Ladders, arrangement in Tusayan kiva 121 withdrawal of rungs to prevent use of 113 significance of position of, in kivas 135 described 156-162 second-story terrace of Tusayan reached principally by 182 openings for, in roofs 205 Laguna, arrival of the Asanyumu at 30 Lalenkobaki, a female society of Tusayan 134 Land apportionment by gentes in Tusayan 29 Language of the Asa and Hano of Tusayan 37 Languages of Tusayan, tradition regarding difference in 36 Las Animas ruins, trap-door frames in 206 Latches of doors 186-187 Latch strings used on Zuni doors 183 Lathing or wattling of kiva walls 126 Ledges of masonry in kivas 121 Ledges or benches around rooms 213 Lenbaki, society of Tusayan 18 Light, method of introducing, in inner rooms 207 Lighting, method of, in crowded portions of Zuni 99 Lintels of old windows embedded in masonry 200 Lizard people move from Walpi 31, 38 Lock and key of wood, how made 187 Logs (the floating), Navajo myth 278 Loom appurtenances 212 Loom posts of kivas 128-129, 132 Loophole-like openings in pueblo buildings 127, 198 Louisiana, linguistic work in XX
Macomb, J. N., earthenware from North Carolina presented by XXVI Mallery, Garrick, work of XXVIII Mamzrantiki, an Oraibi society of women 134 Mandan ladder described and figured 158 Maricopa, myth of the Water people of Tusayan concerning the 32 Marriage of the Hopituh within phratries and gentes 24 Mashongnavi, origin of name of 26 settlement of Paroquet and Katchina peoples in 27 settlement of the Water people at 32 description of ruins of 48 age of masonry at 66 description of 66-70 ground plan of room of 108 direction of kivas of 115 description of dais of kiva at 122 list of kivas at 136 wall decoration at 146 notched ladder of 157-158 pi-gummi ovens at 163-164 shrines of 167 chimney hoods of 170-171 second-story fireplace at 174 doorway with transom at 190 corrals of rude stonework at 214 See Old Mashongnavi. Masks representing various Navajo gods, Indian uses of 248, 249, 253 Masonry, ancient, at Nutria 94 Ojo Caliente carelessly constructed 96 exterior, of kivas 114 Masonry of Pueblo Bonito, skill shown in 195 Mat close for kiva hatchways 127, 128 Matsaki, description of 86 sun symbol at 148 Meal, sacred, preparation of 256 votive, used in pueblo house-building 101 Mealing trough. See Milling. Medicine cigarette, in Navajo ceremonial, preparation of 258 disposition of, after use 259 Medicine lodge, Navajo, construction of 237 Medicine tubes in Navajo ceremonial 241, 244, 246, 250, 257, 258, 264 Medicine water used in Navajo ceremonial 255, 263, 269 Metate used as roof-drain 154, 155 Metates, or grinding stones, how arranged in pueblo houses 109, 110, 210, 211 Mexico, linguistic work in XX, XXI Middleton, James D., work of XX, XXIV Migration, effect of, upon pueblo architecture 15 Migration of the Tusayan 17 Migration of Tusayan Water people 31, 32 Migration of the Horn people 18, 19 Migration of the Bear people of Tusayan 20 Migration of the Asanyumu of Tusayan 30 Milling troughs of Pueblo households 109, 210, 212 Mindeleff, Cosmos, work of XXVI, XXVII acknowledgments to 14, 15 on traditional history of Tusayan 16-41 Mindeleff, Victor, work of XXVI, XXX notice of paper on pueblo architecture by XXIV paper on pueblo architecture 3-228 Mishiptonga, description of ruin of 52-53 Mission buildings of Shumopavi 27, 75-76 Mission house at Walpi, timbers of, used in Walpi kiva 119 Missions of Tusayan 22, 49 Mississippi, archeologic