Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 - A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
by Kempster Miller
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Local Battery. In Fig. 125 two stations are shown connected by a grounded line wire. The transmitter of each station is included in a low-resistance primary circuit including a battery and the primary winding of an induction coil, the relation between the primary circuits and the line circuits being established by the inductive action between the primary and the secondary windings of induction coils, the secondary in each case being in the line circuits with the receivers.

Fig. 126 shows exactly the same arrangement but with a metallic circuit rather than a grounded circuit. The student should become accustomed to the replacing of one of the line wires of a metallic circuit by the earth, and to the method, employed in Figs. 125 and 126, of indicating a grounded circuit as distinguished from a metallic circuit.

In Fig. 127 is shown a slight modification of the circuit shown in Fig. 126, which consists of connecting one end of the primary winding to one end of the secondary winding of the induction coil, thus linking together the primary circuit and the line circuit, a portion of each of these circuits being common to a short piece of the local wiring. There is no difference whatever in the action of the circuits shown in Figs. 126 and 127, the latter being shown merely for the purpose of bringing out this fact. It is very common, particularly in local-battery circuits, to connect one end of the primary and the secondary windings, as by doing so it is often possible to save a contact point in the hook switch and also to simplify the wiring.

The advantages to be gained by employing a local battery at each subscriber's station associated with the transmitter in the primary circuit of an induction coil are attended by certain disadvantages from a commercial standpoint. The primary battery is not an economical way to generate electric energy. In all its commercial forms it involves the consumption of zinc and zinc is an expensive fuel. The actual amount of current in watts required by a telephone is small, however, and this disadvantage due to the inexpensive method of generating current would not in itself be of great importance. A more serious objection to the use of local batteries at subscribers' stations appears when the subject is considered from the standpoint of maintenance. Batteries, whether of the so-called "dry" or "wet" type, gradually deteriorate, even when not used, and in cases where the telephone is used many times a day the deterioration is comparatively rapid. This makes necessary the occasional renewals of the batteries with the attendant expense for new batteries or new material, and of labor and transportation in visiting the station. The labor item becomes more serious when the stations are scattered in a sparsely settled community, in which case the visiting of the stations, even for the performance of a task that would require but a few minutes' time, may consume some hours on the part of the employes in getting there and back.

Common Battery. Advantages. It would be more economical if all of the current for the subscribers' transmitters could be supplied from a single comparatively efficient generating source instead of from a multitude of inefficient small sources scattered throughout the community served by the exchange. The advantage of such centralization lies not only in more economic generating means, but also in having the common source of current located at one place, where it may be cared for with a minimum amount of expense. Such considerations have resulted in the so-called "common-battery system," wherein the current for all the subscribers' transmitters is furnished from a source located at the central office.

Where such a method of supplying current is practiced, the result has also been, in nearly all cases, the doing away with the subscriber's magneto generators, relying on the central-office source of current to furnish the energy for enabling the subscriber to signal the operator. Such systems, therefore, concentrate all of the sources of energy at the central office and for that reason they are frequently referred to as central-energy systems.

NOTE. In this chapter the central-energy or common-battery system will be considered only in so far as the supply of current for energizing the subscribers' transmitters is concerned, the discussion of the action of signaling being reserved for subsequent chapters.

Series Battery. If but a single pair of lines had to be considered, the arrangement shown in Fig. 128 might be employed. In this the battery is located at the central office and placed in series with the two grounded lines leading from the central office to the two subscribers' stations. The voltage of this battery is made sufficient to furnish the required current over the resistance of the entire line circuit with its included instruments. Obviously, changes in resistance in the transmitter at Station A will affect the flow of current in the entire line and the fluctuations resulting from the vibration of the transmitter diaphragm will, therefore, reproduce these sounds in the receiver at Station B, as well as in that at Station A.

An exactly similar arrangement applied to a metallic circuit is shown in Fig. 129. In thus placing the battery in series in the circuit between the two stations, as shown in Figs. 128 and 129, it is obvious that the transmitter at each station is compelled to vary the resistance of the entire circuit comprising the two lines in series, in order to affect the receiver at distant stations. This is in effect making the transmitter circuit twice as long as is necessary, as will be shown in the subsequent systems considered. Furthermore, the placing of the battery in series in the circuit of the two combined lines does not lend itself readily to the supply of current from a common source to more than a single pair of lines.

Series Substation Circuit. The arrangement at the substations—consisting in placing the transmitter and the receiver in series in the line circuit, as shown in Figs. 128 and 129—is the simplest possible one, and has been used to a considerable extent, but it has been subject to the serious objection, where receivers having permanent magnets were used, of making it necessary to so connect the receiver in the line circuit that the steady current from the battery would not set up a magnetization in the cores of the receiver in such a direction as to neutralize or oppose the magnetization of the permanent magnets. As long as the current flowed through the receiver coils in such a direction as to supplement the magnetization of the permanent magnets, no harm was usually done, but when the current flowed through the receiver coils in such a way as to neutralize or oppose the magnetizing force of the permanent magnets, the action of the receiver was greatly interfered with. As a result, it was necessary to always connect the receivers in the line circuit in a certain way, and this operation was called poling.

In order to obviate the necessity for poling and also to bring about other desirable features, it has been, until recently, almost universal practice to so arrange the receiver that it would be in the circuit of the voice currents passing over the line, but would not be traversed by direct currents, this condition being brought about by various arrangements of condensers, impedance coils, or induction coils, as will be shown later. During the year 1909, however, the adoption by several concerns of the so-called "direct-current" receiver has made it necessary for the direct current to flow through the receiver coils in order to give the proper magnetization to the receiver cores, and this has brought about a return to the very simple form of substation circuit, which includes the receiver and the transmitter directly in the circuit of the line. This illustrates well an occurrence that is frequently observed by those who have opportunity to watch closely the development of an art. At one time the conditions will be such as to call for complicated arrangements, and for years the aim of inventors will be to perfect these arrangements; then, after they are perfected, adopted, and standardized, a new idea, or a slight alteration in the practice in some other respect, will demand a return to the first principles and wipe out the necessity for the things that have been so arduously striven for.

Bridging Battery with Repeating Coil. As pointed out, the placing of the battery in series in the line circuit in the central office is not desirable, and, so far as we are aware, has never been extensively used. The universal practice, therefore, is to place it in a bridge path across the line circuit, and a number of arrangements employing this basic idea are in wide use. In Fig. 130 is shown the standard arrangement of the Western Electric Company, employed by practically all the Bell operating companies. In this the battery at the central office is connected in the middle of the two sides of a repeating coil so that the current from the battery is fed out to the two connected lines in multiple.

Referring to the middle portion of this figure showing the central-office apparatus, 1 and 2 may be considered as the two halves of one side of a repeating coil divided so that the battery may be cut into their circuit. Likewise, 3 and 4 may be considered as the two halves of the other side of the repeating coil similarly divided for the same purpose. The windings of this repeating coil are ordinarily alike; that is, 1 and 2 combined have the same resistance, number of turns, and impedance as 3 and 4 combined. The two sides of this coil are alternately used as primary and secondary, 1 and 2 forming the primary when Station A is talking, and 3 and 4, the secondary; and vice versa when Station B is talking.

As will be seen, the current flowing from the positive pole of the battery will divide and flow through the windings 2 and 4; thence over the upper limb of each line, through the transmitter at each station, and back over the lower limbs of the line, through the windings 1 and 3, where the two paths reunite and pass to the negative pole of the battery. It is evident that when neither transmitter is being used the current flowing through both lines will be a steady current and that, therefore, neither line will have an inductive effect on the other. When, however, the transmitter at Station A is used the variations in the resistance caused by it will cause undulations in the current. These undulations, passing through the windings 1 and 2 of the repeating coil, will cause, by electromagnetic induction, alternating currents to flow in the windings 3 and 4, and these alternating currents will be superimposed on the steady currents flowing in that line and will affect the receiver at Station B, as will be pointed out. The reverse conditions exist when Station B is talking.

