Page 18.—18-1. An invocation for help to Saint Florian, the patron-saint of those in danger of fire, here humorously uttered on the approach of the red-haired valet of the Englishman.—St. Florian (190-230 A.D.) was a German soldier in the Roman army and for being a Christian was martyred by drowning in the river Enns (Austria) under Emperor Diocletian.
18-2. {=znd't= = zndet}. The subject ({er} or {der Mann} or {der Kerl hier}) to be understood.
18-3. {Balance}, pronounce as in French.
18-4. Correct the Englishman's faulty German.
18-5. {behagte} (subj. impf.), for conditional {behagen wrde} or {sollte}.
18-6. {woher des Landes, woher der Mnner?} The German translation of the first half of the Greek hexameter: [Greek: tis pothen eis andrn? pothi toi polis de tokes?] so frequently occurring in Homer: Who art thou? And of what race of men? And where thy home?—(William Cullen Bryant.)
18-7. {sei}—mood? why? State the question directly.
18-8. {konnten nicht weiter}. Account for the idiom. Cf. Page 5, Note 12.
Page 19.—19-1. The second and third stanzas run thus:
{Dort an dem Klippenhang, 2. Robin Adair! Rief ich oft still und bang: Robin Adair! Fort von dem wilden Meer! Falsch ist es, liebeleer. Macht nur das Herze schwer. Robin Adair!
Mancher wohl warb um mich, 3. Robin Adair! Treu aber liebt' ich dich, Robin Adair! Mgen sie and're frei'n, Ich will nur dir allein Leben und Liebe weih'n, Robin Adair!}
There are several English versions written for the old Irish air "Eileen Aroon," all having "Robin Adair" as the refrain. The German version by some unknown poet of the first quarter of the present century, possesses all the charming simplicity and dramatic directness of the {Volkslied} of earlier times. Though adapted to the same air and with the same refrain, its contents are altogether original.—Of the different English versions, the following comes nearest the German wording, and may therefore be used in translating:
Come to my heart again, Robin Adair! Never to part again, Robin Adair! And if you still are true, I will be constant, too, And will wed none but you, Robin Adair!
19-2. {doch}. Cf. Page 10, Note 11.
19-3. {nnchen von Tharau,} a popular song by Simon Dach, a native of East Prussia (1605-1659), made known to English readers through Longfellow's translation: Annie of Tharaw.
19-4. {schlahn} and (in the following verse) {stahn} (Sambian, i.e. East Prussian dialect) for {schlagen} and {stehen}.
Page 20.—20-1. {Verknotigung}.—Longfellow renders the fifth strophe:
Oppression and sickness and sorrow and pain, Shall be to our true love as links to the chain.
20-2. {die Hitsche}, "foot-stool," (students' slang) for {das Katheder}, professor's chair or desk.
20-3. {er}, refers to {Ausdruck}.
20-4. {das Volkslied} (sing., collectively), for pl., {Volkslieder.}
20-5. {=hier=}, i.e. in the Alpine districts of Bavaria, Austria, and Tyrol whose people, old and young, for ages have been noted for their remarkable skill of giving vent, extempore, to their feelings in the form of {Schnaderhpfel} (lit., reapers [= country-people's] dancing-songs) or "Tyrolese ditties." They have all the same rhythm, are sung to the accompaniment of the cithern, the favorite musical instrument of the mountaineers, and recite in verse, more or less rude, the interests of mountain-life, such as the adventures of lovers, and the mysteries of fairyland, etc.
20-6. {singt's!} (Alpine dialect) = {singt!}—{einmal} (indef., persuasivly), just sing! won't you?
20-7. {einen Steirer}, a Styrian country-dance—a musical recitative accompanied by the cithern and set to a tune sufficiently rhythmical to act as one of the original purposes of a ballad, namely a dance tune.
20-8. {zahlt}, here = {mu zahlen} or {hat zu zahlen}.
20-9. {einen Zwanziger Mnz}, a 20-kreutzer-piece (also called {ein Kopfstck}), equal to 10 American cents, trans. a dime.
20-10. Dialect. = {das wrde schon ganz recht} (or {gut}) {sein.}
20-11. {wie es Euch ums Herz} (or {zu Mut}) {ist}, cf. Page 4, Note 2.
Page 21.—21-1. {einen Herzog-Maxlndler}, a country-dance tune, named after the popular Duke Max Joseph of Bavaria, the father of the lamented Empress Elisabeth of Austria, whose recent assassination (September 10, 1898) in Geneva (Switzerland) startled the whole world.
21-2. in optima forma (Lat. phrase), in the best possible manner or masterly.
21-3. {mit dem Gemsbarte} ({am Hut}), cf. Page 5, Note 1.
21-4. {mit den Armen}, omit the preposition in English.
21-5. {man}, best to be rendered by changing to passive with the relat. pron. as subject.
21-6. {es} (indef.), here = {eine Stimme} or {der Gesang}.
21-7. Dialect. =
{Und zwei Bltter und zwei Blumen Und eine Rebe um einen Stamm, Und was einander} (dat.) {bestimmt ist, Das find't sich auch zusamm'.}
21-8. {was—das} (neuter, correlative), idiom, for masc. and fem. pl. = {die, welche}, those who.
21-9. {a} (dialect.) = (1) {ein, eine, ein}, and (2) {auch}; here = ?
21-10. {schallte es} (cf. Note 6, above), another voice was heard.
21-11. Dialect. =
{Beht dich Gott, mein kleines (liebes) Mdchen, Es mu ja so sein, Mein Leben gehrt dem Kaiser, Mein Herz gehrt dein!
Und mein Herz, das la ich Daheim in deinem Haus, Sonst trf's vielleicht eine Kugel, Und die Lieb' rnn' (flsse) all heraus!}
21-12. {es} (introductory or grammatical subject), cf. Page 16, Note 9.
=Page 22.=—22-1. Dialect. =
{Seid gescheit! Seid gescheit! Nicht in alles gleich hinein! Es sitzt oft ein Fuchs In einer Pelzkappe drein (drin)!}
The meaning is: Do not hurry in matters of love, for appearances are often deceitful, and what at first glance looks like a smooth and comfortable fur-cap (or fur-coat) may after all prove the hiding-place of a cunning fox; a simile taken from the old mountaineer's sphere of observation (cp. the biblical phrase "a ravening wolf in sheep's clothing").
22-2. {ja} (adverb. idiom), why, you know! or you must know.
22-3. {fr's Geld}, in English without article.
22-4. {wohl} (adverb. idiom), sure enough; it is true.
22-5. {guter Dinge sein} (a phrase with adverbial genit. of manner or quality), to be of good cheer or in high spirits ("in high feather").
22-6. {nahm sich auf die Seite}, trans., called to his side.
22-7. {es} (indef.), here for (the contents of) pans and pots.
22-8. {dafr, da er nicht singen knne} (lit., for this that he could not sing), for his being unable to sing.
22-9. {spielte} (obj. {die Zither} being implied).
22-10. {=es geht was=} (= {etwas}) {=drauf=} (colloq. phrase), considerable money is spent, or business is booming.
22-11. {was thut's?} (colloq. phrase), what does it matter?
Page 23.—23-1. {machen} (in colloquial language used as substitute for almost any verb, = Eng. to get); {sich machen unter ...} = {sich mischen} or {sich begeben unter ...}
23-2. {sich} (dat. of interest) = {fr sich}, for himself (exclusively).
23-3. {es} (indef.), here perhaps "curiosity."
23-4. {wie wre es?} (condit. subj.), for condit. {wrde es sein?} (how would it be?), how would it do? or what do you think of ...?
23-5. {erzhlte} (subj. impf.) = {erzhlen wrde}.
23-6. {es wird nicht viel werden mit dem Schlaf heute Nacht} (colloq. phrase), sleep is hardly to amount to anything to-night.
23-7. {trotz Ihres hohen Bettes}—to spare room, in the Alpine huts the beds are found high up on the wall, near the ceiling of the room, resting on pegs driven into the wall.
23-8. {mein Frulein}—directed to Elsa.
23-9. {das wre schn}, cf. Note 4, above.
23-10. {Fruleins} (pl. for {Frulein}), comp. {Kerls} for {Kerle}, Page 16, Note 1.
Page 24.—24-1. {wes} (obsol. genit. for {welches}) {Zeichens und Standes} (colloq. phrase with adverbial genitive) lit., "what the inscription of my sign-board is and my [social] standing," trans., what my occupation is and my standing in life.
24-2. {wo ... her} (separated) for the more common form {woher}.
24-3. {niederrheinisch}, from the Lower Rhine, i.e. from the northwestern part of Germany.
24-4. {ehrlicher Leute Kind} (sing., collectively), a phrase for {ehrlicher Leute Kinder}. Cf. Page 20, Note 4.
24-5. {es} (indef.), perhaps: things or affairs.
24-6. {es} (indef.), here perhaps: my fate or a change in my life.
24-7. {es wurde ... gestrickt}, some little knitting was done.
24-8. {wanderten} (wandered). Account for the idiom. Cf. Page 4, Note 12.
24-9. {es} (introductory or grammatical subject); what is the logical subject?
24-10. {doch} (adverb. idiom), adds force to the request.
24-11. {geben Sie mir die Krbchen!}—The point lies in the double meaning of the phrase {Einem einen Korb geben} = (1) literally: to give one a basket, and (2) figuratively: to refuse a suitor; to give "the sack" or "the mitten."
Page 25.—25-1. {es} (indef.), here the thought.
25-2. {komm}. Note the sudden change of address from the formal second pers. pl. to the affectionate second pers. singular.
25-3. {die} (emphat.) = {diese, sie}—how known that it is not relative pronoun?
25-4. {um so hbscheres}, all the prettier.
25-5. {ein Ku brannte} (burnt), was fired.
25-6. {ob} (obsol. prepos.) = {ber} or {wegen}.
25-7. {es} (introductory), there.
25-8. {es hat nicht seine Richtigkeit mit der ...}, there is (or must be) some misconception as to her being a ...
25-9. {Knigge's Umgang mit Menschen,} Baron Knigge's (1751-1796) once famous standard book Instruction in Deportment.
25-10. {Pen}(pronounce as in French){sionsmutter}.
Page 26.—25-1. {sich} (dat. = {mit sich}), with himself; in his mind.
25-2. {das}, refers to the kissing and embracing.
25-3. {kurze Verlobungszeit}, while as a rule, in Germany, years elapse between betrothal and marriage of a young couple.
25-4. {bei mir} ({zu Hause} being understood).
25-5. {wohin} ({wir reisen sollten} being understood).
25-6. {kamen gefahren}. Note the idiomatic use of the perf. partic. instead of the pres. partic. after {kommen}—came riding or driving.
25-7. {=wo ... hin=fhrt} (separated), for the more common form {wohin ... fhrt}. Cf. Page 24, Note 2.
25-8. {Kassel}, capital of the Prussian province of Hesse-Kassel.
25-9. {hast du} (cf. Page 2, Note 1) = {wenn} (time) {du hast}.
25-10. {Frankfurt a. M.}, Frankfurt-on-the-Main (river), a far-famed city of the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau.—From 1562 to 1792 the German emperors were crowned in the Frankfurt Cathedral. The town was also the residence of the German kings under the Franconian Dynasty, 768-911, after whom the town has been named.
25-11. {sagt}—colloq. omission of an adverb as {darauf} or {da}.
25-12. {dahin la mich mit dir, o mein Geliebter, ziehen!} there, O, my true lov'd one, thou with me must go! (Thomas Carlyle).—These words of Mignon forming the refrain of each of the three strophes of Goethe's ballad Mignon (see page 28) are here skillfully and affectionately attributed to the young wife of the narrator.
25-13. {uns} (dat. of interest), humorously, trans. somewhat like to our edification.
25-14. {wir gehen}—present tense instead of the future, to express an immediate or certain future as if actually present, or it may be taken in the sense of an imperative.
25-15. {Heidelberg}, town in the grand-duchy of Baden, charmingly situated on the Neckar (river), with a famous university founded in 1386, the oldest in the present German Empire.
25-16. {Heidelberg, das Wetterloch!} (bad weather-quarters). In a similar manner, Joseph Victor Scheffel, the life-long admirer and bard of Heidelberg, complains of the wet character of the old university-town on the Neckar, in the closing line of the Preface to his "Gaudeamus," a collection of merry college-songs, where he says: {Der} genius loci {Heidelbergs ist feucht,}—now a familiar quotation.
