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4^o. (6-7/8 5-1/8). S. 37. 2.
Collation: A-K, unpaged. Wanting A 1 (? blank).
Sinker 651. BM 1343.
The London Prodigall. As it was plaide by the Kings Maiesties seruants. By William Shakespeare, London. Printed by T. C. for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold neere S. Austins gate, at the signe of the pyde Bull. 1605.
4^o. (7 5). S. 34. 4.
Collation: A-G^4, unpaged.
BM 1393.
The first part Of the true & honorable history, of the Life of Sir Iohn Old-castle, the good Lord Cobham. As it hath bene lately acted by the Right honorable the Earle of Notingham Lord High Admirall of England, his Seruants. Written by William Shakespeare. London printed for T. P. 1600.
4^o. (7-1/2 5-5/8). Q. 12. 1.
Collation: A-K^4, unpaged. Prologue. Two editions appeared in this year, the other without author's name and printed by V. S. for Thomas Pavier. The play was the work of Drayton, Hathway, Munday, and Wilson.
Sinker 823. BM 1394.
The late, And much admired Play, Called Pericles, Prince of Tyre. With the true Relation of the whole Historie, aduentures, and fortunes of the said Prince: As also, The no lesse strange, and worthy accidents, in the Birth and Life, of his Daughter Mariana. As it hath been diuers and sundry times acted by his Maiesties Seruants, at the Globe on the Banck-side. By William Shakespeare. Imprinted at London for Henry Gosson, and are to be sold at the signe of the Sunne in Pater-noster row, &c. 1609.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 21. 3.
Collation: A-I^4, unpaged. Wanting I 4 (? blank). This is the first edition. Another edition appeared later in the same year with identically the same titlepage, but it can be distinguished from the present by having the stage-direction on A2 misprinted 'Eneer Gower'. On the question of priority see the preface to the ninth volume of the Cambridge Shakespeare.
BM 1391.
The Late, And much admired Play, called, Pericles, Prince of Tyre. With the true Relation of the whole History, aduentures, and fortunes of the saide Prince. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed for T. P. 1619.
4^o. (7-1/2 5-5/8). Q. 12. 3.
This forms the third part of the volume, of which 'The Whole Contention' (q.v.) forms the first two. The signatures are continuous throughout the volume and this is the only titlepage which is dated. Fourth edition, the third having appeared in 1611.
BM 1391.
The late, And much admired Play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre. With the true Relation of the whole History, aduentures, and fortunes of the sayd Prince: Written by Will. Shakespeare: London, Printed by I. N. for R. B. and are to be sould at his shop in Cheapside, at the signe of the Bible. 1630.
4^o. (7-1/8 5-1/4). R. 22. 2.
Collation: A-H^4I^2, unpaged. The fifth edition. There was another issue of this edition the same year, with a different titlepage in which the imprint occupies only two lines instead of four.
BM 1391.
The late, And much admired Play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre. With the true Relation of the whole History, adventures, and fortunes of the said Prince. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed at London by Thomas Cotes, 1635.
4^o. (7-1/4 5). R. 23. 4.
Collation: A-H^4I^2, unpaged. Sixth edition.
BM 1391.
The Puritaine Or the Widdow of Watling-streete. Acted by the Children of Paules. Written by W. S. Imprinted at London by G. Eld. 1607.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/2). R. 23. 3.
Collation: A-H^4, unpaged. Wanting A 1 (? blank).
BM 1344.
A Yorkshire Tragedie. Not so New, as Lamentable and True. Written by W. Shakespeare. Printed for T. P. 1619.
4^o. (7-1/2 5-5/8). Q. 11. 1.
Collation: titlepage unsigned, A-C^4D^2, unpaged. The head-title runs 'All's One, or, One of the four Plaies in one, called a Yorkshire Tragedy. As it was plaid by the Kings Maiesties Players.' Second edition, the first having appeared in 1608.
BM 1394.
The History of Don-Quichote.... n. d. The Second Part of the History of ... Don Quixote.... 1620. See CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de.
The Coronation.... 1640. See BEAUMONT, Francis, and FLETCHER, John.
An Apologie for Poetrie. Written by the right noble, vertuous, and learned, Sir Phillip Sidney, Knight. Odi profanum vulgus, et arceo. At London, Printed for Henry Olney, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the George, neere to Cheap-gate. Anno. 1595.
4^o. (7 5). S. 18. 2.
Collation: A-L^4, unpaged. Wanting sig. A and L 4 (A 1 and L4 ? blank). The two leaves after the titlepage contain address to the reader signed Henry Olney, list of errata, and four sonnets by Henry Constable. There appears to have been another issue the same year differing in titlepage and preliminary matter only. It is entitled 'The Defence of Poesie', is printed for William Ponsonby and does not contain the Constable sonnets. It was under this title and without the sonnets that it was included among the collected works in the 'Arcadia'.
Sinker 814. BM 1405.
The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, written by Sir Philippe Sidnei. London Printed by Iohn Windet, for william Ponsonbie. Anno Domini, 1590.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 10.
With the Sidney arms on the titlepage. Collation: A^4B-2Z^8, folios numbered. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to the Countess of Pembroke, signed. Printer's note. This first edition is imperfect, breaking off in the middle of the third book. The division into chapters and the arrangement of the verse was the work of the 'ouer-seer of the print'. The edition seems probably to have been printed from a corrected copy of the first portion of the romance left by Sidney in the hands of Fulke Greville, afterwards Lord Brooke (see Greville to Walsingham, August 23, 1586, in the State Papers, quoted by O. Sommer in Introd. to facsimile edition, 1891). The remainder of the romance was made up by the Countess of Pembroke from Sidney's loose papers, and published by Ponsonby in 1593. The rarity of the present edition suggests that the publication of the complete work was intrusted to Ponsonby on condition of his recalling the earlier issue. The 1590 edition cannot be regarded as surreptitious, but there was an attempt at a surreptitious edition in 1586, of which Ponsonby gave warning to Greville. This seems to be the only recorded copy having the printer's name on the titlepage, which is otherwise printed from the same setting up of the type. The text is identical, but slight differences in the type seem to point to the present being the earlier issue.
Sinker 634. BM 1405.
The Countesse Of Pembrokes Arcadia. Written by Sir Philip Sidney Knight. Now the sixt time published, with some new Additions. Also a supplement of a defect in the third part of this Historie, By Sir W. Alexander. London, Printed by W. S. for Simon Waterson. 1627.
F^o. (11-1/4 7-1/2). F. 7.
Title within ornamental border. Collation: three leaves unsigned, A-3F^6, paged. Epistle dedicatory to the Countess of Pembroke, signed. Address to the reader signed H. S. Alexander's addition occupies sigs. 2E 2-2F 5, and at the end is a note signed S. W. A. At sig. 2S 2 begins a sixth book with separate titlepage: 'A sixth Booke, to the Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia: Written by R. B. of Lincolnes Inne Esquire. Sat, si bene; si male, nimium. London, Printed by H. L. and R. Y. 1628.'. Address to the reader signed R. B. (i.e. Richard Beling). At the end of the 'Arcadia' are Sidney's miscellaneous poems, 'Defence of Poesie', 'Astrophel and Stella' and the entertainment at Wansted ('The Lady of May'). This is in reality the ninth edition.
Pithy pleasaunt and profitable workes of maister Skelton, Poete Laureate. Nowe collected and newly published. Anno 1568. Imprinted at London in Fletestreate, neare vnto saint Dunstones churche by Thomas Marshe.
B. L. 8^o. (5-1/2 3-5/8). *. 3.
Collation: four leaves unsigned (except the third, signed A 4 on verso), A-Z^8 2A^4, unpaged. Wanting all before C 7, D 3 and 6, F 1, 2, 7, K 1-3, L 2, M 1 and 8, N 1-3 and 6, Y 1-5, Z 2-8. (In Dr Sinker's catalogue the defect in sig. Y is erroneously given as 1-4 and 7.) Latin verses on verso of title. Commendatory verses by Churchyard. Table of contents. Three collections under the title of 'certayne bokes cōpyled by Mayster Skelton' had already appeared without date.
Sinker 315. BM 1409.
