Navy, discussed by President McKinley, 84, 137, 148.
Nebraska.—Population in 1900 was 1,066,300.
Nevada.—Population in 1900 was 42,335.
Newark, The, mentioned, 63.
Newel, Stanford, Peace Commissioner at The Hague, 80.
New Hampshire.—Population in 1900 was 411,588.
New Jersey.—Population in 1900 was 1,663,669.
New Mexico.—Population in 1900 was 195,310.
New York.—Population in 1900 was 7,268,894.
Nicaragua, boundary line with Costa Rica, arbitration of, referred to President of United States and award of, discussed, 124. Diplomatic relations with, 27. Revolution in, discussed, 129. Rupture with Costa Rica amicably settled, 123.
Nicaragua Canal, discussed, 28, 63, 130.
Nicaragua Canal Commission, discussed, 63.
North Carolina.—Population in 1900 was 1,893,810.
North Dakota.—Population in 1900 was 319,146.
Norway.—Population in 1900 was about 2,000,000.
Ohio.—Population in 1900 was 4,157,545.
Oklahoma.—Population in 1900 was 398,331.
Otis, Elwell S., communications with Aguinaldo, 111. Proclamation to Philippines issued by, 104.
Ozama River, building bridge over, at Santo Domingo City by American citizens, 124.
Pacific Railroads, indebtedness of, commission to settle, 86. Kansas Pacific, sale of, discussed, 87. Union Pacific, sale of, discussed, 56.
Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, 79, 133.
Paris, France, Universal Exposition at, discussed, 18, 30, 38, 44, 65, 110, 113, 124, 152, 154, 158.
Patent Office discussed, 85, 150.
Peace Congress at The Hague, 80, 129.
Pennsylvania.—Population in 1900 was 6,302,115. Conflict at Lattimer, claims of Austria-Hungary regarding subjects killed in, 60.
Pensions discussed, 85, 149.
Philadelphia, commercial museum at, 80.
Philippine Islands: Affairs in, discussed by President— McKinley, 138. Roosevelt, 335. Aid to loyal natives in, 336. Civil Service extended to, 348. Commission made the superior authority in, 394. General Chaffee relieved of civil duties in, 394. Government for, discussed by President— McKinley, 88, 92, 138. Roosevelt, 335. Granting of franchise in, to be encouraged, 337. Independence to, danger of, 336. Pardon and amnesty to insurgents in, 351. Thanks to army in, 395.
Plague, The, regulations to prevent introduction of, into United States, 129.
Portugal, claims of United States against, 130.
Postal Service discussed, 83, 148.
Puerto Rico: Expeditions against, 99, 144. Legislation for, 99, 144. Relief for, 100.
Quarantine Regulations discussed, 35.
Rhode Island.—Population in 1900 was 428,556.
Russia.—Claims of United States against, 72.
Roosevelt, Theodore (twenty-seventh President of the United States): Agriculture discussed by, 329. Anarchy discussed by, 317. Annual message of, 315. Army discussed by, 343. Eulogy on, by, 395. Improvement of, suggested by, 344. Veterans praised by, 346. West Point referred to by, 328. Banks and Banking discussed by, 328. Biographical sketch of, 313. Cable communication with Hawaii and the Philippine Islands, 337. Census discussed by, 350. Charleston Exposition referred to, 349. China— "Open door" discussed by, 353. Uprising in, discussed by, 352. Civil Service discussed by, 347. Extension of the, to the Philippine Islands and Cuba, 348. Officers and employees forbidden to seek outside influence in promotion, 404. Veterans to have the preference in appointment and promotions, 403. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty referred to by, 338. Commerce discussed by, 319. Consular Corps— In relation to commerce, 347. Members of, forbidden to act in a fiduciary capacity for others, 404. Permitted to issue passports in the Insular possessions of the United States, 407. Creeks, treaty with, ratified by proclamation, 399. Cuba— Fair treatment accorded to, by the United States, referred to, 357. Reciprocal exemption of vessels from tonnage dues proclaimed, 392. Reciprocal reduction in tariff recommended by, 334. Reciprocity with, urged by, 356. Death of President McKinley— Announcement of and reply to by, 298. Proclaimed by, 358. Referred to by, 315. Department of Agriculture discussed by, 330. Eulogy of the Army of the United States by, 395. Executive orders of, 401. Expenditure discussed by, 328. Filipino Insurgents, pardon and amnesty declared by, 392. Forest reserves discussed by, 329. Germany— Death of Empress Dowager Frederick referred to, 354. Sympathy with the United States on the death of McKinley, 354. Glass, John, act for relief of, vetoed by, 354. Government employees, permission given to participate in public exercises, 406. Great Britain, negotiations with, on Nicaraguan Canal referred to, 338. Hawaii— Affairs of, discussed by, 334. Cable Communication with, discussed by, 337. Henry, Prince of Prussia, committee on reception and entertainment of, appointed by, 504. Immigration— Discussed by, 333. Laws should be amended, 325. Inaugural address by, as Vice-President, 314. Indians— Affairs of, discussed by, 348. Necessity of education of, 348. Interstate Commerce Law discussed by, 324, 328. Isthmian Canal discussed by, 337. Irrigation discussed by, 331. La Abra Claims referred to, 353. Labor discussed by, 323. Lands, arid, discussed by, 332. Lands, public— Discussed by, 331. In Puerto Rico, legislation for, recommended, 334. Opened to settlement by, 371, 382, 384. Set apart for public reservations by proclamation, 315, 360, 364, 367, 369, 374, 375, 377, 383, 385, 390, 397, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408. Library of Congress referred to, 350. