Explain the following:
181. Trees bend in the wind, then straighten up again. Why do they straighten up?
182. A cloth saturated with kerosene and placed in the bottom of a clock will oil the clockworks above it.
183. In cold weather the doorknob inside the front door is cold.
184. It is cool in the shade.
185. Clothes get hot when you iron them.
186. Potatoes fried in deep fat cook more quickly than those boiled in water.
187. If you hold your hand near a vacuum electric lamp globe that is glowing, some of the heat will go out to your hand at once.
188. Rubbing silver with fine powder polishes it.
189. A mosquito can suck your blood.
190. A hot-water tank becomes hot at the top first, then gradually heats downward. When you light the gas under an ordinary hot-water heater, the hot water circulates to the top of the boiler, while the cold water from the boiler pushes into the bottom part of the heater, as shown in Figure 59. What causes this circulation?
SECTION 22. Reflection.
How is it that you can see yourself in a mirror?
What makes a ring around the moon?
Why can we see clouds and not the air?
Why is a pair of new shoes or anything smooth usually shiny?
If we turn off a switch labeled REFLECTION OF LIGHT on our imaginary switchboard, we think at first that we have accidentally turned off RADIATION again, for once more everything instantly becomes dark around us. We cannot see our hands in front of our faces. Although it is the middle of the day, the sky is jet black. But this time we see bright stars shining in it. And among them is the sun, shining as brightly as ever and dazzling our eyes when we look at it. But its light does no good. When we look down from the sky toward the earth, everything is so black that we should think we were blind if we had not just seen the stars and sun.
Groping our way along to an electric lamp, we turn it on. It shines brightly, but it does not make anything around it light; everything stays absolutely invisible. It is as if all things in the world except the lights had put on some sort of magic invisible caps.
We can strike a match and see its flame. We can see a fire on the hearth. We may feel around for the invisible poker, and when we find it, we may put it in the fire. When it becomes hot enough, it will glow red and become visible. We can make a match head glow by rubbing it on a wet finger. We can even see a firefly, if one comes around. But only those things which are glowing of themselves, like flames, and red-hot pokers, and fireflies, will be visible.
The reason why practically everything would be invisible if there were no reflection of light is this: When you look at anything, as a man, for instance, what you really see is the light that hits him and bounces back (reflects) into your eyes. Suppose you go into a dark room and turn on an electric light. Instantly ripples of light flash out from the lamp in every direction. As soon as they strike the object you are looking at, they reflect (bounce back) from it to your eyes. When light strikes your eyes, you see.
Of course, when you look at an electric lamp, or a star, or the sun, or anything that is incandescent (so hot that it shines by its own light), you can see it, whether reflection exists or not. But most things you look at do not shine by their own light. This book that you are reading simply reflects the light in the room to your eyes; it would not give any light in a dark room. The paper reflects a good deal of light that strikes it, so it looks very light; the print reflects practically none of the light that strikes it, so it looks dark, or black, just as a keyhole looks black because it does not reflect any light to your eyes. But without reflection, the book would be entirely invisible. The only kind of print you could read if there were no reflection would be the electric signs made out of incandescent lamps arranged to form letters.
WHAT THE RING AROUND THE MOON IS; WHAT SUNBEAMS ARE. The reason you sometimes see a ring around the moon is that some of the moonlight reflects from tiny droplets of water in the air, making them visible. In the same way, the dust in the air of a room becomes visible when the sun shines through it and is reflected by each speck of dust; we call it a sunbeam. But we are not really looking directly at the sunlight; we are seeing the part of the sunlight that is reflected by the dust specks.
Have you ever noticed that when you stand a little to one side of a mirror where you cannot see your own image in it, you can sometimes see that of another person clearly, while he cannot see his own image but can see yours? It is easy to understand this by comparing the reflection of the light from your face to his eye and from his face to your eye, to the bouncing of a ball from one person to another. Suppose you and a friend are standing a little way apart on sandy ground where you cannot bounce a ball, but that between you there is a plank. If each of you is standing well away from the plank, neither one of you can possibly bounce the ball on it in such a way that he can catch it himself. Yet you can easily bounce it to your friend and he can bounce it to you.
The mirror is like that plank; it is something that will reflect (bounce) the light directly. The light from your face goes into the mirror, just as you may throw the ball against the plank, and the light is reflected to your friend just as the ball is bounced to him; so he sees your image in the mirror. If he can see you, you can see him, just as when you bounce the ball to him he can bounce it to you. But you may be unable to see yourself, just as you may be unable to bounce the ball on the plank so that you yourself can catch it.
In other words, when light strikes against something it bounces away, just as a rubber ball bounces from a smooth surface. If you throw a ball straight down, it comes straight up; if light shines straight down on a flat, smooth surface, it reflects straight up. If you throw a ball down at a slant, it bounces up at the same slant in the opposite direction; if light strikes a smooth surface at a slant, it reflects at the same slant in the opposite direction.
But to reflect light directly and to give a clear image, the surface the light strikes must be extremely smooth, just as a tennis court must be fairly smooth to make a tennis ball rebound accurately. Any surface that is smooth enough will act like a mirror, although naturally, if it lets most of the light go through, it will not reflect as well as if it sends all the light back. A pane of glass is very smooth, and you can see yourself in it, especially if there is not much light coming through the glass from the other side to mix up with your reflection. But if the pane of glass is silvered so that no light can get through, you have a real mirror; most of the light that leaves your face is reflected to your eyes again.
WHY SMOOTH OR WET THINGS ARE SHINY. When a surface is very smooth, we say it is shiny or glossy. Even black shoes, if they are polished, become smooth enough to reflect much of the light that strikes them; of course the parts where the light is being reflected do not look black but white, as any one who has tried to paint or draw a picture of polished shoes knows. Anything wet is likely to be shiny, because the surface of water is usually smooth enough to reflect light rather directly.
If a surface is uneven, like a pool with ripples on it, the light reflects unevenly, and you see a distorted image; your face seems to be rippling and moving in the water.
APPLICATION 34. Some boys were playing war and were in a ditch that they called a trench. They wanted to make a simple periscope so that they could look out of the ditch at the "enemy" without being in danger. They had an old stovepipe and a mirror. Practically all of them agreed that if the mirror were fixed in the top of the stovepipe and if they looked up through the bottom, they would be able to see over the side of the ditch. But they had an argument as to how the mirror should be placed. Each drew a diagram to show how he thought the mirror should be arranged, using dotted lines to show how the light would come from the enemy to their eyes. Three of the diagrams are shown in Figure 64.
The boy who drew the first said: "If you want to see the enemy, the mirror's got to face him. Then it will reflect the light down to your eyes."
The boy who drew the second said: "No, the light would just go back to him again. The mirror must slant so that the light that strikes it at a slant will be reflected to your eye at the same slant."
"How could it get to your eye at all," the third boy said, "if the mirror didn't face you? You've got to have the mirror reflect right down toward your face. Then all the light that strikes it will come down to you."
Which arrangement would work?
Explain the following:
191. Your hands do not get wet when you put them into mercury.
192. When beating hot candy, we sometimes put it in a pan of water.
193. Electric stoves frequently have bright reflectors.
194. We put ice in the top of a refrigerator.
195. You can jack up the back part of an automobile when you could not possibly lift it up.
196. The sun shines up into your face and sunburns you when you are on the water.
197. People in the tropics dress largely in white.
198. Menthol rubbed into your skin makes it feel very cold afterward.
199. We feel the heat of the sun almost as soon as the sun rises.
200. You can shoot a stone far and hard with a sling shot.
SECTION 23. The bending of light: Refraction.
How do glasses help your eyes?
On a hot day, how is it that you see "heat waves" rising from the street?
What makes the stars twinkle?
Light usually travels in straight lines. If the light from an object comes from straight in front of you, you know that the object is straight in front of you. But you can bend light so that it seems to come from a different place, thus making things seem to be where they are not.
EXPERIMENT 44. Hold a triangular glass prism vertically (straight up and down) in front of one eye, closing the other eye. Look through the prism, turning it or your head around until you see a chair through it. Watch only the chair through the prism. When you are sure you know just where it is, try to sit down in it.
Now look for a pencil or a piece of chalk through the prism, in the same way. When you think you know where it is, try to pick it up.
The reason the chalk and chair seem to be where they are not is that the prism bends the light that comes from them and makes the light seem to come from somewhere else.
