You also introduced some one to me here. Frau Agnes Street— Klindworth brought me a letter from you which you had given to her five years ago for London. I have to thank you for the most pleasant acquaintance which you procure to me so unexpectedly and after all that time. I was soon at home with her and Papa Klindworth, and owe the most pleasant memories to these two people. The old man amused me greatly by his incredible wealth of diplomatic anecdote.
I return to Paris today in order to have a closer view of my brilliant misery. M. Royer wants a large ballet for the second act of "Tannhauser"; you may imagine how I relish the idea. My only refuge in the face of such demands is Princess Metternich, who is highly esteemed by Fould, etc. I must see whether I can get rid of this ballet, otherwise I shall of course withdraw "Tannhauser."
Well, you have now a good insight into the joy of my existence. Do not delay communicating to me a fragment of your life. The only thing that makes our position towards this misery of world and life tolerable is the growing contempt for world and life; and if one can arrive at that in a good humour, things are all right for a little while. But when one perceives how few things hold water, when one observes the terrible superficiality, the incredible thoughtlessness, the selfish desire for pleasure, which inspire every one, one's own earnestness appears often in a very comic light. This consideration is to me, at least, the only one which sometimes puts me in a tolerable mood.
A thousand cordial greetings to you, my dearest Franz; with Mamma I get on very well. The old lady quite touches me by her love and sympathetic insight. Farewell, and remember lovingly,
R. W.
Depeche Telegraphique.
WEYMAR, le 22 Mai.
Deposee sous le no. 93 a 12 heures 31 minutes s. Expediee a domicile le 22 a 2 heures 15 minutes soir.
Cordial wishes for your birthday from your
Your letter, dearest, unique friend, is to me more beautiful than the most beautiful balmy May day. May you rejoice in the joy which it has given to me.
I wish I could telegraph myself to Paris. Where could I be more happy than with you, in the magic circle of "Rhinegold", the "Valkyrie", "Siegfried", "Tristan" and "Isolde"—all of them the objects of my longing? But I must not think of this for the present, although I shall certainly come as soon as I can.
Your photograph has been announced to me by an amiable hand, but has not made its appearance so far. I told you before that your little bust stands on my writing-desk as UNICUM. The photograph will find its place in the same room, which otherwise contains nothing ARTISTIC. Beethoven, Weber, Schubert, and others of that stamp keep company to your portrait (that with the motto, "Du weisst wie das wird") in the ante-room. HERE I want to have you alone together with my St. Francis, whom Steinly has designed for me splendidly. He stands on heaving ocean-waves, his outspread cloak on, firmly, unmovedly. In his left hand he calmly holds burning coals; the right is extended in the act of blessing; his gaze is turned upwards, where the word "charitas" glows, surrounded by an aureole.
The great life-question of the Princess has been finally and favourably settled. All the villainous and subtle intrigues which were spun for a number of years have been dispelled.
After the return of the Princess from Rome (where she arrived last Sunday, and will probably stay till the end of July) all will be arranged. I wish I could soon have the pleasure of seeing you CHEZ NOUS.
Through Fraulein Hundt (whom, together with her friend Ingeborg Stark, you received so amiably) I heard a good many things about your way of life in Paris. "Tannhauser", with ballet, and a contest of translators as well as of minstrels, are immediately before you. It will be a tough piece of work for you, and I advise as many walks and cooling baths as possible. Fips should teach you a little philosophic patience during the rehearsals. Frau Burde-Ney told me lately when she was "starring" here, that she intended to go to Paris for a few days, in order to study Isolde with you. She has the necessary stuff ("Wupptich" they say at Dresden) for it.
A thousand thanks for the score which Hartel has sent me. You know best how all this is sung from my very soul. Let me know when convenient what you consider most desirable in regard to the performance of "Tristan." At Carlsruhe it seems impossible, and Devrient was inclined to bet that "Tristan" could not be performed anywhere else either, unless you consented to considerable alterations. This is by no means my opinion, and as often as Devrient said NO, I replied YES. His stage experience is, no doubt, older than mine, but nevertheless I have perfect confidence in my opinion of such things. You know for what reasons I did not, at the time, beg "Tristan" for Weymar, and you will approve of my passive attitude. If, as I should not like to think, no favourable chances for the speedy performance of this marvellous work turn up, and if, for the present, you will be satisfied with a performance here, I firmly believe that I can arrange it for next season (1861). Let me know your views when you write again. Meanwhile I remain, with all my heart,
Your own
WEYMAR, May 31st, 1860.
