[430] 600^{Li}, McDonald; L60, Bancroft.
[431] 50^{li}, McDonald; L50, Bancroft.
[432] Argall's, McDonald. [433] Capt., Bancroft.
[434] now, McDonald.
[435] presentes, McDonald, Bancroft.
[436] Inhabit^{ts}, Bancroft.
[437] will be, McDonald, Bancroft.
[438] 600^{li}, McDonald; L60, Bancroft.
[439] Governours, McDonald, Bancroft.
[440] Captaine, McDonald, Bancroft.
[441] paide, Bancroft.
[442] Capt., Bancroft.
[443] part, Bancroft.
[444] 50^{li}, McDonald; L50, Bancroft.
The last acte of the Generall Assembly was a contribution to gratifie their officers, as followeth:[P]
[P] This paragraph is in the McDonald and Bancroft copies but not in De Jarnette's.
AUG. 4^{th}, 1619.
It is fully agreed at this generall[445] Assembly that in regarde of the great[446] paines and labour of the[447] Speaker of this Assembly (who not onely[448] first formed the same Assembly and to their great ease & expedition reduced all matters to be treatted of into a ready method, but also his indisposition notw^{th}standing wrote or dictated all orders and other expedients and is yet[449] to write severall bookes for all the Generall[450] Incorporations and plantations both of the great charter, and of all the lawes) and likewise in respecte of the dilligence of the Clerke and sergeant, officers thereto belonging. That every man and manservant of above 16 yeares of age shall pay into the handes and Custody of the Burgesses of every Incorporation and plantation one pound of the best Tobacco, to be distributed to the Speaker and likewise to the Clerke and sargeant of the Assembly, according to their degrees and rankes, the whole bulke whereof to be delivered into the Speaker's handes, to be divided accordingly. And in regarde[451] the Provost Marshall of James citty hath also given some attendance upon the said Generall Assembly, he is also to have a share out of the same. And this is to begin to be gathered the 24^{th} of February nexte.
[445] general, McDonald.
[446] greate, Bancroft.
[447] this, McDonald.
[448] only, McDonald.
[449] yett, Bancroft.
[450] severall, McDonald, Bancroft.
[451] regard to, McDonald; regard, Bancroft.
In conclusion, the whole Assembly comaunded[452] the Speaker (as nowe he doth) to present their humble excuse to the Treasurer[453] Counsell & Company in England for being constrained by the intemperature of the weather and the falling sick of diverse of the Burgesses to breake up so abruptly—before they had so much as putt their lawes to the ingrossing. This they wholly comited to[454] the fidelity of their speaker, who therin[455] (his conscience telles him) hath done the parte[456] of an honest man, otherwise he would be easily founde[457] out by the Burgesses themselves, who w^{th} all expedition are to have so many bookes of the same lawes as there be both Incorporations and Plantations in the Colony.
[452] comanded, McDonald, Bancroft.
[453] Tresurer, McDonald, Bancroft.
[454] in, Bancroft.
[455] therein, McDonald.
[456] part, McDonald.
[457] woulde easily be found, McDonald; would easily be founde, Bancroft.
In the seconde place, the Assembly doth most humbly crave pardon that in so shorte[458] a space they could bring their matter to no[459] more perfection, being for the present enforced to sende home titles rather then lawes, Propositions rather then resolutions, Attemptes then Acchievements, hoping their courtesy will accepte our poore indevour, and their wisedome wilbe[460] ready to supporte the weaknes of this little flocke.
[458] short, McDonald.
[459] no, omitted by McDonald.
[460] will be, McDonald, Bancroft.
Thirdly, the General Assembly doth humbly beseech[461] the said Treasurer,[462] Counsell & Company, that albeit it belongeth to them onely to allowe or to abrogate any lawes w^{ch} we shall here make,[463] and that it is their right so to doe,[464] yet that it would please them not to take it in ill parte if these lawes w^{ch} we have nowe brought to light, do passe currant[465] & be of force till suche time as we[466] may knowe their farther pleasure out of Englande: for otherwise this people (who nowe at length have gotte[467] the raines[468] of former servitude into their owne swindge) would in shorte time growe so insolent, as they would shake off all government, and there would be no living among them.
[461] beseeche, McDonald.
[462] Tresurer, McDonald.
[463] inacte, McDonald, Bancroft.
[464] righte soe to do, McDonald; right so to doe, Bancroft.
[465] current, Bancroft.
[466] wee, McDonald.
[467] gott, McDonald; got, Bancroft.
[468] reines, McDonald; raines, Bancroft.
Their last humble suite is,[469] that the said Counsell & Company would be pleased, so soon as they shall finde[470] it convenient, to make good their promise sett downe[471] at the conclusion of their comission for establishing the Counsel[472] of Estate & the General[473] Assembly, namely, that they will give us power to allowe or disallowe of their orders of Courte, as his Ma^{ty}[474] hath given them power to allowe or to reject[475] our lawes.
[469] suit, McDonald.
[470] find, McDonald.
[471] down, McDonald.
[472] Counsell, McDonald, Bancroft.
[473] Generall, McDonald.
[474] Majesty, McDonald; Ma^{ty}, Bancroft.
[475] rejecte, McDonald, Bancroft.
In sume Sir George Yeardley, the Governo^r[476] prorogued the said General[477] Assembly till the firste of Marche, which is to fall out this present yeare of 1619, and in the mean season dissolved the same.
[476] Gover^{nr}, McDonald; Governour, Bancroft.
[477] Generall, McDonald.
I certify that the foregoing is a true and authentic copy taken from the volume above named.
JOHN McDONAGH, Record Agent. July 14th, 1871.
The McDonald copy has the following after Finis:
(in Dorso.) 1619. The proceedings of the first Assembly of Virginia. July 1619. True Copy, AUGUSTUS AUSTEN BURT.
February 16, 1623.
The paper from which this document is printed is to be found in the first volume of the McDonald papers. It is such a census of the inhabitants of the colony as the historical student would like to see made out at several other periods of our colonial history. We can find no legal enactment requiring such a census to be taken, and no order to that effect, save in the Instructions to Governor Wyatt, dated 24th July, 1621, where, among other things, he is directed "To make a catalogue of the people in every plantation, and their conditions; and of deaths, marriages and christenings."—Hening, Vol. I., p. 115.
The entries are as brief as possible, no middle names are given, and foreigners are entered according to nationality, or not more than one name allowed them. Not the least curious is the small number of negroes. Rolfe states, "About the last of August (1619) came in a Dutch man of warre that sold us twenty Negors" (Smith, p. 126), and nearly five years after, when this census was taken, there were but twenty-two in the Colony.
STATE PAPER OFFICE. } COLONIAL. } Volume 3, No. 2. }
Feb. 16th, 1623.
At the Colledg Land.[Q]
Thomas Marlett, Christopher Branch, Francis Boot, William Browning, Walter Cooper, William Welder, Leonard More, Daniell Shurley, Peeter Jorden, Nicholas Perse, William Dalbie, Isaias Rawton, Theoder Moises, Robert Champer, Thomas Jones, David Williams, William Walker, Edward Hobson, Thomas Hobson, John Day, William Cooksey, Robert Farnell, Nicholas Chapman, Mathew Edlow, William Price, Gabriell Holland, John Wattson, Ebedmeleck Gastrell, Thomas Osborne. 29
[Q] The Colledge Land.—In "1619 Sir Edwin Sandys moved and obtained that ten thousand acres of land should be laid off for the University at Henrico, a place formerly resolved on for that purpose. This was intended as well for the colledge for the education of the Indians as also to lay the foundation of a seminary of learning for the English."—Stith, London ed., p. 163.
"On the northerly side of James river, from the falls down to Henrico, containing ten miles in length, are the public lands reserved and laid out, whereof ten thousand are for the University lands, three thousand are for the company's lands, with other lands belonging to the College."—MS. in the McDonald paper, entitled "Particulars of Land in Virginia," which was made out in 1625 or '6, the communication of the Governor in which he informs their lordships that he sends it, being dated May 17, 1626. McDonald papers, Vol. I., pp. 295-307.
At the first meeting of the Burgesses (1619) the College had no representative, but at the meeting held Oct. 16, 1629, the Burgesses "For the plantations at the Colledge were Leftn't Thomas Osborne and Mathew Edlowe," whose names are in the text. See Hening, Vol. I., p. 138.
Att the Neak of Land.[R]
Luke Boys, Mrs. Boys, Robert Halam, Joseph Royall, John Dods, Mrs. Dods, Elizabeth Perkinson, William Vincent, Mrs. Vincent, Allexander Bradwaye, his wife Bradwaye, John Price, his wife Price, Robert Turner, Nathaniell Reeve, Serjeant William Sharp, Mrs. Sharp, Richard Rawse, Thomas Sheppy, William Clemens, Ann Woodley, Thomas Harris, his wife Harris, Margaret Berman, Thomas Farmer, Hugh Hilton, Richard Taylor, uxor Taylor, Joshua Chard, Christopher Browne, Thomas Oage, uxor Oage, infant Oage, Henry Coltman, Hugh Price, uxor Price, infant Price, Mrs. Coltman, Robert Greene, uxor Greene, infant Greene.
[R] Neak of Land.—"There is another division of the country into necks of land, which are the boundaries of the Escheators, viz: the Northern Neck, between the Patowmeck and Rappahannock rivers.
"The neck between Rappahannock and York rivers, within which Pamunkey Neck is included.
"The neck between York and James rivers," &c., &c.—Beverly, Book IV., chap. ii.
This list being made up at James city this neck might be the one nearest to that place, and therefore the last one named by Beverly would be the one referred to; but inasmuch as in this MS. list it follows immediately after the College land, and in the list of Burgesses for 1629, occupies the same position, it is not improbable that it refers to the peninsula opposite Henrico, known on all the maps of the State as Farrar's island, and which has been made an island in reality by the completion of the canal begun by the United States army during the late civil war and afterwards finished by the engineer department of the same, under the direction of Col. W.P. Craighill. Hening reports Serit Sharpe a Burgess for this place in 1629, and Serjeant William Sharp is named in the text as living there in 1626.
Att West & Sherlow Hundred.[S]
John Harris, Dorothe Harris, Infants { Harris, { Harris, Thomas Floyd, Ellias Longe, William Nichollas, Roger Ratcliffe, 78 Robert Milver, Robert Parttin, Margaret Parttin, infantes { Parttin, { Parttin, Henry Benson, Nicholas Blackman, Nathanell Tattam, Mathew Gloster, Symon Surgis, Nicholas Baley, Ann Bayley, Eliner Phillips, Thomas Paulett, Thomas Baugh, Thomas Packer, Jonas Bayley, John Trussell, Christopher Beane, John Cartter, Henry Bagwell, Thomas Bagwell, Edward Gardiner, Richard Biggs, Richard Biggs, William Biggs, } Thomas Biggs, } Sons Richard Biggs, } William Askew, Henry Carman, Andrew Dudley, James Gay, Anthony Burrows, Rebecca Rosse, sons { Rosse, { Rosse, Petters, a maid.
[S] West & Sherlow Hundred.—Sir Thomas Dale annexed to New Bermuda "many miles of champion and wood land ground in several hundreds, by the names of Nether Hundred, Shirley Hundred," &c.—Stith, p. 124-'5; Smith, General Historie, 1627, p. 111. Hening names Burgesses (1629) from Shirley Hundred island and Shirley Hundred maine, and among the latter is the name of John Harris, which appears in the text.—Heming Vol. I., p. 138.
The name of Shirley appears on the Fry and Jefferson map only at the place where the same is now located, opposite Bermuda Hundred, and well known as the residence of Hill Carter, Esq. A short distance below is an island not named on that map, but on modern maps as Eppes island, which we may presume was Shirley island. We do not find the name of West in the connection except in a paper entitled John Rolfe's relation to the State of Virginia, written in 1616, in which we learn that West and Shirley Hundred was about thirty-seven miles above James citie, which corresponds with the location above named. See Virginia Historical Register, Vol. I., p. 110.
