"Ah this is Marshland's cooking" thought Helen as she raised the cover of the dish. A great improvement was also visible in the room itself. It had been well dusted and swept and a few london flowers adorned the mantle shelf, a clean white curtain hung in the window, and Helen's work box and other little articles lay about the room, making it look far more home like than on the preceding evening.
Cyril (Helen had heard) rose very late, so she was forced to partake of her breakfast alone.
As soon as she had finnished, she rang the bell and ordered a fresh meal to be got ready for Cyril, for she really wished to please him and hoped in a few days time to have the house really nice.
Then Helen thought she would go out and buy a few things, so calling Marshland she said "I am going out now Marshland, and lunch will be at 1.30 if you please. Mr. Sheene likes high tea at 7 in the future we will follow this rule, breakfast at 9. lunch at 1.30, high tea at 7, Wine and biscuits 9.30."
"Very well miss" replied Marshland "I'll see to it"
"Yes" said Helen and do make that girl work for pity's sake, she is so lazy."
"That she is miss" replied Marshland "She'll find her work set now I've come."
Helen laughed "very well" she replied "I'll be in soon. I only want to buy a chicken and a yard or so of muslin for curtains."
So going out, Helen hailed a hansom and got proudly in, much to the envy of Netherby and Wilson (the two clerks) to whom she had not yet been introduced.
And so day followed day and Helen always found plenty to do. She was a first rate house keeper and Cyril treasured her accordingly. Marshland too made vast improvements in the lower regons. Alice was made to work hard and keep herself tidy.
A bright yellow canary was purchased, and hung in the sitting room window to Helen's great delight, and she had no time to be unhappy. Cyril seemed to prefer being engaged so the marriage was put off, and Helen was once more light hearted and merry and her gay laugh might often be heard as she chatted cheerily to the clerks or played comic songs on the little harmonium.
And yet no one is there to warn Helen of the approaching danger and misery.
Time sped on and nothing happened to alarm or upset Helen untill a certain October morning.
She had just commenced her breakfast, when in came Cyril attired in his best black suit and stiff collar.
"Why Cyril" cried Helen "how very early you are."
"Yes I am" responded Cyril triumphantly "I am going to see a friend who lives in Piccadilly and I doubt if I shall be back before 10 or 11 tonight."
"Really?" said Helen, "well make a good breakfast or you'll be quite done up."
Cyril made a hearty meal and then went to the front door to see if the weather promised to be fair; it looked rather gloomy, but no rain fell. As though a sudden thought had struck him, Cyril turned round and entered the office.
"Netherby" he cried sharply "who's afternoon out is it, your's or Wilson's?
"It is Mr. Wilson's sir" replied Netherby.
"Then see he does'nt have it" said Cyril shortly "I have my own reasons for wishing you both to remain at home today, and dont forget the office is in your charge today Netherby; admit no gossiping women or tradesmen."
"No sir" replied the clerk. Cyril turned to leave the office, nearly knocking Helen over as he did so. "Are you off?" she enquired "put on your overcoat dear, it is very chilly."
"All right" said Cyril and he reached his blue melton from the peg.
As Helen was helping him on with his coat she noticed something silver sticking out of the breast pocket.
"Why whatever is this?" she asked in supprise, "it looks like the best silver tea pot."
"Best silver tea pot!" cried Cyril scornfully, as though a man cant carry his cigarette case about with him."
But he looked uncommonly angry for all that and Helen had seen and felt quite enough to convince her that it was the best tea pot and she felt her heart turn sick as she closed the front door after Cyril's retreating figure.
Helen's heart was beating fast, as she went back to the sitting room, "oh dear" she cried sitting down on the sofa "whatever is Cyril up to I wonder it was a tea pot I know and it was wrapped in cotton wool too for it felt soft, I do hope he is up to no tricks."
Finding nothing to do Helen sat down to strum on the harmonium, but this did not soothe her spirits and she wandered about the room till her eye fell on a little white ticket lying on the hearth rug. She could not bear to see paper on the floor, so she hastily picked it up, and before tossing it into the fire she looked at it well to make sure it was nothing important.
Helen know enough to see at first glance it was a pawn ticket for a valuable silver sugar baisen worth L1.10.0.
Her cheeks grew white as she read it and she felt her fingers growing stiff. "Of course" she cried "its as plain as day light, Cyril has pawned the best sugar baisen for a few trumpery shillings, oh I'm sure he is getting into bad company" and she commenced to weep. "And I know he means to pawn the tea pot too."
But this was only the beginning of another long series of troubles for poor Helen, but happily for her she did not know that or it might have driven her mad.
Helen's weeping had given her a headache and she was taking a doze on the sofa, when angry voices were heard at the front door. The voices were those of Mr. Netherby and a young lady evidently in great distress.
Helen came to the passage to hear what was the matter "I tell you I've had orders from Mr. Sheene to let no gossiping women inside this office" cried Mr. Netherby. "But I'm not a gossiping woman" said the lady in agitation.
"And how do I know that?" enquired Mr. Netherby. "I tell you I am a hater of gossip" screamed the lady "and here it is pouring rain and you have the audacity to keep me waiting at the front door, when I ask to see the lady of the house."
"There is no lady of this house" said Mr. Netherby "except Mrs. Marshland and she rules it with a firm hand"
"I want to see Miss Winston" cried the lady now almost in tears.
Here Helen interupted, "Mr. Netherby" she said "If this lady wishes to see me, kindly let her in at once."
"I've got the master's orders not to" replied Netherby firmly.
"Insolent person!" cried Helen "obey me at once, open the door."
Netherby was alarmed and opening the door he fled into the office leaving his mistress to admit her guest if she would.
"Can I do anything for you my good lady?" asked Helen opening the door wide.
With a cry the lady flung herself into Helen's arms, saying "oh Helen Helen, how very glad I am to see you."
"Why Gladys" cried Helen "how came you here?" "Oh its a long story" said Gladys (for it was she) "if I may come in, I'll tell it to you."
"Yes do" said Helen "stay the whole day if you will, for Cyril is out and I am entirely alone" So saying Helen led the way to the sitting room, where Gladys soon divested herself of her dripping cloak and hat, and sat down by the fire to warm herself. "How dreadfully wet you are" said Helen as she shook out Gladys's cloak.
"I had to walk all the way from Holburn station" replied Gladys "there were no cabs to be seen" "Dear dear" said Helen "I hope you wont take cold."
"Not I" laughed Gladys "and now Helen dear if you are ready I'll tell you why I came here."
"Yes do" pleaded Helen drawing her chair to the fire. "It is a long story" mused Gladys gazing into the fire, as though she could see the events of the past three months of her life written there in letters of red and gold. "as you know Helen, when I left Kenelham I went with James straight to Norfolk, where my parents and relations live. James and I stayed there for, say three weeks, and during that time I was perfectly happy. I did not write to you as I didn't know your address, I presume you did'nt know mine. Well at the end of these three weeks James got an invatation to go and stay with some people in Brighton and he asked me to go too I was glad to do so as I had never been to that part at all. So it was arranged for me to go and we started. We had not been there a week when a marked changed came over James. He grew white and thin and seemed so terribly nervous about the smallest thing. Men were constantly calling to see him and after their visits he looked even worse. It was not a large house where we stayed, and my room was next to his. He went to bed very late and I fancy he slept badly. I constantly heard him moan and walk about his room, and what terrified me so much was he used to talk about murders and robberies. So I took to listening to him, by putting my bed close to the wall. And I believe he found it out, for he took to ill treating me, that is to say he was not kind, and he called me horrible names. I felt it very much indeed and it must have made me look ill, for Mrs Martin (the hostess) said she thought the sea air did not agree with me and advised James to take me to some place where I had not been before. Accordingly we arranged to take a small house in Richmond for a few months till I got better. There it is we are living now. We have most comfortable rooms in a nice house overlooking the terrace gardens. Our landlady is a very good soul, and though I am much better for the change, James is not, he remains the same. All at once I remembered what you said to him that day about a murder. So I resolved to come and find out where you lived. I told James I wanted a whole day to do as I liked and I took a train for Holburn and I was directed where to go to, and here I am arrived in the very knick of time, just as Mr. Sheene is off for the day and you are quite alone to answer any questions I put to you."
During the latter part of Gladys's story Helen had grown very white and she now paced the room in breathless agitation.
"What is it Helen?" enquired Gladys.
"Yes I knew I was right" muttered Helen half aloud "it is true too true alas! but my revenge is at hand."
"Helen do sit down" cried Gladys "you look quite scared, I hope my story has not frightened you."
"Frightenned me, No" cried Helen loudly "you have only confirmed doubts which have been lingering in my brain for month's past."
"Doubts, what doubts." asked Gladys.
"Oh Gladys" cried Helen bursting into tears "thank goodness you came to me today, for you may yet be saved from a terrible misfortune."
"For pity's sake Helen speak out" cried Gladys "you talk like a tragedian Gladys" said Helen "did you say that Mr. Palsey talked about murders and robberies?"
"Yes" replied Gladys sadly "he certainly made use of those two words."
"Shall I tell you why?" asked Helen "I shall be much obliged if you will" answered Gladys.
"Mr. Palsey's conscience has begun to trouble him" replied Helen.
"Oh Helen what do you mean?" cried Gladys wildly.
"Simply this" said Helen "you know when my poor father died, people said it was suicide."
"Yes, but I never belived that" said Gladys with marked descision.
"Evidently the detectives have found out their mistake" replied Helen "you say, men are constantly calling on Mr. Palsey."
"Yes" replied Gladys "they are, but Helen whatever do you mean."
"Gladys" said Helen, "dont hate me for what I am going to tell you; I only do it because I love you and wish to save you, it is a blessing you came here today, I suppose in another week you would have married Mr. Palsey but you wont now, for the man you call your lover is the murderer of my father."
Gladys gave a loud groan and sank helpless to the floor.
Helen ran to lift her up and after dashing some water on her face was happy to see her open her eyes.
"Gladys, dear Gladys" she cried "I should not have told you."
"Yes, yes" said Gladys faintly, "you did quite right, only it was such a shock to me, after beliving in him all these months."
