Choice Cookery
by Catherine Owen
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Allemande Sauce, 18.

Almond Cream, 229, 251; Sauce, 299; Trifles, 279; Turban, 285; Water-ice, 255.

Apple Jelly, 212; Compote, 263-265.

Apricot Sauces, 297; Water-ices, 256.

Artichokes, Fried, 198.

Aspic, Jelly, 195; Lobster in, 79; Mayonnaise, 47; Oysters in, 76; Reed-birds in, 159.

Ballotines, 177.

Bearnaise Sauce, 26.

Bechamel Sauce, 17, 159.

Beef, Fillets of, 86-89.

Beet-root Fritters, 198.

Birds, how to bone, 172-175; how to stuff, 175.

Biscuits, Rout, 286.

Bouchees, 124.

Bouquet of herbs, 37.

Cabinet Pudding, 233, 239.

Cakes, Dessert, 285, 289.

Cakes and Sauces, fine, 291-295. Chestnut Croquettes, 291. Madeleines, 291. Petits Fours, 292.

Candied Orange and Lemon Peels, 260, 261.

Caper Sauce, 29.

Cardinal Sauce, 30.

Cauliflower Fritters, 198.

Celery Sauce, 29.

Charlotte Russe, 281-283.

Chateaubriand Sauce, 34.

Chaudfroid Sauce, 160.

Chaudfroids. (See Entrees.)

Cheese Dishes, 306-308. Genoa Ramaquin, 306. Puffs, 306. Sticks, 307.

Chestnut Soup, 57; Croquettes, 291.

Chicken, a la Hollandaise, 114. And Ham Cutlets, 157. Chaudfroids of, 156. Fritot of, 132. Patties, 121. Salad, 154. Scallops, 130. Tartlettes, 114. Timbale of, 129. Turtle fashion, 136.

Chocolate Cream Pudding, 245.

Choice Cookery explained, 1-3.

Chops, Lamb and Mutton, 98-103.

Cigarettes, 108, 135, 136.

Cinnamon, care in selecting, 216; Water-ice, 255.

Claret Granito, 258; Jelly, 215.

Cod, Fillets of, 62.

Cold Game Pies, 183-190.

Compote of Apples, 263-265; of Cherries, 272; of Chestnuts, 269, 270; of Oranges, 269; of Pears, 266, 268; of Pigeons, 145; of Strawberries, 272.

Consomme, 51-55.

Coquilles, 63, 64.

Creams, 223-230, 235-237. Almond Cream, 229. Bohemian Jelly Creams, 237. Cocoanut Cream, 235. Coffee Cream, 226. Curacoa Cream, 226. Ginger Cream, 224. Hazel-nut Cream, 236. Here and in Europe, 223. Neapolitan Cream, 224. Nut Creams, 235. Pistache Cream, 229. Strawberry Cream, 227. Vanilla Cream, 227. Walnut or Hickory-nut Cream, 237. Whipped Cream, 213, 214.

Croquettes, Chestnut, 291; manner of preparing, 107.

Cucumber, Fillets of, 99; Fillets of Rabbit with, 150; Sauce, 29, 48; Stuffed, 199.

Culinary matters, 79-85.

Curacoa, 258.

Currant Water-ice, 256.

Currants, how to cook, 271.

Cutlets, how to prepare, 107. Chicken and Ham, 157. Lamb, 99, 100. Mutton, 90, 98. Pigeon, 143. Russian Salad for, 101. Sweetbread, 109. Veal, 139.

Decorations, uneatable, 196.

Dessert, Small Cakes for, 285.

Downton Sauce, 39.

Dresden Patty Cases, 118.

