Patrick, St., 284
Paulinus, Missionary, 30
Paul, Mr. Howard, 309
Paul's Cathedral, St., 140
Paul's Church, St., 119
Paul's Cross, St., 92
Paul St., Earl of, 79
Paul's School, St., 77
Paupers, merry, 288
Pavy, Salathiel, 142
Peacocks, 96, 97
Pegasus, 198
Pembroke, the Regent, 62
Pembroke, Countess of, 241
"Penelope's Wooer," 187
Penshurst, Kent, 148-9
Pepys, Samuel, 145, 218
Perche, Countess of, 47
Peres, William, 103
Performers, various, 41, 77
"Periander," a tragedy, 185
Periodicals, 292, 313
Period of Christmas, 12, 35, 111, 135, 227
Perrers, Alice, 74, 75
Perth, 274
Perry, 55
Peshawur, 300
Petavius, 13
Peter of Blois, 56
Peter, St., 283
Peter the Great, of Russia, 223
Peter's, St., Rome, 330
Petit Souper, 322
Petworth, 225
Philip of Spain, 118
Philip and Mary, 119
Philippa, Queen, 72
"Philomathes," 176
"Philomela," a tragedy, 169
Philosopher's game, 195
Phoenicia, 55
Picnics, 304
Picts and Scots, 26, 31
"Picturesque Europe," 224
Piece de resistance, 294
Piers Gaveston, 68
Pigment, 55
Pilgrims, 59
Pires Barnard, 68
Pipers, 31, 89
Place de la Madeline, 319
Place de la Republique, 319
Plague, the, 139
Plantagenets, 68
Plato's Dialogue, 17
Plays, Christmas, 76-7, 84, 91, 95, 102, 112, 125, 136-7, 142, 284, 320-1
Playing Cards, 90
Plum-pudding, 245, 263, 265, 273, 317, 319
Pocahontas, 314
Poculum charitatis, 237
Poetic pictures of Christmas, 33, 34, 43-4, 69, 203, 204-5, 217, 221-2, 227, 250, 258, 274, 276-8, 288, 298, 350
Poictiers, 74
Pointer, 237
Poleaxes for Pensioners, 156
Pole, Cardinal, 118, 119
"Pompey," 36
Pontefract, 87, 92
"Poor Robin's Almanack," 217, 222, 223, 230
Pope, poet, 46, 230
"Popish Customs," so called, 109
Popple, John, 257
Popular festivities, 242
Portugal, 226, 288
Post and Pair, 247, 250
Post-office and postmen, 292
Poverty at Court, 86
Prayer Books of Edward VI., 117
Presbytery, 109
Presents, 15, 42, 69, 88, 312, 323, 326, 335
Presentation in the Temple, 348
Presepio (manger), 328
Preston, Sir Richard, 190
Priestess, Druid, 228
Priests bearing relics, 90
Priestly practices, 121, 317, 328
Primate's cruelty, 200
Primitive celebrations, 19
"Prince Charlie," 237
Prince of Wales, 85, 225, 263
Prince of Wales's Strait, 294
Princes of Germany, 35, 109
Princes play in masques, 152, 197
Privy Council, 117
Prolongation of Revels, 201
Promethus, 152
Protectorate, the, 213
Protestantism of Queen Elizabeth, 122
Provencal Plays, 320-1
Provence, 320, 321; Eleanor of, 62-4
Provision for the poor, 257-8, 260-6
Prowess, 67, 72, 73, 84, 99, 190
Prussian Royal Family, 334
Prynne, William, 199
Psyche, 19
Ptarmigan pasties, 295
Punch, 282, 342
Puppet shows, 227, 321, 328
Purification, the, 73
Puritan Directory, 207
Puritanism, 109
Purposes, 195
Puss-in-the-Corner, 236
Pynson, printer, 104
Quadrangle, Royal, 88
"Quartette" cards, 272
Queen's College, Oxford, 109
Queen's Gentlewomen, 88
Questions and Commands, 195, 236
Quintin, 45, 59
Races, 218
Railways, the, 292
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 152
