In 1897 the Canadian government succeeded in obtaining the consent of the governments of Great Britain and the United States to the appointment of a joint high commission to settle various questions in dispute between Canada and the United States. Canada was represented on this commission by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Richard Cartwright, Sir Louis Davies, and Mr. John Charlton, M.P., Newfoundland by Sir James Winter; the United States by Messieurs C.W. Fairbanks, George Gray, J.W. Foster, Nelson Dingley Jr., J.A. Kasson, and T. Jefferson Coolidge. The eminent jurist, Baron Herschell, who had been lord chancellor in the last Gladstone ministry, was chosen chairman of this commission, which met in the historic city of Quebec on several occasions from the 23rd August until the 10th October, 1898, and subsequently at Washington from November until the 20th February, 1899, when it adjourned. Mr. Dingley died in January and was replaced by Mr. Payne, and Lord Herschell also unhappily succumbed to the effects of an accident soon after the close of the sittings of the commission. In an eulogy of this eminent man in the Canadian house of commons, the Canadian prime minister stated that during the sittings of the commission "he fought for Canada not only with enthusiasm, but with conviction and devotion." England happily in these modern times has felt the necessity of giving to the consideration of Canadian interests the services of her most astute and learned statesmen and diplomatists.
This commission was called upon to consider a number of international questions—the Atlantic and inland fisheries, the Alaska boundary, the alien labour law, the bonding privilege, the seal fishery in the Bering Sea, reciprocity of trade in certain products of the two countries, and other minor issues. For the reasons given in a previous part of this chapter (page 269), when referring to the commercial policy of the Laurier government, reciprocity was no longer the all-important question to be discussed, though the commissioners were desirous of making fiscal arrangements with respect to lumber, coal, and some other Canadian products for which there is an increasing demand in the markets of the United States. The long and earnest discussions of the commission on the various questions before them were, however, abruptly terminated by the impossibility of reaching a satisfactory conclusion with respect to the best means of adjusting the vexed question of the Alaska boundary, which had become of great international import in consequence of the discovery of gold in the territory of Alaska and the district of Yukon in Canada.
The dispute between Great Britain and the United States has arisen as to the interpretation to be given to the Anglo-Russian treaty of 1825, which was made forty-two years before Russia sold her territorial rights in Alaska to the United States, that sale being subject of course to the conditions of the treaty in question. Under the third article of this treaty[10]—the governing clause of the contract between England and Russia—boundary line between Canada and Alaska commences at the south end of Prince of Wales Island, thence runs north through Portland Channel to the fifty-sixth degree of north latitude, thence follows the summit of the mountains situated parallel to the coast of the continent, to one hundred and forty-one west longitude and thence to the frozen ocean. That part of the line between fifty-six north latitude and one hundred and forty-one west longitude is where the main dispute arises. Great Britain on behalf of Canada contends that, by following the summits of the mountains between these two points, the true boundary would cross Lynn Canal, about half way between the headlands and tide-water at the head of the canal, and leave both Skagway and Dyea—towns built up chiefly by United States citizens—within British territory. The contention of Great Britain always has been that the boundary should follow the general contour of the coast line and not the inlets to their head waters. On the other hand the United States contend that the whole of Lynn Canal up to the very top, to the extent of tide-water, is a part of the ocean, and that the territory of the United States goes back for ten leagues from the head of the canal and consequently includes Skagway and Dyea. In other words the United States claim that the boundary should not follow the coast line but pass around the head of this important inlet, which controls access to the interior of the gold-bearing region.
[10: The following is the article in full: "The line of demarcation between the possessions of the high contracting parties upon the coast of the continent and the islands of America to the north-west, shall be drawn in the following manner: commencing from the southernmost point of the island called Prince of Wales Island, which point lies in the parallel of fifty-four degrees forty minutes north latitude, and between the one hundred and thirty-first and the one hundred and thirty-third degree of west longitude, the said line shall ascend to the north along the channel called Portland Channel as far as the point of the continent where it strikes the fifty-sixth degree of north latitude. From this last-mentioned point the line of demarcation shall follow the summit of the mountains situated parallel to the coast as far as the point of intersection of the one hundred and forty-first degree of west longitude (of the same meridian), and finally from the said point of intersection of the one hundred and forty-first degree in its prolongation as far as the frozen ocean, shall form the limit between the Russian and British possessions, on the continent of America to the north-west"]
The Canadian commissioners first offered as a compromise to leave Dyea and Skagway in the possession of the United States if the commissioners of that country would agree that Canada should retain Pyramid Harbour, which would give to Canadians a highway into the Yukon district. The acceptance of this compromise would have made a common water of the Lynn Canal, and at the same time left to the United States the greater portion of the territory in dispute. When the commissioners of the United States refused this fair compromise, the Canadians offered to refer the whole question to arbitration in order to ascertain the true boundary under the Anglo-Russian treaty. They proposed that the arbitrators should be three jurists of repute: one chosen for Great Britain by the judicial committee of the privy council, one appointed by the president of the United States, and the third a high international authority to act as an umpire. The commissioners of the United States positively refused to agree to this proposition and suggested the appointment of six jurists, three to be appointed by Great Britain, and the others by the United States. The Canadian representatives were unable to agree to the amendment suggested by their American colleagues, on the ground that it did not "provide a tribunal which would necessarily, and in the possible event of differences of opinion, finally dispose of the question," They also refused to agree to other propositions of the United States as "a marked and important departure from the rules of the Venezuelan boundary reference." The commissioners of the United States were not only unwilling to agree to the selection of an impartial European umpire, but were desirous of the appointment of an American umpire—from the South American Republics—over whom the United States would have more or less influence. Under these circumstances the Canadian commissioners were unwilling to proceed to the determination of other questions (on which a conclusion had been nearly reached) "until the boundary question had been disposed of either by agreement or reference to arbitration." The commission adjourned until August in the same year, but the negotiations that took place in the interval between the governments of Great Britain and the United States on the question at issue were not sufficiently advanced to enable a meeting at the proposed date. In these circumstances a modus vivendi was arranged between the United States and Canada, whose interests have been carefully guarded throughout the controversy by the government of the imperial state.