"Of course it is" replied Helen soothingly "thank goodness I shall never have cause to doubt Cyril's honour."
"Oh Helen what shall I do?" moaned poor Gladys "to think of going back to sleep in the house with a villian like him "he might try to murder me in the night."
"Why not stay here a few nights till you think of some plans" suggested Helen "we have heaps of room."
"Oh no no" cried Gladys desperately "I dare not vex James like that and besides Mr. Sheene would not have me in his house."
"Oh Gladys" cried Helen "he would be only too pleased to be of help to you."
"No he would not" said Gladys "he hates me."
"Gladys!" screamed Helen "how can you?"
"It is true" said Gladys "and I will tell you why."
Helen gave a snort of disgust but she listened attentively for all that.
"You see" said Gladys "I had to walk from Holburn Station as you know and it took me some time as I did not know the way; I had just caught sight of this office from the opposite side of the road and was going to cross, when the door opened and Mr. Sheene himself came out, he did not see me at first, he appeared to be looking at the sky, but the moment he caught sight of me his face darkened directly, he looked at me for a minute with posative hatred in his eyes, and then turning round he went into the office, to give an order, I presume that order was that no women were to be let in, because the instant I asked to see you, I was furiously assaulted by a presuming clerk, who called me a gossiping woman, and no end of horrid names."
"Oh" said Helen rather crossly "I think you must be mistaken, but all the same if you wont stay the night, you wont,"
"I really can not," replied Gladys.
"Did Cyril speak to you when he came out again?" enquired Helen.
"Dear me no" replied Gladys "I took jolly good care he should'nt, so I bolted into a confectioners to escape him, where I had to go to the trouble of buying a bath bun; but anything was better than not seeing you."
"Dont be sarcastic" returned Helen hotly "you dont treasure me as much as that."
"Dont I?" cried Gladys "when I wanted to see you, I was not going to be snubbed by an insolent clerk, I would have braved him even if you had not come though I thank my stars you did come all the same, it is very degrading to be seen arguing with a common city clerk."
"So I should imagine" replied Helen "I cant say I have ever been in the same strait myself; I am on very good terms with both Netherby and Wilson."
"Are you?" said Gladys "which do you like best."
"Well you see Netherby is rather alarmed at me" replied Helen "since I blew him up for attempting to touch the organ without leave; but then he is more to be trusted than Wilson, who thinks nothing of breaking his word, telling stories etc: Cyril has often thought of dismissing him only he is very sharp and a good writer I belive."
"Well Helen can you suggest any plan for me" asked Gladys "I cant marry James that is certain, but I cant go home and tell him that to his face can I?"
"Hardly" said Helen "if I were you I should go home, and dont say a word to Mr. Palsey, and write at once to your parents, telling them all you know as soon as you get a reply write and let me know and I will endeavour to come up and see you and we can arrange some plans; of course get Mr. Palsey out of the way before you ask me."
"Oh yes" said Gladys "that is easily done, but mind you dont tell Mr. Sheene you have seen me today nor dont tell him you are coming to see me either."
"Oh no" replied Helen "I'll merely say I am going to Richmond for a trip, he does not know you live there."
"Then that is settled" replied Gladys with a sigh of relief "what time do you expect Mr. Sheene home?"
"Not till quite late" said Helen "you must stay to lunch."
"Thank you" said Gladys "I shall be delighted."
So Helen rang the bell and when Alice answered it she ordered dinner for two in a most bussiness like way.
Having made a good lunch, Gladys put on her things and got ready to start.
"You must not walk again" said Helen "I'll call a hansom," so saying she opened the front door and gave a soft whistle. In a minute a hansom drove up to the door and Helen helped her friend in.
"Goodbye Gladys" she said "dont forget to write and let me know directly you here from Norfolk and I'll come up if I can."
"No, I'll be sure to write" responded Gladys "thank you so much Helen for all your kindness," and with a wave of her hand Gladys was driven rapidly away in the direction of Holburn Station, while Helen returned to the sitting room, a great weight lifted from her heart.
It was past ten before Cyril returned home very wet and cross into the bargin.
Helen saw at a glance what she might expect, so she carefully made up the fire and set a nice hot supper on the table.
"How tired you look dear" she said as she helped him off with his over coat.
"Well I suppose I do" replied Cyril crossly.
"Did you find your friend at home?" enquired Helen.
"Yes I did" said Cyril hastily pouring out his beer.
"Well that's all right" said Helen cheerily putting a lump of coal on the fire.
"No it's not all right" replied Cyril "for pity's sake leave that fire alone, I'm not going to sit up all night."
Helen smiled "have you a tooth ache dear" she asked.
"No I've not" said Cyril "look here Helen, have you seen a little card about the floor today?"
"Yes dear" replied Helen "a little Xmas card, that Mrs. Gingham sent you last year."
"Oh yes" said Cyril, trying to look as though that was what he meant "where did you put it?"
"In the desk dear" replied Helen producing a faded little card, which in an ordinary moment Cyril would have tossed into the fire, but now he carefully placed it in his note book.
"By the way Helen," said Cyril "I find I must go to Piccadilly again tomorrow as I did not get through my bussiness today, have breakfast at 8-30 will you?"
"Yes dear" replied Helen, and after saying goodnight to him, she put out the lamp, taking care to drop the pawn ticket, (which had been in her pocket all this time) on the hearth rug, where she had found it.
Helen slept very soundly indeed and she therefore was awake early. She got dressed quickly, and went down to the sitting room.
Pulling up the blind she glanced quickly round the room. The ticket still lay where she had dropped it; Cyril had evidently not been down.
By a quarter to 9 he made his appearance.
"Now Helen hurry up with the tea!" he cried "it is getting late."
"That's no fault of mine" replied Helen quietly "time will fly you know."
"Who said it would'nt?" asked Cyril snappishly, sitting down in the grumps.
"Why on earth does'nt Marshland send up the silver tea pot?" asked Helen artfully "I hate this old brown china concern; I'll ring for the other; and the sugar bowl too."
"No, no please dont," cried Cyril nervously "I really cant wait."
"Well if it is'nt sent up tonight I shall make a row about it" replied Helen crossly "I cant bear keeping the silver for special occasions."
Cyril did not notice the ticket so Helen went and picked it up, "what's this?" she asked curiously.
"What's what?" asked Cyril turning sharply round.
"This little card" said Helen.
"Oh that's mine" replied Cyril "I'll put it in my pocket if you give it here."
Helen handed it over, "it looks exactly like a pawn ticket does'nt it?" she asked.
"Yes, its not unlike one" replied Cyril.
"No not at all" said Helen, "in fact when I read it yesterday, I thought it was uncommonly like one."
Cyril turned a ghastly white and flew into the hall to get his hat.
"Ha ha my dear" thought Helen "I've found out your little game," but never the less she followed him innocently into the hall, "dear Cyril" she exclaimed "I hope my thinking that ticket like a pawn one has not upset you; of course it is awfully foolish of me I know."
"Yes I know it is" replied Cyril cooly, "I may say more than foolish."
Helen laughed "you wont be so late today I presume," she said.
"No I dont think so" said Cyril, "I may be home by three o'clock today."
"Very well" replied Helen "dont hurry on my account, and with a giggle she opened the door and watched Cyril safely down the street, "yes my boy" she thought I dare say I'm cleverer than you take me for, any how I know where you're off to now and I wish you luck" and with a sigh Helen entered the office.
"Netherby" she cried "a word with you if you please."
The clerk shuffled quickly to his feet and followed Helen into the passage.
"Now look here" said Helen firmly "did Mr. Sheene ask if any ladies entered the office yesterday."
Netherby looked uneasily at the floor and kicked up the oil cloth.
"Speak up" cried Helen loudly, "and dont tear my carpets please."
"Well miss" said Netherby nervously "he did mention something of the kind last night."
"Oh he did, did he" screamed Helen "and what did you say?"
"Well miss I did'nt tell a story" said Netherby "I said not that I knew of because you see miss, I did'nt look to see if you let the lady in or not after I went into the office."
"Thank you Netherby" said Helen "you have done me a great service, "and she pressed a sovereign into the trembling hand of the clerk.
Entering the sitting room she found Alice waiting with a telegram in hand "its for you miss" she said "and the reply is prepaid."
Helen tore it open; it ran thus:
"Have heard from Norfolk, come directly.
Seizing a pencil Helen wrote the following answer:
"Will try to come tomorrow.
Helen giving it to Alice she told her to take it at once.
"Poor Gladys" she thought, "I must manage to get to Richmond tomorrow what ever happens."
The morning passed and Cyril was home to lunch in very good spirits.
"Do you know Cyril" said Helen "I've often longed to go to Richmond for a trip, it must be such a nice place."
"Have you dear?" said Cyril, "well I must endevour to take you one day."
"Could you take me tomorrow?" asked Helen knowing he had an engagement on that day.
"No, not tomorrow" said Cyril "why?"
"Well there is a special matinee I wanted to see" said Helen "I promise you I'd be back by 8 in the evening."
"All right" said Cyril "you may go if you wish it; be back early you know "here's the money for your seat."
"Oh thank you" cried Helen "this is jolly I shall have a rare time I expect. I shall go there by the 9-12. You know and have a whole day of it."
"Very well" replied Cyril with a laugh, and kissing him soundly Helen ran upstairs to dream happily over the coming event.
The sun was streaming in at Helen's little window, when she opened her eyes at 7.45 the following morning. Jumping out of bed with a happy feeling about her Helen lifted the lower sash of her window and lent out as far as possible. The October morning air blew chill against her lightly clad figure but the sun was high in the Heavens and with a sigh of relief she closed her casement and began to get dressed.
"Let's see" she said opening her ward-robe and taking a view of the costumes therein "I'll put on my best dress if Marshland has mended the skirt" and so saying Helen shook out a pretty tweed dress trimmed with a deep pointed collar of scarlet velvit and cuffs to match and proceeded to button it on herself.
Here she was interupted by a loud knocking at the door and Alice thrust her head in saying "If you please miss, Mr. Sheene says he dont know what train you're a-going to Richmond by because its going on for 9 and the breakfast is almost cold."
