by David Lindsay, Earl of Crawford
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At Ancona and Orvieto statues of St. John the Baptist.

At Florence the following works are lost: the Dovizia, a figure of Plenty, which stood in the Mercato Vecchio; two bronze heads for the Cantoria; the Colossi for the Cathedral; four large stucco Saints in San Lorenzo; a statue with drapery of gilded lead made with Brunellesco. San Rossore for Ogni Santi; a reliquary of Santa Verdiana (Richa, ii. 231); Albizzi tombs. The Cathedral gates were never made. Bocchi, Cinelli, Vasari, and Borghini mention a large number of smaller works now unidentified; plaquettes, Madonnas, crucifixes, heraldic shields, busts and reliefs.



These are printed as specimens of the original authorities upon which our authentic knowledge of Donatello is based.


Denunzia de' Beni of 1427, stating Donatello's home, his substance, his partnership with Michelozzo; referring also to the bronze relief for the Siena Font and the figure of San Rossore. Also a list of the sculptor's family. (Gaye, i. 120.)

Donato di nicholo di betto, intagliatore, prestanziato nel quartiere di Sco. Spirito, gonfalone nichio, in fior. 1. s. 10 den. 2. Sanza niuna sustanza, eccietto un pocho di maserizie per mio uso edella mia famiglia.

E piu esercito la detta arte insieme e a conpagnia con Michelozzo di bartolomeo, sanza niuna chorpo, salvo flor. 30 in piu ferramenti et masserizie per detta arte.

E di detta conpagnia e bottegha tralgho quella sustanza et in quello modo, che per la scritta della sustanza di Michelozzo sopradetto appare nel quartiere di Sco. Giovanni G. dragho, che dice in lionardo di bartolomeo di gherardo e frategli. Eppiu o avere dall' operaio di duomo di Siena fior. 180 per chagione duna storia dottone, gli feci piu tempo fa.

Eppiu dal convento e frati dogni santi o avere per chagione duna meza fighura di bronzo di Sco. rossore della quale non sa fatto merchato niuno. Chredo restare avere piu che fior 30.

truovomi con questa famiglia in chasa:

Donato danni 40. M^a Orsa mia madre 80. M^a Tita mia sirochia, vedova, sanza dote 45. Giuliano figliuolo di detta M^a tita atratto 18.

Sto a pigione in una chasa di ghuglielmo adimari, posta ne chorso degli adimari e nel popolo Sco. Cristofano,—paghone fior. 15 l'anno.


The contract for the payment of 1900 florins to Donatello in respect of the Bronze Gates for the Sacristy doors of the Cathedral, a work which was subsequently entrusted to Luca della Robbia. (Semper, p. 284.)

21. ii. 1487. Item commiserunt Nicolao Johannotii de Biliottis et Salito Jacobi de Risalitis duobus ex eorum officio locandi Donato N.B.B. civi Florentino magistro intagli faciendo duas portas de bronzo duabus novis sacristiis cathedralis ecclesie florentine pro pretio in totum flor. 1900 pro eo tempore et cum illis pactis et storiis et modis pro ut eis videbitur fore utilius et honorabilius pro dicta opera et quidquid fecerint circa predictum intelligatur et sit ac si factum foret per totum eorum officium.


Payment for casting the bronze statue of St. Louis for the Paduan altar; also for two of the Miracle reliefs and two symbols of the Evangelists. (Gloria.)

19. vi. 1447. E a di dicto ava M^o Andrea dal Mayo per far getare duy de i miracholli de S. Antonio e dui guagnelista e un S. Luixe. i quali va in lanchona de laltaro grande—lire 45 soldi 12.


Payment to Donatello and some of his assistants (Gloria.)

11. ii. 1447. E a di ii dicto ave Donatello da Fiorenza per so nome de luy e de urbano e de Zuan da Pixa e de Antonio Celino e de Francesco del Vallente su garzon e de Nicolo depentor so desipollo over garzon per parte over sora la anchona over palla el dicto e i dicti de (i.e., devono) fare al altaro grande del curo (i.e., coro) del santo,—lire cento e soldi dexe.



