erythronium americanum), x 1/3. B, the bulb of the same, x 1/2. r, roots. C, section of B. st. the base of the stem bearing the bulb for next year (b) at its base. D, a single petal and stamen, x 1/2. f, the filament. an. anther. E, the gynoecium (pistil), x 1. o, ovary. st. style. z, stigma. F, a full-grown fruit, x 1/2. G, section of a full-grown macrosporangium (ovule), x 25: i, ii, the two integuments. sp. macrospore (embryo sac). H, cross-section of the ripe anther, x 12. I, a single pollen spore, x 150, showing the two nuclei (n, n'). J, a ripe seed, x 2. K, the same, in longitudinal section. em. the embryo. L, cross-section of the stem, x 12. fb. fibro-vascular bundle. M, diagram of the flower.]
A cross-section of the stem shows numerous whitish areas scattered through it. These are the fibro-vascular bundles which in the monocotyledons are of a simple type. The bulb is composed of thick scales, which are modified leaves, and on cutting it lengthwise, we shall probably find the young bulb of next year (Fig. C, b) already forming inside it, the young bulb arising as a bud at the base of the stem of the present year.
The flower is made up of five circles of very much modified leaves, three leaves in each set. The two outer circles are much alike, but the three outermost leaves are slightly narrower and strongly tinged with red on the back, completely concealing the three inner ones before the flower expands. The latter are pure yellow, except for a ridge along the back, and a few red specks near the base inside. These six leaves constitute the perigone of the flower; the three outer are called sepals, the inner ones petals.
The next two circles are composed of the sporophylls bearing the pollen spores.[12] These are the stamens, and taken collectively are known as the "Androecium." Each leaf or stamen consists of two distinct portions, a delicate stalk or "filament" (D, f), and the upper spore-bearing part, the "anther" (an.). The anther in the freshly opened flower has a smooth, red surface; but shortly after, the flower opens, splits along each side, and discharges the pollen spores. A section across the anther shows it to be composed of four sporangia or pollen sacs attached to a common central axis ("connective") (Fig. H).
[12] The three outer stamens are shorter than the inner set.
The central circle of leaves, the carpels (collectively the "gynoecium") are completely united to form a compound pistil (Fig. 81, E). This shows three distinct portions, the ovule-bearing portion below (o), the "ovary," a stalk above (st.), the "style," and the receptive portion (z) at the top, the "stigma." Both stigma and ovary show plainly their compound nature, the former being divided into three lobes, the latter completely divided into three chambers, as well as being flattened at the sides with a more or less decided seam at the three angles. The ovules, which are quite large, are arranged in two rows in each chamber of the ovary, attached to the central column ("placenta").
The flowers open for several days in succession, but only when the sun is shining. They are visited by numerous insects which carry the pollen from one flower to another and deposit it upon the stigma, where it germinates, and the tube, growing down through the long style, finally reaches the ovules and fertilizes them. Usually only a comparatively small number of the seeds mature, there being almost always a number of imperfect ones in each pod. The pod or fruit (F) is full-grown about a month after the flower opens, and finally separates into three parts, and discharges the seeds. These are quite large (Fig. 81, J) and covered with a yellowish brown outer coat, and provided with a peculiar, whitish, spongy appendage attaching it to the placenta. A longitudinal section of a ripe seed (K) shows the very small, nearly triangular embryo (em.), while the rest of the cavity of the seed is filled with a white, starch-bearing tissue, the endosperm.
A microscopical examination of the tissues of the plant shows them to be comparatively simple, this being especially the case with the fibro-vascular system.
The epidermis of the leaf is readily removed, and examination shows it to be made up of oblong cells with large breathing pores in rows. The breathing pores are much larger than any we have yet seen, and are of the type common to most angiosperms. The ordinary epidermal cells are quite destitute of chlorophyll, but the two cells (guard cells) enclosing the breathing pore contain numerous chloroplasts, and the oblong nuclei of these cells are usually conspicuous (Fig. 82, G). By placing a piece of the leaf between pieces of pith, and making a number of thin cross-sections at right angles to the longer axis of the leaf, some of the breathing pores will probably be cut across, and their structure may be then better understood. Such a section is shown in Figure 82, I.
The body of the leaf is made up of chlorophyll-bearing cells of irregular shape and with large air spaces between (H, m). The veins traversing this tissue are fibro-vascular bundles of a type structure similar to that of the stem, which will be described presently.
The stem is made up principally of large cells with thin walls, which in cross-section show numerous small, triangular, intercellular spaces (i) at the angles. These cells contain, usually, more or less starch. The fibro-vascular bundles (C) are nearly triangular in section, and resemble considerably those of the field horse-tail, but they are not penetrated by the air channel, found in the latter. The xylem, as in the pine, is toward the outside of the stem, but the boundary between xylem and phloem is not well defined, there being no cambium present. In the xylem are a number of vessels (C, tr.) at once distinguishable from the other cells by their definite form, firm walls, and empty cavity. The vessels in longitudinal sections show spiral and ringed thickenings. The rest of the xylem cells, as well as those of the phloem, are not noticeably different from the cells of the ground tissue, except for their much smaller size, and absence of intercellular spaces.
The structure of the leaves of the perigone is much like that of the green leaves, but the tissues are somewhat reduced. The epidermis of the outer side of the sepals has breathing pores, but these are absent from their inner surface, and from both sides of the petals. The walls of the epidermal cells of the petals are peculiarly thickened by apparent infoldings of the wall (B), and these cells, as well as those below them, contain small, yellow bodies (chromoplasts) to which the bright color of the flower is due. The red specks on the base of the perigone leaves, as well as the red color of the back of the sepals, the stalk, and leaves are due to a purplish red cell sap filling the cells at these points.
