Charlotte Bronte and Her Circle
by Clement K. Shorter
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Bronte, Elizabeth, 51, 56, 74, 358.

Bronte, Emily Chapter VI, 144-180; birth, 51; baptism, 57; at Haworth, 59, 60; her childhood, 74; her school days, 145; as a teacher, 15, 145; at Brussels, 97, 100, 102, 111, 133, 145; as Anne's chum, 120, 144; in Miss Branwell's will, 103; and the French newspapers, 241; Charlotte's letters to, 25, 91, 114, 116, 117, 119; her religion, 14, 100, 145; her portrait, 123-4; her likeness to G. H. Lewes, 432; her messages to Miss Nussey, 160-1, 208, 209; her dog (see Keeper); her sketches, 67, 154, 157; her unpublished writings, 61, 62, 70, 146, 148, 150-2; her novel (see Wuthering Heights); her poetry, 144, 154, 325-31; her illness and death, 165, 166-75, 186, 345; her character, 60, 111, 112, 144, 146, 167, 177; Matthew Arnold on, 145; Charlotte on, 4, 165, 337; Sydney Dobell on, 145; A. Mary F. Robinson on, 121, 122; Swinburne on, 146; Dr. Wright on, 157, 158;

Bronte, Hugh, 55, 158.

Bronte, Maria, 51, 56, 57, 74, 404.

Bronte, Museum, 23.

Bronte, name, 29.

Bronte, Rev. Patrick Chapter 1, 27-55 his pedigree, 28-9, 157, 158; at Cambridge, 28, 97; at Weatherfield, 29-30; at Hartshead, 30-51, 56; at Thornton, 51; goes to Haworth, 51; his courtship, 25, 30-51; his marriage, 30, 51; his wife (see Bronte, Mrs. Patrick); his church, 56 (see also Haworth) his curates, 280-292; his home, 56; his study, 60, 61; his children at home, 60-2; takes his children to school, 74; his view of his daughters' literary successes, 52; and Miss Branwell, 51, 104; and his son, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142; and Charlotte, 31, 161, 209, 222, 229, 264, 267, 271; Charlotte's letters to, 5, 419, 423, 451-2, 454, 461, 463, 471; and Charlotte's biography, 2, 3, 9-12, 16, 17, 31, 67; and Charlotte's wedding, 261 (see also Nicholls Rev. A. B.); and Emily, 147, 175, 193; and Mary Burder, 29, 30; and Rev. A. B. Nicholls, 28, 54, 55, 292, 474, 475-6, 477, 481, 485, 487; and Miss Nussey, 11, 12, 159, 183, 211, 237; and Flossy's death, 230; and James Taylor, 309; and Miss Wooler, 269, 274, 369; his gun, 28; his illnesses, 176, 184, 231, 232, 241, 272, 307, 315, 451, 470, 482, 484; his poems, 32; his character, 52, 53; his recluse habits, 186, 308; Mrs. Gaskell's view of, 16, 27; his death, 54, 501; his will, 55.

Bronte, Mrs. Patrick—her pedigree, 33; her love letters, 25, 31-51; her marriage, 30; her life at Haworth, 59-61; her portrait, 34.

Bronte, pedigree, 28, 358.

Brook, Mrs., 284, 296.

Brookfield, Mrs., 421, 422.

Brookroyd, 10, 15, 85, 93, 94, 105, 106, 119, 131, 174, 206, 211, 213, 214, 219, 222, 224, 225, 242, 275, 291, 297, 477, 491, 493, 494, 499.

Brougham, John, 163.

Broughton-in-Furness, 124, 125.

Brown, John, 152, 468, 476, 479.

Brown, Martha, 18, 19, 52, 54, 55, 60, 124, 149, 151, 153, 202, 271, 319, 361, 424, 425, 426, 452, 455, 461, 462, 463, 471, 472, 474, 476, 478.

Brown, Tabby, 54, 55, 60, 149, 151, 152, 153, 202, 239, 271, 463.

Brown, William, 104.

Browning, Mrs., 270, 434.

Bruntee, 29.

Brunty, 29.

Brussels, 3, 14, 21, 25, 26, 52, 84, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96-119, 120, 128, 133, 150, 159, 160, 218, 287, 290, 307, 440.

Bunsen, Chevalier, 456.

Burder, Miss Mary, 29, 30.

Burnet, Rev. Dr., Vicar of Bradford, 54.

'Burns, Helen.' See Bronte Maria.

