jams adv. never, ever. jardn m. garden. jaula f. cage. jerezano, -a of Jerez. Jess pr. n. m. Jesus. joven adj. young, youthful. joya f. jewel. Juan pr. n. m. John. jbilo m. glee, joy. juego m. game, sport, play, playing; hacer —— make the bets; hecho el —— bets closed. jugador m. player, gambler. jugar play, sport, frolic, gamble. jugo m. juice. juguete m. plaything, toy, sport. juicio m. judgment, sense, reason, mind. juntar join, unite, touch, knit; —se gather, assemble, join, meet, approach. junto, -a joined, united, connected. junto adv. near, close; —— a prep. near, close to. juntura f. joint, seam. jurar swear. juventud f. youth. juzgar judge, think.
la art. f. the; pron. pers. acc. her, it; pl. them; pron. pers. dat. to her, to it; —— que pron. dem. and rel. she who, the one who, who. labio m. lip. lado m. side, place. lago m. lake. lgrima f. tear. lamentable adj. deplorable. lamentar lament, bewail, bemoan. lamento m. lament, lamentation, wail, wailing cry. lmpara f. lamp, light. lance m. incident, love-affair, affair of honor. languidez f. languor, weakness, faintness. lnguido, -a languid, gentle, apathetic, faint, weak, feeble. lanza f. lance, spear. lanzar throw, fling, cast, let loose, emit, utter; —se dart, rush. lares m. pl. lares, home. largo, -a long; pl. many. lastimar hurt, wound, move to pity; —se grieve, be sorry, be moved to pity. lastimero, -a sad, mournful. latido m. throbbing. lava f. lava. lazo m. bond, tie, knot; toils, web, snare. le pron. pers. dat. acc. him, her, it. lector m. reader. lecho m. bed, couch. lejano, -a distant. lejos adv. far, far away, afar; a lo —— in the distance; de —— from afar, at a great distance. lengua f. tongue. lenguaje m. language, speech, tongue. lento, -a slow. lea f. wood, firewood. les pron. pers. dat. acc. them. letal adj. deadly. letra f. letter; ——s letters, literature, lore. levantar raise, lift up, erect, set up; —se rise, get up, stand up. leve adj. light, slight, delicate. ley f. law, religion. libertad f. liberty, freedom. librar free, preserve, save. libre adj. free, open, innocent, alone. lid f. contest, conflict, fight. ligar bind. ligeramente adv. slightly, lightly. ligero, -a slight. lmite m. limit, bound. limosna f. alms, charity. lmpido, -a limpid, pure, clear. limpieza f. limpidity, purity, clearness. lino m. linen. lira f. lyre. lisonjero, -a flattering, pleasing, cajoling. liviano, -a frivolous, lewd. lvido, -a livid. lo art. neut. the; pron. pers. acc. it, him; —— que pron. dem. and rel. what, that which; —— que es por as for, when it comes to. lbrego, -a lugubrious, mournful, gloomy, obscure, dismal, dark, sad. loco, -a mad, wild, crazy. locura f. madness, folly. lodo m. mire. lograr attain, gain. loma f. hillock, ridge. lona f. canvas. lontananza f. distance. los art. pl. m. the; pron. pers. acc. them; —— que pron. dem. and rel. those who, the ones who. losa f. slab, stone. lozano, -a luxuriant, sprightly. lbrico, -a slippery, lewd. lucero m. bright star, morning star, star. luciente adj. shining. Lucifer pr. n. m. Lucifer. luchar struggle. luego adv. then, at once, presently, soon, next, subsequently. lugar m. place, town. lgubre adj. sad, mournful, dismal. lujo m. luxury, finery. lumbre f. light. luminoso, -a luminous, shining, bright. luna f. moon. luz f. light, illumination, flame, taper, lamp. Luzbel pr. n. m. Lucifer, Satan.
llagar wound. llama f. flame, light. llamar call, summon, knock, name, call upon, invoke; —se be named; cmo os llamis what is your name. llanto m. weeping, tears. llegar arrive, come; —— a come to, succeed in, happen to, reach; or simply takes the signification of the verb to which it is joined: lleg a ver he saw. llenar fill, pervade. lleno, -a full, filled. llevar carry, bear, bring, wear, take, carry away; —— + p.p. have; —— al extremo terminate; —se algo take something away. llorar weep, mourn, weep for, mourn for.