Att Jordan's Jorney.[T]
Siselye Jordan, Temperance Bayliffe, Mary Jordan, Margery Jordan, William Farrar, Thomas Williams, Roger Preston, Thomas Brookes, John Peede, John Freme, Richard Johnson, William Dawson, John Hely, Robert Mannell, Ann Linkon, William Besse, Mrs. Besse, Christopher Saford, uxor Saford, John Caminge, Thomas Palmer, Mrs. Palmer, fil Palmer, Richard English, Nathaniel Causey, Mrs. Causey, Lawrence Evans, Edward Clarke, uxor Clarke, infant Clarke, John Gibbs, John Davies, 147 William Emerson, Henry Williams, uxor Williams, Henry Fisher, uxor Fisher, infant Fisher, Thomas Chapman, uxor Chapman, infant Chapman, Edith Hollis,
[T] Jordan's Jorney.—Hening reports William Popkton as Burgess for this place. I do not find it on Fry and Jefferson's map, but Jordan's Point is there, and this is situated a short distance below City Point and is well known by the same name at the present time.
Att Flourdieu Hundred.
Richard Gregory, Edward Alborn, Thomas Dellimager, Thomas Hack, Anthony Jones, Robert Guy, William Strachey, John Browne, Annis Boult, William Baker, Theoder Beriston, Walter Blake, Thomas Watts, Thomas Doughty, George Deverell, Richard Spurling, John Woodson, William Straimge, Thomas Dune, John Landman, Leonard Yeats, George Levet, Thomas Harvay, Thomas Filenst, Robert Smith, Thomas Garmder, Thomas Gaskon, John Olives, Christopher Pugett, Robert Peake, Edward Tramorden, Henry Linge, Gibert Pepper, Thomas Mimes, John Linge, John Gale, Thomas Barnett, Roger Thompson, Ann Thompson, Ann Doughty, Sara Woodson, Negors, Negors, 6 Negors, Negors, Negors, Negors, Grivell, Pooley, Minister, Samuel Sharp, John Upton, John Wilson, Henry Rowinge, Nathaniell Thomas, William Barrett, Robert Okley, Richard Bradshaw, Thomas Sawell, John Bramford, Anthony, } William, } John, } Negors men. Anthony, } A Negors Woman. 224
The rest at West and Sherlow Hundred Island.[U]
Cap^t Fackt Maddeson, Mary Maddeson, Thomas Wattson, James Wattson, Francis West, Roger Lewis, Richard Domelow, William Hatfeild, Thomas Fossett, Ann Fossett, Jenkin Osborne, William Sismore, Martha Sismore, Stephen Braby, Elizabeth Braby, Edward Temple, Daniel Vergo, William Tathill, boy, Thomas Haile, boy, Richard Morewood, Edward Sparshott, Barnard Jackson, William Brocke, James Mayro.
[U] West and Sherlow Hundred Island.—The distinction here made seems to confirm the suggestion contained in note to West and Sherlow Hundred.
At Chaplain's Choise.[V]
Isacke Chaplaine, Mrs. Chaplaine, John Chaplaine, Walter Priest, William Weston, John Duffy, Ann Michaell, Thomas Phillipps, Henry Thorne, Robert Hudson, Isacke Baugton, Nicholas Sutton, William Whitt, Edward Butler, Henry Turner, Thomas Leg, John Browne, John Trachern, Henry Willson, Thomas Baldwin, Allexander Sanderson, David Ellis, Sara More, Ann, a maid.
[V] Chaplain's Choise.—This place and Jordan's Journey were represented in 1629, by Walter Price, according to Hening, and with only a fair allowance for the orthographical inaccuracies of the time and of different copyists, it is not impossible that the Walter Priest of the text is the same person. We can find no clue to its location, but it is reasonable to suppose it was near Jordan's Point.
Att James citie and within the Corporation thereof.[W]
Sir Francis Wyatt, Gov^r Margarett, Lady Wyatt, Hant Wyatt, minister, Kathren Spencer, Thomas Hooker, John Gather, John Matcheman, Edward Cooke, George Nelson, George Hall, Lane Burtt, Elizabeth Powell, Mary Woodward, Sir George Yeardley, knight, Temperance Lady Yeardley, Argall Yeardley, 284 Frances Yeardley, Elizabeth Yeardley, Kilibett Hitchcocke, Austen Combes, John Foster, Richard Arrundell, Susan Hall, Ann Grimes, Elizabeth Lyon, —— Younge, negro } negro } women, Alice Davison, vidua, Edward Sharples, Jone Davies, George Sands, Treas^r, Capt. William Perce, Joan Perce, Robert Hedges, Hugh Win, Thomas Moulston, Henry Farmer, John Lightfoote, Thomas Smith, Roger Ruese, Allexander Gill, John Cartwright, Robert Austine, Edward Bricke, William Ravenett, Jocomb Andrews, uxor Andrews, Richard Alder, Ester Evere, Angelo, a negar, Doctor John Pott, Elizabeth Pott, Richard Townsend, Thomas Leister, John Kullaway, Randall Howlett, Jane Dickinson, Fortune Taylor, Capt. Roger Smith, Mrs. Smith, Elizabeth Salter, Sara Macocke, Elizabeth Rolfe, Christopher Lawson, uxor En. Lawson, Francis Fouler, Charles Waller, Henry Booth, Capt. Raph Hamor, Mrs. Hamor, Joreme Clement, Elizabeth Clement, Sara Langley, Sisely Greene, Ann Addams, Elkinton Ratclife, Francis Gibson, James Yemanson, John Pountes, Christopher Best, Thomas Clarke, Mr. Reignolds, Mr. Hickmore, uxor Hickmore, Sara Ruddell, Edward Blaney, Edward Hudson, uxor Hudson, William Hartley, John Shelley, Robert Bew, William Ward, Thomas Mentis, Robert Whitmore, Robert Channtree, Robert Sheppard, William Sawyer, Lanslott Dansport, Mathew Loyd, Thomas Ottway, Thomas Crouth, Elizabeth Starkey, Elinor, Mrs. Perry, infant Perry, Frances Chapman, George Graues, 376 uxor Graues, Rebecca Snowe, Sara Snowe, John Isgrane, Mary Astombe, vidua, Benamy Bucke, Gercyon Bucke, Peleg Bucke, Mara Bucke, Abram Porter, Brigett Clarke, Abigall Ascombe, John Jackson, uxor Jackson, Ephraim Jackson, Mr. John Burrows, Mrs. Burrows, Anthony Burrows, John Cooke, Nicholas Gouldsmith, Elias Gaile, Andrew Howell, Ann Ashley, John Southern, Thomas Pasmore, Andrew Ralye, Nathaniel Jefferys, uxor Jefferys, Thomas Hebbs, Clement Dilke, Mrs. Dilke, John Hinton, Richard Stephens, Wassell Rayner, uxor Rayner, John Jackson, Edward Price, Osten Smith, Thomas Spilman, Bryan Cawt, George Minisy, Moyes Ston, Capt. Holmes, Mr. Calcker, Mrs. Calcker, infant Calcker, Peceable Sherwood, Anthony West, Henry Barker, Henry Scott, Margery Dawse, Mr. Cann (or Cam) Capt. Hartt, Edward Spalding, uxor Spalding, puer Spalding, puella Spalding, John Helin, uxor Helin, puer Helin, infant Helin, Thomas Graye, uxor Graye, Jone Graye, William Graye, Richard Younge, uxor Younge, Jone Younge, Rendall Smallwood, John Greene, William Mudge, Mrs. Sothey, Ann Sothey, Elin Painter, Goodman Webb.
[W] James Citie.—This birthplace of our State, eighty miles below Richmond, is now the property of a gentleman of New York city, who has the ground cultivated. During the war the soil was thrown up into fortifications, and pieces of armor, sword hilts, calthorps, gold, silver and copper coins were found. All that remains of the city is a portion of the brick tower which belonged to the church, and which attracts the attention of travellers on the river with an interest similar to that of Mount Vernon on the Potomac. Though visited by very few persons, yet the relic-hunters have removed all of the tombstones, and have attacked what remains of the church tower.
In the Maine.
Richard Atkins, uxor Atkins, William Baker, Edward Oliver, Samuell Morris, Robert Davis, Robert Lunthorne, John Vernie, Thomas Wood, Thomas Rees, 461 Michael Batt, uxor Batt, vidua Tindall, Mr. Stafferton, uxor Stafferton, John Fisher, John Rose, Thomas Thornegood, John Badston, Susan Blackwood, Thomas Rinston (or f), Robert Scottismore, Roger Kid, Nicholas Bullington, Nicholas Marttin, John Carter, Christopher Hall, David Ellis, uxor Ellis, John Frogmorton, Robert Marshall, Thomas Snow (orig. Swnow), John Smith, Lawrance Smalpage, Thomas Crosse, Thomas Prichard, Richard Crouch, Christopher Redhead, Henry Booth, Richard Carven, uxor Carven, John Howell, William Burtt, William Stocker, Nicholas Roote, Sara Kiddall, infants { Kiddall, { Kiddall, Edward Fisher, Richard Smith, John Wolrich, Mrs. Wolrich, Johathin Giles, Christopher Ripen, Thomas Banks, Frances Butcher, Henry Daivlen, Arthur Chandler, Richard Sanders, Thomas Helcott, Thomas Hichcocke, Griffine Greene, Thomas Osbourn, Richard Downes, William Laurell, Thomas Jordan, Edward Busbee, Henry Turner, Joshua Crew, Robert Hutchinson, Thomas Jones, uxor Jones, Reignold Morecocke, uxor Morecocke, Richard Bridgewatter, uxor Bridgewatter, Mr. Thomas Bun, Mrs. Bun, Thomas Smith, Elizabeth Hodges, William Kemp, uxor Kemp, Hugh Baldwine, uxor Baldwine, John Wilmose, Thomas Doe, uxor Doe, George Fryer, uxor Fryer, Stephen Webb.
In James Island.
John Osbourn, uxor Osbourn, George Pope, Robert Cunstable, William Jones, uxor Jones, 547 John Johnson, uxor Johnson, infants { Johnson, { Johnson, John Hall, uxor Hall, William Cooksey, uxor Cooksey, infant Cooksey, Alice Kean, Robert Fitts, uxor Fitts, John Reddish, John Grevett, uxor Grevett, John West, Thomas West, Henry Glover, Goodman Stocks, uxor Stocks, infant Stocks, Mr. Adams, Mr. Leet, William Spence, uxor Spence, infant Spence, James Tooke, James Roberts, Anthony Harlow, Sara Spence, George Shurke, John Booth & Robt. Bennett.
The Neck of Land.
Mr. Kingsmeale, uxor Kingsmeale, infants { Kingsmeale, { Kingsmeale, Raph Griphin, Frances Compton, John Smith, John Filmer, Edward, a negro, Thomas Sulley, uxor Sulley, Thomas Harwood, George Fedam, Peter Staber, Thomas Popkin, Thomas Sides, Richard Perse, uxor Perse, Allen, his man, Isabell Pratt, Thomas Allnutt, uxor Allnutt, John Paine, Roger Redes, Elinor Sprad.
Over the River.
John Smith, uxor Smith, infant Smith, John Pergo, Richard Fenn, William Richardson, Robert Lindsey, Richard Dolfemb, John Bottam, John Elliott, Susan Barber, Thomas Gates, uxor Gates, Percevall Wood, Anthony Burrin, William Bedford, William Sands, John Proctor, Mrs. Proctor, Phettiplace Close, Henry Home, Richard Home, 627 Thomas Flower, William Bullocke, Ellias Hinton, John Foxen, Edward Smith, John Skimer, Martine De Moone, William Naile, Thomas Fitts, Elizabeth Abbitt, Alice Fitts.
