2 cups of white granulated sugar, 1 cup of cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1/4 a cake of Baker's Premium No. 1 Chocolate.
Put in the sugar and cream, and when this becomes hot put in the chocolate, broken up into fine pieces. Stir vigorously and constantly. Put in butter when it begins to boil. Stir until it creams when beaten on a saucer. Then remove and beat until quite cool and pour into buttered tins. When cold cut in diamond-shaped pieces.
Melt one-quarter cup of butter. Mix together in a separate dish one cup of white sugar, one cup of brown sugar, one-quarter cup of molasses and one-half cup of cream. Add this to the butter, and after it has been brought to a boil continue boiling for two and one-half minutes, stirring rapidly. Then add two squares of Baker's Premium No. 1 Chocolate, scraped fine. Boil this five minutes, stirring it first rapidly, and then more slowly towards the end. After it has been taken from the fire, add one and one-half teaspoonfuls of vanilla. Then stir constantly until the mass thickens. Pour into buttered pan and set in a cool place.
Heat two cups of granulated sugar and one cup of rich milk (cream is better). Add two squares of Baker's Chocolate, and boil until it hardens in cold water. Just before it is done add a small piece of butter, then begin to stir in marshmallows, crushing and beating them with a spoon. Continue to stir in marshmallows, after the fudge has been taken from the fire, until half a pound has been stirred into the fudge. Cool in sheets three-quarters of an inch thick, and cut in cubes.
2 cups of granulated sugar, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1/2 a cup of cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter.
Boil seven minutes; then beat and spread in buttered tin to cool.
2 cups of brown sugar, 1/2 a cup of cream, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, 1 cup of walnut meats, chopped fine, Butter size of a walnut.
Boil ten minutes; then beat and pour on top of fudge already in pan. When cool, cut in squares.
2 cups of granulated sugar, 1/4 a cup of glucose (pure corn syrup), 1-1/2 cups of cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, scraped fine or melted, 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla.
Stir the sugar, glucose and cream over a slack fire until the sugar is melted; move the saucepan to a hotter part of the range and continue stirring until the mixture boils, then let boil, stirring every three or four minutes very gently, until the thermometer registers 236 deg. F., or, till a soft ball can be formed in cold water. Remove from the fire and pour one-half of the mixture over the chocolate. Set both dishes on a cake rack, or on something that will allow the air to circulate below the dishes. When the mixture cools a little, get some one to beat one dish of the fudge; add a teaspoonful of vanilla to each dish, and beat until thick and slightly grainy, then put the mixture in a pan, lined with waxed paper, first a little of one and then of the other, to give a marbled effect. When nearly cold turn from the pan, peel off the paper and cut into cubes.
2 cups of granulated sugar, 1/3 a cup of condensed milk, 1/3 a cup of water, 1/4 a cup of butter, 1-1/2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract.
Boil the sugar, milk and water to 236 deg. F., or to the "soft ball" degree; stir gently every few minutes; add the butter and let boil up vigorously, then remove from the fire and add the chocolate; let stand undisturbed until cool, then add the vanilla and beat the candy until it thickens and begins to sugar. Pour into a pan lined with paper to stand until cooled somewhat; turn from the mold and with a French cutter or a sharp edged tube cut into symmetrical shapes.
2 cups of granulated sugar, 1 cup of cream, 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, Nearly half a pound of marshmallows, split in halves.
2 cups of granulated sugar, 1 cup of cream, 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Start with the first batch and when this is nearly boiled enough, set the second batch to cook, preparing it in the same manner as the first. Stir the sugar and cream, over a rather slack fire, until the sugar is melted, when the sugar boils wash down the sides of the pan as in making fondant, set in the thermometer and cook over a quick fire, without stirring, to the soft ball degree, 236 deg. F.; add the butter, salt and chocolate, melted or shaved fine, and let boil up vigorously, then remove to a cake cooler (or two spoon handles to allow a circulation of air below the pan). In the meantime the second batch should be cooking and the marshmallows be gotten ready. When the first batch is about cold add the vanilla and beat the candy vigorously until it begins to thicken, then turn it into a pan lined with waxed paper. At once dispose the halves of marshmallows close together upon the top of the fudge. Soon the other dish of fudge will be ready; set it into cold water and when nearly cold, add the vanilla and beat as in the first batch, then pour it over the marshmallows. When the whole is about cold turn it onto a marble, or hardwood board, pull off the paper and cut into cubes. If one is able to work very quickly, but one batch need be prepared, half of it being spread over the marshmallows.
1-1/2 cups of granulated sugar, 1 cup of Maple Syrup, 1-1/2 cups of glucose (pure corn syrup), 1/2 a cup of thick cream, or 1/3 a cup of milk and 1/4 a cup of butter, 3/4 a cup of fruit, figs, and candied cherries and apricots, cut in small pieces.
