Cold of speech, be, 272/98.
Cony, 34/517; 49/694; 54/807; p.107. "And cons, hares, rabettes (laperaus), buckes, does, hartes, hyndes, robuckes, or lepers (cheureus ou saillanz), holde also all of melancoly." Du Guez.
Cony, how to carve, 29/447; 159/12; to unlace or cut up, p.162.
Cony, with mustard and sugar, 36/538.
Conyd, 274/149, learnt.
Coochele, sea-snails, p.116.
Cook must obey a marshal, 79/1182.
Cooks are always finding out new dishes, and nearly killing people, 33/505.
Coost, 49/705, rank, succession? Fr. coste coste, in euen ranke, side by side. Cotgrave.
Cope, 200/689, covering, towel ?
Copious of talk, don't be, 279, 280/74.
Coral, 141/3.
Coretz, a fish, p.119.
Cornys, p.218, No. xvi. different kinds of grain.
Cote, 267/48, cot, cottage.
Cottell, 168/14, cuttle-fish.
[Transcriber's Note: Also p. 174 (note on "Cottell").]
Cotyn, cotton, to be kept in the privy, 64/935.
Couche, 154/25.
Couertoure, 202/753, dish-cover; 203/791, cover, or lid of a wine-cup.
Cough not, 18/271; before your lord, 19/297.
Counturpynt, 192/455, counterpane.
Countyng, 194/535, reckoning.
Courteous, be, to God, and kneel at prayers, 182/163.
Courtesy came from heaven, 265/4; 266/6; all virtues are included in it, 265/8; 266/10.
Courtesy and gentleness, delight in, 256/180.
Courts (fines of), 196/577.
Couth, 272/118, ?truly, indeed, A.S. cudlice, certainly.
Couthe, 180/114, known persons, friends.
Coverlet of a bed, 63/923.
Cowd, 3/34-5, knew.
Cowche, 13/187, and note, the undermost table-cloth.
Cowheels mixed with jellies, 34/515.
Crab, how to carve and dress one, 42/590-601; 165/14. [[165 for 167]]
Crache, 274/139; 275/14; 276/14. 'Clawyn or cracchyn, scratche, Scalpo, scrato, grado.' Cath. in P. Pl.; 'Krauwen, krabben, kratsen, ofte schrabben.' Hexham.
Craftsmen, their duty, 242/12.
Cram your mouth full, don't, 267/38.
Crane (the bird), 36/539; p.97; 49/695; p.102, and note*, for their fighting pigmies.
Crane, how to carve, 28/429; or dysplaye, p.162.
Crane's trump, take care of it, 28/431; 157/4. [[157 for 159]]
Crawe, 19/288; Fr. iabot, the craw, crop, or gorge of a bird. Cotgrave.
Crayfish, how it catches oysters, p.115; p.117; freshwater, p.116. See Creues, &c.
Cream, cow- and goat-, 7/81; 8/93; p.85; 54/803; is bad, 152/27. "The dyvell burst him, he hath eaten all the creame without me." Palsgrave, p.472, col. 2.
Credence, 80/1195-9, tasting food against poison. Only done for the highest ranks, down to an earl.
Creed, to be learnt by boys, 181/167.
Creues (crayfish), how to carve, 167/20.
Crevice, freshwater, 58/848.
Crevis dewe dou[gh], fresh-water cray-fish; how to carve, 43/618.
Crevise, freshwater, 50/707.
Crevise or cray-fish, how to carve, 42/602; the names of, p.100.
Crochettis, 197/446, hooks.
Cropyns, 24/362, crops, craws, of birds.
Croscrist, 181/144.
Cross, make the sign of, on rising, 266/12.
Croups of birds indigestible, 158/7.
Cruddes, 8/93, curds.
Culpon, p.151, cut into chunks.
Cup, don't ask a friend to take it, but give it him yourself, 180/123.
Cupboard, 13/193, table or stand for cups, &c., to stand on; is in the marshal's charge, 189/390; to be covered with carpets, 169/19.
Cupborde, bread and wine stand on (or in), 194/511.
Cuppeborde in a bed-room, 63/928.
Cups to be silver, p.136.
Cure, 78/1174, charge.
Cure, 21/324; 31/492; custom, way of doing a thing.
Cure, 28/435, directions.
Cure, 24/375, craft, art, practice.
Curies, 33/506, dodges, curious dishes.
Curlew, 49/706; 157/8; how to carve, 27/421; to untache or cut up, p.162.
Sir Degrevant, l.1406, p.235, has ffatt conyngus and newe, ffesauntys and corelewe.
Cursie, 230/328, curtsey.
Curtains, bed-, 66/968; four to a bed, 191/448.
Curtasye, the Boke of (Sloane MS. 1986), p.175-205.
Curtesy, 156/9, a bow or salutation.
Curtsey, make your, decently, 214/153.
Cury, 34/513, dodges, sleights.
Cushion, to be put on the chair, 61/882.
Cuspis, p.32, note 2.
Custade costable, 54/802, a kind of custard.
Custard, how to carve, 31/492; p.95; 157/1; 159/21.
Cut your meat, don't bite it, 269/63.
Cut, 153/22, cute wine.
Cute, 9/118; p.87, No. 3, a sweet wine. Fr. Vin cuict. Wine boyled on the fire to a certaine thicknesse, and then put into vessells, and reserved for sweet sawces. Cot.
Cute, 10/138, baking.
Cute, gynger of iij, 11/159.
Cuttid, 20/305, short-coated.
Cuttlefish, p.174.
Cyueye (chive or onion sauce), hares and conies in, p.309.
Dace, 40/575; p.98, bottom, 58/841; Fr. Sophie ... the Dace or Dare-fish. Cot.
Damsons, 6/77; p.91, last note (wrongly headed, l.177); 46/668; 152/23.
Dangle like a bell, don't, 214/152.
Dates, 5/74; p.32, note 2; 51/731; 152/21, 23; p.167, last line.
Dates in confite, 56/825; in confetes, 166/11; capte with mynced ginger, 166/19.
Daungeresnes, 46/659, of great difficulty.
Daw, a, sticks its neck askew, 19/285.
Dean, rank of, 70/1016; 72/1060.
Debt, keep out of, 270/80.
Degree, University; rank of clerks that have taken one, 71/1028.
Degree (of men), the duty of each, p.241-8. [[8 for 3]]
Delicatis, 50/713; delicacies.
Delphin, or mermaid, p.117.
Demeanor, The Booke of, p.207-14.
Demeene, 78/1163; learn ?or arrange.
Demurely, walk in the streets, 275, 276/18.
Depelled, 142/12, driven out.
Dere, 47/684, injury.
Deshe, 177/20, dais.
Despisers of courtesy are not fit to sit at table, 271/99; 181/137.
Dewe, 43/618, of water.
Dewgarde, leche, 157/10.
Dewynge, 51/732, service.
Deynteithe, 52/752, ?inclination, desire.
Deynteithly, 55/814, toothsomely.
Deyntethe, adj., 50/723, toothsome, dainty.
Deyntethe, sb., 194/527, dainty.
Diaper towel, 154/31.
Diapery, towelle of, 13/193.
Diatrion piperion, to be used against rheums, p.137.
Dice, don't play at with your lord, 184/228.
Diet, 31/488, food.
Diet, one for every day, p.133.
Difence, 278/51; ? Fr. defense, a reply, answer, argument, or allegation vsed, or vrged in defence. Cot. Faire defense is now to forbid, prohibit.
Dig your thumb into your nose, don't, 186/327.
Digest his stomak, his food, 65/947.
Digne, 71/1024, worthy.
Diligences, 79/1183, duties.
Dim sight, remedy for, p.135.
Dinner described, from the laying of the cloth, 199/655, to the removal of the board and trestles, 204/822.
Dinner of flesh, p.48-50, p.100; of fish, p.50-2; fruits to be eaten before, 46/667-8.
Dinner at noon, what the page is to do at, 254/128.
Dinner and supper, the only meals allowed, p.141.
Dip your meat in the saltcellar, don't. See Salt.
Dipping slices of meat in sauce, 30/467.
Dirty clothes forbidden, 214/167.
Disallow, 29/1181.
Dischmetes, 34/514. [[entry added by editor]]
Dise, 8/112, an adze?
Dish taken away, don't ask for it again, 256/166; 179/83.
Dish-side, spoon not to be laid on, 179/73; 272/126.
Dismember, p.151, carve.
Dispendu, 201/543 (? eatables, &c., not money), disposed of, consumed.
Dispenses, 195/555, payments, expenditure.
Dissolute laughters, avoid, 275/20.
Diswere, 191/436, doubt. Halliwell. "Platt-D. waren is to certify, assure; to prove by witnesses, &c.; wahr, true, is, I believe, what is certain, sure. 'Ik will jou de Waarschup darvan bringen,' I will bring you the truth of it, will bring you certain intelligence of it. Diswere then would be uncertainty." —H. Wedgwood.
Do to others as you would they'd do to you, 182/175.
Doctor of both laws (Canon and Civil), utriusque juris, 71/1024; 72/1062.
Doctor of divinity, rank of, 70/1021; 72/1062.
Doctors of 12 years' standing, rank above those of nine, 77/1153.
Document, 250/6, L. documentum, that which teaches, a lesson, example for instruction; Fr. document, precept, instruction, admonition. Cot.
Dog, don't claw yours at dinner, 179/87.
Dogs to be turned out of bedrooms, 66/969; p.109; 169/33. One reason for turning dogs out of the bedroom at night is given in Palsgrave's "I wolde gladly yonder dogge were hanged, he never ceased whowlyng all nyght," p.784-5.
Donne, 169/23, down.
Dorray, 51/733, dore.
Doree, the fish, 41/582; 166/12.
Dosurs, 189/391, canopies, hangings: 'Docere of an halle: Dorsorium, auleum.' Prompt. Fr. Vn dossier de pavillon. The head of a Pauillion, or Canopie; the peece that hangs down at the head thereof. Cot.
Doted daf (confounded ass, stupid fool), don't be one, 186/326.
Doublet, 60/872; 61/892; 62/899; 169/1.
Dou[gh], 43/618, soft, fresh (water).
Dowcetes, dowcettes, a dish, 32/494; recipe at p.309; 49/699; 54/809. [[309 for 146]]
Dowled drink not to be given to any one, 154/22; dowld, dead, flat (Yorkshire), Halliwell; not 'dollyd, sum what hotte, tepefactus.' Prompt.
Dowt, 79/1188, fear.
Doyle, 19/285, skew.
Draconites, 141/7, the dragonstone.
Dragons herbe, p.134.
Drapery, 64/946, cloths.
Draughtes, 25/388, drawn lines, scorings.
Dresser, in the kitchen, 195/557.
Dressing described, p.168-9.
Drink hinders digestion, p.136.
Drink, how assayed, 203/785-93; how to hand, 209/9.
Drink not behind a man's back, 269/75; wipe your mouth first, 272/105.
Drink all in the cup, don't, 185/289.
Drink with full mouth, don't, 272/110.
Drink moderately, 279, 280/73.
Drivel not with your mouth, 19/292.
Drop soup on your breast, don't, 279, 280/57.
Dropynge from the eyes, 18/283.
Drunk, don't get, p.258, p.260, l. D.
Drunkelewe, 216/1, drunken; 'drunkelew ebriosus.' Prompt. For the -lewe = -ly; cp. 'delicat horses that ben holden for delyt, that they ben so faire, fat, and costlewe.' Chaucer. Parsones Tale, Poet. Works, ed. Morris, iii. 298; costlewe furring in here gownes, ib. p.296.
Drunken servants to be turned away, 216/1.
Dry thy mouth before drinking, 179/81.
Duchess, 200/680.
Duck: see Mallard.
'The ducke maketh a clere voyce, & causeth man to lay gladdly in the armes & geueth hym the sede of nature / & the sewet is of it very good to souple all maner of paynes in the bodi of man." —Noble Lyfe. L. i. back.
Dugard, leche, 50/708.
Duke of royal blood, 70/1011; 72/1048.
Duke to dine alone, 171/4.
Dumb, don't be, 184/255.
Dysfygure, p.151, carve.
Dysplaye, p.151, carve.
Earl, the lowest rank for which food was tasted by a servant, 80/1198.
Ears, not to be picked, 267/33; 19/289; to be kept clean, 226/99.
Ease (quiet), live in, 270/82.
Easter-day feast, p.160.
Easter to Whit-sunday, feasts and service from, p.160.
Eat properly, 263/40; not hastily, 265/19.
Eat, don't, till your mess is brought from the kitchen, 178/43.
Echeola, the pearl-muscle, p.117.
Echynus, p.118.
Edwite, 278/28, blame, reproach, turt; A.S. edwtan.
Eel, salt, 57/834.
Eels, bred from slime, p.114.
Eels, roasted, 41/588; 58/848.
Eels, names of, p.99.
Eels, 50/719; 51/737; 55/820; p.104.
Eernesful, p.260, l. E; A.S. geornes, earnestness; geornfull, full of desire, eager, anxious.
Egestyon, 130/15, evacuations.
Egge, 22/335, edge.
Eggs, 54/803; p.106.
Egre, 57/837; Fr. aigre, eagre, sharpe, tart, biting, sower. Cot.