This review of Canada's relations with the United States and England for more than a century illustrates at once her weakness and her strength—her weakness in the days of provincial isolation and imperial indifference; her strength under the inspiring influences of federal union and of an imperial spirit which gives her due recognition in the councils of the empire. It may now be said that, in a limited sense, there is already a loose system of federation between Great Britain and her dependencies. The central government of Great Britain, as the guardian of the welfare of the whole empire, cooperates with the several governments of her colonial dependencies, and, by common consultation and arrangement, endeavours to come to such a determination as will be to the advantage of all the interests at stake. In other words, the conditions of the relations between Great Britain and Canada are such as to insure unity of policy so long as each government considers the interests of Great Britain and the dependency as identical, and keeps in view the obligations, welfare, and unity of the empire at large. Full consultation in all negotiations affecting Canada, representation in every arbitration and commission that may be the result of such negotiations, are the principles which, of late years, have been admitted by Great Britain in acknowledgement of the development of Canada and of her present position in the empire; and any departure from so sound a doctrine would be a serious injury to the imperial connection, and an insult to the ability of Canadians to take a part in the great councils of the world. The same mysterious Providence that has already divided the continent of North America, as far as Mexico, between Canada and the United States, and that in the past prevented their political fortunes from becoming one, still forces the Canadian communities with an irresistible power to press onward until they realise those high conceptions which some statesmen already imagine for them in a not very distant future. These conceptions are of a still closer union with the parent state, which shall increase their national responsibilities, and at the same time give the Dominion a recognised position in the central councils of the empire.
CANADA. AUSTRALIA. Name. Name The Dominion of Canada The Commonwealth of Australia.
How Constituted. How Constituted Of provinces. Of states.
Seat of Government. Seat of Government At Ottawa until the Queen Within federal territory in otherwise directs. New South Wales, at least 100 miles from Sydney
Executive Power. Executive Power Vested in the Queen. Vested in the Queen. Queen's representative, a Queen's representative, a governor-general, appointed by governor-general, appointed by the Queen in council. the Queen in council.
Salary of governor-general Not less than L10,000 paid L10,000 sterling, paid by Dominion by the commonwealth, fixed by government, alterable by parliament from time to time, the parliament of Canada, but not diminished during tenure of subject to the disallowance of a governor-general. the crown, as in 1868, when parliament passed a bill to reduce this salary.
CANADA. AUSTRALIA. Ministers called by governor-general Same—only for "privy to form a cabinet, first councillors" read "executive sworn in as privy councillors, councillors" hold office while they have the confidence of the popular house of parliament, in accordance with the conventions, understandings, and maxims of responsible or parliamentary government.
Privy councillors hold, as the Executive councillors administer crown may designate, certain such departments as departments of state, not limited governor-general from time to in name or number, but left to time establishes. Until other the discretionary action of provision is made by parliament, parliament. Such heads of number of such officers, who departments must seek a new may sit in parliament, shall not election on accepting these exceed seven. office of emolument.
Command of Military and Command of Military and Naval Forces Naval Forces Vested in the Queen. In the Queen's representative.
Parliament Parliament The Queen. The Queen. Senate. Senate. House of commons. House of representatives. Session once at least every The same. year. Privileges, immunities and Such as declared by the parliament powers held by senate and house of the commonwealth, of commons, such as are defined and, until declared, such as are by act of the parliament of held by the commons' house of Canada, but not to exceed those parliament of Great Britain at enjoyed at the passing of such the date of the establishment of act by the commons' house of the commonwealth. parliament of Great Britain.
