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Tyrannical Pat
What became of tyrannical Pat, Who pelted the dog, and beat the cat, Why, puss scratched his face and tore his hat; And Dash knocked him over as flat as a mat. Mind that!
The little boy who bit his Nails
See here a naughty boy, John Thales, Who had a shocking way Of picking at his finger nails, And biting them all day. And though he had, like other boys, Both soldiers, kites and drums, He liked, much better than these toys, His fingers and his thumbs.
Boy who tore his Hat
Above on a chair, a little boy sat, For he had torn his nice new hat; And so was punished for doing that.
Thief Charley
Charley, Charley, stole the barley Out of the baker's shop; The baker came out, and gave him a clout, And made that Charley hop.
[Page 40—Whipping Machine]
Snook's Patent Whipping Machine for Flogging Naughty Boys in School "The Snooks' Whipping Machine has proved a total failure." —"Times."
Declaration of a Distracted Schoolmaster.
A year ago I took charge of a school of 1000 boys. They were a very bad lot indeed, and I could do nothing with them. Being of a mild disposition, I attempted to reason with them; but I might as well have reasoned with the pigs. I then thought of punishing them, but that was a big task, and, besides, what mode of punishment should I adopt? In my utmost perplexity I wrote to Professor Wilderspin—a great authority on the management of boys—and he wrote as follows:
"Nearly all boys can be managed by an intelligent schoolmaster without punishment, but in a few cases it seems impossible to do without it. In every large school in England, Ireland, and Scotland some corporal punishment is used, and some must continue to be used as long as very vicious children continue to exist, or as long as parents spoil their children by over indulgence or by wilful criminal neglect before they send them to school. —Yours truly, Professor Wilderspin."
I then wrote to twenty-seven of the principal headmasters in the world, and the following are the replies:—
From the High School of Eton wrote head-master, Mr. Squeers: "If they don't behave as they should do, why, soundly box their ears." From the Grammar School of Harrow wrote head-master, Mr. Phfool: "If they do not behave themselves, expel them from the school." From the Training School of Rugby wrote head-master, Mr Wist: "Just take a handful of their hair, and give a sharp, short twist." From the College School of Oxford wrote Professor Rarey Hook: "Instead of nearly killing, overawe them with a look." From the Bible School of Cambridge wrote Professor William Brying: "Well whip them with a birchen rod, and never mind their crying." From the Blue Coat School of London wrote Professor Rupert Gower: "At arm's length make them hold a book the space of half-an-hour." From the Naval School of Liverpool wrote head-master Mr. Jointer: "Just rap them on the knuckles with a common teacher's pointer." From the People's School of Manchester wrote head-master Mr. Flowers: "Make them kneel down as still as death for just about two hours." From the Infant School of Birmingham wrote Professor Dory Heller: "Just put on them a fool's cap, marked 'dunce,' 'thief,' or 'story-teller'." From the Charity school of Sheffield wrote head-master, Mr. Clay: "If the boys are disobedient, do not let them out to play." From the Gentleman's School at Brighton wrote Professor Robert Flask: "If the boys will act unruly, why, just make them do a task." From the National School of Bristol wrote Professor Mark Groom: "If the boys are extra naughty, shut them in a dark room." From the District School of Edenburgh wrote head-master, Mr. Glass: "The naughty boys should all be sent to the bottom of the class." From the Mixed School of Glasgow wrote Professor Duncan Law: "To keep a proper kind of school, just use the three-tailed taw." From the Latin School of Dublin wrote Professor Patrick Clayrence: "If the boys are very bad boys, write a letter to their parents." From the Mission School, Calcutta, wrote the Rev. Mr. Mac Look: "Try them by a boy jury, write the verdict in a black-book." From the Lyceum of New York wrote Professor Henry Bothing: "Take your delinquent boys one hour and make them sit on nothing." From the Public School, Chicago, wrote head-master, Mr. Norrids: "If they will not behave themselves, why, just you slap their foreheads." From, the Academy of San Francisco wrote head-master, Mr. Power: "Make them stoop and hold their fingers on the floor for just an hour." From the Mormon School of Utah wrote Professor Orson Pratt: "First strip and make them fast, and then just use the little cat." From the King's College, Lisbon, wrote Professor Don Cassiers: "If you want to make them good boys, pull, pinch, and twist their ears." From the Cadet's School of Paris wrote Professor Monsieur Sour: "Just make them hold their hands above their heads for one full hour." From the Royal School of Amsterdam wrote Professor Vander Tooler: "If they will not behave themselves, just trounce them with a ruler." From the Model School of Pekin wrote Professor Cha Han Coo: "Just put their hands into the stocks and beat with a bamboo." From the Normal School of Moscow wrote Professor Ivan Troute: "To make your boys the best of boys, why, just use the knout." From the Muslim School of Cairo wrote the Mufti, Pasha Saido: "Upon the bare soles of their feet give them the bastinado." From the Common School of Berlin wrote Professor Von de Rind: "There's nothing like the old, old way that ever could I find; Just lay them right across your knee and cane them well behind. I've only just been speaking mit mine goot frien', Doctor Whistim, And he says that it does no harm, but is felt throughout the system." At last, as I was thinking deep how puzzling all this looks, I received a tempting offer from a certain Mr. Snooks. His "great machine to whip with speed" I brought with flusteration, But to see just how it did succeed you view the illustration.
And then look at "Professor Cole's Gentle Persuader." next page.
[Page 41—Whipping Machine]
Cole's Patent Whipping Machine for Flogging Naughty Boys in School
Testimonial from a Schoolmaster (To Mr. Cole, Book Arcade, Melbourne)
SIR—Your Patent Flogger is a "keen" Success as a labor-saving machine; 'Twill yet be held in great esteem, Already 'tis the Poet's theme; It's the greatest patent that's ever been In or out of a schoolroom seen; And as you have got it to go by steam, School-life will now be all serene.
I have not had a bad boy remaining now, but before I used your machine they used to be a frightful lot of young scamps. For instance, in my school of 1000, the first day the machine was introduced, 741 were punished for various misdeeds, and 103 for single offences, were flogged as follows:—
John Hawking, for talking William Winning, for grinning George Highing, for crying Edward Daring, for swearing Henry Wheeling, for stealing Peter Bitting, for spitting Robert Hocking, for smoking Frederick Mention, for inattention Joseph Footing, for pea-shooting Luke Jones, for throwing stones Matthew Sauter, for squirting water Nicholas Storms, for upsetting forms Reuben Wrens, for spoiling pens Samuel Jinks, for spilling ink Simon McLeod, for laughing aloud Timothy Stacies, for making faces Victor Bloomers, for taking lunars Vincent James, for calling names Caleb Hales, for telling tales Daniel Padley, for writing badly David Jessons, for cribbing lessons Edmond Gate, for coming late Ezra Lopen, for leaving the door open Edwin Druent, for playing the truant Charles Case, for leaving his place Ernest Jewell, for eating during school Coo Ah Hi, for using a shanghai Francis Berindo, for breaking a window Harold Tate, for breaking his slate Isaac Joys, for making noise Jacob Crook, for tearing his book Christopher Moyes, for teasing other boys Elisha Sewell, for bolting from school Conrad Draper, for throwing chewed paper Ebenezer Good, for telling a falsehood Felix Snooks, for coming without books Cyril Froude, for speaking too loud Elijah Rowe, for speaking too low Gregory Meek, for refusing to speak Hannibal Hartz, for throwing paper darts Horace Poole, for whistling in school Hubert Shore, for slamming the door Jesse Blane, for hiding the cane Jonah Platts, for hiding boys' hats Aaron Esk, for cutting the desk Abner Rule, for sleeping in school Adam Street, for changing his seat Albert Mayne, for splitting the teacher's cane Alexander Tressons, for reading during other lessons Alfred Hoole, for eating lollies in school Ambrose Hooke, for blotting his copy-book Amos Blair, for not combing his hair Andrew Grace, for not washing his face Anthony Sands, for not washing his hands Arnold Cootz, for coming in with dirty boots Benjamin Guess, for coming with untidy dress Clarence Hyneman, for annoying a stray Chinaman Michael McToole, for bringing stones to school Cuthbert Flindow, for climbing through the window Edgar Gasking, for going without asking Eric Grout, for kicking boys' hats about Enoch McKay, for pinching the next boy Gabriel Cook, for tearing a boy's book Hyram Pope, for pulling the bell rope Humphrey Proof, for getting on the roof Jonah Earls, for chasing school-girls Jonathan Spence, for climbing over the fence Phillip Cannister, for sliding down the bannister Lambert Hesk, for sliding on a desk Lawrence Storm, for standing on a form Lazarus Beet, for stamping with his feet Leopold Bate, for swinging on the gate Lewis Lesks, for kicking legs of desks Mark Vine, for overstepping the toe-line Nathan Corder, for not marching in order Norman Hall, for scribbling on the wall James Mace, for hitting a boy in the face Thomas Sayers, for pushing boys down the stairs Oswald Hook, for losing a school-book Ralph Chesson, for not knowing his lesson Sampson Skinner, for eating another boy's dinner Solomon Brook, for scribbling in his book Stephen Platt, for chasing the master's cat Neal M'Kimney, dropping a brick down the chimney Theodore Le Soof, for throwing stones on the roof Valentine Rapp, for turning on the water-tap Walter Hope, for climbing up the bell-rope Joshua Gail, for catching flies on the wall Raymond Esk, for sticking pins in the desk Julian State, for drawing pictures on his slate Gerald Astor, for being impudent to the master Augustus Roff, for not taking his hat off Rupert Keats, for fixing pens in boys' seats Maurice Took, for having a dirty copybook Esau Klaster, for drawing caricatures of the master Paul Bhool, for letting a bird loose in school Jabez Breeding, for not knowing the place at reading Levi Stout, for stopping too long when let out Guy M'Gill, sharpening a knife on the window-sill Duncan Heather, pinning two boys' coat-tails together Ezekiel Black, pinning paper on another boy's back Patrick O'Toole, for bursting a paper-bag in school Eli Teet, for putting cobbler's wax on master's seat
[Page 42—Dolly Land]
My Lady Doll
My Lady-doll is pretty, My Lady-doll is sweet; I like to show my Lady-doll To every one I meet
My Sweet Dolly Rose
O sweet, so sweet, Is my Dolly Rose! Just all that I know My Dolly knows; And when I am glad The darling is glad And when I am sad The darling is sad. How dear she is, O, nobody knows, No, no, not even My precious Rose
Polly's Dolly
Shining eyes, very blue, Opened very wide; Yellow curls, very stiff, Hanging side by side; Chubby cheeks, very pink, Lips red as holly; No ears, and only thumbs— That's Polly's Dolly.
