Transcriber's note
Minor changes have been made to punctuation; otherwise, all other inconsistencies are as in the original.
Characters that could not be displayed directly in Latin-1 are transcribed as follows:
- Italics ^ - superscript = - text in Black Letter ī, ō - macron above letter ẽ, ĩ, õ, ũ - tilde above letter [e] - e with ogonek [quam] - in Latin means "than" [que] - abbreviation for the letters que [gh] - yogh - broken square bracket (+ number) - subscript [ht] - rotated floral heart bullet [bu] - black leftwards bullet [dg] - double dagger [*] - six-spoked asterisk
[All Rights reserved.]
The books catalogued in the present volume were collected by the Shakespearian scholar Edward Capell and formed the principal part of his library during the years which he spent in the preparation of his edition of Shakespeare's dramatic works. After the publication of this his life's work and the completion of his commentary, the appearance of which however was delayed, Capell parted with his library, the most valuable portion being presented to Trinity while the remainder was dispersed. The conclusion of the Seniority relating to the gift is preserved in the books of the College under the date June 26, 1779. It runs "Agreed by the Master and Seniors, that the thanks of the Society be presented to Edward Capel, Esq. for the valuable Collection of the old Editions of Shakespeare, and of the several manuscripts and printed books, relating to the same Author. J. Peterborough, M.C." The further conclusion relating to the keeping of the books will be found quoted in the entry concerning the MS catalogue (p. 163).
Edward Capell, son of the rector of Stanton in Suffolk, was born on June 11, 1713. He was educated at the grammar school of Bury St Edmunds and at Catharine Hall, Cambridge. In 1737 he became deputy-inspector of plays and in 1745 groom of the privy chamber; both appointments being due to the patronage of the Duke of Grafton. In 1760 he published his volume of 'Prolusions.' In 1768 appeared his edition of Shakespeare in ten volumes, dedicated to the grandson of his former patron. The commentary was not finally published till 1783. In the meanwhile Capell had died at his chambers in Brick Court in the Temple on February 24, 1781. He also published 'Two Tables elucidating the Sounds of Letters' in 1749 and 'Reflections on the Originallity of Authours' in 1766.
The system on which the books have been catalogued will I think explain itself. Each work is entered under the author's name whenever the ascription can be made with a reasonable degree of certainty, whether or not the name appears in the work itself. Otherwise books are entered under their titles, except in the case of those published under pseudonyms, which are treated as real names. Initials have not been allowed as headings. In all cases in which any possibility of doubt exists, cross references will be found in the index. With regard to information concerning printers, etc. I have only given notes in cases of particular interest. A list of printers and stationers will be found at the end. In one detail I have deliberately sacrificed consistency to expediency. I have, namely, in giving the names of authors of commendatory verses and the like, followed the original or modernised spelling as appeared more convenient in each individual case.
Finally it is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the kind and valuable help I have throughout received from Mr Aldis Wright, at whose original suggestion the present work was undertaken. I also owe certain suggestions and corrections to my friend Mr A.W. Pollard of the British Museum, to whom the proofs were submitted.
W. W. G.
November, 1903.
p. 1, l. 9. _for_ Blovnt _read_ Blount. p. 2, l. 16. _for_ Blovnt _read_ Blount. p. 49, l. 8. _for_ _{2}T^4 _read_ 2T^4. l. 11. _for_ 'adwertisement' _read_ 'aduertisement'. p. 67, l. 7. _for_ HORMANUS _read_ HORNANUS. p. 90, l. 1. _for_ Hvmphrey _read_ Humphrey. p. 111, l. 22. _for_ SALVIANUS, MASSILIENSIS _read_ SALVIANUS, _Massiliensis_. p. 114, l. 26. _for_ SAVIOLO, VICENTIO _read_ SAVIOLO, VINCENTIO.
The eleuen Bookes of the Golden Asse ... 1596. See APULEIUS, Lucius.
ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, Earl of Stirling.
The Monarchicke Tragedies; Croesus, Darius, The Alexandran, Iulius Csar. Newly enlarged By William Alexander, Gentleman of the Princes priuie Chamber. Carmine dij superi placantur, carmine manes. London Printed by Valentine Simmes for Ed: Blovnt. 1607.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 15.
Collation: A-2D^42E^2; a^2B-M^4N^2; A-K^4L^2, unpaged. K 4 in the third alphabet blank. Wanting A1 in the first (? blank). The general title is on A 2, followed by argument and personae to the 'Alexandrian Tragedy,' which begins on B 1. 'Julius Caesar' has a separate titlepage with same imprint on P 2. The rest of the volume (sig. a etc.) is the edition of the 'Monarchic Tragedies' of 1604 with omission of the first sheet, A. It begins with commendatory verses by Robert Ayton, which are followed by the argument and personae to 'Croesus' (some copies have four leaves to sheet a, the additional matter being verses to King James). Then follows the tragedy of 'Croesus' while 'Darius' has separate titlepage dated 1604. In the present copy the 1604 portion has been placed immediately after sheet A of the new portion, in order to get the plays in the order mentioned on the titlepage. This arrangement is frequently met with but leads to absurdities, since the 1604 portion must either be placed, as here, between the personae to the 'Alexandrian Tragedy' and the play itself, or else, as in the copy in the British Museum, in the middle of sheet A.
BM 31.
Aurora. Containing the first fancies of the Authors youth, William Alexander of Menstrie. London, Printed by Richard Field for Edward Blount. 1604.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 15.
Collation: A-M^4, unpaged. M 4 blank. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Agnes Dowglas, Countess of Argyle. This and the 'Paraenesis' are inserted in the middle of the 'Monarchic Tragedies' at the end of the 1604 portion, but appear to be really distinct publications.
BM 30.
A Paraenesis to the Prince By William Alexander of Menstrie. London, Printed by Richard Field for Edward Blount. 1604.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 15.
Collation: A-C^4D^2 unpaged. D 2 blank. The author's initials appear at the end of the poem.
BM 31.
Englands Parnassus: or The choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons. Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groues, Seas, Springs, Riuers, &c. Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable. Imprinted at London for N. L. C. B. and T. H. 1600.
8^o. (6-1/2 3-3/4). Y. 4.
Collation: A-2K^8, paged. Wanting A1 and 2 and 2K 8 (? all blank). The last has been erroneously said to contain an epilogue. Dedicatory verses to Sir Thomas Mounson, signed R. A. (i.e. Robert Allot, the editor). Verses to the reader signed R. A. Table of headings Errata. The stationers were Nicholas Ling (whose device appears on the titlepage), Cuthbert Burby, and Thomas Hayes. In some copies the name of the last appears at length on the titlepage. Allot's full name also appears in some copies at the end of the dedicatory verses (Haz. I. 321).
Sinker 621. BM 3.
The eleuen Bookes of the Golden Asse Containing, the metamorphosie of Lucius Apuleius, enterlaced with sundry pleasant & delectable tales, with an excellent narration of the marriage of Cupid and Psyches, sette out in the fourth, the fifth, and the sixt Bookes. Translated out of Latin into English by William Adlington. London Printed by Valentine Symmes. 1596.
B.L. 4^o. (7 5-1/8). T. 3.
Collation: A-2D^4, paged. Wanting, 2D 2. Epistle dedicatory to Thomas, Earl of Sussex, signed by the translator. Address to the reader. Life of Apuleius. Author's preface translated in verse and prose. This is the fourth edition; the first appeared in 1566.
Sinker 803. BM 48.
Ariostos seven Planets Gouerning Italie. Or his Satyrs in seven Famous discourses, shewing the estate 1. Of the Court, and Courtiers. 2. Of Libertie, and the Clergy in general. 3. Of the Romane Clergie. 4. Of Marriage. 5. Of Soldiers, Musitians, and Louers. 6. Of Schoolemasters and Schollers. 7. Of Honour, and the happiest life. Newly Corrected and Augmented, with many excellent and note-worthy Notes, together with a new Addition of three most excellent Elegies, written by the same Lodouico Ariosto, the effect whereof is contained in the Argument. Qui te sui te sui. London Printed by William Stansby for Roger Iackson, dwelling in Fleete-streete neere the Conduit. 1611.
4^o.(7-1/8 5-1/2). S. 28. 2.
Collation: A-Q^4; paged. Address to the reader. Argument. Seven Satires. Three Elegies with head-title and fresh pagination. This is a reprint with additions of 'Ariostos Satyres in seuen famous Discourses' which appeared in 1608 as translated by Gervis Markham, but in reality by Robert Tofte.
BM 50.
Orlando Furioso in English heroical Verse by Iohn Haringtõ Esquire. Principibus placuisse viris non vltima laus est. Horace [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Richard Field dwelling in the Black-friars by Ludgate. 1591.
F. (9-3/4 7). I. 1.
The word 'Esquire.' is printed on a slip of paper pasted on the titlepage, which is engraved. Collation: ^8A-P^6Q^4R-2N^02O^4, paged. Wanting 1, containing engraved titlepage signed Coxonus (i.e. T. Cockson) in some copies (Sayle 2228) but by W. Rogers in others (Haz. H. 11) and table of contents on verso. Last leaf containing colophon misplaced at the beginning. Epistle dedicatory to Queen Elizabeth signed by the translator. 'A preface, or rather a briefe apologie of poetrie.' Address to the reader signed Io. Har. At the end, 'Allegory of the Orlando Furioso,' Life of Ariosto by John Harington, alphabetical table of contents, table of principal tales and list of errata. Inserted at the beginning is a large engraved portrait of Queen Elizabeth, 'Printed and Are to be sould by P. Stent without Newgate.' The first fifty stanzas of Book 32 were translated by Sir John Harington's younger brother Francis. Each of the 46 books is preceded by a full-page engraving, some of which are a good deal worn in the present copy. First edition.
Sinker 740. BM 50.
Orlando Furioso in English heroical Verse, by S^r. Iohn Haringt of Bathe Knight. Now secondly imprinted the yeere. 1607. Principibus placuisse viris non vltima laus est. Horace. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Richard Field, for Iohn Norton and Simon Waterson. 1607.
F. (10-1/2 7-1/4). G. 3. 2.
Engraved titlepage as above; title partly re-engraved. Collation: A^8-P^6Q^4R-2N^62O^4, paged. Wanting 2O 4 containing colophon. Contents etc. as before but without errata at end. Most of the plates are very much worn in this copy. Second edition; a third with the addition of Sir John Harington's 'Epigrams' appeared in 1634.
Toxophilus, The schole of shootinge conteyned in two bookes. To all Gentlemen and yomen of Englande, pleasaunte for theyr pastyme to rede, and profitable for theyr use to folow, both in war and peace. The contentes of the first booke.... [Colophon] Londini. In dibus Edouardi Whyt-church. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1545.
B. L. 4^o. (6-7/8 5-1/8). T. 4. 1.
Collation: A^4a^4=A=-D^4, folios numbered. Wanting A 1 containing frontispiece etc. Frontispiece, with Latin commendatory verses by Walter Haddon on verso. Epistle dedicatory to Henry VIII, signed by the author Roger Ascham. Address 'To all gentle men and yomen of Englande.' Title with table of contents to the two books. The second Book begins with new foliation at sig. D 3. The two leaves a3 and 4 containing Title and Table have been placed at the beginning to supply the place of the frontispiece. This is the first edition; subsequent ones appeared in 1571 and 1589.
Sinker 90. BM 58.
