HUGH A. MACKENZIE, North Lake Ainslie (Inverness Co.), C.B., N.S., Canada.
Clergyman Tells How He was Cured
I am only too glad to add my word of commendation as to the value of the Cluthe Truss. I had used a number of others with no permanent good. You cannot say too much in reference to the Cluthe Truss. It does all you claim for it. It cured my rupture.
REV. DR. GEO. M. HAMLEN, Vineyard Haven, Mass.
Cured by Cluthe Truss; Now Does Heavy Lifting
I write to tell you that I was very much benefited by the Cluthe Truss. I have not worn it in 2 months and have not felt the rupture at all. I work in a feed store and have to do very heavy lifting.
JAS. A. CRAWFORD, 109 North St., Middletown, N.Y.
Says Doctors are Enthusiastic
The Cluthe Truss has given me wonderful satisfaction. I have shown it to quite a number of people and doctors and they all think it a fine truss. My rupture is now entirely cured.
JOHN J. CROAKE, Culebra, Canal Zone, Panama.
After Trying All Kinds; Cured in a Few Months
After trying all kinds of trusses which did more harm than good, I purchased a Cluthe Truss about 5 years ago and after wearing it a few months have not seen or felt the rupture. I am entirely cured and can recommend the Cluthe Truss to anybody suffering with a rupture.
FRED KROESCH, JR., 2228 John St., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Cluthe Truss Brings Long Denied Comfort
Your truss received. A perfect fit. Have put it through a severe test the past month and I am pleased to state that it has given me a long-denied comfort, is satisfactory in every way and a master of my rupture, for which accept my thanks and lasting gratitude. I deem it my duty to recommend the Cluthe Truss whenever I can.
CHAS. H. MEADS, Ellicott City, Md.
Permanently Cured 10 Years Ago
I purchased a Cluthe Truss from you about 10 years ago and after wearing it one year I found it cured me and this cure has been a permanent one.
R. H. NELSON, Irvona, Pa.
Cannot Speak Highly Enough for the Cluthe Truss
About 8 or 10 months ago I purchased a Cluthe Truss which I have worn with the greatest success. About a week ago I left Truss off and find that the Rupture does not show; neither have I felt it and I think I am cured. However, I shall put Truss on and wear it when I have hard work to do as a special precaution. I cannot speak highly enough for your Truss.
R. E. LOWDER, Cooleemee, N.C.
Medical Student Cured by Cluthe Truss
I am glad to say that after wearing the CLUTHE TRUSS I laid it aside over a year ago and have not needed it or any other since. I am taking up the medical profession now and if I can be of any service to you at any time in future I will be glad to be of such service.
ARTHUR L. BLACK, M.C. of S.C., Charleston, S.C.
Freed This Man of His Rupture Trouble
I take pleasure in giving you my full consent to make public my testimony regarding the benefit derived from your scientific Truss. If you meet with any "Doubting Thomas," send them to me. I will be pleased to tell them what it has done for me.
T. B. GALLAGHER, 167 W. 129th St., New York City.
Saved Him from an Operation
I can safely recommend the Cluthe Truss as the only safe alleviator of the terrible sufferings of those unfortunate sufferers from rupture. It was the Cluthe Truss that saved me from an operation. My very highest commendations for the best truss— the CLUTHE TRUSS.
E. F. GRIFFITH, 127 31st St., Newport News, Va.
Himself Cured by the Cluthe Truss; Sends Order for a Friend
I take pleasure in handing you herewith Mr. —— 's order for a Cluthe Truss together with remittance, which order please acknowledge. Mr. —— is an employee in our office and being familiar with my rupture troubles became convinced that as your Truss cured my rupture it ought to do the same for him. Hence his order enclosed.
C. A. McLANE, c/o Laredo Water Co., Laredo, Texas.
Cured, But so Comfortable Would Feel Lost Without Truss
I believe I am absolutely cured by the Cluthe Truss, but I still hang onto it; would feel lost without it. I should consider it a pleasure to recommend the Cluthe Truss to any doubting or suffering ones for I KNOW what it is.
CHAS. M. BACHMAN, 603 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N.Y.