Rampini, Sheriff, 286
Ratcliffe, 93
Rathbertus, a priest, 49
Reade, Mr., 346
"Read's Weekly Journal," 232
"Recollections of old Christmas," 272
Recreations, 195, 315
Redcoats, 294
Redmile, 266
Roedwald, 29
Reformation, 106, 109
Regatta, the Christmas, 304
"Regis Orator et Calamo," 114
Regulations for a grand Christmas, 112
Reindeer-sleigh of St. Nick, 311
Rejoicings on French battle ground, 72
Relics, sacred, 90, 331
Religious matters, 117
Rennes cloth, 88
Reresby, Sir John, 219
Restoration, the, 215
Reunions, 313
Revels resembling Saturnalia, 18
Revels, called a Maskelyn, 100
Revels, Master of the, 112 (see also "Lord of Misrule")
Revels, 132, 153, 180, 181, 192, 193, 218, 315
Revolution, 220
Rex Fabarum, 109
Rhedon, 93
Rheims Cathedral, 94
Rhosllanerchrugog, 264
Rhosymedre, Denbighshire, 264
Rhys, brother of Gruffydd, 38
Richard I. ("Coeur de Lion"), 58
Richard II., 76
Richard, Duke of Gloucester, 92
Richard III., 93, 101
Richard, Duke of York, 86, 87
Richard the Good, of Normandy, 38
Rich, Christopher, 229
Rich, John, 229
Richmond, 96, 98, 99, 102, 108, 119
Richmond, Duke of, 105
"Richemond Manor," open house at, 104
Riding School, Windsor, 260
Riddles, 252
Rigden, Mr., 219
Ripon, 242
Rivers, Lady, 88; Earl, 92
Rivet, Andrew, 157
"Roast Beef of Old England," 301
Robert of Comines, 43
Robes, costly, 75
Robin Hood, 66
Robin Hood and his foresters depicted, 100, 286
Rochester, 118
Rochester, Bishop of, 139
Roe, Sergeant, 112
Roger de Coverley, Sir, 227
Roger Mortimer, 68
Roland, Captain of Charlemagne, 41
Roman Church, 62
Roman Catholic reaction, 118
Roman Empire, 35
Roman invasion of Britain, 23
Romantic days, 31
Rome, early Church at, 11
Rome, 328
Romish priestly practices, 121
Rooke, Sir George, 226
Rope-dancing, 229
Roses united in marriage, 94
Rotterham, 220
Rouen, 81, 317
"Round about our Coal Fire," 201, 233
Round Table, 30, 67, 73
Royalists, 206, 215
Royal Bounties, 258, 260
Royal festivities, 54, 94, 99, 141, 261 (see also other festivities recorded under the names of different Sovereigns)
Rowbotham, 28
Rowe, 142
Rowse, Sir John, 153
Royston, 153
Roxburgh Collection (British Museum), 145
Ruabon, 264
Rufus's revelries, 47
Rump, the, 213, 217
Running, 32
Runnymede, 60
Russell, Lord John, 297
Russia, 284, 288, 342
Rutland, Duke of, 224, 266; Janetta, Duchess of, 225; Lord, 80, 87
Sabine Island, 295
Sackville, Thomas, 125
Sailors' gathering, 288
Salisbury, Earl of, 87, 154, 156
Salom Moss, 101
Sanctuary at Westminster, 92
Sandal Castle, 87
Sandhurst, Berkshire, 276
Sandringham, 85, 263
Sandwich Island, 294
Sandwich Islands, 305
Sandys, William, F.S.A., 15, 104, 137, 201, 206
San Maria Maggiore Church, 331
Saracens, 59
Santa Claus, 290, 310
"Saturday Review," 207
Saturnalia, 13, 15, 19, 29, 168, 191, 320
Saxon chiefs, 43
Saxon sports, 44
Scales, Lord and Lady, 84, 85
Scaliger, 13
"Scalloway Lasses," 286
Scandinavianism, 285
Scenic magnificence, 152
Schomberg, Duke of, 226
Scottish annals, 48, 68, 71, 82, 98, 154, 191, 207, 242, 254, 284-8