A Declaration of the Practises and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex and his Complices, against her Maiestie and her Kingdoms, and of the proceedings as well at the Arraignments & Conuictions of the said late Earle, and his adherents, as after: Together with the very Confessions and other parts of the Euidences themselues, word for word taken out of the Originals. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie. Anno 1601.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-3/8). S. 28. 1.
Collation: A-Q^4 unpaged. Wanting A 1 blank. There is a woodcut of the royal arms on verso of titlepage, which occurs again on K3^v at the beginning of the 'Confessions'. The official account prepared by Bacon.
BM 474
La prima [seconda, terza] Parte de le Novelle del Bandello. In Lucca, Per Vincentio Busdrago, 1554. e di nuovo In Londra, per S. Harding, M.DCC.XL.
La quarta Parte de le Novelle del Bandello. In Lione, Per Alessandro Marsilii, 1573. e di nuovo In Londra, per S. Harding, M.DCCXL.
4^o. (9-1/4 8-1/2). K. 1-3.
The original edition of Parts i-iii is in quarto, Part iv in octavo. The four parts contain a total of 214 novels, of which 28 appear in Part iv.
Certaine Tragicall Discourses written oute of Frenche and Latin, by Geffraie Fenton, no lesse profitable then pleasaunt, and of like necessitye to al degrees that take pleasure in antiquityes or forreine reapportes. Mon heur viendra. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete nere to Sainct Dunstons Churche by Thomas Marshe. Anno Domini. 1567.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/8 5-3/8) R. 8.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: *^{8}2*^2A-2P^{8}2Q^2. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Mary Sidney, signed and dated, Paris, June 22, 1567. Commendatory verses from Sir John Conway, M.H., George Turberville, and Peter Beverley. Argument. Thirteen histories. Table of contents at the end. The first edition. Entirely translated from the novels of Bandello, through the French of Belleforest.
Sinker 314. BM 617.
Stultifera Nauis.... 1570. The Ship of Fooles. See BRANT, Sebastian.
The Fearefull Fansies of the Florentine Cooper ... 1599. See GELLI, Giovanni Battista.
Mirrha the Mother of Adonis: or, Lustes Prodegies. By William Barksted. Horrace. Nansicetur enim pretium, nomenque Poet. Whereunto are added certain Eglogs. By L. M. London Printed by E. A. for Iohn Bache, and are to be sold at his shop in the Popes-head Palace, nere the Royall Exchange. 1607.
8^o. (5-1/8 3-3/8). *. 15. 1.
Collation: A-E^8 unpaged. Wanting E 2-8 containing the 'Eglogs'. Ornament at head, middle and foot of each page of 'Mirrba'. Commendatory verses signed I.W., Robert Glover, Lewes Machin, William Bagnall. The 'Eglogs' have separate titlepage, without imprint, on E 2: 'Three Eglogs, The first is of Menalcas and Daphnis: The other two is of Apollo and Hyacinth. By Lewes Machin.'
Comedies and Tragedies Written by Francis Beaumont And Iohn Fletcher Gentlemen. Never printed before, And now published by the Authours Originall Copies. Si quid habent veri Vatum prsagia, vivam. London, Printed for Humphrey Robinson, at the three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Armes in S^t Pauls Church-yard. 1647.
F^o. (13-1/4 8-7/8). *. 3. 1.
Collation: Portrait unsigned prefixed, A^4a-c^4d-e^2f^4g^2B-K^4L^2 2A-2S^4 3A-3X^4 4A-4I^4 5A-5R^4 5S^6 5T-5X^4 6A-6K^4 6L^6 7A-7C^4 7D^2 7E-7G^4 8A-8C^4*8D^28D-8F^4, paged (except in preliminary matter and beginning afresh with each new set of signatures.) Wanting portrait and leaves a 1-2, b 1 and 4, c 1, d 1-e 2, all containing commendatory verses. Text in double columns. The engraved portrait of Fletcher is signed Guliel. Marshall, and has Latin verses subscribed, signed J. Berkenhead. Epistle dedicatory to Philip Earl of Pembroke, signed jointly: John Lowin, Richard Robinson, Eylrd Swanston, Hugh Clearke, Stephen Hammerton, Joseph Taylor, Robert Benfield, Thomas Pollard, William Allen and Theophilus Byrd. Address to the reader signed by the editor, Ja. Shirley. Stationer's address signed Humphrey Moseley and dated 'At the Princes Armes in S^t Pauls Church-yard. Feb. 14^th 1646.' Verses to the Stationer signed Grandison. Commendatory verses signed: H. Howard; Henry Mody, Baronet; Thomas Peyton, Agricola Anglo-Cantianus; Aston Cokaine, Baronet; Jo. Pettus, Knight; Robert Stapylton, Knight; George Lisle, Knight; I. Denham; Edw. Waller; Rich. Lovelace; Will. Habington; Ia. Howell, P.C.C.; Tho. Stanley; Roger L'Estrange; Robert Gardiner; John Web; George Buck; Joh. Earle; I. M.; Jasper Maine; William Cartwright (2 copies); Rich. Corbet D.D.; Ben Johnson; Rob. Herrick; I. Berkenhead; Edw. Powell; G. Hills; Jos. Howe of Trin. Coll. Oxon.; T. Palmer of Ch. Ch. Oxon.; Alex. Brome; John Harris; Henry Harington; Ric. Brome; Ja. Shirley; H. Moseley. 'Postscript.' Table of contents. The collection consists of all the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher which had not yet appeared in print, with the exception of the 'Wild Goose Chase', which was published by way of supplement to the present volume in 1652.
The Coronation A Comedy. As it was presented by her Majesties Servants at the private House in Drury Lane. Written by John Fletcher. Gent. London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke, and are to be sold at the signe of the Greene Dragon, in Pauls Church-yard. 1640.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 9.
Collation: A^2B-I^4K^2, unpaged. Personae. Prologue. Epilogue at the end. This play, though published with Fletcher's name as above, and later included in the folio of 1679, was claimed by Shirley.
BM 635.
Cupids Revenge. As it was often Acted (with great applause) by the Children of the Reuells. Written by Fran. Beaumont & Io. Fletcher Gentlemen. The second Edition. London: Printed for Thomas Iones, and are to be sold at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Churchyard in Fleet-street. 1630.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 6.
Collation: A^2B-L^4, unpaged. Wanting A 1 and L 4 (? blank). Personae. Epilogue at the end. The first edition appeared in 1615.
BM 117.
The Elder Brother: a Comedie. Acted at the private house in Blacke Fryers, with great Applause, by His late Majesties Servants. Printed according to the true Copie. Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher. Gent. The second Edition, Corrected and Amended. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Arms in S^t. Paules Church yard. 1651.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 5.
Collation: A-H^4, paged. Personae. Couplet headed 'Lectori'. Prologue. Epilogue at the end. The third edition really, two having appeared in 1637. On the verso of the titlepage and of the next leaf are some verses inscribed in an old hand.
The Faithfull Shepherdesse. Acted at Somerset House before the King and Queene on Twelfe night last, 1633. And divers times since with great applause at the Private House in Blacke-Friers, by his Majesties Servants. Written by Iohn Fletcher. The third Edition, with Addition. London, Printed by A. M. for Richard Meighen, next to the Middle Temple in Fleet-street. 1634.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 7.
Collation: A-K^4, unpaged. K 4 blank. Wanting A 2, containing the verses of Field, Jonson, and Chapman. Commendatory verses signed: Fr. Beaumont, Nath. Field, Ben Ionson, G. Chapman, Shack. Marmyon. Dialogue 'by way of prologue' (by Sir W. Davenant). The first edition appeared undated in 1609 or early in 1610.
A King, and no King. Acted at the Blacke-Fryars, by his Maiesties Seruants. And now the third time Printed, according to the true Copie. Written by Francis Beamont & Iohn Fletcher Gent.
The Stationer to Dramatophilus.
A Play and no Play, who this Booke shall read, Will iudge, and weepe, as if 'twere done indeed.
London, Printed by A. M. for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at his Shop in Chancerie Lane, neere Serjeants Inne. 1631.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 3.
Collation: A-M^4, paged. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Personae. The first edition appeared in 1619.
BM 118.
The Knight Of the Burning Pestle. Full of Mirth and Delight. Written by Francis Beamount and Iohn Fletcher. Gent. As it is now acted by her Majesties Servants at the Private house in Drury lane. 1635.
—————————- Quod si Iudicium subtile, videndis artibus illud Ad libros & ad haec Musarum dona vocares: Boeotum in crasso jurares are natum.
Horat. in Epist. ad Oct. Aug.
London: Printed by N. O. for I. S. 1635.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 8.
Collation: A-K^4, unpaged. A 1 blank. Address to the readers. Preface headed 'Prologue'. Personae. Epilogue at the end. Two editions, the second and third, were published in this year; the first had appeared in 1613.
BM 118.
The Maides Tragedie: as it hath beene divers times Acted at the Black-Friers by the Kings Maiesties Servants. Written by Francis Beaumont, and Iohn Fletcher Gentlemen. The fourth Impression, Revised and Refined. [Woodcut.] Printed by E. G. for Henry Shepherd, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Chancery lane. 1638.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 1.
Collation: A-K^4L^2, unpaged. Personae. 'The Stationers Censure' in verse. The first edition appeared in 1629.
BM 118.
Monsieur Thomas. A Comedy. Acted at the Private House in Blacke Fryers. The Author, Iohn Fletcher, Gent. London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Iohn Waterson, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Croune: 1639.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 5.
Collation: titlepage unsigned, A^2B-M^4N^2, unpaged. Wanting N 2 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Charles Cotton, signed Richard Brome. Commendatory verses signed by the same. First edition.
BM 635.
The Night-Walker, or the Little Theife. A Comedy, As it was presented by her Majesties Servants, at the Private House in Drury Lane. Written by John Fletcher. Gent. London, Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke. 1640.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 4.
Collation: A^2B-K^4, unpaged. Epistle dedicatory to William Hudson, signed A. C. (i.e. Andrew Crooke). Personae. First edition.
BM 635.
Philaster or Love lies a Bleeding. Acted at the Globe, and Blackfriers By his Majesties Servants. The Authors being Francis Beaumont, and Iohn Fletcher. Gent. The fourth Impression. London, Printed by E. Griffin for William Leak, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancerie Lane neere the six Clarkes Office 1639.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 2.
Collation: A-K^4, paged. Stationer's epistle. Personae. This is really the fifth edition, the first having appeared in 1620.
BM 118.
The Tragoedy of Rollo Duke of Normandy. Acted by his Majesties Servants. Written by John Fletcher Gent. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield Printer to the Vniversity. Anno 1640.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 1.
Collation: A-I^4K^2, paged. Personae. The second edition. The first edition had appeared in London the previous year under the title of 'The Bloody Brother'.
BM 635.
Rule a Wife And have a Wife. A Comoedy. Acted by his Majesties Servants. Written by John Fletcher Gent. Oxford, Printed by Leonard Lichfield Printer to the Vniversity. Anno 1640.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 2.
Collation: A-I^4, paged. Prologue. Epilogue at the end.
BM 635.
The Scornefull Lady. A Comedy. As it was Acted (with great applause) by the late Kings Majesties Servants, at the Black-Fryers. Written by Francis Beaumont. and John Fletcher. Gentlemen. The sixt Edition, Corrected and amended. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Armes in St Pauls Church-yard. 1651.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-5/8). S. 3. 4.
