{richten}, to turn, to direct (to, {auf},) "to surrender" (Longfellow).
{richtig!} (adv.), quite right! right so!
{Richtigkeit}, f., correctness, truth.
{Riegel}, m. (pl. {—},) bolt.
{ringsumher}, round about, all round.
{Ritter}, m. (pl. {—},) knight, cavalier.
{Rom}, Rome.
{Rslein}, n. (pl. {—},) little rosebud.
{rot}, red, bound in red cloth; {rot werden}, to blush.
{rotbackig}, ruddy, red-cheeked, cherry-cheeked.
{Rte}, f., blush, flush, color.
{Rotkopf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) red-haired person, "sandy-pate."
{rotkpfig}, red-haired.
{rotwangig}, ruddy-cheeked, cherry-cheeked.
{rcken}, to move (intrans.), to advance (to, {zu}); {nher rcken}, to draw nearer.
{rufen (rief, gerufen)}, to shout, to call, to exclaim.
{Ruhe}, f., rest, repose.
{ruhen}, to rest, to lie down.
{ruhig}, easy (-ily), tranquil(ly), calm(ly).
{run} (dialect.) = {rnne}, (might), would run or flow.
{rund}, round, spherical.
{rstig}, brisk(ly), vigorous(ly), active(ly).
{rutschen}, to glide, to slip.
{Sach}, f. = {Sache}.
{Sache}, f. (pl. {-n},) matter, affair; festivity.
{Sack}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) bag, oil-cloth bag.
{sagen}, to say, to tell, to assert.
{sah nach}, see {nachsehen}.
{Saite}, f. (pl. {-n},) chord, string.
{Salbe}, f. (pl. {-n},) salve, liniment.
{Salzkammergut}, n., name of an Austrian crown-land.
{smtliche}, all, as a whole.
{Sancho Pansa} (a Spanish name), Sancho Panza.
{Sandhase}, m. (pl. {-n},) hare living in sandy regions.
{sanft}, soft, gentle.
{Snger}, m. (pl. {—},) singer.
{Sngerin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) (female) singer, sweet singer, the girl who just had sung.
{Sankt}, Saint, St.
{sa}; {saen}, see {sitzen}.
{sauer}, sour; hard, troublesome; {es fllt mir sauer}, it costs me great pains.
{sausen}, to hurry, to steam.
{schaffens?} (dialect.) = {wnschen Sie?} or {wollen Sie?}
{schallen}, to sound.
{schauderhaft}, horrible, dreadful.
{schauen}, to look (at, {auf},) to direct one's eyes (to, {auf}).
{schauen ... herunter}, see {herunterschauen}.
{schaun's ... aus} (dialect.) = {schauen Sie aus}, see {ausschauen}.
{schaurig}, awful, dreadful; {schauriges}, dreadful things or reports.
{schaut aus}, see {ausschauen}.
{schaute ... drein}, see {dreinschauen}.
{schaute ... hin}, see {hinschauen}.
{schaute hinaus}, see {hinausschauen}.
{schaute ... nach}, see {nachschauen}.
{schauten ... auf}, see {aufschauen}.
{scheiden (schied, geschieden)}, intrans., to part, to separate.
{scheinen (schien, geschienen)}, to seem, to appear.
{schenken}, to give, to present.
{scherzen}, to make or poke fun.
{schicken}, to send, to forward.
{Schimmer}, m., gleam.
{schimmern}, to glisten.
{Schlaf}, m., sleep, slumber.
{schlafen (schlief, geschlafen)}, to sleep; {mit dem Schlafen}, as to sleeping.
{schlagen (schlug, geschlagen)}, to beat, to strike; {aus der Art schlagen}, to degenerate; {nicht aus der Art schlagen}, to take after one's family; {eine Brcke schlagen}, to build or to throw a bridge; {wie viel Uhr hat es geschlagen?} what time is it?
{schlahn} (dialect.) = {schlagen}, to beat, to strike, "to blow" (Longfellow).
{schleichen (schlich, geschlichen)}, to steal away.
