Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There
by Emanuel Swedenborg
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INSTRUMENTAL and principal, 159[3].

INTELLECT (The) is according to the reception of light, 131.


JESUITS, 61[2].

JUPITER (The planet), 46-84. Population and fertility, 48. Goodness and wisdom of the inhabitants, 49, 62; their care of their faces, 53, 54; their manner of walking, 55; their nakedness, 56; their position in bed, 57; their repasts, 58; their Divine Worship, 65-69; representation of spirits and angels in the Grand Man, 64; their perception, 67; intercourse between inhabitants and spirits, 70-78; chastising and instructing spirits, 72-78; angels of their interior heaven, and their different kinds of speech, 80; how their spirits become angels, 82, 88; how they die, 84; their age, 84[2].

KEENNESS of vision, 140.

KINGDOMS, origin of, 49[4], 90[2], 174[2]; celestial and spiritual, 169[2].

KNEE, 156.

KNOWLEDGES have respect to uses, 18; are only instrumental means, 18; their communication among spirits of Mercury, 25.

LAMBS, signification of, 33, 34.

LAMPS, signification of, 33.

LAST JUDGMENT, 165, 171[3].

LEARNED in the other life, 38[2], 67, 114.

LIFE, the, follows every one after death, 30, 51; man can be let into former state of life, 38[3]; life itself is actually derived from love, 52[4]; those only have spiritual life who are in heavenly love, 96; state of life, 135.

LIGHT signifies wisdom, 41; in heaven, 41, 131; the light of this world is darkness to spirits, 135[2]; the light of heaven enlightens the understanding of angels, 41, but is darkness to man, 135[2]; light in the celestial and spiritual kingdoms, 169[2]; the light from the spiritual sun is the Divine Truth, 170.

LIKENESS of life conjoins, 127[2].

LIPS, speech by the, 53, 54.



LORD (The) is the sun of heaven, 40, 170; is the only God, 98, 99; seen in the midst of the sun by spirits of Mercury, of our Earth, and of Jupiter, 40, 170; by spirits of Mars, 91; seen under an angelic form by spirits of Saturn, 98.

LOVE is the fire of life, 52[4]; a love contains in itself all power of knowing, 96; parental love grows in descending, 174; celestial and spiritual love, 94[3]; conjugial love, 163; love to God and towards the neighbour is man's peculiar love, 96[2]; what these loves consist in, 169[4]; love of self, its nature, 174[2]; love of self and love of the world necessitated the formation of governments, 90.

MAN as to his essence is a spirit, 1[2], 123. A man whose interiors are opened by the Lord, can speak with spirits, 1[2]; man as to his interiors is in the midst of spirits and angels, 1; cannot see anything in the other life, 135[2]; corresponds to Heaven, 5, 9; does not rise as to his body, 159[3]; man after death becomes a spirit, 47, 123, 160; after death is in the human form as before, 123; after death has the memory of all his concerns in the world, 127; how distinguished from beasts, 96[2]; is not born into his peculiar loves, 96[2]; is the end of creation, 112, 126; was born for heaven, 114; was created to live in both worlds, 135[4]; the natural and spiritual man, 102.


MARS (The planet). The spirits are the best of all, 85; speech and character, 87; representation in the Grand Man, 88; life, 90; Divine Worship, 91; humiliation, 91; body, clothing, and nourishment, 93.

MATERIAL things drag the mind downwards, 13.

MEDIUM between the Intellectual and the Voluntary, 88.

MEMBRANE, inner, of the skull, 95[6].

MEMORY, of spirits of Mercury, 10, 17, 24, 31; of spirits of Venus, 107; spirits enter into man's, 11, 13; of spirits, 14, 29; is permanent after death, 127, 160.