work in XIX Moen-kopi surveyed and studied 14 description of ruins of 53-54 description of village of 77 Mole people, settlement in Tusayan of the 27 Montezuma Canyon ruins, use of large stone blocks in 147 Monument marking boundary of Oraibi and Shumopavi 28 Mooney, James, work of XXVIII Morgan, L. H., Mandan ladder described by 158 on trap-door frames in Las Animas ruins 205 Mormon and Pueblo building compared 148 Mormons, effect of the, upon development of Moen-kopi 77 establishment of woolen mill at Moen-kopi by the 78 fort built by, at Moen-kopi 184 lock and key contrivance of 187 Mortar of adobe mud 137 Mortars used in Pueblo households 212 Mortised door in Zuni house 110,186 Mummy cave, Arizona, ruin in 64 finish of roofs in ruins of 150 Mungkiva, Mashongnavi 127 of Shupaulovi 113, 122 Tusayan 134
Naiyenesgony and Tobaidischinni, mythical history of 279-280 Nambe, Tewa pueblo 37 Navajo, Asa of Tusayan live among 30 huts of, closed with blankets 189 method of sheep-herding compared with Pueblo 214 paper on Hasjelti Dailjis ceremonial and sand painting of 229-285 Nelson, E. W., work of XXVII graves unearthed by 86 collection of stone-closes by 193 New York, archeologic work in XIX ethnologic work in XXI Niches, use of, in kivas 121, 122 Niches formed in old window openings 110, 200, 208-209 Nomenclature of Tusayan structural details 220-223 North Carolina, work in XXI-XXII Notched logs used as ladders 157-158 Numi. See Nambe. Nutria, compared with Kin-tiel 91 description of 91-95 Nuvayauma, old Mashongnavi tradition related by 47-48 Nuvwatikyuobi kiva 120
Oak mound kiva, Tusayan, decadence of membership of 135 Office work XXIII-XXIX Ohio, archeologic work in XIX, XX Ohke. See San Juan. Ojo Caliente, a modern village 54, 96-97 chinked walls of 142 Old man and woman of the first world, Navajo myth 284-285 Old Mashongnavi, tradition concerning occupation of 47-48 Openings, splayed, in Ketchipauan church 82 walls of Taaaiyalana structures 90 Kin-tiel walls 92, 93 oblique Zuni 98, 207-208 to kivas 113-114 in wall of Zuni kiva 114 in lee walls 182 Openings of Pueblo houses banded with whitewash 145-146 Oraibi, retirement of Sikyatki inhabitants to 24 departure of Ketchina and Paroquet peoples from 27 settlement by the Bears of 27 traditions regarding first settlement of 27 settlement of the Water people at 33 affray between the Walpi and 35 description of 76-77 families occupying 105-108 direction of kivas of 115-116 rare use of plastering on outer walls of 144 notched ladders described and figured 157-158 stone steps at, figured 161 corral walls at, laid without mortar 147 distribution of gentes of 104-105 kiva for women 134 list of kivas of 137 kiva, hatchway of 201 corrals at, large size of 214 Oraibi-Shumopavi boundary stone 28 Oraibi wash, ruins on the 54-56 Orientation of kivas 115-116 Ovens at Pescado 95 upon roofs 151 various kinds described 162-166 in Zuni 164-165 Oven-shaped structures described and figured 167 Oven-surface imbedded with pottery scales 139