"Oh dear" cried Helen hastily pinning on her hat, "I'll be down directly; what a time I've been dressing" she added. Seizing her gloves, umbrella, and little gold bracelet, she dashed downstairs and into the sitting room where a cold unpleasant breakfast greeted her, but Cyril was in a very good temper and that was just what was wanted, thought Helen as she gulped down her cold tea.
"Here" cried Cyril tossing her a sovereign on the table, "that's a little contribution towards your pleasure trip."
"Oh thanks Cyril" cried Helen joyfully "but do you mind dear if I dont go to the theatre; I have thought it over and I think I'll walk about the town, go to the terrace gardens, see the churches, and perhaps go on the river if it is fine, or if not go for a drive."
"Allright" replied Cyril carelessly "I think you're much wiser myself, I always thought it was silly to go to the theatre; if you go to the town for a day you naturally wish to see it thoroughly, as of course it is'nt a place you're ever likely to go to again.
"Exactly" replied Helen with a smile, "now Cyril I'm off; when do you start for Picadilly?"
"Not till 10.30" replied Cyril, "now hurry up or you'll be late; be back by eight wont you" and he strode to the front door with her, where a hansom stood waiting.
"Goodbye" cried Helen waving her hand to him: "Goodbye" replied Cyril "I'm so glad you're going to have a happy day" And as she drove off, Cyril thought what a bright pretty little blossom she looked with her bright eyes and rosy cheeks, compared to many of the ugly looking men who adorned the boxes of the London cabs.
To do Cyril justice, it will be only fair to say that he experienced no slight pang at parting with his pretty little future wife for one day only, for, cruel and hardened as he had become, he had a deep and undying love for Helen in the bottom of his heart.
"What a dear she is," he muttered to himself, as the hansom disappeared round the corner, "and what a beast I am; I've deceived her all these months and I am still doing so. If it hadn't been for that villain Palsey, I'd have told her long ago, but now I can't, it's too late—too late," and thus making himself miserable and uneasy, Cyril entered his office to give the customary orders, and then prepared to walk to Picadilly.
Leaving Cyril, we must now follow Helen to Holburn station. The train was in as she reached the station, and she had a rush for it; but she succeeded in securing a fairly comfortable seat in a third class carriage with only three people in it besides herself.
Having made some notes in her pocket book, she proceeded to read "Pearson's Weekly," and soon became engrossed in its contents. By the time the train stopped at Richmond, the carriage was empty, and Helen was loth to leave her comfortable seat. Seizing her umbrella, she jumped blithely on to the platform, and glanced quickly at every passenger. No, Gladys had certainly not come to meet her. Giving up her ticket, she found herself on the open platform, and ordering a cab, she got in, telling the man to drive to number 8, Down Terrace. She then lent back, determined to enjoy everything that came under her notice. "It seems a big place" she said, as she drove through the crowded High Street of Richmond, halting every now and then to let a dust cart or some other vehicle pass over them.
At last the Terrace Gardens came in view and Helen knew it would not be long before the cab stopped.
She was right; just then it stopped in front of a row of large well built houses and having paid her fare Helen ran up the steps and rang the bell.
It was answered by a stout middle aged woman.
In reply to Helen's enquiry she replied in hearty tones "Oh yes miss, Miss Lincarrol is in right enough, she's been expecting you all the morning almost.
Mrs. Norton had hardly uttered her statement, when Gladys herself came flying downstairs and in a minute she had her arms round Helen's neck and was hugging and kissing her to death.
"Oh Helen," she cried "how kind of you to come so soon, you dont know what a lot I have to tell you."
"I am quite sure you have dear" answered Helen "I was delighted to be able to come with out any bother"
"Did'nt Mr. Sheene mind?" enquired Gladys leading Helen up the richly carpeted staircase." Oh not at all answered Helen brightly he seemed quite pleased for me to have a holiday, and he gave me this" she added holding up a bright gold piece.
At this juncture they arrived at Gladys's bedroom, and drawing back a red plush curtain they emerged into a dainty little bedroom furnished entirely in sea green and bamboo.
"Oh! what a charming room" gasped Helen thinking of her own plain room at home compared to this perfect little paradise.
"Yes it is rather pretty" replied Gladys indifferently. all my rooms are on this landing you know!
"How many have you?" asked Helen in surprise. "My sitting room is opposite this, and there is a dear little conservatory opening out of it in which I keep all my pet plants" replied Gladys "I think that is quite enough for one girl dont you?"
"Quite" responded Helen "but where does Mr. Palsey sleep if you don't mind me asking."
"Oh James has his appartments on the floor above this" said Gladys "now do take off your hat, and come and chat in my cosy corner" and she pointed to the richly cushioned seat as she spoke.
Helen lay back in the seat and putting her hands behind her head she gazed wistfully round the room.
"Well Helen" laughed Gladys "are you longing to see my other rooms?"
"Oh no" replied Helen sadly, "this is quite lovely enough thank you, but Gladys darling do pray tell me what your parents said in the letter."
"Oh yes" said Gladys, and jumping up she opened a handsome little morocoo writing desk and took from it a sheet of writing paper closely written.
"This is it" she said sadly "I'll read it to you Helen, it makes me so miserable."
Helen listened attentively while Gladys read in a most plaintive voice the following letter:
"Speerin House Endup Road, Norwich. Oct. 17th.
As may be imagined your foolish letter caused both your father and I great displeasure. We both consider your suspicions concerning James Palsey totally unfounded, and from what you say we think our niece Helen Winston must be a very foolish girl to put such notions into your head. Of course we pity her very much, as no doubt it is very sad to have one's father murdered, but to tell you the truth we think she must be a little off her head. (Violent exclamations from Helen). Referring to your letter again I see that you are determined not to Marry James. Now Gladys you must see for yourself how very nonsensical this idea is. James has every means of making you happy and what is more he is very very rich and is by no means stingy with his money, as proof the lodgings you are now in. I am sure he loves you very passionately and he is both truthful and honourable; (sarcastic smiles from both Helen and Gladys), and what is the use of forsaking this good man, whom you know and ourght to love, for some horrible scrapegrace whom you choose to consider faithful? Think over what I have said to you and try and change your mind as regards James. If you resolve to marry him your father and I are quite willing for it to take place at once; if however you persist in this obstinate behaviour, remember you are cut off from our wills and we will not have you in our house, neither will we receive any letters from you. We are not ones to encourage foolish suspicions, and are quite in favour of James. You may write again and tell us what you intend doing.
Yours affectionate Mother, ETHELREDA LINCARROL
P. S. We think the less you associate with Helen Winston the better. Your sisters and brothers are very upset and sincerely hope you will marry dear James."
"A most impertinant letter" cried Helen with burning cheeks and flaming eyes, "I had no idea my aunt was such a cruel, wicked person; I suppose she is in league with him," and she pointed in the direction she thought most likely Mr. Palsey had taken.
"Oh hush Helen" said Gladys "you really have no right to speak like that!"
"Yes I have" stormed Helen, "she dares to say I'm off my head; it is far more likely she is off hers."
"Helen!" cried Gladys "I really wont allow you to say such things about my mother, it is most rude of you."
"I dont care" replied Helen "if I am to be privately insulted in this way I declare I wont stand it, I have surely had enough trouble without this—this——"
Whatever Helen intended to say she got no further, for she quite lost her self-control and burst out crying, her hot tears falling through her fingers and dropping on to her patent leather shoes. Poor Helen! it was indeed sad to have all the miseries of her past life recalled by a few thoughtless words expressed in a letter.
Gladys who was sympathy itself, jumped up and ran to Helen's side.
Putting her arms round her neck she kissed her, saying as she did so "never mind Helen dear, dont cry, I should not have hurt your feelings so, but cheer up and I'll tell you some news which will show you that we have some friends, who are not on Mr. Palsey's side."
Helen, who quickly got over her fits of sorrow dried her eyes and looked up.
"What is it?" she asked.
Gladys sat down again and opening her mother's letter said "you know what Mother says in the post-script, about my sisters and brothers being very upset and longing for me to marry James?"
"Yes" answered Helen, "but how many have you got, I understood you were a very small family?"
"Oh no, we are rather a large family" responded Gladys, "perhaps I had better tell you our names or you wont understand the news."
"Yes please do" pleaded Helen.
"Well I have three brothers and three sisters," said Gladys, "Lionel is the eldest of the family, he's about 25 or 26 I think, then there is Wilelmina, we always call her Minna, she is 24, then Lawrence is about 23 I fancy. I am the next, and I suppose you know I have just come of age. Ethel and Elsie (the twins) are just 19, and Hugh is the youngest, he is between 17 and 18."
"You all seem to have very fanciful names" said Helen.
"Do we?" said Gladys "well Mother is just that kind you know, her name being Ethelreda Aurora, I suppose she thinks we ought to have fancy names."
"Yes I suppose so" replied Helen, "I certainly think you have sweet names, Ethel and Elsie are very nice for twins, are they pretty?"
"Ethel and Elsie?" asked Gladys "oh yes fairly so they are both fair you know."
"You must be a fair family" replied Helen
"You are fair yourself."
"Oh no we're not" answered Gladys, "Minna is like a gipsy almost and the boys are all dark."
"Really?" said Helen "well Gladys what about this wonderful piece of news?"
"Oh yes" said Gladys, "well when Mother wrote that postscript, I dont believe she asked the others about it at all, because only the other evening, I got a letter from Lawrence, (he is my favourite) and it seems he is quite in favour of me not marrying James."
"How lovely!" exclaimed Helen.
"I'll try and find the letter" said Gladys "it really is awfully nice, he says he never liked the looks of James and he quite believes my suspicions are right and he says he'll try and find out who murdered Mr. Winston if he can, and he strongly advises me to mary Lord Beaufort, (a friend of ours who has a regard for me). He also says that he will try and come to see me, Minna is very much of his oppinion too it seems, but I think that is because she has her eye on James. The twins have not much to say in the matter except they think I am silly to miss such a chance, Lionel says so too, but then he is very high and mighty, you know, so of course he wants me to marry some one rich."
