Releasing cause, 73, 74, 115, 118-9, 120
Repetition and generalization, 230-1, 232 and fabrication, 44-5, 46, 155-8 and intellect, 156-7, 199, 214-6 of states, 5-6, 7-8, 28-9, 30, 36, 45-6, 47 in the vital and in the mathematical order, 225, 226, 230, 231
Representation and action, 143-4, 145, 180 classes of: qualities, forms, acts, 302-3, 314 and consciousness, 143-4 of motion, 159-60, 303-4, 305, 306-7, 308, 313, 315, 344-5 of the Nought, 273-80, 281-4, 289-317, 327
Represented or internalized action distinguished from externalized action, 144-7, 158-9, 165
Reproduction and individuation, 13, 14
Resemblance. See Similarity
Reservoir, organism a, of energy, 115, 116, 125-6, 245, 246, 254
Rest and motion in Zeno, 308-12
Retrogression in evolution, 133, 134
Retrospection the function of intellect, 47-8, 237
Reversed psychology: intuitional cosmology, 208
Rhizocephala and animal mobility, 111
Rhumbler, 34 note
Rhythm of duration, 11-2, 127-8, 300-1, 345-7 intelligence adopts the, of action, 305-6 of perception, 299-300, 301 and quality, 301 scanning the, of the universe the function of science, 346-7 of science must coincide with that of action, 320 of the universe untranslatable into scientific formulae, 337
Rings of arthropods, 132-3
Ripening, creative evolution as, 47-8, 340-1
Romanes, 139
Roule, 27 note
Roy (Le), Ed., 218 note
Salamandra maculata, vision in, 75
Salensky, 75 note
Same, function of intellect connecting same with same, 199-200, 233, 270
Samter and Heymons, 72 note
Saporta (De), 112 note
Savage's sense of distance and direction, 212
Skepticism or dogmatism the dilemma of any systematic metaphysics, 195-6, 197, 230-1
Schisms in the primitive impulsion of life, 254-5, 257. See Divergent lines of evolution
Scholasticism, 370
Science and action, 93, 195, 198, 328-9 ancient, and modern, 329-37, 342-5, 357 astronomy, ancient and modern, 334-5, 336 cartesian geometry and ancient geometry, 333-4 cinematographical character of modern, 329, 330, 336-7, 340-1, 342, 345-8 conventionality of a certain aspect of, 206-7 and deduction, 212-3 and discontinuity, 161-2 function of, 92, 167-8, 173-4, 176-7, 193-4, 195-6, 198-9, 328-9, 346-7 Galileo's influence on modern, 333-4, 335 and instinct, 169, 170, 173-4, 175, 193-5 and intelligence, 176, 177, 193-6 Kepler's influence on modern, 334 and matter, 194-5, 206-7, 208 modern. See Modern science object of, 195-6, 220, 221, 251, 270-1, 273, 296-8, 306-7, 328-9, 332-3, 335-6, 347-8 and perception, 168 and philosophy, 175-6, 196-7, 208-9, 344, 370 physical. See Physics and reality. See Reality and science and time, 8-13, 20, 335-8 unity of, 195-6, 197, 228-9, 230, 321-2, 323, 344-5, 347-8, 349, 354, 355-6, 359-60, 362-3
Scientific concepts, 338-40 explanation and philosophical explanation, 168 formulae, 337 geometry, 161, 211 knowledge, 193-4, 196-7, 198, 199, 207, 208, 218
Sclerosis and ageing, 19
Scolia, paralyzing instinct in, 172
Scope of action indefinitely extended by intelligent instruments, 141 of Galileo's physics, 357, 370
Scott, 63 note
Sea-urchin and individuality, 13
Seailles, 29 note
Secondary instincts, 139, 168
Sectioning of becoming in the philosophy of ideas, 317-8 of matter by perception, 206-7, 249, 251
Sedgwick, 260 note
Seeing and willing, coincidence of, in intuition, 237
Selection, natural, 54, 56-7, 59-60, 61-2, 63, 64, 68, 95-6, 169, 170
Self, coincidence of, with, 199 existence of, means change, 1 ff. knowledge of, 1 ff.