1/2 a cake or more of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Stir the sugar, syrup, glucose and cream until the sugar is melted, cover and let boil three or four minutes, then uncover and let boil stirring often but very gently until a soft ball may be formed in cold water, or, until the thermometer registers 236 deg. F. Set the saucepan on a cake cooler and when the mixture becomes cool, add the fruit and beat until it becomes thick, then turn into pans lined with waxed paper. In about fifteen minutes cut into squares. Coat these with the "Dot" Chocolate.
2/3 a cup of granulated sugar, 1/4 a cup scant measure of water, One cup, less one tablespoonful, of glucose, 1/2 a pound of dessicated cocoanut, 1/2 a pound or Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Heat the sugar, water and glucose to the boiling point, add the cocoanut and stir constantly while cooking to the soft ball degree, or, until a little of the candy dropped on a cold marble may be rolled into a ball. Drop, by small teaspoonfuls, onto a marble or waxed paper, to make small, thick, rather uneven rounds. When cold coat with "Dot" Chocolate melted over hot water and cooled properly. These cakes are very easily coated.
1-1/2 cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of maple syrup, 1/2 a cup of glucose pure corn syrup, 1/2 a cup of water, 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt, The whites of 2 eggs, 1 cup of nut meats, chopped fine, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, broken in pieces.
Let the sugar, syrup, glucose and water stand on the back of the range, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is melted, then cover and let boil five minutes. Remove the cover and let boil to soft crack, 287 deg. F., or, until when tested in water a ball that rattles in the cup will be formed. Add the salt and chocolate and beat over the fire, until the chocolate is melted, then pour in a fine stream onto the whites of eggs, beaten dry, beating constantly meanwhile; add the nuts and pour into a pan lined with waxed paper. In about fifteen minutes lift the candy from the pan (by the ends of the paper left for the purpose) and cut it into small oblongs or squares. The candy must be stirred constantly during the last of the cooking. In cooking without a thermometer one is liable to remove the candy from the fire too soon—if this happens, return, egg whites and all, to the saucepan, set this into a dish of boiling water and stir constantly until the mixture thickens, then pour into the pan lined with paper. On no account let even a few drops of water boil into the candy.
1 cup of granulated sugar, 1/2 a cup of glucose, 1/2 a cup of honey (strained), Piece of paraffine size of a pea, 1/4 a cup of water, 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt, The whites of 2 eggs, beaten dry, 1 cup of almond or English walnut meats, chopped fine, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, About 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Put the sugar, glucose, honey, paraffine and water over the fire, stir occasionally and let boil to the hard ball degree, about 248 deg. F. Add the salt to the eggs before beating them, and gradually pour on part of the syrup, beating constantly meanwhile with the egg beater; return the rest of the syrup to the fire and let boil until it is brittle when tested in cold water or to 290 deg. F. Then turn this gradually onto the eggs, beating constantly meanwhile. Return the whole to the saucepan, set over the fire on an asbestos mat and beat constantly until it becomes crisp when tested in cold water. Pour into a buttered pan a little larger than an ordinary bread pan and set aside to become cold. When cold cut into pieces about an inch and a quarter long and three-eighths of an inch wide and thick. Coat these with "Dot" Chocolate.
2-1/2 cups of sugar, 3/4 cup of glucose, (pure corn syrup), 1/2 a cup of butter, 1/8 a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, 2-1/2 cups of whole milk, (not skimmed), 2-1/2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract.
Put the sugar, glucose, butter, cream of tartar and one cup of the milk over the fire, stir constantly, and when the mass has boiled a few moments, gradually stir in the rest of the milk. Do not let the mixture stop boiling while the milk is being added. Stir every few moments and cook to 248 deg. F., or, until when tested in cold water, a hard ball may be formed; add the chocolate and vanilla and beat them thoroughly through the candy, then turn it into two bread pans. When nearly cold cut into squares.
2 cups of granulated sugar, 1-1/2 cups of glucose (pure corn syrup), 2 cups of cream, 1 cup of butter, 3 or 4 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1-1/2 cups of English walnut meats, 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla extract.
Put the sugar, glucose, one cup of the cream and the butter over the fire; stir and cook until the mixture boils vigorously, then gradually add the other cup of cream. Do not allow the mixture to stop boiling while the cream is being added. Cook until the thermometer registers 250 deg. F., stirring gently—move the thermometer, to stir beneath it—every four or five minutes. Without a thermometer boil until—when tested by dropping a little in cold water—a hard ball may be formed in the water. Remove from the fire, add the chocolate and nuts and beat until the chocolate is melted; beat in the vanilla and turn into a biscuit pan, nicely oiled or buttered, to make a sheet three-fourths an inch thick. When nearly cold turn from the pan and cut into cubes.
1-1/4 cups of granulated sugar, 1/2 cup of glucose (pure corn syrup) scant measure, 1/4 a cup of butter, 1/16 a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, 1-1/4 cups of rich milk, 1-1/4 squares of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract.