I shall remain here till the return of the Princess. Whether Berlioz will reply to your letter, couched in the barbarous French of Genius, in OUR sense, appears somewhat doubtful. The more's the pity.
PARIS, June 15th, 1860.
Can you induce Herr D. to send me a prompt reply to my last letter? The question at stake is whether or not I shall be able to do something for the health of my wife this summer in accordance with the doctor's prescription. I MUST know this. At the same time I must declare that I shall not accept less than 1,000 francs.
I do not want to encroach upon you, but what you can do without injuring yourself, do please, as soon as possible.
If they think me worth that sum at Weimar I shall expect the bill of exchange by return of post.
According to a letter just received, D. thinks it necessary to refuse me the thousand francs I had asked for, and offers me thirty louis d'or instead.
This puts me in an awkward position. On the one hand I am, as usual, greatly in want of money, and shall decidedly not be able to send my wife to Loden for a cure, unless I receive the subvention I had hoped for. On the other hand, I must despair of ever prospering if, compelled by necessity, I have to yield on every occasion. I have explained my view of the question of honorarium to D. quite openly and without any brusqueness, and have finally insisted upon my first demand.
I should like to let my wife start as soon as possible. The worst turn which this affair could take at Weimar would be, if my demand were simply refused, and if I had nothing at all to give to my wife.
You now know my position exactly. If your diplomatic genius could find a middle course (in case my demand cannot be carried) you would oblige me greatly. I suppose that you are on sufficiently good terms with D., and hope that, at the worst, you will discover such a middle course. Therefore kindly look after this trumpery matter. I am unfortunately surrounded by nothing but trumpery things.
Let me hear from you soon.
R. W.
Concerning the "Rienzi" honorarium, I could effect nothing beyond what D. had offered to you. Pardon me, dearest friend, for not having written to you at once, but I am very tired this week and as unwell as the normal state of my health will allow me to be. It is not of any consequence, and a few days' rest will set me right again. In the meanwhile I must unfortunately advise you to accept D.'s proposal. The G. D. is not here, and no other course is open until the performance actually takes place. After that I hope to get you a few hundred francs more. D. tells me that "Rienzi" is to take the place of the "Prophet" next season. Five (say 5) new decorations have been ordered, and are in preparation. Meffert will sing the title part, and the other characters will be decently represented, while the chorus will be increased by soldiers. Let it therefore take its course until we can do something better. Patience, says Byron, is the virtue of mules, but he who does not possess it remains a miserable ass.
I shall write to you in a few days about several things not connected with business. Most cordially
F. L.
June 24th (birthday of the Grand Duke, who is not expected back here before eight or ten days. From Baden he has gone to Switzerland with his wife).
Your photograph has arrived at last, and lights up my room.
Madame Kalergi's intercession in your concert affair gives me great joy. Beautiful and noble traits of that kind are, unfortunately, seldom met with. Will you kindly forward the enclosed lines to my gracious lady protectress? I do not know her present address. You are once more in the old "Tannhauser" birth throes. Much luck! You will have to suffer much at the rehearsals, and have perhaps never undergone so hard a trial of patience as the re-writing and studying of this work, which to you is partly "ein uberwundener Standpunkt," as friend Brendel says. Through means of the "Presse Theatrale", which is kindly sent to me, I remain au courant of your exertions. Be not too much annoyed at being an immortal poet and composer; there is nothing worse in this world to which one should apply the following modified version of Leibnitz's well-known axiom: Tout est pour le mieux, dans un des plus mauvais mondes possible!
Alas! I lately again had a great misfortune. One of my few friends, the bravest and most self-sacrificing of all, is dead. Her name was Clara Riese, and she lived as pianoforte teacher at Leipzig, where, on Tuesday, I accompanied her to her last place of rest in the old Johannes cemetery.
Up to the last day I was in hopes that her incredible strength of character would keep her alive; but in vain.
Excuse this mournful message, but I am still so full of her death that I cannot help thinking of it.
