Eingeschneit - Eine Studentengeschichte
by Emil Frommel
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{morgen}, to-morrow.

{Morgengru}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) morning-salute, morning-music.

{Morgenluft}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) morning-breeze.

{morgens}, in the morning, every morning.

{=Mr.=} (= master, pronounce mister), {Herr}.

{m'r} (dialect.) = {wir}.

{mhsam}, hard, difficult.

{Mund}, m., mouth.

{munter}, sprightly, cheerful, blithe, awake.

{Mnze}, f. (pl. {-n},) coin; {klingende Mnze}, clinking coin or cash.

{murmeln}, to grumble, to mutter.

{Musikant}, m. (pl. {-en},) musician, singer.

{mssen} (pres. t. {mu, mut, mu}; {mssen}, etc.), {mute, gemut}, must, to have to, to be compelled or forced to, to feel obliged to.

{mustern}, to eye, to survey.

{mu}, see {mssen}.

{Mut}, m. mood, courage, humor; {es ist mir zu Mut}, I feel; {es wird ihm italienisch zu Mut}, he begins to feel like an Italian.

{Mutter}, f. (pl. {[:-]},) mother.

{Mtze}, f. (pl. {-n},) cap.

{Myrte}, f. (pl. {-n},) (myrtletree).


{nach} (dat.), after; to, towards; {nach ... hinber}, over to.

{Nachbarin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) (female) neighbor.

{Nachbarschaft}, f., neighborhood; (collectiv.) neighbors.

{nachfolgen}, to follow (one, dat.).

{nachgemacht} (p.p.), imitated, fictitious.

{nachgerade}, gradually, at length, by degrees, by that time.

{nachhngen} (for {nachhangen},) to give way (to, dat.), to indulge (in, dat.).

{nachschauen}, to look after (one, dat.).

{nachsehen (sah, gesehen)}, to see, to look after, to consult.

{nachsenden (sandte, gesandt)}, to send after.

{nachspren}, to investigate.

{nchste (der)}, next.

{nchstfolgende (der)}, immediately following, one at whose home the next meeting is to take place.

{Nacht}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) night.

{Nachtlicht}, n. (pl. {-er},) bedroom-candle, rush-light.

{Nachtquartier}, n. (pl. {-e},) night-quarters.

{Nagel}, m.[E-8] (pl. {[:-]},) nail; {mit Ngeln beschlagen}, clouted.

{nah, nher, nchst}, near, (nearer, nearest); close, at hand, in detail; {nahe daran}, close by (it).

{Name(n)}, m. (pl. {Namen},) name.

{nmlich} (adv.), that is to say, to wit, you must know.

{Nase}, f. (pl. {-n},) nose; {der Nase nach}, in the direction of one's nose; follow your nose!

{Nsse}, f., wetness, dampness; {in gleicher Nsse}, in the same rain, as drenched as ourselves.

{na}, wet; fluid, liquid; {etwas nasses}, some kind of wet goods.

{Natur}, f. (pl. {-en},) nature.

{naturell}, real, genuine, true.

{Neapel}, Naples.

{neben} (dat., accus.), by the side of, next to.

{nebenbei}, incidentally, by way of parenthesis.

{nebst} (dat.), together with.

{nehma} (dialect.) = {nehmen}.

{nehmen (nahm, genommen)}, to take; {Einen Wunder nehmen}, to be surprising to one.

{nein}, no.

{'nein} (dialect.) = {hinein}, i.e. {sich hineinstrzen}, to rush into.

{nennen (nannte, genannt)}, to call, to name.

{neu}, new; {aufs neue}, anew, again.

{neugierig}, curious(ly), inquisitive(ly), staring(ly).

{nicht}, not.

{Nichte}, f. (pl. {-n},) niece.

{nichts}, nothing, not anything; {nichts mehr}, nothing any more; {nichts als}, nothing but; {noch nichts}, nothing as yet.

{nicken}, to nod; {dankend nicken}, to express one's thanks by nodding.

{nie}, never.

{niederbayrisch}, of Lower Bavaria.

{niedere (der)}, lower.

{niederlassen (lie, gelassen)}, {sich}, to sit down, to take a seat; to settle, to locate or to fix one's self.

{Niederrhein}, m., Lower Rhine; {am Niederrhein}, somewhere on the banks of the Lower Rhine.

{niederrheinisch}, from the Lower Rhine.

{niederwerfen (warf, geworfen)}, to prostrate.

{niemand}, no one, nobody.

{nit} (dialect.) = {nicht}.

{nix} (dialect.) = {nichts}, nothing, not ... anything.

{noch}, yet, still, more; {immer noch}, still; {noch nicht}, not yet; {noch nichts}, not yet anything, nothing as yet; {was noch}, what else; {weder ... noch}, neither ... nor.

{Norden}, m., north; {nach Norden}, (towards the) north.

{Not}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) need, distress.

{Note}, f. (pl. {-n},) note, (pl.) music.

{Notenbuch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) music-book, singing-book.

{Notfall}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) case of need, extreme case.

{notwendig}, necessary.

{Nr.} (abbrev. = {Nummer}, f.), number.

{nun} (adv.), now; (explet.), well! sure enough! {nun ja}, well, then; yes, indeed.

{nur}, only, no one but.


{Oalles} (dialect.) = {alles}, everything.

{oanonda} (dat., dialect.) = {einander} or {fr einander}.

{ob} (dat.), over, above, at, on account of, (conj.) if, whether.

{Obacht}, f., attention, heed, care; {Obacht geben}, to pay attention.

{oben}, up, above, up-stairs, (in) on the mountains.

{obere (der)}, upper.

{Oberitalien}, Upper Italy, Northern Italy.

{obsolet}, obsolete.

{=Ochse=}, m. (pl. {-n},) ox; (= {Zum Ochsen},) "The Ox-Inn."

{oder}, or.

{Ofen}, m. (pl. {[:-]},) stove.

{Ofenecke}, f. (pl. {-n},) chimney-corner.

{offen}, open, opened.

{offenbar} (emphat. {offenbar},) evident(ly).

{ffnen}, to open; {sich ffnen}, to open (intrans.) = to be opened.

{oft}, often, frequently.

{fters}, often, frequently.

{ohne} (accus.), without.

{ohnehin}, without that, apart from that.

{Ohr}, n. (pl. {-en},) ear; {die Ohren spitzen}, to prick up one's ears; {bis ber die Ohren}, up to one's (ears) eyes.

{l}, n., oil.

{Onkel}, m. (pl. {—},) uncle.

{Operation}, f. (pl. {-en},) operation.

{Opodeldoc}, m., opodeldoc-liniment.

