[Footnote: [? aprendre]]
Et le doibuent meismes scavoir, And them selfe owe it to knowe, Ou aultrement, sans faulte, Or othirwyse, withoute faulte, 24 Dieu leurs demandera God shall demande them Et en prendera vengance; And shall take of vengeaunce; Car ignourance For ignorance Pas ne les excusera. Shall nothyng excuse hem. 28 Chescun si acquite Euery man so acquite hym Comme il vouldra respondre! As he wylle ansuere! +Gombers le bouchiere +Gombert the bocher Demeure dencoste le boucerie. Duelleth beside the bocherie. 32 Il vent si bien ses chars He selleth so well his flessh Que luy appiert; That to hym it appereth; Car luy voy si poure For I sawe hym so poure Quil ne scauoit[1] That he knewe not 36 Que bouter en sa bouche. What to put in his mouth.
[Footnote 1: scanoit]
Pour ce est bonne chose Therfore it is good thyng Scauoir vng bon mestier. To conne a good craft. +Guyd le poissonner +Guy the fysshmonger 40
[[38]] [Headnote: NAMES: GABRIEL—GEORGE. Linen-weaver, Bookseller, &c.]
Ne sest mye pis portes, Hath not werse borne hym, Si quil appert aual sa maison. So as it apperith after his hous. Il vend toutes manieres He selleth all maners De poissons de mer Of see fysshe 4 Et de doulce eauwe And of fressh water Lesquels sont escripts The whiche ben wreton Dessus en aulcun lieu To fore in som place Dedens ce liure. Within this book. 8 +Gabriel le tillier +Gabriel the lynweuar Tist ma toille Weueth my lynnencloth De fil de lin Of threde of flaxe
[Sidenote: P. 36.]
Et destoupes. And of touwe. 12 Si me fault de le traisme Me lacketh woef Et de lestam. And of warpe. Est elle acheuee? Is it ended? Oyl, des ioefdy Ye, sith thursday 16 Elle est tissue Hit is wouen Pour fair blancher. For to doo white. +Ghyselins le corbillier +Ghyselin the mande maker A vendu ses vans, Hath sold his vannes, 20 Ses corbilles, His mandes or corffes, Ses tammis. His temmesis to clense with. +Gherlin le chaudrelier +Gheryn the ketelmaker A este a bonne feest; Hath ben at a good fayre; 24 Il a lassie He hath there lefte Grand plente de batteries[1]; Grete plente of baterye;
[Footnote 1: barteries]
Lesquelles denrees The whiche penyworthis Ie ne nommeray point, I shall not name, 28 Car ils sont nommees For they be named En vng des chapitres. In one of the chapitres. +George le librarier +George the booke sellar A plus des liures Hath moo bookes 32 Que tout ceulx de lauile. Than all they of the toune. Il les achate touts He byeth them all Tels quils soient, Suche as they ben, Soient embles ou enprintees, Be they stolen or enprinted, 36 Ou aultrement pourchacies. Or othirwyse pourchaced. Il a doctrinaulx, catons, He hath doctrinals, catons, Heures de nostre dame, Oures of our lady, Donats, pars, accidens, Donettis, partis, accidents, 40
[[39]] [Headnote: NAMES: GERVAS—LAMBERT. Smith, Painter, Usurer, &c.]
Psaultiers bien enluminees, Sawters well enlumined, Loyes a fremauls dargent, Bounden with claspes of siluer, Liures de medicines, Bookes of physike, Sept psalmes, kalendiers, Seuen salmes, kalenders, 4 Encre et parcemyn, Ynke and perchemyn, Pennes de signes, Pennes of swannes, Pennes dauwes, Pennes of ghees, Bons breuiares, Good portoses, 8 Qui valent bon argent. Which ben worth good money. +Gervas le feure +Geruays the smyth Est biaucop plus rices. Is moche richer. Encore dont prest il Neuertheles leneth he 12 La liure pour trois mailles. The pound for thre halfpens.
[Sidenote: P. 37.]
+Gertrude la soeur +Gillebert +Gertrude the suster of +Gylbert Est morte et trespassee; Is deed and passed; Prijez pour son ame. Praye for her soule. 16 Quand trespassa elle? Whan passed she? Droit maintenant. Right now. Dieu luy pardonne God forgyue her Ses pechies et ses meffais. Her synnes and her trespaces. 20 Nous yrons au corps We shall goo to the corps Demain a loffrande. To morn to thoffrynge.
+HEnry le pointurier +HErry the paynter Point mon escu Paynteth my shelde 24 De diuerses couleurs. With diuerse colours. A grand rayson By grete reson Ie me loe de luy. I am plesid with hym.
+IEhan le vsurier +IOhan the usurer 28 A tant preste Hath lente so moche Quil ne scet le nombre That he knoweth not the nombre Del auoir quil a Of the good that he hath tout maisement assemble. Alle euyll gadred to gedyr. 32 Il preste la liure He leneth the pounde Pour quatre deniers. For four pens.
+Kylian et ses compaignons, +Kylian and his felaws, Pour leurs merites, For their deseruynges, 36 Sont saincts en paradys, Ben sayntes in paradyse, Ou est joye sans fin. Where is ioye withoute ende.
+LAmbert le charpentier +LAmbert the carpenter A marchandet a moy Hath bargayned with me 40
[[40]] [Headnote: NAMES: LAURENCE—LUCIAN. Mason, Brewer, Tiler, &c.]
De faire mon chastel, To make my castell, Le basse court et vne grange, The nether court and a berne, Et le doibt charpenter And he oughteth to tymbre it De bon ouurage; Of good werke; 4 Et les degretz, And the steyres, Tous[1] les boys charpentifs, Alle the tymbre woode, Doibt il liurer mesmes. He is bound to deliuer hym selfe.
[Footnote 1: Tons]
+Laurence le machon +Laurence the masone 8 A pris a machonner, Hath take to masone, Et amenra des ouuriers, And shal brynge the werkmen, Et sont achattes And ben bought Bonnes pieres de marbre; Good stones of marble; 12 Les fenestres dalbastre; The wyndowes of alabastre; Mais le caulx But the lyme or chalke Nest encore point mesure. Is not yet moten.
[Sidenote: P. 38.]
+Lieuin le brasseur +Lyeuyn the brewar 16 Brasse tant de ceruoyse Breweth so moche ale Quil ne peult vendre; That he may not selle it; Car il est renommees For he is renomed De mauuais beuurage; Of euyll drynke; 20 Se luy conuient a le fois So hym behoueth othirwhyle Ietter deuant les porciaux. To cast to fore the hogges. +Lamfroy le couureur de tieulles +Lamfroy the couerar of tyles Couury le belfroy Couerd the steple 24 Descailles, de tieulles, With skaylles, with tyles, A mieulx quil pouoit; The beste wyse that he may; Encordont esty Neuertheles is it Par le vent descouuert. By the wynde discouerid. 28 +Leonard le couureur destrain +Lenard the thaccher Couury ma maysoncelle Hath couerd my litell hous Destrain et de gluy. With straw and with reed. Les lattes quil achatta The latthes that he bought 32 Ne valent riens. Be nothyng worth. Il fist les parois, He made the wallis, Et les placqua de terre, And daubed them with erthe, Dont est il placqueur. Wherof he was dawber. 36 +Logier le feultier +Logier the feltmaker A maint bon chappeau Hath many a good hatte De beures et de feultre. Of beuer and of felte. +Lucien le gantiers +Lucian the glouer 40
[[41]] [Headnote: NAMES: LYON—MAXIMIAN. Purser, Grocer, Surgeon, &c.]
Siet dencoste moy; Sitteth besyde me; Faitte gans de cierf, Maketh gloues of an herte, De chien et de brebis. Of hound and of sheep. +Lyon le bourssier +Lyon the pursser 4 A boursses et aloyeres, Hath pursses and pauteners, Et les achattent les enfans; And them bye the chyldren; Des tasses bien ouuries. Of the powches well wrought. +Lucie le bastarde +Lucie the bastarde 8 Ne fera iamais bien; Shall neuer doo well; Car elle dist mal de ceulx[1] For she saith euyll of them Qui bien lui ont fait. That well haue don to her.
[Footnote 1: cenlx]
+MArtin le especier +MArtin the grocer 12 Vent pluiseurs especes Selleth many spyces De toutes manieres de pouldre Of all maners of poudre Pour faire les brouets, For to make browettys, Et a moult de boistes pointes And hath many boxes paynted 16 Plaines de confections, Full of confections,
[Sidenote: P. 39.]
Et moult de cannes And many pottes Plaines de beuurages. Full of drynkes. +Maurisse le surgien +Morysse the surgyan 20 Se mesle de guarir Medleth hym to hele Playes, claux, Woundes, soores, Et apostumes, And apostomes, De vnguements With oynementis 24 Et demplastres; And with plastres; Il scet taillier de la pierre, He can cutte out the stone, Et guarir par beuurages And hele by drynkes De grauelle, de rompture. Of the grauelle and of brekynge. 28 +Maximian le maistre de medicines +Maximian the maistre of phisike Regarde le vrine des gens; Seeth the vrin of the peple; Il leurs scet a dire He can say to them De quoy ils sont mallade: Wherof they be seke: 32 Du mal du chief; Of the heed ache; Des doleurs des yeux, Of the payne of the eyen, Des oreilles; Of the eres; Sil ont[2] mal es dens, Yf they haue toth ache, 36 Aux pys, as mamelles; Atte the breste, at the pappes;
[Footnote 2: out]
Il scet guarir et curer He can hele and cure Ydropison, menison, Dropesye, blody flyxe, Tesyque, mormal, Tesyke, mormale, 40
[[42]] [Headnote: NAMES: MABEL—OBEROL. Tailoress, Mustard-maker, &c.]
Pieds, vngles, Feet, nayles, Fieures quartaines et tiercaines, Fever quartayn and tercian, De le gaunisse Of the Jaundyse[5] (Dont dieu nous garde), (Wherof god kepe vs), 4 Et de tout ce And of all that Que greuer nous pourroit. That may greue us.
[Footnote 5: Janudyse]
Il dont conseil a artetique He gyueth conseill for the goute Et daultres languers; And for othir seknesses; 8 Il a moult de bonnes herbes. He hath many good herbes. +Mabile le cousturiere[1] +Mabyll the shepster Se chauist tres bien; Cheuissheth her right well;
[Footnote 1: consturiere]
Elle fait sourplis, She maketh surplys, 12 Chemyses, brayes, Shertes, breches, Courechiefs, et tout ce Keuerchifs, and all that Que on peult ouurer That may be wrought De ligne drap. Of lynnen cloth. 16 +Mahault le huuetier +Maulde the huue or calle maker Se maintient sagement; Maynteneth her wisely; Elle vend chier ses huues; She selleth dere her calles or huues;
[Sidenote: P. 40.]
Elles les keut[2] de deux coustures[3]. She soweth them with two semes. 20
[Footnote 2: kent]
[Footnote 3: constures]
+NYchole le mostardier +NYcholas the mustardmaker A bon vinaigre, Hath good vynegre, Bon verius, bon moustarde, Good veriuse, good mustarde, Galentine sausse, Galentyne sawce, 24 Noir poiure, Black pepre, Bonne gansailliede[4]. Good ganselyn[6].
[Footnote 4: gausailliede]
[Footnote 6: gauselyn]
+Natalie la dame des estuues +Natalye the wyf of the stewes Tient bonne estuue, Kepeth a good styewe, 28 La plus souffisante de la cite; The moste suffysaunte of the cite; Ilz y vont estuuer They goon thedyr to be stewed Toutes les estrangiers. Alle the strangers. Elle demeure She duelleth 32 Deriere le mur des carmes. After the walle of the white freris.
+OLiuier le couretier +OLyuer the brocour Gaigne a couretage, Wynneth by brocorage, A vng denier a dieu, With one goddes peny, 36 Vingt liures ou trente. Twenty pound or thyrty. +Oberol le hostelier +Oberol the hosteler A touts les bons hostes; Hath all the good ghestes; Il a les allemains He hath the alemayns 40
[[43]] [Headnote: NAMES: ONNOUR—OGIER. Inn-Guests, Prison-keeper, &c.]
