Alors Godefroi mangea son pain et ses noix, et quand il eut fini ce dner frugal, il gravit (grimpa) la plus haute des deux montagnes.
Du sommet de la montagne il vit la vaste mer, et prs de l'horizon l'le Verte, qui paraissait si petite. Godefroi vit aussi beaucoup de vaisseaux qui suivaient la ligne de l'horizon, mais qui ne s'approchaient pas de son le, qui tait vraiment dangereuse parce qu'elle tait entirement compose de rochers.
Godefroi descendit de la montagne, il retourna au bateau, il mangea du pain et des noix, il s'enveloppa dans son manteau, et passa une seconde nuit sur l'le dserte, aprs avoir pens ses parents et aprs avoir rcit sa prire du soir.
Quand le matin arriva, Godefroi vit avec dtresse que sa provision de pain tait bien petite: "Oh!" dit-il, "je n'ai que peu de pain. J'ai examin toute l'le hier, depuis le sommet de la montagne, et je n'ai pas vu une seule plante ou un seul arbre fruitier. J'ai vu de la mousse et des sapins, mais il est impossible de manger de la mousse ou du bois de sapin. Je suis sr que je mourrai de faim ici sur cette le dserte, car mon pre m'a souvent dit que l'le Verte tait la seule le sur nos ctes. Il ne sait donc pas que cette le existe, et il ne pensera pas venir me chercher ici!"
Le pauvre Godefroi mangea aussi peu que possible, mais hlas! son pain diminua bien rapidement. Il alla dans toutes les directions pour trouver des provisions, mais il ne trouva rien, absolument rien. Enfin Godefroi mangea son dernier morceau de pain, et ses dernires noix, et s'assit tristement au bord de la fontaine, en pensant qu'il serait bientt mort de faim.
Son attention fut bientt attire par les poissons qui nageaient dans l'eau limpide: "Oh!" dit-il, "si j'avais seulement une ligne, des hameons, et un filet, je pourrais prendre des poissons!"
Tout coup il vit son chapeau. Le ruban vert que sa soeur avait attach avec des pingles attira son attention. Il prit une pingle, et la courba. Puis il effila le ruban. Il tressa les fils avec beaucoup de soin et fit une ligne. Il attacha l'pingle une extrmit de la ligne. Il attacha une branche d'osier l'autre extrmit. Alors il chercha et trouva un ver. Il attacha ce ver son pingle, et jeta son hameon l'eau. Quelques minutes aprs Godefroi dansait de joie, car il avait attrap un poisson!
Il courut au bateau, chercha sa pierre feu, ramassa de la mousse sche, et en quelques minutes il eut un bon feu. Alors il suspendit la marmite sur le feu. Il mit de l'eau frache de la fontaine dans la marmite, et il mit aussi son poisson dans la marmite.
"Oh!" dit-il, "quelle bonne chose que j'aie port toutes les choses dans la barque (bateau) aprs notre dner. Si j'avais laiss le pain, le beurre, la viande, la marmite, la pierre feu, les haches et le manteau sous le grand arbre, o j'ai dn avec mon pre, je serais mort de faim srement. Mon pre avait bien raison; l'ordre est une bonne chose!"
Quand le poisson fut prt, Godefroi le mangea de bon apptit. Le poisson n'tait pas trs bon, cependant, car Godefroi n'avait pas de sel, mais bientt il trouva du sel sur les rochers, du sel laiss par les vagues. Godefroi passa ds lors une grande partie de son temps pcher.
Il fabriqua un gros hameon avec un clou. Cette opration fut trs difficile. Godefroi aiguisa (fit une pointe) le clou sur une pierre. Il le courba aussi sur une pierre. Il effila sa cravate pour faire une ligne solide, et enfin il attrapa de gros poissons de mer.
Un jour il arriva une grande tempte. Le pauvre Godefroi tait malheureux. Il ne pouvait pas pcher, car les vagues taient terribles. Les poissons ne venaient pas la surface. La pluie tombait, et Godefroi tait trs inconfortable. Le vent tait froid, trs froid.
Le pauvre Godefroi pleura beaucoup, et quand la tempte fut dissipe, et quand il eut satisfait son apptit, il dit:
"L'automne arrive. Il est certain que l'hiver arrivera bientt aussi. Il faut que je trouve une grotte, ou je mourrai de froid!" Godefroi chercha longtemps parmi les rochers, et enfin il trouva une grotte, prs de la fontaine. Cette grotte tait si bien cache par deux sapins qu'il ne l'avait pas vue.
La grotte tait sche. Godefroi scha une grande quantit de mousse sur les rochers. Il porta cette mousse sche dans la grotte et en fit un bon lit. Il scha le manteau de son pre, et il le porta aussi dans la grotte. Il y porta aussi la marmite, les cruches, les haches, la pierre feu, la corde, et mme les clous et les planches du bateau, car la dernire tempte avait compltement dmoli le pauvre bateau.
Alors Godefroi dit: "Si j'avais un rservoir, je pourrais y mettre mes poissons, et mme quand le temps est mauvais, je pourrais avoir manger."
Godefroi chercha beaucoup, et il trouva enfin une bonne place. Il fit une bonne digue avec des pierres, il conduisit l'eau de la fontaine dans ce bassin par un petit canal, et il mit dans le bassin une partie des poissons qu'il attrapait.
Il coupa aussi des sapins avec sa hache, fit des fagots des petites branches, et des bches des grandes branches. Il porta ce bois dans le ravin o tait sa grotte, pour y faire du feu en hiver.
L'hiver arriva bientt. Le pauvre Godefroi fit une porte pour sa grotte en tressant les branches d'osier qu'il avait apportes de l'le Verte. Il ferma toutes les ouvertures avec de la mousse, et il attacha la porte deux grands arbres placs de chaque ct de l'entre de sa grotte.
La neige commena tomber, et Godefroi, qui ne pouvait pas faire de feu dans sa grotte cause de la fume, construisit une petite cuisine dans la valle. Il prit des pierres et fit un mur. Ce mur et un grand rocher formaient trois cts de la cuisine. Le quatrime ct tait ouvert, et le toit tait form des planches du bateau.
Godefroi y passait une partie de la journe, assis prs de son feu. Pour s'occuper, il fabriqua une table et un banc des planches du vaisseau. Il arrangea d'autres lignes. Il arrangea un autre hameon. Il prit un clou, il le chauffa dans le feu comme il avait vu faire au forgeron du village. Il fit une bonne pointe au clou, car il avait une pierre comme enclume, et sa hache comme marteau. Il fit aussi deux barbes l'hameon.
Enfin le printemps arriva. Godefroi, qui esprait toujours tre sauv, vit beaucoup de vaisseaux, qui, hlas! passaient toujours loin de l'le, trop loin pour voir ses signaux dsesprs.
Godefroi trouva une petite anse o il y avait du sable fin, et l il trouva aussi des moules et des hutres. Il mangea les moules et les hutres avec plaisir, et il trouva des perles dans les coquilles.
"Oh!" dit-il, "mon pre m'a dit que les perles taient prcieuses. Je vais trouver autant de perles que possible, et si j'arrive jamais chez mon pre, je lui donnerai ces perles, et il ne sera plus pauvre." Godefroi trouva beaucoup de perles; et il trouva aussi des branches de corail, de corail rouge. Il plaa les perles et le corail dans un petit panier qu'il tressa lui-mme.
Une anne s'tait passe depuis que Godefroi tait arriv dans l'le, une anne entire. Les habits du pauvre enfant taient uss, entirement uss. Godefroi coupa le manteau de son pre, et en fit une espce de robe, comme celle que portaient les moines qui passaient dans le village.
Tout l't Godefroi pcha, et coupa du bois, car il voulait avoir une grande provision de bois pour l'hiver, qui arrivait rapidement. Un jour il dit, "Aujourd'hui j'irai de l'autre ct du ravin couper du bois."
Il partit, mais quand il arriva midi dans son ravin, il leva les mains d'horreur. Le ravin tait en feu! Il avait laiss un peu de feu dans la cuisine. Le vent avait attis le feu. La provision de bois tait toute en flammes. Le toit de la cuisine tait brl. Les lignes pche taient brles. La porte de la maison, sa table, le banc, tout, tout tait dtruit!
Le pauvre Godefroi tomba genoux, et dit: "Hlas! maintenant il faudra bien mourir. Voici l'hiver, je n'ai plus rien que ma hache et ma robe. Ma provision de bois que j'ai obtenu par mon travail, mes lignes, mes pauvres lignes, tout est perdu!" Et il regarda tristement la fume noire, qui montait vers le ciel. Pauvre petit Godefroi, il tait en effet bien malheureux.
La veille, le pre de Godefroi avait dit sa famille: "Il faut que je visite l'le Verte. Ma provision d'osier est puise." Il partit donc avec deux enfants, et il promit sa femme qu'il ne permettrait pas aux enfants d'entrer dans le bateau sans lui. La pauvre femme les laissa partir regret, car elle pensait toujours au pauvre petit Godefroi.
Le pre et les enfants arrivrent l'le Verte sans accident. Ils couprent l'osier, et quand la provision fut finie, la petite fille dit son pre:
"Papa, viens avec nous sur la montagne. J'aimerais tant gravir une montagne!"
Le pre consentit. Ils arrivrent bientt au sommet de la montagne, et ils regardrent leur maison, qui paraissait bien petite. Alors ils se tournrent et regardrent la mer. Tout coup la petite fille dit: "Papa, regarde l-bas. Voil quelque chose qui ressemble de la fume." Le pre regarda, et dit:
"C'est de la fume. C'est probablement un vaisseau en feu!"
"Non," dit le petit garon, "ce n'est pas un vaisseau, papa, je suis sr que c'est un volcan, comme j'ai vu dans ma gographie l'cole!"
Le pre regarda attentivement, et dit enfin: "C'est curieux, mais je crois distinguer deux montagnes. On dirait une le. Je n'ai jamais entendu parler d'une le dans cette direction-l!"
"Oh, papa," dit la petite fille, "s'il y a une le l, peut-tre qu'elle est habite. Peut-tre que notre frre Godefroi est l, sur cette le, car c'est dans cette direction-l que la tempte a emport le bateau."
Le pre, qui avait eu la mme pense, commena trembler. Enfin il dit: "C'est possible, mon enfant, c'est possible. Rentrons vite la maison. Je parlerai au bon voisin Thomas. Il me prtera peut-tre son bateau voile, et j'irai cette le!"
Les enfants descendirent la montagne, et s'embarqurent vite. Arrivs la maison, les enfants et le pre racontrent ce qu'ils avaient vu, et le coeur de la pauvre mre battit plus fort de joie.
"Va vite chez le voisin Thomas," dit-elle son mari. "Il a un bateau voile. Il est compatissant; il nous aidera, j'en suis sre!"