Senescence, 15-23, 26-7, 42-3
Sensation and space, 202
Sense-perception. See Perception
Sensible flux, 316-7, 318, 321, 322, 327, 343, 345 intuition and ultra-intellectual, 360-1 object, apogee of, 342-3, 344-5, 349 reality, 314, 317, 319, 327, 328, 352
Sensibility, forms of, 361
Sensitive plant, in illustration of mobility in plants, 109
Sensori-motor system. See Nervous system
Sensuous manifold, 205, 221, 232, 235, 236
Sentiment, poetic, in illustration of individuation, 258, 259
Serkovski, 259 note
Serpula, in illustration of identical evolution in divergent lines, 96
Sexual cells, 14, 26, 27, 79-81
Sexuality parallel in plants and animals, 58-60, 119-21
Shaler, N.S., 133 note, 184 note
Sheath, calcareous, in illustration of animal tendency to mobility, 130-1
Signs, function of, 158, 159, 160 the instrument of science, 329-30
Sigwart, 287 note
Silurian epoch, failure of certain species to evolve since, 102
Similarity among individuals of same species the type of generality, 224-6, 228-9, 230-1 and mechanical causality, 44, 45
Simultaneity, to measure time is merely to count simultaneities, 9, 336, 337, 341
Sinuousness of evolution, 71, 98, 102, 212-3
Sitaris, unconscious knowledge of, 146, 147
Situation and magnitude, problems of, 211
Sketching movements, function of consciousness, 207-8
Sleep, 129-31, 135, 181
Snapshot, in illustration of intellectual representation of motion, 305, 306, 313, 315, 344 See View of reality, Cinematographical character, etc. form defined as a, of transition, 301-2, 317, 318, 321-2, 345
Social instinct, 101, 140, 158, 171-2 life, 138, 140, 158, 265 and pedagogical character of negation, 287-97
Societies, 101, 131-2, 158, 171-2, 259
Society and the individual, 260, 265
Solar energy stored by plants, released by animals, 246, 254 systems, 241-4, 246 note, 256, 270 systems, life in other, 256
Solid, concepts analogous to solids, ix intellect as a solid nucleus, 193, 194 the material of construction and the object of the intellect, 153, 154, 161, 162, 251
Solidarity between brain and consciousness, 180, 262 of the parts of matter, 203, 207-8, 241, 271
Solidification operated by the understanding, 249
[Greek: soma] in Aristotle, 350
Somnambulism and consciousness, 144, 145, 159
Soul and body, 350 and cell, 269 creation of, 270
Space and action, 203 in ancient philosophy, 318, 319 and concepts, 160-1, 163, 174-5, 176-7, 188-9, 257-9 geometrical, 203 homogeneity of, 156, 212 and induction, 216 in Kant's philosophy, 205, 206, 207, 244 in Leibniz's philosophy, 351 and matter, 189, 202-13, 244, 257, 264, 361-2, 368 and time in Kant's philosophy, 205-6 unity and multiplicity determinations of, 357-9 See Extension
Spatiality atmosphere of, bathing intelligence, 205 degradation of the extra-spatial, 207 and distinctness, 203, 207, 244, 250, 257-9 and geometrical space, 203, 211, 213, 218 and mathematical order, 208, 209
Special instincts and environment, 138, 168, 192-3, 194 and recollections, 167, 168, 180 as variations on a theme, 167, 172, 264
Species, articulate, 133 evolution of, 247, 255, 269 and external finality, 128-9, 130-1, 132, 266 fossil, 102 human, as goal of evolution, 266, 267 human, styled homo faber, 139 and instinct, 140, 167, 170-2, 264 and life, 167 similarity within, 223-6, 228-9, 230-1
Speculation, dead-locks in, xii, 155, 156, 312, 313-4 object of philosophy, 44, 152, 196, 198, 220, 225-6, 227, 251, 270-1, 273, 297-8, 306-7, 317, 347-8
Spencer, Herbert, xi, xiv, 78-9, 153, 188, 189, 190, 364, 365
Spencer's evolutionism, correspondence between mind and matter in, 368 cosmogony in, 188 imprint of relations and laws upon consciousness in, 188 matter in, 365, 367 mind in, 365, 367