MERCURY (The planet). Representation in the Grand Man, 11; desire for knowledges, 13; conceit, 16, 37; deficiency in judgment, 17; knowledges alone loved, apart from uses, 6, 18, 101, 139; instantaneous judgment 22; rapid speech, 22, 23; permitted to wander through the universe 6, 24, 25, 101, 139; perfection of memory, 35; instruction of inhabitants by spirits, 35; perception, 39; body and clothing, 44; apparent size of the sun, 45; temperature of the earth, 45.

MERIT belongs to the Lord alone, 70[5].


MIDDLE SENSE between the spiritual and the natural man, 102.

MIND (animus). All things belonging to the mind are exhibited under some natural form in the body, 163.

MIND (The) (mens) comports itself according to the interior state of the body, 58[2].

MIRACLE of miracles, 135[3].

MONKS, 169, 172, 173.

MOONS, 3[2], 42, 112, 126.

MOST ANCIENT CHURCH was a celestial church, 85.

MOST ANCIENT PEOPLE, 49; spoke by the face and lips, 54[2], 87[3].


MOTIONS in the other life, 125.

NAKEDNESS is no shame to those who are chaste, 56, 176.

NATURAL LIGHT gives no information on spiritual subjects, 114.

NATURAL MAN, his character, 102[4,5].

NATURAL AND EXTERNAL SENSE is the ultimate, 122.


OLD MAN, apparition of, 76.

OPPOSITES, their use, 35.

PALLAS, 38[6].

PAPERS, printed, 28.

PERCEPTION, of spirits of Mercury, 89; is impaired by conceit, 62[2]; perception of good from evil, 77; is lost in the Christian world, 158[3]; is rare on our Earth, 169[3].


PLANETS are inhabited, 3; their situation in the other life, 42, 86; do not appear to any spirit, 105.

PLURALITY of worlds, 2.

PREACHER, 157, 158, 161, 162.

PRESENCE in the other life results from likeness of state, 135.

PREY, delight of eating, 108.

PRINCIPAL and instrumental, 159[3].

PRINTING, art of, 81; was for the sake of the Word, 113-122, 136, 155; unknown on other earths, 155; printed papers seen, 28.

PROCEEDING (Divine), 159.

PROGRESSIONS in the other life, 125, 127[2].

PROPRIUM is nothing but evil, 170, 174[2].


PUNISHMENTS inflicted by spirits, 72, 154.

QUALITY of spirits manifested by influx, 50.


REPRESENTATION of objects in the other life, 32.

RESPIRATION, spirits and angels have, 87[4]; of spirits of Mars, 87[4].

RESURRECTION of man, 159[3]; of the Lord, 159[3]; belief concerning, 165.

REVELATION on Jupiter, 65; on this Earth and on others, 113-122, 136, 155, 175.

RICHES, use and abuse of, 62[4].

RIGHT (The) in the other life is towards the south, 168.

RIGHTEOUSNESS belongs to the Lord alone, 70[5].

RING of Saturn, 3[2], 100, 104.

SAINTS on Jupiter, 70.

SATELLITES, 3[2], 42, 112, 126.

SATURN (The planet). Character of the spirits, 97; worship, 98; representation in the Grand Man, 102; manners and customs, 103; ring or belt, 3[2], 100, 104.

SCIENCES are not known on Jupiter, 62; are cultivated on our Earth only, 136; on our Earth are means of opening the intellectual sight, 62[3], and also of closing it, 68; are spiritual riches, 62[4]; analytical science, 38[4].

SCHOOLMEN, 38[3], 62.


SENSE, natural and external, 122; the internal sense without an external would be like a house without a foundation, 122.

SENSUAL, 127[4], 148; represented by serpents, 148.



SIGHT, opening of spiritual, is effected by removal of bodily, 165[4]; keenness of sight, 140.

SINCERITY prevailed in the Most Ancient times, 54[2].

SINUS, Longitudinal, 95.

SOCIETY, living in, and living separate, 49, 103, 173, 174; an angelic society, 171[3].

SORCERESSES, 137, 147.