Utica Man Thinks of Us as Old Friend
The Cluthe Truss has given me such a wonderful cure that I think of the Cluthe Co. as an old friend.
J. C. BIGELOW, Sr. (Florist), 2 Columbia St., Utica, N.Y.
Says Cluthe Truss is Finest on Earth
I am more than pleased to acknowledge receipt of the Cluthe Truss, which arrived last Saturday, and to say that the wearer reports it the finest on earth. You are at liberty to refer any and all to me.
H. C. KING (Broker), 22 Fifth Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Cured by the Cluthe Truss
I am glad to let you know my rupture is cured by the use of the Cluthe Truss.
F. F. KRALISCHECK, Seymour, Conn.
Cluthe Truss Gives Perfect Satisfaction
My Cluthe Truss has given perfect satisfaction. The left side rupture is entirely healed and right side much better. Have taken a great deal of pleasure with it.
GEO. A. HANSON (Box 1154), Bath, Me.
This Yonkers, N.Y., Man Cured
I recommend the Cluthe Truss to everybody who needs one, as it cured my rupture.
M. SAMUELS, 189 Ashburton Ave., Yonkers, N.Y.
Double Rupture Cured in 6 Months
It is now 6 months since I purchased my Cluthe Truss and I have not seen any sign of my two ruptures since.
FRANK VAN WINKLE, 430 Plane St., Newark, N.J.
Couldn't Work Until He Got Cluthe Truss
You may tell the world that you make the best truss in the world. I have been ruptured 10 years and wore 4 different appliances before the Cluthe Truss and each of the 4 failed. Since wearing the Cluthe Truss my rupture has not been down once, despite the fact that my work is heavy in a saw mill. I could not do a hard day's work until I got the Cluthe Truss.
JOHN K. WEST, Broad St., Tallapoosa, Ga.
Says Cluthe Truss Leads All
I can truthfully say the Cluthe Truss leads all the others. The old-time harnesses are only a torture. During the past 3 weeks I have been wearing the Cluthe Truss and my rupture has not bothered me since. I scarcely can believe I have it on, it is so easy.
ARTHUR FOWLER, 80 East St., Clinton, Mass.
Rides Horseback and Runs an Automobile
During the few months I have been wearing the Cluthe Truss I have done almost everything that would rupture a man or cause a ruptured man agony or to be operated on. I ride horseback and I am now a chauffeur. Ask any man what it means to crank an engine of high compression. This needs an extraordinary truss to hold a bad rupture under such conditions, but the Cluthe Truss does it. I hardly know I have it on.
WM. C. WOOD, care G. L. Boissevain, Mt. Kisco, N.Y.
Cured This Boy of a Bad Rupture
I am more than pleased to say that the Cluthe Truss cured my 10-year-old boy, who was badly ruptured. I thank God for directing me to you.
MRS. EMMA HARRIS, 258 W. 44th St., New York City.
Cluthe Truss "One of the Comforts of Life"
It gives me great pleasure to recommend the Cluthe Truss to my fellow sufferers from rupture. I have a double rupture and since putting on the Cluthe Truss have had that comfortable feeling ever since. I recommend the Cluthe Truss to the ruptured as one of the comforts of life. It was a friend of mine who had derived benefits from the Cluthe Truss who recommended the Cluthe Truss to me. I thank him for so doing, ever since.
WHILDEN H. PAINTER, 51 Eldert St., Brooklyn, N.Y.
His Rupture Has Not Appeared for the Last 4 Months
I am inclined to think I am cured, but hardly wish to say so absolutely, because I still wear my Cluthe Truss when I work, leaving it off now and then when doing no heavy manual labor. My rupture has not appeared for the last 4 months and I begin to feel confident that it will not appear again.
DANIEL BALLARD, Millington, Mass. September 26, 1911.
Hasn't Seen Any Signs of Rupture for Three Years
I have not seen my rupture for over 3 years. The Cluthe Truss is the best I ever had.
E. B. SCULL, Dias Creek (Cape May Co.), New Jersey.
Cured His Little Boy After He Had Been Made Worse at a Hospital
My little boy was 2 years old when I purchased a Cluthe Truss for him. After wearing it 4 months it cured his rupture. He is now past 4 years and has never been troubled since. We took him to a hospital before we got the Cluthe Truss for him, but they only made him worse. We have only praise for the Cluthe Truss.