Nothing is happening here. D. showed me your letter about "Rienzi", and I am thankful to you for having behaved in so accommodating and generous a manner. The opera will be taken in hand at the commencement of the season (September), and after the first performance I intend to have some conversation with His Serene Highness. Before that it would be useless.
Have you heard anything from Seebach? Madame Kalergi will be the best and most useful intercessor you could employ in this matter.
May everything succeed to your heart's desire.
From the Princess I continue to have very good news; she will probably remain in Rome for some time to come.
In October Hartel will publish the last two of my twelve Symphonic Poems, "Hamlet", and "The Battle of the Huns." As soon as I have an opportunity I shall send you my medley of songs to Paris.
It will be quite right and proper for you to pay a call of thanks to the Princess Regent at Baden-Baden. Considering the well-known favour in which you stand with the Princess, and the sterling quality of her sympathy, she will not fail to have a favourable influence on the course your circumstances will take in the immediate future. Your presenting yourself personally to her is most likely to increase, if possible, her interest in your works. All this is right, and as it should be; on the other hand, it is a pity that I shall not be able to come to Baden. Excuse me from mentioning my reasons; you would perhaps think them miserable, but they determine me categorically. Although I do not think that you will return to Paris as early as Saturday, the hurried character of our meeting, especially in the landscape surroundings of Baden, would be painful. I had made arrangements to start to-night, and the resolution of resigning the pleasure of seeing you again costs me much. Nevertheless, I think it preferable to wait for an opportunity more favourable to both of us, which, I hope, will occur soon.
B. was with me when your letter of August 10th arrived. He came from Wiesbaden, where they were expecting you for a performance of "Lohengrin" (with Niemann). By-the-bye, there will be no lack of "Tannhauser" and "Lohengrin" performances in these regions. Be a little lenient and longsuffering with regard to their defects. Do not misinterpret my stopping at home for the present; there is not an atom of laziness or egoism in it—mats tout bien considere je dois faire ainsi, parceque cela vaut mieux pour vous—and I feel convinced that, later on, you will agree with me.
F. L.
WEYMAR, August 14th, 1860.
My gracious master, the Grand Duke, spoke of you lately with the most lively interest, and expressed his wish to see you here, to which I replied, that for that a SPECIAL occasion would be necessary. You should not forget, however, that he has more than once interceded for you with the King of Saxony by word and by letter.
PARIS, September 13th, 1860.
At last I find time and the proper mood for writing to you in a more collected manner than is usually the case. My late brief letters left a debt to you unpaid.
The letter I received from you at Baden quite satisfied me, and I felt quite ashamed at having proposed so hurried, and to you so inconvenient, a meeting. The matter simply came to this:—
A longer excursion to Germany was on my part quite out of the question, and I had to abandon all hope of the long-desired proper visit to you for this year. A brief interruption of my anything but pleasant stay in Paris was, on the other hand, very desirable to me. I had promised my wife to fetch her, if possible, from Loden. The Rhine I had never seen. I was told at the Prussian Embassy that the Princess of Prussia would shortly arrive on the Rhine, and the Saxon ambassador told me that he would be very pleased, and that it would be agreeable to the King of Saxony also, if I were to thank the Princess for the interest she had taken in the decision finally made in my favour. These various motives I developed into the plan of a very short tour to the Rhine, such as suited my limited finances. One or two days more would have caused the most painful embarrassment to me. I could of course not have thought of staying a day in Frankfort without thinking of the possibility of embracing you, but as you were unable to come, I was unable to wait at Frankfort; you understand why. Therefore, I ventured to ask you to follow me to Baden, where my narrow financial circumstances compelled me to go. I fully understand the reasons which prevented you from coming there. Pardon me for having attempted to smuggle, so to speak, our meeting into another plan. The temptation to such an attempt was too great.
You are quite mistaken, however, in thinking that a "special occasion" would be necessary for inducing me to pay a visit to Weimar. Believe me that I abide by what I told the Grand Duke at Lucerne years ago, when he asked me whether I should be inclined, in case of an amnesty, to stay at Weimar now and then. I told him that the chief reason which would attract me to Weimar would be your society, and that, therefore, I should pay frequent visits to Weimar as long as you were there. You will understand that in my relations to Weimar no change whatever has, fortunately, taken place; on the contrary, I may hope that I shall no longer be obliged to pay for the boon of your society by my participation in insufficient artistic doings (I am speaking of the opera). Be assured that I am joyfully looking forward to the day when I may set sail for Altenburg.
