[Sidenote: Improvements.]
The Post Office is a department which admits of constant improvement and expansion. The public, by sending to the Postmaster General, clear and correct information respecting faulty arrangements, may materially benefit the service. It must be remembered, however, that changes in machinery so extensive and intricate as that of the Post Office, must be made cautiously and with much previous consideration.
Time is generally required to carry out any material change in postal arrangements; for even when decided upon, old contracts, requiring notice of termination, may have to be got rid off, and tenders for new contracts invited by public advertisement, before the decision can take effect.
[Sidenote: New post offices.]
New Post Offices are established by the Department wherever it is ascertained that a sufficient number of inhabitants can be accommodated, and a sufficient amount of postal revenue collected to warrant such a measure. When a new Post Office is required, a petition should be addressed to the Postmaster General, signed by as many of the inhabitants as can conveniently subscribe the same. The petition should state the name of the township and the number of the lot and concession on which it is desired the office should be established; the distance from the neighbouring offices; whether at the site of the proposed Post Office there is a village; the number of mills, stores, taverns, and houses thereat; the extent of the settlement to be served and the probable cost of the mail; together with any other facts which may form any ground for the accommodation applied for.
By Canadian Ocean Steamers, sailing every Saturday from Quebec in Summer, and from Portland in Winter.
[Symbol: Pointer] Letters for any of the destinations included in this Table must be prepaid, else they cannot be forwarded. In those cases in the Book-rates where an asterisk (*) is prefixed, prepayment on Newspapers or Book Parcels is optional: in all other cases prepayment is required.
KEY: A: Not exceeding 1/4 oz. B: Above 1/4 oz. and not exceeding 1/2 oz. C: Above 1/2 oz. and not exceeding 3/4 oz. D: Above 3/4 oz. and not exceeding 1 oz. E: Above 1 oz. and not exceeding 11/4 oz. F: Registration fee for each letter.
G: Not exceeding 2 ozs. H: 2 ozs. to 4 ozs. I: 4 ozs. to 8 ozs. J: 8 ozs. to 1 lb. K: 1 lb. to 11/2 lb. L: 11/2 lb. to 2 lbs.
/* ========================================================================= FOR A LETTER. FOR A BOOK PACKET. - A B C D E F FOR EACH G H I J K L COUNTRIES. NEWSPAPER. -+ + + + + + -+ -+ + + + + + Aden 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Africa, West 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Coast of Algeria 17 34 51 68 1.36 17 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Ascension 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Australia, 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 South. Australia, 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Western Austria 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Azores 19 27 46 54 83 25 5 cents 11 15 30 60 90 1.20 Baden 19 38 57 76 95 19 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Bavaria 19 38 57 76 95 19 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Belgium 19 19 38 38 76 25 Book rate 5 10 20 40 60 80 Belize 19 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 3 10 25 50 75 1.00 (Honduras) Borneo 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 Letter rate Letter rate Bourbon 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Brazil 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 Letter rate Letter rate Bremen 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Brunswick 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Buenos Ayres 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 Letter rate Letter rate Cape de Verde 19 27 46 54 88 25 5 cents 11 15 30 60 90 1.20 Cape of Good Hope 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Canary Islands 23 35 58 70 1.05 25 Book rate 6 13 25 38 50 62 Ceylon 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Chili 60 60 1.20 1.20 2.40 25 Letter rate Letter rate China 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 Letter rate Letter rate Constantinople 21 42 63 84 1.05 25 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 Dardanelles 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Denmark 29 29 58 58 1.16 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Egypt 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Falkland 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Islands Fernando Po 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate France 17 34 51 68 1.36 17 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Frankfort 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Galatz 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Gallipoli 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 Gambia 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Gibraltar 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Gold Coast 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Greece 29 58 87 1.16 1.45 29 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Hamburg 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Hanover 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Hayti 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Heligoland 27 27 54 54 1.08 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Hesse 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Hesse Homburg 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Holland 19 19 38 38 76 25 3 cents 5 10 20 40 60 80 Hong Kong 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 India 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Ionian Islands 31 31 62 62 1.22 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Italy 21 31 52 62 93 25 Book rate 6 13 25 38 50 62 Lauenburg 25 25 50 50 1.00 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Liberia 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Lippe Detmold 