macedonio, -a Macedonian. macizo, -a solid, massive. madre f. mother. maestro, -a masterly, principal, main; obra ——a masterpiece. magia f. magic, charm. mgico, -a magic, magical, wonderful. mal adv. badly, ill, hardly, poorly. mal m. evil, wrong, harm, injury, sorrow, misfortune. Mlaga m. Malaga wine. maldecido, -a accursed, wicked. maldecir curse. maldiciente adj. cursing, profane. maldicin f. malediction, curse. maleza f. underbrush, thicket. malo, a bad, wicked, evil, obnoxious, poor; mal caballero! scoundrel! malvado, -a criminal, wicked, insolent. manantial m. spring, source. manar flow, trickle. mancebo m. young man, youth. mancilla f. spot, blemish. mancha f. spot, stain. manchar stain. mandato m. command. mana f. madness, whim. mano f. hand. mansamente adv. gently. mansin f. mansion, abode. manto m. mantle, cloak. maana adv. to-morrow. maana f. morning, morrow. mar m. ("Pirata" l. 39), f. (l. 34), sea, deep; a ——es abundantly. maravilla f. wonder, marvel, miracle. marcar mark, stamp. marco m. frame. Marcos pr. n. m. Mark. marcha f. march. marchar walk, march. marchitado, -a faded, withered. marchitarse wither, fade, die. mareo m. nausea, dizziness. margen m. f. edge, brink, bank, border. Mara pr. n. f. Mary. marido m. husband, spouse. mariposa f. butterfly. mrmol m. marble. martirio m. martyrdom, torture, grief. mas conj. but. ms adv. more, most, rather; —— de past; —— que especially as; el, la —— the most; no —— only, no longer. masa f. mass. matar kill, slay. materia f. material, matter. matiz m. tint, hue. matrimonio m. marriage. mayo m. May. mayor adj. greater; el, la —— the greatest. me pron. pers. dat. acc. me, myself. mecer rock, sway; —se be rocked, rock. medida f. measure; sin —— unmeasured. medio, -a half, middle; media noche midnight. medio m. middle, midst; en —— in the midst, nevertheless; en —— de in the midst of. medroso, -a terrible, terrifying, timid. mejilla f. cheek. mejor adj. better; el ——- the best. melancola f. melancholy. melanclico, -a melancholy. meloda f. melody. memoria f. memory, mind, remembrance. mendigo m. beggar, mendicant. menear stir, shake. mengua f. shame, disgrace. menos adv. less, least; ——- que less than. mente f. mind, thought, intellect. mentido, -a false. mentir lie, deceive. mentira f. lie, falsehood, falsity. mercader m. trader, merchant. merced f. mercy; a —— de at the mercy of. merecer merit, deserve, be worth. mesa f. table. metal m. metal. metlico m. cash, money. mezclar mix, mingle, unite, jumble; —se be mingled, take part, meddle. mezquino, -a miserable, wretched, petty. mi adj. poss. my. m pron. pers. me, myself. miedo m. fear; hacer —— de make afraid of. miel f. honey. mientras adv. meanwhile; conj. while; —— que while. Miguel pr. n. m. Michael. mil card. thousand. millar m. thousand. mina f. mine, source of supply. mo, -a pron. poss. my, mine. mirada f. glance, look, gaze. mirar look at, contemplate, regard, see, behold, watch, notice; —se entre s look at each other. misa f. mass. miserable adj. miserable, wretched. miseria f. misery, wretchedness. msero, -a miserable, wretched. mismo, -a same, very, self, own. misterioso, -a mysterious. mstico, -a mystical. modo m. way, manner; de tal —— in such a way. mofa f. sneer, jeer. mofar de scoff at, flout. molestar trouble, disturb, grate upon. momento m. moment, instant; al —— in a moment, immediately. monarca m. monarch. montono, -a monotonous, slow, dull. montaa f. mountain. Montemar pr. n. Montemar. montn m. heap. monumento m. monument. morada f. abode. morador, -a inhabitant. morar dwell, abide, inhabit, lodge in. morder bite. Moreto pr. n. Moreto. moribundo, -a dying. morir(se) die, expire, go out. mortal adj. mortal, deadly, fatal. mortal m. mortal, being, man. mortfero, -a deadly, noxious. mostrar show, point out, indicate. motivo m. motive, reason, cause. mover move, stir, sway, drive; —— guerra wage war; —— la planta walk; —— los ojos roll one's eyes; —— los pies walk; —se move, walk. movimiento m. movement, motion, startled movement, agitation, thrill, stirring. mucho adv. much. mudo, -a dumb, silent, still, mute. mueca f. grimace. muerte f. death. muerto, -a dead, lifeless, dying. muerto, -a m. f. dead person, corpse. muestra f. indication, token, proof. mujer f. woman, wife. mula f. mule. mullido, -a soft. mundano, -a worldly, of the world. mundo m. world, earth, society. murmullo m. murmuring, rippling. murmurar murmur. muro m. wall. msica f. music, melody. mutuo, -a mutual. muy adv. very, very much.
nacarado, -a pearly, nacreous. nacer be born, spring up. naciente adj. nascent, growing, budding, dawning. nacin f. nation. nada pron. nothing, not anything. nada adv. not at all, not. nadie pron. no one, any one. naipe m. card. nariz f. nose, nostril. nufrago, -a wrecked, coming from a wreck. nave f. ship, vessel. navegar sail. navo m. ship. nebuloso, -a nebulous, hazy. necesitar need. necio, -a foolish. nctar m. nectar. negar deny, refuse. negro, -a black, dark. nervio m. nerve. nervioso, -a nervous. ni conj. neither, nor, or; —— ... —— neither ... nor. niebla f. mist, haze, fog. nieve f. snow, extreme whiteness. ninfa f. nymph. ninguno, -a adj. pron. no, no one, none, not any. nio m. child, boy. no adv. not, no; que ——- no. noble adj. noble, eminent, worthy, honorable. nobleza f. nobility. noche f. night; de —— by night, at night; media —— midnight. nombrar name, mention. nombre m. name. nos pron. pers. dat. acc. us. nosotros, -as pron. pers. we, us. novela f. novel. nube f. cloud. nublo m. storm cloud. nudo m. knot, noose. nuestro, -a adj. pron. our, ours, of ours. nuevo, -a new, unfamiliar, newly arrived, fresh, additional. nunca adv. never, ever. nupcial adj. nuptial. nutrir nourish.