As you already know, when you look at a chair you see the light that reflects from it. You judge where the chair is by the direction from which the light is coming when it reaches your eye. But if the light is bent on its way, so that it comes to your eye as it ordinarily comes from an object off to one side, naturally you think the thing you are looking at is off to one side. Maybe the diagram (Fig. 65) will make this clearer.
Here in a is an object the same height as the eye. The light comes straight to the eye, and one knows that the object is level with the eye. In b the object is in the same position as in a, but the prism bends the light so that it strikes the eye with an upward slant. So the person thinks the object is below the eye at c.
Here is another experiment with bending light:
EXPERIMENT 45. Fill a china cup with water. Put a pencil in it, letting the pencil rest at a slant from left to right. Lower your head until it is almost level with the surface of the water. How does the pencil look?
The reason the pencil looks bent is because the light from the part of it under the water is bent when it passes from the water into the air on its way to your eye; so the slant at which it comes to your eye is the same slant at which it ordinarily would come from a bent pencil.
EXPERIMENT 46. Fill a glass with water. Put the pencil into it in the same way you put it in the cup in the previous experiment, letting the pencil slant from left to right. Lower your head this time until it is on a level with the water in the glass, and look through the glass and water at the pencil. Notice what happens where the pencil goes into the water.
What you see is explained in the same way as are the things that took place in the other experiments in refraction, or bending of light. The light from the part of the pencil above the water comes straight to your eye, of course; so you see it just as it is. But the light from the part of the pencil in the water is bent when it comes out of the water into the air on its way to your eye. This makes it come to your eye from a different direction and makes the lower part of the pencil seem to be in a place to one side of the place where it really is. The pencil, therefore, looks broken.
Whenever light passes first through something dense like water or glass, and then through something rare or thin like air, it is bent one way; whenever it passes from a rare medium into a dense one, it is bent the other way. Light passing from a fish to your eye is bent one way; light passing from you to the fish's eye is bent the other way, but the main point is that it is bent. And when light is bent before reaching your eyes it usually makes things seem to be where they are not.
If light goes through a perfectly smooth, flat pane of glass, it is bent one way when it goes into the glass and back the other way when it comes out; so it seems to be perfectly straight and we see things practically as they are through a good window. But if the window glass has flaws in it, so that some parts are a little thicker than others, the uneven parts act like prisms and bend the light to one side. This makes anything we look at through a poor window seem bent out of shape. Of course the things are not bent any more than your pencil in the water was bent, but they look misshapen because the light from them is bent; the reflected light is all we see of things anyway.
The air itself is uneven in a way. The parts of the air that are warm, as you already know, are thinner and more expanded than are the cold parts. So light going from cold air into warm or from warm air into cold, will be bent. And this is why you see what are called "heat waves" above a stove or rising from a hot beach or sidewalk. Really these are just waves of hot air rising, and they bend the light that comes through them so as to give everything behind them a wavy appearance.
Stars twinkle for much the same reason. As the starlight comes down through the cold air and then through the warm air it is bent, and the star seems to be to one side of where it really is; but the air does not stand still,—sometimes it bends the light more and sometimes less. So the star seems to move a little back and forth. And this is what we call "twinkling." Really it is the bending of light.
APPLICATION 35. Explain why an unevenness in your eye will keep you from seeing clearly; how glasses can help this; why good mirrors are made from plate glass, which is very smooth, instead of from the cheaper and more uneven window glass; why fishes in a glass tank appear to be where they are not.
Explain the following:
201. The fire in the open fireplace ventilates a room well by making air go up the chimney.
202. A drop of water glistens in the sun.
203. Dust goes up to the ceiling and clings there.
204. When you look at a person under moving water, his face seems distorted.
205. You sit in the sun to dry your hair.
206. Paste becomes hard and unfit for use when left open to the air.
207. In laundries clothes are partly dried by whirling them in perforated cylinders.
208. Circus balloons are filled by building a big fire under them.
209. Unevenness in a window pane makes telephone wires seen through it look crooked and bent.
210. You can see the image of a star even in a shallow puddle.
SECTION 24. Focus.
How can you take pictures with a camera?
What causes the picture in the camera to be inverted?
Why is a magnifying glass able to set things on fire when you let the sun shine through it?
In your eye, right back of the pupil, there is a flattened ball, as clear as glass, called the lens. If the lens were left out of your eye, you never could see anything except blurs of light and shadow. If you looked at the sun it would dazzle you practically as much as it does now. However, you would not see a round sun, but only a blaze of light. You could tell night from day as well as any one, and you could tell when you stepped into the shade. If some one stepped between you and the light, you would know that some one was between you and the light or that a cloud had passed over the sun,—you could not be quite sure which. In short, you could tell all degrees of light and dark apart nearly as well as you can now, but you could not see the form of anything.
In the front of a camera there is a flattened glass ball called the lens. If you were to remove it, the camera would not take any pictures; it would take a blur of light and shade and nothing more.
In front of a moving-picture machine there is a large lens, a piece of glass rounded out toward the middle and thinner toward the edges. If you were to take that lens off while the machine was throwing the motion pictures on the screen, you would have a flicker of light and shade, but no picture.
It is the lens that forms the pictures in your eye, on a photographic plate or film, and on a moving-picture screen. And a lens is usually just a piece of glass or something glassy, rounded out in such a way as to make all the spreading light that reaches it from one point come together in another point, as shown in Figure 69.
As you know, when light goes out from anything, as from a candle flame or an incandescent lamp, or from the sun, it goes in all directions. If the light from the point of a candle flame goes in all directions, and if the light from the base of the flame also goes in all directions, the light from the point will get all mixed up with the light from the base, as shown in Figure 70. Naturally, if the light from the point of the candle flame is mixed up with the light from the base and the beams are all crisscross, you will not get a clear picture of the flame.
EXPERIMENT 47. Fasten a piece of paper against a wall and place a lighted candle about 4 feet in front of it. Look at the paper. Is there any picture of the candle flame on it? Now hold a magnifying glass (reading glass) near the candle, between the candle and the paper, so that the light will shine through the lens on to the paper. (The magnifying glass is a lens.) Move the lens slowly toward the paper until you get a clear picture of the candle flame. Is it right side up or upside down?
The lens has brought the light from the candle flame to a focus; all the light that goes through the lens from one point of the flame has been brought together at another point (Fig. 72). In the diagram you see all the light from the point of the candle flame spreading out in every direction. But the part that goes through the lens is brought together at one point, called the focus. Of course the same thing happens to the light from the base of the candle flame (Fig. 73). Just as before, all the light from the base of the flame is brought to a focus. The light spreads out until it reaches the lens. Then the lens bends it together again until it comes to a point.
But of course the light from the base of the flame is focused at the same time as the light from the point; so what really happens is that which is illustrated in Figure 74. In this diagram, we have drawn unbroken lines to show the light from the point of the candle flame and dotted lines to show the light from the base of the flame. This is so that you can follow the light from each part and see where it goes. Compare this diagram with the one where the light is shown all crisscrossed (Fig. 70), and you will see why the lens makes an image, while you have no image without it.
By looking at the last diagram (Fig. 74) you can also see how the image happens to be upside down.
EXPERIMENT 48. Set up the candle and piece of paper as you did for the last experiment, but move the magnifying glass back and forth between the paper and the candle. Notice that there is one place where the image of the candle is very clear. Does the image become clearer or less clear if you move the lens closer to the candle? if you move it farther from the candle?
The explanation is this: After the light comes together into a point, it spreads out again beyond the point, as shown in Figure 75. So if you hold the lens in such a way that the light comes to a focus before it reaches the paper, the paper will catch the spreading light and you will get a blur instead of a sharp image. It is as shown in Figure 76.
On the other hand, if you hold your lens in such a way that the light has not yet come to a focus when it reaches the paper, naturally you again have a blur of light instead of a point, and the image is not sharp and definite (Fig. 77).
And that is why good cameras have the front part, in which the lens is set, adjustable; you can move the lens back and forth until a sharp image is formed on the plate. Motion-picture machines and stereopticons likewise have lenses that can be moved forward and back until they form a sharp focus on the screen. Even the lens in your eye has muscles that make it flatter and rounder, so that it can make a clear image on the sensitive retina in the back of your eye. The lens in the eyes of elderly people often becomes too hard to be regulated in this way, and so they have to wear one kind of glasses to see things near them clearly and another kind to see things far away.