Pretty Doll
Oh dear! what a beautiful doll My sister has bought at the fair She says I must call it Miss Poll, And make it a bonnet to wear.
Oh pretty new doll, it looks fine! It's cheeks are all covered with red. But pray will it always be mine? And please may I take it to bed?
How kind was my sister to buy This dolly with hair that will curl; Perhaps, if you want to know why, It's because I've been a good girl.
Puss's Doll
Now Puss had a doll That Dame Trot bought to please her, And gave it the beautiful Name of Louisa And when Kitty was lonesome Or wanted to play, She'd cry for Loo! Loo! In a comical way.
The dolly was petted, Was kissed and caressed, Though often quite roughly It must be confessed And so pleased was Miss Puss With Louisa's fair charms, She took her cat's meat, With the doll in her arms
Pussy and Doggy Fighting for Dolly
And once, I remember, Oh, sad was the day, The cat answered back In an impudent way. And tray was so jealous, The two had a fight, And between them the doll Was a terrible fright
[Page 43—Dolly Land]
Dolly Tumbled out of Bed
'Tis very well to smile—now, But you gave me such a fright, When I missed you, darling Dolly, In the middle of the night.
I thought we played together, And you fell into a stream; Yet I said—just half awaking— "'Tis nothing but a dream.
"For safe upon my pillow Lies her curly golden hair," Then I reached my hand to touch you, But I couldn't find you there.
I felt so sad and lonely That I cried, but all in vain; So to see if I could find you, I went off to sleep again.
Now, fancy! in the morning There you were, all safe and right; And nurse said, "Here's poor Dolly, Been upon the floor all night!"
Your pretty curls are tangled, They were so nice and smooth before; So promise, Dolly darling, You will tumble out no more!
Dolly and I
I love my dear dolly; I'll tell you her name, I called her "Sweet Polly" The day that she came.
My Uncle John brought her From over the sea; And no one shall part us, My dolly and me.
She has cheeks like red roses, And eyes blue and bright, That open with daylight, And close with the night.
She cries, and says, "Mam-ma, Mam-mam-ma," so well, That it is not a baby You scarcely can tell.
You know, I'm her own ma; A small one, you'll say, But just right for dolly, Who wants nought but play.
No teaching, no training, Few clothes and no food; And I like being her ma, Because she's so good.
Dolly's Broken Arm
Mamma, do send for Doctor Man, And tell him to be quick, My dolly fell and broke her arm, So she is very sick.
I thought that she was fast asleep, And laid her on her bed, But down she dropped upon the floor; O dear! she's almost dead!
Poor dolly! she was just as brave, And did not cry at all; Do you suppose she ever can Get over such a fall?
But when the doctor mends her arm, And wraps it up so tight, Then I will be her little nurse, And watch her all the night.
And if she only will get well, And does not lose her arm, I'll never let her fall again, Nor suffer any harm.
Little Polly
Little Polly, Had a dolly, With a curly wig; And Miss Polly And her dolly, Often danced a jig.
Also Polly had a collie, A fine dog was he; Blithe and jolly, Jumped round Polly, Barking loud with glee.
One day Polly Knocked her dolly, Broke its pretty head. "Oh, fie, Polly! Don't hurt dolly," Said her brother Ned.
Then did Polly Take up Dolly, Throw it on the floor. Said Miss Polly, In her folly "I will play no more."
Up ran collie, Seized poor dolly, Ran off to a friend. Friend helped collie To tear up dolly— That was poor dolly's end.
[Page 44—Dolly Land]
A Little Girl's Song to Her Dolly
Lie down, little Dolly. Lie still on my lap, It's time now to put on Your night dress and cap; You have not been to sleep All through this long day Oh, what a long time For a Dolly to play!
The bright sun went down More than two hours ago; It is long past your bedtime, You very well know: The stars are now peeping From out the blue skies; Then go to sleep, Dolly! Come, shut your blue eyes.
Mamma says the flowers Were asleep long ago— Sweet roses and lilies, Their heads bending low; She says 'tis a lesson For me and for you— That children and dollies Should be asleep too.
Hark! Susan is calling— Now out goes the light; I will tug you up snugly, And kiss you good night. It is time you were sleeping For do you not know The dear little birds Went to sleep long ago?
Don't Cry My Dolly
Hushy, baby, my dolly, I pray you don't cry, And I'll give you some bread And some milk by and by; Or perhaps you like custard, Or maybe a tart,— Then to either you're welcome, With all my whole heart.
The Little Girl and Her Doll
There, got to sleep, Dolly, In own mother's lap, I've put on your nightgown And neat little cap. So sleep, pretty baby, And shut up your eye, Bye-bye, little Dolly, Lie still, and bye-bye. I'll lay my clean handkerchief Over your head, And then make believe That my lap is your bed; So hush, little dear, And be sure you don't cry. Bye-bye, little Dolly, Lie still, and bye-bye.
There, now it is morning And time to get up, And I'll give you some milk In my doll's china cup. So wake up, little baby And open your eye, For I think it high time To have done with bye-bye.
Jane Taylor
Sleep, Dolly Sleep
Sleep, Dolly, sleep. You must not, must not weep. Now close your eyes so brown, And let me lay you down. Sleep, Dolly, sleep. Wake, Dolly, wake, Too long a nap you take; It's time to make the tea, And you must help, you see. Wake, Dolly, wake. Run, Dolly, run, Run out in golden sun; Run up the hill with me, And then to the apple-tree. Run, Dolly, run.
Mrs Hibbert
My Dolly
Shut your eyes, my darling! When the shadows creep, When the flowers are closing Little ones must sleep.
Don't be frightened, Dolly! In my arms you lie; Nestle down and slumber To my lullaby
Dolly is so active, Always full of fun, Wakeful still and smiling E'en when day is done
Hush thee now, my dearest, To my slumber-song; Children lose their roses, Sitting up too long.
My Dolly
I must go home to dolly, And put her to bed; I know she's so tired, She can't raise her head.
Some dolls are so old, They can sit up till eight, But mine gets quite ill If she stays up so late!
Dolly's Asleep
Tell me a story Just one, mother dear. Candles are coming Bedtime is near There is my hand to hold Bend down your head, Don't speak too loud, mother, Dolly's in bed
No! not the story Of old Jack and Jill They were so stupid To tumble down the hill. I'm tired of Jack Horner And Little Bo-peep.— Stay! let me see If Dolly's asleep.
Hush, Dolly darling! I'm watching, you know No one shall hurt you; I will not go. You are so warm,— Like a bird in it's nest. Go to sleep, darling,— Rest, Dolly, rest.
Ah! there is Mary Just come in with a light: Now there is no time For a story to-night, Please make the boys, mother, Mind how they tread. Their boots are so heavy, And—Dolly's in bed.
Good night, dear mother! Ask papa, please, When he comes home, Not to cough or to sneeze Give me your hand, Mary Hush! softly creep; We must not wake her,— Dolly's asleep.
If at all restless Or wakeful she seems, Don't be to anxious; I fancy she dreams. Say to her softly, Just shaking your head; "Go to sleep, Dolly,— Adie's in bed."
[Page 45—Dolly Land]
Lost Dolly
The sunflowers hang their heavy heads And wish the sun would shine; The clouds are grey; the wind is cold. "Where is that doll of mine? The dark is coming fast," said she. "I'm in a dreadful fright. I don't know where I left my doll, And she'll be out all night
"Twice up and down the garden-walks I looked; but she's not there, Oh! yes, I've hunted in the hay; I've hunted everywhere. I must have left her out of doors, But she is not in sight. No Dolly in the summer-house, And she'll be out all night.
"The dew will wet her through and through And spoil her dear best dress; And she will wonder where I am And be in such distress; The dogs may find her in the grass, And bark or even bite; And all the bats will frighten her That fly about at night.
"I've not been down into the woods Or by the brook to-day. I'm sure I had her in my arms When I came out to play, Just after dinner; then I know, I watched Tom make his kite. Will anybody steal my doll If she stays out all night.
"I wonder where Papa has gone? Why, here he comes; and see He's bringing something in his hand; That's Dolly certainly! And so you found her in the chaise, And brought her home all right? I'll take her to the baby-house. I'm glad she's home tonight."
Sarah O. Jewett
Talking To Dolly
Well, Dolly, what are you saying, When you blink and wink your eyes? I'm sure your thoughts are straying, For you look so very wise.
I wonder what you think about, And why you never talk, And how it is you never shout, And never try to walk!
I wonder if you're ever sad, And if you ever weep; I wonder if you're ever glad When I rock you off to sleep.
I wonder if you love me well— As well as I love you. I do so wish you'd try and tell; Come, Dolly, darling, do!
Darling Dolly
Darling Dolly's house shall be High as lofty apple-tree; It shall have a door inlaid, Of the sweetest light and shade.
It shall have for pictures fair Fancies that are rich and rare; It shall have a golden roof, And tapestry with stars for woof.
And it shall have a dome of blue With the moonlight streaming through, And stately pillars, straight as firs, Bending to each wind that stirs.
Darling Dolly's house shall be High as a lofty apple-tree; It shall have a door inlaid, Of the sweetest light and shade.
Sour Grapes
"Such a doll! I wouldn't have it, With its trailing baby dress! Pooh! a dolly twice as handsome I could have for asking, Bess. Needn't ask me if it's pretty, No, I do not care to wait, I am in an awful hurry, If you keep me, I'll be late."
