Earths In Our Solar System Which Are Called Planets, and Earths In The Starry Heaven Their Inhabitants, And The Spirits And Angels There
by Emanuel Swedenborg
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63. A certain spirit ascending from the lower earth came to me, and said that he had heard the things that I had spoken to the other spirits, but did not understand anything of what had been said about spiritual life and its light. Being asked whether he desired to be instructed on the subject, he answered that he had not come with that intention, from which I could conclude that such subjects did not come within his comprehension. He was exceedingly stupid. It was stated by the angels that, when he lived a man in the world, he had been among the most celebrated for his learning. He was cold, as was sensibly felt from his breath; which was a sign that he had no spiritual, but merely natural light (lumen); consequently that by means of the sciences he had not opened but closed up for himself the way to the light (lux) of heaven.

64. As the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter acquire intelligence for themselves by a different way from that followed by those of our Earth, and as, besides, they are of a different natural disposition in consequence of their life, they cannot be together long, but either shun them or remove them. There are spheres, which are to be called spiritual spheres, which continually emanate, nay, pour forth, from every spirit; they flow from the activity of the affections and the consequent thoughts, consequently from the very life[cc]. All consociations in the other life take place according to the spheres; things that are in agreement are conjoined according to the agreement, and things that disagree are removed according to the disagreement. The spirits and angels who are from the earth Jupiter have relation, in the Grand Man, to the IMAGINATIVE [PART] OF THOUGHT, and thus to an active state of the interior parts; while the spirits of our Earth have relation to the various functions of the exterior parts of the body, and when these desire to have the dominion, the active or imaginative [part] of thought from the interior cannot flow in. Hence the oppositions between the spheres of the life of the two.

[Footnote cc: A spiritual sphere, which is the sphere of the life, flows forth and pours forth from every man, spirit, and angel, and encompasses them about, nos. 4464, 5179, 7454. It flows forth from the life of their affection and consequent thought, nos. 2489, 4464, 6206. In the other life consociations are effected according to the spheres, and so also are dissociations, nos. 6206, 9606, 9607, 10312.]

65. With respect to their Divine worship, its principal feature is that they acknowledge our Lord as the Supreme Being who governs heaven and earth. Him they call the One only Lord; and because they acknowledge and worship Him during their life in the body, they seek Him after death, and find Him: He is the same with our Lord. Being questioned whether they knew that the One only Lord is Man, they replied that they all know that He is Man, because in their earth He has been seen by many as a Man; and that He instructs them concerning the truth (veritas), preserves them, and gives eternal life to those who worship Him from good. They said further, that it is revealed to them by Him how they ought to live, and how they ought to believe; and that what is revealed is handed on by the parents to the children, and thus the doctrine spreads to all the families, and thus to the whole clan that is descended from one father. They added, that it seems to them as if they had the doctrine written on their minds; which they conclude from the circumstance, that they instantly perceive and acknowledge as of themselves, whether what others say concerning the life of heaven with man is true or not. They do not know that their One only Lord was born a man on our Earth; they said that it does not concern them to know this, but only to know that He is Very Man, and governs the universe. When I said that on our Earth He is named the Christ Jesus, and that the Christ signifies the anointed or the king, and Jesus, the Saviour, they said that they do not worship Him as a king, because kingship savours of what is worldly, but that they worship Him as the Saviour. The spirits of our Earth having injected a doubt whether their One only Lord was the same with our Lord, they removed it by recollecting that they had seen Him in the sun, and had acknowledged that it was He Himself whom they had seen on their earth (see above, no. 40). Once also there inflowed with the spirits of Jupiter who were with me, a momentary doubt whether their One only Lord was the same as our Lord; but this doubt, which inflowed in a moment, was also dispelled in a moment; (it had inflowed from some spirits from our Earth;) and then, what surprised me, they so blushed with shame for having doubted on this point, though but for a moment, that they told me not to make it public, lest on account of it they should be charged with any incredulity, when yet they now knew it more than others. These spirits were greatly affected and rejoiced when they heard it declared that the One only Lord is the only Man, and that all derive from Him what entitles them to be called men, and, indeed, that they are only so far men as they are images of Him, that is, so far as they love Him and the neighbour, consequently so far as they are in good; for the good of love and of faith is the Lord's image.

66. There were some spirits of the earth Jupiter with me while I was reading the seventeenth chapter of John, relating to the Lord's love and His glorification. On hearing the things that are written there, a holy influence filled them, and they acknowledged that all things therein were Divine. But then some spirits of our Earth, who were infidels, kept insinuating scandals, saying that the Lord was born an infant, lived a man, appeared like another man, and was crucified and other like things: but the spirits of the earth Jupiter paid no attention to those things. They said that such are their devils, whom they abhor; adding, that in their minds there abides absolutely nothing that is heavenly, but only what is earthly, which they called dross. They said that they had also ascertained this to be the case from the fact, that when they heard that on that earth they go naked, obscenity instantly occupied their thoughts, and that they gave no thought at all to their heavenly life, of which they also heard at the same time.

67. In how clear a perception on spiritual subjects the spirits of Jupiter are, was made evident to me from their representation of how the Lord converts depraved affections into good ones. They represented the intellectual mind as a beautiful form, and imparted to it the activity of a form fit for the life of affection. This they did in a manner which cannot be described in words, and so skilfully that they were highly commended by the angels. There were present at the time some of the learned from our Earth, who had immersed the Intellectual in terms belonging to scientifics, and had written and thought much about form, substance, the material and the immaterial, and the like, without applying them to any use; these could not even comprehend that representation.

68. On their earth the greatest care is taken to prevent any one falling into wrong opinions respecting the One only Lord; and if they observe that any begin to think wrongly respecting Him, they first admonish them, then deter them by threats, and at length by punishments. They said they had observed, that any family, into which any such thing had crept, is removed from amongst them, not by the punishment of death inflicted by their fellow-men, but by spirits depriving them of respiration and consequently of life, after first threatening them with death. For in that earth spirits speak with the inhabitants and chastise them if they have done evil, and also if they have intended to do evil; of which more will be said in subsequent pages. Therefore, if they think ill concerning the One only Lord, and do not repent, they are threatened with death. In this way the worship of the Lord, who to them is the Supreme Divine, is preserved on that earth.

69. They stated that they have no holy days, but that every morning at sunrise, and every evening at sunset, they perform holy worship to the One only Lord in their tents; and that they also, after their manner, sing sacred songs.

70. I was further informed that in that earth there are some who call themselves Saints, and who, under penalty of punishment in case of disobedience, command their servants, of whom they have great numbers, to address them as lords. They also forbid them to adore the Lord of the universe, saying that they themselves are mediatory lords, and that they will convey their supplications to the Lord of the universe. The Lord of the universe, who is our Lord, they do not call the One only Lord, as all the others do, but the Supreme Lord, for the reason that they call themselves lords. They call the sun of the world the face of the Supreme Lord, and believe that He has His abode there; wherefore they also adore the sun. The other inhabitants hold them in aversion, and are unwilling to have intercourse with them, both because they adore the sun, and because they call themselves lords, and are worshipped by their servants as mediatory gods. Their head-dress was shown me by spirits: it was a high crowned hat of a dark colour. In the other life such appear to the left at some height, where they sit like idols, and at first are worshipped by the servants who had formerly been with them; but these, too, afterwards hold them in derision. What surprised me, their faces there shine as from fire: this arises from their having believed themselves to be saints; yet, notwithstanding this fiery appearance of their faces, they are cold, and intensely desire to become warm. From this it is evident that the fire from which they shine is the fire of the love of self, and an ignis fatuus. In order to acquire warmth they seem to themselves to cut wood, and while cutting, under the wood appears something of a man, whom at the same time they try to strike. This arises from their attributing merit and holiness to themselves: those who do this in the world, in the other life seem to themselves to cut wood, as was likewise the case with some from our Earth, who have been spoken of elsewhere. To illustrate this subject, I may here adduce my experience concerning these:[A] "In the lower earth, under the soles of the feet, are also those who have placed merit in good acts and works. Many of them appear to themselves to cut wood. The place where they are is very cold, and they seem to themselves to acquire warmth by their labour. With these also I have spoken, and it was given me to ask them whether they had any desire to get out of that place: to this they replied, that they had not as yet merited it by their labour. But when this state has been accomplished they are taken out from thence. These [spirits] are natural, because wishing to merit salvation is not spiritual, for it comes from the proprium and not from the Lord; and besides, they prefer themselves to others, and some of them despise others; and if they do not receive more joy than others in the other life, they are indignant against the Lord; wherefore when they are cutting wood, it appears as if something of the Lord were under the wood. This arises from their indignation."[dd]

[Footnote A: Arcana, no. 4943. See also nos. 1110, 8740.—TR.]