Quon appelle oesterlins, That men calle esterlyngis, Poyteuins, fransoys, Poyteuyns, frenshemen, Engloys, brabansois, Englishmen, brabanders, Flamengs, lombars, Flemyngis, lombardis, 4 Espaignoys, Portingalois, Spaynardys, portingalers, Geneuoys, escochoys, Ienewys, scottes, Haynewiers, hollandois, Heynewiers, hollanders, Danoys, frisons. Danes men, of friseland. 8
+Onnore le tourier +Onnour the kepar of the tour Garde le prison Kepeth the prison La les prisonniers sont; There the prisonners bee; Il y sont laronnes, mourdriers, There ben theues, murderers, 12 Faulx monnoyers, robbeurs, False money makers, robbers, Afourceurs de femmes, Rauisshers of wymmen, Coppeurs de boursses. Cuttars of purses. Les vng pend on; That one men hange; 16 Les aultres traynnon; The othir be drawen; Les aultres mettons sur roels; The othir ben sette on wheles; Ceux qui coppent boursses Them that cutte purses Coppe on les oreylles. Cutte men the eres of. 20 Bussyn a a nom Bussin is named
[Sidenote: P. 41.]
Ly bouriaulx de bruges. The hangman of bruges. Puis que malefaicteurs After that the euyll doers ount gehy leurs meffais, Haue knowlechid her euyll dedes, 24 Les a il a mestrijer; He hath them to mastrye; Dieu nous garde God kepe vs De sa meistrise! Fro his maystrye! Baillius, escoutetes[1], Bayllyes, scoutes, 28
[Footnote 1: estoutetes]
Aulcuns des escheuins, Somme of the skepyns, Cheuaucent auecq, Ryde with, La on les met a mort, There as they be put to deth, Et les sergeans ysont ainsy; And the sergeants ben there also; 32 Ceulx qui eschappent They that escape Seront banny hors du pays Shall be banysshed out of the londe Sur pain dy estre penduz. Vpon payne to be hanged. +Ogier le fauconner +Ogier the fauconer 36 Aporta des faucons, Brought faucons, Oystoires dardane, Gerfaucons of ardane, Espreuiers, Spere haukes, Quil vendra a montpellier. That he shall sell at monpeller. 40
[[44]] [Headnote: NAMES: OGIER—QUERYNE. Woolbeater, Cooper, &c.]
+Ogier le poulaillier +Ogier the pulter A des poules asses, Hath polettes ynowhe, Quils ne sont trop cras Which ben not ouer fatte Ne trop magre. ne ouer lene. 4
+Pyere le bateure de laine +PEter the betar of wulle Va tout oyseux, Gooth alle ydle, Car son doyen For his dene Lui a deffendu son mestier Hath forboden hym his craft 8 Sour lamende de vingt solz, Vpon thamendes of xx. shelyngs, Jusques a dont[1] quil aura[2] Till that he shall haue Achatte sa franchise. Bought his franchyse.
[Footnote 1: dout]
[Footnote 2: anra]
Il sen plaindra He shall complaine hym 12 Au burchmaistre, Unto bourghmaistre, Et les gardiens des mestiers And the wardeyns of the crafte Nen font compte. sette not therby. +Poul le cuuelier +Poule the couper 16 Faict et refaict les cuues, Maketh and formaketh the keupis, tonniaulx, vaissiaux Barellis, vessellis Courans et gouttans. Lekyng and droppyng. +Paulin le mesureur de bled +Paulyn the metar of corne 20 A tant mesure Hath so moche moten De bled et de mestelon Of corne and of mestelyn Quil ne peult plus de viellesse; That he may no more for age;
[Sidenote: P. 42.]
Il est tout gryse. He is alle graye. 24 Il donna a chescun sa mesure. He gyueth to euerich his mesure. +Pieronne sa filleule +Pieryne his doughter Est la pieure garce Is the shrewest ghyrle Que ie sache de cha la mere. That I knowe on this side the see. 28
+QUintin le tollenier +QVyntyne the tollar A pris de moy Hath taken of me Vng liure de gros A pound of grotes Plus quil ne debuoit prendre More than he ought to take 32 Du droit[3] tonlieu; Of right tolle.
[Footnote 3: troit]
Sy me trayeray So shall I drawe me Au recepueur Vnto the receyuour Pour men droit requerre. For my right to requyre. 36 +Quirin le detier +Queryne the dysemaker Vendt ses dees Selleth his dyse Ainsi qui veult a prest argent; As he wyll for redy money; Cest bonne marchandise. Hit is good marchandyse. 40
[[45]] [Headnote: NAMES: ROBERT—RANDOLF. Carrier, Handworker, &c.]
+RObert le messagier +RObert the messager Est enuoyes au roy, Is sent to the kynge A tout deux paires de lettres With two paire of lettres Sellees du seal royal. Sealed with the kynges seal. 4 +Roberte la cerenceresse +Roberte the heklester Na plus de channeue, Hath no more hempe, Et a perdu sa cerench; And hath lost her hekell; Elle vendra son lin. She shall selle her flaxe. 8 +Richaert le veytier +Rychard the carier (Richier le chareton) (Richer the cartar) Menra du fien sur ma terre Shall lede dong on my land Quand elle sera ahanne, Whan it shall be ered, 12 Et sur mon courtil And on my herber Quand il sera fouys, Whan it shall be doluen, Et au gardin And in to the orchard Entour les arbres. Aboute the trees. 16 +Rolland le mainouurier +Rolande the handwerker Fera mon prayel, Shall make my pryelle, Vne soif entour. An hegge aboute. +Rogier le coustre +Roger the sextayn 20 Est a auignon, Is at auinion, Pour empetrer For to gete Vne cure, vne chapelrie; A cure, a fre chapell; Voire se dieu plaist. Ye truly, yf god wyll. 24 +Rainier le esquier +Reyner the squyer
[Sidenote: P. 43.]
Est aus Joustes, Is atte Justes, Aux tournoys, acompaignie At the tornoye, acompanyed Tres honnourablement; Right worshipfully; 28 Il a mon rouchin, He hath my coursour, Mon palefroy, mon destrier, My palfreye, my stede, Mes lances. My speres. Il aura le pris. He shall haue the prys. 32 +Raulle le changier +Randolf the changer A sys a change trente ans. Hath seten in the change xxx. yere. Les monnoyes sont bien desirees, The moneyes ben well desired, Si que les gens se mettent en peril So that folke put hem in peryll 36 Destre dampnes. To be dampned. Cest grand folye It is grete folye De donner le eternalite For to gyue the eternalite Pour le temporalite. For the temporalte. 40
[[46]] [Headnote: NAMES: WALTER—YSAAC. Brushmaker, Currier, &c.]
+WAultier le paternostrier +Walter the paternoster maker Vend a le dedicasse Solde at the dedicacion Paternosters de cristal, Bedes of cristall, Par dousaines en gros, By doseyns in grete, 4 Dambre, de voire, et de cornes. Of ambre, of glas, and of hornes. +Willame le rammonier +William the brusshemaker Vendt les rammons par loysir. Selleth the brusshes by leyzer. Ce poise moy; ie vouldroye Wo is me; I wolde 8 Quil le vendisist bien. That he solde well. +Valerien le tenneur +Valeryen the tawyer A moult dauantage Hath moche auantage En ce quil vend cuyr, In that that he selleth lether, 12 Car il le tanne meisme. For he taweth hymselfe. +Walram le coureur +Walram the coryer Faict vng ort mestier. Dooth a foul crafte. Il pute aual la maison; He stynketh after the hous; 16 Il coure ses piaulx He coryeth his hydes De saing de herencs. With sayme of heryngs. +Vaast le vairrier +Vedast the graywerker Vendi orains a madame Solde whiler to my lady 20 Vne pelice de vaire A pylche of graye Et de bonnes fourrures. And of good furres. +Wauburge le pelletiere +Wauburge the pilchemaker[1] Refaicte vng plice bien; Formaketh a pylche well; 24 Aussi faict son baron. So doth her husbonde.
[Footnote 1: piclh-]
+Xpristien le gorlier +Xpristrian the colermaker Me faict ung goriel; Maketh to me a coler;
[Sidenote: P. 44.]
Dont aray deux goriaulx Than shal I haue two coliers 28 Pour mes cheuaulx de querue. For my horses of the plowh. +Xpristiene la fylle +Xpristine the doughter Se plaint du serrurier, Complayned her of the lokyer, Pour ce quil nye By cause that he denyeth 32 Dun enfant quil gaigna. Of a child that he wan.
+YZores le hugiers +Ysores the Joynar Fist le forcier de mamye, Made a forcer for my loue, Sa luysel, son escrijn. Her cheste, hir scryne[2]. 36
[Footnote 2: scyrne]
+Ysaac le vigneron +Ysaac the wyneman Yra as vignes. Shall to the vyneyerd. Il me souhaidera des crappes; He shall weeshe me of the grapes; Car en les vignes For in the vyneyerd 40
[[47]] [Headnote: NAMES: Kettlemaker, Proctor, &c. GOD IS MERCIFUL.]
Gaignera il asses. He shall wyn[n]e ynowh. +Ysaac le chauderlier +Ysaac the ketelmaker Donne quatre chaudrons, Gyueth four ketellis, Contenant douze galons chescun, Conteynyng twelue galons euerich, 4 Pour quarant gros le piece. For fourty grotes the pece. Et le bon chandelliere And the good candelmaker Donne quatre chandeylles de sieu[1] Gyueth foure talow candellis Pour vng denier le piece. For one peny the pece. 8
[Footnote 1: sleu]
+ZAchare le procureur +ZAchare the proctour Mapporte vne sommonce; Hath brought me a sommonce; Car iay faicte sommondre For I haue to do somone +Ierome le barbier; +Iherome the barbour; 12 Ie playderay encontre luy. I shall plete ayenst hym. +Iosse le parceminier +Iosse the parchemyn maker Me vendi vne piel parcemyn Solde me a skyn of parchemyn Qui tout flua, That alle flued, 16 Et vne couuerture de franchin And a coueryng of franchyn Rees a vng les, Shauen on the one syde, Qui riens ne valoit, Whiche nought was worth, Que ie ny puis sus escripre. That I myght not write vpon. 20 Va querre vne ponce[2] Goo fecche a pomyce Et du meillour papier, And of the best papier, Mon caniuet, mes forcettes. My penknyf, my sheris.
[Footnote 2: pouce]
Iescripray vne lettre damours; I shall write a lettre of loue, 24 Se lenuoyeray a mamye. And shall sende it to my loue.
[Sidenote: [CH. IX.]]
+Je suy tout lasses +I am alle wery De tant de noms nommer Of so many names to name De tant de mestiers, Of so many craftes, 28 Tant doffices, tant deseruices; So many offices, so many seruises;
[Sidenote: P. 45.]
Je me veul reposer. I wyll reste me.
+Encore dont, pour ralongier +Neuertheless, for to lengthe Ce que iay comenciet, That whiche I haue begonne, 32 Diray ie du meilleur: I shall saye the beste: Cest que dieu nous crea That is, that god hath made vs A la samblance Vnto the lykenes De luy mesmes. Of hym selfe. 36 Je dy au commencement, I saye atte begynnyng, Qui bien fera bien aura. Who doth well shall well haue. Dieu est misericors, God is mercyfull, Et si est iuste; And so he is rightfull; 40
Il a mercy des pecheurs He hath mercy of the synnars Qui cognoistre se veullent; Which hem selfe wyll knowe; De ceulx qui ont repentance, Of them that haue repentaunce, Qui fasse vraye confession, Which make verry confession, 4 Et leur penance parfacent And theyr penaunce fuldoo Que le confesseur leurs charge. That the confessour them charge. Et le faulx mauuais, And the false euyll, Que damender nont cure, That to amende them recche not, 8 Selon la saincte escripture, After the holy scripture, Sont en auenture de perir. Ben in aduenture to perysshe. Pour ce est il mal aduises Therfore he is euyll aduised Qui nauret le[1] sent That wounded hym selfe feleth 12 En peril de mort, In peryll of deth,
[Footnote 1: ? se]
Sil ne prend remede Yf he take not remedye Quand il le scet ou trouuer. Whan he knoweth wher to fynde. On dist qui sert nostre seigneur, Men saye who serueth our lord, 16 Et la vierge marie, And the mayde marye, Les sains apostles, The holy apostles, Les[2] quatre euangelistes, The foure euangelistes,
[Footnote 2: Le]
Angeles et archangeles, Angelis and archangelis, 20 Prophetes et martirs, Prophetes and martris, Patriarces, confesseurs, Patriarkis, confessours, Sainttes viergenes, Holy virgynes, Sainctes vesues, Holy wedowes, 24 Saints innocens— Holy innocentes— Ces saints et sainctes— These saynctes— Il attend bon loijer He attendeth good reward Enuers dieu par leurs priers. Anenst god by theyr prayers. 28 On doibt oyr messe Men ought to here masse Et touttes les heures du iour; And all the houres of the day; Qui en est aysies au moins. Whiche is at his ease atte leste.