Off went Nannie, proud lip curling, Head uplifted in disdain, Bessie hugged her dolly closely, Laughing over truth so plain. "Nan was envious, Dolly darling, 'Twasn't aught of wrong in you, But the trouble lay in Nannie, She would like to own you too."
[Page 46—Dolly Land]
Ten Little Dollies
Ten little dollies Standing in a line, One tumbled down, And then there were nine.
Nine little dollies Sitting up so late, One went to sleep Then there were eight.
Eight little dollies— All their ages even, One grew up tall And then there were seven.
Seven little dollies, Full of funny tricks, One snapt her head off Then there were six.
Six little dollies— Looked almost alive, One lost her "pin-back," Then there were five.
Five little dollies, Walking by a door, One got her nose pinched, Then there were four.
Four little dollies On their mamma's knee, One cried her eyes out, Then there were three.
Three little dollies, Didn't know what to do, One tore her bows off, Then there were two.
Two little dollies, Very fond of fun, One melts her nose off, Then there was one.
One little dolly, Living all alone, Died broken-hearted, Then there were none.
[Page 47—Dolly Land]
My Week
On Monday I wash my dollies' clothes, On Tuesday smoothly press 'em, On Wednesday mend their little hose, On Thursday neatly dress 'em.
On Friday I play they're taken ill, On Saturday something or other; But when Sunday comes, I say, "Lie still, I'm going to church with mother."
Dirty Dolly
Naughty Miss Dolly played out in the mud, And got all her clothes quite black; And now such a rubbing, and scrubbing and tubbing As we have to give them, good lack!
'Tis hard to be mothers and laundresses too, And nurses and cooks beside. Grown people don't know all we chicks have to do, For how can they tell till they've tried?
Washing Day Troubles
I know a little girl who tried, To wash her dolly's clothes, one day, In Bridget's great, big tub, and cried Because mamma sent her away
To find her own small dolly-tub, More fit for little girls to use. But naughty Sally shook her head And all suggestions did refuse.
And when she found herself alone, She went to Bridget's tub again, But, as is sure to be the case, Her disobedience brought her pain.
For, what do you think? she tumbled in, And gave herself an awful fright, And no one pitied her; in fact, They all laughed at her in her plight.
Washing Dolly
Miss Mary standing at the tub Giving dolly a thorough scrub. Trying to make her nice and sweet Before she dresses for the street. If health an happiness you'd glean Remember always to keep clean.
Doll Rosy's Bath
'Tis time Doll Rosy had a bath, And she'll be good, I hope; She likes the water well enough, But she doesn't like the soap.
Now soft I'll rub her with a sponge, Her eyes and nose and ears, And splash her fingers in the bowl And never mind the tears.
There now—oh, my! what have I done? I've washed the skin off—see! Her pretty pink and white are gone Entirely! oh, dear me!
The New Tea-Things
Come, Dolly, come quick, For I want you to see The present mamma Has just given to me; A set of new tea-things That really hold tea.
A dear little teapot To keep the tea hot, And tiny white cups With a pretty blue spot, And a glass sugar-basin. How nice, is it not?
And I am to use them This same afternoon; So Dolly I'll give you Some tea very soon In a little white cup, With a saucer and spoon.
[Page 48—Dolly Land]
Doll Dress-making
Making Dolly's dresses, Don't you think it's fun? Here is one already, That I've just begun
Oh, how many stitches! And such a tangly thread! When I pricked my finger I just guess it bled
There! the needle's broken— Bending all about— That's a sign my dolly'll Wear the dresses out
Youth's Companion
Dolly Town
Have you ever been down to Dolly Town? The sight would do you good There the dollies walk, And the dollies talk, And they ride about In a grand turn-out, With a coachman thin Who is made of tin, And a footman made of wood
There are very fine houses in Dolly Town, Red, and green and blue; And a doctor, too, Who has much to do, Just to mend their toes And their arms and nose, When they tumble down And crack their crown And the stuff they take is glue
But the finest sight in Dolly Town That place to children dear— Is no dolly at all, Though so neat and small If you've time to spare, Go on tiptoe there, See the pretty girl, the rose, the pearl, Who is Queen of Dolly Town
My Little Doll Rose
I have a little doll, I take care of her clothes She has soft flaxen hair, And her name is Rose
She has pretty blue eyes, And a very small nose, And a cunning little mouth, And her name is Rose
I have a little sofa Where my dolly may repose, Or sit up like a lady; And her name is Rose
My doll can move her arms, And can stand upon her toes, She can make a pretty curtsey My dear little Rose
How old is your dolly? Very young I suppose, For she cannot go alone, My pretty little Rose
Indeed I cannot tell In poetry or prose How beautiful she is, My darling little Rose.
E. Follen
Sewing For Dolly
Such a busy little mother! Such a pretty little "child"! Did you ever see a dolly With a face more sweet and mild?
Such a comfort to her mother, Who is busy all the day, And who never finds a moment With her little girl to play
There are dresses to be altered, There are aprons to be made, "For my child in wardrobe matters Must not be thrown in shade"
Says the busy little mother, As she clips and works away, And a brand new dress for Dolly Will be made this very day
The Lost Doll
I once had a sweet little doll, dears, The prettiest doll in the world; Her cheeks were so red and so white, dears, And her hair was so charmingly curled.
But I lost my poor little doll, dears, As I played in the heath one day; I cried for her more than a week, dears, But I could never find where she lay.
Folks say she is terribly changed, dears, For her paint is all washed away, And her arms trodden off by the cows, dears, And her hair is not the least bit curled; Yet for old sake's sake she is still, dears, The prettiest doll in the world.
Charles Kingsley
Dolly's Patchwork Counterpane
Oh, Mary, see what the nurse has found, Such store of pieces in my box! Some green, and some with lilac ground. They'll make such lovely blocks
She says she'll teach me how to make A counterpane for Dolly's bed, This lovely piece I first will take, With sprays of roses white and red
And thin this piece with purple spots Will look so pretty next to that! I'll keep my cotton free from knots, And make my stitches neat and flat
And "when I've finished it," she says She'll line it with a square of white. Oh, Dolly dear! your little bed Will be a most enchanting sight!
The Wooden Doll
I'm but a wooden doll, Have neither wit nor grace; And very clumsy in my joints And yet I know my place.
Most people laugh at a wooden doll, And wooden I may be, But little children love me much And that's enough for me.
When I am dressed in fine long clothes, In fur, and silk, and lace, I think myself I'm not so bad And yet I know my place.
Let people laugh—I know I'm wood: Wax I can never be; But little children think I'm grand— That's quite enough for me.
Buy My Dolls
Come buy my dolls, my pretty dolls: Come buy my dolls, I pray: I've such a heap, And I sell so cheap, I almost give them away.
I've waxen dolls, and china dolls, And dollies made of gum, Some are small, And some are tall, Some talk and some are dumb.
Bald head dolls, and dolls with hair, All beauties in their way— So very nice, So low in price, Please buy my dolls to-day.
Laughing dolls, and crying dolls; Dolls of various ages, Infant dolls, And lady dolls, Dolls in all the stages.
Go where you may, you will not find Such bargains as are these Make my heart light, Buy them to night, To grace your Christmas trees.
[Page 49—Dolly Land]
Doctor Charlie and His Patient
Run for the doctor! Dolly's very sick! Mary, you'll have to go, I cannot leave her; Tell him to pack his bottles And come quick; I think she has got A very dangerous fever."
In stalks a hat and cane; If you look close, You'll see Doctor Charlie, Somewhere under; He takes a pinch of snuff And blows his nose, While poor sick Dolly Seems to stare in wonder.
He feels her pules, he Gravely shakes his head: His hat dropped o'er his eyes With the shake he gave it; He says poor dolly Must be put to bed And have her head shaved— He, in fact, will shave it.
Poor mamma sober looks, But says at once That "Dolly's head shall Not be shaved! I guess not! Her hair would never grow Again, you dunce!" "It shall!" "It shan't!" "She'll die then, if it's not!"
But Mary, ere the quarrel Gets too grave (Already in her hand A bowl of gruel), Says, "Don't you know That doctors do not shave? And then besides, It really would be cruel!"
"I'll give her pills, then, When she's safe in bed, Plenty and sweet—of sugar I will make them; As dolly cannot eat, 'Twill do instead For you and me and Mary here to take them."
Dollies' Broken Noses
Two little babies In carriages two, Two little nurses With duty to do.
Both little nurses Were careful at first, Soon both grew careless— Which was the worst.
O what a pitiful Wail from the street! One broken rail Trips four little feet.
Over went carriages, Babies and all, And two china noses Were cracked in the fall.
The Soldier Dolly
There once was a sweet tiny maiden, A wee little woman of four, Who scarce could reach up to the table, Or open the nursery door;
And this poor little maid, she was crying— Her dolly had such a fall! Yes there on the ground he was lying— Her darling, the best of them all.
This dolly had been a brave soldier, With uniform, sabre, and all, And worshipp'd a doll in the doll's-house, That stood by the side of the wall.
She was only a poor tiny maiden, A wee little woman of four, And she sat with her heart nearly breaking, With the doll in her lap on the floor.
And the poor, tiny, sorrowful maiden, The wee little woman of four, Now lies with her dead soldier dolly, Asleep on the nursery floor.
The Dead Doll
You needn't be trying to comfort me— I tell you my dolly is dead! There's no use saying she isn't— With a crack like that on her head. It's just like you said it wouldn't hurt Much to have my tooth out that day. And then when they most pulled My head off, you hadn't a word to say.
And I guess you must think I'm a baby, When you say you can mend it with glue! As if I didn't know better than that! Why, just suppose it was you? You might make her look all mended— But what do I care for looks? Why, glue's for chairs and tables, And toys, and the backs of books!
My dolly! my own little daughter! Oh, but it's the awfullest crack! It just makes me sick to think of the sound When her poor head went whack Against this horrible brass thing That holds up the little shelf. Now, Nursey, what makes you remind me? I know that I did it myself?