Egret, 36/539; p.97; 49/697, great white heron.
Egret, how to carve, 27/421; to breke or carve, p.162.
Elbows, don't lean on, at meals, 267/45; 180/125.
Elemosinarius, 201/728-9, the Almoner.
Elenge, p.260, l. E.
Elephant, don't you snuffle like he does, 211/59.
Elizabeth, 265/6; 266/8.
Embrowyng, 255/147, dirtying, soiling; Fr. embrou, bedurtied, soiled, defiled. Cot.
Emperialle, 15/231, set out, deck, adorn.
Emperor, after the pope, 70/1006.
Empty your mouth before speaking, 263/59; 272/110; 277/32; 278/32.
Enboce, p.277, } l.31, stuff out; Enbrace, p.278, } ? Fr. emboucher, to mouth or put into the mouth of.
Enbrewe, 22/331, dirty, soil.
Enbrowide, 278/39; Fr. embrou, ... bedurtied, soiled, defiled. Cotgrave.
Enbrowynge, 30/468, soiling, dirtying.
Enclyne, 177/23, bow.
End of a meal, what to do at the, 257/190.
Endoured, 161/3, glazed; endoured pygyons, 164/15.
Endure, 35/524, make to last; 'endurer faut pour durer:' Pro. To dure we must endure. Cotgrave.
Enemies, man's three, 183/219.
Englandis gise, a flesh feast after, 35/526.
Enlased, 26/412, cut up, carved.
Enourmyd, 250/17, adorned; O. Fr. aorner, L. adornare; not enorer, honour.
Entende, 64/936, 939, attend.
Entendyng, 46/665, listening for orders, attending.
Enter a lord's place, how to, 252/58.
Entremete, 254/109, interfere.
Envy no one, 237/795.
Equal, give way to your, 185/276; don't play with him, 264/77.
Errands, going, 209/13.
Esox, a fish of the Danube, p.118.
Esquyere, e body, 70/1016, the Esquire of the King's person.
Est, 187/346, host.
Estate, how to lay or make, with a cloth, 13/192; 17/152; p.92.
Estate, 65/957, rank, 73/1072-3.
Estates, 72/1053, ranks, persons.
Euwere, 199/641, water-bringer; L. aquarius, Fr. eauer, is a gutter, channell, sinke, sewer, for the voiding of foule water. Cotgrave.
Evacuate yourself, p.133.
Evy, 7/91, heavy.
Ewer, 64/937; 231/413, jug of water; water-bearer, 199/641, 655, &c.
Ewerer, strains water into the basins, 200/695.
Ewery, 13/192, drinking vessels.
Ewery, 154/31, stand or cupboard for water-vessels; how to dress it, 155/23.
Exonerate, 130/16, unload, disburden.
Eyebright water, 135/2.
Eyes, don't make 'em water by drinking too much, 263/57.
Eyes, don't wipe 'em on the table-cloth, 180/116; wash them, p.134; p.139.
Eyes, how to use the, 210/33.
Eyes, not to be cast about, 275, 276/8; 231/679.
Eyroun, p.146, eggs.
Facche, 42/599, fetch.
Face, look in the man's you're speaking to, 262/16; 270/67.
Facett, 250/8; Fr. Facet: m. A Primmer, or Grammer for a young scholler. Cotgrave. Faceet, booke, Facetus (well-speaking, polite). Pr. Parv.
Falconers, 195/564.
Fall, if any one does, don't laugh at him, 184/235.
Familiar, don't be too, p.258, F; p.260, lineF.
Familiar friends, always admit, p.217, No. xv.
Fande, 76/1143, try, experience?
Fangle, 229/268, toy, thing.
Farsed, 23/358; p.94, stuffed.
Fast now and then, p.142.
Father and mother; worship and serve them, 182/172.
Fathers and mothers, duty of, 241/4.
Fatnes, 277/37; 278/39, fat, grease.
Faucettes, 152/16, taps.
Fawcet, 5/68; p.84; 152/16, a tap. Yn tyme therfore tye vp your tryacle tappe; Let not to long thy fawset renne. Piers of Fullham, l.228-9. Early Pop. P., v. 2, p.10. Stryke out the heed of your vesselles, our men be to thrustye to tarye tyll their drinke be drawen with a faulsed. Palsgrave, p.740, col. 1. Fr. Guille: f. The quille or faucet of a wine vessell. Cot.
Fawn, 49/694; how to carve, 28/441.
Fawn, and ginger sauce, 36/537.
Fawte, 82/1238, make default or mistakes.
Fayge, fruyter, 157/10; p.173.
Featherbed to be beaten, 63/921; 169/12.
Feed elegantly, 256/185.
Feede onely twice a day, p.141.
Feet to be kept still, 270/66; 275/7; 279, 280/56.
Feet and hands together, 235/677.
Feet, what birds to be served with their, 28/435.
Fele, 11/155, 157, perceive, taste; 24/364, ?taste or see; 23/349, understand.
Feleyly, 270/94, fellowly, sociable.
Felle, 262/21; 264/89; ?stern, or discreet. See Cold.
Fende, 82/1233, defend.
Fenel-water, p.139.
Fenelle, the brown, 67/991.
Fercularius, 202/749, the Sewer.
Fere, 50/719, company; in fere, together.
Fere, 53/774, companion. [[83 for 53]]
Fermys, 197/596, rents; Fr. ferme, a farme or lease, a thing farmed, a toll, rent, mannor or demesne in farme. Cot.
Ferour, 197/612, 615, farrier; Fr. Mareschal ferrant. Cot.
Few words, use, 270/73.
Fieldfares, 165/3.
Fieldmen, how they fly at their food, 256/176.
Figs, fritters of, p.145.
Figs, 152/21; 166/18, in Cornwall, raisins are called figs, 'a thoomping figgy pudden,' a big plum pudding. Spec. of Cornish Dialect, p.53.
Filthy talking, against, p.239, cap. xii.
Finger, don't point with, 270/69; don't mark your tale with, 279, 280/71.
Fingering, avoid it, 184/249.
Fingers, meat to be eaten with, 269/55; nose not to be blown with, 262/19; 118/284; 210/51; [[118 for 18]] not to be put in one's cup, 118/272; [[118 for 18]] or on the dish, 267/27; keep 'em clean, 272/107; wipe 'em on a napkin, 232/465.
Fingers, two, & a thumb, to be put on a knife, 21/320-4; 22/326.
Fingers and hands, keep still, 275/7; 276/7.
Fingers and toes to be kept still, 186/320.
Fins of fish to be cut off, 39/560.
Fire at meals in winter, p.142.
Fire, have a good one, 169/20.
Fire in bed-room, p.128.
Fire in hall at every meal from Nov. 1 to Feb. 2, 189/393-8.
Fire to dress by, 61/888.
Fire to be clear, 60/877.
Fire-screens for a lord, 192/462.
First course of fish, p.166.
Fish, a dinner of, three courses, & one of fruit, p.50.
Ieune chair vieil poisson: Prov. Old flesh and young fish (is fit for the dish). Cot.
Fish, carving & dressing of, p.37; p.98, &c.; p.166; how assayed, 203/767-70; sauces for, p.56; 168/4; sewynge or courses of, p.166.
Fish, salt, 57/833.
Fish, names of, from Yarrell, p.152; [[152 for 110]] extracts from Laurens Andrewe on, p.113.
Fisshe, p.121, p.123, the flesh or body of fish. [[122 for 123]]
Fist, close your hand in it, 264/71; keep your opinions to yourself.
Fist, not to be put on the table, 267/45.
Fit servants only to be engaged, p.215.
Flapjack, 96/13, a fried cake.
Flasche, 65/985, dash.
Flauer, 130/11, warm & air.
Flaunes, 161/4; p.173; flawne, 96/12, a kind of tart; Fr. flans: m. Flawnes, Custards, Egge-pies. Cotgrave. Du. een kees vlaeye, a Cheese-cake or Flawne. Hexham.
Flax, wild, 69/994.
Flea, don't scratch after one, 18/279.
Flemings, great drinkers, p.131, note.
Flesche-mought, 18/280, louse.
Flesh, carving of, p.26; p.157; [[26 for 24]] how assayed, 203/767-70; sauces for, p.39; [[39 for 35]] sewynge or succession of dishes of, p.156.
Flesh, a dinner of, p.40. [[40 for 48]]
Flette, 201/711, room, floor.
Fleumaticus, 54/792; p.104.
Flewische, 53/777, melancholy.
Flounders, 55/819; 58/842; 168/10.
Flyte, 178/54, quarrel; don't, 270/92.
Focas or phocas, p.118.
Follow your better, how to, 264/83-6.
Foole, 96/12, as in gooseberry-fool.
Foot-cushion, 61/882-4.
Footmen to run by ladies' bridles, 198/621.
Foot-sheet, how to prepare it, 61/879-84; 65/956; 67/988.
Foot-sheet, the lord sits on it while he is undressed for bed, 193/488.
For, 3/34, because; 178/42, notwithstanding.
For, 18/275, against, to stop or prevent.
Forcast, 180/104, plot, scheme for.
Forder, 235/698, further.
Fordo, 180/100, done for, killed.
Forehead, to be joyful, 170/37. [[170 for 210]]
Forenoon, work in the, p.141.
Forewryter, 77/1243, transcriber?
Forfeits to a lord, go to the treasurer, 196/577.
Forfetis, 281/52; Fr. forfaict: m. A crime, sinne, fault, misdeed, offence, trespasse, transgression. Cot.
Forgive, 182/185.
Formes, 189/389; 192/464, forms, benches.
Foul tales, don't tell, at table 255/140.
Fourpence a piece for hire of horses, 188/376. See Notes, p.283.
Four slices in each bit of meat, 159/18.
Foxskin garments for winter, p.139.
Franklin, a feast for one, p.54.
Franklins, rank of, 71/1071.
Fray, 81/1210, fright.
Freke, 184/255, man, fellow; A.S. freca, one who is bold.
Fretoure powche, 49/700; fruture sage, 50/708.
Friars, give way to them on pilgrimages, 186/303.
Fricacion, or rubbing of the body, is good, p.130 n.
Fried things are fumose or indigestible, 21/358; 30/500; 32/512; 54/6. They generally came in the last course (see Modus Cenandi). Du Guez, after speaking of the English dishes in order, pottage, beef, mutton, capons, river birds, game, and lastly, small birds, says, "howbeit that in Spaine and in Fraunce the use [succession at dinner] of suche metes is more to be commended than ours ... for they begynne always with the best, and ende with the most grosse, which they leave for the servantes, where-as we do al the contrary," p.1072.
Friend, don't mistrust or fail him, 219/3.
Friendly, don't be too, p.258, p.260, line F.
Friezeadow coats for winter, p.127. [[127 for 133]]
Fritters, 33/501; 34/511; 51/725, 737; 54/810; 157/24-6; 161/32; 163/3. [[161/32, 163/3 for 163/32, 165/3]] See Fruter, &c.
Friture, a, 51/725.
Frogs shelter themselves under the leaves of Scabiosa, p.109, note on l.987.
Frote, 19/288, wring, twist. Fretyn or chervyn (chorvyn), Torqueo. Prompt.
Frown, don't, 173/132. [[173 for 213]]
Froyze, 96/13, pancake, or omelet.
Fruits to be eaten before dinner, 46/667-8. But of all maner of meate, the moost daungerous is that whiche is of fruites (fruitz crudz), as cheres, small cheryse (guingues[2]), great cherise (gascongnes), strauberis, fryberis (framboises), mulberis, cornelles,[3] preunes, chestaynes nuts, fylberdes, walnuttes, cervyse, medlers, aples, peres, peches, melons, concombres, and all other kyndes of fruites, howbeit that youth, bycause of heate and moystnesse, doth dygest them better than age dothe. Du Guez's Introductorie, p.1073-4. fryberis (framboises), mulberis
[Footnote 2: Guisnes: f. A kind of little, sweet, and long cherries; tearmed so because at first they came out of Guyenne; also any kind of Cherries. Cotgrave.]
[Footnote 3: Corneille, a Cornill berrie; Cornillier, The long cherrie, wild cherrie, or Cornill tree. Cotgrave.]
Frumenty potage, 25/391, furmity.
Frumenty, 37/547; 38/549; with venesoun, 33/518.
Frusshe, p.151, carve.
Fruter Crispin & Napkin, p.96.
Fruture viant, sawge & pouche, 33/501, ? meat, sage, & poached fritters.
Fruturs, 34/511; Fruyters, 161/32, fritters; [[161 for 163]] recipes for, p.145.
Fryture, a, 51/737, fritter.
Fuel, a groom for, 189/385.
Full belly and hungry, 265/17.
Fumose, 23/353, fume-creating, indigestible.
Fumositees, p.23-4.
Fumosities, p.23; p.94; 151/4; p.158, indigestibilities, indigestible things creating noxious fumes in the belly that ascend to the brain; such to be set aside, 25/396.
Fumosity, 8/105; p.86.
Furs to be brushed every week, 64/943.
Fustian, 63/922, a cloth over and under the sheets of a bed.
Fustyan, whyte, 130/2.
Fygges, 5/74; p.84, figs.
Fyle, 191/435, fill?