Bell Substation Arrangement. The substation circuits at the stations in Fig. 130 are illustrative of one of the commonly employed methods of preventing the steady current from the battery from flowing through the receiver coil. This particular arrangement is that employed by the common-battery instruments of the various Bell companies. Considering the action at Station B, it is evident that the steady current will pass through the transmitter and through the secondary winding of the induction coil, and that as long as this current is steady no current will flow through the telephone receiver. The receiver, transmitter, and primary winding of the induction coil are, however, included in a local circuit with the condenser. The presence of the condenser precludes the possibility of direct current flowing in this path. Considering Station A as a receiving station, it is evident that the voice currents coming to the station over the line will pass through the secondary winding and will induce alternating currents in the primary winding which will circulate through the local circuit containing the receiver and the condenser, and thus actuate the receiver. The considerations are not so simple when the station is being treated as a transmitting station. Under this condition the steady current passes through the transmitter in an obvious manner. It is clear that if the local circuit containing the receiver did not exist, the circuit would be operative as a transmitting circuit because the transmitter would produce fluctuations in the steady current flowing in the line and thus be able to affect the distant station. The transmitter, therefore, has a direct action on the currents flowing in the line by the variation in resistance which it produces in the line circuit. There is, however, a subsidiary action in this circuit. Obviously, there is a drop of potential across the transmitter terminals due to the flow of steady current. This means that the upper terminal of the condenser will be charged to the same potential as the upper terminal of the transmitter, while the lower terminal of the condenser will be of the same potential as the lower terminal of the transmitter. When, now, the transmitter varies its resistance, a variation in the potential across its terminals will occur; and as a result, a variation in potential across the terminals of the condenser will occur, and this means that alternating currents will flow through the primary winding of the induction coil. The transmitter, therefore, by its action, causes alternating currents to flow through the primary of this induction coil and it causes, by direct action on the circuit of the line, fluctuations in the steady current flowing in the line. The alternating currents flowing in the primary of the coil induce currents in the secondary of the coil which supplement and augment the fluctuations produced by the direct action of the transmitter. This circuit may be looked at, therefore, in the light of combining the direct action which the transmitter produces in the current in the line with the action which the transmitter produces in the local circuit containing the primary of the induction coil, this action being repeated in the line circuit through the secondary of the induction coil.

The receiver in this circuit is placed in the local circuit, and is thus not traversed by the steady currents flowing in the line. There is thus no necessity for poling it. This circuit is very efficient, but is subject to the objection of producing a heavy side tone in the receiver of the transmitting station. By "side tone" is meant the noises which are produced in the receiver at a station by virtue of the action of the transmitter at that station. Side tone is objectionable for several reasons: first, it is sometimes annoying to the subscriber; second, and of more importance, the subscriber who is talking, hearing a very loud noise in his own receiver, unconsciously assumes that he is talking too loud and, therefore, lowers his voice, sometimes to such an extent that it will not properly reach the distant station.

Bridging Battery with Impedance Coils. The method of feeding current to the line from the common battery, shown in Fig. 130, is called the "split repeating-coil" method. As distinguished from this is the impedance-coil method which is shown in Fig. 131. In this the battery is bridged across the circuit of the combined lines in series with two impedance coils, 1 and 2, one on each side of the battery. The steady currents from the battery find ready path through these impedance coils which are of comparatively low ohmic resistance, and the current divides and passes in multiple over the circuits of the two lines. Voice currents, however, originating at either one of the stations, will not pass through the shunt across the line at the central office on account of the high impedance offered by these coils, and as a result they are compelled to pass on to the distant station and affect the receiver there, as desired.

This impedance-coil method seems to present the advantage of greater simplicity over the repeating-coil method shown in Fig. 130, and so far as talking efficiency is concerned, there is little to choose between the two. The repeating-coil method, however, has the advantage over this impedance-coil method, because by it the two lines are practically divided except by the inductive connection between the two windings, and as a result an unbalanced condition of one of the connected lines is not as likely to produce an unbalanced condition in the other as where the two lines are connected straight through, as with the impedance-coil method. The substation arrangement of Fig. 131 is the same as that of Fig. 130.

Double Battery with Impedance Coils. A modification of the impedance-coil method is used in all of the central-office work of the Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company. This employs a combination of impedance coils and condensers, and in effect isolates the lines conductively from each other as completely as the repeating-coil method. It is characteristic of all the Kellogg common-battery systems that they employ two batteries instead of one, one of these being connected in all cases with the calling line of a pair of connected lines and the other in all cases with the called line. As shown in Fig. 132, the left-hand battery is connected with the line leading to Station A through the impedance coils 1 and 2. Likewise, the right-hand battery is connected to the line of Station B through the impedance coils 3 and 4. These four impedance coils are wound on separate cores and do not have any inductive relation whatsoever with each other. Condensers 5 and 6 are employed to completely isolate the lines conductively. Current from the left-hand battery, therefore, passes only to Station A, and current from the right-hand battery to Station B. Whenever the transmitter at Station A is actuated the undulations of current which it produces in the line cause a varying difference of potential across the outside terminals of the two impedance coils 1 and 2. This means that the two left-hand terminals of condensers 5 and 6 are subjected to a varying difference of potential and these, of course, by electrostatic induction, cause the right-hand terminals of these condensers to be subject to a correspondingly varying difference of potential. From this it follows that alternating currents will be impressed upon the right-hand line and these will affect the receiver at Station B.

A rough way of expressing the action of this circuit is to consider it in the same light as that of the impedance-coil circuit shown in Fig. 131, and to consider that the voice currents originating in one line are prevented from passing through the bridge paths at the central office on account of the impedance, and are, therefore, forced to continue on the line, being allowed to pass readily by the condensers in series between the two lines.

Kellogg Substation Arrangement. An interesting form of substation circuit which is employed by the Kellogg Company in all of its common-battery telephones is shown in Fig. 132. In passing, it may be well to state that almost any of the substation circuits shown in this chapter are capable of working with any of the central-office circuits. The different ones are shown for the purpose of giving a knowledge of the various substation circuits that are employed, and, as far as possible, to associate them with the particular central-office arrangements with which they are commonly used.

In this Kellogg substation arrangement the line circuit passes first through the transmitter and then divides, one branch passing through an impedance coil 7 and the other through the receiver and the condenser 8, in series. The steady current from the central-office battery finds ready path through the transmitter and the impedance coil, but is prevented from passing through the receiver by the barrier set up by the condenser 8. Voice currents, however, coming over the line to the station, find ready path through the receiver and the condenser but are barred from passing through the impedance coil by virtue of its high impedance.

In considering the action of the station as a transmitting station, the variations set up by the transmitter pass through the condenser and the receiver at the same station, while the steady current which supplies the transmitter passes through the impedance coil. Impedance coils used for this purpose are made of low ohmic resistance but of a comparatively great number of turns, and, therefore, present a good path for steady currents and a difficult path for voice currents. This divided circuit arrangement employed by the Kellogg Company is one of the very simple ways of eliminating direct currents from the receiver path, at the same time allowing the free passage of voice currents.

Dean Substation Arrangement. In marked contrast to the scheme for keeping steady current out of the receiver circuit employed by the Kellogg Company, is that shown in Fig. 133, which has been largely used by the Dean Electric Company, of Elyria, Ohio. The central-office arrangement in this case is that using the split repeating coil, which needs no further description. The substation arrangement, however, is unique and is a beautiful example of what can be done in the way of preventing a flow of current through a path without in any way insulating that path or placing any barrier in the way of the current. It is an example of the prevention of the direct flow of current through the receiver by so arranging the circuits that there will always be an equal potential on each side of it, and, therefore, no tendency for current to flow through it.

In this substation arrangement four coils of wire—1, 2, 3, and 4—are so arranged as to be connected in the circuit of the line, two in series and two in multiple. The current flowing from the battery at the central office, after passing through the transmitter, divides between the two paths containing, respectively, the coils 1 and 3 and the coils 2 and 4. The receiver is connected between the junction of the coils 2 and 4 and that of 1 and 3. The resistances of the coils are so chosen that the drop of potential through the coil 2 will be equal to that through the coil 1, and likewise that through the coil 4 will be equal to that through the coil 3. As a result, the receiver will be connected between two points of equal potential, and no direct current will flow through it. How, then, do voice currents find their way through the receiver, as they evidently must, if the circuit is to fulfill any useful function? The coils 2 and 3 are made to have high impedance, while 1 and 4 are so wound as to be non-inductive and, therefore, offer no impedance save that of their ohmic resistance. What is true, therefore, of direct currents does not hold for voice currents, and as a result, the voice currents, instead of taking the divided path which the direct currents pursued, are debarred from the coils 2 and 3 by their high impedance and thus pass through the non-inductive coil 1, the receiver, and the non-inductive coil 4.