Albertini, "Memoriale di molte statues," 1863 (1st ed., Florence, 1510).

Anonimo Morelliano, "Notizie d'opere di disegno," written about 1530, 1884 (1st ed. 1800).

Bocchi, F., "Eccellenza della statua di San Giorgio," Florence, 1584; edited by Cinelli, "Bellezze della citta di Firenze," 1677 (1st ed. 1592).

Bode, W., "Donatello a Padoue," Paris, 1883; "Florentiner Bildhauer der Renaissance," Berlin, 1902.

Boito, Camillo, "L'Altare di Donatello," Milan, 1897.

Borghini, "Riposo," Florence, 1730 (1st ed. 1586).

Bottari, G., "Lettere pittoriche," 8 vols. 1822 (1st ed.).

Cellini, B., "Due Trattati," edited by Carlo Milanesi, 1857.

Cicognara, "Storia della scultura," Venice, 1823, 7 vols.

Gauricus, P., "De Sculptura," Florence, 1504.

Gaye, "Carteggio inedito d'artisti," Florence, 1839, 3 vols.

Ghiberti, L., "Commentaries" in Vasari, vol. i.

Gloria, Michael Angelo, "Donatello fiorentino e le sue opere, ... in Padova," Padua, 1895.

Gnoli, Article on "Donatello in Rome"; "Arch. storico dell' arte," 1888.

Gonzati, "La Chiesa di S. Antonio di Padova," 1852, 2 vols.

Gualandi, "Memorie," Bologna, 1840.

Lindsay, Lord, "Christian Art," 1885, 2 vols.

"L'Osservatore Fiorentino," 1821, 3 vols. (1st ed. 1797).

Lusini, V., "Il San Giovanni di Siena," Florence, 1901.

Milanesi, C., "Documenti dell' arte Senese," Siena, 1854, 3 vols.

Milanesi, G., "Catalogo delle opere di Donatello," Florence, 1888.

Molinier, E., "Les Plaquettes," Paris, 1886, 2 vols.

Muentz E., "Les Precurseurs de la Renaissance," Paris, 1882; "Donatello," Paris, 1885.

Perkins, C., "Tuscan Sculptors," 1864, 2 vols.

Reymond, M., "La Sculpture Florentine," Florence, 1898.

Richa, "Notizie istoriche," Florence, 1754, 10 vols.

Schmarsow, A., "Donatello," Breslau, 1886.

Semper, H., "Donatellos Leben und Werke," Innsbruck, 1887; "Donatello, seine zeit und Schule," Vienna, 1875.

Semrau, M., "Donatello's Kanzeln in San Lorenzo," Breslau, 1891.

Tanfani-Centofanti, "Notizie di Artisti ... Pisani," Pisa, 1898.

Titi, "Ammaestramento Utile," Rome, 1686.

Vasari, "Vite dei Pittori," Florence, Lemonnier, ed. 1846, 14 vols. (1st ed. 1550).

Von Tschudi, "Donatello e la critica moderna," Turin, 1887.


Abraham: statue, 10, 30

Alberti, L.B.: on Art, 22

Ambras: entombment, 177

Ammanati: sculptor, 102

Amorino: bronze, Bargello, 113, 114

Ancona: Baptist for, 59

Andre (Madame) Collection: Prophet, 7; St. John, 57; profile warrior, 98; bronze children, 114; marble boy, 115; Gonzaga bust, 127; St. Sebastian, 177

Andrew, St.: statue (lost), 199

Annunciation: Sta. Croce, 49, 113, 154

Anselm, St.: projected shrine, 199

Antonio, St.: at Padua, bronze, 153

Aquila, Andrea del: sculptor, 191

Aragazzi: see Tombs

Architect: Donatello as, 59, 65

Arduino: engineer, 143

Aretino: letter from, 76

Assistants, Donatello's: Moscatello, 64, 168; Giovanni da Pisa, 75, 168, 190, 203; Nani, G., 167; Cocaro, N., 168; Meo of Florence, 168; Pipo of Florence, 168; Antonio of Lugano, 168; Bartolommeo of Ferrara, 168; Jacomo, goldsmith, 168; Squarcione, 150; Giovanni da Becato, 168; Francesco del Mayo, 168; Andrea delle Caldiere, 168; Urbano da Cortona, 168, 169; Francesco Valente, 168, 203; Antonio of Pisa, 168; Bellano, 170, 190; Bertoldo, 189, 191