WALTER C. CHATFIELD, 221 E. 29th St., New York City.
Cluthe Truss Worth Its Weight in Gold
I bought a Cluthe Truss and wore it about 8 months. It cured my rupture, although I am 74 years old and I am now as free as ever I was. The least I can say about the Cluthe Trusses is that they are worth their weight in gold.
Best Bargain He Ever Made
I was cured of my rupture by the Cluthe Truss and it was the best bargain I ever made. I no longer wear a support of any kind.
ED. SWOPE, Avon, Penna.
Ruptured 12 Years; Cured by the Cluthe Truss
The Cluthe Truss has cured me of a bad rupture of 12 years' trouble. It is a blessing to every person affected that way.
LEE A. HOLDEN, Norwich, N.Y.
Hasn't Needed Truss for Over a Year
I am glad to say that I have not needed any truss for over a year. The Cluthe Truss cured my rupture. I find that ruptured people are somewhat adverse to telling others of their trouble. That is why they do not hear all they might from their fellow sufferers. I would be only too glad to impart to them the benefits received from the CLUTHE TRUSS.
EDWARD FIELD, Wadena, Sask., Canada.
Thanks God for Having Heard of the Cluthe Truss
You will remember I got a Cluthe Truss 6 months ago. About 4 weeks ago I took it off and I feel I am cured and have seen no sign of rupture. I feel so much better that I thank God I ever sent for your book. You sent a truss just to fit my case and it cured me and I cannot recommend it too highly.
C. N. TUTHILL, Jefferson, Oregon.
Clergyman Cured by the Cluthe Truss
I am happy to say that since I laid away the Cluthe Truss as being cured by it, I have had no occasion to use it. That is now over 2 years ago. Hoping you may be able to do for many others what you have done for me, I am,
B. F. MEREDITH (Pastor), Methodist Episcopal Church, Vale, Oregon.
This Woman Cured in 6 Months
I found the Cluthe Truss everything it was represented to be and cured myself with it in 6 months and in the future will be glad to recommend the Cluthe Truss to everyone I know to be suffering with a rupture.
MRS. R. L. CAREY, 4 Woodruff Ave., Binghamton, N.Y.
Cured in 9 Months
After wearing the Cluthe Truss for 9 months I laid it aside for a season. I had nothing that would hold my Rupture in until I got your Truss. It has been a blessing to me. God bless you and yours. My Rupture has not been out since I laid Truss off, which is over 2 months ago. In future when sending out your pamphlet, add my name to it. It will show my people what the CLUTHE TRUSS has done for me.
E. A. HOWELL, Sr., R. No. 7, Box 40, Booneville, Miss.
Now Does Heaviest Work
I have worn the Cluthe Truss for 18 months and my Rupture has not been down in all that time. When not working I am now able to go without the Truss. But my work in the hay and grain business is very heavy and I wear the truss when lifting those heavy bales to be on the safe side.
JOHN K. MATTHEWSON, 528 Washington St., Providence, R.I.
Himself Cured by Cluthe Truss; Recommends It to Others
Some time ago you furnished me with a Cluthe Truss which cured my rupture. To-day in conversation with a customer who is ruptured I strongly advised your Truss and he asked me to send you his order, which I do.
GEORGE W. GILL, Main St., Pincher Creek, Alta, Canada.
Wants Others to Know of Cluthe Truss
I consider myself cured by the Cluthe Truss and am glad to do all I can to help anyone who is ruptured by recommending your Truss. Hoping to see my name in your book so I can be of help to others, I am,
ELMER P. WILDES, 9 West Daine St., Beverly, Mass.
Indian Chief Cured by Cluthe Truss
I will always recommend the Cluthe Truss as the only one that did me any good. I am sure I am cured, but at present will not stop wearing it and take any chances, as I am riding on horses nearly all the time, and a trotting horse is the worst thing for any truss or rupture. My rupture never came down. Your truss never hurt me. I shall gladly answer all letters when they send me return stamped envelope.