Spheres, concentric, in Aristotle's philosophy, 328
Sphex, paralyzing instinct in, 172-5
Spiders and paralyzing hymenoptera, 172
Spinal cord, 110
Spinoza, the adequate and the inadequate, 353 cause, 277 dogmatism, 356, 357 eternity, 353 extension, 350 God, 351, 357 intuitionism, 347 mechanism, 348, 352, 355, 356 time, 362
Spirit, 251, 269, 270
Spirituality and materiality, 128-9, 201-3, 316-7, 208-9, 210-1, 212-3, 217, 218, 219, 222-3, 237, 238, 245, 247-8, 249, 251, 254, 256, 257, 259, 261, 267, 270-1, 272, 276, 343
Spontaneity of life, 86, 237. See Freedom and mechanism, 40 in vegetables, 109 and the willed order, 224
Sport (biol.), 63
Starch, in the function of vegetable kingdom, 114
States of becoming, 1, 13, 163, 247-8, 299, 300, 307
Static character of the intellect, 155-6, 163, 274, 298 views of becoming, 273
Stehasny, 124 note
Steam-engine and bronze, parallel as epoch-marking, 138-9
Stentor and individuality, 260
Stoics, 316
Storing of solar energy by plants, 246, 253-6
Strain of bow and indivisibility of motion, 308
Stream, duration as a, 39, 338
Structure and function. See Function and structure identical, in divergent lines of evolution, 55, 60, 61-2, 63, 69, 73-4, 75, 76-7, 83, 86, 87, 118-9
Subject and attribute, 147-8
Substance, albuminoid, 120-1 continuity of living, 162 organic, 121, 131, 140, 142, 149, 162-3, 195-7 note, 255, 267 in Spinoza's philosophy, 350 ternary substances, 121
Substantives, adjectives, verbs, correspond to the three classes of representation, 302-4
Substitution essential to representation of the Nought, 281, 283-4, 289-90, 291, 294, 296
Success of physics, 218, 219-20 and superiority, 133, 264-5
Succession in time, 10, 339, 340, 341, 345. Cf. Juxtaposition
Successors of Kant, 363, 364
Sudden mutations, 28, 62-3, 64-5, 68-9
Sun, 115, 241, 323
Superaddition of existence upon nothingness, 276 of order upon disorder, 236, 275
Superimposition. See Measurement of qualities, in induction, 216
Superiority, evolutionary, 133-5, 173, 174-5
Superman, 267
Supraconsciousness, 261
Survival of the fit, 169. See Natural selection
Swim, learning to, as instinctive learning, 193, 194
Symbol, the concept is a, 161, 209, 341-2 of reality, xi, 30-1, 71, 88-9, 93, 195-6, 210, 240, 342, 360-1, 369-70
Symbolic knowledge of life, 199, 342, 360
Symbolism, 176, 180, 360
Sympathetic or intuitive knowledge, 209, 210, 342
Sympathy, instinct is, 164, 168, 172-8, 342-3. See Divination, Feeling, Inspiration
Systematic metaphysics, dilemma of, 195, 196, 230-1 contrasted with intuitional, 191-2, 193-4, 238, 269, 270, 277, 346-8 postulate of, 190, 195
Systematization of physics, Liebniz's philosophy, 347
Systems, isolated, 9-13, 203, 214, 215, 241, 242, 342, 347-9
Tangent and curve, analogy with deduction and the moral sphere, 214 analogy with physico-chemistry and life, 31
Tarakevitch, 124 note
Teleology. See Finalism
Tendency, antagonistic tendencies of life, 13, 98, 103, 113, 135, 150 antagonistic tendencies in development of nervous system, 124-5 complementary tendencies of life, 51, 103, 135, 150, 168, 246 to dissociation, 260 divergent tendencies of life, 54, 89, 99, 101, 107-8, 109-10, 112, 116-8, 134, 135, 150, 181, 246, 254-8 to individuation, 13 life a tendency to act on inert matter, 96 toward mobility in animals, 109, 110, 113, 127-8, 129-33, 135, 181, 182 the past exists in present tendency, 5 to reproduce, 13 of species to change, 85-86 mathematical symbols of tendencies, 22, 23 toward systems, in matter, 10 transmission of, 80-1 a vital property is a, 13
Tension and extension, 236, 245 and freedom, 200-2, 207-8, 223, 237, 239, 300-2 matter the inversion of vital, 239 of personality, 199-200, 201, 207-8, 237, 239, 300
Ternary substances, 121