The kind of lens we have been talking about is the convex lens. "Convex" means bulging out in the middle. There are other kinds of lenses, some flat on one side and bulging out on the other, some hollowed out toward the middle instead of bulging, and so on. But the only lens that most people make much use of (except opticians) is the convex lens that bulges out toward the center. The convex lens makes a clear image and it is the only kind of lens that will do this.
WHY YOU CAN SET FIRE TO PAPER WITH A MAGNIFYING GLASS. A convex lens brings light to a focus, and it also brings radiant heat to a focus. And that is why you can set fire to things by holding a convex lens in the sunlight so that the light and heat are focused on something that will burn. All the sun's radiant heat that strikes the lens is brought practically to one point, and all the light which is absorbed at this point is changed to heat. When so much heat is concentrated at one point, that point becomes hot enough to catch fire.
APPLICATION 36. Explain why there is a lens in a moving-picture machine; why a convex lens will burn your hand if you hold it between your hand and the sun; why the front of a good camera is made so that it can be moved closer to the plate or farther away from it, according to the distance of the object you are photographing; why there is a lens in your eye.
Explain the following:
211. Cut glass ware sparkles.
212. An unpainted floor becomes much dirtier and is harder to clean than a painted one.
213. If you sprinkle wet tea leaves on a rug before sweeping it, not so much dust will be raised.
214. Food leaves a spoon when the spoon is struck sharply upon the edge of a stewpan.
215. An image is formed on the photographic plate of a camera.
216. Ripples in a pool distort the image seen in it.
217. Cream rises to the top of a bottle of milk.
218. Your eyes have to adjust themselves differently to see things near by and to see things at a distance.
219. A vacuum cleaner does not wear out a carpet nearly as quickly as a broom or a carpet sweeper does.
220. You can see a sunbeam in a dusty room.
SECTION 25. Magnification.
Why is it that things look bigger under a magnifying glass than under other kinds of glass?
How does a telescope show you the moon, stars, and planets?
How does a microscope make things look larger?
Everybody knows, of course, that a convex lens in the right position makes things look larger. People use convex lenses to make print look larger when they read, and for that reason such lenses are often called reading glasses. For practical purposes it is not necessary to understand how a convex lens magnifies; the important thing is the fact that it does magnify. But you may be curious to know just how a magnifying glass works.
First, you should realize that the image formed by a convex lens is not always larger than the object. Repeat Experiment 41, but this time move the lens from near the candle toward the paper, past the point where it makes its first clear image. Keep moving the lens slowly toward the paper until a second image is formed. Which image is larger than the flame? Which is smaller?
The important point in this experiment is for you to see that if the lens is nearer to the image on the paper than it is to the candle, the image is smaller than the candle. That is why a photograph is usually smaller than the thing photographed; it would be impossible to take a picture of a house or a mountain if the lens in the camera gave a magnified image.
[4]Your eye is a small camera. It has a lens in the front; it is lined with black; and at the back there is a sensitive part on which the picture is formed. This sensitive part of the eye is called the retina. It is in the back part of your eyeball and is made of many very sensitive nerve endings. When the light strikes these nerve endings, it sends an impulse through the nerves to the back part of the brain; then you know that the image is formed. And, of course, since your eyeball is small and many of the things you see are large, the image on the retina must be much smaller than the object itself, and this is because the lens is so much nearer to the retina than it is to the object.
[Footnote 4: The following explanation may be omitted by any children who are not interested in it. Let such children skip to the foot of page 156.]
You can understand magnification best by looking at Figures 80, 81, 82, and 83.
In Figure 80 there are a candle flame, the lens of an eye, and the retina on which the image is being formed.
Figure 81 is the same as Figure 80, with all the lines left out except the outside ones that go to the lens. It is shown in this way merely for the sake of simplicity. All the lines really belong in this diagram as in the first. In both diagrams the size of the image on the retina is the distance between the point where the top line touches it and the point where the bottom line touches it.
In order to make anything look larger, we must make the image on the retina larger. A magnifying glass, or convex lens, if put in the right place, will do this. In the next diagram, Figure 82, we shall include the magnifying glass, leaving out all lines except the two outside ones shown in Figure 81.
You will notice that the magnifying glass starts to bend the lines together, and that the lens in the eye bends them farther together; so they cross sooner, and the image is larger. Figure 83 shows more of the lines drawn in.
The two important points to notice are these: First, the magnifying glass is too close to the eye for the light to be brought to a focus before it reaches the eye; the light is bent toward a focus, but it reaches the eye before the focus is formed. The focus is formed for the first time on the retina itself. Second, the magnifying glass bends the light on its way to your eye so that the light crosses sooner in your eye and spreads out farther before it comes to a focus. This forms the larger image, as you see in the simple diagram, Figure 82.
HOW THE MICROSCOPE WORKS. But the microscope is different. It works like this: The first lens is put very near the object which you are examining. This lens brings the light from the object to a focus and forms an image, much larger than the object itself, high up in the tube. If you held a piece of paper there you would see the image. But since there is nothing there to stop the light, it goes on up the tube, spreading as it goes. Then there is another lens which catches this light and bends it inward on its way to your eye, just as any magnifying glass does. Next the lens in the eye forms an image on the retina. The diagram (Fig. 84) will make this clearer. (A real microscope is not so simple, of course, and usually has two lenses wherever the diagram shows one.) What actually happens is that the first lens makes an image many times as big as the object; then you look at this image through a magnifying glass, so that the object is made to look very much larger than it really is. That is why you can see blood corpuscles and germs and cells through a microscope, when you cannot see them at all with your naked eye.
A MIRROR THAT MAGNIFIES. A convex lens is not the only thing that can magnify. A concave mirror, which is one that is hollowed out toward the middle, does the same thing. When light is reflected by such a mirror, it acts exactly as if it had gone through a convex lens (Fig. 85).
EXPERIMENT 49. Place the lighted candle and the paper about 4 feet apart, as you did in Experiment 47. Hold a concave mirror back of the candle (so that the candle is between the mirror and the paper); then move the mirror back, the mirror casting the reflection of the candle light on the paper, until a clear image of the candle is formed.
Look at your image in the concave mirror. Does it look larger or smaller than you?
HOW TELESCOPES ARE MADE. Astronomers use convex lenses in some of their telescopes; in others, called reflecting telescopes, they use concave mirrors. Both do the same work, making the moon, the planets, and the sun look much larger than they otherwise would.
APPLICATION 37. Explain how a reading glass makes print look larger; how you can see germs through a microscope; what kind of mirror will magnify; what kind of lens will magnify.
Explain the following:
221. The water that forms rain comes from the ocean, yet the rain is not salty.
222. Iron glows when it is very hot.
223. You can start a fire with sunlight by holding a reading glass at the right distance above the fuel.
224. Big telescopes make it possible for us to see in detail the surface structure of the moon.
225. A room is lighter if it has white walls than if it has dark walls.
226. Iron is heated by a blacksmith before he shapes it.
227. A dentist's mirror is concave; he sees your teeth enlarged in it.
228. Good penholders usually have cork or rubber tips.
229. A man's suit becomes shiny when it gets old.
230. When you look at a window from the sidewalk, you frequently see images of the houses across the street.
SECTION 26. Scattering of light: Diffusion.
Why is it that on a dark day the sun cannot be seen through light clouds?
Why do not the stars come out in the daytime?
If you were on the moon, you could see the stars in the daytime. The sun would be shining even more brightly than it does here, but the sky around the sun would be pitch black, except for the stars shining out of its blackness. The reason is that there is no air on the moon to scatter the light.
WHY WE CANNOT SEE THE STARS IN THE DAYTIME. Most of the sun's light that comes to the earth reaches us rather directly; that is why we can see the image of the sun. But part of the sunlight is scattered by particles of air, and that is why the whole sky is bright in the daytime. You know, of course, that the blue sky is only the air that surrounds the earth. Enough of the light is scattered around to make the sky as bright as the stars look from here; so we cannot see the stars through the sky in the daytime.
HOW A CLOUD CAN HIDE THE SUN WITHOUT CUTTING OFF ALL ITS LIGHT. When a cloud drifts between us and the sun, we no longer see the sun; yet the earth does not become dark. The sun's light is evidently still reaching us. The cloud is made of millions of very tiny droplets of water. When the sunlight strikes the curved sides of these droplets, it is reflected at all angles according to the way it strikes, as shown in Figure 89.