The filaments or stalks of the stamens are made up of very delicate colorless cells, and the centre is traversed by a single fibro-vascular bundle, which is continued up through the centre of the anther. To study the latter, thin cross-sections should be made and mounted in water. Each of the four sporangia, or pollen sacs, is surrounded on the outside by a wall, consisting of two layers of cells, becoming thicker in the middle of the section where the single fibro-vascular bundle is seen (Fig. 81, H). On opening, the cavities of the adjacent sporangia are thrown together. The inner cells of the wall are marked by thickened bars, much as we saw in the pine (Fig. 82, A), and which, like these, are formed shortly before the pollen sacs open. The pollen spores (Fig. 81, I) are large, oval cells, having a double wall, the outer one somewhat heavier than the inner one, but sufficiently transparent to allow a clear view of the interior, which is filled with very dense, granular protoplasm in which may be dimly seen two nuclei (n, ni.), showing that here also there is a division of the spore contents, although no wall is present. The spores do not germinate very readily, and are less favorable for this purpose than those of some other monocotyledons. Among the best for this purpose are the spiderwort (Tradescantia) and Scilla.
Owing to the large size and consequent opacity of the ovules, as well as to the difficulty of getting the early stages, the development and finer structure of the ovule will not be discussed here. The full-grown ovule may be readily sectioned, and a general idea of its structure obtained. A little potash may be used to advantage in this study, carefully washing it away when the section is sufficiently cleared. We find now that the ovule is attached to a stalk (funiculus) (Fig. 81, G, f), the body of the ovule being bent up so as to lie against the stalk. Such an inverted ovule is called technically, "anatropous." The ovule is much enlarged where the stalk bends. The upper part of the ovule is on the whole like that of the pine, but there are two integuments (i, ii) instead of the single one found in the pine.
As the seed develops, the embryo sac (G, sp.) enlarges so as to occupy pretty much the whole space of the seed. At first it is nearly filled with a fluid, but a layer of cells is formed, lining the walls, and this thickens until the whole space, except what is occupied by the small embryo, is filled with them. These are called the "endosperm cells," but differ from the endosperm cells of the gymnosperms, in the fact that they are not developed until after fertilization, and can hardly, therefore, be regarded as representing the prothallium of the gymnosperms and pteridophytes. These cells finally form a firm tissue, whose cells are filled with starch that forms a reserve supply of food for the embryo plant when the seed germinates. The embryo (Fig. 81, K, em., Fig. 82, J), even when the seed is ripe, remains very small, and shows scarcely any differentiation. It is a small, pear-shaped mass of cells, the smaller end directed toward the upper end of the embryo sac.
The integuments grow with the embryo sac, and become brown and hard, forming the shell of the seed. The stalk of the ovule also enlarges, and finally forms the peculiar, spongy appendage of the seeds already noticed (Fig. 81, J, K).
In the following chapter no attempt will be made to give an exhaustive account of the characteristics of each division of the monocotyledons, but only such of the most important ones as may serve to supplement our study of the special one already examined. The classification here, and this is the case throughout the spermaphytes, is based mainly upon the characters of the flowers and fruits.
The classification adopted here is that of the German botanist Eichler, and seems to the author to accord better with our present knowledge of the relationships of the groups than do the systems that are more general in this country. According to Eichler's classification, the monocotyledons may be divided into seven groups; viz., I. Liliiflorae; II. Enantioblastae; III. Spadiciflorae; IV. Glumaceae; V. Scitamineae; VI. Gynandrae; VII. Helobiae.
ORDER I.—Liliiflorae.
The plants of this group agree in their general structure with the adder's-tongue, which is a thoroughly typical representative of the group; but nevertheless, there is much variation among them in the details of structure. While most of them are herbaceous forms (dying down to the ground each year), a few, among which may be mentioned the yuccas ("bear grass," "Spanish bayonet") of our southern states, develop a creeping or upright woody stem, increasing in size from year to year. The herbaceous forms send up their stems yearly from underground bulbs, tubers, e.g. Trillium (Fig. 83, A), or thickened, creeping stems, or root stocks (rhizomes). Good examples of the last are the Solomon's-seal (Fig. 83, B), Medeola (C, D), and iris (Fig. 84 A). One family, the yams (Dioscoreae), of which we have one common native species, the wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), have broad, netted-veined leaves and are twining plants, while another somewhat similar family (Smilaceae) climb by means of tendrils at the bases of the leaves. Of the latter the "cat-brier" or "green-brier" is a familiar representative.
The flowers are for the most part conspicuous, and in plan like that of the adder's-tongue; but some, like the rushes (Fig. 83, E), have small, inconspicuous flowers; and others, like the yams and smilaxes, have flowers of two kinds, male and female.
The principal family of the Liliiflorae is the Liliaceae, including some of the most beautiful of all flowers. All of the true lilies (Lilium), as well as the day lilies (Funkia, Hemerocallis) of the gardens, tulips, hyacinths, lily-of-the-valley, etc., belong here, as well as a number of showy wild flowers including several species of tiger-lilies (Lilium), various species of Trillium (Fig. 83, A), Solomon's-seal (Polygonatum) (Fig. 83, B), bellwort (Uvularia), and others. In all of these, except Trillium, the perigone leaves are colored alike, and the leaves parallel-veined; but in the latter the sepals are green and the leaves broad and netted-veined. The fruit of the Liliaceae may be either a pod, like that of the adder's-tongue, or a berry, like that of asparagus or Solomon's-seal. |