Etymologicon Lingu Anglican, Seu Explicatio vocum Anglicarum Etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex Linguis duodecim; Anglo-Saxonica seu Anglica prisca, notata AS. Runica, Gothica, Cimbrica, seu Danica antiqua, notata Run. Dan. Franco-Theotisca, seu Teutonica vetere, notata Fr. Th. Danica recentiori, notata Dan. rec. Belgica, notata Belg. Teutonica recentiori, notata Teut. Cambro-Britanica, notata C. Br. Franco-Gallica, notata Fr. Italica, notata It. Hispanica, notata Hisp. Latina, notata Lat. Grca, notata Gr.... Accedit Etymologicon Botanicum, ... Accedit & tertio vocum Forensium.... Etymologica expositio, ... Quarto adject sunt Originationes omnium vocum antiquarum Anglicarum, ... Tandem ultimo Etymologicon Onomasticon, ... Omnia Alphabetico ordine in quinque distinctas Classes digesta.... Authore Stephano Skinner, M.D. Londini, Typis T. Roycroft, & prostant venales apud H. Brome sub signo Bombard ad occidentale Sancti Pauli latus, R. Clavel, B. Tooke sub signo Navis Cmeterio Divi Pauli, & T. Sawbridge sub signo trium Iridum in Parva Britannia. M DC LXXI.
F^o. (12 8). C. 3.
Collation: A^2a^2B-D^4E-V^{2}2A-5V^{4}5X^2, unpaged. License on verso of leaf before titlepage, signed Jo. Cooke and dated Sept. 7, 1668. Address to the reader. Prfatio. Prolegomena Etymologica. Each part begins with a head-title.
De recta & emendata Lingu Anglic Scriptione, Dialogus, Thoma Smitho Equestris ordinis Anglo authore. Luteti, Ex officina Roberti Stephani Typographi Regij. M. D. LX VIII. Cum Priuilegio Regis. [Colophon] Exeudebat Robertus Stephanus Typographus Regius, Luteti Parisiorum Idib. Nouembris, Ann. M. D. LXVII.
4^o. (8-3/4 6-1/4). M. 2. 1.
Collation: *^2a-l^4, folios numbered.
De recta & emendata Lingu Grc Pronuntiatione, Thom Smithi Angli, tunc in Academia Cantabrigiensi publici prlectoris, ad Vintoniensem Episcopum Epistola. Luteti, Ex officina Roberti Stephani Typographi Regij. M.D. LXVIII. Cum Priuilegio Regis.
4^o. (8-3/4 6-1/4). M. 2. 2.
Collation: 2 leaves unsigned (second blank) A-M^4; folios numbered. Signed at the end: 'Cantabrigi 12. Augusti. 1542. Tho. Smithus.'
The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor. Contayning the noble actions of humaine creatures, the secretes & prouidence of nature, the description of Countries, the maners of the people: with many meruailous things and strange antiquities, seruing for the benefitt and recreation of all sorts of persons. Translated out of Latin into English, by Arthur Golding, Gent. At London Printed by I. Charlewoode for Thomas Hacket. 1587.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/4). T. 1. 3.
Collation: A-2F^{4}2G^2 (without Z), unpaged. Life of Solinus by Iohn Camertes. Solinus' address to Autius. Epistle dedicatory to the same.
Sinker 366. BM 1425.
Saint Peters Complaint, With other Poemes. London Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe. 1595.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-3/8). R. 18. 1.
Collation: A-I^4K^2, paged. Epistle dedicatory 'The Author to his louing Cosen'. Verses to the reader (two copies). 'Saint Peter's Complaint' ends sheet E, after which follow the miscellaneous poems. By Robert Southwell whose initials appear on the titlepage of some of the later editions. The first edition was probably that published the same year as printed by I[ames]. R[oberts]. for G[abriel]. C[awood]. and of which the present appears to be a piratical reprint.
Sinker 608.
Moeoni. Or, certaine excellent Poems and spirituall Hymnes: Omitted in the last Impression of Peters Complaint; being needefull thereunto to be annexed, as being both Diuine and Wittie. All composed by R. S. London Printed by Valentine Sims, for Iohn Busbie 1595.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-3/8). R. 18. 2.
Collation: A^2B-E^4, paged. Ornament at the foot of each page. Address to the reader, signed I. B. (i.e. John Busbie). By Robert Southwell. The poems in this volume were added to the later editions of 'Saint Peter's Complaint'.
Sinker 802. BM 1341.
Amoretti and Epithalamion. Written not long since by Edmunde Spenser. Printed for William Ponsonby. 1595. [Colophon] Imprinted by P. S. for William Ponsonby.
8^o. (4-7/8 3). *. 18.
Collation: A-H^8, unpaged. Ornament at head and foot of each page. Part ii. has a separate titlepage with the word 'Epithalamion' and printer's device but no imprint, at sig. G 3. Certain copies have a half-sheet (4 leaves) with sig. inserted between A 1 and 2, but it is possible that some were issued without this addition. The half-sheet contains an epistle dedicatory to Sir Robert Needham Knight, signed with the stationer's initials and commendatory verses from G. W. senior and G. W. I[unior].
Sinker 770. BM 1438.
Colin Clouts Come home againe. By Ed. Spencer. London Printed for William Ponsonbie. 1595.
4^o. (7-3/4 5-1/2). Q. 10. 2.
Collation: A-H^4, unpaged. Epistle dedicatory to Sir Walter Raleigh, signed Ed. Sp. and dated, Kilcolman, Dec. 27, 1591. 'Astrophel', with half-title and dedicated to the Countess of Essex, begins on sig. E 4.
Sinker 650. BM 1438.
Complaints. Containing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie. Whereof the next Page maketh mention. By Ed. Sp. London. Imprinted for William Ponsonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Bishops head. 1591.
4^o. (7-1/8 4-3/4). S. 29. 1.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: A-Z^4, unpaged. Z 4 blank. List of contents on verso of general titlepage. Printer's address to the reader. Epistle dedicatory to the Countess of Pembroke, signed E. S. 'The Ruines of Time'. 'The Teares of the Muses' with separate title dated 1591 within same border. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Strange, signed Ed. Sp. 'Vergils Gnat' with dedicatory verses to the Earl of Leicester. 'Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds Tale', with separate title dated 1591 within same border. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Compton and Mountegle, signed Ed. Sp. 'The Ruines of Rome: by Bellay'. 'Muiopotmos, Or The Fate of the Butterflie' with separate title dated 1590 within same border. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Carey, signed E. S. 'Visions of the worlds vanitie'. 'The Visions of Bellay'. 'The Visions of Petrarch formerly translated'.
Sinker 724. BM 1429.
The Faerie Queene. Disposed into twelue books, Fashioning XII. Morall vertues. London Printed for William Ponsonbie. 1590.
4^o. (7 5). S. 19.
Collation: A-2P^82Q^4, paged. Dedication to Queen Elizabeth signed Ed. Spenser, on verso of titlepage. Books I-III. Letter to Raleigh signed and dated Jan. 23, 1589. Commendatory verses signed W. R. (i.e. Walter Raleigh), Hobynoll (i.e. Gabriel Harvey), R. S., H. B., W. L., Ignoto. Dedicatory verses from the author to Sir Christopher Hatton, the Earl of Essex, the Earl of Oxford, the Earl of Northumberland, the Earl of Ormond and Ossory, Lord Charles Howard, Lord Grey of Wilton, Sir Walter Raleigh, Lady Carew, 'To all the gracious and beautifull Ladies in the Court', the last two only signed E. S. Errata. More dedicatory verses (mostly duplicates of the above) to Hatton (dupl.), Lord Burleigh (signed E. S.), Oxford (dupl.), Northumberland (dupl.), Earl of Cumberland (signed E. S.), Essex (dupl.), Ormond (dupl.), Howard (dupl.), Lord Hunsdon (signed E. S.), Grey (dupl.), Lord Buckhurst, Sir Fr. Walsingham, (signed E. S.), Sir John Norris (signed E. S.), Raleigh (dupl. signed E. S.), Countess of Pembroke (signed E. S.). On M 5^v is a large woodcut of St George and the dragon at beginning of Book II. On X 7^v spaces have been left for the insertion of some Welsh words. These were filled up in the later copies and in the edition of 1596. The printer was John Wolfe, whose device appears on the titlepage. The first edition of Books I-III.
Sinker 598. BM 1438.
The Faerie Queene. Disposed into twelue bookes, Fashioning XII. Morall vertues. London Printed for William Ponsonbie. 1596.
4^o. (7-3/8 5-1/4). R. 6.
Collation: A-2O^8, paged. Dedication to Queen Elizabeth on verso of titlepage. At the end of the volume are verses signed W. R. (i.e. Walter Raleigh) and Hobynoll (i.e. Gabriel Harvey). Large woodcut of St George and the dragon on M 5^v at beginning of Book II, as in the former edition. The printer was Richard Field, whose device appears on the titlepage. The second edition of Books I-III.
Sinker 747. BM 1438.