25-17. {sitzt}. Cf. Note 11, above.
25-18. {im Ritter,} i.e. {im Hotel zum Ritter,} an inn in the Market-Square of Heidelberg, erected in 1592, almost the only house in town which escaped destruction by the French in 1693.
Page 27.—27-1. {Freiburg im Breisgau}, also called {Freiburg in Baden} (abbrev. {Freiburg i. B.}, for either designation), a town with university, in the southern part of the grand-duchy of Baden, beautifully situated on the western edge of the Black Forest.—About {Breisgau} see the Vocabulary.
27-2. {u. s. w.} (abbrev. for {und so weiter}), and so on.
27-3. {der Blauen} ("Blue Mountain"), name of one of the highest peaks in the Black Forest; in translation retain the German form of the name.
27-4. {was}, colloq. for {etwas}.
27-5. {guck}, colloq. for {sieh!}
27-6. {mal}, colloq. for {einmal} (indef., adverb. idiom), cf. Page 20, Note 6.
27-7. {siehste}, colloq. contraction of {siehst du}, "you see"; you know; you must know.
27-8. {das sind die Alpen} (idiom), these are the Alps.—The neut. sing. of the demonstrat. pron. ({das}), when immediately preceding or following the auxil. {sein}, is used without regard to the gender and number of the logical subject (here {die Alpen}).
27-9. {der Sankt Gotthard}, St. Gothard, a mountain-group of the Lepontine Alps of Switzerland.
27-10. {wollten} (idiom., infinit. {gehen} or {reisen} being understood), cf. Page 5, Note 12.
27-11. Remember that the longing of the Germans for Italy is proverbial.
27-12. {Land} for {das Land}. Note the force of the ellipsis.
27-13. {wo die Citronen blhen}, likewise a quotation from Goethe's ballad Mignon, the text of which is found on Page 28.
27-14. {zu tragen} = {welcher in der Hand zu tragen war}, cf. Page 10, Note 5.
27-15. {es}. Account for the idiom. Cf. Page 24, Note 9.
27-16. {Mailand}, the German name for Milan in the Lombard plain.
27-17. {Genua}, the German name for Genoa in Northern Italy, a seaport charmingly situated on the Gulf of Genoa in the Mediterranean Sea.
27-18. {wat} (dialect of the Lower Rhine), for High German {was}.
27-19. avanti! (Ital.), forward!
27-20. {der Vesuv}, Mount Vesuvius, the most noted volcano in the world, situated on the Bay of Naples, nine miles southeast of Naples (Italy).
27-21. {ging's} = {ging es} (indef.), cf. Page 3, Note 4.
27-22. {Venedig}, the German name for Venice; {ber Venedig,} by way of Venice; via Venice.
27-23. {festgeschneestbert} (perf. partic.), a bold verb-formation consisting of {fest} (fast; up) and {das Schneegestber} (snow-storm) = {eingeschneit}, snowed up; snow-bound.
27-24. State three mistakes in the Englishman's German.
Page 28.—28-1. {also die} (emphat.), so, they, or they, then.—Remember that {also} is never = English "also."
28-2. {gewesen}. Explain the idiom and supply the proper form of the auxiliary.
28-3. In English with definite article.
28-4. {mal}, cf. Page 27, Note 6.
28-5. {Einem im Garten wachsen} (colloq. phrase), to fall to one's share; {wenn doch ... wchse}.—The past subj. expresses a wish the realization of which is not expected by the speaker.
28-6. {Horatius}, Horace.—Quintus "Horatius" Flaccus (65-8 B.C.), a famous Roman lyric and satirical poet. {Virgil}, Vergil.—Publius "Vergilius" Maro (70-19 B.C.), a famous Roman epic, didactic, and idyllic poet.—Both Horace and Vergil extol in their works Italian life and scenery.
28-7. {das Loch}, colloq. for {Stube} or {Studierzimmer}; comp. Goethe's "Faust," verse 399: {Verfluchtes dumpfes Mauerloch ...}
28-8. {sein Leben} (adverbial accusative expressing duration of time) = {sein Leben lang} or {sein ganzes Leben lang}.
28-9. {davon}, of it, i.e. of Italian life and scenery.
28-10. "Beatus ille!" "Happy he!" or "Fortunate that man!" the much quoted beginning of the second epode of Horace:
Beatus ille qui procul negotiis, Ut prisca gens mortalium, Paterna rura bobus exercet suis ...
28-11. The first stanza of Goethe's ballad "Mignon" from the third book of the novel {Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre,} in which Mignon, a young Italian girl who has been abducted from home and taken to Germany, gives vent to her longing for Italian skies:
Know'st thou the land where citron-apples bloom, And oranges like gold in leafy gloom, A gentle wind from deep-blue heaven blows, The myrtle thick, and high the laurel grows? Know'st thou it then? 'Tis there! 'tis there, O, my true lov'd one, thou with me must go! (Thomas Carlyle).
28-12. {wohl} (adv. idiom, not easy to render), perhaps or say! or then (explet.).
28-13. {alles} (idiomatic use of neut. sing. for masc. and fem. pl.) = {alle}.
Page 29.—29-1. {vor} (of time), ago.
29-2. {damit} (emphat. = {hiermit}), i.e. {mit diesen Worten}.
29-3. {die Cestiuspyramide}, the Pyramid of Cestius in Rome, a huge monument, once the last resting-place of Caius Cestius, a Roman prtor and tribune of the time of Emperor Augustus. Close to this pyramid is the Protestant Cemetery, where tall cypresses rise above the graves of numerous English, American, German, and other visitors. Prominent among those resting there are: Shelley, the English poet (died 1822), whose heart only was buried there; the tombstone of the English poet Keats (died 1821) bears the melancholy inscription: "Here lies one whose name was writ in water." There is also the grave of August Goethe (died 1830), the only son of the poet.
29-4. {es} (indef., "something"), a thought.
29-5. {es} (indef.) {kmpfte in ihm}, trans. perhaps: there was a struggling of feelings in his heart.
29-6. The form {im Jahre 18..} may be read: {achtzehn hundert und so und so.}
29-7. {doch} (adverb. idiom), here: I hope or let me hope.
Page 30.—30-1. {uns}, reciproc. pron. = ?
30-2. The beginning of one of the most exquisite and popular treasures of German lyric poetry, by the Austrian poet Ernst von Feuchtersleben (1806-1849) with music by Mendelssohn-Bartholdi. The second and third stanzas run thus:
{So dir geschenkt ein Knsplein was, So thu es in ein Wasserglas; Doch wisse: Blht morgen dir ein Rslein auf, Es welkt wohl schon die Nacht darauf, Das wisse!}
{Und hat dir Gott ein Lieb' beschert, Und hltst du sie recht innig wert, Die Deine; Es wird wohl wenig Zeit nur sein, So lt sie dich so ganz allein; Dann weine!}
Page 31.—31-1. {der Himmel hngt ihm voll Bageigen} (a colloq. phrase), everything looks promising to him; he sees things 'en couleur de rose.'
31-2. {des Morgens}—{des Abends}—and in the next line {eines Tages}—are genitives expressing indefinite time when.
31-3. {dafr} (emphat.), in return for this (or that).
31-4. {sollte}, here: was to.
31-5. {im Leben} for {in meinem Leben}. Explain the idiom. Cf. Page 4, Note 10.
31-6. {ja}—cf. Page 22, Note 2.
31-7. {wohl}—cf. Page 22, Note 4.
Page 32.—32-1. {es} refers forward to the contents of the following sentence—remains untranslated.
32-2. {wre}—mood? why? Cf. Page 28, Note 5.
32-3. {sich} (idiom.), reflexive form taking the place of passive, as frequently.
32-4. {fort}—the perf. partic. of a verb of motion being implied.
32-5. {es} (introductory) = ?
32-6. {sie durfte ins Freie}. Explain the idiom. Cf. Page 5, Note 12.
Page 33.—33-1. {jeden Abend}—accusative expressing definite time when; about indef. time see Page 31, Note 2.
33-2. {brennend} for {brennendes}—the neuter adjective ending {-es} sometimes omitted in prose and frequently in poetry.
33-3. {hin} belongs also to {-flackerte}, = {hinflackerte}.
33-4. {den}—cf. Page 31, Note 5.
33-5. {htte}—mood? why?
33-6. {sei}—mood? why?
33-7. {es} (introductory) = ?
33-8. {Studien}—sing.? rule?
Page 34.—34-1. {derart} = {von der} (emphat.) {Art}, adverb. genit. of quality.
34-2. {das} refers to the contents of the letter.
34-3. {die} refers to {Briefe}.
34-4. {aufs entschiedenste}—form of the absolute adverb superlative expressing a very high degree without implying comparison.
34-5. In English with indef. article.
Page 35.—35-1. The preposition {durch} (through) appended adverbially to an accusative expressing duration of time.
35-2. {die Lunge} (sing.)—in English, pl.—comp. {die Asche} (ashes), {der Dank} (thanks), {die Schere} (scissors), {die Zange} (tongs).
35-3. {die} refers to {Reizbarkeit}.
35-4. {wre}—cf. Page 13, Note 8.
35-5. {Nizza}, the German name for Nice (Southern France) on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea ("The Riviera"), a district noted for its exceedingly mild climate.
35-6. {Florenz}, the German name for Florence (Ital.: "Firenze").
35-7. Why {das} and not {die}? Cf. Page 15, Note 1.
35-8. {Einen gro anschauen}, phrase expressing astonishment.
35-9. {Signora} (Ital., pronounce {sinjora}), young lady.
35-10. {bebenden Herzens} (adverb. genit. of manner) = {mit bebendem Herzen}.
35-11. {da} and {hier}, colloq. used one for the other.
Page 36.—36-1. Monte Testaccio (Ital., pronounce {testatscho}) = "Mountain of Sherds."—Just beyond the limits of the Protestant Cemetery in Rome (see page 29, Note 3), a wide and lofty hill rises, called "Monte Testaccio" which at first looks as if it were a natural elevation of the ground, but on examination proves to be nothing but sherds of broken wine-jars. It was doubtless once the site of the manufacture of these articles.
36-2. {leuchtend} = {mit leuchtenden Augen}.
36-3. That the information of the Roman cab-driver was incorrect, can be seen from what has been said, Page 29, Note 3. But besides the Protestant Cemetery, there is also a German Cemetery ("Cimetero dei Tedeschi"), situated near St. Peter's, the most ancient burial-ground in Rome, instituted by Constantine the Great (306-337 A.D.), and filled with earth from Mt. Calvary.
36-4. {hin}—explain the idiom. Cf. Page 32, Note 4.
36-5. {wohl} (adverb. idiom), how to render?
Page 37.—37-1. {mir ist} = {es ist mir} or {es ist mir zu Mut}, cf. Page 4, Note 2.
37-2. {mchte}—explain the idiom. Cf. Page 5, Note 12.
37-3. {eine} (emphatic), why?
37-4. {heim} (idiom) = ? Cf. Page 5, Note 12.
37-5. {ihr}, refers to {Frulein Milla}.
37-6. {Sie sie}—for euphony the second {sie} might better have been avoided by substituting {dieselben}.
37-7. {einmal} (indef.)—meaning?
37-8. {recht} (colloq.) for {recht genau} or {recht scharf}.
37-9. {das sind ihre Kinder}—Explain the idiom; cf. Page 27, Note 8.
Page 38.—38-1. {wohl} (adverb. idiom), here = ?
38-2. {es geht mir ein Licht auf} (colloq. phrase), it begins to dawn upon me.
38-3. {die heitere Vorsteherin}, for {das heitere Wesen} or {den heiteren Charakter der Vorsteherin}.
38-4. {du rumst ... aus}—the present tense with the force of an emphatic imperative = {rume sofort ... aus!}
38-5. {es blieb dabei} (impers. phrase), he insisted upon it; the thing was settled.
Page 39.—39-1. Account for {sich}; cf. Page 9, Note 8.
39-2. {ihm war es} (cf. Page 37, Note 1), {wie wenn}, syn. {als ob}, {als wenn}.
39-3. {die Studenten zhlten die Hupter ihrer Lieben} (lit. "the heads of their beloved"). A quotation from Schiller's {Das Lied von der Glocke,} verses 225-226 of which run thus:
{Er zhlt die Hupter seiner Lieben, Und sieh! Ihm fehlt kein teures Haupt.}
The faces that he loves—he counts them o'er, See—not one look is missing from that store. (Edward Bulwer Lytton.)
here jocosely applied to the crowned heads stamped on coins; (comp. Eng. "mopusses").