{Ort}, m. (pl. {-e} or {[:-]er},) place, town.


{Paar}, n. (pl. {-e},) pair, couple.

{paar (ein)}, a few.

{packen}, to pack, to pack up.

{Palmsonntag}, m., Palm-Sunday.

{Prchen}, n. (pl. {—},) loving couple, young couple.

{passend}, proper, appropriate, becoming.

{Pasterzengletscher}, m., Pasterze Glacier.

{Pein}, f., torment, trouble, "pain" (Longfellow).

{Pelzkappe}, f. (pl. {-n},) fur-cap, fur-coat; {in der Pelzkappen}, (old dat. sing.).

{Pensionsdrache}, m. (pl. {-n},) boarding-school dragon (— duenna or tyrant).

{Pensionsmutter}, f. (pl. {[:-]},) boarding-school matron (or — duenna).

{Pfarrherr}, m. (pl. {-en},) parson, clergyman.

{Pfeife}, f. (pl. {-n},) pipe.

{Pflegebefohlene}, f. (pl. -[{n}]), charge, ward.

{philisterhaft}, pedantic, narrow-minded.

{Philisterhaftigkeit}, f. (students' slang), Philistinism, pedantry; seclusion, "dumps."

{Pinsel}, m. (pl. {—},) (paint-) brush; {mit dem fettesten Pinsel}, with the boldest touches of a brush.

{Pinzgau}, n., Pinzgovia, Pinzgau.

{plagen}, to torment, to trouble.

{Plaid}, m., n. (pl. {-s},) plaid.

{Platz}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) place, spot.

{pltzlich} (adv.), suddenly, all at once.

{Poesie}, f., poetry.

{Poet}, m. (pl. {-en},) poet.

{Postexpeditor}, m. (pl. {-expeditoren},) post-master.

{Postillon} (or {Postillion},) m., postilion, post-boy, driver of a post-chaise.

{Postwagen}, m. (pl. {—},) post-chaise.

{prchtig}, magnificent, sumptuous.

{prasseln}, to crackle.

{Professor}, m. (pl. {Professoren},) professor; {der Herr Professor}, the or their Professor.

{Protestant}, m. (pl. {-en},) Protestant.

{prfen}, to examine, to try.

{Punsch}, m., punch.

{Pyramide}, f. (pl. {-n},) pyramid.


{Quartett}, n. (pl. {-e},) quartet, quartette; {zum Quartett}, for a quartet.

{Quelle}, f. (pl. {-n},) (well-)spring, source, quarter.


{Rnzel}, n. (pl. {—},) knapsack.

{Ranzen}, m. (pl. {—},) knapsack.

{Rnzlein}, n. (pl. {—},) knapsack, wallet.

{rasch}, quick, without stop.

{Rast}, f., rest, repose, stop.

{Rat}, m. (pl. {Ratschlge},) advice, opinion; {in Gottes Rat}, by divine providence.

{rauchen}, to smoke.

{Raum}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) room.

{rumen}, to quit, to leave.

{r'aus} (dialect.) = {heraus}, out (of it).

{Rebn} (dialect.), f. = {Rebe}, vine, tendril.

{Recht}, n. (pl. {-e},) right; {recht} {haben}, to be right.

{recht}, quite right, thoroughly well, very; {vllig recht}, all right.

{Rechte}, f., right hand, right side.

{rechts} (adv.), at (on, to) the right.

{rechtschaffen} (dialect.), very much, greatly, quite.

{Rede}, f. (pl. {-n},) speech, address.

{reden}, to speak, to say, to utter, to talk (to, {mit},) to have a talk with.

{Regen}, m., rain.

{Regentstreet} (English), f., Regent Street.

{regnen}, to rain.

{reich}, rich.

{reichen}, to reach, to hold out; {Einem die Hand reichen}, to hold out one's hand to one; to marry one.

{Reichtum}, m. (pl. {[:-]er},) wealth, "riches" (Longfellow).

{Reihe}, f., row, file, line; round, turn; {die Reihe ist an mir}, it is my turn.

{rein}, pure; (adv.) purely, absolutely; {rein nichts}, nothing at all, nothing whatever.

{Reise}, f. (pl. {-n},) trip, journey.

{Reisegedanke(n)}, m. (pl. {Reisegedanken},) thought of travelling, intention to travel.

{Reisekleid}, n. (pl. {-er},) travelling-dress.

{=reisen=}, to travel, (= {abreisen},) to start, to depart, to leave.

{Reisende(r)}, m. (pl. -[{n}]), traveller, passenger.

{Reiseparole}, f., travelling-order.

{Reisesack}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) travelling-bag.

{Reisetasche}, f. (pl. {-n},) travelling-bag, carpet-bag, satchel.

{Reizbarkeit}, f., irritability, sensitiveness, susceptibility.

{'ren} (dialect.) = {einer}.

{richten}, to turn, to direct (to, {auf},) "to surrender" (Longfellow).

{richtig!} (adv.), quite right! right so!

{Richtigkeit}, f., correctness, truth.

{Riegel}, m. (pl. {—},) bolt.

{ringsumher}, round about, all round.

{Ritter}, m. (pl. {—},) knight, cavalier.

{Rom}, Rome.

{Rslein}, n. (pl. {—},) little rosebud.

{rot}, red, bound in red cloth; {rot werden}, to blush.

{rotbackig}, ruddy, red-cheeked, cherry-cheeked.

{Rte}, f., blush, flush, color.

{Rotkopf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) red-haired person, "sandy-pate."

{rotkpfig}, red-haired.

{rotwangig}, ruddy-cheeked, cherry-cheeked.

{rcken}, to move (intrans.), to advance (to, {zu}); {nher rcken}, to draw nearer.

{rufen (rief, gerufen)}, to shout, to call, to exclaim.

{Ruhe}, f., rest, repose.

{ruhen}, to rest, to lie down.

{ruhig}, easy (-ily), tranquil(ly), calm(ly).

{run} (dialect.) = {rnne}, (might), would run or flow.

{rund}, round, spherical.

{rstig}, brisk(ly), vigorous(ly), active(ly).

{rutschen}, to glide, to slip.


{Sach}, f. = {Sache}.

{Sache}, f. (pl. {-n},) matter, affair; festivity.

{Sack}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) bag, oil-cloth bag.

{sagen}, to say, to tell, to assert.

{sah nach}, see {nachsehen}.

{Saite}, f. (pl. {-n},) chord, string.

{Salbe}, f. (pl. {-n},) salve, liniment.

{Salzkammergut}, n., name of an Austrian crown-land.

{smtliche}, all, as a whole.

{Sancho Pansa} (a Spanish name), Sancho Panza.