At the Plantation over against James Cittie.[X]
Capt. Samuel Mathews, Benjamin Owin, Rice Ax^r Williams, John, a negro, Walter Parnell, William Parnell, Margaret Roades, John West, Francis West, vidua, Thomas Dayhurst, Robert Mathews, Arthur Gouldsmith, Robert Williams, Morice Loyd, Aron Conway, William Sutton, Richard Greene, Mathew Haman, Samuell Davies, John Thomas, John Docker, Abram Wood, Michaell Lupworth, John Davies, Lewis Baly, James Daries, Alice Holmes, Henry Barlow, Thomas Button, Edmond Whitt, Zacharia Crispe, John Burland, Thomas Hawkins, Thomas Phillips, Paul Reinolds, Nicholas Smith, Elizabeth Williams, Hugh Cruder, Edward Hudson, Robert Sheppard, Thomas Ottawell, Thomas Crouth, Robert Bew, John Russell, Robert Chantry, George Rodgers, Lanslott Damport, John Shule, Nathaniell Loyd, William Sawyer, William Ward, William Hartley, Jereme Whitt, Livetenant Purfrey, Edward Grindall, Mr. Swift, William Hames, George Gurr, Henry Wood, John Baldwine, John Needome, William Bricks, Nicholas Thompson, John Dency, Erasmus Cartter, John Edwards, 704 George Bayley, George Sparke, Nicholas Comin, Nicholas Arras, Marttin Turner, John Stone, infant, Davy Mansfield, John Denmarke, Elizabeth Rutten, Goodwife Bincks, A servant of Mr. Moorewood's.
[X] At the Plantation over against James Citie.—Hening reports as Burgesses (after James Citty) for the other side of the water, Capt. John West, Capt ffelgate; as John West's name appears in the text under this head, we presume the places are identical and refer to probably some place on the opposite side of the James river not more definitely designated.
The Glase Howse.[Y]
Vincentio, Bernardo, Ould Sheppard, his sonn, Richard Tarborer. Mrs. Bernardo.
[Y] The Glass House.—We find frequent references to but no notice of the erection of this building. Smith, in his account of the attempt to murder him by the Dutchmen in 1608, says, "They sent Francis, their companion, disguised like a Salvage, to the Glasse-house, a place in the woods neare a myle from Iames Toune," &c., Smith attempted to apprehend him, but he escaped, and after he had sent "20 shot after him; himself returning from the Glasse House alone," when he encountered the king of the Paspa heigh whom he defeated and "led him prisoner to Iames Toune and put him in chaynes." Smith (1627) pp. 83, 84.
Stith says after the return of Newport from his expedition of discovery up James river "No sooner were they landed but the President (Smith) dispersed as many as were able, some to make Glass and others for Pitch," &c.; and in 1609, "And now the Colony pursued their business with alacrity and success. They made three or four lasts of Tar, Pitch, and Soap ashes and produced a trial of glass," &c., &c. And in 1621, speaking of the subscriptions opened in England, he says, "The third roll was for a glass furnace to make beads, which was the current coin in the Indian trade; and one Captaine Norton, with some Italian workmen, was sent over for that purpose." See also Stith, pp. 95, 97, 197, 198. As the names of Vincentio and Benardo appear in the text, we may infer that some of the Italian workmen survived the massacre of 1622.
At Archur's Hoop.[Z]
Lieutenant Harris, Rowland Lottis, uxor Lottis, John Elison, uxor Elison, George Sanders, Thomas Corder, Joseph Johnson, George Pran, John Bottom, Thomas Farley, uxor Farley, a child, Nicholas Shotton.
[Z] Archur's Hoop.—Archer's Hope creek on Fry and Jefferson's map empties into James river but a short distance below Jamestown, and in the Particulars of Land in Virginia, referred to in note on page 37, Archer's Hope is named.
At Hogg Island.[AA]
David Sanders, minister, John Utie, Mrs. Utie, John Utie, infant, 738 William Tyler, Elizabeth Tyler, Richard Whitby, William Ramshaw, Rice Watkins, Thomas Foskew, lost, Hener Elsword, Thomas Causey, George Union, Henry Woodward, Roger Webster, John Donston, Joseph Johnson, Richard Crocker, child, William Hitchcocke, lost, George Prowse, Robert Parramore, John Jarvice, als. Glover, John Browne, William Burcher, John Burcher, John Fulwood, Thomas Bransby, Thomas Colly, Thomas Simpson, Thomas Powell, Nicholas Longe,
[AA] Hogg Island.—This is set down on Smith's and all succeeding maps. It is six or eight miles below Jamestown island, and its name being unchanged, is very well known at the present time. In the text John Utie is named as one of the inhabitants, and his name appears in Hening as one of the Burgesses in 1629 from "the plantations between Archer's Hope and Martins Hundred," which corresponds with its location.
At Martin's Hundred.[BB]
William Harwood, Samuell March, Hugh Hues, John Jackson, Thomas Ward, John Stevans, Humphrey Walden, Thomas Doughtie, John Hasley, Samwell Weaver, vidua Jackson, filia Jackson, Mrs. Taylor, Ann Windor, Elizabeth Bygrane, Mr. Lake, Mr. Burren, John Stone, Samwell Cultey, John Helline, uxor Helline, A Frenchman et uxor, Thomas Siberg.
[BB] Martin's Hundred.—Martin's Hundred is located On Fry and Jefferson's map between Hog island and Mulberry island, and on a small stream called Skies creek, on the north side of James river. In the proceedings of the Assembly in 1619 it is referred to as Paspaheigh's, alias Martin's Hundred, see ante p. 30. In the "Particulars of Land in Virginia," before mentioned, we read, "Martin's Hundred, containing 80,000 acres, part planted." Captaine Martin was made president by Capt. John Smith in 1609, but he did not desire the position and resigned. At the Assembly in 1619, he and the privileges named in his patent, and certain charges against him of unfair dealing with the Indians occupied no little attention.—See ante, pp. 12 and 13. For further particulars in regard to his attempts at imposition on the Company and like charges, the reader is referred to Stith, pp. 219, 220, 221.
At Warwick Squrake.[CC]
John Batt, Henry Prinffe, Wassell Weblin, Anthony Read, Frances Woodson, Henry Phillips, 794 Petter Collins, Christopher Reinolds, Edward Mabin, John Maldman, Thomas Collins, George Rushmore, Thomas Spencer, George Clarke, Richard Bartlett, Francis Banks, John Jenkins, Thomas Jones, William Denham, Peter, } Anthony, } Frances, } negroes, Margrett, } John Bennett, Nicholas Skinner, John Atkins, John Pollentin, Rachell Pollentin, Margrett Pollentin, Mary, a maid, Henry Woodward, Thomas Sawyer, Thomas, a Boye.
[CC] Warwick Squrake.—It is difficult to decide upon either the spelling or the pronunciation of this word. On Smith's map it is located on the south side of James river, and about fifteen or twenty miles below Jamestown, and is spelt Waraskorack, and on page 59 he spells it Waraskoyack; Fry and Jefferson locate it on Burwell's bay, and call it Warnicqueack. Stith calls it Warrasqueake, and gives an interesting account of "the King of that town," and his hospitable treatment of Capt. Smith on the night of the 29th of December, 1608: p. 85. In the "Particulars of Land," McDonald MS. above referred to, it is spelt as shown in the following extract: "Warosquoiacke Plantation conteyning downewardes from Hogg island, 14 miles by the ryver side," &c., &c., p. 313.
Hening has it Warrosquoiack, Vol. I., p. 149. In 1634 "the country divided into eight shires," and this being one of them. Hening there spells it Warrosquyoake. Vol. I., p. 224.
At the Indian Thickett.
Henry Woodall, Gregory Dory, John Foster, John Greene, John Ward, Christopher Wendmile, Richard Rapier, Cutbert Pierson, Adam Rumell, Richard Robinson, James, a French man.
At Elizabeth Cittye.[DD]
Capt. Isacke Whittakers, Mary Whittakers, Charles Atkinson, Charles Calthrop, John Lankfeild, Bridges Freeman, Nicholas Wesell, Edward Loyd, Thomas North, Anthony Middleton, Richard Popely, Thomas Harding, William Joye, Raph Osborne, Edward Barnes, Thomas Thorugood, Ann Atkinson, —— Lankfeild, —— Medclalfe, George Nuce, 852 Elizabeth Whittakers, George Roads, Edward Josnson (sic.), (qy. Johnson,) William Fouller, Reinold Goodwyn, James Larmount, John Jackson, vidua Johnson, vidua Fowler, Two Frenchmen, George Medcalfe, Walter Ely, Thomas Lane, Barthelmew Hopkins, John Jefferson, Robert Thresher, John Rowes, Mr. Yates, Robert Goodman, uxor Ely, infant Ely, Capt. Rawleigh Crashaw, Robert Wright, James Sleight, John Welchman, John More, Henry Potter, Mr. Roswell, Mr. Roswell, William Gawntlett, Osborne Smith, uxor More, uxor Wright, uxor Wright, filia Wright, Thomas Dowse, Samwell Bennett, William Browne, William Allen, Lewis Welchman, Robert More, Mrs. Dowse, uxor Bennett, pueri { Bennett, { Bennett,
[DD] Elizabeth Citty.—The settlement which was the foundation of the county still known by the same name. It includes the peninsula formed by the Chesapeake bay and James river. At the meeting of the Burgesses in 1629 it was represented as two districts or burroughs, viz; the upper parte and the lower parte, each having three delegates, and the text shows that of these Thomas Willobouy of the upper and Adam Thoroughgood of the lower part were living there in 1626.
At Bricke Row.[EE]
Thomas Flint, John Hampton, Richard Peirsby, William Rookins, Rowland Williams, Steven Dixon, Thomas Risby, Henry Wheeler, James Brooks, Samuel Bennett, John Carning, Thomas Neares, Robert Salvadge, William Barry, Joseph Hatfield, Edward Marshall, Ambrose Griffith, Petter Arrundell, Anthony Bonall, } —— La Geurd, } Frenchmen, James Bonall, a Frenchm., John Arrundell, John Haine, Nicholas Row, Richard Althrop, John Loyd uxor Haine (or Hame), uxor Hampton, Elizabeth Arrundell, Margret Arrundell, 927
[EE] Bricke Row.—We can find no reference to this place unless "The Row" on the north side of the James a short distance above the mouth of the Chichahominy, on Fry and Jefferson's map is the place.
At Bass's Choice.
Capt. Nathaniel Basse, Samwell Basse, Benjamin Simmes, Thomas Sheward, Benjamin Handcleare, William Barnard, John Shelley, Nathaniell Moper, Nath. Gammon, Margrett Giles, Richard Longe, uxor Longe, infant Longe, Richard Evans. William Newman, John Army, Peter Langden, Henry, Andrew Rawley, Peter.
More at Elizabeth Cittie.