Paintings on kiva walls 131 Palat Kivabi, the pristine habitat of the Squash and Sun people of Tusayan 25, 29 Palmer, Dr. E., Mexican clay vessels presented by XXVI Paneled doors in modern pueblos 184-186 Parallelogramic form of Tusayan buildings 102-118 Paroquet people, settlement in Shumopavi of the 37 Partitions in Ketchipauan church 82 Partitions of upper story supported by beams 144 Passageways, Shupaulovi 72 Shumopavi 74 rarity of, at Oraibi 76 description of 180-182 Paving Shupaulovi kiva 126 Paving stones of kiva floor, how finished 125 Payupki, tradition concerning pueblo of 40 migration legend 40 description of 59-60 finish of masonry of 143 fragments of passage wall at 181 Peaches planted by the Asa people 30 Pegs, deer horns used as, in Zuni 111 Pegs for suspending kiva fuel 121 Pena Blanca formerly inhabited by the Hano 35 Penasco Blanco, occurrence of upright stone slab at 148 method of roof construction at 150 Pescado compared with Kin-tiel 91 description of 95-96 corral walls at, how constructed 147 outside steps at 160 ovens at, described and figured 165-166 fragment of stone close in steps of 193 stone inclosure in court of 214 Pennsylvania, work in XXII-XXIII Pestles or crushers used with Pueblo mortars 212 Petroglyph, or sun-symbol at Matsaki 86 Ketchipauan church 82 legend of the Tusayan concerning 32 Phratries, Tusayan 24, 38 Pictograph on Oraibi-Shumopavi boundary monument 28 Piers of masonry for supporting girders 151 Piers. See Buttresses. Pi-gummi ovens of Mashongnavi 163 Piki or guyave oven 173-175 Piki stone, process of making 175 Pilling, J. C., work of XXIV Pima, myth of the Water people of Tusayan concerning the 32 opinion of the, as to ancient stone inclosures 216 Pinawa, description of 86, 88 Pine invariably used for kiva ladders 135 Pine boughs, application for removing disease in Navajo ceremonials 247, 250 disposition of, after ceremony 248, 251 Pink clay used in house decorations 146 Pits for cooking 163 Plan of villages, traditional mention of 104 Plans and descriptions, Tusayan ruins 45-60 inhabited villages 61-79 Cibolan ruins 80 Zuni villages 94-99 Plan of pueblo houses not usually prearranged 100-162 Planting time, how determined in Zuni 148 Plaster, frequent renewal of, at Shumopavi 73 Plastering, renovation of rooms by frequent 89 on outer walls in Ojo Caliente 96 custom formerly observed in 102 on floor in Mashongnavi 109 kiva walls 115 Shupaulovi kiva, condition of 124-125 Shupaulovi kiva 126 on walls 140 on masonry 144 chimney hoods 169, 172 side hole of door for fastening 183-184 Platform in floor of Tusayan kiva 121 Platform at head of steps 161-162 Plaza. See Court. Plume boxes 210 Plume stick, baho, or feather wand, used in Kiva consecratory ceremonials 119-120, 129, 130 Plume-stick shrines at Mashongnavi 167 Pojoaque, a Tewa pueblo 37 Pokwadi. See Pojoaque 37 Polaka, Hano tradition given by 35 Poles for suspension of blankets, etc. 110, 189, 208, 214 Ponobi kiva of Oraibi, wall lathing of 126 Population, enlargement of pueblos necessitated by increase of 70 Porch posts 81, 82 Posowe, a former Tewa pueblo 37 Posts of porch, remains of, at Hawikuh and Ketchipauan 81, 82 Posts sunk in floor forming part of loom 212 Pots used in chimney construction 179-180 Pottery fragments, Horn House ruin 51 Kwaituki 57 ruin on Oraibi wash 55 used in mud-plastered walls 139 Pottery of Payupki, character of 60 Poultry house of Sichumovi 167 Powell, J. W., work of XXIII Prayer, on offering medicine tubes to Navajo gods 244 to the Esthetle 272 Prayer plume, or baho, used in kiva consecratory ceremonials 119, 120, 129, 130 Prayer sticks, how prepared for Navajo ceremonial 242-243, 264 Props used for fastening wooden doors 183 Publication during year XVIII Pueblo architecture, notice of Mr. Victor Mindeleff's paper on XXX, XXXIV study of, by Victor Mindeleff 8-228 Pueblo Bonito, additions to 70 the