Ballad: A New Droll
From the Loyal Garland, 1686. Edited by J. O. Halliwell.
Come let's drink, the time invites, Winter and cold weather; For to spend away long nights, And to keep good wits together. Better far than cards or dice, Isaac's balls are quaint device, Made up with fan and feather.
Of strange actions on the seas Why should we be jealous? Bring us liquor that will please, And will make us braver fellows Than the bold Venetian fleet, When the Turks and they do meet Within their Dardanellos.
Valentian, that famous town, Stood the French man's wonder; Water they employ'd to drown, So to cut their troops assunder; Turein gave a helpless look, While the lofty Spaniard took La Ferta and his plunder.
As for water, we disclaim Mankind's adversary; Once it caused the world's whole frame In the deluge to miscarry; And that enemy of joy Which sought our freedom to destroy And murder good Canary.
We that drink have no such thoughts, Black and void of reason: We take care to fill our vaults With good wine of every season; And with many a chirping cup We blow one another up, And that's our only treason.
Hear the squibs and mind the bells, The fifth of November; The parson a sad story tells, And with horror doth remember How some hot-brain'd traitor wrought Plots that would have ruin brought To King and every member.
Ballad: The Royalist
A song made in the Rebellion.
From the Loyal Garland, 1686. Reprinted for the Percy Society, and edited by J. O. Halliwell.
Stay, shut the gate! T'other quart, boys, 'tis not so late As you are thinking; The stars which you see in the hemisphere be Are but studs in your cheeks by good drinking; The sun's gone to tipple all night in the sea, boys, To-morrow he'll blush that he's paler than we, boys; Drink wine, give him water, 'Tis sack makes us the boys.
Fill up the glass, To the next merry lad let it pass; Come, away wi't; Let's set foot to foot and but give our minds to't, 'Tis heretical sir, that doth slay wit; Then hang up good faces, let's drink till our noses Give's freedom to speak what our fancy disposes, Beneath whose protection now under the rose is.
Drink off your bowl, 'Twill enrich both your head and your soul with Canary; For a carbuncled face saves a tedious race, And the Indies about us we carry; No Helicon like to the juice of good wine is, For Phoebus had never had wit that divine is, Had his face not been bow-dy'd as thine is and mine is.
This must go round, Off with your hats till the pavement be crown'd with your beavers; A red-coated face frights a sergeant and his mace, Whilst the constables tremble to shivers. In state march our faces like some of that quorum, While the. . . . do fall down and the vulgar adore 'um, And our noses like link-boys run shining before 'um.
Ballad: The Royalist's Resolve
From the Loyal Garland, 1686. Reprinted for the Percy Society.
Come, drawer, some wine, Or we'll pull down the sign, For we are all jovial compounders; We'll make the house ring With healths to our King, And confusion light on his confounders.
Since former committee Afforded no pity, Our sorrows in wine we will steep 'um; They force us to take Two oaths, but we'll make A third, that we ne'er mean to keep 'um.
And next, whoe'er sees, We'll drink on our knees To the King; may he thirst that repines: A fig for those traytors That look to our waters, They have nothing to do with our wines.
And next here's three bowls To all gallant souls That for the King did and will venture; May they flourish when those That are his and our foes Are hang'd, and ram'd down to the center.
And may they be found In all to abound, Both with Heaven and the country's anger; May they never want fractions, Doubts, fears, and distractions, Till the gallows-tree frees them from danger.
Ballad: Loyalty Turned Up Trump, Or The Danger Over
From the Loyal Garland, reprinted from a Black-Letter copy, printed 1686. Reprinted for the Percy society, 1850.
In vain ill men attempt us, Their day is out of date; The fates do now exempt us From what we felt of late. The nation is grown wiser Than to believe their shame; He that was the deviser Themselves begin to blame.
They thought the trumps would ever Turn on rebellion's side, But kinder power deliver Us from their foolish pride; For see, they are deceived, And can no more prevail; Those who the Rump believed, Ashamed are of the tale.
Ballad: The Loyalist's Encouragement
From the Loyal Garland. To the tune of "Now, now the fight's done."
You Royalists all, now rejoice and be glad, The day is our own, there's no cause to be sad, The tumult of faction is crush'd in its pride, And the grand promoters their noddles all hide, For fear of a swing, which does make it appear Though treason they loved yet for hemp they don't care.
Then let us be bold still, and baffle their plots, That they in the end may prove impotent sots; And find both their wit and their malice defeated, Nay, find how themselves and their pupils they cheated, By heaping and thrusting to unhinge a State, Of which Heaven's guardian fixt is by fate.
Though once they the rabble bewitch'd with their cant, Whilst cobler and weaver set up for a saint; Yet now the stale cheat they can fasten no more, The juggle's discover'd and they must give o'er; Yet give them their due that such mischief did work, Who revile Christian princes and pray for the Turk.
Oh! give them their due, and let none of 'em want A cup of Geneva or Turkish turbant, That, clad in their colours, they may not deceive The vulgar, too prone and too apt to believe The fears they suggest on a groundless pretence, On purpose to make 'em repine or their prince.
Ballad: The Trouper
From the Loyal Garland. A pleasant song revived.
Come, come, let us drink, 'Tis vain to think Like fools of grief or sadness; Let our money fly And our sorrows dye, All worldly care is madness; But wine and good cheer Will, in spite of our fear, Inspire us all with gladness.
Let the greedy clowns, That do live like hounds, They know neither bound nor measure, Lament every loss, For their wealth is their cross, Whose delight is in their treasure; Whilst we with our own Do go merrily on, And spend it at our leisure.
Then trout about the bowl To every loyal soul, And to his hand commend it. A fig for chink, 'Twas made to buy drink, Before we depart we'll end it. When we've spent our store, The nation yields no more, And merrily we will spend it.
Ballad: On The Times, Or The Good Subject's Wish
From the Loyal Garland. To the tune of "Young Phaon."
Good days we see, let us rejoice, In peace and loyalty, And still despise the factious noise Of those that vainly try To undermine our happiness, That they may by it get; Knavery has great increase When honesty does set.