39-4. {d. h.}, abbrev. for {das heit}, = i.e.
39-5. {wohin?} supply the verb.
39-6. {Oberitalien} (Upper Italy), i.e. Northern Italy.
39-7. {eingeschlagen!} (idiom.) perf. partic. for imperative = {schlagen Sie ein!}
Page 40.—40-1. {der alte Gemsbart}, humorously for {der alte Fhrer mit dem Gemsbart} (cf. Page 5, Note 1) {am Hut}.
40-2. {zu}—to, towards, in the direction of—in this sense always following its case—or may be taken as prefix of comp. verb {zuziehen}.
40-3. {indem sie ... segneten} (by pres. partic.), praising.
40-4. {seinen} refers to {Tauernwirt}.
40-5. {Kaiser Franz Joseph in Gold}, the picture of Francis Joseph I, the present emperor of Austria, on a gold-piece.
40-6. {mchte fr ihr Leben gern} (phrase; lit., "would like for her life"), is exceedingly anxious.
40-7. {es} (indef.) {klopft}, there is a knocking, or somebody knocks at the door.
40-8. {bei} = {in dem Hause}.
40-9. {es wird ihm ganz italienisch zu Mut} (humorous phrase), he begins to feel like a genuine Italian, or as if he were in Italy.
40-10. "Entrate pure!" (Ital.), Just come in! won't you?
40-11. {als} (Alpine dialect), cf. Page 5, Note 10.
Page 41.—41-1. {seid Ihr es?} (idiom., lit., "are you it?") = ?
41-2. {sie wollten}—idiom?
41-3. {wanderte fort}, was thrown away; cf. Page 4, Note 12.
41-4. {wie wenn} = ? cf. Page 39, Note 2.
41-5. {ist} (idiom.). The German present tense expresses what "has been and still is" = Engl. perfect tense.
41-6. {ist es} (indef.), cf. Page 15, Note 4.
41-7. {englisch}, English style.—This remark would suggest that since their first meeting a lively intercourse and close friendship had sprung up between Mr. Brown and the second Tenor.
41-8. {vom feinsten} ({Tabak} being understood).
41-9. {dazu} (i.e. {zum Thee}).
41-10. {seinem}, refers to {der zweite Tenor}.
41-11. {klang}, syn. {erscholl} or {wurde gesungen}, was heard, was sung.
{=a=} (dialect.), {ein, eine, ein}, a (an); (= {auch}) also, too.
{ab} (adv.), off, down; {auf und ab}, up and down.
{Abend}, m. (pl. {-e},) evening, night; {heute Abend}, this evening, tonight.
{Abenteuer}, n. (pl. {—},) adventure.
{aber}, but, however; {wohl aber}, but (much more.)
{abnehmen (nahm, genommen)}, to take off.
{abschneiden (schnitt, geschnitten)}, to cut off.
{abschwenken}, to wheel aside; {rechts abgeschwenkt!} to the right wheel!
{Absicht}, f. (pl. {-en},) intention; {seine Absicht auf ihre Hand}, his thinking of marrying her.
{absonderlich}, uncommon, strange, surprising.
{Abteilung}, f. (pl. {-en},) division, class.
{abwrts}, downwards, downhill.
{abwerfen (warf, geworfen)}, to throw off or down.
{ach!} (interj.), ah! oh! {ach was!} (interj.), ta, ta, ta! whew!
{achtzehn}, eighteen.
{addieren}, to add up, to sum up.
{Adresse}, f. (pl. {-n},) address.
{ahnen}, to anticipate, to suspect.
{hnlich}, similar.
{hnlichkeit}, f., resemblance, likeness.
{Aktenstaub}, m., dust of old legal rolls or documents.
{Aktenvieh}, n. (colloq., perhaps) legal paper-worm, red-tapist.
{all}, all, every.
{alle} (adv.), at an end, no chance; {es ist alle}, there is no hope, there cannot be thought of ...
{allein}, alone.
{allemal}, everytime, always.
{allerhand}, all kinds of.
{allerseits}, all around, on every side.
{alles}, all, everything.
{allesamt}, each and every one.
{alleweil}, always, all the time.
{alli} (dialect.) = {all, ganz}, all, altogether; {d' Lieb alli} (dialect.) = {die ganze Liebe}.
{allmhlich}, gradually, by degrees.
{allzugro}, far too great, over-great, altogether too big.
{Alm}, f. (pl. {-en},) Alpine meadow, mountain-pasture; {auf der Almen}, (old dat. sing.)
{Alpen}, pl. Alps.
{Alpensteigen}, n., mountain-climbing.
{Alpenstock}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) "Alpenstock," mountaineer's pole (with a ferrule).
{=als=} (adv.), as, like; than; (conj.) as, since, when; (= {als ob},) as if; (dialect.) = {immer}, always; {nichts als}, nothing but.
{also}, thus, therefore, so, there.
{alt}, old, aged; {der Alte}, old man.
{ltere}, see {alt}.
{=am= = an dem}.
{Amtsdiener}, m. (pl. {—},) beadle, bailiff; office-boy.
{Amtsleben}, n., official life or work.
{Amtsstube}, f. (pl. {-n},) office, bureau, court.
1. {an} (dat., accus.), on, at, in, near, by; to, for. {das Erstaunen war an ihr}, it was now for her to be surprised.
2. {an} (dialect.) = {einen}.
{anbieten (bot, geboten)}, to offer.
{anbinden (band, gebunden)}, to form an acquaintance (with, {mit},) to enter into a conversation (with, {mit}).
{anbringen (brachte, gebracht)}, to put in, to start.
{andere (der)}, other; {das andere}, the rest.
{anders} (adv.), differently, otherwise, (in) another way or style.
{anerkennenswert}, deserving acknowledgment.
{Anfang}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) beginning, first half.
{anfangen (fing, gefangen)}, to begin.
{Angabe}, f. (pl. {-n},) design, instruction.
{angesehen}, honorable, distinguished.
{Angesicht}, n. (pl. {-er},) face.
{anhalten (hielt, gehalten)}, to hold (up), to stop, to stay; to apply (for, {um}); {um die Hand eines Mdchens anhalten}, to ask a lady's hand (in marriage).
{Anhang}, m., hangers-on, party.
{ankichern, sich}, to giggle at one another.
{ankommen (kam, gekommen)}, to arrive.
{Ankmmling}, m. (pl. {-e},) newcomer, stranger.
{anlangen}, to arrive (at, {bei}).
{anlegen}, to put on, to help on.
{anmerken}, to perceive (from, {an}).
{Anna}, Anna, Anne.
{nnchen}, Annie.
{annehmen (nahm, genommen)}, to accept.
{Anneliese} (a name), "Anneliese," Ann-Lizzie.
{Annlieschen} (endearing form of {Anneliese}, which see).
{anschauen}, to look at; {sich anschauen}, to look at each other.
{anschreien (schrie, geschrieen)}, to shout (at one, accus.).
{ansehen (sah, gesehen)}, to look at, to view, to examine closely, to behold; {Einem etwas ansehen}, to tell or to read from one's face.
{Ansicht}, f. (pl. {-en},) opinion.
{Anstand}, m., gracefulness, good grace, decorum.
{anstndig}, proper, fair, passable.
{anstecken}, to pin, to fasten.
{Anstellung}, f. (pl. {-en},) appointment, employment.
{anstrengen, sich}, to exert one's self, to make efforts.
{Antwort}, f. (pl. {-en},) answer; {Antwort geben}, to answer (to, {auf}).
{antworten}, to answer, to reply.
{anziehen (zog, gezogen)}, to put on.
{Anzug}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) suit of clothes, attire; approach; {im Anzug sein}, to be coming on or drawing near.
{anznden}, to set on fire, to light, to ignite.
{Apotheke}, f. (pl. {-n},) apothecary's shop, drug-store.
{Arbeit}, f. (pl. {-en},) work, study.
{arbeiten}, to work, to study.
{arg}, bad; {es zu arg machen}, to come it too strong, to go too far.
{Arm}, m. (pl. {-e},) arm.
{Art}, f. (pl. {-en},) manner; stock, race, family; {aus der Art schlagen}, to degenerate; {nicht aus der Art schlagen}, to take after one's family.
{artig}, polite(ly), courteous(ly).
{Artigkeit}, f. (pl. {-en},) compliment.
{Assessor}, m. (pl. {Assessoren},) assessor, puisne-judge.
{Atem}, m., breath, breathing.
{Atemzug}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) breath; {in einem Atemzug}, in the same breath.
{auch}, also, likewise, too; even; {ob auch wirklich}, if in reality.
{auf} (dat., accus.), on, upon, at; to, towards; for (time), after, according to; (adv.), up; {auf und ab}, up and down, to and fro.
{aufblhen}, to begin to bloom, to blossom.
{Aufbruch}, m., start, starting, setting out.
{Aufenthalt}, m., stay, sojourn.
{auferlegen, sich}, to impose upon one's self, to assume.
{auferziehen (erzog, erzogen)}, to bring up, to educate.
{auffallen (fiel, gefallen)}, to strike or surprise (one, dat.).
{Auffassung}, f. (pl. {-en},) conception, representation, interpretation.
{aufflammen}, to flame up.
{aufgehen (ging, gegangen)}, to rise; to open, to be unsealed; {ein Licht geht mir auf}, it is dawning upon me.
{aufgerumt} (p.p.), cheerful, in high spirits, in full feather.
{=auf'm= = auf dem}.
{aufmachen, sich}, to prepare one's self for a journey, to set out for.
{Aufregung}, f., excitement.
{aufschauen}, to look up.
{Aufschlag}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) cuff, facings; {mit grnem Aufschlag}, faced with green.
{aufschlieen (schlo, geschlossen)}, to open, to unlock, to disclose.
{Aufschlu}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) explanation, information; {Aufschlu geben}, to explain.
{aufsehen (sah, gesehen)}, to look up.
{aufstehen (stand, gestanden)}, to rise (from one's seat).
{aufsteigen (stieg, gestiegen)}, to rise.
{aufstoen (stie, gestoen)}, (maritime term), to run aground, to come across.
{auftauchen}, to rise up, to spring up, to pop up.
{aufthun (that, gethan)}, {sich}, to open (intrans.), to be opened (for one, dat.).
{Auge}, n. (pl. {-n},) eye.
{Augenblick}, m. (pl. {-e},) moment.
{aus} (dat.), out of, from.
{ausbleiben (blieb, geblieben)}, to fail to come, to stop.
{ausdampfen}, to evaporate.
{Ausdruck}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) phrase, term; expression.
{ausgehen (ging, gegangen)}, to fall short, to fail (one, dat.).
{auslaufen (lief, gelaufen)}, {sich} (colloq.), to take sufficient exercise by running, to have a good run.
{auslegen}, to explain.
{ausrumen}, to clear (a room).
{ausruhen, sich}, to rest one's self, to take (some) rest.
{ausschauen} (impers.), to look; {wie schaut's aus?} what is the outlook?
{ausschlagen (schlug, geschlagen)}, to refuse, to decline.
{aussehen (sah, gesehen)}, to look.
{Aussicht}, f. (pl. {-en},) prospect, chance; {in Aussicht stellen}, to hold out a prospect.
{aussprechen (sprach, gesprochen)}, to speak out, to express.
{aussteigen (stieg, gestiegen)}, to get out, to alight.
{aussuchen}, to select, to choose.
{auswhlen}, to choose out, to pick out, to single out.
{auer} (dat.), besides; {auer sich vor Freude}, frantic with joy.
{ausziehen (zog, gezogen)}, intrans., to leave, to start, to set out.
avnti! (Ital.), forwards!
{Azur}, m., azure.
{Bahn}, f. (pl. {-en},) way, road; {sich Bahn brechen}, to force one's way, to break through.
{Balance} (French), f., balance, dignity.
{bald}, soon, quick(ly), {bald ... bald}, soon ... soon, now ... then.
{baldig}, early, quick, speedy.
{baldigst}, as soon as possible.
{Band}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) tie, ribbon.
{bang}, anxious(ly).
{Bankhaus}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) banking house.
{=Br=}, m. (pl. {-en},) bear; (= {zum Bren,}) "The Bear-Inn."
{Baritonstimme}, f. (pl. {-n},) barytone voice.
{Barometer}, m., n. (pl. {—},) barometer, (weather) glass.
{Ba}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) bass.
