Refusing to book his attractions in a city for a week where three nights were sufficient, he said:
My stars like week stands, but they don't like weak business.
To Haddon Chambers, in London:
I am hoping to get off on the Lusitania. It seems to be the best ship to sail on. I shall be glad to see you.
Writing to S. F. Nixon, a business colleague, regarding Miss Barrymore in "The Shadow":
You are quite right as to the play being terribly somber. I thought it a good idea to show what a representative American actress of serious parts she was; so that next season we will offer a contrast, and make the audiences laugh so much that they will be compelled to crowd the theater. She will play then as humorous a part ("Our Mrs. McChesney") as she did so earnestly a serious one.
To J. C. O'Laughlin, of the Chicago Herald:
We managers have certain ideas about plays. We produce a play and find our ideas and opinions often wrong. Our opinions are only sound, I think, as far as the question of a play being actable is concerned. My sympathetic feeling for all writers makes it very hard to venture an opinion detrimental to their work, especially as we find we are frequently wrong.
To one of his leading women, April, 1915:
I appreciate the expression of your affection. It almost makes me turn westward instead of eastward. However, we must do our jobs, and so I do mine. I am sailing Saturday (per Lusitania). Heaven only will know where I am in July. I cannot tell this year anything about anything.
To Booth Tarkington:
I don't suppose you have any idea of coming to New York. There are a lot of fine things here worth your while, including myself.
Concerning Hubert Henry Davies, the author of "Outcast," Miss Elsie Ferguson's very successful vehicle:
He is a delightful, charming, simple, splendid fellow. You will be delighted with him, and Miss Ferguson will be more than delighted with him, because he will be so delighted with her. It is a fine thing to have so nice a man as Davies arrive, and entirely misunderstanding the person he is to rehearse because the surprise will be all the greater. It pleases me, knowing what a fine emotional (one of the very best in the world) young actress our star is.
To Harry Powers, manager of Powers Theater, Chicago, where his play "The Beautiful Adventure," with Ann Murdock, was then running:
Regarding "The Beautiful Adventure," if I am doing wrong in making a clean situation out of one that is not clean, I am going to do wrong. The theater-going public in the cities may not always get a good play from me, but they trust me, and I shall try and retain that trust. We may not get the same amount of money, but if we can live through it we will get a lot more satisfaction for those we like and for ourselves.
Some of the last letters written by Frohman were filled with a curious tenderness and affection. In the light of what happened after he sailed they seem to be overcast with a strange foreboding of his doom. The most striking example of this is furnished in a letter he wrote to Henry Miller on April 29th, a few days before he went aboard the Lusitania. He had not written to Miller for a year, yet this is what he said:
Dear Henry: I am going to London Saturday A.M. I want to say good-by to you with this—and tell you how glad I am you've had a good season.
Affectionately, C. F.
Miller was immensely touched by this communication. He wired to his son Gilbert to find out what steamer Frohman was taking, and send him a wireless. This message was probably the last ever received by Frohman, for no other similar telegram was sent him in care of the Lusitania.
The last letter written by Frohman, before leaving the Hotel Knickerbocker on the morning the Lusitania sailed, was to his intimate friend and companion Paul Potter. Potter, who had telephoned that he expected to meet him at the steamer, was much depressed, which explains one of the sentences in Frohman's letter:
Saturday A.M., May 1, 1915.
Dear Paul: We had a fine time this winter. I hope all will go well with you. And I think luck is coming to you. I hope another "Trilby." It's fine of you to come to the steamer with all these dark, sad conditions.
C. F.
On his way to the Lusitania Frohman stopped for a moment at his office in the Empire Theater. There he dictated a note to Porter Emerson Browne, the playwright. It was his last dictation. The note merely said, "Good-by. Keep me posted." He referred to a new play that Browne was writing for him.
Appendix B
Altogether Charles Frohman produced more than five hundred plays—a greater number than any other manager of his time. The list of his productions, therefore, is really a large part of the record of the English-speaking stage during the last quarter of a century.
In the list which follows, the name of the star or stars appear immediately after the title of the piece. Except when otherwise indicated, the theater mentioned is in New York.