My position in Germany is still far from satisfactory. As you know, I am neither amnestied nor has my sentence been remitted. All I have obtained is the promise that the claim to extradition will be abandoned whenever, for the purpose of performing my works, I wish to enter a German territory, the government of which has given its consent, and asked permission of the Saxon Government. Even my six days' journey to the Rhine I could not have extended to Weimar without previously complying with those conditions, for otherwise I should have offended the Saxon Government at the very outset. Our German potentates cannot enter into direct communication with me, for I am still a political outlaw, neither must I hope for important or sufficient measures in my favour at any court, and the plans for the performances of my last works have not been advanced much. This is all the more evident, as the condition of our largest operatic theatres is most disappointing. Of Berlin I could not think at all without first contemplating the possibility of a complete revolution of affairs, both as regards the theatre and the management. I was not bold enough to approach the Princess of Prussia with any hope of producing a profound impression in that sense. I was quite satisfied with meeting in her the SPIRITUELLE, intellectual, lively woman I had pictured to myself, and I limited myself to acknowledging and thanking her for the uninterrupted sympathy she had shown for my works without being in the least tempted to communicate to her any plan or wish of mine.
It remains therefore a perfect mystery where my "Tristan" is to see the light of the world. The birth would probably be most easy if I were to trust the King of Hanover with the delivery. Niemann declares that the King would engage any singer, male or female, whom I should require for the model performance of my work as long as that performance took place at Hanover. This might lead to something; that King appears liberal and magnificent in his passion for art, and nothing else will suit me. Let us hope that my political situation will be no obstacle.
For the present my Paris enterprise occupies me altogether, and mercifully obscures my view of future German misery. I do not know what rumours are current with you as to the difficulties placed in my way. They may be well intended, but they are false. NEVER YET HAS THE MATERIAL OF AN EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE BEEN PLACED AT MY DISPOSAL SO FULLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY as has been done at Paris for the performance of "Tannhauser" at the Grand Opera, and I can only wish that some German prince would do the same for my new works. This is the first triumph of my art which I personally witness. I owe it to the success of my works in Germany, which has gained me such warm admirers, that the Emperor, on the strength of their word, has issued a truly imperial COMMAND, which makes me master of the whole material, and protects me from all intrigues. A translation, as excellent as could have possibly been expected, is another earnest of general success. I have secured the best singers that are to be had, and the preparations in every department are made with a zeal and a care to which Germany has little accustomed me. All the leading people go with pleasure to a task which offers them a more interesting occupation than is usual. I also take the matter seriously. I am removing such weak points as I have discovered in the score. I take great delight in the re-writing of the great Venus scene, and hope to improve the effect thereby. The ballet scene also will be executed on the larger scale designed by me.
Unfortunately I have not yet been able to begin this necessary work in the proper way. Before my journey to the Rhine the translation occupied me exclusively, and on my return here I had, first of all, to complete a little piece of literary work which has only just been finished. M. Frederic Villot, about whom H. has probably spoken to you, asked me to publish an edition of my operatic poems in a prose-translation, and to add a preface explaining my ideas. This I have done, and I hope that the opus will appear about the beginning of October at the latest. The rehearsals are in full swing, but unfortunately I had to object to the baritone at the last moment. Fould had at once to give orders for the engagement of a new singer, but we have not yet found the right man, and this has caused a slight delay. There has, however, been no trace of ill-will on the part of any one. M., who is working here in his underhand way, will not, after all, be able to do anything against the Emperor and the cause; he is trying, however, to secure the good engagements which have been made for me for his own benefit later on. Well, I do not grudge him this; the man has no real initiative.
You have now, dearest friend, an approximate view of my life and work. That I should be happy you can scarcely expect, but I feel the calm of the fatalist who surrenders himself to his fate, astonished perhaps a little at the often curious manner in which it disposes of me and leads me into unexpected paths, and saying to myself: "So it was to be."