The second Part of the Faerie Queene. Containing The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Bookes. By Ed. Spenser. Imprinted at London for William Ponsonby. 1596.
4^o. (7-3/8 5-1/4). R. 7.
Collation: A-2I^{8}2K^4, paged. Printed by Richard Field, with his device on the titlepage. The first edition of Books IV-VI.
Sinker 748. BM 1438.
[Another copy.]
(7 5). S. 18. 1.
The Faerie Queene, disposed into XII. Bookes, Fashioning twelue Morall Vertues. At London. Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes. 1609.
F^o. (10-1/2 7-1/4). G. 3. 1.
Collation: A-2H^{6}2I^4, paged. 2I 4 blank. Double columns. Dedication to Queen Elizabeth on verso of titlepage. Bks. I-III. Commendatory verses signed W. R. (i.e. Walter Raleigh) and Hobynoll (i.e. Gabriel Harvey). 'The Second Part of the Faery Queene', containing Bks. IV-VI, begins at sig. Q5 with separate titlepage 'Imprinted at London for Mathew Lownes. 1609.'. The fragment of the seventh book 'Of Mutability' first appears in this edition with head-title at sig. 2H 4. The copy described in the Huth catalogue, which has the date in the colophon printed '16012' belongs, as the collation shows, to the edition of 1611, and can only have the earlier titlepage prefixed. The copy of the 'Faery Queen' on the other hand in the collected edition of 1611, there described, is properly that of 1609.
BM 1439.
The Faerie Queen: The Shepheards Calendar: Together with the other Works of England's Arch-Pot, Edm. Spenser: Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1611.
F^o. (11-1/4 7-1/4). F. 5.
Title within woodcut border originally used in 1593 for Sidney's 'Arcadia'. Collation: A^6, with two unsigned leaves inserted after A 1, B-P^6Q^4R-2H^6; ^8; A-E^6F^4; A^8; A-L^6M^2; first alphabet only paged. 2H 6, 8 and F 4 (second alphabet) blank. Wanting A 1 (first alphabet) (? blank). Double columns. Titlepage and dedication to Queen Elizabeth occupying unsigned sheet. 'Faery Queen' Bks I-III, with commendatory verses signed W. R. (i.e. W. Raleigh) and Hobynoll (i.e. G. Harvey) at the end. Bks IV-VI, with separate titlepage 'Imprinted at London for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1613.' (Some copies, vide infra, have the date 1612, but the difference is in the last figure alone). Bk VII begins with head-title at sig. 2G 6. At the end of this portion appears a colophon with the date printed '16012', followed by one blank leaf. The quire signed containing letter to Sir Walter Raleigh signed Edm. Spenser and dated Jan. 23, 1589, followed by commendatory verses signed W. R., Hobbynoll (these two same as above), R. S., H. B., W. L., and Ignoto. Also dedicatory verses to Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Burleigh, Earl of Oxford, Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Cumberland, Earl of Essex, Earl of Ormond and Ossory, Lord Ch. Howard, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Grey of Wilton, Lord Buckhurst, Sir Fr. Walsingham, Sir Joh. Norris, Sir Wal. Raleigh and the Countess of Pembroke, each signed E. S., followed by one blank leaf. The second alphabet contains the 'Shepherds Calender'. Separate titlepage with imprint 'At London, Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bishops head in Paules Church-yard. 1611'. Contents as in separate edition, with same woodcuts. One leaf blank at end. The single quire A contains 'Prosopopoia' with separate titlepage bearing imprint 'At London, Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1613'. Epistle dedicatory to Lady Compton and Mountegle, signed Ed: Sp. The signatures are continuous throughout the remainder of the volume. 'Colin Clout' with separate titlepage having imprint without date. Epistle dedicatory to Sir W. Raleigh signed Ed. Sp. and dated, Kilcolman, Dec. 27, 1591. 'Astrophel' follows with head-title only. 'Prothalamion' 'Amoretti' 'Epitalamion' 'Hymnes' 'Daphnaida' 'Complaints' and 'Muiopotmos' have each a separate titlepage with imprint dated 1611. Some copies of the present volume appear to have been issued containing the 1609 edition of the 'Faery Queen'; copies in this state are in the Cambridge University and Huth Libraries.
BM 1438.
The Faerie Queen: The Shepheards Calendar: Together with the other Works of England's Arch-Pet, Edm. Spenser: Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1617.
F^o. (11 7-3/8). F. 6.
Title within woodcut border as above. Collation: A^6, with two unsigned leaves inserted after A 1, B-P^6Q^4R-2H^6; ^8; A-E^6F^4; A^8; A-L^6M^2, paged in first alphabet only. A 1, 2H 6 (first alphabet), 8 and F 4 (second alphabet), blank. Double columns. In this copy the quire signed is misplaced after the second alphabet, an arrangement also found in the copy in the Cambridge University Library. It is sometimes found at the end of the volume. The inserted sheet contains titlepage and dedication to Queen Elizabeth. The 'Faery Queen' is the same edition as above (1611), but has the date 1612 on the titlepage to Part II; so also is sig. and the single quire A containing the 'Prosopopoia'. The remainder is a very close reprint, the contents and collation being identical. The separate titlepages have dates as follows (they are all printed 'by H. L. for Mathew Lownes' except the first): 'Shepheards Calender' with imprint 'London, Printed by Bar: Alsop for Iohn Harrison the elder, and are to bee solde at his shop at the signe of the golden Anker in Pater Noster Row, 1617.'; 'Colin Clout' undated, 'Prothalamion' etc. 1617. The peculiarities observable in the various copies of the collected editions of 1611 and 1617 are best explained on the following hypothesis. On Sept. 3, 1604 W. Ponsonby assigned his right in both parts of the 'Faery Queene' to S. Waterson, who on Nov. 5 in the same year passed it on to M. Lownes, who published an edition in 1609. Two years later the question of a collected edition of Spenser's works arose. Lownes caused a complete edition to be printed, and at the same time determined to use up the remaining copies of the 1609 'Faery Queen'. Instead however of printing the new titlepage on A 1 he caused a single sheet to be printed containing title and dedication, which could be substituted for the 1609 title. A 1 consequently remained blank in the new edition as it is found in the present copy, and the title-sheet was inserted after it. The result of using up the 1609 edition was that the stock of some of the additional matter in the 1611 edition was exhausted before the stock of the 'Faery Queen'. In 1617 a new title-sheet was printed and prefixed to the remainder stock, the additional pieces being reprinted when necessary. Even now some of the original copies of 1609 remained and were issued with the general title and additional matter dated 1617. A copy in this state is in the Library. The first part to run out was the fourth alphabet containing 'Colin Clout' etc., which is always found reprinted in copies having the 1617 titlepage. Perhaps the next was the 'Prosopopoia' which is found dated 1613 in the present copy, but which is undated in the copy in the Cambridge University Library. This last-mentioned copy however has the original edition of the 'Shepherds Calender' dated 1611, while the present copy has the reprint of 1617. How this came to bear the imprint given above requires explanation. The editions of the 'Calender' of 1581 to 1597 were all printed for John Harrison the younger (i.e. John Harrison II) and he probably objected when Lownes issued the work with his own name as publisher in the collected edition of 1611. Before the reprint however was required John Harrison the elder (i.e. John Harrison I) either died or retired from business (1616), whereupon John Harrison II assumed the style of 'the elder' to distinguish himself from a John Harrison IV who had started business in 1603.
BM 1438.
The Shepheardes Calender Conteyning twelue glogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous Gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney. At London. Printed by Hugh Singleton, dwelling in Creede Lane neere vnto Ludgate at the signe of the gylden Tunne, and are there to be solde. 1579.
B. L. 4^o. (6-3/4 4-5/8). T. 9. 1.
Collation: ^4A-N^4, folios numbered. Verses 'To his Booke', signed Immerit, on verso of title. Epistle to Gabriel Harvey, signed E. K. (i.e. Edward Kirke?), with postscript dated April 10, 1579. General argument. Twelve eclogues with arguments and glosses by E. K. and woodcut to each. First edition.
Sinker 293. BM 880.
The Shepheardes Calender Conteining twelue glogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous Gentleman most worthy of all titles, both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney. Imprinted at London for Iohn Harison the younger, dwelling in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anker, and are there to be solde. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Thomas East, for Iohn Harrison the younger, dwelling in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anker, and are there to bee solde. 1581.
B. L. 4^o. (6-7/8 5-1/4). T. 6.
Collation: **^4A-N^4, folios numbered. Contents as before. Second edition.
Sinker 427.