This circuit employs a Wheatstone-bridge arrangement, adjusted to a state of balance with respect to direct currents, such currents being excluded from the receiver, not because the receiver circuit is in any sense opaque to such direct currents, but because there is no difference of potential between the terminals of the receiver circuit, and, therefore, no tendency for current to flow through the receiver. In order that fluctuating currents may not, for the same reason, be caused to pass by, rather than through, the receiver circuit, the diametrically-opposed arms of the Wheatstone bridge are made to possess, in large degree, self-induction, thereby giving these two arms a high impedance to fluctuating currents. The conditions which exist for direct currents do not, therefore, exist for fluctuating currents, and it is this distinction which allows alternating currents to pass through the receiver and at the same time excludes direct currents therefrom.

In practice, the coils 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Dean substation circuit are wound on the same core, but coils 1 and 4—the non-inductive ones—are wound by doubling the wire back on itself so as to neutralize their self-induction.

Stromberg-Carlson. Another modification of the central-office arrangement and also of the subscribers' station circuits, is shown in Fig. 134, this being a simplified representation of the circuits commonly employed by the Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Company. The battery feed at the central office differs only from that shown in Fig. 132, in that a single battery rather than two batteries is used, the current being supplied to one of the lines through the impedance coils 1 and 2, and to the other line through the impedance coils 3 and 4; condensers 5 and 6 serve conductively to isolate the two lines. At the subscriber's station the line circuit passes through the secondary of an induction coil and the transmitter. The receiver is kept entirely in a local circuit so that there is no tendency for direct current to flow through it, but it is receptive to voice currents through the electromagnetic induction between the primary and the secondary of the induction coil.

North. Another arrangement of central-office battery feed is employed by the North Electric Company, and is shown in Fig. 135. In this two batteries are used which supply current respectively to the two connected lines, condensers being employed to conductively isolate the lines. This differs from the Kellogg arrangement shown in Fig. 132 in that the two coils 1 and 2 are wound on the same core, while the coils 3 and 4 are wound together upon another core. In this case, in order that the inductive action of one of the coils may not neutralize that of the other coil on the same core, the two coils are wound in such relative direction that their magnetizing influence will always be cumulative rather than differential.

The central-office arrangements discussed in Figs. 130 to 135, inclusive, are those which are in principal use in commercial practice in common-battery exchanges.

Current Supply over Limbs of Line in Parallel. As indicating further interesting possibilities in the method of supplying current from a common source to a number of substations, several other systems will be briefly referred to as being of interest, although these have not gone into wide commercial use. The system shown in Fig. 136 is one proposed by Dean in the early days of common-battery working, and this arrangement was put into actual service and gave satisfactory results, but was afterwards supplanted by the Bell equipment operating under the system shown in Fig. 130, which became standardized by that company. In this the current from the common battery at the central office is not fed over the two line wires in series, but in multiple, using a ground return from the subscriber's station to the central office. Across the metallic circuit formed by two connected lines there is bridged, at the central office, an impedance coil 1, and between the center point of this impedance coil and the ground is connected the common battery. At the subscriber's station is placed an impedance coil 2, also bridged across the two limbs of the line, and between the center point of this impedance coil and the ground is connected the transmitter, which is shunted by the primary winding of an induction coil. Connected between the two limbs of the line at the substation there is also the receiver and the secondary of an induction coil in series.

The action of this circuit at first seems a little complex, but if taken step by step may readily be understood. The transmitter supply circuit may be traced from the central-office battery through the two halves of the impedance coil 1 in multiple; thence over the two limbs of the line in multiple to Station A, for instance; thence in multiple through the two halves of impedance coil 2, to the center point of that coil; thence through the two paths offered respectively by the primary of the induction coil and by the transmitter; then to ground and back to the other pole of the central-office battery. By this circuit the transmitter at the substation is supplied with current.

Variations in the resistance of the transmitter when in action, cause complementary variations in the supply current flowing through the primary of the induction coil. These variations induce similar alternating currents in the secondary of this coil, which is in series in the line circuit. The currents, so induced in this secondary, flow in series through one side of the line to the distant station; thence through the secondary and the receiver at that station to the other side of the line and back through that side of the line to the receiver. These currents are not permitted to pass through the bridged paths across the metallic circuit that are offered by the impedance coils 1 and 2, because they are voice currents and are, therefore, debarred from these paths by virtue of the impedance.

An objection to this form of current supply and to other similar forms, wherein the transmitter current is fed over the two sides of the line in multiple with a ground return, is that the ground-return circuit formed by the two sides of the line in multiple is subject to inductive disturbances from other lines in the same way as an ordinary grounded line is subject to inductive disturbance. The current-supply circuit is thus subject to external disturbances and such disturbances find their way into the metallic circuit and, therefore, through the instruments by means of the electromagnetic induction between the primary and the secondary coils at the substations.

Another interesting method of current supply from a central-office battery is shown in Fig. 137. This, like the circuit just considered, feeds the energy to the subscriber's station over the two sides of the line in multiple with a ground return. In this case, however, a local circuit is provided at the substation, in which is placed a storage battery 1 and the primary 2 of an induction coil, together with the transmitter. The idea in this is that the current supply from the central office will pass through the storage battery and charge it. Upon the use of the transmitter, this storage battery acts to supply current to the local circuit containing the transmitter and the primary coil 2 in exactly the same manner as in a local battery system. The fluctuating current so produced by the action of the transmitter in this local circuit acts on the secondary winding 3 of the induction coil, and produces therein alternating currents which pass to the central office and are in turn repeated to the distant station.

Supply Many Lines from Common Source. We come now to the consideration of the arrangement by which a single battery may be made to supply current at the central office to a large number of pairs of connected lines simultaneously. Up to this point in this discussion it has been shown only how each battery served a single pair of connected lines and no others.

Repeating Coil:—In Fig. 138 is shown how a single battery supplies current simultaneously to four different pairs of lines, the lines of each pair being connected for conversation. It is seen that the pairs of lines shown in this figure are arranged in each case in accordance with the system shown in Fig. 130. Let us inquire why it is that, although all of these four pairs of lines are connected with a common source of energy and are, therefore, all conductively joined, the stations will be able to communicate in pairs without interference between the pairs. In other words, why is it that voice currents originating at Station A will pass only to the receiver at Station B and not to the receivers at Station C or Station H, for instance? The reason is that separate supply conductors lead from the points such as 1 and 2 at the junctions of the repeating-coil windings on each pair of circuits to the battery terminals, and the resistance and impedance of the battery itself and of the common leads to it are so small that although the feeble voice currents originating in the pair of lines connecting Station A and Station B pass through the battery, they are not able to alter the potential of the battery in any appreciable degree. As a result, therefore, the supply wires leading from the common-battery terminals to the points 7 and 8, for instance, cannot be subjected to any variations in potential by virtue of currents flowing through the battery from the points 1 and 2 of the lines joining Station A and Station B.

Retardation Coil—Single Battery:—In Fig. 139 is shown in similar manner the current supply from a single battery to four different pairs of lines, the battery being associated with the lines by the combined impedance coil and condenser method, which was specifically dealt with in connection with Fig. 133. The reasons why there will be no interference between the conversations carried on in the various pairs of connected lines in this case are the same as those just considered in connection with the system shown in Fig. 138. The impedance coils in this case serve to keep the telephone currents confined to their respective pairs of lines in which they originate, and this same consideration applies to the system of Fig. 138, for each of the separate repeating-coil windings of Fig. 138 is in itself an impedance coil with respect to such currents as might leak away from one pair of lines on to another.

Retardation Coil—Double Battery:—The arrangement of feeding a number of pairs of lines according to the Kellogg two-battery system is indicated in Fig. 140, which needs no further explanation in view of the description of the preceding figures. It is interesting to note in this case that the left-hand battery serves only the left-hand lines and the right-hand battery only the right-hand lines. As this is worked out in practice, the left-hand battery is always connected to those lines which originate a call and the right-hand battery always to those lines that are called for. The energy supplied to a calling line is always, therefore, from a different source than that which supplies a called line.

Current Supply from Distant Point. Sometimes it is convenient to supply current to a group of lines centering at a certain point from a source of current located at a distant point. This is often the case in the so-called private branch exchange, where a given business house or other institution is provided with its own switchboard for interconnecting the lines leading to the various telephones of that concern or institution among themselves, and also for connecting them with lines leading to the city exchange. It is not always easy or convenient to maintain at such private switchboards a separate battery for supplying the current needed by the local exchange.

