Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 - A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
by Kempster Miller
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Means of protecting lines and apparatus against damage by lightning are little more elaborate than in the earliest days of telegraph working. They are adequate for the almost entire protection of life and of apparatus.

Power circuits are classified by the rules of various governing bodies as high-potential and low-potential circuits. The classification of the National Board of Fire Underwriters in the United States defines low-potential circuits as having pressures below 550 volts; high-potential circuits as having pressures from 550 to 3,500 volts, and extra high-potential circuits as having pressures above 3,500 volts. Pressures of 100,000 volts are becoming more common. Where power is valuable and the distance over which it is to be transmitted is great, such high voltages are justified by the economics of the power problem. They are a great hazard to telephone systems, however. An unprotected telephone system meeting such a hazard by contact will endanger life and property with great certainty. A very common form of distribution for lighting and power purposes is the three-wire system having a grounded neutral wire, the maximum potential above the earth being about 115 volts.

Telephone lines and apparatus are subject to damage by any power circuit whether of high or low potential. The cause of property damage in all cases is the flow of current. Personal damage, if it be death from shock, ordinarily is the result of a high potential between two parts of the body. The best knowledge indicates that death uniformly results from shock to the heart. It is believed that death has occurred from shock due to pressure as low as 100 volts. The critical minimum voltage which can not cause death is not known. A good rule is never willingly to subject another person to personal contact with any electrical pressure whatever.

Electricity can produce actions of four principal kinds: physiological, thermal, chemical, and magnetic. Viewing electricity as establishing hazards, the physiological action may injure or kill living things; the thermal action may produce heat enough to melt metals, to char things which can be burned, or to cause them actually to burn, perhaps with a fire which can spread; the chemical action may destroy property values by changing the state of metals, as by dissolving them from a solid state where they are needed into a state of solution where they are not needed; the magnetic action introduces no direct hazard. The greatest hazard to which property values are exposed is the electro-thermal action; that is, the same useful properties by which electric lighting and electric heating thrive may produce heat where it is not wanted and in an amount greater than can safely be borne.

The tendency of design is to make all apparatus capable of carrying without overheating any current to which voltage within the telephone system may subject it, and to provide the system so designed with specific devices adapted to isolate it from currents originating without. Apparatus which is designed in this way, adapted not only to carry its own normal working currents but to carry the current which would result if a given piece of apparatus were connected directly across the maximum pressure within the telephone system itself, is said to be self-protecting. Apparatus amply able to carry its maximum working current but likely to be overheated, to be injured, or perhaps to destroy itself and set fire to other things if subjected to the maximum pressure within the system, is not self-protecting apparatus.

To make all electrical devices self-protecting by surrounding them with special arrangements for warding off abnormal currents from external sources, is not as simple as might appear. A lamp, for example, which can bear the entire pressure of a central-office battery, is not suitable for direct use in a line several miles long because it would not give a practical signal in series with that line and with the telephone set, as it is required to do. A lamp suitable for use in series with such a line and a telephone set would burn out by current from its own normal source if the line should become short-circuited in or near the central office. The ballast referred to in the chapter on "Signals" was designed for the very purpose of providing rapidly-rising resistance to offset the tendency toward rapidly-rising current which could burn out the lamp.

As another example, a very small direct-current electric motor can be turned on at a snap switch and will gain speed quickly enough so that its armature winding will not be overheated. A larger motor of that kind can not be started safely without introducing resistance into the armature circuit on starting, and cutting it out gradually as the armature gains speed. Such a motor could be made self-protecting by having the armature winding of much larger wire than really is required for mere running, choosing its size great enough to carry the large starting current without overheating itself and its insulation. It is better, and for long has been standard practice, to use starting boxes, frankly admitting that such motors are not self-protecting until started, though they are self-protecting while running at normal speeds. Such a motor, once started, may be overloaded so as to be slowed down. So much more current now can pass through the armature that its winding is again in danger. Overload circuit-breakers are provided for the very purpose of taking motors out of circuit in cases where, once up to speed, they are mechanically brought down again and into danger. Such a circuit-breaker is a device for protecting against an internal hazard; that is, internal to the power system of which the motor is a part.

Another example: In certain situations, apparatus intended to operate under impulses of large current may be capable of carrying its normal impulses successfully but incapable of carrying currents from the same pressure continuously. Protective means may be provided for detaching such apparatus from the circuit whenever the period in which the current acts is not short enough to insure safety. This is cited as a case wherein a current, normal in amount but abnormal in duration, becomes a hazard.

The last mentioned example of damage from internal hazards brings us to the law of the electrical generation of heat. The greater the current or the greater the resistance of the conductor heated or the longer the time, the greater will he the heat generated in that conductor. But this generated heat varies directly as the resistance and as the time and as the square of the current, that is, the law is

Heat generated = C^{2}Rt

in which C = the current; R=the resistance of the conductor; and t = the time.

It is obvious that a protective device, such as an overload circuit-breaker for a motor, or a protector for telephone apparatus, needs to operate more quickly for a large current than for a small one, and this is just what all well-designed protective devices are intended to do. The general problem which these heating hazards present with relation to telephone apparatus and circuits is: To cause all parts of the telephone system to be made so as to carry successfully all currents which may flow in them because of any internal or external pressure, or to supplement them by devices which will stop or divert currents which could overheat them.

Electrolytic hazards depend not on the heating effects of currents but on their chemical effects. The same natural law which enables primary and secondary batteries to be useful provides a hazard which menaces telephone-cable sheaths and other conductors. When a current leaves a metal in contact with an electrolyte, the metal tends to dissolve into the electrolyte. In the processes of electroplating and electrotyping, current enters the bath at the anode, passes from the anode through the solution to the cathode, removing metal from the former and depositing it upon the latter. In a primary battery using zinc as the positive element and the negative terminal, current is caused to pass, within the cell, from the zinc to the negative element and zinc is dissolved. Following the same law, any pipe buried in the earth may serve to carry current from one region to another. As single-trolley traction systems with positive trolley wires constantly are sending large currents through the earth toward their power stations, such a pipe may be of positive potential with relation to moist earth at some point in its length. Current leaving it at such a point may cause its metal to dissolve enough to destroy the usefulness of the pipe for its intended purpose.

Lead-sheathed telephone cables in the earth are particularly exposed to such damage by electrolysis. The reasons are that such cables often are long, have a good conductor as the sheath-metal, and that metal dissolves readily in the presence of most aqueous solutions when electrolytic differences of potential exist. The length of the cables enables them to connect between points of considerable difference of potential. It is lack of this length which prevents electrolytic damage to masses of structural metal in the earth.

Electrical power is supplied to single-trolley railroads principally in the form of direct current. Usually all the trolley wires of a city are so connected to the generating units as to be positive to the rails. This causes current to flow from the cars toward the power stations, the return path being made up jointly of the rails, the earth itself, actual return wires which may supplement the rails, and also all other conducting things in the earth, these being principally lead-covered cables and other pipes. These conditions establish definite areas in which the currents tend to leave the cables and pipes, i.e., in which the latter are positive to other things. These positive areas usually are much smaller than the negative areas, that is, the regions in which currents tend to enter the cables form a larger total than the regions in which the currents tend to leave the cables. These facts simplify the ways in which the cables may be protected against damage by direct currents leaving them and also they reduce the amount, complication, and cost of applying the corrective and preventive measures.

All electric roads do not use direct current. Certain simplifications in the use of single-phase alternating currents in traction motors have increased the number of roads using a system of alternating-current power supply. Where alternating current is used, the electrolytic conditions are different and a new problem is set, for, as the current flows in recurrently different directions, an area which at one instant is positive to others, is changed the next instant into a negative area. The protective means, therefore, must be adapted to the changed requirements.