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, duration of, fixed by proclamation, 389. McKinley, death of— Proclaimed, 358. Referred to, 315. Martinique, recommending appropriation for the relief of sufferers in, 355. Merchant Marine discussed by, 327. Monroe doctrine referred to, 338. Morton, J. Sterling, mark of respect to be paid on the death of, 405. Naval Reserve, national, suggested by, 343. Navy— Discussed by, 339. Rating and pay of petty officers and men established in the, 401, 403, 408. Regulating discharge from, 407. Retirement of men in, order regarding, 408. Oath of office administered to, 298, 314. Pardon and amnesty to Philippine insurgents proclaimed, 392. Pan-American Exposition referred to, 349. Pauncefote, Right Honorable Lord, mark of respect to be paid on death of, 405. Peace conference at The Hague, referred to, 338. Postal Service discussed by, 351. Philippine Islands— Affairs in, discussed by, 335. Aid to loyal natives in, recommended, 336. Civil service to be extended to, 348. Commission made the superior authority in, 394. Gen. Chaffee relieved of his civil duties in, 394. Government in, discussed by, 335. Granting of franchise in to be encouraged, 337. Independence to, danger of granting, 336. Pardon and amnesty to insurgents in, proclaimed, 351. Proclamations of— Cuban reciprocity in exemption of vessels from tonnage dues, 302. Day of mourning and prayer proclaimed, 358. Death of President McKinley, 358. Eulogy on the Army of the United States, 395. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, time for holding, fixed, 389. Pardon and amnesty to the insurgents in the Philippine Islands, 392. Puerto Rico legislation for public lands, 334. Ratifying treaty with the Creeks, 399. Thanksgiving, 359. Railways referred to, 329. Reciprocity discussed by, 326. Secretary of Commerce and Industries, appointment of, recommended, 323. Sharretts, Thaddeus S., commissioned to effect changes in foreign duties, 401. Shipping discussed by, 327. Smithsonian Institution referred to, 350. Tariff system discussed by, 326. Thanksgiving proclamation, 359. Thanks of, to the Army in Cuba and the Philippines, 395. Treaty with the Creeks ratified by, 399. Trusts discussed by, 319. Veto message for the relief of John Glass, 354. Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, death of referred to, 354.
Samoan Islands, affairs of discussed, 72, 125, 132. Government of discussed, 62. Insurrection in discussed, 72, 124. King of, death of, 72.
Santo Domingo, claim of United States against, 124. Revolution in, referred to, 124. War in, discussed, 62.
South Carolina.—Population in 1900 was 1,340,316.
South Dakota.—Population in 1900 was 401,570.
Specie Payments discussed, 24.
Sulu, Sultan of, treaty with, 105.
Sweden and Norway, king of, arbitrator in Samoan affairs, 132.
Taft Commission discussed, 156.
Tellefsen, Captain B., claim of, against United States, 40.
Tennessee.—Population in 1900 was 2,020,616.
Tewkesberry, Samuel, claim of, vetoed, 159.
Texas.—Population in 1900 was 3,048,710.
Thanks of Congress: Tender of, recommended to— Bertholf, Ellsworth P., 50. Call, Dr. Samuel J., 50. Jarvis, David H., 50. Tuttle, Captain Francis, 50.
Tice, Isaac P., administrators of, act for relief of, vetoed, 41.
Trade-Marks, treaty regarding, with Belgium, 122.
Trusts, evils of monopolies discussed, recommendations regarding, 11, 57.
Turkey.—American citizens, injuries inflicted upon in, 76. Armenian subjects of, referred to, 132. Commercial relations with, 76, 132. Naturalization, treaty with, discussed, 76.
Tuttle, Captain Francis, thanks of Congress to, recommended, 50.
United States.—The total population in 1900 was 76,303,387.
Utah.—Population in 1900 was 276,749.
Venezuela.—Boundary dispute with Great Britain regarding British Guiana, arbitration of, discussed, 77. Claims of United States against, payment of, 41. Revolution in, discussed, 77.
Vice-Presidents of United States.—Five Vice-Presidents have succeeded to the Presidency by reason of the death of the President; viz: John Tyler, who succeeded William Henry Harrison in 1841; Millard Fillmore, who succeeded Zachary Taylor in 1850; Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Abraham Lincoln in 1865; Chester A. Arthur, who succeeded James A. Garfield in 1881, and Theodore Roosevelt, who succeeded William McKinley in 1901.
Virginia.—Population in 1900 was 1,854,184.
Walker, John G.—Chairman of Nicaraguan Canal Commission, 63.
Washington.—Population in 1900 was 518,103.
Washington, George.—Centennial anniversary of death of, December 14, 1899, referred to by President McKinley, 103.
Washington City.—Centennial anniversary of founding of, for capital, held in 1900, discussed, 101, 153. Memorial Bridge across the Potomac, appropriation recommended for, 101.
Whaling fleet relieved by "Bear" under Captain Francis Tuttle, 48.
White, Andrew D., Peace commissioner at the Hague, 80.
Wisconsin.—Population in 1900 was 2,069,042.
Worcester, Dean C., member of Commission, Philippine Islands, 90.
Wyoming.—Population in 1900 was 92,531.