Collation: A-H^4, unpaged. Personae. There were two editions this year, both styled the 'sixt', the present one being distinguished by having a printer's device on the title. The first edition appeared in 1616.
The Tragedy of Thierry King of France, and his Brother Theodoret. As it was diverse times acted at the Blacke-Friers, by the Kings Majesties Servants. Written by Fracis [sic] Beamont. and John Fletcher Gent. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1649.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 8.
Collation: 2 leaves unsigned, A2-4, B-E^4, unpaged. Wants E 4 (? blank). Double columns. Prologue. Epilogue. Personae. This is a re-issue of the second edition (1648), A 1 being replaced by a half-sheet unsigned. The first edition appeared in 1621.
The Two Noble Kinsmen: Presented at the Blackfriers by the Kings Maiesties servants, with great applause: Written by the memorable Worthies of their time; M^r. John Fletcher, and M^r. William Shakspeare. Gent. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes; for Iohn Waterson: and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne in Pauls Church-yard. 1634.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 6.
Collation: titlepage unsigned, B-M^4N^2, paged. Wanting N 2 (? blank). Prologue. Epilogue at the end.
[Another copy.]
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 27. 1.
Also wanting N 2.
BM 635.
The Wild-Goose Chase. A Comedie. As it hath been Acted with singular Applause at the Black-Friers: Being the Noble, Last, and Onely Remaines of those Incomparable Drammatists, Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher, Gent. Retriv'd for the publick delight of all the Ingenious; And private Benefit Of John Lowin, And Joseph Taylor, Servants to His late Majestie. By a Person of Honour. Ite bonis avibus—London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at the Princes Armes in St. Paules Church-yard. 1652.
F^o. (13-1/4 8-7/8). *. 3. 2.
Collation: A^2a^2B-P^2, paged. Epistle dedicatory "To the Honour'd, Few, Lovers of Drammatick Poesie," signed: John Lowin, Joseph Taylor. Commendatory verses signed: Richard Lovelace, Norreys Jephson, W. E., H: Harington, James Ramsey. Personae with parts assigned.
Wit without Money. A Comedie, As it hath beene Presented with good Applause at the private house in Drurie Lane, by her Majesties Servants. Written by Francis Beamount, and John Flecher. Gent. London Printed by Thomas Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, and William Cooke. 1639.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 3.
Collation: titlepage unsigned, B-I^4, unpaged. Wanting I 4 (? blank). Personae. First edition.
BM 119.
The Woman Hater, or the Hungry Courtier. A Comedy, As it hath been Acted by his Majesties Servants with great Applause. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. Gent. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1649.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). S. 4. 7.
Collation: 2 leaves unsigned, A2-4, B-E^4, unpaged. Double columns. Prologue and epilogue in verse. Personae. Prose prologue. This is a re-issue of the third edition (1648), A 1 being replaced by a half-sheet unsigned. The first two editions appeared in 1607.
Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough and William of Cloudesle. [Woodcut, with names printed above the figures.] London, Printed by A. M. for W. Thackeray, at the Angel in Duck-Lane, [sic.]
B. L. 4^o. (7-1/2 5-1/2). Q. 14. 4.
Collation: A-C^4, unpaged. Wanting C 4 (? blank). The date cannot be earlier than about 1660, when Thackeray started as bookseller. The first edition of the ballad was probably that printed by Byddell in 1536, known only from a fragment of two leaves. (Haz. I. 33.)
XVIII Histoires Tragiques. Extraictes des euures Italiennes de Bandel, & mises en langue Franoise, Les six premieres, par Pierre Boisteau, surnomm Launay, natif de Bretaigne. Les douze suiuantes par Fran. de Belle-Forest, Comingeois. A Paris. Pour Gilles Robinot tent sa boutique au Palais, en la galerie ou on va la Chancellerie. 1564. Auec Priuilege.
16^o. (4-1/2 3). *. 21.
Collation: a-z^8A-2I^8, paged. 'Extrait du Privilege du Roy' dated, Paris, Jan. 17, 1563; 'Achev d'imprimer' Sept. 20, 1564. Epistle dedicatory, from Boisteau to Matthieu de Mauny, Abbe des Noyers. Address to the reader. Belleforest's continuation begins with head-title at sig. t 6, preceded by commendatory verses by Belleforest 'Au seigneur de Launay Breton' (i.e. Boisteau). Epistle dedicatory by Belleforest to Charles Maximilian, due d'Orleans. Table of the whole eighteen histories at the end. The six novels translated by Boisteau appeared in 1559, and the same year saw the publication of the continuation by Belleforest containing the other twelve. The two parts were first printed together at Lyons in 8^o the same year as the present edition. In the subsequent volumes Belleforest drew from many other sources besides Bandello, while throughout he enlarges greatly upon his original.
Le Cinquiesme Tome des Histoires Tragiques, Le succez, & euenement desquelles est pour la plus part recueilly des choses aduenues de nostre temps, & le reste des histoires anciennes. Par F. de Belleforest Comingeois. A Lyon, Par les heritiers de Benoist Rigaud. M. DCI.
16^o. (4-3/4 2-7/8). *. 20.
Collation: A-2P^8, paged. Epistle dedicatory to Anthoinette de Turaine, Contesse de Clinchamp, signed and dated, Paris, July 25, 1570. Commendatory verses by Justus Ludovicus a Tornone in Latin. Italian verses headed 'De gli Spiriti Francesi la Francia' and 'Il libro, de se stesso.' Commendatory verses by Jaques Moysson, and A. du Verdier. Table at end. The volume contains eight histories. The first edition of vol. v. appeared at Paris in 1570. The final edition of the 'Histoires Tragiques' is that published at Rouen in 1603-4, in 7 vols. 16^o.
The Hystorie of Hamblet. London Imprinted by Richard Bradocke, for Thomas Pauier, and are to be sold at his shop in Corne-hill, neere to the Royall Exchange 1608.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/4) S. 33. 3.
Collation: A-H^4I^2, unpaged. Wanting A1 and I2 (? blank). Argument. Preface. Translated from the third 'Histoire' of the fifth volume of Belleforest's collection. The present copy, which is supposed to be unique, came into Capell's hands from the collection of the Duke of Newcastle (see R. Farmer's 'Learning of Shakespeare,' ed. 2, 1767, p. 59). Capell had previously possessed a fragment (Id. p. 57).
Il Decameron Di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio. Del MDXXVII.
4^o. (8-1/2 6-1/4). O. 1.
On the verso of the facsimile titlepage of 1527 occurs the imprint "Londra per Tommaso Edlin. MDCCXXV." With engraved portrait and frontispiece. The reprint known as Consul Smith's edition.
The Modell of Wit, Mirth, Eloquence, and Conuersation. Framed in Ten Dayes, of an hundred curious Pieces, by seuen Honourable Ladies, and three Noble Gentlemen. Preserued to Posterity by the Renowned Iohn Boccacio, the first Refiner of Italian prose: And now translated into English. Printed by Isaac Iaggard, for Mathew Lownes, 1625.
F^o. (11-1/8 7-1/8). F. 9. 1.
Title within ornamental border originally used in 1593 for Sidney's 'Arcadia'. Collation: A-V^62A^82B-2N^6, folios numbered. 2N 6 blank. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Philip Herbert, Earl of Montgomery. Table of contents in double columns. Woodcuts in text.
BM 239.
The Decameron containing An hundred pleasant Nouels. Wittily discoursed, betweene seuen Honourable Ladies, and three Noble Gentlemen. The last Fiue Dayes. London, Printed by Isaac Iaggard, 1620.
F^o. (11-1/8 7-1/8). F. 9. 2.
Title within border formed of woodcuts used also in the text. Collation: A^4-2^{4}3^2B-2Z^{4}3A^6, folios numbered. A 1 blank. Epistle dedicatory to Philip Herbert, Earl of Montgomery. Address to the reader. Table of contents in single columns. Woodcuts in text.
BM 460.
Thirteene most pleasaunt and delectable questions, Entituled, A disport of diuerse noble personages, written in Italian by M. Iohn Bocace Florentine and poet Laureat, in his booke named Philocopo: Englished by H. G. Imprinted at London by A. I. and are to be sold in Paules churchyard, by Thomas Woodcocke. 1587. [Colophon] Imprinted at London, by Abell Ieffes, and are to be solde in Paules churchyard by Thomas Woodcocke, dwelling at the signe of the Beare. 1587.
B. L. 8^o. (5-1/4 3-1/2). *. 12.
Collation: A-L^8, unpaged. Epistle dedicatory from H. G. to William Rice, dated Mar. 6, 1566. Verses to the reader. Argument. Translated from the fifth book of the 'Philocolo'. The first edition appeared under the title 'A Pleasant disport' &c., in 1567. The present edition is the fourth that is known. Both H. Grantham and H. Gifford have been suggested as the translator.
Sinker 1093. BM 239.
Bel-vedre or the Garden of the Muses.
Quem referent Mus viuet dum robora tellus, Dum coelum stellas, dum vehet amnis aquas.
Imprinted at London by F. K. for Hugh Astley, dwelling at Saint Magnus Corner. 1600.
8^o. (5-5/8 3-3/4). *. 1. 1.
Collation: A^8, two leaves unsigned, B-R^8, paged. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Address to the reader. Coat of arms of the Bodenhams. Commendatory verses to Iohn Bodenham the editor, signed A. M. (i.e. Anthony Munday?); other verses signed A. B., W. Rankins, R. Hathway. Dedicatory verses to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge respectively (two leaves unsigned and printed on recto only). At the end, prose 'Conclusion' followed by alphabetical table of headings.
Sinker 820. BM 240.
Scogin's Jests: Full of witty Mirth, and pleasant Shifts; done by him in France and other places. Being A Preservative against Melancholy. Gathered by Andrew Board, Doctor of Physick. This may be Reprinted, R. P. London: Printed for W. Thackeray at the Angel in Duck-lane, near West-Smithfield, and J. Deacon at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/4 5-3/8). Q. 8. 3.
Collation: A^2B-F^4, paged. Prologue. Epigram by Scogin. Table of contents. The date is after 1660. (See Bell, Adam.) There is not the least evidence for fathering the 'Scogin' jests upon Borde.
Stultifera Nauis, qua omnium mortalium narratur stultitia, admodum vtilis & necessaria ab omnibus ad suam salutem perlegenda, Latino sermone in nostrum vulgarem versa, & iam diligenter impressa. An. Do. 1570. [Woodcut.] The Ship of Fooles, wherin is shewed the folly of all States, with diuers other workes adioyned vnto the same, very profitable and fruitfull for all men. Translated out of Latin into Englishe by Alexander Barclay Priest. [Colophon] Imprinted at London in Paules Churchyarde by Iohn Cawood Printer to the Queenes Maiestie. Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
F^o. B. L. (11 7-1/2). F. 13.