With real horror I think of Germany and of my future enterprises in that country. God forgive me, but I discover nothing but mean and miserable things, conceit and a pretence of solid work without any real foundation; half-heartedness in everything. After all I prefer to see "Le Pardon de Ploermel" in Paris than under the shadow of the famous, glorious German oak tree. I must also confess to you that my treading once more German soil did not produce the slightest impression upon me, except in so far as I was astonished at the insipidity and impertinence of the language I had to listen to. Believe me, we have no Fatherland, and if I am "German" it is because I carry my Germany along with me. This is fortunate, because the Mayence garrison has certainly not inspired me with enthusiasm.
X. seems to be angry with me; I at last got annoyed with him because his optimism irritated me.
I cannot understand a good many things, and allowance ought to be made for me on account of my curious life. X., it seems to me, fritters himself away; he undertakes too much, and by that means loses the compact, concentric quality which a true man needs. I cannot look on without being painfully affected. On the other hand, I am, no doubt, very wrong in not accepting so true a friend as he is; and I have much reason to acknowledge X.'s friendship. He must not be angry with me and do as he likes; but he should be sometimes a little more punctual with his letters.
Believe me, that in spite of my Paris surroundings I feel awfully lonely, while of you I can never think except as of some one who is surrounded by people, even at Weimar. Perhaps I have a good many erroneous notions in that respect; at least Madame Street gave me to understand as much when she described her visit to you. She said that you had been very sad, although in very good health. Well, I certainly cannot see why you should be particularly joyous; at the same time this news has struck me very much, and Madame W., to whom I spoke about it, was quite frightened. There is something about you which causes you to appear surrounded by splendour and light, and makes it difficult for us to understand what could make you sad. Least of all am I inclined to discover the cause of your irritation in the stupid reception which your works have met with now and then, for it seems to me that no one ought to know better than you that this animosity is caused not by your works, but by the false light in which you appear to the multitude. That light which reveals you as so exceptional a phenomenon, that a misconception of it is only too easily accounted for, is now and then too powerful, especially for German eyes. I think, therefore, you are right in withdrawing yourself from that illumination as much as possible, and in letting your works take their own course for a time without the least anxiety about them. One thing you will gain, the avoidance of personal contact. In that, everything is misery, and believe me that while we try to "do violence to the kingdom of heaven," we only stir up the nether mud. No, the kingdom of heaven comes to us in our sleep. But enough of this vague talk! Let us soon meet, when we shall see how we can ward off all sadness. I shall soon make a long stay with you.
God bless you, my Franz! Pardon this long talk to my desire of being near you once more.
A thousand greetings from
R. W.
WEYMAR, September 21st, 1860.
Your glorious letter, dearest Richard, made me breathe the pure atmosphere of high mountains once more. You know what I require, and offer it to me in abundance. I was almost afraid that you might have misunderstood my non-appearance at Soden or Baden, and I am cordially delighted at being set right by you as to this. As I wrote to you before, it was IMPOSSIBLE for me to get away from here before Thursday, August 16th. Well, all is over now, and you have pardoned me. Let us talk of something else. How proud I should be of your visit here, and how beneficial and strengthening prolonged intercourse with you would be to me, I need not tell you. I think it more probable, however, that I shall pay you a visit in Paris first. The exact date I shall not be able to determine until the continued uncertainty and wavering of all my circumstances here have ceased, which must happen shortly. As regards your visit here, I repeat what I have said to you and others. Weymar owes you a special distinction, and it is necessary that an appropriate and adequate opportunity of presenting yourself here should be offered to you. It is extremely amiable of you to mean principally me when you pronounce the name of Weymar. I wish that this SYNONYM (in an artistic sense) were a little more pronounced; that my advice were followed, and my reasonable wishes complied with a little more readily. But this can scarcely be expected, and I must in this, as in other matters, show myself resigned, determined, and consistent. I quite agree with what you say of the "INSUFFICIENT artistic doings" here; however, many things COULD and SHOULD be done, especially for you and your works. You will understand that I cannot abandon this view, and that I shall do all in my power to realise it. The impending performance of "Rienzi" may do something towards it.