2/3 a cup of granulated sugar, 1/4 (scant) a cup of water, 1 cup, less one tablespoonful, of glucose (pure corn syrup), 1/3 a pound of dessicated cocoanut.
Put the sugar, glucose, butter, cream of tartar and the fourth a cup of milk over the fire, stir until the mixture boils, then very gradually stir in the rest of the milk. Let cook, stirring occasionally, to 248 deg. F., or until, when tested in water or on a cold marble, a pretty firm ball may be formed. Add the chocolate and vanilla, mix thoroughly and turn into two well-buttered shallow pans. For the white layer, put the sugar, water and glucose over the fire, stir until boiling, then add the cocoanut and stir occasionally until a soft ball may be formed when a little of the mixture is dropped upon a cold marble. Put this mixture over the fire, to dissolve the sugar, but do not let it begin to boil until the chocolate layers are turned into the pans. When the white mixture is ready, turn enough of it onto one of the chocolate layers to make a layer about one-third an inch thick. Have the other chocolate layer cooled, by standing in cold water; remove it from the pan and dispose above the cocoanut layer. Let stand until cold and firm, then cut in cubes; wrap each cube in waxed paper.
4 cups of granulated sugar, 1-1/2 cups of cold water, 1/4 a teaspoonful of cream of tartar, or 3 drops of acetic acid.
Stir the sugar and water in a saucepan, set on the back part of the range, until the sugar is melted, then draw the saucepan to a hotter part of the range, and stir until the boiling point is reached; add the cream of tartar or acid and, with the hand or a cloth wet repeatedly in cold water, wash down the sides of the saucepan, to remove any grains of sugar that have been thrown there. Cover the saucepan and let boil rapidly three or four minutes. Remove the cover, set in the thermometer—if one is to be used—and let cook very rapidly to 240 deg. F., or the soft ball degree. Wet the hand in cold water and with it dampen a marble slab or a large platter, then without jarring the syrup turn it onto the marble or platter. Do not scrape out the saucepan or allow the last of the syrup to drip from it, as sugary portions will spoil the fondant by making it grainy. When the syrup is cold, with a metal scraper or a wooden spatula, turn the edges of the mass towards the center, and continue turning the edges in until the mass begins to thicken and grow white, then work it up into a ball, scraping all the sugar from the marble onto the mass; knead slightly, then cover closely with a heavy piece of cotton cloth wrung out of cold water. Let the sugar stand for an hour or longer to ripen, then remove the damp cloth and cut the mass into pieces; press these closely into a kitchen bowl, cover with a cloth wrung out of water (this cloth must not touch the fondant) and then with heavy paper. The fondant may be used the next day, but is in better condition after several days, and may be kept almost indefinitely, if the cloth covering it be wrung out of cold water and replaced once in five or six days. Fondant may be used, white or delicately colored with vegetable color-pastes or with chocolate, as frosting for small cakes, or eclairs or for making candy "centers," to be coated with chocolate or with some of the same fondant tinted and flavored appropriately.
1/4 a cup of blanched almonds, chopped fine, 1/2 a cup of fondant, 1/4 a teaspoonful of vanilla, Confectioner's sugar for kneading and shaping.
About 1 cup of fondant, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, Few drops of water, as needed, Halves of blanched almonds.
Mix the chopped almonds with the fondant and vanilla; add confectioner's sugar, a little at a time, and knead the mass thoroughly, on a marble or large platter; shape into a long roll, then cut into small pieces of the same size. Shape these into balls a generous half inch in diameter and leave them about an hour to harden on the outside. Put the fondant for the coating and the chocolate (shaved or broken in pieces) in a double boiler (with hot water in the lower receptacle); add the vanilla and the water and heat until melted; take out the spoon and put in a dipping fork (a wire fork costing about ten cents) beat the fondant, to keep it from crusting and drop in a "center;" with the fork cover it with fondant; put the fork under it and lift it out, scrape the fork lightly on the edge of the dish, to remove superfluous candy, turn the fork over and drop the bon-bon onto waxed paper. Make a design with the fork in taking it from the candy. At once press half of a blanched almond on the top of the candy, or the design made with the fork will suffice. If at any time the coating be too thick, add a few drops of water. If any be left over, use it to coat whole nuts or cherries.
1/4 a cup of candied cherries, chopped fine, 1/2 a cup of fondant.
About one cup of fondant, 2 squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, Bits of cherry.
Prepare the centers and coat in the same manner as the almond creams.
Melt a little fondant and flavor it to taste with essence of peppermint; leave the mixture white or tint very delicately with green or pink color-paste. With a teaspoon drop the mixture onto waxed paper to make rounds of the same size—about one inch and a quarter in diameter—let these stand in a cool place about one hour. Put about a cup of fondant in a double boiler, add two ounces of chocolate and a teaspoonful of boiling water, then stir (over hot water) until the fondant and chocolate are melted and evenly mixed together; then drop the peppermints, one by one, into the chocolate mixture, and remove them with the fork to a piece of oil cloth; let stand until the chocolate is set, when they are ready to use.