Scotch first-footing, 285
Scott, Dr., 313
Scott, Sir Walter, 36, 98, 250
Scripture history plays, 77
Sea celebrations, 95, 218, 307
Sears, E. H., 350
Sectaries, 207
Segraves, 148
Selden, 152
Seleucus Nicator, 13
Senegal, 345
Senlac, battle of, 39
"Seven Champions of Christendom," 283
"Seven Dayes of the Weeke," the, 174
Sermons, Christmas, 193
Servants' feasts, 202, 212-3, 263
Servians, 345
Settlers, English, 314
Seville Cathedral, 338
Seymour, Jane, 108
Shaftesbury, 37
Shakespeare, 34, 80, 81, 141, 142, 151, 152, 153, 263
Shaw, Dr., 92
Shene, 75, 96
Shepherds, 7, 317
Sherwood Forest, 66
Shetland, 285
"Shewes," triumphant, 190
Shipwreck on Christmas-day, 287
Shopping in sleighs, 312
Shovelboard, 195
Shrewsbury, Earl of, 139
Shrine of St. Peter, 330
Shropshire, 24, 118, 255, 284
Shrove Tuesday, 183
Sicily, King of, 59
Sidney, Sir Philip, 148
Sieur de Nigry, 118
Silurians, King of, 24
Simeon, 348
Sinclair, Rev. John, 287
Singing, 140, 195, 294, 326, 350
Sirloin of roast beef, 231
Siward, Sir Richard, 64
Skating, 45 (see "Ice Sports")
Skeleton at bed foot, 276
Skinner's Wells, 76
Skylarking, 294
Slade, Monty, 302
Sladen Douglas, B. W., 303
Slavs, 345
Sleighing, 302, 310
Smith, Captain John, 314
Smith, Dr. Walter, 285
Smith, Sir Thomas, 139
Smithfield, London, 79
Smyth, John, court fool, 116
Smyth, Matthew, 143
"Snap" cards, 272
Snapdragon, 247
Social festivities, 252
Society Islands, 288
Somerset, Duke of, 87, 115, 225
Somerset, Earl of, 155
Somerset, Sir Thomas, 190
Somersetshire, 31
Somers, Will, king's jester, 113
"Sonsy haggis" 255
"Sonya," 344
Southampton, Earl of, 190
Southern merrymaking, 314
Southey, 257
Souvenirs, 312
Spain, 75, 108, 120, 190, 212, 225, 288, 338
Spanish cavaliers, 286
Spectacular entertainments, 52, 99
"Spectator," the, 227
Speech from the throne, 87
Spenser, 149
Spithead, 225
Sports, 33, 54, 154, 169, 198, 203, 247, 252
Stacy, Louis, 88
Staffordshire, 284, 349, 350
Stained glass, modern, 348
Stainer, 350
Stanley, Dean, 17
Stanton, Mr. W. M., 304
Stapleton, Lady, 91
Star of Bethlehem, 319
Star Chamber, 156
State meetings, 29, 38, 45, 54; State worship, 96-7
Steele, 227
Stephen, King, 51
Stephen's Day, St., 120, 126, 130, 133, 168, 219, 350
Steward's Department, Lord, 260
Steward, Sir John, 82
"Still Christmas" of Henry VIII., 104
Stoke Abbat, 157
Stony Stratford, 92
Stories of Christmastide, 48, 49, 237, 274, 275, 276, 287
Stowe, 66, 74, 102, 112, 116
Strafford papers, 156
Strange, Lady, 139
Stratford-upon-Avon, 218
Strutt, 44, 76, 103, 119, 218
Strype, 119
Sturgeon, 96
Stuteville, Sir Martin, 192, 198
Subtleties, 83, 97
Sufed Koh, 302
Suffolk, 146
Suffolk, Earl of, 84, 189
Sullivan, 350
Sumptuous feasts of Normans, 54
Superstitions, 33, 34, 285
Sussex, Earl of, 139
Sussex, Sheriff of, 65
Swans, 96
Sweden, 288
Sweetmeats, 322
Swegen, King, 36
Swein, King of Denmark, 43
Swithin, St., Winchester, 56
Sword-dance, 229, 255
Sword actors, 282-4
Sword of King Arthur, 58
Swynford Catherine, 94