I consider Hanover a well-chosen ground for the first performance of "Tristan." The King works magnificently for his theatre, and if the matter is placed before him in the proper way, it may be expected that he will carry out your wishes and intentions. Unfortunately I cannot be of service to you, for to the particular influence of some of my "FRIENDS" I owe a distinctly pronounced dislike on the part of His Majesty. All I can do in the face of this is to wait quietly and resignedly, until the King condescends to adopt a more correct view. Fortunately Niemann is devoted to you, body and soul, chest-voice and head- voice. He will, no doubt, do all in his power to bring about the scenic embodiment.
Berlin and Vienna will probably hold back a little in existing circumstances, and the rest of Germany, which is united at least in the spirit of NEGATION, will probably wait prudently until the camel comes walking along, after which it will consult no end of folios in order to describe and appreciate it properly. Oh! lazy abomination, your name is—artistic conditions.
At Wiesbaden, Frankfort, and I know not where else, they were waiting for Wagner, and wanted to see him conduct, or at least listen to, "Tannhauser", "Lohengrin", etc., and there would certainly have been no lack of enthusiastic demonstrations; but from a work like "Tristan", at the very first sight of the score of which every one must exclaim: "This is something unheard of, marvellous, sublime," they run away, and hide themselves like fools.
I have taken the liberty of making use of the passage of your letter referring to the ready assistance you receive from the artists, and the management of the Grand Opera in Paris by Imperial command; and in the next number of Brendel's paper you will read something corresponding to your letter in the form of an original correspondence. We had, of course, to adapt some things too true in themselves to our laudable habits here. As I have named Brendel I should like to mention a request, viz., that you should publish the preface to the French translation of your dramas in Germany, simultaneously with the Paris edition, and that you should for that purpose send the ORIGINAL, probably written in German, either to Brendel or some publisher. A translation of that preface will, no doubt, appear, unless you forestall it by the original itself, and thus prevent the travesty of your ideas, or at least of your style. If no German sketch should be in existence, my request of course falls to the ground, for it would be asking you too much to do the work twice over.
Then you are satisfied with the translation of "Tannhauser?" I am extremely pleased, for I confess that I think it no easy task to Frenchify your works in your sense. I am very curious to see the new version of the Venus scene and the ballet. When you have finished it quite, and a copy has been made, you might perhaps lend me the sketch of the new version for a few days, but I hope that this will be made unnecessary by my visit to you.
Truly, dear Richard, we belong together and must come together at last. Cordial thanks for your kind letter, which in these dreary days has been a great and noble joy to me. Amongst other things you have taken a fine and strikingly correct view of the totally passive attitude with regard to the reception and promulgation of my works which I shall observe for the future. Other people have somewhat misunderstood my conduct. What a blessing it is to be able to dispense with the explanation and discussion of certain things!
God bless you, dearest Richard; keep fresh and brave and upright. Your
I shall write to X. today, and give him news of you. 310.
PARIS, November 24th, 1860,
Forgive me for writing but a few lines. I have been severely ill these four weeks, and my recovery is scarcely noticeable. I am still extremely weak.
I have an urgent request to make. Fancy! I do not possess a SINGLE copy of my poem of "The Ring of the Nibelung." I want to publish it, and do not know where to get a copy for the printer. I remember that at the time I sent a great number of copies to Weimar, and there was such abundance there that (as I think Draseke told me) the book was to be had secondhand. Be kind enough to get me one copy in consideration of my urgent need, and send it me as quickly as possible. If there should not be a single possessor who could make up his mind to part with his copy in spite of the author's great difficulty, I promise to restore to him the identical copy after the completion of the reprint. I may therefore fairly ask even the most ardent admirer of my poem to make this sacrifice on my behalf.
Alas! I begin to perspire, and can write no more.
Come to Paris as you promised, and make me happy!
I have managed to get a copy of your "Nibelungen." Counsellor Muller was kind enough to give me his for you; it was taken yesterday to Paris by the courier of the French Embassy here, together with the volume "Wagner und das Musik-Drama," by Franz Muller, which has just been published. You will receive the little parcel from Monsieur Leree, chef de bureau des departs au ministere des affaires etrangeres. It is not customary for the ministry to transmit private messages, and you therefore must either call on M. Leree personally, or send him a few lines.