But let us baffle all their tricks, Our King and country serve; And may he never thrive that likes Sedition in reserve: Then let each in his station rest, As all good subjects should; And he that otherwise designs, May he remain unblest.
May traytors ever be deceived In all they undertake, And never by good men believed; May all the plots they make Fall heavy on themselves, and may They see themselves undone, And never have a happy day, That would the King dethrone.
Ballad: The Jovialists' Coronation
From the Loyal Garland.
Since it must be so, why then so let it go, Let the giddy-brain'd times turn round; Now we have our King, let the goblets be crowned, And our monarchy thus we recover; Whilst the pottles are weeping We'll drench our sad souls In big-belly'd bowls, And our sorrows in wine shall lie steeping. And we'll drink till our eyes do run over, And prove it by reason, It can be no treason To drink or to sing A mournifal of healths to our new-crowned King.
Let us all stand bare in the presence we are, Let our noses like bonfires shine; Instead of the conduits, let pottles run wine, To perfect this true coronation; And we that are loyal, in drink shall be peers; For that face that wears claret Can traytors defie all, And out-stares the bores of our nation; In sign of obedience Our oaths of allegiance Beer glasses shall be, And he that tipples tends to jollitry.
But if in this reign a halberdly train, Or a constable, chance to revel, And would with his twyvels maliciously swell, And against the King's party raise arms: Then the drawers, like yeomen o' the guard, With quart-pots Shall fuddle the sots, Till they make 'um both cuckolds and freemen, And on their wives beat up alarms, Thus as the health passes, We'll triple our glasses, And count it no sin To drink and be loyal in defence of our King.
Ballad: The Loyal Prisoner
From the Loyal Garland.
How happy's that pris'ner that conquers his fate With silence, and ne'er on bad fortune complains, But carelessly plays with keys on his grate, And he makes a sweet concert with them and his chains! He drowns care in sack, while his thoughts are opprest, And he makes his heart float like a cork in his breast. Then since we are slaves, and all islanders be, And our land a large prison enclosed by the sea, We'll drink off the ocean, and set ourselves free, For man is the world's epitomy.
Let tyrants wear purple, deep-dy'd in the blood Of those they have slain, their scepters to sway, If our conscience be clear, and our title be good, With the rags that hang on us we are richer than they; We'll drink down at night what we beg or can borrow, And sleep without plotting for more the next morrow. Then since, etc.
Let the usurer watch o'er his bags and his house, To keep that from robbers he rak'd from his debtors, Which at midnight cries thieves at the noise of a mouse, And he looks if his trunks are fast bound to their fetters; When once he's grown rich enough for a State's plot, But in one hour plunders what threescore years got. Then since, etc.
Come, drawer, fill each man a peck of old sherry, This brimmer shall bid all our senses good-night; When old Aristotle was frolic and merry, By the juice of the grape, he stagger'd out-right; Copernicus once, in a drunken fit, found By the course of's brains that the world did turn round. Then since, etc.
'Tis sack makes our faces like comets to shine, And gives tincture beyond a complexion mask. Diogenes fell so in love with his wine, That when 'twas all out he dwelt in the cask, And being shut up within a close room, He, dying, requested a tub for his tomb. Then since, etc.
Let him never so privately muster his gold, His angels will their intelligence be; How closely they're prest in their canvas hold, And they want the State-souldier to set them all free: Let them pine and be hanged, we'll merrily sing, Who hath nothing to lose, may cry, God bless the King. Then since, etc.
Ballad: Canary's Coronation
From the Loyal Garland.
Come, let's purge our brains From ale and grains, That do smell of anarchy; Let's chuse a King From whose blood may spring Such a sparkling progeny; It will be fit, strew mine in it, Whose flames are bright and clear; We'll not bind our hands with drayman's bands, When as we may be freer; Why should we droop, or basely stoop To popular ale or beer?
Who shall be King? how comes the thing For which we all are met? Claret is a prince that hath long since In the royal order set: His face is spread with a warlike seed, And so he loves to see men; When he bears the sway, his subjects they Shall be as good as freemen; But here's the plot, almost forgot, 'Tis too much burnt with women.
By the river of Rhine is a valiant wine That can all other replenish; Let's then consent to the government And the royal rule of Rhenish: The German wine will warm the chine, And frisk in every vein; 'Twill make the bride forget to chide, And call him to't again: But that's not all, he is too small To be our sovereign.
Let us never think of a noble drink, But with notes advance on high, Let's proclaim good Canary's name, - Heaven bless his Majesty! He is a King in everything, Whose nature doth renounce all, He'll make us skip and nimbly trip From ceiling to the groundsil; Especially when poets be Lords of the Privy Council.
But a vintner will his taster be, Here's nothing that can him let; A drawer that hath a good palat Shall be squire of the gimblet. The bar-boys shall be pages all, A tavern well-prepared, And nothing shall be spared; In jovial sort shall be the court, Wine-porters that are soldiers tall Be yeomen of the guard.
But if a cooper we with a red nose see In any part of the town; The cooper shall, with his aids-royal, Bear the sceptre of the crown; Young wits that wash away their cash In wine and recreation, Who hates ale and beer, shall be welcome here To give their approbation; So shall all you that will allow Canary's recreation.
Ballad: The Mournful Subjects,
Or The Whole Nation's Lamentation, From The Highest To The Lowest.
The Mournful Subjects, or the Whole Nation's Lamentation, from the Highest to the Lowest; who did with brinish tears (the true signs of sorrow) bewail the death of their most gracious Soveraign King Charles the Second, who departed this life Feb. 6th, 1684, and was interred in Westminster Abbey, in King Henry the Seventh's Chapel, on Saturday night last, being the 14th day of the said month; to the sollid grief and sorrow of all his loving subjects.
From vol. i. of the Roxburgh Ballads in Brit. Mus.
Tune, "Troy Town, or the Duchess of Suffolk."
True subjects mourn, and well they may, Of each degree, both lords and earls, Which did behold that dismal day, The death of princely pious Charles; Some thousand weeping tears did fall At his most sollid funeral.
He was a prince of clemency, Whose love and mercy did abound; His death may well lamented be Through all the nations Europe round; Unto the ears of Christian kings His death unwelcome tidings brings.