o interj. oh. o conj. or, either; —— ... —— either ... or. obedecer obey. objeto m. object, thing. obligarse bind one's self, be obliged. obra f. work; —— maestra masterpiece. ocasin f. occasion, time, opportunity. occidente m. west, occident. oculto, -a concealed, hidden, secret. odioso, -a odious, hateful. ofender offend, make angry, insult. ofrecer offer, present; —se offer, occur, present itself. oh interj. oh. odo m. ear, hearing. or hear, listen, listen to; —se be heard. ojal interj. would to God. ojo m. eye, sight. ola f. wave, billow. olor m. odor. oloroso, -a fragrant. olvidar forget. olvido m. oblivion, forgetfulness, neglect. onda f. wave. ondeante adj. waving, flowing. ondear wave. ondina f. undine, water-sprite. ondular undulate, rise and fall. onza f. doubloon (former gold coin, = about $16). palo m. opal. ptico, -a optical; —— vidrio telescope. opulento, -a rich, wealthy. ora conj. now; —— ... —— now ... again, at one time ... at another. orador m. orator. orga f. orgy. orgulloso, -a proud, haughty. original adj. original, curious. oro m. gold, gold coin, wealth, riches; ——s diamonds (as a suit of playing-cards). os pron. pers. dat. acc. you, yourself. osada f. boldness, audacity, effrontery. osado, -a daring, bold, defiant. oscuridad f. darkness, obscurity, gloom. oscuro, -a dark, gloomy, confused. ostentar show, display. otero m. hill. otro, -a adj. pron. other, another.
padecer m. suffering, pain. padre m. father; ——s fathers, parents, ancestors. padrino m. sponsor. paje m. page. palabra f. word, promise. palabrera f. wordiness. palacio m. palace, mansion. plido, -a pallid, pale, faint. palmada f. slap, applause, clapping. palmo m. span (8 inches). palpar feel, grope, know; —se feel, grope. palpitante adj. quivering, throbbing. palpitar beat, quiver, flutter. pan m. bread. par adj. equal; a —— alike; a —— que just as, while; a la —— at the same time, equally; al —— de like, as well as. para prep. for, to, in order to; ser —— be enough to. parabin m. congratulation; dar el —— congratulate. paradero m. halting-place, end. pramo m. paramo, desert, wilderness. parar stop, halt, stake; —se stop, halt. parar m. lansquenet (a game of cards). parche m. drum. pardiez interj. by God. pardo, -a dark gray, brown, dark. parecer appear, seem, resemble, look like; al —— seemingly, apparently. pared f. wall. prpado m. eyelid. parte f. part; de —— de from, by command of; por todas ——s everywhere. pasada f. passing; de —— in passing. pasado m. past. pasar pass, go by, end. pasin f. passion. paso m. step, gait, footstep, tread, passing; —— de andadura ambling gait; al ——, de ——, in passing. pastor m. shepherd. Pastrana pr. n. Pastrana. patear stamp upon. patio m. court, courtyard. patria f. native country, fatherland, home. patrio, -a paternal, native. pausado, -a deliberate, leisurely. pavesa f. embers. pavimiento m. pavement, floor. pavor m. fear, terror. pavoroso, -a frightful, exciting fear, terrifying, terrible. pavura f. fear, terror. paz f. peace, quiet. pecado m. sin. pecador, -a sinful, wicked, wretched. pecho m. breast, chest, bosom, heart, courage; a lo hecho, —— make the best of it. pecho m. tribute; dar —— pay tribute. pedazo m. piece; a ——s to pieces, in pieces; hacer ——s break to pieces, tear. pedestal m. pedestal, foundation. pedir ask, ask for, beg, demand; —— cuenta bring to account, demand account of. pedrera f. precious stones. pena f. punishment, penalty, agony, trouble, anxiety, sorrow, pain; nima en —— soul in purgatory. pendencia f. quarrel, dispute, row. pendn m. banner, flag. penetrar penetrate, pierce. penoso, -a painful. pensamiento m. thought, mind. pensar think, consider, plan, mean, intend; —— en think of. pensil m. beautiful garden. peasco m. large rock. perder lose, squander, ruin, undo; —se be lost, go astray, disappear, vanish; dar por perdido consider lost. perdido, -a lost, ruined, done for, beside one's self, vanished, defeated, wandering. perdidoso, -a losing, loser. perdn m. pardon, forgiveness. perdonar pardon, forgive. peregrino, -a strange, wonderful. perezoso, -a sluggish. prfido, -a perfidious, treacherous. perfumado, -a sweet-scented, perfumed. perfume m. perfume, fragrance, sweet odor. pero conj. but, however. perpetuo, -a perpetual, continual. perro m. dog. perseguir pursue, importune, beset. persona