Fylour, 191/447, a rod on which the bed-curtains hung. "Fylour looks like felloe, G. felge, which is explained as something bent round; it would apply to the curtain-rod round the top of the bed." Wedgwood.
Fylynge, 263/52, dirtying; A.S. flian, to foul; flnes, foulnes; fl, filth.
Fynne, p.151, cut up.
Fyr, 184/232, further.
Fyr hous, 194/514, privy?
Fysegge, p.216, No. x, phiz, face.
Fytt, 213/806, section of a poem. [[213 for 204]]
Fytte, 67/980, while, time.
Fyxfax, to be taken out of the neck, 28/444.
Gabriel, angel, 265/5; 266/7; 148/692. [[148 for 48]]
Galantyne sauce, 40/569; 58/840; 167/27, 29; 168/9.
Galantyne, to be mixed with lamprey pie, 44/634; recipe for, p.100.
Galingale, p.44, last line but one; p.100. Galingale: Sp. Jncia avellanda, Jnca odorso, galingale. —Minsheu. [[entry added by editor]]
Gallants, shortcoated, denounced, 20/305.
Galleymawfrey, 96/14, a dish.
Gallowgrass, p.124.
Game, some, to be played before going to business, p.131.
Gamelyn sauce, 36/539; 37/541.
Gaming, the fruits of, p.234, cap. vi.
Ganynge, 19/294, yawning: Ganynge or [Gh]anynge, Oscitus. Prompt. I gane, or gape, or yane, ie baille. Palsgrave, ib. "I yane, I gaspe or gape. Je baille." Palsgrave.
Gape not, 19/294; when going to eat, 272/65.
Gaping is rude, 211/77.
Garcio, 191/434-5, groom (of the chamber).
Gardevyan, 80/1202, a safe for meat.
Gares, 190/420, causes.
Garlic, 58/843.
Garlic, the sauce for roast beef and goose, 36/536.
Garlic, green, with goose, 164/2.
Gastarios, a fish, p.118.
Gate, on coming to a lord's, what to do, 177/5. See also 252/58.
Gaze about, don't, 192/175.
Gele, p.49, note 2; gelly, 166/11, jelly.
Gelopere sauce, 165/4; p.173.
Gentilmen welle nurtured, 71/1038.
Gentilwommen, rank of, 71/1039.
Gentlemen, one property of, 220/18.
Gentlemen of the chamber, 191/433.
Gentlemen's table in hall, 178/33.
Gentyllis, 273/93, gentlefolk.
Geson, 54/803, scarce.
Gesse, 230/350, guest.
Gestis, 79/1189, guests.
Getting-up in the morning, a lord, how dressed, p.61.
Gild, 25/231, gilt plate.
Ginger, white and green, 5/75; colombyne, valadyne, and maydelyn, 10/131-2; columbyne, 52/758; green, 152/21.
Ginger sauce with lamb, kid, &c., 36/537.
Ginger, 58/847; with pheasant, 164/19.
Girdle, 64/907.
Girls, young, pick their noses, 186/328.
Girls: home-education, xxv, xv, &c. [[entry added by editor]]
Glaucus, a white fish, p.118.
Glorious (boasting), don't be too, p.258, p.260, line G.
Glosand, 186/313, lying.
Glose, 183/199, deceit, lie.
Glosere, 268/59. Fr. flateur, a flatterer, glozer, fawner, soother, foister, smoother; a claw-backe, sycophant, pickthanke. Cot.
Gloves to be taken off on entering the hall, 177/16.
Gloves, perfumed, 132/8-9. Cp. in the account of Sir John Nevile, of Chete, in The Forme of Cury, p.171, "for a pair of perfumed Gloves, 3s. 4d.; for a pair of other Gloves, 4d."
Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 79/1177; 82/1230; p. lxxxii.
Glowtynge, 18/281, looking sulky, staring. Halliwell. Sw. glutta; Norse, glytta, gletta, look out of the corner of the eye. Wedgwood.
Gnastynge, 20/301, note 5.
Gnaw bones, don't, 232/457.
Goatskin gloves, 132/9.
Goben, 39/566, cut into lumps.
Gobone, 167/2, cut in lumps; 167/29, a piece.
Gobyn, 41/580; p.99, gobbets.
Gobyns, 45/638, lumps, pieces.
'God be here!' say on entering, 270/86.
Good cheer, make, at table, 269/53, be jolly.
Good manners, learn, 232/507.
'Good Morning;' say it to all you meet, 266/20.
Goodly, 62/908, nattily.
Goose, how to carve, 26/402; p.163, last line but one; garlic its sauce, 36/536; roast, 54/801; p.222.
Goshawk, p.103, note on Heironsew.
Gown, a man's, 62/904.
Gowt of a crayfish, 43/607.
Grace, 46/663, the prayer before dinner, 229/305-322; to be said by the Almoner, 221/729.
Grace after dinner, sit still till it's said, 271/82; pages to stand by their lord while it's said, 257/197.
Gradewable, p.170, graduated, have taken degrees.
Gramed, 23/348, angered, vexed.
Granat, 141/11, a garnet.
Grapes, 6/77; 46/668; 152/21.
Gravelle of beeff or motoun, 34/519.
Gravus, a fish, p.118. [[120 for 118]]
Graynes, 9/123; 10/137, 141; p.91. Fr. Maniguet, the spice called Graines, or graines of Paradise. Cot.
Graynes of paradice, 151/32.
Graytly, 61/886; entirely, quite.
Grayue, 196/576, 589, 597, reeve, outdoor steward.
Greable, 13/192, suitable.
Great birds, 49/698.
Grece (fat), hen of, 158/29.
Green cheese, p.84, n. to l.74.
Green fish, 58/851; 188/8, 29, ling. Fr. Moru: f. The Cod, or Greenefish (a lesse and dull-eyed kind whereof is called by some, the Morhwell). Moru verte. Greenefish. Moruyer. Poissonnier moruyer. A Fishmonger that sells nothing but Cod, or Greenefish. Cot.
Green sauce, 58/851; 168/13, 14.
Green wax, accounts to be briefed with, 192/536.
Greet the men you meet, 200/251.
Greithe, 61/880, ready.
Greke, 9/120; 86/31; p.90, No. 12, a sweet wine.
Grene metis, 8/97, green vegetables.
Greve, 81/1214. Fr. grief, trouble.
Greyhounds fed on brown bread, 198/628; p.84, note on l.51; each has a bone, &c., 198/633. "Eau & pain, c'est la viande du chien. Prov.: Bread and water is diet for dogs." Cot.
Greyn, 62/914, a crimson stuff or cloth.
Grin, don't, 269/57; 277, 278/29.
Grisynge, 20/301, grinding.
Groan not, 19/298.
Groggynge, 18/273, grumbling. Grutchyn, gruchyn, murmuro. Prompt. Gruger, to grudge, repine, mutter. Cot.
Grone fische, 38/555.
Groom of the King may sit with a knight, 75/1122-5; 204/1. [[204 for 172]]
Grooms of the Chamber, their duties, p.191-2.
Groos, 29/461, large.
Grossetest, Bp., his Household Statutes, p.207-10.
Grouellynge, adv. 129/8, 12, face downwards.
Growelle of force, 34/519; p.97.
Gruell of befe or motton, 159/27.
Grumbling of servants to be put down, p.208.
Gudgeons, 55/819; p.118.
Guns blasting, (breaking wind,) to be avoided, 20/304. The parallel passage in Sloane MS. 2027 (fol. 42, last line), is. "And alle wey be ware thyn ars be natte carpyng."
Gurdylstode, 191/442, girdlestead, waist.
Gurnard, 40/574; 51/725; 58/849; baked, 198/9.
[Gh]yme, 186/304, attend to, wish, like.
Gymlet, 5/67, 71.
Gynger, 3 kinds of, 10/131-2; p.91.
Haberdine, 'Mouschebout: m. The spotted Cod whereof Haberdine is made.' Cot.
Hable, 254/111, fitting, due.
Had, 274/149, ?held in the memory.
Hadde-y-wyste, 264/72; vain after-regret, 'had I but known how it would have turned out.'
Haddock, 58/845, 200/11.
Haddock, how to carve, 39/576.
Haft of a knife, 200/675.
Hair, don't scratch, for lice, 18/280; to be combed, 173/125. [[173 for 213]]
Hake, 58/845; p.107; 166/31.
Hakenay buttur, 39/559.
Halata, p.118.
Hale, 253/101, A.S. hl, healthy.
Half-penny; farrier paid one a day, 197/616; hunter one for every hound, 198/629.
Halke, 2/24; A.S. hylca, hooks, turnings. Somner.
Hall, who should not keep it (?meaning), 72/1048; who seated in, 217/19-22.
Hall, head of the house to eat in, p.209, No. xv. [[209 for 215]]
Halybut, a fish, 41/584; 39/735; 166/12; 167/11.
Hammering in speech is bad, 212/109.
Hand to be cleaned when you blow your nose in it, 199/90; put it on your stomach to warm the latter, p.129.
Handkerchief for the nose, 210/49; 'Jan. 1537-8, my ladys grace lanes handekerchers silkys.' P.P. Exp. of Princess Mary, p.54.
Handle nothing while you are spoken to, 253/83.
Hands and feet, keep 'em quiet, 216/317. [[216 for 186]]
Hands, to be washed, 277, 278/22; before meals, 187/343, 201/713-21; to be wiped before taking hold of the cup, 255/156.
Hands to be clean at meals, 263/41, 51; 265/9; 266/13.
Hang in hand, 183/199; be delayed.
Hanging down your head is wrong, 213/130.
Hard cheese, the virtues of, 150/29. See Cheese. [[150 for 152]]
Hare, 34/517; chive sauce to, see Ceuye.
Harington, Sir John; the Dyet for every day, p.138-9; on Rising and going to Bed, p.140-1.
Harm of others, don't talk, at table, 180/102.
Harpooning whales, p.116.
Harts-skin garments to be worn in summer, p.139.
Harvest, the device of, 52/754.
Hastily, don't eat, 265/19.
Hasty, don't be, 279, 280/78.
Hat, 62/909.
Haylys, 184/253, salute. O.N. heilsa, Dan. hilsa, to salute, to cry hail to. Wedgwood.
Head and hands, keep quiet, 253/80.
Head, don't hang it, 255/148; don't cast it down, 276/16; don't bend it too low, 193/330.
Heads of field- and wood-birds unwholesome; they eat toads, p.197-8. [[197-8 for 165-6]]
Headsheet, 63/925; 65/950; 66/965.
Hede, 271/91, host, master or lord of a house at a meal.
Hedge-hogs' countenauces, 210/43.
Heelfulle, 250/10, health-ful, help-ful.
Heere, 35/524; Sloane MS. 1315 reads hele, health.
Heironsew (the heron), 49/696; p.103. See Heron.
Hele, 199/655, cover.
Helle, 254/131, ? not 'clear, A.S. helle,' but from hyldan, to incline, bend, and so pour.
Help all, be ready to, 183/193.
Help others from your own dish, p.217, No. xiv.
Hemp, the names of, p.124; its advantages, p.125-6.
Hen, fat, how to carve, 26/409; 34/517.
Henchman, p. ii.; Mayster of the henshmen—escvier de pages dhonnevr. Palsgrave.
Hende, 254/122, hands.
Henderson's Hist. of Ancient and Modern Wines, p.87, &c.
Her, 185/294, higher.
Herald of Arms, 71/1035; king or chief herald, l.1036.
Herber, 190/427, lodge, accommodate.
Herbe benet, 68/993.
Herbe John, 68/992.
Herbs in sheets to be hung round the bath-room, 67/977.
Herne, 2/24, corner.
Heron, to dysmembre or carve, p.162. See Heyron-sewe.
Heronsew, 157/5; to be cooked dry, 165/20.
'I wol nat tellen of her straunge sewes, Ne of her swannes, ne here heron-sewes.'
Chaucer, March. Tale, l.60, v. 2, p.357, ed. Morris.
Herring, L. Andrewe on the, p.114.
Herrings, baked, 50/722; fresh, 58/844; fresh, broiled, 52/748; salt, 57/832.
Herrings, how to carve and serve, 38/550-3.
Herrings, white, or fresh, how to serve up, 45/641-5, 166/28.
Hethyng, 185/266, contempt.
Heyhove, 68/993, a herb.
Heyriff, 68/993, a herb.
Heyron-sewe, 36/539; p.97, the heron: how to carve it, 27/422.
Hiccup not, 19/298.
High name, the, 181/152, God?
Highest place, don't take unless bidden, 187/347.
Hit, for his, 29/456.
Hith{e}, 53/783, it.
Hold your hand before your mouth when you spit; 272/115-18.
Hole of the privy to be covered, 64/933.
Holy water, take it at the church-door, 182/160.
Holyhock, 67/991.
Holyn, 189/399. ?
Hom, 185/273, them.
Homes, servants to visit their own, p.207, No. xi. [[207 for 217]]
Honest, 269/74, fitting, proper.
Honeste, 65/954, propriety, decency.
Honey, not clarified, used for dressing dischmetes, 34/514.
Hood, a man's, 62/909.
Hood, take it off, 217/16. [[217 for 177]]
Hoopid, 12/167, made round like a hoop.
Hor, 187/272, their.
Hornebeaks, p.97, note on l.533.