[Sidenote: P. 46.]
Aller veoir le sacrament Goo see the sacrament 32 Est vng bon desiunement. Is a good brekefast. Se vous debues Yf ye owe Aucunes pelerinages, Ony pylgremages, Si les payes hastiuement. So paye them hastely. 36 Quand vous estes meus Whan ye be meuyd Pour aller vostre voyage, For to goo your viage, Et vous ne scaues le chemin, And ye knowe not the waye, Si le demandes ainssi[3], So axe it thus, 40
[Footnote 3: amssi]
En commandant les gens a dieu: In comandyng the peple to god: 'A dieu, bonnes gens; 'To god, goode peple; Ie men voie a sainct Jaques, I goo to saynt James, A nostre dame de boulogne. To our lady of boloyne. 4 A la quelle porte ysseray ie, At whiche gate shall I goo out, Et a quelle main And at whiche hande Prenderay ie mon chemyn?'" Shall I take my way?'" A le main dextre, On the right hande, 8 Quand vous venres a vng pont, Whan ye come to a brigge, Si les passes; So goo ther over; Vous trouueres vne voyette Ye shall fynde a lytill waye A le main senestre, On the lyfte honde, 12 Qui vous menra en vne contre Whiche shall brynge you in a contre La vous verres sur vne eglise There shall ye see vpon a chirche Deux haultes clocquiers; Two hye steples; De la aurez vous Fro thens shall ye haue 16 Que quatre lieuwes But four myle Iusques a vostre gyste. Vnto your loggyng. La seres vous bien aisies There shall ye be well easyd Pour vostre argent, For your money, 20 Et se y aures bon hostel. And ye shall haue a good Jnne. "Dame, dieu y soit!" "Dame, god be here!" "Compain, vous soies bien venus." "Felaw, ye be welcome." "Poroye ie auoir "May I haue 24 Ung licte chyens? A bedde here withinne? Pourray ie cy herbegier?" May I here be logged?" "Oyl, bien et nettement, "Ye, well and clenly, Si fussies vous dousisme[1], Alle were ye twelue, 28 tout a cheual." Alle on horseback."
[Footnote 1: donsisme]
"Nennil,[2] fors que nous trois. "Nay, but we thre. A il a mengier chy ens?" Is there to ete here within?"
[Footnote 2: Nenuil]
"Oyl, asses, dieu mercy." "Ye, ynough, god be thanked." 32 "Apportes nous ent. "Brynge it to vs.
[Sidenote: P. 47.]
Donnes du fain as cheuaulx, Gyue heye to the hors, Et les estraines bien; And strawe them well; Mais quils soient abuures." But that they be watred." 36 "Dame que debuons nous? "Dame what owe we? Nous avons este bien aise. We have ben well easyd. Nous compterons demain, We shall rekene to morow, Et payerons aussi, And shall paye also, 40
Que vous vous en loeres. That ye shall hold you plesid. Menes nous couchier; Brynge vs to slepe; Nous sommes lasses." We ben wery." "Bien, ie voye, vous reposeres. "Well, I goo, ye shall reste. 4 Iannette, alumes le chandeille; Ienette, lyghte the candell; Si les menes la sus And lede them ther aboue Ou soler deuant; In the solere tofore; Si leur porte de liauwe chaude And bere them hoot watre 8 pour lauer leurs pieds; For to wasshe their feet; Si les couure de coussins. And couere them with quysshons. Regarde que lestable Se that the stable Soit bien fremme." Be well shette." 12
[Footnote: [? ferme]]
"Dame, peult on nauyer "Dame, may men goo by ship Descy a bouloigne?" Fro hens to boloyne?" "Oyl, maintenant il ya "Ye, now ther is Vne nef preste plaine de gens. A shippe redy ful of peple. 16 Dieu les veulle conduire! God well them conduyte! Dieu les amaine a sauuete! God brynge them in sauete! Dieu les laisse leur voye God late them theyr waye Bien employer! Well fulcome! 20 Escoutes! il tonne et esclire; Herke! it thondreth and lyghtneth; Y pluyt et gresille; It rayneth and haylleth; Dieu saulue les biens des champs!" God saue the goodes of the feldes!" "Dieu en puist souuenir." "God may them bythynke." 24 Seigneurs, qui vouldroit, Lordes, who wolde, Ce liure ne fineroit iamais, This boke shold neuer be ended, Car on ne pourroit tant escripre For men may not so moche write Quon ne trouueroit toudis plus: Me shold fynde alway more: 28 Le parchemin est debonnaire; The parchemen is so meke; Il seuffre sour luy escripre Hit suffreth on hit to write Quancques on veult. What someuer men wylle.
[Sidenote: [CH. X.]]
+CY appres vous deuiseray +HEre after I shall deuyse you 32 Vng liuret quon appelle A litell book that men call Le nombre, le quel est The nombre, the which is Moult prouffytable, Moche prouffytable[1],
[Footnote 1: pronffytable]
[Sidenote: P. 48.]
Par le quel By the whiche 36 On pourra scauoir compter Men shall mowe conne rekene De denier as deniers; Fro peny[2] to pens;
[Footnote 2: peuy]
Si en poes retenir So may ye reteyne Les debtes quon vous doibt, The dettes that men owe you, 40
Et les receptes And the receyttes Que vous aues rechupt That ye haue receyuyd Ou que vous aues paiet. Or that ye haue payd. Si commencies ainsi So begynne all thus 4 Comme est declare cy apres: As is declared hereafter:
+UNg, deux, trois, +ONe, tweyne, thre, Quatre, chincq, six, Foure, fyue, sixe, Sept, huyt, neuf, dix, Seuen, eight, nyne, ten, 8 Onze, douze, treze, Enleuen, twelue, thirtene, Quatourze, quinze, seze, Fourtene, fiftene, sixtene, Dixsept, dixhuyt, Seuentene, eyghtene, Dixneuf, vingt, Nynetene, twenty, 12 Trente, quarante, Thretty, fourty, Chincquante, soixante, Fyfty, Syxty, Septante, huytante, Seuenty, eyghty, Ou quatre vingt, Or four score, 16 Nonante, Cent, Nynty, hondred, Deux cents, Two hondred, Mille, Cent mille, A thousand, a hondred thousand, Vng million; A myllyon; 20 Ainsi toudis montant. Thus alleway mountyng. +Vne liure de strelins, +A pound sterlings, Vne marcq que vault A marcke that is worth Deux nobles[1] dangleter, Two nobles of englonde, 24
[Footnote 1: uobles]
Vne liure de gros, A pound grete, Monoye de flaundres, Moneye of flaundres, Vne soulde que vault A shellyng that is worth Trois gros ou douze deniers, Thre grotis or twelue pens, 28 Vne gros vault quatre deniers, A grote is worth four pens, Vng denier, vne maille, A peny, a halfpeny, Vng quadrant, vne mite. A ferdyng, a myte.
+CY fine ceste doctrine, +HEre endeth this doctrine, 32 A westmestre les loundres At westmestre, by london, En formes impressee, In fourmes enprinted, En le quelle vng chescun In the whiche one euerich Pourra briefment aprendre May shortly lerne 36 Fransois et engloys. Frenssh and englissh.
[Sidenote: P. 49.]
La grace de sainct esperit The grace of the holy ghoost Veul enluminer les cures Wylle enlyghte the hertes
[[52]] [Headnote: A CONCLUDING PRAYER.]
De ceulx qui le aprendront, Of them that shall lerne it, Et nous doinst perseuerance And vs gyue perseueraunce En bonnes operacions, In good werkes, Et apres cest[1] vie transitorie And after lyf[2] transitorie 4 La pardurable ioye & glorie! The euerlastyng ioye and glorie!
[Footnote 1: ceste, Blades ii. 133.]
[Footnote 2: this lyf, Blades ii. 133.]
accidents, books of accidence, 38/40. aduenture: in a., likely, in danger, 48/10. after (rendering Flemish achter, Fr. aval), throughout, 38/2, 46/16. Alemayne, Almayne, Germany, 14/17, 22/27. Alemaynes, Germans, 42/40. all, used as adverb, 31/7; alle, with subj., even if, 49/28; all halowes, the feast of All Saints, 28/18. alleway, always, 9/23. almesse, alms, 33/8. alouses, shad, 12/7. alume, alum, 1/26, 20/35. amendes, penalty, fine, 44/9. Andwerp, Antwerp, 18/37. andyrons, andirons, 8/8. anenst, towards, in the sight of, 48/28. angre, refl., be angry, 31/6. anone, immediately, 25/26. apostomes, imposthumes, abscesses, 41/23. apotecarie, apothecary, 19/34. appereth, apperith, 37/34, 38/2. arblastrer, crossbowman, 36/26. Ardane, Ardennes, 43/38. atte, at the, 34/6, 45/26. auantage, advantage, 46/11. auaunte, refl., boast, 30/14. auctour, author, 3/33. Austyns, Augustine friars, 24/5. Auynyon, Auinion, Avignon, 22/20, 45/21. axe, ask, 21/16, 33/16, 48/40; axed, 15/36, 33/10. ayenst, against, 31/31, 47/13.
bacenet, bassinet, helmet, 33/34. bales, balls (of alum), 20/36. banerett, knight banneret, 24/33; double banerette, 24/36. bankers, coverings for benches, 7/1. barke, bark (used in dyeing), 34/29. ba[r]terye, pots and pans, 38/26. basenne, sheep leather, 19/26. bastard, a wine, 14/7. baylly, bailiff, 30/10. be, = been, 32/6. Beane, Beaune, 14/5. becke: drink b. to b., drink together (Fr. bec a bec). bedes, beads, 46/3. Beghyns, Beguines, 24/11. beldame, mother-in-law, 6/2. belfadre, father-in-law, 6/2. Beme, Bohemia, 22/38. ben, are, 4/31, 13/17. benes, beans, 13/39. Benet (seynt), St. Benedict, 24/2. bere, bear (animal), 11/21. bergayne, bargain for, 14/28. berne, barn, 40/2. Berow, Bergues, 19/2, 24/31. betes, beetroot, 13/32. beuer, beaver (for hats), 40/39; beuers, beavers (animals), 9/1. bileue, believe; I you b. well, 15/26. blyew, blue, 14/36. bocher, butcher, 37/31; bochiers, 2/31. [[error for 2/21]] bocherie, meat-market, 37/32. bocle, buckle, 21/28. boden, bid, offered, 15/35. Boloyne, Boulogne, 49/4, 50/14. boor, boar, 10/26. bordclothes, table cloths, 8/24. born, carried, 32/3. boulye, a drink, 14/19. bourghmaistre, burgomaster, 44/13. Bousser (= Fr. Bourshier), vycounte of B., 24/30. brasyll, brazil wood, 20/18, 34/27. brede, breadth, 16/23. brede, bread, 26/39. brekynge, rupture, hernia, 41/28. brembles, brambles; bremble beries (Fr. grouselles, gooseberries), 13/23. bremes, bream, 12/7. brenne, burn, 30/26. briches, breeches, 8/37. bridelmakers, 1/16. [[error for 2/16]] brigge, bridge, 49/9. brocorage, brokerage, 42/35. brocour, broker, 42/34; brokers, 2/30. broun peper, black pepper, 10/28; broun sugre, 20/1. browet, stew, broth, 10/20; browettys, 41/15. broythures, embroideries, 22/5. bueff, beef, 10/14. bukke, buck, 19/23. Burgoyne, Burgundy, 24/19. butores, bitterns, 10/40. buxom, polite, 9/39. by cause that, because, 46/32. byleding, translation of Fr. deduit, delight, 29/12. byre, beer, 14/17. bystowe, lay out (money), 20/20. bythynke, remember, think upon, 50/24.