[Footnote dd: Merit and righteousness belong to the Lord alone, nos. 9715, 9975, 9979, 9981, 9982. Those who place merit in works, or want to merit heaven by the good deeds which they do, in the other life want to be served, and are never contented, no. 6393. They despise their neighbour, and are angry with the Lord Himself if they do not receive reward, no. 9976. What their lot in the other life is, nos. 942, 1774, 1877, 2027. They are of those who in the lower earth appear to cut wood, nos. 1110, 4943.]

71. It is common on that earth for spirits to speak with the inhabitants, and to instruct them, and also to chastise them if they have done evil. As many particulars on this subject have been related to me by their angels, I will recount them in their order. The reason that spirits there speak with men is, that they think much about heaven and the life after death, and are comparatively little solicitous about the life of the world; for they know that they shall live after their decease, and in a happy state according to the state of their internal man that has been formed in the world. Speaking with spirits and angels was common on our Earth also in ancient times, and for the same reason, namely, that they thought [much] of heaven and little of the world. But in course of time that living communication with heaven was closed, in proportion as man, from being internal, became external, or, what is the same, as he began to think much about the world and little about heaven, and especially when he ceased to believe in the existence of heaven and hell, or in the existence in himself of a spirit-man that lives after death. For at this day it is believed that the body lives from itself and not from its spirit; wherefore unless man now cherished the belief that he is to rise again with his body, he would have no belief in the resurrection.

72. With reference specially to the presence of spirits with the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter, there are spirits who chastise, spirits who instruct, and spirits who govern them. The spirits who chastise apply themselves to the left side, and incline themselves towards the back; and when there, they draw out of the man's memory all the things that he has done or thought: this is easy for spirits to do, for when they come to a man they enter into all his memory[j]. If they find he has done evil, or has thought evil, they reprove him, and also chastise him with pain in the joints of his feet or hands, or with pain about the region of the belly; this, too, spirits can do skilfully when it is permitted. When such spirits come to a man, they inspire him with a horror accompanied by fear, by which the man is made aware of their coming. Fear may be excited in any person by evil spirits on their approach, especially by those who, during their life in the world, had been robbers. In order that I might know how these spirits act when they come to a man of their own earth, it was permitted that such a spirit should approach me. When he was near, horror accompanied by fear manifestly seized hold of me; yet it was not inwardly that I shuddered, but outwardly, because I knew it was a spirit of such a character. He also came in sight, and he appeared as a dark cloud, in which were wandering stars; wandering stars signify falsities, but fixed stars signify truths. He applied himself to my left side towards the back; and he also began to reprove me for deeds and thoughts which he drew out of my memory, and on which he put a wrong construction; but he was checked by the angels. When he apperceived that he was with one who was not a man of his own earth, he began to speak to me, saying, that when he comes to a man, he knows all things in general and particular that the man has done and thought, and that he severely reproves him, and also chastises him with various pains. At yet another time such a chastising spirit came to me, and applied himself to my left side below the middle of the body, as the former spirit had done; he also wanted to punish me; but he, too, was restrained by the angels. He showed me, however, the kinds of punishments which they are permitted to inflict on the men of their earth, if they do evil, or harbour the intention of doing it. These were, besides the pain of the joints, a painful contraction about the middle of the belly, which is felt like compression by a tight belt; a deprivation of respiration at times even to suffocation; also a prohibition to eat anything but bread for a time; and, lastly, the threat of death, if they do not discontinue doing such things, with the deprivation, at the same time, of conjugial, parental, and social joy; grief on this account is then also insinuated.

73. The spirits who instruct also apply themselves to their left side, but more in front. They, too, reprove, but mildly, and then teach them how they ought to live. They also appear dark, yet not, like the former, as clouds, but as if clothed with sackcloth. These are called Instructors, but the former, Chastisers When these spirits are present, angelic spirits are also present, sitting at the head, which they fill in a peculiar manner: their presence there is also perceived as a gentle breathing, for they fear lest their approach and influx should cause man to perceive the least pain or anxiety. They govern both the chastising and the instructing spirits; the chastisers, lest they treat the man more hardly than is permitted by the Lord, and the instructors, that they may teach the truth. While the chastising spirit was with me, angelic spirits were also present, and kept my face continually cheerful and smiling, the region about the lips prominent, and my mouth slightly open. This the angels easily effect by means of influx, when the Lord permits. They said that they induce such a countenance on the inhabitants of their earth, when they are present with them.

74. If a man, after chastisement and instruction, again does evil, or thinks to do evil, and does not restrain himself in accordance with the precepts of truth, he is more severely punished when the chastising spirit returns; but the angelic spirits moderate the punishment according to the intention in the deeds, and the will in the thoughts. From these facts it may appear, that their angels who sit at the head have a kind of judicial power over man, since they permit, moderate, restrain, and influence. It was said, however, that it is not they who judge, but that the Lord alone is Judge, and that all things which they enjoin on the chastising and instructing spirits inflow into them from Him, and that it appears as if it were from them.

75. Spirits there speak with man, but man in his turn does not speak with the spirits, except the words, when instructed, that he will do so no more. Nor is he allowed to tell any one that a spirit has spoken to him; if he does so, he is punished afterwards. Those spirits of Jupiter, when they were with me, at first supposed that they were with a man of their own earth; but when I in my turn spoke with them, and also when I thought of publishing what passed between us, and so relating it to others, then, because they were not allowed to chastise or instruct me, they discovered that they were with a stranger.

76. There are two signs which appear to those spirits when they are with man (homo). They see an old man (vir) with a white face; this is a sign to speak only what is true, and to do only what is just. They also see a face in a window; this is a sign to them to depart. This old man has also appeared to me; and a face has also appeared in a window, on seeing which those spirits immediately departed from me.

77. Besides the spirits who have already been mentioned, there are spirits who urge contrary things. They consist of those who, during their life in the world, had been banished from the society of others because they were evil. When they approach there appears as it were a flying fire, which descends near the face. They place themselves beneath at the posterior parts of the man, and from thence they speak towards the higher parts. They say things that are contrary to what the instructor-spirit teaches from the angels, namely, that men should not live according to instruction, but according to their own inclination, and in licentiousness, with other similar things. They generally come after the other spirits have departed; but the people there know who and what those spirits are, and therefore pay no attention to them. Still, they learn in this way what evil is, and thereby what good is; for by means of evil one learns what good is, inasmuch as the quality of good is known from its opposite. Every perception of a thing is according to reflection relative to its differences from things that are contrary in various ways and degrees.

78. The chastising and instructing spirits do not come to those who call themselves saints and mediatory lords, and who have been treated of above (at no. 70), as they do to others on that earth, because they do not suffer themselves to be instructed and are not amended by discipline; they are inflexible, because they act from the love of self. Spirits say they know such by their coldness, and that when they apperceive the cold they depart from them.