Horse-hire, 4d. a day, 188/375.
Horsyng, 195/564, being horsed, horses.
Hose, p.108; to be rubbed, 226/91. Du. koussen, Stockins or Hosen; opper-koussen, Hose or Breeches; onder koussen, Nether-stockins; boven koussen, Upper-hosen, or Briches. Hexham.
Hosen, 130/10; 168/31.
Hosyn, 60/873; 62/895-8; 65/961; p.108, breeches.
Hostiarius, 190/430-1, usher.
Hot dishes, a dodge to prevent them burning your hands, 202/757-60.
Hot wines, p.83, in extract from A. Borde. [[Citation could not be identified.]]
Houndfisch, 41/584; p.99; 56/827; 58/844; 167/11, dogfish.
'He lullith her, he kissith hir ful ofte; With thikke bristlis on his berd unsofte, Lik to the skyn of houndfisch, scharp as brere, (For he was schave al newe in his manere,) He rubbith hir about hir tendre face.' Chaucer, Marchaundes Tale, v. 2, p.223, ed. Morris.
Houndes-fysshe, mortrus of, 168/2.
Household bread, 4/55; to be 3 days old, 152/6.
Housholde, Babees that dwelle in, 251/45; Forewords, pp. ii., x., xi., &c.
Howndes Dayes, p.118, Cap. xv., dog-days.
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 82/1230; App. to Russell Pref.
Hunte, 198/629, huntsman; pl.,
Huntes, 198/628, huntsmen.
Hure, 24/376, hood, cap.
Hurtilberyes, 7/82; p.85, n. to l.81, 152/24.
Husbands, the duty of, 237/8.
Hyacinth, 141/11, jacinth, a precious stone.
Hy[gh]t, 183/201, promised, vowed.
Jack and Jill, don't chatter with, 271/90.
Iangelynge, 253/94, chattering, (don't be), p.258, p.261, line I.
Iangle (chatter), don't, 252/68; 229/266.
Iangylle, 271/90, chatter; 'iangelyn, or iaveryn, iaberyn, garrulo blatero.' P. Parv.
Janitor, 188/360-1, the porter.
Iapynge, 253/95, joking.
Iardyne, almond, 52/744.
Idle, don't be, 268/32.
Jealousy, hate it, p.258, p.260, line G.
Jelies, 34/511; iely, 49/693.
Jelly, 34/511; 35/520; 51/731; 56/825; p.97.
Iestis, 59/858, proceedings, dinners.
Iettis, p.261, l. N, fashions.
Iettynge, p.261, l. I, showing-off,
'I iette w^t facyon and countenaunce to set forthe myselfe, ie braggue.' Palsgrave, in Way.
Iettynge, 20/300, note 3. Fr. Poste a rakehell, or Colledge-seruant, thats euer gadding or ietting abroad. Cot.
Ignorance, the evils of, 228/230.
Imbrowe, 255/157, dirty, soil.
Improberabille, 54/795, very proper?
Impytous, p.132, impetuous (last line).
Infect, 83/1249. Fr. infecter, to infect; poison; depraue, corrupt. Cot.
Ingredyentes, 11/144, materials.
Inhumanitie, 225/155, discourtesy.
Interrupt no one, 282/69. [[282 for 279]]
Intrippe, 283/69, interrupt. [[283 for 280]]
John the Baptist's day to Michaelmas, feasts from, p.164.
John, Duke, a yeoman in his house got a reward, 199/647.
Iolle of e salt sturgeoun, 44/622; p.99; 167/23.
Ioncate, 7/82; p.85; 152/28, junket, orig. cream-cheese made in wicker-baskets, from L. juncus, a rush. Mahn. 'Junkets, Cakes and Sweetmeats with which Gentlewomen entertain one another, and Young-men their Sweethearts; any sort of delicious Fare to feast and make merry with.' Philipps.
Iowtes, p.160, last line; p.171. [[171 for 173]]
Irweue, 85/3. ? Fr. Mulette ... the maw of a Calfe, which being dressed is called the Renet-bag, Ireness-bag, or Cheslop-bag. Cot.
Judges, the duty of, 24.
Iusselle, 35/520; 54/805; 159/28; recipe for, p.145.
Justices, the under, rank of, 70/1018; 72/1061.
Ivory comb, 62/902.
Karle, 267/48, churl, poor man.
Karpyng, 263/62, talking. Carpynge, Loquacitas, collocutio. Prompt.
Kater, 196/580, cater, provide.
Kepe, 202/760, take care.
Kepyng (stingy), don't be, p.258, p.261, line K.
Kercheff, 61/885.
Kerpe, 272/120, ? is it complain, or only talk, chatter; 'carpyn or talkyn, fabulor, confabulor, garrulo,' Pr. Parv. 'to carpe, (Lydgate) this is a farre northen verbe, cacqueter.' Palsgrave, ib. note. Or is it break wind? See Guns. The Sloane MS. 2027, fol. 42, has for l.304 of Russell, p.20, 'And alle wey be ware thyn ars be natte carpyng.'
Keruynge of flesshe, p.157; of fysshe, p.166.
Kerver, termes of a, p.149. [[149 for 151]]
Keuer, 17/265-6, cover, put covers or dishes for.
Kickshaw, 96/14, a tart.
Kid, 49/694; 54/807; with ginger sauce, 46/537; how to carve, 28/441.
Kidney of fawn, &c. to be served, 159/9.
Kind, be always, 183/195.
Kind, don't be too, p.258, p.261, line K.
King ranks with an emperor, 70/1007; 72/1045.
King's Messengers, 171/31.
King's officers, 175.
King's servants to be received as one degree higher than they are, 75/1117-27.
Knaves' tricks, beware of, p.258, p.261, line K.
Knee, don't put yours under other men's thighs, 180/119.
Kneel on one knee to men, on both to God, 182/163-6.
Kneel, the Ewerer to do so, on giving water to any one, 199/653.
Kneel to your lord on one knee, 252/62.
Knife, don't play with your, 279, 280/54; don't put it in your mouth, 256/162; 180/113; take salt with it, 272/97. (When were saltspoons introduced?)
Knife, don't pick your teeth with, 180/94.
Knives to be clean, 279, 280/58; to be sharp, 263/42; to be clean and sharp, 255/137; 272/119; to be wiped on a napkin, not on the tablecloth, 22/332.
Knives to be put up after meals, 257/191.
Knives, for bread, 4/50-2; for the table, ib., l.63.
Knives, the Butler's three, p.152; the lord's, 200/675.
Knight, the rank of a, 70/1016; 72/1058.
Knop, 192/453, knob, bunch?
Kommende, 253/104, this may possibly be like 254/120, commend (q.v.) a cup to you to drink; but 270/71, 'sey welle', looks as if praise were meant.
Kymbe, 61/886, comb.
Kyn, 217/13, birth. [[217 for 177]]
Kynraden, 185/279; A.S. cynnryne, a family course, parentage.
Labour not after meals, p.136.
Lace- or buckle-shoes, 62/896.
Ladies, how to behave to, 264/73.
Ladies soon get angry, 165/8.
Lady of low degree has her lord's estate or rank, 171/19.
Lakke, 269/76, blame; Du. laecken, to vituperate, blame, or reproach. Hexham.
Lamb, 54/807; p.106; how to carve, 28/441.
Lamb and ginger sauce, 36/537.
Lambur, 193/480. ? has it anything to do with Fr. lambrequin, the point of a labell, or Labell of a file in Blazon; Lambel, a Labell of three points, or a File with three Labells pendant (Cot.). Ladies wore and wear ornaments somewhat of this kind.
Lambskins, p.131.
Lamprey, 50/724; 58/840; p.119. See Henry V.'s commission to Guillielmus de Nantes de Britanni to supply him and his army with Lampreys up to Easter, 1418. From the Camp at Falaise, Feb. 6. Rymer, ix. 544.
Lamprey, names of a, p.99, bottom.
Lamprey pasty, 167/25.
Lampreys, fresh, pie of, how to serve, 44/630-45; p.99.
Lamprey, salt, how to carve, 39/566; 167/2.
Lampron, names of a, p.100.
Lampurnes, 50/719; 55/820; 58/848; bake, 51/725; rost, 51/737; 41/588, lamperns.
Landlords, their duty, 242/13.
Lands of a lord, his Chancellor oversees, 196/571.
Lapewynk, 37/542; p.98, lapwing.
Lappes, 191/452, wraps.
Lapwing, how to carve, 27/417; p.158, last line.
Lark (the bird), 28/437, 37/542, 49/698, p.103.
Laske, 7/91, loose (in the bowels).
Last, 15/227, uppermost.
Laugh, don't, with your mouth full, 179/67; 272/109.
Laugh loudly, don't, 264/75.
Laugh not, 269/57; not too often, 183/215.
Laughing always is bad, 212/85.
Lauour, 16/232, washing-basin?. Lavacrum, a lavour, Reliq. Ant. i.7. Esguiere: f. An Ewer, a Lauer. Cotgrave (see Halliwell).
Law, how kept, 268/53.
Law, men of, their duty, 242/11.
Law, 187/330, low.
Lawes, 183/217, laughs.
Lawnde, 2/16, and note.
Lay the Cloth, how to, 13/187; 154/23.
Leaking of wine pipes, 8/110; 153/10.
Lean not on the table, 255/146.
Learning, its roots bitter, its fruits pleasant, 228/202.
Leche, a, 51/725, 737; 54/810.
Leche dugard, 50/708.
Leche fryture, 52/749. see Leschefrites, leschefrayes, in the index to the Mnagier de Paris. [["see" reference added by editor]]
Leche Lombard, 48/689; 157/2. See 'Lumber' in Nares. The recipe in Forme of Cury, p.36, is
Take rawe Pork, and pulle of the skyn, and pyke out e skyn [&] synew{is}, and bray the Pork in a mort{er} w{i}t{h} ayre rawe; do {er}to sug{ur}, salt, raysos, corace, dat{is} mynced, and powdo{ur} of Pep{er}, powdo{ur} gylofre, a{nd} do it i{n} a bladder, and lat it see til it be ynowh[gh]. and whan it is ynowh, kerf it, leshe it in likenesse of a peskodde, and take grete raysos and grynde hem in a mort{er}, drawe hem up wi rede wyne, do {er}to mylke of almnd{is}, colo{ur} it with saders a{nd} safro and do {er}to powdo{ur} of pep{er} a{nd} of gilofre, and boile it. and whan it is iboiled, take powdo{ur} of canel and gyng{er}, and te{m}p{er} it up with wyne. and do alle ise thyng{is} togyd{er}. and loke at it be rɇnyns, and lat it not see aft{er} that it is cast togyder, {and} s{er}ue it forth.
Leche, whyte, 157/7.
Leeches, 34/516, strips of meat, &c., dressed in sauce or jelly.
Lees, 26/407; 30/466, strips; 43/610, slices.
Leessez, 33/504; 34/546, strips of meat in sauce.
Lede, 179/78, leaved, left.
Left hand only to touch food, 22/329.
Legate, 70/1013; the pope's, l.1023.
Legh, 191/441, ?law, hill, elevation, A.S. hlw; or lea land, ground.
Legs not to be set astraddle, 20/299.
Legs of great birds, the best bits, 26/403, 410; 27/426; 30/471.
Lele, 196/593; loyally?, justly.
Lemman, 44/635, dear young friend; A.S. leof, dear.
Lengthe, 31/488, lengthen.
Lered, 65/956, taught, told.
Lerynge, 56/831, teaching.
Lesche, v. tr., p.151, slice.
Lessynge, 153/17, remedy, cure.
Lesynge, 9/116, curing, restoring to good condition.
Lete, 8/110; p.86, leak.
Letters, the use of, 228/186.
Leues, 202/741, remains.
Leuys, 203/787, remains.
Lewd livers to dread, 239/933.
-lewe, see drunkelewe.
Liar, don't be one, 19/292; 183/213.
Liberal, don't be too, 260/11, p.263, line L. [[260 for 258, 263 for 261]]
Lice, 18/280; p.93.
Lick not the dish, 19/295.
Licoure, 25/382, sauce, dressing.
Lie not, 270/75.
Lie far from your bedfellow, 186/297.
Lies, 9/116, deposit, settlement.
Light payne, 22/339, fine bread for eating.
Lights to be put above the Hall chimney or fire-place, p.192/467-8.
Line of the blood royal, 171/24.
Linen, body-, to be clean, 60/876.
Linen, used to wipe the nether end, 64/935.
Ling (the fish), 38/555; p.98; p.58, note 8; 59/852; 168/6.
Lining of a jacket, the best, p.131.
Lips; don't put 'em out as if you'd kiss a horse, 211/73.
Lips, keep 'em clean, 277, 278/34.
Lis, 3/31, relieve. 'ac a-lys us of yfele,' but deliver us from evil, Lord's Prayer. Rel. Ant.i. 204.
Listen to him who speaks to you, 187/331.
Lite, 56/830, little.
Litere, 191/435, litter, straw or rushes for beds.
Livery of candles, Nov. 1 to Feb. 2, 205/839. Fr. La Livre des Chanoines. their liverie, or corrodie; their stipend, exhibition, dailie allowance in victuals or money. Cot.
Loaf, small, to be cut in two, 202/735.