{Sandhase}, m. (pl. {-n},) hare living in sandy regions.

{sanft}, soft, gentle.

{Snger}, m. (pl. {—},) singer.

{Sngerin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) (female) singer, sweet singer, the girl who just had sung.

{Sankt}, Saint, St.

{sa}; {saen}, see {sitzen}.

{sauer}, sour; hard, troublesome; {es fllt mir sauer}, it costs me great pains.

{sausen}, to hurry, to steam.

{schaffens?} (dialect.) = {wnschen Sie?} or {wollen Sie?}

{schallen}, to sound.

{schauderhaft}, horrible, dreadful.

{schauen}, to look (at, {auf},) to direct one's eyes (to, {auf}).

{schauen ... herunter}, see {herunterschauen}.

{schaun's ... aus} (dialect.) = {schauen Sie aus}, see {ausschauen}.

{schaurig}, awful, dreadful; {schauriges}, dreadful things or reports.

{schaut aus}, see {ausschauen}.

{schaute ... drein}, see {dreinschauen}.

{schaute ... hin}, see {hinschauen}.

{schaute hinaus}, see {hinausschauen}.

{schaute ... nach}, see {nachschauen}.

{schauten ... auf}, see {aufschauen}.

{scheiden (schied, geschieden)}, intrans., to part, to separate.

{scheinen (schien, geschienen)}, to seem, to appear.

{schenken}, to give, to present.

{scherzen}, to make or poke fun.

{schicken}, to send, to forward.

{Schimmer}, m., gleam.

{schimmern}, to glisten.

{Schlaf}, m., sleep, slumber.

{schlafen (schlief, geschlafen)}, to sleep; {mit dem Schlafen}, as to sleeping.

{schlagen (schlug, geschlagen)}, to beat, to strike; {aus der Art schlagen}, to degenerate; {nicht aus der Art schlagen}, to take after one's family; {eine Brcke schlagen}, to build or to throw a bridge; {wie viel Uhr hat es geschlagen?} what time is it?

{schlahn} (dialect.) = {schlagen}, to beat, to strike, "to blow" (Longfellow).

{schleichen (schlich, geschlichen)}, to steal away.

{Schleier}, m. (pl. {—},) veil.

{schleppen, sich}, to be burdened.

{schlieen (schlo, geschlossen)}, to close, to conclude, to finish.

{schlielich}, finally.

{schlimm}, bad.

{schlimmste (das)}, worst.

{schlingen (schlang, geschlungen)}, to sling, to wind, to twine, to twist.

{schlug ... zusammen}, see {zusammenschlagen}.

{Schlummer}, m., slumber, sleep.

{schlummerlos}, sleepless, wakeful.

{Schlssel}, m. (pl. {—},) key.

{Schlu}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) close, end; {am Schlu}, at the close.

{schmecken}, to taste; {es schmeckt mir}, I enjoy a dish; {ich lasse es mir vortrefflich schmecken}, I do full justice to my meal.

{Schmerz}, m. (pl. {-en},) pain, grief.

{schmettern}, to ring, to clang.

{Schmied}, m. (pl. {-e},) blacksmith.

{schmieden}, to fabricate, to plot, to concoct.

{schmunzeln}, to smile, to smirk.

{Schnee}, m., snow.

{Schneetreiben}, n., snow-drift, heavy snow-fall.

{schnell}, quick(ly), prompt(ly).

{schnitt ... ab}, see {abschneiden}.

{Schnur}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) string.

{schob ... zurck}, see {zurckschieben}.

{schon}, already; (explet.) readily; beyond doubt, sure enough.

{schn}, beautiful, handsome, fair.

{Schrank}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) case, press, wardrobe.

{schreiben (schrieb, geschrieben)}, to write; {Einem etwas schreiben lassen}, to have something communicated to one.

{Schreihals}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) cry-baby, screamer.

{schreiten (schritt, geschritten)}, to step, to stride.

{Schritt}, m. (pl. {-e},) foot, step, pace; {auf tausend Schritt}, at (a distance of) a thousand feet.

{schritt ... zu}, see {zuschreiten}.

{Schuh}, m. (pl. {-e},) shoe.

{Schuld}, f., fault; {Sie sind schuld}, it is your fault, you are the cause of.

{Schulszepter}, n. (pl. {—},) school-discipline, school-regulations.

{Schssel}, f. (pl. {-n},) dish, platter, plate.

{schtteln}, to shake.

{schwach}, weak, feeble.

{=Schwan=}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) swan, (= {Zum Schwan},) "The Swan-Inn."

{Schweigen}, n., silence.

{schweigen (schwieg, geschwiegen)}, to be or to become silent, to be without a word.

{schweigsam}, quiet, silent, taciturn.

{Schwei}, m., perspiration.

{Schweiz}, f., Switzerland.

{schwer}, heavy, oppressive, difficult, hard, troublesome, stupefying; {das Reden wurde ihr schwer}, she found it hard to talk.

{Schwere}, f., weight, heaviness.

{Schwester}, f. (pl. {-n},) sister.

{See}, m. (pl. {-en},) lake.

{Seele}, f. (pl. {-n},) soul.

{seelenvoll}, soul-breathing, congenial (in soul or mind), soul-gladdening.

{segnen}, to bless, to praise.

{sehen (sah, gesehen)}, to see.

{sehr}, much, very much, exceedingly.

{sei! seid!} (imperat.), be!

1. {sein, seine, sein}, his, its.

2. {sein (war, gewesen)}, (auxil. verb), to be.

{seit} (dat.), since, for.

{Seite}, f. (pl. {-n},) side; {zu seiner Seite}, by his side; {nach allen Seiten}, in every direction; {von Seiten}, on the part.

{=selber= = selbst}.

{selbst}, (my-, your-, his-, her-, our-, your-, them-) self or selves.

{selbstgesponnen} (p.p.), self-spun, home-made.

{Selbsthilfe}, f., self-help; {Verein Selbsthilfe}, club "Help Yourself!"

{Senne}, m. (pl. {-n},) Alpine herds-man.

{Sennerin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) Alpine dairy-maid.

{setzen, sich}, to sit down, to take a seat (by the side of, {zu}).

{setzten ... ein}, see {einsetzen}.

{sich} (reflex. pron.), (him-, her-, your-, them-) self or selves.

{sicher}, firm(ly), steady (-ily), delicate(ly).

{Sicherheit}, f., firmness, stability; {Gefhl der Sicherheit}, security.

{sie} she, (her), it; they (them).

{Sie} (in address), you.

{=Siebensachen=} (= {sieben Sachen},) (pl.), things, traps, bag and baggage.

{siebzehn}, seventeen.

{Signora}, f. (Ital.), (young) lady.