Burns, Robert, 127, 392.

Butterfield, R, 491.


Carlisle, Earl of, 425.

Carlyle, Mrs., 421.

Carlyle, Thomas, 20, 195, 374, 380, 384, 421.

Carter family, 81.

Cartman, Rev. Dr., 54, 425.

Cartwright's mill, 22.

Catholics, Charlotte and, 116, 117, 459.

Caxtons, The, 177, 359, 444.

Chambers' Journal, 244, 329, 411.

Chapham, Mrs., 262.

Chappelle, M., 111.

Chesterfield, Lady, 427.

Chorley, Mr., 416.

Christian Remembrancer, 341, 368, 393.

Church of England Journal, 407.

Clanricarde, Lady, 427.

Clapham, Mr., 500.

Clapham, Mrs., 37, 182, 500.

Clergy Daughters' School, 74, 262, 356.

Colburn, Mr., 7.

Coleridge, Hartley, 125, 126.

Coleridge, S. T., 371.

Colin, M. of L'Etoile Belge, 111.

Collins, Mrs., 81.

Cornhill Magazine, 25.

Cottage Poems, 32.

Cottage in the Wood, 32, 33.

Courier, 339.

Coverley Church, 37.

Cowan Bridge, 3, 18, 63, 74, 75, 145, 263, 358.

Crackenthorp, 285.

Cranford, 1.

'Crimsworth', 100.

Critic, 178, 191, 329, 334, 434.

Crosstone Parsonage, 67, 104, 217.

Crowe, Mrs., 421.

Crystal Palace, 268, 425, 461, 463.

Curates at Haworth, 118, 280-292.

Curie's Homoeopathy, 171.

'DAILY NEWS', 18, 356, 357, 431.

Davenport, Mrs., 463.

David Copperfield, 397.

De Quincey, Thomas, 330.

Derby, 441.

De Renzi, Rev. Mr., 291, 292, 483.

Devonshire, Duke of, 53.

Dewsbury, 30.

Dewsbury Moor, 75, 77, 78, 79, 91, 92, 145, 215, 260, 262.

Dickens, Charles, 199, 270, 397, 410.

Dickenson, Lowes, 372.

Die Waise von Lowood, 164.

Dilke, C. W., 338, 408.

Dixon, George, 107, 219, 240, 251.

Dixon Miss Mary, 107, 119, 219.

Dobell, Sydney, 145, 366.

Dobsons of Bradford, 41.

'Donne, Mr.' See Grant Rev. Mr.

Donnington, 294, 295.

Douro, Marquis of, 62, 66, 67, 68, 70.

Drury, Rev. Mr., 111.

Dublin Review, 361.

Dublin University Magazine, 329, 334, 438.

Dury, Caroline, 285.

Dury, Rev. Theodore, 104.

Dyson, Harriet, 449.

EARNLEY RECTORY, 87, 281, 297.

Eastlake, Lady, 158, 190, 347, 348, 349, 350, 397.

Easton, 299.

Eckermann's Goethe, 397, 431.

Economist, 178, 346, 358.

Edinburgh, Charlotte in, 452, 453, 454.

Edinburgh Guardian, 402.

Edinburgh Review, 361, 407, 418.

Edward Orland, 251.

Ellesmere, Earl of, 463.

Elliott, Mrs., 422.

Elliotson, Dr., 172.

Ellis, Mrs., 418.

'Emanuel Paul.' See Heger, M.

Emerson, 176, 189, 391.

Emma, 24, 399.

Epps, Dr., 173.

Esmond, 275, 276, 403.

Euston Square, 107.

Examiner, 357, 358, 375, 388, 414, 415, 441, 459.

Exeter Hall, 355.

Experience of Life, 275.

Eyre, Joan, 221.

Eyre, Robert (died 1459), 221.


Fanny Hervey, 177.

'Fanshawe, Ginevra.' See Miller, Maria.

Fawcets of Bradford, 41.

Fennell, Rev. John, 30, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 49, 56, 57, 67, 104, 217.

Fennell, Jane (Mrs. Morgan), 34, 37, 49, 50.

Fielding, Henry, 407.

Filey, 471.

First Performance, The, 445.

Fitzwilliam, Earl, 206.

Fleeming, W. Lowe, 95.

Flossie, jun., 159, 288, 289.

Flossy, the dog, 135, 151, 152, 153, 154, 179, 184, 202, 230, 288, 428, 452, 471, 478, 497.

Forbes, Dr., 172, 187, 192, 398, 425.