calle, headdress, 42/18. [[error for 42/17]] callyng, invocation (of the Trinity), 1/5. Camerik, Cambray, 23/19. cammelle, ? for cannelle, cinnamon, 20/2. can, knows, is skilled in, 33/13; see conne. cannes, cans (tin), 7/17; earthen pots, 7/10. carier, wagoner, 45/9. castelayn, castellan (of Dover), 24/29. castell, cattle, 40/1. catell, money, 15/12; catayllys, chattels, furniture, 1/8. Cathon, Dionysius Cato, 9/27; catons, copies of Cato's 'Disticha,' 38/38. caudell, caudle, 14/1. Cecile, Sicily, 22/36. certainly, definitely, 16/1. chalon, ? blanket, coverlet (but used to render F. calys, apparently 'couch'), 7/2. change, exchange office, 45/34. changer, money-changer, 45/33; chaungers, 45/33. [[error for 2/33]] chanons, canons, 23/30. chapell, chapel: a fre ch., 45/23. chapitre, chapter, 14/4. [[error for 15/4]] chappelains, chaplains, 24/7. charge: haue no c. of, don't care for, 31/4. Chartre hous: monkes of C., Carthusians, 24/4. chekens, chickens, 10/32. chepe, bargain for, 10/24. chertes, shirts, 8/37. cheruyll, chervil, 13/32. cheuissheth her, is successful, 42/11. chirche haliday, church feast, fair, 19/7. chorle, peasant, 30/8. Cistiauls, Citeaux, 23/37. clarey, a spiced wine, 14/12. clergesses, members of female religious orders, 24/11. cnoppes, lumps (in yarn), 32/30. cobelers, cobblers, 2/28. coddelynges, codfish, 12/3. coffyns, caskets, 21/33. coler, collar (for horses), 46/27; coliers, 46/28. colermaker, (horse)collar maker, 46/26. Coleyne, Cologne, 23/8. commaunde, commend, 5/21, 6/12. complyn, late evening service, 27/30. comyn, common, 1/17. comyne, cummin, 19/40. conduyte, guide, 5/24. confyte, comfrey (see the Notes), 13/19. congres, conger-eels, 12/8. conne, know, be skilled in, 37/39; see can. contre, country, 5/2. conyes, rabbits, 9/2. cool, cabbage, 13/30. cordewan, Cordovan leather, 19/24. cordewanner, shoemaker, 35/35. corffes, baskets, 38/21. corse, girdle, 21/27. coryer, currier, 46/14; coriars, 1/25. coryeth, curries, 46/17. cosen alyed, cousin by marriage, 29/13. cosyns germayns, cousins german, 6/5. couerar of tyles, tiler, 40/23. couercles, lids, 7/35, 7/40. [[7/40 unidentified error]] couerlettes, coverlets, 6/40. couper, cooper, 44/6; [[error for 44/16]] coupers, 2/31. coursour, courser, 45/29. courtosye, courtesy, 18/16. courtoys, courteous, 5/12. coyfes for men, coifs, 21/38. crafte, trade, 46/15; craftes, 25/23. creuyches, crayfish, 12/15. cristall (for beads), 46/3. crosse: neuer a c., not a farthing, 15/40. cubibes, cubebs, 19/39. curattes, curates, 24/7. cure, church benefice, 45/23.
dame, lady, 4/33, 15/5, 49/22. damoyselle, damyselle, young lady, 4/19, 4/30, 5/29, 15/39. dampned, damned, 45/37. Danes men, Danes, 43/7. [[error for 43/8]] dangerous, hard to manage, cross-tempered, 32/12. daubed, plastered, 40/35. dawber, plasterer, 40/36. dedicace, parish festival, 46/2. dene, dean (of a trade guild), 44/7. dere chepe, high buying prices, 35/34. deuyse, explain, 14/27. dight, prepare (food), 10/28. discouered, uncovered, 40/28. do, = done, 47/11; see doo. doctrinals, copies of the Doctrinale (a grammar), 38/38. dokes, ducks, 12/32. doluen, dug, 45/14. donettis, copies of Donatus's grammar, 38/40. dong, dung, 45/11. doo, as a causative auxiliary, 26/5, 37/21; [[error for 26/25]] doo of, doff, put off, 4/18, 4/20; do on, don, put on, 25/39. Dornyk, Tournay, 18/30. doseyns, dozens, 46/4. doughter, mistranslation of fille, prostitute, 46/30; of filleule, god-daughter, 44/26. dresse, serve up (food), 31/23; d. to ete, prepare a meal, 26/38. dyerye, dyer's business, 20/37. dyse, dice, 44/38; dysemaker, 44/37. dystaf, distaff, 32/27.
elle, ell, 15/15, 32/15; thelle, the ell, 15/8. Elzeter, Alsace, 14/4. eme, uncle, 6/3. en, redundant negative (a Flemicism), 18/18. enfourme, instruct, 9/33. enke hornes, inkhorns, 21/35. enleuen, eleven, 51/9. enlumined, illuminated (of a manuscript), 39/1. enlyghte, enlighten, 51/39. enprinted, printed, 38/36, 51/34. entremete, refl., undertake, 20/40. entreprise, undertake, 3/38. er, before, 26/2. ered, ploughed, 45/12. erst, first, before doing something else, 27/8. Esterlynges, Easterlings, 43/1. estre, Easter, 28/13. eternalite, what is eternal, 45/39. eueryche, euerich, everybody, 2/39, 31/1; one euerich, 51/35. euyll, bad (in quality), 40/20; e. auenture, ill luck, 29/10. euyll, badly, 11/12. eyrekakis, egg cakes, ? omelets, 13/1.
failled: ye f., you wanted (anything), 18/4. fair syre, my good sir, 18/3. falle, occur, be met with, 25/11. fatte, vat, cask, 26/19. fauconers, falconers, 43/36. faucons, falcons, 43/37. faulte: without f., without fail, 37/14. [[error for 37/24]] fayres, fairs, 1/19. felaw, felawe, as a polite term of address, 4/34, 49/23; [[error for 4/35]] my felaws, my companions, 18/23. felawship, society, companionship, 31/5. feldeseed, 'field seed,' 20/10. fellis, skins, 19/23. ferdyng, farthing, 51/31. ferme, rent, annual payment, 37/5. festes, festivals, 28/3. [[error for 28/7]] feuerer, February, 27/39. fichews, polecats, 11/18. flawnes, flawns, 12/34. flesh, meat, 37/33. flesshshamels, shambles, 10/8. flued, made the ink run, 47/16. folke, people, folks, 9/40; f. of ordre, members of religious orders, 2/5. folye, folly, 45/38. for: for to, = to (with infinitive), 2/40, 4/5; for this that, because, 32/34. forbere, bear with, defer to, 9/25. forcer, forcyer, forcier, chest with a lock, 8/20, 36/7, 46/35. [[error for 8/21]] forgeten, forgotten, 13/2. formaketh, repairs, mends, 44/17, 46/24. foryere, last year, 32/5. fourbysshour, furbisher, 33/26. fourmes, (printers') forms, 51/34. franchise, freedom (of a trade guild), 32/17. franchyn, a sort of parchment, 47/17. frere, friar: freres menours, Minorites, Franciscans, 24/3; lewd freris, lay brothers, Beghards, 24/6. fro, from, 4/1. frockes, = Fr. sourcorps, 8/30. fulcome, accomplish (a journey), 50/20. fuldoo, perform, 48/5. furmenty, furmety, 13/40.
galentyne, sauce, 42/24. galles, gall-nuts, 34/27. galoches, overshoes, 35/39. ganselyn, a garlic sauce, 42/26. garettis, garrets, 6/28. Garnade, ? Granada: wyn of G., 14/8. Gaunt, Ghent, 18/28. [[error for 18/29]] geloffres, cloves, 13/35. gerfaucons, gerfalcons, 43/38. germayns: see cosyns germayns. Germole: wyn of G., 14/5. ghees, geese, 12/31. gheet, goats, 12/30, 19/23 (but ghotes, 11/24); [[error for 11/22]] used as singular, 10/23. ghestes, guests, 42/39. ghyrle, girl, 44/27. gloues of yron, gauntlets, 33/37. God, in salutations, &c.: G. you kepe, 4/24; G. give you good daye, 4/32; G. reward you, 5/14; G. late me deserue it, 5/15; G. you haue in his holy kepyng, 5/26; goo to god (= adieu), 6/13. Goddes peny, broker's commission, 42/36. gogeorns, gudgeons, 12/16. good chepe, cheap, 15/11. goodlynes, pleasant manners, 18/17. [[error for 18/15]] gorelmakers, horsecollar makers, 2/37. gorgette, armour for the neck, 33/36. gramercy, many thanks, 5/11, 18/11. graye, vair, fur, 46/21. grayne, grain: scarlet in g., 15/1; graynes of paradys, 20/3. graywerker, furrier, 46/19. grene of Spayne, 20/17. grene sauce (eaten with pork), 10/11. [[error for 10/13]] grete, great: in g., wholesale, 46/4. greue, (of food) disagree with, 11/6. greywerke, furriery, 2/36. grote, groat, coin, 51/29; grotes, grotis, 17/21, 44/31, 51/28. growell, gruel, 14/2. guldrens, guilders, gulden, 17/31. gyuing oute, expenditure, 3/9.
habergeon, 33/35, haddoks, haddocks, 12/3. halting, lame, 32/32. handwerker, farm labourer, 45/17. happe, luck, fortune, 29/22. hardy, bold, brave, 24/32. haue right (= avez droit), 15/20. hawgher, heifer, 10/20. [[error for 10/19]] heberow, lodging, 5/31. heeryng, heryng, herring, 12/8, 12/9. hegge, hedge, 45/19. hekell, heckle, 45/7. heklester, (female) heckler, 45/5. hem, them, themselves, 45/36. Henaud, Hainault, 24/28. herber, garden, 45/13. herte, hart, 10/27, 41/2. herthe, hearth, 8/6. hether, hither, 31/27. heth hennes, moor hens, 11/1. hewke, a sort of cloak, 16/18; heukes, 8/31, mantle. heye, hay, 13/27. Heynewiers, people of Hainault, 43/7. hiere, here, 29/23, 24. hit, it, 6/27, 9/21, 25/37, &c. holde: holde you companye, accompany you, 26/5. hole, whole, 15/7; in good health, 35/13. honde, hand; take on h., undertake, 3/38. hooled, holed, torn, 34/15. hosteler, innkeeper, 42/38; hosteliers, 2/30. hound, dog (skin), 41/3. houres, hours (of divine service), 48/30; see oures. howsed, provided with a house, 34/20. huues, caps, 21/37, 42/19. hye dayes, festival days, 31/31. hyndecalf, fawn, 10/27.
Janiver, January, 27/39. jaquet, jacket, 33/40. Jenewys, Genoese, 43/6. in longe tyme, for a long time, 5/1. joustynges, tiltings, 25/2. joynar, joiner, 46/34; joyners, 2/37. justes, tiltings, 45/26. Juyll, July, 28/2. Juyn, June, 27/1. [[error for 28/1]]
kalenders, calendars, 39/4. kawdrons, cauldrons, 7/6. kembyth, combs (wool), 32/21. kempster, female woolcomber, 32/18; kempsters, 2/15. kersses, creases, 13/36. [[error for 13/35]] ketelmaker, kettle-maker, 47/2; ketelmakers, 2/23. keuerchief (see the Notes), 8/36; keuerchifs, kerchiefs, 43/14. [[error for 42/14]] keupis, tubs, barrels, 44/17. kien, kyen, cows, 12/29, 19/21. knowlechid, confessed, 43/24. kreme, cream, 12/38.
laces, latchets, ties, 21/40. langyng, belonging, 1/8. lastes, lasts (weight), 21/13. late, let, 27/12. lauendre, laundress, 31/26. lauours, wash-hand basins, 7/8. lede, lead, cart (dung), 45/11. leed, lead (metal), 21/22. lelyes, lilies, 13/20. leneth, lends, 39/12, 33. lengthe, lengthen, 57/31. [[error for 47/31]] lese, lose, 15/39. letews, lettuce, 13/34. leuain, leaven, 14/20. leue, leave: take l., 5/22. leue, make an abatement, 16/3. leuer, rather, 15/37. leuyng, leaving; used to translate relief (de la table), 9/7. lewd freris, lay brothers, Beghards, 24/6. leyzer, leisure; by l., in a leisurely way (i.e. finding little custom), 46/20. [[error for 46/7]] librariers, booksellers, 2/23. lichorous, dainty, fond of good living, 33/20. loches, loach, 12/16. loftes, upper rooms, 6/28. lokyer, locksmith, 46/32; [[error for 46/31]] lokyers, 2/36. longhe, lung, 26/28. Luke, Liege, 23/18. luses, luces, pike (fish), 12/12. [[error for 12/13]] luste, desire, 32/36. lyef, ladylove, 29/14. lyfte honde, left hand, 48/12. [[error for 49/12]] lynweuar, linen weaver, 38/9; lynweuers, 2/22. lystes (translation of lesons, settees), 7/5.