Entrees, 86-106, 129-152, 153-171. A Civet, 150. Baked Ravioli, 137. Cold Lamb Cutlets in Mint Jelly, 100. Chicken Souffle, 131. Chicken, Turtle fashion, 136. Cigarettes a la Chasseur, 135. Cigarettes a la Reine, 134. Cutlets Chaudfroid a la Russe, 102. Filets de Boeuf a la Bearnaise, 87. Filets de Boeuf aux Champignons, 87. Fillet of Beef, 86. Fillets of Beef a la Grande-Bretagne, 89. Fillets of Cucumber, 99. Fillets of Rabbit with Cucumber, 150. Fillets of Teal with Anchovies, 148. Fritot of Chicken, 132. Grenadines of Beef with Mushrooms and Poivrade Sauce, 88. Grenadines of Rabbit a la Soubise, 149. Lamb Cutlets en Concombre, 99. Lamb Cutlets with a Puree of Mushrooms, 100. Lobster Quenelles, 136. Mutton Cutlets a la d'Uxelles, 90. Mutton Cutlets a la Milanais, 90. Mutton Cutlets, or Chops, 98. Pigeon Cutlets, 143. Pigeons a la Tartare, 144. Quails a la Jubilee, 141. Quails a la Lucullus, 140. Salmis of Snipe, 147. Scallops of Chicken a la Perigord, 130. Souffle of Partridges, 146. Sweetbreads a la Supreme, 103. Sweetbreads in Cases, 106. Sweetbreads with Oysters, 104. Timbale of Chicken a la Champenois, 129. Timbales d'Epinard, 151. Veal Cutlets a la Primrose, 139.

Entrees, Cold, or Chaudfroids, 153-171. Allumettes, 170. Canapes a la Bismarck, 165. Caviare Canapes, 166. Chaudfroid of Reed-birds, 160. Chaudfroids of Chicken, 156. Cheese Biscuits a la St. James, 168. Chicken and Ham Cutlets, 157. Chicken Salad a la Prince, 154. Cold Cheese Souffles, 169. Croutes de Fromage Glace, 169. Eggs a la St. James, 170. Iced Savory Souffle, 162. Kluskis of Cream Cheese, 168. Oysters a la St. George, 169. Prawns en Surprise, 166. Prince of Wales Canapes, 167. Reed-birds in Aspic, 159. Savage Club Canapes, 164. Savories, 162-164. Shrimp Canapes, 168. Sweetbread au Montpellier, 153.

Entrees, Fish, 61-70. Coquilles of Prawns, 63. Coquilles of Salmon or Halibut, 64. Fillet of Flounders, 69. Fillet of Sole a la Normande, 65. Fillets of Cod a la Normande, 62. Lobster in Aspic, 79. Lobster Soufflees, 62. Salmon en Papillotes, 65. Sole a l'Horly, 66. Turbans of Sole a la Rouennaise, 67.

Espagnole Sauce, 33.

Fillet, how to, 181, 182.

Fillets of Rabbits, 150.

Flavorings and Liqueurs, 210-212.

Flounders, Fillet of, 69.

Fritters, 198.

Fruits, Macedoine of, 222.

Frying, directions for, 91-95.

Galantines, 172-177. Of Breast of Veal, 178. Of Sucking Pig, 179.

Game Pie, 183. English manner of making, in a crust, 189, 190. Filling the case of, 186. French method of making, 185.

Game, Salad to eat with, 300.

Garnishes, 191-198. Colored Custard, 192. Profiterolles, 194. Spinach Juice, 192. Stuffed Artichokes, 197.

Gelatine, 196; right proportion for jelly, 217.

Ginger Cream, 224; Dessert Cakes, 289; Water-ice, 253.

Glaze, 8; how to preserve, 10.

Graniti, 257, 258. Claret Granito, 258. Sherry Granito, 258. To freeze, 257.

Grape-fruit Salad, 303.

Grenadines of Rabbit, 149.

Ham, Puree of, 152.

Herbs, French, 12; how to chop, 81; what required, 12.

Horseradish Sauce, 48.