Some of the light is reflected back into the sky; that is why everything becomes darker when the sun goes behind a cloud; but much of the light comes through to us, at all sorts of slants. When it comes all higgledy-piggledy and crisscross like this, no lens can put it together again; it is as hopelessly broken up as Humpty-Dumpty was. But much of the light gets here just the same; so we see it without seeing the form of the sun. Light that cannot be brought to a focus is called scattered or diffused light.
When you look through a ground-glass electric lamp, you cannot see the filament; the light passing through all the rough parts of the glass gets so scattered that you cannot bring it to a focus. Therefore, no image of the filament in the incandescent lamp can be formed on the retina of your eye.
A piece of white paper reflects practically all the light that strikes it. Yet you cannot see yourself in a piece of ordinary white paper. The trouble is that the paper is too rough; there are too many little uneven places that reflect the light at all sorts of angles; the light is scattered and the lens in your eye cannot bring it to a focus.
APPLICATION 38. Explain why a scrim curtain will keep people from seeing into a room, but will not shut the light out; why curtains soften the light of a room; why indirect lighting (i.e. light thrown up against the ceiling and then reflected down into the room by the rough ceiling) is better for your eyes than is the old-time direct lighting.
Explain the following:
231. The alcohol formed by the yeast in making bread light is practically all gone by the time the bread is baked.
232. The oceans do not flow off the earth at the south pole.
233. Lamp globes often have frosted bottoms.
234. A damp dust cloth will take up the dust, without making it fly.
235. The stars twinkle when their light passes through the moving air currents that surround the earth.
236. Shears for cutting tin and metal have long handles and short blades.
237. A coin at the bottom of a glass of water seems raised when you look at it a little from one side.
238. You have to brace your feet to row well.
239. Light from the northern part of the sky, where the sun is not, does not make sharp shadows.
240. Pokers and lifters for stove lids often have open spiral handles.
SECTION 27. Color.
What makes the ocean look green in some places and blue in others?
What makes the sky blue?
What causes material to be colored?
What makes a rainbow?
What is color?
Color is merely a kind of light. We say that a sweater is red; really the sweater is not red, but the light that it reflects to our eyes is red. We speak of a piece of red glass, but the glass is not red; it is the light that it lets pass through it that is red.
White is not really a color; all colors put together make white. Experiments 50 and 51 will prove this.
EXPERIMENT 50. Hold a prism in the sunlight by the window and make a "rainbow" on the wall. The diagram here shown illustrates how the prism breaks up the single beam of white light into different-colored beams of light.
EXPERIMENT 51. Rotate the color disk on the rotator and watch it. Make it go faster and faster until all the colors are perfectly merged. What color do you get by combining all the colors of the rainbow? If the colors on the disk were perfectly clear rainbow colors, in exactly the same proportion as in the rainbow, the whirling would give a white of dazzling purity.
Since you can break up pure white light into all the colors, and since you can combine all the colors and get pure white light, it is clear that white light is made up of all the colors.
* * * * *
As we have already said, light is probably vibrations or waves of ether. Light made of the longest waves that we can see is red. If the waves are a little shorter, the light is orange; if they are shorter yet, it is yellow; still shorter, green; shorter still, blue; while the shortest waves that we can see are those of violet light. Black is not a color at all; it is the absence of light. We say the night is black when we cannot see anything. A deep hole looks black because practically no light is reflected up from its depths. When you "see" anything black, you really see the things around it and the parts of it that are not perfectly black. A pair of shoes, for instance, has particles of gray dust on them; or if they are very shiny they reflect part of the light that strikes them as a white high-light. But the really black part of your shoes would be invisible against an equally black background.
A black thing absorbs the light that strikes it and turns it to heat. Here is an experiment that will prove this to you:
EXPERIMENT 52. (a) On a sunny day, take three bottles, all of the same size and shape, and pour water out of a pitcher or pan into each bottle. Do not run the water directly from the faucet into the bottle, because sometimes that which comes out of the faucet first is warmer or colder than that which follows; in the pitcher or pan it will all be mixed together, and so you can be sure that the water in all three bottles is of the same temperature to begin with. Wrap a piece of white cotton cloth twice around one bottle; a piece of red or green cotton cloth of the same weight twice around the second bottle, and a piece of black cotton cloth of the same weight twice around the third bottle, fastening each with a rubber band. Set all three bottles side by side in the sunlight, with 2 or 3 inches of space between them. Leave them for about an hour. Now put a thermometer into each to see which is warmest and which is least warm.
From which bottle has most of the light been reflected back into the air by the cloth around it? Which cloth absorbed most of the light and changed it into heat? Does the colored cloth absorb more or less light than the white one? than the black one?
(b) On a sunny day when there is snow on the ground, spread three pieces of cotton cloth, all of the same size and thickness, one white, one red or green, and one black, on top of the snow, where the sun shines on them. Watch them for a time. Under which does the snow melt first?
The white cloth is white because it reflects all colors back at once. It therefore absorbs practically no light. But the reason the black cloth looks black is that it reflects almost none of the colors—it absorbs them all and changes them to heat. The colored cloth reflects just the red or the green light and absorbs the rest.
Maybe you will understand color better if it is explained in another way. Suppose I throw balls of all colors to you, having trained you to keep all the balls except the red ones. I throw you a blue ball; you keep it. I throw a red ball; you throw it back. I throw a green ball; you keep it. I throw a yellow ball; you keep it. I throw two balls at once, yellow and red; you keep the yellow and throw back the red. I throw a blue and yellow ball at the same time; you keep both balls.
Now suppose I change this a little. Instead of throwing balls, I shall throw lights to you. You are trained always to throw red light back to me and always to keep (absorb) all other kinds of light. I throw a blue light; you keep it, and I get no light back. I throw a red light; you throw it back to me. I throw a green light; you keep it, and I get no light back. I throw a yellow light; you keep it, and I get no light back. I throw two lights at the same time, yellow and red; you keep the yellow and throw back only the red. But yellow and red together make orange; so when I throw an orange light, you throw back the red part of it and keep the yellow.
Now if we suppose that instead of throwing lights to you I throw them to molecules of dye which are "trained" to throw back the red lights and keep all the other kinds (absorb them and change them to heat), we can understand what the dye in a red sweater does. The dye is not really trained, of course, but for a reason which we do not entirely understand, some kinds of dye always throw back (reflect) any red that is in the light that shines on them, but they keep all other kinds of light, changing them to heat. Other dyes or coloring matter always throw back any green that is in the light that shines on them, keeping the other colors. Blue coloring matter throws back only the blue part of the light, and so on through all the colors.
So if you throw a white light, which contains all the colors, on a "red" sweater, the dye in the sweater picks out the red part of the white light and throws that back to your eyes (reflects it to you) but it keeps the rest of the colors of the white light, changing them to heat; and since only the red part of the light is reflected to your eyes, that is the only part of it that you can see; so the sweater looks red. The "green" substance (chlorophyll) in grass acts in the same way; only it throws the green part of the sunlight back to your eyes, keeping the rest; so the part of the light that reaches you from the grass is the green light, and the grass looks green.
Anything white, like a piece of paper, reflects all the light that strikes it; so if all the colors (white light) strike it, all are reflected to your eyes and the object looks white.
You have looked at people under the mercury-vapor lights in photo-postal studios, have you not? The lights are long, inclined tubes which glow with a greenish-violet light. No matter how good the color of a person is in ordinary light, in that light it is ghastly.
Go into the kitchen tonight, light a burner of the gas stove, turn out the light and sprinkle salt on the blue gas flame. The flame will leap up, yellow. Look at your hands, at some one's lips, at a piece of red cloth, in this light. Does anything look red?
The reason why nothing looks pink or red in these two kinds of light is this: The light given by glowing salt vapor or mercury vapor has no red in it; if you tried to make a "rainbow" from it with a prism, you would find no red or orange color in it. A thing looks red when it absorbs all the parts of the light that are not red and reflects the red light to your eyes. If there is no red in the light to reflect, obviously a thing cannot look red in that light.