79. Among the spirits of Jupiter there are also some whom they call chimney-sweepers, because they appear in garments like those of chimney-sweepers, and with the face smeared with soot; who and of what character they are I am also permitted to describe. One such spirit came to me, and anxiously entreated me to intercede for him, that he might come into heaven. He said he did not know that he had done evil, only that he had rebuked the inhabitants of the earth: he added that, after rebuking, he had instructed them. He applied himself to my left side under the elbow, and spoke as if with a double voice; he could also excite pity. But I could only say in reply that I could not render him any assistance, and that this was possible for the Lord alone; nor could I intercede for him, because I did not know whether it would be of any use; but that if he were worthy he might have hope. He was then sent amongst some well-disposed spirits who were from his own earth; but they said that he could not be in their company, because he was not of the same character. But as he still importuned with intense desire to be let into heaven, he was sent into a society of well-disposed spirits of this Earth; but they, too, said that he could not be with them. In the light of heaven he was also of a black colour, but he said that he was not of a black, but of a murrhine colour. I was told that of such a character at first are the spirits who afterwards are received amongst those who constitute the province of the SEMINAL VESICLES in the Grand Man or Heaven; for in those vesicles the semen is collected, and is enclosed in a covering of suitable matter fit to preserve the prolific quality of the seed from being dissipated but which may be put off in the neck of the uterus, so that what is reserved within may be serviceable for conception, or the impregnation of the ovulum. Hence, also, that seminal matter has an endeavour, and as it were a burning desire, to put itself off, and leave the semen to perform its use. Something similar to this appeared with that spirit. He again came to me in mean raiment, and again said that he had an ardent desire to enter heaven, and that he now apperceived that he was such that he could go there. It was then given me to tell him that perhaps this was a sign that he would soon be received. The angels then told him to cast off his raiment, which, from the ardency of his desire, he did with a quickness that could scarcely be surpassed. By this was represented the character of the desires of those who are in the province to which the seminal vesicles correspond. It was said that such spirits, when prepared for heaven, are stripped of their own garments, and clothed with new shining garments, and become angels. They were likened to caterpillars, which, having passed through their vile state, are changed into chrysalides and then into butterflies, when they are given other clothing, and also wings of a blue or yellow, a silver or golden colour. Then, too, they are given the freedom to fly in the open air as in their heaven, to celebrate their marriages, and lay their eggs, and so provide for the propagation of their kind; then also there are given to them sweet and pleasant food which they suck from the juices and odours of the various flowers.

80. In what precedes nothing has been said as to the character of the angels who are from that earth; for those already mentioned (no. 73), who come to the men of their earth, and sit at the head, are not angels in their interior heaven, but are angelic spirits or angels in their exterior heaven. And as it has been disclosed to me what the character of those [interior] angels is, it is permitted me to relate what it has been given me to know concerning them. A certain one of those spirits of Jupiter, who inspire fear, approached my left side beneath the elbow, and spoke to me from thence. His speech was harsh, and his expressions were not very distinct and separate from each other, so that I had to consider a long time before I could gather the sense; and while he was speaking he inspired some degree of fear, admonishing me in this way to receive the angels well when they came. But it was given me to reply that this did not depend on me, but that with me all were received according to what they themselves were. Soon after this the angels of that earth came, and it was given me to perceive from their speech with me that they differed entirely from the angels of our Earth; for their speech was not effected by means of words, but by means of ideas which diffused themselves through my interiors from all sides: and for this reason also they had an influx into the face, so that the face accorded with each particular, beginning at the lips, and proceeding towards the circumference in every direction. The ideas, which were in place of verbal expressions were discrete from each other, but in a very small degree. Afterwards they spoke with me by means of ideas still less discrete, so that hardly any interval was perceived: in my perception it was like the meaning of words with those who attend only to the sense abstractedly from the expressions. This speech was more intelligible to me than the former, and it was also fuller. Like the other, it inflowed into the face, but the influx was more continuous according to the character of the speech; it did not, however, like the former, begin at the lips, but at the eyes. Afterwards they spoke in a manner still more continuous and full; and now the face could not accord by a suitable motion; but it was felt that the influx was into the brain, and that this was acted upon in like manner. Lastly, they spoke in such a manner that the speech fell only into the interior understanding; its fluency was like that of rarefied air. I was sensible of the influx itself, but not distinctly of the particulars. These several kinds of speech were circumstanced like different fluids—the first kind was like flowing water; the second like water of less density; the third like the atmosphere respectively; and the fourth like rarefied air. The spirit already mentioned, who was on the left side, sometimes interposed, chiefly admonishing me to behave modestly towards his angels; for there were spirits present from our Earth who suggested such things as gave displeasure. He said that he did not [at first] understand what the angels were speaking about, but that he afterwards did, when he had moved to my left ear. Then also his speech was not harsh as before, but like that of other spirits.

81. I afterwards spoke with the angels respecting some of the remarkable things on our Earth, especially the art of printing, the Word, and the various doctrinals of the church from the Word; and I stated that the Word and the doctrinals [of the church] were published, and were thus learnt. They wondered exceedingly that such things could be made public by writing and printing.

82. It was given me to see how the spirits of that earth, after having been prepared, are taken up into heaven, and become angels. On such occasions there appear chariots and shining horses as of fire, by which they are carried away like Elijah. The reason why chariots and shining horses as of fire appear, is that in this way there is represented that they are instructed and prepared to enter heaven; for chariots signify the doctrinals of the church, and shining horses, an enlightened understanding[ee].

[Footnote ee: Chariots signify the doctrinals of the Church, nos. 2760, 5321, 8215. Horses signify the Intellectual, nos. 2760, 2761, 2762, 3217, 5321, 6125, 6400, 6534, 7024, 8146, 8148, 8381. The White Horse in the Apocalypse signifies the understanding of the Word, no. 2760. By Elijah in the representative sense is meant the Word, nos. 2762, 5247. And since all the doctrine of the church and the understanding thereof are from the Word, Elijah is called "the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof," no. 2762. On this account he was taken up by a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, nos. 2762, 8029.]

83. The heaven into which they are carried away appears on the right towards their earth, consequently separated from the heaven of the angels of our Earth. The angels who are in that heaven appear clothed in resplendent blue, spotted with little stars of gold, and this because they were fond of that colour in the world, and also believed it to be the most heavenly colour, especially because they are in that variety of good of love to which this colour corresponds[ff].

[Footnote ff: Blue originating in red or flame corresponds to the good of celestial love; and blue originating in white or light (lucidum) corresponds to the good of spiritual love, no. 9868.]

84. There appeared to me a bald head, but only the topmost part of it, which was bony. I was told that such a bald head is seen by those who are to die within a year, and that they then prepare themselves. They do not fear death there, except on account of leaving their conjugial consorts, their children, or their parents, for they know that they shall live after death, and that they do not quit life because they go to heaven; wherefore, they do not call death dying, but being heaven-made. Those on that earth who have lived in truly conjugial love, and have taken such care of their children as becomes parents, do not die of disease, but tranquilly as in sleep, and so pass from the world into heaven. The age of man there is generally thirty years, according to the years of our Earth. It is of the Lord's Providence that they die within such a short space of time, lest the number of men should increase beyond what that earth can support. And as, when they have completed those years, they do not suffer themselves to be led by spirits and angels, like those who have not yet completed them, spirits and angels seldom attend those who have passed that age. They also come to maturity sooner than on our Earth. They also contract marriages in the first flower of early manhood, and then their delights consist in loving their conjugial partners and taking care of their children. Other delights they indeed call delights, but relatively external ones.


85. Of all the spirits who come from the earths of this solar system, those of Mars are the best, being for the most part celestial men, not unlike those who were of the Most Ancient Church on this Earth[gg]. When they are represented as to their quality, they are represented with the face in heaven and the body in the world of spirits; and those of them who are angels are represented with the face towards the Lord and the body in heaven.

[Footnote gg: The first and Most Ancient Church on this earth was a celestial church, which was the chief of all, concerning which, see nos. 607, 895, 920, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1124, 2896, 4493, 8891, 9942, 10545. A church is called celestial wherein love to the Lord is the principal thing, but spiritual wherein the principal thing is charity towards the neighbour, and faith, nos. 3691, 6435, 9468, 9680, 9683, 9780.]

86. In the idea of spirits and angels, the planet Mars, like the planets elsewhere, appears constantly in its own place, which is to the left in front, at some distance, in the plane of the breast, and thus outside of the sphere where the spirits of our Earth are. The spirits of one earth are separated from those of another, because the spirits of each earth have relation to some particular province in the Grand Man[f]; and are, therefore, in other and different states; and this diversity of state causes them to appear separate from each other, either to the right or to the left, at a greater or lesser distance[hh].

[Footnote hh: Distances in the other life are real appearances, which are exhibited to the sight by the Lord, according to the states of the interiors of angels and spirits, nos. 5604, 9104, 9440, 10146.]