Collation: -2^6A-2V^{6}2X^4; A-G^6; A-D^6, folios numbered in first alphabet. Epistle dedicatory from Alexander Barclay to Thomas Cornissh, Bishop of Bath, in Latin. Latin verses by Iacobus Locher. Latin epistle of the same to Sebastian Brant, dated, Friburg, Feb. 1, 1497. Commendatory verses in Latin by the same to Brant. More Latin verses by the same. Latin verses by the same to Johannes Bergmannus de Olpe. Latin verses by Brant to Locher. Latin prologue by Locher. Same in English. Introductory verses in Latin and English. Prose Argument in Latin and English. Latin verses by Locher, and by Brant. Copy of English verses. Text of the 'Ship of Fools' with woodcuts. At the end is the note 'Thus endeth the Ship of Fooles, Translated out of Latin, French and Duch, into Englishe, by Alexander Barclay Priest, at that time Chaplen in the Colledge of S. Mary Otery in the Countie of Deuon. Anno Domini. 1508.' More Latin verses by Locher. English verses by the translator. Table of contents in Latin and English. The second alphabet contains, with head-title, 'The Mirrour of good Maners. Conteining the foure Cardinal Vertues, compiled in Latin by Dominike Mancin, and translated into English by Alexander Barclay priest, and Monke of Ely. At the desire of the right worshipfull syr Giles Alington Knight.' Latin and English in parallel columns. At the end verses, in Latin and English, by Petrus Carmelianus. The third alphabet contains, with head-title, 'Certayne Egloges of Alexander Barclay Priest, Whereof the first three conteyne the miseryes of Courtiers and Courtes of all princes in generall, Gathered out of a booke named in Latin, Miseri Curialium, compiled by Eneas Siluius Poet and Oratour' (i.e. neas Silvius Piccolomini, afterwards Pius II.) five in number, in double columns. Two editions of the translation of Brant appeared in 1509 from the presses respectively of R. Pynson and Wynkin de Worde, the latter of whom printed another edition in 1518. The present edition appears to be the fourth. Of the Eclogues, i-iv were printed by R. Pynson, the fifth by W. de Worde early in the century; i-iii were twice reprinted about the middle of the century, while the present is the first edition containing all five.
Sinker 210. BM 260.
The Arbor of Amorous Deuices: Wherein young Gentlemen may reade many pleasant fancies & fine deuices: And thereon meditate diuers sweete Conceites to court the loue of faire Ladies and Gentlewomen: By N. B. Gent. Imprinted at London by Richard Iones, at the Rose and Crowne, neere S. Andrewes Church. 1597.
4^o. (7-1/4 4-3/4). S. 8. 3.
Collation: A-F^4, unpaged. Wanting A 1, 4, D 3, 4, E 2-4, and A 3 badly, D 1, 2, E 1 slightly defective. Address to the readers, signed "R. I. Printer." Only one edition of the work appears to be known, but it was entered on the Stationers' Register as early as Jan. 7, 1593-4. The author was Nicholas Breton. The above title is given by Mr Hazlitt (H. 57) apparently from the Beauclerk sale-catalogue (1781) lot 3241. The present copy is the only one now known.
Sinker 470.
Grimellos Fortunes, With his Entertainment in his trauaile. A discourse full of pleasure. London Printed for E. White, and are to bee solde at his Shoppe neere the little North doore of S. Paules-Church at the Signe of the Gun. 1604.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5). S. 36. 3.
Collation: A^2B-D^4E^2, unpaged. Address to the reader signed B. N. (i.e. Nicholas Breton). The text is in dialogue.
BM 1129.
The Tragicall Historye of Romeus and Iuliet, written first in Italian by Bandell, and nowe in Englishe by Ar. Br. In dibus Richardi Tottelli. Cum Priuilegio. [Colophon] Imprinted at London in Flete strete within Temble [sic] barre, at the signe of the hand and starre, by Richard Tottill the .xix. day of Nouember. An. do. 1562.
B. L. 8^o. (6-3/8 4). X. 4. 2.
Collation: four leaves unsigned, A-K^8, L^4, folios numbered. Wanting the first three leaves, containing titlepage, prose address to the reader, signed Ar. Br. Verses to the reader and an argument in verse precede the poem. Indexed throughout by Capell with the corresponding passages in the 'Histoires Tragiques' ed. 1564. 16^o. The poem is based on Boisteau's version of Bandello's novel ('Hist. Trag.' No. 3. Bandello, 11. 9). First edition.
Sinker 228.
The Tragicall historie of Romeus and Iuliet. Contayning in it a rare example of true constancie: with the subtill counsels and practises of an old Fryer, and their ill euent. Res est solliciti plena timoris amor. At London, Imprinted by R. Robinson, 1587.
B. L. 8^o. (5-1/4 3-1/2). *. 8. 2.
Collation: A-N^8, folios numbered. A 1 blank. Verses to the reader. Argument in verse. Second edition.
Sinker 704.
Bullokars Booke at large, for the Amendment of Orthographie for English speech: wherein, a most perfect supplie is made, for the wantes and double sounde of letters in the olde Orthographie, with Examples for the same.... Heerevnto are also ioyned written Copies with the same Orthographie. Giue God the praise, that teacheth alwaies. When truth trieth, errour flieth. Seene and allowed according to order. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham. 1580.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/4 5-1/4). Q. 10. 4.
Collation: A-R^2, 2 leaves unsigned, paged. Author's preface signed W. B. Prologue in verse. The last sheet contains specimens of the amended orthography printed from blocks on recto of leaves only.
Sinker 342. BM 293.
Seuen Dialogues Both Pithie and Profitable ... 1606. See ERASMUS, Desiderius.
The English Grammar, Or The Institution of Letters, Syllables, and Woords, in the English tung. Wher'unto is annexed An Index of woords Lik' and Unlik'. By Charles Butler, Magd. Master of Arts. Arist. Polit. lib 8, cap. 3. Grammatica addiscenda pueris, utpot ad vitam utilis. Oxford, Printed by William Turner, for the Author: 1634.
4^o. (6-3/4 5-1/4). S. 32. 4.
Collation: *^{4}2*^2A-K^4a-c^4d^2, paged A-K only. Epistle dedicatory from the author to Prince Charles. Address to the reader, signed C. B. M. (= Charles Butler Magd.) and dated, Wotton, Sept. 1, 1633. Another address. Commendatory verses in Latin signed S. W. Sheets a-d contain the 'Index of Woords' (homonyms) mentioned on the titlepage. Printer's address to the reader at end. Prefixed is a sheet (*^4) containing cancelled preliminary matter, namely titlepage as above but without the peculiarities of orthography and dated 1633, the first address to the reader, also in ordinary orthography, and S. W.'s verses. Some copies only have the earlier titlepage, some only the later, but the two issues differ in the preliminary matter alone.
BM 299.
Prolusions; or, select Pieces of antient Poetry,—compil'd with great Care from their several Originals, and offer'd to the Publick as Specimens of the Integrity that should be found in the Editions of worthy Authors,—in three Parts; containing, I. The notbrowne Mayde; Master Sackvile's Induction; and, Overbury's Wife: II. Edward the third, a Play, thought to be writ by Shakespeare: III. Those excellent didactic Poems, intitl'd—Nosce teipsum, written by Sir John Davis; with a Preface.
Impius hc tam culta novalia miles habebit? Barbarus has segetes?
Virg. Ecl. I.
London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson in the Strand. 1760. [Colophon] From the Press of Dryden Leach, in Crane-court, Fleet-street. Oct. 6^th. 1759.
8^o. (7 4-1/2). S. 39.
Dedication to Lord Willoughby of Parham, subscribed "the Editor" (i.e. Edward Capell).
The Ancient Historie of the destruction of Troy.... 1617. See LE FVRE, Raoul.
The History of Don-Quichote. The first parte. Printed for Ed: Blounte
4^o. (6-7/8 5-1/8). S. 16.
The engraved titlepage to the second part has been inserted instead of that properly belonging. The only difference is in the words 'The second parte' which have at some time had a piece of paper pasted over them. Collation: ^4A-2O^8, paged. Wanting 4 (second leaf of preface). Epistle dedicatory to the Lord of Walden, signed by the translator, Thomas Shelton. Author's preface to the reader. Sonnets in praise of Don Quixote. Table of contents. Text in four books. More poems on Don Quixote. The first part originally appeared in 1612; this is the second edition, c. 1620.
BM 345.
The second Part of the History of the Valorous and witty Knight-Errant, Don Quixote of the Manha. Written in Spanish by Michael Ceruantes: And now Translated into English. London, Printed for Edward Blount. 1620.
4^o. (6-7/8 5-1/8). S. 17.
Collation: A-2I^82K^4, paged. Wanting 2K 4 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to George, Marquess of Buckingham, signed Ed: Blount. Author's prologue to the reader. Table of contents. Errata. Text not divided into books.
BM 345.
The praise of Folie.... 1549. See ERASMUS, Desiderius.
Hero And Leander ... 1637. See MUSUS.
The Whole Works of Homer.... n. d. See HOMER.
A Character of Charles the Second written By an Impartial Hand, and exposed to publick View For Information of the People. London, Printed for Gabriel Bedell, and are to be sold at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, 1660.
4^o. (9-7/8 7). I. 1. 2.
Collation: portrait prefixed, A^4, paged. Engraved portrait signed G. Faithorne facing title. According to Wood the author was George Morley, D.D., who later in the same year became bishop of Winchester, but the attribution is not substantiated. The BM catalogue ascribes it to Sir Samuel Tuke, on what authority does not appear.
The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Cum priuilegio. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Rycharde Kele, dwellynge in Lombarde strete nere vnto the stockes market at the sygne of the Egle. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.
B. L. F^o. (12-1/4 8). C. 2.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: A^8B-V^6X^42A-3Q^6, folios numbered. Double columns. Wanting 3Q 6 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Henry VIII. Table of contents. Preliminary verses. After the 'Canterbury Tales' is a half-title to 'The Romat of the Rose' within same border (sig. 2A 1). After the colophon appears a Latin epitaph on Chaucer by Stephanus Surigonus. Copies of this edition are also found bearing in the colophon the names of 'Wyllyam Bonham', 'Thomas Petit', and 'Robart Toye.' They are all alike undated. Mr Hazlitt places it before the edition of 1542, thus making it the second collected edition, and suggests the date 1538; Prof. Skeat and the BM catalogue place it after, making it the third, which seems more likely, the former dating it 1550, the latter 1545. The only dated book by Bonham, it may be remarked, appeared in 1542. In any case it is a reprint of Thynne's text first printed in 1532.
Sinker III. BM 367.
A Letter to George Hardinge, Esq. on the Subject of a Passage in Mr. Stevens's Preface to his Impression of Shakespeare.... London: Printed by B. Sibthorp, for G. Kearsly in Fleet-Street, M, DCC, LXXVII.
4^o. (9-1/2 7-3/8). 1. 3. 2.
MS. note on titlepage: 'Seen through the Press by Mr. H—go: Note on p. 18. added, and the Post-Script new-molded by him. E. C.' The postscript is preceded by a 'Sonnet To Mr. Capell'. Attributed in the BM catalogue and doubtfully by Lowndes to the Rev. John Collins of Hertfordshire.
COMMINES, PHILIPPE DE, Seigneur d Argenton.
The Historie of Philip de Commines Knight, Lord of Argenton. Imprinted at London by Ar. Hatfield, for I. Norton. 1596
F^o. (11-1/2 8). E. 4.
Title within ornamental border bearing the initials H D (i.e. H. Denham). Collation: A^6a^2B-X^6Y^4Z^{8}2A-2L^6, one leaf unsigned, paged. Sig. 2K 5 appears in duplicate; the first is presumably intended as a cancel though no alteration is apparent. Epistle dedicatory to Lord Burley, signed by the translator, Thomas Danett. Life of Philip de Commines with a reply to the accusations of Jacobus Meyerus. Table of contents. The history, preceded by the author's preface to the Archbishop of Vienne. After Bk vi there follow eight chapters headed 'A Supply of the Historie of Philip de Commines from the death of King Lewis the II. till the beginning of the wars of Naples, to wit, from 1483. till 1493. of all the which time Commines writeth nothing'. Bks vii and viii follow, after which there are a number of genealogical tables. The single leaf inserted at the end contains errata. This is the earliest known edition, though a translation was entered to Thomas Marsh as early as 1565-6.