{silbern}, silver, of silver.

{singen (sang, gesungen)}, to sing.

{singts!} (dialect.) = {singt!}

{sinken (sank, gesunken)}, to sink, to fall.

{Sinn}, m. (pl. {-e},) sense, mind.

{Sitz}, m. (pl. {-e},) seat.

{sitzen (sa, gesessen)}, to sit, to be seated; {zu sitzen kommen}, to be seated, to have a seat assigned.

{Skorpion}, m. (pl. {-e},) scorpion.

{so}, so, so much, so very much; thus, therefore; in such a manner; {so dir geschenkt was (war)}, if there was given to you.

{sofort}, immediately, presently.

{solch}, such.

{soll, sollte}, shall, should (could, might, ought).

{sollen}, shall, to have to, to be to; to be said to.

{=sollt=} (= {sollte},) should, would.

{Sommerfrische}, f. (pl. {-n},) summer-trip.

{Sommernacht}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) summer-night.

{sondern}, but (after a negative clause).

{Sonnenschein}, m., sun-light, sun-beam.

{sonnig}, sunny, sun-shiny; {sonnig und wonnig}, perhaps: "sunny and funny."

{sonst}, else, otherwise, usually, as a rule, in other respects; at other times; apart from this; {sonst etwas}, anything else.

{sorgen}, to care (for, {fr},) to look (after, {fr},) to see (to, {fr}).

{soweit}, as far as, so far, so much.

{Spavogel}, m. (pl. {[:-]},) wag, merry Andrew.

{spt, spter}, late, later.

{spielen}, to play.

{Spinnerin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) (female) spinner, girl by the spinning-wheel.

{=Spinnrocken=}, m. (pl. {—},) distaff, (={Spinnrad}) spinning-wheel.

{spitz}, pointed, tapering.

{spitzen}, to point, to sharpen; {die Ohren spitzen}, to prick up one's ears.

{spitzig}, pointed, tapering.

{Spleen}, m. (English), spleen.

{Sprache}, f. (pl. {-n},) speech, accent.

{sprechen}, ({sprach, gesprochen},) to speak, to talk.

{Spur}, f. (pl. {-en},) trace.

{Staatsprfung}, f. (pl. {-en},) state-examination, final examination; {die Staatsprfung machen}, to go in for the state-examination.

{Stadt}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) city.

{Stadtleute}, pl., city-folks; {d' Stadtleut'} (dialect.) = {die Stadtleute}.

{stahn} (dialect.) = {stehen}, to stand.

{Stamm}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) trunk, tree.

{stmmig}, sturdy.

{Stand}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) station, standing.

{Stndchen}, n. (pl. {—},) serenade; {Einem ein Stndchen bringen}, to serenade one; {bei Stndchen}, at serenades.

{standhaft}, steadfast, persevering.

{stark}, mighty (-ily), intensive(ly), strong(ly); good, measured (an hour); (adv.) much.

{strken}, to strengthen; {sich strken}, to grow stronger.

{stechen}, ({stach, gestochen},) to sting, to run through.

{stecken}, to put, to place.

{Stecknadel}, f. (pl. -{n},) pin.

{steckten ... zusammen}, see {zusammenstecken.}

{stehen (stand, gestanden)}, to stand, to be standing, to be planted, to be written; {bereit stehen}, to be available; {zu Einem stehen wie}, to stand by one as a ..., to be with one on terms of ...; {zur Verfgung stehen}, to be at one's disposal; {stehen bleiben}, to stop.

{stehlen (stahl, gestohlen)}, to steal.

{Steierische(r)}, m., see {Steirer}.

{steigen}, ({stieg, gestiegen},) to step in, to get in, to enter.

{Steirer}, m. (pl. {—},) Styrian, inhabitant of the Austrian crownland of Styria; a country-dance in Styria.

{steil}, steep.

{stellen}, to put, to place; {in Aussicht stellen}, to hold out a prospect.

{stellte ... vor}, see {vorstellen.}

{Stellwagen}, m. (pl. {—},) stagecoach, diligence.

{stempeln}, to stamp, to mark.

{sterben (starb, gestorben)}, to die.

{stiegen ... zu}, see {zusteigen}.

{still}, still, silent(ly), quiet(ly), low(ly), humble (-bly); {im stillen}, privately, by one's self; {still stehen}, to stop.

{=stille= = still}.

{Stille}, f., quietness, stillness; {in der Stille}, quietly.

{Stimme}, f. (pl. {-n},) voice; part (in vocal or instrumental music).

{stimmen}, to tune (a musical instrument.)

{Stirn}, f. (pl. {-en},) forehead, brow.

{stocken}, to stop, to cease.

{Stockwerk}, n. (pl. {-e},) story (of a house).

{Storchenfett}, n., stork-suet.

{Storchfetttopf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) (pot) jar with stork-suet, stork-suet box.

{Sto}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) stroke; {der letzte Sto}, finishing stroke.

{Strae}, f. (pl. {-n},) street.

{Straenecke}, f. (pl. {-n},) street-corner.

{Streich}, m. (pl. {-e},) trick, freak.

{stricken}, to knit; {es wird gestrickt}, some knitting is done.

{Strickkrbchen}, n. (pl. {—},) work-basket.

{Stroh}, n., straw.

{Strom}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) river, torrent, current; {in Strmen}, in torrents.

{Strumpf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) (worsted) stocking.

{Stbchen}, n. (pl. {—},) little room, chamber, garret.

{Stube}, f. (pl. {-n},) room; {in der Stuben} (dialectic, dat. sing.), indoors.

{Stubenmdchen}, n. (pl. {—},) chamber-maid.

{Student}, m. (pl. {-en},) student, undergraduate, collegian.

{Studentengeschichte}, f. (pl. {-n},) story from college-life.

{Studentenlied}, n. (pl. {-er},) college-song.

{Studio}, m. (abbrev. of Lat. {Studiosus},) pl. {-s}, student, collegian.

{Studium}, n. (pl. {Studien},) study.

{Stuhl}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) chair.

{stumm}, silent, without (saying) a word.

{Stunde}, f. (pl. {-n},) hour.

{stundenlang} (adj.), lasting one or more hours; (adv.) for hours.

{strmen}, to storm.

{sttzen}, to rest, to support.

{subtrahieren}, to subtract.

{suchen}, to look for, to occupy.

{suchte ... aus}, see {aussuchen}.

{Sden}, m., south; {nach Sden}, (towards the) south.

{Summe}, f. (pl. {-n},) sum or amount (of money).

{s}, sweet.


{Tag}, m. (pl. {-e},) day.

{Takt}, m., tact, right feeling.

{Tanne}, f. (pl. {-n},) fir-tree.