All those that ever thought him ill, And did disturb him in his reign, - Let horrour now their conscience fill, And strive such actions to restrain; For sure they know not what they do, The time will come when they shall rue.
How often villains did design By cruelty his blood to spill, Yet by the Providence divine God would not let them have their will, But did preserve our gracious King, Under the shadow of his wing.
We grieved his soul while he was here, When we would not his laws obey; Therefore the Lord he was severe, And took our gracious prince away: We were not worthy to enjoy The prince whom subjects would annoy.
In peace he did lay down his head, The sceptre and the royal crown; His soul is now to heaven fled, Above the reach of mortal frown, Where joy and glory will not cease, In presence with the King of Peace.
Alas! we had our liberty, He never sought for to devour By a usurping tyranny, To rule by arbitrary power; No, no, in all his blessed reign We had no cause for to complain.
Let mourners now lament the loss Of him that did the scepter sway, And look upon it as a cross That he from us is snatch'd away; Though he is free from care or woe, Yet we cannot forget him so.
But since it was thy blessed will To call him from a sinful land, Oh let us all be thankful still That it was done by thine own hand: No pitch of honour can be free From Death's usurping tyranny.
The fourteen day of February They did interr our gracious Charles; His funeral solemnity, Accompanied with lords and earls, Four Dukes, I, and Prince George by name, Went next the King with all his train.
And thus they to the Abbey went To lay him in his silent tomb, Where many inward sighs were spent To think upon their dismal doom. Whole showers of tears afresh then fell When they beheld his last farewell.
Since it is so, that all must die, And must before our God appear, Oh let us have a watchful eye, Over our conversation here; That like great Charles, our King and friend, We all may have a happy end.
Let England by their loyalty Repair the breach which they did make; And let us all united be To gracious James, for Charles his sake; And let there be no more discord, But love the King and fear the Lord.
Printed for F. Deacon in Guilt-Spur Street.
Ballad: "Memento Mori"
An elogy on the death of his sacred Majesty King Charles II., of blessed memory.
From the King's Pamphlets, British Museum.
Unwelcome news! Whitehall its sable wears, And each good subject lies dissolved in tears! Justly indeed; for Charles is dead, the great, (Who can so much as such great griefs repeat?) King Charles the good, in whom that day there fell More than one tribe in this our Israel! Ah! cruel Death! we find thy fatal sting In losing him who was so good a King, - A King so wise, so just, and he'd great part In Solomon's wisdom and in David's heart; A King! whose virtues only to rehearse Rather requires a volume than a verse. Sprung from the loyns of Charles of blessed fame, A worthy son of his great father's name, His parent's and his grandsire's virtues he, As h' did their crown, enjoy'd EX TRADUCE, Of th' best and greatest of Kings the epitome. His justice such as him none could affright From doing t'all to God and subjects right. Punish he could, but, like Heaven's Majesty, Would that a traitor should repent, not die. His prudence to the laws due vigour gave, He saved others and himself did save. His valour and his courage, write who can? Being a good souldier ere he was a man. Wrestling with sorrows in a land unknown, Whilst Herod did usurp his royal throne, Banish'd his native country, every day, Like Moses, at the brink of death he lay. But that storm's over, and blest be that hand That gave him conduct to his peaceful land; Where this great King the Gordian knot unties, Of Heaven's, the kingdom's, and his enemies; Not with the sword, but with his grace and love, Giving to those their lives that for his strove: Never did person so much mercy breath Since our blest Saviour's and his father's death. In fine, his actions may our pattern be, His godly life, the Christian diary; But now he's dead, alas! our David's gone, And having served his generation, Is fall'n asleep; that glorious star's no more That English wise men led unto the shore Of peace, where gospel-truth's protest Cherished within our pious mother's breast, And with protection of such Kings still blest; Blest with his piety and the nation too, Happy in's reign, with milk and honey flew; Yea, blest so much with peace and nature's store Heaven could scarce give or we desire he more; But yet, alas! he's dead! Mourn, England, mourn, And all your scarlet into black cloth turn; Let dust and ashes with your tears comply. To weep, not sing, his mournful elegy; And let your love to Charles be shown hereby In rendering James your prayers and loyalty. Long may Great James these kingdoms' sceptre sway, And may his subjects lovingly obey, Whilst with joint comfort all agree to sing, Heaven bless these kingdoms and "God save the King!"
London: printed by F. Millet for W. Thackeray, at the sign of the Angel in Duck Lane, 1685.
Ballad: Accession Of James II
From "Read's 'Weekly Journal, or British Gazetteer." Saturday, May 15th, 1731. This was a Jacobite Journal, and this song was reproduced at the time, from an earlier period. The allusions are evidently to the death of Charles II. and the succession of James II.
What means, honest shepherd, this cloud on thy brow? Say, where is thy mirth and thy melody now? Thy pipe thrown aside, and thy looks full of thought, As silent and sad as a bird newly caught. Has any misfortune befallen thy flocks, Some lamb been betray'd by the craft of the fox; Or murrain, more fatal, just seized on thy herd; Or has thy dear Phyllis let slip a cross word?
The season indeed may to musing incline, Now that grey-bearded Winter makes Autumn resign; The hills all around us their russet put on, And the skies seem in mourning for loss of the sun. The winds make the tree, where thou sitt'st, shake its head; Yet tho' with dry leaves mother earth's lap is spread, Her bosom, to cheer it, is verdant with wheat, And the woods can supply us with pastime and meat.
Oh! no, says the shepherd, I mourn none of these, Content with such changes as Heaven shall please; Tho' now we have got the wrong side of the year, 'Twill turn up again, and fresh beauties appear: But the loss that I grieve for no time can restore; Our master that lov'd us so well is no more; That oak which we hop'd wou'd long shelter us all, Is fallen; then well may we shake at its fall.
Where find we a pastor so kind and so good, So careful to feed us with wholesomest food, To watch for our safety, and drive far away The sly prouling fox that would make us his prey? Oh! may his remembrance for ever remain To shame those hard shepherds who, mindful of gain, Only look at their sheep with an eye to the fleece, And watch 'em but so as the fox watch'd the geese.