{Bageige}, f. (pl. {-n},) bass-viol.
{Bauer}, m. (pl. {-n},) countryman, mountaineer.
{bayrisch}, Bavarian, of (in) the kingdom of Bavaria.
{Beamte(r)} m. (pl. {-[n]},) official, office-bearer.
{beben}, to tremble.
{Bedeutung}, f. importance, moment.
{Bediente(r)}, m. (pl. {-[n]},) servant, footman, valet.
{Bedingung}, f. (pl. {-en},) condition.
{Bedrfnis}, n. (pl. {-se},) need, want, requisite.
{befehlen (befahl, befohlen)}, to order.
{befinden (befand, befunden)}, {sich}, to find one's self, to be.
{Begegnung}, f. (pl. {-en},) meeting.
{begehren}, to ask, to apply for.
{beginnen (begann, begonnen)}, to begin.
{begleiten}, to accompany.
{begraben (begrub, begraben)}, to bury, to lay to rest.
{begreifen (begriff, begriffen)}, to understand, to comprehend, to apprehend.
{behbig}, corpulent, stoutish.
{behaftet}, (p.p.), decked, covered; provided, endowed.
{behagen}, to please, to suit.
{behaglich}, comfortable (-bly), cosy (-ily).
{behaupten}, to assert, to claim, to say.
{bei} (dat.), at, near, by, in the house of, by the side of, next to; in (weather).
{beide}, both; {die beiden}, the two.
{Bein}, n. (pl. {-e},) leg.
{beinahe}, almost, nearly; {wir warfen beinahe um}, we had a narrow escape of getting out.
{bein'n} (dialect.) = {bei dem}.
{beisammen}, together, assembled.
{Beispiel}, n. (pl. {-e},) example.
{Beitrag}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) contribution, share, dues.
{bekannt}, acquainted.
{bekommen (bekam, bekommen)}, to get, to receive.
{bekrnzen}, to festoon.
{benutzen}, to use, to utilize, to employ.
{beobachten}, to observe, to watch.
{bequem}, comfortable; {es sich bequem machen}, to make one's self comfortable (easy or at home).
{berechnen}, to calculate; {berechnet}, calculated, intended (at, {auf}).
{bereit}, ready, handy.
{bereits}, already.
{Berg}, m. (pl. {-e},) mountain.
{Bergschuh}, m. (pl. {-e},) mountain-shoe.
{Bergspitze}, f. (pl. {-n},) mountain-top, mountain-peak.
{beschauen}, to look at, to examine.
{Bescheid}, m., information, knowledge; {ber (um) etwas Bescheid wissen}, to know something of, to be conversant with something.
{bescheiden}, modest(ly).
{bescheren}, to give, to present, to bestow.
{beschlagen (beschlug, beschlagen)}, to set, to stud; {mit Ngeln beschlagen}, to clout.
{beschleunigen}, to hasten on, to quicken.
{beschlieen (beschlo, beschlossen)}, to close, to finish.
{beschneien}, to snow over.
{beschreiben (beschrieb, beschrieben)}, to describe.
{beschrieben} (p.p.), written upon.
{besehen (besah, besehen)}, to take a look at, to inspect, to examine.
{besinnen (besann, besonnen)}, {sich}, to consider, to deliberate.
{besitzen (besa, besessen)}, to possess, to own, to have.
{besondere (der)}, particular.
{besser}, better.
{beste (der)}, best; {das beste}, what is the best of all.
{bestellen}, to order; {sich bestellen}, to order for one's self.
{bestimmt}, (p.p.), determined, decided, foreseen.
{betroffen}, (p.p.), struck, perplexed, taken aback.
{Betrbnis}, f., affliction; "sorrow" (Longfellow).
{Bett}, n., (pl. {-en},) bed.
{bewegen (bewog, bewogen)}, to induce.
{bewegen, sich}, to move (intrans.)
{b'hat!} (dialect.) = {behte}, save! protect! {b'hat dich Gott!} goodbye!
{bieder} (attrib. {biedrer, biedre, biedres},) good and honest, sturdy.
{biegen (bog, gebogen)}, to turn (round).
{=bieten= (bot, geboten)}, to bid; (= {anbieten},) to offer.
{Bild}, n. (pl. {-er},) picture, image, illustration.
{billig} (adv.), justly, fairly, in fairness.
{Birkenzweig}, m. (pl. {-e},) birchen rod.
{bis}, till, to; (conj.), until; {bis ber} (accus.), up to; {bis zu} (dat.) to.
{bisher}, up to this (that) time, till now (then).
{bissel} (dialect.) = {bichen}, little bit, somewhat; {a bissel = ein bichen}.
{bichen (ein)}, (a) little bit; (adv.), somewhat, rather.
{Bitte}, f. (pl. {-en},) request; {dringende Bitte}, entreaty (to, {an}).
{bitten (bat, gebeten)}, to beg, to request; {bitte!} please! pray!
{Blase}, f. (pl. {-n},) blister; {frisch gelaufene Blasen}, new-run blisters.
{blasen (blies, geblasen)}, to sound the bugle.
{Blasenpflaster}, n. (pl. {—},) blistering plaster.
{Blattln} (dialect.) pl. = {Bltter}, (leaf), leaves.
{blau}, blue; {seine blauen Wunder sehen}, not to know whether one stands on his head or on his heels.
{Blue}, f., blueness, bluish tints.
{blauwei}, blue and white.
{Bleamle} (dialect.) pl. = {Blumen}, flowers, buds.
{bleiben (blieb, geblieben)}, to remain, to stay; {es bleibt dabei}, the matter is settled; {stehen bleiben}, to stop.
{Blick}, m. (pl. {-e},) glance, look, view.
{blitzen}, to flash, to gleam, to glitter.
{blhen}, to bloom, to blossom.
{blht ... auf}, see {aufblhen}.
{Blume}, f., (pl. {-n},) flower.
{Blumenbouquett}, n. (pl. {-e},) bunch of flowers, flower-piece.
{Blut}, n., blood.
{Blutsturz}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) hemorrhage; {einen Blutsturz haben}, to break a blood-vessel.
{Boden}, m., bottom, ground, floor.
{Bowle} (English), f. (pl. {-n},) punchbowl.
{brchts} (dialect.) = {brchte es}, see[E-7] {bringen}.
{brauchen}, to need.
{brauchts} (dialect.) = {brauchen Sie} or {braucht Ihr}, you need.
{Braut}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) bride-elect, one (fem.) betrothed; {als Braut und Brutigam}, a couple engaged or betrothed.
{Brautfhrer}, m. (pl. {—},) bridesman.
{Brutigam}, m. (pl. {-e},) one (masc.) betrothed; {als Braut und Brutigam}, as engaged or betrothed.
{Brautjungfer}, f. (pl. {-n},) bridesmaid.
{Brautmutter}, f. (pl. {[:-]},) bride's mother.
{Brautpaar}, n. (pl. {-e},) bride and bridegroom, young married couple.
{brechen (brach, gebrochen)}, to break; {sich Bahn brechen}, to force one's way, to break through.
{Breisgau}, m., the name of one of the most beautiful districts of the grand-duchy of Baden.
{brennen (brannte, gebrannt)}, to burn, to get (too) hot; to smart, to glow, to glare.
{Brief}, m. (pl. {-e},) letter.
{bringen (brachte, gebracht)}, to bring, to offer; {fertig bringen}, to bring about, to manage to do.
{Brocken}, m. (pl. {—},) crumb, piece, morsel.
{brodeln}, to bubble.
{Brcke}, f. (pl. {-n},) bridge; {eine Brcke schlagen}, to build or to throw a bridge.
{Bruder}, m. (pl. {[:-]},) brother.
{brummen}, to hum.
{Brust}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) breast, heart.
{b'stimmt} (dialect.) = {bestimmt}, destined, intended.
{Buchklotz}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) beech-log.
{Bchsenschu}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) gunshot, range of a musket-ball; {zwanzig Bchsenschu}, twenty times the range of a musket-ball.
{bunt}, motley.
{Bursche}, m. (pl. {-n},) young fellow, lad.
=C,= in music the name of the first or key-note of the modern normal scale (= the do of the Italians, and the ut of the French).
{Cestiuspyramide}, f., Pyramid of Cestius.
{chirurgisch}, surgical.
{Citrone}, f. (pl. {-n},) citron (-tree), lemon (-tree).
{Coup}, n. (pl. {-s},) coup, the front seats of a diligence, generally seated for three.
{Cypresse}, f. (pl. {-n},) cypress (-tree).
{d. h.} (abbrev. = {das heit},) i.e., viz.
{da} (adv.), then, there; (conj.), as, since, because, when; {da oben}, up there.
{dabei}, (emphat. {dabei},) thereby, in it, at this occasion, at these words, in doing so, at the same time.
{dableiben (blieb, geblieben)}, to remain behind.
{Dach}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) roof.
{dachte}, see {denken}.
{dchte}, see {denken}.
{dafr}, for this.
{daher} (emphat. {daher},) thence, from there.
{dahin} (emphat. {dahin},) thither, there.
{dahoam} (dialect.) = {daheim}, at home.
{damals}, at that time, in those days, the other day.
{Dame}, f. (pl. {-n},) lady.
{damit} (emphat. {damit},) with this, with it.
{dmmerig}, dim, dimly lighted.
{dampfen}, to steam, to fume.
{danken}, to thank.
{dann}, then, thereupon, afterwards; {dann und wann} (every) now and then, at times; {dann wann}, when.
{dannen}, there; {von dannen}, thence, from thence, away.
{daran} (emphat. {daran},) on it, at it, of it, from it.
{daran sein (war, gewesen)}, to be about.
{darauf} (emphat. {darauf},) on it; thereupon, after, later.
{darf}, see {drfen}.
{darin} (emphat. {darin},) in it.
{darber} (emphat. {darber},) over it, since then.
{darum} (emphat. {darum},) therefore, for this reason.
{darunter} (emphat. {darunter},) beneath (it).
{=das= = dieses} or {dies}, this, that.
{da sein (war, gewesen)}, to be at hand.
{da} (conj.), that.
{dauern}, to last, to continue; {es dauerte ihm zu lange}, he found it too long.
{davonmachen, sich}, to slip away; {sich in der Stille davonmachen}, to steal away, to abscond.
{dazu} (emphat. {dazu},) to it, to this; {dazu gehren zwei}, it requires two (participants).
{dazukommen (kam, gekommen)}, to happen to arrive, to join the party.
{dazwischen}, between them, between there, between or amongst.
{dein, deine, dein}, (thy), your; (thine), yours.
{=denen=} (= {denjenigen},) those.
{denken (dachte, gedacht)}, to think (of, genit.), to recollect, to remember; {sich denken}, to imagine, to picture to one's self.
{denn} (adv.), then, say! (conj.), for, because.
{dennoch}, after all, for all that.
{der, die, das} (relat. pron.), who, which.
{derart}, in such a manner, to such a degree, so much.
{deren} (genit., relat.), of whom.
{derselbe, dieselbe, dasselbe}, the same, the like, the latter, he (she, it).
{derweilen}, meanwhile, while.
{desgleichen}, the like.
{dessen}, whose, of whom.
{desto} (adv.), so much; {desto mehr}, (so much) the more.
{deuchten} (impers.), to think; {es deucht mir}, I think; {es deuchte ihr}, she thought.
{deutlich}, plain(ly), clear(ly).
{deutsch}, German.
{Deutsche(r)}, m. (pl. {-[n]},) German (a native of Germany).
{Deutsch(e)}, n., German (language).
{dich}, (thee) you; {dich selbst}, yourself.
{dicht}, thick, dense, fast; (adv.) close (-ly), immediately; {immer dichter}, faster and faster.
{dick}, thick, stout, corpulent; dense, heavy.
{dies}, see {dieser}.
{dieser, diese, dieses}, (or {dies},) this, that.
{Ding}, n. (pl. {-e},) thing; {guter Dinge sein}, to be in high spirits, to be merry or cheerful.
{Dioandl} (dialect.), n. = {Mdchen}, girl, lassie, sweetheart.
{dir} (dative), (to thee), to you, you.
{do} (dialect.) = {da}.
{doch}, yet; after all, for all that, indeed; (with an imperative) please! pray!
{Doktor}, m. (pl. {Doktoren},) doctor, physician.
{doppelt}, double; (adv.), twice as.
{Dorf}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) village; {auf einem Dorfe}, in a village.
{dort}, there, at that point.