largest yet examined 92 finish of roof of 150 stairway described 160 symmetry of arrangement of outer openings of 195 skill shown in masonry of 195 Pueblo buildings, mode of additions to 70, 97, 98, 102, 148-149 Pueblo construction in Tusayan and Cibola, details of 137-223 Pueblo Grande. See Kin-tiel. Pueblo models constructed XXVII Pueblo openings, carelessness in placing 196 Pueblo remains, area occupied by 13 Pueblo revolt of 1680 89 Pueblos of Tusayan and Cibola compared 80 Pueblos, inhabited 61-79, 94-99 Pyramidal form of pueblo house rows 61
Rabbit-skin robes used to cover doorways 182, 194 Racks for suspending clothes 208, 214 Rawhide thong used in pueblo construction to fasten lock 186, 187, 214 Rectangular kivas, antiquity of 116 Rectangular rooms, how developed 226 Rectangular type of architecture 72 Reeds, sacred, for Navajo ceremonial, preparation of 242, 243 Reeds used for kiva lathing 126 Repair of houses infrequent in Tusayan 73 Reservoirs, pueblo 82-83, 91, 92, 97 Reservoir site as affecting selection of dwelling site 51-52 Revolt of the Pueblos in 1680 23 Reynolds, H. L., work of XXIV Rites and methods of Tusayan kiva building 118-137 Rites of house-building at Tusayan 100-104 Rito de los Frijoles, chimney of, described 173 Roof construction, pueblo buildings 120, 149 Roof-coping of Tusayan houses 102 Roof-drains, pueblo buildings 102, 153-156 Roof-openings, pueblo buildings 61, 63, 77, 98, 169, 178, 201-208 Roofs, pueblo buildings 63, 102, 119, 148-151 Roof timbers of kivas 119 Rogan, J. P., work of XIX Rooms, arrangement of, into rows in Tusayan 49 confused arrangement of, in Walpi 63 Taaaiyalana ruins, arrangement of 90 circular, at Kin-tiel 93 Tusayan, smaller than in Zuni 108 names of, in Tusayan 223 Rows of houses forming Shumopavi 74 Royce, Chas. O., work of XXV Ruins, method of survey of 45 Ruins, Tusayan 45-60 between Horn House and Bat House 51 Oraibi wash 54-56 Cibola 80 Taaaiyalana 89 Rungs of ladders, how attached 158, 159
Sacrifices of food in Tusayan house-building 101, 102 Sandals of yucca found in Canyon de Chelly 133 Sand bed used in Navajo ceremonial to absorb disease 250, 251 Sand painting, Navajo ceremonial, learned by the Navajos from the Pueblos 236 colors used in 237 manner of laying on colors 239-248 disposition of sand after ceremony 241, 261, 264 description of 260, 261, 262, 264, 265 Sandstone used in pueblo construction, how quarried 225 San Felipe, return of Payupki to 41 San Juan, a Tewa pueblo 37 Santa Clara doubtfully identified with Kapung 37 Santo Domingo, settlement of the Asanyumu 30 Sash of rude construction in window openings 196 Sealing of doorways of pueblo buildings 110, 183-184, 198-201 Seats of stone in Tusayan kivas 132 Selenite used in pueblo windows 196, 197 Semisubterranean kivas of Tusayan 113 Seven cities of Cibola. See Cibola. Sheep, introduced into Tusayan 22 possessed by the Awatubi 50 introduction of, among the Pueblos 214 mountain, Navajo myth concerning 282-284 Shitaimu pueblo 28, 48, 49 Shelters in pueblo fields 60, 198, 217-219 Shelves, pueblo buildings 109, 173, 209 Shrine, Matsaki 86 court of Shupaulovi 71 court of Shumopavi 75 Taaaiyalana 90 Shrines, pueblo 72, 148, 167 Shumopavi, Spanish mission established at 22 by whom built 27 removal of portion of Bear people from 27 description of 73-76 kivas of 113, 114, 137 primitive andiron at 176 piki stone at 176 fireplace and chimney of 176, 177 ground cooking-pit of 178 Shumopavi-Oraibi