In such cases the arrangement shown in Fig. 141 is sometimes employed. This shows two pairs of lines connected by the impedance-coil system with common terminals 1 and 2, between which ordinarily the common battery would be connected. Instead of putting a battery between these terminals, however, at the local exchange, a condenser of large capacity is connected between them and from these terminals circuit wires 3 and 4 are led to a battery of suitable voltage at a distant central office. The condenser in this case is used to afford a short-circuit path for the voice currents that leak from one side of one pair of lines to the other, through the impedance coils bridged across the line. In this way the effect of the necessarily high resistance in the common leads 3 and 4, leading to the storage battery, is overcome and the tendency to cross-talk between the various pairs of connected lines is eliminated. Frequently, instead of employing this arrangement, a storage battery of small capacity will be connected between the terminals 1 and 2, instead of the condenser, and these will be charged over the wires 3 and 4 from a source of current at a distant point.

A consideration of the various methods of supplying current from a common source to a number of lines will show that it is essential that the resistance of the battery itself be very low. It is also necessary that the resistance and the impedance of the common leads from the battery to the point of distribution to the various pairs of lines be very low, in order that the voice currents which flow through them, by virtue of the conversations going on in the different pairs of lines, shall not produce any appreciable alteration in the difference of potential between the battery terminals.



We have considered what may be called the elemental parts of a complete telephone; that is, the receiver, transmitter, hook switch, battery, generator, call bell, condenser, and the various kinds of coils which go to make up the apparatus by which one is enabled to transmit and receive speech and signals. We will now consider the grouping of these various elements into a complete working organization known as a telephone.

Before considering the various types it is well to state that the term telephone is often rather loosely used. We sometimes hear the receiver proper called a telephone or a hand telephone. Since this was the original speaking telephone, there is some reason for so calling the receiver. The modern custom more often applies the term telephone to the complete organization of talking and signaling apparatus, together with the associated wiring and cabinet or standard on which it is mounted. The name telephone set is perhaps to be preferred to the word telephone, since it tends to avoid misunderstanding as to exactly what is meant. Frequently, also, the telephone or telephone set is referred to as a subscriber's station equipment, indicating the equipment that is to be found at a subscriber's station. This, as applying to a telephone alone, is not proper, since the subscriber's station equipment includes more than a telephone. It includes the local wiring within the premises of the subscriber and also the lightning arrester and other protective devices, if such exist.

To avoid confusion, therefore, the collection of talking and signaling apparatus with its wiring and containing cabinet or standard will be referred to in this work as a telephone or telephone set. The receiver will, as a rule, be designated as such, rather than as a telephone. The term subscriber's station equipment will refer to the complete equipment at a subscriber's station, and will include the telephone set, the interior wiring, and the protective devices, together with any other apparatus that may be associated with the telephone line and be located within the subscriber's premises.

Classification of Sets. Telephones may be classified under two general headings, magneto telephones and common-battery telephones, according to the character of the systems in which they are adapted to work.

Magneto Telephone. The term magneto telephone, as it was originally employed in telephony, referred to the type of instrument now known as a receiver, particularly when this was used also as a transmitter. As the use of this instrument as a transmitter has practically ceased, the term magneto telephone has lost its significance as applying to the receiver, and, since many telephones are equipped with magneto generators for calling purposes, the term magneto telephone has, by common consent, come to be used to designate any telephone including, as a part of its equipment, a magneto generator. Magneto telephones usually, also, include local batteries for furnishing the transmitter with current, and this has led to these telephones being frequently called local battery telephones. However, a local battery telephone is not necessarily a magneto telephone and vice versa, since sometimes magneto telephones have no local batteries and sometimes local battery telephones have no magnetos. Nearly all of the telephones which are equipped with magneto generators are, however, also equipped with local batteries for talking purposes, and, therefore, the terms magneto telephone and local battery telephone usually refer to the same thing.

Common-Battery Telephone. Common-battery telephones, on the other hand, are those which have no local battery and no magneto generator, all the current for both talking and signaling being furnished from a common source of current at the central office.

Wall and Desk Telephones. Again we may classify telephones or telephone sets in accordance with the manner in which their various parts are associated with each other for use, regardless of what parts are contained in the set. We may refer to all sets adapted to be mounted on a wall or partition as wall telephones, and to all in which the receiver, transmitter, and hook are provided with a standard of their own to enable them to rest on any flat surface, such as a desk or table, as desk telephones. These latter are also referred to as portable telephones and as portable desk telephones.

In general, magneto or local battery telephones differ from common-battery telephones in their component parts, the difference residing principally in the fact that the magneto telephone always has a magneto generator and usually a local battery, while the common-battery telephone has no local source of current whatever. On the other hand, the differences between wall telephones and desk telephones are principally structural, and obviously either of these types of telephones may be for common-battery or magneto work. The same component parts go to make up a desk telephone as a wall telephone, provided the two instruments are adapted for the same class of service, but the difference between the two lies in the structural features by which these same parts are associated with each other and protected from exposure.

Magneto-Telephone Sets. Wall. In Fig. 142 is shown a familiar type of wall set. The containing box includes within it all of the working parts of the apparatus except that which is necessarily left outside in order to be within the reach of the user. Fig. 143 shows the same set with the door open. This gives a good idea of the ordinary arrangement of the apparatus within. It is seen that the polarized bell or ringer has its working parts mounted on the inside of the door or cover of the box, the tapper projecting through so as to play between the gongs on the outside. Likewise the transmitter arm, which supports the transmitter and allows its adjustment up and down to accommodate itself to the height of the user, is mounted on the front of the door, and the conductors leading to it may be seen fastened to the rear of the door in Fig. 143.

In some wall sets the wires leading to the bell and transmitter are connected to the wiring of the rest of the set through the hinges of the door, thus allowing the door to be opened and closed repeatedly without breaking off the wires. In order to always insure positive electrical contact between the stationary and movable parts of the hinge a small wire is wound around the hinge pin, one end being soldered to the stationary part and the other end to the movable part of the hinge. In other forms of wall set the wires to the bell and the transmitter lead directly from the stationary portion of the cabinet to the back of the door, the wires being left long enough to have sufficient flexibility to allow the door to be opened and closed without injuring the wires.

At the upper portion of the box there is mounted the hook switch, this being, in this case, of the short lever type. The lever of the hook projects through the side of the box so as to make the hook available as a support for the receiver. Immediately at the right of the hook switch is mounted the induction coil, and immediately below this the generator, its crank handle projecting through the right-hand side of the box so as to be available for use there. The generator is usually mounted on a transverse shelf across the middle of the cabinet, this shelf serving to form a compartment below it in which the dry battery of two or three cells is placed.

The wall telephone-set cabinets have assumed a multitude of forms. When wet cells rather than dry cells were ordinarily employed, as was the case up to about the year 1895, the magneto generator, polarized bell, and hook switch were usually mounted in a rectangular box placed at the top of a long backboard. Immediately below this on the backboard was mounted the transmitter arm, and sometimes the base of this included the induction coil. Below this was the battery box, this being a large affair usually adapted to accommodate two and sometimes three ordinary LeClanche cells side by side.

The dry cell has almost completely replaced the wet cell in this country, and as a result, the general type of wall set as shown in Figs. 142 and 143, has gradually replaced the old wet-cell type, which was more cumbrous and unsightly. It is usual on wall sets to provide some sort of a shelf, as indicated in Fig. 142, for the convenience of the user in making notes and memoranda.

Desk. In the magneto desk-telephone sets, the so-called desk stand, containing the transmitter, the receiver, and the hook switch, with the standard upon which they are mounted, is shown in Fig. 144. This desk stand evidently does not comprise the complete equipment for a magneto desk-telephone set, since the generator, polarized bell, and battery are lacking. The generator and bell are usually mounted together in a box, either on the under side of the desk of the user or on the wall within easy reach of his chair. Connections are made between the apparatus in the desk stand proper and the battery, generator, and bell by means of flexible conducting cords, these carrying a plurality of conductors, as required by the particular circuit of the telephone in question. Such a complete magneto desk-telephone set is shown in Fig. 145, this being one of the types manufactured by the Stromberg-Carlson Manufacturing Company.

A great variety of arrangements of the various parts of magneto desk-telephone apparatus is employed in practice. Sometimes, as shown in Fig. 145, the magneto bell box is equipped with binding posts for terminating all of the conductors in the cord, the line wires also running to some of these binding posts.