I think you must be crazy— You'll get her another head! What good would forty heads do her? I tell you my dolly is dead! And to think that I hadn't quite finished Her elegant New Year's hat! And I took a sweet ribbon of hers List night to tie on that horrid cat!
When my mamma gave me that ribbon— I was playing out in the yard— She said to me most expressly: "Here's a ribbon for Hildegarde." And I went and put it on Tabby, And Hildegarde saw me do it; But I said to myself, "Oh, never mind, I don't believe she knew it!"
But I know that she knew it now, And I just believe, I do, That her poor little heart was broken, And so her head broke too. Oh, my baby! my little baby! I wish my head had been hit! For I've hit it over and over, And it hasn't cracked a bit.
But since the darling is dead, She'll want to be buried of course; We will take my little wagon, Nurse, And you shall be the horse; And I'll walk behind and cry; And we'll put her in this—you see, This dear little box—and we'll bury Them under the maple tree.
And papa will make a tombstone, Like the one he made for my bird; And he'll put what I tell him on it— Yes, every single word! I shall say: "Here lies Hildegarde, A beautiful doll that is dead; She died of a broken heart, And a dreadful crack in her head."
Margaret Vandegrift
Dolly's Doctor
Dolly, my darling, is dreadfully sick; Oh, dear! what shall I do? Despatch to the doctor a telephone quick To bring her a remedy new.
Hush! that is the doctor's tap! tap! tap! Don't make such a terrible noise— Don't you see how the darling lies still on my lap, And never looks up at you boys!
Come, doctor, and tell me now just what you think Would be best for my darling so sweet. 'Give dolly a bucket of water to drink, In a bowl of hot gruel put her feet.'
[Page 50—Dolly Land]
Christening Dolly
See, this is my Christmas dolly, Two weeks ago she came; And, oh! the trouble I have had To find a pretty name.
At first I thought of Marguerite— A French name, meaning "pearl"— But Nellie said, "Oh! that's too stiff For such a graceful girl."
And then I mentioned, one by one, Susanna, Ruth, and Poll, "But they are too old-fashioned names Said Nell, "to suit your doll."
So the next day I got a great big book, And searched it through and through, Then shook my head and sadly said: "There's not one name will do."
My brother Tom was sitting near, He raised his eyes and smiled; "Why, Pussy dear," he kindly said, "Suppose I name your child."
"Oh! will you Brother Tom?" I cried, And then I hugged him, so; (hugging her doll.) "We'll play you are the parson That christens folks, you know."
So then, he took her in his arms And solemnly and slow He said: "This baby's name shall be Miss Josephine, or Jo."
And there, before I knew it, My baby had a name; And what I like about it, is, That mine is just the same.
E.C. and J.T. Rook
The Dollies Visit
Three little girls brought each a doll, To pass an afternoon; The dresses all were soon displayed, Their bangles made a tune; And when they parted to go home, One young girl shrewdly said: "Our dollies have behaved real nice— They have no scandal spread." W.
The Little Girl Over The Way
Whenever I'm tired of reading, Or lonely in my play, I come to the window here, and watch The little girl over the way.
But she will not look nor listen, Nor stand for a moment still; And though I watch her the livelong day, I'm afraid she never will.
For some day some one will buy her, And carry her quite away;— She is only a doll in a great glass-case, The little girl over the way.
Maggie's Talk to Doll
My dolly dear, Come sit up here! And say why you don't cry. I've struck your head Against the bed, And cracked your pretty eye,
My dolly dear, Do sit up here, And let me see your face; And say, my pet, Why you don't fret Now Pug has got your place.
My pretty Poll My dear, dear doll, Why don't you eat or talk? Like sister Jane, And Sally Blane, And then go for a walk?
You have an eye, But never cry, And lips, but never prattle; You've fingers ten, Like brother Ben, But never shake the rattle.
You never eat, Nor drink, nor sleep, Nor move unless you're carried: And when I pinch, You never flinch, Nor say that you are worried.
Minnie to Dolly
Your hair is so pretty, Your eyes are so blue, Your cheeks are so rosy, Your frock is so new, You're the prettiest dolly I ever did see. Though your hair is so pretty, And your eyes are so blue, I'd rather be Minnie Than I would be you,
For you can't see the flowers When they come up in spring; You can't hear the birdies, How sweetly they sing; Nor run out of doors To look in the sky, And see the white clouds As they pass swiftly by.
You've no kind of papa Or mamma to be near, To love you and teach you; So, dolly, my dear, Though your cheeks are so rosy, And your dress is so new, I'd rather be Minnie Than I would be you.
My Dolly
My Dolly, Polly Angelina Brown, Has a pretty little bonnet, And a pretty little gown; A pretty little bonnet, With a lovely feather on it; Oh, there's not another like it To be found in all the town!
My Dolly, Polly, is a precious little pet; Her eyes are bright as jewels, And her hair is black as jet; I hug her, and I kiss her! And oh, how I should miss her If she were taken from me; Oh how I should grieve and fret!
My little brother Charley, Says my Dolly is "a muff," And he calls her other horrid names Though that is bad enough; And though he's very clever, I never, no, I never Let him handle her or dandle her, For boys, you know, are rough.
My Dolly's always smiling; She was never known to frown. And she looks so very charming In her Sunday hat and gown. You really ought to see her To get a good idea Of the beauty of my Dolly, Polly Angelina Brown.
Dolly's Wedding
Come along; come along; The rain has gone away. Dingle-dong! dingle dong; It is Dolly's wedding-day!
Charley has got his night-gown on. Mary has put the chairs: Charley is the clergyman Who'll marry them up-stairs. Come along; come along; The rain has gone away. Dingle-dong! dingle dong; It is Dolly's wedding-day!
Sambo has got an old white hat, And a coat with but one tail; Sambo's face is very black, Dolly's is rather pale. Come along; come along; The rain has gone away. Dingle-dong! dingle dong; It is Dolly's wedding-day!
Sambo has got a woolly pate, Dolly has golden hair. When Sambo marries Dolly, They'll be a funny pair! Come along; come along; The rain has gone away. Dingle-dong! dingle dong; It is Dolly's wedding-day!
[Page 51—Dolly Land]
My Doll
I found my old dolls In the attic to-day, In a box where I long ago Laid them away. It was silly, I know, But 'twas such a surprise, The sight of their faces Brought tears to my eyes.
There was poor little Flossie, With azure eyes closed. For many a month She had quietly dozed, In the little silk gown In which I last dressed her— That time was brought back So I stopped and caressed her;
And then, as I raised her, She opened her eyes, And stared at her mother In such sad surprise That I kissed her and laid Her again in her place To keep her reproachful Blue eyes off my face.
And next I uncovered My little bisque Mabel, To meet whose brown eyes I was still more unable. There gaze was surprised, But exceedingly mild, My poor little, dear little, Led-away child!
And I kissed her, her face Looked so childish and sweet, And I held for a moment Her little kid feet, For her stockings were scattered, And so were her shoes, And then, when I found them, They gave me the blues.
I kissed her, and laid her Back in the box, but She looked at me still (For her eyes would not shut) And hastily covering Her face from my sight, I searched till wax Elsie I brought to the light.
Now, that poor little doll Was only my niece, Her eyes were dark blue And her curls white as fleece But her nose was so flat, 'Twas no longer a nose, And her wax cheeks had faded And lost all their rose.
From losing her sawdust Her body was slender, Yet for those very reasons My kiss was more tender, And I laid the poor thing Away with a sigh, And feeling, I must say, Like having a cry.
One big doll was missing,— My dear Rosabel,— How much I did love her, I really can't tell. It is painful, indeed, To be talking about, But I loved her so much That I quite wore her out.
Well, well, I am older, But I'm sure I'm not glad. The thought of those old times, In fact makes me sad. And, although the feeling Is silly, I know, I cannot help sighing: "Oh! why did I grow?"
Bertha Gerneaux Davis
Mistress Of Four Dollies
This little girl, I'm glad to say, Is eight years old this very day. She makes a hat for the little "Doll," And puts in it a feather tall.
One doll is large, and one is small, Another short another tall. She talks to them. They won't obey, And then she says, "You cannot play."
Grandmamma's Visit
With grandma's cap upon her head, And spectacles on her nose, And grandma's shawl upon her back, Grace to her sister goes.
"My dear grandchild, although I am Now getting very old, I've toddled all this way to ask About your Dolly's cold."
"Dear Grandmamma, I thank you much, And I am glad to say She had a good sound sleep last night, And is quite well to-day."
Lucy's Dolls
Five little dolls To claim my care To fix their clothes And comb their hair;
Five little dolls To dress and keep And put away Each night to sleep.
I don't think grown Folks ever know What troubles small Folks undergo;
I have to cook To please all five— I wonder much That I'm alive!
[Page 52—Dolly Land]
Dolly Is Dead
I can't help crying! Oh dear! My doll is dead, I fear, Yes, she must be dead, For she's lost her head, And she looks so horribly queer. But they say our doctor's a clever man, I'll get him to put on her head if he can.
The Doll Show
(For seven little girls—six with dolls. The seventh to be the judge.)
First girl enters, with doll in her arms.
We're going to have a dolly show, This very afternoon— The little girls will bring their dolls, (I think they'll be here soon),
And then we'll have such lots of fun, We'll place them in a row, And the one the judge declares the best Will take the prize, you know.
My dolly is all ready, I've dressed her as a bride; Don't she look sweet; She'll take the prize, Of that I'm satisfied.
Places her doll on a bench or chair, and takes a seat.
Second Girl
Oh, such a time as I have had, I thought I would be late; I took so very, very long To dress my little Kate,
But here she is, my infant doll, So white, and clean, and pure, Oh, yes, my precious darling, You'll take the prize, I'm sure.
Places doll next to doll No. 1 and takes a seat.
Third Girl—Carrying a handsome French Doll.