"Well I dont see much good in looking for the letter now you have told me all the news" said Helen laughingly, as Gladys having turned her desk up side down, was rampaging about the bookcase.
"I suppose its not much good" replied Gladys wearily, "well now Helen the question I want you to settle is this; what am I to write and tell Mother, and when am I to expect Lawrence?
"Well my dear, as regards the latter question I am quite ignorant" said Helen "your brother may turn up today for all I know."
"How jolly if he does" replied Gladys "it will be very awkward if James is at home, because if ever a man knew how to make himself disagreable James is that person."
"Is he really?" exclaimed Helen "well I hope Lawrence will come today if that is the case, but now Gladys to business, you must write to your mother you know, and have you decided what you will say?"
"Yes I have" said Gladys bravely "I will write at once and say that my suspicions are none the less keen, and on no plea whatever will I marry James."
"Gladys, you are good!" cried Helen, while her friend's lips trembled and her eyes filled with tears, "but never mind dear" she added "you will be well rewarded one day, when you find yourself the happy wife of a good man, he may be rich too, because it is not always the bad that are rich."
"I know" answered Gladys "and now Helen there is just time before lunch for me to write my letter."
Arranging her writing table, Gladys sat down and wrote the following letter:
8, Down Terrace, Richmond. Oct. 17th.
No words can express how sorry I am that my letter should have caused you and father so much trouble. My suspicions however have in no way diminished. James is as bad as ever. He has a horrible sneaking way of coming upstairs and he dreams too and shouts out "oh why did I do it; murder! robbery." So tonight I shall tell him that I have found him out and could not possibly marry him. Of course he will have nothing to do with me and I shall be penniless, but as you will have no more to say to me, I suppose I am welcome to fall back upon the kindness of my dearly beloved friend Helen Winston. Now dear Mother, as this is the last letter I shall ever write you, I beg that you will give my very best love to dear Father and all the rest, Remember me very kindly to all my friends especially Lord Beaufort. Begging heartily for your forgiveness (which I suppose you will never grant me)
I remain, your devoted daughter Gladys.
Having finished this epistle Gladys stamped and sealed it and handing it to Helen said: "You will post this on your way home wont you?"
"Oh yes" said Helen and she placed the envelope in her pocket.
"Now the next best thing to be done is, to go and see if lunch is ready exclaimed Gladys and leading the way, the two girls crossed the passage and entered a charming little drawing room. A fire burnt brightly in the grate and a table was spread in the middle of the room, on which a hot pheasant was waiting to be carved.
"Is this a drawing room or a dining room" enquired Helen, looking at the pretty pictures, the sofa and various drawing room articles.
"Both" replied Gladys "you see after meals, the flaps of this table are let down, an Indian silk cloth put upon it, and it is a sweet little table for the centre of a drawingroom,
"How dodgy" cried Helen in delight. Lunch was soon over and the girls repaired to Gladys's bedroom, which was brighter and sunnier than the drawing-room. Taking their seats by the window, they both sank into silence.
Gladys was the first to break it.
"Helen" she said "when James comes home tonight, I shall tell him exactly what I think about this matter; and if he turns me out of the house, where can I go?"
"Dont despair" said Helen "your brother may arrive before that.
"Oh" said Gladys scornfully "its not likely; I must say Helen you are very unsympathetic, perhaps if you were living with the prospect of spending a night with no roof over your head, you would be nicer to me"
"I am not nasty" returned Helen; if such a thing does happen that you dont know where to go, why you can come to me, you know you will be welcome; you see Gladys I've had so much trouble myself, that I find it easy to be calm during other peoples misery."
"Well it appears you do" replied Gladys, "but anyhow you will surely help me pack my things, for if James turns me away I shall be quite ready to start."
"Oh certainly" said Helen, and accordingly the next hour and a half was spent in turning out Gladys's wardrobes etc. and by the time the trunks were locked and the room set tidy, it was nearly tea-time.
Mrs. Norton (the Landlady brought some buttered toast and tea into the bedroom, as it was more comfortable than the sitting room.
"Oh dear it has commenced to rain" cried Gladys, and walking to the window she drew back the pretty muslin curtain.
Helen followed and the two girls stood for a moment looking out of the window, through which a few rain-drops were splashing on to the thick Turkish carpet.
Helens eyes wandered listlessly across the terrace gardens, but she did not take in the scene before her, as she gazed intently at the lively throng before her, her thoughts were far away in the dingy little home-office, and she was wondering if Cyril would permit Gladys to dwell under his roof.
All of a sudden Gladys clutched hold of Helen's arm, and pointed to a figure in the street, which was coming quickly up the steps of the house.
"Oh Helen he has come!" she cried "quick, quick we must come down stairs!"
The two girls rushed to the door, but ere they had time to take a dozen steps, they were met at the top of the stairs by Mr. Palsey.
Helen's cheeks and lips grew white as a sheet, and she crept behind the welcome shade of Gladys's back, as the gaze of the man she hated fell upon her.
"What is the meaning of this?" hissed Mr. Palsey between his teeth.
"The meaning of what?" enquired Gladys in a trembling voice.
"This—this—most un-called-for visit?" cried Mr. Palsey pointing to where Helen stood trembling like a leaf in every limb.
"It means" cried Gladys in a loud tone, "that I know all Mr. James Palsey, all your false deceitful ways, all your cruel treatment of my cousin Helen and above all the murder of her father, and the robbery of the safe!"
Mr. Palsey grew livid with fury and fear, and clung for support to the bannisters.
"Oh you know all that do you?" he enquired sardonically, "For once your imaginations have gone too far Miss Gladys Lincarrol, I did not murder Mr. Winston as it happens, perhaps his daughter can throw light on that subject."
"What do you mean?" cried Helen fiercely.
"What I say" replied Mr. Palsey.
"If you mean to infer Mr Palsey "that Cyrill has had anything to do with the murder you are wrong, he is far too honourable for that."
"Of course he is" said Mr. Palsey sarcastically.
"Then dont talk about what you dont know anything about" retorted Helen.
Mr. Palsey was about to reply, when Gladys interupted him, "well it is of no use to prolong matters James" she said "so I'll tell you straight what I mean; of course I shall not dream of becoming your wife after what I have discovered about you, and so I am going away; my parents will not have me at home, so I am going back with Helen Winston, till my brother Lawrence comes to fetch me, he will no doubt set me up comfortably and then I shall at least be free from your clutches, even if I am forced into marrying a poor man.
Mr. Palsey turned an ashy grey and his cruel green eyes gleamed viciously "What?" he gasped "you say you're going away, going to leave the man who has never been anything but loving to you; I tell you, you shant do it, you young cat——" and seizing hold of Gladys's slender wrists he tried to force her back into the bedroom.
Helen uttered a cry and with a blind idea of doing some good, she flung herself across Mr. Palsey's arms. Seeing his chance Mr. Palsey thrust Helen aside and tightning his grip on Gladys pinioned her to the wall, violently shaking her by the shoulders every time she opened her lips to speak.
At this critical moment, a loud ring was heard at the door quickly followed by voices in the hall below, the next moment steps were heard hastily ascending the stairs. Before anyone could speak, Mr. Palsey felt himself violently punched in the back, and Gladys recovering herself in a moment sank sobbing into the arms of her brother.
Lawrence Lincarrol was a tall, broad shouldered young man about 6 ft 2 inches. His hair was dark, rather curly and plentiful and was parted at the side. He had dark blue eyes a dark moustache and great regularity of features, but there was no resemblance to Gladys in his face whatever. In age, our hero was about three and twenty.
Having embraced his sister and shaken hands with Helen Lawrence turned his attention to Mr. Palsey who was shivering in the back-ground.
"Well!" he cried, after scanning the villian from head to foot, "this is nice conduct I must say; may I ask what you were doing with my sister when I came in?"
"Oh I was merely advising her to keep out of draughts," replied Mr. Palsey glaring at the newcomer with hatred in his eyes.
"A most extraordinary way of giving your advice" replied Lawrence, "you were shaking her as if she was an animal."
"She is obstinate" persisted Mr. Palsey.
"Don't talk nonsense" cried Lawrence hotly, "a man who can contrive murders and robberies as well as you can, should be able to give a reasonable answer to a simple question, tell me at once, why you were shaking my sister in that horrible manner."
"If you think you can master me Mr. Lincarrol" said Mr. Palsey, "you will soon find your mistake, stand out of my way or we shall come to blows."
Lawrence did not move an inch, and Gladys and Helen waited with beating hearts, to see what would follow.
Mr. Palsey's evil nature was roused in a moment with a cow-like jump, and with the fury of a lion, he sprang upon Lawrence, dealing him a terrible blow between the eyes.
But in his rage Mr. Palsey had forgotten how much weaker and smaller he was than his combatant.
With wonderful coolness, Lawrence siezed Mr. Palsey by the shoulders and after a brief struggle, succeeded in forcing him backwards into the drawing room where he locked the door and slipping the key into his pocket.
"I did not wish to fight on a lodging house landing," he said turning to the girls "it might get talked about, Mr. Palsey will have time to grow cool locked in there for a little, I'll let him out soon."
"Yes, dont forget" said Gladys "Mrs. Norton will think it so strange."
"Well Gladys" said Helen "I really must go now; Cyril will be expecting me, and now that your brother has come you will be quite safe."
"Oh Helen!" cried Gladys "you cant go yet, Lawrence what are we to do?"
"I was going to tell you" replied Lawrence. "Lord Beaufort is living in London now, 26 Portman Square, and as he knows I am here too, he wants me to bring you Gladys to stay with him. I shall be there for a few days longer before I go home, but I dare say you and Lord Beaufort will have arranged matters by then.
Gladys blushed hard and pretended not to hear.
"We can all go to Holburn together by the next train" proceeded Lawrence, "and then when we have seen Miss Winston safely into a cab, we can drive to Portman Sq. where Lord Beaufort will be ready to receive us."
It is very kind of you" said Helen "but I really feel very mean presuming upon you like this."
"Not at all" replied Lawrence "it is the least we could do; and now Gladys if you are ready, we ought to be starting."
"I shant be long" cried Gladys "I've only my things to put on, and my boxes to strap."