Any of the heating hazards described in the foregoing chapter may cause currents which will damage apparatus. All devices for the protection of apparatus from such damage, operate either to stop the flow of the dangerous current, or to send that flow over some other path.

Protection Against High Potentials. Lightning is the most nearly universal hazard. All open wires are exposed to it in some degree. Damaging currents from lightning are caused by extraordinarily high potentials. Furthermore, a lightning discharge is oscillatory; that is, alternating, and of very high frequency. Drops, ringers, receivers, and other devices subject to lightning damage suffer by having their windings burned by the discharge. The impedance these windings offer to the high frequency of lightning oscillations is great. The impedance of a few turns of heavy wire may be negligible to alternating currents of ordinary frequencies because the resistance of the wire is low, its inductance small, and the frequency finite. On the other hand, the impedance of such a coil to a lightning discharge is much higher, due to the very high frequency of the discharge.

Were it not for the extremely high pressure of lightning discharges, their high frequency of oscillation would enable ordinary coils to be self-protecting against them. But a discharge of electricity can take place through the air or other insulating medium if its pressure be high enough. A pressure of 70,000 volts can strike across a gap in air of one inch, and lower pressures can strike across smaller distances. When lightning encounters an impedance, the discharge seldom takes place through the entire winding, as an ordinary current would flow, usually striking across whatever short paths may exist. Very often these paths are across the insulation between the outer turns of a coil. It is not unusual for a lightning discharge to plow its way across the outer layer of a wound spool, melting the copper of the turns as it goes. Often the discharge will take place from inner turns directly to the core of the magnet. This is more likely when the core is grounded.

Air-Gap Arrester. The tendency of a winding to oppose lightning discharges and the ease with which such discharge may strike across insulating gaps, points the way to protection against them. Such devices consist of two conductors separated by an air space or other insulator and are variously known as lightning arresters, spark gaps, open-space cutouts, or air-gap arresters. The conductors between which the gap exists may be both of metal, may be one of metal and one of carbon, or both of carbon. One combination consists of carbon and mercury, a liquid metal. The space between the conductors may be filled with either air or solid matter, or it may be a vacuum. Speaking generally, the conductors are separated by some insulator. Two conductors separated by an insulator form a condenser. The insulator of an open-space arrester often is called the dielectric.

Discharge Across Gaps:—Electrical discharges across a given distance occur at lower potentials if the discharge be between points than if between smooth surfaces. Arresters, therefore, are provided with points. Fig. 203 shows a device known as a "saw-tooth" arrester because of its metal plates being provided with teeth. Such an arrester brings a ground connection close to plates connected with the line and is adapted to protect apparatus either connected across a metallic circuit or in series with a single wire circuit.

Fig. 201 shows another form of metal plate air-gap arrester having the further possibility of a discharge taking place from one line wire to the other. Inserting a plug in the hole between the two line plates connects the line wires directly together at the arrester. This practice was designed for use with series lines, the plug short-circuiting the telephone set when in place.

A defect of most ordinary types of metal air-gap lightning arresters is that heavy discharges tend to melt the teeth or edges of the plates and often to weld them together, requiring special attention to re-establish the necessary gap.

Advantages of Carbon:—Solid carbon is found to be a much better material than metal for the reasons that a discharge will not melt it and that its surface is composed of multitudes of points from which discharges take place more readily than from metals.

Carbon arresters now are widely used in the general form shown in Fig. 205. A carbon block connected with a wire of the line is separated from a carbon block connected to ground by some form of insulating separator. Mica is widely used as such a separator, and holes of some form in a mica slip enable the discharge to strike freely from block to block, while preventing the blocks from touching each other. Celluloid with many holes is used as a separator between carbon blocks. Silk and various special compositions also have their uses.

Dust Between Carbons:—Discharges between the carbon blocks tend to throw off particles of carbon from them. The separation between the blocks being small—from .005 to .015 inch—the carbon particles may lodge in the air-gap, on the edges of the separator, or otherwise, so as to leave a conducting path between the two blocks. Slight moisture on the separator may help to collect this dust, thus placing a ground on that wire of the line. This ground may be of very high resistance, but is probably one of many such—one at each arrester connected to the line. In special forms of carbon arresters an attempt has been made to limit this danger of grounding by the deposit of carbon dust. The object of the U-shaped separator of Fig. 206 is to enable the arrester to be mounted so that this opening in the separator is downward, in the hope that loosened carbon particles may fall out of the space between the blocks. The deposit of carbon on the inside edges of the U-shaped separator often is so fine and clings so tightly as not to fall out. The separator projects beyond the blocks so as to avoid the collection of carbon on the outer edges.

Commercial Types:—Fig. 207 is a commercial form of the arrangement shown in Fig. 205 and is one of the many forms made by the American Electric Fuse Company. Line wires are attached to outside binding posts shown in the figure and the ground wire to the metal binding post at the front. The carbon blocks with their separator slide between clips and a ground plate. The air-gap is determined by the thickness of the separator between the carbon blocks.

The Roberts carbon arrester is designed with particular reference to the disposal of carbon dust and is termed self-cleaning for that reason. The arrangement of carbons and dielectric in this device is shown in Fig. 208; mica is cemented to the line carbon and is large enough to provide a projecting margin all around. The spark gap is not uniform over the entire surface of the block but is made wedge-shaped by grinding away the line carbon as shown. It is claimed that a continuous arcing fills the wedge-shaped chamber with heated air or gas, converting the whole of the space into a field of low resistance to ground, and that this gas in expanding drives out every particle of carbon that may be thrown off. It seems obvious that the wedge-shaped space offers greater freedom for carbon dust to fall out than in the case of the parallel arrangement of the block faces.

An outdoor arrester for metallic circuits, designed by F.B. Cook, is shown in Fig. 209. The device is adapted to mount on a pole or elsewhere and to be covered by a protecting cap. The carbons are large and are separated by a special compound intended to assist the self-cleaning feature. The three carbons being grouped together as a unit, the device has the ability to care for discharges from one terminal to either of the others direct, without having to pass through two gaps. In this particular, the arrangement is the same as that of Fig. 204.

A form of Western Electric arrester particularly adapted for outside use on railway lines is shown with its cover in Fig. 210.

The Kellogg Company regularly equips its magneto telephones with air-gap arresters of the type shown in Fig. 211. The two line plates are semicircular and of metal. The ground plate is of carbon, circular in form, covering both line plates with a mica separator. This is mounted on the back board of the telephone and permanently wired to the line and ground binding posts.

Vacuum Arresters:—All of the carbon arresters so far mentioned depend on the discharge taking place through air. A given pressure will discharge further in a fairly good vacuum than in air. The National Electric Specialty Company mounts three conductors in a vacuum of the incandescent lamp type, Fig. 212. A greater separation and less likelihood of short-circuiting can be provided in this way. Either carbon or metal plates are adapted for use in such vacuum devices. The plates may be further apart for a given discharge pressure if the surfaces are of carbon.

Introduction of Impedance:—It has been noted that the existence of impedance tends to choke back the passage of lightning discharge through a coil. Fig. 213 suggests the relation between such an impedance and air-gap arrester. If the coil shown therein be considered an arrangement of conductors having inductance, it will be seen that a favorable place for an air-gap arrester is between that impedance and the line. This fact is made known in practice by frequent damage to aerial cables by electricity brought into them over long open wires, the discharge taking place at the first turn or bend in the aerial cable; this discharge often damages both core and sheath. It is well to have such bends as near the end of the cable as possible, and turns or goosenecks at entrances to terminals have that advantage.

This same principle is utilized in some forms of arresters, such as the one shown in Fig. 214, which provides an impedance of its own directly in the arrester element. In this device an insulating base carries a grounded carbon rod and two impedance coils. The impedance coils are wound on insulating rods, which hold them near, but not touching, the ground carbon. The coils are arranged so that they may be turned when discharges roughen the surfaces of the wires.