My dolly came from Sunny France, Her name is Antoinette, She's two years old on Christmas day, And she's my dearest pet.
Her feet and hands are very small, Her hair is soft and light, Her eyes the deepest, darkest blue, And very large and bright.
This handsome dress from Paris came, Also this stylish hat, Why, she of course will take the prize, I'm positive of that.
Places her doll by doll No. 2, and takes a seat.
Fourth Girl
I hope they've saved a little space For Jack, my sailor lad, The bravest, best, and nicest son A mother ever had.
He wears a suit of navy blue— I've brought him to the show Because he looks so very nice, He'll take the prize, I know.
Places it by doll No. 3, and sits down.
Fifth Girl—a very small girl holding by the arm a large rag baby with a long dress.
My mamma's writing letters, And told me—"run away," And so I brought my dolly To the baby show, to-day.
She isn't very pretty, But she's very nice, I think, Her eyes, and nose, and little mouth, My mamma made with ink.
I love my Dolly, 'cause she's good— She never never cries, So don't you think she'll be the one To carry off the prize?
Places her doll by doll No. 4, and takes a seat.
Sixth Girl
They mustn't crowd my baby out, Although she's black as night. I think she'll stand as good a chance As babies that are white.
She's very neat, and nice, and clean, Her lips are cherry red, She wears a gay bandanna Tied round her curly head.
She's a very handsome lady, And if the judge be wise, I do not have the slightest doubt That she will take the prize.
Places her doll by doll No. 5, and sits down.
First Girl—to the girls
Do not open your mouths, Nor shut your eyes! For here comes the judge To award the prize.
Seventh Girl—Enters carrying a wand. She views each doll in turn with critical eyes, then pointing to the first doll, says—
Number one is very pretty, But I think she's rather tall.
Points to No. 2
And this cunning little baby, Is a little bit too small.
No. 3
Number three—a fine French lady, Too Frenchy is, I fear.
Points to No. 4
And Master Jack, I like your looks, But I think you dress too queer.
No. 5
And this old-fashioned baby doll, I guess lived in the ark;
No. 6
No, no, Miss Dinah, no prize for you, Your skin is much too dark.
Then turning to the little girls, she continues:
And now, dear anxious mothers, I find I can't decide Which doll shall have the premium, But I'll be satisfied
If you'll call another meeting To-morrow afternoon, I need more time to settle this— To-day is much too soon.
So, mothers, now I give these babies Back to your loving care; And I thank you much for bringing them To our famous Baby Fair.
Hands each doll to it's owner.
Exit all.
[Page 53—Dolly Land]
A Doll's Adventures Round the World
All round the world and back again Dolly and I have been; By sea and land we've travelled far, The strangest sights have seen.
To Greenland first we sailed away To see the snow and ice, But Dolly's nose—it nearly froze— Oh, dear! that wasn't nice!
So off we tripp'd to Canada, There 'twas not quite so cold— But there the Indians in the woods Rushed after us so bold.
We ran away to Montana, O'er Rocky Mountains high, To picnic in wild Oregon, Famous for pumpkin pie.
Then down to California, Through many a field of gold, And over ancient Mexico, Past temples manifold.
The Sandwich Isles we visited, Where grew such radiant flowers, And pretty girls danced all the day In fragrant, rosy bowers.
We crossed the Equatorial Seas, And, sailing round and round The lovely islands of the main, Sweet coral groves we found.
New Zealand's shores we landed at, The country of strange things— Cherries that carried the stones out-side, And flowers with butterflies' wings.
Oh, when we reach Australia— What heaps and heaps of gold! And a million sheep and lambs we saw Straying from fold to fold.
To buy some tea-pots and some trays, We called at quaint Japan, Where a very polite old Japanese Gave Dolly an ivory fan.
We took a trip to Chinese land To take a cup of tea, But neither sugar nor cream was given, Which didn't suit Dolly and me.
Then travelling to Hindustan, We met a tiger there, Who looked as though he would eat us up— So off we flew elsewhere.
And found ourselves in the Khyber Pass, In the midst of a Caravan, With which we travelled night and day To reach Afghanistan.
Across the Red Sea next we sail'd And through the Suez Canal, To purchase a camel at old Cairo, With a trot most magical,
Across the Desert we rode apace, No water was there to drink, Ah, oh!—while climbing a Pyramid Dolly dropped down a chink.
An Arab kindly rescued her— (She did so ruffle her hair; If ever she plays that trick again She'll have to be left down there.)
At last we left the Desert drear, To sail upon the Nile, In the Pasha's beautiful diabeheh Past many a crocodile.
We saw no end of wonders now In Africa's strange land— Forests full of lions fierce, And many a savage band.
Our steamer on the Congo sank— We were in a dreadful plight Until we met with Stanley true, And then we steered aright.
We said good-bye to Africa, And, though winds proved contrary, Northward our wondrous way we took To the Isles of sweet Canary.
Thence favouring gales conveyed us far Beyond the Spanish shore; Fast by the coast of France we sped To our own land once more.
And now we're safe at home again, And wise as wise can be; For seeing all the world's wonders Improves my Doll and me.
The Story of a Doll
I stood in the semi-darkness And watched a child at her play; Her cares were of multiform nature, And the daylight was speeding away.
Her dolly demanded attention, To be petted and kissed and be fed; To have on its little nightgown, And then to be put in its bed.
All this with a motherly yearning She had learned by the instinct of love; And the dolly but faintly presented A gift from the heaven above.
The dear little creature had finished And was just about turning to go, When the scene all changed in a moment And turned into weeping and woe.
A boy, almost reaching to manhood, Dashed wildly from the room, And seizing the doll from the cradle Rushed out again into the gloom.
There was one wild scream from the maiden, A clasp of the hands and a chase; But the boy thought the thing was funny And was in for a brotherly race.
But soon, when the screaming was louder And he saw all the pain he had caused. He threw down the doll on the flooring, And sneering, he suddenly paused.
"I wouldn't be such a cry-baby," he said, With a half-mocking drawl; "I can buy plenty more that's just like it, "It's only a plaster doll.
"Why don't you get one made of china, Instead of that plaster thing? An then I would try to respect it," And he took himself off with a fling.
"Oh, my dolly, my dolly is broken," And quick in her bosom she hid The maimed little bit of her sunshine, "I Loved it, I loved it, I did.
"I don't care if it was only plaster; 'Twas my dolly, my dolly, my own." And she knelt by the mangled plaything. "And now I am left all alone."
Ten years from that very evening, I stood by the couch of a child, While a man knelt and wept beside it, With a face both haggard and wild.
'Twas the old scene of the dolly repeated, The boy had to manhood grown; A hand crushed his plaster idol And left him to mourn all alone.
Ah me! how the world is repeated, The work of each day o'er and o'er. We all have our broken dollies Away on the golden shore. Did he think, I wonder, of that one He threw on the carpetless floor.
[Page 54—Dolly Land]
I am homesick, Dolly Dear
Dolly knows what's the matter— Dolly and I. It isn't the mumps nor the measles— Oh! dear, I shall die! It's the mothering we want, Dolly, The—what shall I call it? And grandpa says he has sent— He put the 'spatch safe in his wallet.
I know well enough that he dropped That telegraph 'spatch in the fire, If mother just knew, she'd come If 'twas on the telegraph wire! She'd take my poor head, That is splitting this very minute, And she'd sing "There's a Happy Land," And the hymn that has "Darling" in it.
Course, I like grandpa's house; It's the splendidest place to stay, When there's all the outdoors to live in, And nothing to do but to play; Somehow you forget your mother— That is, just the littlest bit, Though if she were here, I suppose That I shouldn't mention it.
But oh! there's a difference, Dolly, When your head is so full of pains That ('cepting the ache that's in 'em) There's nothing left of your brains, Remember how nice it feels, Dolly, To have your head petted and "poored." Ache? Why I ache all over, And my bed is as hard as a board.
Nurse says "It's a sweet, lovely morning." It may be for all that I care; There's just one spot in this great wide world That is pretty—I wish I was there! I can see the white roses climbing All over the low porch door, And the daisies and buttercups growing— I never half loved them before.
And mother—let's see! she's standing In that very same door, no doubt; She loves to look out in the morning And see what the world is about, In a pale-blue something-or-other— A loose sort of wrapper, I guess; As if a few yards of sky Had been taken to make a dress.
And up from the pine woods yonder Comes a beautiful woodsy smell, And the breeze keeps a hinting of May flowers— The real-pink arbutus bell; And I think most likely the robins Have built in the cherry tree; And by and by there'll be birdies— And I shall not be there to see!
Did you hear any noise, Dolly! Speak, Dolly, you little witch! As if someone was laughing—or crying! I couldn't tell which! We've kept from crying, so far; We've choked but we wouldn't cry; I've just talked it out to you, dear; I had to, or else I'd die.
But if that is you, mother— And I know by your lips that it is— I'll just squeeze your head off!— You think that all I want is a kiss! O mother! to papa and Tom You needn't got mention it, But you know it was homesickness Almost killed your poor little Kit!
[Page 55—A Lady Making Dolls]
Every Dolly Should Have A Name
A Thousand Names For Dollies And Babies
Adam and Madam, Hagar and Jagar, Lottie and Tottie, Dinah and Nina, Hebe and Phoebe, Claude and Maude, Connell and Donnell, Dove and Love, Are all good names for dolls.
Ruth and Truth, Ducie and Lucy, Casper and Jasper, Mercy and Percy, Angeletta and Vangeletta, Gilliam and William, Luby and Ruby, Ada and Saida, Are all good names for dolls.
Abihu and Elihu, Becky and Jacky, Alf and Ralph, Giles and Miles, Colin and Rollin, Lubin and Reuben, Arthur and Marthur, Marybella and Sarybella, Are all good names for dolls.
Hubert and Rupert, Nice and Rice, Bryan and Ryan, Alpin and Galpin, Duke and Luke, Mulic and Ulic, Bessy and Hessy, Hildalene and Tildalene, Are all good names for dolls.