Sinker 663.
The First part of the Contention betwixt the two famous houses of Yorke and Lancaster, with the death of the good Duke Humphrey: And the banishment and death of the Duke of Suffolke, and the Tragical end of the prowd Cardinall of Winchester, with the notable Rebellion of Jacke Cade: And the Duke of Yorkes first clayme to the Crowne. London Printed by Valentine Simmes for Thomas Millington, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peters church in Cornewall. 1600.
4^o. (6-7/8 4-3/4). T. 8. 3.
Collation: A-H^4. Wanting all after G 1. Another edition is said to have appeared the same year, printed by W. W. for Thomas Millington. This may however be due to confusion with the 'True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York'. The first edition had appeared in 1594.
Sinker 808.
The Whole Contention between the two Famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke. With the Tragicall ends of the good Duke Humfrey, Richard Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the sixt. Diuided into two Parts: And newly corrected and enlarged. Written by William Shakespeare, Gent. Printed at London, for T. P.
4^o. (7-1/2 5-5/8). Q. 12. 4.
Collation: A-2A^42B^2, with one leaf inserted before sig. R, unpaged. Wanting 2B 2 (? blank). Part ii begins at sig. I 1 with the head-title 'The Second Part. Containing the Tragedie of Richard Duke of Yorke, and the good King Henrie the Sixt.' 'Pericles' begins with separate titlepage dated 1619 (q.v.) on inserted leaf. In this copy 'Pericles' is bound up in front of the 'Contention'. This is either the third or fourth edition of the 'First Part of the Contention,' the third of the 'True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York' which first appeared in 1595, and the fourth of 'Pericles.'
BM 1388.
Thesaurus Lingu Roman & Britannic, tam accurate congestus, vt nihil pen in eo desyderari possit, quod vel Latin complectatur amplissimus Stephani Thesaurus, vel Anglic, toties aucta Eliot Bibliotheca: opera & industria Thom Cooperi Magdalenensis.... Accessit Dictionarium historicum & poticum.... In Thesaurum Thom Cooperi Magdalenensis, hexastichon Richardi Stephani.... Impressum Londini. 1573.
F^o. (12-3/4 8-3/4). B. 2.
Collation: ^6A-6V^{6}7D-7O^{6}7P-7Q^4, unpaged. Double columns. Wanting 1 (? blank), also 7P 3, 4 and 7Q 3. To supply this deficiency the last six leaves of Bynneman's edition of 1584 including colophon, have been bound in after 7P 2. Latin epistle dedicatory to Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, from Thomas Cooper. Address to the reader in Latin and another in English. Commendatory verses in Latin from Alexander Nowellus, Thomas Wykus (2 copies), Thomas Valens (2 copies), Ia. Calfhillus, and in Greek by Richardus Stephanus (3 copies). The 'Dictionarium Historicum & Poeticum' begins with head-title on 7D 1. On the titlepage is the cut of the Dudley crest as in James Sandford's 'Garden of Pleasure' (q.v.). Based on Sir T. Elyot's 'Dictionary,' the first edition of which appeared in 1538.
Sinker 829. BM 406.
Wits, Fits, and Fancies: Or, A generall and serious Collection, of the Sententious Speeches, Answers, Iests, and Behauiours, of all sortes of Estates, From the Throane to the Cottage. Being properly reduced to their seuerall heads, for the more ease of the Reader. Newly Corrected and augmented, with many late, true, and wittie accidents. Musica mentis, medecina Mstus. London Printed by Edw: Allde, dwelling in little Saint Bartholmewes, neer Christ-Church. 1614.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/4). T. 2.
Collation: A^2B-2B^{4}2C^2, paged. Address to the reader. The original edition appeared in 1595 and bore on the title the initials of the author, Anthony Copley.
BM 1620.
Coryats Crambe, or his Colwort Twise Sodden, And Now serued in with other Macaronicke dishes, as the second course to his Crudities. London Printed by William Stansby 1611.
4^o. (8 6). P. 2. 1.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: a-b^4, 1 leaf unsigned, A-D^4, D 3, 4, 1 leaf unsigned, D 1, 2, 1 leaf unsigned, a-b^4c-g^8h^4 H 1-3 i-l^4, unpaged. The book consists entirely of dedicatory epistles, orations, commendatory verses and the like. On sig. a 4 (second l. c. alphabet) occurs a large woodcut of the Prince of Wales' badge with the initials H. P. (i.e. Prince Henry). The present copy differs from the three preserved in the BM, which have collation a-b^4, 1 leaf unsigned (necessitated by the catchword, but only preserved in one copy), A-D^4, D 3, 4, 2 leaves unsigned, E-G^{4} (G 4 blank, only preserved in one copy), H 1-3.
BM 411.
The English Treasury of Wit and Language, collected Out of the most, and best of our English Drammatick Poems; Methodically digested into Common Places For Generall Use. By John Cotgrave Gent. Varietas delectat, Certitudo Prodest. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the Princes Armes in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1655.
8^o. (6-1/2 4-1/4). X. 2.
Collation: A^4B-V^8X^4, paged. Address to the reader, signed. Table of headings. The Shakespearian quotations have been marked by Capell.
A French-English Dictionary, Compil'd by Mr Randle Cotgrave: With Another in English and French. Whereunto are newly added the Animadversions and Supplements, &c. of James Howell Esquire. Inter Eruditos Cathedram habeat Polyglottes. London, Printed by W. H. for Humphrey Robinson, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the three Pigeons, in Pauls Church-yard. 1650.
F^o. (12-1/2 8-1/2) B. 8.
Collation: a-d^4B-4V^{4}4X^2, two leaves unsigned, A-2F^{4}2G^6, unpaged. Last leaf blank. Epistle dedicatory 'To the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain', signed James Howell. French grammar &c. Epistle dedicatory to William Cecil, Lord Burghley, signed Randle Cotgrave. French address to the reader signed 'I. L'oiseau de Tourval, Parisien [Greek: D].' The unsigned sheet begins Part ii, with separate titlepage: 'Dictionaire Anglois & Franois, pour l'vtilit de tous ceux, qui sont desireux de deux Langues. A Dictionary English and French; Compiled for the comodity of all such as are desirous of both the Languages, By Robert Sherwood Londoner. London, Printed by Susan Islip. 1650', within ornamental border. Address to the reader in French, signed 'R. S. de Londres'. Address and note to the reader in English, the former signed. At the end, forms of address, irregular verbs, vocabularies etc. The original edition of Cotgrave's dictionary appeared in 1611. The present appears to be the third edition. Sherwood's portion first appeared in the edition of 1632.
Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems. With The Delights of the Muses. By Richard Crashaw, sometimes of Pembroke Hall, and late fellow of S. Peters Coll. in Cambridge. The second Edition wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop at the Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1648.
12^o. (5-3/4 3-3/8). Z. 5.
Collation: A^4B-F^{12}A-C^{12}, 2 leaves unsigned, paged. Preface. Motto. 'Steps to the Temple.' Table. 'The Delights of the Muses' with separate titlepage (T. W. for H. Moseley ... 1648) at sig. F 12, and fresh pagination. Table at the end (unsigned). Second edition, the first having appeared in 1646.
The Historie of Philip de Commines ... 1596 See COMMINES, Philippe de.
The Whole Workes of Samuel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, for Simon Waterson, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Paules Church-yard, at the Signe of the Crowne. 1623.
4^o. (6-7/8 5-3/8). S. 25.
Collation: 2 leaves unsigned, A-C^4D-Q^8R^{4}2A-2S^{8}2T^6, A-M^8N^4, paged. Wanting A 4 (? blank) and E 4 in the 'Civil Wars'. The two preliminary leaves (here misplaced after signature A) contain the general titlepage and an epistle dedicatory to Prince Charles signed by Iohn Daniel, brother of the author, who superintended the edition. Then follows the edition of the 'Civil Wars' which had previously appeared as a separate publication in 1609. It has an engraved titlepage containing portrait, signed T. Cockson and dated 1609; also epistle dedicatory to Mary Countess Dowager of Pembroke, signed. In the rest of the volume 'Philotas', 'Hymens Triumph', 'The Queens Arcadia', 'The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses', 'Cleopatra', 'The Letter of Octavia' etc., and 'The Panegyrike' etc. have separate titlepages with the same imprint; 'Musophilus' and 'Rosamond' half-titles, after which follow 'Delia' and the miscellaneous verses and epistles. The 'Defence of Rime' mentioned on the titlepage to the 'Panegyrick' does not appear in the volume. This was the first complete edition of Daniel's poetical works. Some copies are said to have a titlepage: 'Drammaticke Poems.... 1635', which was probably designed for issue with the remaining sheets after the stock of the 1609 'Civil Wars' was exhausted.
BM 445.
A Discouerie of the true Causes why Ireland was neuer entirely Subdued, nor brought vnder Obedience of the Crowne of England, vntill the Beginning of his Maiesties happie Raigne. Printed for Iohn Iaggard, dwelling within Temple Bar, at the Signe of the Hand and Star. 1612.
4^o. (6-3/4 5). U. 1.
Collation: A-2N^{4}2O^2, paged. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Dedication to King James 'By his Maiesties Atturney Generall, of Ireland', (i.e. Sir John Davies). Errata at the end. Republished the following year under the title of 'A Discoverie of the State of Ireland'.
BM 453.
Nosce teipsum. This Oracle expounded in two Elegies. 1. Of Humane knowledge. 2. Of the Soule of Man, and the immortalitie thereof. London, Printed by Richard Field for Iohn Standish. 1599.
4^o. (7-3/4 5-3/4). Q. 9. 1.
Collation: A^2B-L^4M^2, paged. Wanting M 2 (? blank). Dedicatory verses to Queen Elizabeth signed by the author, Iohn Davies.
BM 453.
[Another copy.]
4^o. (7-3/4 5-7/8). Q. 9. 3.
Also wanting M 2.
[Another copy.]
4^o. (7-1/8 5). S. 36. 4.
This copy wants, besides the blank, the titlepage and the last leaf of text. These have been supplied in MS. by Capell. The copy contains a large number of analytical notes in an early hand. It has also been carefully collated throughout by Capell with the subsequent edition of 1602 and the results entered in red ink. The edition of 1602 is also in quarto, but somewhat more closely printed so as to get the whole into eleven sheets, and has the following titlepage: 'Nosce teipsum. This Oracle expounded in two Elegies. 1. Of Humane knowledge. 2. Of the Soule of Man, and the immortalitie thereof. Newly corrected and amended. London, Printed by Richard Field for Iohn Standish. 1602'. (BM 453.)
Nosce Teipsum. This Oracle expounded in two Elegies. 1. Of Humane Knowledge. 2. Of the Soule of Man, and the immortalitie thereof. Hymnes of Astra in Acrosticke Verse. Orchestra, or, A Poeme of Dauncing. In a Dialogue betweene Penelope, and one of her Wooers. Not finished. London, Printed by Augustine Mathewes for Richard Hawkins, and are to be sold at his Shop in Chancery Lane, neere Serieants Inne. 1622.
8^o. (6-3/8 4-1/4). X. 1.