CHIEF IODINE, U.S.S., 625 3rd St., San Diego, Cal. October 20, 1911.
With Cluthe Truss on He Can Now Work on His Farm
I was operated on for my rupture, but that did me no good. I then ordered the Cluthe Truss and it has been a great blessing to me for I can work now and tend to my farm. May God bless you in your good work.
JAMES M. TRIPP, Waverly, Penna.
Double Ruptured 12 Years, Cured by Cluthe Truss
I had been ruptured twelve years and in all that time I never found a truss or treatment that did me any good until I tried yours. Now I go about without any truss, as I am completely cured— thanks to the Cluthe Truss.
S. A. ANDREWS, Elm St., Stratford, Conn.
Enjoys All Kinds of Comfort from Cluthe Truss
One month ago I bought a Cluthe Truss, believing at the time I was throwing my money away, as I had purchased so many other appliances during the 40 years I have been ruptured and spent hundreds of dollars. But I must say for once my money was well spent. Since I have worn the Cluthe Truss I have enjoyed all sorts of comfort. It has held the rupture perfectly since applied. It is clean and agreeable to wear; in fact, I cannot realize I wear a truss. I will with pleasure explain and show my truss to anyone in this section, doubting the above.
ABE STIEWEL, President, Little Rock Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark.
Cluthe Truss Cured Rupture of 45 Years' Standing
I left my Cluthe Truss off recently, and there was no sign of my rupture coming out. It cured my rupture of 45 years' standing. Wishing you success.
JOHN P. FARBER, 279 Portland Ave., Rochester, N.Y.
Ruptured 44 Years; Helped by Cluthe Truss
I was ruptured on both sides about 45 years ago by jumping from train in a terrible head-on collision. I bought all kinds of trusses and spent considerable money. Then I got a Cluthe Truss and can now do any work in safety. You are a benefactor of mankind. I had to give up my regular work on train before using the Cluthe Truss.
C. MYGATT, 83 Hudson St., Port Jervis, N.Y.
Cluthe Truss Cured This Man
From the time I put the Cluthe Truss on in June until I took it off the following May as cured of my rupture, it never once let go or slipped. You may use my name in any way you please if by so doing you can help others.
S. B. CONNELLY, Pioneerville, Idaho.
Now Goes Without a Truss
My rupture is cured, as I can go about without my truss. It is too much to believe. It is the Cluthe Truss that cured me.
J. BUZZELL, Fernandina, Fla.
Cured Scrotal Rupture of 30 Years' Standing
To-day is the 10th anniversary since you fitted me with the wonderful Cluthe Truss and I feel that I must not let this day pass without letting you know my opinion of it. Since that day 10 years ago my rupture, a very bad scrotal rupture of some 30 years' standing, has not come down from that day to this, and I am permanently cured. I wish I could tell every poor afflicted mortal throughout this land about the Cluthe Truss, and how much suffering and misery it would save them. I wish you and your four noble sons a long and happy life for the great good they have done and are still doing.
WM. H. BUSHFIELD, 55 Tuers Ave., Jersey City, N.J.
Cluthe Truss Cured This Boy After Others Failed
I wish to say that the Cluthe Truss I bought for my boy has cured his rupture. I had four other appliances for him before I got the Cluthe Truss, but it remained for the Cluthe Truss to cure him.
EDWARD PETERSON, Penn Ave., Dover, N.J.
Listen to this Man's Heartspoken Thanks for the Cluthe Truss
After going through all the pain and misery of a left side rupture for 16 long years which got so bad that it nearly cost my life, after wearing all the different Trusses I could buy, none of them any good as I am a locomotive engineer and my work is of the hardest kind, straining and pulling when I have to reverse my engine a thousand times a day, I purchased a Cluthe Truss. I have worn it 10 days and as regards the rupture I have not seen it since I began to wear Truss, which Truss proves a miracle to me. It fits me so comfortably that I really feel like a new man, started out on a new life in a new world with a heart full of joy and gladness. I would if I were near you call on you and your sons who helped to make the Cluthe Truss and shake hands with each of you and give you my heartfelt thanks for the good you have done me.