boundary stone 28 Shumopavi people, removal of, to mesa site 23 Shupaulovi, settlement of Paroquet and Ketchina peoples in 27 when established 29 settlement of Bear people at 30 settlement of the water people at 32 description of 71-73 mungkiva of, described 113 direction of kivas of 115 description of dais of kiva of 123 ground and ceiling plans of kiva of 125 list of kivas of 136 description of chimney-hood at 171, 172 passageway at, described 181 Sichumovi, settled by peoples from Walpi 31 derivation of term 38 description of 62, 63 direction of kivas of 115 ownership of kiva of 134 list of kivas of 136 poultry-house of 167 fireplace and mantel of 173 piki stone at 175 Sikyatki, ruin of 20, 21 pueblo of 24 ancient kiva near 117 Sikyatki people dispute with the Walpi 24 slaughtered by the Walpi 25 Sills of doors 110, 186, 194 Sioki. See Zuni 30 Sipapuh, Tusayan kivas 117, 121, 122, 123, 126, 130, 131, 135 Sites of pueblo buildings, why selected 63, 66, 90, 97, 112, 223 Slabs of stone in pueblo architecture 147 Slavery among the Tusayan 41 Smallpox prevalent in Tusayan 38, 134 Smoke escape through roof-opening and transoms 189, 204, 206, 207 Snake dance, relation of dance-rock to 65 Snake people, the first occupants of the Tusayan region 17 construction of modern Walpi by the 23 Snow, use of, as water supply by the Zuni 91 Spaniards, early visit of, to Tusayan 21, 22 Spanish authority, effect of, upon purity of Zuni kiva type 112 Spanish beams in Tusayan kivas 119, 123, 124, 125, 126 Spanish churches at pueblos, Hawikuk 81, 82, 138 Spanish influence in Zuni and Tusayan 169, 180, 196, 213, 224 Spanish missions established in Tusayan 22 Spider people, settlement in Tusayan of the 27 Spider woman, the, Navajo myth 284 Splash-stones described and figured 155, 156 Splayed openings in Ketchipauan church 82 Squash people, settlement in Tusayan of the 25 Stakes used in construction of stone walls 147 Stearns, J. B., relics from Chiriqui presented by XXVI Stephen, A. M., material on traditional history of Tusayan collected by 16-41 opinion on Walpi architectural features 72 acknowledgments to 100 on distribution of Oraibi gentes 104, 105 on orientation of Tusayan kivas 115 discovery of ancient kiva type near Sikyatki 117 typical kiva measurements by 122 on wattling or lathing of kiva walls 126 on significance of structural plan of kiva 135 collection of primitive andirons or bosses by 176 Steps and ladders described 156-162 Steps cut in faces of cliffs 191 Steps or foot-holes of Walpi trail 65 Steps to kivas 114 Stevenson, James, notice of paper on Hasjelti Dailjis and Navajo sand painting by XXXIV-XXXVI paper on ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis and mythical sand-painting of 229-285 Sticks, painted, bundles of, used in Navajo medicine ceremonial 252, 254 Stone, size, character, and finish of, in pueblo ruins 55, 58, 60, 138 means of obtaining, in Zuni 139 effect of use of, in chimney hoods 172 corrals 214 flags used to floor Tusayan kiva 121 inclosures in Southern Arizona 216 roof drains, curious forms of 154 shelters, possible remains of, at Payupki 60 slabs formerly used to close doorways 188 Stone-close anciently used 192, 193 Stone wedges used in pueblo wall finish 140, 142 Stonework, Shumopavi 75 at Oraibi 144 Mormon and Pueblos compared 148 Stone steps, Pescado 95 Tusayan 157 Stools used by the Pueblos 212, 213 Storage facilities of pueblo dwellings 57, 62, 103, 109, 143, 