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Lubeck 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Madeira 19 27 46 54 83 25 5 cents 11 15 30 60 90 1.20 Malta 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Mauritius 28 28 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Mecklenburg 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Moldavia 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 ditto 6 1 25 50 75 1.00 Mytelene 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 ditto *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Monte Video 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Nassau, Duchy of 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Natal 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 New South Wales 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 " 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 New Zealand 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 " 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Norway 40 40 80 80 1.60 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Oldenburg 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Papal States 29 58 87 1.16 1.45 29 ditto *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Penang 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Poland 31 31 62 62 1.22 25 & Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 81/4 oz. Portugal 23 35 58 70 1.05 23 5 cents 11 15 30 60 90 1.20 1/4 oz. Prussia 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Reuss 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Rhodes 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 ditto *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Russia 31 31 62 62 1.22 25 & ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 81/4 oz. St. Helena 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Samsoun 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 Book rate 5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Salonica 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 ditto 5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Sardinia (see Italy) Saxe Altenburg 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Cobourg Gotha 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Meiningen 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Weimar 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Saxony 23 23 46 46 92 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Schaumburg 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Lippe Schwartzburg Rudolstadt 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Sondershausen 23 23 46 46 92 25 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Seutari 29 29 58 58 1.16 25 ditto 5 10 20 40 60 80 Seres 29 29 58 58 1.16 25 ditto 5 10 20 40 60 80 Sicilies, Two (see Italy) Singapore 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.80 Sierra Leone 23 23 46 46 92 25 3 " 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Smyrna 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 Book rate *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Spain 23 35 58 70 1.05 25 ditto *6 13 25 38 50 62 Surinam 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Sweden 35 35 70 70 1.40 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Switzerland 19 38 57 76 95 19 ditto *5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Syria 21 42 63 84 1.05 25 ditto *5 10 20 40 60 80 Tasmania 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Trebizond 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 Book rate 5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Tultcha 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 ditto 5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Tunis 19 38 57 76 95 25 ditto *5 10 20 40 60 80 Turkey in 29 29 58 58 1.16 29 ditto 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 Europe 1/4 oz. (except places specified) Varna 21 42 63 84 1.05 21 ditto 5 10 20 40 60 80 1/4 oz. Venezuela 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate Victoria 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 15 15 30 60 90 1.20 Wallachia 40 40 80 80 1.60 25 Book rate 6 13 25 50 75 1.00 (except places specified) West Indies, British 23 23 46 46 92 25 5 cents 13 13 25 50 75 1.00 Foreign 23 23 46 46 92 25 Letter rate Letter rate (except places specified) - */
By CUNARD STEAMERS, sailing every WEDNESDAY from New York and Boston alternately.
Add to the rates by Canadian Ocean Steamers 5 cents per half-ounce for Letters and 2 cents each for Newspapers. The registration fees are the same as by Canadian Steamers. Book Packets are not forwarded by the Cunard Line of Steamers.
Letters intended to be forwarded "Via the United States," should be so addressed. Prepayment required in all cases except in those marked with an asterisk (*).
KEY: A: Not exceeding 1/2 oz. B: Above 1/2 oz. and not exceeding 1 oz. C: Registration fee on each. D: For each Newspaper. E: Pamphlets. Postage per oz.
=========================================================================== LETTER RATE. COUNTRIES. A B C D E - cents. cents. cts. cents. cents. Acapulco 20 40 5 3 2 Aspinwall 20 40 5 3 2 Bahamas 15 30 5 3 2 Bermuda 20 40 5 3 2 Bogota 28 56 5 7 5 Bolivia 44 88 5 7 5 British Columbia 25 50 5 2 California *15 *30 5 1 1 Central America Pacific Slope, via Panama 30 60 5 3 2 Chagres, New Granada 20 40 5 3 2 Chili 44 88 5 7 5 Costa Rica 44 88 5 7 Cuba 20 40 5 3 2 Ecuador 44 88 5 7 5 Greytown 44 88 5 7 Guatemala 44 88 5 7 Havana 20 40 5 3 2 Honduras 44 88 5 7 Mexico 30 60 5 3 2 Nassau 15 30 5 3 2 Newfoundland (in closed Mail) via Boston 20 40 5 3 1 New Granada 30 60 5 7 Nova Scotia (in closed Mail) via Boston 13 25 5 1 1 Oregon 15 30 5 1 1 Panama 30 60 5 3 2 Peru 32 64 5 7 5 Porto Rico 44 88 5 7 5 Red River *10 *20 5 1 1 Sandwich Islands via San Francisco 20 40 5 2 2 St. Thomas via Jamaica 23 56 5 7 Do. via Havana 44 88 5 7 United States: Not exceeding 2,500 miles *10 *20 5 1 1 Exceeding 2,500 do. *15 *30 5 1 1 Vancouver's Island 25 50 5 2 1 West Indies, British 20 40 5 3 2 Do. Foreign, except Cuba 44 88 5 7 2 */