Loaves, two to be brought when bread is wanted, 203/781-4.
Lobster. 'Finallie of the legged kinde we have not manie, neither haue I seene anie more of this sort than the Polypus called in English the lobstar, crafish or creuis, and the crab, [q.v.]. Carolus Stephanus in his maison rustique, doubted whether these lobstars be fish or not; and in the end concludeth them to grow of the purgation of the water as dooth the frog, and these also not to be eaten, for that they be strong and verie hard of digestion.' Harrison, v. i. p.224-5.
Lokere, 268/60, ? not look, oversee, superintend, and so oppress; but from Dutch Loker, an allurer, or an inticer, locken, to allure or entise, Hexham; lokken, to allure, bait. Sewel.
Lombard, leche, 48/689; 157/2. See Leche Lombard. 'Frutour lumbert ... Lesshe lumbert.' Oxford dinner, 1452. Reliq. Ant.i. 88.
Look steadily at whoever talks to you, 252/65.
London bushel, 20 loaves out of a, 198/625.
London, Mayor of, 76/1137.
Londoner, an ex-Mayor, 71/1025; 73/1067.
Long hair is unseemely, 213/126.
Long pepper, 153/33.
Longe wortes, 34/518, ?carrots, parsnips, &c.
Lord, a, how dressed, p.61-2; p.168; how undressed and put to bed, p.65-6; p.169; his pew and privy, p.63; washing before dinner, 254/129; after, 257/199. See Hands, &c.
Lord, how to behave before one, 262/3; how to serve one at table, p.275-6.
Lord, let yours drink first, 269/69.
Lord or lady when talking, not to be interrupted, 254/106.
Lordes nurrieris, 71/1039; p.110.
Lords' beds, 191/443.
Lorely, 181/135, loosely about? A.S. leran, lesan, to go forth, away, or forward, leese, lose.
Lothe (be loth to lend), p.258, p.261, line L.
Lothe, 178/48, be disgusted.
Loud talking and laughing to be avoided, 19/290-1.
Loued, 197/600, allowed, given credit for.
Love God and your neighbour, 268/51.
Love, the fruits of, 237/815.
Lowly, be, 229/278.
Lowne, 209/12, lout.
Lowt, 41/579, lie.
Lowte, 262/8, do obeisance, bow.
'I lowte, I gyue reuerence to one, Ie me cambre, Ie luy fais la reuerence.' Palsgrave, in Way.
A.S. hltan, to bow.
Lumpischli, 276/16, 'to be lumpish, botachtigh zijn: botachtigh, Rudish, Blockish, or that hath no understanding.' Hexham.
Lyer, 146/11, ? the cook's stock for soup; glossed 'a mixture' by Mr Morris in Liber Cure Cocorum. And make a lyoure of brede and blode, and lye hit erwithe ... ib. p.32, in 'Gose in a Hogge pot.' ?Lat. liquor, or Fr. lier to soulder, vnite, combine. Cot.
Lyft, p.151, carve.
Lying, against, p.239, cap. xiii.
Lykorous, 19/292, lip-licking?
Lynse wolse, 132/5, linsey-woolsey.
Lynd, 270/61, Du. lindt, soft, milde, or gentle. Hex.
Lyour, 191/446, a band.
Lytulle of worde, 178/34, sparing in speech.
Lyvelode, 74/1087-8, property.
Lyueray, 188/371, pl. lyuers, 189/395, allowances of food, &c. See Livery.
Lyuerey, p.216, No. vii. servant's dress. Fr. livre ... One's cloth, colours, or deuice in colours, worn by his seruants or others. Cotgrave.
Mackerel, 39/559; p.40; p.98; [[41 for 40]] salt, 57/834; how to carve, 40/575-6.
Mackeroone, 96/14, a tart.
Magistrates, their duty, 242/18.
Make, 274/143, stroke?
Malencolicus, p.54; p.104.
Malice, 237/783, 817.
Mallard, 164/28; how to carve it, 26/402; 158/25.
Mallard, &c., how they get rid of their stink, 165/32-3.
Maluesy, 153/20; Malvesyn, 9/120; p.86; p.90, No. 12; p.93, No. 6; the sweet wine Malmsey.
Malyke or Malaga, figs of, 166/18.
Mameny, 49/705; 52/744; recipe at p.145.
Manchet, 198/627, fine bread.
Manerable, 75/1113, well-trained.
Manerly, 13/195; 63/923, neatly.
Maners, 197/601, dwelling-houses, mansions, Fr. manoir, a Mansion, Mannor, or Mannor-house. Cot.
Manger, a horse's, 197/610.
Mangle your food, don't, 256/176-9. 'I mangle a thing, I disfygure it with cuttyng of it in peces or without order. Je mangonne ... and je mutille. You have mangylled this meate horrybly, it is nat to sette afore no honest men (nul homme de bien) nowe.' Palsgrave.
Manners maketh man, 263/34; are more requisite than playing, 233/513.
Man's arms, the use of, 268/38.
Mansuetely, 61/887. Fr. mansuet, gentle, courteous, meeke, mild, humble. Cot.
Mantle, 65/957, cloak or dressing-gown.
Mantle of a whelk, 44/625.
Many words are tedious, 252/75.
Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John, bless yourself by, 181/151.
Marquess and Earl are equal, 70/1012; 72/1049.
Marshal of the Hall, p.69-78, p.170-2; his duties, p.188-90; arrests rebels, 189/381; seats men by their ranks, 189/403; has a short wand, 187/356; attends to all bed-chambers except the lord's, 190/427-30.
Marshal or usher comes up to a guest, 178/30.
Marshallynge, 78/1165, arranging of guests.
Martyn, skin or fur of, for garments, p.139.
Martynet, 157/9; 159/7, the martin (bird).
Mary, the Virgin, 48/691.
Mase, 183/216, makes.
Mass, hear one daily, 266/17.
Mass heard by the nobles every morning, but not by business men, p.130.
Master, don't go before your, 185/281; don't waste his goods, 4/47; 219/9.
Master, don't strive with your, 183/226. Iamais ne gaigne qui plaide son seigneur; ou, qui procede son Maistre. Pro. No man euer throue by suing his Lord or Maister; (for either God blesses not so vndutifull a strife, or successe followes not in so vnequal a match.) Cot.
Master of a craft sits above the warden, &c., 78/1159.
Master of the Rolls, rank of, 70/1017; 72/1060.
Masters, duties of, p.241/6.
Mastic, to be chewed before you rest, p.139.
Maistirs of the Chauncery, rank of, 71/1027; 73/1068.
Mawes, 178/55, mocks; 187/341.
Mawmeny, recipe for, p.145.
Maydelyne gynger, 10/132.
Mayor of Calais, 70/1020; 72/1064.
Mayor of London, 70/1014; 72/1051.
Mays, 194/533, makes.
Mead, p.107.
Meals, 3 a day to be eaten, p.135; only 2 a day, p.141.
Measure is treasure, 232/477.
Mede, 181/135, reward; for no kyn mede, on no account whatever.
Medelus (meddlesome), don't be too, p.258, p.261, line M.
Medicinable bath, how to make, p.67-9.
Meek, don't be too, like a fool, 182/179.
Meene, 261/15, mean, middle course. See Moderation.
Melle, 268/56, mix, meddle.
Men must work, 268/31.
Men, smaller, 197/604, lower officers of the household.
Menewes in sewe of porpas, 166/6; in porpas, 167/35.
Menske, 178/32, civility; 184/234, favour. From A.S. mennisc, human: cf. our double sense of 'humanity.' H. Coleridge. Cp. also 'kind' and 'gentle.'
Menskely, 185/291, moderately.
Menuce, 55/819; menuse, 52/747, minnows.
Meny, 270/88, household.
Merchants, duty of, 242/14; rank of, 71/1037; 73/1071.
Merlynge, 39/558, the fish whiting; 57/834; 166/31.
Mermaid, p.117.
Merry, be, before bed-time, p.128.
Merry, don't be too, p.258, p.261, line M.
Mertenet, 37/542; p.98, the martin; Mertenettes, 49/706.
Mertinet, 28/437; p.95, martin.
Mess, each, at dinner, to be booked at 6d., 190/413.
Mess, who may sit 2 or 3 at a, 72/1055; who 3 or 4, l.1057; who 4 and 4, l.1066.
Message, when sent on, how to behave, p.236, cap. viii.
Mesurabli, p.261, l. , moderate. Mesurably, Mensurate (moderate). Prompt.
Mesure, 8/107, moderation.
Metely, 61/890, meet, fitting.
Metes, 58/845, fish.
Methe, 58/817, mead.
Metheglin, p.107.
Metis, 8/95, vegetables; ib. l.101, food.
Michaelmas to Christmas, feasts from, p.164.
Milk, 8/93. 'Vin sur laict, c'est souhait; laict sur vin, c'est venin.' Prov. Milke before wine, I would twere mine; milke taken after, is poisons daughter. Cot. u. Souhait.
Minnows, p.104; 166/6.
Misereatur, to be learnt, 181/154.
Misty, adj., 62/911.
Mocker, don't be a, 268/59.
Moderation, 8/107; 153/5; 232/477. See Meene. Cp. p.104 of the Old English Homilies, ed. Morris, 1868. 'Brutes eat as soon as they get it, but the wise man shall have times set apart for his meals, and then in reason keep to his regimen.'
Mood, temper, passion.
Morning prayer, p.225.
Morter, 66/968, bed-candle; 160/32; 193/503, a kind of candle used as a night-light. [[160 for 169]] Morter, a Mortarium, a light or taper set in churches, to burn possibly over the graves or shrines of the dead. Cowel. Qu. if not a cake of wax used for that purpose. Note in Brit. Mus. copy of Hawkins's Hist. of Music, ii. 294.
Mortrowes, 35/520; 54/805; 56/827.
Mortrus, 164/31.
Motes, 16/236; 18/272, bits of dust, &c.
Moths in clothes, p.115, last line.
Mought, flesche-, 18/280, flesh-moth, louse. 'Mow[gh]te, clothe wyrme (mouhe, mow, mowghe), Tinea; Mought that eateth clothes, uers de drap.' Palsgrave; A.S. moe. Prompt.
Moughtes, 64/945; p.108, moths.
Mouth, don't eat on both sides of, 179/65.
Mouth, drink not with a full, 255/149; nor speak, 255/152.
Mouth, wipe it before drinking, 255/155.
Mowes (faces), don't make, 277, 278/29. Fr. 'Monnoye de Singe. Moes, mumps, mouthes; also, friskes, leaps, gambolls.... Mopping, mumping, mowing; also friskes, gambolls, tumbling tricks.' Cotgrave.
Mowynge, 278/29; 19/291; making faces in derision, grimacing; 'mowe or skorne,' vangia vel valgia. Pr. Parv.
Mullet, 58/841, 850; 166/13.
Mulus, a sea-fish, p.119.
Muscadelle, 9/118; p.89, No. 6; 153/21, a sweet wine.
Musclade is Span. mezclada, mixture. Ital. mescolanza is used, in Genoa at least, for a fry of small fish. —H.H. Gibbs. Minsheu has mzela, mscla or mezcladura, a medlie, mingling. [[entry added by editor]]
Musclade of almonds, 55/821; in wortes, 55/821; 167/34; of minnows, 50/719.
Muscles (fish), 55/819; p.107; p.116.
Musculade, 166/6; 167/34.
Musculus, the cocke of balena, p.119.
Mustard, 48/686; p.100; 54/796; 58/843; 159/33.
Mustard and sugar, the sauce for pheasants, &c., 36/538.
Mustard for brawn, &c., 36/533; with fish, 59/853; with salt fish, 38/557; 57/832.
Mustela, the see-wesyll, p.119.
Mutton, 48/688; p.105. 'The moton boyled is of nature and complexion sanguyne, the whiche, to my jugement, is holsome for your grace.' Du Guez, p.1071.
Mutton, salt, to be eaten with mustard, 36/533; stewed, 54/798.
Mutton, loin of, how to carve, 25/393.
Mylet, 51/735, mullet.
Myllewelle, the fish, 38/555; 50/723.
My, 199/666, less.
Mynce, p.151, carve.
Mynse, 26/400, mince.
Mysloset, 183/208, ? mispraised or misgoing, misleading.
Mystere, 199/639, craft, service.
Nails to be clean, 265/10; 277-8/22; 18/270; not to be picked at meals, 255/150; to be kept from blackness, 277-8/49.
Nape in the neck, the cony's to be cut out, 29/455.
Nape, 199/659, tablecloth.
Naper, 199/642, napry, table-cloths and linen; /656, table-cloth.
Napery, 4/61.
Nature, all soups not made by, are bad, 35/523.
Neckweed, p.124, a hempen halter.
Neck-towel, 13/194; p.92; [[82 for 92]] to wipe knives on, 201/727.
Neghe, 178/25, eye.
Neeze, 211/61, sneeze.
Nereids, p.119; p.115.
Nesch{e}, 45/644, tender; 67/985, soft.
Newfangled, don't be, 258/13.
Nice, 33/508, foolish.
Nice, don't be too, p.258, p.261, line N.
Night-cap to be of scarlet stuff, p.129; must have a hole in the top, to let the vapour out, p.137.