Assumption: Brancacci tomb, 80

Assyrian low relief, 81

Athos, Mount: conventionalised art, 22

Aurelius, M.: equestrian statue, 173

Banco, Nanni di: sculptor, 30, 190

Bandinelli, 46, 102, 186

Baptist, St. John: see St. John

Baptistery gates, 2; competition, 3; Magdalen, 144; Coscia tomb, 72

Bardini Collection: Madonna, 54, 185; fountain, 66; tomb slab, 85; Crucifixion, 178

Bas-relief: its limitations, 137

Bastianini, 182

Battoni, P.: painter, 145

Becchi: shield, 68

Beckerath: Madonna, 182

Bellano, 170, 189, 190

Benda Collection: bust, 118

Benedetto da Maiano, 191

Bentivoglio: medal of, 82

Bergamo: Madonna, 183

Berlin Museum: bust, terra cotta, 120; Gonzaga, bronze, 127; bronze head of old man, 128; St. John, bronze, 147; putto, bronze, from Siena, 114; Flagellation, marble, 178; David, bronze, 52; Madonnas, 180

Bernardino, St.: projected statue, 146, 199

Bertoldo, 189, 191

Blondius, F., 193

Bocchi: passim

Bologna: sculpture at, 9, 85, 143

Boni: shield, 68

Boniface VIII.: statues of, 9

Borso d'Este: projected statue, 199

Botticelli, 99

Bramantino: drawings, 90

Brancacci: see Tombs

Bronzino, 52, 102

Brosses, des: criticisms, 138, 144

Brunellesco: model for gates, 3; co-operation with Donatello, 37, 200

Buggiano, 191

Busts: Benda Collection, 118; Dreyfus Collection, 118; Duke of Westminster's Collection, 118; Hainauer Collection, 119; Faenza St. John, 119; Martelli St. John, 118; San Lorenzo, Florence, 126; St. Cecilia, London, 126; Gonzaga bronze, 127; old man's head, bronze, 128; Gattamelata, 99, 129; Vanchettoni, 118; Vecchio Barbuto, Florence, 130; Roman Emperor, Florence, 130; old woman, bronze, 130; San Rossore, 130, 201; Niccolo da Uzzano, 121

Caldiere, Andrea, Donatello's bronze caster, 168

Camondo, Comte de: Crucifixion, 178

Canigiani: Palazzo, sculpture, 191

Canon of Art, 20

Cantoria: San Lorenzo, 64; Cathedral, 103, 107, 199; Luca della Robbia's, 106-8

Capodalista: horse, 175

Castiglione: Sabba del, 119, 193

Cecilia, St. (London), 126; ditto, Lord Wemyss, 172

Cellini, B., 141, 193

Charge to Peter (London), 95

Chartres Cathedral: statuary, 41

Cherichini, supposed portrait of, 20

Childhood, Donatello's representation of, 103

Chimaera: Etruscan, 69

Choristers of bronze, Padua, 163

Cinelli: passim

Ciuffagni: sculptor, 60, 66

Civitali, M., sculptor, 13

Classical influences, 4, 90, 103, 104; architecture, 160

Cocaro, Donatello's assistant, 168

Colle, Simone da: sculptor, 3

Colleone: equestrian statue, 150

Colossi, 34

Coronation window, 60

Coscia: see Tombs

Cozzarelli: sculptor, 192

Criticism on Donatello, early, 193; later, 93

Croce, Santa, sculpture in, 49, 113, 38

Crowds: Donatello's treatment of, 156

Crucifix: Santa Croce, 47, 156

Crucifixion: Bargello bronze, 178; Camondo, bronze, 178; Berlin, 178

Cyriac of Ancona, 194

Daniel: statue, 10 St., at Padua, bronze, 154

Dante, 45, 90

Davanzati: shield, 68

David: marble statue, 16; Martelli's statue, 52; bronze, 99; Berlin, 52

Dello: his epitaph, 13

Denunzia, 1, 76, 201

Desiderio, 133, 191

Doni, A.: criticism of Ghiberti, 138

Dovizia: statue, 142, 199

Drapery: Donatello's treatment of, 31

Drawings by Donatello, 60

Dreyfus Collection: marble bust, 118; Christ and St. John, relief, 133; St. Jerome, bronze, 170; Madonna bronze, 177; Verrocchio, putto, 105