5 figs, 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls of water or sherry wine, 1/2 a cup of English walnut meats, Powdered sugar, Fondant, 3 or 4 ounces of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Remove the stem and hard place around the blossom end of the figs, and let steam, with the water or wine, in a double boiler until softened, then add the nuts and chop very fine. Add powdered sugar as is needed to shape the mixture into balls. Melt the chocolate, using enough to secure the shade of brown desired in the coating and add to the fondant with the vanilla. Coat the fig-and-nut balls and drop them with the fork onto a piece of oil cloth or waxed paper in the same manner as the cherry bon-bons. These may be dipped in "Dot" Chocolate instead of fondant.
Cut the marshmallows in halves, and put them, one by one, cut side down, in chocolate fondant (as prepared for almond and cherry chocolate creams), melted over hot water and flavored to taste with vanilla. Beat the chocolate with the fork, that it may not crust over, lift out the marshmallow, turn it and, in removing the fork, leave its imprint in the chocolate; sprinkle at once with a little fine-chopped pistachio nut meat. To prepare the nuts, set them over the fire in tepid water to cover, heat to the boiling point, drain, cover with cold water, then take them up, one by one, and with the thumb and finger push the meat from the skin.
2 cups of maple syrup, 1-3/4 cups of granulated sugar, 3/4 a cup of cold water, Confectioner's sugar, 2 or more squares of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, About 1/4 a cup of fine-chopped almonds, browned in the oven.
Make fondant of the syrup, granulated sugar and cold water, following the directions given for fondant made of granulated sugar (cream of tartar or other acid is not required in maple fondant). Work some of the fondant, adding confectioner's sugar as needed, into cone shapes; let these stand an hour or longer to harden upon the outside. Put a little of the fondant in a dish over hot water; add Baker's Chocolate and vanilla as desired and beat till the chocolate is evenly mixed through the fondant, then dip the cones in the chocolate and set them on a piece of oil cloth or waxed paper. When all are dipped, lift the first one dipped from the paper and dip the base again in the chocolate, and then in the chopped-and-browned almonds. Continue until all have been dipped.
1/2 a cup of sugar, 3/4 a cup of glucose, 1/2 a cup of water, (1/4 an ounce of paraffine at discretion), 1/2 a cup of blanched almonds, chopped fine, 1/3 the recipe for fondant, 3 or 4 ozs. of Baker's Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla.
Melt the sugar in the water and glucose and let boil to about 252 deg. F., or between a soft and a hard ball. Without the paraffine cook a little higher than with it. Add the almonds and the vanilla, mix thoroughly and turn onto a marble or platter over which powdered sugar has been sifted. Turn out the candy in such a way that it will take a rectangular shape on the marble. When cool enough score it in strips about an inch and a quarter wide, and, as it grows cooler, lift the strips, one by one, to a board and cut them in pieces half or three-quarters of an inch wide. When cold, drop them, sugar side down, in chocolate fondant prepared for "dipping." With the fork push them below the fondant, lift out, drain as much as possible, and set onto oil cloth. These improve upon keeping.
2-1/2 cups of coffee A or granulated sugar, 1/4 a cup of glucose, 1/2 a cup of water, 1/4 a pound of almond paste, 1/4 a pound of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Put the sugar, glucose and water over the fire. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Wash down the sides of the kettle as in making fondant. Let boil to the soft ball degree or to 238 deg. F. Add the almond paste, cut into small, thin pieces, let boil up vigorously, then turn onto a damp marble. When nearly cold turn to a cream with a wooden spatula. It will take considerable time to turn this mixture to fondant. Cover and let stand half an hour. Add the Baker's Premium Chocolate, melted over hot water, and knead it in thoroughly. Add at the same time the vanilla. The chocolate must be added warm. At once cut off a portion of the fondant and knead it into a round ball; then roll it lightly under the fingers into a long strip the shape and size of a lead pencil; form as many of these strips as desired; cut the strips into two-inch lengths and let stand to become firm. Have ready the "Dot" Chocolate melted over hot water and in this coat the prepared sticks leaving the surface a little rough.
Roll part of the almond fondant into small balls. Some of the "Dot" Chocolate will be left after dipping the almond chocolate sticks. Remelt this over hot water, and in it coat the balls lightly. As each ball is coated with the chocolate drop it onto a plate of chopped pistachio nut meats or of chopped cocoanut (fresh or dessicated). With a spoon sprinkle the chopped material over the balls.