In the magneto-telephone set illustrated the box is made large enough to accommodate only the generator and call bell, and the batteries are mounted elsewhere, as in a drawer of the desk, while in other cases there is no other equipment but that shown in the cut, the batteries being mounted within the magneto bell box itself. In still other cases, the polarized bell is contained in one box, the generator in another, the batteries in the drawer of the desk, the induction coil being mounted either in the base of the desk stand, in the bell box, or in the generator box. In such cases all of the circuits of the various scattered parts are wired to a terminal strip, located at some convenient point, this strip containing terminals for all the wires leading from the various parts and for the line wires themselves. By combining the various wires on the terminals of this terminal strip, the complete circuits of the telephone are built up. In still other cases the induction coil is mounted on the terminal strip and separate wires or sets of wires are run to the polarized bell and generator, to the desk stand itself, and to the batteries. These various arrangements are subject largely to the desire or personal ideas of the manufacturer or user. All of them work on the same principle so far as the operation of the talking and signaling circuits is concerned.

Circuits of Magneto-Telephone Sets. Magneto telephones, whether of the wall or desk type, may be divided into two general classes, series and bridging, according to whether the magnet of the bell is included in series or bridge relation with the telephone line when the hook is down.

Series. In the so-called series telephone line, where several telephones are placed in series in a single line circuit, the employment of the series type of telephone results in all of the telephone bells being in series in the line circuit. This means that the voice currents originating in the telephones that are in use at a given time must pass in series through the magnets of the bells of the stations that are not in use. In order that these magnets, through which the voice currents must pass, may interfere to as small a degree as possible with the voice currents, it is common to employ low-resistance magnets in series telephones, these magnets being wound with comparatively few turns and on rather short cores so that the impedance will be as small as possible. Likewise, since the generators are required to ring all of the bells in series, they need not have a large current output, but must have sufficient voltage to ring through all of the bells in series and through the resistance of the line. For this reason the generators are usually of the three-bar type and sometimes have only two bars.

In Fig. 146 are shown, in simplified form, the circuits of an ordinary series telephone. The receiver in this is shown as being removed from the hook and thus the talking apparatus is brought into play. The line wires 1 and 2 connect respectively to the binding posts 3 and 4 which form the terminals of the instrument. When the hook is up, the circuit between the binding posts 3 and 4 includes the receiver and the secondary winding of the induction coil, together with one of the upper contacts 5 of the switch hook and the hook lever itself. This completes the circuit for receiving speech. The hook switch is provided with another upper contact 6, between which and the contact 5 is connected the local circuit containing the transmitter, the battery, and the primary of the induction coil in series. The primary and the secondary windings are connected together at one end and connected with the switch contact 5, as shown. It is thus seen that when the hook is up the circuit through the receiver is automatically closed and also the local circuit containing the primary, the battery, and the transmitter. Thus, all the conditions for transmitting and receiving speech are fulfilled.

[Fig. 146. Circuit of Series Magneto Set]

When the hook is down, however, the receiving and transmitting circuits are broken, but another circuit is completed by the engagement of the hook-switch lever with the lower hook contact 7. Between this contact and one side of the line is connected the polarized ringer and the generator. With the hook down, therefore, the circuit may be traced from the line wire 1 to binding post 3, thence through the generator shunt to the call bell, and thence through the lower switching contact 7 to the binding post 4 and line wire 2. The generator shunt, as already described in Chapter VIII, normally keeps the generator shunted out of circuit. When, however, the generator is operated the shunt is broken, which allows the armature of the generator to come into the circuit in series with the winding of the polarized bell. The normal shunting of the generator armature from the circuit of the line is advantageous in several ways. In the first place, the impedance of the generator winding is normally cut out of the circuit so that in the case of a line with several stations the talking or voice currents do not have to flow through the generator armatures at the stations which are not in use. Again, the normal shunting of the generator tends to save the generator armature from injury by lightning.

The more complete circuits of a series magneto telephone are shown in Fig. 147. In this the line binding posts are shown as 1 and 2. At the bottom of the telephone cabinet are four other binding posts marked 3, 4, 5, and 6. Of these 3 and 4 serve for the receiver terminals and 5 and 6 for the transmitter and battery terminals. The circuits of this diagram will be found to be essentially the same as those of Fig. 146, except that they are shown in greater detail. This particular type of circuit is one commonly employed where the generator, ringer, hook switch, and induction coil are all mounted in a so-called magneto bell box at the top of the instrument, and where the transmitter is mounted on an arm just below this box, and the battery in a separate compartment below the transmitter. The only wiring that has to be done between the bell box and the other parts of the instrument in assembling the complete telephone is to connect the receiver to the binding posts 3 and 4 and to connect the battery and transmitter circuit to the binding posts 5 and 6.

Bridging. In other cases, where several telephones are placed on a single-line circuit, the bells are arranged in multiple across the line. For this reason their magnets are wound with a very great number of turns and consequently to a high resistance. In order to further increase the impedance, the cores are made long and heavy. Since the generators on these lines must be capable of giving out a sufficient volume of current to divide up between all of the bells in multiple, it follows that these generators must have a large current output, and at the same time a sufficient voltage to ring the bells at the farthest end of the line. Such instruments are commonly called bridging instruments, on account of the method of connecting their bells across the circuit of the line.

The fundamental characteristic of the bridging telephone is that it contains three possible bridge paths across the line wires. The first of these bridge paths is through the talking apparatus, the second through the generator, and the third through the ringer. This is shown in simplified form in Fig. 148. The talking apparatus is associated with the two upper contacts of the hook switch in the usual manner and needs no further description. The generator is the second separate bridge path, normally open, but adapted to be closed when the generator is operated, this automatic closure being performed by the movement of the crank shaft. The third bridge contains the polarized bell, and this, as a rule, is permanently closed. Sometimes, however, the arrangement is such that the bell path is normally closed through the switch which is operated by the generator crank shaft, and this path is automatically broken when the generator is operated, at which time, also, the generator path is automatically closed. This arrangement brings about the result that the generator never can ring its own bell, because its switch always operates to cut out the bell at its own station just before the generator itself is cut into the circuit.

In Fig. 149 is shown the complete circuit of a bridging telephone. The circuit given in this figure is for a local-battery wall set similar in type to that shown in Figs. 142 and 143. A simplified diagrammatic arrangement is shown in the lower left-hand corner of this figure, and from a consideration of this it will be seen that the bell circuit across the line is normally completed through the two right-hand normally closed contacts of the switch on the generator. When, however, the generator is operated these two contacts are made to disengage each other while the long spring of the generator switch engages the left-hand spring and thus brings the generator itself into the circuit.

Of the three binding posts, 1, 2, and 3, at the top of Fig. 149, 1 and 2 are for connecting with the line wires, while 8 is for a ground connection, acting in conjunction with the lightning arrester mounted at the top of the telephone and indicated at 4 in Fig. 149. This has no function in talking or ringing, and will be referred to more fully in Chapter XIX. Suffice it to say at this point that these arresters usually consist of two conducting bodies, one connected permanently to each of the line binding posts, and a third conducting body connected to the ground binding post. These three conducting bodies are in close proximity but carefully insulated from each other; the idea being that when the line wires are struck by lightning or subjected otherwise to a dangerous potential, the charge on the line will jump across the space between the conducting bodies and pass harmlessly to ground.

NOTE. The student should practice making simplified diagrams from actual wiring diagrams. The difference between the two is that one is laid out for ease in understanding it, while the other is laid out to show the actual course of the wires as installed.

If the large detailed circuit of Fig. 149 be compared with the small theoretical circuit in the same figure, the various conducting paths will be found to be the same. Such a simplified circuit does more to enable one to grasp the fundamental scheme of a complex circuit than much description, since it shows at a glance the general arrangement. The more detailed circuits are, however, necessary to show the actual paths followed by the wiring.

The circuits of desk stands do not differ from those of wall sets in any material degree, except as may be necessitated by the fact that the various parts of the telephone set are not all mounted in the same cabinet or on the same standard. To provide for the necessary relative movement between the desk stand and the other portions of the set, flexible conductors are run from the desk stand itself to the stationary portions of the equipment, such as the battery and the parts contained in the generator and bell box.

In Fig. 150 is shown the circuit of the Stromberg-Carlson magneto desk-telephone set, illustrated in Fig. 145. This diagram needs no explanation in view of what has already been said. The conductors, leading from the desk-stand group of apparatus to the bell-box group of apparatus, are grouped together in a flexible cord, as shown in Fig. 145, and are connected respectively to the various binding posts or contact points within the desk stand at one end and at the base of the bell box at the other end. These flexible conductors are insulated individually and covered by a common braided covering. They usually are individualized by having a colored thread woven into their insulating braid, so that it is an easy matter to identify the two ends of the same conductor at either end of the flexible cord or cable.