87. Spirits from thence came to me, and applied themselves to my left temple, where they breathed their speech upon me, but I did not understand it. As to its flow it was very soft: I had never before perceived any softer; it was like a very gentle breeze. It breathed first upon the left temple, and upon the upper part of the left ear; the breathing proceeded thence to the left eye, and by degrees to the right, and flowed down afterwards, especially from the left eye, to the lips; and when at the lips it entered through the mouth, and through a way within the mouth, and, indeed, through the Eustachian tube, into the brain. When the breathing arrived there, I understood their speech, and was enabled to speak with them. When they spoke with me, I observed that my lips were moved, and my tongue also slightly, which was owing to the correspondence of interior with exterior speech. Exterior speech is that of articulate sound which impinges upon the external membrane of the ear, and it is conveyed from thence, by means of the small organs, membranes, and fibres, which are within the ear, to the brain. From these facts it was given me to know that the speech of the inhabitants of Mars was different from that of the inhabitants of our Earth, in that it is not sonorous, but almost tacit, insinuating itself into the interior hearing and sight by a shorter way; and that, being such, it was more perfect, and fuller of the ideas of thought, thus approaching nearer to the speech of spirits and angels. Among them the very affection of the speech is also represented in the face, and its thought in the eyes; for with them thought and speech, and affection and the face, act in unity. They account it infamous to think one thing and speak another, and to will one thing and show another in the face. They know not what hypocrisy is, nor fraudulent simulation and deceit. The same kind of speech prevailed amongst the Most Ancient inhabitants of our Earth, as it has been given me to learn by conversation with some of them in the other life; and to elucidate this subject I may relate what I have heard respecting it, as follows: "It was shown me by an influx which I cannot describe, what was the character of the speech which prevailed amongst those who were of the Most Ancient Church[gg]. It was not articulate, like the vocal speech of our time, but tacit, being effected, not by external, but by internal respiration, consequently it was a cogitative speech. It was given me also to apperceive the character of their internal respiration. It proceeded from the navel towards the heart, and so through the lips without sound when they spoke. It did not enter the ear of another by an external way, and strike upon what is called the drum of the ear, but by a certain internal way, and indeed by what at this day is called the Eustachian tube. It was shown me, that by such speech they could express the feelings of the mind (animus), and the ideas of thought, much more fully than can possibly be done by articulate sounds or audible expressions, which speech is likewise directed by respiration, but external; for there is not a vocal sound, yea, there is nothing in a vocal sound, which is not directed by applications of the respiration. But with them this was done much more perfectly, because by the internal respiration, which, because more interior, is also more perfect, and more applicable and conformable to the very ideas of thought; besides, [it is done] also by slight motions of the lips, and corresponding changes of the face; for, as they were celestial men, whatever they thought shone forth from their face and eyes, which were conformably varied, the face as to form according to the life of the affection, and the eyes as to light. It was quite impossible for them to present a countenance which was not in agreement with their thoughts. As their speech was effected by internal respiration, which is that of the human spirit itself, they could have communion with angels, and speak with them." The respiration of the spirits of Mars was also communicated to me[ii], and it was perceived that it proceeded from the region of the chest towards the navel, and thence flowed upwards through the breast, with an imperceptible breathing (halitus) towards the mouth. From these facts, and also from other experiential proofs, it was made evident to me that they were of a celestial genius, consequently, that they were not unlike those who belonged to the Most Ancient Church on this earth.

[Footnote ii: Spirits and angels have respiration, nos. 3884, 3885, 3891, 3893.]

88. I was informed that the spirits of Mars in the Grand Man have relation to the medium between the Intellectual and the Voluntary, consequently to THOUGHT FROM AFFECTION, and the best of them to THE AFFECTION OF THOUGHT; hence it is that their face acts in unity with their thought, and that they cannot simulate in the presence of anyone. And as this is their relation in the Grand Man, the middle province, which is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum, corresponds to them; for with those in whom the cerebrum and the cerebellum are conjoined as to spiritual operations, the face acts in unity with the thought, so that the very affection of the thought shines forth from the face, and the general [character] of the thought from the affection, and also from certain signs that show themselves in the eyes. Wherefore, while they were with me, I sensibly apperceived a drawing back of the anterior part of the head towards the hinder part, thus of the cerebrum towards the cerebellum[kk].

[Footnote kk: Human faces on our Earth in ancient times received influx from the cerebellum, and then the face acted in unity with the interior affections of the man; but afterwards they received influx from the cerebrum when man began to simulate and counterfeit by the face affections not his own. Concerning the changes thereby occasioned to the face in course of time, see nos. 4325-4328.]

89. On one occasion when spirits of Mars were with me, and occupied the sphere of my mind, spirits from our Earth came and desired to intrude themselves also into that sphere; but the spirits of our Earth became as if insane: this was caused by their being quite out of harmony; for the spirits of our Earth in the Grand Man have relation to the external sense, and consequently these spirits were in idea turned towards the world and towards self, while the spirits of Mars were in idea turned from self to heaven and the neighbour; hence the contrariety. But some angelic spirits of Mars then approached, and on their coming the communication was taken away, and so the spirits of our Earth departed.

90. The angelic spirits spoke with me concerning the life of the inhabitants on their earth; [saying] that they are not under forms of government, but are distinguished into greater and lesser societies, in which they associate themselves with such as agree in disposition, which they know at once by the face and speech, and in this they are seldom mistaken; they are then instantly friends. They also said their consociations are delightful, and that they converse with each other on what passes in their societies, and especially in heaven, for many of them have open communication with the angels of heaven. Those in their societies who begin to think wrongly, and consequently to will what is evil, are dissociated and left to themselves alone, in consequence of which they drag on a most wretched life, out of society, among rocks or other places, for the rest no longer trouble about them. Some societies try by various methods to compel such persons to repent; but when this is to no purpose they dissociate themselves from them. Thus they take precautions lest the lust of dominion and the lust of gain should creep in, that is, lest from the lust of dominion any should subject some society to themselves, and afterwards many others; and lest from the lust of gain any should deprive others of their goods. Every one there lives content with his own goods, and every one with his own honour, that of being reputed just and a lover of the neighbour. This delightful and tranquil state of mind (animus) would perish, unless those who think and will evil were cast out, and a prudent but severe check given to the first beginnings of the love of self and the love of the world. For these are the loves which first led to the establishment of empires and kingdoms, within which there are few who do not desire to acquire dominion, and to possess the goods of others, for there are few who do what is just and fair from a love of justice and fairness, still less who do good from charity itself, but most from fear of the law, the loss of life, of gain, of honour, and of reputation for the sake of these.

91. Concerning the Divine worship of those who dwell on that earth, they said that they acknowledge and adore our Lord, saying that He is the only God, and that He governs both heaven and the universe; that all good is from Him, and that He leads them; also that He very often appears on their earth amongst them. It was then given me to tell them that on our Earth Christians also know that the Lord governs heaven and earth, according to His own words in Matthew, "All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth" (xxviii. 18), but that they do not believe it as those who belong to the earth Mars do. They said also that there they believe that with themselves there is nothing but what is filthy and infernal, and that all good is of the Lord; nay, they added that of themselves they are devils, and that the Lord draws them out of hell, and continually withholds them from it. On one occasion, when the Lord was named, I saw that those spirits humbled themselves more inwardly and profoundly than can be described: for in their humiliation there was the thought that of themselves they were in hell, and that thus they were utterly unworthy to look to the Lord, who is the Holy itself. So profoundly were they in this thought from faith, that they were, as it were, outside of themselves, and in that thought they remained on their knees till the Lord raised them, and then drew them as it were out of hell. When they thus emerge from humiliation, they are filled with good and love, and consequently with joy of heart. When they humble themselves in this manner, they do not turn their face to the Lord, for this they dare not do then, but avert it. The spirits who were about me said that never had they seen such humiliation.

92. Some spirits who were from that earth were surprised that so many spirits from hell were about me, and that they also spoke to me; but it was given me to reply that this was permitted them for the purpose of enabling me to know their characters, and why they are in hell, and that this is according to their life. It was also given me to state that there were several among them whom I had known when they lived in the world, and that some of them had then occupied stations of great dignity, and that then they had nothing at heart but the world; but that no evil spirit, even the most infernal, could possibly do me any injury, because I was continually protected by the Lord.

93. An inhabitant of that earth was exhibited before me. He was not indeed an inhabitant, but was like one. His face resembled the faces of the inhabitants of our Earth, but the lower part of the face was black, not owing to a beard, which he had not, but to blackness in its place. This blackness extended to underneath the ears on both sides. The upper part of the face was ruddy, like the faces of the inhabitants of our Earth who are not quite fair. They said further that on their earth they subsist on the fruits of trees, especially on a certain kind of round fruit which grows out of their earth; and likewise on pulse. They are clothed with garments which they make of the fibres of the inner bark of certain trees, which fibres have such a consistence that they can be woven, and also cemented together by a kind of gum they have among them. They related further that they know how to make fluid fires, from which they have light during evening and night.