2-1/2 cups of granulated sugar, 1/2 a cup of condensed milk, 1/2 a cup of water, 3 or 4 tablespoonfuls of thick caramel syrup, A little water, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla, 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Put the sugar, condensed milk and water over the fire to boil, stir gently but often, and let cook to the soft ball stage, or to 238 deg.F. Pour on a damp marble and let stand undisturbed until cold; turn to a cream, then gather into a compact mass; cover with a bowl and let stand for thirty minutes; then knead the cream; put it into a double boiler; add the caramel syrup and the vanilla; stir constantly while the mixture becomes warm and thin; add a tablespoonful or two of water, if necessary, and drop the cream mixture into impressions made in cornstarch. Use two teaspoons to drop the cream. When the candy is cold, pick it from the starch. With a small brush remove the starch that sticks to the candy shapes. Coat each piece with "Dot" Chocolate. As each piece is coated and dropped onto the oil cloth, set half an English walnut meat upon the top.
Many candies, especially such as are of some variety of fondant, are thin when warm and solidify on the outside when cold, so that they may be "dipped" or coated with chocolate. To shape candy of this sort, fill a low pan with cornstarch, making it smooth upon the top. Have ready molds made of plaster paris, glued to a thin strip of wood, press these into the cornstarch; lift from the starch and repeat the impressions as many times as the space allows. If molds are not available a thimble, round piece of wood, or the stopper of an oil or vinegar cruet will answer the purpose, though the impressions must be made one at a time.
2-1/2 cups of sugar, 1/2 a cup of water, 1/4 a cup of glucose, 1/4 a cup of butter, 2-1/2 ozs of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 2 teaspoonfuls of vanilla, 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Put the sugar, water, glucose and butter over the fire; stir until the sugar is melted, then cook to the soft ball degree, or 236 deg. F.; pour on a damp marble and leave until cold; then pour on the Premium Chocolate, melted over hot water, and with a spatula turn to a cream. This process is longer than with the ordinary fondant. Cover the chocolate fondant with a bowl and let stand for thirty minutes; knead well and set over the fire in a double boiler; add the vanilla and stir until melted. The mixture is now ready to be dropped into small impressions in starch; when cold and brushed free of starch dip in "Dot" Chocolate. When dropping the chocolate mixture into the starch it should be just soft enough to run level on the top. If too soft it will not hold its shape in coating.
2-1/2 cups of sugar, 1/3 a cup of glucose (pure corn syrup), 1 cup of water.
Put the sugar, glucose and water over the fire and stir until boiling, then wash down the sides of the saucepan, cover and finish cooking as in making ordinary fondant. Let cook to 238 deg. F. Turn the syrup onto a damp marble or platter and before it becomes cold turn to a cream with a wooden spatula. When the fondant begins to stiffen, scrape at once into a bowl and cover with a damp cloth, but do not let the cloth touch the fondant. Use this fondant in the following recipes.
Fondant, Damask rose color-paste, 1/2 to 1 whole teaspoonful of rose extract, 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Put a part or the whole of the fondant into a double boiler over boiling water. With the point of a toothpick take up a little of the color-paste and add to the fondant; add the extract and stir until the mixture is hot, thin and evenly tinted. With two teaspoons drop the mixture into impressions made in starch; it should be hot and thin enough to run level on top. When the shapes are cold, remove from the starch, brush carefully and coat with "Dot" Chocolate.
Fondant, Green color-paste, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, 1/8 a teaspoonful of almond extract, Pistachio nuts in slices and halves, 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Using green color-paste, vanilla and almond extract mold the fondant in long shapes. Put a bit of nut in each impression, before filling it with fondant. When firm coat with "Dot" Chocolate and set half a pistachio nut on top.
Fondant, Candied or Maraschino cherries, Flavoring of almond or vanilla, Chopped peanuts, 1/2 a pound of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Melt the fondant over hot water and add the flavoring. Put a bit of cherry in the bottom of each starch impression, then turn in the melted fondant, to fill the impressions and have them level on the top. Let the chocolate, broken in bits, be melted over warm water, then add as many chopped peanuts as can be well stirred into it; let cool to about 80 deg. F. and in it drop the creams, one at a time; as coated dispose them on table oil cloth or waxed paper.
1-1/2 cups of sugar, 2/3 a cup of water, 1/2 a cup of glucose (pure corn syrup), 2 level tablespoonfuls of butter, 1/2 a pound of raw shelled peanuts, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, 1 level teaspoonful of soda, 1 tablespoonful of cold water, 1/2 a pound or more of Baker's "Dot" Chocolate.