Forcade, Eugene, 344, 359.

Forster, John, 357, 416.

Fonblanque, Mr., 357, 406.

Fraser's Magazine, 16, 121, 329, 339, 405, 433, 435.

GARRS, NANCY, 17, 52.

Garrs, Sarah, 17.

Gaskell Mrs—the biography of Charlotte Bronte, 1-26; its hiatuses and blunders, 31, 34, 39, 49, 61, 97, 103, 104, 120, 294, 325; on Branwell, 18, 103, 104, 123; Charlotte on, 4, 277; visited by Charlotte, 7, 367, 369, 458, 461, 462, 463, 488; visits Charlotte, 6, 8; and Charlotte's wedding, 491; on Emily, 14, 145; and Patrick, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 27, 31, 67; and M. Heger, 14, 108; and Kingsley, 16; and Lewes, 432; and Rev. A. B. Nicholls, 2, 9, 12, 17, 18, 465; and Miss Nussey, 9, 15, 24, 204; and the Robinsons, 18-20, 129, 130; and Mary Taylor, 21, 257, 259; and Thackeray, 428; and Frank Williams, 322; and Rev. Carus Wilson, 18; Miss Wooler on, 278; Cranford, 1; Mary Barton, 4, 188; North and South, 498.

Gaskell, Miss Meta, 8, 14.

Gaskell, Rev. W, 8, 19, 130.

Gawthorpe Hall, 446, 447, 448.

George Lovel, 445.

Gibson, Mrs., 278.

Gleneden's Dream, 154-7.

Glenelg, Lord, 463.

Globe, 358.

Godwin, William, 195.

Goethe, 353, 397, 420, 431, 432.

Gomersall, 238, 239, 260.

Gondaland Chronicles, 146, 147, 150, 153, 154.

Gorham, Mary, 244.

Grant, Rev. Mr., 118, 119, 290, 291, 468, 478, 481, 484, 492.

Greenwood, J, 82, 362, 363.

Growler, dog, 154.

Grundy's Pictures of the Past, 121, 127, 128, 142, 293.

Guizot, 373, 374.


Halifax, 15, 145, 159, 206, 277, 287.

Hardy, Mr., 42.

Hare's Guesses at Truth, 397, 431.

Harris, Miss, 91.

Harris, Alexander, 168, 188, 195, 199, 440.

Harrison, Thomas, 324.

Hartshead, 30, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 56.

Hathersage, 152, 160, 183, 220, 222, 223, 297.

Hausse, Mdlle., 114, 442.

Haworth—church, 28, 54, 56, 58; curates, 280-92; library, 243; museum, 23; parsonage, 51, 59, 201, 396, 415, 433; 'Lodge of the Three Graces', 124; village in 1828, 58; villagers, 17, 18, 355; Mrs. Gaskell and, 3, 8, 10; see also Nicholls, Nussey, Taylor, Williams.

Haxby, 291.

Hazlitt, William, 371.

Heald, Canon, 443.

Heald, Mary, 167, 215, 444.

Heald, Harriet, 444.

Heap, Mrs., 284.

'Heathcliffe', 414.

Heaton, Robert, 58.

Hebden Bridge, 54, 58, 495.

Heckmondwike, v, 260.

Heger, Dr., 26.

Heger, M., 14, 108, 96-219.

Heger, Madame, 14, 99, 101, 102, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115.

Heger's Pensionnat, 96-119, 239, 243, 279.

Helps's Friends in Council, 354, 431.

Hero, the hawk, 147, 151.

Herschel, Sir John, 360, 374, 406.

Hervey, Fanny, 177, 346.

Hewitt, Mrs., 499.

Hexham, 90.

Hoby, Miss, 81.

Hodgson Rev. Mr., 280, 302.

Homoeopathy, 169, 171, 172, 194.

Horne, R. H., 400, 405, 434, 435.

Hornsea, 274.

Hotel Clusyenaar, 101.

Houghton. See Milnes, Monckton.

Howitt, Mary, 393.

Howitt, William, 359.

Hunsworth, 219, 220, 223, 224, 243.

Hunt, Leigh, 195, 338, 371, 406.

Hunt, Thornton, 449.

Hyde, Dr. Douglas, 29.

Hydropathy, 194, 401.

ILKLEY, 13, 277.

Illustrated London News, 441.

Imitation of Thomas a Kempis, 30, 31.

Ingham, Mrs., 84, 182.

'Ingram, Miss', 350.