Lieutenant Sheppard, John Powell, John Wooley, Cathren Powell, John Bradston, Francis Pitts, Gilbert Whitfield, Peter Hereford, Thomas Faulkner, Esaw de la Ware, William Cornie, Thomas Curtise, Robert Brittaine, Roger Walker, Henry Kersly, Edward Morgaine, Anthony Ebsworth, Agnes Ebsworth, Elinor Harris, Thomas Addison, William Longe, William Smith, William Pinsen, Capt. William Tucker, Capt. Nick Martean, Leftenant Ed. Barkly, Daniell Tanner, John Morris, George Thomson, Paule Thomson, William Thomson, Pasta Champin, Stephen Shere, Jeffery Hall Rich. Jones, William Hutchinson, Richard Apleton, Thomas Evans, Weston Browne, Robert Mounday, Steven Colloe, Ralph Adams, Thomas Phillips, Francis Barrett, Mary Tucker, Jane Brackley, Elizabeth Higgins, Mary Mounday, Chouponke, an Indian, Anthony, } Isabella, } negroes. Lieut. Lupo, Phillip Lupo, Bartholmew Wethersby, Henry Draper, Joseph Haman, Elizabeth Lupo, Albiano Wethersby, John Laydon, Ann Laydon, Virginia Laydon, Alice Laydon, 1009 Katherine Laydon, William Evans, William Julian, William Kemp, Richard Wither, John Jornall, Walter Mason, Sara Julian, Sara Gouldocke, John Salter, William Soale, Jeremy Dickenson, Lawrance Peele, John Evans, Marke Evans, George Evans, John Downeman, Elizabeth Downeman, William Baldwin, John Sibley, William Clarke, Rice Griffine, Joseph Mosley, Robert Smith, John Cheesman, Thomas Cheesman, Edward Cheesman, Peter Dickson, John Baynam, Robert Sweet, John Parrett, William Fouks, John Clackson, John Hill, William Morten, William Clarke, Edward Stockdell, Elizabeth Baynam, George Davies, Elizabeth Davies, Ann Harrison, John Curtise, John Walton, Edward Oston, Toby Hurt, Cornelius May, Elizabeth May, Henry May, child, Thomas Willowbey, Oliver Jenkinson, John Chandeler, Nicholas Davies, Jone Jenkins, Mary Jenkins, Henry Gouldwell, Henry Prichard, Henry Barber, Ann Barber, John Hutton, Elizabeth Hutton, Thomas Baldwin, John Billiard, Reynold Booth, Mary, Elizabeth Booth, child, Capt. Thomas Davies, John Davies, Thomas Huges, William Kildrige, Alex^r Mountney, Edward Bryan, Percivall Ibotson, John Penrice, Robert Locke, Elizabeth & Ann Ibotson, Edward Hill, Thomas Best, Hanna Hill, Elizabeth Hill, Robert Salford, John Salford, Phillip Chapman, Thomas Parter, Mary Salford, Francis Chamberlln, William Hill, William Harris, William Worldige, John Forth, Thomas Spilman, Rebecca Chamberlin, Alice Harris, 1102 Pharow Phlinton, Arthur Smith, Hugh Hall, Robert Sabin, John Cooker, Hugh Dicken, William Gayne, Richard Mintren, Jun^r, Joane Hinton, Elizabeth Hinton, Rebecca Coubber, Richard Mintren, Sen^r, John Frye, William Brooks, Sibile and William Brooks, Thomas Crispe, Richard Packe, Miles Prichett, Thomas Godby, Margery Prichett, Jone Goodby, Jone Grindry, John Iniman, Mary Grindry, John Grindry, child, John Waine, Ann Waine, Mary Ackland, George Ackland, John Harlow, William Cappe, Edward Walters, Paule Harwood, Nick. Browne, Adam Througood, Richard East, Stephen Read, Grace Watters, Will^m Watters. Will^m Ganey, Henry Ganey, John Robinson, Robert Browne, Thomas Parrish, Edmund Spalden, Roger Farbracke, Theodor Jones, William Baldwin, Luke Aden, Anna Ganey, Anna Ganey, filia, Elizabeth Pope, Rebecca Hatch, Thomasin Loxmore, Thomas Garnett, Elizabeth Garnett, Susan Garnett, Frances Michell, Jonas Stockton, Timothee Stockton, William Cooke, Richard Boulten, Frances Hill, John Jackson, Richard Davies, Ann Cooke, Dictras Chrismus, Thomas Hill, Arthur Davies, William Newcome, Elizabeth Chrismus, Joan Davies, Thomas Hethersall, William Douglas, Thomas Douthorn, Elizabeth Douthorn, Samuel Douthorn, a boy, Thomas, an Indian, John Hazard, Jone Hazard, Henry, Frances Mason, Michaell Wilcocks, William Querke, Mary Mason, Mandlin Wilcocks, Mr. Keth, minister, John Bush, John Cooper, Jonadab Illett, John Barnaby, John Seaward, 1195 Robest Newman, William Parker, Thomas Snapp, Clement Evans, Thomas Spilman, Thomas Parrish.
At the Eastern Shore.
Capt. William Epps, Mrs. Epps, Peter Epps, William, Edmond Cloake, William Bribby, Thomas Cornish, John Fisher, William Dry, Henry Wilson, Peter Porter, Christopher Cartter, John Sunnfill (or Sumfill), Nicholal Graunger, James Vocat Piper, Edward, John, Thomas, George, Charles Farmer, James Knott, John Ascomb, Robert Fennell, Phillip, Daniell Cogley, William Andrews, Thomas Granes, John Wilcocks, Thomas Crampe, William Coomes, John Parsons, John Coomes, James Chambers, Robert Ball, Goodwife Ball, Thomas Hall, Ismale Hills, John Tyers, Walter Scott, Goodwife Scott, Robert Edmonds, Thomas Hichcocke, John Evans, Henry Wattkins, Peregree Wattkins, Daniell Watkins, John Blower, Gody Blower, John, A boy of Mr. Cans, John How, John Butterfeild, William Davies, Peter Longman, John Wilkins, Goodwife Wilkins, Thomas Powell, Gody Powell, Thomas Parke, William Smith, Edward Drew, Nicholas Hoskins, and his child, William Williams, Mrs. Williams, John Throgmorton, Bennanine Knight, Chad Gunston, Abram Analin, Thomas Blacklocke, John Barnett, Thomas Savadge, William Beane, Salamon Greene, John Wasborne, William Quills. 1277
The End of the List of the Living.
FEB^y 16^{th}, 1623.
William Lambert, John Wood, } William More, } killed, Thomas Naylor, } James Howell. }
At the Neck of Land.
Moses Conyers, George Grimes, William Clements, Thomas Fernley, killed, Edward.
At Jordain's Jorney.
Roger Much, Mary Reese, Robert Winter, Robert Woods, Richard Shriese, Thomas Bull, John Kinton, Daniell.
At West & Sherlow Hundred.
Samwell Foreman, Zorobabell, 2 Indians, One negar, Thomas Roberts, John Edmonds, John Lasey, Daniell Francke, Capt. Nath. West, Christopher Harding, killed.
At Flower de Hundred.
John Mayor, William Waycome, Thomas Prise, Robert Walkin, John Fetherston, John Ax. Roberts, Richard Jones, Richard Griffin, Richard Ranke, William Edger, 39 John Fry, Dixi Carpenter, William Smith, James Cindnare, Edward Temple, Sara Salford, John Stanton, Christo. Evans.
At James Cittie.
Mr. Sothey, John Dumpont, Thomas Browne, Henry Sothey, Thomas Sothey, Mary Sothey, Elizabeth Sothey, Thomas Clarke, Margarett Shrawley, Richard Walker, Vallentyne Gentler, Peter Brishitt, Humphrey Boyse, John Watton, Arthur Edwards, Thomas Fisher, William Spence, } Mrs. Spence, } lost, George Sharks, John Bush, Mr. Collins, uxor Collins, Mr. Peyden, Peter De Maine, Goodman Ascomb, Goodman Witts, William Kerton, Mr. Atkins, Thomas Hakes, Peter Gould, Robert Ruffe, Ambrose Fresey, Henry Fry, John Dinse, Thomas Trundall, Richard Knight, John Jefferys, John Hamun, John Meridien, John Countivane, Thomas Guine, Thomas Somersall, William Rowsley, Elizabeth Rowsley, a maid of theirs, Robert Bennett, Thomas Roper, Mr. Fitziefferys, Mrs. Smith, Peter Martin, James Jakins, Mr. Crapplace, John Lullett, Ann Dixon, William Hewlett, Mr. Furlow's child, Jacob Prophett, John Reding (or Reeing) Ritchard Atkins, his child, John Bayly, William Jones, his son and, John, Mr. Pearis' servant, Josias Hartt, Judith Sharp, Ann Quarle, —— Reignolds, William Dier, Mary Dier, Thomas Sexton, Mary Brawdrye, Edward Normansell, Henry Fell, —— Enims, Roger Turnor, Thomas Guine, John Countway, John Meriday, 125 Benjamine Usher, John Haman, John Jefferyes, Richard Knight, John Walker, Hosier, William Jackson, William Apleby, John Manby, Arthur Cooke, Stephen.
At the Plantation over ag^t James Cittie.
Humphrey Clough, Morris Chaloner, Samuell Betton, John Gruffin, William Edwards, Wiliam Salisbury, Mathew Griffine, Robert Adwards, John Jones, Thomas Prichard, Thomas Morgaine, Thomas Biggs, Nicholas Bushell, Robert Williams, Robert Reynolds, Edward Huies, Thomas Foulke, Mathew Jenings, Richard Morris, Frances Barke, John Ewins, Samwell Fisher, John Ewins, James Cartter, Edward Fletcher, Aderton Greene, Morice Baker, Robert, Mr. Ewins' man, Robert Pidgion, Thomas Triggs, James Thursby, Nicholas Thimbleby, Frances Millett, John Hooks, Thomas Lawson, William Miller, Nicholas Fatrice, John Champ, John Maning, Richard Edmonds, David Collins, Thomas Guine, John Vicars, John Meredie, Beng. Usher, John Cantwell, Richard Knight, Robert Hellue, Thomas Barrow, John Enines, Edward Price, Robert Taylor, Richard Butterey, Mary Lacon, Robert Baines, Joseph Arther, Thomas Mason, John Beman, Christo. Pittman, Thomas Willer, Samwell Fulshaw, John Walmsley, Abram Colman, John Hodges, Naamy Boyle.
At Hogg Island.
William Brakley, Peter Dun, John Long. 204
At Martins Hundred.
Henry Bagford, Nicholas Gleadston, Nicholas Dornigton, Raph Rogers, Richard Frethram, John Brogden, John Beanam, Francis Atkinson, Robert Atkinson, John Kerill, Edward Davies, Percivall Mann, Mathew Staneling, Thomas Nicholls, 2 children of the Frenchmen, John Pattison, } uxor Pattison, } killed, Edward Windor, Thomas Horner, John Walker, Thomas Pope, Richard Ston, John Catesby, Richard Stephens, William Harris, Christo. Woodward, Joseph Turner.
At Warwick Squrake.
Josias Collins, Clement Wilson, William Robinson, Christo. Rawson, Thomas Winslow, uxor Winslow, infant Winslow, Alex^r Sussames, Thomas Prickett, Thomas Maddox, John Greene, Nathaniel Stanbridg, John Litton, Christo. Ash, uxor Ash, infant Ash, Nethaniel Lawe,} Jane Fisher,} killed, Phillip Jones, Edward Banks, John Symons, Thomas Smith, Thomas Griffin, George Cane, Robert Whitt, Symon, an Italien. X/
At Elizabeth Cittie.
Charle Marshall, William Hopkicke, Dorothie Parkinson, William Robertts, John Farrar, Martin Cuffe, Thomas Hall, Thomas Smith, Christo. Robertts, Thomas Browne, Henry Fearne, Thomas Parkins, Mr. Hussy, James Collis, Raph Rockley, William Geales, George Jones, Andrew Allinson, William Downes, Richard Gillett, Goodwife Nonn, Hugo Smale, 280 Thomas Wintersall, John Wright, James Fenton, Cisely, a maid, John Gavett, James, } John, } Irishmen, Jocky Armestronge, Wolston Pelsant, Sampson Pelsant, Cathrin Capps, William Elbridg, John Sanderson, John Bewbricke, John Baker, killed, William Lupo, Timothy Burley, Margery Frisle, Henry West, Jasper Taylor, Brigett Searle, Anthony Andrew, Edmond Cartter, Thomas ——, William Gauntlett, Gilbert ——, killed, Christopher Welchman, John Hilliard, Gregory Hilliard, John Hilliard, William Richards, Elizabeth, a maid, Capt. Hickcocke, Thomas Keinnston, Capt. Lincolne, Chad. Gulstons, uxor Gulstons, infant Gulstons, George Cooke, Richard Goodchild, Chrisenus, his child, Elizabeth Mason, Symon Wither, Whitney Guy, Thomas Brodbanke, William Burnhouse, John Sparkes, Robert Morgaine, John Locke, William Thompson, Thomas Fulham, Cutberd Brooks, Innocent Poore, Edward Dupper, Elizabeth Davies, Thomas Buwen, Ann Barber, William Lucott, Nicholas ——, killed, Henry Bridges, Henry Payton, Richard Griffin, Raph Harrison, Samwell Harvie, John Boxer, Benjaimine Boxer, Thomas Servant, Frances Chamberline, Bridgett Dameron, Isarell Knowles, Edward Bendige, William Davies, John Phillips, Daniell Sandwell, William Jones, Robert Ball's wife, Robert Leaner, Hugh Nickcott, John Knight.