Night-gown, 193/483.
No fixed time for meals, p.141.
Noble Lyfe and Natures of Man, &c., by Laurens Andrewe, p.113, &c. &c.
Nombles, 35/521; see Promptorium, p.360, note 1.
Nombles of a dere, 159/29, entrails, from umbilicus.
Noon, dinner at, 254/128.
Norture, give your heart to it, 275, 276/5.
Nose, don't blow it on your dinner napkin, 263/53; when you blow it on your fingers, wipe 'em, 179/90.
Nose, don't pick it, 275, 276/12; at meals, 255/150; at table, 267/38.
Nose not to be wiped, 274/141; not to be wiped on your cap, &c., 210/47-52.
Nose-napkin, 226/94.
Nottys, 6/78; p.85, nuts.
Nowelte, 53/784, novelty.
Nown{e}, 179/87, own.
Nurrieris, 71/1039; p.110.
Nurture, 45/651, correct way.
Nurture makes a man, 263/34, 30; needful for every one, 177/4.
Nurtured, pray to be, 254/117.
Nuts, 152/19, 20.
Nyen, 180/116, eyes.
Oaths, hate 'em, p.258, p.261, line O.
Oats, green, in a bath, 69/995.
Ob. 198/620, halfpence.
Obedient, servants to be, p.207, No. vi. [[207 for 216]]
Office, 202/738, mark of office?
Officers in Lords' courts, 187/327.
Officers, their duty, 242/19.
Officers of shires, cities, and boroughs, their ranks to be understood, 76/1130-2.
Onions with salt lamprey, 40/569; p.198.
Onone, 196/591, anon, at once.
Open-clawed birds to be cooked like a capon, 164/23.
Opon, 196/580, up in?, about, over.
Opponents, answer them meekly, 186/311.
Orchun, a sea-monster, p.120.
Order in speech, keep, 235/696.
Orders of chastity and poverty, monks, rank of, 71/1030.
Orped, 258/14; p.261, l. O, daring; orpud audax, bellipotens. Pr. Parv.
Oryent (jelly), 52/746, bright.
Osey, 153/19; p.206, a sweet wine.
Osprey, how to carve, 26/402; p.95.
Osulle, 28/438, the blackbird.
Ouemast, 200/671, uppermost.
Ouerwart (don't be), p.258, p.261, l. O; Fr. Pervers, peruerse, crosse, aukeward, ouerthwart, skittish, froward, vntoward. Cot.
Oyster, p.120.
Oysters in ceuy (chive sauce), 55/822, and grauey; 167/34.
Ox; he is a companionable beast, p.105.
Oxen, three in a plough never draw well, 185/287.
Ozey, 9/119; p.90, No. 10, a sweet wine.
Page, the King's, 75/1123.
Pagrus, a fish, p.120.
Pale, 101/16, grow pale? [[101 for 153]]
Palettis, 197/435, pallets, beds of straw or rushes.
Palled, 13/183, stale, dead.
Panter, 200/667.
Pantere, 3/40; pantrer, 190/405, 425; originally the keeper and cutter-up of bread, see his duties, p.4; 'Panetier, a Pantler.' Cot. His duties, to lay the bread, knives, &c., 200/667.
Panter and butler, p.208, No. xii. [[208 for 217]]
Pantry, 193/499.
Paraunce, heiers of, 193/497, heirs apparent.
Parelle, 23/343, 'the thoer parte' in Sloane MS. 1315.
Parents, salute them, 226/71; 229/294; wait on 'em at table, 230/337. 'What man he is your father, you ought to make courtesye to hym all though you shulde mete hym twenty tymes a daye.' Palsgrave, ed. 1852, p.622, col. 1.
Paris, candles of, 205/836.
Parish priests, rank of, 71/1032.
Parker, 196/589; 197/599, park-keeper.
Parsley roots, 56/826.
Parsons, the duty of, 242/10; rank of, 71/1031; 73/1069.
Partridge, 49/697; p.103; how to carve, 25/397; 26/417; or wynge, p.161.
Partridge, with mustard and sugar, 36/538.
Passage, 33/507, ? passage through the bowels, or passing out of the world.
Past, 203/773, pasty.
Pastey of venison, &c., 31/490.
Pasty, lamprey, 44/631; p.100.
Patentis, 196/566, letters patent, grants, gifts by deed.
Paternoster, 181/145.
Patience, the fruits of, 237/821.
Pavilowne, 73/1079, pavilion, tent.
Payne puff, 32/497, a kind of pie, 49/699; 157/7; 163/32.
Peacock in hakille ryally, 49/695; p.103.
Peacock, 28/433; and tail, 157/5. as to his voice, see Roberts's Fables Indits, T.Wright's Piers Plowman, ii. 548. [[reference added by editor]]
Pearl-muscle, the, p.117.
Pearl-oyster, p.120.
Pearls from your nose, do not drop, 18/283.
Pears, 52/757; 55/813; 57/826; 152/19. 'Apres la poire, le vin ou le prestre. Prov. After a (cold) Peare, either drinke wine to concoct it, or send for the Priest to confesse you.' Cot.
Peas and bacon, 25/392; 34/518.
Peautre, 153/28, pewter; cp. Margaret Paston's Letter, Dec., between 1461 and 1466, modernized ed. 1841, v. 1, p.159. 'Also, if ye be at home this Christmas, it were well done ye should do purvey a garnish or twain of pewter vessell, two basins and two ewers, and twelve candlesticks, for ye have too few of any of these to serve this place.' Orig. ed. vol. iv. p.107, Letter xxx.
Pece, 203/792, cup.
Peck of oats a day for a horse, 197/608.
Pecocke of the se, p.120.
Pecten, a fish that winks, p.120.
Peeres, 6/78, 80, pears.
Pegyll sauce, 165/4; p.174.
A malard of the downghyll ys good y-nogh for me wythe plesaunt pykle, or yt ys elles poyson, perde. Piers of Fullham, l.196-7. E. Pop. P. vol. 2, p.9.
Pen, paper, and ink, to be taken to school, 217/116. [[217 for 227]]
Pentecost to Midsummer, feasts from, 163/13.
Pepper, 58/843, eaten with beef and goose, 36/536.
Pepyns, 6/79; p.85, pippins. Fr. pepin-perc, (The name of) a certaine drie sweet apple. Cot.
Percely, 168/1, parsley.
Perceue, 62/917, look to, see.
Perch, 56/824; 58/850.
Perch (percus), p.120.
Perch in jelly, 50/707; 52/746; 157/9; 166/16.
Perche, 10/128; 11/146, suspended frame or rod.
Perche, to hang cloths on, 152/14.
Perche for ypocras strainers, 153/26.
Percher, 66/968, a kind of candle.
Perchers, 192/467; Perchoures, 169/32; 205/826, candles, lights.
Per-crucis, the, 181/152.
Peregalle, 70/1010, quite equal.
Pereles, 72/1231, peerless, without equal.
Pericles, the advice of, 238/891.
Peritory, 67/991.
Perueys, or perneys, 32/499; p.96, a sweet pie.
Peson, 37/547.
Peson and porpoise, good potage, 50/720.
Pessene, 166/23, peason, pease-broth?
Pestelles, 164/11, 28, legs. Pestle is a hock, Fr. Faucille (in a horse), the bought or pestle of the thigh. Cot.
Pestilence, silk and skins not to be worn during, p.139.
Petipetes, or pety-pettys, p.32, note 2; l.499, note 3. 'Petipetes, are Pies made of Carps and Eels first roasted, and then minced, and with Spices made up in Pies.' R. Holme.
Petycote, 60/872; 61/891; 168/22, 30. Randle Holme, Bk III., chap. ii. xxvii., p.19, col. 1, says, 'He beareth Argent, a Semeare, Gules; Sleeves faced or turned up, Or Petty-Coat Azure; the skirt or bottom Laced, or Imbrauthered of the third. This is a kind of loose Garment without, and stiffe Bodies under them, & was a great fashion for Women about the year 1676. Some call them Mantua's; they have very short Sleeves, nay, some of the Gallants of the times, have the Sleeves gathered up to the top of the Shoulders and there stayed, or fastned with a Button and Loope, or set with a rich Jewel.' He gives a drawing of it two pages before.
Petycote of scarlet over the skirt, p.131.
Pety peruaunt, 32/note 2; 96/xx. [[linenote 500]]
Pety perueis, or perneis, 50/707; 52/748.
Petyperuys, 157/9.
Pewter basons, 153/28.
Pheasant, how to carve, 27/417; to alaye or carve, p.161.
Pheasant to be cooked dry, and eaten with ginger, 163/17; [[163 for 164]] with mustard and sugar, 36/538; stewed, 48/688; p.101.
Pick not your nose, teeth, or nails, 255/150; 18/283. See Nose, &c.
Pick not your teeth with your knife, 277, 278/42.
Pick yourself, don't, 276/14.
Pick your teeth with a knife, or fingers, don't, 180/93.
Pie, how to carve a, 31/482.
Pie, 203/773.
Pig, how to carve, 28/446; 48/689; roast, 54/801.
Pig and ginger sauce, 36/537.
Pig's feet, 161/9.
Pigeon, 28/438; baked, 29/491; roast, 54/808.
Pight, 76/1134, placed.
Pigmies, p.102, note.
Pike, 50/724; p.119; 57/839; how to carve, 39/562; p.164, last line; colice of, 56/824. [[164 for 166]]
Pike, names of a, p.99.
Pike not your nose, 18/283.
Pilgrimages vowed, to be performed, 183/201.
Pillow, 53/925; 66/965.
Piment, 153/22, a sweet wine. See Notes to Russell, p.86-8.
Pincernarius, 190/422-3, butler.
Pinions indigestible, 24/363.
Pinna, a fish, p.120.
Pippins, 50/713; 152/25.
Pistor, 198/622-3, the baker.
Plaice, p.120; how to carve, 40/570; 167/3.
Plaice with wine, 57/839.
Planer, 4/58, (ivory) smoother (for salt); 152/9.
Platere, 26/408; plater, 44/633, platter.
Playes, 204/818, folds.
Pli[gh]t, 16/242, fold.
Plite, 28/434, manner.
Plommys, 6/77, plums.
Plover, 36/539; p.97; 49/697; p.158, last line; 165/1.
Seththe sche brou[gh]t hom in haste Ploverys poudryd in paste. Sir Degrevant, p.235, l.1402.
Plover, how to carve, 27/417; to mynce or carve, p.163.
Plummets of lead, 131/4.
Plums, 46/668; 152/20.
Plyed, 200/690, folded.
Plyte, 155/31, plait.
Points, truss your masters, 62/898. To truss ... the points was to tie the laces which supported the hose or breeches. Nares.
Polippus, a fish, p.117, p.120.
Pommander, p.141, a kind of perfume made up in a ball and worn about the person. See recipes in Halliwell's Gloss.
Poor, think of them first, 265/16.
Poor men, their duty, 242/17.
Pope has no peer, 70/1006; 72/1045; his father or mother is not equal to him, 74/1097-1104.
Pork, 164/12, 28, 30, 32.
Porpoise, 41/582; 55/823; p.97, note on l.533.
Porpoise, fresh, 58/849; salt, 38/548; 57/835; 166/25.
Portenaunce, 161/9, belongings, an animal's intestines. Palsgrave (in Halliwell).
Porter at the gate, 177/6; to have the longest wand, 187/355; his duties and perquisites, p.188.
Port-payne, 17/262; p.93; a cloth for carrying bread. Cp. 'en brede he brynges, in towell{e} wrythy,' 200/685; cp. 203/784.
Possate, 8/94; p.85; posset, 152/33.
Post, don't lean against it, 253/82; 275/9; 276/10; 186/325.
Potage, 34/516-17; p.102; 49/693; 52/745; 56/829; 159/30; 164/10, 13.
Potage to be served after brawn, 48/687; p.102;
'physicions ben of opynyon that one ought to begyn the meate of vitayle (uiandes liquides) to thende that by that means to gyve direction to the remenant.' 1532-3. Giles du Guez's Introductorie, ed. 1852, p.1071.
Potage, how assayed, 203/765; how to be supped, 234/443-50; to be supped quietly, 179/70; eat it with a spoon, don't sup it, 255/144.
Potelle, 11/148, a liquid measure.
Potestate, 62/915, man of power, noble.
Pouder, 167/16, ? ginger or pepper.
Poudre, 164/22, ? ginger, see l.19.
Poudres, 163/17, spices?
Powche, 33/501, ? poached-egg, p.96, 49/700.
Powder, 42/589, 597; ? salt & spice, 43/620. The Forme of Cury mentions 'powdour fort,' p.15, p.24, and 'powdo{ur} douce,' p.12, p.14, p.25. Pegge, Pref. xxix., 'I take powder-douce to be either powder of galyngal (for see Editor's MS. II. 20, 24;) or a compound made of sundry aromatic spices ground or beaten small, and kept always ready at hand in some proper receptacle. It is otherwise termed good powders, 83. 130. and in Editor's MS. 17. 37. 38 (but see the next article,) or powder simply No. 169. 170. (p.76), and p.103, No. xxxv.'
Powder, 40/573, ? not sprinkle verb, but brine or salt sb.
Powders for sauce, 26/412.