Put the sugar, water and glucose over the fire; stir till the sugar is dissolved; wash down the sides of the saucepan with a cloth or the fingers dipped in cold water, cover and let boil three or four minutes, then uncover and let cook to 275 deg. F. (when a little is cooled and chewed it clings but does not stick to the teeth) add the butter and peanuts and stir constantly until the peanuts are nicely browned (or are of the color of well roasted peanuts). Dissolve the soda in the cold water, add the vanilla and the soda and stir vigorously. When the candy is through foaming, turn it onto a warm and well-oiled marble or platter. As soon as it has cooled a little on the edges, take hold of it at the edge and pull out as thin as possible. Loosen it from the receptacle at the center by running a spatula under it, then turn the whole sheet upside down, and again pull as thin as possible. Break into small pieces and when cold coat with "Dot" Chocolate prepared as in previous recipes. Half of a roasted peanut may be set upon each piece as coated. Note that the peanuts used in the brittle are raw. The small Spanish peanuts are the best for this purpose. After the peanuts are shelled, cover them with boiling water, let boil up once, then skim out and push off the skin, when they are ready to use.
1-1/2 cups of sugar, 1/3 a cup of glucose, 2/3 a cup of water, 1/3 a cup of molasses, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, 3 squares of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract, About 4 quarts of popped corn, well salted.
Set the sugar, glucose and water over the fire, stir until the sugar is melted, then wash down the sides of the saucepan, cover and let boil three or four minutes, then remove the cover and let cook without stirring to the hard ball degree; add the molasses and butter and stir constantly until brittle in cold water; remove from the fire and, as soon as the bubbling ceases, add the chocolate, melted over hot water, and the vanilla; stir, to mix the chocolate evenly through the candy, then pour onto the popped corn, mixing the two together meanwhile. With buttered hands lightly roll the mixture into small balls. Press the mixture together only just enough to hold it in shape. Discard all the hard kernels in the corn. Have the corn warm and in a warm bowl.
2 cups of coffee A sugar, 1/3 a cup of glucose, (pure corn syrup), 2/3 a cup of water, 1 cup of molasses, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 1/4 a teaspoonful of salt, 4 ounces of Baker's Premium Chocolate, 1 tablespoonful of vanilla extract, or 1 teaspoonful of essence of peppermint.
Put all the ingredients, save the salt, chocolate and flavoring, over the fire; let boil rapidly to 260 deg.F., or until brittle when tested in cold water. During the last of the cooking the candy must be stirred constantly. Pour onto an oiled platter or marble; pour the chocolate, melted over hot water, above the candy; as the candy cools on the edges, with a spatula or the fingers, turn the edges towards the center; continue this until the candy is cold enough to pull; pull over a hook until cold; add the flavoring, a little at a time, during the pulling, cut in short lengths and wrap in waxed paper.
This House has grown to be the largest of its kind in the world and it has achieved that result by always maintaining the highest standard in the quality of its cocoa and chocolate preparations and selling them at the lowest price for which unadulterated articles of high grade can be put upon the market. Under cover of a similarity in name, trade-mark, label or wrapper, a number of unscrupulous concerns have, within recent years, made attempts to get possession of the great market won by this House, by trading on its good name—selling to unsuspecting consumers goods of distinctly inferior quality by representing them to be the products of the genuine "Baker's." The quantity of goods sold in this way is not so much of an injury to us as the discredit cast upon our manufactures by leading some consumers to believe that these fraudulent articles are of our manufacture and that we have lowered the high standard maintained for so many years. It is difficult to bring the fraud home to all consumers, as those who are making use of it seek out-of-the-way places where deception will the more easily pass.
We have letters from housekeepers who have used the genuine Baker goods for years, expressing their indignation at the attempts of unscrupulous dealers to foist upon them inferior and adulterated articles by fraudulently representing them to be of our manufacture.
Statements in the press and in the reports of the Pure Food Commissioners show that there are on the market at this time many cocoas and chocolates which have been treated with adulterants, more or less injurious to health, for the purpose of cheapening the cost and giving a fictitious appearance of richness and strength. The safest course for consumers, therefore, is to buy goods bearing the name and trade-mark of a well-known and reputable manufacturer, and to make sure by a careful examination that they are getting what they order.
Our Cocoa and Chocolate Preparations are ABSOLUTELY PURE—free from coloring matter, chemical solvents, or adulterants of any kind, and are therefore in full conformity to the requirements of all National and State Pure Food Laws.
We have behind us one hundred and twenty-nine years of successful manufacture, and fifty-two highest awards from the great industrial exhibitions in Europe and America.
We ask the cooperation of all consumers who want to get what they order and what they pay for to help us—as much in their own interest as ours—in checking these frauds.
Our registered guarantee under National Pure Food Laws is Serial No. 90.
WALTER BAKER & Co.'s Cocoa and Chocolate Preparations
* * * * *
In 1-5 lb., 1-4 lb., 1-2 lb., 1 lb. and 5 lb. tins
This admirable preparation is made from selected cocoa, from which the excess of oil has been removed. It is absolutely pure, and it is soluble. It has more than three times the strength of cocoa mixed with starch, arrowroot or sugar, and is, therefore, far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health.
No alkalies or other chemicals or dyes are used in its preparation.