Here is the complete list of Frohman's productions in chronological order:
The Stranglers of Paris November 12 New Park
The Pulse of New York May 10 Star
Caprice (Minnie Maddern) November 6 Indianapolis
Victor Durand Road tour with Wallack's Theater Co.
Moths " " "
Lady Clare " " "
Diplomacy " " "
La Belle Russe" " "
The World " " "
The Golden Giant April 11 Fifth Avenue (McKee Rankin)
A Toy Pistol (Tony Hart) February 20 New York Comedy
A Wall Street Bandit September 20 Standard
A Daughter of Ireland October 18 Standard (Georgia Cayvan)
The Jilt (Dion Boucicault) October 29 Standard
Baron Rudolph October 24 Fourteenth Street
She November 29 Niblo's Garden
Held by the Enemy Road tour
Shenandoah September 9 Star
The Private Secretary August 26 Grand Opera House
All the Comforts of Home September 8 Proctor's 23d Street
Men and Women October 20 Lyceum
Mr. Wilkinson's Widows March 30 Proctor's 23d Street
Diplomacy June 12 Los Angeles, Cal.
Jane August 3 Madison Square
The Solicitor (Henry E. Dixey) September 8 Hermann's
Thermidor October 12 Proctor's 23d Street
The Man with a Hundred Heads November 2 Hermann's (Henry E. Dixey)
Miss Helyett (Mrs. Leslie Carter) November 3 Star
The Lost Paradise November 16 Proctor's 23d Street
The Junior Partner December 8 Hermann's
Glorianna February 15 Hermann's
Settled Out of Court August 8 Hermann's
The Masked Ball (John Drew) October 3 Palmer's
The Girl I Left Behind Me January 25 Empire
Ninety Days February 6 Broadway
Liberty Hall August 21 Empire
Fanny September 4 Standard
The Other Man September 4 Garden
Lady Windermere's Fan October Road tour
Charley's Aunt October 2 Standard
The Younger Son October 20 Empire
The Councillor's Wife November 6 Empire
Aristocracy November 14 Palmer's
Sowing the Wind January 2 Empire
Poor Girls January 22 American
The Butterflies (John Drew) February 5 Palmer's
Gudgeons and
The Luck of Roaring Camp May 14 Empire
The Bauble Shop (John Drew) September 11 Empire
The New Boy September 17 Standard
Too Much Johnson November 26 Standard
The Masqueraders (John Drew) December 3 Empire
The Fatal Card December 31 Palmer's
The Foundling February 25 Hoyt's
John A'Dreams March 18 Empire
The Importance of Being Earnest April 22 Empire
The Sporting Duchess August 29 Academy of Music
The City of Pleasure September 2 Empire
That Imprudent Young Couple September 22 Empire (John Drew)
The Gay Parisians September 23 Hoyt's
Christopher Jr. (John Drew) October 7 Empire
Denise (Olga Nethersole) December 2 Empire
Frou Frou (Olga Nethersole) December 5 Empire
Camille (Olga Nethersole) December 9 Empire
Carmen (Olga Nethersole) December 24 Empire
Michael and His Lost Angel January 15 Empire
The Squire of Dames (John Drew) January 20 Empire
A Woman's Reason January 27 Empire
A Social Highwayman February 3 Garrick (E. M. and Joseph Holland)
Marriage February 17 Empire
Bohemia March 9 Empire
Thoroughbred April 20 Garrick
Rosemary (John Drew) August 31 Empire
The Liars September 7 Hoyt's
Albert Chevalier September 7 Garrick
Sue (Annie Russell) September 15 Hoyt's
Secret Service October 5 Garrick
Honors Are Easy November 9 Montauk, Brooklyn
Two Little Vagrants November 23 Academy of Music
Under the Red Robe December 28 Empire
Heartsease (Henry Miller) January 11 Garden
Spiritissime February 22 Knickerbocker
Never Again March 8 Garrick
Courted Into Court August 30 Newark, N. J.