"Well then I'll just go and see about a fly" replied Lawrence, glancing at his watch as he spoke, "you be ready by the time I get back will you?"
"Oh yes" answered Gladys, and darting back into her bedroom she commenced to put on her hat and jacket while Helen wrote labels for the luggage.
In a few moments Lawrence returned and running upstairs knocked at the bedroom door.
"Oh come in" cried Gladys "I'm nearly ready."
"Do hurry we've not so very much time" replied Lawrence, dragging out a large black trunk and carrying it to the landing where a cab man was waiting to take it down stairs.
"Now, I'm ready" said Gladys, "come on Helen."
"I am coming" replied Helen and picking up her umbrella, she followed the others downstairs.
"Oh I say we must'nt forget Mr. Palsey" cried Lawrence "I can hear him muttering in there now, I expect he is awfully wild."
"I expect he is" laughed Gladys.
Lawrence produced the key from his pocket and was about to slip it quietly into the lock, when Helen interupted him: "Mr. Lincarrol" she said "dont you think it would be safer to give the key to Mrs. Norton, because if Mr. Palsey hears you opening the door he would be sure to get out and then there might be another scene."
"So there might" replied Lawrence, "well I think that would be the best, come along Gladys, the sooner we get off the better."
"Let me out, let me out" screamed Mr. Palsey from within the drawing room, "I'll tell the police of it; let me out this instant."
"Have patience" shouted Lawrence, but his words were hardly audible for Mr. Palsey was releiving his feelings by kicking violently at the door.
"The hall door was open, and Mrs. Norton was standing by it waiting for her lodgers to come down.
"Well miss this is short notice" she began in an injured tone.
"I am very sorry" replied Gladys "but I have to leave in a great hurry, I would have let you know before had it been possible," and she handed a few soverigns to the land lady.
"By the by Mrs. Norton" began Lawrance "here is the key of your drawing room, Mr. Palsey is in there for reasons which I dont see fit to mention now, but as I found him assaulting a lady when I arrived I shall see fit to inform the police and no doubt you will be kind enough to take charge of the key until my return."
"Oh yes sir" replied Mrs. Norton, who had no great devotion for that cross-grained Mr. Palsey as she called him "you can trust me fully."
"Thank you" replied Lawrence, noting down Mrs. Norton's name and address in his memoranda as he spoke.
A cab drew up at the door at that moment and the landlady and parlour maid both walked down the steps with their lodgers.
"Am I to expect you back at any particular time sir?" enquired Mrs. Norton.
"I cant say for certain" answered Lawrence, "but I will probably be back sometime tonight."
"Very well sir, I'll keep the key safe in my pocket till then" and Mrs. Norton slipped the key into its receptable.
"The old station" cried Lawrence and jumping into the cab he shut the door with a bang.
The journey passed off very successfully, Helen and Gladys both taking a doze in the train and waking up quite fresh at Holburn Station.
"I must go to the Police Station at once" said Lawrence "so I will see you both started first; what is your address Miss Winston?"
"I could easily walk" replied Helen blushing, "but if you would rather I drove the address is 132, Cannon Street."
Lawrence hailed two hansoms "now Gladys jump in as you have further to go" he said, "26, Portman Square" he added to the cabman, who touched his hat and drove off in an instant.
The second hansom was waiting and drew close up to the curb as the other drove off. "132, Cannon Street, shouted Lawrence, "goodbye Miss Winston, be sure and write to Gladys if you are in trouble, I am going there myself late tonight as unfortunately I must go back to Richmond to see about Mr. Palsey."
"Thank you very very much" replied Helen the tears gathering in her pretty eyes as she spoke. But she soon wiped them away and leaning back in the comfortable hansom she commenced to hum a little tune as she arranged her ruffled hair at the little looking glass. Little did she dream how very soon she would have to avail herself of Lawrence's offer.
A dismal sleet had begun to fall and being tired Helen was not sorry when the hansom stopped at the dreary looking office. Lawrence had already paid the man so Helen had only to collect her parcels and get out.
A light was shining in the office room and also in Cyril's bed-room which was just above it.
"How very strange" thought Helen as she mounted the steps. Before she had time to lay her hand on the bell the door was violently opened from within and there stood Netherby, looking very pale and trembling from head to foot.
"Oh come in Miss, do come in" he cried in an agitated voice as Helen stood staring at his strange appearance.
"Why Netherby, what is the matter?" cried Helen entering the passage and closing the door behind her.
"Oh dont ask me miss, please dont let me be the first to tell you" cried Netherby and the poor man clung for support to the door handle.
"Very well, dont distress yourself" said Helen kindly and calmly and seeing there was no more information to be got from him, she entered the office.
It seemed to be in a state of utter confusion; papers littered the whole room, Cyril's tea stood untouched by his desk, and Cyril's own private chest was wide open and Wilson the other clerk was cooly reading the papers and documents within. He glanced over his shoulder as Helen entered and with an insolent grin returned to the parchment in his hand.
All Helen's pride and dignity was roused in a moment.
"Wilson!" she cried with an impatient movement of her hands, but keeping perfectly cool the while "oblige me by telling me the meaning of this conduct."
"The explanation is there" replied the clerk pointing to a half sheet of paper lying on the desk.
It was a common bit of ruled paper and by the ragged edge had evidently been hastily torn from a note book; a pin was run through the top of the paper showing it had been attached to something.
"Where did you find this" enquired Helen before reading it.
"We found it pinned to Mr. Sheene's desk addressed to you miss," replied Netherby who had entered the room, "it was Mrs. Marshland who told us to open it.
"Very well" said Helen, and she read as follows.
"Darling. When you see this I shall probably be miles away. This is written to bid you goodbye as it is not likely we shall meet again. When you read my story try and forgive me; for in spite of all I always loved you and ever will.
This strange epistle was hastily scrawled in pencil and the signature was very shaky, but Helen knew the writing in a minute, it was undoubtedly Cyril's.
"It is not likely we shall meet again!!"
The words ran through Helen's bewildered head and repeated themselves again and again. Cyril, whom she had loved so dearly and belived in so faithfully had gone away, left her alone in the cruel heartless world; Cyril whom she had never even had course or reason to call dishonourable had written himself to ask her to try and forgive him. What did it mean? And the story, where was the story?" The room seemed to swim round;" we shall not meet again, "try and forgive me" The story where is the story? And then all was darkness and Helen remembered no more.
When Helen recovered she found herself lying in a large comfortable bed propped up with pillows. The room was large, cheerful and beautifully furnished. A small table covered with a white cloth was by the bedside with medicine bottles upon it. A bright fire burnt in the grate. The blinds were down and warm red curtains pulled across the large bow window.
A small lamp was carefully placed where no light or glare could reach the bed and the very atmosphere of the room spoke of extreme comfort.
A nurse, in a white cap and apron was gliding noislessly about the room arranging things here and there.
For a moment Helen lay quite still staring about her plerpexedly, but on making a slight movement in the bed the nurse turned round, "So you are awake at last miss?" she said in a slow gentle voice, "do you know you have slept quite quietly for three hours."
"Where are am I?" asked Helen gazing from the kind face of the nurse around the strange room.
"You are in Lord Beaufort's house in Portman Square" replied the nurse.
"Lord Beaufort?" repeated Helen, "I have heard the name before."
"Yes you have" said the nurse, "Miss Lincarrol is here you know, and her brother, and your old servant Mrs. Marshland, so you see no one has deserted you."
"Except Cyril" sighed Helen.
"You must not think of that now" replied the nurse soothingly, "all you have to do is rest and keep quiet; I expect Miss Lincarrol will be up soon, she has come twice already only you were asleep, now take your medicine and then lay quiet; you will hear all the story soon from other lips than mine."
Thus reassured Helen took her cooling draught and lay down, patiently awaiting any visitor who would enlighten her as to past events. Her thoughts naturally enough wandered back to the episode of Cyril's departure and she was getting extremely restless, much to the nurse's dismay, when the door softly opened and Gladys appeared in the room.
With a smile she instantly ran to the bedside and Helen tried to raise herself to greet her friend, but her head instantly swam round and she fell back on the pillow, white and gasping. The nurse gave her a dose of medicine and she quickly came to herself again.
"You must not try to exert yourself too much" said the nurse kindly, "it will do you no good, and will only hinder your recovery."
"Very well" said Helen faintly, "but how is it I get so queer?"
"Because your head is in a weak state" replied the nurse, "and it will probable injure you very much to rampage."
It would take too long to relate the history of Helen's illness as Helen heard it from Gladys's lips, with all the details and exagertions, so we will go back a little bit and see what happened after Helen swooned away.
As soon as Netherby (the clerk) saw what had happened he at once called for Marshland, who was sitting in the parlour in a state of utter collapse. On hearing that her precious Miss Helen had fainted, the good old woman ran at once to the office room.
Helen lay perfectly white and still upon the floor with Cyril's fatal letter clenched in her hand. Marshland instantly knelt down and placed her head at Helen's heart. "She is not dead" she cried triumphantly.
"What can we do?" asked Netherby in a shaky voice.
"I'll tell you" said Marshland getting up off the floor, you must take a cab and drive as fast as you can to Portman Square number 26, Miss Lincarrol is staying there with Lord Beaufort and I think her brother too; they are all staunch friends of Miss Helen's I know they will come at once, we can make no move, friendless as we are, without the help of Mr. Lincarrol or some one."
"Stop a bit" cried Netherby regaining his courage all of a sudden; something tells me the story Mr. Sheene speaks of in his letter is somewhere in the private chest, and as it is evidently meant for Miss Winston's private reading, I'll trouble you Mr. Wilson to let those papers alone and give me up the key."
"What right have you to the key any more than me?" asked Wilson sullenly.
"None I suppose" replied Netherby "but I know that you are subjecting yourself to the penalty of the law by ransacking that private chest, "I shall inform the police if you dont instantly deliver the key."
Netherby's altered manner rather cowed Wilson so very sulkily he gave up the key.
Then with a set determination Netherby collected all the papers etc: which Wilson had strewn over the desks tying them firmly together placed them back in the chest.
"Have you any more?" asked he before locking the chest.
"No" stoutly declared Mr. Wilson.