Metallic Electrodes:—Copper or other metal blocks with roughened surfaces separated by an insulating slip may be substituted for the carbon blocks of most of the arresters previously described. Metal blocks lack the advantage of carbon in that the latter allows discharges at lower potentials for a given separation, but they have the advantage that a conducting dust is not thrown off from them.

Provision Against Continuous Arc:—For the purpose of short-circuiting an arc, a globule of low-melting alloy may be placed in one carbon block of an arrester. This feature is not essential in an arrester intended solely to divert lightning discharges. Its purpose is to provide an immediate path to ground if an arc arising from artificial electricity has been maintained between the blocks long enough to melt the globule. Fig. 215 is a plan and section of the Western Electric Company's arrester used as the high potential element in conjunction with others for abnormal currents and sneak currents; the latter are currents too small to operate air-gap arresters or substantial fuses.

Protection Against Strong Currents. Fuses. A fuse is a metal conductor of lower carrying capacity than the circuit with which it is in series at the time it is required to operate. Fuses in use in electrical circuits generally are composed of some alloy of lead, which melts at a reasonably low temperature. Alloys of lead have lower conductivity than copper. A small copper wire, however, may fuse at the same volume of current as a larger lead alloy wire.

Proper Functions:—A fuse is not a good lightning arrester. As lightning damage is caused by current and as it is current which destroys a fuse, a lightning discharge can open a circuit over which it passes by melting the fuse metal. But lightning may destroy a fuse and at the same discharge destroy apparatus in series with the fuse. There are two reasons for this: One is that lightning discharges act very quickly and may have destroyed apparatus before heating the fuse enough to melt it; the other reason is that when a fuse is operated with enough current even to vaporize it, the vapor serves as a conducting path for an instant after being formed. This conducting path may be of high resistance and still allow currents to flow through it, because of the extremely high pressure of the lightning discharge. A comprehensive protective system may include fuses, but it is not to be expected that they always will arrest lightning or even assist other things in arresting lightning. They should be considered as of no value for that purpose. Furthermore, fuses are best adapted to be a part of a general protective system when they do all that they must do in stopping abnormal currents and yet withstand lightning discharges which may pass through them. Other things being equal, that system of protection is best in which all lightning discharges are arrested by gap arresters and in which no fuses ever are operated by lightning discharges.

Mica Fuse:—A convenient and widely used form of fuse is that shown in Fig. 216. A mica slip has metal terminals at its ends and a fuse wire joins these terminals. The fuse is inserted in the circuit by clamping the terminals under screws or sliding them between clips as in Figs. 217 and 218. Advantages of this method of fuse mounting for protecting circuits needing small currents are that the fuse wire can be seen, the fuses are readily replaced when blown, and their mountings may be made compact. As elements of a comprehensive protective system, however, the ordinary types of mica-slip fuses are objectionable because too short, and because they have no means of their own for extinguishing an arc which may follow the blowing of the fuses. As protectors for use in distributing low potential currents from central-office power plants they are admirable. By simple means, they may be made to announce audibly or visibly that they have operated.

Enclosed Fuses:—If a fuse wire within an insulating tube be made to connect metal caps on that tube and the space around the tube be filled with a non-conducting powder, the gases of the vaporized fuse metal will be absorbed more quickly than when formed without such imbedding in a powder. The filling of such a tubular fuse also muffles the explosion which occurs when the fuse is vaporized.

Fuses of the enclosed type, with or without filling, are widely used in power circuits generally and are recommended by fire insurance bodies. Fig. 219 illustrates an arrester having a fuse of the enclosed type, this example being that of the H. W. Johns-Manville Company.

In telephony it is frequently necessary to mount a large number of fuses or other protective devices together in a restricted space. In Fig. 220 a group of Western Electric tubular fuses, so mounted, is shown. These fuses have ordinarily a carrying capacity of 6 or 7 amperes. It is not expected that this arrester will blow because 6 or 7 amperes of abnormal currents are flowing through it and the apparatus to be protected. What is intended is that the fuse shall withstand lightning discharges and when a foreign current passes through it, other apparatus will increase that current enough to blow the fuse. It will be noticed that the fuses of Fig. 220 are open at the upper end, which is the end connected to the exposed wire of the line The fuses are closed at the lower end, which is the end connected to the apparatus. When the fuse blows, its discharge is somewhat muffled by the lining of the tube, but enough explosion remains so that the heated gases, in driving outward, tend to break the arc which is established through the vaporized metal.

A pair of Cook tubular fuses in an individual mounting is shown in Fig. 221. Fuses of this type are not open at one end like a gun, but opportunity for the heated gases to escape exists at the caps. The tubes are made of wood, of lava, or of porcelain.

Fig. 222 is another tubular fuse, the section showing the arrangement of asbestos lining which serves the two purposes of muffling the sound of the discharge and absorbing and cooling the resulting gases.

Air-Gap vs. Fuse Arresters. It is hoped that the student grasps clearly the distinction between the purposes of air-gap and fuse arresters. The air-gap arrester acts in response to high voltages, either of lightning or of high-tension power circuits. The fuse acts in response to a certain current value flowing through it and this minimum current in well-designed protectors for telephone lines is not very small. Usually it is several times larger than the maximum current apparatus in the line can safely carry. Fuses can be made so delicate as to operate on the very smallest current which could injure apparatus and the earlier protective systems depended on such an arrangement. The difficulty with such delicate fuses is that they are not robust enough to be reliable, and, worse still, they change their carrying capacity with age and are not uniform in operation in different surroundings and at different temperatures. They are also sensitive to lightning discharges, which they have no power to stop or to divert.

Protection Against Sneak Currents. For these reasons, a system containing fuses and air-gap arresters only, does not protect against abnormal currents which are continuous and small, though large enough to injure apparatus because continuous. These currents have come to be known as sneak currents, a term more descriptive than elegant. Sneak currents though small, may, when allowed to flow for a long time through the winding of an electromagnet for instance, develop enough heat to char or injure the insulation. They are the more dangerous because insidious.

Sneak-Current Arresters. As typical of sneak-current arresters, Fig. 223 shows the principle, though not the exact form, of an arrester once widely used in telephone and signal lines. The normal path from the line to the apparatus is through a small coil of fine wire imbedded in sealing wax. A spring forms a branch path from the line and has a tension which would cause it to bear against the ground contact if it were allowed to do so. It is prevented from touching that contact normally by a string between itself and a rigid support. The string is cut at its middle and the knotted ends as thus cut are imbedded in the sealing wax which contains the coil.

A small current through the little coil will warm the wax enough to allow the string to part. The spring then will ground the line. Even so simple an apparatus as this operates with considerable accuracy. All currents below a certain critical amount may flow through the heating coil indefinitely, the heat being radiated rapidly enough to keep the wax from softening and the string from parting. All currents above this critical amount will operate the arrester; the larger the current, the shorter the time of operating. It will be remembered that the law of these heating effects is that the heat generated = C^{2}Rt, so that if a certain current operates the arrester in, say 40 seconds, twice as great a current should operate the arrester in 10 seconds. In other words, the time of operation varies inversely as the square of the current and inversely as the resistance. To make the arrester more sensitive for a given current—i.e., to operate in a shorter time—one would increase the resistance of the coil in the wax either by using more turns or finer wire, or by making the wire of a metal having higher specific resistance.

The present standard sneak-current arrester embodies the two elements of the devices of Fig. 223: a resistance material to transform the dangerous sneak current into localized heat; and a fusible material softened by this heat to release some switching mechanism.