f. person; ——s dramatis personae. pesar weigh, consider, be valuable, repent. pesar m. sorrow, trouble, repentance; a su —— in spite of himself. peso m. weight. pie m. foot; alzarse de —— rise to one's feet; en —— standing; mover los ——s walk; ponerse de —— arise, stand up. piedad f. pity, mercy. piedra f. stone. pintar paint, depict, describe; —se be painted, be depicted. pintura f. picture, painting. pirata m. pirate. pisada f. footstep. pisar tread upon. placentero, -a pleasant, pleasing. placer please. placer m. pleasure, rejoicing. plan m. plan. planta f. sole of foot, foot, project, design; mover la —— walk. plair sob, whimper, lament. plata f. silver. playa f. shore, beach, strand; sin —— boundless. plaza f. square. plebe f. populace, common people. plegaria f. prayer. pliegue m. fold. poblar inhabit. pobre adj. poor. pobreza f. poverty. poco adv. little; —— a —— little by little, gradually; por —— for a trifle. poder be able, may, can; impers. be possible; puede que perhaps, maybe. poder m. power. poderoso, -a powerful, mighty, wealthy. poeta m. poet. Polonia f. Poland. polvo m. dust. pomo m. pommel, hilt. pompa f. pomp, splendor. poner put, place, instill, fix, set, make, turn, offer, give; —— pavor a uno make one afraid; —se a begin to; —se de pie arise, stand up. poniente adj. setting. ponzooso, -a poisonous. popa f. poop, stern; en —— astern, aft; viento en —— before the wind, with a wind from astern. por prep. for, on account of, by, to, through, over, across, for the sake of, on, at; conj. —— qu why. porfa f. obstinacy, persistence. porque conj. because, in order that. portento m. prodigy, miracle, portent. porvenir m. future. pos adv. prep.: en —— behind, after. positivamente adv. positively, certainly. postrado, -a prostrate, kneeling. postrero, -a last. precipitado, -a precipitate, headlong, rash, abrupt. precipitar(se) precipitate, hasten, rush headlong, hurry. precursor, -a m. f. precursor, herald, harbinger. preguntar ask, inquire, question. premtica f. pragmatic (a law). prender catch, take, bind, fasten; —— fuego set fire. presa f. capture, prize. prsago, -a presaging, ominous. prsago m. presage, omen. presentar present, offer, show. presente adj. present. presente m. present. prestar lend, give, add, ascribe. presumir presume, imagine, dare. presuroso, -a prompt, quick, light. prevenirse prepare. previsin f. foresight, foreboding, presentiment. primavera f. spring. primero, -a first, former. prncipe m. prince. prisa f. haste. proceloso, -a tempestuous. procurar procure, obtain, secure. prodigio m. prodigy, marvel. prodigioso, -a extraordinary, exquisite. profundo, -a deep, low, profound, great. profundo m. abyss, hell. prolongar(se) prolong, continue, extend. prometer promise. pronto, -a ready. pronto adv. quickly, soon; de —— suddenly. pronunciar pronounce, utter, say. propio, -a own. prorrumpir break out, burst forth. proteccin f. protection. provocar provoke, rouse, incite. pblico, -a public, general, common. pudor m. modesty. pueblo m. people, town, nation. puerta f. door, gateway, entrance. puerto m. harbor, port. pues adv. then, well; conj. for, since. puesta f. setting. pugnar struggle. punto m. spot, speck, point, moment; al —— immediately, at once. punzante adj. sharp, piercing, pricking, stinging, acrid. pual m. dagger. pureza f. purity, chastity, innocence. pursimo, -a very pure, most pure. puro, -a pure, chaste, holy, clear, unsullied, unblemished, mere, sheer, absolute.
que conj. than, for, as, since, that, so that, let; de —— that. que pron. rel. which, that, who, whom; en —— when. qu interj. what, how. qu interrog. what, why; por —— why. quebrantar break, transgress, shatter, split, weaken. quebranto m. affliction, grief, sorrow. quedar(se) stay, remain, be left. queja f. complaint, lamentation, plaintive cry, moan. quejarse complain, lament. quejido m. moan, complaint. quemado, -a burning. quemar burn. querer love, like, desire, want, seek, wish, accept, cover, accept a challenge or bet, be on the point of. querido, -a dear, beloved. quien pron. rel. who, which, whom, one who. quin pron. interrog. who. Quijote pr. n. m. Quixote. quimera f. chimera, fancy, quarrel, row. quimrico, -a chimerical, fantastic. quince card. fifteen. quinto, -a fifth. quitar(se) take away, remove, take off. quiz adv. perhaps.