Ice-creams and Ices, 246-256. Almond Water-ice, 255. Apricot Water-ice, 256. Chinese Ice, 252. Cinnamon Water-ice, 255. Currant Water-ice, 256. Custard for Ice-cream, 249. Fruit Jam and Jellies with Ice-cream, 250. Ginger Water-ice, 253. Grilled Almond Ice-cream, 251. Ice-cream with Eggs, 249. Pineapple Water-ice, 254. Pistachio Water-ice, 255. Simplest Fruit Ice-cream, 246. Tea Ice-cream, 252. Tutti-frutti Ice-cream, 248.

Ice Pudding, 240, 241.

Iced Custard with Fruit, 244.

Iced Puddings, 238, 239, 241, 243.

Jellies, 208-225. Aspic Jelly, 195. Consistency of Jelly, 214. Jellied Raspberries, 221. Jelly with Candied Fruits, 220. Jelly with Fresh Fruits, 218. Mint Jelly, 49. Mould of Apple Jelly, 212. Plain Claret Jelly, 215. Right proportions of Gelatine for Jelly, 217. Roman Punch Jellies, 222.

Kabobs, Oyster, 72-74.

Kromeskies, 107.

Lamb Cutlets, 99, 100.

Lemon Baskets, 274; Peels, Candied, 261.

Lemons, how to grate, 82.

Liqueurs and Flavorings, 210-212.

Lobster, in Aspic, 79; Quenelles, 136; Sauce, 29; Soufflees, 62.

Macaroons, 287.

Macedoine of Fruits, 222.

Madeleines, 291.

Maraschino, 259.

Matelote Sauce, 40.

Mayonnaise, 43, 46, 47.

Meal, quantity to be used, 75.

Meringue Paste, 251.

Mint Jelly, 49.

Mother Sauces, 6.

Mushroom Baskets, 201.

Mushroom Jelly, 200.

Mushrooms and Tomatoes, 200.

Mushrooms, Stuffed, 200.

Mutton Cutlets, 90, 98.

Neapolitan Cream, 224.

Norwegian Sauce, 47.

Nut Creams, 229, 235-237.

Onion, Spanish, 202-204.

Orange Baskets, 272, 274.

Orange Compote, 209.

Orange Sauce, 39.

Oyster Kabobs, 72, 74; Sauce, 29.

Oysters, 71-78. A la Tartare, 78. A la Villeroi, 71. In Aspic, 76. Various ways of serving, 71-78.

Papillotes, 65.

Parsley Sauce, 29.

Partridges, Souffle of, 146.

Patties, 116-124. Chicken, 121. Dresden Cases for, 118. Oyster, 121. Sweetbread, 120.

Pears, a la Princesse, 267; Compote of, 265, 266, 268.

Petits Fours, 292.

Pies, Game, 183-190.

Pigeon Cutlets, 143.

Pigeons, a la Tartare, 144; Compote of, 145.

Pineapple Water-ice, 254.

Piquante Sauce, 35.

Pistache Cream, 229.

Pistachio Water-ice, 255.

Poivrade Sauce, 36.

Potage, a la Hollandaise, 56; a la Royale, 59.

Potatoes, a la Provencale, 204; Milanese, 205; Scalloped, 205.

Poulette Sauce, 20.

Prawns, Coquilles of, 63.

Princess Soup, 58.

Profiterolles, 194.

Puddings, 230-234, 238-246. Bombay Ice Pudding, 241. Chocolate Cream Pudding, 245. Cold Cabinet Pudding, 233. Cold Souffle Pudding, 231. Diplomatic Pudding, 232. Filbert and Wine Iced Pudding, 243. Frangipanni Iced Pudding, 238. Frozen Pudding, 235. Ice Pudding, 240. Iced Cabinet Pudding, 239. Iced Custard with Fruit, 244. Iced Jelly Pudding, 241. Iced Puddings, 243. Imperial Rice Pudding, 231. Jubilee Pudding, 230. Rice a la Princesse, 245. Sauces for, 295-299.