The resistance material is either a resistance wire or a bit of carbon, the latter being the better material, although both are good. The fusible material is some alloy melting at a low temperature. Lead, tin, bismuth, and cadmium can be combined in such proportions as will enable the alloy to melt at temperatures from 140 deg. to 180 deg. F. Such an alloy is a solder which, at ordinary temperatures, is firm enough to resist the force of powerful springs; yet it will melt so as to be entirely fluid at a temperature much less than that of boiling water.

Heat Coil. Fig. 224 shows a practical way of bringing the heating and to-be-heated elements together. A copper spool is wound with resistance wire. A metal pin is soldered in the bore of the spool by an easily melting alloy. When current heats the spool enough, the pin may slide or turn in the spool. It may slide or turn in many ways and this happily enables many types of arresters to result. For example, the pin may pull out, or push in, or push through, or rotate like a shaft in a bearing, or the spool may turn on it like a hub on an axle. Messrs. Hayes, Rolfe, Cook, McBerty, Kaisling, and many other inventors have utilized these combinations and motions in the production of sneak-current arresters. All of them depend on one action: the softening of a low-melting alloy by heat generated in a resistance.

When a heat coil is associated with the proper switching springs, it becomes a sneak-current arrester. The switching springs always are arranged to ground the line wire. In some arresters, the line wire is cut off from the wire leading toward the apparatus by the same movement which grounds it. In others, the line is not broken at all, but merely grounded. Each method has its advantages.

Complete Line Protection. Fig. 225 shows the entire scheme of protectors in an exposed line and their relation to apparatus in the central-office equipment and at the subscriber's telephone. The central-office equipment contains heat coils, springs, and carbon arresters. At some point between the central office and the subscriber's premises, each wire contains a fuse. At the subscriber's premises each wire contains other fuses and these are associated with carbon arresters. The figure shows a central battery equipment, in which the ringer of the telephone is in series with a condenser. A sneak-current arrester is not required at the subscriber's station with such equipment.

Assume the line to meet an electrical hazard at the point X. If this be lightning, it will discharge to ground at the central office or at the subscriber's instrument or at both through the carbon arresters connected to that side of the line. If it be a high potential from a power circuit and of more than 350 volts, it will strike an arc at the carbon arrester connected to that wire of the line in the central office or at the subscriber's telephone or at both, if the separation of the carbons in those arresters is .005 inch or less. If the carbon arresters are separated by celluloid, it will burn away and allow the carbons to come together, extinguishing the arc. If they are separated by mica and one of the carbons is equipped with a globule of low-melting alloy, the heat of the arc will melt this, short-circuiting the gap and extinguishing the arc. The passage of current to ground at the arrester, however, will be over a path containing nothing but wire and the arrester. The resulting current, therefore, may be very large. The voltage at the arrester having been 350 volts or more, in order to establish the arc, short-circuiting the gap will make the current 7 amperes or more, unless the applied voltage miraculously falls to 50 volts or less. The current through the fuse being more than 7 amperes, it will blow promptly, opening the line and isolating the apparatus. It will be noted that this explanation applies to equipment at either end of the line, as the fuse lies between the point of contact and the carbon arrester.

Assume, on the other hand, that the contact is made at the point Y. The central-office carbon arrester will operate, grounding the line and increasing the amount of current flowing. There being no fuse to blow, a worse thing will befall, in the overheating of the line wire and the probable starting of a fire in the central office. It is obvious, therefore, that a fuse must be located between the carbon arrester and any part of the line which is subject to contact with a potential which can give an abnormal current when the carbon arrester acts.

Assume, as a third case, that the contact at the point X either is with a low foreign potential or is so poor a contact that the difference of potential across the gap of the carbon arrester is lower than its arcing point. Current will tend to flow by the carbon arrester without operating it, but such a current must pass through the winding of the heat coil if it is to enter the apparatus. The sneak current may be large enough to overheat the apparatus if allowed to flow long enough, but before it has flowed long enough it will have warmed the heat-coil winding enough to soften its fusible alloy and to release springs which ground the line, just as did the carbon arrester in the case last assumed. Again the current will become large and will blow the fuse which lies between the sneak-current arrester and the point of contact with the source of foreign current. In this case, also, contact at the point Y would have operated mechanism to ground the line at the central office, and, no fuse interposing, the wiring would have been overheated.

Exposed and Unexposed Wiring. Underground cables, cables formed of rubber insulated wires, and interior wiring which is properly done, all may be considered to be wiring which is unexposed, that is, not exposed to foreign high potentials, discharges, sneak, or abnormal currents. All other wiring, such as bare wires, aerial cables, etc., should be considered as exposed to such hazards and a fuse should exist in each wire between its exposed portion and the central office or subscriber's instrument. The rule of action, therefore, becomes:

The proper position of the fuse is between exposed and unexposed wiring.

It may appear to the student that wires in an aerial cable with a lead sheath—that sheath being either grounded or ungrounded—are not exposed to electrical hazards; in the case of the grounded sheath, this would presume that a contact between the cable and a high potential wire would result merely in the foreign currents going to ground through the cable sheath, the arc burning off the high-potential wire and allowing the contact to clear itself by the falling of the wire. If the assumption be that the sheath is not grounded, then the student may say that no current at all would flow from the high-potential wire.

Both assumptions are wrong. In the case of the grounded sheath, the current flows to it at the contact with the high-potential wire; the lead sheath is melted, arcs strike to the wires within, and currents are led directly to the central office and to subscribers' premises. In the case of the ungrounded sheath, the latter charges at once through all its length to the voltage of the high-potential wire; at some point, a wire within the cable is close enough to the sheath for an arc to strike across, and the trouble begins. All the wires in the cable are endangered if the cross be with a wire of the primary circuit of a high-tension transmission line. Any series arc-light circuit is a high-potential menace. Even a 450-volt trolley wire or feeder can burn a lead-covered cable entirely in two in a few seconds. The authors have seen this done by the wayward trolley pole of a street car, one side of the pole touching the trolley wire and the extreme end just touching the telephone cable.

The answer lies in the foregoing rule. Place the fuse between the wires which can and the wires which can not get into contact with high potentials. In application, the rule has some flexibility. In the case of a cable which is aerial as soon as it leaves the central office, place the fuses in the central office; in a cable wholly underground, from central office to subscriber—as, for example, the feed for an office building—use no fuses at all; in a cable which leaves the central office underground and becomes aerial, fuse the wires just where they change from underground to aerial. The several branches of an underground cable into aerial ones should be fused as they branch.

Wires properly installed in subscribers' premises are considered unexposed. The position of the fuse thus is at or near the point of entrance of the wires into that building if the wires of the subscriber's line outside the premises are exposed, as determined by the definitions given. If the line is unexposed, by those definitions, no protector is required. If one is indicated, it should be used, as compliance with the best-known practice is a clear duty. Less than what is known to be best is not honest practice in a matter which involves life, limb, and indefinite degrees of property values.

Protectors in central-battery subscribers' equipments need no sneak-current arresters, as the condenser reduces that hazard to a negligible amount. Magneto subscribers' equipments usually lack condensers in ringer circuits, though they may have them in talking circuits on party lines. The ringer circuit is the only path through the telephone set for about 98 per cent of the time. Sneak-current arresters, therefore, should be a part of subscribers' station protectors in magneto equipment, except in such rural districts as may have no lighting or power wires. When sneak-current arresters are so used the arrangement of the parts then is the same as in the central-office portion of Fig. 225.

Types of Central-Office Protectors. A form of combined heat coil and air-gap arrester, widely used by Bell companies for central-office protection, is shown in Fig. 226. The two inner springs form the terminals for the two limbs of the metallic-circuit line, while the two outside springs are terminals for the continuation of the line leading to the switchboard. The heat coils, one on each side, are supported between the inner and outer springs. High-tension currents jump to ground through the air-gap arrester, while sneak currents permit the pin of the heat coil to slide within the sleeve, thus grounding the outside line and the line to the switchboard.