Mose and Rose, Gordon and Jordan, Donald and Ronald, Ervin and Mervin, Mirzah and Tirzah, Alick and Gallic, Handel and Randal, Fredelena and Tedelena, Are all good names for dolls.
Bridget and Midget, Louisa and Theresa, Hillah and Zillah, Milfred and Wilfred, Larkin and Martyn, Horam and Joram, Jael and Shaul, Fannyette and Nannyette, Are all good names for dolls.
Abisha and Elisha, Abitub and Ahitub, Crissylene and Sissylene, Averil and Daveril, Botolph, and Rodolph, Lilian and Milian, Maynard and Reynard, Kizzylene and Lizzylene, Are all good names for dolls.
Prichard and Richard, Darian and Marian, Dowzabel and Rosabel, Artemus and Bartemus, Dathan and Nathan, Germaine and Hermaine, Abelard and Ermengarde, Dovelene and Loyelene, Are all good names for dolls.
Nicodemus and Polyphemous, Marianne and Sarianne, Lucylena and Nucylena, Edmond and Redmond, Nebulon and Zebulon, Jeanette and Mynette, Apollyon and Napoleon, Jinnylene and Winnylene, Are all good names for dolls.
Coralius and Doralius, Horatius and Ignatius, Agnes and Dagnes, Eldred and Meldred, Obijah and Orijah, Adriel and Gabriel, Ivan and Sivan, Claudelius and Maudelius, Are all good names for dolls.
Brunius an Junius, Simon and Timon, Bobab and Hobab, Darnell and Parnell, Jirah and Sirah, Marylena and Sarylena, Faban and Laban, Lilianette and Millianette, Are all good names for dolls.
Lubylene and Rubylene, Manuel and Samuel, Herodicus and Herodotus, Ella and Zella, Flavius and Zavius, Grace and Mace, Borgia and Georgia, Dinalene and Minalene, Are all good names for dolls.
Ira and Myra, Claudia and Maudia, Laymond and Raymond, Gisborn and Lisborn, Fernando and Hernando, Paul and Saul, Hulia and Julia, Lancylene and Nancylene, Are all good names for dolls.
Barret and Garret, Diamond and Simund, Bathilda and Matilda, Charissa and Clarissa, Minnielene and Tinnielene, Abinoam and Ahinoam, Clarice and Paris, Bessielene and Jessielene, Are all good names for dolls.
Josiah and Sophia, Bariah and Mariah, Jeziah and Keziah, Amariah and Amaziah, Josibiah and Josiphia, Uriah and Jeremiah, Obadiah and Zachariah, Are all good names for dolls.
Florence and Laurence, Athaliah and Jocaliah, Abira and Sapphira, Donetta and Johnetta, Biddy and Liddy, Janette and Nanette, Dometta and Tometta, Agrippa and Phillippa, Are all good names for dolls.
Lucretia and Venetia, Criscilla and Priscilla, Belinda and Selinda, Dara and Hara, Ambrose and Lambrose, Frances and Nances, Bertie and Gertie, Ruthelene and Truthelene, Are all good names for dolls.
Dorna and Lorna, German and Herman, Josanna and Johanna, Alfred and Talfred, Hamar and Tamar, Ashur and Jasher, Baruch and Saruch, Mollyetta and Pollyetta, Are all good names for dolls.
Angelena and Vangelena, Cherubima and Seraphima, Bede and Reid, Josabad and Rosabad, Lulia and Tulia, Harold and Jarold, Jeroboam and Rehoboam, Paulina and Saulina, Are all good names for dolls.
Tunice and Unice, Sambrose and Vambrose, Meshach and Sheshach, Bertram and Gertram, Amon and Samon, Claudius and Maudius, Borelius and Horelius, Bonalene and Monalene, Are all good names for dolls.
[Page 56—Name Land]
The Reading over of these 1000 Names, all different, will give splendid Exercise in Spelling and Pronunciation.
Gomer and Homer, Selah and Telah, Rasman and Tasman, Barak and Sarak, Janet and Nanet, Heavenbella and Sevenbella, Ahaz and Azaz, Antimeg and Antineg, Are all good names for dolls.
Allon and Fallon, Abdiel and Zabdiel, Andronicus and Veronicus, Anthony and Vanthony, Amery and Zamery, James and Kames, Antonius and Santonius, Mattylene and Pattylene, Are all good names for dolls.
Bedrodach and Nedrodach, Festus and Vestus, Geoffrey and Zeffrey, Henry and Kenry, Gilbert and Hilbert, Anim and Banim, Noah and Joah, Mercylene and Percylene, Are all good names for dolls.
Dovetta and Lovetta, Azel and Bazel, Corinda and Dorinda, Besar and Cesar, Doram and Horam, Ananiah and Apia, Floralius and Horalius, Marionette and Sarionette, Are all good names for dolls.
Coralene and Doralene, Floralene and Noralene, Dathan and Nathan, Abiram and Ahiram, Imon and Dimon, Cornelius and Aurelius, Ethelene and Bethelene, Jera and Terah, Are all good names for dolls.
Ben and Glen, Neziah and Tiziah, Madoc and Zadoc, Pauline and Sauline, Abihud and Ahihud, Kiza and Liza, Dius and Pius, Nucy and Sucy, Are all good names for dolls.
Alfric and Salfric, Frank and Hank, Kobina and Rosina, Florinda and Laurinda, Deborah and Ketorah, Shebaniah and Shecaniah, Sherariah and Shemariah, Are all good names for dolls.
Abia, Beriah and Neriah, Alberic, Almeric & Alperic, Volinda, Wolinda & Zolinda Abijah, Ahijah and Elijah, Dida, Ida and Fida, Dias, Elias and Tobias, Quick, Vic and Zic, Hugh, Leu and Pugh, Are all good names for dolls.
Cora, Dora and Flora, Lora, Nora and Zora, Biram, Hiram and Miram, Vessie, Wessie and Zessie, Barrat, Jarrat and Garrat, Ham, Lam and Zam, Adelia, Afelia and Amelia, Dugo, Hugo and Nugo, Are all good names for dolls.
Ivy, Livy and Zivy, Betty, Hetty and Letty, Netty, Petty and Zetty, Linny, Winny and Zinny, Hester, Lester and Nestor, Helena, Serena and Sabina, Mab, Nab and Rab, Dottielene, Lottielene & Tottielene Are all good names for dolls.
Bruno, Juno and Uno, Eugene, Nugene and Sugene, Dorman, Gorman and Norman, Jean, Vean and Zean, Hew, Seu and Zue, Azur, Kazur and Nazur, Davia, Flavia and Pavia, Apulias, Julius and Tulias, Are all good names for dolls.
Biram, Hiram and Piram, Katline, Matline and Patline, Seba, Sheba, and Zebah, Aubrey, Daubrey and Vaubrey, Nebo, Nego and Necho, Andrew, Mandrew and Vandrew, Dalwin, Talwin and Zalwin, Abi, Ahi and Ami, Are all good names for dolls.
Larissa, Narissa and Varrissa, Di, Guy and Nie, Dot, Lot and Tot, Delicia, Felicia and Letitia, Bona, Jonah and Mona, Queenie, Teenie and Weenie, Edward, Nedward, Tedward, Dom, Pom and Tom, Are all good names for dolls.
Muric, Uric and Zurich, Doddard, Goddard and Stoddard, Heggie, Meggie and Peggie, Darvey, Harvey and Jarvey, Haddox, Maddox and Zaddox, Joel, Loel and Noel, Aaron, Saron and Zaron, Bilhah, Hillah and Zillah, Are all good names for dolls.
Anneline, Fannylene & Nannylene, Albina, Aldina and Alvina, Annie, Fannie and Nanny, Elim, Phelim and Selim, Bobbie, Robbie & Zobbie, Alma, Palma and Talma, Gillis, Phillis and Willis, Bettylene, Hettylene & Lettylene, Are all good names for dolls.
Bennet, Jennet and Kennet, Dobe, Job and Robe, Bruce, Druce and Pruce, Lillybella, Millybella & Tillybella, Baruch, Karuch and Saruch, Kilbert, Wilbert and Zilbert, Leo, Neo and Zeo, Dosabel, Josabel and Rosabel, Are all good names for dolls.
Darion, Marion and Sarion, Devalene, Evalene and Nevalene, Josephine, Mosephine & Rosephine, Ezra, Dezra and Kezra, Dollybella, Mollybella & Pollybella, Halena, Kalena and Salena, Byra, Dyra and Lyra, Iralene, Liralene and Miralene, Are all good names for dolls.
Lavinia, Savinia and Vavinia, Duckylene, Luckylene and Zuckylene, Tiglath-Pileser and Tilgath-Pilneser, Abinadab, Ahinadab and Aminadab, Abimelech, Ahimelech and Elimelech, Felix, Kelix and Selix, Alpheus, Dalpheus and Ralpheus, Balak, Halak and Lamech, Are all good names for dolls.
Randal, Sandal and Vandal, Arabella, Carrabella and Clarabella, Harriet, Marriet and Varriet, Abilene, Mabilene and Rabilene, Erwin, Kirwin and Mirwin, Agar, Dagar and Zagar, Alice, Dalice and Zalice, Bab, Tab and Zab, Are all good names for dolls.
Emmeline, Femmeline and Jemmeline, Lemmeline, Pemmeline and Zemmeline, Haggylene, Maggylene and Peggylene, Hilda, Kilda and Lilda, Milda, Tilda and Zilda, B—etta, C—etta and D—etta, E—etta, G—etta and V—etta, Catalina, Matalina and Patalina, Are all good names for dolls.
Lerman, Merman and Zerman, Ariel, Dariel and Zariel, Gibeon, Tibeon and Zibeon, Jessie, Kessie and Sessie, Dias, Pius, Thias and Zius, Doll, Moll, Poll and Noll, A—etta, J—etta, K—etta and Mayetta, Annabella, Fannybella and Nannybella, Are all good names for dolls.