Collation: A-L^4, unpaged. Wanting A 1 and L 4 (? blank). Dedicatory verses 'To my most gracious dread Soveraigne' (i.e. Queen Elizabeth) signed by the author Iohn Davies. 'Astrea' and 'Orchestra' have each a separate titlepage bearing the same date. Fifth edition. 'Astra' was added in the fourth edition, 1619; the 'Orchestra' first appeared in the present edition, which was the last issued during the life of the author.
BM 453.
DAVIES, JOHN, of Hereford.
Microcosmos. The Discouery of the Little World, with the government thereof.
An mirum est habitare Deum sub pectore nostro? Exemplumq; Dei quisq; est sub imagine paru.
By Iohn Davies. At Oxford, Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to bee solde in Fleetestreete at the signe of the Turkes head by Iohn Barnes. 1603.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-3/8). R. 12. 1.
Collation: A-2O^{4}2P^2, paged. Dedicatory verses to King James and to the Queen, both signed. Five copies of verses by Davies. Commendatory verses signed: Io. Sanfordus (Lat.), Robertus Burhillus (Lat.), N. Debillus (Lat.), Iohn Iames (Lat. and Eng.), T. R. (Lat.), Douglas Castilion (one copy unsigned), Charles Fitz-Ieffry (one copy unsigned), Nicholas Deeble, Nathanael Tomkins (Lat.), and the author's brother Richard Davies. Verse Preface to the King, signed. Verses to the Prince of Wales, signed. 'Microcosmus' is followed by 'An Extasy'; both are in verse. Sonnets and poems by Davies. Commendatory verses from N. Deeble and Ed. Lapworth (Lat.).
BM 452.
English Villanies seven severall Times Prest to Death by the Printers; But (still reviving againe) are now the eighth time, (as at the first) discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-Light; And the helpe of a New Cryer, called O-Per-Se-O: Whose loud voyce proclaimes to all that will heare him; Another Conspiracy of Abuses lately plotting together, to hurt the Peace of this Kingdome; which the Bell-man (because he then went stumbling i'th darke) could never see, till Now. And because a Company of Rogues, cunning Canting Gypsies, and all the Scumme of our Nation fight here under their Tattered Colours, At the end is a Canting Dictionary, to teach their Language: with Canting Songs. A Booke to make Gentlemen Merry. Citizens Warie. Countrimen Carefull. Fit for all Iustices to reade over, because it is a Pilot, by whom they may make Strange Discoveries. London, Printed by M. Parsons, and are to be sold by Iames Becket, at the Inner-Temple Gate in Fleet-street. 1638.
B. L. 4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/2). S. 28. 4.
Collation: A-O^4, unpaged. Woodcut of the Bellman with verses below on verso of titlepage. Epistle dedicatory to the Middlesex Justices of the Peace, signed T. Dekker. Address to the reader. Table of contents. This work was constantly reprinted under different titles. The earliest edition appeared in 1608 as 'Lanthorne and Candle-light. Or The Bell-mans second Nights walke' (Haz. II. 688), being a sequel to 'The Belman of London' which was likewise first printed in 1608. Apparently the eighth edition, but it is not possible to trace all previous ones.
BM 461.
The Mirrour of Mirth, and pleasant Conceits: containing, Many proper and pleasaunt inuentions, for the recreation and delight of many, and to the hurt and hinderance of none. Framed in French by that Worshipfull and learned Gentleman Bonaduentura de Periers, Groom to the right excellent and vertuous Princesse, the Queen of Nauara: And Englished by R. D. At London, Printed by Roger Warde: dwelling a litle aboue Holburne Conduit, at the Signe of the Talbot. 1583.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/4). S. 33. 4.
Collation: A^2B-N^4O^2, folios numbered. Address to the reader, signed T. D. (sic). Table of contents at end. Supposed unique.
Sinker 647.
DEVEREUX, ROBERT, Earl of Essex.
A Declaration of the Practises and Treasons attempted and committed by Robert late Earle of Essex.... 1601. See BACON, Francis.
Dobsons Drie Bobbes: Sonne and Heire to Skoggin. London Printed by Valentine Simmes 1607.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/4 5-7/8). Q. 8. 2.
Collation: A-O^4, unpaged. Wanting A 1 and O 4 (? blank). Address to the reader. Table of contents. 'This Dobson, it appears from a note in Harl. MS. 5910, was the adopted son of Sir Thomas Pentley, a priest in Queen Mary's days.' (Haz. H. 300.)
L'Inganno dialogo di M. Gioseppe Horologgi. Con priuilegio. In Vinegia appresso Gabriele Giolito de' Ferrari. M D LXII.
8^o. (5-1/2 3-3/4). Z. 7. 5.
Collation: *^8A-N^8, paged. Epistle dedicatory from the author to the 'Academici Olimpici di Vicenza', dated, Venice, Jan. 12, 1562. Alphabetical table. At the end, an epistle dated from Venice, headed 'Al Mag. S.N.'
Iuuenilia: or certain Paradoxes, and Problems, written by I. Donne. London, Printed by E. P. for Henry Seyle, and are to be sold at the signe of the Tygers head, in Saint Pauls Church-yard, Anno Dom. 1633.
4^o. (7 5-1/4). S. 20. 2.
Collation: A-H^4, unpaged. A 1 blank. Table of Paradoxes on verso of Title. Eleven Paradoxes. License for Paradoxes signed by Henry Herbert and dated Oct. 25, 1632. Half-title to Problems, Table on verso. Ten Problems.
BM 490.
Poems, By J. D. With Elegies on the Authors Death. London. Printed by M. F. for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in St Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street. 1633.
4^o. (7 5-1/4). S. 20. 1.
Collation: A^4; A^2B-3F^4, paged. 3F 4 blank. Wanting first leaf (? blank). Epistle. Printer's address to the reader. Verses signed Jo. Mar. (= John Marriot). Poems. Satires. Letters. Elegies upon the Author, Dr Donne. This is the first collected edition of his poems. The prose 'Iuvenilia' of the same year forms a supplement.
BM 490.
The .xiii. Bukes of Eneados.... 1553. See VERGILIUS MARO, Publius.
The Battaile of Agincourt. Fought by Henry the fift of that name, King of England, against the whole power of the French: vnder the Raigne of their Charles the sixt, Anno Dom. 1415. The Miseries of Queene Margarite, the infortunate Wife, of that most infortunate King Henry the sixt. Nimphidia, the Court of Fayrie. The Quest of Cinthia. The Shepheards Sirena. The Moone-Calfe. Elegies vpon sundry occasions. By Michaell Drayton Esquire. London, Printed for William Lee, at the Turkes Head in Fleete-Streete, next to the Miter and Phoenix. 1627.
F^o. (9-3/4 5-7/8). I. 2.
Collation: portrait prefixed, A^4a^2B^6C-2E^4, paged. Wanting A^4 containing John Reynolds' verses, and 2E 4 (? blank). Engraved portrait signed Wil Hole, with Latin verses subscribed, facing title. The plate had already been used in the 'Poems' of 1619. Dedication to the Gentlemen of Great Britain, signed. Commendatory verses by J. Vaughan, J. Reynolds, and Ben Jonson. First edition.
BM 498.
Englands Heroicall Epistles. Newly Corrected. With Idea. By Michaell Drayton. At London, Printed by I. R. for N. L. and are to be sold at his shop in Fleetstreete, neere Saint Dunstones Church. 1602.
8^o. (5-7/8 4). Z. 2.
Collation: A^4B-Q^8, unpaged. Address to the reader, signed M.D. Commendatory verses signed: E. Sc. Gent., Thomas Hassell, William Alexander. The 'Epistles' are divided into groups to which are prefixed dedicatory epistles to Lucy Countess of Bedford, Lady Anne Harington, Sir Walter Acton, Edward Earl of Bedford, Iames Huish, Elizabeth Tanfelde, Sir Thomas Munson, Sir Henry Goodere, Henry Lucas, and Lady Frauncis Goodere, each signed. 'Idea' begins on O 7^V. The first sonnet should belong to the 'Epistles', of which it contains a list, the second and third are prefatory, addressed to the reader. The first edition appeared in 1597; the present is the fifth. 'Idea' which had appeared separately was first added to the third edition, 1599.
BM 499.
Mortimeriados. The lamentable ciuell warres of Edward the second and the Barrons. At London, Printed by I. R. for Mathew Lownes, and are to bee solde at his shop in S. Dunstons Churchyard. 1596.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 18. 3.
Collation: A-S^4T^2, unpaged. Wanting A 4 (? blank as in BM copy). Dedicatory verses to Lucie Countess of Bedford, signed Michaell Drayton. Verses to the same, signed E. B. This is the original form of 'The Barons' Wars' (1603). There was another issue of this edition, differing in the titlepage alone, which has Humfry Lownes as bookseller and is without date.
Sinker 472. BM 498.
Poems: by Michael Drayton esquire, Newly Corrected by the Author. London Printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, vnder the Diall. 1613.
8^o. (6-1/2 4). Y. 2.
Collation: A^4B-2I^8, paged in part. Wanting 2I 7 and 8 (? blank). 'The Arguments' (i.e. list of contents). Dedicatory verses to Sir Walter Aston, signed. Address to the reader. Commendatory verses signed John Beaumont and Thomas Greene. 'The Barons Warres', paged. 'Englands Heroical Epistles' with fresh pagination as in the separate edition of 1602, with addition of one epistle dedicatory to Sir John Swinerton. Catalogue sonnet to the 'Epistles'. Two sonnets to the reader, 'Idea' and other sonnets, and 'Legends', unpaged. Fourth edition (vide infra).
BM 498.
Poems: by Michael Drayton Esquire. Viz. The Barons Warres, Englands Heroicall Epistles, Idea, Odes, The Legends Of Robert, Duke of Normandie, Matilda, Pierce Gaveston, And, Great Cromwell, The Owle, Pastorals, Contayning Eglogues, With the Man in the Moone. London, Printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be sold at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleet-streete vnder the Diall.
F^o. (10-1/4 6-3/8). H. 2.
Collation: A-3Q^4, paged. Engraved portrait signed Wil. Hole on verso of printed title. Engraved titlepage (unsigned) 'Poems by Michael Drayton Esquyer. Collected into one Volume. With sondry Peeces inserted neuer before Imprinted London printed for Iohn Smethwick.' Epistle dedicatory to Sir Walter Aston, signed. Address to the reader. Commendatory verses signed: Thomas Greene, Iohn Beaumont, E. Heyward, I. Selden. 'The Barons' Wars' with head-title. 'England's Heroical Epistles', 'Idea', 'Odes', 'Legends', 'The Owle', and 'Pastorals' have each a separate titlepage with imprint 'London, Printed for Iohn Smethwicke. 1619.' There are apparently no less than five collections entitled 'Poems' previous to the present, the earliest being that of 1605, all of which are substantially the same, while the present one is enlarged by the addition of the poems which originally appeared in the 'Poemes Lyrick and pastorall' of about 1606. Some copies of the present edition (BM, G. 11573) differ from the above in reading in the imprint to the general titlepage 'Fleetstreete. 1620.'. The separate titlepages however are dated 1619.
BM 498.
Poly-olbion. or A Chorographicall Description of Traicts, Riuers, Mountaines, Forests, and other Parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britaine, With intermixture of the most Remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures, and Commodities of the same: Digested in a Poem By Michael Drayton. With a Table added, for direction to those occurrences of Story and Antiquitie, whereunto the Course of the Volume easily leades not. Esq. [sic] London. Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes: I. Browne: I. Helme, and I. Busbie. 1613.