144, 182, 209 Straw adobe made by Spaniards 138, 224 Structural features of kivas similar 129 Subterranean character of kivas 63, 72, 112, 113 Suds of yucca used in Navajo medicine ceremonial 251, 257, 258 Sullivan, Jeremiah, Payupki tradition obtained by 40 Sun, Navajo myth concerning creation of 275, 277 Sunflower stalks used in chimney construction 170 Sun people of Tusayan 29 Supplies, how taken to Walpi mesa 65 Survey of Tusayan and Cibola, methods of 44-45 Sweat-houses in Navajo ceremonial, description of 239 Synonymy of Indian tribes, work on XXVIII
Taaaiyalana, relation of K'iakima to 85 stone inclosures at base of 85 description of ruins of 89-91 flight of Zunis to, during Pueblo revolt 89 mesa of, temporarily occupied 223 Tables not used in Pueblo houses 212, 214 Talla Hogan. See Awatubi 49-50 Taos formerly partly inhabited by the Tewa 37 Tceewage. See Pena Blanca. Tcosobi or Jay kiva, roof timbers of 120 Tebowuki, an early pueblo of the fire people of Tusayan 20 Tebugkihu or fire-house, description of 57 fragments of passage-wall at 181 Tennessee, archeologic work in XIX Terraced doorways 190-191 Terraced gardens 217 Terraced roofs of Tusayan, names of 104 Terrace cooking-pits and fireplaces 174-177 Terrace rooms, half open, not seen in ancient pueblos 187 Terraces, Sichumovi form of 62 Oraibi, formed by natural causes 76 Zuni 97, 98, 144 ancient pueblos, how reached 156 Tusayan names of 223 Tesuque, a Tewa pueblo 37 Tetsogi. See Tesuque. Tewa conflict with the Ute 36 Tewa, language of the 37 Tewa. See Hano. Texas, linguistic work in XX Thomas, Cyrus, work of XIX, XXIII Timbers for roof, kind used in kiva-building 19 Time for planting and harvesting, how determined in Zuni 148 Tiponi of Tusayan explained 131 Tlaskaltec Indians, linguistic researches among XXI Toneennili, the water-sprinkler, song addressed to, in Navajo ceremonial 259 Topography, houses of Walpi constructed to conform to 64 of Shupaulovi 71 Tradition, historical value of 15 Tradition, Tusayan 16-41 Hano 35 regarding Hano and Tusayan languages 36 concerning Payupki pueblo 40 concerning occupancy of Old Mashongnavi 47-48 of foundation of Walpi 63 concerning circular kivas 135 Zuni concerning stone-close 92-193 concerning early occupancy of former pueblos by existing tribes 225 Traditionary gentes of Tusayan, list of 38 Trails, Walpi 65, 66 Taaaiyalana 89 Transoms over pueblo doorways 187-189 Transportation to Walpi mesa, Indian method 66 Trapdoors, Sichumovi 63 kivas, no means of fastening 113 frames furnished with hand-holds 192 Tunika Indians, linguistic work among XXI Tupubi defined 176 Tupkabi. See Canyon de Chelly. Turner, Lucien M., work of XXVIII Tusayan, survey of 15 traditional history of 16-41 ruins and inhabited villages of 42-79 house-building rites 100-104 houses of, owned by women 101 kivas in 111-137 list of kivas of 136 order of settlement of, by various peoples 29 Tusayan and Cibola architecture, study of, by Victor Mindeleff 3-228 compared by constructional details 100-223 details of 137-223 Tusayan. See Hopituh. Tuscarora-English dictionary, work on XXVIII Tuwahlki, or watch-house 217 Tuwii. See Santo Domingo 30 Twigs, use of, in roof construction 150
Ute, conflict with, by the Tewa of Hano 36 inroads of, upon Tusayan 25, 26, 35
Vargas, Don Diego, visit to Tusayan of 35 Virginia, work in XXII Vocabulary of Tusayan architectural terms 220-223