{Schleier}, m. (pl. {—},) veil.
{schleppen,sich}, to be burdened.
{schlieen (schlo, geschlossen)}, to close, to conclude, to finish.
{schlielich}, finally.
{schlimm}, bad.
{schlimmste (das)}, worst.
{schlingen (schlang, geschlungen)}, to sling, to wind, to twine, to twist.
{schlug ... zusammen}, see {zusammenschlagen}.
{Schlummer}, m., slumber, sleep.
{schlummerlos}, sleepless, wakeful.
{Schlssel}, m. (pl. {—},) key.
{Schlu}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) close, end; {am Schlu}, at the close.
{schmecken}, to taste; {es schmeckt mir}, I enjoy a dish; {ich lasse es mir vortrefflich schmecken}, I do full justice to my meal.
{strken}, to strengthen; {sich strken}, to grow stronger.
{stechen}, ({stach, gestochen},) to sting, to run through.
{stecken}, to put, to place.
{Stecknadel}, f. (pl. -{n},) pin.
{steckten ... zusammen}, see {zusammenstecken.}
{stehen (stand, gestanden)}, to stand, to be standing, to be planted, to be written; {bereit stehen}, to be available; {zu Einem stehen wie}, to stand by one as a ..., to be with one on terms of ...; {zur Verfgung stehen}, to be at one's disposal; {stehen bleiben}, to stop.
{stehlen (stahl, gestohlen)}, to steal.
{Steierische(r)}, m., see {Steirer}.
{steigen}, ({stieg, gestiegen},) to step in, to get in, to enter.
{Steirer}, m. (pl. {—},) Styrian, inhabitant of the Austrian crownland of Styria; a country-dance in Styria.
{steil}, steep.
{stellen}, to put, to place; {in Aussicht stellen}, to hold out a prospect.
{stellte ... vor}, see {vorstellen.}
{Stellwagen}, m. (pl. {—},) stagecoach, diligence.
{stempeln}, to stamp, to mark.
{sterben (starb, gestorben)}, to die.
{stiegen ... zu}, see {zusteigen}.
{still}, still, silent(ly), quiet(ly), low(ly), humble (-bly); {im stillen}, privately, by one's self; {still stehen}, to stop.
{=stille= = still}.
{Stille}, f., quietness, stillness; {in der Stille}, quietly.
{Stimme}, f. (pl. {-n},) voice; part (in vocal or instrumental music).
{stimmen}, to tune (a musical instrument.)
{Stirn}, f. (pl. {-en},) forehead, brow.
{stocken}, to stop, to cease.
{Stockwerk}, n. (pl. {-e},) story (of a house).
{Storchenfett}, n., stork-suet.
{Storchfetttopf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) (pot) jar with stork-suet, stork-suet box.
{Sto}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) stroke; {der letzte Sto}, finishing stroke.
{Strae}, f. (pl. {-n},) street.
{Straenecke}, f. (pl. {-n},) street-corner.
{Streich}, m. (pl. {-e},) trick, freak.
{stricken}, to knit; {es wird gestrickt}, some knitting is done.
{Strickkrbchen}, n. (pl. {—},) work-basket.
{Stroh}, n., straw.
{Strom}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) river, torrent, current; {in Strmen}, in torrents.
{Strumpf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) (worsted) stocking.
{Stbchen}, n. (pl. {—},) little room, chamber, garret.
{Stube}, f. (pl. {-n},) room; {in der Stuben} (dialectic, dat. sing.), indoors.
{Stubenmdchen}, n. (pl. {—},) chamber-maid.
{Student}, m. (pl. {-en},) student, undergraduate, collegian.
{Studentengeschichte}, f. (pl. {-n},) story from college-life.
{Studentenlied}, n. (pl. {-er},) college-song.
{Studio}, m. (abbrev. of Lat. {Studiosus},) pl. {-s}, student, collegian.
{Studium}, n. (pl. {Studien},) study.
{Stuhl}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) chair.