The Little Minister (Maude Adams) September 27 Empire
The Proper Caper October 4 Hoyt's
The First Born and A Night Session October 5 Manhattan
A Marriage of Convenience November 8 Empire (John Drew)
The White Heather November 22 Academy of Music
Salt of the Earth January 3 Wallack's
The Conquerors January 4 Empire
The Circus Girl January 17 Columbia, Brooklyn
Oh, Susannah February 7 Hoyt's
One Summer's Day (John Drew) February 14 Wallack's
The Master (Henry Miller) February 15 Garden
Little Miss Nobody September 5 Philadelphia
A Brace of Partridges September 7 Madison Square
The Countess Valeska September 26 Troy, N. Y. (Julia Marlowe)
On and Off October 17 Madison Square
Catherine (Annie Russell) October 24 Garrick
As You Like It (Julia Marlowe) November 7 Omaha, Nebraska
Phroso December 26 Empire
Ingomar (Julia Marlowe) December 26 Indianapolis
Because She Loved Him So January 16 Madison Square
Her Atonement February 13 Academy of Music
Lord and Lady Algy February 14 Empire
The Cuckoo April 3 Wallack's
Colinette (Julia Marlowe) April 10 Knickerbocker
Romeo and Juliet (Maude Adams) May 8 Empire
His Excellency the Governor May 22 Empire
Hamlet (Henry Miller) August 1 San Francisco
The Girl from Maxim's August 29 Criterion
Miss Hobbs (Annie Russell) September 7 Lyceum
The Tyranny of Tears (John Drew) September 11 Empire
The Only Way (Henry Miller) September 16 Herald Square
Barbara Fritchie (Julia Marlowe) October 23 Criterion
Sherlock Holmes November 6 Garrick (William Gillette)
Make Way for the Ladies November 13 Madison Square
My Lady's Lord December 25 Empire
Brother Officers January 15 Empire
The Surprises of Love January 22 Lyceum
Coralie & Co., Dressmakers February 5 Madison Square
Hearts Are Trumps February 21 Garden
My Daughter-in-Law February 26 Lyceum
A Man and His Wife and
The Bugle Call April 2 Empire
The Tree of Knowledge July 2 San Francisco (Henry Miller)
A Royal Family (Annie Russell) September 5 Lyceum
The Rose of Persia September 6 Daly's
The Husband of Leontine September 8 Madison Square
Richard Carvel (John Drew) September 11 Empire
David Harum (W. H. Crane) October 1 Garrick
Self and Lady October 8 Madison Square
L'Aiglon (Maude Adams) October 22 Knickerbocker
Mrs. Dane's Defense January 7 Empire
The Girl from Up There January 8 Herald Square (Edna May)
My Lady Dainty January 8 Madison Square (Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon)
Captain Jinks (Ethel Barrymore) February 4 Garrick
Under Two Flags February 5 Garden
The Lash of a Whip February 25 Lyceum
To Have and To Hold March 4 Knickerbocker
Manon Lescaut March 19 Wallack's (Kelcey and Shannon)
Are You a Mason? April 1 Wallack's
A Royal Rival August 26 Criterion (William Faversham)
The Second in Command September 2 Empire (John Drew)
A Message from Mars October 7 Garrick (Charles Hawtrey)
Eben Holden October 28 Savoy
Quality Street (Maude Adams) November 11 Knickerbocker
Alice of Old Vincennes December 2 Garden (Virginia Harned)
The Girl and the Judge December 4 Lyceum (Annie Russell)
The Wilderness December 23 Empire
Sweet and Twenty December 30 Madison Square
Colorado January 12 Grand Opera House
The Twin Sister March 3 Empire
Sky Farm March 17 Garrick
The New Clown August 25 Garrick
The Mummy and the Humming-Bird September 4 Empire (John Drew)
There's Many a Slip September 15 Garrick
Aunt Jeanne September 16 Garden (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)
Iris (Virginia Harned) September 22 Criterion
Two Schools September 29 Madison Square
The Second Mrs. Tanqueray October 6 Garden (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)