Walls, how indicated on plans of ruins 45 defensive, at Bat House 52 construction of, in Moen-kopi ruins 53 curved, instances of 54 showing precision of workmanship 54 dimensions in Taaaiyalana mesa 90 original height of, indicated by debris 90 thickness of, in modern Tusayan 102 paintings on, in Tusayan kiva 131 pueblo, mode of construction of 137-148 copings of 139, 151, 152 strength of 144 weakness of, in Zuni 182 of gardens 215 Walpi, settlement of Bear people at 21, 27 Spanish mission established at 22 construction of, by the Snake people 23 dispute of, with the Sikyatki 24 settlement of the Asa at 30, 31 abandoned by Bear, Lizard, Asa, and Badger peoples 31 description of 63-66 court-surrounded kiva of 114 kivas of 119, 136 upper story partitions of, supported by beams 144 use of large stone blocks in garden walls of 47 cooking pit at 176, 177 south passageway of, described 181 Walpi people, attack of Awatubi by the 34 affray between the Oraibi and 35 trouble between the Hano and 37 various pueblos formerly occupied by the 46, 47 Warp-sticks, mode of supporting 133 Water, method of carrying, at Walpi 65 Water family, last to settle at Tusayan 29 migration legend of 31 Water jars used in chimney construction 180 Water supply, Cibola 80 Ketchipauan 82, 83 Taaaiyalana dwellings 90, 91 Kin-tiel 92 Zuni 97 Water vessels, forms of 109 Wattling or lathing of kiva walls 126 Weaving appliances 212 Wejegi pueblo, loop-holes in 198 Well or reservoir of Zuni 97 West Virginia, archeologic work in XX Whitewash on outer walls of Shumopavi 73-74 on Mashongnavi room 109 how made and applied in Zuni 145 on house walls 145 used for coating doors 186 Wiksrun people, settlement in Tusayan of the 27 Willow wands used in roof construction 150 Window, doorway and chimney in one 121 Windows of various kinds described 194, 201 Wings constructed in court of Pueblo Bonito 70 Women, house owners at Tusayan 101 work of, in Tusayan house-building 101, 102 roof-building performed by 102 work of, in kiva-building 129 when admitted to kivas 134 societies of, and kivas for, in Tusayan 134 Wood, kinds of, used in Tusayan construction 102 Wood rack of pueblos described 103 Wood-working, how performed 184 Wooden doors not found in pre-Columbian ruins 184 Wooden features of pueblo windows 196 Woolen mill established by Mormons at Moen-kopi 78 Workshop, use of the kiva, as a 129, 133
Yebitchai, meaning of the term 235, 236 Yeso used for interior whitewash 74 Yucca, use of, in lathing 127 Yucca fiber sandals from Canyon de Chelly 133
Zenichi, Navajo gods 265 Zuni, survey of pueblo of 14 arrival of the Asanyumu at 30 portion of site of, formerly occupied by Halona 88 tradition as to occupancy of Kin-tiel by the 92 plans and descriptions of villages of 94-99 description of pueblo of 97-99 See Cibola.
Errata for Index:
Defense ... features of, at Ojo Caliente _text reads "Ojo Calient"_ Defense ... use of Ketchipauan church for _text reads "Kelchipauan"_ Kotite _printed between entries "Katchinkihu" and "Ketchipauan"_ Migration of the Asanyumu of Tusayan _text reads "Asanynmu"_ Numi _printed before entry "Notched logs"_ Parallelogramic form of Tusayan buildings _spelling unchanged_ Stevenson, James ... Navajo sand painting _text reads "sands painting" Stonework ... Oraibi _text reads "Oraib"_ Taaaiyalana, relation of K'iakima to _text reads "Taaaialana"_ Tusayan, order of settlement of _printed between entries "Terraces" and "Tesuque"_ _(note that last sub-entry under "Terraces" is "Tusayan names of")_