Eagle: the Walpole, 162

Entombment: Vienna, 177 Padua: marble, 161

Eremitani altar, 169

Evangelist symbols at Padua, 161 Siena, 169

Eve: bas-relief, 142

Faenza: bust of St. John, 119; St. Jerome, 148

Faith: statuette at Siena, 71

Fazio, B., 193

Filarete, 91

Flagellation: London, 62; Paris, 177; Berlin, 177

Flaxman's criticism, 93

Florence: Cathedral facade, 6, 8, 9; cupola, 65; cantoria, 107; sacristy carving, 115; window, 60; colossi, 34; gates, 200, 202

Font: Siena, 70, 105, 201; at Pietra Santa, 191

Fontainebleau: Madonna, 184

Fountains, 66, 70

Francis, St.: at Padua, 153

Fulgosio: monument, Padua, 168

Gagini: sculptors, 131

Gattamelata: bust, 99, 129; tombs, 171; equestrian statue, 173

Gauricus, 60, 73, 193

Gems: employment of, 97-99, 129

George, St.: statue, 39; relief, 42, 72

Ghiberti: bronze gates, 3, 137; relation with Donatello, 190; classical ideas, 89, 91

Ghiberti, Vettorio: drawings, 63, 74

Ghini: Simone, 88

Giacomone da Faenza: drawings, 155

Gianfigliazzi: shield, 68

Gilbert, Alfred, R.A., 82

Giovanni da Pisa, 75, 168, 190, 203

Giuliano: Donatello's nephew, 2, 202

Goliath: statue (lost), 199

Gonzaga, Louis of: bust, 127

Gori: criticisms, 93

Gothic Art: Donatello's relations with, 5, 42; survivals of, 91

Gozzoli, Benozzo, 9

Grouping: Donatello's ideas of, 30, 138, 142, 161

Guidarelli: monument, 171

Habakkuk: statue, 23

Hands: Donatello's treatment of, 31

Henry VII.: tomb of, 136

Heraldic sculpture, 67

Hertford House: reliefs, 110

Hope: statuettes, 71, 75

Horse of Colleone, 174; Gattamelata, 173; Capodalista, 174

Horse's head: Naples, 175

Horses of St. Mark's, Venice, 173; of Monte Cavallo, 189

Icarus in Greek Art, 165

Ilaria del Caretto: tomb, 82

Intarsia, 161

Isotta da Rimini, 163

Jeremiah: statue, 20

Jerome, St.: Faenza, 148

John XXIII.: see Tombs, Coscia

St. John Bapt.: Campanile statue, 18; Martelli statue, 56; Bargello statue, 57, 58; Dilke Collection, 57; Orvieto, 59, 147; Ancona, 59; Rome, 56, 57; Faenza, 119; Louvre, 120; Berlin, bronze, 146; Berlin, terra-cotta, 120; Siena, 146; Venice, 146; Hainauer Collection, 149

St. John Ev.: statue, 14; reliefs, 134

Judith, 140

Justina, St.: at Padua, 154

Kaufmann: Madonna, 182; statuette, 189

Lafreri: engraver, 189

Lasca, 193

Lavabo, San Lorenzo, 67

Laurana, F.: sculptor, 131

Leopardi, 175

Ligorio: architect, 90

Lille relief, 5, 72, 113

Lions in Florence, 67-9

London collection: Flagellation, 62; charge to Peter, 95; St. Cecilia, 126; marble relief of woman, 132; Magdalen, 149; lamentation over dead Christ, 165; shrine of St. Justina, 171; Martelli patera, 176; Deposition, bronze, 178; oval Madonna, 184; bronze boy, 115

Lorenzo, San: pulpits, 107, 186; sacristy, 133, 139; bronze doors, 135; lavabo, 191; statues perished, 199