A Country Mouse and Carrots October 6 Savoy (Ethel Barrymore)
Everyman October 12 Mendelssohn Hall (Edith Wynne Mathison and Charles Rann Kennedy)
The Joy of Living October 23 Garden (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)
Imprudence (William Faversham) November 7 Lyceum
The Girl with the Green Eyes December 25 Savoy (Clara Bloodgood)
A Bird in the Cage January 12 Bijou
The Unforeseen January 12 Empire
Mice and Men (Annie Russell) January 19 Garrick
Three Little Maids (G. P. Huntley) August 31 Daly's
Ulysses September 14 Garden
Drink (Charles Warner) September 14 Academy of Music
The Man from Blankley's September 14 Criterion (Charles Hawtrey)
Captain Dieppe (John Drew) September 14 Herald Square
Lady Rose's Daughter September 24 Garrick (Fay Davis)
The Spenders (W. H. Crane) October 5 Savoy
The Best of Friends October 19 Academy of Music
Cousin Kate (Ethel Barrymore) October 19 Hudson
Charlotte Wiehe (French Players) October 21 Vaudeville
The Girl from Kay's November 2 Herald Square (Sam Bernard)
The Pretty Sister of Jose November 9 Empire (Maude Adams)
The Admirable Crichton November 16 Lyceum (William Gillette)
Elizabeth's Prisoner November 23 Criterion (William Faversham)
Whitewashing Julia December 2 Garrick (Fay Davis)
The Other Girl December 23 Criterion
Glad of It (Millie James) December 28 Savoy
My Lady Molly (Andrew Mack) January 4 Daly's
The Light that Lies in Woman's Eyes (Virginia Harned) January 25 Criterion
The Younger Mrs. Parling January 25 Garrick (Annie Russell)
Man Proposes (Henry Miller) March 14 Hudson
The Dictator (William Collier) April 4 Criterion
Saucy Sally (Charles Hawtrey) April 4 Lyceum
Camille April 18 Hudson (Margaret Anglin and Henry Miller)
When Knighthood Was in Flower May 2 Empire (Julia Marlowe)
Yvette (Hattie Williams) May 12 Knickerbocker
Ben Greet Players October 5
The School Girl (Edna May) September 1 Daly's
The Duke of Killiecrankie September 5 Empire (John Drew)
Letty (William Faversham) September 12 Hudson
Business is Business September 19 Hudson (W. H. Crane)
The Coronet of the Duchess September 21 Garrick (Clara Bloodgood)
The Sorceress October 10 New Amsterdam (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)
Joseph Entangled (Henry Miller) October 10 Garrick
Shakespearian Repertory October 17 Knickerbocker (Julia Marlowe and E. H. Sothern)
Granny (Mrs. G. H. Gilbert) October 24 Lyceum
David Garrick November 14 Lyceum (Charles Wyndham)
The Rich Mrs. Repton November 14 Criterion (Fay Davis)
Sunday (Ethel Barrymore) November 14 Hudson
Brother Jacques (Annie Russell) December 5 Garrick
Mrs. Goringe's Necklace December 12 Lyceum (Charles Wyndham)
A Wife Without a Smile December 19 Criterion (Margaret Illington)
Cousin Billy (Francis Wilson) January 2 Criterion
The Case of Rebellious Susan January 9 Lyceum (Charles Wyndham)
Mrs. Leffingwell's Boots January 11 Savoy
Friquet (Marie Doro) January 30 Savoy
'Op o' My Thumb February 6 Empire (Maude Adams)
Jinny the Carrier (Annie Russell) April 10 Criterion
The Freedom of Suzanne April 17 Empire (Marie Tempest)
The Rollicking Girl May 1 Herald Square (Sam Bernard)
A Doll's House May 2 Lyceum (Ethel Barrymore)
The Catch of the Season August 28 Daly's (Edna May)
De Lancey (John Drew) September 4 Empire
The Beauty and the Barge September 6 Lyceum (Nat C. Goodwin)
Just Out of College September 27 Lyceum (Joseph Wheelock)
Shakespearian Repertory October 16 Knickerbocker (Julia Marlowe and E. H. Sothern)
Wolfville (Nat C. Goodwin) October 20 Philadelphia
Peter Pan (Maude Adams) November 6 Empire
On the Quiet (William Collier) November 27 Criterion