Le pre alla chez Thomas, et lui raconta tout. "C'est possible," dit Thomas. "Et demain matin, si le temps est favorable, nous partirons, vous et moi, et mon voisin Jean, et nous irons cette le."
Le lendemain ils partirent par un temps magnifique, et avant le coucher du soleil, ils arrivrent tout prs de l'le. L'le paraissait dserte. Il n'y avait pas un signe d'habitation. Il n'y avait plus de fume.
"L'le est dserte!" dit Thomas tristement. "Elle est compltement dserte."
Le pre de Godefroi regarda aussi tristement ces rochers inhospitaliers, mais il dit: "Il est tard; dbarquons, et nous chercherons dans l'le. Peut-tre que le corps de mon pauvre enfant a t jet ici."
Ils dbarqurent et commencrent chercher. Enfin ils arrivrent dans la petite valle, toute noircie par le feu de la veille (jour avant). L ils virent un moine genoux. Le pre s'approcha, et dit d'une voix tremblante: "Mon pre, mon brave ermite, avez-vous vu un petit garon nomm Godefroi..."
Le pre ne put finir, car le moine s'tait prcipit dans ses bras. Ce moine, cet ermite, c'tait Godefroi lui-mme!
Aprs quelques minutes de grande motion Godefroi raconta ses aventures son pre. Il lui raconta comment il tait arriv l'le, comment il avait fabriqu des lignes et des hameons, comment il avait pass le long hiver. Il lui dit combien il avait travaill pour faire une grande provision de bois pour son second hiver, et il dcrivit son dsespoir quand il dcouvrit que le feu avait tout dtruit.
"J'ai pens que Dieu m'avait abandonn," dit Godefroi.
"Oh! mon fils," dit le pre, "au contraire! Car, sans cet accident, ta petite soeur n'aurait pas remarqu cette le, nous n'aurions pas pens que peut-tre la tempte t'y avait jet, et nous ne serions pas venus ici aujourd'hui pour te trouver!"
Le lendemain Godefroi s'embarqua avec Pierre, Thomas et Jean, et avant le soir il arriva la maison o il fut reu avec une joie que je vous laisse imaginer, car il est impossible de la dcrire en quelques mots.
Thomas tait si content du succs de son entreprise qu'il invita toute la famille et tout le village dner chez lui. Au dessert Godefroi raconta toutes ses aventures, et tout le monde admira le courage qu'il avait montr. Godefroi donna son pre les perles et le corail, les seules choses que le feu avait pargnes, et le pre, heureux et fier de son fils, les montra tout le monde.
Un marchand de corail offrit d'acheter le corail et les perles, et lui donna une bonne somme d'argent. Cet argent permit Pierre de donner une excellente ducation tous ses enfants, et surtout Godefroi qui en profita bien.
Godefroi alla l'cole et apprit beaucoup de choses, mais les leons de patience, de persvrance et de foi, qu'il avait apprises tout seul dans son le dserte, taient les plus prcieuses de toutes. Il ne les oublia jamais, et mme quand il fut trs g il disait souvent ses petits-enfants: "Il ne faut jamais dsesprer. Dieu fait notre fortune de nos infortunes. Les choses qui paraissent impossibles l'homme sont possibles Dieu, car rien ne Lui est impossible."
[Note 29: This is one of the Hindu legends. Buddha is one of the principal Hindu gods and teachers. Those who follow his precepts are called Buddhists.]
Il y avait une jeune femme dans l'Inde qui avait un petit enfant. Un jour le petit enfant tomba dangereusement malade, et bientt le pauvre petit mourut. La pauvre mre prit le petit enfant dans ses bras, et alla de porte en porte, demandant si personne ne pouvait lui donner de remde pour son fils.
Les voisins dirent: "La pauvre femme est folle de porter son enfant mort d'une maison l'autre!"
Un vieillard vit la pauvre jeune mre, et pensa: "Oh, la pauvre femme n'a jamais vu la mort. Elle ne sait pas que son petit enfant est mort. Il faut que je la console."
Le vieillard s'approcha de la pauvre femme, et dit: "Ma pauvre femme, je n'ai aucun remde pour votre enfant, mais je connais un mdecin qui vous donnera un remde."
La jeune mre dit: "Dites-moi, je vous en prie, o est le mdecin qui peut me donner un remde pour mon enfant malade."
"Allez trouver le dieu Bouddha; il vous donnera un remde!" dit le vieillard.
La pauvre femme remercia le vieillard, et partit en toute hte pour aller trouver Bouddha. Quand elle arriva dans le temple, elle dit:
"Seigneur et matre, avez-vous un remde pour mon enfant malade?"
"Non, ma bonne femme, mais je sais un remde."
"Quel est ce remde?" dit la mre vivement.
"C'est un grain de moutarde. Allez me chercher un grain de moutarde. Mais le grain de moutarde doit venir d'une maison o personne ne soit jamais mort."
La pauvre femme partit, en toute hte, avec son enfant mort dans les bras. Elle alla de porte en porte, demandant un grain de moutarde. Tout le monde lui donna ce qu'elle demandait, et quand on lui avait donn le petit grain, elle disait:
"N'est-il mort personne dans la maison? ni pre, ni fils, ni serviteur?"
Et dans chaque maison on lui disait: "Beaucoup de personnes sont mortes ici, car les morts sont beaucoup plus nombreux que les vivants."
La pauvre femme visita beaucoup de maisons, mais elle reut toujours la mme rponse. Sa fatigue tait grande, et elle dit tristement: "Dans chaque maison que j'ai visite il est mort quelqu'un, ou un pre, ou un fils, ou un serviteur. Je ne suis pas la seule mre au monde qui ait perdu un fils."
Alors elle porta son pauvre petit enfant mort dans une fort, o elle creusa une tombe, et l'enterra. Puis elle alla au temple, et tomba genoux devant Bouddha.
"Avez-vous trouv le grain de moutarde?" demanda-t-il la pauvre jeune mre.
"Non," dit-elle, "tous les gens du village ont perdu un membre de leur famille. Ils m'ont tous dit: 'Les morts sont beaucoup plus nombreux que les vivants.'"
"Oui," dit Bouddha, "cela est vrai. Sur la terre tout passe. C'est la loi universelle."
La pauvre femme demanda alors la permission de rester dans le temple, et elle passa le reste de sa vie faire du bien. Enfin elle mourut aussi et passa dans l'endroit immortel des Hindous, dans le Nirvana,[30] o elle ne souffrit plus jamais, et o elle trouva le bonheur complet et le repos qu'elle cherchait depuis si longtemps.
[Note 30: Nirvana is the Hindu heaven, for the Buddhists imagine that the virtuous after death pass into a negative state of bliss, while those who have not yet reached the necessary state of perfection undergo various transmigrations of soul.]
* * * * *
a, has.
, to, at, with.
abandonn-a, forsook;-, forsaken;-er, to abandon.
abatt-e, cut down;-iez, should cut down;-re, to cut down.
abme, m., abyss;—sans fond, bottomless pit.
abord, d'—, at first.
absolument, absolutely.
accept-a,-, accepted;-e, accepts;-erait, would accept.
accompagn-,-e,-s, accompanied;-er, to accompany.
accompl-i, accomplished;-irai, will accomplish;-isse, may accomplish.
accord, bon——, good understanding.
accord-a,-,-e,-s, granted;-erai, will grant.
achet-a,-, bought;-er, to buy;-erait, would buy.
acheteur,-s, m., buyer.
adieu, m., farewell.
admir-a,-,-e,-s,-ait, admired;-er, to admire.
adress-a,-, addressed.
affair-,-e,-s, busy.
affaire,-s, f., business.
affreu-x,-se, frightful.
afin, so as.
ge, m., age.
g-,-e,-s, aged.
agenouiller, s'——, to kneel.
agneau, m., lamb.
ai, have.
aid-a,-,-es,-s, helped;-erai,-eras,-era,-erez, erons, will help.
aie, aient, may have.
aiguille, f., needle.
aiguisa, sharpened.
ailleurs, elsewhere; d'——, besides.
aim-a,-,-e,-es,-ait,-aient, loved;-e, loves;-erais, would love or like.
aimable, amiable.
an, eldest.
ainsi, thus.
aise, ease; bien——, very glad.
ait, may have.
ajout-a, added;-er, to add.
all-a,-ait,-aient,-rent, went;-,-e,-s, gone;-er, to go;-ez, go.
allons, let us go;——donc, come now, nonsense.
allumez, light.
alors, then.
alouette, f., lark.
amrement, bitterly.
amthyste, f., amethyst.
ami,-e,-s, friend, dear.
Amour, m., Love.
amput, amputate, cut off.
amus-a,-ait,-,-e,-es, amused;-er, to amuse;-ant, amusing;-ons, let us amuse.
an, m., year.
ancre, f., anchor.
ange, m., angel.
animaux, m., animals.
anne,-s, year.
annon-a,-ce,-ce, announced;-cez, announce.
anse, f., bay, cove.
anxieu-x, anxious;-sement, anxiously.
aot, m., August.
aper-cevoir, to perceive;-ut,-ue,-u, perceived.
apparence, f., appearance.
appartement, m., apartment.
appartenir, to belong.
appar-ut, appeared;-atre, to appear.
appel-a,-ai,-ait,-,-e, called;-le,-lent, call;-er, to call.
apptit, m., appetite.
appliquez, apply.
apport-a,-ait,-rent,-, brought;-era, will bring;-er, to bring.
apprentissage, m., apprenticeship.
appri-s,-t, learned; apprendre, to learn.
approch-a,-ait,-rent, drew near;-e,-ent, approach;-er, to approach or draw near.
appuy-a, leaned;-er, to lean.
aprs, after.
aprs-midi, m. and f., afternoon.
arbre,-s, m., tree.
archiduchesse, f., archduchess.
ardente, burning.
argent, m., silver, money.
arrach-a, pulled out;-ez, pull out.
arrang-e,-ez, arrange;-ea, prepared;-era, will arrange.
arrt-a,-,-e,-rent, stopped;-er, to stop;-ez, stop.
arrire, back.
arriv-a,-ait,-rent, came;-er, to come, happen;-era,-erez, -eront,-erons, will arrive;-,-e,-es, come.
as, have.
assembl,-s, assembled.
ass-eoir, to sit down;-eyez,-eyons, sit down;-is,-irent,-it, seated.
assez, enough.
assiette,-s, f., plate.
assiste, help.
attach-a,-,-e, fastened;-er, to fasten.
attaque, f., attack.
attein-dre, to reach;-t, reached.
attel-a,-, harnessed.
attend,-ez, wait;-re, to wait;-ait,-aient,-it,-u, waited.
attentivement, attentively.
attir-,-e, attracted;-er, to attract.
attis-a,-, poked, kindled.
attrait, m., attraction.
attrap-e, catches;-ez, catch;-a,-ait,-, caught;-er, to catch.
auberge, f., inn.
aubergiste, m., innkeeper.