Out of the Ship called The Furtherance.
John Walker, —— Hosier, William Jackson, William Apleby, John Manby, Arthur Cooke, Steven. 366
Out of the God's Gift.
Mr. Clare, master, William Bennett.
Out of the Margrett & John.
Mr. Langley, Mr. Wright.
The Guner of the William & John. 371
The reader will perceive that the foregoing list of the dead reports only those who had died "since April last" (1622), consequently does not include the victims of the Indian massacre, which occurred on the 22d of March of that year. The number which fell by that diabolical conspiracy, as reported by Smith, amounted to 347, and in his Generall Historie, at page 149, he has a list of the numbers murdered at different places. Neill copies from the Records of the Virginia Company (now in the Congressional Library at Washington) a list of their names—see his "History of the Virginia Company," pp. 339-346—and considering that it is proper to annex this to the list preceding we herewith give it. The total corresponds with the statement in Smith's Historie.
The number of deaths in the census list shows a mortality amounting in one year to upwards of twenty per cent. of the whole population, exceeding the number which fell in the massacre by twenty-four. The fullest details of this and many other matters relating to the Colony while under the Virginia Company, can be found more fully shown in Neill's History of the Virginia Company than in any other work we have seen.
* * * * *
"Here following is set downe a true list of the names of all those that were massacred by the treachery of the Sauages in Virginia, the 22^{nd} March last.
"To the end that their lawfull heyres may take speedy order for the inheritinge of their lands and estates there. For which the honourable Company of Virginia are ready to do them all right and fauour:"
At Captaine Berckley's Plantation, seated at Falling Creeke, some 66 miles from James Citie, in Virginia.
John Berkley, Esquire, Thomas Brasington, John Sawyer, Roger Dauid, Francis Gowsh, Bartholmew Peram, Giles Peram, John Dowler, Laurence Dowler, Lewis Williams, Richard Bascough, Thomas Holland, John Hunt, Robert Horner Mason, Phillip Bames, William Swandal, Robert Williams, his Wife and Childe, Giles Bradshawe, his Wife and Childe, John Howlet and his sonne, Thomas Wood and Collins his man, Joseph Fitch, apothecary to Doctor Pots.
At Master Thomas Sheffield Plantation, some three miles from the Falling Creeke.
Master Th: Sheffield[478] and Rachel his wife, John Reeue, William Tyler, a boy, Samuel Reeue, John Ellen, Robert Tyler, a boy, Mathew ——, Judeth Howard, Thomas Poole, Methusalem ——, Thomas Taylor, William Tyler
[478] The son of William Sheffield.
At Henrico Iland, about two miles from Sheffield's Plantation.
—— Atkins, —— Weston, Philip Shatford, William Perigo, Owen Jones, one of Capt. Berkley's people.
Slaine of the Colledge People, about two miles from Henrico-Citie.
Samuel Stringer, George Soldan, William Basset, John Perry, Edward Ember, Jarrat Moore, Thomas Xerles, Thomas Freeman, John Allen, Thomas Cooke, John Clements, James Faulkoner, Christopher Henley, William Jordan, Robert Dauis, Thomas Hobson, William Bailey.
At Apo-mattucke River, at Master Abraham Pierce his Plantation, some five miles off the Colledge People.
William Charte, Jo: Waterhowse, John Barker, a boy, Robert Yeoman.
At Charles-Citie and about the precincts of Capt. Smith's Company.
Roger Royal, Thomas Jones, Robert Maruel, Edward Heydon, Henry Bushel.
At other Plantations next adioyning.
Richard Plat and his Brother, Henry Milward, his wife, his Childe and his Sister, Richard, a boy, Goodwife Redhead.
At Mr. William Farrar's House.
Master John England and his man, John Bel, Henricke Peterson and Alice, his Wife, and William, her sonne, Thomas, his man, James Woodshaw, Mary and } Elizabeth, } Maid servants.
At Berkley-Hundred, some five miles from Charles-Citie.
Capt. George Sharpe, Esq., one of his Maiesties Petitioners. John Rowles, Richard Rowles, his Wife and Childe, Giles Wilkins, Giles Bradway, Richard Fereby, Thomas Sharpe, Robert Jordan, Edward Painter.
At Westouer, about a mile from Berkley-Hundred.
And First at Cap. Fr. West's Plantation:
James English, Richard Dash.
At Master John West's Plantation:
Christopher Turner, Dauid Owen.
At Capt. Nathanael Wests:
Michael Aleworth, John Wright.
At Lieutenant Gibs his Dividend:
John Paly, Thomas Ratcliffe, Michael Booker, John Higglet, Nathanael Earle, John Gibbes, William Parker, Richard Wainham, Benomy Keyman, Thomas Gay, James Vpfall, Daniel, M^r Dombelowes man.
At Mr. Richard Owen's House:
Richard Owen, Stephen Dubo, Francis, an Irishman, Thomas Paine, One old Maid called blinde Margaret, William Reeue.
At Master Owen Macar's House:
Owen Macar, Garret Farrel, Richard Yeaw, One Boy.
At Master Macock's Dividen:
Capt. Samuel Macock, Esquire, Edward Lister, Thomas Browne, John Downes.
At Flowerdieu-Hundred, Sir George Yeardley's Plantation.
John Philips, Thomas Nuson, John Braford, Robert Taylor, Samuel Jarret, Elizabeth Bennet.
At the other side of the River, opposite to Flowerdieu-Hundred.
Master Hobson and his wife, Richard Storks, John Slaughter, Thomas Philips, Richard Campion, Anne Greene.
At Mr. Swinhowe his House.
Mistris Swinhow and Thomas and George Swinhow, her sonnes, Richard Mosse, John Larkin, William Blyth, Thomas Grindal.
At Mr. William Bikar's House.
William Bykar, Math. Hawthorn and his wife, Edward Pierce, Nicholas Howsdon.
At Weynoack of Sir George Yeardley his people.
Nathaniel Elie, John Flores, Henry Gape, —— Buckingham, William Puffet, William Walker, John Gray, James Boate, John Suersby, Thomas Euans, Thomas ap-Richard, Henry Haynes, John Blewet, Henry Rice, —— Hurt, Jonas Alpart, Thomas Stephens, Samuel Goodwine, John Snow and his Boy, Margery Blewet.
At Powle-Brooke.
Capt. Nath. Powle, Esq., and his wife, Daughter to M^r Tracey, Mistris Bray, Adam Rayner's wife, Barbara Burges, William Head, Thomas Woolcher, William Meakins, Robert ——, Peter Jordan, Nathanael Leydon, Peter Goodale.
At Southampton Hundred.
Robert Goffe and his wife, William Larkum, John Dauis, William Mountsort.
At Martin Brandons.
Lieutenant Sanders, Ensigne Sherley, John Taylor and his wife, 2 Boyes, Mathew, a Polander.
At Captaine Spilman's House.
John Basingthwayte, Walter Shawe.
At Ensigne Spence his House.
William Richmond, John Fowler, Alexander Bale, William Fierfax, The Tinker.
Persons slaine at Martins-Hundred, some seaven miles from James-Citie.
Lieutenant Rich: Kean, Master Tho: Boise & Mistris Boise, his wife & a sucking Childe, 4 of his men, A Maide, 2 Children, Nathanael Jefferies wife, Margaret Dauies, 3 seruants, Master John Boise, his wife, A Maide, 4 Men-seruants, Laurence Wats, his Wife, 2 Men seruants, Timothy Moise, his Man, Henry Bromage, his Wife, his Daughter, his Man, Edward How, his Wife, his Childe, A child of John Jackson, 4 Men seruants, Josua Dary, his wife, Richard Staples, his wife, and Childe, 2 Maides, 6 Men and Boyes, Walter Dauies & his brother, Christopher Guillam, Thomas Combar, A Man, Ralphe Digginson, his Wife, Richard Cholser, George Jones, Cisby Cooke, his wife, Dauid Bons, John Benner, John Mason, William Pawmet, Thomas Bats, Peter Lighborrow, James Thorley, Robert Walden, Thomas Tolling, John Butler, Edward Rogers, Maximilian Russel, Henry, a Welchman.
At Mr. Thomas Pierce his House over against Mulberry Iland.
Master Tho: Pierce, his Wife, and Childe, John Hopkins, John Samon, A French Boy.
At Mr. Edward Bennets Plantation.
Mastter Th: Brewood, his wife, his Childe, Robert Gray, John Griffin, Ensigne Harrison, John Costard, Dauid Barry, Thomas Sheppard, Henry Price, Robert ——, Edward Jolby, Richard ——, Alice Jones, Thomas Cooke, Philip Worth, Mathew a maid, Francis Winder, Thomas Conly, Richard Woodward, Humfrey Cropen, Thomas Bacon, Euan Watkins, Richard Lewis, Edward Towse, 2 Seruants, Thomas Ferris, George Cole, Remember Michel, —— Bullocke, Richard Chandler, Henry Moore, Nicholas Hunt, John Corderoy, Richard Cockwell, John Howard, Mistris Harrison, Mary Dawks, Annie English, Rebecca ——, Master Prowse, Hugh ——, John ——, Edward ——, Mistris Chamberlin, Parnel a maid, Humfrey Sherbrooke, John Wilkins, John Burton.
John Scotchmore, } M^r John Pontis his men. Edward Turner, }
Edward Brewster, Lieutenant Pierce his man.
Thomas Holland, Capt. Whittakers man.
At Master Walters his house.
Master Edward Walters, his wife, a Childe, a Maid, a Boy.
The whole number 347.