=rabia= f. rage, fury. =racin= f. ration, allowance of food. =radiante= adj. radiant. =rfaga= f. gust, blast, burst. =rama= f. branch, bough. =ramaje= m. branches. =ramo= m. branch. =rpido, -a= rapid, quick, swift, nimble, fleeting. =raro, -a= strange, unusual. =rasgar= tear, rend. =raudal= m. torrent, stream. =raudo, -a= rapid, swift, precipitate.. =raya= f. stripe, streak. =rayar= border upon. =rayo= m. ray, thunderbolt, beam, light. =razn= f. reason, reasoning. =realidad= f. reality. =realizar= realize, make real, bring about. =rebelde= adj. rebellious. =rebramar= bellow. =recatado, -a= cautious, careful, prudent. =recato= m. modesty, prudence, coyness. =recelo= m. misgiving, apprehension, fear. =receloso, -a= distrustful, terrifying, fearsome. =recibir= receive, take, accept. =recio, -a= strong, loud, severe, rigorous. =recobrar= recover. =recoger= gather, collect, take in, receive, shelter. =recogido, -a= retired, absorbed, secluded. =reconcentrado, -a= concentrated, intense. =reconocer= recognize, know. =recordar= remember, recall. =recorrer= pass through, examine. =recrear= delight, gladden. =recuerdo= m. recollection, memory. =rechazar= repel, reject. =rechinamiento= m. gnashing. =rechinar= creak, gnash. =rededor= m. environs; =al —— de= around. =redoblar= redouble. =redoble= m. roll. =redor= cf. =rededor=; =en ——= round about. =reflejar= reflect. =reflejo= m. light, gleam, glimmer. =refregar= rub. =refulgente= adj. resplendent, brilliant. =regalar= make merry, cheer, entertain, delight; =—se= feast, make merry, fare sumptuously. =regar= lave, water. =regio, -a= royal, regal, magnificent. =regin= f. region, realm. =registrar= examine, scan. =regocijar= gladden, brighten. =reina= f. queen. =reinar= reign. =rer= laugh; =—se= laugh; =—-se de= laugh at. =relmpago= m. lightning flash. =relinchar= whinny, neigh. =reloj= m. clock, timepiece. =remiso, -a= slow. =remolino= m. whirl, whirling, vortex, eddy, whirlwind. =remontarse= rise, soar, tower. =remordimiento= m. remorse. =remover= remove, move, take away. =rencor= m. grudge, hatred. =rendido, -a= worn out, overcome. =rendir= surrender, give up, overcome, yield. =renegar de= deny, abhor, denounce, curse, protest against. =rengln= m. line. =reidor, -a= quarrelsome. =reir= quarrel, fight. =reparar= defend, recover. =reparo= m. advice, warning, remark, objection. =repente= m. sudden movement; =de —— suddenly. =repentino, -a= sudden. =repetir= repeat. =reponer= reply. =reposar= repose, rest. =reposo= m. rest, sleep. =rprobo, -a= reprobate, wicked one. =repugnante= adj. repulsive, loathsome. =requerir= examine, lay hold of. =resbalar= slip away, glide, pass over, touch. =resistir= resist, endure, withstand. =resolucin= f. resolution, determination. =resolver= resolve, determine. =resonar= resound, ring out, echo. =respirar= breathe, exhale, inhale. =resplandor= m. light, radiance, brightness, glow. =responder= respond, reply, answer. =respuesta= f. reply, answer. =resucitar= return to life. =resuelto, -a= resolved, determined. =retumbar= tremble. =retorcer= twist; =—se= writhe, be wrung. =retrato= m. portrait, picture. =retumbar= resound, recho. =reunir= unite, gather. =reventar= burst forth. =revs= m. reverse; =al ——= contrariwise. =revestir= clothe, robe. =revuelto, -a= agitated, restless, disordered, topsy-turvy, winding, wrapped, clad. =rey= m. king, monarch. =rezar= pray, recite. =rezo= m. prayer, devotions. =rico, -a= rich, abundant, plentiful, fine. =ridculo, -a= ridiculous, strange, absurd. =rielar= shimmer, glisten. =rienda= f. rein; =a —— suelta= at full gallop. =riesgo= m. danger. =rifar= raffle, bid. =rigidez= f. rigidity. =rgido, -a= rigid, severe, rigorous. =ro= m. river, stream. =riqueza= f. richness, riches, wealth. =risa= f. laughter. =rival= m. rival. =rizar= ripple. =robar= rob; =—— a= steal from. =roble= m. oak tree. =roca= f. rock, cliff. =rodar= roll, be tossed about, abound. =rodear= surround. =rodilla= f. knee; =de ——-s= kneeling. =roedor, -a= gnawing. =roer= gnaw, consume, harass. =rogar= pray. =rojo, -a= red, crimson, ruby. =romper= break, break down, destroy, shatter, dash. =ronco, -a= hoarse, raucous, harsh. =ronda= f. rounds, circular dance, dance. =ropa= f. garment, raiment, clothing. =ropaje= m. apparel, gown, robe. =rosa= f. rose. =rosado, -a= rosy, roseate. =rostro= m. face, countenance. =roto, -a= broken, destroyed, shattered. =rudo, -a= rude, rough, hard. =rueda= f. wheel, circle, turn. =ruego= m. request, entreaty. =rugido= m. roaring. =rugir= roar, bellow. =ruido= m. noise, din, sound. =ruinoso, -a= ruinous, crumbling. =ruiseor= m. nightingale. =rumbo= m. course. =rumor= m. noise, sound.