Trade-Mark on every package
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In 1-4 and 1-2 lb. cakes, 1 lb. packages, blue wrapper, yellow label
It is the pure product of carefully selected cocoa beans, to which nothing has been added and from which nothing has been taken away. Unequalled for smoothness, delicacy and natural flavor. Celebrated for more than a century as a nutritious, delicious and flesh-forming beverage. The high reputation and constantly increasing sales of this article have led to imitations on a very extensive scale. To distinguish their product from these imitations Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., have enclosed their cakes and pound packages in a new envelope or case of stiff paper, different from any other package. The color of the case is the same shade of deep blue heretofore used on the Baker packages, and no change has been made in the color (yellow) and design of the label. On the outside of the case, the name of the manufacturer is prominently printed in white letters. On the back of every package a colored lithograph of the trade-mark, "La Belle Chocolatiere" sometimes called the Chocolate Girl, is printed. Vigorous proceedings will be taken against anyone imitating the package.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1-2 lb. and 1-6 lb. cakes and 5c and 10c packages,
is guaranteed to consist solely of choice cocoa and sugar, flavored with pure vanilla beans. Particular care is taken in its preparation, and a trial will convince one that it is really a delicious article for eating or drinking. It is the best sweet chocolate in the market. Used at receptions and evening parties in place of tea or coffee. The small cakes form the most convenient, palatable and healthful article of food that can be carried by bicyclists, tourists and students.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1-8 and 1-4 lb. packages
A delicious article. Good to eat and good to drink. It is one of the finest and most popular sweet chocolates on the market, and has a constantly increasing sale in all parts of the country. If you do not find it at your grocer's, we will send a quarter-pound cake by mail, prepaid, on receipt of 10 cents in stamps or money.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1-4 lb. packages
A fine vanilla chocolate for eating or drinking. Put up in very artistic wrappers.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1-6 lb. packages
A fine eating chocolate, enclosed in an attractive wrapper with an embossed representation of an automobile in colors.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1-4 lb. and 1-8 lb. packages
is one of the most popular sweet chocolates sold anywhere. It is palatable, nutritious and healthful and is a great favorite with children.
Beware of imitations. The genuine is stamped: "S. German, Dorchester, Mass."
Trade-mark (La Belle Chocolatiere) on every package
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In 1-2 lb. cakes; 12 lb. boxes
A high grade chocolate specially prepared for home-made candies, and for sportsmen's use. If you do not find it at your grocer's write to us and we will put you in the way of getting it.
In "The Way of the Woods—A Manual for Sportsmen" Edward Breck, the author, says:
"Chocolate is now regarded as a very high-class food on account of its nutritive qualities. * * * * * A half cake will keep a man's strength up for a day without any other food. I never strike off from camp by myself without a piece of chocolate in my pocket. Do not, however, have anything to do with the mawkishly sweet chocolates of the candy shops or the imported milk chocolate, which are not suited for the purpose. We have something better here in America in Walter Baker & Co.'s "Dot" brand, which is slightly sweetened."
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In 1-2 lb. and 1 lb. packages, and in 6 lb. and 10 lb. bags
This is the freshly roasted bean cracked into small pieces. It contains no admixture, and presents the full flavor of the cocoa-bean in all its natural fragrance and purity. When properly prepared, it is one of the most economical drinks. Dr. Lankester says cocoa contains as much flesh-forming matter as beef.
Trade-mark on every package
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This is a preparation for the special use of druggists and others in making hot or cold soda. It forms the basis for a delicious, refreshing, nourishing and strengthening drink.
It is perfectly soluble. It is absolutely pure. It is easily made. It possesses the full strength and natural flavor of the cocoa-bean. No chemicals are used in its preparation.
The directions for making one gallon of syrup are as follows:
8 ounces of soluble cocoa, 8-1/2 pounds of white sugar, 2-1/2 quarts of water.
Thoroughly dissolve the cocoa in hot water, then add the sugar, and heat until the mixture boils. Strain while hot. After it has become cool, sugar may be added if desired.
The Trade is supplied with 1, 4 or 10 lb. decorated canisters.
Trade-mark on every package
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Liquid Chocolates—plain, sweet, light, medium and dark.
Soluble Cocoa—for hot or cold soda.
Absolutely Pure—free from coloring matter, chemical solvents, or adulterants of any kind, and therefore in full conformity to the requirements of all National and State Pure Food Laws.
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These are small pieces of chocolate, made from the finest beans, and done up in fancy foil. The packages are tied with colored ribbons, and are very attractive in form and delicious in substance. They are much used for desserts and collations, and at picnics and entertainments for young people. They are strongly recommended by physicians as a healthy and nutritious confection for children.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1-2 lb. and 1-5 lb. cakes, and in metal boxes for toilet uses
One-half the weight of the cocoa-bean consists of a fat called "cocoa-butter," from its resemblance to ordinary butter. It is considered of great value as a nutritious, strengthening tonic, being preferred to cod-liver oil and other nauseous fats so often used in pulmonary complaints. As a soothing application to chapped hands and lips, and all irritated surfaces, cocoa-butter has no equal, making the skin remarkably soft and smooth. Many who have used it say they would not for any consideration be without it. It is almost a necessary article for every household.