Whom now shall I choose for the theme of my song? Or must my poor pipe on the willow be hung? No more to commend that good nature and sense, Which always cou'd please, but ne'er once gave offence. What honour directed he firmly pursu'd, Yet would not his judgment on others intrude; Still ready to help with his service and vote, But ne'er to thrust oar in another man's boat.
No more, honest shepherd, these sorrows resound, The virtues thou praisest, so hard to be found, Are yet not all fled, for the swain who succeeds To his fields and his herds is true heir to his deeds; His pattern he'll follow, his gentleness use, Take care of the shepherds and cherish the muse: Then cease for the dead thy impertinent care, Rejoice, he survives in his brother and heir.
Ballad: On The Most High And Mighty Monarch King James
On his exaltation on the throne of England.
Being an excellent new song. From a "Collection of One Hundred and Eighty Loyal Songs, written since 1678."
To the tune of "Hark! the Thundering Cannons roar."
Hark! the bells and steeples ring! A health to James our royal King; Heaven approves the offering, Resounding in chorus; Let our sacrifice aspire, Richest gems perfume the fire, Angels and the sacred quire Have led the way before us.
Thro' loud storms and tempests driven, This wrong'd prince to us was given, The mighty James, preserved by Heaven To be a future blessing; The anointed instrument, Good great Charles to represent, And fill our souls with that content Which we are now possessing.
Justice, plenty, wealth, and peace, With the fruitful land's increase, All the treasures of the seas, With him to us are given; As the brother, just and good, From whose royal father's blood Clemency runs like a flood, A legacy from Heaven.
Summon'd young to fierce alarms, Born a man in midst of arms, His good angels kept from harms - The people's joy and wonder; Early laurels crown'd his brow, And the crowd did praise allow, Whilst against the Belgick foe Great Jove implored his thunder.
Like him none e'er fill'd the throne, Never courage yet was known With so much conduct met in one, To claim our due devotion; Who made the Belgick lion roar, Drove 'em back to their own shore, To humble and encroach no more Upon the British ocean.
When poor Holland first grew proud, Saucy, insolent, and loud, Great James subdued the boisterous crowd, The foaming ocean stemming; His country's glory and its good He valued dearer than his blood, And rid sole sovereign o'er his flood, In spight of French or Fleming.
When he the foe had overcome, Brought them peace and conquest home, Exiled in foreign parts to roam, Ungrateful rebels vote him; But spite of all their insolence, Inspired with god-like patience, The rightful heir, kind Providence Did to a throne promote him.
May justice at his elbow wait To defend the Church and State, The subject and this monarch's date May no storm e'er dissever: May he long adorn this place With his royal brother's grace, His mercy and his tenderness, To rule this land for ever.
Ballad: In A Summer's Day
From Hogg's Jacobite Relics.
In a summer's day when all was gay The lads and lasses met In a flowery mead, when each lovely maid Was by her true love set. Dick took the glass, and drank to his lass, And JAMIE'S health around did pass; Huzza! they cried; Huzza! they all replied, God bless our noble King.
To the Queen, quothiwell; Drink it off, says Nell, They say she is wondrous pretty; And the prince, says Hugh; That's right, says Sue; God send him home, says Katy; May the powers above this tribe remove, And send us back the man we love. Huzza! they cried; Huzza! they all replied, God bless our noble King.
The liquor spent, they to dancing went, Each gamester took his mate; Ralph bow'd to Moll, and Hodge to Doll, Hal took out black-eyed Kate. Name your dance, quoth John; Bid him, says Anne, Play, The King shall enjoy his own again. Huzza! they cried; Huzza! they all replied, God bless our noble King.
(1) This stanza is omitted in most collections. Walker was a colonel in the parliamentary army; and afterwards a member of the Committee of Safety.
(2) The Directory for the Public Worship of God, ordered by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster in 1644, to supersede the Book of Common Prayer.
(3) The Earl of Thomond.
(4) The Excise, first introduced by the Long Parliament, was particularly obnoxious to the Tory party. Dr Johnson more than a hundred years later shared all the antipathy of his party to it, and in his Dictionary defined it to be "a hateful tax levied upon commodities, and adjudged not by the common judges of property, but by wretches hired by those to whom excise is paid."
(5) Henry the Eighth. The comparison is made in other ballads of the age. To play old Harry with any one is a phrase that seems to have originated with those who suffered by the confiscation of church property.
(6) The Marquis of Winchester, the brave defender of his house at Basing, had been made prisoner by Cromwell at the storming of that house in 1645. Waller had been foiled in his attempt on this place in the year preceding. - T. W.
(7) Sir John Ogle, one of the Royalist commanders, who was intrusted with the defence of Winchester Castle, which he surrendered on conditions just before the siege of Basing House. - T. W.
(8) Wren, bishop of Ely, was committed to the Tower in 1641, accused with high "misdemeanours" in his diocese.
(9) David Jenkins, a Welsh Judge, who had been made prisoner at the taking of Hereford, and committed first to Newgate and afterwards to the Tower. He refused to acknowledge the authority of the Parliament, and was the author of several tracts published during the year (while he was prisoner in the Tower), which made a great noise. - T. W.
(10) Sir Francis Wortley, Bart., was made a prisoner in 1644, at the taking of Walton House, near Wakefield, by Sir Thomas Fairfax.
(11) Sir Edward Hales, Bart., of Woodchurch, in Kent, had been member for Queenborough in the Isle of Sheppey. He was not a Royalist.
(12) Sir George Strangways, Bart., according to the marginal note in the original. Another of the name, Sir John Strangways, was taken at the surrender of Sherborne Castle.
(13) Sir Henry Bedingfield, Bart., of Norfolk; Sir Walter Blount, Bart., of Worcester; and Sir Francis Howard, Bart., of the North, were committed to the Tower on the 22nd of January, 1646.
(14) The horrible barbarities committed by the Irish rebels had made the Catholics so much abhorred in England, that every English member of that community was suspected of plotting the same massacres in England. - T. W.
(15) Sir John Hewet, of Huntingdonshire, was committed to the Tower on the 28th of January, 1645(-6).