The Shepheardes Calender, Conteining twelue glogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous Gentleman most worthie of all titles, both of learning and chiualry, Maister Philip Sidney. Imprinted at London by Iohn Wolfe for Iohn Harrison the yonger, dwelling in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anker. 1586. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Thomas East, for Iohn Harrison the younger, dwelling in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anker, and are there to be sold. 1586.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/4 5-3/4). Q. 9. 2.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: four leaves unsigned, A-N^4, folios numbered. Contents as before. Third edition.
Sinker 589.
The Shepheards Calender. Conteining twelue Aeglogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. Entituled, To the noble and vertuous Gentleman most worthie of all titles, both of learning and chiualry Maister Philip Sidney. London Printed by Iohn Windet, for Iohn Harrison the yonger, dwelling in Pater noster Roe, at the signe of the Anger [sic]. 1591.
B. L. 4^o. (7-1/8 5). S. 29. 3.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: *^4A-N^4, folios numbered. Contents as before. Fourth edition.
Sinker 636. BM 880.
Satyrical Essayes Characters and others. Or Accurate and quick Descriptions, fitted to the life of their Subiects.
[Greek: tn thn d phylattesthai mallon dei h tous echeis] [sic]. Theophras. Aspice & hc: si fort aliquid decoctius audis. Inde vaporata Lector mihi ferueat aure: Iuuen. Plagosus minim Plagiarius.
Iohn Stephens. London, Printed by Nicholas Okes, and are to be sold by Roger Barnes, at his Shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard. 1615.
8^o. (5-3/4 3-5/8). Z. 3. 1.
Collation: A-X^8, paged. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Thomas Turner Esquire, signed I. S. Address 'To the People'. Table of Contents. Verses headed 'A Caution'. Commendatory verses signed Antho. Croftes. First edition; a second appearing the same year. The author's 'New Essayes and Characters' appeared in 1631.
BM 1447.
The Annales of England, faithfully collected out of the most autenticall Authors, Records, and other Monuments of Antiquitie, from the first inhabitation vntill this present yeere 1592 By Iohn Stow citizen of London. Imprinted at London by Ralfe Newbery. Cum priuilegio Regi maiestatis.
B. L. 4^o. (8 6). P. 5.
Title within woodcut border representing a genealogical tree of the sovereigns of England from Edward III to Elizabeth. Collation: a-c^4A-4P^{8}4Q^6 (omitting all Z's), paged. Wanting 4Q 6 (? blank). Author's epistle dedicatory to the Archbishop of Canterbury dated May 26, 1592. Preface to the reader. List of authorities. Alphabetical table. Erratum concerning Oxford colleges. Annals, preceded by description of England etc., and followed by description of the Universities and list of errata. The first quarto edition appeared under the title of the 'Chronicles of England' in 1580, enlarged apparently from the 'Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles' first printed in octavo in 1565. The present is the second edition in quarto.
Sinker 355. BM 1453.
The Annales of England, Faithfully collected out of the most autenticall Authors, Records, and other Monuments of Antiquitie, lately corrected, encreased, and continued, from the first inhabitation vntill this present yeere 1601. By Iohn Stow citizen of London. Imprinted at London by Ralfe Newbery. Cum priuilegio Regi maiestatis.
B. L. 4^o. (9-1/4 6-3/4). M. 1.
Title within woodcut border as above. Collation: a-c^4A-4Q^{8}4R^4 (omitting all Z's), paged. Contents as before, omitting the two errata. The Epistle dedicatory to the Archbishop of Canterbury is dated November 24, 1600.
Annales, or, a generall Chronicle of England. Begun by Iohn Stow: Continued and Augmented with matters Forraigne and Domestique, Ancient and Moderne, vnto the end of this present yeere, 1631. By Edmund Howes, Gent. Londini, Impensis Richardi Meighen, 1631. [Colophon] London, Printed by A. M. for Richard Meighen, and are to bee sold at his Shop at the Middle Temple Gate, neere Templebarre in Fleetstreet. 1632.
B. L. F^o. (12-3/4 8-1/2). B. 3.
Title within woodcut border (the date cut, not printed). Collation: *^2^8A-4M^{6}4N^{2}4n^{4}4O-4p^{6}4Q^{4}4R^{6}4S^8, paged. Double columns. Wanting 4S 8 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to the King (i.e. Charles I.), signed Edmond Howes. Epistle to the reader signed by the same. 'An Historical Preface'. At sig. 4n 1 is a separate titlepage to an Appendix on the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and London, the two former by Stow, the last 'Collected and Written by Sir George Buck'. This titlepage has the imprint 'London: Printed by Aug. Matthewes, for Richard Meighen. 1632'. Then follows an address to the reader signed by Howes. The account of 'The Third Vniversitie of England' again has a separate titlepage on 4O 1, with a similar imprint, dated 1631. Then follow: Latin verses on London; Epistle dedicatory to Sir Edward Coke signed George Buc, and dated 'his Maiesties Office of the Reuels, vpon Saint Peters hill', Aug. 24, 1612; and a catalogue of all the subjects taught at the University of London. At the end is a passage from Drayton's 'Poly-olbion', a letter to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London signed Edmond Howes, and an alphabetical Table. This appears to be the fifth and last edition.
BM 1454.
A Suruay of London. Contayning the Originall, Antiquity, Increase, Moderne estate, and description of that Citie, written in the yeare 1598. by Iohn Stow Citizen of London. Also an Apologie (or defence) against the opinion of some men, concerning that Citie, the greatnesse thereof. With an Appendix, containing in Latine, Libellum de situ & nobilitate Londini: Written by William Fitzstephen, in the raigne of Henry the second. Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe, Printer to the honorable Citie of London: And are to be sold at his shop within the Popes head Alley in Lombard street. 1598.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/8 5-5/8). S. 21.
Collation: A^4B-2G^{8}2H^{10}; paged. Epistle dedicatory by Stow to the Lord Mayor (i.e. Stephen Some) and citizens of London. Table of contents. List of errata at the end.
Sinker 613. BM 1454.
A Suruay of London.... 1599.
B. L. 4^o. (7-3/8 5-5/8). R. 4.
A duplicate of the above except for the alteration in the date.
Sinker 614.
Le piaceuoli Notti di M. Giouanfrancesco Straparola da Carauaggio. Nelle quali si contengono le Fauole con i loro Enimmi da dieci donne, & duo giouani raccontate. Nuouamente ristampate, & con diligenza rauuedute. Libro primo. [Libro secondo.] In Venetia, Appresso Iseppo di Mantelli M. D. LXVII.
2 vols. 8^o. (5-7/8 3-5/8). Z. 1.
Collation: vol. I, A-X^8, FOLIOS NUMBERED; VOL. II, 2A-2T^{8}2V^2, folios numbered. 'Proemio' to vol. JOSUAH.
Du Bartas his Deuine Weekes, and Workes.... 1641. See DU BARTAS, Guillaume de Saluste.
Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recouerie of Ierusalem. Done into English Heroicall verse, by Edward Fairefax Gent. Imprinted at London by Ar. Hatfield, for I. Iaggard and M. Lownes. 1600
F^o. (10 6-1/4). H. 4.
Collation: A^4B-2K^{6}2L^4, paged. Dedicatory verses to Queen Elizabeth signed by the translator. 'The Allegorie of the Poem'. A cancel slip is inserted on B 1, containing a different rendering of the first stanza. First edition of the translation by Fairfax. The second edition, 1624, follows the original, not the cancel, in the rendering of the first stanza. A translation of cantos i-v by Richard Carew had appeared in 1594. At the end of the 'Allegory' in the present copy are six lines of blank verse in Capell's handwriting and subscribed with his initials. They are a translation of the second stanza of the first book.
Sinker 666. BM 700.
Prouerbes or Adagies, gathered oute of the Chiliades of Erasmus.... 1552. See ERASMUS, Desiderius.
Taylor's Motto. Et habeo, Et Careo, Et Curo. London Printed for I T & H G, 1621.
8^o. (6-1/2 4-1/4). X. 4. 3.
Titlepage engraved. Collation: A^8 with titlepage inserted after A 2, B-D^8E^4, unpaged. A 1 blank. Explanation of titlepage in verse, signed Iohn Taylor on A 2^v. Verses 'To Euery Body', signed. According to Mr Hazlitt at least three editions appeared during the year.
BM 1484.