Ireland, 28, 89, 90, 157, 183, 290, 465, 493.

'Ireland, An adventure in', 64-6.

'JANE EYRE,' authorship, 170, 349, 379, 404, 408; inception, 33, 74, 190, 221, 372; where written, 61; manuscript of, 333; publication, 332; preface, 161, 350, 353; dedication, 403, 408; reprint, 198; proposed illustration of, 342-3; in French, 373, 374; reception, 2, 141, 158, 178, 338-42, 344, 346, 350, 356, 362, 363, 376, 404, 405, 410, 433, 435, 446; dramatised, 162-4; Cowan Bridge controversy, 18; 'Brocklehurst', 18, 245, 339; 'Helen Burns', 56, 404; 'Miss Ingram', 350; 'Mrs. Read', 52; 'Rochester', 162, 405, 409, 410, 414; 'Mrs. Rochester', 339, 408; Charlotte on, 189, 335, 336; Branwell on, 143; Hugh Bronte on, 158; Kingsley on, 16; Mary Taylor on, 245, 252.

Jannoy, Hortense, 115.

Japp's De Quincey Memorials, 330.

Jar of Honey, 161.

Jenkins, Rev. Mr., 92, 93, 97, 98, 99, 111, 116.

Jerrold, Douglas, 374.

John Bull, 386.

'John, Dr.' See Smith, George.

Johnson, Dr., 395.

Jolly, Rev. J, 56.

Journal from Cornhill etc, 188, 320.

'Jupiter', 311-12.

KAVANAGH, JULIA, 7, 168, 170, 189, 199, 203, 338, 340, 363, 400, 411, 432.

Kavanagh, M.P., 168.

Keats, 371.

Keene, Laura, 163.

Keeper, the dog, 61, 91, 147, 149, 152, 153, 154, 179, 180, 202, 428.

Keighley, 58, 106, 281, 291, 429, 431.

Kenilworth, 200.

Keyworth, Rev. Thomas, 221.

Kingsley, Charles, 16, 18.

Kingston, Anne, 104.

Kingston, Elizabeth Jane, 103, 105.

Kirk-Smeaton, 483, 490.

Kirkstall Abbey, 39, 45.

Knowles, Sheridan, 445.


Lamb, Charles, 263.

Lamb, Mary, 263.

Lang's Lockhart, 350.

Lawry, Mrs., of Muswell Hill, 25.

Leader, 459, 460.

Leeds, 49, 107, 127, 206, 359.

Leeds Mercury, 31.

Lewes, George Henry, 338, 339, 345, 355, 356, 358, 361, 400, 406, 407, 410, 418, 432, 433, 435, 445, 450, 468.

Leyland's Bronte Family, 19, 23, 121, 122, 138, 143.

Liege, 240.

Lille, 97, 98.

Lind, Jenny, 400, 416.

Lockhart, J. G., 1, 348, 350.

London. See Bronte, Charlotte, in London.

London Bridge Wharf, 107.

Londonderry, Marchioness of, 427.

Louis Philippe, 373, 374.

'Lowood School', 190, 339.

Luddenden Foot, 127, 147, 150, 152.

Luddite Riots, 206.

Lynn, Eliza, 170, 172.

Lyttleton's Advice to a Lady, 51.

Lytton Bulwer, 170, 177, 359, 392, 414, 426.

'MACARTHEY, MR.' See Nicholls.

Macaulay's History, 187, 229.

Macdonald, Frederika, 109.

Macmillan's Magazine, 25.

Macready, the actor, 270, 416, 423.

Madeline, 168, 170, 189.

Maid of Killarney, 32, 33.

'Malone, Mr.' See Smith Rev. Peter A.

Manchester, 17, 241, 349, 369, 462, 463, 491.

Marsh, Mrs., 333, 404.

Martineau, Harriet, 4, 5, 6, 17, 25, 205, 251, 255, 278, 312, 313, 366, 368, 416, 442, 445, 454, 455, 456, 457, 459, 460, 469, 473.

Martineau, Rev. James, 128.

Mary Barton, 4, 188.

Marzials, Madame, 98.

Mayers, H. S., 203.

Meredith, George, 370.

Merrall, E, 491.

Merrall, H, 491.

Miles, Rev. Oddy, 58.

Mill, John Stuart, 469.

Miller, Maria (Mrs. Robertson), 101.

Mills, Mrs., 91.

Milnes, Monckton, 422, 425, 491.

Mirabeau, 384-85.