Boy, Foy, Joy and Moy, A—, J—, K—and May, Eliza, Ebiza, Ediza, and Egisa, Ehiza, Eniza, Eriza and Etiza, Bell, Nell, Val and Zell, Bem, Em, Sem and Zem, Arc, Clark, Mark and Park, Kat, Nat, Mat and Pat, Are all good names for dolls.
Celia, Delia, Melia and Zelia, Phil, Till, Will and Zill, Binny, Dinny, Finny and Jinny, Birza, Girza, Mirza and Tirza, Edwin, Fredwin, Nedwin, and Tedwin, Jorah, Korah, Nora and Zorah, Boswald, Goswald, Oswald and Roswald, Carley, Charley, Harley and Varley, Are all good names for dolls.
Clara, Lara, Sara and Zara, Florace, Horace, Morris and Norris, Cary, Fairy, Mary and Sary, Barry, Carrie, Harry and Larry, Crissy, Kissy, Sissy and Melissy, Harman, Darman, Jarman and Sharman, Ubenia, Igenia, Ulenia and Uphemia, Birene, Irene, Mirene and Sirene, Are all good names for dolls.
Acelius, Adelius, Afelius and Amelius, Anelius, Apelius, Arelius and Avelius, Dannah, Hannah, Jannah and Mannah, Aram, Naram, Saram and Zaram, Benny, Denny, Jenny and Kenny, Albert, Dalbert, Falbert and Salbert, Barlo, Carlo, Marlo and Varlo, Jemuel, Kemuel, Lemuel and Shemuel, Are all good names for dolls.
Bon, Con, Don and John, Cain, Jane, Mayne and Payne, Jimmy, Mimmy, Simmy and Timmy, Dick, Hick, Mick and Nick, Ally, Lally, Sally and Vally, Bill, Hill, Lill, Mill and Phil, Bolo, Molo, Polo, Rollo and Solo, Levi, Nevi, Sevi, Vevi and Zevi, Are all good names for dolls.
Hatty, Katty, Matty, Natty and Patty, Billy, Lily, Milly, Tilly and Willy, Dolly, Jolly, Molly, Nolly and Polly, Dizzy, Kizzy, Lizzy, Sizzy and Tizzy, Eddy, Freddy, Neddy, Ready and Teddy, Beric, Deric, Eric, Leric and Zeric, Eva, Deva, Neva, Seva and Zeva, Addi, Daddi, Laddi, Vaddi and Zaddi, Are all good names for dolls.
Dina, Mina, Nina, Vina and Zina, Adar, Badar, Kadar, Nadar and Zadar, Bira, Ira, Kira, Lira, Mira and Sira, Chloe, Floe, Joey, Loe, Moe and Zoe, Agg, Dagg, Greig, Mag, Peg and Zag, Bell, Hal, Lal, Mell, Nell and Sal, Jim, Kim, Nim, Sim, Tim, Vim and Zim, Ann, Dan, Fan, Jan, Nan, Pan and San, Are all good names for dolls.
E. W. Cole
[Page 57—Name Land] All Old Dollies should be hunted up and Named.
Three Hundred more Names for Dollies, Doggies, Pussies, and Babies.
Abigail and Abihail, Allamlech & Anammelech, Azariah and Hezekiah, Boyetta and Joyetta, Hosea and Josea, Baxter and Dexter, Deleus and Peleus, Borcas and Dorcas, Are all good names for dolls.
Dickylene and Mickylene, Dicketta and Micketta, Bennylene and Rennielene, Billyetta and Willyetta, Daddylene and Laddilene, Dinahlene and Ninalene, Claudelene and Maudelene, Ruthetta and Truthetta, Are all good names for dolls.
Ducylene and Lucylene, Jinnyetta and Winnyetta, Fidalene and Idalene, Adalene and Saidalene, Beckylene and Jackylene, Arthuretta & Marthuretta, Claudelena and Maudelena, Marianetta and Sarianetta, Are all good names for dolls.
Elizalene and Erizalene, Coraetta and Doraetta, Millylene and Tillylene, Simonetta and Timonetta, Lucyetta and Nucyetta, Marylene and Sarylene, Lubyetta and Rubyetta, Claralene and Sarahlene, Are all good names for dolls.
Bennyetta and Jennyetta, Gladdilena and Paddylena, Maryetta and Sarietta, Borgialene and Georgialene, Cyliene and Lyliene, Maxalene and Rexaline, Maxetta and Rexetta, Maxabella and Rexabella, Are all good names for dolls.
Selina and Serena, Sallyetta and Vallyetta, Iralena and Myralena, Bessielena and Jessielena, Honeylene and Moneylene, Bertielina and Gertielina, Gilbertine and Wilbertine, Julietta and Tulietta, Are all good names for dolls.
Biddylene and Liddylene, Edwardetta & Tedwardetta, Bertielene and Gertieline, Henryetta and Kenryetta, Carrielene and Harrylene, Bennylene and Glennylene, Nellyetta and Sellyetta, Bobbielene and Robbielene, Are all good names for dolls.
Cornelia and Cordelia, Sundaylena & Mondaylena, Hellen and Tellin, Angelus and Vangelus, Saletta and Valetta, Irene and Ilene, Kittylene and Mytilene, Iralius and Myralius, Are all good names for dolls.
Southetta and Louthetta, Melbalena and Selbalena, Lidneylena & Sydneylena, Adelena and Madelena, Mirthelena and Perthalena, Brisbanetta and Lisbonetta, Rasmanetta & Tasmanetta, Lowrylena and Maorilena, Are all good names for dolls.
Dollybel, Mollybel and Pollybel, Catilius, Matilius, and Patilius, Cinalene, Hinalene and Linalene, Bess, Chess, Hess and Zess, Didas, Fidas and Midas, Linalene, Winalene and Zinalene, Dillius, Millius and Fillius, Hestor, Lestor and Nestor, Are all good names for dolls.
Dollyus, Mollyus and Pollyus, Lene, Mene, Tene and Vene, Basalene, Masalene and Vasalene, Lucia, Mucia and Nucia, Danope, Fanope and Panope, Hero, Nero, Pero and Thero, Ida, Sida, Vida and Zida, Hictor, Rictor and Victor, Are all good names for dolls.
Belus, Helus, Nelus and Zelus, Eno, Leno and Zeno, Daniel, Ananial and Nathaniel, Abel, Jabel, Mabal and Nabal, Kish, Mish and Wish, Dolletta, Molletta and Polletta, Haletta, Naletta and Saletta, Barryetta, Harryetta & Larryetta, Are all good names for dolls.
Abeletta, Mabeletta & Nabeletta, Lilyetta, Millyetta and Tillyetta, Bonalene, Jonahlene & Monalene, Deolene, Neolene and Leolene, Jimmylene, Simmylene, Timmylene, Ino, Dino, Kino and Mino, Dana, Hana, Jana and Nana, Are all good names for dolls.
Annetta, Fanetta and Nanetta, Edicus, Tedicus and Fredicus, Eddyetta, Teddyetta & Freddyetta, Emilus, Remilus and Zemilus, Faula, Paula and Saula, Callio, Sallio and Vallio, Delios, Helios and Melios, Deo, Leo, Neo and Zeo, Are all good names for dolls.
Dollian, Mollian and Pollian, Dorabella, Florabella, Norabella, Lilo, Milo, Philo, Silo and Tilo, Bella, Kella, Nella and Stella, Dollyetta, Lollyetta & Nollyetta, Sunnylena, Honeylena, Moneylena, Moonelena, Noonelena, Doonelena, Stellalena, Bellalena & Ellalena, Are all good names for dolls.
P.S. Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuchadrezzar, Wandiligong & Croajingoalong, Are four good names for pussies.
[Page 58—Temper Land]
Good Mamma
Love, come and sit upon my knee, And give me kisses, one, two, three, And tell me whether you love me. My baby.
For this I'm sure, that I love you, And many, many things I do, And many an hour I sit and sew For baby.
And then at night I lie awake, Thinking of things that I can make, And trouble that I mean to take For baby.
An when you're good and do not cry, Nor into angry passions fly, You can't think how papa and I Love baby.
But if my little child should grow To be a naughty child, I know 'Twould grieve mamma to serve her so, My baby.
And when you saw me pale and thin, By grieving for my baby's sin, I think you'd wish that you had been A better baby.
How They Made Up
Two naughty little people Had a quarrel one sad day, Each said that with the other, She never more would play.
And so upon each other Their little backs they turned, And all the old time fondness Alas! they coldly spurned.
But oh! their angry hearts grew weary, The anger died away, Each hoped that soon the other Would have a word to say.
Each waited, oh! how sadly! Each moved a little near, And each "around the corner" Began, at last, to peer.
Then Nellie held her dolly To Annie with a smile: "You may have it if you want to. An play with it awhile."
Then Annie quickly followed The rule she knew was right: "I've got an apple, Nellie, I'll give you a big bite." And somehow the sweet faces Met fair and square at last, And kisses sweet and loving Sent the quarrel flying fast.
Little Whimpy
Whimpy, little Whimpy, Cried so much one day; His grandma couldn't stand it, And his mother ran away! He was waiting by the window When they all came home to tea. And a gladder boy than Whimpy, You never need hope to see!
Master Cross Patch
Cross Patch, cross Patch, What's the matter now? Why that wail of fretfulness, And a scowl upon your brow?
Milk upset and wasted! Water in your plate, No one's sorry, old cross Patch, For your wretched fate.
You began the morning With a frown, my lad And every word that you have said Has made your mother sad.
And by your pettish temper, You've spoiled your breakfast, too. Cross Patch, cross Patch, No one pities you.
Sulky Sarah
Why is Sarah standing there, Leaning down upon a chair, With such an angry lip and brow? I wonder what's the matter now.
Come here my dear and tell me true, It is because I spoke to you About the work you'd done so slow, That you are standing fretting so?
Why then, indeed, I'm grieved to see, That you can so ill-tempered be: You make your fault a great deal worse By being angry and perverse.
Oh! how much better 'twould appear, To see you shed a humble tear, And then to hear you meekly say, "I'll not do so another day."