{Tannenbaum}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) fir-tree.

{Tante}, f. (pl. {-n},) aunt.

{Tanz}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) dance.

{tanzen}, to dance; {der Tanzende}, dancer.

{Taschentuch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) pocket-handkerchief.

{=Tauern= = die hohen Tauern}, pl., High Tauern Mountains.

{Tauernhaus}, n., "High Tauern Inn," Summit House.

{Tauernwirt}, m., host or landlord of the "High Tauern Inn."

{tausend}, thousand; {was tausend!} (interj.) the deuce! Good Gracious!

{tausendmal}, (a) thousand times.

{Teil}, m. (pl. {-e},) part, share; {zu teil werden}, to fall to one's share, to be granted or bestowed.

{teilen}, to divide, to part; {sich teilen}, to share; to divide itself, to fork.

{Tenor}, m. (pl. {-e},) tenor; {hoher Tenor}, upper tenor.

{Terzett}, n. (pl. {-e},) terzetto, trio.

{teuer} (attrib. {teurer, teure, teures},) dear (dearest); expensive.

{Tharau}, Tharau (fictitious name).

{that ... weh}, see {wehthun}.

{thts} (condit., dialect. = {wrde thun} or {wrde},) would.

{Thee}, m., tea.

{Theekessel}, m. (pl. {—},) tea-kettle.

{Thor}, n. (pl. {-e},) (city-)gate; {vor die Thore}, outside the city-gates.

{Thrne}, f. (pl. {-n},) tear.

{thun (that, gethan)}, to do, to work, to busy one's self.

{Thr(e)}, f. (pl. {Thren},) door.

{thuts} (dialect.) = {thut}; {kennen thut's kein Mensch} (dialect.) = {kein Mensch erkennt Sie}.

{tief}, deep(ly), profound(ly), lively (conversation).

{Tierwelt}, f. animal world, animal kingdom.

{Tisch}, m. (pl. {-e},) table.

{Tochter}, f. (pl. {[:-]},) daughter.

{Tchterlein}, n. (pl. {—},) beloved daughter, darling daughter.

{Tod}, m., death.

{Todesnachricht}, f. (pl. {-en},) news of some one's death.

{toll}, frantic, nonsensical.

{Ton}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) tone, tune, sound of one's voice.

{topp!} (interj.), done! agreed!

{Trabant}, m. (pl. {-en},) follower.

{trafen ... zusammen}, see {zusammentreffen}.

{trafs} (dialect.) = {trf(e) es}, might (could) hit it.

{tragen (trug, getragen)}, to carry, to bear, to wear.

{Tragweite}, f., range (of a gun).

{trauen}, to trust (to, dat.), to rely (upon, dat.).

{Traum}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) dream; {schwerer Traum}, oppressive dream.

{traurig}, dreary, wretched.

{treffen (traf, getroffen)}, to strike, to hit; {sich treffen}, to meet (one another).

{treiben (trieb, getrieben)}, to drive, to carry on, to deal, to do, to urge on, to compel.

{trennen}, to separate, to part; {sich trennen}, to part with or from one another.

{treu}, true (truly), faithful(ly), devoted(ly).

{treuherzig}, true-hearted, sincere.

{trinken (trank, getrunken)}, to drink.

{trocken}, dry(ly), cool(ly).

{trocknen}, to dry, to get dry.

{Trost}, m., solace, relief, comfort; {recht bei Trost sein}, to be in one's right mind.

{trsten}, to relieve, to cheer.

{trotz} (genit.), in spite of.

{=trotzdem=}, nevertheless; (= {trotzdem da},) although.

{Typhus}, m., typhus (-fever).

{Tyroler}, m. (pl. {—},) Tyrolese, inhabitant of Tyrol; {roter Tyroler}, (home-grown) claret of Tyrol.

{Tyrolerhut}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) Tyrolese hat, Alpine hat.


{bel}, evil, ill, bad, amiss; {nicht so ganz bel sein} (colloq.), to be not amiss, analog., to be not half bad.

{ber} (dat., accus.), over, above, across, by way of, about, regarding, as to, at; {ber Venedig}, by way of ("via") Venice.

{berfallen (berfiel, berfallen)}, to attack.

{bergehen (ging, gegangen)}, to pass over; to change, to turn, (into, in).

{berhaupt}, generally, usually, in general, as a rule, altogether, for the rest.

{berleben}, to survive.

{bernchtig}, nightly, nocturnal, night-; {bernchtige Arbeit}, nocturnal study, lucubration.

{Uhr}, f. (pl. {-en},) clock, watch, (timepiece), time, o'clock; {wie viel Uhr?} what time? {um vier Uhr}, at four o'clock.

{um} (accus.), around, about, concerning, for, at (time); (conj.), in order to, to; {um ... willen}, for the sake of; {um ... so hbscher}, all the more pretty; {um sechs}, at six o'clock; {ums = um das}.

{Umgang}, m., intercourse.

{umhngen}, to hang round or about (the shoulders).

{umkehren}, to turn round, to return, to go back; {rechts umgekehrt!} right about face!

{=ums= = um das}.

{umschlingen (umschlang, umschlungen)}, to clasp round, to embrace, to cling (to, accus.).

{umsonst}, for nothing, gratis.

{umwenden (wandte, gewandt)}, to turn or to face round (to, {nach}).

{umwerfen (warf, geworfen)}, to get out (of singers); {wir warfen beinahe um}, we had a narrow escape of getting out.

{unbedacht} (or {unbedacht},) p.p., thoughtless(ly), inadvertent(ly).

{unbelstigt} (or {unbelstigt},) p.p., unmolested, unpestered.

{unbemittelt} (p.p.), impecunious, without means.

{und}, and.

{unermdlich} (or {unermdlich},) indefatigable.

{unerffnet} (or {unerffnet},) p.p., unopened, not broken open.

{ungefhr}, about, approximately.

{ungemein}, uncommon, rare, extraordinary.

{ungewohnt} (or {ungewohnt},) p.p., unwonted, unaccustomed, unusual.

{Universittsjahre}, pl., college-years.

{uns} (dat., accus.), to us, us.

{Unschuld}, f., innocence.

{unser, unsere, unser}, our.

{unsereiner, unsereine, unsereins}, one of us, such as we, our like.

{unsichtbar}, invisible, scarce; {sich in L. unsichtbar machen} (colloq.), to leave L.

{unten} (adv.), below, down there; {von unten}, from the valley.

{unter} (dat., accus.), under, below, beneath; among (of a number), {unterm = unter dem}.

{unterhalten (unterhielt, unterhalten)}, {sich}, to converse.