"Synod of Westminster," 208
Synod of Whitby, 27
Syria, 55
Tacitus, 24, 33
Taillefer, Norman minstrel, 41
Talbot, Sir John, 84
Tallard, Marshal, 226
Tales, weird, 274-5
Tallis, 140
Tambourine, 340
Tancred, King, 58
"Tatler," the, 228
Taverner, Edmund, 201
Taylor, John, 206
Te Deum, 317
Telesphorus, St., Bishop of Rome, 13
Tempest, great, 74
Templars' sports, 198
Temple-horn winded, 198
Temple of Minerva, 184
Temples, the, 111
Tenants' and labourers' feast, 231
Tennyson, 31, 270
Teonge, Rev. Henry, 218
Tetzel, 89
Teuton forefathers, our, 26
Teuton kinsmen, 34
Tewkesbury, 94
Thackeray, Mr., 229
Thames, 108, 127
Thanet, Isle of, 28
Theatrical exhibitions, 141, 229, 230
Thelluson, Hon. Mr. and Miss, 273
Theobald, Archbishop, 53
Theobalds, 154, 193, 194
Theodosius the younger, 22
Thewlis, St., 284
Thomas, St., 54
Thomas, St. (a place), 288
Thomas's Day, St., 130, 164, 265
Thomas, Thomas, 280
Thomas, the Misses, 262
Thor, 15, 26, 29
Thorold, Sir Wilfrid de, 267
Thunder (see Thor), 29
Thurstan, Archbishop, 48
Thrybergh, 219
Tilting, 155 (see also Tournament)
"Time's Alteration," 217
"Time's Complaint," 170
"Time's Telescope," 251
Tobacco, 259, 278
Toffee, 281
Tommy Atkins, 299
Torchlight procession, 286
Torksey Hall, 266
Tostig, Earl, 38
Tournaments, 32, 52, 67, 73, 78, 99, 101, 155, 189, 190
Tower of London, 79, 92, 117, 123, 223, 226
Towton, 87
Toys, 265
Tragedy of "Gowry," the, 153
Traill, Mr., 287
Transatlantic Saxons, 309
Transvaal, 288
Travelling, ancient, 31
"Treason! treason!" cried James I., 193
Tricks by animals, 229
Trinity College, Cambridge, 110
Trinity Term, 131
Triphook, Robert, 155
Tripoli, 55
Triumphs of the tournament, 101
Trumpeters, 89
Trumpets, 220, 261
Trunks, small, 195
"Truth," in pageantry, 122
Tucker, Thomas, the elected Prince, 156
Tudela, Benjamin of, 52
Tudor, Edmund, Jasper, Owen, 94
Tumbling, 119, 228
Turkeys, 246, 340
"Turkish Knight," 284
"Turkish Magistrates," 119
Turnham Green, 284
Tusser, Thomas, 124, 140, 146
Twelfthtide, 15, 35, 95, 97, 100, 102, 125, 135, 153, 154, 188, 190, 193, 198, 201, 241, 320, 342
Twelve days of Christmas, 35, 111, 125, 227
Tyrrel, Sir Walter, 47
Tytler, General, 300
Udall, Nicholas, 119
Ukraine, 345
Ule (see Yule)
Uniformity, Act of, 117
United States, 288, 309-316
Uphelya, 286
"Ups and Downs of Christmas," the, 209
"Ursa Minor," 273
Usher, 13
Ushers, Gentlemen, 139
Uvedale, Lord of Wickham Manor, 71
Valorous deeds, 59
Vane, 213
Variety of players, 63
Vaughan, Master, 88
Vawce, Sergeant, 117
"Venetian Senators," 119
Venice, 190, 336
Vere, Earl of Oxford, 75
Vere, Lady Susan, 153
Vernon, Dorothy, 224
Versailles, 35
Vespers, 331
Viands, 55
Victoria, Queen, 258, 260-3
Victoria's grandchildren, Queen, 262
Vienna, 336
Vigil of Christmas, 49, 317
Vigilate, a, 178
"Vindication of Father Christmas," the, 212
Vineyard of pleasure, 88
Vintage, the, 16
Violins, 220
Virgil's Eclogues, 17
Virginian Colonists, 314
Virgin Mary, image of the, 317
Visors depicted in verse, 104