{ds} (dialect.) = {das, dies}.
{draufgehen (ging, gegangen)}, to be spent.
{drauen}, out there, without, outside, out of the room.
{drei}, three; {dreien} (dat.).
{drein} (dialect.) = {darin}, therein, within.
{dreinschauen}, to look, to appear.
{dreinsehen (sah, gesehen)}, to look, to have a (healthy, etc.) face.
{dreiig}, thirty; {die Dreiig}, age of thirty, the thirties.
{dringend}, pressing, urging; {dringende Bitte}, entreaty (to, {an}).
{dritte (der)}, third.
{drollig}, droll (drollingly), funny.
{drben}, over there.
{drcken}, to press, to weigh down, to shake.
{drunten}, down there.
{du} (thou), you.
{Duft}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) odor, vapor.
{dumm}, silly, foolish.
{dumpf}, damp, close, dull, illiberal.
{durch} (accus.), through, by, by means of, on account of.
{durchkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to get along.
{=durchs= = durch das}.
{durchsichtig}, transparent.
{durchzucken}, to flash (to thrill) through.
{drfen} (pres. t. {darf, darfst, darf}; {drfen}, etc.), {durfte, gedurft}, to be allowed; {ich darf wohl}, I may be allowed.
{eben} (adv.), just, just now; {ebenso}, just as; {eben nicht}, not exactly.
{Ebene}, f. (pl. {-n},) plain.
{ebenfalls}, likewise, also.
{Ecke}, f. (pl. {-n},) (street-)corner.
{edel} (attrib. {edler, edle, edles},) noble, generous; exquisite.
{=eh= = ehe}.
{ehe}, before.
{Eheherr}, m. (pl. {-en}) (humor.), wedded lord and master; spouse.
{Eheleute}, pl., married couple.
{eher}, sooner, before, rather.
{Ehestand}, m., matrimony, married life.
{ehrbar}, decorous, official.
{Ehre}, f. (pl. {-n},) honor; {zu Ehren} (dat. sing.), in honor (of, dat.).
{ehren}, to honor, to respect.
{ehrenhalber}, for form's sake.
{ehrenwert}, deserving honor.
{Ehrgeselle}, m. (pl. {-n},) groomsman.
{ehrlich}, honest; plain, old-fashioned.
{=eigen=}, (one's) own (= {eigentmlich},) strange, surprising, particular.
{eigentlich} (adv.), really, in reality.
{eigentliche (der)}, original, true, real.
{Eile}, f., hurry, haste; {in aller Eile}, post-haste, hurriedly.
{eilen}, to hurry, to hasten.
{ein, eine, ein}, a, an; one.
{einander}, each other, one another; {bei einander}, together.
{einbiegen (bog, gebogen)}, to bend in, to turn in.
{Einer, Eine, Eines} or {einer}, {eine, eines}, one.
{einfallen (fiel, gefallen)}, to occur (to one, dat.); {mir fiel ein}, it occurred to me.
{eingeboren}, native.
{eingeregnet} (p.p.), detained (kept in) by the rain.
{eingeschneit} (p.p.), snowed up, snow-bound.
{einhersteigen (stieg, gestiegen)}, to step or walk along.
{einiger, einige, einiges}, some, a little.
{einigermaen}, to some extent, ever so little, tolerably well.
{einladen (lud, geladen)}, to invite.
{einleuchten} (impers.), to be clear or obvious; {es leuchtet mir ein}, I see it clearly.
{einmal} (indef.), once, sometime, at times; {je einmal}, ever; {nicht einmal}, not even; {noch einmal}, once more, again; {wieder einmal}, once more; another, again.
{einrichten}, to fit up, to furnish (a house); {sich einrichten}, to establish one's self, to settle.
{eins}, one thing, one thought; (in counting) one; {eins sein}, to agree.
{einschlagen (schlug, geschlagen)}, to shake hands (as a token of agreement).
{einschneien}, to snow up, to bury in snow.
{einsetzen}, to begin (singing), to strike or chime in.
{Einsiedler}, m. (pl. {—},) hermit.
{einst}, once, in time past, in olden times.
{einstens} (obsol.), in time past, formerly, in by-gone days.
{eintreten (trat, getreten)}, to step in, to enter.
{einzelne (der)}, different.
{einzige (der)}, (the) only, sole, single, one.
{Eis}, n., ice; glacier.
{eishart}, hard as ice.
{Eisschrunde}, f. (pl. {-n},) crevice in the (glacier-) ice.
{Eisenbahn}, f. (pl. {-en},) railroad.
{Eisenbahncoup}, n. (pl. {-s},) railway-car, railway-compartment.
{Eisenbahnstation}, f. (pl. {-en},) railroad-station.
{eisern}, of iron; unwearied.
{elegant}, elegant(ly), fashionable (-bly).
{elektrisieren}, to electrify.
{Elsa} (or {Elsbeth},) Alice.
{Else}, same as {Elsa}.
{Elster}, f. (pl. {-n},) pie, magpie; {geschwtzige Elster}, regular magpie.
{Eltern}, pl. parents.
{Elternhaus}, n. paternal roof, parental home.
{empfangen (empfing, empfangen)}, to receive.
{Ende}, n. (pl. {-n},) end; {am Ende}, at the end, after all; {zu Ende sein}, to have come to a close.
{enden}, to end, to come to an end, to terminate.
{endlich}, at last, finally.
{Englnder}, m. (pl. {—},) Englishman.
{englisch}, English, English style; {auf englisch}, in English.
{Englisch(e)}, n. English (language).
{englisiert} (or {anglisiert},) anglicized.
{Entdeckungsreise}, f. (pl. {-n},) exploring expedition, reconnoitring.
{entfliehen (entfloh, entflohen)}, to escape, to go, to leave.
{entgegendringen (drang, gedrungen)}, to come towards, to float towards, to reach.
{entgegnen}, to rejoin.
{entrinnen (entrann, entronnen)}, to escape, to run away (from, dat.).
{entschieden} (p.p.), decided(ly), firm(ly), positive(ly).
{entschlafen (entschlief, entschlafen)}, to pass away, to close one's eyes, to breathe one's last.
{entschuldigen}, to excuse; {sich entschuldigen}, to apologize (for, {wegen} [{ber}]).
{entschwinden (entschwand, entschwunden)}, to vanish (from, dat.).
{Entzndung}, f. (pl. {-en},) inflammation.
{er}, he, it.
{erben}, to inherit (from, {von}).
{erfassen}, to take hold of, to seize, to attack.
{erfreuen, sich}, to enjoy (something, {an etwas}).
{erhalten (erhielt, erhalten)}, to get, to receive, to obtain; to support, to maintain.
{erholen, sich}, to recover.
{Erinnerung}, f. (pl. {-en},) recollection, associations.
{erjagen}, to get, to obtain.
{erkranken}, to be taken ill.
{erlassen (erlie, erlassen)}, to excuse one (dat.) from, {zu}.
{erlauben}, to allow, to permit; {sich etwas erlauben}, to take (liberties).
{erleben}, to experience, to pass through.
{ernst}, stern(ly), solemn(ly).
{erreichen}, to reach.
{erscheinen (erschien, erschienen)}, to appear, to make the appearance, to attend (something, {auf}).
{erschlieen (erschlo, erschlossen)}, to open, to disclose.
{erschrecken}, to startle, to alarm.
{erschrecken} ({erschrak, erschrocken}; imperat., {erschrick!}) to be alarmed.
{erschttern}, to shatter, to weaken.
{erst} (adv.), only, not more than, but, still, yet, as yet.
{Erstaunen}, n., astonishment, surprise.
{erste (der)}, first, former, next.
{ersterer, erstere, ersteres}, the former.
{erwachen}, to be awakened or aroused.
{erwirken}, to procure.
{erzhlen}, to tell, to relate, to report.
{erziehen (erzog, erzogen)}, to raise, to bring up, to educate.
{es}, it; there.
{essen (a, gegessen)}, to eat.
{Essig} m., vinegar; {in Essig}, seasoned with vinegar.
{etliche}, some, several, a few.
{etwas}, somewhat, something, rather; {so etwas}, something similar, something like; {sonst etwas}, anything else.
{Euch} (in address), to you, you.
{Exempel}, n. (pl. {—},) example, instance; {zum Exempel}, for instance.
{Experiment}, n. (pl. {-e},) experiment.
{Extrageschenk}, n. (pl. {-e},) extra-pay.
{fahren (fuhr, gefahren)}, to ride, to drive; to run, to come, to fall, to flash through, to come across; {es fuhr ihm in die Glieder}, terror thrilled through his limbs.
{Fahrt}, f. (pl. {-en},) drive, ride, run.
{fallen (fiel, gefallen)}, to fall, to fall in, to rush in, to make a descent on; {sauer fallen}, to cost great pain.
{falln} (dialect.) = {fallen}, to fall.
{falsch}, false, treacherous.
{Familie}, f. (pl. {-n},) family.
{fangen (fing, gefangen)}, to catch.
{fngt an}, see {anfangen}.
{fassen}, to catch, to take; {sich fassen}, to compose or collect one's self.
{fast}, almost, nearly.
{=fehlen=} (= {fehlgehen},) to miss one's way.
{fehltreffen (traf, getroffen)}, to miss the mark.
{feiern}, to celebrate, to solemnize.
{fein}, fine(ly), pure(ly), elegant(ly); {fein Obacht}, great or close care; {vom feinsten}, of the best quality.
{Feld}, n. (pl. {-er},) field.
{Fenster}, n. (pl. {—},) window.
{Ferien}, pl., vacation; {die groen Ferien}, summer vacation.
{fern}, far (from, {von}).
{Ferne}, f., distance; {in der Ferne}, at a distance.
{fertig}, ready, done; {fertig bringen}, to bring about, to be able to do.
{Fertigkeit}, f., skill, perfectness.
{fest}, fast, firm, firmly established, secure.
{festgeschneestbert}, p.p., (humor.), snowed up, snow-bound.
{festhalten (hielt, gehalten)}, to hold fast, to arrest.
{fett}, fat, thick, bold; {mit dem fettesten Pinsel}, with the boldest touches of the pencil.
{feucht}, moist.
{Feuerleiter}, f. (pl. {-n},) fire-ladder.
{Fieberphantasie}, f. (pl. {-en},) hallucination.
{fiel ... ein}, see {einfallen}.
{Finanzmittel}, pl., pecuniary resources, means, funds.
{finden (fand, gefunden)}, to find, to discover; {sich finden}, to find one another, to be found; {es findet sich}, time will show.
{findt} (dialect.) = {findet}.
{fing an}, see {anfangen}.
{fingen an}, see {anfangen}.
{finster}, dark, somber; {immer finsterer}, darker and darker.
{Flachland}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) flat land, lowland, plain.
{Flachs}, m., flax.
{flachskpfig}, flaxen-haired.
{flammen}, to glow, to burn.
{Flasche}, f. (pl. {-n},) (wine-) bottle.
{Flatterhaftigkeit}, f., fickleness, unstability.
{flattern}, to flatter, to rave, to float.
{flatterte hinber}, see {hinberflattern}.
{flechten (flocht, geflochten)}, {sich}, to be twisted, to be interwoven or entwined.
{Flechtenmoos}, n. (pl. {-e},) lichens and tree-moss.
{Fleisch}, n., flesh.
{Flei}, m., industry, application, zeal; {eiserner Flei}, unwearied application.
{Fliege}, f. (pl. {-n},) fly.
{fliegen (flog, geflogen)}, to fly; to rush.
{flimmern}, to glimmer, to twinkle.
{flott}, gay, dashing.
{flchten, sich}, to escape, to take refuge.
{folgen}, to follow, to imitate; {folgend}, following, next.
{Forstfrevel}, m. (pl. {—},) trespass on vert and venison; poaching.
{fort}, away, off, gone, absent, out of town; {fort!} away! go! leave!
{fortfahren (fuhr, gefahren)}, to continue.
{fortgehen (ging, gegangen)}, to leave, to depart.
{fortkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to come or get away, to get on.
{fortmachen} (colloq.), to continue.
{fortwandern}, to wander away or off.
{Frage}, f. (pl. {-n},) question, inquiry.
{fragen}, to ask, to inquire, to examine.
{Franz}, Francis; {Franz Joseph}, Francis Joseph.
{Franzose}, m. (pl. {-n},) Frenchman.
{Frau}, f. (pl. {-en},) woman, (young) wife, lady.
{Frauchen}, n. (pl. {—},) pretty (young) wife.