aucun,-e,-s, none, not any.
augment-ait, increased;-er, to increase.
aujourd'hui, to-day.
aumne,-s, f., alms.
auprs, near.
aur-a,-ai,-as,-ez,-ont,-ons, will have;-ais,-ait,-aient,-ions,-iez, would have.
aussi, also, as.
aussitt, as soon, immediately;——que, as soon as.
autant, as much, as many.
automne, m., autumn.
autour, around.
autre,-s, other.
autrefois, formerly.
aux, to the, with the.
av-ais,-ait,-aient,-ions,-iez, had;-ez,-ons, have.
avan-a,-ce,-ce, advanced.
avant, before; en——, forward.
avare, m., miser.
avec, with.
avenir, m., future.
aventure,-s, f., adventure.
avertissement, m., warning.
aveugle, blind.
avidement, eagerly, greedily.
avis-,-e, smart.
avoir, to have;——... ans, to be... years old.
avou-a,-, acknowledged, confessed.
avril, April.
ay-ant, having;-ez,-ons, have, let us have.
bague, f., ring.
baguette, f., wand.
baie, f., bay.
bailli, m., bailiff.
bain, m., bath.
baiss-a,-, lowered, stooped.
balai, m., broom.
balaie, sweeps;-ayer, to sweep.
banc, m., bench, bank.
baquet, m., tub.
barbe,-s, f., beard, barbed points.
barbouilla, smeared.
barque, f., skiff.
bas, m., stocking.
bas,-se, low.
bassin, m., basin.
bateau,-x, m., boats; voile, sailboat; vapeur, steamboat.
bt-i,-issait,-issiez, built;-ir, to build.
btisse, f., building.
bton, m., stick.
batt-ait,-aient,-it, beat;-u, beaten;-re, to beat.
battement,-s, m., pulsation.
beau, beautiful, fine; avoir——jeter, to throw in vain.
beaucoup, much, many.
beau-frre, m., brother-in-law.
beaut, f., beauty.
belle,-s, beautiful; belle-fille, step-daughter or daughter-in-law; belle-mre, step-mother or mother-in-law.
bndiction,-s, f., blessing.
berger, m., shepherd.
besoin, m., need; j'ai——, I need.
bte, f., beast.
beurre, m., butter.
bien, well, very;-aim,-aime, beloved;——que, although.
bienfait, m., good deed.
bienfaiteur, m., benefactor.
bientt, soon.
bizarre,-s, odd.
blanc,-he,-s, white.
bl, m., wheat.
bleu,-e,-s, blue.
blond,-e,-s, blond.
bloqu, blocked.
boeuf, m., ox.
boi-rait, would drink;-re, to drink.
bois, m., wood.
bon,-ne,-s, good; pour de——, for good.
bonheur, m., happiness, good luck.
bonhomme, m., fellow, little man.
bonjour, m., good day.
bonnement, simply.
bont,-s, f., kindness.
bord, m., edge.
bouche, f., mouth.
bouche, f., mouthful.
bougea, stirred.
bouill-ait, was boiling;-ant,-ante, boiling.
boulet, m., bullet.
bourse, f., purse.
bout, m., end.
bouteille, f., bottle.
branche,-s, f., branch.
bras, m., arm.
brave, brave, worthy.
bravement, bravely.
Bretagne, f., Brittany.
brid-a,-, bridled;-er, to bridle;-ez, bridle.
bride, f., bridle.
brin, m., bit.
bris, broken.
bruit, m., noise.
brl-,-es, burned.
brun,-e,-s, brown.
brusquement, suddenly, roughly.
bu, drunk;-t, drank;-vez, drink.
bche, f., log.
bcheron, m., woodcutter.
a, that.
cabane, f., hut.
cach-a, hid;-e, hides;-er, to hide;-erai, will hide;-ez, hide;-,-e, hidden.
cadeau, m., present.
cadet,-te, youngest.
cadre, m., frame.
calcin, burned.
califourchon, ——, astride.
calme, calm.
camarade, m., comrade.
campagne, f., country.
canard, m., duck.
capitaine, m., captain.
capuchon, m., hood.
car, for, because.
caractre, m., character.
cargaison, f., cargo.
carotte,-s, f., carrot.
carrefour, m., cross-road.
carrire, f., quarry.
cass-a, broke;-,-e, broken;-er, to break.
caus-a,-,-e,-rent, caused or talked;-er, to cause or to talk;-erai, will talk or cause;-ons, let us talk.
ce, this;-ci, this;-la, that.
clbr, celebrated.
cleste, heavenly.
celui, celle,——ci, this one.
cendre,-s, f., ashes.
cent,-s, m., hundred.
centre, m., center.
cependant, however.
crmonie, f., ceremony.
certainement, certainly.
ces, these.
cess-a,-, ceased;-er, to cease;-erait, would cease.
cesse, f., ceasing.
cet,-te, this.
chacun,-e, each, every.
chagrin, m., grief.
chair, f., flesh.
chaise,-s, f., chair.
chambre, f., room.
champ, m., field.
chang-,-e,-ea,-rent, changed;-er, to change;-ez, change;-era, will change.
changement, m., change.
chant-a,-ait,-aient,-rent, sang;-,-e, sung;-er, to sing;-era, will sing.
chant,-s, m., song.
chapeau, m., hat.
chaque, each.
char, m., cart.
charge, f., load.
charg-,-e, laden;-ea, took charge;-er, to load, to take charge;-e, load or take charge.
charmant,-e,-s, charming.
charm, charmed.
charpentier, m., carpenter.
chasse, f., hunt.
chasse, drive away.
chat, m., cat.
chteau, m., castle.
chaud,-e, warm, hot.
chauff-a,-,-es, warmed;-er, to warm;-ez, warm.
chaumire, f., thatched roof cottage.
chef, m., cook.
chemin, m., road;——de fer, railroad.
chemine, f., chimney place.
chemise, f., shirt.
cher, chre, dear.
cherch-a,-,-e,-ait,-rent, sought;-er, to seek;-erez, will seek;-ant, seeking;-ez, seek.
chev-al,-aux, m., horse; ——, on horseback.
chevelure, f., head of hair.
cheveu,-x, m., hair.
chez, at, at the house of;——lui, at home.
chien,-s, m., dog.
choc, m., blow.
choeur, m., chorus.
chois-i,-ie, chosen;-ir, to choose;-irai,-irons, will choose; -issez, choose.
choix, m., choice.
chose, f., thing.
chou, m., cabbage.
chute, f., fall.
ciel, m., sky.
cil,-s, m., eyelash.
cime, f., peak.
cinq, five.
citron,-s, m., lemon.
clair,-e,-s, light, clear, transparent.
claquer, to crack; fit——, cracked.
clou, m., nail.
cocher, m., coachman.
coeur, m., heart; de bon——willingly.
coin, m., corner.
colre, f., anger; en——, angry.
combien, how much or many.
command-a,-,-e,-rent, ordered;-er, to order;-ez, order.
commandement, m., order.
comme, like, as.
commen-a,-crent, began;-cez, begin;-cer, to begin;-cerais will begin;-c,-ce, begun.
comment, how, what.
commettre, to commit.
commis, committed.
commission, f., errand, message.
commun,-e, common.
compagn-e, f.,-on, m., companion.
compatissant, compassionate.
complet, entire, complete.
compltement, completely.
compos-,-e, composed.
compr-endre, to understand;-it, understood.
compt-a,-ait,-, counted;-ez, count.
compte, m.,——juste, right amount.
concentr-a, concentrated;-er, to concentrate.
condui-re, to lead;-sit,-sirent, lead.
conduite, f., conduct.
confia, confided, confessed.
confirmez, confirm.
cong, m., dismissal.
congdi, dismissed.
conn-ais,-aissez, know;-atre, to know.
conseille, advise.
consent-ir, to consent;-irait, would consent;-it, consented.
consol-a,-, consoled;-er, to console;-erait, would console.
construisit, built.
consulta, consulted.
consumer, to consume or burn.
conte,-s, m., tale.
contenait, contained.
content,-s,-e,-es, contented.
continu-a,-rent,-, continued;-er, to continue.
contrainte, f., constraint.
contraire, contrary.
contre, against.
contre, f., country.
convenable, suitable.
coquille,-s, f., shell.
corail, m., coral.
corbeau, m., crow.
corde, f., rope.
cordons, m., strings.
corps, m., body.
cte cte, side by side.
ct, m., side, direction.
ctes, f., shores.
cou, m., neck.
couch-a (se),-rent, lay down;-,-e,-es, lain down.
couche, f., layer.
coucou, m., cuckoo.
coudre, to sew.
couler, to flow.
couleur, f., color.
coup de pied, m., kick.
coup-a,-rent,-ait,-, cut;-era,-erez, will cut.
coupe, f., cup.
cour, m., court; faire la——, to woo.
courageusement, courageously.
courageu-x,-se, brave.
cour-ait,-ut,-urent, ran;-s,-u, run;-ir, to run.
courant, m., current.
courba, bent.
couronne,-s, f., crown.
cours, m., course.
course, f., race.
coursier,-s, m., steed.
court,-e,-s, short.
courtisans, m., courtiers.
cote que cote, at any cost.
couteau, m., knife.
couvert,-s,-e,-es, covered.
couvert,-s, m., places at table.
couvrir, to cover.
crains, fear.
crainte, f., fear.
crpe,-s, f., pancakes.
creusa, dug.
crev, put out.
cri,-s, m., cry, scream.
cri-a,-,-rent,-aient, screamed;-ant, screaming;-er, to scream.
croi-s, believe;-rai, will believe.
croiser, to cross.
croy-ais,-ait, believed.
cruche, f., jar.
cueill-ant, picking;-ez, pick;-it,-irent,-i, picked;-erons, will pick.
cuillre, f., spoon.
cuisine, f., kitchen; je fais la——, I am cooking.
cuisinier, m., cook.
cuivre, m., copper.
culinaire, cooking.
cultivait, cultivated.
cur, m., priest.
curieu-x,-se, inquisitive.
dame, f., lady.
dangereusement, dangerously.
dangereu-x,-se, dangerous.
dans, in.
dans-a,-rent,-, danced;-er, to dance;-ez, dance.
de, of, with.
dbarqu-a,-rent,-, landed;-er, to land;-ons, let us land.
dbarrasser, to get rid of.
debout, standing up.
dcembre, December.
dcevoir, deceive.
dcid-a,-rent,-,-e, decided;-eraient, would decide;-er, to decide.
dcidment, decidedly.
dclar-a, declared;-ant, declaring.
dconcert-a,-, disconcerted.
dcourag-,-e, discouraged.
dcouvr-it, discovered;-ir, to discover.
dcrivit, described.
dedans, within.
dfend,-s, forbid;-u, forbidden.
dgot, m., disgust.
dguis-a,-,-rent, disguised.
dguisement, m., disguise.
dehors, outside.
dj, already.
djeuner, m., breakfast.
dliant, untying.
demain, to-morrow.
demand-a,-ait,-rent,-,-e, asked;-er, to ask;-ant, asking; -era,-eras, will ask.
demeur-aient,-ait,-a,-rent,-, dwelt;-er, to dwell.
demoiselle, f., spinster.
dmoli, demolished;-r, to demolish.
dmon, m., demon, genius.
dnoncerai, will denounce.
dpart, m., departure.
dposez, lay.
depuis, since.
dern-ier,-ire, last.
derrire, behind.
des, some, of the.
ds, as soon;——que, as soon as;——lors, henceforth.
dsagrable, disagreeable.
dsappoint-,-e, disappointed.
descend-ant, coming down;-it,-irent, came down;-re, to come down.
dserte, deserted.
dsespr-a, despaired;-er, to despair;-pre, despair;-s, desperate.
dsespoir, m., despair.
dsir-e, wish;-e, wished.
dsordre, m., disorder.
dessert, m., dessert.
dessus, on, over.
dtestait, hated.
dtresse, f., distress.
dtruit,-e, destroyed.
deux, two.
deuxime, second.
devant, in front of.
devenir, to become.
deviendra, will become.
devin-er, to guess;-iez, guessed.
devise, f., motto.
devoir, m., duty.
dev-ons, must;-rait, should.
dvor-er, to devour;-ant, devouring;-era, will devour.
diable, m., devil.
diamant,-s, m., diamond.