Puffs, Cheese, 306.

Puree of Ham, 152.

Quenelles for entrees, 125-129; for soups, 53, 54.

Rabbit, Grenadines of, 149; Fillets of, 150.

Rabbits, 148.

Raspberries, how to cook, 271; Jellied, 221.

Ratafia, 259.

Ravioli, Baked, 137.

Red Mayonnaise, 46.

Reed-birds, Chaudfroids of, 160; in Aspic, 159.

Rice Pudding, 231.

Rissoles, 108.

Robert Sauce, 38.

Roman Punch Jellies, 222.

Rout Biscuits, 286.

Russian Salad for Cutlets, 101.

Salads, 300-305. Best dinner, 300. For Cutlets, 100. Grape-fruit, 303. How to dress, 301, 302. To eat with game, 300.

Salmis of Snipe, 147.

Salmon, Coquilles of, 64; en Papillotes, 65.

Sauces, 11-22; 23-32; 33-41; 42-50. A la d'Uxelles, 20. A la Normande, 38. Allemande, 18. Almond, 299. Apricot, 297. Aspic Mayonnaise, 47. Bearnaise, 26. Bechamel, 17, 159. Blonde, or White, 13-32. Bordelaise, 37. Brown, 33-41. Caper, 29. Cardinal, 30. Celery, 29. Chateaubriand, 34. Chaudfroid, 160, 161. Cold Cucumber, 48. Cold Sauces, 42-50. Consistency of, 24, 105. Cucumber, 29. Des Oeufs au Kirsch, 295. Downton, 39. Espagnole, 33. Green Mayonnaise, 46. Hollandaise, 30. Horseradish, 48. How to stir, 17. Light Normande, 39. Lobster, 29. Madere a la Marmalade, 295. Matelote, 40. Mayonnaise, 43, 46, 47. Mint, 49. Mother Sauces, 6. Norwegian, 47. Orange, 39. Oyster, 29. Parsley, 29. Piquante, 35. Poivrade, 36. Poulette, 20. Red Mayonnaise, 46. Robert, 38. Rule for seasoning, 18. Sherry, 296. Shrimp, 29, 30. Soubise, 27. Ste. Menehould, 25. Supreme, 23. Sweet Butter, very fine, 298. Sweet, French, for Puddings, 295-299. Tartare, 48. Vanilla Cream, 298. Veloute, or White, 14. Villeroi, 21. Wine, 296. Whipped Sweet, 297. White, 23-32.

Sauteing, 95, 96.

Scalloped Potatoes, 205.

Scallops of Chicken, 130.

Sherry Granito, 258; Sauce, 296.

Shrimp Sauce, 29, 30.

Sole, a l'Horly, 66; a la Normande, 65; Rouennaise, 67.

Soubise Sauce, 27; with Grenadines of Rabbit, 149.

Souffle of Chicken, 131; of Lobster, 62; of Partridges, 146; of Tomato, 206.

Soups, 51-60. Chestnut, 57. Consomme a la Rachel, 52. Consomme a la Sevigne, 55. Potage a la Hollandaise, 56. Potage a la Royale, 59. Princess, 58. To clear Consomme, 51.

Spanish Onion, 204.

Spices and herbs required, 12.

Spinach Fritters, 206; Juice, 192.

Ste. Menehould Sauce, 25.

Stock, 7; to reduce to Glaze, 8.

Strawberries, how to cook, 271; Compote of, 272.

Strawberry Cream, 227.

Stuffed Artichokes, 197; Cucumbers, 199.

Sucking Pig, Ballotines of, 179.

Supreme Sauce, 23.

Sweet Sauce for Puddings, 295-299.

Sweetbreads a la Supreme, 103; au Montpellier, 153; braised, 113; Cutlets of, 109; in Cases, 106; Patties, 120; with Oysters, 104.