Common-Battery Telephone Sets. Owing to the fact that common-battery telephones contain no sources of current, they are usually somewhat simpler than the magneto type. The component parts of a common-battery telephone, whether of the wall or desk type, are the transmitter, receiver, hook switch, polarized bell, condenser, and sometimes an induction coil. The purpose of the condenser is to prevent direct or steady currents from passing through the windings of the ringer while the ringer is connected across the circuit of the line during the time when the telephone is not in use. The requirements of common-battery signaling demand that the ringer shall be connected with the line so as to be receptive of a call at any time while the telephone is not in use. The requirements also demand that no conducting path shall normally exist between the two sides of the line. These two apparently contradictory requirements are met by placing a condenser in series with the ringer so that the ringer will be in a path that will readily transmit the alternating ringing currents sent out from the central-office generator, while at the same time the condenser will afford a complete bar to the passage of steady currents. Sometimes the condenser is also used as a portion of the talking apparatus, as will be pointed out.

Wall. In Figs. 151 and 152 are given two views of a characteristic form of common-battery wall-telephone set, made by the Stromberg-Carlson Manufacturing Company. The common-battery wall set has usually taken this general form. In it the transmitter is mounted on an adjustable arm at the top of the backboard, while the box containing the bell and all working parts of the instrument is placed below the transmitter, the top of the box affording a shelf for writing purposes. In Fig. 151 are shown the hook switch and the receiver; just below these may be seen the magnets of the polarized bell, back of which is shown a rectangular box containing the condenser. Immediately in front of the ringer magnets is the induction coil.

In Fig. 153 are shown the details of the circuit of this instrument. This figure also includes a simplified circuit arrangement from which the principles involved may be more readily understood. It is seen that the primary of the induction coil and the transmitter are included in series across the line. The secondary of the induction coil, in series with the receiver, is connected also across the line in series with a condenser and the transmitter.

Hotel. Sometimes, in order to economize space, the shelf of common-battery wall sets is omitted and the entire apparatus mounted in a small rectangular box, the front of which carries the transmitter mounted on the short arm or on no arm at all. Such instruments are commonly termed hotel sets, because of the fact that their use was first confined largely to the rooms in hotels. Later, however, these instruments have become very popular in general use, particularly in residences. Sometimes the boxes or cabinets of these sets are made of wood, but of recent years the tendency has been growing to make them of pressed steel. The steel box is usually finished in black enamel, baked on, the color being sometimes varied to match the color of the surrounding woodwork. In Figs. 154 and 155 are shown two views of a common-battery hotel set manufactured by the Dean Electric Company.

Such sets are extremely neat in appearance and have the advantage of taking up little room on the wall and the commercial advantage of being light and compact for shipping purposes. A possible disadvantage of this type of instrument is the somewhat crowded condition which necessarily follows from the placing of all the parts in so confined a space. This interferes somewhat with the accessibility of the various parts, but great ingenuity has been manifested in making the parts readily get-at-able in case of necessity for repairs or alterations.

Desk. The common-battery desk telephone presents a somewhat simpler problem than the magneto desk telephone for the reason that the generator and local battery, the two most bulky parts of a magneto telephone, do not have to be provided for. Some companies, in manufacturing desk stands for common-battery purposes, mount the condenser and the induction coil or impedance coil, or whatever device is used in connection with the talking circuit, in the base of the desk stand itself, and mount the polarized ringer and the condenser used for ringing purposes in a separate bell box adapted to be mounted on the wall or some portion of the desk. Other companies mount only the transmitter, receiver, and hook switch on the desk stand proper and put the condenser or induction coil, or other device associated with the talking circuit, in the bell box. There is little to choose between the two general practices. The number of conducting strands in the flexible cord is somewhat dependent on the arrangement of the circuit employed.

The Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company is one which places all the parts, except the polarized ringer and the associated condenser, in the desk stand itself. In Fig. 156 is shown a bottom view of the desk stand with the bottom plate removed. In the upper portion of the circle of the base is shown a small condenser which is placed in the talking circuit in series with the receiver. In the right-hand portion of the circle of the base is shown a small impedance coil, which is placed in series with the transmitter but in shunt relation with the condenser and the receiver.

In Figs. 157 and 158 are shown two views of the type of bell box employed by the Kellogg Company in connection with the common-battery desk sets, this box being of pressed-steel construction and having a removable lid, as shown in Fig. 158, by which the working parts of the ringer are made readily accessible, as are also the terminals for the cord leading from the desk stand and for the wires of the line circuit. The condenser that is placed in series with the ringer is also mounted in this same box. By employing two condensers, one in the bell box large enough to transmit ringing currents and the other in the base of the desk stand large enough only to transmit voice currents, a duplication of condensers is involved, but it has the corresponding advantages of requiring only two strands to the flexible cord leading from the bell box to the desk stand proper.

A form of desk-telephone set that is used largely abroad, but that has found very little use in this country, is shown in Fig. 159. In this the transmitter and the receiver are permanently attached together, the receiver being of the watch-case variety and so positioned relatively to the transmitter that when the receiver is held at the ear, the mouthpiece of the transmitter will be just in front of the lips of the user. In order to maintain the transmitter in a vertical position during use, this necessitates the use of a curved mouthpiece as shown. This transmitter and receiver so combined is commonly called, in this country, the microtelephone set, although there seems to be no logical reason for this name. The combined transmitter and receiver, instead of being supported on an ordinary form of hook switch, are supported on a forked bracket as shown, this bracket serving to operate the switch springs which are held in one position when the bracket is subjected to the weight of the microtelephone, and in the alternate position when relieved therefrom. This particular microtelephone set is the product of the L.M. Ericsson Telephone Manufacturing Company, of Buffalo, New York. The circuits of such sets do not differ materially from those of the ordinary desk telephone set.

Circuits of Common-Battery Telephone Sets. The complete circuits of the Kellogg desk-stand arrangement are shown in Fig. 160, the desk-stand parts being shown at the left and the bell-box parts at the right. As is seen, but two conductors extend from the former to the latter. A simplified theoretical sketch is also shown in the upper right-hand corner of this figure.

The details of the common-battery telephone circuits of the Dean Electric Company are shown in Fig. 161. This involves the use of the balanced Wheatstone bridge. The only other thing about this circuit that needs description, in view of what has previously been said about it, is that the polarized bell is placed in series with a condenser so that the two sides of the circuit may be insulated from each other while the telephone is not in use, and yet permit the passage of ringing current through the bell.

The use of the so-called direct-current receiver has brought about a great simplification in the common-battery telephone circuits of several of the manufacturing companies. By this use the transmitter and the receiver are placed in series across the line, this path being normally opened by the hook-switch contacts. The polarized bell and condenser are placed in another bridge path across the line, this path not being affected by the hook-switch contacts. All that there is to such a complete common-battery telephone set, therefore, is a receiver, transmitter, hook switch, bell, condenser, and cabinet, or other support.

The extreme simplicity of the circuits of such a set is illustrated in Fig. 162, which shows how the Monarch Telephone Manufacturing Company connect up the various parts of their telephone set, using the direct-current receiver already described in connection with Fig. 54.



A party line is a line that is for the joint use of several stations. It is, therefore, a line that connects a central office with two or more subscribers' stations, or where no central office is involved, a line that connects three or more isolated stations with each other. The distinguishing feature of a party line, therefore, is that it serves more than two stations, counting the central office, if there is one, as a station.

Strictly speaking, the term party line should be used in contradistinction to the term private line. Companies operating telephone exchanges, however, frequently lease their wires to individuals for private use, with no central-office switchboard connections, and such lines are, by common usage, referred to as "private lines." Such lines may be used to connect two or more isolated stations. A private line, in the parlance of telephone exchange working, may, therefore, be a party line, as inconsistent as this may seem.

A telephone line that is connected with an exchange is an exchange line, and it is a party line if it has more than one station on it. It is an individual line or a single party line if it has but a single station on it. A line which has no central-office connection is called an "isolated line," and it is a party line if it has more than two stations on it.

The problem of mere speech transmission on party lines is comparatively easy, being scarcely more complex than that involved in private or single party lines. This is not true, however, of the problem of signaling the various stations. This is because the line is for the common use of all its patrons or subscribers, as they are termed, and the necessity therefore exists that the person sending a signal, whether operator or subscriber, shall be able in some way to inform a person at the desired station that the call is intended for that station. There are two general ways of accomplishing this purpose.

(1) The first and simplest of these ways is to make no provision for ringing any one bell on the line to the exclusion of the others, and thus allow all bells to ring at once whenever any station on the line is wanted. Where this is done, in order to prevent all stations from answering, it is necessary, in some way, to convey to the desired station the information that the call is intended for that station, and to all of the other stations the information that the call is not intended for them. This is done on such lines by what is called "code ringing," the code consisting of various combinations of long and short rings.