When you look through a piece of colored glass, the case is somewhat different. A piece of blue glass, for instance, acts as a sort of strainer. The coloring matter in it lets the blue light through it, but it holds back (absorbs) the other kinds of light. So if you look through a piece of blue glass you see everything blue; that is, only the blue part of the light from different objects can reach your eyes through this kind of glass. Anything that is transparent and colored acts in a similar way.
WHY THE SKY IS BLUE. And that is why the sky looks blue. Air holds back all colors of light except blue; that is, it holds them back a little. A room full of air holds the colors back hardly at all. A few miles of air hold them back more; mountains in the distance look bluish because only the blue light from them can reach you through the air. The hundred or more miles of air above you hold back a considerable amount of the other colors of light, letting through much more of blue than of any other color. So the sky looks blue; that is, when the air scatters the sunlight above you, it is chiefly the blue parts of the sunlight that it allows to reach your eyes.
WHY BODIES OF WATER LOOK GREEN IN SOME PLACES AND BLUE IN OTHERS. Water acts in a similar way, but it lets the green light through instead of the blue. A little water holds back (absorbs) the other colors so slightly that you cannot notice the effect in a glass of water. But in a swimming tank full of water, or in a lake or an ocean, you can notice it decidedly when you look straight down into the water itself.
When you look at a smooth body of water at a slant on a clear day, the blue sky is reflected to you and the water looks blue instead of green. And it may even look blue when you look straight down in it if it is too deep for you to see the bottom and the sky is reflected from the surface.
WHY THE SKY IS OFTEN RED AT SUNSET. Dust lets more of red and yellow light through than of any other color, and for this reason there is much red and yellow in the sunset. Just before the sun sets, it shines through the low, dusty air. The dust filters out most of the light except the red and yellow. The red light and yellow light are reflected by the clouds (for the clouds are themselves "white"; that is, they reflect all the colors that strike them), and you have the beautiful sunset clouds. Sometimes there is a purple in the sunset, and even green. But since the air itself is blue (that is, it lets mostly blue light go through), it is easy to see how this blue can combine with the red or yellow that the dust lets through, to form purple or green.
But we could not have sunset colors or all the colors we see on earth, if it were not that the sunlight is mostly white—that it contains all colors. And that, too, is why we can have a rainbow.
HOW RAINBOWS ARE FORMED. You already know fairly well how a rainbow is formed, since you made an imitation of one with a prism. A rainbow appears in the sky when the sun shines through the rain; the plain white light of the sun is divided up into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. As the white light of the sun passes through the raindrops, the violet part of the light is bent more than any of the rest, the indigo part is bent not quite so much, and so on to the red, which is bent least of all. So all the colors fan out from the single beam of white light and form a band of color, which we call the rainbow.
HOW WE CAN TELL WHAT THE SUN AND STARS ARE MADE OF. When a gas or vapor becomes hot enough to give off light (when it is incandescent), it does not give off white light but light of different colors. An experiment will let you see this for yourself.
EXPERIMENT 53. Sprinkle a little copper sulfate (bluestone) in the flame of a Bunsen burner. What color does it make the flame?
Copper vapor always gives this greenish-blue light when it is heated. The photographer's mercury-vapor light gave a greenish-violet glow. When you burn salt or soda in a gas flame, you remember that you get a clear yellow light. By breaking up these lights, somewhat as you broke up the sunlight with the prism, chemists and astronomers can tell what kind of gas is glowing. The instrument they use to break up the light into its different colors is called a spectroscope, and the band of colors formed is called the spectrum. With the spectroscope they examine the light that comes from the sun and stars and by the colors of the spectra they can tell what these far-distant bodies are made of.
APPLICATION 39. If you were going to the tropics, would it be better to wear outside clothes that were white or black?
APPLICATION 40. A dancer was to dance in a spotlight on the stage. The light was to change colors constantly. She wanted her robe to reflect each color that was thrown on it. Should she have worn a robe of red, yellow, white, green, or blue?
APPLICATION 41. If you looked through a red glass at a purple flower (purple is red mixed with blue), would the flower look red, blue, purple, black, or white?
Explain the following:
241. Mercury is separated from its ore by heating the ore so strongly that the mercury rises from it as a vapor.
242. Hothouses are built of glass.
243. A "rainbow" is sometimes seen in the spray of a garden hose.
244. Your feet become hot when your shoes are being polished.
245. Doors into offices usually have windows of ground glass or frosted glass.
246. Opera glasses are of value to those sitting at a distance from the stage.
247. In order to see clearly through opera glasses, you have to adjust them.
248. It is warm inside an Eskimo's hut although it is built of ice and snow.
249. It is usually cooler on a lawn than on dry ground.
250. Black clothes are warmer in the sunlight than clothes of any other color.
SECTION 28. What sound is.
What makes a dictaphone or a phonograph repeat your words?
What makes the wind howl when it blows through the branches of trees?
Why can you hear an approaching train better if you put your ear to the rail?
If you were to land on the moon tonight, and had with you a tank containing a supply of air which you could breathe (for there is no air to speak of on the moon), you might try to speak. But you would find that you had lost your voice completely. You could not say a word. You would open and close your mouth and not a sound would come.
Then you might try to make a noise by clapping your hands; but that would not work. You could not make a sound. "Am I deaf and dumb?" you might wonder.
The whole trouble would lie in the fact that the moon has practically no air. And sound is usually a kind of motion of the air,—hundreds of quick, sharp puffs in a second, so close together that we cannot feel them with anything less sensitive than the tiny nerves in our ears.
If you can once realize the fact that sound is a series of quick, sharp puffs of air, or to use a more scientific term, vibrations of air, it will be easy for you to understand most of the laws of sound.
A phonograph seems almost miraculous. Yet it works on an exceedingly simple principle. When you talk, the breath passing out of your throat makes the vocal cords vibrate. These and your tongue and lips make the air in front of you vibrate.
When you talk into a dictaphone horn, the vibrating air causes the needle at the small end of the horn to vibrate so that it traces a wavy line in the soft wax of the cylinder as the cylinder turns. Then when you run the needle over the line again it follows the identical track made when you talked into the horn, and it vibrates back and forth just as at first; this makes the air in the horn vibrate exactly as when you talked into the horn, and you have the same sound.
All this goes back to the fundamental principle that sound is vibrations of air; different kinds of sounds are simply different kinds of vibrations. The next experiments will prove this.
EXPERIMENT 54. Turn the rotator rapidly, holding the corner of a piece of stiff paper against the holes in the disk. As you turn faster, does the sound become higher or lower? Keep turning at a steady rate and move your paper from the inner row of holes to the outer row and back again. Which row has the most holes in it? Which makes the highest sound? Hold your paper against the teeth at the edge of the disk. Is the pitch higher or lower than before? Blow through a blowpipe against the different rows of holes while the disk is being whirled. As the holes make the air vibrate do you get any sound?
This experiment shows that by making the air vibrate you get a sound.
The next experiment will show that when you have sound you are getting vibrations.
EXPERIMENT 55. Tap a tuning fork against the desk, then hold the prongs lightly against your lips. Can you feel them vibrate? Tap it again, and hold the fork close to your ear. Can you hear the sound?
The experiment which follows will show that we usually must have air to do the vibrating to carry the sound.
EXPERIMENT 56. Make a pad of not less than a dozen thicknesses of soft cloth so that you can stand an alarm clock on it on the plate of the air pump. The pad is to keep the vibrations of the alarm from making the plate vibrate. A still better way would be to set a tripod on the plate of the air pump and to suspend the alarm clock from the tripod by a rubber band. Set the alarm so that it will ring in 3 or 4 minutes, put it under the bell jar, and pump out the air. Before the alarm goes off, be sure that the air is almost completely pumped out of the jar. Can you hear the bell ring? Distinguish between a dull trilling sound caused by the jarring of the air pump when the alarm is on, and the actual ringing sound of the bell.
The experiment just completed shows how we know there would be no sound on the moon, since there is practically no air around it. The next experiment will show you more about the way in which phonographs work.
EXPERIMENT 57. Put a blank cylinder on the dictaphone, adjust the recording (cutting) needle and diaphragm at the end of the tube, start the motor, and talk into the dictaphone. Shut off the motor, remove the cutting needle, and put on the reproducing needle (the cutting needle, being sharp, would spoil the cylinder). Start the reproducing needle where the recording needle started, turn on the motor, and listen to your own voice.