La Belle Marseillaise November 27 Knickerbocker (Virginia Harned)
Alice Sit By the Fire and Pantaloon December 25 Criterion (Ethel Barrymore)
Mispah January 22 Baltimore
The Duel (Otis Skinner) February 12 Criterion
The Mountain Climber March 5 Criterion (Francis Wilson)
The American Lord (W. H. Crane) April 16 Hudson
The Little Father of the Wilderness April 16 Criterion (Francis Wilson)
The Little Cherub August 6 Criterion (Hattie Williams)
The Price of Money August 29 Garrick (W. H. Crane)
The Hypocrites August 30 Hudson (Doris Keane and Richard Bennett)
The Judge and Jury September 1 Wallack's
His House in Order (John Drew) September 3 Empire
Clarice (William Gillette) October 15 Garrick
The House of Mirth (Fay Davis) October 22 Savoy (William Collier)
The Rich Mr. Hoggenheimer October 22 Wallack's (Sam Bernard)
Caught in the Rain December 31 Garrick
The Truth (Clara Bloodgood) January 7 Criterion
Captain Brassbound's Conversion January 28 Empire (Ellen Terry)
Good Hope and Nance Oldfield February 11 Empire (Ellen Terry)
The Silver Box (Ethel Barrymore) March 18 Empire
When Knights Were Bold August 20 Garrick (Francis Wilson)
The Dairymaids August 26 Criterion (Julia Sanderson and G. P. Huntley)
My Wife (John Drew) August 31 Empire
The Thief September 9 Lyceum (Margaret Illington and Kyrle Bellew)
The Morals of Marcus November 18 Criterion (Marie Doro)
The Toymaker of Nuremberg November 25 Garrick
Her Sister (Ethel Barrymore) December 25 Hudson
Miss Hook of Holland December 31 Criterion (Thomas Wise)
The Jesters (Maude Adams) January 13 Empire
Twenty Days in the Shade January 20 Savoy (Pauline Frederick and Richard Bennett)
The Honor of the Family February 17 Hudson (Otis Skinner)
The Irish Players February 17 Savoy
Father and the Boys (W. H. Crane) March 2 Empire
Toddles (John Barrymore) March 16 Garrick
Love Watches (Billie Burke) August 27 Lyceum
The Mollusc September 2 Garrick (Alexandra Carlisle and Joseph Coyne)
The Girls of Gottenberg September 2 Knickerbocker (Gertie Millar)
Diana of Bobson's September 5 Savoy (Carlotta Nilsson)
Fluffy Ruffles (Hattie Williams) September 7 Criterion
Jack Straw (John Drew) September 14 Empire
Miss Hook of Holland October 2 Albany (Frank Daniels)
Samson (William Gillette) October 19 Criterion
Lady Frederick (Ethel Barrymore) November 9 Hudson
The Patriot (William Collier) November 23 Garrick
The Sicilian Players November 23 Broadway
What Every Woman Knows December 23 Empire (Maude Adams)
Kitty Grey (G. P. Huntley) January 25 New Amsterdam
The Richest Girl (Marie Doro) March 1 Criterion
An Englishman's Home March 23 Criterion
The Happy Marriage April 12 Garrick (Doris Keane and Edwin Arden)
The Mollusc June 7 Empire (Sir Charles Wyndham and Mary Moore)
Isadora Duncan in Classical Dances August 18 Criterion
Detective Sparkes August 23 Garrick (Hattie Williams)
Arsene Lupin (William Courtnay) August 26 Lyceum
The Flag Lieutenant August 30 Criterion (Bruce McRae)
The Dollar Princess September 6 Knickerbocker (Donald Brian)
Inconstant George (John Drew) September 20 Empire
Samson (James K. Hackett) October 1 Atlantic City
The Harvest Moon (George Nash) October 15 Garrick
Israel (Constance Collier) October 25 Criterion
A Builder of Bridges October 26 Hudson (Kyrle Bellew)
Penelope (Marie Tempest) December 13 Lyceum
The Bachelor's Baby December 27 Criterion (Francis Wilson)
Fires of Fate December 28 Liberty
Your Humble Servant January 3 Garrick (Otis Skinner)
The Arcadians (Julia Sanderson) January 17 Liberty
A Lucky Star (William Collier) January 18 Hudson
Mrs. Dot (Billie Burke) January 24 Lyceum