94. I saw a certain flaming object, exceedingly beautiful; it was of various colours, crimson, and also a glowing ruby hue, and from the flame the colours also glowed beautifully. I also saw a hand, to which this flaming object adhered, at first on the back of it, afterwards on the palm or hollow, and from thence it played round about the hand. This continued for some time. Afterwards this hand with the flaming object was removed to a distance and where it rested there was a bright light (lucidum). In that bright light the hand disappeared; and the flaming object was then changed into a bird, whose colours were at first similar to those of the flaming object, and gleamed in the same manner; but these colours gradually changed, and with them the vigour of life in the bird. It flew about, at first about my head, then forwards into a kind of narrow chamber, which appeared like a sanctuary, and as it flew onwards its life departed, and at length it became stony; it was then at first of a pearly, afterwards of a dusky colour; but although without life, it kept on flying. While this bird was flying about my head, and still in the vigour of life, a spirit was seen rising up from below, through the region of the loins to that of the breast, and from there he wished to take that bird; but because it was so beautiful, the spirits who were about me prevented his doing so, for the eyes of all were fixed upon it. But this spirit who had risen up from below used all his power to persuade them that the Lord was with him, and consequently that he was acting from the Lord. Although the most of them did not believe this, they nevertheless no longer hindered him from taking the bird; but as at that moment heaven inflowed he was unable to retain it, but immediately, opening his hand, set it free. When this had taken place, the spirits who were around me, and who had intently watched the bird and its successive changes, began talking with each other about it, and they continued talking for a considerable time. They perceived that such a sight could not but signify something heavenly; they knew that what is flaming signifies celestial love and its affections; that a hand, to which the flaming object adhered, signifies life and its power; that changes of the colours signify the varieties of life as to wisdom and intelligence; that a bird has the same signification with this difference, however, that what is flaming signifies celestial love and the things that belong to celestial love, while a bird signifies spiritual love and the things that belong to that love; (celestial love is love to the Lord, and spiritual love is charity towards the neighbour,[note gg]); and that the changes of the colours and at the same time of the life in the bird, till it became stony, signify the successive changes of spiritual life as to intelligence. They also knew that the spirits who ascend from below, through the region of the loins to that of the breast, are in a strong persuasion that they are in the Lord, and consequently believe that whatever they do, even though it be evil, they do of the Lord's will. But nevertheless this did not enable them to know who were meant by that sight. At length they were instructed from heaven, that the inhabitants of Mars were meant; that their celestial love, in which many of them still are, was signified by the flaming object that adhered to the hand; and that the bird in the beginning, while it was in the beauty of its colours and the vigour of its life, signified their spiritual love: but that the bird when it had become as it were stony and devoid of life, and at length of a dusky colour, signified those inhabitants who have removed themselves from the good of love, and are in evil, and still believe, nevertheless, that they are in the Lord. The same thing was signified by the spirit who rose up and wished to take away the bird.

95. The bird of stone also represented inhabitants of that earth, who by a strange method transmute the life of their thoughts and affections into almost no life, on which subject I have learned the following particulars. There was a certain spirit above my head who spoke with me, and from the tone of his voice he was apperceived to be as it were in a state of sleep. In this state he spoke many things, and with a sagacity (prudentia) that he could not have surpassed when awake. It was given me to perceive that he was a subject through whom angels spoke, and that in that state he apperceived [their speech] and produced it[ll]; for he spoke nothing but what was true; if anything inflowed from any other source, he indeed admitted it, but did not produce it. I questioned him respecting his state. He said that to him that state was a peaceful one, and was free from all solicitude respecting the future; and that at the same time he was performing uses by which he had communication with heaven. I was told that such, in the Grand Man, have relation to the longitudinal sinus, which lies in the brain between its two hemispheres, and is there in a tranquil state, no matter how disturbed the brain may be on either side. While I was in conversation with this spirit, some spirits introduced themselves towards the anterior part of the head where he was, and pressed upon him; wherefore he retired to one side, and gave place to them. The spirit strangers spoke with each other; but neither the spirits about me, nor I myself, understood what they said. I was informed by the angels that they were spirits from the earth Mars, who have the skill to speak with each other in such a way that the spirits present could not understand or perceive anything. I wondered that there could possibly be speech of this kind, since for all spirits there is one speech, which flows from thought, and consists of ideas which are heard as vocal expressions in the spiritual world. I was told that those spirits have a certain method of forming ideas, expressed by the lips and face, unintelligible to others, and that they at the same instant skilfully withdraw their thoughts, guarding particularly lest anything of the affection should manifest itself, because if anything of the affection were perceived, the thought would appear, for the thought flows from the affection, and as it were in it. I was further informed that such speech was contrived by those inhabitants of Mars,—though not by all,—who make heavenly life to consist in knowledges alone, and not in the life of love; and that when they become spirits they retain it. These are they who were specially signified by the bird of stone; for to produce a speech by alterations of the face and motions of the lips, with a removal of the affections and a withdrawal of the thoughts from others, is to deprive speech of life and make it like an image, and by degrees to produce the same effect on themselves. But although they imagine that what they speak among themselves is not understood by others, angelic spirits nevertheless perceive each and all of the things they say, the reason being that no thought can be withdrawn from them. This was also shown them by actual experience. I was thinking of the fact that the evil spirits of our Earth are not affected with shame when they infest others. This [thought] inflowed with me from some angelic spirits who perceived their speech. Those spirits of Mars then acknowledged that this was the subject they were speaking of among themselves, and they were astonished. Besides this, more things, both of their conversation and thought, were disclosed by an angelic spirit, notwithstanding all their endeavours to hide away their thoughts from him. Afterwards those spirits inflowed from above into my face. The influx was felt like fine striated rain, which was a sign that they were not in the affection of truth and of good, for this is represented by what is striated. They then spoke plainly with me, saying, that the inhabitants of their earth speak in the same way among themselves. They were then told that this is evil, as by so doing they block up the internals, and recede from them to the externals, which also they deprive of their life; and especially because it is not sincere to speak in this manner. For they who are sincere do not wish to speak or even to think anything but what others, yea, what all, even the whole heaven, might know. But those who are unwilling that others should know what they say, pass judgment on others, and think ill of others and well of themselves, and at length are led by habit so far as to think and speak ill of the church, and of heaven, yea, of the Lord Himself. I have been told that those who love knowledges, and not so much a life according to them, have relation, in the Grand Man, to the inner membrane of the skull; but that those who accustom themselves to speak without affection, and to draw the thought to themselves and withdraw it from others, have relation to that membrane, when it has become ossified, because, from having some spiritual life, they come at length to have none.

[Footnote ll: Communications are effected by means of spirits sent forth from societies of spirits and angels to other societies, and these emissary spirits are called Subjects, nos. 4403, 5856, 5983, 5985-5989.]

96. As the bird of stone represented those also who are in knowledges alone, and in no life of love, and as these consequently have no spiritual life, therefore, by way of appendix, I may here show that those only have spiritual life who are in heavenly love, and thence in knowledges; and that a love contains in itself all the power of knowing (cognitinum) which belongs to that love. Take for example the animals of the earth, and also the living creatures of the heaven, that is, the birds. These have the knowledge (scientia) of all things that belong to their love. Their loves are, to nourish themselves, to dwell safely, to propagate their kind, to take care of their young, and, with some, to provide for the winter. They have, therefore, all the requisite knowledge, for this is inherent in those loves, and inflows into them as into its own receptacles; and this knowledge in some animals is such that man cannot but be amazed at it. Their knowledge is connate and is called instinct; but it belongs to the natural love in which they are. If man were in his own love, which is love to God and towards the neighbour, (this love is man's peculiar love, by which he is distinguished from beasts, and it is heavenly love,) he would not only be in all requisite knowledge, but likewise in all intelligence and wisdom; for these [qualities] would inflow into those loves from heaven, that is, from the Divine through heaven. As, however, man is not born into those loves, but into their contraries, that is to say, into the loves of self and of the world, therefore he cannot but be born in complete ignorance and want of knowledge But by Divine means he is brought to something of intelligence and wisdom, yet not actually into any, unless the loves of self and of the world are removed, and a way is thus opened for love to God and towards the neighbour. That love to God and love towards the neighbour have in them all intelligence and wisdom, may appear from those who have been in those loves in the world. These, when, after death, they come into heaven, know and are wise in things of which they previously knew nothing; yea, they there think and speak, like the rest of the angels, such things as the ear has not heard, nor the mind known, which are ineffable. The reason is, that those loves have the faculty of receiving such things into themselves.