(16) Sir Thomas Lunsford, Bart., the celebrated Royalist officer, was committed to the Tower on the 22nd of January, 1646. The violence and barbarities which he and his troop were said to have perpetrated led to the popular belief that he was in the habit of eating children.
From Fielding and from Vavasour, Both ill-affected men; From Lunsford eke dilver us, That eateth up children. Loyal Songs, ed. 1731, i. 38. T. W.
(17) Sir William Lewis, one of the eleven members who had been impeached by the army.
(18) Col. Giles Strangwaies, of Dorsetshire, taken with Sir Lewis Dives, at the surrender of Sherborne, was committed to the Tower on the 28th August, 1645. He was member for Bridport in the Long Parliament, and was one of those who attended Charles's "Mongrel" Parliament at Oxford.
(19) Sir Lewis Dives, an active Royalist, was governor of Sherborne Castle for the King, and had been made a prisoner by Fairfax in August, 1645, when that fortress was taken by storm. He was brother-in-law to Lord Digby.
(20) Sir John Morley, of Newcastle, committed to the Tower on the 18th of July, 1645.
(21) King was a Royalist general, in the north, who was slain July, 1643.
(22) Sir William Morton, of Gloucestershire, committed to the Tower on the 17th August, 1644. Cardinal Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury, brought about the marriage between King Henry VII. and the daughter of Edward IV., and thus effected the unison of the rival houses of York and Lancaster.
(23) Thomas Coningsby, Esq., of Northmyus in Hertfordshire, committed to the Tower in November, 1642, for reading the King's commission of array in that county.
(24) Sir Wingfield Bodenham, of the county of Rutland, committed to the Tower on the 31st of July, 1643.
(25) Sir Henry Vaughan, a Welsh knight, committed to the Tower on the 18th July, 1645.
(26) Lilburn was, as has been observed, in the Tower for his practices against the present order of things, he being an advocate of extreme democratic principles; and he was there instructed in knotty points of law by Judge Jenkins, to enable him to torment and baffle the party in power. It was Jenkins who said of Lilburne that "If the world were emptied of all but John Lilburne, Lilburne would quarrel with John, and John with Lilburne." - T. W.
(27) Mr Thomas Violet, of London, goldsmith, committed to the Tower January 6th, 1643(-4), for carrying a letter from the King to the mayor and common council of London.
(28) Dr Hudson had been concerned in the King's transactions with the Scots, previous to his delivering himself up to them, and he and Ashburnham had been his sole attendants in his flight from Oxford for that purpose. - T. W.
(29) Poyntz and Massey were staunch Presbyterians, and their party counted on their assistance in opposing the army: but they withdrew, when the quarrel seemed to be near coming to extremities.
(30) Glynn was one of the eleven members impeached by the army.
(31) It was believed at this time that Fairfax was favourable to the restoration of the King.
(32) The "Jack Ketch" of the day.
(33) The copy in the "Rump Songs" has "Smee and his tub."
(34) The old proverbial expression of "the devil and his dam" was founded on an article of popular superstition which is now obsolete. In 1598, a Welshman, or borderer, writes to Lord Burghley for leave "to drive the devill and his dam" from the castle of Skenfrith, where they were said to watch over hidden treasure: "The voyce of the countrey goeth there is a dyvell and his dame, one sitts upon a hogshed of gold, the other upon a hogshed of silver." (Queen Elizabeth and her Times, ii. 397.) The expression is common in our earlier dramatic poets: thus Shakespeare, -
- "I'll have a bout with thee; Devil, or devil's dam, I'll conjure thee: Blood will I draw on thee, thou art a witch." (Hen. V. Part I. Act I. sc. 5.) T. W.
(35) The prediction was not QUITE so speedily verified.
(36) Colonel Hewson, originally a shoemaker.
(37) Newspapers.
(38) In the seventeenth century Lancashire enjoyed an unhappy pre- eminence in the annals of superstition, and it was regarded especially as a land of witches. This fame appears to have originated partly in the execution of a number of persons in 1612, who were pretended to have been associated together in the crime of witchcraft, and who held their unearthly meetings at the Malkin Tower, in the forest of Pendle. In 1613 was published an account of the trials, in a thick pamphlet, entitled "The Wonderful Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster. With the Arraignment and Triall of nineteene notorious Witches, at the Assizes and general Goale Deliverie, holden in the Castle of Lancaster, on Monday, the seventeenth of August last, 1612. Published and set forth by commandment of his Majesties Justices of Assize in the North Parts, by Thomas Potts, Esquier." "The famous History of the Lancashire Witches" continued to be popular as a chap-book up to the beginning of the nineteenth century. - T. WRIGHT.
(39) An allusion to the Dutch War of 1651 and 1652.
(40) Oliver Cromwell.
(41) The Welsh were frequently the subject of satirical allusions during the civil wars and the Commonwealth.
(42) Speaker of the Long Parliament.
(43) Cromwell's wife.
(44) Cromwell's two sons, Richard and Henry.
(45) Cromwell's daughter.
(46) Col. Pride, originally a brewer's drayman.
(47) Walter Strickland, M.P. for a Cornish borough.
(48) Monk was with his troops in Scotland, but had declared himself an approver of the proceedings of the Parliament.
(49) Dr John Owen, Joseph Caryl, and Philip Nye, were three of the most eminent divines of this eventful age. Caryl, who was a moderate independent, was the author of the well-known "Commentary on Job." Dr Owen enjoyed the especial favour of Cromwell, who made him Dean of Christchurch, Oxford; in his youth he had shown an inclination to Presbyterianism, but early in the war he embraced the party of the Independents. He was a most prolific writer. Nye was also an eminent writer: previous to 1647 he had been a zealous Presbyterian, but on the rise of Cromwell's influence he joined the Independents, and was employed on several occasions by that party. - T. W.
(50) Col. John Ireton was the brother of the more celebrated Henry Ireton, and was an alderman of London. He appears to have been clerk of the Council of Officers at Wallingford House.