Dieu, God.
diffrent,-e, different.
difficile, hard, difficult.
digrer, to digest.
digue, f., dike.
dimanche, m., Sunday.
diminu-a,-rent,-, diminished.
dn-a,-rent,-ait, dined;-e, dine;-er, to dine.
dner, m., dinner.
dire, to say.
dirige-a,-aient, directed.
di-s, say;-t,-sait,-rent, said;-tes, say;-rait, would say;-rai, will say;-sant, saying.
disparatre, to disappear.
disparu,-t, disappeared.
disput-aient, were quarreling;-er, to quarrel.
dissip-,-e, scattered.
distinguer, to distinguish.
dix, ten.
doigt, m., finger.
doit, must.
domestique,-s, m. and f., servant.
dommage, m., damage; c'est——, it is a pity.
donc, therefore, then, now.
donn-a,-ai,-ait,-rent, gave;-,-e, given;-er, to give;-era, will give;-eraient, would give.
dont, of which.
dore, golden, gilded.
dorm-ant, sleeping;-ir, to sleep;-irai, will sleep;-ez, sleep.
dort, sleeps.
dos, m., back.
doucement, gently.
douleur, f., pain, sorrow.
douta, doubted.
doute, m., doubt; sans——, undoubtedly.
doux,-ce, sweet, gentle..
douze, twelve.
droit, right, straight.
droite, ——, to the right.
du, some, of the;——quel, of which;——tout, at all.
dur, hard, severe, inclement.
dura, lasted.
eau,-x, f., water.
branler, to shake.
chapp-,-e, escaped;-er, to escape.
chelle, f., ladder.
clair, m., lightning.
cole, f., school.
cout-a,-rent,-, listened;-ez, listen.
cri-a,-rent, s', cried.
crit, written.
crivit, wrote.
curie, f., stable.
effac-er, to efface;-, effaced.
effet, en——, indeed.
effila, raveled.
efforait, strove.
effray-,-e,-s, frightened.
effroi, m., terror.
glise, f., church.
gosme, m., selfishness.
goste,-s, selfish.
eh bien, well.
lanc-rent, sprang;-er, to spring.
elev-a,-rent,-, brought up;-er, to bring up.
elle,-s, she, they.
loignaient, s', were going away.
embarqu-a,-,-rent, embarked.
embarrass-,-e, embarrassed.
embrassa, kissed.
meraude, f., emerald.
mietta, crumbled.
empcha, hindered.
emphase, m., emphasis.
emport-,-rent, carried away.
empressement, m., polite haste.
en, in.
enchant-,-e, enchanted.
enchre-s, f., bid.
enclume, f., anvil.
encombre, f., hindrance.
encore, yet, still, again.
endormi, asleep; s'endormit, fell asleep.
endroit, m., place.
enfant,-s, m. and f., child.
enfer, m., hell.
enfin, at last.
enfona, drove in.
enfuirent, fled.
engag, engaged, hired.
englouti, engulfed.
engraisse, fatten.
enleva, carried off.
ennemi,-s, m., enemy.
norme, enormous.
enrager, to get mad.
ensanglant-,-e, bloody.
ensemble, together.
ensuite, afterwards.
entend-it,-irent,-u, heard;-re, to hear.
entendu, heard; c'est——, agreed; bien——, of course.
enterra, buried.
ent-ier,-ire, whole.
entirement, wholly.
entour-aient,-a,-, surrounded.
entr-a,-rent,-ait,-,-e, entered;-er, to enter;-ez, enter; -erait, would enter;-era, will enter;-ant, entering.
entre, between.
entre, f., entrance.
entretien, m., conversation.
envelopp-a,-, wrapped.
envie, f., wish; j'ai——, I wish.
envieux, envious.
environs, m., neighborhood.
envoie, sends.
envol-a,-ait, flew away;-, flown away.
envoy-a,-rent,-ait,-,-e, sent;-er, to send.
pais,-se,-ses, thick.
pargnes, spared.
paule,-s, f., shoulder.
pingle, f., pin.
pous-ez, marry;-er, to marry;-erai, will marry.
prouver, experience.
puis-,-e, exhausted.
ermite, m., hermit.
es, art (thou).
esclave, m., slave.
escorta, escorted.
espace, m., space.
espce, f., kind.
espre, hope; espr-,-ait, hoped;-er, to hope.
esprit,-s, m., spirit, wit.
essaiera, will try.
essuya, wiped away.
est, is.
estomac, m., stomach.
et, and.
table, f., stable.
tabli, established.
tang, m., pond.
t-ais,-ait,-aient,-iez,-ions, were;-ant, being;-, been.
t, m., summer.
tes, are.
tincelant,-e, sparkling.
toffe,-s, f., stuff.
tonnement, m., astonishment, surprise.
trange, strange.
tre, to be.
tudiant,-s, m., student.
eu,-t,-rent, had.
eux, them, they.
vasion, f., escape.
veill-a,-, awake.
voqua, called up.
exactement, exactly.
exactitude, f., exactness.
examin-a,-rent,-ait,-, examined;-er, to examine.
except, except.
excusez, excuse.
excut-a,-rent,-, executed;-er, to execute.
exemplaire, exemplary.
exercer, to exercise.
existe, exists.
expos, exposed.
extrieur, m., outside.
extraordinaire, extraordinary.
extrmement, extremely.
extrmit, f., extremity.
fabriqu-,-ait, manufactured.
fch-,-e, angry, sorry; se——er, to be angry.
facile, easy.
faon, f., fashion.
faonn-a,-rent,-, fashioned;-er, to fashion.
fagots, m., bundles.
faible, weak.
faillit, almost (idiomatic)
faim, f., hunger; avoir——, to be hungry; avoir grand'——, to be very hungry.
fai-re, to make, do;-s, make;-sait,-saient, made;-sons, let us make;-t,-te, done;-tes, do, make.
falloir, to be necessary.
famille, f., family.
fantaisie, f., fancy.
fatigu-,-e,-s, tired.
faudra, will be necessary.
faut, il——, it is necessary, must.
faute, f., fault; de votre——, your fault.
favori,-te, favorite.
fe, f., fairy.
femme, f., woman.
fentre, f., window.
fer, iron;-s, shoes; chemins de——, railroads.
fer-a,-ai,-ont,-ez, will make or do;-ait,-aient, would make or do.
ferm-a,-rent, shut;-er, to shut.
ferme, f., farm; garon de——, farm hand.
fermier,-ire, farmer.
ferrer, to shoe.
ferveur, m., fervor, warmth.
festin, m., feast.
feu, m., fire; en——, afire.
feuillage, m., foliage.
feuilles, f., leaves.
fvrier, February.
fianc-,-e, betrothed.
ficelle, f., string.
fidle, faithful.
fier,-s, fire,-s, proud.
figure, f., face.
fil,-s, m., thread.
fil-ait, was spinning;-er, to spin;-e,-ez, spin.
filet, m., net.
fille,-s, f., daughter, girl.
fils, m., son, sons.
fin, f., end.
fin-i,-ie,-is, finished.
fi-rent,-t, made, said.
flamme,-s, f., flame.
fleur,-s, f., flower.
fleuve, m., river.
flocon, m., flake.
foi, f., faith.
fois, f., time; une——, once upon a time.
folle, foolish, crazy.
fond, m., bottom.
fondit, melted.
font, make, do.
fontaine, f., fountain.
for-a,-c,-ce,-crent, compelled;-cer, to compel;-cerai, will compel.
force,-s, f., strength.
fort,-s, f., forest.
forge, f., smithy.
forgeron, m., blacksmith.
form-a,-,-e,-ait, formed;-er, to form.
forme, f., shape.
fort, very, strong.
fou, crazy.
fouet, m., whip.
fouill-ant, fumbling;-aient, were fumbling.
foule, f., crowd.
four, m., oven.
fourmis, f., ants.
fourrure,-s, f., fur.
frache, fresh.
frais, fresh.
fraises, f., strawberries.
franc,-s, m., franc, twenty cents.
franchise, f., frankness.
frapp-a,-rent,-, knocked;-er, to knock;-ez, knock.
frre,-s, m., brother.
froid,-e, cold; j'ai froid, I am cold.
fromage,-s, m., cheese.
fruitier, fruit (tree).
fugitifs, m., fugitives.
fuir, flee.
fuite, f., flight.
fumait, was smoking.
fume, f., smoke.
fumier, m., manure.
furent, were.
furieu-x,-se, angry.
fut, fus, was.
fuy-ons, let us flee;-aient, were fleeing.
gagn-a,-rent,-ait,-, won, reached;-e, wins, reaches.
gaie, gay.
gaiement, gayly.
gant,-s, m., glove.
garon, m., boy, bachelor.
gard-a,-rent,-ait,-, kept;-er, to keep.
garde-manger, m., larder.
gardien, m., keeper.
garni, trimmed.
gteau,-x, m., cake.
gauche,-s, awkward; ——, to the left.
gant, m., giant.
gle, may freeze.
gmissant, groaning.
gendre, m., son-in-law.
gnreu-x,-se, generous.
gnez, hinder.
genoux, knees; ——, kneeling.
gens, people.
gentil,-le, nice.
glace, f., ice.
glissa, slipped.
gorge, f., throat.
gourmand, greedy.
got-a,-, tasted;-er, to taste.
goutte, f., drop.
gouverner, to govern.
grce,-s, f., grce;——, thanks to.
grain, m., grain;-es, f., seeds.