The Historye of Italye. A booke exceding profitable to be red: because it intreateth of the astate of many and dyuers common weales, how they haue bene, and now be gouerned. Imprinted at London in Fletestrete nere to Saicnt [sic] Dunstons Church by Thomas Marshe. [Colophon adds] Anno Domini. 1561.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/8). S. 7. 1.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: A^4[bullet]^4A-3I^4, folios numbered, except in sheet T which contains Table of Popes and of which the last leaf is blank. Wanting A 4 of preliminary sheet (? blank). Table of contents. Epistle dedicatory to Iohn Erle of Warrewicke, signed by the author Wylliam Thomas and dated London Sept. 20, 1549. Alphabetical table. 'Conclusion' at the end. Thomas was clerk of the Council to Edward VI. Second edition, the first having appeared in 1549.
Sinker 308. BM 1494.
Ariostos seuen Planets Governing Italie ... 1611. See ARIOSTO, Lodovico.
Tom Tyler and His Wife. An excellent old play, as It was Printed and Acted about a hundred Years ago. The second Impression. London, Printed in the Year, 1661.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-3/8). R. 23. 1.
Collation: A-C^4D^2; A-B^8, paged. Personae. Prologue. A Catalogue of Plays with fresh pagination occupies last two sheets. No earlier edition is known.
The Heroycall Epistles of ... Publius Ouidius Naso ... 1567. See OVIDIUS NASO, Publius.
Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets, with a Discourse of the Friendly affections of Tymetes to Pyndara his Ladie. Newly corrected with additions, and set out by George Turberuile Gentleman. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham, dwelling in Pater Noster Row at the signe of the Starre. [Colophon adds] Anno Domini. 1570. Cum Priuilegio.
8^o. B. L. (5-1/2 3-7/8). Z. 10.
Collation: A-V^8, folios numbered. Wanting sig. A, containing titlepage; epistle dedicatory to Anne, Countess of Warwick, signed; address to the reader, signed; and verses 'To the Rayling Route of Sycophants.' Table of contents beginning on B 1^v. Dudley crest within garter of the order (for Ambrose, Earl of Warwick) with date 1570; below a lion passant charged with a crescent for difference. Verses subscribed. Verses on Anne Countess of Warwick. Argument in verse. At end, 'The Authours Epilogue'. Of the first edition, before 1567, only a fragment is known; of the second, 1567, an imperfect copy is preserved in the Bodleian; the present is the third.
Sinker 335.
The.xiii. Bookes of neidos.... 1584. See VERGILIUS MARO, Publius.
The.xiii. Bukes of Eneados of the famose Poete Virgill Translatet out of Latyne verses into Scottish metir, bi the Reuerend Father in God, Mayster Gawin Douglas Bishop of Dunkel & vnkil to the Erle of Angus. Euery buke hauing hys perticular Prologe. Imprinted at Londō 1553.
B. L. 4^o. (8-3/8 6). O. 2.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: A^2B-Z^8a-z^{8}2a-2b^8; with one unsigned leaf inserted after X 3. A 1 and 2b 8 wanting (? blank). Printed by William Copeland.
Sinker 198. BM 1544.
The.xiii. Bookes of neidos. The first twelue beeinge the woorke of the diuine Poet Virgil Maro, and the thirtenth the supplement of Maphus Vegius. Translated into English verse to the fyrst thirdpart of the tenth Booke, by Thomas Phar Esquire: and the residue finished, and now the second time newly set forth for the delite of such as are studious in Poetrie: By Thomas Twyne, Doctor in Physicke. Imprinted at London by William How, for Abraham Veale, dwelling in Paules Church yeard, at the signe of the Lambe. 1584.
B. L. 4^o. (7 5-1/4). S. 26.
Collation: four leaves unsigned, A-V^8X^4, unpaged. Wanting X 4 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Robert Sackevill son of Lord Buckhurst, signed Thomas Twyne, and dated Lewis, Jan. 1, 1584. Address to the readers, signed. Life of Vergil translated from Aelius Donatus. Arguments to the thirteen books in verse. General summary. At the end of Book xii is Phaer's prose conclusion. Each book is signed and dated by the translator, the work being concluded on July 6, 1573. The 'seuen first bookes' appeared in 1558, the 'nyne fyrst Bookes' in 1562, the 'whole xii. Bookes' in 1573, the thirteenth book was first added in the edition of 1583, having been finished by Twyne on Oct. 26 of that year. The present is the second edition of the completed work.
Sinker 438. BM 1545.
Formulario nuouo da dittar Lettere amorose messiue & responsiue. Composto per Andrea Zenophonte da Vgubio. Opera nuoua intitolata Flos Amoris. MDXLIIII. [Colophon] In Vinegia per Francesco Bindoni & Mapheo Pasini compagni. 1544.
8^o. (5-1/2 3-3/4). Z. 7. 3.
Title within woodcut border. Collation: A-C^8, unpaged. There was a previous edition in 1531.
An thiopian Historie.... 1587. See HELIODORUS.
Critical Observations on Shakespeare. By John Upton Prebendary of Rochester.... London: Printed for G. Hawkins, in Fleet-street. M, DCC, XLVI.
8^o. (8-1/8 4-7/8). P. 16.
Dedicated to the Earl of Granville. Reprinted with omission of the 'Reverie' (pp. 139-48) in 1748.
Epigrams, Divine and Morall. By Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight. London, Printed for William Leake, and are to be sold at his Shop in Chancery Lane neere the Roules. 1646.
4^o. (7 5-1/4). S. 32. 1.
Collation: A-I^4, paged. Wanting A 1 (Portrait by Glover) and I 4 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Iames, Marques of Hamilton, signed by the author. Text in three books. Doxology. Errata. Printer's address to the reader. Imprimatur signed Johannes Hansley, March 15, 1646. At the end of the text is the note 'Here end the first three Bookes of Sir Thomas Vrchards Epigrams'. No more however appeared. This is said to be a re-issue of an edition of 1641, but if so the last leaf as well as the titlepage must be a cancel.
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third. By Mr. Horace Walpole.... London: Printed for J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall. M. DCC. LXVIII.
4^o. (9-1/2 7-3/8). I. 3. 1.
With portraits of Richard and his Queen engraved by Grignion after Vertue.
Albions England. A Continued Historie of the same Kingdome, from the Originals of the first Inhabitants thereof: With most the chiefe Alterations and Accidents theare hapning, vnto, and in the happie Raigne of our now most gracious Soueraigne, Queene Elizabeth: Not barren in varietie of inuentiue and historicall Intermixtures: First penned and published by William Warner: and now reuised, and newly inlarged by the same Author: Whereunto is also newly added an Epitome of the whole Historie of England. London, Printed by Edm. Bollifant for George Potter, and are to be sold at his shop in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Bible. 1602.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/4). R. 9.
Collation: A-2C^8, paged. Wanting 2C 8 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Henry Carey, Baron of Hunsdon, signed. Address to the reader signed W. W. Table of contents. Text in thirteen books. 'A Breuiate of the true Historic of neas' in prose as an addition to Bk. ii. Epitome of the history of England with address to the reader. The first part originally appeared in 1586. In the second edition, 1589, a second part was added. The third edition with continuation appeared in 1592. In 1596 appeared a fourth, revised and enlarged, which was re-issued with a new titlepage the following year. The present edition of 1602 was the fifth and was the first one containing all thirteen books. A 'Continuance' appeared in 1606 and was incorporated in the final edition of 1612, making sixteen books in all.
BM 1570.
An Ould facioned Loue. Or a loue of the Ould facion. By I. T. gent. At London Printed by P. S. for William Mattes, dwelling in fleetstrete at the signe of the hand and plough. 1594.
4^o. (7-1/4 5-1/2). R. 23. 2.
Collation: A-F^4, paged. Wanting A 1 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to Mistres Anne Roberts, signed I. T. Address to the reader. As appears from this address the work is a translation of Thomas Watson's Latin 'Amyntae Gaudia'. It consists of five 'Epistles', some in four-line, some in six-line stanzas, with a final 'Answer of Phillis to Amintas by the Translator' in six-line stanzas. Watson's work contained eighteen epistles in all, of which only the first five are here translated. Watson's work appeared in 1592.
Sinker 768.
The Right Excellent and famous Historye, of Promos and Cassandra: Deuided into two Commicall Discourses. In the fyrste parte is showne, the vnsufferable abuse, of a lewde Magistrate: The vertuous behauiours of a chaste Ladye: The vncontrowled leawdenes of a fauoured Curtisan. And the vndeserued estimation of a pernicious Parasyte. In the second parte is discoursed, the perfect magnanimitye of a noble Kinge, in checking Vice and fauouringe Vertue: Wherein is showne, the Ruyne and ouerthrowe, of dishonest practises: with the aduauncement of vpright dealing. The worke of George Whetstones Gent. Form nulla fides. [Colophon] Imprinted at London by Richarde Ihones, and are to be solde ouer agaynst Saint Sepulchres Church, without Newgate. August. 20. 1578.