Sweets, 262-280. Almond Trifles, 279. Almond Turban, 285. Charlotte Russe with Gelatine, 283. Compote of Apple Marmalade, 265. Compote of Apples or Pears Grille, 265. Compote of Cherries, 272. Compote of Oranges, 269. Compote of Pears, 266. Compote of Strawberries, 272. Compote of Stuffed Apples, 264. Compotes of Apple, 263, 264. Compotes of Chestnuts, 269, 270. Fine Small Dessert Cakes, 285. Ginger Dessert Cakes, 289. Lemon Baskets, 274. Little China Dishes, 278. Macaroons, 287. Orange Baskets filled with fruit, 272. Orange Basket Glace, 274. Pears a la Princesse, 267. Pink Compote, 267. Raspberry Charlotte Russe, 281. Rout Biscuits, 285. Swiss Vacherin, 276. Variegated Compote of Pears, 268.

Tartare Sauce, 48.

Teal with Anchovies, 148.

Timbale of Chicken, 129.

Timbales d'Epinard, 151.

Tomato Jelly, 205; Souffle, 206.

Tomatoes and Mushrooms, 200.

Trifles, Almond, 279.

Turban, Almond, 285.

Turbans of Sole, 67.

Uneatable decorations, 196.

Vacherin, Swiss, 276.

Vanilla Cream, 227; Cream Sauce, 298.

Variegated Compote of Pears, 268.

Veal Cutlets a la Primrose, 139.

Vegetables, 197-207. A few ways of cooking, 197. Beet-root Fritters, 198. Cauliflower Fritters, 198. Fried Artichokes, 198. Milanese Potatoes, 205. Mushroom Baskets, 201. Mushroom Jelly, 200. Mushrooms and Tomatoes, 200. Mushrooms stuffed a la Lucullus, 200. Potatoes a la Provencale, 204. Scalloped Potatoes, 205. Spanish or Portuguese Onion, 202, 203. Spinach Fritters, 206. Stuffed Cucumbers, 199. Stuffed Spanish Onion, 204. Tomato Jelly, 205. Tomato Souffle, 206. Various ways of serving, 199-207.

Veloute, or White Sauce, 14.

Villeroi Sauce, 21.

Walnut or Hickory-nut Cream, 237.

Water-ices, 253-256. Almond, 255. Apricot, 256. Cinnamon, 255. Currant, 256. Ginger, 253. Pineapple, 254. Pistachio, 255.

Whipped Cream, 213, 214; Sweet Sauces, 297.

White Sauces, 23-32.

Wine, Iced Pudding, 243; Sauces, 296.



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Transcriber's Note

The following typographical errors were corrected.

Page Error 6 allemande is the same changed to Allemande is the same 160 pate de foie gras changed to pate de foie gras 166 Caviary Canapes changed to Caviare Canapes 309 Bearnaise Sauce changed to Bearnaise Sauce 309 Tartlets changed to Tartlettes 311 Coucombre changed to Concombre 311 Puree of Mushrooms changed to Puree of Mushrooms 311 a la Milanaise changed to a la Milanais 311 a la Perigord changed to a la Perigord 312 Ham, Puree of changed to Ham, Puree of 313 Macedoine of Fruits changed to Macedoine of Fruits 313 Meringue Paste changed to Meringue Paste 314 Puree of Ham changed to Puree of Ham 314 Bearnaise changed to Bearnaise 315 Ste. Menehould changed to Ste. Menehould Ad 2 pp.448. changed to pp. 448. Ad 3 12mo, Cloth, $1 50 changed to 12mo, Cloth, $1 50.

Inconsistently spelled and hyphenated words

blond / blonde cocoa-nut / cocoanut house-keeper / housekeeper lemon-juice / lemon juice pepper-corns / peppercorns ramequin / ramekin rose-water / rosewater salt-spoonful / saltspoonful souffle / soufflee Souffle / Soufflee souffles / soufflees Souffles / Soufflees under-side / underside water-cress / watercress


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