{Frulein}, n. (pl. {—},) young lady, maid, miss, Miss; {altes Frulein}, old maid.
{frei}, free; {das Freie}, outdoors, open air.
{freien}, to make love to, to marry.
{Freiheit}, f. (pl. {-en},) liberty, license.
{freilich}, is it true, sure enough, indeed; {ja freilich}, yes, indeed!
{fremd}, strange; {bei fremden Leuten}, in the house of strangers; {fremd thun}, to act like a stranger.
{Fremde(r)}, m. (pl. [{-n}]), stranger.
{Freude}, f. (pl. {-n},) joy, pleasure, amusement.
{freuen, sich}, to rejoice (in, genit.), to be pleased (with, genit.), to look forward with pleasure (to, {auf}).
{Freund}, m. (pl. {-e},) friend.
{Freundin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) (lady) friend.
{freundlich}, kindly, courteous(ly).
{Freundschaftsband}, n., band (or tie) of friendship.
{frisch}, fresh, cool, lively, brisk(ly), dashing(ly), fresh(ly), new(ly); {frisch gelaufene Blasen an den Fen}, feet blistered with walking.
{froh}, glad, happy.
{frhlich}, gay(ly), merry (-ily).
{frh} (adv.), early, early in the morning.
{frher}, former(ly); {von frher}, from a former occasion.
{=fhl= = fhle}.
{fhlen}, to feel, to consider; {sich fhlen}, to feel; {ein fhlendes Herz}, a tender or sympathizing heart.
{fuhren hinauf}, see {hinauffahren}.
{fuhren ... hinein}, see {hineinfahren}.
{Fhrer}, m. (pl. {—},) guide.
{fnf}, five.
{fnfzehn}, fifteen.
{funkeln}, to sparkle, to flash.
{fr} (accus.), for.
{Fuscherthal}, n., Fusch Valley, valley of the river Fusch in the Eastern Alps.
{Fu}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) foot, leg, (sing. collect.) feet.
{Fusohle}, f. (pl. {-n},) sole of the foot, foot.
{Fux} (dialect.) m. = {Fuchs}, fox.
{ganz}, whole (wholly), entire(ly), complete(ly), altogether; {nicht so ganz bel} (colloq.), not amiss.
{gar}, very, very much, at all; {gar nicht}, not at all.
{Garten}, m. (pl. {[:-]},) garden.
{Gasse}, f. (pl. {-n},) street.
{Gast}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) guest, visitor.
{Gastein}, f., Gastein Valley.
{Gasthaus}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) inn.
{Gasthof}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) inn, hotel.
{geben (gab, gegeben)}, to give; {es giebt}, there is, there are.
{geben's} (dialect.) = {geben Sie!}
{geborgen} (p.p.), safe, secure.
{Gedanken}, m. (pl. {—},) thought, idea.
{gedenken (gedachte, gedacht)}, to think (of doing, etc.), to have a mind (to, {zu},) to remember (something, genit.).
{Gedicht}, n. (pl. {-e},) poem.
{gefhrlich}, dangerous.
{gefallen (gefiel, gefallen)}, to please (one, dat.).
{Gefallen}, m., favor.
{Gefolge}, n., train; {im Gefolge}, followed by.
{Gefhl}, n. (pl. {-e},) feeling, consciousness.
{gegen} (accus.), against; towards, to.
{Gegend}, f. (pl. {-en},) (adjacent) part of the country, neighborhood.
{gegenseitig} (adv.), mutually, to each other.
{gegenber} (dat.), opposite to, over the way, in front of, in face of; in presence of, in the face of.
{Gegenvorstellung}, f. (pl. {-en},) remonstrance.
{gehalten} (p.p.), staid, grave.
{Geheimnis}, n. (pl. {-se},) secret.
{gehen (ging, gegangen)}, to go, to come, to walk, to pass, to travel.
{gehren}, to belong (to, dat.); {dazu gehren zwei}, it requires two (participants); {gehrt in} (dialect.) = {gehrt dem}.
{gehrig}, due (duly), thorough(ly).
{Geist}, m., mind, mind's eye, soul.
{geistvoll}, full of spirit, intelligent.
{Geld}, n. (pl. {-er},) money; "gold," (Longfellow).
{Geldbeutel}, m. (pl. {—},) purse, money-bag.
{gelegen}, see {liegen}.
{Gelegenheit}, f. (pl. {-en},) occasion; {bei Gelegenheit}, at (on) the occasion, in cases.
{geleiten}, to accompany, to conduct.
{geliebt} (p.p.), beloved.
{gelitten}, see {leiden}.
{gelten (galt, gegolten)}, to mean, to concern; {es gilt ein Leben}, a life is at stake.
{gemeinsam}, common(ly), mutual(ly).
{Gemsbart} m. (pl. {[:-]e},) chamois-beard, chamois-hair rosette.
{Gemsbock}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) chamois-buck.
{Gemsjger}, m. (pl. {—},) chamois-hunter.
{genau}, close(ly), particular(ly).
{geneigt} (p.p.), esteemed; gentle, courteous.
{Genesung}, f., recovery, convalescence.
{genug}, enough, plentiful(ly); {schn genug}, good enough.
{Geplauder}, n., prattle, (small) talk.
{gerade} (adv.), just, exactly; {geradeso}, just as.
{geraten (geriet, geraten)}, to come or get into.
{geringe (der)}, little, small.
{mchte gern wissen}, should like to know.
{Gesang}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) song, singing.
{Geschft}, n. (pl. {-e},) occupation, affair.
{geschehen (geschah, geschehen)}, to happen (to, dat.), to occur, to take place.
{gescheit}, prudent.
{Geschenk}, n. (pl. {-e},) present, gift, donation.
{Geschichte}, f. (pl. {-n},) story, tale.
{Gescho}, n. (pl. {-e},) projectile, shot, ball, bullet.
{geschwtzig}, talkative, garrulous.
{geschweigen} (defective verb), not to mention; {geschweige} (imperat. as adv.) {denn}, not to mention, to say nothing of, = much less.
{Geschwister}, pl., brothers and sisters.
{Geselle}, m. (pl. {-n},) journeyman.
{Gesellschaft}, f. (pl. {-en},) society, race, company.
{Gesicht}, n. (pl. {-er},) face; {ein verzweifeltes Gesicht machen}, to look desperate or hopeless; {am Gesicht ansehen}, to read from one's face.
{gesinnt} (p.p.), disposed.
{Gespielin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) friend (companion or playmate) of one's youth.
{Gesprch}, n. (pl. {-e},) conversation.
{Gestalt}, f. (pl. {-en},) figure, personality, person, man.
{gestatten}, to permit, to allow; {es ist mir mehr gestattet}, I enjoy more liberty, I am more independent.
{gestehen (gestand, gestanden)}, to confess, to make a clean breast.
{Gestber}, n., snow-storm.
{gestreng}, grave, severe.
{gesund}, sound.
{Gesundheit}, f., health.
{Gesundheitszustand}, m., state of health.
{gethan}, see {thun}.
{gewesen}, see auxil. {sein}.
{Gewissen}, n., conscience; {aufs Gewissen}, in conscience.
{gewi}, certainly, apparently, it seems; {ganz gewi}, most assuredly.
{gewhnen, sich}, to get used or accustomed (to, {an}).
{gewohnt} (p.p.), wont, accustomed; {gewohnt sein}, to be in the habit.
{geworden}, see {werden}.
{g'fhrlich} (dialect.) = {gefhrlich}.
{g'hrt} (dialect.) = {gehrt}, belongs; {g'hrt dein = gehrt dir}.
{gingen ... ber}, see {bergehen}.
{Glachandschuh}, m. (pl. {-e},) kid-glove.
{Glanz}, m., lustre, brilliancy.
{glnzen}, to glisten.
{Glas}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) glass.
{glauben}, to believe, to think, to consider; {glauben an}, to believe in.
{glei} (dialect.) = {gleich} (adv.), at once, in a hurry.
{gleich} (adj.), like, alike, same, equal (to, dat.); (adv.) at once, immediately, on shortest notice; (conj. = {obgleich},) although, though.
{gleichgekleidet}, dressed in like manner.
{Gletscher}, m. (pl. {—},) glacier.
{Glied}, n. (pl. {-er},) limb; {es fuhr ihm in die Glieder}, terror thrilled through his limbs.
{glcklich}, happy, felicitous.
{glhen}, to glow.
{gndig}, gracious; {gndiger Herr!} Mylord! Your Honor! {der gndige Herr}, the gentleman.
{Gold}, n., gold.
{golden}, golden; most convenient.
{Goldorange} (French), f., (pl. {-n},) gold-orange.
{Gott}, God, the Lord.
{grad} (dialect.) = {gerade}, just so, quite so.
{Gram}, m., grief; {aus Gram}, with grief.
{grmlich}, sullen, sulky, morose.
{gramvoll}, sorrowful, aggrieved, grief-stricken.
{grau}, gray, of gray material; gray-haired.
{grauen}, to dawn; {der Tag graut}, it dawns.
{grausam}, cruel, horrid.
{greifen (griff, gegriffen)}, to grasp, to catch (at, {nach}).
{grobgeschnitzt} (p.p.), roughly carved.
{gro}, great, large, big, tall, long.
{grn}, green.
{grnden}, to establish.
{Grundgewalt}, f. (pl. {-en},) fundamental power.
{gruselig}, shuddering (at, {vor},) dreadful (over, {vor}).
{gren}, to greet, to salute.
{gucken} (colloq.), to look, to peep; {guck mal!} just look there!
{=Gulden=}, m. (pl. {—},) "gulden," florin (= 50 Americ. cents); {ihre Gulden und Kreuzer}, their silver- and copper-coins or their change.
{Gut}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) (collect.) "goods" (Longfellow).
{gut}, good (well); {es gut haben}, to have a nice time of it; {gut gehen}, to come or pass off smoothly; {gut thun}, to do good, to be good; {koan gut} (dialect.), no good.
{ha!} (interj.), ha! hah! ah!
{haben (hatte, gehabt)}, auxil. verb, to have.
{haben's} (dialect.) = {haben Sie}.
{hager}, haggard, thin; slender, lank.
{halb}, half, semi-.
{halblaut}, in an undertone.
{halbverlegen} (p.p.), somewhat embarrassed, slightly perplexed.
{Halm}, m. (pl. {-e},) straw.
{Hals}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) neck.
{halt} (adv. explet.), you know, you see, I think.
{halten (hielt, gehalten)}, to hold or take (for, {fr}); {fest halten}, to hold fast.
{Hampelmann}, m. (colloq.), a toy-figure ("harlequin") whose limbs jerk with a string, a "quocker-wodger."
{Hand}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) hand, arm; {Einem die Hand geben}, to marry one; {bei der Hand}, at hand, ready.
{handeln}, to act.
{hangen (hing, gehangen)}, to hang, to be suspended.
{hngen} (for {hangen, hing, gehangen},) to hang; {hngen lassen} ({lie, gelassen},) to hang (to droop) one's head.
{Hans}, John, Johnny.
{hatte, hatten}, see auxil. {haben}.
{htte, htten}, should or would or could have, might have.
{Haupt}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) head.
{Hauptthr(e)}, f. (pl. {-en},) main door.
{Haus}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) house; {nach Hause}, home (adv.); {von Hause}, from home; {zu Hause}, at home.
{hausen}, to reside.
{Haushlterin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) housekeeper.
{Haushaltung}, f. (pl. {-en},) household.
{huslich}, domestic; {sich huslich niederlassen}, to settle down.
{heda!} (interj.), hoy! hoay! say! you there!
{heften, sich}, to be attached (to, {an},) to be connected (with, {an}).
{heftig}, violent, severe.
{Heim}, n. home.
{=heim=}, home; (= {heimgehen},) to go home.
{heimisch}, native, national; comfortable(-bly), at home.
{Heirat}, f. (pl. {-en},) marriage.
{heiraten}, to marry.
{heien (hie, geheien)}, to be called or named; {wie heien Sie?} what is your name?
{heiter}, cheerful.
{helfen (half, geholfen)}, to help, to send help, to assist (one, dat.).
{hell}, bright, clear, shrill.
{her}, here, hither; {hin und her}, hither and thither, one way and the other; {von ... her}, from.
{herauf}, up; {hier herauf}, up here; {von ... herauf}, up here from.
{heraufkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to come up.
{heraus}, out; {aus ... heraus}, out from.