maistre, prefix to the name of a physician, 34/38. makerell, mackerel, 12/6. maluesey, malmsey, 14/10. mandemaker, basket maker, 38/19; maundemakers, 2/24. mandis, baskets, 38/21. maners, sorts, kinds, 18/24, 19/36, 38/3. marchans, merchants, 21/17. marcke, mark (coin), 51/24. [[error for 51/23]] mareshall, marshal (of France), 30/2. maroners, sailors, 11/39. marte, market, fair, 19/1. Mase, the Meuse, 12/18. masone, do mason's work, 40/9. mastrye, maystrye, rule, 43/28; [[error for 43/27]] has them to mastrye, has them in his power, 43/25. matynes, matins, 27/17. mayde Marie, the Virgin Mary, 48/17. mayntene, keep a stock of, 6/29. me, one (= Fr. on), 6/19, 8/12, 12/38, 14/22, 26/12, &c. [[error for 6/20 ... 26/16]] mecop, poppy; oyle of m., 20/11. mede, mead (drink), 14/15. medle with, deal in, 18/6. medleyed, mixed, 14/34. medliers, medlars, 13/7. meesen, tomtits, 10/37 (a Flemish word). membres, limbs, 27/4. Mence, Mayence, 23/10. merceryes, mercer's goods, 1/28. meruaylle, marvel, 32/31. meschief, misfortune, 29/8. messager, messenger, 45/1; messagiers, 2/32. mestelyn, mixed corn, 44/22. metar, measurer, 16/34, 44/20; metars, 2/32. mete (verb), measure, 16/29; meten, moten, measured, 26/25, 40/15, 44/21. meuyd, moved, disposed, 48/37. meyne, household, 5/35. mo, moo, more (as adv. and with a plural), 3/2, 3/34, 11/9, 30/21. [[error for 30/24]] moche, very, 26/6, 32/12, 50/35. molettis, mullets, fish, 12/6. morberies, mulberries, 13/6. mormale, gangrene, 41/40. morreey, murrey (colour), 14/38. mortier, mortar (kitchen utensil), 26/40. mote, may (in wishes), 4/38, 5/25. [[error for 4/39]] moten: see mete. mottes, hillocks, mounds, 13/25. mowe, be able, 3/22, 11/7, 50/37. muscadel (wine), 14/7. mylnars, millers, 2/21. myntemakers, coiners, 2/34. myte, half farthing, 51/31.
Nauerne, Navarre, 22/37. nayled, studded with nails, 31/36. naylle, clove (wool weight), 19/13. ne, nor, 10/34, 20/5; [[error for 21/5]] not, 19/20; redundant negative, 12/22, 20/4, 29/26. [[error for 21/4]] nether court, farm yard, 40/2. neueus, nephews, 6/6. nobles, half-marks (6s. 8d.), 51/24; see ryallis nobles. nokertree, walnut tree, 13/14. noppe, to burl (cloth), 33/15. nopster, burler, 33/12. notes, nuts, 13/6. nothyng, not at all, 5/18. noyeng, annoyance, harm, 29/8.
officials (of the church), 2/4, 23/25. of the, of, = Fr. partitive article, 10/9, 41/7, 47/22. olifaunts, elephants, 11/19. ooke, oak, 13/3. [[error for 13/13]] orfrayes, borders of gold lace, 36/8. [[error for 36/9]] Oseye, Alsace; wyn of O., 14/8. Ostryche, Austria, 24/20. othirwhyle, sometimes, 40/21. ouermoche, too much, 5/5. oughteth, ought, 40/3. our lady in heruest, the Assumption, Aug. 15, 28/23. our lady in marche, Lady-day, Mar. 25, 28/21. oures, books of hours, 38/39. owe, ought, 37/23; oweth to, is to (do something), 31/34. oynementis, ointments, 41/24.
paintours, painters, 2/25. paintures, pigments, paints, 20/16. palfreye, 45/20. [[error for 45/30]] parchemyn, perchemyn, parchment, 2/38, 39/5, 47/15. pardon, parish festival, 28/33. parfourmed, finished making, 33/39. partie, part, 21/2. partis, books on the parts of speech, 38/40. partrichs, partridges, 11/1. pasteyes, pies, 12/37. pauntcher, girdle to hold up the breeches, 8/35. [[error for 8/38]] pauteners, pawteners, purses, 36/22, 41/5. paynefull weke, the Passion week, 28/28. pece: the p., apiece, 47/5. pelowes, pillows, 8/35. pendants of silke, ? ribbons worn as trimmings for dress, 21/39. penners, writing cases, 21/33. pens, pence, 3/8, 17/25, &c.; as a weight, 31/37. penyworthes, wares, 18/1. perche, pole to hang cloth on, 8/28. [[error for 8/29]] perchemyn: see parchemyn. peres, pears, 13/4. persely, parsley, 13/32. pesen, peas, 13/39, 22/11. pesibly, peaceably, 9/17. [[error for 9/18]] pesshes, peaches, 12/7. [[error for 13/7]] pestyll, pestel, pestle, 8/28, 27/1. pikerellis (fish), 12/13. pikes (fish), 12/13. pilchemaker, pelisse maker, 14/23; [[error for 46/23]] cf. pylche. plackes, placks (Scots copper coin), 17/23. plaise, plese, please: if you plaise ony thyng, 5/6; yf it you plese you, 15/16. plate, breastplate, 33/33. platers, platters, trays, 7/30. playne, refl., complain, 31/12. plete, go to law, 47/13. pleyers, minstrels, 2/35. plouier, plover, 10/35. polettes, pullets, fowls, 44/2; see poullet. pomyce, pumice-stone, 47/21. Poole, Poland, 22/39. porreette, leeks, 13/3. [[error for 13/31]] porselane, purslain, 13/34. Portingale, Portugal, 23/2. Portingalers, Portuguese, 42/5. [[error for 43/5]] portoses, breviaries, 39/8. potages, pot-herbs, 1/16; soups or stews, 20/32. potterye, crockery market, 7/13. poullet, pullet, 10/32; see polettes. pourchaced, obtained, 38/37. poure, poor, 37/35. pourpays, porpoises, 12/2. powches, pouches, 41/7. poyntels, pencils for ruling lines, 21/34. poyntes, tags for dress, 21/30. [[error for 21/40]] Poytevins, men of Poitou, 43/5. [[error for 43/2]] preysith, praises, 32/26. printed cakes, 12/36. pris, price, 26/20. proctour, proctor, 47/9. prouostye, provostship, 30/11. pryelle, meadow, close, 45/18. prys, prize, 45/32. pulter, poulterer, 44/1. pultrie, poultry market, 10/30. pursser, purse-maker, 41/4; pursers, 2/28. pybakers, pastry cooks, 2/34. pylche, pelisse, 46/21; pylches, 9/2; cf. pilchemaker. pylle (verb), peel (garlic), 27/7.
quarte (measure: = stope), 7/27. [[error for 7/23]] qultes paynted, counterpanes, 6/31. [[error for 6/38]] quysshons, cushions, 50/10.
rapes, turnips, 13/36. raye, striped cloth, 14/39. Raynes, Reims, 23/9. recche, reck, care, 27/35; used impersonally (me reccheth), 27/18. receyuour, receiver of taxes, 44/35. recommaunde me to, salute for me, 5/36. recyte, receipts, income, 3/9. reed, red, 22/1. rekenynges, accounts, 37/1. remeuyd, removed, 34/20. renomed, notorious, 40/19. rente, income, 37/3. rented, endowed with a stipend, 23/30. repreuud, reproved, 33/4. respyte, truce, 30/4. rightfull, just (said of God), 47/40. roches, roach, 12/15. Roen, Rouen, 23/9. rogettis, red mullet, 12/5. Romeneye, wine of Romanee, 14/10. royames, kingdoms, 29/37. ryallis nobles (English coin), 17/33. rynysshe, rynysh, Rhenish (wine), 14/4; (guilders), 17/31. Ryselle, Lille, 18/31.
Sacrament, day of, Corpus Christi day, 28/30. sad blew, dark blue, 14/38. salewe, salute, 4/23; salewyng, 4/27. salews, saluts (coin of Lyons), 17/34. sallyers, salt-cellars, 7/32. samon, salmon, 12/17. sarges, blankets, 6/37. sauete, safety, 50/18. sauf your grace, by your leave, 17/3, 28/36. sauge, sage, 13/33. saussers, sauce boats, 7/31. sawters, psalters, 39/1. saye, a kind of cloth, 14/40. sayme of hereng (heryngs), lard, grease, 20/33, 46/18. scallyd, scabbed, 36/5. scoutes (Flemish municipal officers), 43/28. scryne, casket, 46/36. scutes, ecus, crowns, 17/32. seeke, seke, sick, 11/5, 14/1. seethe, boil, 30/23. selers, cellars, 6/30. seten, sat, 45/34. seuen salmes, books containing the seven penitential psalms, 39/1. [[error for 39/4]] sextain, sacristan, 45/20. sextiers (measure of capacity), 1/8. [[error for 21/8]] shal wylle, 3/37. shame (refl.), to be ashamed, 37/14. shelynges, shillings, 3/8, 15/15. shepster, tailoress, 42/10; shepsters, 2/29. shere, shear (cloth), 32/14. sheremen, shearers (of cloth), 2/15. sheres, shears, scissors, 21/36. shette, shut, 50/12. shold, should (= would), 3/3. shrewest, worst-tempered, 44/27. siewet, suet (renders Fr. sieu, tallow), 20/30. siluer, = money, 18/12, 18/19. skaylles, ? flat tiles, 40/25. skepyns, Flemish aldermen, 43/29. skowre, scour, 31/30, 34/17. so, = O.Fr. si (emphasizing a statement), 4/21. soden, boiled, 12/25; [[error for 12/35]] wyn s., boiled wine, 14/11. solas, comfort, 29/7. solere, upper story, 50/7. sommonce, summons, 47/10. somone, summon, 47/11. sooles, solos (fish), 12/4. sowers, sewing-men, 34/9. sowned, rung (of a bell), 30/15. sperehaukes, sparrow-hawks, 43/39. speres, lances, 45/31. spete, spit (for roasting), 31/21. spinster, female spinner, 32/24; spynsters, 2/15. sponne, spun, 32/27. spores, spurs, 25/40. spoylle, 26/37 (see the Notes). sprotte, sprat, 12/5. spycier, grocer, 19/34; spycers, 2/29. squyer, squire, 45/25. stall, stole, 36/6. stede, steed, 45/30. Sterbrigge, Stourbridge (fair), near Cambridge, 19/3. sterlyngis pens, sterling pennies, 17/35; a pound sterlings, 51/22. stewed, heated with hot-air baths, 42/30. stewes: see styewe. steyres, stairs, 14/32. stope, quart measure, 7/18. stoppe, mend (clothes), 34/14. stratch, stretch, extend to, 3/26. strawe, give straw to (horses), 49/35. suete, sweet, 13/17, 35/3. surcote, overcoat, 14/16. [[error for 16/16]] suster, sister, 6/8; sustres, 6/9. swerde, sword, 33/30. syre, sire, sir, 4/24, 5/4, 16/20. syth, sith, since, seeing that, 17/4, 7; then, 26/1; syth ... sith, first ... and then, 25/18; syth that, since, after, 32/16. syther, cider, 14/18.
taillour, tailor, 34/1. take on honde, = take in hand, 3/38. tapytes, bed hangings, 6/37. taryeng, tarrying, 14/25. tasses, satchels, 21/32. tauerner, tavern-keeper, 35/17. taweth, tans, 46/13. tawyer, tanner, 46/10; tawyers, 2/25. [[error for 2/35]] telle, count, 17/17. temmesis, sieves, 38/22. temporalite, temporal concerns, 45/40. termes of the yere, 2/12, 28/8. Terrewyne, Terouenne, 23/20. tesyke, phthisis, 41/40. that one ... that other, the one, the other, 35/7. theder, thither, 32/3. thise, these, 13/16, 22/4. thornbake, thornback (fish), 12/4. thourgh, through, 8/26. thre kynges, day of, Epiphany, 28/27. tofor, tofore, before, 32/4, 38/7. togyder, together, 33/1. tollar, toll collector, 44/29. tonge, pair of tongs, 8/9. tornoye, tourney, 45/27. tour, tower; kepar of the t., 43/9. tournemens, tournaments, 25/1. tree, wood, 7/34. trenchours, trenchers, 7/32. treuet, trivet, stand for a pot, 8/5. Treyer, Treves, 23/10. triacle, 'treacle,' antidote to poison, 11/31; triacle boxe, 31/39. [[error for 31/38]] triews, truce, 29/38. trippes, tripe, 26/27. tweyne, two, 51/6. tyerse, tierce (canonical hour), 27/35. [[error for 27/25]] tylers, tilers, 2/26. tymbre, do the woodwork of, 40/3. tymbre wood, wood for building, timber, 40/6.