sbado m. Saturday, Sabbath. saber know, learn, find out. sabroso, -a tasty, delicious, palatable. sacro, -a holy, sacred. sacudido, -a harsh, jerky. sacudir shake, shake off, strike. sagrado, -a sacred, holy. Salamanca pr. n. f. Salamanca. salir come out, go out, get out, emerge, issue, turn out, appear, show up; —— de leave, get out. saltar(se) jump, spring, flash. saludar salute, greet. san (santo) saint. sandio, -a foolish, stupid, silly. sangre f. blood, gore; —— fra sangfroid, coolness, calmness. sangriento, -a bloody, gory. santidad f. holiness, godliness. santo, -a holy, saint, blessed. sarcasmo m. sarcasm. sargento m. sergeant. sastre m. tailor. Satans m. Satan. satnico, -a Satanic. stira f. satire. satisfaccin f. satisfaction. sauce m. willow. Scvola pr. n. m. Scaevola. se pron. refl. 3d pers. dat. acc. m. f. sing. pl. him, himself, herself, itself, themselves; one another, each other; dat. of 3d pers. pron. to you. secar parch, consume, dry up, wither. seco, -a dry, dried up, barren, withered, lean, bony. secreto, -a secret, hidden. sed f. thirst. seductor, -a seducing. seductor m. seducer. segar mow, reap. seguida f. continuation; en —— forthwith, immediately. seguir follow, succeed, pursue, go on, continue. segn prep. according to. segundo, -a second. seguro, -a secure, safe, confident, certain, unfailing, stanch; mal —— unsafe, insecure. seis card. six. sellar seal, cover. sello m. seal, stamp, mark. semblante m. countenance, face. semejante adj. similar, like, resembling. semejar resemble, be like. sempiterno, -a eternal. Sena pr. n. f. Siena. seno m. bosom, breast, depths. sensacin f. sensation, feeling. sentar suit, place, plant, become, set; —se sit down. sentenciar condemn. sentido m. sense; sin —— senseless, unconscious. sentimiento m. sentiment, feeling, emotion, regret, grief. sentir(se) feel, regret, be sorry, hear, perceive, foresee. sea f. sign. sealar point out, mark out, make known, name. seor m. lord, seor, gentleman, sir, Mr.. seora f. lady, madam. separar separate, part. sepulcral adj. sepulchral. sepulcro m. grave, tomb. sepultar bury, entomb. sepultura f. grave, tomb. ser be; —— para be enough to; es de temer it is to be feared; es de ver you should see; no sea que lest, for fear that; sea ... sea whether ... or. ser m. being. serafn m. seraph, angel. sereno, -a serene, quiet, calm, placid, fair, peaceful. sermn m. sermon, talk, advice. servir serve; —— de serve as; —se de make use of. sesenta card. sixty. severo, -a severe, stern, serious, rigorous, strict. si conj. if, when, whether; —— no otherwise, unless; —— ... —— whether ... or; y —— no unless, otherwise. s pron. refl. sing. pl. m. f. himself, herself, etc.. s adv. yes, ay, indeed, certainly; que —— yes. s m. assent, consent. siempre adv. always, ever. sien f. temple. sierpe f. serpent. silbar whistle. silbo m. whistling. silencio m. silence, quiet, repose. silencioso, -a silent. silfa f. sylph. slfide f. sylph. silla f. saddle. sin prep. without; —— que conj. without. siniestro, -a left. sino adv. conj. but, only, except. sino (signo) m. fate, mark. siquier, siquiera, conj. whether, although, at least; no —— not even; —— ... —— whether ... or. sitio m. place, spot, site. soberano, -a sovereign, supreme. sobra f. surplus; ——s leavings. sobre prep. over, above, on, upon; estar —— s be self- possessed. sociedad f. society. Scrates pr. n. m. Socrates. sol m. sun. soldado m. soldier. soledad f. solitude, loneliness; de —— deserted. solemne adj. solemn, impressive, grave. soler be accustomed, be wont. solitario, -a solitary, lonely, isolated. solo, -a alone, single, solitary, only; a solas alone, privately. slo adv. only; tan —— only. soltar let go, loosen, utter; —— una carcajada burst out laughing. sollozante adj. sobbing. sombra f. shadow, shade, darkness, trace, vestige, wraith, spirit. sombrero m. hat. sombro, -a somber, dark, overcast, cloudy, gloomy, melancholy, sullen. sn m. sound, noise, manner. sonar sound, resound. soneto m. sonnet. sonido m. sound, peal. sonoro, -a sonorous, resounding, loud, harmonious. sonrer smile. sonrisa f. smile. soar dream, imagine, dream of. soplo m. gust, breath. srdido, -a dirty, nasty. sordo, -a dull, stifled, muffled, quiet. sorpresa f. surprise. sosegado, -a calm, calmed, peaceful. sosiego m. calmness, peace, quiet. sota f. jack, knave. Stambul pr. n. Stamboul. su adj. poss. his, her, its, their, your. suave adj. soft, mellow, delicate, gentle. suavsimo, -a very soft, very gentle, very sweet. subir raise, mount, ascend, climb; —se mount, rise. sbito, -a sudden. sbito adv. suddenly; de —— suddenly. sublime adj. sublime, majestic, heroic. suceder a succeed, follow. sudor m. sweat. suelo m. ground, earth, floor. suelto, -a loose, flowing, swift; a rienda suelta at full gallop. sueo m. sleep, slumber, dream, vision, fancy. suerte f. luck, fortune, fate, lot; a otra —— de esos dados another cast of those dice. sufrir suffer, permit, tolerate. sujetar subdue, overcome. sujeto, -a held fast, conquered. suntuoso, -a sumptuous, luxurious. supremo, -a supreme. suspender suspend, hang. suspirar sigh; —— de long for. suspiro m. sigh. susurrar whisper, murmur. susurro m. whispering, murmuring. suyo, -a adj. poss. his; el —— pron. poss. his.