(51) Col. Robert Tichbourne was also an alderman, and had been Lord Mayor in 1658. He was an enthusiast in religion of the Independent party, and published several books, among which one was very celebrated, and is often referred to in the tracts of this period, entitled, "A Cluster of Canaan's Grapes. Being severall experimented truths received through private communion with God by his Spirit, grounded on Scripture, and presented to open view for publique edification." London, 4to, Feb. 16, 1649. In a satirical tract of the year 1660 he is made to say, "I made my mother, the city, drunk with the clusters which I brought from Canaan, and she in her drink made me a colonel." After the return of the secluded members to the House, and the triumph of the city and the Presbyterian party, Ireton and Tichbourne were committed to the Tower, charged with aiming at the overthrow of the liberties of the city, and other grave misdemeanours. There are in the British Museum two satirical tracts relating to their imprisonment: 1. "The Apology of Robert Tichborn and John Ireton. Being a serious Vindication of themselves and the Good old Cause, from the imputations cast upon them and it by the triumphing city and nation in this their day of desertion. Printed for everybody but the light-heeled apprentices and head-strong masters of this wincing city of London." (March 12, 1659-60.) 2. "Brethren in Iniquity: or, a Beardless Pair; held forth in a Dialogue betwixt Tichburn and Ireton, Prisoners in the Tower of London." 4to. (April 30, 1660.)
(52) George Monk and John Lambert.
(53) The eleventh of February was the day on which Monck overthrew the Rump, by declaring for the admission of the secluded members.
(54) On the tenth of February Monk, by order of the Parliament, had entered the city in a hostile manner. "Mr Fage told me," says Pepys, "what Monck had done in the city, how he had pulled down the most parts of the gates and chains that he could break down, and that he was now gone back to Whitehall. The city look mighty blank, and cannot tell what in the world to do." The next day he turned from the Parliament, and took part with the city.
(55) Thomas Scot and Luke Robinson were sent by the Parliament to expostulate with Monk, but without effect.
(56) Pepys gives the following description of the rejoicings in the city on the evening of the eleventh of February:- "In Cheapside there were a great many bonfires, and Bow bells and all the bells in all the churches as we went home were a-ringing. Hence we went homewards, it being about ten at night. But the common joy that was everywhere to be seen! The number of bonfires! there being fourteen between St Dunstan's and Temple Bar, and at Strand Bridge I could at one time tell thirty-one fires. In King-street seven or eight; and all along burning, and roasting, and drinking for Rumps, there being rumps tied upon sticks and carried up and down. The butchers at the May Pole in the Strand rang a peal with their knives when they were going to sacrifice their rump. On Ludgate Hill there was one turning of a spit that had a rump tied upon it, and another basting of it. Indeed it was past imagination, both the greatness and the suddenness of it. At one end of the street you would think there was a whole lane of fire, and so hot that we were fain to keep on the further side."
(57) In a satirical tract, entitled "Free Parliament Quaeries," 4to, April 10, 1660, it is inquired "Whether Sir Arthur did not act the Raging Turk in Westminster Hall, when he saw the admission of the secluded members?" Pepys gives the following account of the reception of Monck's letter from the city on the 11th of February:- "So I went up to the lobby, where I saw the Speaker reading of the letter; and after it was read Sir A. Haselrigge came out very angry, and Billing, standing by the door, took him by the arm and cried, 'Thou man, will thy beast carry thee no longer? thou must fall!'"
(58) Haselrigge was accused of having been a dupe to Monck's cunning intrigues.
(59) The celebrated Praise-God Barebone, at the head of a body of fanatics, had (February 9th) presented a strong petition to the House in support of the Good old Cause, which gave great offence to the Presbyterian party and the citizens, although it was received with thanks. According to Pepys, one of Monck's complaints against the Parliament was, "That the late petition of the fanatique people presented by Barebone, for the imposing of an oath upon all sorts of people, was received by the House with thanks." The citizens did not omit to show their hostility against the presenter of the petition. On the 12th, Pepys says, "Charles Glascocke. . . told me the boys had last night broke Barebone's windows." And again, on the 22nd, "I observed this day how abominably Barebone's windows are broke again last night."
(60) Miles Corbet, as well as Tichbourn, had sat upon the King in judgment. In a satirical tract, published about the same time as the present ballad, Tichbourn is made to say, "They say I am as notorious as Miles Corbet the Jew." In another, entitled "The Private Debates, etc., of the Rump," 4to, April 2, 1660, we read, "Call in the Jews, cryes Corbet, there is a certain sympathy (quoth he), methinks, between them and me. Those wandering pedlers and I were doubtless made of the same mould; they have all such blote- herring faces as myself, and the devil himself is in 'um for cruelty." He was one of those who fled on the Restoration, but he was afterwards taken treacherously in Holland, and, being brought to London, was executed as a regicide. In another satirical tract, entitled "A Continuation of the Acts and Monuments of our late Parliament" (Dec. 1659), it is stated that, "July 1, This very day the House made two serjeants-at-law, William Steele and Miles Corbet, and that was work enough for one day." And, in a fourth, "Resolved, That Miles Corbet and Robert Goodwin be freed from the trouble of the Chief Register Office in Chancery." MERCURIUS HONESTUS, No. 1. (March 21, 1659-60.)
(61) William Lord Monson, Viscount Castlemaine, was member for Ryegate in the Long Parliament. He was degraded from his honour at the Restoration, and was condemned to be drawn on a sledge with a rope round his neck from the Tower to Tyburn, and back again, and to be imprisoned there for life. It appears, by the satirical tracts of the day, that he was chiefly famous for being beaten by his wife. In one, entitled "Your Servant, Gentlemen," 4to, 1659, it is asked, "Whether that member who lives nearest the church ought not to ride Skimmington next time my Lady Mounson cudgels her husband?" And in another ("The Rump Despairing," 4to, London, March 26, 1660) we find the following passage:- "To my Lord Monson. A sceptre is one thing, and a ladle is another, and though his wife can tell how to use one, yet he is not fit to hold the other."