graiss-a,-,-es, greased.
grand,-s,-e,-es, large, big.
grandeur, f., size, grandeur.
grandi-r, to grow tall;-t, grew tall.
grange, f., barn.
gras,-se, fat.
gravir, to climb.
griffes, f., claws.
grimace, f., grimace; faire des——s, to make a face.
grimp-a,-rent,-, climbed;-er, to climb.
grommel-a, grumbled;-ant, grumbling.
grond, scolded.
gros,-se, fat, large, big, thick.
grotte, f., cave.
groups, grouped.
gur-i,-it,-issait, cured;-ira,-irai, will cure;-issant, curing,-ir, to cure.
guerre, f., war.
guise, en——, like.
habile, skillful.
habill-a,-, dressed.
habitant-s, m., inhabitants.
habits, m., clothes.
habitude, f., habit, custom.
hache,-s, f., axe.
halte, halt;——l, stop.
hameons, m., fishhooks.
hardiment, boldly.
hte, f., haste.
haut,-e,-s, high.
hlas, alas.
herbe, f., grass.
hrit-er, to inherit;-a, inherited.
hritier,-s, m., heirs.
hros, m., hero.
hsit-a,-, hesitated;-ez, hesitate.
heure-s, f., hour; l'——, on time; de bonne——, early.
heureu-x,-se, happy.
heurta, rapped.
hier, yesterday.
histoire, f., story.
hiver, m., winter.
hommage, m., homage.
homme,-s, m., man.
honneur, m., honor.
horreur, f., horror.
hors, out of.
hospitalit, f., hospitality.
hte, m., guest.
huit, eight.
hutre, f., oyster.
humaine, human.
humeur, f., humor, temper.
hurl-a, howled;-ant, howling.
ici, here.
idale, ideal.
ide, f., idea.
il, he;——y a, there is, are.
le, f., island.
ils, they.
imaginer, to imagine.
imbcile, m., fool.
immdiatement, immediately.
immense, immense.
immobile, motionless.
immortel,-le, immortal.
imprieusement, imperiously.
incommode, inconvenient.
inconfortable, uncomfortable.
inconnu,-e, unknown.
indign-,-e, indignant.
industrieu-x,-se, industrious.
infortun, unfortunate.
ingrat, ungrateful.
inhospitalier, inhospitable.
inqui-et,-te, uneasy.
inscri-re, to inscribe;-vit, inscribed.
insist-a,-,-rent, insisted.
installa, settled.
intress-a,-rent,-ait,-, interested.
intrieur, m., interior.
invit-a,-rent,-ait,-, invited;-er, to invite.
ir-a,-ai,-ez,-ons,-ont, will go.
jacinthe,-s, hyacinths.
jaill-it,-issait, spurted forth.
jalou-x,-se, jealous.
jamais, ever; ne... jamais, never.
jambe, f., leg.
jambon, m., ham.
janvier, January.
jardin, m., garden.
jaune, yellow.
je, j', I.
jet-a,-rent,-,-e,-ait, uttered, threw;-erai, will utter, will throw;-er, to utter, to throw.
jeune,-s, young;——gens, young people.
joie, f., joy.
joli,-e,-s, pretty.
jonquilles, f., jonquils.
jou-aient, played;-er, to play.
joue, f., cheek.
jour,-s, m., day.
journe, f., day; toute la——, all day long.
joyeusement, joyously.
joyeu-x,-se, joyful.
juillet, July.
juin, June.
jur-a, swore;-ez, swear;-erez, will swear.
jusque, until.
juste, just, right.
la, the, her, it.
l, there; l-bas, yonder.
lac, m., lake.
lch-a,-rent, let go;-er, to let go.
laid,-e, homely.
laiss-a,-ait,-rent,-,-e, left;-er, to leave;-era,-erai, will leave.
lait, m., milk.
lament-a,-rent,-, lamented;-er, to lament.
lanc, thrown.
lard, m., bacon.
large, wide.
larme,-s, f., tear.
lav-a, washed;-er, to wash;-ez, wash.
le, the, him, it.
leons, f., lessons.
lgendes, f., legends.
lgumes, m., vegetables.
lendemain, m., morrow, next day.
lentement, slowly.
lequel, which one.
les, the, them.
lettres, f., letters.
leur, they, them, to them.
lev-a,-rent,-, lifted;-ez, lift.
lvre, f., lip.
licol, m., halter.
lieu, m., place; au——, instead.
livre, m., hare.
ligne, f., line, fishing line.
lilas, m., lilacs.
limpide, limpid.
linge, m., clothes, linen.
liquide, m., liquid.
li-re, to read;-t, reads;-s, read.
lit, m., bed.
livre, m., book.
loi, f., law.
loin, far.
long,-ue,-s, long.
longtemps, a long time.
longueur, f., length.
loup, m., wolf.
lourd, heavy.
lui, him, her, to him, to her.
ma, my.
madame, Mrs., Madam.
mademoiselle, Miss.
magicien,-ne, magician.
magique,-s, magic.
magnifique, magnificent.
maigre,-s, thin.
main,-s, f., hand.
maintenant, now.
maire, m., mayor.
mais, but.
maison, f., house.
matre,-sse, master, mistress.
mal, m., harm; faire du——, injure, hurt;——aux yeux, sore eyes.
malade,-s, sick, sick person.
malgr, in spite of.
malheur,-s, m., misfortune.
malheureusement, unfortunately.
malheureu-x,-se, unhappy.
malin, malicious.
maltraitait, ill-treated.
manche, m., handle.
mang-ea,-eait,-eaient,-rent, ate;-er, to eat;-erait, would eat;-era, will eat;-, eaten.
manier, to handle.
manoeuvre, f., manoeuvre.
manqua, failed, came near.
manteau, m., cloak.
march-a,-, walked.
marchand,-s, m., merchant.
march, m., market; bon——, cheap.
mari, m., husband.
mari-a,-,-e,-ait, married;-er, to marry.
mari-,-e, bridegroom, bride.
marmite, f., pot.
mars, March.
marteau, m., knocker, hammer.
masse, f., mass.
matelots, m., sailors.
matin, m., morning.
mauvais,-e,-es, bad.
me, me, I;——voil, here I am.
mchant,-e,-s, bad, wicked.
mche, f., lock.
mcontent, discontented.
mdecin, m., doctor.
meilleur,-e,-s, better.
membre, m., member.
mme,-s, same, very, even, self.
mmoire, f., memory.
mnace, f., threat.
mnagre, f., housekeeper.
mendiant,-e,-s, beggar.
mendier, to beg.
mener, to lead.
menton, m., chin.
mpris, m., scorn.
mer,-s, f., sea.
merci, thanks.
mre,-s, f., mother.
mrit-a,-ait,-, deserved;-er, to deserve;-erez, will deserve; -erait, would deserve.
merveilleu-x,-se, marvelous.
mes, my.
messager, m., messenger.
mtamorphose, f., metamorphosis.
mets, m., dishes.
met-tez, put;-tre, to put;-trai, will put.
miche, f., loaf.
midi, midday, noon.
mien,-s,-ne,-nes, mine.
miettes, f., crumb.
mieux, better.
milieu, m., middle.
mille, thousand.
miroir, m., mirror.
misre, f., misery, poverty.
mit, put; se——, began.
moine, m., monk.
moins, less; au——, at least.
mois, m., month.
mon, my.
monde, m., world; tout le——, everybody.
monsieur, Mr., sir.
monstre, m., monster.
mont-a,-ait,-,-rent, mounted, climbed;-er, to mount, to climb;-ez, climb, mount;-erait, would climb or mount.
montagne, f., mountain.
montr-a,-rent,-, shown;-ez, show;-er, to show.
moqueuse, mocking.
morceau, m., piece.
mort,-s, dead.
mort, f., death; ——, to death.
mots, m., words.
mouchoir, m., handkerchief.
moules, f., mussels.
mour-ir, to die;-ut, died;-rai, will die;-rait, would die.
mousse, f., moss.
mousseuse, mossy; rose——, moss-rose.
moutarde, f., mustard.
mouton, m., sheep, lamb.
moyen,-s, m., means, way.
moyenne, medium, middle sized.
muguet,-s, m., lily of the valley.
mur,-s, m., wall.
mr,-e,-s, ripe.
murmure, m., murmur.
museau, m., snout.
mystrieuse,-s, mysterious.
nag-ea,-eaient, swam.
navement, innocently.
narine,-s, f., nostril.
natal,-e, native.
navets, m., turnips.
navigua, sailed.
ne... pas, not.
n,-e, born.
ncessaire, necessary.
ngligemment, carelessly.
ngresse, f., negro woman.
neige, f., snow.
netto-yer, to clean;-iera, will clean.
neu-f,-ve, new.
nez, m., nose.
ni, neither, nor.
noces, f., wedding.
noir,-s,-e,-es, black.
noirci, blackened.
noix, f., nuts.
nom, m., name.
nombre, m., number.
nombreux, numerous.
nomm-ait,-, named.
non, no;——plus, neither.
nota, noted.
notre, our.
ntre, ours.
nous, we, us.
nouveau,-x, new;——venu, newcomer; de——, again.
nouvel,-le,-les, new.
nouvelles, f., news.
novembre, November.
noyer, m., nut tree.
nuit, f., night.
nul,-le, none, not any.
ob-i,-it,-issait, obeyed;-irai, will obey;-ir, to obey;-issez, obey.
objet, m., object.
oblig-,-e, obliged.
obscurit, f., darkness.
observ-a,-rent,-, noticed.
obten-ir, to obtain;-u, obtained.
occup-,-e,-s, occupied;-er, to occupy.
octobre, October.
oeil, m., eye.
officier, m., officer.
offrir, to offer.
oie, f., goose.
oignon, m., onion.
oiseau,-x, m., bird.
on, one, they.
oncle, m., uncle.
ont, have.
onze, eleven.
oppos-,-e, opposite.
or, now.
or, m., gold.
oranger, m., orange tree.
ordinaire, ordinary.
ordonna, ordered.
ordre,-s, m., order, system.
oreille,-s, f., ear.
oreiller, m., pillow.
original, eccentric.
orphelin,-s, m., orphan.
os-a,-rent,-, dared;-ant, daring.
osier, m., willow.
ter, to take away, remove.
ou, or.
o, where.
oubli-a,-rent,-ait, forgot;-er, to forget;-, forgotten.
oui, yes.
ours, m., bear.
ouvert,-e,-s, open.
ouverture, f., opening.
ouvr-ez, opens;-it,-ait,-irent, opened;-ira, will open;-irait, would open.
ouvrier,-s, m., workman.
pacha, m., pacha.
pain, m., bread.
paire, f., pair.
palais, m., palace.
ple, pale.
plit, grew pale.
panier, m., basket.
papier, m., paper.
par, by;——dessus, over.
paradis, m., paradise.