valure, rank, dignity, 4/17. vannes, winnowing baskets, 'fans,' 38/20. verdures, green herbs, 38/20. [[correct line is 13/22]] verry, true, 48/4. vessches, vetches, 22/10. viage, journey, 48/38. vnces, ounces, 21/10. vpholster, old clothes man, 34/13; vpholdsters, 2/17. vsuriers, usurers, 2/25. vylonye, bad manners, rudeness, 29/1.
wafres, wafers, milk cakes, 12/40. wan, begat, 46/33. wardeyns, wardens (of a guild), 44/14. wastles, cakes, 13/1. waye, wey (wool weight), 19/12. weeshe, wish, 46/39. well, will, 26/3. wene, think, 16/14; wende, thought, 11/10. werres, wars, 25/3. weuar, weaver, 31/39; weuers, 2/13. [[error for 2/14]] weue, weave, 31/40. weyeng, weighing, 31/37. wherof: if ye haue w., if you can afford it, 7/14. whiler, a while ago, 46/20; = Flemish wilen eer. whutche, box, 8/20. whyte mete, butter, cheese, eggs, &c. 1/12, 12/33. [[error for 1/13, 12/23]] wo is me, I am sorry for it, 46/8. wolde: ye w. saye, you mean, 30/17; I w., I could wish, 46/8. woned, accustomed, 34/21. wood, woad, 20/38. worshippe, vb., reverence (parents), 9/24. wortes, potherbs, 14/2. wote, (I) know, 21/4. wrastlyng, wrestling, 33/5. wreton, written, 25/13. wull, wool, 1/20. wullen, woollen, 14/29. wurte (renders F. tercheul, bran), 14/21. Wyllemyns, Guillelmin friars, 24/3. wylough, willow, 13/15. wyndowed: well w., 6/24. wyn[n]e, win, earn, 46/47. [[error for 47/1]] wyneman, wine maker, 46/37. wyte, know, 18/12.
y-asured, azure-tinted, 14/36. ye, yes, 30/21, 49/27. yelde, render (accounts), 37/1. yeres minde, anniversary, 25/32. yeue, give, 15/24 (but gyue, 16/14, &c.). [[error for 16/4]] ynche, ynke, ink, 30/23, 39/5; see enke hornes. youris, yours, your family, 5/20. ypocras, a medicated wine, 14/12. ysope, hyssop, 13/33.
(A few are also given in the List of English Words, pp. 53-60. —F.)
Abel, 26/12. Abraham, 25/37. Adryan, 26/16; 27/36. [[error for 26/3]] Agace, 28/10, Agatha. [[error for 28/11]] Agnes, 28/5. Alarde, 26/7. Albright, 29/28, Albert. Alemayne, 14/17; 22/27, Germany. Alfranke, 34/38, Lanfranc? All Hallows' Day, 28/18. Aloste, 18/34. Alsace, 14/4, 8. Amand, 29/13. Amelbergh, 29/21. Amyas, 30/10, Amiens. Anastase, 29/2. Andrew, 26/16, 23. Andwerp, 18/37; 19/1, Antwerp. Anselm, 26/34. Antonye, 27/15. Appolyn, 28/35, a man's name. Aprille, 27/40. Aragon, 22/35. Ardane, 43/38, Ardennes. Arnold, 27/5. Arnold of Noirs, 24/33. Arondel, 24/21. Ascension Day, 28/16. [[error for 28/14]] Aspremond, 24/35. Aubin, 27/10. August, 28/2, 34. Austria, 24/20. Austyn, 27/22. Austyns, 24/5, Augustinian friars. Auynyon, 22/20; 45/21, Avignon.
Barnabe, 31/3. Bartilmews faire (Smithfield), 19/8. [[error for 19/5]] Basil, 31/10. Bath, 18/27. Baudewyn, 30/1, Baldwin. Beane, 14/5, Beaune. Beatrice, the laundress, 31/26. Beaumound, 24/30. Belle, 18/33. Beme, 22/38, Bohemia. Benet, the churl, 30/8. Bernard, 30/15. Berow, 19/2; 24/31, Bergues. Berte, 31/30. Bertilmewe, 30/27, Bartholomew. Bertram, 30/36. Biauuays, 23/17, Beauvais. Boloyne, 24/27; 49/4; 50/14, Boulogne, close to Paris. Boniface, 30/22. Bousser, 24/31, Bourchier. Brabanders, 43/3. Bretaigne, 24/16, Brittany. Bristow, 18/27, Bristol. Bruges, 43/22; Brugges, 18/29, Bruges. Brussels, 18/36. Bryce, 31/18. Burgoyne, 24/19, Burgundy. Bussin, the hangman of Bruges, 43/21.
Cambrigge, 19/8, Cambridge. Camerik, 23/19, Cambray. Candlemas Day, 28/22, Feb. 12. Catherine, the kempster, 32/18. Cathon, 9/27, Dionysius Cato. Caunterbury, 23/6. Cecile, 22/36, Sicily. Cecile, the spinster, 32/24, Cecilia. Chalons, 19/7. Charles of France, 30/1. Charter House, 24/4. Chestre, 23/13. Christian, the collar-maker, 46/26. Christine, the seduced, 46/30. Christmas, 28/15. [[error for 28/13]] Cistiauls, 23/37, Cistercians. Clare, the blind, 33/6. Clare, St., 24/10. Clarice, the nopster, 33/12. Clemence, 32/39. Clement, 32/39. Clermonde, 24/26, Clermont. Cluny, 23/32. Colard, the goldsmith, 31/33; the fuller, 32/9. Coleyne, 23/8, Cologne. Colombe, 32/32. Comynes, 18/32. Conrad, the shearman, 32/13. Coventry, procession of, 28/32. Cyprian, the weaver, 31/39.
Damian, the armourer, 33/32. Danes, 43/8. David, the bridle-maker, 33/21. Dendremonde, 18/34. Denis, the furbisher, 33/26. Denmarke, 23/1. Dixmuthe, 18/31. Donaas, the doublet-maker, 33/38. Dornyk, 18/30, Tournay. Dover, 24/29.
Easter, 26/12. [[correct line is 28/13]] Easterlings, 43/1. Elias, the painter, 34/19. Elzeter, 14/4; Aussy, Alsace. Englishmen, 30/5; 43/3. Englissh, 1/1. Englond, 14/16; 17/21, 24, 33; 22/32; 51/24. Ermentin, the sick man, 34/35. Eustace, the tailor, 34/1. Everard, the upholster, 34/13.
Felice, the silkwoman, 36/20. Ferraunt, the hosier, 35/40. Feuerer, 27/39, February. Fierin, the baker, 35/28. Flaundres, 17/22; 24/25; 51/26, Flanders. Flemings, 43/4. Forker, the cordwainer, 35/39. [[error for 35/35]] Francis, the draper, 35/9. Fraunce, 22/28; 24/34; 30/2, France. Frederick, the wine-crier, 35/23. Fremyn, the taverner, 35/17, Firmin. Frenchmen, 43/2. Frensshe, 1/1; 14/6; 51/37, French. Friseland, men of, 43/8.
Gabriel, the linen-weaver, 38/9. Garnade, 14/8, Granada. Gascoyne, 14/9, Gascony. Gaunt, 18/29, Ghent. Genoese, 43/6. George, the bookseller, 38/31. Gerard, the miller, 36/27. Germole, 14/5. Gertrude, Gilbert's sister, 39/14. Gervase, the scrivener, 36/35. Gervase, the smith, 39/10. Gheldreland, 24/18, Guelderland. Gherlin, the kettle-maker, 38/23. Ghyselin, the basket-maker, 38/19. Gilbert, 36/24; 39/14. God, 49/32; 50/17-19, 23-4 (see 55/2). [[i.e. English vocabulary entries for "God", pg. 55 col. 2]] Gombert, the butcher, 37/31. Greek, 14/11. Guisebert, the bowmaker, 36/24. Guy, the fishmonger, 37/40. Guyan, 24/17, Guyenne.
Haesburgh, 29/28. Harry, the painter, 39/23. Henaud, 24/28, Hainault. Heynewiers, 43/7, Hainaulters. Holand, 24/28. Hollanders, 43/7. Holy Ghost, 51/38.
Isaac, the wineman, 46/37; the kettlemaker, 47/3. [[error for 47/2]]
Janiuer, 27/39, January. Jenewys, 43/6, Genoese. Jennette, the maid, 50/5. Jherusalem, 23/5. John, the usurer, 38/28. [[error for 39/28]] Juyll, 28/2, July. Juyn, 28/1, June.
Katherin, the kempster, 32/18. Kylian, and his fellows, 39/35.
Lady, Our: her days in March (25) and Harvest (Aug. 15), 28/21, 25. [[error for 21, 23]] Lady, Our, of Boulogne, 49/4. Lambert, the carpenter, 39/39. Lamfroy, the tiler, 40/23. Lancaster, 24/15. Laurence, the mason, 40/8. Lenard, the thatcher, 40/29. Lewin, the brewer, 40/16. Lincoln, 23/14. Logier, the felt-maker, 40/37. Lombards, 43/4. London, 18/26; 19/6; 23/11; 51/33. Louayn, 18/37, Louvain. Lucian, the glover, 40/40. Lucy, the bastard, 41/8. Luke, 23/18, Liege. Lyon, the purse-maker, 41/1. [[error for 41/4]] Lyons, 17/34.
Mabel, the tailoress, 42/10. Marche, 27/40, March. Margret, 10/7. Martin, the grocer, 41/12. Mary, Virgin, 48/17 (see Lady.) Mase, 12/18, the river Meuse. Maud, the cap-maker, 42/17. Maximian, the physician, 41/29. May, 28/1. Mence, 23/10, Mayence. Menyn, 18/32. Montpelier, 43/40. Morris, the surgeon, 41/20.
Naples, 23/4. Natalia, the bathwoman, 42/27. Nauerne, 22/37, Navarre. New Year's Day, 28/26. Nicholas, the mustard-maker, 42/21. Noirs, 24/33. Novembre, 28/4.
Oberol, the innkeeper, 42/38. Octobre, 28/3. Ogier, the falconer, 43/36; the poulterer, 44/1. Oliver, the broker, 42/34. Onnour, keeper of the tower and prison, 43/9. Oseye, 14/8, Osoye, Alsace. Ostryche, 24/20, Austria.
Palm Sunday, 28/25. Pardon of Sion, 28/33. Parys, 18/28; 23/15, Paris. Paul, the cooper, 44/16. Paulin, the corn-meter, 44/20. Peter, the wool-beater, 44/5. Philipote, the thieving maid, 36/5. Pieryne, Peter's daughter, 44/26. Poole, 22/39, Poland. Poperyng, 18/33. Portingale, 23/2, Portugal. Portingalers, 43/5, Portuguese. Poytevyns, 43/2, folk of Poitou. Premonstrence, 23/40, Premonstratenses. Procession-Days, 28/31-2.
Querine, the dice-maker, 44/37. Quintine, the toll-taker, 44/29.
Randolf, the money-changer, 45/33. Reyner, the squire, 45/25. Reynes, 23/9, Reims. Richard, the carter, 45/10. Richard, the currier, 45/9. Robert, the messenger, 45/1. Roberte, the she-heckler, 45/5. Roen, 18/28; 23/9, Rouen. Roger, the sacristan, 45/20. Roland, the handworker, 45/17. Rome, 22/19, 22. Romeneye, 14/10, Romanee (?). Rynyssh, 14/4; 17/31, Rhenish. Ryselle, 18/31, Lille.
Sacrament Day, 28/30. Salesbury, 19/4, Salisbury. Scotland, 23/3. Scots, 30/6; 43/6. Senlys, 23/16. Septembre, 28/3. Shrovetide, 28/24. Skepyns, 43/29; Eschevins (see 59/1). [[i.e. English vocabulary entry "skepyns (Flemish aldermen)", pg. 59 col. 1]] Spaniards, 43/5. Spayne, 14/6; 20/17, Spain. St. Bartholomew's Fair, 19/5. St. Benet, 24/2, St. Benedict. St. Bernard, 23/38. St. Christopher's Day, 28/20. St. Clare, 24/10. St. James, 49/3. St. John, 28/15. St. Kylian, 39/35. St. Martin's Mass, 28/19. St. Omers, 18/35. St. Peter's Day, 28/16. St. Pol, 24/27. St. Remigius, 28/17. Stephen, the glazier, 34/30. Sterbrigge, 19/3, Stourbridge.