If there is any sufferer who wants to know about the Cluthe Truss let him write to me.
S. S. TEASE, 369 Vancouver Ave., Portland, Ore.
This Texas Man Finds Cure in Cluthe Truss
After suffering many years, I got a Cluthe Truss which cured me of my rupture after wearing it for five months.
EDWIN SIPES, Chicota, Texas. October 17, 1911.
Considers His Cure by Cluthe Truss Worth a Thousand Dollars
My rupture has not come down since the day I put on my Cluthe Truss. I followed your instructions, and I must say I have been well rewarded. I would not take $1000 for my truss for I owe my cure to it. You may cheerfully inform the whole world as far as I am concerned, for if I can help others suffering as I did, I certainly will be glad to do so. I am sure it is no disgrace to be ruptured, it is simply a misfortune. I am sure that in most cases of rupture, your truss would soon work a speedy cure as it did for me.
EDWARD THEILL, 337 South Main St., Fond du Lac, Wis. October 3, 1911.
Cluthe Truss Cured Him in Less than 3 Months
I gladly let any one know, and I cannot put it too strongly either, that the Cluthe Truss cured me of my rupture in less than 3 months.
J. R. VAN CLEAVE, Strool, South Dakota. October 9, 1911.
Another Rome, N.Y., Man Quickly Cured by Cluthe Truss
I have only had my Cluthe Truss 7 months, and can now safely go about without any truss, without rupture appearing. I would not be back to where I was before I got my Cluthe Truss for $1000.
A. VAN WORMER, Rome, N.Y. September 26, 1911.
Finds a Cure in 3 Months
The truss I received from you gave me complete satisfaction. I had not worn it 3 months, when I could leave it off as completely cured. I believe it to be the most perfect device for rupture that can be made. I might say a great deal more in its favor, but I am sure that any one who once puts on a Cluthe Truss would never be satisfied with the torturing leg-straps and heavy springs of other trusses.
H. O. WEBSTER, Bowell, Ont., Can. October 14, 1911.
Well-Known South Carolinan Cured
You are at liberty to use this as you please, if it will help any poor sufferer, suffering from rupture as I did before I purchased my Cluthe Truss. I am still using the truss, but my rupture is cured from its use. I have been the means of your selling several of your trusses around here, and I am still doing all I can for you. Your appliance is all and even more than you claim for it. Previously I tried all kinds of trusses that I saw or heard of, but none of them did me any good.
W. W. WOOTEN, Bishopville, S.C. September 30, 1911.
Cured Him and His Child
I don't need to wear any truss at all now, as the truss I purchased from you cured me. It also cured my child of his rupture.
J. R. TURNER, 342 Brook Ave., Harrisburg, Pa. October 12, 1911.
Read What This Prominent Bostonian Says
I am glad to say that the Cluthe Truss I purchased of you a week or so ago, works to perfection. It does the business and completely holds the rupture under all conditions. During the past 60 years, I have tried various trusses and treatments, and all were failures or near-failures. I am more than pleased to be relieved of the annoyances and suffering I have had nearly all my life. I shall take great pleasure in recommending the Cluthe Truss to all I meet, for I am now up for reference. I wish you all success in relieving suffering humanity.
HENRY WARREN, 70 Essex St., Boston Mass. September 13, 1911.
His Pleasure to Inform of the Complete Cure by Cluthe Truss
It is a pleasure for me to inform you of the complete cure in my case by the Cluthe Truss. I wish to say that I have not worn my truss nor any support whatever for 4 months, and I am sound and well, thanks to your treatment. Command me at any time that I may be of service to you or the afflicted, for it is indeed a great pleasure to me to speak a good word for the Cluthe Truss.
W. W. WILLIS, Clarksburg, W. Va. September 1, 1911.
Delights in Permanency of His Cure
The strongest argument I can make, based on my own experience with the Cluthe Truss, is that I have been permanently cured by using it.
ALFRED WANDRES, Cornwall Landing, N.Y. October 13, 1911.