par-at, appears;-atra, will appear; par-aissait,-ut,-u, appeared.
parc, m., park;——aux moutons, sheepfold.
parce que, because.
pardon, m., pardon.
pardonna, forgave.
pareille,-s, like.
parents, m., parents.
paresseu-x,-se, lazy.
parfait, perfect.
parfaitement, perfectly.
parfum, m., perfume.
parl-a,-rent,-ait,-aient, spoke;-, spoken;-ant, speaking; -erait, would speak;-er, to speak; entendu——er, heard of.
parmi, among.
parole, f., word.
part-i,-it,-is,-irent,-ait, departed;-irait, would depart;-ir, to depart.
partie, f., part.
partout, everywhere.
pas, not.
pas, m., step.
pass-a,-,-ait, passed;-era, will pass;-erait, would pass;-er, to pass.
passant, m., passer-by.
pte, f., batter, dough.
patiemment, patiently.
pauvre, poor.
pauvret, f., poverty.
pavot,-s, m., poppy.
pay-a,-,-ait,-aient, paid;-er, to pay; se payer, to afford; paiera, will pay.
pays, m., country.
paysan, m., countryman, peasant.
peau, f., skin.
pche, f., fishing.
pch-, fished;-er, to fish.
pcheur, m., fisherman.
peigne, m., comb.
peine, f., trouble.
pelle, f., shovel.
pench-a,-, bent over.
pendant, during.
pend-re, to hang;-ue, hanging, hung.
pens-a,-ait,-aient,-rent,-, thought;-er, to think;-era, will think.
pense, f., thought.
per-a, pierced;-c, pierced.
perchrent, perched.
perd-ant, losing;-re, to lose;-u, lost.
pre, m., father.
pr-i,-it,-irent, perished;-ir, to perish.
perle,-s, f., pearl.
permet-tre, to permit, enable;-tez, allow; permis, allowed.
perron, m., porch.
persil, m., parsley.
personne, f., person; ne——, nobody.
perte, f., loss.
petit,-s,-e,-es, small, little;——enfant, m. or f., grandchild.
peu, little, few.
peur, m., fear; avait——, was afraid.
peut, can;——tre, perhaps.
philosophiquement, philosophically.
pic,-s, m., peak.
pice, f., piece;——blanche, nickel.
pied,-s, m., foot.
pierre, f., stone;—— feu, flint.
pierreries, f., precious stones.
piton, m., pedestrian.
pincettes, f., tongs.
piti, f., pity.
pla-a,-c, placed;-cer, to place;-cera, will place.
plage, f., beach.
plaindre, complain.
plaine, f., plain.
plaire, to please.
plaisir, m., pleasure.
plat, please; s'il-vous——, if you please.
planche,-s, f., plank.
plante,-s, f., plant.
plein,-e, full.
pleur-a,-rent,-ait,-, wept;-ant, weeping;-er, to weep;-era, will weep.
pleurs, f., tears.
plong-ea, plunged;-ez, plunge.
pluie, f., rain.
plume, f., feather, pen.
plus, more.
plusieurs, several.
plutt, rather.
poche, f., pocket.
point, not; ne——, not at all.
pointe, f., point.
poisson,-s, m., fish.
poitrine, f., chest.
poli, polite.
poliment, politely.
politesse, f., politeness.
pomme, f., apple;——de terre, potato.
pommeau, m., knob.
pommier, m., apple tree.
pompe, f., pomp.
pompeusement, pompously.
pont, m., bridge.
porc,-s, m., pig.
port-a,-rent,-ait,-, carried, worn;-era, will carry;-ez, carry, wear;-er, to carry, wear.
porte, f, door.
porte, f., reach.
portire, f., carriage, door.
pos-a,-rent,-, laid;-er, to lay;-era, will lay.
possde, owns;-era, will own; possd-a,-rent,-ait, owned;-er, to own.
possible, possible.
poste, f., post.
pot-au-feu, m., soup pot.
poumons, m., lungs.
pour, for.
pourquoi, why.
pourr-ait, would be able, could;-ez, will be able.
poursuite, f., pursuit.
poursuiv-i, pursued;-ra, will pursue;-re, to follow;-irent, followed.
pourtant, however.
pouss-ant, uttering;-er, to utter grow;-ez, push.
pouvoir, m., power.
pouv-oir, to be able;-ez,-ons, can.
prairie, f., prairie.
pratiquer, to make, to practice.
pr, m., meadow.
prcieu-x,-se, precious.
prcipita, precipitated, flung.
prdiction, f., prediction, prophecy.
prfre, prefer.
prem-ier,-ire, first.
pren-ant, taking;-dre, to take;-ez, take;-drai, will take.
prpara, prepared.
prparatif, m., preparation.
prs, near.
prsent, present; ——, now.
prsenta, presented.
presque, nearly.
press, hurried, in a hurry.
prt,-e, ready.
prt-er, to lend;-era, will lend;-erait, would lend.
prtre, m., priest.
pri-e, prays;-a,-rent, prayed;-era, will pray;-er, to pray.
prire, f., prayer.
prince,-s, m., prince.
princesse,-s, f., princess.
printemps, m., spring.
pri-s,-se, taken;-t, took.
prison, m., prison.
prix, m., price, prize.
probable, probable.
probablement, probably.
procession, f., procession.
procurer, to procure.
produi-re, produce;-sit, produced.
profit, m., profit.
profond,-e, deep.
profondment, deeply.
promen-a,-rent, walked; se promener, to walk.
promenades, f., walks.
promesse, f., promise.
prom-ettre, to promise;-ettrez, will promise;-is,-it, promised.
promptement, promptly.
pronon-a,-c, pronounced;-cez, pronounce.
prophte, m., prophet.
propos-er, to propose;-,-a, proposed.
propre, own, clean.
propritaire, m., owner.
prosprit, prosperity.
protg-er, to protect;-ea,-, protected.
protesta, protested.
provision, f., provision, supply.
puis, then;-que, since.
puisse, can, may.
puits, m., well.
pun-ir, to punish;-ie, punished.
punition, f., punishment.
put, could.
quand, when.
quant , as to, as for.
quantit, f., quantity.
quarante, forty.
quatr-e, four;-ime, fourth.
que, than, that, as.
quel,-le,-s, which, what a.
quelque,-s, some, a few;——fois, sometimes.
querell-er, quarrel;-ait, was quarreling.
questionner, to question.
queue, f., tail, stem.
qui, who, which.
quitt-a,-,-e,-rent, left;-ez, leave;-er, to leave.
raccommod-a, mended;-er, to mend.
racont-a,-ait,-rent,-, told;-er, to tell.
raison, f., right, reason; avoir——to be right.
raisonnable, reasonable.
ramassa, picked up.
rame,-s, f., oar.
ramen-, brought back;-er, to bring back.
rappel-a,-rent, called back.
rapportez, bring back.
ravin, m., ravine.
recevoir, to receive.
recherch-, sought after;-er, to seek again.
rcit, m., account.
rcit-er, to recite;-, recited.
rclam-a,-rent, claimed;-erait, would claim.
recommand-a, recommended.
rcompense, f., reward.
rcompenserai, will reward.
reconnaissant,-e, grateful.
reconnut, recognized.
re-u,-ut, received.
recul-a, drew back;-, drawn back.
referma, closed.
reflta, reflected.
refus-a,-, refused;-er, to refuse.
rgal-a, treated;-er, to treat.
regard-a,-,-rent,-ait, looked;-ant, looking;-er, to look; -erait, would look.
regret, ——, regretfully.
regrett-a,-rent,-, regretted.
reine, f., queen.
rejet-, thrown back;-er, to throw back.
rejoindre, to join again.
remarier, to marry again.
remarqu-a,-rent,-ait,-, noticed;-er, to notice;-erai, will notice.
remarquable, remarkable.
remarquablement, remarkably.
remde, m., remedy.
remerci-a,-rent, thanked.
remis, put back.
remonta, mounted again.
remontrance, f., remonstrance.
remords, m., remorse.
rempl-ir, to fill;-issait,-it,-i, filled;-issez, fill.
renard, m., fox.
rencontr-a,-rent,-, met;-er, to meet;-erai, will meet.
rend-e, give back;-it, gave back.
rendormit, se, fell asleep again.
renomm, renowned.
rentr-a,-rent,-ait, came in again;-er, to renter;-ant, rentering.
renversa, overturned.
renvo-ie, send back;-yer, to send back;-ya,-yrent,-yait,-y, sent back.
rpandit, scattered, spilled.
rparer, to repair.
repartit, set out again.
repas, m., meal.
rpt-a, repeated;-ant, repeating.
replacrent, put back.
rpliqua, retorted.
rpond-ait,-it,-irent,-u, answered;-re, to answer;-rai, will answer.
rponse, f., answer.
repos, m., rest.
repos-er, to rest;-, rested.
repr-irent,-it, resumed.
reproche, m., reproach.
requte, f., request, petition.
rserv-ait, reserved.
rservoir, m., reservoir, fish pond.
rsolu, resolved.
respect, m., respect.
respectueusement, respectfully.
respectueux, respectful.
resplendissant,-e, resplendent.
ressemble , looks like.
rest-a,-rent,-ait,-,-e, remained;-er, to remain;-ez, stay;-erai, will remain.
rtabli, restablished.
retir-a, withdrew;-, withdrawn.
retour, m., return.
retourn-a,-,-rent, returned;-era, will return;-er, to return.
retrouv, found again.
russ-i, succeeded;-ira, will succeed.
rve, m., dream.
rveilla, awoke.
rvl-, revealed;-erez, will reveal.
revenu,-s, m., revenues.
revenus, come back.
rvrences, f., bows.
reverrez, will see again.
revi-ens, come back;-nt, came back.
revoir, to see again; au——, farewell.
ri, laughed;-ant, laughing;-re, to laugh.
riche, rich.
richesses, f., wealth.
ridicule, ridiculous.
rien, nothing.
rivage, m., shore.
rivire,-s, f., river.
robe,-s, f., dress.
rocher, m., rock.
roi, m., king.
romp-u,-ue, broken;-re, to break.
ronfler, to snore.
rose, f., rose.
rose, pink.
rt-ie, roasted;-ir, to roast.
rouge,-s, red.
roug-ir, to blush;-issant, blushing;-it, blushed.
roula, rolled.
route, f., road; en——, on the way.
royaume, m., kingdom.
ruban, m., ribbon.
rubis, m., ruby.
rue, f., street.
ruine, f., ruin.
rus, sly, cunning.
sa, her, his.
sable, m., sand.
sabre, m., sword.
sac,-s, m., bag.
sachant, knowing.
sage, wise; good, well-behaved.
sagement, wisely.
sai-s,-t, knows.
sais-ir, to seize;-it, seized.
saison, f., season.
sale, dirty.
sal-,-e, salty.
salle, f., hall.
salua, bowed, greeted.
sang, m., blood.