{unterkimmet} (dialect.) = {unterkmen} or {unterkommen wrden}, should (could) find shelter.

{Unterkunft}, f., shelter, accommodation.

{=unterm= = unter dem}.

{unterwegs}, on the way.

{unverndert} (or {unverndert},) p.p., unchanged, the same.

{unvergelich} (or {unvergelich},) not (never) to be forgotten.

{unvermerkt} (or {unvermerkt},) p.p., unperceived, (adv.), unawares.

{unvermutet} (or {unvermutet},) p.p., unexpected(ly).

{Unwetter}, n., bad (cruel) weather.

{unzerreibar} (or {unzerreibar},) untearable (-ly), inextinguishable (-bly).

{Urlaub}, m., leave of absence.

{Urteil}, n. (pl. {-e},) judgment, opinion.

{Utensilien}, pl., utensils, implements; supply.


{Vaterland}, n., fatherland.

{Venedig}, Venice.

{veranstalten}, to get up, to arrange.

{verarbeiten}, to beat, to thrash, to belabor.

{verbeien (verbi, verbissen)}, to suppress; {sich das Lachen verbeien}, to stifle a laugh.

{verbeugen, sich}, to bow, to make one's obeisance (to, {gegen}).

{verbieten (verbot, verboten)}, to forbid.

{Verbindung}, f. (pl. {-en},) relation.

{verblfft}, (p.p.), put out, struck all of a heap.

{verdorrt} (p.p.), withered.

{verdutzt}, (p.p.), puzzled, taken aback.

{Verein}, m. (pl. {-e},) association, club; {Verein Selbsthilfe,} club "Help-Yourself."

{vereinen, sich}, to join, to concentrate (to, {zu}).

{=vereinigen=}, to unite (= {vereinbaren},) to reconcile; {sich vereinigen}, to come to an understanding with one's self.

{vereinsamt} (p.p.), lonely, solitary.

{Verfasser}, m. (pl. {—},) author, writer.

{verfolgen}, to follow up, to pursue.

{Verfolgung}, f. (pl. {-en},) persecution, "oppression" (Longfellow).

{verfroren} (p.p.), frozen.

{Verfgung}, f., disposal; {zur Verfgung stehen}, to be at one's disposal.

{Vergan'genheit}, f., the past, things (time) past.

{vergeben (vergab, vergeben)}, to forgive, to pardon.

{Vergebung}, f., pardon; ({ich bitte}) {um Vergebung!} (I beg your) pardon! pardon me!

{vergessen (verga, vergessen)}, to forget, to leave behind.

{Vergngen}, n. (pl., {Vergngungen},) pleasure, delight, pastime; {vor Vergngen}, with joy.

{vergngt} (p.p.), cheerful, joyous.

{verhalten (verhielt, verhalten)}, to keep back, to retain, to suppress.

{Verhandlung}, f. (pl. {-en},) debate, proceedings.

{verkehren}, to commune, to associate.

{verkehrt} (p.p.), wrong.

{Verklrung}, f., bliss.

{verklingen (verklang, verklungen)}, to die away.

{Verknotigung}, f. (pl. {-en},) firm knitting, close tie, "as links to the chain" (Longfellow).

{verkriechen (verkroch, verkrochen)}, {sich}, to creep into.

{verlassen (verlie, verlassen)}, to leave, to quit.

{verlegen} (p.p.), embarrassed, puzzled.

{Verlegenheit}, f. (pl. {-en},) embarrassment, perplexity.

{verleihen (verlieh, verliehen)}, to give, to bestow (upon, dat.), to vest (in, dat.).

{Verletzung}, f. (pl. {-en},) injury, hurt, lesion.

{verlieren (verlor, verloren)}, to lose; {sich verlieren}, to be lost.

{Verlobungszeit}, f., time between betrothal and marriage.

{vermeiden (vermied, vermieden)}, to shun, to evade, to shirk.

{Vermgen}, n., property, competence.

{verpacken}, to pack, to pack up, to keep safe.

{verpflichtet} (p.p.), bound, obliged (to do, {zu}).

{verputzeln} (dialect.), to mask, to disguise.

{verraten (verriet, verraten)}, to disclose, to divulge, to let out.

{verreisen}, to go on a journey; {verreist sein}, to be on a journey.

{Vers}, m. (pl. {-e},) verse, strophe, lines.

{verschmt} (p.p.), bashful, modest.

{verschieden}, different(ly), differing, widely different, separate(ly); {verschieden sein}, to differ.

{verschnern}, to beautify, to embellish, to make or to render more interesting.

{verschweigen (verschwieg, verschwiegen)}, to pass over in silence, to suppress.

{verschwinden (verschwand, verschwunden)}, to disappear, to leave.

{versehen (versah, versehen)}, {sich}, to expect, to be aware (of, accus.).

{versinken (versank, versunken)}, to be absorbed or lost (in thoughts, {in sich}).

{versorgen}, to take care (of one, accus.), to settle one.

{verstehen (verstand, verstanden)}, to understand; {sich verstehen}, to be a judge (of, {auf}).

{versunken} (p.p.), absorbed (in thoughts).

{verunglcken} to come to grief, to be lost.

{verweigern}, to refuse (some one, dat.), something.

{verwittert} (p.p.), weather-beaten.

{verwundern}, to surprise, to amaze; {sich verwundern}, to be surprised.

{verwnschen}, to curse, to wish at Jericho.

{verziehen (verzog, verzogen)}, {sich}, to withdraw, to retire.

{verzieren}, to adorn.

{verzweifelt} (p.p.), desperate, hopeless; {ein verzweifeltes Gesicht machen}, to look desperate or hopeless.

{Vetturin}, m. (Ital., vetturino), hackney-coachman, cabman.

{viel, viele}, much; many; {wie viel Uhr?} what time?

{vielleicht}, perhaps, probably.

{vier}, four.

{vierte (der)}, fourth.

{Viertelstunde}, f. (pl. {-n},) quarter of an hour.

{vierzig}, forty; {die Vierzig}, the age of between 40 and 50 years; the forties.

{Virgil} or {Virgilius}, Vergil.

{Volkslied}, n. (pl. {-er},) popular song, national song, ballad.

{voll}, full (of, {von},) replete (with, {von},) complete.

{vollauf} abundantly, plentifully.

{vollenden}, to go through, to finish, to complete.

{vollends}, completely.

{vllig} (adv.), full(y), complete(ly), altogether, very.

{=vom= = von dem}.

{von} (dat.), of, from; by; {von ... her}, from.

{vor} (dat., accus.), before, in front of; ago (time); on account of, at; {vor sich haben}, to confront.

{vorab} (obsol.), first of all, particularly.