Notice that in the dictaphone the air waves of your voice are all concentrated into a small space as they go down the tube. At the end of the tube is a diaphragm, a flat disk which is elastic and vibrates back and forth very easily. The air waves from your voice would not vibrate the needle itself enough to make any record; but they vibrate the diaphragm, and the needle, being fastened rigidly to it, vibrates with it.
In the same way, when the reproducing needle vibrates as it goes over the track made by the cutting needle, it would make air vibrations too slight for you to hear if it were not fastened to the diaphragm. When the diaphragm vibrates with the needle, it makes a much larger surface of air vibrate than the needle alone could. Then the tube, like an ear trumpet, throws all the air vibrations in one direction, so that you hear the sound easily.
EXPERIMENT 58. Put a clean white sheet of paper around the recording drum, pasting the two ends together to hold it in place. Put a small piece of gum camphor on a dish just under the paper, light it, and turn the drum so that all parts will be evenly smoked. Be sure to turn it rapidly enough to keep the paper from being burned.
Melt a piece of glass over a burner and draw it out into a thread. Break off about 8 inches of this glass thread and tie it firmly with cotton thread to the edge of one prong of a tuning fork. Clamp the top of the tuning fork firmly above the smoked drum, adjusting it so that the point of the glass thread rests on the smoked paper. Turn the handle slightly to see if the glass is making a mark. If it is not, adjust it so that it will. Now let some one turn the cylinder quickly and steadily. While it is turning, tap the tuning fork on the prong which has not the glass thread fastened to it. The glass point should trace a white, wavy line through the smoke on the paper. If it does not, keep on trying, adjusting the apparatus until the point makes a wavy line.
Making a record in this way is, on a large scale, almost exactly like the making of a phonograph record. The smoked paper on which a tracing can easily be made as it turns is like the soft wax cylinder. The glass needle is like the recording needle of a phonograph. The chief difference is that you have struck the tuning fork to make it and the needle vibrate, instead of making it vibrate by air waves set in motion by your talking. It is because these vibrations of the tuning fork are more powerful and larger than are those of the recording needle of a phonograph that you can see the record on the recording drum, while you cannot see it clearly on the phonograph cylinder.
In all ordinary circumstances, sound is the vibration of air. But in swimming we can hear with our ears under water, and fishes hear without any air. So, to be accurate, we should say that sound is vibrations of any kind of matter. And the vibrations travel better in most other kinds of matter than they do in air. Vibrations move rather slowly in air, compared with the speed at which they travel in other substances. It takes sound about 5 seconds to go a mile in air; in other words, it would go 12 miles while an express train went one. But it travels faster in water and still faster in anything hard like steel. That is why you can hear the noise of an approaching train better if you put your ear to the rail.
WHY WE SEE STEAM RISE BEFORE WE HEAR A WHISTLE BLOW. But even through steel, sound does not travel with anything like the speed of light. In the time that it takes sound to go a mile, light goes hundreds of thousands of miles, easily coming all the way from the moon to the earth. That is why we see the steam rise from the whistle of a train or a boat before we hear the sound. The sound and the light start together; but the light that shows us the steam is in our eyes almost at the instant when the steam leaves the whistle; the sound lags behind, and we hear it later.
APPLICATION 42. Explain why a bell rung in a vacuum makes no noise; why the clicking of two stones under water sounds louder if your head is under water, than the clicking of the two stones in the air sounds if your head is in the air; why you hear a buzzing sound when a bee or a fly comes near you; how a phonograph can reproduce sounds.
Explain the following:
251. The paint on woodwork blisters when hot.
252. You can screw a nut on a bolt very much tighter with a wrench than with your fingers.
253. When a pipe is being repaired in the basement of a house, you can hear a scraping noise in the faucets upstairs.
254. Sunsets are unusually red after volcanic eruptions.
255. Thunder shakes a house.
256. Shooting stars are really stones flying through space. When they come near the earth, it pulls them swiftly down through the air. Explain why they glow.
257. At night it is difficult to see out through a closed window of a room in which a lamp is lighted.
258. When there is a breeze you cannot see clear reflections in a lake.
259. Rubbing with coarse sandpaper makes rough wood smooth.
260. A bow is bent backward to make the arrow go forward.
SECTION 29. Echoes.
When you put a sea shell to your ear, how is it that you hear a roar in the shell?
Why can you sometimes hear an echo and sometimes not?
If it were not for the fact that sound travels rather slowly, we should have no echoes, for the sound would get back to us practically at the instant we made it. An echo is merely a sound, a series of air vibrations, bounced back to us by something at a distance. It takes time for the vibration which we start to reach the wall or cliff that bounces it back, and it takes as much more time for the returning vibration to reach our ears. So you have plenty of time to finish your shout before the sound bounces back again. The next experiment shows pretty well how the waves, or vibrations, of sound are reflected; only in the experiment we use waves of water because they go more slowly and we can watch them.
EXPERIMENT 59. Fill the long laboratory sink (or the bathtub at home) half full of water and start a wave from one end. Watch it move along the side of the sink. Notice what happens when it reaches the other end.
Air waves do the same thing; when they strike against a flat surface, they bounce back like a rubber ball. If you are far enough away from a flat wall or cliff, and shout, the sound (the air vibrations you start) is reflected back to you and you hear the echo. But if you are close to the walls, as in an empty room, the sound reverberates; it bounces back and forth from one wall to the other so rapidly that no distinct echo is heard, and there is merely a confusion of sound.
When you drop a pebble in water, the ripples spread in all directions. In the same way, when you make a sound in the open air, the air waves spread in all directions. But when you shout through a megaphone the air waves are all concentrated in one direction and consequently they are much stronger in that direction. However, while the megaphone intensifies sound, the echoing from the sides of the megaphone makes the sound lose some of its distinctness.
WHY IT IS HARD TO UNDERSTAND A SPEAKER IN AN EMPTY HALL. A speaker can be heard much more easily in a room full of people than in an empty hall. The sound does not reflect well from the soft clothes of the audience and the uneven surfaces of their bodies, just as a rubber ball does not bounce well in sand. So the sound does not reverberate as in an empty hall.
APPLICATION 43. Explain why a carpeted room is quieter than one with a bare floor; why you shout through your hands when you want to be heard at a distance.
Explain the following:
261. It is harder to walk when you shuffle your feet.
262. The air over a lamp chimney, or over a register in a furnace-heated house, is moving upward rapidly.
263. The shooting of a gun sounds much louder within a room than it does outdoors.
264. A drum makes a loud, clear sound when the tightened head is struck.
265. The pull of the moon causes the ocean tides.
266. Sand is sometimes put in the bottom of vases to keep them from falling over.
267. It is difficult to understand clearly the words of one who is speaking in an almost empty hall.
268. The ridges in a washboard help to clean the clothes that are rubbed over them.
269. One kind of mechanical toy has a heavy lead wheel inside. When you start this to whirling, the toy runs for a long time.
270. If you raise your finger slightly after touching the surface of water, the water comes up with your finger.
SECTION 30. Pitch.
What makes the keys of a piano give different sounds?
Why does the moving of your fingers up and down on a violin string make it play different notes?
Why is the whistle of a peanut roaster so shrill, and why is the whistle of a boat so deep?
Did you ever notice how tiresome the whistle on a peanut roaster gets? Well, suppose that whenever you spoke you had to utter your words in exactly that pitch; that every time a car came down the street its noise was like the whistle of the peanut roaster, only louder; that every step you took sounded like hitting a bell of the same pitch; that when you went to the moving-picture theater the orchestra played only the one note; that when any one sang, his voice did not rise and fall; in short, that all the sounds in the world were in one pitch. That is the way it would be if different kinds of air vibrations did not make different kinds of notes,—if there were no differences in pitch.
PITCH DUE TO RAPIDITY OF VIBRATION. When air vibrations are slow,—far apart,—the sound is low; when they are faster, the sound is higher; when they are very quick indeed, the sound is very shrill and high. In various ways, as by people talking and walking and by the running of street cars and automobiles, all sorts of different vibrations are started, giving us a pleasant variety of high and low and medium pitches in the sounds of the world around us.
An experiment will show how pitch varies and how it is regulated:
EXPERIMENT 60. Move the slide of an adjustable tuning fork well up from the end of the prongs, tap one prong lightly on the desk, and listen. Move the slide somewhat toward the end of the prongs, and repeat. Is a higher or a lower sound produced as the slide shortens the length of the prongs?