The next paper presented in this collection is a copy of the one from which Mr. Bancroft quotes in his introductory note to the meeting of the first Assembly, referring to it as "MS. in my possession." This is printed from the copy among the McDonald papers, and with its title and endorsements no intimation is given as to the date of its preparation, its author or authors, to whom it was addressed, or the use intended to be made of it. These questions are, however, answered almost entirely by reference to the entries in "Sainsbury's Calendar of State Papers," which, on pp. 65-'6, has the following: "1624. July. Petition of Gov. Sir Francis Wyatt, the Council and Assembly of Virginia to the King. Have understood that his Majesty, notwithstanding the unjust disparagement of the Plantation, has taken it under his especial care; intreat that credit may not be given to the late declarations presented to his Majesty concerning the happy, but indeed miserable, estate of the Colony during the first twelve years (of Sir Thos. Smith's government), nor to the malicious imputations which have been laid upon the late government. Inclose the true state of both, and earnestly request that the present government may be continued. Pray that the King's tender compassion will not allow them to fall into the hands of Sir Thos. Smith or his confidents." Signed by Sir Fran. Wyatt, Capt. Fan. West, Sir George Yeardley and eighty-six others. Inclose.—"Brief Declaration of the Plantation," &c., giving the whole title of this paper, verbatim, and a copious abstract of its contents. The earliest account of the horrors it relates is to be found in Smith's History, p. 105, in what is called "the examinations of Doctor Simons." This writer gives full details of the straits to which the Colonists were reduced and the expedients to which they resorted to appease hunger in 1609; adding, after the statements in regard to eating the Indian who had been buried several days and their eating "one another boyled, and stewed with rootes and herbes," the account of the man who "did kill his wife, powdered her, and had eaten part of her before it was known," and adding with a grim humour, "now whether shee was better roasted, boyled or carbonado'd, I know not, but of such a dish as powdered wife, I never heard of." His statements are copied, with more or less variation, by Beverley, Stith, Keith and Burke, but not one of them go into the disgusting and improbable details named in the "Brief Declaration." Campbell also reports the stories, but adds, in regard to the wife murderer, "upon his trial it appeared that cannibalism was feigned to palliate the murder," p. 93. Neill quotes from the Records of the Virginia Company, "The Tragical Relation of Virginia Assembly," which was transmitted to England about 1621; this was intended as a reply to a petition of Alderman Johnson and others, who had represented to the King that the reports in regard to Sir Thos. Smith's management were false, and desiring an investigation. These petitioners were members of a faction which desired to break up the Virginia Company. In the Relation of the Assembly, Smith is charged with all the cruelties to the Colonists which are mentioned in this "Brief Declaration"; torturing and starving to death being the punishments for minor offences; and asserting their confidence in the truth of these statements by concluding it with these words: "And rather to be reduced to live under the like government we desire his Ma^{ties} commissioners may be sent over w^{th} authoritie to hange us." This is signed by thirty members of the General Assembly, including among the names, those of George Sandys, the poet, traveller and Secretary of the Colony, and Raph Hamor, the chronicler—See Neill, pp. 407-411.
There is another reference to this starving time (as it is called) and its accompanying horror, which should not be allowed to pass without notice. As above stated, the worst state of affairs was reported to have existed in 1609, and in the next year a pamphlet with the following title was issued, "A true declaration of the estate of the Colonie of Virginia, with a refutation of such scandalous reports as haue tended to the disgrace of so worthy an enterprise. Published by aduise and direction of the Councell of Virginia. London, 1610." The writer of which, after referring to the slanders which had been circulated in regard to Sir Thos. Smith's government, and especially of the story of the wife-eater, says, "Sir Thomas Gates thus relateth the tragedie," and then follows a long passage to the effect that "one of the companie mortally hated his wife," and having killed her and secreted her body after cutting it into peices; when it was found out he said she died and he had hid her to satiafie his hunger, and had fed daily upon her, but upon searching his house they found a large quantity of provisions.—See Force's tracts, Vol. III. The writers of the "Brief Declaration," and the "True Declaration," must have seen this statement published ten or twelve years before they wrote, and it is a little remarkable that they should have persisted in repeating a story which was far from being well authentitcated, especially as the true statement did not need this addition to increase the odium incurred by the mismanagement of Sir Thos. Smith, the evidences of which are herein set forth.
Stith reports the stories of the Indian "that had been slain and buried" being taken up and eaten, and "so did several others, one another that died," and also that of the man who "killed his wife and powdered her up, and eat the greater portion before it was discovered;" and adds, for many years after it was "remembered by the name of the starving time," p. 116-117. For many particulars nowhere else given, see Neill's History, pp. 407-411.
STATE PAPER OFFICE. } COLONIAL. } Volume 3, No. 21, I. }
A BREIFE DECLARATION of the Plantation of Virginia duringe the first Twelve Yeares, when Sir Thomas Smith was Governor of the Companie, & downe to this present tyme. By the Ancient Planters nowe remaining alive in Virginia.
Wheras in the beginninge of Sir Thomas Smith's twelve yeares government, it was published in printe throughout the Kingdome of Englande that a Plantation should be settled in Virginia for the glorie of God in the propogation of the Gospell of Christ, the conversion of the Savages, to the honour of his Majesty, by the enlargeinge of his territories and future enrichinge of his kingdome, for which respects many noble & well minded persons were induced to adventure great sums of money to the advancement of soe pious & noble a worke, who have from the very first been frustrate of their expectation, as wee conceive, by the misgovernment of Sir Thomas Smith, aiminge at nothinge more then a perticular gaine, to be raised out of the labours of such as both voluntarilie adventured themselves and were otherwise sent over at the common charge. This will cleerely appeare in the examination of the first expedition & severall supplies in the tyme of his government.
The first Plantation in Virginia consisted of one hundred persons, so slenderly provided for that before they had remained halfe a yeare in this new Collony they fell into extreame want, not havinge anything left to sustein them save a little ill conditioned Barley, which ground to meal & pottage made thereof, one smale ladle full was allowed each person for a meale, without bread or aught else whatsoever, so that had not God, by his great providence, moved the Indians, then our utter enemies, to bringe us reliefe, we had all utterlie by famine perished. How unable so small a companye of people, soe poorely sent over, were to make way for such as shoulde followe, may easily be judged.
The first supplie beinge two shippes, the John & Francis & Phenix, with one hundred & twenty persons, worse every way provided for then the former, arrived heere about eight or nine months after & found the Collony consistinge of no more then forty persons (of those) tenn only able men, the rest at point of death, all utterly destitute of howses, not one as yet built, so that they lodged in cabbins & holes within the grounde; victualls they had none, save some small reliefe from the Indians, as some yet living weare feelinge witnesses, neither were we for our future and better maintenance permitted to manure or till any grounde, a thing in a new Plantation principally to be regarded, but weare by the direction of Sir Thomas Smith, and his officers heere, wholly imployed in cuttinge downe of masts, cedar, blacke wallnutt, clapboarde, &c., and in digginge gould oare (as some thought) which beinge sent for England proved dirt. These works to make retorne of present proffit hindered others of more necessary consequence of Plantation.
After this first supplie there were some few poore howses built, & entrance made in cleeringe of grounde to the quantitye of foure acres for the wholl Collony, hunger & sickness not permitting any great matters to bee donne that yeare.
The second supplie was a ship called the Mary Margett, which arrived here nine months after, about the time of Michaellmas, in her sixty persons, most gentlemen, few or no tradesmen, except some Polanders to make Pitch, tarre, potashes, &c., to be retorned for present gaine, soe meanly likewise were these furnished forth for victualles, that in lesse then two monthes after their arrivall, want compelled us to imploye our time abroad in trading with the Indians for corne; whereby though for a time we partly relieved our necessities, yet in Maye followinge we weare forced (leavinge a small guarde of gentlemen & some others about the president at James Towne) to disperse the wholl Collony, some amongst the Salvadges but most to the Oyster Banks, where they lived uppon oysters for the space of nine weekes, with the allowance only of a pinte of Indian corne to each man for a week, & that allowance of corne continued to them but two weekes of the nine, which kinde of feeding caused all our skinns to peele off, from head to foote, as if we had beene flead. By this time arrived Captaine Samuell Argall in a small Barque, with him neither supplie of men nor victualls from the Company; but we understandinge that he had some small provisions of bread and wine, more then would serve his owne companie, required him and the master of the Barque to remaine ashoare whilst we might bring his sailes ashoare the better to assure us of his ship & such provisions as coulde be spared, whereunto he seemed willingly to condescend. Those provisions, at a small allowance of Biskett, cake, and a small measure of wine or beere to each person for a Daye some what relieved us for the space of a month, at the end of which time arrived the thirde supplie, called Sir Thomas Gates, his fleet, which consisted of seaven shippes & neere five hundred persons with whom a small proportion of victuall, for such a number, was landed; howses few or none to entertain them, so that being quartered in the open feilde they fell uppon that small quantitye of corne, not beinge above seaven acres, which we with great penury & sufferance had formerly planted, and in three days, at the most, wholly devoured it.
These numbers, thus meanly provided, not being able to subsist and live together weare soone after devided into three parties and dispersed abroad for their better reliefe. The first under commande of Captaine Francis West to feat at the head of the River; a second under commande of Captaine John Smith, then President, at James Towne, & the other, with Capt. John Martin, in the River at Nansamun, which divisions gave occasions to the Indiens treacherously to cutt off divers of our men & boates, and forced the rest at the end of sixe weekes, havinge spent those small provisions they had with them, to retire to James Town & that in the depth of winter, when by reason of the colde, it was not possible for us to endure to wade in the water (as formerly) to gather oysters to satisfie our hungry stomacks, but constrained to digge in the grounde for unwholesome rootes whereof we were not able to get so many as would suffice us, in respect of the frost at that season & our poverty & weakness, so that famine compelled us wholly to devoure those Hogges, Dogges & horses that weare then in the Collony, together with rates, mice, snakes, or what vermin or carryon soever we could light on, as alsoe Toadstooles, Jewes eares, or what els we founde growing upon the grounde that would fill either mouth or belly; and weare driven through unsufferable hunger unnaturallie to eat those thinges which nature most abhorred, the flesh and excrements of man, as well of our owne nation as of an Indian, digged by some out of his grave after he had laien buried three daies & wholly devoured him; others, envyinge the better state of boddie of any whom hunger had not yet so much wasted as there owne, lay waight and threatened to kill and eat them; one amonge the rest slue his wife as she slept in his bosome, cutt her in peeces, powdered her & fedd uppon her till he had clean devoured all partes saveinge her heade, & was for soe barbarouse a fact and cruelty justly executed. Some adventuringe to seeke releife in the woods, dyed as they fought it, & weare eaten by others who found them dead. Many putt themselves into the Indians' handes, though our enemies, and were by them slaine. In this extremitye of famine continued the Collony till the twenteth of Maye, when unexpected, yet happely, arrived Sir Thomas Gates & Sir George Somers in two small Barques[FF] which they had built in the Sommer Islands after the wreake of the Sea adventure wherin they sett forth from Englande, with them one hundred persons barely provided of vittel for themselves. They founde the Collony consistinge then of but sixty persons most famished and at point of death, of whom many soone after died; the lamentable outcries of theirs soe moved the hartes of those worthies, not being in any sorte able long to releive their wantes they soone resolved to imbarque themselves & this poore remainder of the Collonye, in those two pinnaces & two other small Barques then in the River, to sett saile for Newfoundland where they might releive their wants & procure one safer passage for Englande. Every man, glad of this resolution, laboured his uttmost to further it, so that in three weekes we had fitted those barques and pinnaces (the best we could) & quitted James Towne, leaving the poore buildings in it to the spoile of the Indians, hopeinge never to retorne to re-possess them. When we had not sailed downe the River above twelve miles but we espied a boat which afterwards we understoode came from the right Honourable Lorde La Ware, who was then arived at Point Comfort with three good shipps, wherin he brought two hundred and fifty persons with some store of Provisions for them; but by reason he founde the Collony in so great want was forced to put both his owne people & the rest of the Collony to a very meane allowance, which was seven pounde of English meale for a man a weeke, & five pounds for every woman, without the addition of any victuall whatsoever, except, in the stead of meale, we took valuablie either pease or oatmeale. Uppon the arrival of that boat, Sir Thomas Gates understandinge from the Lord La Ware, that his Lordship was arrived with commission from the Company to be Gov^r & Capt. Gen^l of Virginia, & had brought men & provisions for the subsistinge & advancing of the Plantation, he the very next daye, to the great griefe of all his Company (only except Capt. John Martin), as winde and weather gave leave, retorned his whole company with charge to take possession againe of those poore ruinated habitations at James Towne which he had formerly abandoned; himselffe in a boate proceeded downeward to meete his Lordship who, making all speede up, arrived shortly after at James Towne. The time of the yeare being then most unseasonable, by intemperate heat, at the end of June his people suddenly fallinge generally into most pestilent diseases of Callentures and feavors, not lesse then one hundred & fifty of them died within few moneths after, & that chiefly for want of meanes to comfort them in their weak estates. The residue alsoe disabled by reason of sicknes could performe nothing that yeare to the advancement of the Collony, yet with the help of those people which had arrived with Sir Thomas Gates, together with some of the ancient Planters, who by use weare growen practique in a hard way of livinge, two small forts weare erected neare the rivers mouth at Kicoughtun, encompassed with small younge trees, haveinge for housing in the one, two formerlie built by the Indians & covered with bark by them, in the other a tent with some few thatcht cabbins which our people built at our comming thether. We founde divers other Indian Howses built by the natives which by reason we could make no use of we burnt, killinge to the number of twelve or fourteene Indians, & possessinge such corne as we founde growinge of their plantinge. We remained there untill harvest, when we reaped (besides what we spent) about the quantitie of one hundred and fiftie bushells of corne, which, by order from the Lord La Ware, was transported to James Towne.