{voran} (dat., postpositive), before, ahead, at the head of.

{voranschreiten (schritt, geschritten)}, to precede (some one, dat.)

{vorbeikommen (kam, gekommen)}, to pass (by).

{vorher}, before.

{vorholen}, to fetch out, to take in their midst.

{vorkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to seem, to appear (to one, dat.); to be mentioned.

{vorn} (adv.), in front, in the forepart.

{Vornamen}, m. (pl. {—},) Christian-name.

{vorndran}, ahead of all.

{vorne}, in front, in the front-room.

{vornehmen (nahm, genommen)}, to execute, to perform.

{Vorsicht}, f. care, prudence.

{Vorsorge}, f., foresight, precaution; {zur Vorsorge}, as a matter of precaution.

{vorsorglich} (adv.), carefully, as a precaution.

{Vorsteherin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) head-mistress, directrix.

{vorstellen}, to introduce one (to, dat.); {sich vorstellen}, to introduce one's self.

{Vorstellung}, f. (pl. {-en},) introduction, presentation.

{vortrefflich}, hearty (-ily), splendid(ly).

{vorberziehen (zog, gezogen)}, to pass by (one, {an}).

{vorwrts}, forward(s)! onward! on!


{wachsen (wuchs, gewachsen)}, to grow; {wchse!} would or might grow!

{wacker}, good, valiant, gallant.

{Wagen}, m. (pl. {—},) carriage, coach, stage-coach; {am Wagen hin}, along the side of the stage-coach.

{wagen}, to risk, to dare, to undertake.

{Wahl}, f. (pl. {-en},) choice.

{whlen}, to choose.

{wahr}, true; {nicht wahr?} is it not so?

{whrend} (genit.), during; (conj.) while.

{Waisenkind}, n. (pl. {-er},) orphan (-child).

{Waisenknabe}, m. (pl. {-n},) orphan (-boy).

{Wald}, m. (pl. {[:-]er},) wood(s), forest.

{Waldecke}, f. (pl. {-n},) edge of the wood.

{Wand}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) wall; {an der Wand}, along the wall.

{wandern}, to wander; to be taken, to be put or packed.

{Wange}, f. (pl. {-n},) cheek.

{wanken}, to falter, to fail.

{wann}, when; {dann und wann}, (every) now and then, at times.

{Wappen}, n. (pl. {—},) escutcheon, coat of arms.

{war}; {waren}, see auxil. {sein}.

{=wr= = wre}, would be.

{=wren= = wrden sein}, would have; would be.

{warfen ... um}, see {umwerfen}.

{warm}, warm(ly), passionate(ly).

{warnen}, to warn, to caution, to counsel prudence.

{=wrs= = wrde es sein}.

{warten}, to wait (for, {auf}).

{=was=}, what (= {etwas},) somewhat, something; {was noch}, what else.

{wassergeprft} (p.p.), water-proof, water-tight.

{Wasserglas}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) tumbler.

{wat} (dialect.), what.

{wecken}, to waken, to call (up).

{Weckschnitt}, m. (pl. {-e},) or {Weckschnitte}, f. (pl. {-n}) (rhomb-shaped) slice of bread.

{weder}, neither; {weder ... noch} (correlat.), neither ... nor.

{Weg}, m. (pl. {-e},) way, road.

{weg}, away; {weit weg}, far away.

{wegholen}, to (fetch) call away.

{wegziehen (zog, gezogen)}, intrans. to move away.

{wehthun (that, gethan)}, to ache, to give pain.

{wehe} (adj.), aching, painful; {Einem wehe thun}, to hurt one's feelings.

{wehen}, to blow, to wave.

{wehmtig}, woeful(ly), doleful(ly).

{wehren, sich}, to resist.

{Weib}, n. (pl. {-er},) woman, wife.

{Weibchen}, n. (pl. {—},) (pretty) young wife.

{weich}, soft, gentle, mild.

{weihen}, to devote.

{weil}, because, as, since.

{Weile}, f., while, pause.

{Wein}, m. (pl. {-e},) wine.

{weinen}, to weep, to shed tears.

{Weise}, f. (pl. {-n},) manner, way; melody, air.

1. {wei} (adj.), white.

2. {wei} (verb), see {wissen}.

{weit}; {weiter}, far; further on; {nicht mehr weiter}, not any further; {weiter ziehen}, to move on, to proceed.

{weite (der)}, wide.

{weitere (der)}, further; {ohne weiteres}, without any more ado, without ceremony, off-hand.

{welcher, welche, welches}, who, which; {welcher?} which?

{welken}, to fade, to wither.

{Welt}, f., world; {auf der Welt}, in the (whole) world.

{Weltgetmmel}, n., bustle (turmoil, throng) of the world.

{wen}, whom.

{wenden (wandte, gewandt)}, {sich}, to address (one, {an},) to apply or to appeal (to, {an}).

{Wendung}, f. (pl. {-en},) turning-point, crisis.

{wenig}; {wenige}, little; a few.

{wenn}, if, when, whenever; {wie wenn}, as if.

{wer}, who, he who; {wer?} who? {wer ... der}, who.

{werben (warb, geworben)}, to woo, to court (one, {um}).

{werden} ({wurde} [{ward}], {geworden},) to become, to turn out; or auxil. for the formation of the pass. voice and the fut., and the cond. act.

{werfen (warf, geworfen)}, to throw, to cast.

{Werfener}, of (the town of) Werfen.

{wert}, worth, valuable, dear; {werthalten}, to esteem, to value.

{Wetter}, n. (bad) weather, "wild weather" (Longfellow).

{Wetterloch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) bad-weather-quarter.

{wickeln}, to wrap.

{wie}, as, like; how? {Wie heien Sie?} what are you called? what is your name?

{wieder}, again.

{Wiedersehen}, n., meeting again.

{wiewohl}, although.

{wild}, wild, impetuous.

{wildfremd} (or {wildfremd},) utterly strange, utter stranger.

{will}, see wollen.

{Wind}, m. (pl. {-e},) wind, breeze.

{winken}, to beckon (to, dat.).

{Winter}, m. (pl. —), winter.

{wir}, we.

{wirklich}, real(ly), actual(ly), true (truly); {wirklich?} is that so?

{wirst}, see werden.

{Wirt}, m. (pl. {-e},) landlord.

{Wirtschaft}, f. (pl. {-en},) (colloq.), doings, goings on.

{wischen}, to wipe.

{wissen} (pres. t., {wei, weit, wei}; {wissen}, etc.), {wute, gewut}, to know; {er wei nicht zu fragen}, he cannot tell; {wisse!} you must know! let me tell you!

{Wissenschaft}, f. (pl. {-en},) science, learning.