Whistle a low note, then a high one. Notice what you do with your lips; when is the opening the smaller? Sing a low note, then a high one. When are the cords in your throat looser? Fill a drinking glass half full of water, and strike it. Now pour half the water out, and strike the glass again. Do you get the higher sound when the column of water is shorter or when it is longer? Stretch a rubber band across your thumb and forefinger. Pick the band as you make it tighter, not making it longer, but pulling it tighter with your other fingers. Does it make a higher or a lower sound as you increase the tightness? Stretch the band from your thumb to your little finger and pick it; now put your middle finger under the band so as to divide it in halves, and pick it again. Does a short strand give a higher or lower pitch than a long strand?
A violinist tunes his violin by tightening the strings; the tighter they are and the thinner they are, the higher the note they give. Some of the strings are naturally higher than others; the highest is a smaller, finer string than the lowest. When the violinist plays, he shortens the strings by holding them down with his fingers, and the shorter he makes them the higher the note. A bass drum is much larger than a high-pitched kettledrum. The pipes of an organ are long and large for the low notes, shorter and smaller for the high ones.
In general, the longer or larger the object is that vibrates, the slower the rate of vibration and consequently the lower the pitch. But the shorter or finer the object is that vibrates, the higher the rate of vibration and the higher the pitch.
All musical instruments contain devices which can be made to vibrate,—either strings or columns of air, or other things that swing to and fro and start waves in the air. And by tightening them, or making them smaller or shorter, the pitch can be made higher; that is, the number of vibrations to each second can be increased.
APPLICATION 44. Explain why a steamboat whistle is usually of much lower pitch than is a toy whistle; why a banjo player moves his fingers toward the drum end of the banjo when he plays high notes; why the sound made by a mosquito is higher in pitch than that made by a bumblebee.
APPLICATION 45. A boy had a banjo given him for Christmas. He wanted to tune it. To make a string give a higher note, should he have tightened or loosened it? Or could he have secured the same result by moving his finger up and down the string to lengthen or shorten it?
APPLICATION 46. A man was tuning a piano for a concert. The hall was cold, yet he knew it would be warm at the time of the concert. Should he have tuned the piano to a higher pitch than he wanted it to have on the concert night, to the exact pitch, or to a lower pitch?
Explain the following:
271. A cowboy whirls his lasso around and around his head before he throws it.
272. Furnaces are always placed in the basements of buildings, never on top floors.
273. A rather slight contraction of a muscle lifts your arm a considerable distance.
274. A player on a slide trombone changes the pitch of the notes by lengthening and shortening the tube while he blows through it.
275. Rain runs off a tar roof in droplets, while on shingles it soaks in somewhat and spreads.
276. There is a sighing sound as the wind blows through the branches of trees, or through stretched wires or ropes.
277. Sometimes a very violent noise breaks the membrane in the drum of a person's ear.
278. As a street car goes faster and faster, the hum of its motor is higher and higher.
279. If a street is partly dry, the wet spots shine more than the dry spots do.
280. Molten type metal, when poured into a mold, becomes hard, solid type when it cools.
SECTION 31. Magnets; the compass.
What makes the needle of a compass point north?
What causes the Northern Lights?
For many hundreds of years sailors have used the compass to determine directions. During all this time men have known that one point of the needle always swings toward the north if there is no iron near to pull it some other way, but until within the past century they did not know why. Now we have found the explanation in the fact that the earth is a great big magnet. The experiment which follows will help you to understand why the earth's being a magnet should make the compass needle point north and south.
EXPERIMENT 61. Lay a magnetic compass flat on the table. Notice which point swings to the north. Now hold a horseshoe magnet, points down, over the compass. Turn the magnet around and watch the compass needle; see which end of the magnet attracts the north point; hold that end of it toward the south point and note the effect. Hold the magnet, ends up, under the table directly below the compass and turn the magnet, watching the compass needle.
The earth is a magnet, and it acts just as your magnet does: one end attracts one point of the compass, and the other end attracts the other point. That ought to make it clear why the compass points north. But how is the compass made? The next experiment will show this plainly.
EXPERIMENT 62. Take a long shoestring and make a loop in one end of it. Slip the magnet through the loop and suspend it, ends down. Fasten the shoestring to the top of a doorway so that the magnet can swing easily. Steady the magnet and let it turn until it comes to a rest. Mark the end that swings to the north. Turn this end around to the south; let go and watch it. Place the magnet the other way around in the loop so that you can be sure that it is not twisting of the shoestring that makes the magnet turn in this direction.
Now stroke a needle several times along one arm of the magnet, always in the same direction, as shown in Figure 105. Hold the needle over some iron filings or touch any bit of iron or steel with it. What has the needle become? Lay it on a cardboard milk-bottle top of the flat kind, and on that float it in the middle of a glass or earthenware dish of water. Notice which end turns north. Turn this end to the south and see what happens. Hold your magnet, ends up, under the dish, and turn the magnet. What does the needle do?
Now it should be easy to understand why the compass points north. One end of any magnet pulls on one end of another magnet and drives the other end away. The earth is a big magnet. So if you make a magnet and balance it in such a way that it is free to swing, the north end of the big earth magnet pulls one end of the little magnet toward it and pushes the other end away. Therefore one end of your compass always points north.
OTHER EFFECTS OF THE EARTH'S MAGNETISM. Another interesting effect of the earth's being a big magnet is to be seen if you lay a piece of steel so that it points north and south, and then pound it on one end. It becomes magnetized just as your needle became magnetized when it was rubbed on the small magnet.
And still another effect of the earth's magnetism is this: Tiny particles of electricity, called electrons, are probably shooting through space from the sun. It is believed that as they come near the earth, the magnetism of the north and south polar regions attracts them toward the poles, and that as they rush through the thin, dry upper air, they make it glow. And this is probably what causes the Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A NEEDLE IS MAGNETIZED. The reason that a needle becomes magnetic if it is rubbed over a magnet is probably this: Every molecule of iron may be an extremely tiny magnet; if it is, each molecule has a north and south pole like the needle of a compass. In an ordinary needle (or in any unmagnetized piece of iron or steel) these molecules would be facing every way, as shown in Figure 107.
But when a piece of steel or iron that is already magnetized is brought near the unmagnetized needle, all the north poles of the molecules of the needle are pulled in the same direction—it is almost like combing tangled hair to stroke a needle over a magnet. Then the molecules are arranged more as shown in Figure 108. When all the molecules, each of which is a tiny magnet, pull in the same direction, they make a strong magnet, and they magnetize any iron that comes near them just as they were magnetized.
Steel will stay magnetized a long time; but ordinary soft iron loses magnetism almost as soon as another magnet is taken away from it,—the molecules become all disarranged again.
In a later section you will find that whenever electricity flows through a wire that is coiled around a piece of iron, the iron becomes magnetized just as when it is rubbed with a magnet.
APPLICATION 47. An explorer lost his compass. In clear weather he could tell the directions by the sun and stars, but in cloudy weather he was badly handicapped. He had with him a gun, plenty of ammunition, a sewing kit, a hunting knife, and some provisions. How could he have made a compass?
Explain the following:
281. Snow turns to water in the first warm weather.
282. A person's face looks ghastly by the greenish light of a mercury-vapor lamp.
283. If a red-hot coal is touched with a cold poker, the coal turns black at the place touched.
284. Stereopticon slides are put in upside down, yet the picture on the screen is right side up.
285. If the vocal cords of your throat did not vibrate, you could not talk out loud.
286. A watch is sometimes put out of order if it is held near a magnet.
287. The water will be no higher on the inside of a leaky boat than it is on the outside.
288. A bass viol is considerably larger than a violin.
289. Ships that are used by men testing the earth's magnetism carry very sensitive compasses. Explain why such ships are made entirely of wood and brass.
290. Thunder rolls; that is, after the first peal there is a reverberating sound that becomes less and less distinct.
SECTION 32. Static electricity.
What is electricity?
What makes thunder and lightning?
Why does the barrel or cap of a fountain pen pick up small bits of paper after it has been rubbed on your coat sleeve?
Why do sparks fly from the fur of a cat when you stroke it in the dark?