Terrewyn, 23/20, Touraine. Three-Kings' Day, 28/27. Thursday, 38/16. Treyer, 23/10, Treves. Trinity term, 28/15.
Valensynes, 18/35, Valenciennes. Valerian, the tawyer, 46/10. Vedast, the furrier, 46/19.
Walburge, the pilch-maker, 46/23. Walram, the currier, 46/14. Walter, the paternoster-maker, 46/1. Westmestre, 19/9; 51/33, Westminster. Whitefriars, 42/33. Whitsuntide, 28/16. William, the brushmaker, 46/5. [[error for 46/6]] Winchester, 23/12. Wyllemyns, 24/3, Guillelmins, friars.
Xpristian, Xpristine, 46/26, 30, Christian, Christine.
York, 18/26; 23/7; 24/12; 28/31 (procession). [[error for 24/14]] Ypre, 18/30, Ypres. Ysaac, the wyneman, 46/37; the kettlemaker, 47/3. [[error for 47/2]] Ysores, the joiner, 46/34.
Zachary, the proctor, 47/9.
(For the modern meanings of Caxton's englishings, see the 'List of English Words,' pp. 53-60 above.)
a, 47/18, on. a b c, 2/11. abbes, 2/4, abbotes. abuures, 49/36, watred. accidens, 38/40, accidents. acertes, 16/1, certainly. achates, 10/9, bye. acheuee, 38/15, ended. achier, 21/22, steell. acompaignie, 45/27, acompanyed, acompter, 3/7, rekene. acquite, 37/29, acquite. a dieu, 49/2, to god. aduiegne, 36/18, come. aduises, 48/11, aduised. affiert, 4/8, behoueth. afourceurs, 43/14, rauisshers. ahanne, 45/12, ered. ahontier, 37/14, shame. aies, 4/39, haue. aigles, 11/24, eygles. ailleurs, 3/30, somwhere els. ainchois, 26/2, er; 27/8, erst. ainsi, 5/23, thus. aisies, 49/19, easyd (see aysies). al, 27/11, at the. ale fois, 18/22, othir while. alesnes, 21/34, alles. allez, 5/27, goo. alme, 16/27, soule. aloses, 12/7, alouses. alouwes, 11/2, larkes. aloyeres, 21/32, pawteners. alumes, 50/5, lyghte. alun, 20/35, alume. amaine, 25/25, bryng. amandes, 13/9, almandes. amenra, 40/10, shal brynge. ameroie mieulx, 15/37, had I leuer. amye, 4/35, frende; 29/14, lyef. angeles, 48/20, angelis. anguilles, 12/12, eelis. anijs, 20/3, anyse. annettes, 10/38, doukes. annyuersaire, 25/32, yeres mynde. anthan, 32/5, foryere. aoust, 28/23, heruest. apostles, 48/18, apostles, apostumes, 41/23, apostomes. apotecaires, 1/22, apotecaries. apparaillies, 4/15, redy. appelle, 16/34, called. appertient, 8/6, belongeth. appiert, 37/34, appereth. apportes, 29/32, brynge. aprendre, 1/4, lerne. apres, 11/33, herafter. aprise, 29/16, taught. Apuril, 27/40, April. arain, 21/23, bras. arblastriers, 36/26, arblastrers. arbres, 13/10, trees. arceniers, 2/20, boumakers. archangeles, 48/20, archangelis. archeuesques, 2/4, archebisshops. arcs, 36/25, bowes. arde, 30/26, (that it) brenne. argent, 18/12, siluer. armoyer, 33/32, armorer. arrester, 26/8, tarieng. artetique, 42/7, goute. asnes, 11/20, asses. assaye, 26/18, assayed. assemble, 39/32, gadred to gedyr. asseoir, 8/5, to sette. asses, 29/20, ynough. asuret, 14/36, y-asured. attendre, 14/25, taryeng. aual, 1/8, langyng; 6/19, after. auantage, 46/11, auantage. auaynne, 22/10, otes. aucteur, 3/33, auctour. aucunes, 48/35, ony. auenture, 29/10, auenture. aueugle, 33/6, blynde. auiourdhuy, 32/7, this day. aulmosne, 33/8, almesse. aulnes, 16/21, elles. aultrement, 37/24, othirwyse. aultres, 9/6, othir. aulx, 8/25, garlyk. aunte, 6/3, aunte. aurain, 32/19, right now (see orains). aussi, 49/40, also. auwes, 10/38, ghees. aysies, 48/31, at his ease (see aisies).
bachinnet, 33/34, bacenet. bachins, 7/8, basyns. bachon, 10/23, bacon. baillies, 17/13, gyue. bailly, 30/10, baylly. balainnes, 12/2, whales. ballances, 21/11, balances. balles, 20/36, bales. bancs, 7/4, benches. banerets, 24/33, banerett. bankers, 7/1, bankers. banny, 43/34, banysshed. barbier, 47/12, barbour. bargaigne, 10/24, chepe (see bergaignier). baron, 46/25, husbonde. barons, 2/8, barons. bas, 34/36, softe. basenne, 19/26, basenne. basse, 6/31, lowe. bastard, 14/7, bastard. bastarde, 41/8, bastarde. bateiller, 35/6, fighten. bateure, 44/5, betar. batteries, 38/26, baterye. baysier, 32/35, kyssed. becq, 26/33, beck. becques, 12/13, pikes. becquets, 12/13, pikerellis. beestes, 1/9, bestis. beghines, 24/11, beghyns. belfroy, 40/24, steple. belle, 29/18, faire. berchie, 33/17, rocked. bergaignier, 14/28, bergayne (see bargaigne). besoing est, 6/22, it be to doo. besongnes, 6/18, thinges. betes, 13/32, betes. beuurages, 1/17, drynkes. beuuries, 27/9, (ye) shall drynke. biau, 30/33, fayr; b. sire, 18/3, fair sire. biaucop, 36/9, many. bien, 4/39, well. biens, 29/20, goodes. bisse, 10/27, hyndecalf. blances, 13/18, white. bled, 13/40, whete. bleu, 14/36, blyew. bogars (? for begars), 24/6, lewd freris. boire, 28/35, ete (instead of drynke). boit on, 14/22, drynke me. bonnes, 52/3, good. borages, 13/37, borage. bordures, 22/5, broythures. boucerie, 37/32, bocherie. bouche, 29/39, mouth. bouchiers, 2/21, bochiers. boucle, 21/28, bocle. bouk, 19/23, bukke. boulengiers, 2/19, bakers. boulie, 14/19, boulye. bouly, 12/35, soden. bouriaulx, 43/22, hangman. bourre, 6/36, flockes. boursiers, 2/28, pursers. boursses, 21/29, purses. bousiaux, 25/39, bootes. bouter, 37/37, to put. boutoirs, 10/40, butores. boys, 13/22, wodes. boysteuse, 32/32, halting. boz, 7/27, wode. braieul, 8/38, pauntcher. brandeurs, 8/8, andyrons. brasse, 40/17, breweth. brasseur, 40/16, brewar. brayes, 8/37, briches. brebys, 12/29, sheep. bresmes, 12/7, bremes. breuiares, 39/8, portoses. brezil, 20/18, brasyll. briefment, 3/16, shortly. browet, 10/20, browet. brun, 20/1, broun. bryef, 4/25, le plus b., the shortest. bue, 14/24, wesshe; buera, 31/28, shall wassh. buef, 10/14, bueff. burchmaistre, 44/13, bourghmaistre. bure, 9/5, butter. buuerons, 26/26, shall we drynke. buuraiges, 14/3, drynkes. buuray ie, 28/37, shall I drynke.
cabellau, 12/3, coddelyng. calys, 7/2, chalon. cammelle, 20/2, cammelle. caniuet, 47/23, penknyf. cannes, 7/10, cannes. car, 9/26, for. cardinaulz, 2/3, cardinals. cardons, 13/28, thistles. carmes, 24/5, white freris. carpres, 12/12, carpes. Cathon, 9/27, Cathon. catons, 38/38, catons. cattel, 15/12, catell. catz, 11/19, cattes. caulx, 40/14, chalke. ce que, 1/4, that which. celee, 37/9, secrete. celuy, 5/9, hym. censes, 37/5, fermes. cerenceresse, 45/5, heklester. cerench, 45/7, hekell. certainement, 5/16, certaynely. certes, 16/5, certaynly. cesse, 34/7, resteth. cestui, 3/29, this. cha, 25/25, hyther; de cha, 44/28, on this side. chaiers, 7/4, chayers. chainture, 31/35, gyrdle. chambre, 31/32, chambre. chandelliere, 47/6, candelmaker. chandeloer, 28/22, candlemasse. chandeylles, 47/7, candellis. change, 45/34, change. changiers, 2/33, chaungers. channeue, 45/6, hempe (see chenneue). channonnes, 23/30, chanons. chapelrie, 45/23, fre chapell. chapitle, 15/4, chapitre. chappelains, 24/7, chappelains. chappon, 10/33, capon. chappron, 4/18, hood. chareton, 45/10, cartar. charge, 48/6, charge. charpentier, 40/3, to tymbre. charpentiers, 2/27, carpenters. chars, 1/9, flessh. chartres, 36/36, chartres. chartreurs, 24/4, monkes of chartre hous. chastel, 40/1, castell. chastelain, 24/29, castelayn. chastoyes, 9/32, chastyse. chaude, 50/8, hoot. chaudel, 14/1, caudell. chaudiers, 7/7, ketellis. chaudrelier, 38/23, ketelmaker. chaudrens, 7/6, kawdrons. chauetiers, 2/28, cobelers. chauist, 42/11, cheuissheth. chault, 27/18, reccheth. chault, 27/4, hete. chausies, 25/39, do on. chausser, 35/40, hosyer. chemises, 8/37, chertes. chemyn, 26/4, way. chenneue, 20/13, hempseed (see channeue). cheoir, 25/11, falle. cherfeul, 13/32, cheruyll. cherises, 13/5, cheryes. cherisier, 13/11, cherye tree. cherront, 25/11, shalle fall. chescun, 1/7, euery ... othir. chesne, 13/13, ooke. cheual, 25/26, hors. cheualiers, 2/8, knyghtes. cheuaucheray, 25/29, (I) shall ryde. chielliers, 6/30, selers. chien, 41/3, hound. chier, 35/34, dere. chieuerel, 10/23, gheet. chincque, 17/25, fiue. chire, 20/25, waxe. chose, 5/6, thyng. chucre, 20/1, sugre. chuynes, 11/3, storkes. chyens, 49/25, here withinne. cierf, 41/2, herte. cignes, 11/3, swannes (see signes). cirurgiens, 25/9, surgyens. cite, 42/29, cite. clarey, 14/12, clarey. clau, 19/13, nayll. claux, 41/22, soores. clercq, 23/33, clerke. clere, 34/40, clere. clergesses, 24/11, clergesses. clocque, 30/15, belle. clocques, 8/31, clokes. clocquiers, 49/15, steples. coc, 10/34, cocke. coffyns, 21/33, coffyns. cognoissaunce, 4/13, knowelech. cognossies, 4/12, knowe. combien, 16/13, how moche. commandement, 9/26, commaundement. commandes, 5/8, commaunde. comme, 5/9, as. commence, 1/1, begynneth. comment, 1/7, how. commin, 19/40, comyne. compaignon, 4/35, felawe. companye, 26/5, companye. compenaiges, 1/13, whyte mete. complye, 27/30, complyne. comprinses, 3/35, comprised. comptez, 17/17, telle. conclure, 25/20, conclude. conduyse, 5/24, conduyte. confections, 20/4, confections. confesseray, 16/30, shriue. confesseur, 48/6, confessour. confite, 13/19, confyte. congie, 5/22, leue. congres, 12/8, congres. conins, 9/2, conyes. connestable, 24/34, conestable. conseil, 9/27, counseill. contenant, 47/4, conteynyng. content, 16/39, content. contesse, 24/39, countesse. contre, 31/31, ayenst. contre, 49/13, contre. conuient, 6/30, behoueth. copee, 36/15, cutte. copies, 36/39, copies. corbelliers, 2/24, maundemakers. corbilles, 38/21, mandes. cordewan, 19/24, cordewan. cordewaniers, 2/19, shoomakers. cornes, 46/5, hornes. cornets a encre, 21/35, enke hornes. coroucies, 31/6, angre. coroyes, 21/26, gyrdellis. corps, 31/17, body. cosynes, 6/4, nieces. cosyns, 6/4, cosyns. cottes, 8/32, cotes. couchier, 50/2, to slepe. couleur, 34/26, colour. coulles, 13/30, cool. coulons, 10/39, dowues. coultiers, 2/30, brokers. countes, 2/7, erles. coupes, 8/17, couppes. courans, 44/19, lekyng. coure, 46/17, coryeth. courechiefs, 42/14, keuerchifs. couretage, 42/35, brocorage. couretier, 42/34, brocour. coureur, 46/14, coryer. court, 40/2, court. courtil, 45/13, herber. courtoyses, 5/12, courtoys. courtoysie, 18/16, courtosye. cousin, 30/1, cosin. coussins, 50/10, quysshons. couste, 31/10, coste. coustre, 45/20, sextayn. coustriers, 34/9, sowers. coustures, 42/20, semes. cousturiers, 2/29, shepsters. cousues, 36/2, sewed. coutieaulx, 8/11, knyues. couuercles, 7/35, couercles. couuertoyrs, 6/40, couerlettes. couuerture, 47/17, coueryng. couureurs de tieulles & destrain, 2/26, tylers and thatchers. couurir, 6/39, couere. coyfes, 21/38, coyfes. craisme, 12/38, kreme. crappes, 46/39, grapes. cras, 44/3, fatte. crasseries, 1/25, coriars. crea, 47/34, made. creuiches, 12/15, creuyches. creusse, 16/33, trusted. crieres, 35/23, criar. cristal, 46/3, cristall. croire, 35/20, a c., to borowe. croix, 15/40, crosse. croys, 15/26, (I) bileue. cubelles, 19/39, cubibes. cuide, 11/10, wende (should be wene). cuir, 7/27, lether. cuit, 14/11, soden, boiled. curats, 24/7, curattes. cure, 11/17, ont c., recche. cure, 45/23, cure. curer, 41/38, cure. cures, 51/39, hertes. cuueliers, 2/31, coupers. cuues, 44/17, keupis. cuyrs, 1/21, hydes. cy, 9/10, here.