97. The spirits from that earth appear in front at a considerable distance, below, in the plane of the knees, where that earth itself is; and when the eye is opened thither, a multitude of spirits come into view, who are all from that earth. They are seen on this side of that earth, and to the right of it. It has been given me to speak with them also, and thereby to know of what character they are relatively to others. They are well-disposed, and they are modest; and as they esteem themselves little, therefore also in the other life they appear small.

98. They are extremely humble in worship, for in worship they esteem themselves as nothing. They worship our Lord, and acknowledge Him as the only God. The Lord also appears to them at times under an angelic form, and thus as a Man, and at such times the Divine shines forth from His face, and affects the mind (animus). The inhabitants also, when they come of age, speak with spirits, by whom they are instructed concerning the Lord, and how He ought to be worshipped, and also how they ought to live. When any desire to lead astray the spirits who are from that earth, and to draw them away from faith in the Lord, or from humiliation towards Him, and from uprightness of life, they say they wish to die. On these occasions there appear in their hands small knives, with which they seem to desire to strike their breasts. On being questioned why they do so, they say that they would rather die than be drawn away from the Lord. The spirits of our Earth sometimes mock at them on this account, and assail them with reproaches for acting so; but their reply is, that they are well aware that they do not kill themselves, but that this is only an appearance flowing forth from the will of their mind (animus) rather to die than be drawn away from the worship of the Lord.

99. They said that sometimes spirits from our Earth come to them and ask them what God they worship, their answer to whom is, that they are insane, and that there can be no greater insanity than to ask what God any one worships, when yet there is but one God for all in the universe; and that still more insane are they in not saying that the Lord is that One only God, and that He governs the whole heaven, and consequently the whole world, since He who governs heaven must also govern the world, because the world is governed by means of heaven.

100. They said that on their earth there are some who call the nocturnal light (lumen), which is great, the Lord, but that these are separated from the rest, and are not tolerated by them. That nocturnal light (lumen) comes from the great ring which encircles that earth at a distance, and from the moons which are called the satellites of Saturn.

101. They related that another kind of spirits, who go in troops, frequently come to them, desiring to learn how things are with them, and that by various methods they elicit from them whatever they know. They said of these spirits, that they are not insane, except in this particular, that they desire to know so much for no other use than that simply of knowing. They were afterwards instructed that these spirits are from the planet Mercury, that is, from the earth nearest the sun, and that they are delighted with knowledges alone, and not so much with the uses from them.

102. The inhabitants and spirits of the planet Saturn have relation, in the Grand Man, to the MIDDLE SENSE BETWEEN THE SPIRITUAL AND THE NATURAL MAN, but to that which recedes from the natural and accedes to the spiritual. Hence it is that those spirits appear to be carried away or caught up into heaven, and soon afterwards let down again; for whatever belongs to spiritual sense is in heaven, but whatever belongs to natural sense is beneath heaven. Inasmuch as the spirits of our Earth, in the Grand Man, have relation to natural and corporeal sense, it has been given me to know from manifest experience how the spiritual and the natural man, when the latter is not in faith and charity, fight and contend with each other. Some spirits of the earth Saturn came into view from afar, and then a living communication was opened between them and spirits of our Earth who were of this character. These latter, on thus perceiving the spirits of Saturn, became as if insane, and began to infest them, infusing unworthy ideas concerning faith, and also concerning the Lord. While uttering invective and abuse, they also cast themselves into the midst of them, and, from the insanity in which they were, endeavoured to do them injury. The spirits of Saturn, however, were not at all afraid, because they were secure and in tranquillity; but those spirits of our Earth, when in the midst of them, began to be tortured, and to breathe with difficulty, and so rushed out, one in this direction, another in that, and disappeared. Those who were present apperceived from this what is the character of the natural man, separate from the spiritual, when he comes into a spiritual sphere, namely, that he is insane; for the natural man separate from the spiritual is wise only from the world, and not at all from heaven; and he who is wise only from the world, believes nothing but what the senses apprehend, and what he believes he believes from the fallacies of the senses, which, unless they are removed by the influx from the spiritual world, produce falsities. Hence it is that spiritual things are nothing to him, insomuch that he can hardly bear to hear the word spiritual mentioned; wherefore such become insane when they are kept in a spiritual sphere. It is different while they live in the world; then they either think naturally about spiritual things, or avert their ears, that is, hear and do not attend. It was also manifest from this experience, that the natural man cannot introduce himself into the spiritual, that is, ascend; but that, when man is in faith, and thus in spiritual life, the spiritual man inflows into the natural, and thinks therein; for there is spiritual influx, that is, influx from the spiritual world into the natural, but not contrariwise[mm].

[Footnote mm: There is spiritual influx, and not physical or natural influx, consequently influx is from the spiritual world into the natural, and not from the natural into the spiritual, nos. 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427, 5428, 5477, 6322. It appears as if influx were from externals into man's internals, but this is a fallacy, no. 3721.]

103. Furthermore, the spirits of that earth gave me information concerning the inhabitants, the nature of their consociations and other particulars. They said that they live divided into families, every family apart from the others; thus, a man (vir) and wife with their children; and that these, when they unite in marriage, are separated from the house of the parents, and have no further care about it; wherefore the spirits from that earth appear in pairs. That they are little solicitous about food and raiment; that they live on the fruits and pulse which their earth produces; and that they are lightly clothed, being girt with a coarse skin or coat, which keeps out the cold. Further, that all on that earth know that they shall live after death; and that on this account they have no care for their body, except so far as is necessary for the sake of the life which they say is to endure and to serve the Lord; that for this reason also they do not bury the bodies of the dead, but cast them away, and cover them with branches of trees from the forest.

104. Being questioned concerning that great belt which appears from our Earth to rise above the horizon of that planet, and to vary its positions, they said, that it does not appear to them as a belt, but only as a snowy something in the sky in various directions.


105. The planet Venus, in the idea of spirits and angels, appears to the left a little behind, at some distance from our Earth. It is said, in the idea of spirits, because to no spirit does the sun of this system, or any planet, appear; but spirits have only an idea that they exist. In consequence of this bare idea, the sun of this system is exhibited behind as a very dark something, and the planets not moving as in the system, but remaining constantly in their places (see above, no. 42).

106. In the planet Venus there are two kinds of men, of contrary dispositions; the first mild and humane, the second savage and almost brutal. Those who are mild and humane appear on the other side of the earth, those who are savage and almost brutal appear on the side of it looking this way. But it should be known that they appear thus according to the states of their life, for the state of life determines every appearance of space and of distance there.

107. Some of those who appear on the other side of the planet, and who are mild and humane, came to me, and were presented to my sight overhead, and I spoke with them on various subjects. Amongst other things, they said that while they were in the world they acknowledged, and now still more acknowledge, our Lord as their One only God. They added that on their earth they had seen Him, and they also represented how they had seen Him. These spirits, in the Grand Man, have relation to the memory of material things, agreeing with the memory of immaterial things, to which the spirits of Mercury have relation: wherefore the spirits of Mercury have the fullest agreement with these spirits of Venus; therefore, when they were together, I was sensible from their influx of a remarkable change, and a powerful operation in my brain (see above, no. 43).

108. I did not, however, speak with those spirits who are on the side that looks this way, and who are savage and almost brutal; but the angels informed me of their character, and the origin of their so brutal nature: it is this; they are greatly delighted with robbery, and more especially with eating the prey. The delight they have in thinking about eating the prey was communicated to me, and was apperceived to be exceedingly great. That there have also been inhabitants of a like brutal nature, on our Earth, appears from the histories of various nations; also from the inhabitants of the land of Canaan (1 Sam. xxx. 16); and likewise from the Jewish and Israelitish nation even in the time of David, in that they made yearly excursions, and plundered the nations, and rejoiced in feasting on the booty. I was informed, further, that the greater part of those inhabitants are giants, and that the men of our Earth reach only to their navel; also, that they are stupid, not seeking to know anything about heaven or eternal life, their only care being about their land and their cattle.