F^o. (11-3/8 7-1/8). E. 5.
Collation: 4 leaves unsigned, 2 leaves unsigned, A^4[heart]^4B-2C^62D^2, paged, with eighteen double-page engraved maps inserted. Wanting first leaf (? blank) and sig. A. Printed title misplaced after the two unsigned leaves. First leaf blank (wanting), second leaf verses 'Vpon the Frontispice' on verso, third leaf engraved titlepage signed W. Hole, fourth leaf printed titlepage. The verses and engraved titlepage certainly form one sheet and the printed titlepage probably occupies the second leaf of an outer sheet. The two unsigned leaves which follow, and which certainly form one sheet, contain Epistle dedicatory to Prince Henry, signed, verses on the prince, and a very fine engraved portrait of him at pike exercise, signed William Hole. The quire A (wanting) contains address to the reader and 'To my Friends, the Cambro-Britans', also 'From the Author of the Illustrations' (i.e. J. Seldon). Then follow an alphabetical Table, and the eighteen songs, each with engraved map and Seldon's notes. This is the first edition but there was an earlier undated issue without printed titlepage or sigs. A and [ht], and with the portrait of the prince in an earlier state, i.e. without the 'Henricus Princeps' on the plate. The volume was re-issued with a second part in 1622.
BM 499.
Poems: By William Drummond, of Hawthorne-denne. The second Impression. Edinburgh, Printed by Andro Hart. 1616.
4^o. (8 6), P. 2. 2.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: A-Q^4, unpaged. Wanting Q 4 (? blank). Commendatory verses signed 'Parthenius' (A 2), 'S^r W. Alexander' (K1^v), 'D. Murray' (M 3). No earlier edition is known, but there is another issue of this one with a different titlepage (same imprint) on which only the author's initials appear.
BM 500.
The most elegant, and elabourate Poems Of that Great Court-wit, M^r William Drummond. Whose Labours, both in Verse and Prose, being heretofore so precious to Prince Henry, and to K. Charles, Shall live and flourish in all Ages whiles there are men to read them, or Art & Judgment to approve them.
Horat. Carm. Lib. 1. —Multaq; pars mei Vitabit Libitinam—
London, Printed for William Rands Bookseller, at his House over against the Beare Taverne in Fleetstreet, 1659.
8^o. (6-3/8 4-1/8). X. 3.
Collation: A-O^4, paged. Engraved portrait by R. Gaywood. The titlepage is a cancel pasted over the original one printed by W. H. for the Company of Stationers in 1656. Address to the reader signed E. P. Commendatory verses signed: Edw: Phillips, D. F. (Lat.), (one copy in Lat. unsigned), Iohn Spotswood, Mary Oxlie of Morpet. 'Tears on the Death of Moeliades', 'The Wandering Muses' and 'Speeches to the high and excellent Prince, Charles, ... Delivered from the Pageants the 15^th of June, 1633', have each a separate titlepage with the imprint 'London, Printed in the Yeare, 1656.' The 'Poems' were first published in 1616 and the present edition appears to be the third; both the former ones however had several issues.
Du Bartas his Deuine Weekes and Workes: With A Complete Collection of all the other most delightfull Workes, Translated and Written by that famous Philomusus Josuah Syluester, Gent. With Additions. London, Printed by Robert Young, and are to bee sold by William Hope, at the signe of the Unicorne in Cornehill, 1641.
F^o. (13-1/4 9-1/8). A. 1.
Collation: 3 leaves unsigned, A^6B^8C-3M^6, paged. Engraved portrait of Sylvester signed Corn: v. Dalen facing engraved titlepage signed R. Elstracke, the inscription on which is altered from the previous edition of 1633. The printed titlepage follows. Anagram on James Stuart. French and Italian verses to James signed Josua Sylvester and J. S. respectively. 'Corona Dedicatoria'. Table of contents. Woodcut portrait of Du Bartas with verses in French and English. Verses on Sylvester signed John Vicars. Printer's address to the reader. Memorial to Sidney. Verses 'Indignis' and 'Optimis'. Commendatory verses in Latin signed: Jo. Bo. Miles, Car. Fitz-Geofridus Lati-Portensis, (2 copies unsigned), E. L. Oxon., G. B. Cantabrig.; in English signed: Ben Jonson, John Davies of Hereford, Jos. Hall, Samuel Daniel, G. Gay-wood; also Jo. Mauldeus Germanus (Lat.), Si. Ca. Gen. (Lat.), E. G., R. H., R. R., R. N. Gent, and R. N. Various parts have separate titlepages, and more dedicatory verses, etc. At sig. 2G1 begins 'A Briefe Index, explaining most of the hardest words', preceding the 'History of Judith'. On I 4^v is a woodcut of Eden, and after 3H 1 is inserted a folding plate facing the titlepage of the 'Posthumi'. Mr Hazlitt (H. 171) supposes that the first edition appeared in 1593, but only separate portions are known of this, or of the 1598-99 edition. The earliest of which complete copies survive is that of 1605-7. The present is the last and most complete edition and contains some of Sylvester's original poems.
EDWARD III, King of England.
The Raigne of King Edward the third: As it hath bin sundrie times plaied about the Citie of London. London, Printed for Cuthbert Burby. 1596.
4^o. (6-1/2 4-5/8). W. 5. 1.
Collation: A-I^4K^2, unpaged. Wanting A 1 (? blank). First edition.
Sinker 794. BM 518.
The Raigne of King Edward the third. As it hath bene sundry times played about the Citie of London. Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford, for Cuthbert Burby: And are to be sold at his shop neere the Royall Exchange. 1599.
4^o. (6-7/8 4-3/4). T. 7. 2.
Collation: A-I^4, unpaged. Second edition.
Sinker 816. BM 518.
The Paradice of Dainty Deuises. Containing sundry pithie precepts, learned Counsailes and excellent Inuentions: right pleasant and profitable for all estates Deuised and written for the most parte by M. Edwardes, sometime of her Maiesties Chappell: the rest by sundry learned Gentlemen both of Honor and Worship, whose names heer-after followe. Whereunto is added sundry new Inuentions, very pleasant and delightfull. At London Printed by Edward Allde for Edward White dwelling at the little North doore of Saint Paules Church, at the signe of the Gunne. Anno. 1596.
B. L. 4^o. (7-1/4 4-3/4). S. 8. 1.
Collation: A-L^4, unpaged. Wanting L 4 containing end of text and colophon. On the verso of the titlepage are 'The names of those who wrote these devices': Saint Bernard, E[dward Vere, Earl of] O[xford], Lord Vaux the Elder, W. Hunnis, Iasper Haywood, F. Kindlemarshe, D. Sande, M. Ylope. The collection went through many editions; this is apparently the seventh, the first having appeared in 1576.
Sinker 660. BM 519.
The Canons of Criticism, and Glossary; The Trial of the Letter [Greek: T], alias Y, and Sonnets. By Thomas Edwards, Esq; London: Printed for C. Bathurst, opposite St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street. M.DCC.LVIII.
8^o. (8 5-1/4). P. 7.
Titlepage and advertisement on two leaves prefixed after the author's death in 1757. The original titlepage 'By the other Gentleman of Lincoln's-Inn.... The Sixth Edition, with Additions' follows, with the same date and imprint. First published as 'A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakspeare' in 1747.
Historia Maioris Britanni, tam Angli[e] [quam] Scoti[e], per Ioannẽ Maiorem, nomine quidem Scotum, professione autem Theologum, c veterum monumentis concinnata. V[e]nundatur Iodoco Badio Ascensio. [Colophon] Ex officina Ascensiana ad Idus Aprilis. MDXXI.
4^o. (7-1/2 5-3/8). Q. 5. 2.
Collation: A^2a-p^8q-s^6t^{8}2A^4 (2A 1-2 misprinted AA iii-iiii, 3-4 unsigned) A^6 (A 1-4 misprinted A iii-vi, 5-6 unsigned) 2 leaves unsigned; folios numbered. Woodcut of the arms of Scotland and dedicatory verses from the printer to James V on verso of title. Epistle dedicatory to James from the author, subscribed 'E Gynmasio Montisacuti apud Parrhisios frugi & non ignobili'. Alphabetical tables at end, after colophon. The sheets containing the irregular signatures at the end are wanting in all three copies at the BM. Ruled throughout in red. This work is said to contain the earliest printed notice of Robin Hood.
The Castle of Health, Corrected, and in some places Augmented by the first Authour thereof, Sir Thomas Elyot Knight. Now newlie pervsed, amended, and corrected, this present yeare, 1610. London, Printed for the Company of Stationers, 1610.
4^o. (7 5-1/4). S. 32. 3.
Collation: ^4A-S^4, paged. 'The Proheme of Sir Thomas Eliot Knight, into his Booke.' Alphabetical table. The first edition appeared in 1539; this appears to be the seventh.
The Image of Gouernance compiled of the Actes and Sentences notable, of the moste noble Emperour Alexander Seuerus, late translated out of Greke into Englyshe, by syr Thomas Eliot knight, in the fauour of Nobylitie. Anno .M. D. XLI. [Colophon] Londini in Officina Thom Bertheleti typis impress. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno .M. D. XL.
B. L. 4^o (7 5-1/8). S. 7. 2.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: a-b^4A-2C^4, folios numbered. Preface. Table of contents. Fine woodcut of the arms of Sir Thomas Elyot on verso of title, and one of Berthelet's 'Lucrece' device on b4^v. The work purports to be translated out of the Greek of one Eucolpius, presumably a fictitious authority. First edition.
Sinker 65. BM 600.
The praise of Folie. Mori Encomium a booke made in latyne by that great clerke Erasmus Roterodame. Englisshed by sir Thomas Chaloner knight. Anno .M.D.XLIX. [Colophon] Imprinted at London in Fletestrete in the House of Thomas Berthelet. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Anno .M. D. LXIX.
B. L. 4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 16.
Title within ornamental border, at the foot of which are printed the initials 'T. P.' (misprint for T. B. i.e. Thomas Berthelet, see 'A necessary doctrine' etc. by T. Berthelet, 1543, T. C. C. v1^d. 3. 7.). The date in the colophon is likewise a misprint for 1549 as in title. Collation: A^4; A-T^4, unpaged. Translator's address to the reader. At the beginning is inserted a leaf of MS. in a 17th century hand containing biographical notes concerning Sir Thomas Chaloner. There is also some writing in an early hand on the verso of A 4 (preliminary sheet), but it has been pasted over and one blank leaf inserted before the next sheet.
Sinker 69. BM 596.
Prouerbes or Adagies, gathered oute of the Chiliades of Erasmus by Rycharde Tauerner. With newe addicions as well of La-of ue rbes [sic] as Englyshe. An. M. D. LII. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Rycharde Kele, dwellynge in Lombarde strete nere vnto the stockes market at the sygne of the Egle. Anno. M. D. LII.
B. L. 8^o. (5-1/4 3-3/8). *. 5.
Title within woodcut border with the initials N. H. printed in a compartment at the foot. Collation: A-K^8, folios numbered. 'The Prologue of the Author'. A collection of Latin quotations with translations and explanations in English. At the end an alphabetical table. The first edition appeared in 1539, the present is the second.
Sinker 110. BM 593.
Seuen Dialogues both pithie and profitable.