(2) The other and more complex way is to arrange for selective ringing, so that the person sending the call may ring the bell at the station desired, allowing the bells at all the other stations to remain quiet.

These two general classes of party-line systems may, therefore, be termed "non-selective" and "selective" systems. Non-selective party lines are largely used both on lines having connection with a central office, and through the central office the privilege of connection with other lines, and on isolated lines having no central-office connection. The greatest field of usefulness of non-selective lines is in rural districts and in connection with exchanges in serving rather sparsely settled districts where the cost of individual lines or even lines serving but a few subscribers, is prohibitive.

Non-selective telephone party lines most often employ magneto telephones. The early forms of party lines employed the ordinary series magneto telephone, the bells being of low resistance and comparatively low impedance, while the generators were provided with automatic shunting devices, so that their resistance would normally be removed from the circuit of the line.

Series Systems. The general arrangement of a series party line employing a ground return is shown in Fig. 163. In this three ordinary series instruments are connected together in series, the end stations being grounded, in order to afford a return path for the ringing and voice currents.

In Fig. 164 there is shown a metallic-circuit series line on which five ordinary series telephones are placed in series. In this no ground is employed, the return being through a line wire, thus making the circuit entirely metallic.

The limitations of the ordinary series party line may be best understood by reference to Fig. 165, in which the circuits of three series telephones are shown connected with a single line. The receiver of Station A is represented as being on its hook, while the receivers of Stations B and C are removed from their hooks, as when the subscribers at those two stations are carrying on a conversation. The hook switches of Stations B and C being in raised positions, the generators and ringers of those stations are cut out of the circuit, and only the telephone apparatus proper is included, but the hook switch of Station A being depressed by the weight of its receiver, includes the ringer of that station in circuit, and through this ringer, therefore, the voice currents of Stations B and C must pass.

The generator of Station A is not in the circuit of voice currents, however, because of the automatic shunt with which the generator is provided, as described in Chapter VIII.

A slight consideration of the series system as shown in this figure, indicates that the voice currents of any two stations that are in use, must pass (as indicated by the heavy lines) through the ringers of all the stations that are not in use; and when a great number of stations are placed upon a single line, as has been frequently the case, the impedance offered by these ringers becomes a serious barrier to the passage of the voice currents. This defect in the series party line is fundamental, as it is obvious that the ringers must be left in the circuit of the stations which are not in use, in order that those stations may always be in such condition as to be able to receive a call.

This defect may in some measure be reduced by making the ringers of low impedance. This is the general practice with series telephones, the ringers ordinarily having short cores and a comparatively small number of turns, the resistance being as a rule about 80 ohms.

Bridging Systems. Very much better than the series plan of party-line connections, is the arrangement by which the instruments are placed in bridges across the line, such lines being commonly known as bridged or bridging lines. This was first strongly advocated and put into wide practical use by J.J. Carty, now the Chief Engineer of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.

A simple illustration of a bridging telephone line is shown in Fig. 166, where the three telephones shown are each connected in a bridge path from the line wire to ground, a type known as a "grounded bridging line." Its use is very common in rural districts.

A better arrangement is shown in Fig. 167, which represents a metallic-circuit bridging line, three telephone instruments being shown in parallel or bridge paths across the two line wires.

The actual circuit arrangements of a bridging party line are better shown in Fig. 168. There are three stations and it will be seen that at each station there are three possible bridges, or bridge paths, across the two limbs of the line. The first of these bridges is controlled by the hook switch and is normally open. When the hook is raised, however, this path is closed through the receiver and secondary of the induction coil, the primary circuit being also closed so as to include the battery and transmitter. This constitutes an ordinary local-battery talking set.

A second bridge at each station is led through the ringer or call-bell, and this, in most bridging telephones, is permanently closed, the continuity of this path between the two limbs of the line not being affected either by the hook switch or by the automatic switch in connection with the generator.

A third bridge path at each station is led through the generator. This, as indicated, is normally open, but the automatic cut-in switch of the generator serves, when the generator is operated, to close its path across the line, so that it may send its currents to the line and ring the bells of all the stations.

When any generator is operated, its current divides and passes over the line wires and through all of the ringers in multiple. It is seen, therefore, that the requirements for a bridging generator are that it shall be capable of generating a large current, sufficient when divided up amongst all the bells to ring each of them; and that it shall be capable of producing a sufficient voltage to send the required current not only to the near-by stations, but to the stations at the distant end of the line.

It might seem at first that the bridging system avoided one difficulty only to encounter another. It clearly avoids the difficulty of the series system in that the voice currents, in order to reach distant stations, do not have to pass through all of the bells of the idle stations in series. There is, however, presented at each station a leakage path through the bell bridged across the line, through which it would appear the voice currents might leak uselessly from one side of the line to the other and not pass on in sufficient volume to the distant station. This difficulty is, however, more apparent than real. It is found that, by making the ringers of high impedance, the leakage of voice currents through them from one side of the line to the other is practically negligible.

It is obvious that in a heavily loaded bridged line, the bell at the home station, that is at the station from which the call is being sent, will take slightly more than its share of the current, and it is also obvious that the ringing of the home bell performs no useful function. The plan is frequently adopted, therefore, of having the operation of the generator serve to cut its own bell out of the circuit. The arrangement by which this is done is clearly shown in Fig. 169. The circuit of the bell is normally complete across the line, while the circuit of the generator is normally open. When, however, the generator crank is turned these conditions are reversed, the bell circuit being broken and the generator circuit closed, so as to allow its current all to pass the line. This feature of having the local bell remain silent upon the operation of its own generator is also of advantage because other parties at the same station are not disturbed by the ringing of the bell when a call is being made by that station.

A difficulty encountered on non-selective bridging party lines, which at first seems amusing rather than serious, but which nevertheless is often a vexatious trouble, is that due to the propensity of some people to "listen in" on the line on hearing calls intended for other than their own stations. People whose ethical standards would not permit them to listen at, or peep through, a keyhole, often engage in this telephonic eavesdropping.

Frequently, not only one but many subscribers will respond to a call intended for others and will listen to the ensuing conversation. This is disadvantageous in several respects: It destroys the privacy of conversation between any two parties; it subjects the local batteries to an unnecessary and useless drain; and it greatly impairs the ringing efficiency of the line. The reason for this interference with ringing is that the presence of the low-resistance receivers across the line allows the current sent out by any of the generators to pass in large measure through the receivers, thus depriving the ringers, which are of comparatively high resistance and impedance, of the energy necessary to operate them. As a result of this it is frequently impossible for one party to repeat the call for another because, during the interval between the first and second call, a number of parties remove their receivers from their hooks in order to listen. Ring-off or clearing-out signals are likewise interfered with.

A partial remedy for this interference with ringing, due to eavesdropping, is to introduce a low-capacity condenser into the receiver circuit at each station, as shown in Fig. 169. This does not seriously interfere with the speech transmission since the condensers will readily transmit the high-frequency voice currents. Such condensers, however, have not sufficient capacity to enable them readily to transmit the low-frequency ringing currents and hence these are forced, in large measure, to pass through the bells for which they are intended rather than leaking through the low-resistance receiver paths.

The best condenser for this use is of about 1/2-microfarad capacity, which is ample for voice-transmitting purposes, while it serves to effectively bar the major portion of the generator currents. A higher capacity condenser would carry the generator currents much more readily and thus defeat the purpose for which it was intended.

In order that the requisite impedance may be given to the ringers employed for bridging party lines, it is customary to make the cores rather long and of somewhat larger diameter than in series ringers and at the same time to wind the coils with rather fine wire so as to secure the requisite number of turns. Bridging bells are ordinarily wound to a resistance of 1,000 or 1,600 ohms, these two figures having become standard practice. It is not, however, the high resistance so much as the high impedance that is striven for in bridging bells; it is the number of turns that is of principal importance.

As has already been stated, the generators used for bridging lines are made capable of giving a greater current output than is necessary in series instruments, and for this purpose they are usually provided with at least four, and usually five, bar magnets. The armature is made correspondingly long and is wound, as a rule, with about No. 33 wire.