Powdred, 36/533; p.97, salted. Dutch besprenght vleesch, Powdered or Salted meate. Hexham. Cotgrave has 'Piece de laboureur sal. A peece of powdered beefe. Salant ... salting; powdering or seasoning with salt. Charnier, a poudering tub. Saliere ... a salt-seller, also, a powdering house.' 'Item that theire be no White Salt [see p.30] occupied in my Lordis Hous withowt it be for the Pantre, or for castyng upon meit, or for seasonynge of meate.' North. Hous. Book, p.57. The other salt was the Bay-Saltt of p.32. 'Poudred Eales or Lamprons 1 mess. 12d.' H.Ord. p.175.
Powdur, 57/838; 58/847, ? blanche powder. Fr. 'Pouldre blanche, A powder compounded of Ginger, Cinnamon, and Nutmegs; much in vse among Cookes.' Cotgrave.
Powt not, 19/294.
Praised, when, rise up and return thanks, 253/104.
Praising (flattering), don't be, p.259, p.261, line P.
Pray, pp. 137, 140.
Prayer, morning, p.225; evening, p.240.
Prayer, the best, 254/117-19.
Prayers to be said, p.135.
Precedence, the degrees of, p.70-78; p.110.
Prechoure of pardon; rank of one, 71/1028; 73/1069.
Precious stone, to be worn in a ring, p.141.
Preket, 193/510, ? not a spike to stick a light on, but a kind of candle. See note 3 on 214/825. One of the said groomes of the privy chamber to carry to the chaundrie all the remaine of morters, torches, quarries, pricketts, wholly and intirely, withoute imbesseling or purloyning any parte thereof. H.Ord. p.157. [[214 for 205]]
Prelates, the duty of, 241/3.
Press up among the gentlefolk, don't, 262/25.
Press not too high, 277, 278/25.
Prest, 28/434; preste, 254/115; ready.
Prestly, 62/910, readily.
Pricks, Pref. p. ci.-ciii.; Sp. fil, the pinne set at buts or pricks which archers measure to. Minsheu. [[Citation could not be identified.]]
Priest, don't blame him, 184/244.
Primate of England, 73/1082.
Prince, rank of a, 70/1009.
Princes & dukes, don't be privy with them, p.259, p.261, line P.
Princes, the duty of, 241/1.
Prior of a Cathedral, 70/1015; simple, l.1016; 72/1059; the ranks of.
Priors of Canterbury & Dudley not to mess together, 77/1145-8.
Private dinners and suppers not to be allowed, p.218, No. xvii.
Privehouse, 63/931, privy (to be kept clean).
Privy members not to be exposed, 20/305; 213/141; or clawed, 19/286.
Privy seat, cover it with green cloth, 169/21.
Promises, keep your, 268/48.
Property, the difference it makes in the way men of the same rank are to be treated, p.76-7.
Prothonat, p.170; prothonotary, 72/1063.
Prouande, 197/605; provender, forage for horses, used in l.608 for oats.
Provyncialle, 70/1021; 72/1062; ? governor of a province.
Prow, 271/86, advantage, duty, the correct thing to do.
Prowe, 16/236; advantage.
Prowl not for fleshmoths in your head, 18/280.
Puff not, 20/303.
Pullets, p.164, last line.
Pulter, 196/581. Fr. Poullailler, a Poulter or keeper of pullaine. Cot.
Purpayne, 154/11. See Port-payne.
Purpose, 50/720, porpoise; roasted on coals, 50/724.
Purveyde, 252/71, provided beforehand.
Pyment, 9/118; p.97, No. 4; p.96, a sweet wine. [[97, 96 for 87, 86]]
Pyndynge, 33/507, tormenting, torturing, A.S. pinan.
Pyntill, a whelk's, 44/625.
Quail, to wynge or carve, p.162.
Quails, 28/437; 37/544; p.98; 49/706.
Quarelose, p.261, l. Q, querulous; Quarel, or querel, or playnt, Querela. Prompt.
Quarell (square) of a glasse wyndowe, p.131, last line.
Queder, 201/715, whether of two; neuer e queder, never mind which of the two?
Queeme, p.261, l. Q; A.S. cweman, to please.
Quelmes, 201/703, covers.
Queneborow, the Mayor of, not to be put beside the Mayor of London, 76/1138.
Quere, 200/693, circle?
Questions, three, to ask your companions, 186/299.
Queynt, don't be, p.259, p.261, l.2.
Quick in serving, be, 279, 280/61.
Quinces, 56/826; baked, 50/708; in sirup, 168/1.
Quosshyns, 63/924, cushions.
Qweche, 186/301, who, what.
Qwyle, 190/431, while.
Qwysshenes, 192/456, cushions for a bed, ? pillows.
Qwyte, 201/701, white.
Rabettes sowkers, 29/457; p.95; 49/697, sucking rabbits.
Rack for horses, 197/610.
Rage not too much, 259/17; p.261, l. R.
Rage, p.264, l.76, break bounds, riot.
Rain, the peacock's cry a token of, p.103, note on Peacock.
Raisins, 5/74; 152/21.
Rakke, 9/115, rake, go, move, Sw. rcka, to stretch or reach to. Wedgwood, u. rake. [[ written as e over a]]
Rash and reckless, be not, 19/296.
Raspise, 9/118; p.88; [[98 for 88]] raspys, 153/21, a sweet wine. All maner of wynes be made of grapes, excepte respyce, the whiche is made of a berye. —A. Borde, Dyetary of Wynes, sign. F. i. [[reference added by editor]]
Raw fruits are bad, 8/97; 152/35.
Ready to serve, always be, 254/110, 115.
Raynes, towaile of, 14/213; p.92. Rennes, in Brittany.
What avayleth now my feather bedds soft? Sheets of Raynes, long, large, and wide, And dyvers devyses of clothes chaynged oft. Metrical Visions, by George Cavendish, in his Life of Wolsey, ed. Singer, ii. 17.
In Sir Degrevant the cloths are 'Towellys of Eylyssham, Why[gh]th as the seeys fame,' 225/1385.
Reason, be ruled by, 219/2; 234/627.
Rebels in court to be arrested, 189/382.
Reboyle, 8/110; 9/113; p.86; 153/9, ferment and bubble out of a cask.
Reboyle, 8/115, fermentation.
Rechy, 23/359, ? causing belches.
Receiver of rents, forfeits, &c., the, 196/575, 587; his duties, p.197.
Receyte, 154/17, sediment, dregs.
Receytes, 33/508, takings-in, stuffing themselves with choice dishes.
Red landlord or landlady, don't go to any, 186/307.
Red wyne, properties of, 10/140.
Refet, 167/8, fish entrails, roe, &c.
Refett, 40/576; p.99; ? roe, 57/839; p.108.
Regardes, 52/756, things to look at.
Rehete, 256/171; Fr. rehaiter, to reuiue, reioyce, cheere vp exceedingly; Cotgrave. 'ranimer, rjouir, refaire.' Burguy.
Rekles, richelees, 275, 276/6, careless.
Remelant, 178/52, remnant.
Removing from castle to castle, 188/373.
Remyssailes, 277/48, ? pieces put on; Fr. remettre, to com{m}it or put vnto. Cot. leavings. [[definition added by editor]]
Renners, 10/127, strainers; 153/27; 154/15.
Renysshe wine, 153/20, Rhenish.
Sche brou[gh]the hem Vernage and Crete, And wyne of the Reyne, l.1704. And evere sche drow hem the wyn, Bothe the Roche and the Reyn, And the good Malvesyn, l.1415. Sir Degrevant, Thornton Romances.
Repairs of castles, &c., the Receiver sees to, 197/601.
Repeat gossip and secrets, don't, 264/78.
Replye, 199/661, fold back.
Reprove no man, 264/67.
Rere, p.151, carve; 202/754, raise, lift up.
Rerynge, 26/399, cutting.
Resayue, 196/575, receive.
Resceu, 195/542, received.
Residencers, rank of, 73/1069.
Resty, 13/359, mouldy, as rusty bacon, wheat, &c., 156/6. [[156 for 158]]
Retch not, 18/271.
Revelling, don't be, 259/17; p.261, l. R.
Revengeful, don't be, 259/20; p.261, l. V. [[Second citation unidentified: word does not occur in The ABC of Aristotle.]]
Reverence thy fellows, 279, 280/67.
Rewarde, 190/421, 418, name of the second supply of bread at table.
Rewe, A.S. hrewan, to rue, repent; hrewian, to feel grieved, be sorry for.
Reynes, 155/14. See Raynes.
Reynes, a kercher of, 169/28.
Reyse, p.158, last line, cut off; 159/14. 'how many bestis berith lether, and how many skyn? Alle that be ... arracies, that is to say, the skyn pullyd ovyr the hed, beryth skyn.' Twety, in Rel. Ant., i. 152.
Reysons, 5/74, raisins; 152/21.
Rialte, 59/858, royalty, courtly customs?
Ribaldry, avoid, 264/76; don't talk, 277, 278/44.
Rice, standing and liquid, 56/827-8; standing, 168/2.
Rich, their duty, 242/16.
Right hand, the carver's, not to touch the food, 22/327.
Right shoulder after your better's back, 264/85.
Right side, sleep on it first, p.129.
Righteousness, the reward of, 182/181.
Riotous, don't be, 259/17; p.261, l. R.
Rise when your lord gives you his cup, 254/120.
Rise early, 266/11; 226/58.
Rising, what to do on, p.130, 133.
River-birds, p.165. 'And all foules (uolatilles) and byrdes of water (riuires), as ben swannes, gese, malardes, teales, herons, bytters (butors), and all suche byrdes ben of nature melancolyke, lesse neverthelesse rosted then boyled.' Du Guez, p.1071.
River water in sauce, 36/540.
Roach, 40/574; p.98; 58/841, 849.
But in stede of sturgen or lamprons he drawyth vp a gurnerd or gogeons, kodlynges, konger, or suche queyse fysche As wolwyche roches that be not worth a rusche.
Piers of Fullham, l.17-20, E. Pop. P., v. 2, p.3.
Roast apples and pears, 152/26.
Roast beef; garlic its sauce, 36/536.
Roast porpoise, 166/8.
Rob, 187/327, rub.
Robe, 62/908.
Robbe d'autruy ne fait honneur nulluy: Prov. No apparell can truly grace him that owes [=owns] it not. Cotgrave, u. Autruy.
Robes; yeomen and servants to wear, p.216, No. vii.
Roche alum, p.134.
Rochet, 167/5; p.174, roach. 'Rutilus, the Roach or Rochet; a Fish.' Phillips.
Rods, four officers to bear, 187/353.
Romney modoun, 8/96, 104; 9/116, 119; p.86; p.89, note 7 and 6; 152/34; 153/3, 21.
Roppes, 34/512, bowels.
Rose, coloured, 153/14, a wine? 'Eau clairette. A water (made of Aquauite, Cinnamon, Sugar, and old red Rose water) excellent against all the diseases of the Matrix.' Cot.
Rosewater, 135/2; p.139; after a bath, 67/985.
Roughe, 45/644, roe.
Rovnynge, 253/95, whispering.
Rounde, 269/54; Fr. suroreiller, to round, or whisper in the eare. Cot.
Rownyng, 184/250, whispering.
Rub yourself every day, p.133; p.138, 139, 142.
Rub yourself, don't, 275/14.
Rub your teeth, p.133.
Rubus, a fish, p.121.
Ruffelynge, 16/250, ruffling.
Rumbus, a fish, p.120.
Russell, John: his Boke of Nurture, p.1-83; describes his position and training, p.79, 81, 82.
Rybbewort, 68/992.
Ryme, 193/507 ? haste; A.S. hrm, hrm is soot; rm, room, space; ryman, to make room, give place, make way. Bosworth.
Ryoche, a fish, p.121.
Sad, 276/17, steady, fixed.
Saddles, old, for yeomen, 197/613.
Sadly, 43/621, quietly?
Sadnes, 21/308, sobriety.
Saffron, capons coloured with, 161/1.
Sage, fruture, 50/708.
Salads, 8/97; green, are bad, 152/35. 'He that wine drinkes not after a (cold) sallate, his health indangers (and does wrong to his pallate).' Cot. See a recipe for Salat of 14 vegetables, &c., in The Forme of Cury, p.41, No. 76.
Sale, 178/44, hall.
Salens, 166/8; p.174, a fish.
Salere, 256/159; saller, 200/670; Fr. saliere, a salt-cellar, a table or trencher salt. Cot.
Salmon, 41/583; 57/833; p.121; 167/10.
Salmon bellows, 50/179; salted, 38/555.
Salmon's belly, 55/823.
Salpa, a fish, p.121.
Salt to be white, 4/57; put some on your trencher, 256/161; take it with your knife, 279, 280/65; 232/440; don't dip meat into it, 267/29. See Saltcellar.
Salt as sauce, p.161-2.
Salt and wine, fresh-herring sauce, 45/645.
Salt fish and salmon, 166/30.
Salt-fish, how to serve up, p.38-9.
Saltcellar, 14/199; 155/1, 3.
Saltcellar, dip no food into it, 256/159; 267/29; 181/129.
Salt-sellere, 4/60, salt-cellar.
Salute thy school-master and -fellows, 227/150-4.
Samoun bellows, 50/719.