A Blessed Day When He Received His Cluthe Truss
I got a Cluthe Truss from you about 5 months ago, and it has completely cured me. I went without it for 3 weeks, and there is no sign of the rupture coming back. When I received it and put it on, for the first time, I felt instant relief, and knew then that it was going to do me good. It was a blessed day for me when I received my Cluthe Truss.
PETER M. STEWART, Boulter, Ont., Can. November 23, 1911.
Now Only Wears It as a Precaution
I never wear my Cluthe Truss now only when I have some extra heavy lifting to do. I am perfectly cured of my rupture, however, thanks to the Cluthe Truss.
GEORGE E. BEALE, Ponca, Ark. November 28, 1911.
Wants Every One to Know that Cluthe Truss is a Necessity for All Ruptured Who Want Relief
I want every one to know my opinion, which is that the Cluthe Truss is the one that everybody ruptured should get, if they want relief. I have tried many, and have found yours the best and easiest to wear. If I had enough money I would gladly pay the price of a truss to anyone who would not be cured after giving it a trial. That is how I feel about the Cluthe Truss.
W. C. WOODS, Gause, Texas. November 23, 1911.
79 Years Old Cured by Cluthe Truss
It is a pleasure to me to let you and all others know what I think of the Cluthe Truss. My case was a double one, and the rupture on the right side was very bad, but I can truthfully say that I am now cured. I am now living on borrowed time, being in my seventy-ninth year.
C. T. REDFIELD, 48 Grape St., New Bedford, Mass. November 28, 1911.
Hard Work Every Day Did Not Prevent This Cure by Cluthe Truss
I really don't know how to express my gratitude to you for my rupture is cured at last. I feel as strong as I ever did before I was ruptured. I work hard every day and have never had any bad effects.
ANDREW E. PETERS, Escuminac River, Que., Can. November 28, 1911.
Cured by Cluthe Truss While Lifting Rails and Ties in the Course of Work
I have often been without my Cluthe Truss, and rupture has never come down even without the truss. Before getting the Cluthe Truss I had tried many others, but none of them held my rupture continuously, to say nothing of the discomfort caused and chafing by those leg-straps and springs. By reason of my work as section foreman I am frequently required to do heavy lifting, such as railroad rails and ties. This is what I think of the Cluthe Truss.
FRANK CHAPMAN, Hollis Depot, N.H. November 27, 1911.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The muscles at some point have simply _text reads "simlpy"_ there is no expense beyond the price _text reads "beyonp"_ no springs, no legstraps _no hyphen in original_ and, gradually overcomes the weakness _comma in original_ you who now scarcely _text reads "nows carcely"_ dare do a thing— scarcely even cough or laugh _dash supplied by transcriber: no punctuation in original_ that is why, when a man _text reads "whan"_ bands or springs around the waist _text reads "wait"_ "Don't-Wear-a-Truss" Arguments _text reads "Dont"_ But it is easy enough _text reads "But it easy"_ The Cluthe Truss costs so little _text reads "cost"_ worthless makeshift _text reads "makeshirt"_ "This truss fully guaranteed." _text reads "guaranted"_ a legitimate profit _text reads "ligitimate"_ Both are perspiration-proof and both water-proof. The Cluthe Truss _text reads "The Cluthe. Truss"_ 60 days' trial.) _close parenthesis missing in original_ agree with the corresponding question.) _close parenthesis missing in original_ do any kind of work _text reads "king"_ 747 E. Main St., Ravenna, Ohio. _comma after "Ravenna" missing_ CHAS. W. SHIVELL period after "CHAS" missing_ To be honest with you, I don't believe I would be here to write this if it had not been for the Cluthe Truss. Can truthfully say I have been wonderfully benefited, and feel as though my rupture is cured _text reads "don?t believe ... if it has not been ... feel aa though"_ My ruptures are so now _text unchanged: missing word after "so"?_ wear it for six months longer _text reads "sic"_ to wear any truss since. From the first day _text has comma for period_ in that time _text reads "yhat"_ Western Bank Note Co., 20th street and Indiana avenue, Chicago, Ill. _capitalization unchanged_ 2844 38th Place, Chicago, Ill. _comma after "Chicago" missing_ I have been permanently cured by using it _text reads "permenantly"_ I can truthfully say that I am now cured _text reads "thaat"_