Self-Soldering Heat Coils. Another form designed by Kaisling and manufactured by the American Electric Fuse Company is shown in Fig. 227. In this the pin in the heat coil projects unequally from the ends of the coil, and under the action of a sneak current the melting of the solder which holds it allows the outer spring to push the pin through the coil until it presses the line spring against the ground plate and at the same time opens the path to the switchboard. When the heat-coil pin assumes this new position it cools off, due to the cessation of the current, and resolders itself, and need only be turned end for end by the attendant to be reset. Many are the variations that have been made on this self-soldering idea, and there has been much controversy as to its desirability. It is certainly a feature of convenience.

Instead of using a wire-wound resistance element in heat-coil construction some manufacturers employ a mass of high-resistance material, interposed in the path of the current. The Kellogg Company has long employed for its sneak-current arrester a short graphite rod, which forms the resistance element. The ends of this rod are electroplated with copper to which the brass terminal heads are soldered. These heads afford means for making the connection with the proper retaining springs.

Another central-office protector, which uses a mass of special metal composition for its heat producing element is that designed by Frank B. Cook and shown in Fig. 228. In this the carbon blocks are cylindrical in form and specially treated to make them "self-cleaning." Instead of employing a self-soldering feature in the sneak-current arrester of this device, Cook provides for electrically resoldering them after operation, a clip being designed for holding the elements in proper position and passing a battery current through them to remelt the solder.

In small magneto exchanges it is not uncommon to employ combined fuse and air-gap arresters for central-office line protection, the fuses being of the mica-mounted type already referred to. A group of such arresters, as manufactured by the Dean Electric Company, is shown in Fig. 229.

Types of Subscribers' Station Protectors. Figs. 230 and 231 show types of subscribers' station protectors adapted to the requirements of central-battery and magneto systems. These, as has been said, should be mounted at or near the point of entrance of the subscriber's line into the premises, if the line is exposed outside of the premises. It is possible to arrange the fuses so that they will be safe and suitable for their purposes if they are mounted out-of-doors near the point of entrance to the premises. The sneak-current arrester, if one exists, and the carbon arrester also, must be mounted inside of the premises or in a protecting case, if outside, on account of the necessity of shielding both of these devices from the weather. Speaking generally, the wider practice is to put all the elements of the subscriber's station protector inside of the house. It is nearer to the ideal arrangement of conditions if the protector be placed immediately at the point of entrance of the outside wires into the building.

Ribbon Fuses. A point of interest with relation to tubular fuses is that in some of the best types of such fuses, the resistance material is not in the form of a round wire but in the form of a flat ribbon. This arrangement disposes the necessary amount of fusible metal in a form to give the greatest amount of surface, while a round wire offers the least surface for a given weight of metal—a circle encloses its area with less periphery than any other figure. The reason for giving the fuse the largest possible surface area is to decrease the likelihood of the fuse being ruptured by lightning. The fact that such fuses do withstand lightning discharges much more thoroughly than round fuses of the same rating is an interesting proof of the oscillating nature of lightning discharges, for the density of the current of those discharges is greater on and near the surface of the conductor than within the metal and, therefore, flattening the fuse increases its carrying capacity for high-frequency currents, without appreciably changing its carrying capacity for direct currents. The reason its capacity for direct currents is increased at all by flattening it, is that the surface for the radiation of heat is increased. However, when enclosed in a tube, radiation of heat is limited, so that for direct currents the carrying capacity of fuses varies closely with the area of cross-section.

City-Exchange Requirements. The foregoing has set down the requirements of good practice in an average city-exchange system. Nothing short of the general arrangement shown in Fig. 225 meets the usual assortment of hazards of such an exchange. It is good modern practice to distribute lines by means of cables, supplemented in part by short insulated drop wires twisted in pairs. Absence of bare wires reduces electrical hazards enormously. Nevertheless, hazards remain.

Though no less than the spirit of this plan of protection should be followed, additional hazards may exist, which may require additional elements of protection. At the end of a cable, either aerial or underground, long open wires may extend into the open country as rural or long-distance circuits. If these be longer than a mile or two, in most regions they will be subjected to lightning discharges. These may be subjected to high-potential contacts as well.

If a specific case of such exposure indicates that the cables may be in danger, the long open lines then are equipped with additional air-gap arresters at the point of junction of those open lines with the cable. Practice varies as to the type. Maintenance charges are increased if carbon arresters separated .005 inch are used, because of the cost of sending to the end of the long cable to clear the blocks from carbon dust after each slight discharge. Roughened metal blocks do not become grounded as readily as do carbon blocks. The occasions of visit to the arresters, therefore, usually follow actual heavy discharges through them.

The recommendations and the practice of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company differ on this point, while the practice of other companies varies with the temperaments of the engineers. The American Company specifies copper-block arresters where long country lines enter cables, if those lines are exposed to lightning discharges only. The exposed line is called long if more than one-half mile in length. If it is exposed to high-potential hazards, carbon blocks are specified instead of copper. Other specifications of that company have called for the use of copper-block arresters on lines exposed to hazards above 2,500 volts.

The freedom of metal-block arresters from dust troubles gives them a large economical advantage over carbon. For similar separations, the ratio of striking voltages between carbon blocks and metal blocks respectively is as 7 to 16. In certain regions of the Pacific Coast where the lightning hazard is negligible and the high tension hazard is great, metal-block arresters at the outer ends of cables give acceptable protection.

High winds which drive snow or dust against bare wires of a long line, create upon or place upon those wires a charge of static electricity which makes its way from the line in such ways as it can. Usually it discharges across arresters and when this discharge takes place, the line is disturbed in its balance and loud noises are heard in the telephones upon it.

[Fig. 232. Drainage Coils]

A telephone line which for a long distance is near a high-tension transmission line may have electrostatic or electromagnetic potentials, or both, induced upon it. If the line be balanced in its properties, including balance by transposition of its wires, the electrostatic induction may neutralize itself. The electromagnetic induction still may disturb it.

Drainage Coils. The device shown in Fig. 232, which amounts merely to an inductive leak to earth, is intended to cure both the snowstorm and electromagnetic induction difficulties. It is required that its impedance be high enough to keep voice-current losses low, while being low enough to drain the line effectively of the disturbing charges. Such devices are termed "drainage coils."

Electrolysis. The means of protection against the danger due to chemical action, set forth in the preceding chapter, form such a distinct phase of the subject of guarding property against electrical hazards as to warrant treatment in a separate chapter devoted to the subject of electrolysis.



Up to this point only those classes of telephone service which could be given between two or more stations on a single line have been considered. Very soon after the practical conception of the telephone, came the conception of the telephone exchange; that is, the conception of centering a number of lines at a common point and there terminating them in apparatus to facilitate their interconnection, so that any subscriber on any line could talk with any subscriber on any other line.

The complete equipment of lines, telephone instruments, and switching facilities by which the telephone stations of the community are given telephone service is called a telephone exchange.

The building where a group of telephone lines center for interconnection is called a central office, and its telephonic equipment the central-office equipment. The terms telephone office and telephone exchange are frequently confused. Although a telephone office building may be properly referred to as a telephone exchange building, it is hardly proper to refer to the telephone office as a telephone exchange, as is frequently done. In modern parlance the telephone exchange refers not only to the central office and its equipment but to the lines and instruments connected therewith as well; furthermore, a telephone exchange may embrace a number of telephone offices that are interconnected by means of so-called trunk lines for permitting the communication of subscribers whose lines terminate in one office with those subscribers whose lines terminate in any other office.

Since a given telephone exchange may contain one or more central offices, it is proper to distinguish between them by referring to an exchange which contains but a single central office as a single office exchange, and to an exchange which contains a plurality of central offices as a multi-office exchange.