Mid-Channel (Ethel Barrymore) January 31 Empire
Caste April 25 Empire (Marie Tempest, Elsie Ferguson, G. P. Huntley, Edwin Arden)
Love Among the Lions August 8 Garrick (A. E. Matthews)
The Brass Bottle August 11 Lyceum
Our Miss Gibbs (Pauline Chase) August 29 Knickerbocker
Smith (John Drew) September 5 Empire
Decorating Clementine September 19 Lyceum (Hattie Williams and G. P. Huntley)
A Thief in the Night September 30 Atlantic City (Marie Tempest)
The Scandal (Kyrle Bellew) October 17 Garrick
Electricity (Marie Doro) October 31 Lyceum
Raffles (Kyrle Bellew) November 1 Garrick
The Speckled Band November 21 Garrick (Edwin Stevens)
The Foolish Virgin December 19 Knickerbocker (Mrs. Patrick Campbell)
Suzanne (Billie Burke) December 26 Lyceum
United States Minister Bedloe December 28 Trenton, N. J. (W. H. Crane)
The Philosopher in the Apple Orchard (Billie Burke) January 20 Lyceum
Chantecler (Maude Adams) January 23 Knickerbocker
Sire (Otis Skinner) January 24 Criterion
The Twelve-Pound Look February 13 Empire (Ethel Barrymore)
The Zebra February 13 Garrick
William Gillette in Repertory March 13 Empire
The Siren (Donald Brian) August 28 Knickerbocker
A Single Man (John Drew) September 4 Empire
The Mollusc (Kyrle Bellew) September 11 Buffalo
Passers-By (Richard Bennett) September 14 Criterion
The Other Mary September 21 Utica (Madame Nazimova)
The Runaway (Billie Burke) October 9 Lyceum
The Butterfly on the Wheel October 26 Atlantic City (Marie Doro)
The Marionettes December 3 Lyceum (Madame Nazimova)
The Witness for the Defense December 4 Empire (Ethel Barrymore)
Kismet—with Klaw & Erlanger December 25 Knickerbocker (Otis Skinner)
A Slice of Life January 29 Empire (Ethel Barrymore, Hattie Williams, and John Barrymore)
Lady Patricia (Mrs. Fiske) February 26 Empire
Preserving Mr. Panmure February 27 Lyceum (Gertrude Elliott)
Oliver Twist March 25 Empire (Nat C. Goodwin, Marie Doro, Constance Collier, and Lyn Harding)
The Girl from Montmartre August 5 Criterion (Hattie Williams and Richard Carle)
The Model (William Courtleigh) August 31 Harris
The Perplexed Husband September 2 Empire (John Drew)
Mind the Paint Girl (Billie Burke) September 9 Lyceum
Passers-by (Charles Cherry) September 19 Utica
The Attack (John Mason) September 23 Garrick
Bella Donna (Madame Nazimova) November 11 Empire
The Conspiracy (John Emerson) December 23 Garrick
The Spy (Edith Wynne Mathison) January 13 Empire
The New Secretary January 27 Lyceum (Marie Doro and Charles Cherry)
The Sunshine Girl February 3 Knickerbocker (Julia Sanderson)
Liberty Hall (John Mason) March 11 Empire
The Witness for the Defense March 27 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Blanche Bates)
The Amazons (Billie Burke) April 28 Empire
The Doll Girl August 23 Globe (Hattie Williams and Richard Carle)
Much Ado About Nothing September 1 Empire (John Drew)
Who's Who? (William Collier) September 15 Criterion
The Marriage Market September 22 Knickerbocker (Donald Brian)
The Will (John Drew) September 29 Empire
The Tyranny of Tears (John Drew) September 29 Empire
The Younger Generation September 29 Lyceum
Half an Hour (Grace George) September 29 Lyceum
The Dramatists Get What They Want October 12 Globe (Williams and Carle)
Indian Summer (John Mason) October 27 Criterion
Tante (Ethel Barrymore) October 28 Empire
The Land of Promise (Billie Burke) December 25 Lyceum
A Little Water on the Side January 5 Hudson (William Collier)
The Legend of Leonora January 5 Empire (Maude Adams)
Half an Hour (Blanche Bates) January 25 Vaudeville
The Laughing Husband February 2 Knickerbocker (Curtice Pounds)
Jerry (Billie Burke) March 30 Lyceum