"I'm not so eager to belive you" replied Netherby.
"Why not?" enquired Wilson savagely.
"Because you're not extra fond of the truth" replied Netherby "and I'd rather satisfy myself that you have no more papers about you before I lock the chest."
"You'd better dare lay a finger on me" hissed Wilson.
"I dont want to" replied Netherby "but if you really have taken nothing, what is your objection to letting me see the contents of your pocket?"
"Oh I'll let you see the contents drawled Wilson and he proceeded to place a few articles on the desk.
Netherby was beginning to satisfy himself it was alright, when he noticed Wilson shuffling about with the inner pocket of his coat.
"Hurry up" exclaimed Netherby impatiently.
"Alright" cried Wilson nervously drawing out a rather dirty handkerchief; but fate was against him and with the handkerchief came a roll of bank notes.
Marshland gave a cry as she beheld the sight of the unhappy Wilson slink into a corner.
Netherby collected the notes placed them in the desk and without a word put on his hat and went out. In less that five minutes he returned accompanied by two policemen, who on a sign from Netherby advanced to Wilson and before the astonished man could say a word he found himself handcuffed and carefully guarded by the two officials.
Netherby and Marshland then gave an exact account of what had taken place and Netherby ended by saying "you see Wilson if you had shut the chest when I told you and concealed nothing I should have been the last to call the police, but when it came to robbing the chest in justice to Miss Winston I had to do my duty."
Wilson was too utterly dazed to say a word, and in a few moments Netherby, not liking to leave the house sent a messenger to portman Square.
In a couple of hours a cab drew up at the door, and out got Lawrence Lincarrol, Lord Beaufort, and a short thin man, who turned out to be Cyril Sheene's solicitor.
On hearing the story, Lord Beaufort said that Helen was to be taken at once to his house and that Marshland should accompany her. Accordingly the unconscious girl was lifted into the brougham and accompanied by the old servant drove off. "Your things shall be sent on" said Lord Beaufort to Marshland as he helped her into the cab "and a trained nurse shall be got for Miss Winston, meanwhile my servants quite understand what is to be done."
Then the cab drove off and Lord Beaufort entered the office.
Lawrence and Mr. Spriggs (the solicitor) were both busy interviewing Netherby, who now that he had done his duty and shown much good sence had relapsed into his old nervous state.
We had here better describe Lord Beaufort and Mr. Spriggs.
Lord Beaufort was a half Spaniard, his mother being of that nationality and his father (who was dead) an Englishman.
He took after his mother in looks. He was moderately tall and thin and might have been eight and thirty. He had straight black hair and beard and moustache, to match, the former being small and well cut, not the bushy kind. His handsome dark eyes were quite those of a foreigner and his teeth were beautifully white. He was particularly well dressed and even to his boots.
Very different indeed was Mr. Spriggs. A thin wiry little man about 5 feet 2 inches, with thin sandy coloured hair (a trifle bald), twinkly little blue eyes, a very pink face and carroty coloured moustache. He was attired in a rough tweed suit with knickaboccers, a turn down collar, very untidily put on, thick grey stockings, clumping boots, a green tie, and a dear stalker cap drawn well on to his head.
"Well the first thing to be done" said Mr. Spriggs in jerky tones "is to open the chest, and I being the solicitor will proceed to do it," and he stalked accross the room with a very high and mighty air and made a great commotion with the keys.
The chest being opened the contents were carefully examined. A blue envelope was first opened and contained the following information.
"This is to say that I, Cyril Sheene leave all my money, which is all in bank notes to my intended Helen Winston; it is not very much and does not exceed L150 but still I hope it will do as I can't afford any more. Dated August 11th."
This was all written in violet coloured ink by Cyril himself; but at the bottom of the paper a few lines were hastily scrawled in pencil.
"I hereby add that all my share of the money I stole from Mr. John Winston is in the black leather bag at the back of the chest. Helen will recognise the bag. Not a farthing has been spent and it is all to go to Helen. Dated October 14.
"That was written on the day of Mr. Sheene's departure announced Mr. Spriggs as he replaced the paper in its envelope, and this is the bag I suppose," he added dragging at a black leather bundle in a remote corner of the chest.
The bag it certainly was and on being opened L100 in ready gold tumbled on to the desk, and with it a slip of paper on which the reader will remember John Winston had written, "all this gold is bequeathed to my daughter Helen on the day when I shall be called upon to die," and was sealed with the writer's prifate seal.
Nothing else of great importance appeared except a bundle of white manuscript carefully tied up and sealed, addressed to Helen and marked "private."
"I know what that is!" cried Netherby excitedly "it is the story Mr. Sheene wrote about, look here sir" and he picked up Cyril's letter which had dropped from Helen's hand when she was lifted into the cab.
Mr. Spriggs carefully read the letter and placed it in the chest, "ah yes" he said addressing Lord Beaufort and Lawrence, "that story is evidently for Miss Winston's private eye, so it must be locked up till she is able to read it."
"Which wont be for a good while judging from her present condition," said Lawrence, "but now to business, what about this office, it is a difficult matter to carry it on without Mr. Sheene."
"As far as I can see, it must be kept on till Miss Winston's recovery" replied Mr. Spriggs "if no more news is heard of Mr. Sheene till then well Miss Winston can come and procure her money and various other papers which will of course be hers and then this place can be sold."
"Yes" said Lord Beaufort and I suppose Mr. Netherby will be the head man till then.
"Well yes" replied Mr. Spriggs "he must certainly be here to look after the place, and of course I shall look in occasionally to see all goes well; another young man can be got to be under Mr. Netherby as Mr. Wilson has gone to prison for attempted robbery; do you agree to that Mr. Netherby?"
"Oh yes sir" eagerly replied the clerk, who would not have disagreed for the world.
"And if it comes to the place being sold" added Lord Beaufort "you can come to me Mr. Netherby, I may have arranged something by then"
"Thank you very much sir" replied Netherby and after a few more matters had been arranged the three men left the office leaving Netherby in charge.
By the time Lord Beaufort and Lawrence got back home, a doctor had seen Helen. He said that when she recovered her senses, perfect rest and quiet would be all she needed, her brain being in a dazed condition. She would not be able to leave her bed for some time probably though nothing serious was the matter.
Helen remained unconscious all night and next day she was very delirious but towards 4 o'clock she dropped asleep and woke up about seven o'clock, her right senses returned to her, but still in a weak condition.
It was not untill the evening after Helen's recovery that Lawrence and Lord Beaufort had an oppertunity of conversing together.
Mulberry Beaufort was seated in his luxurious study partaking of some Burgundy wine and reading a detective story, when the door opened and Lawrence, entered, tired after a long day in the city.
"Well Mulberry" he said throwing himself down in an arm chair and lighting a cigar, "no news of Sheene in the Star I suppose?"
"Not a word" replied Mulberry, "it is a most misterious affair altogether."
"Yes the odd part of it is that Palsey has made off too" answered Lawrence.
"You dont mean that!" cried Mulberry.
"Yes I do" said Lawrence, "it appears the villain got off while I was away; you know I locked him in the drawing room and as the landlady had the key he would not have made his exit in that way.
"No" replied Mulberry "he certainly could not but you forget the window."
"No I dont" responded Lawrence, "that is just where he did get out, for when I opened the door of the drawing room, the window was wide open at the bottom, and a bit of rope was fastenned to a hook on the window ledge and hanging out of the window, so the wreatch made his escape that way; it is a wonder he was not detected for the police are every where on the look out for him and I am sure if ever a man deserved the gallows he does."
"Yes indeed" replied Mulberry lazily puffing at his cigar "but in my opinion the disappearance of Sheene is the most extraordinary it was so very sudden and unexpected, but it was not at all an unlikely thing for Palsey to do, he was so angry at being locked in."
"My idea is" answered Lawrence "that they both had their own reasons for wishing to leave so abruptly. I shouldnt be at all supprised if the villian Palsey knowing the police were on his track, dropped some hint as to Sheene's share in the murder and so got the blame partly shifted from himself."
"Then you think Sheene did share in the murder do you?" asked Mulberry, his black eyes flashing.
"I do" replied Lawrence, "I bet you a shilling that story of Sheene's will reveal everything. It strikes me Sheene made off on account of the police too——"
"Well I only hope Miss Winston will soon be well enough to read the story" replied Mulberry.
"I hope so too responded Lawrence heartily.
"I suppose Netherby still stays at the office?" enquired Mulberry.
"Oh yes" answered Lawrence, "but it will be a good thing for him as soon as he can leave, he gets very little pay and he is really a very good fellow indeed."
"Yes he is" rejoined Mulberry "I will try and get something for him as soon as possible."
Just then the door opened and in came Gladys looking very pretty in her evening dress of rose coloured silk.
She blushed on seeing the two men, but came forward gracefully enough.
"I came to see if you were coming into the drawing room" she said "dinner will soon be ready and I have just been to see Helen."
"Oh how is she?" asked Lawrence.
"Better I think" replied Gladys "I am going up again after dinner."
"Well I will come to the drawing room" said Mulberry putting aside his tumbler.
"Will you come too Lawrence?"
"Not yet thanks" replied Lawrence "I have a letter to write, I will join you at dinner"
"We expect a few guests tonight" said Mulberry.
"Oh" said Lawrence "I'll change presently."
Mulberry opened the door and he and Gladys betook themselves from the study.
Alone in the beautiful drawing room with the light from the tall standing lamp falling on her fair features, Mulberry Beaufort became entranced with Gladys's beauty.
He stood gazing into her lovely blue eyes with his own black ones, till he could contain himself no longer.
"Gladys darling" he exclaimed passionately seizing her small white hand "I love you."
Gladys blushed and tried to hide her face but Mulberry caught her other hand and kept his eyes full on her.
"Answer me Gladys" cried the lover "I love you so much and if you will only be my wife my happiness will be complete."
"Oh Lord Beaufort" cried Gladys "this is so unexpected."
"Call me Mulberry!" he almost whispered.
"Well Mulberry" murmured Gladys "I really dont know what to say."
"Think darling" cried Mulberry, "surely you dont wish to crush all hope and happiness out of my life, my heart beats only for you Gladys, you dont wish to stop it do you?"