Mirfield, 81, 261.

Mirror, 142, 407, 410, 435.

Miry Shay, near Bradford, 38.

Miss Miles, 259.

Mrs. Leicester's School, 263.

Modern Painters, 195, 387.

Moore's Life, 402.

Moorland Cottage, 5.

More, Dr., 261.

Morgan, Lady, 270.

Morgan, Mrs., 277.

Morgan, Rev. William, 34, 38, 44, 49, 56, 57, 478, 491.

Morley, 58.

Morley, John, 370.

Morning Chronicle, 205, 375, 380.

Morning Herald, 167, 168, 177, 340.

Morning Post, 434.

Morrison, Alfred, 325.

Morton Village, 221.

Mossman, Miss, 243.

Muhl, Mdlle., 114.


National Gallery, 387, 423.

Near and Far Oxenhope, 58.

Nelson, Lord, 29, 73, 127, 358.

Newby, Thomas Cautley, 162, 171, 172, 244, 331, 336, 337, 354, 364, 365, 388, 415.

Newcastle Guardian, 407.

Newman, Cardinal, 363.

Newton & Robinson, 130.

Nicholls, Rev. A. B. Chapter XVII, 464-502; birth, 465; character, 501; Charlotte refers to, 426, 428, 466, 467, 469, 470, 475, 476, 480, 489, 499; Mrs. Gaskell's view of, 464; and Rev. Patrick Bronte, 28, 54, 55, 292, 474, 475, 476, 477, 481, 485, 487; wooing of Charlotte, 472, 473, 475, 476, 480; marriage with Charlotte, 490-1; marriage with Miss Bell, 501; his study at Haworth, 61; in Ireland, 183, 465, 467, 501; on Charlotte's letters, 494; and Mrs. Gaskell's biography, 2, 9, 10-12, 13, 17; and Charlotte Bronte and her Circle, v, 24, 97, 160, 332; and Cowan Bridge controversy, 18; his relics of the Brontes, 123-4, 138, 154, 181, 403.

Nicholls, Mrs. A. B. (secunda), 501.

Nicoll, Dr. Robertson, v.

Noel, Baptist, 218.

Norfolk, Duchess of, 427.

North American Review, 169.

North British Review, 313, 346.

Nussey, Ellen Chapter VIII, 204-233; her pedigree, 206; at school, 76, 234, 261, 264; at Haworth, 59, 60, 61, 158, 273, 274, 276, 299; in Sussex, 271, 272; visited by Charlotte, 239, 301; help to Mrs. Gaskell, 9-15, 24, 145; The Story of Charlotte Bronte's Life, 23, 25; recollections of Anne, 203; recollections of Emily, 178-180; recollections of Miss Wooler, 261; Charlotte's admiration for, 300; Mary Taylor on, 249, 250; letters from Anne, 182-4; letters from Charlotte, v, 76-86, 89-95, 98, 102, 105-7, 116, 119, 131-2, 134-8, 166, 173, 191, 196, 206-32, 237-8, 240-4, 254, 281-91, 295-7, 302-7, 310-2, 314-9, 321, 322, 360, 367, 401, 417, 419, 429, 430, 432, 443, 446, 448-50, 452, 457, 462, 465-9, 472-500; letter from Emily, 160; letter from Canon Heald, 443; letter from Martha Taylor, 240; letter from Mary Taylor, 256, 258.

Nussey, George, 85, 86, 89.

Nussey, Rev. Henry, 87, 119, 160, 221, 294-301.

Nussey, Mrs. Henry, 220, 222, 223.

Nussey, John, 206.

Nussey, Mrs., 208, 222, 275.

Nussey, Mercy, 89, 94, 141, 222, 226.

Nussey, Richard, 89.

Nussey, Sarah, 89.


Observer, 335, 431.

O'Callaghan Castle, 64-6.

O'Prunty, Patrick, 29.

Orion, 434, 435.

Orleans, Duchess of, 427.

Outhwaite, Miss, 181, 197.

Oxford Chronicle, 339.


'Pag.' See Taylor, Mary.

Palladium, 310, 364, 366, 367.

Paris, Charlotte and, 96, 153.

Pascal's Thoughts, 397.

Patchet, Miss, 145, 149.

Paxton, Sir Joseph, 54.

Payn, James, 370.

Pendennis, 172.

Penzance, 30, 33, 34, 51, 103, 105, 217.

Perry, Miss, 422.

Phillips, George Searle, 142.

