Amendment—extending suffrage, 12, 13
Ad Valorem—duty, 49
Acquisition of new territory, 51
Alaska, 51
Amendment to Kentucky Constitution, 10
Amendment, 18th and 19th, 11, 12
Amendment to change Superintendent of Public Instruction, 11
Amendment to change school funds of Kentucky, 11
Attorney General of U. S., 18
Agriculture, Secretary of, 18
Bill of Rights, 11
Bill—reported favorably or unfavorably, 23
Bills passed in congress and State—how, 22, 23, 24
Bills, legislative—how enacted, 22, 23
Ballot—picture of, 42
Ballots—counted, 45, 46
Citizenship, 7
Citizen—definition of, 7, 57
Classes of Citizens, 7
Civil rights, 7, 8
Constitution, 9
Charter, 9, 30
Constitution—amendment of, 10
Constitution—revision, 11
Constitution—supreme law, 13
Committee—work of, 15
Committee on Rules—Congress, 15
Cabinet, U. S.—appointment of, 18
Cabinet Officers—named, 18
Court of Appeals, 24
Circuit Court, 24
County Court, 26
Court of Justice of Peace, 26
County Government, 29
City Government, 30
City Council, 30
Commission form government, 30
Committee—national, 38
Convention—national, 37
Committee—county, 35
Convention—county, 35
Convention—state, 35
Convention—national, 37, 38, 39
Committee—credential, 37, 38
Convention—contested seats, 37, 38
Civil Service, 20
Congressional Districts, 14
Commander-in-Chief of National Army, 17
Commerce—secretary of, 18
Cities—classes of, 30
Committees—how formed, 33
Columbia, District of, 54
Commerce, 54, 55
Congressman—qualification, 14
Congressmen—number from Kentucky, 14
Duty as a citizen, 56, 57
Democracy, 9
Departments of State, 21
Democratic party, 32
Democratic convention, 37, 38
Democratic State Central Committee, 33, 34
Democratic State Executive Committee, 34
District Judges of U. S., 17
Direct tax, 49
Executive Department—national, 17, 18
Elections, 44
Elections—laws of, 44, 45
Electioneering—forbidden, 45
Election—polls open and closed, 45
Electors—President and Vice President, 47
Excise Tax, 49
Exports, 49
Exchange of Ratification, 19
Executive Department of State, 28
Federal Constitution, 13
Federal or National Government, 14
Federal Courts—kinds, 17
Franchise Tax, 50
Fee, 51
Foreign Voters, 62
Foundation of Government, 10
Foreign Commerce, 55
Government, 8, 9
Government—derivation of, 9
Government—kinds of, 14
Government—branches of, 14
Grand Jury, 41
Governor—duties of, salary, etc., 24, 28
Government—county, 29
Government—town, 29
Government—city, 30
Government—state, 21
Government—national, 14
Grand Juries, 27
General Assembly—convenes, when and where, 21
Guam and Samoan Islands, 54
Government—helped, four ways, 58, 59
Hawaii, 51
Impeachment, 15
Inauguration of President, Vice President, 48
Indirect Tax, 49
Import Duties, 49
Income Tax, 50
Inheritance Tax, 50
Initiative, 53
Interior—Secretary of, 18
Indian Tribes, 55
Judicial Department—Federal, 16
Judicial Department—State, 24
Justices of Peace Court, 26
Juries, 27
Judges of Court of Appeals—qualification and salary, 24
Judges of Supreme Court of United States—appointment and salary—term of office, 17
Kentucky Legislature, 21
Kinds of Government, 14
Legislative Department—National and State, 14, 21, 22
Legislative Department—National, 14
Law making power, 21, 22, 50
License, 51
League of Nations, 19
Lieutenant Governor, 22
Labor—Secretary of, 18
Mayor—chief executive—city, 30
Naturalized citizen, 7
Native born citizen, 7
Nominations, 43
Naturalized—kind of persons, 56
Naturalized—manner of, 56
National convention, 38
National convention—rules of, 38
Negro female voters—number of, 62
Navy—Secretary of, 18
National parks, 55
Organization, 31, 59
Organization—definition of, 31
Political rights, 8
Platform, 38, 39
Polls open, 40, 45
Primary election, 43
Ports of entry, 49
Poll tax, 50
Property tax, 50
Property exempt from taxation, 50
Possessions, 51
Philippines, 52
Philippines—how governed, 52
Philippine commissioners, 52
Philippines—Provinces, 52
Porto Rico, 52
Parties, 8
President concerning treaties, power, etc., 19
Postmaster General, 18
Police court, 27
Petit jury, 27
Preamble, 10
President, U. S.—qualifications, salary, etc., 17
President—term of office, salary, 17
President of U. S.—duties of, 17
President—pro tem. Senate, 22
Police court, 27
Party organization, 31
Political parties—origin of, 31
Parties—two principal, 31, 32
Party—oldest, 32
Party—ballot, picture of, 42
Primaries, 43
Poll tax, 50
Philippines—how governed, 52
Porto Rico—how governed, 52
Panama Canal Zone, 54
President and Vice President inaugurated, 48
Principal parties in United States, 8
Qualification of voters, 44
Republic, 9
Revision of National Constitution and State, 11, 21
Representatives—how proportioned, 14
Representatives in Congress—qualification of, 14
Revenue—raising of, 15
Republican party, 32
Republican State Central Committee, 34, 35
Registration, 40
Real estate, 50
Referendum, 53
Representatives in State, 21
Registration—special, 41
Rules of importance in Democratic convention, 38
Restoration of citizenship, 46
Senators, U. S.—number of, 15
Senators, U. S.—how elected, 15
Senators—qualification of, 16
Sessions of Congress, 16
Supreme Court of U. S., 16
Salaries of Judges, Supreme Court, 17
Supreme Judges—retirement, 17
State government, 21
State Constitution, 21
State government—departments of, 21
State Senator—qualification, salary, etc., 22
State Senate—presiding officer of, 22
State courts, 24, 25, 26
Supreme Court of the State, 16, 17
State officials, 28
Special registration, 41
Specific duties, 49
State Representative—qualification, salary, etc., 22
Secretary of United States—duties of, 18
Senate—duties of, 22
Town government, 29
Taxation, 49
Treaties, 19
Unit rule, 38
United States—a democracy and republic, 9
United States Senate, 15
United States Senators—qualification of, 16
United States as a society, 58
Vice President, U. S.—qualification and salary, 18
Veto—power of President, 24
Voters—qualification of, 44
Voting—manner of, 44, 45, 46
Vote—challenged, 45
Voting—by mail, 46
Voters—duty as citizen, 56
Vote necessary to ratify a treaty, 19
Women as voters, 60, 61, 62
Women voters in United States, 8
Women voters in Kentucky—white, 62
Women voters in Kentucky—colored, 62
War—Secretary of, 18