dades, 13/9, dates. dame, 15/13, dame. damoysellys, 4/19, damoyselles. dampnes, 45/37, dampned. dangereux, 32/12, dangerous. debonnair, 9/39, buxom. deboute, 16/26, ende. debtes, 36/38, dettes. debues, 17/16, owe. debuoit, 44/32, ought. declaire, 3/29, declared. dedens, 7/3, therin. dedicacion, 19/7, chirchehalyday. dedicasse, 46/2, dedicacion. deduit, 29/12, byledyng. dees, 44/38, dyse. deffendu, 44/8, forboden. degretz, 14/32, steyres. demain, 32/2, to morow. demande, 15/36, axed. demeure, 22/20, duelleth. demye, 16/24, half. dencoste, 37/32, beside. deniers, 3/8, pens. denrees, 18/1, peny worthes; 4/2, wares. departes, 26/2, departe. deportes, 9/25, forbere. deriere, 42/33, after. derrain, 18/19, last. descouuert, 40/28, discouerid. deseruyr, 5/15, deserue. deshaities, 35/13, (them) that be not hole. desirees, 45/35, desired. desiunes, 26/1, vos d., breke your fast. despites, 10/4, despyse. dessoubs, 7/2, under. dessus, 38/7, to-fore. destaindera, 34/28, shall stayne. destrier, 45/30, stede. desvestues, 8/39, vnclothed. detenray, 16/31, with-holde. detier, 44/37, dysemaker. deuant, 18/13, tofore. deuantdittes, 7/39, forsaid. deuenir, 4/5, to become. deuiser, 14/27, deuise. dextre, 49/8, right. dictes, 26/14, saye. digerer, 11/7, dygeste. diligement, 4/6, diligently. diuerses, 25/16, diuerse. doctrinaulx, 38/38, doctrinals. doctrine, 1/2, lernynge. doibt, 9/28, 37/21, ought; 31/34, oweth; 40/3, oughteth. doinst, 4/32, gyue. doleurs, 41/34, payne. dommage, 34/25, harme. donats, 38/40, donettis. doner, 17/37, gyue. donroye, 15/24, (I) wold yeue. dont, 11/17, wherof. doresenauant, 25/15, fro hens forth. dormier, 27/20, slepyng. doulce, 38/5, fressh. dousaines, 46/4, doseyns. doyens, 23/26, denes. drappiers, 2/18, drapers. draps, 14/34, clothes. drechies, 31/23, dresse. dresce, 26/38, dresse. droit, 15/20, right. ducesse, 24/39, duchesse. ducs, 2/7, dukes. duel, 29/10, sorow. dyne, 29/3, dyne. dyre, 4/26, saye.
eauwe, 38/5, water. eglise, 22/15, chirche. eguilles, 21/31, nedles. electuaires, 20/8, electuaries. emble, 8/22, stolen. embrief, 15/8, in shorte. empereur, 22/23, emperour. empetrer, 45/22, to gete. emplist, 20/26, fyllyd. emploier, 20/20, bystowe. employer, 50/20, fulcome. emporter, 18/8, bere. en, 3/13, therof; 20/34, therwyth. encordont, 40/27, neuertheles. encore, 13/29, yet. encountres, 4/11, mete. encre, 39/5, ynke. endementiers, 14/26, whiles. enfans, 5/32, children. engaignies, 5/18, deceyued. engloys, 3/16, englyssh. enluminees, 39/1, enlumined. enprintees, 38/36, enprinted. ensamble, 29/20, to gedyr. entendes, 9/11, understande. entier, 15/7, hole. entour, 45/16, aboute. entre, 30/5, bitwene. entremayns, 18/7, under hande. entremelle, 20/40, entremete. entrepers, 14/38, sad blew. entreprendre, 3/38, entreprise. enuers, 9/40, vnto. envoyes, 9/36, sende. enuys, 33/10, not gladly. esbourier, 33/15, to noppe. esbourysse, 33/12, nopster. escarlate, 15/1, scarlet. eschappent, 43/33, escape. escheuins, 43/29, skepyns. esclefins, 12/3, haddoks. esclire, 50/21, lyghtneth. escochoys, 30/6, scottes. escouffles, 11/26, kytes. escoutes, 50/21, herke. escoutetes, 43/28, scoutes. escrijn, 8/20, cheste. escrips, 25/13, wreton. escript, 3/25, writing. escriptoires, 21/33, penners. escripuains, 2/20, skriueners. escu, 39/24, shelde. escures, 31/30, skowre. escutz, 17/32, scutes. escuyelles, 7/31, disshes. escuyers, 2/8, squyers. esparlens, 12/5, sprotte. espaude, 31/20, sholdre. especiers, 2/29, spycers. espee, 33/27, swerd. espengles, 21/31, pynnes. esperite, 3/19, ghoost. esperons, 25/40, spores. espices, 14/13, spices. espinces, 13/37, spynache. espinier, 13/15, thorne. espoye, 31/21, spete. espreuiers, 11/25, sperhawkes. esquiekeliet, 14/39, chekeryd. estain, 21/22, tynne. estaulx, 26/35, trestles. estenelle, 8/9, tonge, pair of tongs. estoet, 43/12, mestoet, standeth me (a mistranslation). [[correct line is 6/16]] estoupper, 34/14, stoppe. estrain, 7/3, strawe. estraines (verb), 49/35, strawe. estrangiers, 42/31, strangers. estrelins, 17/35, sterlingis. esturgeon, 12/7, sturgeon. estuuer, 42/31, to be stewed. [[error for 42/30]] estuues, 42/27, stewes. eternalite, 45/39, eternalite. euangelistes, 48/19, euangelistes. euesques, 2/3, bisshops. eulx, 23/21, them. eur, 29/22, happe, fortune, luck. euure, 30/16, werke. excusera, 37/28, shall excuse.
faictes, 4/37, do. failloit, 18/4, failled. faing, fain, 13/27, 49/34, heye. farine, 36/30, mele. fauconner, 43/36, fauconer. faucons, 11/25, faucons. fault, 38/13, lacketh. faulte, 37/24, faulte. faulx monnoyers, 43/13, false money makers. feest, 38/24, fayre. femmes, 2/9, wymmen. fenestres, 40/13, wyndowes. feneulle, 13/36, fenell. fer, 21/22, yron. feroit, 5/10, doo. ferres, 25/33, shoed. feu, 30/22, fyer. feues, 13/39, benes. feultier, 40/37, feltmaker. feultre, 40/39, felte. feure, 39/10, smyth. fien, 45/11, dong. fieures, 42/2, fever. figes, 13/8, fyggis. figier, 13/12, fygtree. fil, 32/28, yarne. filee, 32/27, sponne (the verb). fileresses, 2/15, spynsters. fillaistre, 32/39, stepdoughter. filles, 5/34, doughtres (see fylle). filleule, 44/26, mistranslated doughter. filz, 3/18, soone (see fyltz). fin, 39/38, ende. finent, 6/14, enden. fist prendre, 36/12, toke. flairans, 13/17, smellyng. flans, 12/34, flawnes. fleur, 20/2, flour. fleurdelyts, 13/20, lelyes. florins, 17/31, guldrens. flua, 47/16, flued. foire, 19/8, faire. fois, 18/22, while. folye, 45/38, folye. fontaine, 14/22, welle watre. forcettes, 47/23, sheris. forches, 21/36, sheres. forchier, 8/21; forcier, 46/35, forcier, forcer. forgierel, 36/7, forcyer. formes, 51/34, fourmes. fors, 9/20, othirwyse; fors que, 49/30, but. fouines, 11/18, fichews. fouler, 32/10, fulle. foulons, 2/14, fullers. four, 31/18, ouen. fourbier, 33/31, furbysshe. fourbisseur, 33/26, fourbysshour. fourdines, 13/5, sloes. fourmage, 9/4, chese. fourment, 22/8, white. fourrures, 8/33, furres. fouys, 45/14, doluen. foy, 37/17, faith. foye, 26/28, lyuer. frain, 25/28, brydle. franchin, 47/17, franchyn. franchise, 32/17, franchise. fransoys, 3/16, frenssh. fremauls, 39/2, claspes. fremme, 50/12, shette. freres mineurs, 24/3, frere menours. frescz, 12/8, fressh. freses, 13/6, strawberies. fresne, 13/14, asshe. fromages, 12/26, chese. frotte, 35/2, rubbe. fustane, 36/11, fustain. fylle, 46/30, mistranslated doughter (see filles). fyltz, 5/34, sones (see filz).
gaignier, 15/13, wynne. gaires, 27/35, moche. galentine, 42/24, galentyne. galigan, 19/38, galingale. galles, 30/24, galles. galoches, 35/39, galoches. gansailliede, 42/26, ganselyn. garce, 44/27, ghyrle. gardiens, 23/27, wardeyns. gardins, 13/25, gardyns. garnars, 12/20, shrimpes. garnee, 13/40, furmente. gaucquier, 13/14, nokertree. gaufres, 12/40, wafres. gaune, 14/37, yelow. gaunisse, 42/3, jaundyse. gauns, 33/37, gloues. gauntiers, 2/24, glouers. gehy, 43/24, knowlechid. gelines, 11/4, hennes. gelouffre, 13/35, geloffres. general, 19/10, general. genise, 10/19, hawgher. gens, 9/40, folke. germains, 6/5, germayns. gesir, 6/35, to lye. gingembre, 19/38, gynger. glorie, 52/5, glorie. gloutee, 33/20, lichorous. gluy, 40/31, reed. gorge, 35/22, throte. gorgiere, 33/36, gorgette. goriaulx, 46/28, coliers. goriel, 46/27, coler. gorliers, 2/37, gorelmakers; gorlier, 46/26, colermaker. gouttans, 44/19, droppyng. gouuions, 12/16, gogeorns. grace, 17/3, 51/38, grace. graffes, 21/34, poyntels. graine, 13/19, grayne. graine de paradis, 20/3, graynes of paradys. graines, 2/1, graynes. grange, 40/2, berne. grauelle, 41/28, grauelle. grauwet, 8/10, flessh hoke. greigneur, 22/25, grettest. greniers, 6/28, garettis. gresille, 50/22, haylleth. greueroit, 11/6, shold greue. greyl, 8/9, gredyron. griffons, 11/24, griffons. gros, 17/21, grotes. gros, 46/4, en g., in grete. grouseillers, 13/23, brembles. grouselles, 13/23, bremble beries. gruwell, 14/2, growell. grys, 23/36, gray. guades, 20/38, wood. guarance, 20/38, mader. guarir, 41/21, hele. guerres, 25/3, werres. Guillemynes, 24/3, Wyllemyns. gyste, 49/18, loggyng. |