Pickles, J, 491.

Poems by the sisters—in manuscript, 68-72; Aylott & Jones's edition, 325-331, 334, 348.

Poor Relations, 164.

Port Nicholson, N.Z., 239.

Portraits—of Anne, 181; of Branwell, 138; of Charlotte, 123, 294; of Emily, 123.

Postlethwaite, Mr., 124.

Prelude, Wordsworth's, 7.

Price, Rev. Mr., 302-3.

Procter, Mrs., 408, 422.

Professor, The—its inception, 99, 100, 101; where written, 61; the manuscript, 332; seeking a publisher, 331, 332, 372; its publication, 275, 335; Charlotte on, 336; Mrs. Gaskell's proposed recasting of, 465.

Prunty, 157.

Puseyite struggle, 368, 400.

'QUARTERLY REVIEW', 158, 176, 190, 195, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 393, 397, 408, 410, 412.


Rands of Bradford, 41.

Ranthorpe, 411, 432.

Rawson, Mr., 42.

Read, Mrs. See Branwell, Elizabeth.

Redhead, Rev. Mr., 17.

Redman, Joseph, 55, 479.

Reform Bill, 121.

Reid, Sir Wemyss, vi, 23, 24.

'Reuter, Mdlle. Zoraide.' See Heger, Madame.

Revue des deux Mondes, 344, 345, 361.

Richmond's portrait of Charlotte, 294.

Rigby, Miss. See Eastlake, Lady.

Ringrose, Miss, 135, 225, 227.

Ritchie, Mrs. Richmond, 420-23.

'Rivers, St John', 245.

Robertson, Mr. ('Helstone'), 430, 443.

Robinson, Rev. Edmund, 18, 129, 136, 146, 148.

Robinson, Mrs. Edmund, 18, 19, 128, 129, 130, 136, 137, 182.

Robinson, Edmund jun., 112, 129.

Robinson, Misses, 137, 154, 182, 288.

Robinson, William, of Leeds, 123.

Robinson's Emily Bronte, 121, 122.

'Rochester', 162, 405, 409, 410, 414.

'Rochester, Mrs.', 339, 408.

Roe Head, 14, 15, 62, 63, 75, 76, 113, 120, 145, 182, 204, 206, 209, 213, 260, 261, 269, 293.

Rogers, Samuel, 463.

Rouse Mill, 215.

Ruddock, Dr., 231, 232.

'Rue Fossette.' See Rue d'Isabelle.

Rue d'Isabelle, 99, 100, 107, 108, 111, 117.

Rural Minstrel, 32.

Ruskin, John, 195, 371, 387, 429.

Ruskin John James, 371.

Russell, Lord John, 400.

Rydings, 206, 212.

S. GUDULE, 117.

St. John's College, Cambridge, 28, 97.

Samplers worked by the Branwells, 34; by the Brontes, 56, 57, 181.

Saunders, Rev. Moses, 58.

Scarborough, 147, 148, 197, 198, 200, 203, 219, 221, 233, 271, 272.

Scotsman, 337.

Scott, Sir Walter, 1, 199, 208, 429.

Sewell, Elizabeth, 260.

Shaen, William, 130.

Sharpe's Magazine, 10, 452.

Sheffield Iris, 407.

Shirley, the curates of, 190, 280, 288, 291, 443, 468; other characters in, 234, 236, 238, 346; authorship of, 351, 431, 442; French in, 353; Charlotte on, 345, 351, 396, 456; Charles Kingsley on, 16; Harriet Martineau on, 4, 456; Rev. A. B. Nicholls on, 468; Mary Taylor on, 248, 251; general reception of, 178, 354, 355, 358, 360, 418, 443, 446.

Shuttleworth, Lady, 6, 446, 448, 450, 462, 463.

Shuttleworth, Sir James Kay, 3, 6, 15, 230, 255, 266, 419, 446, 447, 450, 454, 457, 458, 462, 463, 468, 473, 495, 496, 498.

Shuttleworth, Sir U. J. Kay, 446.

Sidgwicks of Stonegappe, 79-84, 112, 113, 149.

Skelton, John, 402.

Sketch, The, 111.

Skipton, 54, 58.

Smith Elder & Co, 5, 7, 9, 163, 176, 204, 271, 307, 311, 314, 331, 335, 336, 340, 370, 371, 372, 407, 408, 410.