{herausflattern}, to flutter or wave (from, {aus}).
{herausjagen}, to drive or turn out (outdoors); to rouse.
{herausrcken}, to come out (with, {mit},) to speak one's mind freely.
{herbeibringen (brachte, gebracht)}, to bring forward, to produce.
{Herberge}, f. (pl. {-n},) inn, public house.
{herein}, herein, in(to); {herein!} come in!
{hereinkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to come in, to enter.
{hereintreten (trat, getreten)}, to step or walk in, to enter.
{herflackern}, to flare or flicker hither; {hin- und herflackern}, to flicker one way and the other.
{herkommen (kam, gekommen)}, to come or hail (from, {von},) to arise (from, {von},) to be caused (by, {von}).
{Herr}, m. (pl. {-en},) master, owner, employer, lord, gentleman, Mr.; {Herr Professor}, Professor; {Herr Assessor!} Assessor! {Herr Wirt!} Landlord! {gndiger Herr!} My Lord! {der gndige Herr}, the gentleman.
{Herrenstube}, f. (pl. {-n},) travellers'-room, inn-parlor.
{herrlich}, splendid, magnificent, delightful.
{=Herrn= = Herren}, pl.
{Herrschaften}, pl. ladies and gentlemen.
{herrschaftlich}, belonging to a man of high standing; {ein Bedienter in herrschaftlichem Kleide}, footman in livery.
{herstellen}, to make, to manufacture.
{herum}, round, about; {um ... herum}, just around.
{herumtragen (trug, getragen)}, to carry about.
{herumtreiben (trieb, getrieben)}, {sich}, to rove (to gad) about.
{herunterschauen}, to look down.
{heruntersingen (sang, gesungen)}, to sing from the first to the last verse.
{heruntersinken (sank, gesunken)}, to be degraded.
{hervorschauen}, to look out (from, {aus}).
{hervortreten (trat, getreten)}, to come forward (with, {mit},) to betray plainly (something, {mit}).
{hervorziehen (zog, gezogen)}, to draw out, to produce.
{herwandern}, to draw near, to advance.
{Herz}, n. (pl. {-en},) heart; {von Herzen}, with all one's heart, heartily.
{herzallerliebst}, darling.
{herzergreifend}, affectionate(ly), pathetic(ally).
{herzhaft}, hearty(-ily).
{herzinniglich} (adv.), heartily, warmly, from the bottom of one's heart.
{Herzl} (dialect.), n. = {Herz}, heart.
{Herzog-Maxlndler}, m. (pl. {—},) a country-dance named after Duke Max in Bavaria.
{heulen}, to roar (of the storm).
{Heuschober}, m. (pl. {—},) haystack.
{heute}, to-day; {heute Mittag}, to-day at noon; {heute Abend}, this evening, to-night; {heute Nacht}, this night, to-night.
{hier}, here.
{hierber}, over this, on this, at this.
{Hilfe}, f., help, assistance.
{Himmel}, m., heaven, sky.
{himmelblau}, sky-blue.
{Himmelreich}, n. (kingdom of) heaven; (fig.) paradise.
{Himmelsgegend}, f. (pl. {-en},) point of the compass.
{=hin= = dahin}, thence, there; {an ... hin}, along on the side of; {hin und her}, hither and thither, to and fro, one way and the other, (= {hingegangen},) passed, past.
{hinab}, down.
{hinauf}, up (the hill).
{hinaufdehnen, sich}, to extend or stretch up (the mountain).
{hinauffahren (fuhr, gefahren)}, to drive or ride up.
{hinaufklettern}, to climb up, to ascend.
{hinaufschauen}, to look up.
{hinauftnen}, to soar up, to rise up.
{hinaufziehen (zog, gezogen)}, to pull up.
{hinaus}, out (into, in).
{hinausblicken}, to look out.
{hinausschauen}, to look out (on or into, {auf}).
{hinausschmettern}, to ring out.
{hinauswittern}, to scent out (into, {in}).
{hindern}, to hinder, to prevent (from, {an}).
{hinein}, into; {in ... hinein}, right into.
{hineinfahren (fuhr, gefahren)}, to ride or to travel into.
{hineingehen (ging, gegangen)}, to go or travel into.
{hineinjagen}, to drive or force (into, {in}).
{hineintrumen, sich} to dive, to go deep (into, {in},) to take into one's head.
{hinfahren (fuhr, gefahren)}, to be bound for, to go to.
{hinflackern}, to flare or flicker thither; {hin- und herflackern}, to flicker one way and the other.
{hingehen (ging, gegangen)}, to go or travel there.
{hinschauen}, to look (to, {nach}).
{hinten}, behind, in the rear.
{hinter} (dat., accus.), behind.
{hintere (der)}, (being) back, in the rear; {die hintere Stube}, backroom.
{Hintergrund}, m., background.
{hinterher}, behind, following.
{hinterherkommen}, ({kam, gekommen},) to follow behind.
{Hintermann}, m. (pl. {[:-]er},) rear-rank-man, follower.
{Hinterstube}, f. (pl. {-n}) backroom, servants' hall.
{hinber}, over (to, {zu}); {nach ... hinber}, over to.
{hinberblicken}, to look over (to, {zu}).
{hinberflattern}, to flutter (wave, float) over or back.
{hinberziehen (zog, gezogen)}, to take over, to cause to move (to, {zu}).
{hinuntersteigen ({stieg, gestiegen},) to descend.
{hinunterwrgen}, to swallow down, to devour.
{hinzufgen}, to add.
{=Hirsch=}, m. (pl. {-e},) stag; (= {zum Hirsch[en]},) "The Stag-Inn."
{Hitsche}, f. (pl. {-n},) colloq., footstool.
{Hitze}, f. heat, flush.
{hoch} (attrib., {hoher, hohe, hohes},) high, upper, "alto."
{hochaufgeschossen}, tall and slender.
{hchst} (adv.), highly, extremely, in the highest degree.
{hchsteigen} (humor.), most private.
{Hochwrden}, f. (a title), right reverend (priest).
{Hochzeit}, f. (pl. {-en},) wedding; {auf einer Hochzeit}, at a wedding (-party).
{Hochzeitsaltar}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) nuptial (wedding-)altar.
{Hochzeitsessen}, n. (pl. {—},) wedding-dinner, wedding-feast.
{Hochzeitsgeschichte}, f. story of one's marriage.
{Hochzeitskutsche}, f. (pl. {-n},) wedding-coach.
{Hochzeitspaar}, n. (pl. {-e},) bridal couple.
{Hochzeitsreise}, f. (pl. {-n},) wedding-trip.
{Hochzeitstafel}, f. (pl. {-n},) wedding-table, wedding-dinner or feast.
{holla!} (interj.) holla! halloo!
{Horatius} (a name), Horace.
{hrbar}, audible (-bly).
{hren}, to hear.
{Hotel}, n. (pl. {-s},) hotel.
{hbsch}, pretty, fine.
{Hund}, m. (pl. {-e},) dog.
{hundertmal}, (a) hundred times.
{Hut}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) hat, bonnet.
{Hterin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) guardian, custodian.
{Htte}, f. (pl. {-n},) hut, cabin, chlet-quarters.
{ihm} (dat.), him, to (for, with, etc.) him.
{ihn} (accus.), him (it).
{Ihna} (dialect. dat. = {Ihnen}, for accus. {Sie},) you.
{ihnen} (dat.), to them, them.
{Ihnen} (dialect., dat.) for accus. {sich}, yourself.
{Ihr} (in address), you.
{Ihr, Ihre, Ihr} (possess. pron.) your.
{ihr, ihre, ihr}, her, to her; their.
{ihrer} (genit. pl.), of them.
{Imbi}, m., repast, light meal.
{immer}, always, ever; {immer finsterer}, darker and darker; {immer noch}, still.
{immerhin}, still, after all, at any rate.
{in} (dat., accus.), in, at; into, to.
{indem} (conj.), while, whilst, or by pres. partic.
{indessen}, in the meantime.
{Inhalt}, m., contents, tenor, purport.
{innehaben (hatte, gehabt)}, to occupy.
{innig}, fervent(ly), ardent(ly), sincere(ly), close(ly).
{=ins= = in das}.
{Insasse}, m. (pl. {-n},) inmate, occupant.
{Instinkt}, m., instinct.
{Institutsdame}, f. (pl. {-n},) directrix (humor., despot) of a young ladies seminary.
{Institutsvorsteherin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) mistress of a young ladies' seminary.
{Instrument}, n. (pl. {-e},) instrument.
{interessant}, interesting.
{irgend}, some; {irgend ein ...}, some, some kind of a.
{is} (dialect.) = {ist} or {ist es}.
{Italien}, Italy.
{Italiener}, m. (pl. {—},) Italian, native of Italy.
{italienisch}, Italian, or as if in Italy.
{ja} (adv.), yes; (explet.), why, you know! certainly; {nun ja}, well then, yes indeed.
{jagen}, to chase, to drive, to force, to arouse; (intrans.) to be driven, to dash, to fly.
{Jahr}, n. (pl. {-e},) year.
jamais (French), never.
{Jammer}, m., misery, misfortune.
{je}, ever; {je einmal}, ever.
{jeder, jede, jedes}, each, every; {ein jeder}, each one, every one.
{jedesmal}, each time, always.
{jetzt}, now, the present moment; {bis jetzt}, till now, till then, up to that minute.
{Johann}, John.
{Joppe}, f. (pl. {-n},) shooting jacket of coarse woolen cloth.
{Joseph}, Joseph; {Franz Joseph}, Francis Joseph.
{Juchzer}, m. (pl. {—},) shout of joy, yodling.
{jugendlich}, youthful.
{Jugendlust}, f., happiness of youth.
{Jugendschlaf}, m., sleep of youth.
{Jugendtage}, pl., days (time) of youth.
{jung}, young.
{Junge}, m. (pl. {-n},) boy, lad, fellow; {alter Junge!} old fellow!
{jngere}, see jung.
{Jungfrau}, f. (pl. {-en},) maid.
{Junggeselle}, m. (pl. {-n},) old bachelor.
{Jngling}, m. (pl. {-e},) youth, young man.
{just} (obsol.), just.
{Kaffeekrnzchen}, n. (pl. {—},) coffee-circle, coffee-party.
{Kaiser}, m. (pl. {—},) Emperor.
{Kaiserschmarren}, m. (pl. {—},) omelet.
{kalt}, cold.
{=km=} (= {kme}, condit.).
{kam herein}, see {hereinkommen}.
{kam ... vor}, see {vorkommen}.
{Kamerad}, m. (pl. {-en},) comrade, chum.
{Kamillenthee}, m., camomile-tea.
{kmpfen}, to combat, to struggle.
{kann}, see {knnen}.
{Krnthen}, name of an Austrian crown-land.
{Kasten}, m. (pl. {—},) chest, box, trunk.
{=Katzensprung=}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) (colloq.) "cat's leap" (= small distance), analog.: "cockstride."
{kaum}, hardly.
{kein, keine, kein}, no, not any.
{keiner, keine, keines}, none (of them), nobody.
{=kennen= (kannte, gekannt)}, to know, to be acquainted with; (= {erkennen},) to recognize.
{Kerl}, m. (pl. {-e},) fellow.
{Ketzer}, m. (pl. {—},) heretic.
{keuchen}, to pant, to gasp, to puff and blow.
{kichern}, to giggle, to titter.
{Kienspan}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) pine-block.
{Kind}, n. (pl. {-er},) child; {liebes Kind}, darling.
{Kindlichkeit}, f., childishness.
{Kirche}, f. (pl. {-n},) church.
{Kirchhof}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) cemetery, burial-ground.
{klagen}, to lament.
{Klamm}, f., mountain-cleft, glen; caon, canyon.
{Klang}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) timbre (of the voice), sound.
{klar}, clear, clear-eyed; plain, evident.
{Klause}, f. (pl. {-n},) hermitage.
{kleans} (dialect.) = {kleines}, little, young, sweet.
{Kleid}, n. (pl. {-er},) dress, garment, uniform; {ein herrschaftliches Kleid}, livery.
{klingeln}, to ring (the bell).
{klingen (klang, geklungen)}, to ring, to chime, to sound, to clink; {klingende Mnze}, clinking coin.
{Klippenhang}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) sloping cliff or crag.
{klopfen}, to knock, to beat, to tap (at, {an}); {es klopft}, some one knocks at the door.
{klug}, smart, wise, intelligent.