In telephone exchange working, three classes of lines are dealt with—subscribers' lines, trunk lines, and toll lines.

Subscribers' Lines. The term subscriber is commonly applied to the patron of the telephone service. His station is, therefore, referred to as a subscriber's station, and the telephone equipment at any subscriber's station is referred to as a subscriber's station equipment. Likewise, a line leading from a central office to one or more subscribers' stations is called a subscriber's line. A subscriber's line may, as has been shown in a previous chapter, be an individual line if it serves but one station, or a party line if it serves to connect more than one station with the central office.

Trunk Lines. A trunk line is a line which is not devoted to the service of any particular subscriber, but which may form a connecting link between any one of a group of subscribers' lines which terminate in one place and any one of a group of subscribers' lines which terminate in another place. If the two groups of subscribers' lines terminate in the same building or in the same switchboard, so that the trunk line forming the connecting link between them is entirely within the central-office building, it is called a local trunk line, or a local trunk. If, on the other hand, the trunk line is for connecting groups of subscribers' lines which terminate in different central offices, it is called an inter-office trunk.

Toll Lines. A toll line is a telephone line for the use of which a special fee or toll is charged; that is, a fee that is not included in the charges made to the subscriber for his regular local exchange service. Toll lines extend from one exchange district to another, more or less remote, and they are commonly termed local toll and long-distance toll lines according to the degree of remoteness. A toll line, whether local or long-distance, may be looked upon in the nature of an inter-exchange trunk.

Districts. The district in a given community which is served by a single central office is called an office district. Likewise, the district which is served by a complete exchange is called an exchange district. An exchange district may, therefore, consist of a number of central-office districts, just as an exchange may comprise a number of central offices. To illustrate, the entire area served by the exchange of the Chicago Telephone Company in Chicago, embracing the entire city and some of its suburbs, is the Chicago exchange district. The area served by one of the central offices, such as the Hyde Park office, the Oakland office, the Harrison office, or any of the others, is an office district.

Switchboards. The apparatus at the central office by which the telephone lines are connected for conversation and afterwards disconnected, and by which the various other functions necessary to the giving of complete telephone service are performed, is called a switchboard. This may be simple in the case of small exchanges, or of vast complexity in the case of the larger exchanges.

Sometimes the switchboards are of such nature as to require the presence of operators, usually girls, to connect and disconnect the line and perform the other necessary functions, and such switchboards, whether large or small, are termed manual.

Sometimes the switchboards are of such a nature as not to require the presence of operators, the various functions of connection, disconnection, and signaling being performed by the aid of special forms of apparatus which are under the control of the subscriber who makes the call. Such switchboards are termed automatic.

Of recent years there has appeared another class of switchboards, employing in some measure the features of the automatic and in some measure those of the manual switchboard. These boards are commonly referred to as semi-automatic switchboards, presumably because they are supposed to be half automatic and half manual.

Manual. Manual switchboards may be subdivided into two classes according to the method of distributing energy for talking purposes. Thus we may have magneto switchboards, which are those capable of serving lines equipped with magneto telephones, local batteries being used for talking purposes. On the other hand, we may have common-battery switchboards, adapted to connect lines employing common-battery telephones in which all the current for both talking and signaling is furnished from the central office. In still another way we may classify manual switchboards if the method of distributing the energy for talking and signaling purposes is ignored. Thus, entirely irrespective of whether the switchboards are adapted to serve common-battery or local-battery lines, we may have non-multiple switchboards and multiple switchboards.

The term multiple switchboard is applied to that class of switchboards in which the connection terminals or jacks for all the lines are repeated at intervals along the face of the switchboard, so that each operator may have within her reach a terminal for each line and may thus be able to complete by herself any connection between two lines terminating in the switchboard.

The term non-multiple switchboard is applied to that class of boards where the provision for repeating the line terminals at intervals along the face of the board is not employed, but where, as a consequence, each line has but a single terminal on the face of the board. Non-multiple switchboards have their main use in small exchanges where not more than a few hundred lines terminate. Where such is the case, it is an easy matter to handle all the traffic by one, two, or three operators, and as all of these operators may reach all over the face of the switchboard, there is no need for giving any line any more than one connection terminal. Such boards may be called simple switchboards.

There is another type of non-multiple switchboard adaptable for use in larger exchanges than the simple switchboard. A correct idea of the fundamental principle involved in these may be had by imagining a row of simple switchboards each containing terminals or jacks for its own group of lines. In order to provide for the connection of a line in one of these simple switchboards with a line in another one, out of reach of the operator at the first, short connecting lines extending between the two switchboards are provided, these being called transfer or trunk lines. In order that connections may be made between any two of the simple boards, a group of transfer lines is run from each board to every other one.

In such switchboards an operator at one of the boards or positions may complete the connection herself between any two lines terminating at her own board. If, however, the line called for terminates at another one of the boards, the operator makes use of the transfer or trunk line extending to that board, and the operator at this latter board completes the connection, so that the two subscribers' lines are connected through the trunk or transfer line. A distinguishing feature, therefore, in the operation of so-called transfer switchboards, is that an operator can not always complete a connection herself, the connection frequently requiring the attention of two operators.

Transfer systems are not now largely used, the multiple switchboard having almost entirely supplanted them in manual exchanges of such size as to be beyond the limitation of the simple switchboard. At multi-office manual exchanges, however, where there are a number of multiple switchboards employed at various central offices, the same sort of a requirement exists as that which was met by the provision of trunk lines between the various simple switchboards in a transfer system. Obviously, the lines in one central office must be connected to those of another in order to give universal service in the community in which the exchange operates. For this purpose inter-office trunk lines are used, the arrangement being such that when an operator at one office receives a call for a subscriber in another office, she will proceed to connect the calling subscriber's line, not directly with the line of the called subscriber because that particular line is not within her reach, but rather with a trunk line leading to the office in which the called-for subscriber's line terminates; having done this she will then inform an operator at that second office of the connection desired, usually by means of a so-called order-wire circuit. The connection between the trunk line so used and the line of the called-for subscriber will then be completed by the connecting link or trunk line extending between the two offices.

In such cases the multiple switchboard at each office is divided into two portions, termed respectively the A board and the B board. Each of these boards, with the exception that will be pointed out in a subsequent chapter, is provided with a full complement of multiple jacks for all of the lines entering that office. At the A board are located operators, called A operators, who answer all the calls from the subscribers whose lines terminate in that office. In the case of calls for lines in that same office, they complete the connection themselves without the assistance of the other operators. On the other hand, the calls for lines in another office are handled through trunk lines leading to that other office, as before described, and these trunk lines always terminate in the B board at that office. The B operators are, therefore, those operators who receive the calls over trunk lines and complete the connection with the line of the subscriber desired.

To define these terms more specifically, an A board is a multiple switchboard in which the subscriber's lines of a given office district terminate. For this reason the A board is frequently referred to as a subscribers' board, and the operators who work at these boards and who answer the calls of the subscribers are called A operators or subscribers' operators. B boards are switchboards in which terminate the incoming ends of the trunk lines leading from other offices in the same exchange. These boards are frequently called incoming trunk boards, or merely trunk boards, and the operators who work at them and who receive the directions from the A operators at the other boards are called B operators, or incoming trunk operators.

The circuits which are confined wholly to the use of operators and over which the instructions from one operator to another are sent, as in the case of the A operator giving an order for a connection to a B operator at another switchboard, are designated call circuits or order wire circuits.