Trade-mark on every package
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In 1 lb. and 1-2 lb. packages
Cocoa-shells are the thin outer covering of the beans. They have a flavor similar to but milder than cocoa. Their very low price places them within the reach of all; and as furnishing a pleasant and healthy drink, they are considered superior to tea and coffee.
Packed only in 1 lb. and 1/2 lb. papers, with our label and name on them.
Trade-mark on every package
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In boxes, 6 lbs. each; 1-2 lb. bottles
A compound formerly known as Racabout des Arabes; a most nutritious preparation; indispensable as an article of diet for children, convalescents, ladies, and delicate or aged persons. It is composed of the best nutritive and restoring substances, suitable for the most delicate system. It is now a favorite breakfast beverage for ladies and young persons, to whom it gives freshness and embonpoint. It has solved the problem of medicine by imparting something which is easily digestible and at the same time free from the exciting qualities of coffee and tea, thus making it especially desirable for nervous persons or those afflicted with weak stomachs.
It has a very agreeable flavor, is easily prepared, and has received the commendation of eminent physicians as being the best article known for convalescents and all persons desiring a light, digestible, nourishing and strengthening food.
Plain Chocolate (For Drinking) Chocolate, Vienna Style Breakfast Cocoa Chocolate Layer Cake " Cake " Marble Cake " Glace Cake " Glace " Biscuit " Wafers Cinderella Cakes Chocolate Eclairs " Cookies " Gingerbread Vanilla Icing Chocolate Icing " Profiteroles " Ice-cream " Cream Pies " Mousse " Charlotte " Bavarian Cream " Cream " Blanc-mange " Cream Renversee Baked Chocolate Custard Chocolate Souffle " Pudding " Meringue Pudding Milton Pudding Snow Pudding Chocolate Sauce " Candy Cream Chocolate Caramels Sugar " " Chocolate Creams, No. 1 " " No. 2 " Cones Genesee Bonbons Chocolate Syrup Refreshing Drinks for Summer
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Cracked Cocoa For Three Gallons Breakfast Cocoa Vanilla Chocolate with Whipped Cream Chocolate Cream Pie " Filling Meringue Cocoa Sticks " Frosting " Sauce " Cake " Meringue Pudding Chocolate Almonds " Coatings Hot Chocolate Sauce Cocoa Sponge Cake Chocolate Frosting " Cake; or, Devil's Food " Ice-cream " Whip Cocoa Marble Cake Chocolate Marble Cake " Jelly Cottage Pudding Vanilla Sauce Cocoanut Souffle Chocolate Sauce Cocoa Biscuit " Fudge
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Plain Chocolate 1 quart Cocoa Sponge Cake " Marble " " Doughnuts " Buns
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Chocolate Cake
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Chocolate Caramels
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Chocolate Nougat Cake " Cream Candy
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Chocolate Pudding " Charlotte Chocolate Jelly with Crystallized Green Gages
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Chocolate Crullers Hot Cocoa Sauce for Ice-cream Chocolate Macaroons
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Creamy Cocoa " Chocolate
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Cocoa Frappe Chocolate Puffs
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Chocolate Hearts
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Cocoa Charlotte Chocolate Fudge with Fruit " Macaroons
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Petits Four Potato Cake Spanish Chocolate Cake
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Peppermints, Chocolate Mints, etc. Chocolate Caramel Walnuts "Dot" Chocolate Coatings Chocolate Dipped Peppermints Ginger, Cherry, Apricot and Nut Chocolates Chocolate Peanut Clusters " Coated Almonds " Dipped Parisian Sweets Stuffed Dates, Chocolate Dipped Chocolate Oysterettes Turkish Paste with French Fruit Chocolate Pecan Pralines Vassar Fudge Smith College Fudge Wellesley Marshmallow Fudge Double Fudge Marbled Fudge Fudge Hearts or Rounds Marshmallow Fudge Chocolate Dipped Fruit Fudge Chocolate Cocoanut Cakes Baker's Chocolate "Divinity" Chocolate Nougatines Plain Chocolate Caramels Chocolate Nut Caramels Ribbon Caramels Fondant Almond Chocolate Creams Cherry Chocolate Creams Chocolate Peppermints Fig and Nut Chocolates Chocolate Marshmallows Maple Fondant Acorns Chocolate Almond Bars Almond Fondant Sticks Almond Fondant Balls Walnut Cream Chocolates To Mold Candy for Dipping Chocolate Butter Creams Fondant for Soft Chocolate Creams Rose Chocolate Creams Pistachio Chocolate Creams Surprise Chocolate Creams Chocolate Peanut Brittle Chocolate Pop Corn Balls Chocolate Molasses Kisses
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