[FF] "The Deliverance, of 70 tonn, and the Patience, of 30 tonn." Letter from the Lord Delaware, Governor of Virginia to the patentees in England.—Introduction to Strachey's Virginia Brittania, p. xxiii.
His Lordship intendinge to send up certain forces to march towardes the mountaines for the discoverie of gold or silver mines at the end of October, sent his Patents to Captaine Yardley and Captaine Holcroft, commanders of those two forts at Kicoughtan, wherin his Lordship gave order that they should be forthwith abandoned & the people with all speede to be brought to James Citie, there to prepare for his intended march.
At that time there arrived a small ship called the daintie, with twelve men & one woman, some little provision of victuall, two or three horses & some other slight necessaries for the Collony. Soon after we sett forward for our intended march, havinge for our leaders Captaine Edwarde Brewster & Captaine George Yeardley, being in number one hundred persons, furnished with all such necessary provisions, as the Collony at that time out of its poverty was able to provide. This designe was hindered by reason of the unfortunate losse of all our chieffe men skillfull in findeinge out mines, who weare treacherously slaine by the Salvadges (inviteinge them ashoare to eat victualls which they wanted) even when the meate was in theire mouthes, they careinge only to fill their bellies, foresaw not to prevent this danger which befell them.
This injury we revenged for the present (as we coulde) by killinge some Indians and burninge many houses, but by reason of this disaster we proceeded not farther on our journey then the head of the River, where we spent about three moneths doinge little but induringe much; his Lordship was there in person for the most part of that time, but his disease of body groweinge much upon him he resolved to retire to James Towne, givinge order that the fort which we had built there shoulde bee quitted and the troupe drawn downe, which accordingly was done. His Lordship then in regarde of his sickness was advised to putt to Sea in his ship, the Delaware, to seeke remedie in some other parts for the health of his bodye. At his going he left Captaine George Percie Deputie Governor, the people (remaining under his command) provided for three months at a short allowance of victuals. The calamities of these times would not any way permit workes of great importance to bee performed, sith that we did was as much as we coulde doe to live and defende our selves.
The Plantations helde at his Lordships departure were only James Towne and Pointe Comforte, where was a small Fort fenced with Pallisadoes, in it one slight howse, a store and some few thatcht cabbins, which shortly after by casualtie was burnt with fire; some few great ordinance were slenderlye mounted at James Towne and Pointe Comfort.
A fortnight after his Lordship's departure arrived a small ship called the Hercules, with some thirty people and some provisions for them. The tweife of May followeinge arrived Sir Thomas Dale with three ships and three hundred persons, his provisions for them of such qualitie (for the most part) as hogges refused to eat, some whereof were sent backe to England to testifie the same, and that the rest was not better was justified upon oath before the Hono^{ble} the Lorde Cheife Justice of the Common Pleas, at Guilde hall in London, by Sir Thos. Gates & two other gentlemen.
Sir Thomas Dale, takinge into consideration the precedent times not to have succeeded accordinge to the greedy desire of Sir Thomas Smith, presently imployed the general Colony about the lading of those three ships with such freight as the country then yealded, but a little before the ships were readie to depart, Sir Thomas Gates arrived with three ships and three carvills, with him three hundred persons meanly provided with victualls for such a number. In this fleet, to our remembrance, arrived sixtie cowes and some swine; it was his care to dispatch those shipps and carvills fraighted (as aforesaid) to the neglect of workes of greater importance. Sir Thomas Dale imediately uppon his arrival, to add to that extremitye of miserye under which the Collonye from her infancie groaned, made and published most cruell and tiranous lawes, exceeding the strictest rules of marishall discipline, which lawes were sent over by Sir Thomas Dale to Sir Thomas Smith by the hande of Mr. William Starchey,[GG] then Secretarie to the State, and were retorned in print, with approbation, for our future government, as in divers bookes yet extant more fully appeareth.
[GG] Mr. Strachey, sailed with Lord Delaware on the 1st of April, 1610, and arrived at the Capes on the 15th of May. He remained about two years. He left a well written manuscript account of his observations, with this title: "The Historie of travaile into Virginia Brittania, * * * gathered and discovered as well by those who went first hither, as collected by William Strachey, Gent., the first secretary of the Colony;" which, edited by R.A. Major, Esq., of the British Museum, was published by the Hakluyt society in 1849.
At Michaellmas then next followinge, Sir Thomas Dale removed himself with three hundred persons for the buildinge of Henrico Towne, where being landed he oppressed his whole companye with such extraordinarye labors by daye and watchinge by night, as maye seeme incredible to the eares of any who had not the experimentall triall thereof. Wante of houses at first landinge in the colde of winter, and pinchinge hunger continually bitinge, made those imposed labours moft insufferable, and the best fruits and effects therof to be noe better then the slaughter of his Majesty's free subjects by starveinge, hangeinge, burneinge, breakinge upon the wheele and shootinge to deathe, some (more than halfe famished) runninge to the Indians to gett reliefe beinge againe retorned were burnt to death. Some for stealinge to satisfie their hunger were hanged, and one chained to a tree till he starved to death; others attemptinge to run awaye in a barge and a shallop (all the Boates that were then in the Collonye) and therin to adventure their lives for their native countrye, beinge discovered and prevented, were shott to death, hanged and broken upon the wheele, besides continuall whippings, extraordinary punishments, workinge as slaves in irons for terme of yeares (and that for petty offences) weare dayly executed. Many famished in holes and other poore cabbins in the grounde, not respected because sicknes had disabled them for labour, nor was their sufficient for them that were more able to worke, our best allowance beinge but nine ounces of corrupt and putrified meale and haife a pinte of oatmeale or pease (of like ill condition) for each person a daye. Those provisions were sent over by one Winne, a Draper, and Caswell, a baker, by the appointment (as we conceave) of Sir Thomas Smith. Under this Tiranus Government the Collony continued in extreame slavery and miserye for the space of five yeares, in which time many, whose necessities enforced the breach of those lawes by the strictness and severitye therof, suffered death and other punishments. Divers gentlemen both there and at Henrico towne, and throughout the wholl Collonye (beinge great adventurers and no trendes or alliance to Sir Thomas Smith) weare feeling members of those generall calamities, as far forth as the meanest fellow sent over.
The buildings and fortifications of that Towne, or thereabouts, were noe way extraordinary, neither could want, accompanied with bloode and crueltie, effect better.
Fortification against a foreign enemy there was none, only two or three peeces of ordenance mounted, and against a domestic noe other but a pale inclosinge the Towne to the quantitye of foure acres, within which those buildings that weare erected, coulde not in any man's judgement, neither did stande above five yeares and that not without continuall reparations; true it is that there was a Bricke Church intended to be built, but not soe much as the foundation therof ever finished, but we contentinge our selves with a church of wood answerable to those houses. Many other workes of like nature weare by him donne at Henrico and the precincts therof, but so slightly as before his departure hence, he himself saw the ruine and desolation of most of them.
Sir Thomas Gates likewise in his time erected some buildinges in and about James Towne, which by continuall cost in repaireinge of them doe yet for the most part in some sort remaine.
A framed Bridge was alsoe then erected, which utterly decayed before the end of Sir Thomas Smith's government, that being the only bridge (any way soe to be called) that was ever in the country. At this time in all these labours, the miserye throughout the wholl Collony, in the scarcitye of foode was equall; which penurious and harde kinde of liveinge, enforced and emboldened some to petition to Sir Thomas Gates (then Governor) to grant them that favor that they might employ themselves in husbandry, that therby they and all others by plantinge of corne, might be better fed then those supplies of victual which were sent from Englande woulde afforde to doe, which request of theirs was denied unlesse they woulde paye the yearlye rent of three barrels of corne and one monthe's worke to the Collonye, although many of them had been imployed in the generall workes and services of the Collony from the beginninge of the Plantation, which harde condition of Tenantship was then accepted rather then they woulde continue in those generall services and employments noe waye better then slavery. Most part of the time that Sir Thomas Gates and Sir Thos. Dale governed we were at warre with the natives, so that by them divers times were many of our people slaine, whose blood Sir Thomas Dale neglected not to revenge, by divers and sundry executions, in killinge many, cuttinge downe and takinge away their corne, burninge their houses, spoiling their weares, &c.[HH]
[HH] "Their weares in which they take their fish, which are certain enclosures made with reedes, and framed in the fashion of a laborinth or maze, sett a fathome deepe in the water, with divers chambers or bedds, out of which the entangled fish cannot returne or gett out, being once in."—Strachey, p. 68.
In this time alsoe the two fortes, fort Henry and fort Charles, at Kicoughton, were againe erected with such buildings as were formerly expressed, not fortified at all against a forreine enemye, and against the Indian that common order of a pale or pallisadoe.
The supplies sent out of Englande while Sir Thos. Gates and Sir Thos. Dale governed were these; a small barque called the John and Francis, which brought few men and less victual; the next a small ship called the Sarah, with the like number of men and victuall; the next ship called the Tresorer, wherin came Capt. Samuell Argoll, bringinge with him to the number of fiftie good men, which ship and men were wholly imployed in Trade and other services for relevinge of the Collonye; the next ship, called the Elizabeth, with about thirteene persons, for them little provision; the next the same Elizabeth came againe, with some small store of provisions only; in her Sir Thos. Gates went for Englande, leavinge the government with Sir Thomas Dale.
A little before the departure of Sir Thomas Gates many of the ancient planters (by the instigation of Sir Thomas Dale), uppon the promise of an absolute freedome after three yeares more to be expired (havinge most of them already served the Collonye six or seaven yeares in that generall slavery) were yet contented to worke in the buildinge of Charles Citty and Hundred, with very little allowance of clothinge and victuall, and that only for the first yeare, being promised one moneth in the yeare, and one daye in the weeke from Maye daye till harvest, to gett our maintenance out of the earth without any further helpe; which promise of Sir Thos. Dale was not performed, for out of that small time which was allowed for our maintenance we were abridged of nere halfe, soe that out of our daily taskes we were forced to redeeme time wherin to labour for our sustenance, therby miserably to purchase our freedome. Yet so fell it out that our State (by God's mercy) was afterwardes more happie then others who continued longer in the aforementioned slaverye; in which time we built such houses as before and in them lived with continual repairs, and buildinge new where the old failed, untill the massacre.
For matter of fortification in all this time, were only foure peeces of ordinance mounted for our defence against the natives. Soone after we weare seated at Charles Hundred, Sir Thomas Dales resolved of a journey to Pamonkey River, there to make with the Salvadges either a firme league of friendship or a present warre; they percieving his intent inclined rather for peace (more for feare then love) which was then concluded betwixt them. That donne we retorned to our habitations, where great want and scarcitye, oppressed us, that continuinge and increasinge, (our first harvest not yet being ripe) caused in many an intended mutinye, which beinge, by God's mercy, discovered, the prime actors were duly examined and convicted, wherof sixe beinge adjudged and condemned were executed.