A Scrap of Paper May 11 Empire (Ethel Barrymore and John Drew)
The Girl from Utah August 24 Knickerbocker (Julia Sanderson, Donald Brian, and Joseph Cawthorn)
A Slice of Life September 6 Vaudeville (Richard Carle and Hattie Williams)
The Prodigal Husband (John Drew) September 7 Empire
The Beautiful Adventure September 7 Lyceum (Charles Cherry, Ann Murdock, and Mrs. Thomas Whiffen)
The Heart of a Thief October 5 Hudson (Martha Hedman)
Rosalind (Maude Adams) October 12 Syracuse
Diplomacy October 19 Empire (William Gillette, Blanche Bates, and Marie Doro)
The Ladies' Shakespeare October 26 Hamilton, Ont. (Maude Adams)
The Song of Songs October 29 Atlantic City
Outcast—with Klaw & Erlanger November 2 Lyceum (Elsie Ferguson)
Driven (Alexandra Carlisle) December 14 Empire
The Silent Voice (Otis Skinner) December 29 Liberty
Rosemary (John Drew) January 11 Empire
The Shadow (Ethel Barrymore) January 25 Empire
A Girl of To-day (Ann Murdock) February 8 Washington
A Celebrated Case —with David Belasco April 7 Empire (Nat C. Goodwin, Ann Murdock, Otis Skinner, Helen Ware, Florence Reed, and Robert Warwick)
The Hyphen April 19 Knickerbocker (W. H. Thompson and Gail Kane)
The following productions were arranged by Charles Frohman before he sailed on the
Lusitania and were staged, just as he planned them, after his death:
The Duke of Killiecrankie and Rosalind (Marie Tempest) September 6 Lyceum
Grumpy (Cyril Maude) September 13 Empire
Sherlock Holmes (William Gillette) October 11 Empire
Our Mrs. McChesney October 19 Lyceum (Ethel Barrymore)
Secret Service (William Gillette) November 8 Empire
The Chief (John Drew) November 22 Empire
Peter Pan (Maude Adams) December 22 Empire
Cock o' the Walk (Otis Skinner) December 27 Cohan
Sibyl January 10 Liberty (Julia Sanderson, Donald Brian, and Joseph Cawthorn)
The Little Minister January 11 Empire (Maude Adams)
Margaret Schiller —with Klaw & Erlanger —(Elsie Ferguson) January 31 New Amsterdam
The Heart of Wetona —with David Belasco February 29 Lyceum
The following is the complete list of productions made by Charles Frohman in England, either alone or in collaboration with other managers, such as the Gattis, George Edwardes, Seymour Hicks, Sir Charles Wyndham, David Belasco, and Arthur Bourchier:
The Lost Paradise December 22 Adelphi
A Night Out April 29 Vaudeville
My Friend the Prince February 13 Garrick
Secret Service (William Gillette) May 15 Adelphi
Never Again October 11 Vaudeville
The Heart of Maryland April 8 Adelphi (Mrs. Leslie Carter)
Too Much Johnson April 19 Garrick
Sue June 10 Garrick
Adventures of Lady Ursula October 11 Duke of York's
On and Off December 1 Vaudeville
My Daughter-in-Law September 27 Criterion
The Christian October 16 Duke of York's
Miss Hobbs December 18 Duke of York's
The Masked Ball January 6 Criterion
Zaza (Mrs. Leslie Carter) April 16 Garrick
Madame Butterfly April 28 Duke of York's
Kitty Grey September 7 Apollo
Self and Lady September 19 Vaudeville
The Lackey's Carnival September 28 Duke of York's
The Swashbuckler November 17 Duke of York's
Alice in Wonderland December 19 Vaudeville
The Girl from Up There (Edna May) April 23 Duke of York's
Sweet and Twenty April 24 Vaudeville
Sherlock Holmes September 9 Lyceum
Are You a Mason? September 12 Shaftesbury
Bluebell in Fairyland December 8 Vaudeville
The Twin Sister January 1 Duke of York's
The Girl from Maxim's March 20 Criterion
All on Account of Eliza April 3 Shaftesbury
Three Little Maids (Edna May) May 10 Apollo
The Marriage of Kitty August 19 Duke of York's
Quality Street September 17 Vaudeville
The School Girl (Edna May) May 9 Duke of York's