Sometimes where a bridged party line terminates in a central-office switchboard it is desired to so operate the line that the subscribers shall not be able to call up each other, but shall, instead, be able to signal only the central-office operator, who, in turn, will be enabled to call the party desired, designating his station by a suitable code ring. One common way to do this is to use biased bells instead of the ordinary polarized bells. In order that the bells may not be rung by the subscribers' generators, these generators are made of the direct-current type and these are so associated with the line that the currents which they send out will be in the wrong direction to actuate the bells. On the other hand, the central-office generator is of direct-current type and is associated with the line in the right direction to energize the bells. Thus any subscriber on the line may call the central office by merely turning his generator crank, which action will not ring the bells of the subscribers on the line. The operator will then be able to receive the call and in turn send out currents of the proper direction to ring all the bells and, by code, call the desired party to the telephone.

Signal Code. The code by which stations are designated on non-selective party lines usually consists in combinations of long and short rings similar to the dots and dashes in the Morse code. Thus, one short ring may indicate Station No. 1; two short rings Station No. 2; and so on up to, say, five short rings, indicating Station No. 5. It is not good practice to employ more than five successive short rings because of the confusion which often arises in people's minds as to the number of rings that they hear. When, therefore, the number of stations to be rung by code exceeds five, it is better to employ combinations of long and short rings, and a good way is to adopt a partial decimal system, omitting the numbers higher than five in each ten, and employing long rings to indicate the tens digits and short rings to indicate the units digit, Table X.


Signal Code - -+ STATION NUMBER RING STATION NUMBER RING 1 1 short 12 1 long, 2 short 2 2 short 13 1 long, 3 short 3 3 short 14 1 long, 4 short 4 4 short 15 1 long, 5 short 5 5 short 21 2 long, 1 short 11 1 long, 1 short 22 2 long, 2 short + - -

Other arrangements are often employed and by almost any of them a great variety of readily distinguishable signals may be secured. The patrons of such lines learn to distinguish, with comparatively few errors, between the calls intended for them and those intended for others, but frequently they do not observe the distinction, as has already been pointed out.

Limitations. With good telephones the limit as to the number of stations that it is possible to operate upon a single line is usually due more to limitations in ringing than in talking. As the number of stations is increased indefinitely a condition will be reached at which the generators will not be able to generate sufficient current to ring all of the bells, and this condition is likely to occur before the talking efficiency is seriously impaired by the number of bridges across the line.

Neither of these considerations, however, should determine the maximum number of stations to be placed on a line. The proper limit as to the number of stations is not the number that can be rung by a single generator, or the number with which it is possible to transmit speech properly, but rather the number of stations that may be employed without causing undue interference between the various parties who may desire to use the line. Overloaded party lines cause much annoyance, not only for the reason that the subscribers are often not able to use the line when they want it, but also, in non-selective lines, because of the incessant ringing of the bells, and the liability of confusion in the interpretation of the signaling code, which of course becomes more complex as the number of stations increases.

The amount of business that is done over a telephone line is usually referred to as the "traffic." It will be understood, however, in considering party-line working that the number of calls per day or per hour, or per shorter unit, is not the true measure of the traffic and, therefore, not the true measure of the amount of possible interference between the various subscribers on the line.

An almost equally great factor is the average length of the conversation. In city lines, that is, in lines in city exchanges, the conversation is usually short and averages perhaps two minutes in duration. In country lines, however, serving people in rural districts, who have poor facilities for seeing each other, particularly during the winter time, the conversations will average very much longer. In rural communities the people often do much of their visiting by telephone, and conversations of half an hour in length are not unusual. It is obvious that under such conditions a party line having a great many stations will be subject to very grave interference between the parties, people desiring to use the line for business purposes often being compelled to wait an undue time before they may secure the use of the line.

It is obvious, therefore, that the amount of traffic on the line, whether due to many short conversations or to a comparatively few long ones, is the main factor that should determine the number of stations that, economically, may be placed on a line. The facilities also for building lines enter as a factor in this respect, since it is obvious that in comparatively poor communities the money may not be forthcoming to build as many lines as are needed to properly take care of the traffic. A compromise is, therefore, often necessary, and the only rule that may be safely laid down is to place as few parties on a given line as conditions will admit.

No definite limit may be set to apply to all conditions but it may be safely stated that under ordinary circumstances no more than ten stations should be placed on a non-selective line. Twenty stations are, however, common, and sometimes forty and even fifty have been connected to a single line. In such cases the confusion which results, even if the talking and the ringing efficiency are tolerable, makes the service over such overloaded lines unsatisfactory to all concerned.



The problem which confronts one in the production of a system of selective ringing on party lines is that of causing the bell of any chosen one of the several parties on a circuit to respond to a signal sent out from the central office without sounding any of the other bells. This, of course, must be accomplished without interfering with the regular functions of the telephone line and apparatus. By this is meant that the subscribers must be able to call the central office and to signal for disconnection when desired, and also that the association of the selective-signaling devices with the line shall not interfere with the transmission of speech over the line. A great many ways of accomplishing selective ringing on party lines have been proposed, and a large number of them have been used. All of these ways may be classified under four different classes according to the underlying principle involved.

Classification. (1) Polarity systems are so called because they depend for their operation on the use of bells or other responsive devices so polarized that they will respond to one direction of current only. These bells or other devices are so arranged in connection with the line that the one to be rung will be traversed by current in the proper direction to actuate it, while all of the others will either not be traversed by any current at all, or by current in the wrong direction to cause their operation.

(2) The harmonic systems have for their underlying principle the fact that a pendulum or elastic reed, so supported as to be capable of vibrating freely, will have one particular rate of vibration which it may easily be made to assume. This pendulum or reed is placed under the influence of an electromagnet associated with the line, and owing to the fact that it will vibrate easily at one particular rate of vibration and with extreme difficulty at any other rate, it is clear that for current impulses of a frequency corresponding to its natural rate the reed will take up the vibration, while for other frequencies it will fail to respond.

Selection on party lines by means of this system is provided for by tuning all of the reeds on the line at different rates of vibration and is accomplished by sending out on the line ringing currents of proper frequency to ring the desired bell. The current-generating devices for ringing these bells are capable of sending out different frequencies corresponding respectively to the rates of vibration of each of the vibrating reed tongues. To select any one station, therefore, the current frequency corresponding to the rate of vibration of the reed tongue at that station is sent and this, being out of tune with the reed tongues at all of the other stations, operates the tongue of the desired station, but fails to operate those at all of the other stations.

(3) In the step-by-step system the bells on the line are normally not in operative relation with the line and the bell of the desired party on the line is made responsive by sending over the line a certain number of impulses preliminary to ringing it. These impulses move step-by-step mechanisms at each of the stations in unison, the arrangement being such that the bells at the several stations are each made operative after the sending of a certain number of preliminary impulses, this number being different for all the stations.

(4) The broken-line systems are new in telephony and for certain fields of work look promising. In these the line circuit is normally broken up into sections, the first section terminating at the first station out from the central office, the second section at the second station, and so on. When the line is in its normal or inactive condition only the bell at the first station is so connected with the line circuit as to enable it to be rung, the line being open beyond. Sending a single preliminary impulse will, however, operate a switching device so as to disconnect the bell at the first station and to connect the line through to the second station. This may be carried out, by sending the proper number of preliminary impulses, so as to build up the line circuit to the desired station, after which the sending of the ringing current will cause the bell to ring at that station only.

Polarity Method. The polarity method of selective signaling on party lines is probably the most extensively used. The standard selective system of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company operates on this principle.

Two-Party Line. It is obvious that selection may be had between two parties on a single metallic-circuit line without the use of biased bells or current of different polarities. Thus, one limb of a metallic circuit may be used as one grounded line to ring the bell at one of the stations, and the other limb of the metallic circuit may be used as another grounded line to ring the bell of the other station; and the two limbs may be used together as a metallic circuit for talking purposes as usual.

This is shown in Fig. 170, where the ringing keys at the central office are diagrammatically shown in the left-hand portion of the figure as K^{1} and K^{2}. The operation of these keys will be more fully pointed out in a subsequent chapter, but a correct understanding will be had if it be remembered that the circuits are normally maintained by these keys in the position shown. When, however, either one of the keys is operated, the two long springs may be considered as pressed apart so as to disengage the normal contacts between the springs and to engage the two outer contacts, with which they are shown in the cut to be disengaged. The two outer contacts are connected respectively to an ordinary alternating-current ringing generator and to ground, but the connection is reversed on the two keys.

At Station A the ordinary talking set is shown in simplified form, consisting merely of a receiver, transmitter, and hook switch in a single bridge circuit across the line. An ordinary polarized bell is shown connected in series with a condenser between the lower limb of the line and ground. At Station B the same talking circuit is shown, but the polarized bell and condenser are bridged between the upper limb of the line and ground.

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