Smith, George; and Anne, 415; and Emily, 388; and Jane Eyre, 198, 362, 363, 372; and Shirley, 178, 188, 189, 190, 351, 352, 356; and Villette, 366, 429; and Wuthering Heights, 365; sends books to Charlotte, 161, 188, 334, 384, 387, 398; meets Charlotte, 187, 419, 430-3, 441, 462; writes Charlotte, 449; and James Taylor, 315, 317, 321; and Thackeray, 403, 420-1, 427, 428; Charlotte's opinion of, 318, 364, 386, 417, 430, 445; and Charlotte's marriage, 491.

Smith, Mrs. (mother of George Smith), 417, 419, 429, 430, 450, 452, 453, 462.

Smith, Rev. Peter Augustus, 28, 118, 119, 288, 302, 465.

'Snowe, Lucy', 108, 367.

Sophia, Mdlle., 114.

Southey, 399.

Sowden, Rev. George, 54, 478, 493, 494, 495, 496, 498, 499.

Sowerby Bridge, 127.

Spectator, 178, 338, 344, 441.

Stanbury, 58, 59.

Standard of Freedom, 167, 358, 359.

Stephen, Sir James, 19.

Stephen, Leslie, 19.

Stephenson, Mr., 128.

Stonegappe, 79, 80, 82.

Stuart, Dr. J. A. Erskine, 28.

Sun, 177.

Sunday Times, 407, 435.

Sutherland, Duchess of, 424.

Swain, Mrs. John, 159.

Swarcliffe, 81-3.

'Sweeting, Rev. Mr.' See Bradley.

Swinburne, A. C., on Emily, 146.

'TABLET', 405.

Talfourd's Lamb, 263.

Tatham, Mr., 37.

Taylor, Ellen, 132, 136, 243, 244, 252, 254.

Taylor, George, 104, 491.

Taylor, Henry, 245, 254.

Taylor, James appearance, 309; history, 307, 323-24; illness, 177, 360; at Haworth, 308, 314; Charlotte on, 310-11, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 321, 322, 392, 430, 462; Charlotte's letters to, 309, 313, 319, 345, 354, 442, 456, 458; his opinion of Shirley, 355, 393; and Mrs. Gaskell's biography, 9; his marriage, 324; his death, 324.

Taylor, Mrs. James, 324.

Taylor, Jessie, 236.

Taylor, Joe, 243.

Taylor, John, 243.

Taylor, Joshua, 25.

Taylor, Louisa, 394, 395.

Taylor, Martha, 87, 96, 97, 98, 102, 235, 240, 433.

Taylor, Mr., father of Mary Taylor, 236, 238, 251.

Taylor, Mary Chapter IX, 234-259; at school, 9, 261; in Brussels, 91, 92, 96, 98, 239; in New Zealand, 85, 132, 220, 238, 241-59, 290; illness of, 78, 84; letters to Charlotte, 210, 244-52, 254-56, 419; description of Charlotte, 293; Charlotte and, 77, 90, 131, 196, 207, 212, 223, 232, 306; and Mrs. Gaskells biography, 9, 21-3, 259; Miss Nussey's description of, 234-37.

Taylor, Rose, 236.

Taylor & Hessey, 371.

Taylor Waring, 239, 240, 252, 253.

Taylor Yorke, 236.

Teale, Mr., 187, 194.

'Temple, Miss', 339.

Tenant of Wildfell Hall, writing of, 364; publication, 184; reception of, 387, 412; its value, 181.

Tennyson's Poems, 189.

Thackeray, William Chapter XV, 403-428; on Charlotte, 25, 403, 428; on Jane Eyre, 404, 406, 408; Jane Eyre dedicated to, 403, 408; compared to Charlotte, 348-49, 408; visited by Charlotte, 416, 418, 420-3, 441; sends Vanity Fair to Charlotte, 1, 403; his illness, 356; his illustrations, 342; his lectures, 403, 427; Charlotte on, 172, 177, 188, 199, 270, 275, 276, 319, 320, 333, 340, 343, 362, 374, 391, 404, 406, 411, 412, 419, 423; Lady Eastlake on, 348; Charles Kingsley on, 16; his friendship with W. S. Williams, 371.

Thackeray, Mrs., 408.

Thiers, 373, 374, 375.

Thomas, R, 491.

Thornton, 3, 51, 56, 123, 181.

Thorp Green, 112, 128, 146, 148, 150, 152, 182.

Three Paths, 168.

Tiger, 151, 152.

Tighe, Rev. Mr., 28.

Times, 18, 129, 130, 362, 441.