sans, without.
sant, f., health.
sapin, m., pine.
satisfait, satisfied.
saucisse, f., sausage.
saurez, will know.
saut-a,-,-rent, jumped;-er, to jump.
sauv-a,-,-rent, saved;-erai, will save;-er, to save;-ez, save.
sav-ait, knew;-ez, know;-oir, to know.
savant, learned.
scne, f., scene.
scrupuleu-x,-se, scrupulous.
se, one's self.
seau, m., pail.
sec,-s, sche,-s, dry.
sch-a, dried;-er, to dry.
secou-er, to shake;-ez, shake.
secours, m., help.
seigneur, m., lord.
sel, m., salt.
selle, f., saddle.
sellez, saddle.
semaine, f., week.
semait, was sowing.
sent-ir, to feel;-it, felt.
spar-a,-,-rent, separated;-er, to separate.
sept, seven.
septembre, September.
ser-a,-as,-ai,-ez,-ons,-ont, will be;-ais,-ait,-ions,-iez,-aient, would be.
servante, f., servant.
serviette, f., napkin.
serv-ir, to serve;-it, served.
serviteur, m., servant.
ses, his, her.
seule, alone.
seulement, only.
svre, severe.
si, so, if.
sien,-ne,-s, his, hers.
siffler, to whistle.
signaux, m., signals.
signe, m., sign.
sign, signed.
situ, situated.
six, six.
socit, f., society.
soeur, f., sister.
soi, one's self.
soie,-s, f., silk.
soi-ent,-s,-t, may be.
soif, f., thirst, thirsty; j'ai——, I am thirsty.
soigna, cared for.
soigneusement, carefully.
soin, m., care.
soir, m., evening.
soixante, sixty.
soleil, m., sun.
solennellement, solemnly.
solide, solid.
solitaire, solitary.
sombra, sank to the bottom.
somme, f., sum.
sommeil, m., sleep; j'ai——, I am sleepy.
sommet, m., summit.
son, his, her.
songe, m., dream.
sorcire, f., witch.
sort-aient,-ait,-it,-irent, went out;-i, gone out;-irai, will go out;-ir, to go out.
sou,-s, m., cent.
souffr-ait,-it, suffered.
souhait-a, wished;-er, to wish.
souhaits, m., wishes.
souliers, m., shoes.
souper, m., supper.
soupirant, sighing.
source, f., source, spring.
souris, f., mouse, mice.
sour-it,-iait, smiled.
sous, under.
souvenir, to remember.
souvenir, m., remembrance.
souvent, often.
souveraine, f., sovereign.
soy-ez, be;-ons, let us be.
spectacle, m., sight.
subir, to submit.
subitement, suddenly.
submerg, flooded, submerged.
succder, to succeed.
succs, m., success.
suis, am; follow.
suite, f., followers, retinue; ainsi de——, and so forth.
suivant,-e, following.
suiv-i,-it,-irent,-ait,-aient, followed;-re, to follow;-rai, will follow.
superbe, superb.
supportait, endured.
suppos, supposed.
sur, on.
sr,-e, sure.
srement, surely.
surpris,-e, surprised.
surtout, especially.
suspend-ue,-irent, hung.
ta, thy.
table, f., table.
tche, f., task.
tant, so much, so many.
tante, f., aunt.
tard, late.
tasse, f., cup.
tt-a,-,felt;-er, to feel.
taureau, m., bull.
ta, thee, thy.
tel,-le,-s, such.
tempte, f., tempest.
temps, m., time, weather.
tend-it,-aient, held out;-re, to hold out;-ez, hold.
tendre, tender.
tenir, to hold.
tenter, to tempt or attempt.
termin, ended.
terre, f., land, ground, earth.
terreur, f., terror.
tes, thy.
testament, m., will.
tte, f., head.
tien,-ne,-s, thine.
tien-s, hold;-ne,-nent, hold;-draient, would hold.
timide, afraid.
timidement, timidly.
tint, held;——ferme, held tight.
tir-er, to pull;-ez, pull;-a,-rent, pulled.
toilette, f., toilet.
toit, m., roof.
tomb-a,-ait,-rent, fell;-,-e, fallen;-e, falls;-era, will fail.
tombe, f., tomb.
ton, thy.
tonnerre, m., thunder.
topaze, f., topaz.
tort, wrong; a——, is wrong.
tt, soon.
touch-a,-rent,-ait,-, touched, collected;-er, to touch, to collect;-ant, touching, collecting.
toujours, always, still.
tour, m., tour.
tourment-a,-, tormented or worried;-er, to torment or worry; -erai, will torment or worry.
tourn-a,-, turned;-ez, turn;-er, to turn.
tout,-e,-s, all, every;—— coup, suddenly;——de suite, immediately.
train, m., train; en——, on the point of.
traire, to milk.
trait, m., trace.
tratre, m., traitor.
tranquille, quiet.
tranquillement, quietly.
transport-a, carried, conveyed;-ez, carry, convey.
transports, m., transports.
travaill-a,-ait,-rent,-, worked;-er, to work;-ez, work.
travailleur, m., worker.
travers, , across.
travers-a,-ait,-,-rent, crossed;-er, to cross;-era, will cross.
treize, thirteen.
trembl-a,-,-rent,-ait, trembled;-ant,-ante, trembling;-er, to tremble.
trempa, dipped.
trs, very.
trsors, m., treasures.
tress-a, twisted, wove;-ant, weaving.
triomphe, m., triumph.
triple, m., treble.
triste, sad.
tristement, sadly.
trois, three.
troisime, third.
trompe (se), is mistaken.
trne, m., throne.
trop, too much, too many.
trotter, to trot.
trou, m., hole.
troupeau, m., flock.
trouv-a,-ait,-,-rent, found;-er, to find;-era, will find; -eriez, would find;-ant, finding.
tu, thou.
tu-a,-,-rent, killed;-er, to kill;-e,-ez, kill;-eront,-era, will kill.
tulipe,-s, f., tulip.
un,-e, a, an, one.
universelle, universal.
universit, f., university.
usage, m., use.
us-e, wears out;-s, worn out.
ustensiles, m., utensils.
va, go, is going.
vacance, f., holiday.
vache, f., cow.
vague,-s, f., wave.
vain, vain.
vainement, vainly.
vais, am going.
vaisseau,-x, m., vessel.
valle,-s, f., valley.
vapeur, f., steam, vapor.
vaste, extensive.
veille, f., day before.
ven-aient,-ait, came;-u,-ue,-ez, come;-ir, to come;-ant, coming.
vend-aient, were selling;-rons,-rez, will sell;-re, to sell;-ant, selling;-u, sold.
vengerai, will revenge.
vent,-s, m., wind.
vente, f., sale.
venu,-e, come; nouveau——, new comer.
ver, m., worm.
verdir, to grow green.
vrifia, verified.
vrit, f., truth.
verrez, will see.
vers, towards.
vers-rent,-, poured.
vert,-e,-s, green.
vertu, f., virtue.
vertueux,-se, virtuous.
veste, f., vest.
vt-ir, clothe;-ue, clad.
veu-f,-ve, widower.
veu-x, want;-t, wants.
viande, f., meat.
victime, f., victim.
vid-a,-ait, emptied;-er, to empty.
vide, empty.
vie, f., life.
vieil,-le,-s, old;-le, f., old woman.
vieillard, m., old man.
vien-drons,-dront,-dra, will come;-ne, may come.
vieux, old.
vi-f,-ve, lively.
vigne, f., vine.
vigneron, m., vine grower.
vigoureusement, vigorously.
vilaine, ugly.
ville, f., town.
vin, m., wine.
vingt, twenty.
vin-rent,-t, came.
violemment, violently.
visit-a,-rent,-,-e, visited;-er, to visit.
visites, f., calls.
vi-t,-rent, saw.
vite, quickly.
viv-aient,-ait, lived;-re, to live.
vivant,-e,-s, living.
vivement, quickly.
voici, here is, here are.
voie, may see.
voil, there is, there are; me——, here I am.
voile, m., veil.
voile, f., sail; mit——, set sail; bateau ——, sail boat.
voir, to see.
voisin,-e,-s, neighbor.
voisinage, m., neighborhood.
voiture, f., carriage.
voix, f., voice.
vol, m., theft.
volant, flying.
volcan, m., volcano.
volont, f., wish, will.
volontiers, willingly.
vont, are going.
vos, your.
votre, your.
vtre, yours.
voudrez, shall wish.
voul-ait,-u,-urent,-ut, wanted;-ez, want;-oir, to want;-ant, wanting.
vous, you.
voyage, m., journey.
voyag-,-ea,-rent, traveled;-era, will journey;-eant, journeying.
voyageur, m., traveler.
voy-ant, seeing;-ez,-ons, see;-ons, see, come.
vrai,-e, true, real.
vraiment, truly.
vu,-s, seen;——que, as.
vue, f., view; en——, in sight.
vulgaire, vulgar.
y, there; il y a, there is, are.
yeux, m., eyes.
Zuiderse, Zuyder Zee.
* * * * *
BACON. Une Semaine Paris $0.50
BRUNO. Le Tour de la France (Syms) .60
CHATEAUBRIAND. Les Aventures du Dernier Abencerac (Bruner) .30
CONLEY. La Fille de Thuiskon .65
DUMAS. Excursions sur les Bords du Rhin (Henckels) .40
DUMAS. Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge (Sauveur & Jones) .40
ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Madame Thrse (Fontaine) .50
FOA. Le Petit Robinson de Paris (De Bonneville) .45
FONCIN. Le Pays de France (Muzzarelli) .60
FRANOIS. Easy Standard French .40
GOODELL. L'Enfant Espion, and Other Stories .45
GUERBER. Contes et Lgendes. Two Parts. Each .60
LA BDOLLIRE. La Mre Michel et Son Chat (Josselyn) .30
LABICHE and MARTIN. La Poudre aux Yeux (Franois) .30
LABICHE and MARTIN. Le Voyage de M. Perrichon (Castegnier) .35
LEGOUV and LABICHE. La Cigale chez les Fourmis (Farrar) .35
MAIRET. La Clef d'Or, and Les Flches Magiques (Healy) .35
MAIRET. La Petite Princesse (Healy) .35
MAIRET. La Tche du Petit Pierre (Healy) .35 MAIRET. L'Enfant de la Lune (Healy) .35
MRIME. Colomba (Williamson) .40
SCHULTZ. La Neuvaine de Colette (Lye) .45
SYMS. Easy First French Reader .50
SYMS. Le Chien de Brisquet, and Other Stories .35
VERNE. Les Enfants du Capitaine Grant (Healy) .30
These texts are, in the main, those recommended by the Modern Language Association, the College Entrance Examination Board, and the New York State Education Department. Most of the volumes contain notes and a vocabulary.