Jane Taylor
[Page 59—Temper Land]
A New Year's Gift
A charming present comes from town, A baby-house quite neat; With kitchen, parlours, dining-room, And chambers, all complete.
A gift to Emma and to Rose, From grandpa it came; The little Rosa smil'd delight, And Emma did the same.
They eagerly examin'd all— The furniture was gay; And in the rooms they plac'd their dolls, When dress'd in fine array.
At night, their little candles lit, And as they must be fed, To supper down the dolls were plac'd, And then were put to bed.
Thus Rose and Emma pass'd each hour Devoted to their play; And long were cheerful, happy, kind— No cross disputes had they.
Till Rose in baby-house would change The chairs which were below "This carpet they would better suit; I think I'll have it so."
"No, no indeed," her sister said, "I'm older, Rose, than you; And I'm the pet—the house is mine: Miss, what I say is true."
The quarrel grew to such a height, Mamma she heard the noise, And coming in, beheld the floor All strew'd with broken toys.
"O fie, my Emma! naughty Rose! Say, why this sulk and pout? Remember this is New Year's Day, And both are going out."
Now Betty calls the little girls To come upstairs and dress: They still revile, with threats And angry rage express.
But just prepar'd to leave their room, Persisting yet in strife, Rose sick'ning fell on Betty's lap. As void of sense or life.
Mamma appear'd at Betty's call— John for the doctor goes; The measles, he begins to think, Dread symptoms all disclose.
"But though I stay, my Emma, you May go and spend the day." "O no, mamma," replied the child, "Do suffer me to stay.
"Beside my sister's bed I'll sit, And watch her with such care, "No pleasure can I e'er enjoy, Till she my pleasure share.
"How silly now seems our dispute, Not one of us she knows; How pale she looks, how hard she breathes, Poor pretty little Rose!"
Adelaide Taylor
Let dogs delight to bark and bite, For God hath made them so Let bears and lions growl and fight, For 'tis their nature too.
Dr Watts
Angry Words
Poison-drops of care and sorrow, Bitter poison-drops are they, Weaving for the coming morrow, Saddest memories of to-day.
Angry words, oh! let them never From the tongue unbridled slip; May the heart's best impulse ever Check them ere they soil the lip.
Love is much too pure and holy, Friendship is too sacred far, For a moment's reckless folly Thus to desolate and mar.
Angry words are lightly spoken, Bitterest thoughts are rashly stirred, Brightest links of life are broken, By a single angry word.
The Tear And The Smile
A little tear and a little smile Set out to run a race; We watched them closely all the while— Their course was baby's face.
The little tear he got the start We really feared he'd win, He ran so fast and made a dart Straight for her dimpled chin.
But somehow, it was very queer, We watched them all the while— The little, shining, fretful tear Got beaten by the smile.
Love One Another
Silly little Mary, Sulking all the day, While the other children Run about and play.
Silly little Mary Wears a peevish look, When she sees the others Laughing at the brook.
Silly little Mary, Will not skip or swing, Won't at puss-in-corner play, Won't do anything.
Silly little Mary Hides behind the bank, In among the roots and weeds, All so thick and rank.
Mary hears a footstep O'er the velvet moss, Sees a roguish little face It is Willie Ross.
I have found you, Mary. Won't you come play too? And with cheeks all crimsoned, Whispers—I love you.
Ah! but love has conquered Fall the tears like rain, Then our little Mary Is herself again.
Where are sulks and tears now? All are fled away. And our little Mary Will both laugh and play.
[Page 60—Naughtiness Land]
Oh! anger is an evil thing And spoils the fairest face; It cometh like a rainy cloud Upon a sunny place.
One angry moment often does What we repent for years: It works the wrong we ne'er make right By sorrow or tears.
It speaks the rude and cruel word That wounds a feeling breast: It strikes the reckless sudden blow— It breaks the household rest.
We dread the dog that turns in play, All snapping, fierce and quick; We shun the steed whose temper shows In strong and savage kick.
But how much more we find to blame, When passion wildly swells In hearts where kindness has been taught, And brains where reason dwells!
The hand of peace is frank and warm And soft as a ring-dove's wing; And he who quells an angry thought Is greater than a king.
Shame to the lips that ever seek To stir up jarring strife, When gentleness would shed so much Of Christian joy through life!
Ever remember in thy youth, That he who firmly tries To conquer an to rule himself, Is noble, brave and wise.
Eliza Cook
The Little Girl That Beat Her Sister
Go, go, my naughty girl, and kiss Your little sister dear; I must not have such things as this, Nor noisy quarrels here.
What! little children scold and fight, That ought to be so mild: Oh! Mary, 'tis a shocking sight To see an angry child.
I can't imagine, for my part, The reason of your folly, As if she did you any hurt By playing with your dolly.
See, see the little tears that run So quickly from her eye: Come, my sweet innocent, have done, 'Twill do no good to cry.
Go, Mary, wipe her tears away And make it up with kisses: And never turn a pretty play To such a pet as this is.
Home Peace
"Whatever brawls disturb the street There should be peace at home; Where sisters dwell and brothers meet Quarrels should never come."
Dr. Watts
Little Dick Snappy
Little Dick Snappy Was always unhappy Because he did nothing but fret; And when he once cried, 'Twas in vain that you tried To make him his troubles forget.
His mother once brought him A drum, which she bought him Hard by at a neighbouring fair, And gave such another To Edward his brother, And left them their pleasures to share.
Little Edward began, Like a nice little man, To play with his little new drum; But Dick, with a pout, Only turned his about In his hands, and looked sulky and glum.
"What's the matter, dear Dick? You look sad; are you sick? Come, march like a soldier with me: The enemy comes Let us beat on our drums, And mamma will out merriment see."
"No! I don't like my new toy," Said my ill-humoured boy, "And yours is the best and most new; If you'll give me yours, Then I'll go out of doors; But if not, I'll kick mine in two."
"Oh no! brother, no— Pray do not say so Of a trifle, in anger and haste; Though they are equally new, Yet my drum I'll give you, But I've tied it in knots round my waist."
Then quarrelsome Dick Gave his brother a kick; But he did not give him another, But, saying no more, Edward walked to the door, Only giving one look at his brother.
Then, bursting with spite, With his utmost of might Master Dick trod his drum on the floor; The parchment did crack, When lo; Edward comes back, And his drum in his hands then he bore.
"The string is untied, Dearest brother," he cried— "So now I with pleasure will change;" But when Dick's drum he found Lying broke on the ground, Oh! how did his countenance change.
"I'm really ashamed," Dick, sobbing, exclaimed, "At the difference between you and me; But continue my friend, And I'll try to amend, And a good-tempered fellow to be."
Which Shall It Be, Dear?
If fretting pays you, fret; And get into a pet, And slam and bang The doors with a whang, And flame and flare, And say "Don't care." And slip round sly, And make the baby cry, And thus get sent to bed, to sob it out.
But if it does not pay Why then, my dear, do pray Just do the other thing, And toot and sing, And whistle like a bird. Letting your voice be heard, From morn till night, In echoes bright, Sending the best of cheer into the home.
[Page 61—Naughtiness Land]
Govern Your Temper
Oh, Govern your temper! For music, the sweetest, Was never so sweet— Nor one-half so divine, As a heart kept in tune, Which, the moment thou greetest, Breathes harmony dearer Than notes can combine!
Never say it is nature. And may not be cured; One tithe of the time, Which to music we yield Would render the conquest Of temper insured, And bring us more music Than a song e'er revealed.
Oh, govern your temper! For roses, the fairest, Were never so fair, Nor so rich in perfume, As the flowers, which e'en thou, Chilly winter sparest— The flowers of the heart, Which unchangingly bloom!
Never think it is nature— For oh! if it be, The sooner the spirit Of nature is shown That the spirit of heaven Is higher than she, The sooner, the longer, Will love be our own.
Where Do You Live
I knew a man, and his name was Horner, He used to live at Grumble Corner,— Grumble Corner, in Cross Patch Town,— And he never was seen without a frown. He grumbled at this, he grumbled at that; He growled at the dog, he growled at the cat; He grumbled at morning, he grumbled at night, And to grumble and growl was his chief delight.
He grumbled so much at his wife, that she Began to grumble as well as he; And all the children wherever they went Reflected their parents' discontent. If the sky was dark and betokened rain, Then Mr. Horner was sure to complain; And if there was never a cloud about, He'd grumble because of threatened drought.
One day, as I loitered along the street, My old acquaintance I chanced to meet. Whose face was without the look of care And the ugly frown it used to wear. "I may be mistaken, perhaps," I said. As, after saluting, I turned my head; "But it is, and it isn't, the Mr. Horner Who lived so long at Grumble Corner."
I met him next day, and I met him again, In melting weather, in pouring rain; When stocks were up and when stocks were down; But a smile, somehow, had replac'd the frown. It puzzled me much, and so, one day, I seized his hand in a friendly way, And said "Mr. Horner, I'd like to know What can have happened to change you so."
He laughed a laugh that was good to hear, For it told of a conscience calm and clear, And he said, with none of the old-time drawl, "Why, I've changed my residence, that is all." "Changed your residence?" "Yes," said Horner, "It wasn't healthy at Grumble Corner, And so I've moved: 'twas a change complete; And you'll find me now at Thanksgiving Street."
And every day, as I move along The streets, so filled with busy throng, I watch each face, and can always tell Where men, and women, and children dwell. And many a discontented mourner Is spending his days at Grumble Corner, Sour and sad, whom I long to entreat To take a house in Thanksgiving Street.
Bad temper, go, You shall never stay with me; Bad temper, go, You and I shall never agree.
For I will always be kind, and mild, And gentle pray to be, And do to others as I wish That they should do to me.
Temper bad With me shall never stay; Temper bad Can never be happy and gay.
[Page 62—Pride Land]
A Fine Lady
Did ever you see such wondrous airs! Oh, oh! my Lady Jane! Your airs will blow you quite away, You'll go to Vanity-land to stay, And ne'er come back again. |
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