B. L. 4^o. (6-5/8 4-7/8). T. 9. 2.
Collation: A-M^4, unpaged. Wanting M 4 (? blank). Epistle dedicatory to William Fleetwoode, signed George Whetstone and dated July 29, 1578. Printer's address to the reader, signed R. I. Argument. Part II has a separate titlepage within woodcut border, 'The seconde part of the Famous Historie of Promos and Cassandra. Set forth in a Comical Discourse by George Whetstone Gent. Form nulla fides.'
Sinker 466. BM 1584.
The Rocke of Regard, diuided into foure parts. The first, the Castle of delight: Wherin is reported, the wretched end of wanton and dissolute liuing. The second, the Garden of Vnthriftinesse: Wherein are many sweete flowers, (or rather fancies) of honest loue. The thirde, the Arbour of Vertue: Wherein slaunder is highly punished, and vertuous Ladies and Gentlewomen, worthily commended. The fourth, the Ortchard of Repentance: Wherein are discoursed, the miseries that followe dicing, the mischiefes of quareling, the fall of prodigalitie: and the souden ouerthrowe of foure notable cousners, with diuers other morall, natural, & tragical discourses: documents and admonitions: being all the inuention, collection and translation of George Whetstons Gent. Form nulla fides. [Colophon] Imprinted at London for Robert Waley. Anno. 1576.
B. L. 4^o. (7-1/4 5-3/8). R. 12. 2.
Collation: ^{4}2^2A-G^8H-I^4K-Q^8R^4, paged in two portions beginning with sigs. A and K respectively. Epistle dedicatory from the author 'To all the young Gentlemen of England', dated 'From my lodging in Holborne', October 15, 1576. Address to the reader. Commendatory verses from Nicholas Bowyer, R. C., Humphrey Turner, Abraham Fleming, John Wytton. Argument to 'the Countesse of Celants complaint', the first poem in 'The Castle of Delight'. The four parts begin each with separate half-title, at sigs. A 1, D 8, G 4 and K 1 respectively. Each part has an epilogue in verse. Part III has an epistle dedicatory to Lady Iana Sibilla Greye; Part IV, to Sir Thomas Cecill, each signed and dated as before. Part IV contains three poems by R. C., who may have been Robert Cudden of Gray's Inn, a kinsman of Whetstone, at whose request one of his poems in this part was written. On the verso of the titlepage and on several other leaves is writing in an early English hand.
Sinker 545. BM 1584.
A Choice of Emblemes, and other Deuises, For the moste parte gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And diuers newly deuised, by Geffrey Whitney. A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both pleasant and profitable: wherein those that please, maye finde to fit their fancies: Bicause herein, by the office of the eie, and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant deuises: both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment.
To the Reader. Peruse with heed, then frendlie iudge, and blaming rashe refraine: So maist thou reade vnto thy good, and shall requite my paine.
Imprinted at Leyden, In the house of Christopher Plantyn, by Francis Raphelengius. M. D. LXXXVI.
4^o. (8-1/4 6). P. 1.
Collation: *^{4}2*^{4}3*2A-Z^4a-f^4, paged. Wanting f 4 (? blank). Large woodcut of the achievement of Robert, Earl of Leicester, on verso of titlepage. Epistle dedicatory to the same, signed and dated London, Nov. 28, 1585. Address to the reader, signed and dated Leyden, May 4, 1586. Commendatory verses in Latin from Ianus Dousa Noortwijck, Bonaventura Vulcanius Brugensis, Petrus Colvius Brugensis, Stephanus Limbertus Anglus Nordovicensis, and in English from Arthur Bourchier. Verses of the author, headed 'D. O. M.' and list of errata. Part ii begins with a separate titlepage, without imprint but bearing Leicester's crest, on sig. O 1, followed by verses on Warwick and Leicester. Woodcuts in the text throughout.
Sinker 998. BM 1591.
Reliqui Wottonian: or, a Collection Of Lives, Letters, Poems; with Characters of Sundry Personages: And other Incomparable Pieces of Language and Art. Also Additional Letters to several Persons, not before Printed. By the Curious Pencil of the ever Memorable Sir Henry Wotton, K^t. Late Provost of Eaton Colledge. The Third Edition, with large Additions. London, Printed by T. Roycroft, for R. Marriott, F. Tyton, T. Collins, and J. Ford, 1672.
8^o. (6-3/4 4-1/4). U. 5.
Collation: A^8b-e^8f^4C-2Q^8, paged. Wanting 2Q 8 (? blank). Engraved portrait by Dolle. Epistle dedicatory to Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, signed Izaak Walton and dated Feb. 27, 1672. Address to the reader. 'An Account of the Work.' Life of Wotton signed Iz. Wa. Elegy on Wotton signed A. Cowley. Letter from Wotton to Marcus Velserus of Augsburg in Latin and same in English, dated 'London, Decemb. 2. after the Julian Accompt' 1612. Letter from Wotton to the Regius Professor of Divinity in Cambridge dated Jan. 17, 1637. Table of contents at the end. Contains an engraved portrait of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, at sig. K 2^v and of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, at sig. P 8^v, both signed by Dolle. The first edition appeared in 1651; this is the third.
Diana of George of Montemayor.... 1598. See MONTEMAYOR, Jorge de.
Catalogue of a Collection intitl'd Shakesperiana; comprehending All the several Editions of the Works of Shakespeare, old & new; divers rare old Editions of Writers, prose-men & verse-men; with a Variety of other Articles, chiefly such as tend to illustrate him;—made by his last Editor, E. C; and by him deposited in the Library of Trinity College in Cambridge, this eleventh Day of Iune in the Year 1779.
large 4^o. (11 9).
An alphabetical index to the books in the collection, in Capell's own handwriting. At the end is inserted a leaf containing a list of 'Quarto's wanted' to complete the collection of Shakespearian editions. Of this list thirty copies were privately printed by Steevens in 1780, and it was also reprinted in Hartshorne's 'Book Rarities of Cambridge' in 1829. The list is not very accurate and there are many omissions. It inserts, moreover, as if in the collection, many editions which it never contained, Capell having intended to make the list of Shakespearian quartos complete by reference to other collections when his own failed. In the inside of the cover is the following inscription: 'June 26. 1779. Ordered by the Master and Seniors, agreeably to the express Desire of M^r. Capel, that the whole Collection given by him be kept together in the same Class; and that no Manuscript or Book belonging to it be taken out of the Library on any Pretence whatever. J. Peterborough M C.' There are also three documents inserted relating to articles in the collection. One of these runs 'Effigies William Shakespeare Britanni ad fidem tabell unic manu Richard Burbage depict (circa annum, ut videtur, 1609) per R. Barret Londinensem quam exactissim expressa anno 1759, curantibus David Garrick et Edward Capell. Capell's Collection given to y^e College 1779'. Another is headed 'Extract of a letter to M^r. Capell, that accompany'd a Cast from the face of Shakespear's monument at Stratford, dated Dec^r. 13. 1780.'. The portrait and cast are both in the Library. The third is a list of certain books in Capell's handwriting. There has also been added to the collection a fine medallion head of Capell, engraved by Bartolozzi after a plaster model taken from life by Roubilliac in 1750.
Mr William Shakespeare his Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, set out by himself in quarto, or by the Players his Fellows in folio, and now faithfully republish'd from those Editions in ten volumes octavo; with an Introduction: Whereunto will be added, in some other Volumes, Notes, criticall and explanatory, and a Body of Various Readings entire.
Qui genus humanum ingenio superavit, et omneis Prstinxit, stellas exortus uti thereus Sol.
Lucr. Lib. 3. l. 1056.
London: Printed for &c. 1768.
6 vols. large 4^o. (11-3/4 9-1/4). MS. 1.
Epistle dedicatory to the Duke of Grafton, signed and dated 'Essex Court in the Temple Nov. 9^th'. 1766, altered to 1767 as in printed edition. At the end of vol. vi is inserted a printed table as in MS. 3. The date at which Capell began and ended each play is entered, but these dates do not run consecutively through the volumes as finally bound up. The earliest date is that to the 'Merry Wives of Windsor', begun Nov. 25, 1749, and ended Jan. 18, 1750; the latest that to the 'Taming of the Shrew', begun July 4, 1766 and ended Aug. 1 of the same year. Whether these dates refer to the actual construction of the text or merely to the present transcript is not clear, but they certainly bear some relation to the latter as may be seen from the handwriting which gradually grows larger, heavier, and less easy to read, though always distinguished by copperplate regularity.