Tootill, John, 104.

Trollope, Mrs., 270, 407, 409.

Truelock, Miss, 422.

Turner, J. M. W., 270, 371, 387, 423.

UPPERWOOD HOUSE, RAWDON, 85-94, 96, 238.

'VANITY FAIR', 1, 172, 349, 403, 411, 412, 413.

'Verdopolis', 123.

Vernon, Solala, 149.

Victorian Magazine, 259.

Victoria, Queen, 426, 427.

Villette—its inception, 96, 99, 100, 101, 111, 116, 420; publication, 277; its reception, 279, 366, 367; George Smith and, 204, 429; in Brussels, 109; confession, incident in, 116.

Vincent, Mr., 304.

Voltaire's Henriade, 76.


Walker, Reuben, 206.

Walton, Miss Agnes, 282, 283, 285.

Watman, Rev. Mr., 37.

Watt's Improvement of the Mind, 182.

Weatherfield, Essex, 29, 30.

Weekly Chronicle, 358, 404.

Weightman, Rev. William, 86, 92, 102, 128, 179, 183, 284-7, 289, 306, 467.

Wellesley, Lord Charles, 62, 69.

Wellington, Duke of, 62, 63, 455.

Wellington, N. Z., 21, 245, 247, 249, 250, 258.

Wells's Joseph and his Brethren, 371.

Wesley, John, 30, 31.

Westerman, Mrs., 444.

Westminster, Marquis of, 463.

Westminster Review, 205, 433, 469.

Whately's English Social Life, 397.

Wheelwright, Dr., 100, 111, 294, 430, 469, 470, 491.

Wheelwright, Laetitia, 25, 26, 100, 101, 109, 293, 294, 440, 441, 449, 453, 460, 469, 482.

Wheelwright, Mrs., 470.

White, Sarah Louisa, 95.

Whites of Rawdon, 84-94, 96, 112, 147, 149, 152, 239.

Williams, Anna, 372.

Williams, E. Thornton, vi, 25.

Williams, Ellen, 394.

Williams, Fanny, 344, 372, 383, 384, 393, 394, 415.

Williams, Frank, 322, 402.

Williams, Louisa, 394, 395.

Williams, W. S. Chapter XIV, 370-402; discovery of Charlotte, 9; sends books to Charlotte, 429; and The Professor, 332; on Wuthering Heights, 161; Charlotte's letters to, vi, 3-7, 25, 138-141, 161-177, 185-191, 194-9, 200-3, 205, 232, 308, 321, 322, 333-67, 371-402, 404-17, 418, 420, 433-40, 444-8, 455; meets Charlotte, 318; Charlotte's description of, 430; and Charlotte's wedding, 491.

Williams, Mrs., 4, 7, 359, 362, 376, 383, 386, 390, 393, 396, 398, 415, 440, 447.

Willing, James, 164.

Wills, W. G., 164.

Wilson, Rev. Carus, 18, 75, 245, 339.

Windermere, 230, 266.

Wise, Thomas J., vi.

Wiseman, Cardinal, 461.

Wood, Mr. Butler, vi.

Wood House Grove, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 43, 47, 49.

Woodward, Mr., of Wellington N. Z., 249.

Wooler, Miss C., 264.

Wooler, Mr., 215.

Wooler, Mrs., 77.

Wooler, Margaret Chapter x, 260-79; her history, 260-1; her school, 75, 77, 78, 91, 92, 96, 145, 181, 214, 215, 234, 235, 284; Charlotte's letters to, 8, 132-4, 193, 199, 262-78, 367-9; Charlotte and, 87, 207, 212, 249, 262, 492; Miss Nussey on, 261-2; at the Nusseys', 477; and Mary Taylor, 234, 249, 258; and Charlotte's wedding, 487, 491; and Mrs. Gaskell, 12, 13, 14, 278.

Wordsworth, William, 7, 142, 312.

Wright's Brontes in Ireland, 157, 158.

Wuthering Heights—its inception, 157, 158, 159, 246, 414; authorship of, 122, 142, 143, 340, 342; publication of, 161, 331; reception of, 255, 350, 459; reprint of, 364, 365; its light on Emily, 144; Charlotte on, 162, 336, 337; sent to Mrs. Gaskell, 5.


Yates, W. W., vi.

York, 130, 200.

'Yorke, Rose.' See Taylor Mary.

'—- of Briarmains.' See Taylor, Mr., banker.

Young Men's Magazine, 66, 68.



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