Sometimes trunk lines are so arranged that connections may be originated at either of their ends. In other cases they are so arranged that one group of trunk lines connecting two offices is for the traffic in one direction only, while another group leading between the same two offices is for handling only the traffic in the other direction. Trunk lines are called one-way or two-way trunks, according to whether they handle the traffic in one direction or in two. A trunking system, where the same trunks handle traffic both ways, is called a single-track system; and, on the other hand, a system in which there are two groups of trunks, one handling traffic in one direction and the other in the other, is called a double-track system. This nomenclature is obviously borrowed from railroad practice.

There is still another class of manual switchboards called the toll board of which it will be necessary to treat. Telephone calls made by one person for another within the limits of the same exchange district are usually charged for either by a flat rate per month, or by a certain charge for each call. This is usually regardless of the duration of the conversation following the call. On the other hand, where a call is made by one party for another outside of the limits of the exchange district and, therefore, in some other exchange district, a charge is usually made, based on the time that the connecting long-distance line is employed. Such calls and their ensuing conversations are charged for at a very much higher rate than the purely local calls, this rate depending on the distance between the stations involved. The making up of connections between a long-distance and a local line is usually done by means of operators other than those employed in handling the local calls, who work either by means of special equipment located on the local board, or by means of a separate board. Such equipments for handling long-distance or toll traffic are commonly termed toll switchboards.

They differ from local boards (a) in that they are arranged for a very much smaller number of lines; (b) in that they have facilities by which the toll operator may make up the connections with a minimum amount of labor on the part of the assisting local operators; and (c) in that they have facilities for recording the identification of the parties and timing the conversations taking place over the toll lines, so that the proper charge may be made to the proper subscriber.



Definitions. As already stated those switchboards which are adapted to work in conjunction with magneto telephones are called magneto switchboards. The signals on such switchboards are electromagnetic devices capable of responding to the currents of the magneto generators at the subscribers' stations. Since, as a rule, magneto telephones are equipped with local batteries, it follows that the magneto switchboard does not need to be arranged for supplying the subscribers' stations with talking current. This fact is accountable for magneto switchboards often being referred to as local-battery switchboards, in contradistinction to common-battery switchboards which are equipped so as to supply the connected subscribers' stations with talking current.

The term simple as applied in the headings of this and the next chapter, is employed to designate switchboards adapted for so small a number of lines that they may be served by a single or a very small group of operators; each line is provided with but a single connection terminal and all of them, without special provision, are placed directly within the reach of the operator, or operators if there are more than one. This distinction will be more apparent under the discussion of transfer and multiple switchboards.

Mode of Operation. The cycle of operation of any simple manual switchboard may be briefly outlined as follows: The subscriber desiring a connection transmits a signal to the central office, the operator seeing the signal makes connection with the calling line and places herself in telephonic communication with the calling subscriber to receive his orders; the operator then completes the connection with the line of the called subscriber and sends ringing current out on that line so as to ring the bell of that subscriber; the two subscribers then converse over the connected lines and when the conversation is finished either one or both of them may send a signal to the central office for disconnection, this signal being called a clearing-out signal; upon receipt of the clearing-out signal, the operator disconnects the two lines and restores all of the central-office apparatus involved in the connection to its normal position.

Component Parts. Before considering further the operation of manual switchboards it will be well to refer briefly to the component pieces of apparatus which go to make up a switchboard.

Line Signal. The line signal in magneto switchboards is practically always in the form of an electromagnetic annunciator or drop. It consists in an electromagnet adapted to be included in the line circuit, its armature controlling a latch, which serves to hold the drop or shutter or target in its raised position when the magnet is not energized, and to release the drop or shutter or target so as to permit the display of the signal when the magnet is energized. The symbolic representation of such an electromagnetic drop is shown in Fig. 233.

Jacks and Plugs. Each line is also provided with a connection terminal in the form of a switch socket. This assumes many forms, but always consists in a cylindrical opening behind which are arranged one or more spring contacts. The opening forms a receptacle for plugs which have one or more metallic terminals for the conductors in the flexible cord in which the plug terminates. The arrangement is such that when a plug is inserted into a jack the contacts on the plug will register with certain of the contacts in the jack and thus continue the line conductors, which terminate in the jack contacts, to the cord conductors, which terminate in the plug contacts. Usually also when a plug is inserted certain of the spring contacts in the jack are made to engage with or disengage other contacts in the jack so as to make or break auxiliary circuits.

A simple form of spring jack is shown in section in Fig. 234. In Fig. 235 is shown a sectional view of a plug adapted to co-operate with the jack of Fig. 234. In Fig. 236 the plug is shown inserted into the jack. The cylindrical portion of the jack is commonly called the sleeve or thimble and it usually forms one of the main terminals of the jack; the spring, forming the other principal terminal, is called the tip spring, since it engages the tip of the plug. The tip spring usually rests on another contact which may be termed the anvil. When the plug is inserted into the jack as shown in Fig. 236, the tip spring is raised from contact with this anvil and thus breaks the circuit leading through it. It will be understood that spring jacks are not limited to three contacts such as shown in these figures nor are plugs limited to two contacts. Sometimes the plugs have three, and even more, contacts, and frequently the jacks corresponding to such plugs have not only a contact spring adapted to register with each of the contacts of the plug, but several other auxiliary contacts also, which will be made or broken according to whether the plug is inserted or withdrawn from the jack. Symbolic representations of plugs and jacks are shown in Fig. 237. These are employed in diagrammatic representations of circuits and are supposed to represent the essential elements of the plugs and jacks in such a way as to be suggestive of their operation. It will be understood that such symbols may be greatly modified to express the various peculiarities of the plugs and jacks which they represent.

Keys. Other important elements of manual switchboards are ringing and listening keys. These are the devices by means of which the operator may switch the central-office generator or her telephone set into or out of the circuit of the connected lines. The details of a simple ringing and listening key are shown in Fig. 238. This consists of two groups of springs, one of four and one of six, the springs in each group being insulated from each other at their points of mounting. Two of these springs 1 and 2 in one group—the ringing group—are longer than the others, and act as movable levers engaging the inner pair of springs 3 and 4 when in their normal positions, and the outer pair 5 and 6 when forced into their alternate positions. Movement is imparted to these springs by the action of a cam which is mounted on a lever, manipulated by the operator. When this lever is moved in one direction the cam presses the two springs 1 and 2 apart, thus causing them to disengage the springs 3 and 4 and to engage the springs 5 and 6.

The springs of the other group constitute the switching element of the listening key and are very similar in their action to those of the ringing key, differing in the fact that they have no inner pair of springs such as 3 and 4. The two long springs 7 and 8, therefore, normally do not rest against anything, but when the key lever is pressed, so as to force the cam between them, they are made to engage the two outer springs 9 and 10.

The design and construction of ringing and listening keys assume many different forms. In general, however, they are adapted to do exactly the same sort of switching operations as that of which the device of Fig. 238 is capable. Easily understood symbols of ringing and listening keys are shown in Fig. 239; the cam member which operates on the two long springs is usually omitted for ease of illustration. It will be understood in considering these symbols, therefore, that the two long curved springs usually rest against a pair of inner contacts in case of the ringing key or against nothing at all in case of the listening key, and that when the key is operated the two springs are assumed to be spread apart so as to engage the outer pair of contacts with which they are respectively normally disconnected.

Line and Cord Equipments. The parts of the switchboard that are individual to the subscriber's line are termed the line equipment; this, in the case of a magneto switchboard, consists of the line drop and the jack together with the associated wiring necessary to connect them properly in the line circuit. The parts of the switchboard that are associated with a connecting link—consisting of a pair of plugs and associated cords with their ringing and listening keys and clearing-out drop—are referred to as a cord equipment. The circuit of a complete pair of cords and plugs with their associated apparatus is called a cord circuit. In order that there may be a number of simultaneous connections between different pairs of lines terminating in a switchboard, a number of cord circuits are provided, this number depending on the amount of traffic at the busiest time of the day.