Lorenzetti; early paintings, 145

Louis, St.: bronze Santa Croce, 38; bronze at Padua, 155, 202

Louvre collection: Pot tomb, 79; bronze by Valadier, 97; marble Baptist, 120; drawings, 61; Madonnas, 181-185; painting of St. John, 120; portrait of Donatello, 195; Flagellation, 177

Lucca, Siege of, 65

Luke, St.: statue, 124

Lytton, Earl of, medallion portrait, 82

Madonnas: Bardini, 54, 178, 181; Beckerath, 182; Berlin, Pazzi, marble, 181; Orlandini, marble, 181; S.M.M. dei Pazzi, 185; Brancacci, 80; Capella Medici, group, 185; Courajod, 185; Dreyfus Desiderio, 81, 177; delle Treppe, 192; Eremitani, Paris, 184; Fontainebleau, 184; Kaufmann, 182; London-Weisbach, oval, 184; Milan, Pierino da Vinci, 81; Madonna of the Rose, London, 183; Padua, large bronze, 152; small relief, 180; Pietra Piana, 182; Piot, Louvre, 55, 183; Quincy Shaw, 81; Siena Cathedral, 181; Verona, 182; Wemyss, Earl of, 81

Magdalen: Florence baptistery, 144; London, 149; Berlin, 149

Malatesta Annalena: bust, 130

Mandorla door: prophets, 7 profile heads, 34

Manetti: biographer, 63, 195; supposed portrait, 11

Mantegna: relation to Donatello, 96, 150, 161, 187

Mark, St.: statue, 37

Martelli, David, 52, 113; patera, 176; shield, 68; St. John, 118

Martin V.: tomb of, 88

Marzocco, 67

Masaccio: paintings by, 161, 164, 195

Mataloni: horse's head, 175

Medallions in Medici palace, 97

Medallists, 59, 82

Medici: fountain, 166; exile, 88, 97; medallions, 97; Lorenzo de', 175

Medici, Capella, 185

Mengs, R.: criticism by, 27, 93

Meo: Donatello's assistant, 168

Michael Angelo: Moses, 15; technique, 53, 101; San Petronio, 71; relation to Donatello's art, 192; Bacchus, 192

Michelozzo, 39, 43, 48; partnership with Donatello, 72, 201; Brancacci tomb, 77; Aragazzi tomb, 76; Prato pulpit, 109; work at Milan, 115; statues of St. John, 149