"Oh no" earnestly replied Gladys.
"Then may I take that as your acceptation of me?" enquired Mulberry.
"I think you may" replied Gladys softly.
Mulberry was too overpowered with joy to say a word, he merely clasped her in his arms and drew her head on to his shoulder, where it lay in a state of bliss for the space of three minutes.
At length she slowly raised it and Mulberry taking one of her hands pressed it tight saying, "then darling, we may consider ourselves engaged?"
"Yes Mulberry!" murmered Gladys.
"Then dear accept this as a token" said Mulberry and as he spoke he slipped a handsome diamond and saphire ring on her finger.
She had scarcely recovered her astonishment and pleasure when the butler entered announcing Mr. and Mrs. Vermont.
The Hon: Mr. and Mrs. Vermont were only the first of great numbers who flocked to Lord Beaufort's house that evening. By the time the dinner gong sounded the large drawing room was filled with ladies and gentlemen many of whom had brought instruments to play, as Mulberry intended it to be a musical evening.
Mulberry eyed Gladys lovingly as he gave his arm to Mrs. Murry and escorted her to the dining room.
The dinner table was a sight to behold!
Pink was the colour chosen for the evening.
The daintily arranged menus were set in white porcelain frames on which pink roses were beautifully painted. In the centre of the table stood a valuable vase in which large pink roses were arranged. The numerous wax candles were covered with pink shades, and among the ferns and plants which adorned the room hung little pink electric lights; and everything that could be was ornemented with pink satin ribbon and bunches of roses.
It may here be said that owing to Helen's illness Lord Beaufort had not had late dinner so the sight was quite new to Gladys.
Three footmen with powdered hair and chocolate and drab livery were in attendance.
"Oh Mulberry what is this?" asked Gladys, pointing to one of the menus.
"Oh that is the menu of my table d'hote" replied Mulberry carelessly, "this is of nightly recurrence."
"How delightful!" cried Gladys and sitting down she carefully studied her menu:
Wednesday, October 20th ————— Hors d'[oe]vres. Consomme Parsanne. Creme d'asperges. Sole normande. Selle de mouton a l'anglaise. Jambon de York a la Zingara. Pommes maitre d'hotel. Poularde a la broche. Salade de saison. Glace marigan. or Gateaux Mignons. Fromage. Dessert.
As can be imagined the dinner took a good time, but when at length it drew to a close the company proceeded to the drawing room where they settled down for some good music. Mr. Vermont was the first to contribute to the entertainment. He played "Intermezzo" as a solo violin, and the beautiful melody only added to both Mulberry's and Gladys's happiness. Many others also played and sang, and at last by dint of great persuasion Gladys consented to sing. She had a magnificent clear soprano voice and as he listened Mulberry Beaufort fairly trembled for joy.
In the midst of the proceedings the dowegar Lady Beaufort entered (Mulberry's mother). She looked a great deal older than she was but she was still very handsome.
Her hair was silvery white, but her eyes and complexion were very dark, and she very much resembled her son. She was attired entirely in black silk and white lace.
The reader may think it strange that Lady Beaufort did not make her appearance at the table d'hote but to tell the truth she considered herself rather too old for such things, her age being 75. She generally partook of a plate of fricassed ham and a glass of sherry, by her own fireside, but the last two nights she had partaken of her meal with Helen.
During her repast she usually read Household Hints and then on coming into the drawing room she had plenty to talk about. She had given her son a great deal of hints as to how he should propose and now hearing that he was accepted she made her way to where Gladys was sitting and proceeded to give her some advice as to her future housekeeping. It rather bored Gladys but being so far very high in Lady Beauforts estimation, she tried her best to look interested.
At about 10-30, Lady Beaufort got up and played God save the queen on the piano and several of guests joined in the chorus on their violins and harps, soon after which, the people began to depart.
"Shall you have guests tomorrow night Mulberry?" enquired Gladys as soon as the last visitor had strayed from the drawing room.
"No dear I dont think so, they tire me if I have them every night" replied Mulberry.
"But you'll have the dinner I suppose?" eagerly asked Gladys.
"Of course" replied Mulberry with a shrug of the shoulders "as I told you Gladys it is a nightly performance here."
"How nice!" gasped Gladys "well now Mulberry dear I will go and see how Helen is; shall I say good night now?"
"If it pleases you dear" answered Mulberry.
Gladys kissed him fondly and then turned to Lady Beaufort who accompanied her upstairs.
Lawrence and Mulberry then retired to the study for another glass of burgandy before going to bed.
Some few weeks had elapsed since the aforesaid dinner party took place and day by day Helen grew stronger, till at length Dr. Durham pronounced her to be well enought to get up; in fact he went so far as to say that a drive in the fresh air would do her good. As may be imagined it was a happy day for everybody, when Helen attired in her new winter clothes made her appearance in the large hall, ready for her first drive in the open air since her illness commenced.
Gladys was also there and the nurse whom Mulberry had thought it advisable to keep a little longer.
It was a nice bright day such as is seldom seen in the month of November. The victoria stood at the door and the two beautifully groomed bay horses were pauing the ground, eager to be off. Mulberry and Lawrence saw them safely off and then as they turned into the study Mulberry said "I think if Miss Winston is well enough, it would be a good thing to drive to Cannon Street this afternoon and see about reading that story of Sheenes."
"I think so too" replied Lawrence.
Neither of the men seemed at all inclined to settle down and after wandering about a good deal, Mulberry threw himself down in a chair and gave a yawn. There was silence for a little while and at last Lawrence unexpectedly broke it by saying "I say Mulberry how long is it since you and Gladys Lincarrol have been engaged?"
Mulberry turned a dull red and began to light his pipe. "Why do you want to know?" he stammered at last.
"I'll tell you presently" replied Lawrence with a smile.
"Well I think it is about three or four weeks" answered Mulberry shuffling about from one leg to the other.
"Is that all?" enquired Lawrence.
"Yes" replied Mulberry, "now tell me why you wanted to know.
It was now Laurence's turn to grow embarresed, "well the truth is" he said at length "I am thinking of proposing to Helen Winston, and as I have had no experience I would like a few hints as to how I should go."
Mulberry laughed "well you should go to my mother for hints" he replied "she helped me very much during my little romance."
"Well I am afraid it would hardly do for me to go up and ask Lady Beaufort to give me some hints, as I am about to propose" replied Lawrence "she would be very much taken aback I should think."
"Not she" answered Mulberry with a shrug of his shoulders" she would take it quite as a matter of course; but still if you dont care to ask her, why not scribble her a note describing your position and I'll send one of the maids up with it; why she would write you pages of advice."
"I dont want as much as all that" cried Lawrence "I want just a few gentle hints as to how to be loving and look as if I was in ernest."
"Well why not write to my mother?" again repeated Mulberry.
"It would look so silly" said Lawrence "and yet I'm hard up for advice and you dont seem inclined to give me any"
"No, because you'd get it much better and more original from my mother" replied Mulberry.
"Well then I'll risk writing" said Laurence getting up as he spoke "but mind if Lady Beaufort is annoyed you must take the consequences because I should never have dreamt of doing this without you."
"Oh I'll answer for the consequences" said Mulberry with an amused smile as his friend sat down and taking a sheet of crested note paper proceeded to pen the following lines:
I hope you will excuse the liberty I take in writing you these few words—but speaking honestly I am in the very same difficulty as your son was a little time ago and out of which you so cleaverly helped him. Would it be asking too much of you to do the same for me. I am about to propose to Helen Winston and dont quite know how to express myself. I want it to be quite a short proposal and one quickly got through. Do you advise me to do it out of doors or in. I am afraid I should get so nervous in a drawing room, but of course it is just as you think best. Might I have an answer to this as soon as possible please.
Believe me, Yours faithfully LAWRENCE E. G. LINCARROL.
"Here now if Lady Beaufort turns that to ridicule its not my fault cried Lawrence hastily screwing his epistle into a cocked hat.
"No of course not" replied Mulberry encouragingly ringing the bell as he spoke, "now when the butler comes I'll tell him to send it up at once and mark my words Lawrence you'll have a reply within three minutes from now."
"I feel an awful ass" responded Lawrence throwing the note on the table "but now I'm going out for a bit perhaps as you say I shall find an answer waiting for me when I come back."
"No doubt of it" said Mulberry and with that Lawrence disappeared into the hall.
The day was beautifully fine as I said before so Lawrence walked further than he had at first meant to and coming back he met Helen, Gladys and Mrs. Chizzle the nurse and at Helen's request he got into the carriage and made one of the party home.
Helen looked quite her old self again. The same bright red colour was on her cheeks and the old light in her eyes.
"I think the drive has done you good Miss Winston" remarked Lawrence noting the change in her face.
"Yes, I feel so much better" answered Helen "we drove all round Hyde Park and the air is really lovely for London."
"It is" replied Lawrence and then turning to the nurse he added "I should think you are pleased with the progress your patient is making."
"Yes" assented Mrs. Chizzle "I am."
"Do you think Miss Winston, you are well enough to drive to Cannon Street this afternoon and read Mr. Sheene's "story"? enquired Lawrence.
"Perfectly" replied Helen with a smile.
Lawrence was astounded, "you must be prepared for bad news" he said.
"I am already prepared" said Helen.
"For the very worst?" queried Lawrence.
"For anything" returned Helen
"That's alright then" replied Lawrence.
"Mulberry and I are going to tea with the Vermonts this afternoon, but we need not start till 4 o'clock" said Gladys.
"It would'nt matter if you were a little late" answered Lawrence.
Just then the victoria stopped and after having helped the ladies to alight, Lawrence went quickly to the study where as Lord Beaufort had predicted an envelope lay waiting to be opened addressed to Lawrence in the dowegor lady Beaufort's hand writing.
Lawrence blushed as he took up the bulky package and retired with it to the privacy of his own bedroom, where we will leave him to read it in silence.