tabla f. board, plank. tcito, -a silent, quiet, stealthy. tacto m. touch. tachonado, -a betrimmed. tajante adj. keen-cutting (sc. sword). tal adj. pron. such, so, thus; —— vez perhaps, occasionally, now and then. tlamo m. bridal couch. talante m. appearance, disposition. talle m. figure, appearance. taller m. factory, workshop. tallo m. stalk, stem. tambin adv. too, moreover, likewise. tan adv. so, such; —— ... como as ... as; —— slo only. tanto, -a adj. so much, so great; pl. so many. tanto adv. so much, so, such; cuanto ms ... —— ms the more ... the more; en —— while, meanwhile; entre —— meanwhile; —— como as long as; —— ms the more. tapar cover, veil, muffle. tapiz m. tapestry. tararear hum. tardar(se) delay, take long, be long in coming, tarry. tarde adv. late, too late; se hace —— it is growing late. tarde f. afternoon, evening. tardo, -a slow, tardy, sluggish. tarifa f. tariff, price. tartreo, -a Tartarean, infernal. te pron. pers. thee, thyself. tea f. torch. techo m. roof, ceiling. tejer weave, contrive. temblar tremble at, fear, quiver, twitch, tremble. temblor m. trembling, tremor, shiver. tembloroso, -a trembling. temer fear. temerario, -a rash, impetuous, reckless, daring. temeridad f. rashness. temeroso, -a timid, fearful. temor m. fear. tmpano m. sheet (of ice etc.). tempestad f. tempest, storm. templado, -a softened. templo m. temple, church. temprano, -a early, premature. tender stretch out, extend, spread. tenebroso, -a shadowy, gloomy. tener have, keep, take, grasp; —— de + inf. be going to, must. Tenorio pr. n. m. Tenorio. tentar tempt. teir tinge, color. tercero, -a third. terco, -a obstinate. Teresa pr. n. f. Theresa. terminar end, consummate. trmino m. term, end. terneza f. softness. ternura f. tenderness, affection. terror m. terror. terso, -a smooth, glossy, unwrinkled. tertulia f. assembly, club. tesoro m. treasure, wealth, riches. ti pron. pers. thee. Tibre pr. n. m. Tiber. tiempo m. time, period, season; a un —— at once, at the same time; a un —— mismo at the very same time; de —— en —— from time to time; un —— once, formerly. tienta f. probe; a ——s gropingly, feeling his way. tierno, -a tender, soft, affectionate, young. tierra f. land, country, earth, ground. tigre m. tiger. tmido, -a timid, shy. tiniebla f. darkness, shadow. tinta f. tint, hue, color. tiple m. treble. tirano m. tyrant. tirar throw, throw away, cast, draw, pull, win; —— de pull, draw. tocar touch, fall to one's share, hit; —— a muerto toll a funeral bell; dale con —— a muerto plague take this funeral tolling. todava adv. nevertheless, still, yet. todo, -a all, every. todo pron. everything, all; ——s everybody, all. todo adv. entirely. Toledo f. Toledo. tomar take, take up. tono m. tone, manner. torbellino m. whirlwind. torcer twist, wind, bend, turn, divert. torcido, -a winding, twisting. tormenta f. storm, tempest, hurricane, misfortune. tormento m. torment, torture, anguish. Tormes m. Tormes. tornar return; —— a + inf. do again, repeat (an act). torno m. turn; en —— round about; en —— de around, about. torpe adj. slow, dull, awkward. torre f. tower, spire. torrente m. torrent, avalanche. torren m. strong tower. tortura f. torture. torvo, -a stern, severe, grim. trabajar work, toil. trabajo m. work, task, toil, labor. traer bring, bear. tragar swallow. traje m. garb, apparel. tranco m. stride. tranquilo, -a tranquil, calm, peaceful, quiet. transpirar transpire, appear. trapo m. rag, sails; a todo —— all sails set. tras prep. behind, after; —— de behind. traslado m. likeness, imitation. trasmontar sink beyond, set. trasparente adj. transparent, clear. traspasar pierce. traspi m. slip, stumble; dar ——s stumble, reel. trastornar disorder, confuse, upset. trastorno m. disorder, confusion, disturbance. trasunto m. likeness, copy. trato m. agreement, bargain, treatment. trecho m. distance. tregua f. truce, respite. tremendo, -a awful, terrible. trmulo, -a trembling, flickering. trescientos, -as three hundred. triplicar triple. triste adj. sad, sorrowful, dismal, gloomy, cheerless, wretched, sorry. tristura f. sadness, sorrow. triunfante adj. triumphant. triunfo m. triumph, victory, success. trocar change; —se be changed, change. tromba f. waterspout. tronar thunder. tronchar break off a trunk. trono m. throne. trovador m. troubadour. trueno m. thunder. truhn, -a scoundrel. tu adj. poss. thy. t pron. pers. thou. tutano m. marrow. tumba f. tomb, grave. tumbo m. fall, tumble, somersault. tnica f. tunic, robe. turbar disturb, daunt, shake, upset. turbio, -a troubled, confused, dim, heavy. turbin m. squall, heavy shower, hurricane. turbulento, -a turbulent, tumultuous, disorderly. Turco, -a m. f. Turk.
u conj. (before o or ho) or. ufano, -a proud, content. ltimo, -a last, final. ultraje m. outrage, insult. umbro, -a dark, shady. un, una art. a, an. nicamente adv. only. nico, -a only, sole, singular. unir unite, join, bind. universo m. universe, world. uno, -a adj. pron. one; ——s some; de ——a en —-a one by one. urna f. urn.