Mino da Fiesole, 53, 191

Miracle reliefs at Padua, 156

Mocenigo: tomb, 14, 41

Montepulciano, Pasquino da, 75

Montorsoli, 46

Morosini: medallion, 97, 199

Moses: statue, 15

Nani: Donatello's assistant, 167

Nanni di Banco, 30, 190

Naples: Brancacci tomb, 77; bronze horse's head, 175

Narni: see Gattamelata

Neroccio: sculptor, 70, 180, 192

Niccolo da Uzzano: bust, 121

Niccolo Niccoli, 194

Nollekens, 62

Nude: studies from, 101

Obadiah: statue, 18

d'Olanda, Francesco, 193

Orcagna, 6

Orlandini, Madonna, Berlin, 181

Orsa: Donatello's mother, 2, 202

Or san Michele: niche, 63, 104

Orvieto: Baptist for, 59

Padua in 1443, 149; work for altar, 149-176, 202

Pagno di Lapo, 78, 83

Painter: Donatello as, 59

Parthenon, 25, 105, 122

Pasquino da Montepulciano, 75

Patera Martelli, 176

Pazzi, Madonna, Berlin, 181

Pazzi: fountain, 66; shield, 68; frieze, 135

Pellegrini: chapel, 135, 184

Perseus, by Cellini, 141

Perugino: drawing by, 60

Peruzzi: drawings by, 60

Peter, St.: statue, 36

Petrarch, 90

Piero, Niccolo di; sculptor, 124

Pieta at Padua, bronze, 164

Piot: Madonna, 65

Pisa: Donatello at, 59, 78

Pisano Niccolo, 91

Pistoja: silver altar, 191

Plaquettes, 176

Pocetti, B.: drawing of facade of Duomo, 10

Poggio: statue, 12; on Rome, 90

Politics, influence of, 143

Pollaiuolo: his battle-piece, 179

Polychromacy, 121

Portrait of Donatello, 195

Pot tomb, Louvre, 79

Prato pulpit, 109

Procdocimus, St.: at Padua, bronze, 155

Pulpit Prato, 109 San Lorenzo, 186

Quaratesi: shield, 68

Quercia: Jacopo della, 3, 70, 53; his school, 191; Siena font, 70

Realism, 26

Reymond, Marcel: criticism, 108

Reynolds, Sir J.: on drapery, 31; on Gothic art, 45

Riccio, 191

Robbia: Andrea della, 104; Donatello's pall bearer, 194

Robbia: Luca della, 73; cantoria, 106, 108; portraits by, 125; bronze doors, 135, 202; lunettes, 151

Rome: Donatello's first journey to, 4; statue of St. John at, 57; Crivelli tomb, 83; Donatello's second journey to, 88; Rome in 1433, 88; tabernacle in St. Peter's, 94

Rossellino, 66, 91, 119, 191

Rosso: sculptor, 18, 191

Rossore, San: bust, 130, 201

Savonarola, 21

Sebastian, St.: bronze, M. Andre, 177 wood (now lost), 199

Sense of distance, 23 light and shade, 29 proportion, 30 nature, 27

Sermoneta: Duca di, 9

Shields: heraldic, 67; Martelli, 68

Siena: cathedral font, 70, 201; figures from font, 114, 105; Pecci tomb, 84; marble Madonna, 181; St. John Baptist, 146; statues on facade, 175

Simone: sculptor, 2, 88, 191

Soderini: supposed portrait of, 20

Sogliani, T.: work on Magdalen, 144

Sportello Venice, 177 Siena, 71

Squarcione, 150

Stiacciato, 80

Strabo: on marble, 78

Strozzi Filippo, 91

Strozzi Palla, 150

Summonte, 194

Sword hilt at Turin, 176

Symbols of Evangelists: Padua, 161

Tabernacle in Rome, 94

Technique: Donatello's, 53

Tita: Donatello's sister, 2, 202

Tombs: Coscia, drawings for, 61; history of, 72; Brancacci, 73, 77; Assumption, 80; Martin V., 88; Aragazzi, 73, 76; Medici Giovanni de', 72; Caretto, 82; Sixtus IV., 82; Albizzi, 83; Chellini, 83; Accaiuoli, 83; Crivelli, 83; Pecci, 84; Scaligers, 86; Rococo style, 87; Saltarello, 109; Fulgosio, 168; Gattamelata, 171; Roycelli, 170

Torrigiano, 80, 136

Turin sword hilt, 176

Turini, 70, 192

Ucello, Paolo: painter, 69, 195

Uffizzi gallery: drawings, 60

Urbano da Cortona, 191

Uzzano, Niccolo da: bust, 121

Valadier: sculptor, 97

Valente: Donatello's assistant, 168, 203

Vandalism, 8 in Rome, 88

Vasari: passim

Vecchietta: sculptor, 191

Venice: horses of St. Mark's, 173 statue of St. John, 146 Sportello, 177

Verdiana, St.: reliquary, 200

Verona: Madonna, 182; sculpture on cathedral, 124; sculpture on San Zeno, 124

Verrocchio, 73, 99, 101, 105, 174

Vienna: entombment, 177

Vinci: Leonardo da, 22, 29, 66

Visconti, Marquise A.: Collection, 132, 185

Wallace Collection: reliefs, 110

Warfare: Donatello and, 65

Weisbach: Madonna, 184

Wemyss, Earl of, collection: Madonna, 81; St. Cecilia, 172; Walpole eagle, 162

Wood: employment in sculpture, 148

Zeno, San: Verona, 124

Zuccone: statue, 26, 96

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Professor of Greek Archaeology at University College, London











Assistant Professor at the South Kensington School of Art





Of the Department of Coins and Medals in the British Museum



Late Director of the British School at Rome












By L. DIMIER [Immediately.


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