I was in bed a whole week at the same time as you. There are moods and conditions in which we bear physical illness better than the uninterrupted sequence of every-day cares and tribulations.
When will the French edition of your three operatic poems appear, and what publisher undertakes the edition of the "Nibelungen?" Have you arranged with Schott about the publication of the full scores of "Rhinegold" and the "Valkyrie?" Send me word as to these three things.
The first performance of "Rienzi" is announced for Boxing-day. I have conducted several rehearsals, and have undertaken the others as well, but I have declined most positively to conduct the performance. That performance will be a brilliant one according to the circumstances here, and will probably realise D.'s expectations as to pecuniary success. Capellmeister Stor, who has conducted your three other operas ever since I left the theatre definitely, will undertake the direction of "Rienzi." Our artists are full of enthusiasm.
As a trifle I may mention to you that Muller of Dresden (Messrs. Meser) will shortly publish two transcriptions by me,—the "Spinning Song" ("Dutchman"), and "Santo Spirito Cavaliere" ("Rienzi"). I shall not talk to you about my coming to Paris until I am able to tell you the exact date; it will be before long.
F. L.
WEYMAR, December 2nd, 1860
PARIS, December 15th, 1860.
I am very slowly regaining my strength. What impedes my recovery, and indeed makes it impossible for the present, are the extraordinary exertions and excitements to which I have to expose my health, which is gradually coming back to me. My daily occupation is this, that by the utmost care and by abstaining from any other kind of activity, however slight, I manage to attend the rehearsals at the opera. The proofs of "Rhinegold", which Messrs. Schott would have liked so much to have published at Christmas, have been lying on my table for seven weeks without my being able to make any progress with them. Guess at my condition from this fact, and forgive me anything that I may have done to shock you.
Pardon, for example, my not having thanked you before for sending me Muller's copy of my "Nibelungen." Good Lord! I wanted so much to hasten the publication, and hurried you in consequence. Now I possess the copy, and have not been able even to look at it. I also found it impossible to send you the book before this; I have a horror of undertaking anything, and apart from this, the Paris publishers treat one with abominable negligence. The German original of my letter to Villot you have probably seen. I have not been able yet to address a single line to my Leipzig publisher in connection with this matter.
For "Tannhauser" I have still to score the grand new scene for Venus, and to compose the whole of the Venusberg dance music. How this is to get done in time without a miracle I fail to perceive.
I wish YOU would at last come to Paris.
But no more of this. I cannot speak of anything at greater length, firstly, because I know too little, and secondly, because I must absolutely conclude these lines.
Farewell, and a thousand greetings.
R. W.
How it is that we live for weeks and months BY THE SIDE OF EACH OTHER while I know all the time that we are cordially united and, so to speak, welded together in spirit, I will not explain to you today. You have probably heard of the painful circumstances which prevented me from visiting you in Paris at the end of February. God be thanked, my anxiety is now slightly diminished, and I intend to arrive at Paris between May 7th and 9th. But I do not want to have it talked about because the many impediments which have so far frustrated my travelling schemes have made me a little superstitious.
With your permission I should like to advocate the offer made to you by Brendel, concerning the performance of the second act of "Tristan," at the meeting of musicians (August 7th). Schnorr and his wife have undertaken to sing, and the other parts will be decently filled here. Of course, this fragmentary performance ought not in the least to disturb or interfere with your original and further plans concerning this work. I hope that you will credit me with sufficient knowledge of the circumstance to understand your hesitation at sanctioning this proceeding. Be good enough to tell me simply what you think about it. If you do not send us packing, and look favourably on our request, the proper steps will be taken.
Write to me, if possible, by return of post, because I leave here on the 29th inst.
WEYMAR, April 18th, 1861.
A thousand thanks, dearest Richard, for your kind letter. May the treacherous fate which has hitherto kept us apart soon be vanquished for ever. No one can understand better than I that a fragmentary performance of "Tristan" must appear quite absurd to you. I thank you for the gentle manner in which you reply to my proposal, and take into account the narrow circumstances and resources which impede my activity. You cannot believe how painful it is to me not to be able to do anything PROPER for your honour, benefit, and use. For several years all my steps and efforts in that direction have been in vain; otherwise, not only "Tristan" but "The Ring of the Nibelung" would be in existence and do wonders. I was told several times, and positively assured, that everything would be done here to further your efforts, and especially to effect the performance of "The Nibelungen" and of "Tristan." I, for my part, have clearly demonstrated, by word of mouth and by letter, what they would have to do, viz., to invite you here for the purpose of mounting and conducting those works in accordance with your instructions and wishes. But the whole plan was always wrecked on the score of expenses.