Theology consequent upon philosophy of ideas, 316
Theoretic fallacies, 263, 264 knowledge and instinct, 177, 268 knowledge and intellect, 155, 177, 179, 238, 270, 342, 343
Theorizing not the original function of the intellect, 154-5
Theory of knowledge, xiii, 178, 180, 184-5, 197, 204, 207-8, 209, 228-9, 231 of life, xiii, 178, 180, 197
Thermodynamics, 241-2. See Conservation of energy, Degradation of energy
Thesis and antithesis, 205
Thing as distinguished from motion, 187, 202, 247-8, 249, 299-300 as distinguished from relation, 147, 148, 150, 152, 158-9, 159-60, 161, 187, 202, 352, 356-7 and mind, 206 as solidification operated by understanding, 249
Thing-in-itself, 205, 206, 230-1, 312
Timaeus, 318 note
Time and the absolute, 240, 241, 297-8, 339, 343-4 abstract, 21, 22, 37, 39 articulations of real, 331-3 as force, 16, 45-6, 47, 51, 103, 339 homogeneous, 17, 18, 163-4, 331-3 as independent variable, 20, 335-7 interval of, 9, 22, 23 as invention, 341-2 in Leibniz's philosophy, 351, 352, 362 and logic, 4, 277 and simultaneity, 9, 336, 337, 341 in modern science 321-37, 341-5 and space in Kant, 205 and space in ancient philosophy, 318, 319. See Duration
Tools and intellect, 137-41, 150-1. See Implement
Torpor, in evolution, 109, 111, 113, 114 note, 120, 128-35, 181, 292
Tortoise, Achilles and the, in Zeno, 311
Touch, science expresses all perception as touch, 168 is to vision as intelligence to instinct, 169
Track laid by motion along its course, 309-12, 337
Transcendental Aesthetic, 203
Transformation, 32, 72, 73, 131, 231, 263
Transformism, 23-5
Transition, form a snapshot view of, 301-2, 316-7, 318, 321, 344-5
Transmissibility of acquired characters, 75-84, 87, 168, 169, 172-3, 225-6, 230-1
Transmission of the vital impetus, 26, 27, 79, 85, 87, 88, 93-4, 110, 126-7, 128, 230, 231, 246, 255, 256, 257, 259, 270
Trigger-action of motor mechanisms, 272
Triton, Regeneration in, 75
Tropism and psychical activity, 35 note
Truth seized in intuition, 318-20
Unconscious effort, 170 instinct, 142-3, 144, 145-6, 147, 166 knowledge, 145-8, 150-1
Unconsciousness, two kinds of, 144
Undefinable, reality, 13, 48
Understanding, absoluteness of, 153-4, 190-1, 197-8, 199, 200 and action, ix, xi, 179 genesis of the, ix-xv, 49, 189, 207-8, 257-9, 359, 361-2 and geometry, ix, xii and innateness of categories, 147, 148-9 and intuition, 46-7 and life, ix-xv, 13, 32-3, 46-50, 88-9, 101, 147-8, 149, 152, 162-5, 173-4, 176-7, 178, 195-201, 213, 220, 222-3, 224, 226, 257-9, 261, 266, 270, 271, 313, 361-2, 365 and inert matter, 166, 168, 179, 194-5, 198, 205-6, 207, 219, 355 and the ready-made, xiii, 48, 237, 250, 251, 273, 311, 321, 328-9, 354, 358 and the solid, ix unlimited scope of the, 149, 150, 152 See Intellect, Intelligence, Concept, Categories, Frames of the understanding, Logic
Undone, automatic and determinate evolution is action being, 249
Unfolding cause, 73, 74
Unforeseeableness of action, 47 of duration, 6, 164, 340-2 of evolution, 47, 48, 52, 86, 224 of invention, 164 of life, 164, 184 and the willed order, 224, 342-3 See Foreseeing
Unification as the function of the intellect, 152, 154, 357-8
Uniqueness of phases of duration, 164
Unity of extension, 154 of knowledge, 195-6 of life, 106-7, 250, 268, 271 of mental life, 268 and multiplicity as determinations of space, 351-3 of nature, 104-5, 189-90, 191, 195-6, 197, 199, 322, 352, 356-8 of the organism, 176-7 of science, 195-6, 197, 228-9, 230, 321, 322, 344-5, 347, 359-60, 362-3
Universal interaction, 188, 189 life, consciousness coextensive with, 186, 257, 270