SOUL is the spirit of man, and is the man himself, and in the human form, 1; soul and body, 159[3].

SPACES and distances, origin of, 125; space and time, 127[4].

SPEECH, verbal, is material, 17, 54; of spirits, 22; by the lips, 53, 54; angelic, 54[2]; of Most Ancient people, 54, 87; of angels of Jupiter, 80; of spirits of Mars, 87, 95[3].

SPHERES, 64, 148; collision of spheres produces anxiety, 148.

SPIRIT (The) of man is the man himself, and in the human form, 1.

SPIRITS and angels are all from the human race, 1, 30; the spirits with man possess all things of his memory, 13; spirits are near their own earth, 1, 42, 47, 139; spirits of one earth are separated from those of another, 86; their character determined by their previous life, 30; are distinguished by their situation relatively to the human body, 156; spirits and angels do not see the things in this world, 52[6], 135[2], but can see them through a man specially prepared, 135[2]; are all in the human form, 128; intercourse with, in ancient times, 158[3], 160; danger of intercourse with spirits at the present day, 1; spirits of our Earth, see under EARTH.

SPIRITUAL MAN inflows in to the natural, 102[5].


SPLEEN, 132.

SPRING, perpetual, 177.

STARS are suns, 4, 126; signification of, 50, 72[2].

STATE, diversity of, causes separation, 86; the state of life, what, 135.

STRIATED, 95[5].

SUBJECTS, 95[2].

SUN (The) in the Word signifies the Lord as to the Divine Love, 40.

SUN OF HEAVEN (The) is the Lord, 40; only appears to the angels, 170[2].

SUN OF THIS WORLD (The) is not seen in the other life, 40, 42, 105.

SWEDENBORG's peculiar state, 1, 124, 125, 126[3], 135, 165.

SYSTEMS, 4, 126.

TASTE (The). Consequence of its ruling in the body, 58[2].

TEMPLES, 150, 151.

THOUGHT is made manifest after death, 30; how manifested in the face, 54; the thought flows from the affection, and as it were in it, 95; thought and speech ought to be one, 158; effects of thinking from the sensuals of the body, 165.


TIME and space, 127[4].

TRANSLATION as to the spirit to distant places, 125, 127[2], 138, 157, 168.


TREES, Temples of, 151.

TRINITY, 158, 159.


TRUTHS and falsities represented by stars, 50, 72[2].


UNBELIEF, modern, 124.

UNDERSTANDING (The) is the internal sight, 22.


UNIVERSE, Earths in, 2, 3, 6, 26.

UNLIKENESS of life disjoins, 127[2].

USES ought to be the ends of knowledges, 18.

VENUS (The planet). Two kinds of men, 43, 106-109; representation of, in the Grand Man, 43, 107.

VESICLES, Seminal, 79.


WISDOM of the angels is from the mutual communication of their goods, 15; is always growing with angels, 29; the first step towards wisdom, 37; wisdom on Jupiter, 62.

WOLF, 38.

WORD on our Earth, why printed, 81, 113-122, 136.

WORSHIP, not possible without an idea, 7; remains implanted in man's interior life, 142; Divine worship on other earths, 7, 130, 141; on Jupiter, 65-69; on Mars, 91; on Saturn, 98; on Venus, 107; on the First earth, 130; on our Earth, 141, 142; on the Third earth, 153, 154; on the Fourth earth, 158; on the Fifth earth, 175; adoration of God under the Human Form, 7.

WRITING has existed on our Earth from the most ancient times, 115.



1 Samuel Nos. xxx. 16, 108

Matthew v. 37, 169[2] xxiv. 30, 171[3] xxviii. 18, 91, 159[3]

Mark xiii. 26, 171[3]

Luke xxi. 27, 171[3] xxiv. 39, 159[3]

John i. 1-3, 14, 18, 122 v. 37, 141 x. 30, 141 xiv. 7, 9-11, 141


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