(62) Pudding John, or Jack Pudding, was a proverbial expression of the times for a Merry Andrew. In an old English-German Dictionary it is explained thus:- "JACK-PUDDING, un buffon de theatre, deliciae populi, ein Hanswurst, Pickelhering." The term was applied as a soubriquet to any man who played the fool to serve another person's ends. "And first Sir Thomas Wrothe (JACK PUDDING to Prideaux the post-master) had his cue to go high, and feele the pulse of the hous." History of Independency, p. 69 (4to, 1648).
(63) An allusion to James Harrington's "Oceana."
(64) James Harrington, a remarkable political writer of this time, had founded a club called the Rota, in 1659, for the debating of political questions. This club met at Miles's Coffee-house, in Old Palace Yard, and lasted a few mouths. At the beginning of the present year was published the result of their deliberations, under the title of "The Rota: or, a Model of a Free State, or Equall Commonwealth; once proposed and debated in brief, and to be again more at large proposed to, and debated by, a free and open Society of ingenious Gentlemen." 4to, London, 1660 (Jan. 9).
(65) William Prynne, the lawyer, who had been so active a member of the Long Parliament when the Presbyterians were in power, was one of the secluded members. He returned to the House on the 21st of January, this year. Pepys says, "Mr Prin came with an old basket-hilt sword on, and had a great many shouts upon his going into the hall."
(66) John Wilde was one of the members for Worcestershire in the Long Parliament. In Cromwell's last Parliament he represented Droitwich, and was made by the Protector "Lord Chief Baron of the publick Exchequer." In a satirical pamphlet, contemporary with the present ballad, he is spoken of as "Sarjeant Wilde, best known by the name of the Wilde Serjeant." Another old song describes his personal appearance:
"But, Baron Wild, come out here, Show your ferret face and snout here, For you, being both a fool and a knave, Are a monster in the rout here." Loyal songs II. 55.
(67) See footnote (60).
(68) Alderman Atkins.
(69) Ludlow was well known as a staunch Republican. The incident alluded to was a subject of much merriment, and exercised the pen of some of the choicest poets of the latter half of the seventeenth century. - T. W.
(70) Lambert, with his army, was in the North, and amid the contradictory intelligence which daily came in, we find some people who, according to Pepys, spread reports that Lambert was gaining strength. - T. W.
(71) Marchamont Nedham.
(72) Lambert and "his bears" are frequently mentioned in the satirical writings of this period. Cromwell is said to have sworn "by the living God," when he dissolved the Long Parliament. - T. W.
(73) Speaker of the Long Parliament.
(74) Harry Marten, member for Berkshire, a man of equivocal private character. In the heat of the civil wars he had been committed to the Tower for a short time by the Parliament, for speaking too openly against the person of the King. When he attempted to speak against the violent dissolution of the Long Parliament by Cromwell, the latter reproached him with the licentiousness of his life. - T. W.
(75) William Lord Monson, Viscount Castlemaine, was member for Ryegate. He was degraded from his honours at the Restoration, and was condemned to be drawn on a sledge with a rope round his neck from the Tower to Tyburn, and back again, and to be imprisoned there for life. It appears, by the satirical tracts of the day, that he was chiefly famous for being beaten by his wife. - T. W.
(76) Sir Arthur Haselrigge, member for Leicestershire.
(77) Noise or disturbance.
(78) Dr John Hewit, an episcopal clergyman, executed for high treason in 1658, for having held an active correspondence with the Royalists abroad, and having zealously contributed to the insurrection headed by Penruddock.
(79) John Lowry, member for Cambridge.
(80) Sir Edmund Prideaux, Bart., member for Lyme Regis. He was Cromwell's Attorney-General.
(81) Oliver St John, member for Totness, and Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
(82) John Wilde, one of the members for Worcestershire. In Cromwell's last Parliament he represented Droitwich, and was made by the Protector "Lord Chief Baron of the Public Exchequer."
(83) Sir Henry Slingsby and Dr Hewet were executed for treason against the government of Oliver Cromwell in 1658. Colonel John Gerard was brought to the block at the beginning of the Protectorate, in 1654, for being engaged in a plot to assassinate Cromwell.
(84) John Lord Lisle represented Yarmouth in the Long Parliament. He sat for Kent in the Parliament of 1653, and was afterwards a member of Cromwell's "other House," and held the office of Lord Commissioner of the Great Seal. He was president of the High Courts of Justice which tried Gerard, Slingsby, and Hewet.
(85) Nathaniel Fiennes, member for Banbury. In the Parliament of 1654 he represented Oxfordshire. He was afterwards, as Nathaniel Lord Fiennes, a member of Cromwell's "other House." Fiennes was accused of cowardice in surrendering Bristol (of which he was governor) to Prince Rupert, somewhat hastily, in 1643. His father, Lord Say and Sele, opposing Cromwell, was obliged to retire to the Isle of Lundy.
(86) John Lord Glynn, member of Cromwell's "other House," was "Chief Justice assigned to hold pleas in the Upper Bench." He was engaged in the prosecution of the Earl of Strafford. He was one of the eleven members impeached by the army in 1647. In the Long Parliament, as well as in Cromwell's Parliaments, he was member for Carnarvon. - T. W.
(87) Henry Nevil, member for Abingdon. In Cromwell's last Parliament he represented Reading. In a satirical tract, he is spoken of as "religious Harry Nevill;" and we find in Burton's Diary, that some months before the date of the present song (on the 16th Feb. 1658-9) there was "a great debate" on a charge of atheism and blasphemy which had been brought against him. - T. W.
(88) In the satirical tract entitled "England's Confusion," this member is described as "hastily rich Cornelius Holland." He appears to have risen from a low station, and is characterized in the songs of the day as having been a link-bearer. - T. W.
(89) Major Salwey was an officer in the Parliamentary array. On the 17th January, 1660, he incurred the displeasure of the House, and was sequestered from his seat and sent to the Tower. He is described as "a smart, prating apprentice, newly set for himself." He appears to have been originally a grocer and tobacconist; a ballad of the time speaks of him as,
"Salloway with tobacco Inspired, turned State quack-o; And got more by his feigned zeal Then by his, WHAT D'YE LACK-O?"
In another he is introduced thus,
"The tobacco-man Salway, with a heart tall of gall Puffs down bells, steeples, priests, churches and all, As old superstitions relicks of Baal."