Vivian, Sir Francis, 156; Mr. Vivian, 156
Volcano, 305
Waits, 44, 240
Wakefield, battle of, 86
Wales, 38, 188, 200, 280, 288
Wales, Prince and Princess of, 85, 225, 263
Wallingford, 51, 68
Wanjani, 304
Ward, Rev. John, 218
Warning shots, 127
Warren, Earl of, 64
Warrior-King (Edward III.), 74
Warriors rewarded, 42
Wars of Barons, 65
Wars of Roses, 85
Wars of Roses ended, 93
War suspended for Christmas, 81, 84
Warton, author, 110
Warwick, Earl of, 87, 93, 139, 192
Warwick muses, 198
Warwickshire, 146, 284
Wash, the, 62
Wassail, 15, 58, 97, 181
"Wassail Bowl," 15, 273
Wassailing the apple-trees, 278-9
Washburn, Ex-Minister E. B., 318
Washington negroes, 314
Wattewille, Monsieur Robert, 68
"Weekly Account," the, 208
"Weihnacten," 335
"Weihnactt's Bescheerung," 335
"Welcome to Christmas," 276
Welcome to all comers, 30, 148, 220, 256
Wellington, 304
Welsh border, 38, 43
Welsh Christmas, 280-2
Western Church, the, 12
West Kington, 113
Westminster, 46, 62, 64, 74, 87, 89, 123
Westminster Abbey, 38, 51, 123, 140, 193
Westminster Hall, 46, 60, 64, 68, 78, 93, 118, 123, 226
Weston, Dr., 118
West Riding of Yorkshire, 282-4
West Newton, 263
Whalley, Colonel, 212
Wheatley, Mr. W. M., 265
Whippingham, 262
White, Sir Thomas, 118
Whitehall, 118, 154
Whitelock, 207
"White Rose of York," 85
Whittier, J. G., 37
Wild Boar, 32, 33, 45, 110
William, Prince of Orange, 220
William and Mary, 221
William IV., 258
William the Almoner, 64
William the Conqueror, 39
William, King of Prussia, 35
William Rufus, 46
William, son of Henry I., 47
William of Malmesbury, 49
William of Ypres, 52
Williams, 99
Willoughby, Lord, 82
Winchester, 31, 34, 37, 47, 65; monks of, 56
Winchester, Bishop of, 195
Winchester Palace, 62, 65
Winchester School, 71
Windsor, 31, 47, 48, 54, 62, 75, 80, 87, 225, 261
Wine and honey, 55
Winer, 13
Winters, hard, 67, 138, 154-5
Winter solstice, 15, 29, 295
Winwood, Mr., 153
Wise Men (Magi), 11, 19, 28
Wise Men (the King's), 29, 38, 45
Witches, 195, 237
"Wit-combats," 153
Witenagemot, 29
Wither, George, 190, 204
Wizard of Christmas, 310
Woden, 25, 29
Wolf, 45
Wolferton, 263
Wolley, Sir Francis, 154
Wolsey, Cardinal, 104, 106, 112
Women masks, 119
Wood, Mr., 109, 140, 157
Woodstock, 226
Woodville, Elizabeth, 89
Woodville family, 92
Woolsthorpe, 204, 266
Worcester, 52, 60, 67; Earl of, 82, 189
Workhouse, Christmas at, 288
Worksop, 87
Worship in State, 96-7
Wortley, near Leeds, 291
Wotton, 200
Wrestling, 32
Wright, Thomas, F.S.A., 90
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 118
Wykeham, William of, 71
Wynh, Lady Williams, 264
Wynn, Sir W. W., Bart., 264
Wynnstay Park, 264
Wyrcester, William, 87, 89
Xtemas, 9
Yeoman, 124
Yew, 282
York, 31, 36, 43, 64, 68, 86
York, Archbishop of, 65, 240
York, Bishop of, 25
York, Duchess of, 82
York, Duke of, the young, 92
York, wars of, 85
Yorkshire, 251, 282-4
Yule, Jule, or Ule, 9, 15, 195, 285
Yule-log, 1, 268, 302, 319, 345
"Yuletide," 177, 227, 267, 285
Zambombas, 339
Zanzibar, 288
Zukkur Kehls, 300