=vadear= ford. =vagar= wander, roam, flit, drift, hover. =vago, -a= wandering, wavering, vague, indistinct, hazy. =vagoroso, -a= wandering, errant. =vaguedad= f. vagueness; =con ——= vaguely, uncertainly. =valenta= f. valor, courage. =valer= be worth, help, avail; =ms vale= it is better. =valeroso, -a= valiant, brave. =valiente= adj. valiant, brave, arrogant, blustering. =valor= m. valor, courage, strength, force, might, amount, value. =valle= m. vale. =vano, -a= vain, idle, useless, presumptuous; =en ——= in vain, useless. =vapor= m. vapor, mist, fumes. =vaporoso, -a= ethereal, airy, shadowy, misty. =varn= m. man. =varonil= adj. manly, masculine. =vaso= m. glass, vessel, vase. =vate= m. bard. =veinte= card. twenty. =vela= f. sail, ship; =a toda ——= full sail. =velar= veil. =velero, -a= swift-sailing (ship). =veleta= f. weathercock, vane. =velo= m. veil. =veloz= adj. swift. =vena= f. vein. =vencedor, -a= conquering, victorious. =vencedor, -a= m. f. conqueror, victor. =vencer= conquer, vanquish, overcome, subdue. =vencido, -a= conquered, submissive, subdued. =venda= f. bandage. =vendaval= m. strong wind from the sea. =vender= sell, set up for sale. =veneno= m. poison, venom. =vengador, -a= avenging. =venganza= f. vengeance, revenge. =vengar= avenge; =—be revenged. =vengativo, -a= avenging. =venir= come, advance, approach, go; =—— a= succeed in; =vengan los dados= let's have the dice. =ventura= f. happiness, fortune; =sin ——= wretched, hapless; =sin —— de m= unfortunate me, woe is me. =venturoso, -a= fortunate, happy. =ver= see, behold, realize; =—se= be seen, can be seen, find one's self. =verdad= f. truth. =verdadero, -a= true, real, genuine. =vergenza= f. shame. =verter= shed, cast. =vertiginoso, -a= giddy, vertiginous. =vrtigo= m. vertigo, dizziness, confusion, dizzy course. =vestido= m. dress, raiment, robe. =vestir= dress, clothe, garb, enwrap. =vez= f. time, turn; =a veces= at times; =cada —— ms= more and more; =en —— de= instead of; =otra ——= again, once more; =tal ——= perhaps, occasionally, now and then. =viaje= m. journey, passage, way, road. =viajero= m. traveler. =vibrar= vibrate, dart, cast, throw, flicker. =vicio= m. vice. =vctima= f. victim. =vida= f. life. =vidrio= m. glass, window-pane; =ptico ——= telescope. =viejo, -a= adj. old. =viejo, -a= m. f. old man, old woman. =viento= m. wind, breeze; =—— en popa= before the wind, with a wind from astern. =vigor= m. vigor, strength, force. =vil= adj. vile, base, despicable, mean, paltry. =villano= m. low-born one, rustic, villain. =vino= m. wine. =violento, -a= violent, impetuous, furious. =virar= tack, put about. =virgen= adj. virgin, chaste. =virgen= f. virgin. =virginal= adj. virginal. =virtud= f. power, virtue. =visin= f. vision, sight, apparition, phantom. =vislumbrar= descry, glimpse. =vista= f. sight, glance, eye, appearance, look. =vvido, -a= vivid, bright. =vivienda= f. abode. =viviente= adj. living. =viviente= m. living being. =vivir= live; =vive Dios= as God lives. =vivir= m. life, existence. =vivo, -a= living, alive, bright, quick. =volar= fly, take flight, hasten, vanish, sail. =volcn= m. volcano. =voluntad= f. will, determination, desire. =volver= return, come back, turn, direct, drive, restore; =—— a= + inf. do again; repeat (an act); =—se= return, turn, become. =vos= pron. pers. you; yourself. =vosotros, -as= pron. pers. you, ye. =votar= vow; =voto a Cristo= by Christ. =voto= m. vow, curse. =voz= f. voice, word, shout, rumor, opinion. =vuelo= m. flight, soaring. =vuelta= f. turn; =dar mil ——s= turn a thousand times, whirl a thousand times, revolve a thousand times. =vuestro -a= your.
y conj. and; —— ... —— both ... and. ya adv. now, already, indeed, then, finally; no ... —— no longer; —— ... —— now ... now, at one time ... at another. yacer lie. yerba f. grass, weed. yerboso, -a grassy, weed-grown. yermo, -a waste, desert. yermo m. wilderness, desert. yerro m. mistake. yerto, -a rigid, motionless, petrified. yo pron. pers. I. yugo m. yoke.
zafir m. sapphire. zozobra f. worry, anguish, anxiety. zumbar resound