{ 1 Is of the right vse of things indifferent. { 2 Sheweth what comfort Poperie affordeth in time of daunger. The { 3 Is betweene a good Woman and a Shrew. { 4 Is of the conversion of a Harlot. { 5 Is of putting forth Children to Nurse. { 6 Is of a Popish Pilgrimage. { 7 Is of a Popish Funerall.
By W. B. London. Printed for Nicholas Ling, and are to bee sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-streete. 1606.
B. L. 4^o. (6-7/8 5-1/8). T. 4. 2.
Collation. A^4a^2B-V^4, unpaged. Wanting A1 (title) and V 4 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to the 'Maior, Sheriffes and Aldermen' of Norwich, signed by the translator, William Burton, and dated 'Reading, in Barkeshire, 1606.' Address to the reader, signed by the same. Printer's note to the reader. The seven dialogues translated from the Latin 'Colloquia' of Erasmus.
BM 594.
The Lyues, Of Philosophers and Oratours: Written in Greeke, by Eunapius, of the Cittie of Sardeis in Lydia. Brought into light, Translated into Latine, and Dedicated to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, our moste gracious Princesse and Soueraigne, Queene Elizabeth. By the great learned man, Hadrianus Iunius Hornanus. 1568. And now set foorth in English, at his request: and Dedicated to the right Honourable, the Lord Chauncellour of England. 1579. Wherein may be seene, The deepe knowledge of Philosophie. The wonderfull workes of secrete Artes. The maruelous effects of perfight eloquence. The singuler giftes of naturall qualities. The enuie of the ambitious, against the learned. The daingerous dayes that then befell for faythe. The one of Christians, the other of Infidels. Imprinted at London by Richard Iohnes, and are to be solde at his shop ouer against S. Sepulchres Church without Newgate. The.xx. daye of May.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/4). T. 1. 2.
Collation: A^4A-N^4, folios numbered. Epistle dedicatory to Sir Thomas Bromley, signed by the translator: H. I. H. Epistle to Queen Elizabeth, signed: Hadrianus Iunius Hornanus, the original editor and Latin translator, and dated Harlem, March 1, 1568. Acrostic verses to the Queen. Hadrianus' address to the reader. Verses by 'Gerarde Phalcepurgie of Nimega'. Life of Eunapius. At the end another address to the reader by Hadrianus, followed by alphabetical table and list of errata.
Sinker 467. BM 601.
The Chronicle of Fabyan, whiche he hym selfe nameth the concordaunce of historyes, nowe newely printed, & in many places corrected, as to the dylygent reader it may apere. 1542. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Printed by Iohn Reynes, dwellynge at the sygne of saynte George in Pauls churcheyarde.
B. L. F^o. (10-7/8 7-3/8). F. 16.
Title within woodcut border, with initials W. R. (i.e. William Rastel). Collation: A^6B^4a-x^6y^8z^6A-E^6*^{6}2a-2z^{6}3A-3S^6, paged. Title mounted. * 1 is inserted the wrong way round. Table of contents. Parts I-VII. 'Lenuoye' in verse. At sig. E 6 occurs a separate titlepage 'The secōde volume of Fabyans cronycle, conteynynge the cronycles of England & of Fraunce from the begynnyng of the reygne of Kynge Richarde the fyrste, vntyll the xxxii. yere of the reygne of oure moste redoubted soueraygne lorde kyng Henry the viii.', without imprint, within the same border. Table of contents. 'Prologue'. Lists of the Wards of London and the parish churches within and without the city. The whole of vol. ii, which has fresh pagination, is headed 'The seuenth part'. The collation given above follows that in Dr Sinker's catalogue, but there is strong reason to suppose that we should assume that E 6 was blank and that vol. ii began with a single sheet, unsigned, the first leaf being blank and the second containing the titlepage to that volume. The first edition appeared anonymously in 1516. In some copies of the present edition, the third, William Bonham is given as the printer's name.
Sinker 97. BM 608 (Bonham).
A Pleasant Comedie Of Faire Em, The Millers Daughter of Manchester: With the loue of William the Conqueror. As it was sundty [sic] times publiquely acted in the Honourable Citie of London, by the right Honourable the Lord Strange his Seruants. London, Printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Guilt-spur street without New-gate. 1631.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-3/8). R. 20. 3.
Collation: A-F^4, unpaged. Wanting F 4 (? blank). Second edition, the first having appeared undated a good many years earlier.
BM 527.
Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recouerie of Ierusalem.... 1600. See TASSO, Torquato.
Certain Tragicall Discourses.... 1567. See BANDELLO, Matteo.
See BEAUMONT, Francis, and FLETCHER, John.
Locust, vel Pietas Iesuitica. Per Phineam Fletcher Collegii Regalis Cantabrigi. Apud Thomam & Ioannem Bucke, celeberrim Academi Typographos. Ann. Dom. MDCXXVII.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). R. 11. 2.
Collation: ^4A-M^4N^2, paged. Wanting sheet of which the first leaf is blank, the second contains the titlepage and the rest the preliminary matter. Epistle dedicatory in Latin to Sir Roger Townshend, signed. Commendatory Latin verses signed S. Collins. 'Locust' in Latin hexameters. English version with separate titlepage at sig. D 2. 'The Locusts, or Apollyonists. By Phineas Fletcher of Kings Colledge in Cambridge. Printed by Thomas Bucke and Iohn Bucke, Printers to the Vniversitie of Cambridge. 1627.' Epistle dedicatory to Lady Townshend, signed P. F. Commendatory verses signed H. M. In 1902 Mr B. Dobell had a MS. of the Latin portion containing an unpublished dedication to Prince Henry. This version, which presented variations from the printed text, must therefore have been written before Nov. 1612.
BM 636.
The Essayes ... of Lord Michael De Montaigne.... 1632. See MONTAIGNE, Michel de.
A Worlde of Wordes, Or Most copious, and exact Dictionarie in Italian and English, collected by Iohn Florio. Printed at London, by Arnold Hatfield for Edw. Blount. 1598. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Arnold Hatfield, for Edward Blunt: and are to be sold at his shop ouer against the great North dore of Paules Church. 1598.
F^o. (10 7-3/8). H. 3.
Title within ornamental border with initials C T. Collation: a^6b^4A-2P^{6}2Q^4, paged. Wanting a 1 (blank save for sig.) and 2Q 4 (? blank). The original leaf S 2 has been cut out and another, presumably a cancel, placed in loose. Three columns on a page. Epistle dedicatory to Roger Earl of Rutland, Henry Earl of Southampton, and Lucy Countess of Bedford, signed. Address to the reader, signed. Dedicatory sonnets to the same persons as the epistle, each subscribed 'Il Candido'. Commendatory verses in English and Latin signed B. B. List of texts read for the compilation of the work. 'Il Candido' has been identified, on the authority of an old MS. note, with Matthew Gwinne, 'gwin' being the Welsh for white. 'B. B.' is supposed to have been Barnabe Barnes. First edition.
Sinker 665. BM 637.
The first part of the eight liberall science: Entituled, Ars adulandi, the art of Flattery, with the confutation thereof, both very pleasant and profitable, deuised and compiled by Vlpian Fulwell.
His diebus non peractis, Nulla fides est in pactis. Videto.
Mel in ore, verba lactis Fel in corde fraus in factis Caveto.
Who reads a booke rashly, at randome doth runne, He goes on his arant, yet leaues it vndone.
Imprinted at London, by William Hoskins, and are to be solde at his shop ioyning to the midle Temple gate, within Temple Barre. 1576.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/8). S. 6. 2.
Collation: ^4A^2B-M^4N^2, folios numbered. 'A dialogue betwene the Author and his Muse, as touching the dedication of this booke', giving in anagram the name 'Mildred Burgley'. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Burleigh (wife of the Lord Treasurer), signed. Address to the reader. The printer to the reader, in verse. 'A description of the seuen liberall sciences, into whose company the eight hath intruded her selfe' in verse. Text in eight dialogues. This is the first edition and is supposed to be unique. Another edition, 1579, is in the Bodleian, and a third (1580?) in the British Museum.
Sinker 539.
The Golden Garland of Princely Delight; Wherein is contained the History of many of the Kings, Queens, Princes, Lords, Ladies, Knights, and Gentlewomen of this Kingdom. Being most pleasant Songs and Sonnets, to sundry New Tunes much in request. In Two Parts. The Thirteenth Edition, with Additions, Corrected and Amended. Licensed according to Order. Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Giltspur-street without Newgate, 1690.
B. L. 8^o. (6-1/4 3-3/4). Y. 3. 1.
Title partly within woodcut border. Collation: A-G^8, unpaged. Table to the two parts. The volume is a collection of ballads etc., Part 1 purporting to be of an historical nature, Part 2 containing songs and imaginary subjects. At the end is a publisher's advertisement of books, headed 'Books Printed for, and sold by J. Deacon at the Angel in Gilt-spur-street, without Newgate; where Country Chapmen may be furnished with all sorts of Histories, &c. small Books and Ballads.'
The Whole woorkes of George Gascoigne Esquyre: Newlye compyled into one Volume, That is to say: His Flowers, Hearbes, Weedes, the Fruites of warre, the Comedie called Supposes, the Tragedie of Iocasta, the Steele glasse, the Complaint of Phylomene, the storie of Fernando Ieronimi, and the pleasure at Kenelworth Castle. London Imprinted by Abell Ieffes, dwelling in the Fore Streete, without Creeplegate, neere vnto Grubstreete. 1587.
B. L. in part. 4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/8). S. 2.
Collation: -4^{4}5^2a-k^4B^4C-P^8Q^4S-Y^8[bullet]^4; S^4V-Y^8; A-B^8; A-C^8(D)^2D^2, paged in part, folios numbered in part. Wanting 24 and 52 (? blank). Addresses, 'To the reverende Deuines', 'To all young Gentlemen' dated, 'Waltamstowe in the Forest' Feb. 2, 1575, and 'To the Readers generally'. Commendatory verses from T. B., E. C., M. C., R. S., T. Ch., G. W., P. B., A. W., I. B., I. D., Richard Smith, M. A. Perugino (Italian prose), A. de B. (Fr.), and in Latin from H. M., B. C., K. D. (2 copies), W. P., G. H., E. H. The order of the works is as follows: 'Flowers' including 'Dan Bartholomew of Barth' and 'The Fruits of war'; 'Herbes' including the plays 'Supposes' and 'Jocasta'; 'Weeds' including 'Ferdinando Jeronimi'; 'The Steel Glass' including 'The Complaint of Philomene'; 'The Princely Pleasures at Kenelworth Castle', and 'Certain notes of Instruction concerning the making of verse or rime in English'. Of these the only one that has a regular titlepage is 'The Steel Glass', 'Imprinted Ano. 1587.' The 'Complaint' which follows bears the date 1576 without imprint. This is the third edition, the first being undated and the second having appeared in 1575. Some copies have a different titlepage reading 'The pleasauntest workes' etc.
Sinker 670. BM 678.
The Fearefull Fansies of the Florentine Cooper. Written in Tuscane, By Iohn Baptista Gelli, one of the free Studie of Florence. And for recreation translated into English by W. Barker. Pensoso d' altrui. Seene & allowed according to the order appointed. At London Printed by Tho. Purfoot, for the Companie of Stacioners. 1599.
B. L. 8^o. (5-1/4 3-5/8). *. 8. 1.
Collation: A-R^8, folios numbered. Address to the reader. The head-title runs 'The Reasoning of Iust the Florentine Cooper and his Soule. Gathered by his Nephew Sir Byndo.' The first edition appeared in 1568, the present appears to be the second. |