{Klmplein}, n. (pl. {—},) small lump, heap; {auf einem Klmplein}, all of a heap.
{knallen}, to crack, to pop.
{Knix}, m. (pl. {-e},) courtesy; {einen Knix machen}, to drop (bob) a courtesy (to, {vor}).
{Knochen}, m. (pl. {—},) bone.
{Knsplein}, n. (pl. {—},) rose-bud.
{Knotenpunkt}, m. (pl. {-e},) junction (railroad).
{knpfen}, to tie, to knot, to join closely.
{koan} (dialect.) = {kein}, no, not any.
{Koasa} (dialect.), m. = {Kaiser}, Emperor (i.e. Francis Joseph of Austria).
{kochen}, to cook, to boil, to make (tea).
{Koffer}, m. (pl. {—},) trunk.
{kommen (kam, gekommen)}, to come.
{=kommts= = kommt es}.
{Kompagnie}, f. (pl. {-en},) pronounce {kompani}, company.
{Konfusion}, f., confusion, perplexity.
{knnen} (pres. t. {kann, kannst, kann}; {knnen}, etc.); {konnte, gekonnt}, to be able, to be ready, can, may.
{knnen's} (dialect.) = {knnen Sie}; {knnen's} {Ihnen} (dat.) for {knnen Sie} {sich} (accus.).
{knnet's} (dialect.) = {knnen es}.
{knnte}, could, might.
{Kontinent}, m. (pl. {-e},) continent.
{Konzert}, n. (pl. {-e},) concert.
{Kopf}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) head.
{Krbchen}, n. (pl. {—},) little basket.
{Korn}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) grain (of snow or ice); pl., snow-sprinkling.
{Korrespondentin}, f., (pl. {-nen},) correspondent.
{korrespondieren}, to correspond.
{kosten}, to cost, to be the price; {was kostet?} what do you charge?
{Kraft}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) power, strength; {ber meine Krfte}, beyond my power.
{krftig}, vigorous(ly), spirited(ly), hearty (-ily).
{krank}, sick, ill; {die Kranke}, patient; {sehr krank}, critically ill.
{krankhaft}, morbid, diseased.
{Krankheit}, f. (pl. {-en},) sickness, illness; {in Krankheit sinken}, to fall ill.
{Krnzchen}, n. (pl. {—},) circle, party; meeting-place of a party or club.
{Krapfen}, m. (pl. {—},) fritter, doughnut.
{Kreis}, m. (pl. {-e},) circle; {im Kreise}, round about.
{=Kreuzer=}, m. (pl. {—},) "kreutzer" (= 1/60 Gulden); {ihre Gulden und Kreuzer}, their silver and copper-coins or their change.
{Krone}, f. (pl. {-n},) (royal) crown.
{Kruzifix}, n. (pl. {-e},) crucifix.
{Kche}, f. (pl. {-n},) kitchen.
{Kugel}, f. (pl. {-n},) bullet, ball.
{kundig}, skilful, experienced.
{kunstgerecht}, skilful(ly), knowingly.
{kurz}, short, brief, concise.
{Ku}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) kiss.
{Kutsche}, f. (pl. {-n},) coach, carriage.
{L}, n., the letter "L."
{lcheln}, to smile (at, {ber}).
{lachen}, to laugh; {das Lachen}, laughing.
{lcherlich}, laughable, funny.
{Lager}, n. (pl. {—},) resting-place.
{lagern, sich}, to lie down, to have settled down, to lodge one's self.
{Land}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) land, country; {woher des Landes?} from what country?
{Landassessorrock} (for {Landgerichtsassessorrock},) m. (pl. {[:-]e},) uniform of an assessor of the county-court.
{Landgericht}, n. (pl. {-e},) county-court, district-court.
{Landgerichtsassessor}, m. (pl. {-assessoren},) assessor of the county-court.
{Landgerichtsprsident}, m. (pl. {-en},) president of the district-court.
{Landgerichtsrat}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) judge of the district-court.
{Landkarte}, f. (pl. {-n},) map, traveller's map.
{lang} (adv.) = {lange}.
{lange} (adv.), long, a long time, for a long time; {wie lange?} how long?
{langsam}, slow(ly), little by little.
{lngst} (adv.), long since, for some time, for a long time.
{langweilig}, tedious, wearisome, dead-alive.
{lassen (lie, gelassen)}, to let, to allow, to make, to leave; {merken lassen}, to show, to betray something; {Einem etwas schreiben lassen}, to have something communicated to one; {Einen allein lassen}, to leave one.
{lau}, mild, genial.
{Laub}, n., foliage.
{Lauf}, m., run, course; {im schnellen Lauf}, in a short time.
{laufen (lief, gelaufen)}, to walk, to run; {frisch gelaufene Blasen}, feet blistered with walking.
{Laut}, m. (pl. {-e},) sound; {keinen Laut von sich geben}, not to utter a word, to keep profoundly silent.
{lauten}, to run thus or as follows.
{=leben=}, to live, to be living; {leb wohl!} farewell! good-bye; {soll leben}, (= {lebe hoch!}) let us drink the health of ...! or ... forever!
{Leben}, n., life.
{lebendig}, lively, animated.
{Lebensgeschichte}, f. (pl. {-n},) history of one's life.
{Lebn} (dialect.) n., = {Leben}, life.
{ledig}, single, unmarried.
{legen}, to lay; {sich legen}, to cease, (of bad weather).
{Leibschneiden}, n., gripes, colic.
{Leichentuch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) shroud, pall.
{leicht}, light(ly), easy (-ily), slight(ly), delicate(ly); (dialect. = {vielleicht},) perhaps.
{leiden (litt, gelitten)}, to suffer.
{leider} (adv.), unfortunately, I am sorry to say.
{Leinen}, n., linen, linen goods.
{leise (der)}, faint (suspicion).
{leise} (adv.), in an undertone; faint (suspicion).
{Lena} (abbrev. of {Helene},) Ellen, Maud.
{lernen}, to learn, to study, to pursue one's studies.
{lesen (las, gelesen)}, to read.
{Leser}, m. (pl. {—},) reader.
{Leserin}, f. (pl. {-nen},) (female) reader.
{letzte (der)}, last, final, finishing.
{letzterer, letztere, letzteres}, the latter.
{leuchten}, to flash, to beam.
{leuchtend}, luminous, lucid, bright, with beaming eyes.
{Leute}, pl., people; men.
{Liab'} (dialect.) f. = {Liebe}, love.
{Licht}, n. (pl. {-er},) light.
{=Lieb'=} (= {Liebchen},) n., love, sweetheart.
{lieb}, dear; {mir ist lieb}, I like; {lieb haben}, to like, to love; {sich lieb haben}, to love each other.
{Liebe}, f., love.
{liebeleer}, destitute of love.
{lieben}, to love, to like.
{Lieben}, pl., those beloved, the beloved ones.
{lieber}, better, rather, sooner; {lieber wollen}, to prefer.
{Liebesband}, n. (pl. {-e, [:-]er},) tie of love.
{liebst}, dearest or best of all.
{Liebste}, f. (pl. {-n},) beloved one, sweetheart.
{liebwert}, dearly beloved.
{Lied}, n. (pl. {-er},) song.
{Liederbuch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) songbook.
{liegen (lag, gelegen)}, to lie, to be situated, to lie hidden or concealed, to be latent.
{Lina} (abbrev. of {Pauline} or {Paula},) Pauline.
{Lippe}, f. (pl. {-n},) lip; (pl.) {Lippen}, mouth.
{Loch}, n. (pl. {[:-]er},) hole, kennel, burrow.
{locken}, to entice, to induce.
{Lodenkittel}, m. (pl. {—},) jacket made of coarse woolen cloth.
{Lodenrock}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) coat of coarse woolen cloth.
{Lffel}, m. (pl. {—},) spoon.
{London Bridgestation} (English), f. London-Bridge Station.
{Lorbeer}, m. (pl. {-en},) laurel(-tree), bay(-tree).
{los!} (adv.), on then! up! heartily!
{losschieen (scho, geschossen)}, to shoot off, to fire off, to let fly.
{Lwe}, m. (pl. {-n},) lion.
{lud ... ein}, see {einladen}.
{Luft}, f. (pl. {[:-]e},) air.
{Lunge}, f. (pl. {-n},) lungs.
{lustig}, hearty (-ily), merry (-ily), sound(ly), hard.
{machen}, to make, to do, to try; {ein Gesicht machen}, to look.
{Mdchen}, n. (pl. {—},) girl, maid.
{Madonna}, f. (pl. {Madonnen},) Madonna, Holy Virgin.
{mag}, see {mgen}.
{Mgdlein}, n. (pl. {—},) young girl.
{Magen}, m. stomach, appetite.
{mahnen}, to warn, to remind, to urge, to press.
{Mai}, m., May (month).
{Main}, m., Main (river).
{Mal}, n. (pl. {-e},) time; {zum ersten Mal}, for the first time.
{mal} (unaccentuated) = {einmal}, just, or won't you?
{malen}, to paint, to picture, to depict.
{man}, one; we, you, they, people, or by pass. voice.
{mancher, manche, manches}, many a, many a man or one.
{manchmal}, several times, repeatedly.
{Mann}, m. (pl. {[:-]er},) man, husband, gentleman; {woher der Mnner?} of what nationality?
{Mannsleute}, pl. men, fellows.
{Mannsperson}, f. (pl. {-en},) male, male person.
{Marsch}, m. (pl. {[:-]e},) march, marching.
{Maschine}, f. (pl. {-n},) machine, tea-oven; {auf der Maschine}, with the tea-kitchen or tea-oven.
{Maske}, f. (pl. {-n},) mask, disguise.
{mig}, moderate, slender, slim.
{Matte}, f. (pl. {-n},) Alpine meadow.
{Meer}, n. (pl. {-e},) sea, ocean, Mediterranean.
{mehr}, more; {nichts mehr}, nothing any more. {mein, meine, mein}, my.
{meinen}, to mean, to remark, to think, to expect.
{meinige (der, die, das)}, my own, mine.
{meist}, most; {am meisten} (adv. superl.), most of all.
{melden}, to announce, to take in some one's name or card.
{melodisch}, melodious.
{Mensch}, m. (pl. {-en},) man, mankind, individual; pl. people.
{Menschenkind}, n. (pl. {-er},) human being.
{Menschenscheu}, f. misanthropy; unsociableness, solitariness.
{menschlich}, human.
{merken}, to note, to perceive; {etwas merken lassen}, to show, to betray something.
{merkwrdig}, strange (to say), remarkable.
{mi} (dialect.) = {mich}.
{mich} (accus.), me.
{mild}, mild.
{Milla} (abbrev. of {Camilla},) Camilla, Millie.
{Minerva}, Minerva (a goddess of the Romans = "Pallas Athene" of the Greeks); {Hotel Minerva}, "Hotel Minerva."
{Minister}, m. (pl. {—},) Minister, Secretary (of Justice).
{mischen, sich}, to mix, to be mixed, to mingle, to join.
{mit} (dat.), with; (adv.) with or by one's self; {mithaben}, to be supplied or provided with.
{mitfeiern}, to help one celebrating or banqueting, to be (one) of the (wedding-)party.
{mitgehen (ging, gegangen)}, to go along with (them), to accompany.
{mitsamt}, together with.
{Mittag}, m. (pl. {-e},) midday, noon.
{mitteilen}, to communicate (to, dat.), to exchange, to impart (to, dat.), to make (one, dat.) acquainted.
{Mittel}, pl. means, funds.
{mittelst} (genit.), by means of, through.
{Mittelstimme}, f. (pl. {-n},) tenor; baritone.
{mitten}, in the midst; {mitten unter}, in among.
{Mitternacht}, f. midnight.
{mchte} (see {mgen},) might, should like.
{mgen} (pres. t. {mag, magst, mag}; {mgen}, etc.), {mochte, gemocht}, may, can, to like; {er mochte ... nicht gewesen sein}, he could not have been...
{mglich}, possible, eventual.
{Mglichkeit}, f. (pl. {-en},) chance, opportunity.
{mondhell}, moonlit.
{Mondschein}, m., moon-light; (humor.) baldness.
{Mondviertel}, n. (pl. {—},) quarter of the moon.
{mordsdumm} (colloq.), exceedingly stupid or foolish.
{Mordsqualm}, m. (colloq.), tremendous tobacco-smoke (filling a room.)
{Morgen}, m. (pl. {—},) morning; {des Morgens}, in the morning; {des Morgens frh}, early in the morning. |