I will not trouble you with the details of this affair, the failure of which, between ourselves, was my chief reason for giving up my connection with our theatre altogether.
The Carlsruhe performance of "Tristan" in September will be a great joy to me. The Grand Duke of Baden be praised and thanked for it. You will reward his kindness and grace in a glorious manner.
What will become of me in the course of this year is quite uncertain. First of all I shall see you in Paris.
WEYMAR, April 26th, 1861.
An answer would be too late to find me here.
PARIS, June 15th, 1861.
A few days ago I received a telegram from Leipzig for Tausig, in which he was requested to send his address. Today followed a letter for him, accompanied by one to me, in which I am asked for information as to Tausig and his whereabouts. I think it unnecessary to give that information, because I assume that Tausig has either seen the person in question at Leipzig or given news of himself. I therefore ask you to transmit to our young friend these facts, and also the enclosed letter intended for him, as I do not know what to do with the latter.
Beyond this I have nothing to tell you, dearest Franz—no event, no plan, no hope—for not the slightest change has taken place in my position.
Farewell, and, if possible, make me happy soon by news of your well-being.
Cordially your
R. W.
A letter from my daughter, Mdme. Ollivier, informs me that your wife will go to Soden by the middle of this week, and that you intend to come to Weymar by the end of the month.
Your presence here, coming as it does at the end of my too much prolonged stay, will be a beautiful spiritual ray of sunlight; let me urgently pray you not to refuse me this joy. On August 15th I intend to leave Weymar for a longer period, and have made the necessary preparations for my removal.
You will, of course, stay with me at Altenburg, where H. and T. also have quarters. To the Grand Duke I have announced your visit, and I expect that your personal relations to him will be of a most pleasant and satisfactory kind.
How about your settling at Carlsruhe? Have your pecuniary affairs been arranged in Paris, and how? Let me know something about this.
As to myself I know nothing definite, except that I am going away from Weymar. Many objections have of course been raised, which, however, have not been able to alter my resolution. Between this and the beginning of August I shall fix on my next place of abode, which will, in any case, not for the present be a large town, because I want retirement and work above all. Briefly speaking, my situation is indicated by this dilemma: Either my marriage takes place, and that soon—or not. In the former case, Germany later on, and especially Weymar, may still be possible for me. Otherwise no!
For the moment I am plagued with all kinds of business matters. Excuse me, dearest Richard, for writing you so little, and vouchsafe soon the great joy of your presence to
Your sincerely devoted
P.S.—My daughter writes to say that she will arrive here with Ollivier on August 3rd. The performance of the "Prometheus" and "Faust" symphonies will be on August 6th.
This volume of "Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt" is the second volume of a 2-volume set. The letters were translated into English by Francis Hueffer. Each page was cut out of the book with an X-acto knife and fed into an Automatic Document Feeder Scanner to make this e-text; hence, the original book was disbinded in order to save it.
Some adaptations from the original text were made while formatting it for an e-text. Italics in the original book were ignored in making this e-text, unless they referred to proper nouns, in which case they are put in quotes in the e-text. Italics are problematic because they are not easily rendered in ASCII text.
Almost everything occurring in brackets [ ] are original footnotes inserted into the text.
Also, special German characters like U with an umlaut, and French characters like a's and e's with various markings above them were ignored, replaced with their closet single-letter equivalents. U with an umlaut is U, A with a caret above it is A, and so on.
This electronic text was prepared by John Mamoun with help from numerous other proofreaders, including those associated with Charles Franks' Distributed Proofreaders website. Special thanks to G. Aagard, C. Aldarando, D. Anderson, M. Desjardins, S. Kulkarni, T. McDermott, T. Meekins, S. Morrison, M. Pyne, J. Roberts, R. Rowe, L. Sabel, A. Soulard, V. Walker, J. Zickerman, a gal named Kate and several others for proof-reading.