Sanguineus or Spring, 51/729; p.104; 53/769, 787.
Sans, 63/922, sense, smell.
Saphire, 141/7.
Sarcell (Fr. cercelle, (the water-fowle called) a Teale, Cot.), how to breke or carve, p.163.
Sargeaunt of law, rank of, 71/1026; 73/1067.
Satchell for school-books, 226/110; 227/160.
Satin, a lord's cloak of, 62/914.
Sauce, p.151, carve.
Sauces for flesh, p.35-7; for fish, p.56-9; 166/4; for fowles, p.159; for the second course of a dinner, p.163.
Sauerly, 26/415, as if he liked it.
Sawcere, 32/495.
Sawge, 33/501, ? sage.
Say, fruyter, 159/24; p.173.
Sayed, 193/495, 498, tried, tasted against poison.
Sayes, 202/764, assays, tastes.
Sayntis, 183/201, saints' shrines.
Scabiose, 69/994; p.109.
Scandal, don't talk, 272/99.
Scarlet, 62/914, scarlet stuff or cloth.
Schone, 196/590, shall.
Schyn, shall, 197/607.
School, boy going to, how to behave, p.227; what to learn at, p.181, The Second Book.
School, go to, after dinner, 209/19.
Schrubbynge, 20/300, rub, scrub.
Schyuer, 200/692, slice; "schyvyr, fissula, abscindula." Prompt.
Scilla, a sea-monster, p.121.
Scissors for candle-snuff, 205/829.
Scorn no one, 253/100; 264/65.
Scorn not the poor, 268/57.
Scoring on a rod the messes for dinner, 190/407; done to check the cook, 190/415.
Scorning to be avoided, 19/291.
Scorpion of the sea, p.122.
Scratch yourself before your lord, don't, 276/14.
Screen in hall, 178/28.
Screens against heat to be provided, 192/462.
Sea-bull (focas), p.118.
Seager's Schoole of Vertue, p.221-43; Pref. to Russell, p. lxxviii.
Seal, 55/823; 166/13; 167/35.
Seal? ([gh]ele), 38/548; 39/583.
Sea-mouse, p.119.
Sea-snails, p.116.
Seaward, 45/642, just from the sea.
Seche, 21/315, carve certain birds?
Secrets, don't tell 'em to a shrew, 184/245.
Seeke, 9/116, sick, (wine) out of condition.
Seew, 280/57, ? a stew; sew, cepulatum. Prompt. See Sewes.
Sege, 65/954, evacuating oneself; p.63, note 2.
Seluage, 199/657, 661, edge of a table-cloth.
Semblaunt, 183/192, seeming, countenance.
Semble, 76/1140, putting together.
Semethe, 43/621, seems good to, it pleases.
Sen, 250/3, since.
Sendell, 62/914, a fine silk stuff; Fr. cendal. H. Coleridge.
Seneschallus, 194/520-1, the steward.
Sentory, 68/992, centaury.
Seneca's advice, 238/887.
Sere, 256/164; 185/262, several, different.
Serjeant of arms, rank of, 71/1034.
Serra, a fish, p.121. [[71 for 121]]
Seruice, 278, 277/26, food served to a person, allowance.
Servants, duties of, p.215; 241/7.
Servants to sit at meals together, not here 4 and there 3, p.216, No. ix.
Server with the dishes, follows the steward, 194/532.
Service to be fairly to all, p.217, No. xiii.
Serving at table, how to behave when, p.229-31.
Servitors to carry dishes to the dinner-table, 49/682-3.
Set not an hawe, 8/99, value not a haw.
Sewe, p.146; 164/31, ? stew.
Sewe, 55/819, course.
Sewere, 45/654, 657, the arranger of dishes on a table. Du. een opperste Tafel-dienaer, A Master-suer, or a Stuard that sets the courses or messes of meate on the table. Hexham.
Sewer, his duties, p.46-7; p.156-7.
Sewes (service, courses), on fish-dayes, p.55.
Sewes, 154/17, stews or dishes of food?
Sewes, 33/509; 35/523, soups or stews.
Sewynge, borde or table of, 156/26, serving-up.
Sewynge of flesshe, p.156.
Sewynge, in, 51/734, serving, course; ? not inseuynge, ensuing.
Shall, 169/14, for shake. See Pref. p. lxxxix. l.5.
Shame the reward of lying, 240/960.
Share with your fellows, 270/95; 277, 278/47.
Share fairly a joint gift, 183/197.
Sheets to be clean, 63/922; to be sweet and clean, 169/14.
Shene, 198/622, fair, beautiful.
Shewethe, 45/657, arranges courses and dishes.
Shirt, a clean, 60/871; 168/22; to be warmed, l.25.
Shirt-collar, 226/85.
Shoes to be clean, 226/92; servants not to wear old ones, p.216, No. vii.
Shoeing horses, a day for, 197/616.
Sho, shoes, 60/874; 65/961.
Shore, a-; Shaylyng with the knees togyther, and the fete a sonder, a eschais. Palsgrave, p.841, col. 2. Fauquet, A shaling wry-legd fellow. Cotgrave.
Short word, the first, is generally true, 183/211.
Shovelar, Shoveller, 28/433; 37/541; p.98, 157/6, the bird.
Show out thy visage, 279, 280/75.
Shrimps, how to serve up, 45/646-9; 52/748; 56/824; 58/850; 167/32.
Shrukkynge, 19/287, shrugging. Schruggyn, frigulo. Prompt.
Shyn, shall, 191/435.
Sicurly, 73/1080, surely, certainly.
Side, 16/248, breadth.
Sigh not before your lord, 19/297.
Signet, 36/535, cygnet, swanling.
Skyft, 183/198. A.S. scyft, division; scyftan, to divide.
Skyfted of, 189/402, shifted off.
Silence fittest for a child at table, 232/489.
Silent, be, 209/8; while your lord drinks, 253/92.
Silk to be worn in summer, p.133.
Silk garments, p.139.
Silver, the dishes of, 202/757.
Silver given away by the almoner as he rides, 202/743.
Sinews indigestible, 24/362.
Siren or Mermaid, 'a dedely beste,' p.121-2.
Sirippe, 51/733, syrup.
Sireppis, 33/509; 35/524, syrops, t.i. stews or gravies.
Siruppe, 25/397; 26/400; sauce for partridges, &c.
Sit, don't, till bidden, 265/14; 270/89; sit properly, 214/149; sit down when you're told to, 253/97; and where you're told, 270/91; 187/345. Il se peut seoir sans contredit qui se met l ou son hoste luy dit: Prov. He needs not feare to be chidden that sits where he is bidden; (the like is) Il se peut bien seoir a table quand le maistre luy commande: Prov. Well may he sit him downe whom he that may sets downe.
Sixpence, the value of each mess at dinner, 190/413.
Sixpence the receiver's fee, 197/598.
Skynnery, 64/946, skins, furs.
Skins, indigestible, 24/367; of cloven-footed birds not wholesome, 165/28; to be cut off boiled flesh, 165/7; to be pared off salt fish, 38/553.
Skins the huntsman's perquisite, 198/636.
Skirt of a man's dress, 179/91.
Slake, appease; A.S. slacian, to slacken.
Slake, 31/483-4, cut.
Slander, don't talk, 180/101.
Sleep at mid-day not wholesome, 65/952.
Sleep, how much to be taken, 130/5; evils of too much, 226/54.
Slegh, 186/300, cunning, careful.
Sling, p.19, note; blow your nose with and through your fingers. 'Still in use in America.' G.P. Marsh.
Slippers brown as the waterleech, 60/874; 67/987; 168/31.
Slutt, 42/590, awkward animal.
Smack your lips, don't, 232/455.
Small pieces, eat, 267/37.
Smallache, 68/993.
Small birds, how to carve, 30/473.
Sneeze; turn your back to people when you sneeze, 211/61.
Smaragd (an emerald) good against falling-sickness, p.141.
Snetyng, p.262, l.19, snotting, wiping your nose with your fingers. 'Mouchement: u. A snyting, or wiping of the nose.' Cot.
Sniff not too loud, 18/284.
Snite not (blow with your fingers) your nose too loud, 18/284. 'Deux pour vn. The Snyte-knave; tearmed so, because two of them are worth but one good Snyte.' Cotgrave. 'To Snite. To wipe, or slap. Snite his snitch; wipe his nose, i.e. give him a good knock.' 1796. Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue.
Snyte or snipe, how to carve, 27/421; p.163; 37/544; 98/2; 49/706; p.104; 165/3.
Snuff of candles taken away with scissors, 205/829.
Snuffers, 205/830.
Snuffle, don't, 211/57.
Socks, 60/873; 61/894; 62/895; 65/961; 67/987; 130/12.
Socrates wiped his nose on his cap, a bad example, 210/45.
Soil the cloth, don't, 255/147.
Solaris, a fish, p.122.
Soles, 40/578; 50/724; p.122; 58/841.
Soleyn, 50/709, solemn.
Solopendria, a fish, p.122.
Somet, 194/540, summed.
Somon, 51/733, salmon.
Sops, 33/509.
Sore, 178/42, sorrow, pain.
Sorrel with goose, 164/2.
Sotelte, 202/758, dodge, way.
Sotelte, a device after each course of a dinner, 48/690; 49/702; 50/710; 52/726, 738; 52/750, 765; p.53-54; 157/2. Does Chaucer allude to these when speaking of the 'excesse of divers metis and drinkis, and namely of suche maner of bake metis and dische metes brennyng of wilde fuyr, and peynted and castelid with papire, and semblable wast, so that is abusion for to thinke.' Persones Tale, ed. Morris, iii. 299. 'A soteltie with writing of balads' came at the end of the first course of Hen. VII.'s marriage-feast in 1487. Italian Relation, p.115. Rabett sowker, in 2nd course, ib.
Souls in purgatory, pray for, 268/30.
Sowkers, 29/457, suckling.
Sows fed with fish, p.104, note on l.737.
Sowse, 23/360, pickled.
Spain, tapetis or carpets of, 192/457.
Sparling, names of a, p.99.
Sparlynge, 59/833, the fish sperling. Fr. esperlan, a smelt, Cot. Spurlin, a smelt, Fr. esperlan. Skinner, in Prompt.
Sparrows, 28/437; 37/543; 49/706; p.104.
Speak well of all men, 272/100.
Speaker of the Parliament, rank of, 72/1052.
Speche, 205/845, book or division of a poem.
Speech mars or makes a man, 264/81-2.
Speke, 156/17, speak of.
Spermyse chese, p.84-5, note to l.74.
Spiced cakes, 55/816.
Spicery, 12/171, spices; p.91.
Spicery and store; Clerk of the Kitchen keeps the, 195/559.
Spicery, the officer of the, 46/666.
Spices, 55/813.
Spill the gravy on your parents' clothes, don't, 230/342.
Spill your food, don't, 269/59.
Spit not, 18/271; modestly, 212/101; not over much at meals, 232/498.
Spit on or over the table, don't, 267/43; 179/85; 167/43. [[Citation on page 167 unidentified]]
Spit in the washing basin, don't, 271/87; or loosely about, 181/134.
Spit, when you do, cover your mouth with your hand, 272/117.
Spit and snite, don't, 262/19; when you do, tread it out, 212/107.
Splat, 40/576, split open.
Splatte, p.151, carve.
Splaye, p.151, carve.
Splayd, 13/186, set out; 63/928, displayed, decked.
Sponges for bathing, 66/978; 67/979-84.
Spony stele, 200/677, the spoon handle.
Spoon, don't leave yours in the dish, 255/145.
Spoon, not to be filled full, 279, 280/59; not to be put in the dish, 272/125; not to stand in the dish, 179/71.
Spoon; wipe it clean, 277, 278/35; take it out of the dish when you've finished, 267/42.
Spowt not with your mouth, 19/293.
Spoyle, p.151, carve.
Spring, the device of, 53/771.
Sprottes, 167/33, sprats.
Spycery, 156/25.
Spyrre, p.251, l.37; A.S. spyrian, to track, seek, inquire, investigate, Sc. speir. O.N. spiria.
Spyrryng, p.251, l.39, seeking, inquiring.
Squatinus, a fish, p.123.
Squire's table, who may sit at, 66/1040; 169/3. [[169 for 171]]
Squirt not with your mouth, 19/293.
Squyer, his wages paid by the treasurer, 196/586.
Stabulle, 182/169, support.
Stamell, 132/5, a kind of fine worsted. Halliwell; Fr. estam, worsted. Cot.
Stammering is a foul crime, 236/708.
Stand, if you do, be ware of falling, 184/239.
Stand not still on stones, p.132.
Stand upright, 276/16; 213/1.
Stans Puer ad Mensam, two English texts, p.275-82.
Standard, 49/694, ? the chief dish at a dinner, served standing, 157/3. 'A large or standing dish,' says Pegge, on Sir J. Nevile's 'a Roe roasted for Standert,' Forme of Cury, p.173, 'for a Standert, Cranes 2 of a dish,' p.174, l.3.
Standarde, 166/12, ? chief dish of fish.
Stapulle, 72/1064, Calais.
Stare about, don't, 252/68; 259/18; p.261, l. S; 209/3.
State, 17/252, a grand curl-up or arrangement of a cloth or towel. |