Billy's Little Love Affair September 2 Criterion
Little Mary September 24 Wyndham's
Letty October 8 Duke of York's
The Cherry Girl December 21 Vaudeville
Madame Sherry December 23 Apollo
Love in a Cottage January 27 Terry's
Captain Dieppe February 15 Duke of York's
The Duke of Killiecrankie January 20 Criterion
The Rich Mrs. Repton April 20 Duke of York's
Cynthia May 16 Wyndham's
Merely Mary Ann September 8 Duke of York's
The Catch of the Season September 9 Vaudeville
The Wife Without a Smile October 12 Wyndham's
The Freedom of Suzanne November 15 Criterion
Peter Pan December 27 Duke of York's
The Lady of Leeds February 9 Wyndham's
Alice Sit By The Fire April 5 Duke of York's
Leah Kleschna May 2 New
The Dictator (William Collier) May 3 Comedy
Clarice September 13 Duke of York's
On the Quiet (William Collier) September 27 Comedy
The Mountain Climber November 21 Comedy
The Alabaster Staircase February 21 Comedy
All of a Sudden Peggy February 27 Duke of York's
The Beauty of Bath March 19 Aldwych
Punch and Josephine April 5 Comedy
The Belle of Mayfair (Edna May) April 11 Vaudeville
Fascinating Mr. Vandervelt April 26 Garrick
Raffles May 12 Comedy
The Lion and the Mouse May 22 Duke of York's
Toddles December 3 Duke of York's
Nelly Neil (Edna May) January 10 Aldwych
My Darling March 2 Hicks'
The Great Conspiracy March 4 Duke of York's
The Truth April 6 Comedy
Brewster's Millions May 1 Hicks'
The Hypocrites August 27 Hicks'
The Barrier October 10 Comedy
Miquette October 26 Duke of York's
Angela December 4 Comedy
Lady Barbarity February 27 Comedy
The Admirable Crichton March 2 Duke of York's
A Waltz Dream March 7 Hicks'
Mrs. Dot April 27 Comedy
What Every Woman Knows September 3 Duke of York's
Paid in Full September 26 Aldwych
Sir Anthony November 28 Wyndham's
Penelope January 9 Comedy
Samson February 3 Garrick
The Dashing Little Duke February 17 Hicks'
Strife March 29 Duke of York's
Bevis April 1 Haymarket
Love Watches May 11 Haymarket
Arsene Lupin August 30 Duke of York's
Madame X September 1 Globe
The Great Divide September 15 Adelphi
Smith September 30 Comedy
A Servant in the House October 25 Adelphi
Great Mrs. Alloway November 1 Globe
Justice February 21 Duke of York's
Misalliance February 23 Duke of York's
The Tenth Man February 24 Globe
Old Friends March 1 Duke of York's
The Sentimentalists March 1 Duke of York's
Madras House March 9 Duke of York's
Trelawney of the Wells April 5 Duke of York's
The Twelve-Pound Look May 3 Duke of York's
Helena's Path May 3 Duke of York's
Parasites May 5 Garrick
Chains May 17 Duke of York's
Alias Jimmy Valentine June 7 Comedy
A Slice of Life June 7 Duke of York's
A Bolt from the Blue September 6 Duke of York's
A Woman's Way September 14 Comedy
Grace October 15 Duke of York's
Decorating Clementine November 28 Globe
Preserving Mr. Panmure January 19 Comedy
Loaves and Fishes February 24 Duke of York's
The Concert August 28 Duke of York's
Dad November 4 Playhouse
Mind the Paint Girl February 17 Duke of York's
The Amazons June 14 Duke of York's
Rosalind October 14 Duke of York's
Widow of Wasdale Head October 14 Duke of York's
Overruled October 14 Duke of York's
The Adored One September 4 Duke of York's
The Will September 4 Duke of York's
Years of Discretion September 8 Globe
The Land of Promise February 28 Duke of York's
The Little Minister September 3 Duke of York's
Rosy Rapture March 22 Duke of York's
The New Word March 22 Duke of York's
Charles Frohman's productions in Paris were these:
Secret Service May 25, 1900 Theatre Renaissance
Peter Pan June 1, 1909 Vaudeville
Peter Pan June 2, 1910 Vaudeville