After this, arrived for supply a small ship called the John and Francis, with about twenty persons and little or noe provisions for them. The next ship, called the Tresorer, arived heere with the number of twenty persons and as little provisions as the former, in which ship after many other designes were effected by Sir Thos. Dale, as makinge spoile of the Keschiacks[II] and Wariscoyacks, impaling some necks of Lande, for defence against the Salvadges, and in fishing for our reliefe, &c., he departed from Virginia, and left the Government to Captain George Yardley, under whom the Collony lived in peace and best plentye that ever it had till that time, yet most part of the people for that yeare of his Government continued in the generall services followinge their labors as Sir Thos. Dale left them by order.
[II] Kiskiack (now Chescake—pronounced Cheesecake) on Smith's map is located on the south side of the Pamunck (now York) river about the site of Yorktown.—See Campbell, p. 66. For Wariscoyack see footnote CC.
At Michaelmas followinge arrived a small ship called the Susan, her lading (beinge the first Magazin) consistinge of some necessarye provisions of clothinge, as our wants required, which goods were sould by Sir Thos. Smith's factor, as we suppose, for a sufficient proffit, exchanginge with us their commodities for our Tobacco.
At Christmas then followinge, just occasion beinge given by the Indians of Chiquohomini in many and severall kindes of abuses, and in deridinge of our demandes, wherunto they had formerly agreed and conditioned with Sir Thomas Dale to paye us yearlye tribute, viz: a bushell of corne for every Boweman, for which, by agreement, we were to give to each man one peece of copper and one iron tomahawke, and to the eight chiefe men each a suit of redd cloth, which clothes and truckinge stuffe we esteemed of more worth then their corne. These and the like grosse abuses moved our Governor, Captaine George Yeardley, to levye a company of men, to the number of eighty-four, to bee revenged uppon those contemptuous Indians, which he, accordinge to his desire, fully executed, and returned home with the spoile of them; concludinge, before his departure from them, a more firme league in appearance than formerly was, for that it continued unviolated almost the space of two yeares; our people freely travelinge from Town to Towne (both men, women and children) without any armes, and were by the Salvadges lodged in their houses, every way kindly intreated and noe way molested.
In March followinge, our three yeares' time beinge expired, as it was our due, we of Charles Hundred demanded our long desired freedome from that common and generall servitude; unto which request Captaine George Yeardley, freely and willingly assented, to our great joy and comfort. Yet remained the most part of the Collony in the former servitude; part of whom were farmers, the rest imployed in such workes as Sir Thomas Dale gave order for before his departure.
We that were freed, with our humble thankes to God, fell cheerfully to our perticular labours, wherby to our great comfort, through his blessinge, we reaped a plentifull harvest.
In May followinge arived Captain Samuell Argoll with commission to be Governor. He brought with him to the number of a hundred persons, partly at the charge of the Company and partly at the charge of private adventurers; with them was brought a very little provision for that nomber. At his arrival heere he founde the Collony in all parts well stored with corne, and at Charles Hundred a granery well furnished by rentes lately raised and received from the farmers, which corne he tooke possession of, but how it was imployed himselfe can best give an account. Whilest he governed, the Collony was slenderly provided of munition, wherby a strict proclamation was made for restraint of wastinge or shooting away of powder, under paine of great punishment; which forbiddinge to shoot at all in our peeces caused the losse of much of oure corne then growinge uppon the grounde; the Indians perceivinge our forbearance to shoote (as formerly) concluded thereuppon that our peeces were, as they saide, sicke and not to be used; uppon this, not longe after they were boulde to presume to assault some of our people, whom they slew, therin breakinge that league, which before was so fairly kept.
Duringe his time of Government most of the people of the Collony remained (as formerly) in the common service, their freedome not beinge to be obtained without extraordinary payement.
The next ship that arrived heere was the George, sett forth, as we supose, at the charge of private adventurers, but came soe meanly provided with victuall, that had not we, the old Planters, relieved them most of them had been starved. The next ships, called the Neptune and Treasurer, arived in August followinge, set out at the charge of the Right Hono^{ble} the Lord Laware, his noble associates, and some other private adventurers. The people w^{ch} arived were soe poorely victualled that had they not been distributed amongst the old Planters they must for want have perished; with them was brought a most pestilent disease (called the Bloody flux) which infected all most all the whole Collonye. That disease, nothstanding all our former afflictions, was never knowne before amongst us.
The next supply weare two ships called the William & Thomas and the Guift, which arived in Januarie; the Guift beinge sett forth at the charge of the Societie of Martin's Hundred, the other by the Magazin and some private adventurers.
The next, a small ship called the Elinor (sett forth at whose charge we know not), arived heere in Aprill after, and in her Capt. Samuell Argoll, leaving his Government, shipt himselfe for Englande. Whatsoever els befell in the time of his Government we omit to relate, much beinge, uppon our oathes, alreadie sufficiently examined and our answers sent for Englande.
By all which hath heertofore beene saide concerninge this Collony, from the infancie therof and untill the expiration of Sir Thomas Smith's government, may easily be perceived and plainly understood what just cause he or any els have to boast of the flourishing estate of those times, wherin so great miseries and callamities were indured, and soe few workes of moment or importance performed, himselfe beinge justly to be charged as a prime author therof, by his neglect of providinge and alloweinge better meanes to proceede in so great a worke, and in hindering very many of our frendes from sendinge much releife and meanes who beinge earnestly solicited from hence by our letters—wherin we lamentablie complained unto them—have often besought Sir Thomas Smith that they might have leave to supplie us at their owne charge both with provision of victuall and all other necessaries, wherin he utterlie denied them so to doe, protestinge to them that we were in noe want at all, but that we exceeded in abundance and plentie of all things, so that therby our frendes were moved both to desist from sendinge and to doubt the truth of our letters, most part of which weare by him usually intercepted and kept backe; farther giveinge order by his directions to the Governor heere, that all men's letters should be searched at the goinge away of ships, and if in anye of them weare founde that the true estate of the Collony was declared, they were presented to the Governor and the indighters of them severely punished; by which meanes noe man durst make any true relation to his frendes of his owne or the Collonye's true estate; neither was it permitted to anye to have passe to goe home, but by force were kept heere and employed as we have saide (save some few), one of whom receved his passe from the Kinge, and that closely made up in a garter, least it should have been seized uppon and he kept heere notwithstandinge. Those whom their frendes procured their passe in open courte from the Companye were, by private direction, neverthelesse made staye of, others procuringe private letters having been lett goe.
We must alsoe noat heere, that Sir Thos. Dale, at his arivall finding himself deluded by the aforesaid protestations, pulled Capt. Newport by the beard, and threatninge to hange him, for that he affirmed Sir Thos. Smith's relation to be true, demandinge of him whether it weare meant that the people heere in Virginia shoulde feed uppon trees.
Soe may we heere conclude, as some have concluded for him, to what great growth of perfection (with the expence of that seaventie thousand poundes) the Plantation was advanced in the time of his 12 years' government, but whether, as it is saide, he be to be praised for the managaing of these affaires, with much unanimity, moderation, integritie and judgment, we leave it to censure.
At the end of this twelve yeares arived Sir George Yeardley to be Gov^r and founde the Collony in this estate and thus furnished, vizt: For fortification against a forreign ennemie there was none at all; two demy culverin only were mounted uppon rotten carriages and placed within James Citty, fitter to shoot downe our houses then to offend an ennemie. At Charles Hundred, which were mounted by Sir Thos. Dale, two demy culverin and one sacre; fortifications against a domestique enimie very mean. For Forts, Towns and Plantations he founde these: James Citty, Henrico, Charles Citty and Hundred, Shirley Hundred, Arrahattock, Martin Brandon and Kicoughton, all w^{ch} were but poorely housed and as ill fortified; for in James Cittie were only those houses that Sir Thom. Gates built in the time of his government, with one wherin the Gov^r allwayes dwelt, an addition beinge made therto in the time of Captaine Sam^l Argoll, and a church, built, wholly at the charge of the inhabitants of that cittie, of Timber, beinge fifty foote in length and twenty foot in breadth; at Paspahayes alsoe weare some few slight houses built; at Henrico, two or three old howses, a poore ruinated church with some few poore buildings in the Island; Coxen Dale and the Maine and att Arrahatocke one house, at Charles Cittie sixe howses much decayed, and, that we may not be too tedious, as these, soe were the rest of the places furnisht.
For people then alive about the nomber of foure hundred, very many of them in want of corne, utterlie destitute of cattle, twine, Poultrie and other Provisions to nourish them.
For Barques, Pinnaces, Shallops, Barges and Boates he founde only one olde Frigott, which belonged to the Sommer Islandes, one olde Shallopp built in Sir Thos. Dale's time, one boat built in Sir Sam'l Argoll's time, with two small boates belonginge to private men. For munition a very small quantitye, the most part thereof beinge very bad and of little use. For ministers to instruct the people he founde only three authorized, two others who never received their orders.
For staple commodities at his arrivall he founde none afoot save only Tobacco. The natives he founde uppon doubtfull termes, neither did we ever perceive that at any time they voluntarilie yealded themselves subjects or servants to our Gracious Soveraigne, neither that ever they tooke any pride in that title, nor paide they at any time any yearly contribution of corne for the sustentation of the Collony, nor could we at any time keepe them in such goode respect or correspondencie that they and we did become mutuallie helpfull or proffitable, each to other, but to the contrary, whatsoever at any time was done uppon them proceeded from fear without love, for such help as we have had from them have been procured by sworde or trade. And heere can we noe way approve of that which hath lately beene saide in the behalfe of Sir Thos. Smith, by some of his new frendes, that a flourishinge plantation in Virginia, erected in the time of his 12 yeares government, hath since been distroyed through the ignorance of succeedinge Governors heere, for that by what we have already saide all the worlde may judge in what a flourishinge estate it was, and to what growth of perfection it was advanced, at the arivall of Sir Geo. Yeardley to be Gov^r here, it beinge then in our judgements, that were members of the colony, in a poore estate.
The whole 12 yeares expired.
Aprill, 1619.—Arived Sir Geo. Yeardeley, bringing certain commissions and instructions from the Company for the better establishinge of a Commonwealth heere, wherin order was taken for the removing of all those grievances which formerly were suffred and manifested the same by publishinge a Proclamation that all those that were residend heere before the departure of Sir Thos. Dale should be freed and acquitted from such publique services and labours which formerly they suffered, and that those cruell lawes by which we had soe longe been governed were now abrogated, and that we were now to be governed by those free lawes which his Ma^{ty's} subjects live under in Englande. And farther that free libertie was given to all men to make choice of their dividents of lande and, as their abilities and meanes w^d permitt, to possesse and plant uppon them. And that they might have a hande in the governinge of themselves, it was granted that a general assemblie should be helde yearly once, wherat were to be present the Gov^r and Counsell with two Burgesses from each Plantation freely to be elected by the inhabitants thereof; this assembly to have power to make and ordaine whatsoever lawes and orders should by them be thought good and proffittable for our subsistance. The effect of which proceedinge gave such incouragement to every person heere that all of them followed their perticular labours with singular alacrity and industry, soe that, through the blessinge of God uppon our willinge labors, within the space of three yeares, our countrye flourished with many new erected Plantations, from the head of the River to Kicoughtan, beautifull and pleasant to the spectators, and comfortable for the releife and succor of all such as by occasion did travaile by land or by water; every man giveinge free entertainment, both to frendes or others. The plenty of these times likewise was such that all men generally were sufficiently furnished with corne, and many alsoe had plenty of cattle, swine, poultry and other good provisions to nourish them. Monethly courtes were held in every precinct to doe justice in redressinge of all small and petty matters, others of more consequence beinge referred to the Gov^r, Counsell and Generall Assemblie. Now alsoe were begunne and sett a foote the erectinge of Iron Workes, plantinge of vines and mulberrie trees for the nourishinge of silke wormes; a trial made for silke grasse tillage for English graine, gardeninge, and the like, which gave great hopes of present and future plenty in their severall perticulars, wherin no doubt but much more had been effected had not great sicknes and mortalitie prevented. |