Notes and Various Readings to Shakespeare, ... Volume the First. [Volume the Second.] London: Printed by &c.
Volume the Third. The School of Shakespeare: or, authentic Extracts from divers English Books, that were in Print in that Author's Time; evidently shewing from whence his several Fables were taken, and some Parcel of his Dialogue: Also, further extracts, from the same or like Books, which or contribute to a due Understanding of his Writings, or give Light to the History of his Life, or to the dramatic History of his Time. With a Preface, and an Index of Books extracted. London: Printed by &c.
3 vols. large 4^o. (11-5/8 9-3/8). MS. 2.
The first vol. contains an address to the reader signed E. C., and a glossary to Shakespeare, after which come the notes and various readings to the different plays, which fill the remainder of vol. i and the whole of vol. ii. Vol. iii contains Preface signed E. C., 'Index of Books extracted', and Extracts. There follows 'Notitia Dramatica; or, Tables of Ancient Plays, (from their Beginning, to the Restoration of Charles the second) so many as have been printed, with their several Editions: faithfully compiled, and digested in quite new Method, by E. C. With a Preface.'. This is followed by a bibliographical appendix of titles, which was never printed. The 'School of Shakespeare' was begun Feb. 3, 1767 and ended Jan. 16, 1771. Part of the commentary was published in 1774 but was not well received and was recalled. The whole was then put forth in three quarto vols. in 1779-1783, the last of which appeared after Capell's death in 1781.
Paradise Lost a Poem in Twelve Books; written by Iohn Milton. London: Printed for &c.
4^o. (11-3/4 9-3/8). MS. 3.
Epistle dedicatory to the Bishop of Rochester signed, and dated Essex Court in the Temple, Ian. 23, 1767. With List of editions and various readings at the end. The text was begun July 23, 1759 and ended Dec. 18, 1760. After this with separate titlepage 'Hermes, or, A Guide to the Elements; setting forth their just Number, and a Mode of representing with Certainty: For the Benefit of Youth, and of Foreigners. Fronte, exile negotium, Et dignum pueris putes; Aggressis, labor arduus. Ter. Mau. London: Printed for &c.' a treatise on phonetics with a folding leaf of sounds (printed), and a vocabulary to 'Paradise Lost'. Neither of the works in this volume was printed.
["Prolusions, or, select Pieces of ancient Poetry", by E. C. 2. Vol^s. 4^o. small.]
MS. 4.
This entry is in Capell's MS catalogue but the book is not in the collection.
A Collection of Poems, In Two Volumes; Being all the Miscellanies of Mr. William Shakespeare, which were Publish'd by himself in the Year 1609 and now correctly Printed from those Editions. The First Volume contains, I. Venus and Adonis. II. The Rape of Lucrece. III. The Passionate Pilgrim. IV. Some Sonnets set to sundry Notes of Musick. The Second Volume contains One Hundred and Fifty Four Sonnets, all of them in Praise of his Mistress. II. A Lover's Complaint of his Angry Mistress. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, at the Cross-Keys, between the Two Temple-Gates in Fleet-street.
8^o. 2 vols. in one. (6-5/8 4-1/4). MS. 5.
The second leaf, signed A 2, contains an 'Advertisement', at the end of which on A 2^v is the MS note 'I gave M^r Capell the Information of the opposite Page. R. Farmer'. Then follow two leaves containing a 'Preface' in Capell's handwriting. The next leaf is B 1. The text has been carefully corrected throughout by Capell, who has modernised the spelling. The volume apparently contains Capell's material for an edition of the Poems, which however were not included in his edition of Shakespeare's works. The collection was published in 1709. On the fly-leaf are the lines also in Capell's hand:
[Greek: Baia phagn, kai baia pin, kai polla nossas, Opse men, all' ethanon; Errete pantes omou!]
Pain of all sorts to cure, Grief, Labour, Fast, Death of the latest came, but came at last.
A., R. ALLOT, R.
Arraignment of Paris. PEELE, G.
Arthur King of Britain, History of. MALORY, Sir T.
B., R. (R. Beling.) SIDNEY, Sir P. Arcadia.
BANDELLO, M. Histoires Tragiques. BELLEFOREST, F. de.
—— Romeus and Iuliet. BROKE, A.
BASTINA, Compagnia della. LESINA, Compagnia della. Vera Regola.
Br., Ar. BROKE, A.
Cromwell, Chronicle history of Thomas Lord. SHAKESPEARIAN PLAYS, Pseudo.
Edmonton, Merry Devil of. MERRY DEVIL OF EDMONTON.
English Poesie, Art of. PUTTENHAM, G.
Essex, Earl of. Declaration of Treasons. BACON, F.
EUCOLPIUS (pseud.). ELYOT, Sir T. Image of Governance.
EUTHEO, Anglo-phile (pseud.). SALVIANUS.
FITZSTEPHEN, W. STOW, J. Survey of London.
Formulario del scrivere lettere. MINIATORE, B.
G., H. (Grantham? Gifford?). BOCCACCIO, G.
G., T. GOFFE, T.
H., J. HALL, J.
Hamblet, History of. BELLEFOREST, F. de.
Hardinge, G., Letter to. COLLINS, J.
Henry IV, History of. SHAKESPEARE, W.
Henry V, History of. SHAKESPEARE, W.
HOWES, E. Annales. STOW, J.
Ireland. Discovery why I. was never subdued. DAVIES, Sir J.
L., T. LODGE, T.
Ludlow Castle, Masque at. MILTON, J.
M., L. See MACHIN, L.
M., M. T. (Mr T. More). MORE, C.
MENDOZA, D. H. de (?) History of Lazarillo de Tormes. LAZARILLO DE TORMES.
MUNDAY, A. (?) Second and Third Blast of Retreat. SALVIANUS.
Peter's Complaint, Saint. SOUTHWELL, R.
Piers Plowman, Vision of. LANGLAND, W.
Pope, A. Answer to P.'s preface to Shakespeare. ROBERTS, J.
Popish Impostures, Declaration of. HARSNETT, S.
Prolusions. CAPELL, E.
R., B. (B. Rich?). HERODOTUS.
Romeo and Juliet. Istoria di due amanti. PORTO, L. da.
Romeo and Juliet, Tragedy of. SHAKESPEARE, W.
Romeus and Juliet. BROKE, A.
S., W. Locrine. SHAKESPEARIAN PLAYS, Pseudo.
—— The Puritan. SHAKESPEARIAN PLAYS, Pseudo.
Second and Third Blast of Retreat. SALVIANUS.
SELDEN, J. DRAYTON, M. Poly-olbion.
SH. W. JOHN, King of England.
SHAKESPEARE, W. Birth of Merlin. ROWLEY, W. —— Troublesome Reign. JOHN, King of England. —— Two Noble Kinsmen. BEAUMONT and FLETCHER.
Shakespeare, W. Answer to Pope's preface to S. ROBERTS, J. —— Letter on Steevens' preface to S. COLLINS, J. —— Revisal of S.'s text. HEATH, B.
Shepherd's Calender. SPENSER, E.
SPILORCION DE' STITICHI. Vera Regola. LESINA, Compagnia della.
Steevens, G. Letter on S.'s preface to Shakespeare. COLLINS, J.
Titus Andronicus, Tragedy of. SHAKESPEARE, W.
Tormes, History of Lazarillo de. LAZARILLO DE TORMES.
Verona. Istoria di due amanti nella citt di V. PORTO, L. da.
Virgidemiae. HALL, J.
Westward for Smelts, KIT of Kingston (pseud.).
Wife, now a Widow. OVERBURY, Sir T.
Wits, Fits, and Fancies. COPLEY, A.
WYAT, Sir T. HOWARD, H., Earl of Surrey.
A., E. 6.
Allde, Edw. 25, 38.
Allde, Eliz. 51.
Allot, R. 117.
Alsop, B. 59, 77.
Archer, E. 86.
Aspley, W. 116, 117, 129.
Astley, H. 16.
B., C. 2.
B., G. 97.
B., J. 76.
B., R. 139.
Bache, J. 6.
Badius Ascensius, J. Paris. 38, 46.
Baldini, V. Ferrara. 78.
Ballard, H. 88.
Barker, R. 5, 54, 55, 56.
Barnes, John. 30.
Barnes, Joseph. Oxford. 29.
Barnes, R. 151.
Bathurst, C. 38.
Becket, J. 30.
Bedell, G. 22.
Bell, H. 51.
Bell, J. 126.
Bell, M. 51.
Benson, J. 72, 136.
Bentley, R. 118.
Berthelet, T. 39, 40, 48, 49.
Bettesworth, A. 119.