109. As they are of this character, even when they come into the other life, they are greatly infested there by evils and falsities. Their hells appear near the earth, and do not communicate with the hells of the evil of our Earth, because they are of an entirely different genius and disposition; hence also their evils and falsities are of an entirely different kind.

110. But those of them who are such that they can be saved, are in places of vastation, and are there reduced to the last degree of despair; for evils and falsities of this kind cannot otherwise be subdued and removed. When they are in the state of despair, they cry out that they are beasts, that they are abominations, that they are hatreds, and thus that they are damned. Some of them, when in such a state, even cry out against heaven; but for this they are forgiven, because it proceeds from despair. The Lord restrains them from indulging in vituperation beyond fixed limits. When they have passed through extreme suffering, the corporeal [principles] with them being then as it were dead, they are finally saved. It was also said of them that, during their life on their earth, they had believed in a certain supreme Creator without a Mediator; but when they are saved, they are also instructed that the Lord is the only God, Saviour, and Mediator. I have seen some of them, after they had passed through extreme suffering, taken up into heaven; and when they were received there, I have apperceived such a tenderness of joy from them as drew tears from my eyes.


111. Some spirits appeared overhead, and voices like thunders were heard thence; for their voices thundered forth just as thunders do from the clouds after lightnings. I supposed that there was an immense multitude of spirits, who had acquired the art of uttering their voices with such a sound. The more simple spirits who were with me laughed at them, at which I greatly marvelled. The cause of their laughter was soon disclosed, and it was, that the spirits who thundered were not many, but few, and were also small as children, and that on former occasions they had terrified them by such sounds, and yet were quite unable to do them the least harm. In order that I might know their character, some of them let themselves down from on high, where they were thundering; and, strange to say, one carried another on his back, and the two thus approached me. Their faces appeared not unhandsome, but longer than those of other spirits. In stature they were like boys of seven years old, but of more robust frame; so that they were dwarfs. I was told by the angels that they were from the Moon. The one who had been carried by the other came to me, applying himself to my left side under the elbow, and from thence he spoke, saying, that when they utter their voice they thunder in this manner; and that by so doing they strike with terror the spirits who would do them harm, and put some to flight, so that they go safely wherever they please. In order that I might know for certain that the sound they make was of this kind, he retired from me to some others, but not quite out of sight, and thundered in like manner. They showed to me, moreover, that their voice, being sent forth from the abdomen after the manner of an eructation, thus resounded like thunder. It was perceived that this arose from the circumstance, that the inhabitants of the Moon do not, like the inhabitants of other earths, speak from the lungs, but from the abdomen, and thus from some collection of air therein; the reason of which is, that the Moon is not surrounded with an atmosphere of the same kind as that of other earths. I was informed that the spirits of the Moon, in the Grand Man, have relation to the ensiform or xiphoid cartilage to which the ribs are attached in front, and from which descends the linea alba, which is the point of attachment of the abdominal muscle.

112. It is known to spirits and angels, that there are inhabitants even in the Moon, and likewise in the moons or satellites which are about the earth Jupiter and the earth Saturn. Even those who have not seen spirits who are from them, and spoken with them, entertain no doubt that there are human beings upon them, for they, too, are earths, and where there is an earth, there is man; for man is the end for the sake of which an earth exists, and nothing has been made by the Supreme Creator without an end. It may be evident to anyone who thinks from reason in any degree enlightened that the end of creation is the human race, in order that there may exist a heaven from it.


113. There are several reasons, about which I have received information from heaven, why it pleased the Lord to be born, and to assume the Human, on our Earth, and not on any other. THE PRINCIPAL REASON was for the sake of the Word, that it might be written on our Earth; and when written might afterwards be published throughout the whole Earth; and that, once published, it might be preserved for all posterity; and that thus it might be made manifest, even to all in the other life, that God did become Man.

114. That the principal reason was for the sake of the Word, is because the Word is the Divine Truth itself, which teaches man that there is a God, that there is a heaven and a hell, that there is a life after death; and which teaches, besides, how man ought to live and believe in order that he may come into heaven, and thus may be happy to eternity. Without revelation, and thus, on this Earth, without the Word, all these things would have been entirely unknown; and yet man has been so created, that as to his interiors he cannot die[nn].

[Footnote nn: By natural light (lumen) alone, nothing can be known concerning the Lord, heaven and hell, the life of man after death, and the Divine truths, by means of which man has spiritual and eternal life, nos. 8944, 10318-10320. This may appear from the consideration that many, and amongst them the learned, do not believe these things, although they are born where the Word is, and where there is instruction by means of the Word concerning them, no. 10319. Therefore it was necessary that there should be a revelation from heaven, because man was born for heaven, no. 1775.]

115. That the Word might be written on our Earth, is because the art of writing has existed here from the most ancient time, first on tablets, next on parchment, afterwards on paper, and lastly publication by printing. This was provided by the Lord for the sake of the Word.

116. That the Word might afterwards be published throughout the whole of this Earth, is because here there is an intercourse of all nations, not only by journeys on land, but also by navigation to all parts of the entire globe; hence the Word, after it had once been written, could be conveyed from one nation to another, and be taught everywhere.

117. That the Word, after it had once been written, might be preserved for all posterity, consequently for thousands and thousands of years, and that it has also been so preserved, is known.

118. That thus it might he made manifest that God has become man; for this is the first and most essential purpose for which the Word was given; since no one can believe in a God, and love a God, whom he cannot comprehend under some form; wherefore, they who acknowledge an invisible and thus incomprehensible [principle], sink in thought into nature, and consequently believe in no God. Wherefore, it pleased the Lord to be born on this Earth, and to make this manifest through the Word, so that it might not only be made known on this globe, but might also by this means be made manifest to spirits and angels from other earths, and likewise to the gentiles from our own[oo].

[Footnote oo: The gentiles in the other life are instructed by angels, and they who have lived well according to their religionism receive the truths of faith and acknowledge the Lord, nos. 2049, 2595, 2598, 2600-2603, 2861, 2863, 3263.]

119. It should be known that the Word on our Earth, which was given by the Lord through heaven, effects the union of heaven and the world, for which end there is a correspondence of all things in the letter of the Word with the Divine things in heaven; and that the Word in its supreme and inmost sense treats of the Lord, of His kingdom in the heavens and on earth, and of love and faith from Him and towards Him, consequently of life from Him and in Him. Such things are exhibited to the angels in heaven when the Word of our Earth is read and preached[pp].

[Footnote pp: The Word is understood by the angels in the heavens in a different manner from what it is understood by men on Earth, and the internal or spiritual sense is for the angels, but the external or natural sense for men, nos. 1769-1772, 1887, 2143, 2333, 2395, 2540, 2541, 2545, 2551. The Word is what unites heaven and earth, nos. 2310, 2495, 9212, 9216, 9357, 10375. The Word, therefore, was written by strict correspondences, nos. 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 8615, 10687. In the inmost sense of the Word the Lord alone and His kingdom are treated of, nos. 1873, 2249, 2523, 7014, 9357.]

120. In every other earth, Divine Truth is manifested by word of mouth through spirits and angels, as was stated in the foregoing pages, in treating of the inhabitants of the earths in this solar system. But this takes place within families; for in most earths the human race dwell distinct according to families; wherefore, Divine Truth thus revealed through spirits and angels is not conveyed far beyond the families, and unless a new revelation constantly succeeds, it is either perverted, or perishes. It is otherwise on our Earth, where the Divine Truth, which is the Word, remains in its integrity for ever.

121. It should be known that the Lord acknowledges and receives all, from whatever earth they may be, who acknowledge and worship God under the Human Form, since God under the Human Form is the Lord: and as the Lord appears to the inhabitants in the earths in an angelic form, which is the Human Form, therefore, when the spirits and angels from these earths hear from the spirits and angels of our Earth that God is actually Man, they receive that Word, acknowledge it, and rejoice that it is so.