{stumm}, silent, without (saying) a word.
{Stunde}, f. (pl. {-n},) hour.
{stundenlang} (adj.), lasting one or more hours; (adv.) for hours.
{strmen}, to storm.
{sttzen}, to rest, to support.
{subtrahieren}, to subtract.
{suchen}, to look for, to occupy.
{suchte ... aus}, see {aussuchen}.
{Sden}, m., south; {nach Sden}, (towards the) south.
{Summe}, f. (pl. {-n},) sum or amount (of money).
{s}, sweet.
{Tag}, m. (pl. {-e},) day.
{Takt}, m., tact, right feeling.
{Tanne}, f. (pl. {-n},) fir-tree.
{Tannenbaum}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) fir-tree.
{Tante}, f. (pl. {-n},) aunt.
{Tanz}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) dance.
{tanzen}, to dance; {der Tanzende}, dancer.
{Taschentuch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) pocket-handkerchief.
{=Tauern= = die hohen Tauern}, pl., High Tauern Mountains.
{Uhr}, f. (pl. {-en},) clock, watch, (timepiece), time, o'clock; {wie viel Uhr?} what time? {um vier Uhr}, at four o'clock.
{um} (accus.), around, about, concerning, for, at (time); (conj.), in order to, to; {um ... willen}, for the sake of; {um ... so hbscher}, all the more pretty; {um sechs}, at six o'clock; {ums = um das}.
{Umgang}, m., intercourse.
{umhngen}, to hang round or about (the shoulders).
{umkehren}, to turn round, to return, to go back; {rechts umgekehrt!} right about face!
{=ums= = um das}.
{umschlingen (umschlang, umschlungen)}, to clasp round, to embrace, to cling (to, accus.).
{umsonst}, for nothing, gratis.
{umwenden (wandte, gewandt)}, to turn or to face round (to, {nach}).
{umwerfen (warf, geworfen)}, to get out (of singers); {wir warfen beinahe um}, we had a narrow escape of getting out.
{wirklich}, real(ly), actual(ly), true (truly); {wirklich?} is that so?
{wirst}, see werden.
{Wirt}, m. (pl. {-e},) landlord.
{Wirtschaft}, f. (pl. {-en},) (colloq.), doings, goings on.
{wischen}, to wipe.
{wissen} (pres. t., {wei, weit, wei}; {wissen}, etc.), {wute, gewut}, to know; {er wei nicht zu fragen}, he cannot tell; {wisse!} you must know! let me tell you!
{Wissenschaft}, f. (pl. {-en},) science, learning.
{wittern}, to scent.
{wo}, where (place), when (time).
{Woche}, f. (pl. {-n},) week.
{wochenlang}, for weeks.
{wogen}, to wave, to surge.
{woher} (emphat. {woher},) whence, from where.
{wohin} (emphat. {wohin},) whither, where.
{wohl} (adj.), agreeable, well, comforting, happy; {Einem wohl thun}, to do one good; (adv.[E-9]), well, {ja wohl}, very well; (explet.) I think, perhaps, no doubt; {wohl aber}, but much more.
{wohlgefhlt} (p.p.), well-supplied.
{wohlgesetzt} (p.p.), well-turned, well-worded.
{wohnen}, to live, to reside.
{Wolke}, f, (pl. {-n},) cloud.
{wollen} (pres. t., {will, willst, will}; {wollen}, etc.), to wish, to want, will; to be about to.
{womit} (emphat. {womit},) wherewith with which, by which.
{wonnig}, delightful; {sonnig und wonnig}, perhaps: "sunny and funny."
{worin} (emphat. {worin},) in which, where.
{Wort}, n. (pl. {-e} or {[:-]er},) word.
{Wunde}, f. (pl. {-n},) wound; {das beste fr die Wunden}, balsam for (the) wounds.
{Wunder}, n. (pl. {—},) wonder, surprise; {es nimmt mich Wunder}, it is surprising (a surprise) to me; {seine blauen Wunder sehen}, not to know whether one stands on his head or his heels.