The Greeks, 2000 years ago, knew that there was such a thing as electricity, and they used to get it by rubbing amber with silk. In the past century men have learned how to make electricity do all sorts of useful work: making boats and cars and automobiles go, ringing bells, furnishing light, and, in the telephone and telegraph, carrying messages. But no one knew what electricity really was until, within the last 25 years, scientists found out.
ATOMS AND ELECTRONS. When we talked about molecules, we said that they were as much smaller than a germ as a germ is smaller than a mountain. Well, a molecule is made up, probably, of some things that are much smaller still,—so small that people thought that nothing could be smaller. Those unthinkably tiny things are called atoms; you will hear more about them when you come to the parts of this book that tell about chemistry.
But if you took the smallest atom in the world and divided it into 1700 pieces, each one of these would be about the size of a piece of electricity.
Electricity is made up of the tiniest things known to man—things so small that nobody really can think of their smallness. These little pieces of electricity are called electrons, and for all their smallness, scientists have been able to find out a good deal about them. They have managed to get one electron all by itself on a droplet of oil and they have seen how it made the oil behave. Of course they could not see the electron, but they could tell from various experiments that they had just one. Scientists know how many trillions of electrons flow through an incandescent electric lamp in a second and how many quadrillions of them it would take to weigh as much as a feather. They know what the electrons do when they move, how fast they can move, and what substances let electrons move through them easily and what substances hold them back; and they know perfectly well how to set them in motion. How the scientists came to know all these things you will learn in the study of physics; it is a long story. But you can find out some things about electrons yourself. The first experiment is a simple one such as the Greeks used to do with amber.
EXPERIMENT 63. Rub a hard rubber comb on a piece of woolen cloth. The sleeve of a woolen coat or sweater will do. Rub the comb quickly in the same direction several times. Now hold it over some small bits of paper or sawdust. What does it do to them? Hold it over some one's hair. The rest of this experiment will work well only on cool, clear days. Rub the comb again, a dozen or more times in quick succession. Now touch it gently to the lobe of your ear. Do you hear the snap as the small spark jumps from the comb to your ear?
Pull a dry hair out of your head and hold it by one end. Charge your comb by rubbing it again, and bring it near the loose end of the hair. If the end of the hair clings to the comb at first, leave it clinging until it flies off. Now try to touch the hair with the comb. Next, pinch the end of the hair between your thumb and finger and again bring the charged comb near it. Is the hair attracted or repelled? After touching the comb what does it do?
You can get the same effects by rubbing glass or amber on silk.
OBJECTS NEGATIVELY AND POSITIVELY CHARGED WITH ELECTRICITY. There are probably electrons in everything. But when there is just the usual number of electrons in an object, it acts in an ordinary way and we say that it is not charged with electricity. If there are more than the usual number of electrons on an object, however, we say that it is negatively charged, or that it has a negative charge of electricity on it. But if there are fewer electrons than usual in an object, we say that it has a positive charge of electricity on it, or that it is positively charged.
You might expect a "negative charge" to indicate fewer electrons than usual, not more. But people called the charge "negative" long before they knew anything about electrons; and it is easier to keep the old name than to change all the books that have been written about electricity. So we still call a charge "negative" when there are unusually many electrons, and we call it "positive" when there are unusually few. A negative charge means that more electrons are present than usual. A positive charge means that fewer electrons are present than usual.
Before you rubbed your comb on wool, neither the comb nor the wool was charged; both had just the usual number of electrons. But when you rubbed them together, you rubbed some of the electrons off the wool on to the comb. Then the comb had a negative charge; that is, it had too many electrons—too many little particles of electricity.
When you brought the comb near the hair, the hair had fewer electrons than the comb. Whenever one object has more electrons on it than another, the two objects are pulled toward each other; so there was an attraction between the comb and the hair, and the hair came over to the comb. As soon as it touched the comb, some of the extra electrons jumped from the comb to the hair. The electrons could not get off the hair easily, so they stayed there. Electrons repel each other—drive each other away. So when you had a number of electrons on the end of the comb and a number on the end of the hair, they pushed each other away, and the hair flew from the comb. But when you pinched the hair, the electrons could get off it to your moist hand, which lets electricity through it fairly easily. Then the comb had extra electrons on it and the hair did not; so the comb pulled the hair over toward it again.
When you brought the charged comb near your ear, some of the electrons on the comb pushed the others off to your ear, and you heard them snap as they rushed through the air, making it vibrate.
HOW LIGHTNING AND THUNDER ARE CAUSED. In thunderstorms the strong currents of rising air blow some of the forming raindrops in the clouds into bits of spray. The tinier droplets get more than their share of electrons when this happens and are carried on up to higher clouds. In this way clouds become charged with electricity. One cloud has on it many more electrons than another cloud that is made, perhaps, of lower, larger droplets. The electricity leaps from the cloud that has the greater number of electrons to the cloud that has the less number, or it leaps from the heavily charged cloud down to a tree or house or the ground. You see the electricity leap and call it lightning. Much more leaps, however, than leaped from the comb to your ear, and so it makes a very much louder snap. The snap is caused in this way: As the electric spark leaps through the air, it leaves an empty space or vacuum immediately behind it. The air from all sides rushes into the vacuum and collides there; then it bounces back. This again leaves a partial vacuum; so the air rushes in once more, coming from all sides at once, and again bounces back. This starts the air vibrations which we call sound. Then the sound is echoed from cloud to cloud and from the clouds to the earth and back again, and we call it thunder.
The electricity you have been reading about and experimenting with in this section is called static electricity. "Static" means standing still. The electricity you rubbed up to the surface of the comb or glass stayed still until it jumped to the bit of paper or hair; then it stayed still on that. This was the only kind of electricity most people knew anything about until the nineteenth century; and it is not of any great use. Electricity must be flowing through things to do work. That is why people could not invent electric cars and electric lights and telephones before they knew how to make electricity flow steadily rather than just to stand still on one thing until it jumped across to another and stood there. In the next chapter we shall take up the ways in which electrons are made to flow and to do work.
APPLICATION 48. Explain why the stroking of a cat's back will sometimes cause sparks and make the cat's hairs stand apart; why combing sometimes makes your hairs fly apart. Both of these effects are best secured on a dry day, because on a damp day the water particles in the air will let the electrons pass to them as fast as they are rubbed up to the surface of the hair.
Explain the following:
291. If you shuffle your feet on a carpet in clear, cold weather and then touch a person's nose or ear, a slight spark passes from your finger and stings him.
292. If you stay out in the cold long, you get chilled through.
293. The air and earth in a greenhouse are warmed by the sun through the glass even when it is cold outside and when the glass itself remains cold.
294. When you hold a blade of grass taut between your thumbs and blow on it, you get a noise.
295. Shadows are usually black.
296. Some women keep magnets with which to find lost needles.
297. You can grasp objects much more firmly with pliers than with your fingers.
298. If the glass in a mirror is uneven, the image of your face is unnatural.
299. A sweater clings close to your body.
300. Kitchens, bathrooms, and hospitals should have painted walls.
SECTION 33. Making electricity flow.
What causes a battery to produce electricity?
What makes electricity come into our houses?
The kind of electricity you get from rubbing (friction) is not of much practical use, you remember. Men had to find a way to get a steady current of electricity before they could make electricity do any work for them. The difference between static electricity—when it leaps from one thing to another—and flowing electricity is a good deal like the difference between a short shower of rain and a river. Both rain and river are water, and the water of each is moving from one place to another; but you cannot get the raindrops to make any really practical machine go, while the rivers can do real work by turning the wheels in factories and mills.
Within the past century two devices for making electricity flow and do work have been perfected: One of these is the electric battery; the other is the dynamo.
THE ELECTRIC BATTERY. A battery consists of two pieces of different kinds of metal, or a metal and some carbon, in a chemical solution. If you hang a piece of zinc and a carbon, such as comes from an arc light, in some water, and then dissolve sal ammoniac in the water, you will have a battery. Some of the molecules of the sal ammoniac divide into two parts when the sal ammoniac gets into the water, and the molecules continue to divide as long as the battery is in use or until it "wears out." One part of each molecule has an unusually large number of electrons; the other part has unusually few. The parts with unusually large numbers of electrons gather around the zinc; so the zinc is negatively charged,—it has more than the ordinary number of electrons. The part of the sal ammoniac with unusually few electrons goes over to the carbon; so the carbon is positively charged,—it has fewer than the ordinary number of electrons. |