A copy of the letter is given below:
Nov. 4th 18—
It is with great pleasure that I comply with your wishes. It is not the first time I have been appealed to under such circumstances. There is an art in proposing as well as in every thing. If you are liable to nervousness, do not propose indoors. There is a very nice little nook in the back garden by the crocus bed, where my own romance took place. It is quite unfrequented from 11 to 1 and from 3 to 6.
Be careful not to be too sudden or you will make the girl shy, but do it by degrees. Keep as close to her as you can after she has accepted (which if you manage it with tact she is sure to do) draw her to you and murmer soft words.
If you wish for more details do not hesitate to write to me. Wishing you every success.
I remain Yours etc. CRISTINA BEAUFORT.
Lawrence folded the above and carefully put it in his blotting pad, and then with a sigh of relief he brushed his hair and went down to lunch.
Helen was pronounced quite well enough to drive to the office that afternoon; so accordingly the victoria was again brought to the front door and Helen, Lawrence and Mulberry all got in. It was not considered necessary for Gladys to go too.
On arriving at Cannon Street Netherby opened the door of the office, for he expected them all the morning. Mr. Spriggs (the solicitor) was there too.
Helen was soon seated at the desk and the roll of paper, containing Cyril's story was untied amidst a breathless silence.
It was very touchingly written and stated how Cyril, led away by Mr. Palsey, had contrived to find out where Mr. Winston kept his money; and how, still under Mr. Palsey's influence had gone up to Warwick to plan the murder of poor John Winston. He fully acknowledged his guilt, but declared over and over again that he never would have done it without Mr. Palsey's aid. It ended by a heartfelt intreaty for forgiveness.
Helen's voice faltered a little in places, but she never really broke down till the last word had fallen from her lips, then she sobbed softly, while Mr. Spriggs bustled about and put away the papers.
Lawrence took Helen's hand and tried to comfort her but it seemed useless.
Meanwhile Lord Beaufort sought out Netherby and engaged him as footman. The poor man was highly delighted for he was getting no pay at present and as every one knew Mulbery Beaufort was not at all scanty in the way of wages.
Helen seemed very dull and depressed all the way home but she shed no more tears.
Soon after 5 o'clock Lawrence began to grow very restless so lighting a cigarette he strolled into the garden to enjoy the last glimpse of day-light. Some how his steps led him to the crocus bed and here he continued to walk up and down his thoughts occupied with Helen Winston.
As Lady Beaufort had said the crocus bed was a delightfully quiet spot. Not a soul was to be seen any where, and a general air of peace pervaded the whole atmosphere. Lawrence continued to walk up and down lost in his rapturous reveries, while the evening grew darker and darker. By and by the stars began to come out and at length the moon rose full in the heavens, and then Lawrence looked up and there in front of him stood Helen, clad in her evening dress of pale yellow and a white shawl thrown round her shoulders.
She seemed as supprised as Lawrence for she stopped suddenly on seeing him.
"I beg your pardon Mr. Lincarrol" she began "I hope I am not disturbing you, but Lady Beaufort told me to come here before dinner and see if Jefferson (the gardiner) had raked the beds properly."
Lawrence grew very red and glanced quickly and mechanically up to the window of Lady Beaufort's budoir. There sure enough the old lady was looking out, but on seeing the two together she quickly retired into the regions of her own bedroom.
"This is Lady Beaufort's doing thought Lawrence as the letter he had received came back to his mind. "Oh no you dont disturb me at all" he added aloud.
Helen smiled and began plucking at the faded leaves of the trees.
"What a lovely night it is" said Lawrence at last as the silence grew embarresing.
"Yes" replied Helen vaguely and Lawrence glancing at her saw by the moonlight that her eyes had a far away dreamy look in them.
"How delightfully sheltered this part of the garden is" continued Lawrence.
"Yes very answered Helen, drawing her silk shawl over her shoulders as a slight breeze blew across the garden.
"Had you a good garden where you lived before?" enquired Lawrence, unconsiously leading up to his proposal.
"At Cannon Street there was only a yard replied Helen, a painful blush mounting to her face, "but at Kenelham we had a sweet little garden, my poor dear father took the greatest interest in his flowers and so did I" she added with a slight catch in her harmonious voice.
"Dont you now?" asked Lawrence.
"Oh yes" said Helen, "but you see, it is all so different now; in those days my father and I were constant companions and our opinions were one. But now there is nobody—nobody" and tears began to well up in her eyes and fall over her long black lashes.
"Surely somebody cares for you Miss Winston, surely there is someone to sympathise with you" interupted Lawrence.
"Oh Mr. Lincarrol you dont understand" cried Helen with a sob.
"I think I do" replied Lawrence gently, coming a little closer and taking her trembling hand. I think I understand your feelings, it must be very sad to be so—so lonely."
"Wait till your turn comes Mr. Lincarrol and you will know then" replied Helen.
"Would it be different, to have some one to care for you, to love you as your father did?" asked Lawrence.
"Oh it would, it would" cried Helen rapturesly clasping her hands together.
"suppose some one loved you now as much if not more than your father, what would you say?" asked Lawrence.
"I could not belive it" replied Helen promptly unless "unless" she added, "I knew the person very well and was quite posative of the love, and had good proofs of it."
"Have you not proofs enough?" asked Lawrence.
"Of what?" asked Helen.
"Of my love for you" replied Lawrence.
"Your love!?" gasped Helen.
"Yes" repeated Lawrence passionately, "oh Helen I can no longer restrain my feelings, I love you as I never before loved anyone, can I hope, can I dare to hope that you return my love?"
Helen did not answer. She was thinking of another proposal some months past, so very unlike this one, far away on the Kenelham hill tops, and she remembered how she had acted then. Once more, she felt the soft sea breeze fan her face, she saw the hills and the distant sea and she saw oh how plainly Cyrils form by her side, she heard his words and her own replies, she saw his blue eyes looking so intently at her; and then awaking to the present she saw another pair of blue eyes looking at her, speaking so much more fervently than the others and she felt the clasp of a strong hand on her own and then raising her head she looked at Lawrence and softly whispered "yes."
"Oh Helen" cried Lawrence "you make me so happy, so very happy!
Tears of joy dimmed Helen's eyes and Lawrence taking her hand drew her head on to his breast and told her gently of his great love for her and how happy they both would be. And Helen listenned feeling the happiness had already begun.
A gentle breeze began to stir the trees and fan the brows of the lovers as they slowly walked along the paths of love, and the moon looking down from her home in the heavens, smiled on the pair and wished them joy.
As the time drew on Lord Beaufort began to make preparations for his marriage with Gladys.
He had at first thought it would be nice if Lawrence and Helen could be married on the same day, but that was found to be quite impossible as Lawrence wished to visit his home first, he had also plenty of other things to attend to before he could be married.
One evening about 10 o'clock, Gladys was seated in her bedroom enjoying a few minutes quiet before going to bed.
Her maid had already done her hair and she had changed her evening dress for a warm and comfortable dressing gown. Her room presented rather an untidy appearance as the dress maker had been there that day to bring her wedding dress which now lies in a snowy pile at the foot of the bed.
As Gladys sat still by the fire a knock sounded at the door. Before she could reply the door opened and Helen came in.
"Well Gladys, you seem to be enjoying yourself here all alone" she cried drawing her chair to the fire beside her friend.
"I was only thinking" replied Gladys with a laugh.
"Of tomorrow I suppose" put in Helen.
"Well to tell the truth I was" answered Gladys with a faint sigh.
"Well you shouldnt sigh" said Helen "only think Gladys, this time tomorrow you will be Lady Beaufort."
"I know that" said Gladys rather crossly.
"How sad you seem" said Helen in supprise.
"Do I?" enquired Gladys "well perhaps you'll feel the same the night before your marriage."
"I hope not" answered Helen promptly "oh Gladys" she added quickly "you never told me where you are going for your honeymoon."
"How silly of me" replied Gladys cheering up "well we are going on the continent, Mulberry wishes to visit some relations of his in Venice and then I shall get him to spend a week or go in Naples, Rome, Paris and other places"
"How lovely!" cried Helen "I do envy you."
"Well wont you do the same at your honeymoon?" asked Gladys.
"No" said Helen "Lawrence and I are going to spend a quiet fortnight at Ryde in the Isle of Wight."
"Oh I see" said Gladys.
"What time does the important ceremony take place tomorrow" demanded Helen.
"At 11 o'clock precisely" rejoined Gladys, who possessed the virtue of punctuality, "at St. Pauls."
"I see" said Helen "and when do you start on your honeymoon?"
"We cross the channel tomorrow night" replied Gladys.
"And Lawrence and I are going to Norfolk" replied Helen.
"Are you really?" asked Gladys.
"Yes Lawrence lives there you know" said Helen "so he thought it would be nice for me to go and see his people; why what am I telling you this for when Lawrence is your own brother?"
"I dont know I'm sure" laughed Gladys, "by the by Helen did Lawrence tell you that mother and father have quite softened, and are quite willing I should marry Mulberry, but they cant bring themselves to come up tomorrow to the marriage; Lionel and Minna are coming though, so I expect they will go back to Norfolk with you and Lawrence."
"I knew all that" replied Helen "I am really quite excited about it."
"Oh Helen you must see my wedding dress" cried Gladys, and getting up the two girls walked to the bed whereon lay a flimsy mass of tule and satin crowned with orange blossom and glittering with diamonds."
"It is really a beautiful dress" said Helen at last "how sweet you will look Gladys."
"Dont be sarcastic" said Gladys with a smile little dreaming how pretty she looked even then in her simple dressing gown.
"Oh I say there is 12 o'clock striking" cried Helen starting up "I've been here a whole two hours, it is really disgracful, well goodnight Gladys dear" she added as she flew quickly out of the room as the last stroke of midnight died softly away.
At 11 o'clock precisely, as Gladys had said the marriage ceremony began.
Gladys as I have already said was attired in a white satin trained dress made to fit her slender figure to perfection and covered with thin tule. She wore orange blossom in her hair and on her dress and a magnificent diamond crescent caught up her veil.
Helen and Mina Lincarrol were the bridesmaids they also wore white. Their dresses were exactly alike, but to colour them a little, they were delicately shaded with primrose yellow; long satin streamers hung from the bouquets they carried and both being dark girls the colour suited them admirably. |