Bindoni, F. Venice. 157.
Birt, S. 120.
Bishop, G. 54, 55, 56.
Blackmore, E. 50.
Bloome, J. 84.
Blount, E. 1, 2, 21, 43, 116.
Boler, J. 87.
Bollifant, E. 97, 105, 106, 158.
Bonian, R. 135.
Boulter, R. 90.
Bradocke, R. 14.
Brewster, E. 118.
Brindley, J. 120.
Brome, H. 142.
Brome, W. 115.
Browne, J. 35, 103.
Bucke, T. and J. Cambridge. 43.
Burby, C. 37, 81, 88, 126.
Busby, J. 35, 80, 125, 144.
Butter, N. 65, 125, 126, 137.
Bynneman, H. 112.
C., P. 118.
C., T. 103, 128, 137.
C., W. 61.
Cavallerii, G. M. Turin. 78.
Cawood, G. 83.
Cawood, J. 17, 98.
Charlewood, J. 143.
Clarke, J. 47.
Clarke, S. 70.
Clavel, R. 142.
Clay, F. 119.
Coldocke, F. 59.
Coles, F. 47, 100.
Collins, T. 161.
Colwell, T. 48, 68.
Comin da Trino di Monferrato. Venice. 104.
Company of Stationers. 39, 46.
Cooke, W. 8, 10, 13.
Cotes, T. 8, 10, 12, 13, 117, 136, 139.
Creede, T. 56, 124, 125, 131, 132, 137.
Crook, W. 62.
Crooke, A. 8, 10, 13.
Crowley, R. 75.
Danter, J. 133.
Dawson, J. 85.
Deacon, J. 16, 45.
Denham, H. 19, 85, 102, 112, 155.
Dew, T. 71.
Dexter, R. 56, 57.
Dod, B. 120.
Dodsley, J. 158.
Draper, S. 120.
Dring, T. 92.
E., G. 61.
East, T. 150.
Edlin, T. 15.
Eld, G. 49, 88, 101, 109, 110, 135, 136, 139.
F., M. 32, 104.
Falkner, F. 89.
Feales, W. 119.
Field, R. 2, 4, 28, 107, 108.
Fisher, T. 129.
Flesher, M. 96.
Ford, J. 161.
G., E. 10.
G., H. 154.
Gherardo, P. Venice. 104.
Gilbertson, W. 89, 105.
Giolito, G. Venice. 31.
Gosson, H. 138.
Grafton, R. 57.
Griffin, E. 11, 102.
Griffo, G. Venice. 108.
H., R. 62.
H., T. 2, 129.
H., W. 26.
Hacket, T. 87, 143.
Harding, S. 5, 6.
Harper, T. 10.
Harrison, J. 135, 149, 150.
Harrison, L. 63.
Hart, A. Edinburgh. 35.
Hatfield, A. 23, 43, 107, 154.
Hawkins, G. 157.
Hawkins, R. 9, 29, 117, 130.
Helder, T. 91.
Helme, J. 35, 70.
Herringman, H. 118.
Heyes, L. 127.
Heyes, T. 127.
Hitch, C. 119, 120.
Hope, W. 36.
Hoskins, W. 44.
How, W. 156.
Ibbitson, R. 50.
Islip, A. 74, 79, 81.
Jackson, R. 3, 76.
Jaggard, I. 15, 116.
Jaggard, J. 28, 154.
Jaggard, W. 116, 136.
Jansonius, J. Arnheim. 65.
Jeffes, A. 16, 45, 77, 80.
Johnson, A. 88, 128.
Johnson, T. 111.
Johnston, W. 58.
Jones, R. 18, 41, 159.
Jones, T. 8, 82.
Jones, W. 99.
K., F. 16.
Kearsley, G. 23.
Kele, R. 22, 40.
Kembe, A. 104.
Kirkman, F. 111.
Knapton, J. and P. 120.
Kyngston, F. 95.
L., H. 35, 146, 147, 148.
L., N. 2, 33, 121.
Latham, G. 109.
Law, M. 123, 131, 132, 133.
Leach, D. 21, 121.
Leake, W. 11, 100, 128, 130, 136, 157.
Lee, W. 33.
Ley, W. 48.
Lichfield, L. Oxford. 11.
Ling, N. 40.
Lintott, B. 166.
Lintott, H. 120.
L'isle, L. 68, 101, 102.
Loftus, G. 111.
Longman, T. 120.
Lownes, M. 15, 33, 35, 146, 147, 148, 154.
M., A. 9, 13, 89, 130, 152.
M., J. 91.
Mafeo, P. Venice. 157.
Mantelli, I. di. Venice. 153.
Marriot, J. 32.
Marriot, R. 161.
Marshe, H. 104, 111.
Marshe, T. 6, 60, 82, 93, 94, 95, 103, 154.
Mathewes, A. 29, 71, 82.
Mattes, W. 79, 159.
Meighen, R. 9, 72, 117, 129, 152.
Middleton, T. 24, 124.
Middleton, W. 87.
Moseley, H. 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 26, 27.
N., I. 139.
New, E. 120.
Newbery, R. 48, 54, 55, 56, 85, 151, 152.
Norton, J. 4, 23, 124, 131, 133.
O., E. 100.
O., J. 72.
O., N. 9, 51, 130, 135.
O., R. 62.
Okes, N. 27, 61, 100, 151.
Olney, H. 140.
P., E. 32.
P., I. 137.
P., M. 127.
P., T. 24, 89, 123, 125, 138, 139.
Parker, P. 90.
Parsons, M. 30.
Passaeus, C. Arnheim. 65.
Pavier, T. 14, 115.
Perry, H. 124.
Plantyn, C. Leyden. 161.
Ponsonby, W. 140, 144, 145, 146.
Potter, G. 158.
Purfoot, T. 46, 79, 133.
Purslow, E. 53.
Pynson, R. 83.
R., J. 33, 121, 127.
Rampazetto, F. Venice. 114.
Rands, W. 36.
Raphelengius, F. Leyden. 161.
Reynes, J. 42.
Rigaud, B. Lyons. 14.
Roberts, J. 58, 127, 129.
Robinot, G. Paris. 14.
Robinson, H. 7, 26, 90.
Robinson, R. 19.
Rogers, R. 48.
Roycroft, T. 142, 161.
Royston, R. 96.
S., I. 9.
S., P. 122, 135, 144, 158.
S., S. 123.
S., V. 124, 129.
S., W. 122, 126, 134, 141.
Sawbridge, T. 142.
Seres, W. 112.
Seyle, H. 32.
Sheares, W. 124.
Shepherd, H. 10.
Shepperd, J. 73.
Shewell, T. 120.
Short, P. 88.
Sibthorp, B. 23.
Simmes, V. 1, 3, 24, 31, 70, 123, 130, 131, 144.
Simmons, S. 91.
Singleton, H. 149.
Slater, T. 62.
Smethwicke, J. 34, 52, 79, 80, 116, 117, 121, 122, 126, 134.
Snodham, T. 137.
Spineda, L. Venice. 81.
Stafford, S. 37.
Standish, J. 28.
Stansby, W. 71, 84.
Starkey, J. 91.
Stephanus, R. Paris. 142, 143.
T., I. 154.
T., T. 136.
Thackeray, W. 13, 16, 50.
Tonson, J. 21, 119, 120, 121.
Tonson, R. 21, 120, 121.
Tooke, B. 142.
Torrentino, L. Mondovi. 47.
Tottel, R. 19, 49, 53, 67, 98.
Trundle, J. 73.
Turner, W. Oxford. 20.
Tyton, F. 161.
University Press Oxford. 120.
Vavassere, G. A. and F. Venice. 92.
Vautroullier, T. 106.
Vautroullier, T. Edinburgh. 69.
Veale, A. 98, 156.
Vecchi, A. de. Venice. 114.
Vere, T. 47.
W., W. 123, 126.
Walker, M. 90.
Walkley, T. 130.
Walley, H. 135.
Walley, J. 98.
Walley, R, 160.
Warde, R. 31.
Waterson, J. 10, 12.
Waterson, S. 4, 27, 141.
Wellington, R. 119, 120.
White, E. 18, 38, 135.
Whitwood, W. 81.
Whytchurch, E. 5.
Williams, F. 52.
Williams, J. 113.
Windet, J. 59, 140, 150.
Wise, A. 122, 123, 124, 129, 130, 131, 132.
Wolfe, J. 114, 143, 150, 153.
Woodcocke, T. 16.
Wright, J. 42, 47, 50, 99, 109, 110, 136.
Wykes, H. 60.
Young, R. 36, 109, 122, 134.
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