Operator's Equipment. A part of the equipment that is not individual to the lines or to the cord circuits, but which may, as occasion requires, be associated with any of them is called the operator's equipment. This consists of the operator's transmitter and receiver, induction coil, and battery connections together with the wiring and other associated parts necessary to co-ordinate them with the rest of the apparatus. Still another part of the equipment that is not individual to the lines nor to the cord circuits is the calling-current generator. This may be common to the entire office or a separate one may be provided for each operator's position.

Operation in Detail. With these general statements in mind we may take up in some detail the various operations of a telephone system wherein the lines center in a magneto switchboard. This may best be done by considering the circuits involved, without special regard to the details of the apparatus.

The series of figures showing the cycle of operations of the magneto switchboard about to be discussed are typical of this type of switchboard almost regardless of make. The apparatus is in each case represented symbolically, the representations indicating type rather than any particular kind of apparatus within the general class to which it belongs.

Normal Condition of Line. In Fig. 240 is shown the circuit of an ordinary magneto line. The subscriber's sub-station apparatus, shown at the left, consists of the ordinary bridging telephone but might with equal propriety be indicated as a series telephone. The subscriber's station is shown connected with the central office by the two limbs of a metallic-circuit line. One limb of the line terminates in the spring 1 of the jack, and the other limb in the sleeve or thimble 2 of the jack. The spring 1 normally rests on the third contact or anvil 3 in the jack, its construction being such that when a plug is inserted this spring will be raised by the plug so as to break contact with the anvil 3. It is understood, of course, that the plug associated with this jack has two contacts, referred to respectively as the tip and the sleeve; the tip makes contact with the tip spring 1 and the sleeve with the sleeve or thimble 2.

The drop or line signal is permanently connected between the jack sleeve and the anvil 3. As a result, the drop is normally bridged across the circuit of the line so as to be in a receptive condition to signaling current sent out by the subscriber. It is evident, however, that when the plug is inserted into the jack this connection between the line and the drop will be broken.

In this normal condition of the line, therefore, the drop stands ready at the central office to receive the signal from the subscriber and the generator at the sub-station stands ready to be bridged across the circuit of the line as soon as the subscriber turns its handle. Similarly the ringer—the call-receiving device at the sub-station—is permanently bridged across the line so as to be responsive to any signal that may be sent out from the central office in order to call the subscriber. The subscriber's talking apparatus is, in this normal condition of the line, cut out of the circuit by the switch hook.

Subscriber Calling. Fig. 241 shows the condition of the line when the subscriber at the sub-station is making a call. In turning his generator the two springs which control the connection of the generator with the line are brought into engagement with each other so that the generator currents may pass out over the line. The condition at the central office is the same as that of Fig. 240 except that the drop is shown with its shutter fallen so as to indicate a call.

Operator Answering. The next step is for the operator to answer the call and this is shown in Fig. 242. The subscriber has released the handle of his generator and the generator has, therefore, been automatically cut out of the circuit. He also has removed his receiver from its hook, thus bringing his talking apparatus into the line circuit. The operator on the other hand has inserted one of the plugs P{a} into the jack. This action has resulted in the breaking of the circuit through the drop by the raising of the spring 1 from the anvil 3, and also in the continuance of the line circuit through the conductors of the cord circuits. Thus, the upper limb of the line is continued by means of the engagement of the tip spring 1 with the tip 4 of the plug to the conducting strand 6 of the cord circuit; likewise the lower limb of the line is continued by the engagement of the thimble 2 of the jack with the sleeve contact 5 of the plug P{a} to the strand 7 of the cord circuit. The operator has also closed her listening key L.K. In doing so she has brought the springs 8 and 9 into engagement with the anvils 10 and 11 and has thus bridged her head telephone receiver with the secondary of her induction coil across the two strands 6 and 7 of the cord. Associated with the secondary winding of her receiver is a primary circuit containing a transmitter, battery, and the primary of the induction coil. It will be seen that the conditions are now such as to permit the subscriber at the calling station to converse with the operator and this conversation consists in the familiar "Number Please" on the part of the operator and the response of the subscriber giving the number of the line that is desired. Neither the plug P{c}, nor the ringing key R.K., shown in Fig. 242, is used in this operation. The clearing-out drop C.O. is bridged permanently across the strands 6-7 of the cord, but is without function at this time; the fact that it is wound to a high resistance and impedance prevents its having a harmful effect on the transmission.

It may be stated at this point that the two plugs of an associated pair are commonly referred to as the answering and calling plugs. The answering plug is the one which the operator always uses in answering a call as just described in connection with Fig. 242. The calling plug is the one which she next uses in connecting with the line of the called subscriber. It lies idle during the answering of a call and is only brought into play after the order of the calling subscriber has been given, in which case it is used in establishing connection with the called subscriber.

Operator Calling. We may now consider how the operator calls the called subscriber. The condition existing for this operation is shown in Fig. 243. The operator after receiving the order from the calling subscriber inserts the calling plug P{c} into the jack of the line of the called station. This act at once connects the limbs of the line with the strands 6 and 7 of the cord circuit, and also cuts out the line drop of the called station, as already explained. The operator is shown in this figure as having opened her listening key L.K. and closed her ringing key R.K. As a result, ringing current from the central-office generator will flow out over the two ringing key springs 12 and 13 to the tip and sleeve contacts of the calling plug P{c}, then to the tip spring 1 and the sleeve or thimble 2 of the jack, and then to the two sides of the metallic-circuit line to the sub-station and through the bell there. This causes the ringing of the called subscriber's bell, after which the operator releases the ringing key and thereby allows the two springs 12 and 13 of that key to again engage their normal contacts 14 and 15, thus making the two strands 6 and 7 of the cord circuit continuous from the contacts of the answering plug P{a} to the contacts of the calling plug P{c}. This establishes the condition at the central office for conversation between the two subscribers.

Subscribers Conversing. The only other thing necessary to establish a complete set of talking conditions between the two subscribers is for the called subscriber to remove his receiver from its hook, which he does as soon as he responds to the call. The conditions for conversation between the two subscribers are shown in Fig. 244. It is seen that the two limbs of the calling line are connected respectively to the two limbs of the called line by the two strands of the cord circuit, both the operator's receiver and the central-office generator being cut out by the listening and ringing keys, respectively. Likewise the two line drops are cut out of circuit and the only thing left associated with the circuit at the central office is the clearing-out drop C. O., which remains bridged across the cord circuit. This, like the two ringers at the respective connected stations, which also remain bridged across the circuit when bridging instruments are used, is of such high resistance and impedance that it offers practically no path to the rapidly fluctuating voice currents to leak from one side of the line circuit to the other. Fluctuating currents generated by the transmitter at the calling station, for instance, are converted by means of the induction coil into alternating currents flowing in the secondary of the induction coil at that station. Considering a momentary current as passing up through the secondary winding of the induction coil at the calling station, it passes through the receiver of that station through the upper limb of the line to the spring 1 of the line jack belonging to that line at the central office; thence through the tip 4 of the answering plug to the conductor 6 of the cord; thence through the pair of contacts 14 and 12 forming one side of the ringing key to the tip 4 of the calling plug; thence to the tip spring 1 of the jack of the called subscriber's line; thence over the upper limb of his line through his receiver and through the secondary of the induction to one of the upper switch-hook contacts; thence through the hook lever to the lower side of the line, back to the central office and through the sleeve contact 2 of the jack and the sleeve contact 5 of the plug; thence through the other ringing key contacts 13 and 15; thence through the strand 7 of the cord to the sleeve contact 5 and the sleeve contact 2 of the answering plug and jack, respectively; thence through the lower limb of the calling subscriber's line to the hook lever at his station; thence through one of the upper contacts of this hook to the secondary of the induction coil, from which point the current started.

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