{wittern}, to scent.

{wo}, where (place), when (time).

{Woche}, f. (pl. {-n},) week.

{wochenlang}, for weeks.

{wogen}, to wave, to surge.

{woher} (emphat. {woher},) whence, from where.

{wohin} (emphat. {wohin},) whither, where.

{wohl} (adj.), agreeable, well, comforting, happy; {Einem wohl thun}, to do one good; (adv.[E-9]), well, {ja wohl}, very well; (explet.) I think, perhaps, no doubt; {wohl aber}, but much more.

{wohlgefhlt} (p.p.), well-supplied.

{wohlgesetzt} (p.p.), well-turned, well-worded.

{wohnen}, to live, to reside.

{Wolke}, f, (pl. {-n},) cloud.

{wollen} (pres. t., {will, willst, will}; {wollen}, etc.), to wish, to want, will; to be about to.

{womit} (emphat. {womit},) wherewith with which, by which.

{wonnig}, delightful; {sonnig und wonnig}, perhaps: "sunny and funny."

{worin} (emphat. {worin},) in which, where.

{Wort}, n. (pl. {-e} or {[:-]er},) word.

{Wunde}, f. (pl. {-n},) wound; {das beste fr die Wunden}, balsam for (the) wounds.

{Wunder}, n. (pl. {—},) wonder, surprise; {es nimmt mich Wunder}, it is surprising (a surprise) to me; {seine blauen Wunder sehen}, not to know whether one stands on his head or his heels.

{wunderbar}, wondrous(ly), strange(ly), surprising(ly).

{wnschen}, to wish, to desire.

{Wrde}, f., dignity.

{wrde; wrden}, would, should.

{wrdig}, worthy.

{wuten}, see {wissen}.


{z'} (dialect.), = {zu}, to, too; {z' lang}, too long.

{zahlen}, to pay, to settle.

{zhlen}, to count over.

{zart}, delicate.

{Zeche}, f., bill.

{Zeichen}, n. (pl. {—},) sign, signboard, trade.

{zeigen}, to show; {sich zeigen}, to show, to appear.

{Zeit}, f (pl. -en), time, season.

{Zettel}, m. (pl. {—},) slip of paper, scrip.

{Zeuge}, m. (pl. {-n},) witness.

{ziehen (zog, gezogen)}, transit., to pull, to draw; intrans. to move, to march, to pass, to spread.

{Ziel}, n. (pl. {-e},) place to go to, destination.

{Zimmer}, n. (pl. {—},) room.

{Zipperlein}, n., gout, podagra.

{Zither}, f. (pl. {-n},) zithern, cithern.

{Zithern}, f. (dialect.), = {Zither}.

{zogen ... hervor}, see {hervorziehen}.

{z'samm} (dialect.) = {zusammen}, together, one another; {sich z'sammfinden}, to find each other.

{zu} (dat.), at, in; to, toward, in the direction of (in the latter sense following its case); (adv.) too; (conj.) to, in order to.

{zubringen (brachte, gebracht)}, to spend, to pass.

{zucken}, to jerk, to move up and down or to and fro, to flash.

{zuerst}, first.

{zufrieden}, satisfied, pleased; {ich bin es zufrieden}, I have no objection to it, all right!

{=Zug=}, m. (pl. {[:-]e}) (= {Richtung},) direction, course, motion; (= {Eisenbahnzug},) train, railroad-train; (= {Gesichtszug},) feature, trait.

{zugebracht}, see {zubringen}.

{zugleich}, at the same time, simultaneously.

{zuhren}, to listen; {jeder wer zuhrt}, every one in the audience.

{Zukunft[E-10]}, f., time to come; emergency, casuality.

{zuletzt}, at last, finally.

{=zum= = zu dem}.

{znd't ... an}, see {anznden}.

{=zur= = zu der}.

{zurecht}, ready; {zurecht machen}, to prepare, to get up.

{zurck}, back, backwards.

{zurckgeben (gab, gegeben)}, to give back, to restore.

{zurckgehen (ging, gegangen)}, to go back, to return.

{zurckkehren}, to return.

{zurckkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to return.

{zurcklassen (lie, gelassen)}, to leave behind.

{zurckschieben (schob, geschoben)}, to push or shove back.

{zusammen}, together, assembled.

{zusammenfinden (fand, gefunden)}, {sich}, to come together, to meet, to find each other.

{zusammenfliegen (flog, geflogen)}, to flock together.

{Zusammenhang}, m., connection.

{zusammenkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to come together, to be joined or united.

{zusammenrcken}, intrans., to be placed together.

{zusammenschlagen (schlug, geschlagen)}, to throw up one's arms (in astonishment).

{zusammenstecken}, to put together.

{zusammentreffen (traf, getroffen)}, to meet.

{zusammenwehen}, to blow together.

{zuschauen}, to look on, to watch.

{zuschreiten (schritt, geschritten)}, to step or to walk (up to, {auf ... zu}).

{zusehen (sah, gesehen)}, to look on, to witness.

{zusteigen (stieg, gestiegen)}, to move or to march on.

{zustrmen}, to storm on, to continue storming.

{Zutrauen}, n., confidence (in, {zu}); {Zutrauen fassen}, to take confidence.

{zuvor}, before; {tags zuvor}, on the previous day.

{zuziehen (zog, gezogen)}, intrans., to march (towards, dat.), to proceed (in the direction of, dat.).

{zwanzig}, twenty; {die Zwanzig}, the twenties.

{=Zwanziger=}, m. (pl. {—},) twenty-kreutzer-piece (= 10 American cents), dime.

{zwar} (explet.), it is true, certainly; {sie meinten zwar}, though they thought; {... aber}, yet.

{zwei}, two.

{zweifeln}, to doubt.

{zweimal}, two times, twice.

{zweite (der)}, second, other.

{zwischen} (dat., accus.), between.

{zwischendrein}, in the (very) midst of them.

{zwoa} (dialect.) = {zwei}, two.

{zwlf}, twelve.


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====================================================================== Transcription Notes

[E-1] The original was punctuated thus: 'nnchen von Tharau,'!

[E-2] The original was punctuated thus: {Das ist ein schnes Volkslied, das mssen Sie mir geben. Aber was ist das Verknotigung?}

[E-3] See the entry for "Else" in the vocabulary.

[E-4] COMMA SPACE replaces SPACE OPEN-PAREN. There is no discernible parenthetical comment.

[E-5] Missing period.

[E-6] Was avnti.

[E-7] The word "see" was not italicized.

[E-8] The original marked Nagel as n.

[E-9] Missing period.

[E-10] Missing accent.

[E-11] The original capitalized "vocabulary". Correct in 1900 edition.


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