122. To the reasons that have been adduced above, may be added, that the inhabitants and spirits of our Earth, in the Grand Man, have relation to natural and external sense; and natural and external sense is the ultimate in which the interiors of life close, and on which they rest, as on their common [basis]. The case is the same with the Divine Truth in the letter, which is called the Word, and which for this reason also was given on this Earth, and not on any other[qq]. And as the Lord is the Word, and the First and Last of it, therefore, in order that all things might exist according to order. He also willed to be born on this Earth, and to become the Word, according to these words in John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made through It, and without It was not anything made that was made.... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw Its glory the glory as of the Only-begotten of the Father.... No one hath seen God at any time; the Only-begotten Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, Himself hath manifested Him" (i. 1-3, 14, 18). The Word denotes the Lord as to the Divine Truth, consequently the Divine Truth from the Lord[rr]. But this is an arcanum which enters into the understanding of only a few.

[Footnote qq: The Word in the sense of the letter is natural, no. 8783; by reason that what is natural is the ultimate, in which spiritual and celestial things close, and on which they subsist as on their foundation, and that otherwise the internal or spiritual sense of the Word without an external or natural sense would be as a house without a foundation, nos. 9430, 9433, 9824, 10044, 10436.]

[Footnote rr: The Word is the Lord as to the Divine Truth, consequently the Divine Truth from the Lord, nos. 2859, 4692, 5075, 9987. Through the Divine Truth all things were created and made, nos. 2803, 2894, 5272, 7835.]


123. Those who are in heaven are able to speak and converse not only with those angels and spirits who are from the earths in our solar system, but also with those who are from other earths in the universe beyond this system; and not only with the spirits and angels there, but also with the inhabitants themselves, only, however, with those whose interiors have been opened, so that they are able to hear those who speak from heaven. The same thing is possible for a man to whom it has been given by the Lord to speak with spirits and angels, during his life in the world; for a man as to his interiors is a spirit, the body which he carries about in the world being serviceable to him only for performing functions in this natural or terrestrial sphere, which is the ultimate or last sphere. But to no one is it given to speak as a spirit with angels and spirits, unless he be of such a character that he can be consociated with angels as to faith and love. Neither can he be consociated with them, unless his faith and love are directed to the Lord; for man is conjoined to the Lord by means of faith in Him and love to Him, that is, by means of truths of doctrine and goods of life from Him; and when he has been conjoined [with the Lord], he is secure from the assaults of evil spirits from hell. With others the interiors cannot be opened to such an extent, since they are not in the Lord. This is the reason why there are few at this day to whom it is given to speak and converse with angels; a manifest proof of which is, that at the present day it is scarcely believed that spirits and angels exist, and still less that they are present with every man, and that through them man has connection with heaven, and, through heaven, with the Lord; and that it is still less believed that a man, when he dies as to the body, lives a spirit, and in the human form as before.

124. Since, with many in the church at the present day, there is no faith in a life after death, and scarcely any faith concerning heaven, nor concerning the Lord as being the God of heaven and earth, therefore the interiors that are of my spirit have been opened by the Lord, so that, while I am in the body, I might at the same time be with angels in heaven, and not only speak with them, but see the stupendous things there, and describe the same, lest possibly it might hereafter be said, Who has come to us from heaven, and told us of its existence, and of the things that are there? But I know that those who hitherto have at heart denied heaven and hell, and the life after death, will still persist in confirming themselves against them, and in denying them; for it is easier to make a raven white than to make those believe who have once at heart rejected faith; the reason is, that they always think about such matters from a negative, and not from an affirmative, standpoint. Nevertheless, let those facts that have already been stated, and that yet remain to be stated, concerning angels and spirits, be for those few who are in faith. In order that others also may be led to some degree of acknowledgment, it has been granted me to relate such things as delight and allure the man who is desirous of acquiring knowledge: of this character are the things that shall now be related concerning the earths in the starry heaven.

125. He who is not acquainted with the arcana of heaven, cannot believe that a man can see earths that are so far distant, and give any account of them from sensuous experience. But let him know that the spaces and distances, and therefore the progressions, which exist in the natural world, in their origin and first cause are changes of the state of the interiors, and that with angels and spirits they appear according to these changes[ss]; and that through changes of state they may be apparently translated from one place to another, and from one earth to another, even to earths which are at the end of the universe: so likewise may man as to his spirit, his body still remaining in its own place. This has been the case with me, since, by the Lord's Divine mercy, it has been given to me to speak with spirits as a spirit, and at the same time with men as a man. That a man, as to his spirit, can be translated in this manner, is inconceivable to the sensual man, since he is in space and in time, and measures his progressions according to them.

[Footnote ss: Motions, progressions, and changes of place, in the other life, are changes of the state of the interiors of life, and nevertheless it really appears to spirits and angels as if they actually existed, nos. 1273-1277, 1377, 3356, 5606, 10734.]

126. That there are many systems, may appear to every one from the fact that so many stars appear in the universe; and it is known in the learned world that every star is like a sun in its own place, for it remains fixed as the sun of our Earth does in its place; and that it is the distance that makes it appear in so small a form as a star; consequently, that, like the sun of our system, each star has planets around it, which are earths; and that the reason why these do not appear before our eyes is on account of their immense distance, and because only the light from their own star reaches us, which light cannot be again reflected from the planets so far as to reach us. To what other purpose could so great a heaven with so many constellations be intended? For the end of the creation of the universe is man, that from man there may be an angelic heaven; but what would a human race, and from it an angelic heaven, from one single earth, be for an Infinite Creator, for whom a thousand, yea tens of thousands of earths, would not suffice? It has been calculated that, supposing there were in the universe a million earths, and on every earth three hundred million men, and two hundred generations within six thousand years, and that to every man or spirit there were to be allotted a space of three cubic ells, the sum of that great number of men or spirits would not occupy a space equal to a thousandth part of this Earth, consequently hardly the space occupied by one of the satellites of the planet Jupiter or Saturn: which would be a space in the universe so small as to be scarcely discernible; for a satellite [of Jupiter or Saturn] is scarcely visible to the naked eye. What would this be for the Creator of the universe, for whom the whole universe, even if it were completely filled, would not be enough, for He is Infinite. In conversing with the angels on this subject, they have told me that they have a similar idea of the fewness of the human race relatively to the infinity of the Creator; but that, nevertheless, they do not think from spaces, but from states, and that according to their idea, earths numbering as many myriads as could ever be conceived in thought would still be as absolutely nothing to the Lord. The earths in the starry heaven, however, shall now be treated of in what follows from real experience; from which it will likewise be made manifest how the translations to these earths were effected as to my spirit, whilst my body remained in its own place.


127. I was led by the Lord by means of angels to a certain earth in the starry heaven, where it was given me to gaze upon the earth itself, yet not to speak with the inhabitants of it, but with spirits who had come from it. All the inhabitants or men of every earth, on the termination of their life in the world, become spirits, and remain near their own earth. From them, however, information is obtained concerning their earth and the state of its inhabitants; for men, when they quit the body, carry with them all their former life and all their memory[tt]. Being led to earths in the universe does not mean being led and translated thither as to the body, but as to the spirit; and the spirit is led through variations of the state of the inner life, which appear to it as progressions through spaces[ss]. Approaches, also, are effected according to the agreements or likenesses of the states of life; for agreement or likeness of life conjoins, and disagreement and unlikeness disjoin. From this it may appear how translation as to the spirit is effected, and how it is made to approach distant regions, while the man, nevertheless, remains in his own place. But to lead a spirit outside of his own globe through variations of the state of his interiors, and to cause the variations to proceed successively until a state is reached which agrees or coincides with the state of those to whom he is being led, is in the power of the Lord alone; for there is needed a continual direction and foresight from first to last, both on the journey thither, and on the return journey, especially when this is to be effected with a man who is still as to the body in the world of nature, and thereby in space. That this has actually been effected, those who are in corporeal sensual things, and who think from them, cannot be induced to believe. The reason is that the corporeal sensual [faculties] cannot conceive of progressions apart from spaces. But, nevertheless, those who think from the Sensual of their spirit, that has in some degree been removed or withdrawn from the Sensual of the body, thus, who think interiorly in themselves, may be induced to believe and comprehend it, since in the idea of interior thought there is neither space nor time, but instead of them there are those things from which spaces and times proceed. Those things, therefore, that follow, concerning the earths in the starry heaven, are for the use of the latter, and not for the former, unless they are of such a character as to suffer themselves to be instructed.

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