A third ballad, alluding to his attitude in the House, couples together
"Mr William Lilly's astrological lyes, And the meditations of Salloway biting his thumbs." - T. W.
(90) Roger Hill was member for Bridport, in Dorsetshire. He bought a grant of the Bishop of Winchester's manor of Taunton Dean, valued at 1200 pounds a year. A ballad written towards the end of 1659 says of him,
"Baron Hill was but a valley, And born scarce to an alley; But now is lord of Taunton Dean, And thousands he can rally."
(91) With the revival of the Long Parliament, the old Republican feelings arose again under the denomination of the "Good old Cause." Innumerable pamphlets were published for and against "The Cause." Even Prynne, the fierce old Presbyterian, who was now turning against the patriots, lifted up his pen against it, and published "The Republicans and others spurious Good old Cause briefly and truly Anatomized," 4to, May 13, 1659.
(92) Robert Cecil, Esq., was one of the members of the Old Long Parliament who were now brought together to form the Rump. He represented Old Sarum, Wilts.
(93) Luke Robinson, of Pickering Lyth, in Yorkshire, was member for Scarborough. An old ballad says of him,
"Luke Robinson, that clownado, Though his heart be a granado, Yet a high shoe with his hand in his poke Is his most perfect shadow."
(94) Sir Harry Vane.
(95) Thomas Scott was member for Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire, in the Long Parliament.
(96) Hugh Peters, the celebrated fanatic. In the margin of the original, opposite to the words "the Devil's fees," is the following note - "His numps and his kidneys." - T. W.
(97) To save his tithe pig: - probably the origin of the well known slang phrase of the present day.
(98) Coloured, or dyed.
(99) Faustus.
(100) An allusion to a popular old story and song. A copy of the words and tune of "The Fryar and the Nun" is preserved in the valuable collection of ballads in the possession of Mr Thorpe of Piccadilly. - T. W.
(101) "October 13th. I went out to Charing Cross to see Major- General Harrison hanged, drawn, and quartered, which was done there, he looking as cheerful as any man could do in that condition." - Pepys. Thomas Harrison was the son of a butcher at Newcastle-under-Line; he conveyed Charles I. from Windsor to Whitehall to his trial, and afterwards sat as one of the judges.
(102) "October 15th. This morning Mr Carew was hanged and quartered at Charing Cross; but his quarters, by a great favour, are not to be hanged up." - Pepys. Colonel John Carew, like Harrison, was one of the Fifth-monarchy men, a violent and visionary but honest enthusiast.
(103) Hugh Peters, for his zeal in encouraging the Commonwealth soldiery, was particularly hated by the Royalists. John Coke, the able lawyer, conducted the prosecution of the King.
(104) Gregory Clement, John Jones, Thomas Scott, and Adrian Scrope, were charged with sitting in the High Court of Justice which tried the King. Scott was further charged with having, during the sitting of the Rump Parliament, expressed his approbation of the sentence against the King. Colonel Scrope, although he had been admitted to pardon, was selected as one of the objects of vengeance, and was condemned chiefly on a reported conversation, in which, when one person had strongly blamed what he called the "murder" of the King, Scrope observed, "Some are of one opinion, and some of another."
(105) "October 19th. This morning Hacker and Axtell were hanged and quartered, as the rest are." - Pepys. Colonel Francis Hacker commanded the guards at the King's execution. Axtell was captain of the guard of the High Court of Justice at which the King was tried.
(106) Richard Brown, one of Cromwell's Major-generals, Governor of Abingdon, and member for London in the Long Parliament. He had been imprisoned by the Rump.
(107) The Earl of Norwich was George Lord Goring, who, with his son, acted a prominent part in the Civil Wars. He was created Earl of Norwich in 1644.
(108) John Mordaunt, son of the Earl of Peterborough, celebrated for his exertions to raise insurrections for the King during the Protectorate, was one of the bearers of the letters of the King to Monck. He was created Baron Mordaunt, July 10, 1659. Charles Lord Gerard, afterwards created Earl of Macclesfield, was a very distinguished Royalist officer. Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Cleveland, who had suffered much for his loyalty to Charles I., headed a body of three hundred noblemen and gentlemen in the triumphal procession of Charles II. into London.
(109) Charles Stuart, a gallant Royalist officer, who had been created Earl of Litchfield by Charles I. in 1645, and who immediately after the Restoration succeeded his cousin Esme Stuart as Duke of Richmond. Charles Stanley, Earl of Derby, was son of the Earl of Derby who was beheaded after the battle of Worcester, and of the Countess who so gallantly defended Latham House in 1644.
(110) The Nursery Rhyme, "The Man in the Moon drinks claret."
(111) Philip Nye.
(112) William Kiffin was a celebrated preacher of this time, and had been an officer in the Parliamentary army. A little before the publication of the present ballad a tract had appeared, with the title, "The Life and Approaching Death of William Kiffin. Extracted out of the Visitation Book by a Church Member." 4to, London, March 13, 1659-60. He is here said to have been originally 'prentice to a glover, and to have been in good credit with Cromwell, who made him a lieutenant-colonel. He appears to have been busy among the sectaries at the period of the Restoration. He is thus mentioned in a satirical pamphlet of that time, entitled "Select City Quaeries:" - "Whether the Anabaptists' late manifesto can be said to be forged, false, and scandalous (as Politicus terms it), it being well known to be writ by one of Kiffin's disciples; and whether the author thereof or Politicus may be accounted the greater incendiary?" - T. W.
(113) Fox and Naylor were the founders of the sect of Quakers. Naylor, in particular, was celebrated as an enthusiast. Jacob Boehmen, or Behmen, was a celebrated German visionary and enthusiast, who lived at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries, and the founder of a sect.
(114) There was a story that Charles II. was really married to Lucy Walters, the mother of the Duke of Monmouth, and that the contract of marriage was in existence in a "black box," in the custody of the Bishop of Durham, suggested apparently by the endeavours of that Bishop to change the succession to the crown in favour of the Duke of Monmouth, to the exclusion of James II.
(115) Titus Oates, the inventor of the Popish plot.
(116) Patience Ward, the alderman. |