PRICE AUGIER and SANDEAU. Le Gendre de M. Poirier (Roedder) $0.40
CAMERON. Tales of France 1.00
CORNEILLE. Le Cid (Bruner) .45
CRMIEUX and DECOURCELLE. L'Abb Constantin (Franois) .35
DAUDET. La Belle-Nivernaise, and Other Stories (Jenkins) .50
DAUDET. Tartarin de Tarascon (Fontaine) .45
DUMAS. La Tulipe Noire (Brandon) .40
DUMAS. Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (Fontaine) .40
DUMAS. Les Trois Mousquetaires (Fontaine) .60
FONTAINE. Douze Contes Nouveaux .45
HUGO. Hernani (Bruner) .70
HUGO. La Chute (Kapp) .35
LA BRTE. Mon Oncle et Mon Cur (White) .50
LAURIE. Mmoires d'un Collgien (Borgerhoff) .50
MOLIRE. Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Roi and Guitteau) .35
SAND. La Mare au Diable (Randall-Lawton) .35
SAND. Le Meunier d'Angibault (Kuhne) .40
SANDEAU. Mademoiselle de la Seiglire (White) .40
SCRIBE and LEGOUV. Bataille de Dames (Eggert) .30
SVIGN, MADAME DE. Selected Letters (Syms) .40
WEILL. French Newspaper Reader .50
WEILL. Historical French Reader .40
GONCOURT, EDMOND, and JULES DE. Selections (Cameron) $1.25
HEALY. La Comdie Classique en France .50
LA FONTAINE. Fifty Fables (McKenzie) .40
MOLIRE. Les Femmes Savantes (Eggert) .40
RACINE. Iphignie (Woodward) .60
SHIPPEE and GREENE. Stories from French Realists .40
TAINE. Les Origines de la France Contemporaine (Raschen) .60
VOLTAIRE. Selected Letters (Syms) .75
ALARCN. El Capitn Veneno (Brownell) $0.50 El Nio de la Bola (Schevill) .90
AVELLANEDA. Baltasar (Bransby) .65
BRETN. Quin es Ella? (Garner) .70
CALDERN. La Vida es Sueo (Comfort) .70
FONTAINE. Flores de Espaa .45
GALDS. Doa Perfecta (Lewis) 1.00 Electra (Bunnell) .70 Marianela (Gray) .90
JOHNSON. Cuentos Modernes .60
LARRA. Partir Tiempo (Nichols) .40
MORATN. El S de las Nias (Geddes & Josselyn) .50
TURRELL. Spanish Reader .80
VALERA. El Comendador Mendoza (Schevill) .85 Pepita Jimnez (Cusachs) .90
First Spanish Book $0.40 Second Spanish Book $0.40.
In their new form these books offer a satisfactory course in spoken Spanish. The FIRST BOOK teaches directly by illustration, contrast, association, and natural inference. The exercises grow out of pictured objects and actions, and the words are kept so constantly in mind that no translation or use of English is required to fix their meaning. In the SECOND BOOK the accentuation agrees with the latest rules of the language.
By L. C. SYMS, B. s L., L. en D., De Witt Clinton High School, New York
First Year in French $0.50 Second Year in French 1.00 Third Year in French 1.20
This comprehensive course in French teaches pupils not only to read but also to speak and write the language correctly. In the First Year the early lessons contain only the names of common objects while the later ones include short stories which are not intended to be translated into English. In the Second Year an almost equal amount of time is given to reading, conversation, translation, and grammar. Particular stress is laid upon the study of verbs. A short story or description forms the basis of each lesson, illustrating a grammatical principle and affording an easy and pleasant subject for conversation. The more difficult aspects of French grammar and syntax are treated in the Third Year, and unusual attention is given to all points likely to prove especially confusing. The progressive reading lessons are such as will prepare the student to read the masterpieces of French literature. Each book contains vocabularies.
These stories and poems have, for the most part, been selected from the works of Octave Feuillet, . Laboulaye, Hgsippe Moreau, Flix Gras, and other well known writers. The text is easy and progressive, proceeding from the very simple to the more difficult by a regular gradation. Following the reading material, and based on it, are short English exercises to be translated into French, vocabularies, etc.
By CARL W. J. OSTHAUS, Professor of German, Indiana University; and ERNEST H. BIERMANN, Instructor in German, Indiana University.
This book is designed for the second and third years in college, and for the third and fourth years in the secondary school. The work is based on consecutive prose, and is intended to develop rapidly the student's sense of independence. The selections are really new and fresh, and offer a wide range of material, being anecdotal and historical, taken from Germanic folklore, literature, and real life.
A portion of the elementary exercises are made up of three parts: a German selection, a set of questions in German, and an English paraphrase of the preceding German selection for translation into German. The German selection forms the basis of the work which follows, and should be studied thoroughly before the translation is worked out by the class. In the elementary part most of the selections are preceded by a statement of the grammatical principles involved, thus making it easy for the instructor to assign certain portions of grammar for review.
The questions in German, which are intended to be answered in German, afford excellent practice work in the transposition of tenses or persons, and the changing from direct to indirect discourse, etc. As the selections increase in length, the questions are omitted, and in the latter portion only English material of higher grade is given.
Copious footnotes throughout the book provide the needful suggestions and refer the student to sections of the digest of syntax which follows the text. This digest, which is intended chiefly for the guidance of the inexperienced, is to be supplemented by the grammar with which the student is familiar. There are full German-English and English-German vocabularies at the end of the book.
PRICE ARNOLD. Ein Regentag auf dem Lande (Kern) $0.25
ARNOLD. Fritz auf Ferien (Thomas) .30
BENEDIX. Der Prozess (Lambert) .30
EBNER-ESCHENBACH. Krambambuli, and Klausmann Memoiren eines Offizierburschen (Spanhoofd) .25
FAHSEL. Allerlei .25
FICK. Dies und Das .25
FICK. Neu und Alt .30
GERSTCKER. Germelshausen (Busse) .30
GRIMM. Kinder- und Hausmrchen (Vos) .45
HAUFF. Das Kalte Herz (Holzwoth & Gorse) .35
HEYSE. Anfang und Ende (Lentz) .30
HEYSE. Das Mdchen von Treppi (Bernhardt) .30
HEYSE. L'Arrabbiata (Lentz) .30
HILLERN. Hher als die Kirche (Daner) .25
KERN. German Stories Retold .30
LEANDER. Trumereien (Hanstein) .35
MLLER. Neue Mrchen (Little) .30
RIES. Easy German Stories (Biermann) .35
SCHRAKAMP. Deutsche Heimat .80
SCHRAKAMP. Ernates und Heiteres. .35
SEIDEL. Die Monate (Arrowsmith) .25
SEIDEL. Der Lindenbaum, etc. (Richard) .25
SEIDEL. Herr Omnia (Mathewman) .25
SPANHOOFD. Aus Vergangener Zeit .50
SPYRI. Rosenresli, and Der Toni von Kandergrund .25
STERN. Geschichten vom Rhein .85
STOLTZE. Bunte Geschichten .30
STOLTZE. Losc bltter .30
STORM. Immensee (Dauer) .25
Storm. Im Sonnenschein, etc. (Swiggett) .25
WILDENBRUCH. Der Letzte (Beckmann) .30
ZSCHOKKE. Der Zerbrochene Krug (Berkefeld) .25
PRICE BERNHARDT. Deutsche Litteraturgeschichte $0.75
BERNHARDT. Freudvoll und Leidvoll .65
FOUQU. Undine (Senger) .50
FREYTAG. Die Journalisten (Johnson) .35
GOETHE. Hermann und Dorothea (Hewett) .60
GROLLER. Inkognito, and Albersdorf. Cand. phil. Lauschmann (Lentz) .30
HEINE. Die Harzreise (Kolbe) .50
HEYSE. Er Soll Dein Herr Sein (Haertel) .30
HOLLY. German Epics Retold .65
KELLER. Bilder aus der Deutschen Litteratur. Revised 1.00
LESSING. Minna von Barnhelm (Lambert) .50
MEYER. Das Amulett (Glascock) .35
MOSER. Der Bibliothekar (Cooper) .45
RIEHL. Das Spielmannskind; Der Stumme Ratsherr (Priest) .35
RIEHL. Der Fluch der Schnheir (Frost) .30
RIEHL. Die Vierzehn Nothelfer, and Trost um Trost (Sibler) .30
ROTH. Ein Nordischer Held (Boll) .35
SCHANZ. Der Assistent and Other Stories (Beinhorn) .35
SCHEFFEL. Der Trompeter von Skkingen (Buehner) .75
SCHILLER. Ballads and Lyrics. Selections (Rhoades) .60
SCHILLER. Die Jungfrau von Orleans (Florer) .70
SCHILLER. Wilhelm Tell (Roedder) .70
STERN. Geschichten von Deutschen Stdten. In two Parts. Each .70
STIFTER. Das Heidedorf (Lentz) .25
WILDENERBUCH. Das Edle Blut (Eggert) .30
COLLITZ. Selections from Early German Literature $1.00
DILLARD. Aus dem Deutschen Dichterwald .60
LESSING. Nathan der Weise (Diekhoff) .80
PREHN. Journalistic German .50
RANKE. Kaiserwahl Karls V. (Schoenfeld) .35
RICHTER. Selections (Collins) .60
SCHEFFEL. Ekkehard—Audifax und Hadumoth (Handschin & Luehke) .60
SCHILLER. Gustav Adolf in Deutschland (Bernhardt) .45
WAGNER. Die Meistersinger von Nrnberg (Bigelow) .70
WILBRANDT. Der Meister von Palmyra (Henckels) .80
By C. F. KAYSER, Ph.D., Professor of German, Normal College of the City of New York, and FREDERICK MONTESER, Ph.D., First Assistant in German, DeWitt Clinton High School, New York
Many valuable features differentiate the Brief German Course from the conventional beginner's book in German. Each lesson contains one or more topics of grammar, a special vocabulary, and exercises in reading and writing German, with such suggestions and helps for the student as are needed. The arrangement of the subject-matter has been determined by pedagogic considerations and practical experience, which have led to frequent departures from the usual sequence of topics. The recommendations of the Modern Language Association have been followed.
To secure to the pupil variety and interest in his work, and to facilitate their mastery, the difficulties of declension and conjugation, instead of being grouped together, as is customary, are introduced gradually. Elementary syntax is treated from the beginning in immediate connection with the study of forms. The rational acquisition of a German vocabulary is facilitated by a unique treatment of word formation. The transition from disconnected sentences to connected reading is made simple by the use of real idiomatic German sentences, often connected in sense.
Frequent review lessons are given, containing grammatical questions, interesting reading matter, both prose and verse, and exercises in conversation. The reading matter, which provides an excellent application of those grammatical principles, and only those, met in the previous lessons, is written in an easy, fluent style, and illustrates German life, history, geography, and literature. The book includes complete German-English and English-German vocabularies, an appendix of collected paradigms of declensions and conjugations, and an index.