Universe, continuity of, 346 Descartes's, 346 physical, and the idea of disorder, 233, 275 duration of, 10, 11, 241 evolution of, 241, 246 note growth of, 342-3, 344 movement of, in Aristotle, 323 mutability of, 244, 245 as organism, 31, 241 as realization of plan, 40 rhythm of, 337, 339, 346-7 states of, considered by science, 336, 337 as unification of physics, 348-9, 357
Unknowable, the, of evolutionism, xi the, in Kant, 204, 205, 206
Unmaking, the nature of the process of materiality, 245, 248, 249, 251, 272, 342-3
Unorganized bodies, 7-8, 14, 20, 21, 186. See inert matter instruments, 137-9, 140-1, 150-1 matter, cleft between, and the organized, 190, 191, 196, 197-9 matter, imitation of the organized by, 33-4, 35, 36 matter and science, 194-6 matter. See inert matter
Unwinding cause, 73 of immutability in Greek philosophy, 325, 352
Upspringing of invention, 164
Utility, 4-5, 150, 152, 154-5, 158-9, 160, 168, 187, 195-6, 247-8, 297-8, 328-9, 330
Vanessa levana and Vanessa prorsa, transformation of, 72
Variable, time as an independent, 20, 336
Variation, accidental, 55, 63-4, 68, 85, 168-9 of color, in lizards, 72, 74 by deviation, 82-3, 84 of evolutionary type, 23-4, 72 note, 131-2, 137-8, 167, 169, 171-2, 264 insensible, 63, 68 interest as cause of, 131-2 in plants, 85-86
Vegetable kingdom. See Plants
Verb, relation expressed by, 148
Verbs, substantives and adjectives, 303
Verse and prose, in illustration of the two kinds of order, 221, 232
Vertebrate, ix, 126, 130, 131-4, 141
Vibrations, matter analyzed into elementary, 201
Vicious circle, apparent, of intuitionism, 192-4, 196-7 of intellectualism, 194, 197, 318-9, 320
View, intellectual, of becoming, 4, 90-1, 273, 298-9, 304, 305, 310, 326-7 intellectual, of matter, 203, 240, 250, 254, 255 of reality, 206
Vignon, P., 35 note
Virtual actions, 12. See Possible action geometry, 212
Vise, consciousness compressed in a, 179
Vision of God, in Alexandrian philosophy, 322 in molluscs. See Eye of molluscs, etc. in Salamandra maculata, 75
Vital activity, 134-6, 139, 140, 166-9, 246, 247-8 current, 26, 27, 53-5, 80, 85, 87, 88, 96-105, 118-9, 120, 230-1, 232, 239, 257, 266, 270 impetus, 50-1, 53-5, 85, 87, 88, 98-105, 118-9, 126-7, 128, 131-2, 141-2, 148-9, 150, 218, 230-1, 232, 247-8, 250, 252, 254-5, 261 order, cause in, 34, 35, 94-5, 164 order, finality and, 223-5, 226 order, generalization in the, and in the mathematical order contrasted, 225, 226, 230-1 order, and the geometrical order, 222-3, 225, 226, 230, 231, 235, 236, 330-1 order, imitation of physical order by vital, 230 principle, 42, 43, 225, 226 order, repetition in the vital and the mathematical orders contrasted, 225, 226, 230, 231 process, 166-7
Vitalism, 42, 43
Void, representation of, 273, 274, 275, 277-8, 281, 283-4, 289-90, 291, 292, 294, 296, 298
Voisin, 80
Volition and cerebral mechanism, 253-4
Voluntary activity, 110, 252
Vries (de), 24, 63 note, 85
Wasps, instinct in, 140, 172
Weapons and intellect, 137
Weismann, 26, 78, 80-1
Will and caprice, 47 and cerebral mechanism, 252 current of, penetrating matter, 237 insertion of, into reality, 305-6, 307 and relaxation, 201, 207-8 and mechanism in disorder, 233 tension of, 199, 201, 207-8
Willed order, mutual contingency of willed order and mathematical order, 231-3 unforeseeability in the, 224, 342-3
Willing, coincidence of seeing and, in intuition, 237
Wilson, E.B., 36
Wolff, 75 note
Words and states, 4, 302-3 three classes of, corresponding to three classes of representation, 302-3, 313-4
World, intelligible, 162-3 principle: conciousness, 237, 261
Worms, in illustration of ambiguity of primitive organisms, 130
Yellow-winged sphex, paralyzing instinct in, 172
Zeno on motion, 308-13
Zone of potentialities surrounding acts, 179-80, 181, 264
Zoology, 128-9
Zoospores of algae, in illustration of mobility in plants, 112