Senate composed of twenty-four Senate composed of six members for each of the senators for each state, directly three following divisions (1) chosen for six years by the Ontario, (2) Quebec, and (3) people of the state voting as maritime provinces of Nova one electorate; half the number Scotia, New Brunswick, and shall retire every three years, Prince Edward Island. Other but shall be eligible for provinces can be represented re-election. No property under the constitution, but the qualification is required, but the total number of senators shall senators must be British subjects not at any time exceed of the full age of twenty-one years. seventy-eight, except in the In Queensland the people can case of the admission of vote in divisions, instead of in Newfoundland, when the maximum one electorate. may be eighty-two. Senators appointed by the crown for life, but removable for certain disabilities. They must have a property qualification and be of the full age of thirty years.
Speaker of the senate appointed President of the senate elected by the governor-general by that body. (in council).
Fifteen senators form a quorum One-third of whole number of until parliament of Canada senators form a quorum until otherwise provides. parliament of commonwealth otherwise provides. Non-attendance for two whole Non-attendance for two consecutive sessions vacates a senator's seat. months of any session vacates a senator's seat. Members of house of commons Every three years. elected every five years, or whenever parliament is dissolved by the governor-general.
No property qualification, but The same. must be British subjects of full age of twenty-one years.
CANADA. AUSTRALIA The electors for the Dominion Qualification of electors for commons are the electors of the members of the house of several provinces, under the representatives is that limitations of a statute passed prescribed by the law of each by the Dominion parliament in state for the electors of the 1878. Qualifications vary, but more numerous house of the universal suffrage, qualified by parlianment of the state. residence, generally prevails.
A fresh apportionment of The same. representatives to be made after each census, or not longer than intervals of ten years.
Speaker of house of commons The same. elected by the members of the house.
Quorum of house of commons Quorum of house of representatives —twenty members, of whom the —one-third of the speaker counts one. whole number of members until otherwise provided by parliament.
No such provision. Member vacates his seat when absent, without permission, for two months of a session.
No such provision. Parliament to be called together not later than thirty days after that appointment for return of writs.
Allowance to each member of Allowance of L400 to members senate and commons $1,000 for of both houses until other a session of thirty days, and provision is made by parliament. mileage expenses, 10 cents a mile going and returning. Not expressly provided for by constitution but by statute of parliament from time to time.
CANADA. AUSTRALIA. Canadian statutes disqualify Same classes disqualified in contractors and certain persons the constitution. holding office on receiving emoluments or fees from the crown while sitting in parliament.
Each house determines the The constitution has a special rules, and orders necessary for provision on the subject. the regulation of its own proceedings; not in the constitution.
Money And Tax Bills Money and Tax Bills The same. Money and tax bills can only originate in the house of representatives.
Same by practice. The senate can reject, but not amend, taxation or appropriation bills.
Not in Canadian constitution. The senate may return money and appropriation bills to the house of representatives, requesting the omission or amendment of any provision therein, but it is optional for the house to make such omissions or amendments.
No such provision. If bills, other than money bills, have twice been passed by the house of representatives and twice been rejected by the senate or passed by that body with amendments to which the house of representatives will not agree, the governor-general may dissolve the two houses simultaneously; and if, after the new election they continue to disagree, the governor-general may convene a joint sitting of the members of the two houses, who shall deliberate and vote upon the bill, which can only become law if passed by an absolute majority of the members sitting and voting.
Legislative Powers of the Legislative Powers of the Parliament of the Dominion. Parliament of the Commonwealth.
Respective powers of the federal The Legislative powers of the parliament and provincial federal parliament are alone legislatures are enumerated and enumerated, and the states defined in the constitution; the expressly retain all the powers residuum of power rests with the vested in them by their central government in relation respective constitutions at the to all matters not coming within establishment of the the classes of subjects by the commonwealth as to matters not British North America act of specified as being within the 1867 assigned exclusively to the exclusive jurisdiction of the legislatures. federal parliament.
The Provinces. The States.
Legislatures may alter provincial Constitutions may be altered constitutions except as under the authority of the regards the office of lieutenant parliaments thereof. -governor.
Lieutenant-governors are appointed The constitution of each state by the governor-general-in-council, continues (subject to the and removable by constitution) as at the him within five years only for establishment of the cause assigned and communicated commonwealth, or as at the by message to the two admission or establishment houses of parliament. of the states, as the case may be, until altered in accordance with the constitution of the states. In other words, the powers of the states over their own constitutions are preserved.
Acts of the provincial When a law of the state is legislatures may be disallowed inconsistent with one of the by the governor-general-in-council commonwealth, the latter shall, one year after their receipt. to the extent of such inconsistency, be invalid.
Education is within exclusive No special provisions in the jurisdiction of the provinces, constitution; education being but with conditions for the one of the subjects exclusively maintenance and protection of within the powers of the state rights and privileges of parliaments, under the clause religious bodies in a province leaving them in possession of with respect to denominational all powers not expressly given schools. to the federal parliament.
The federal parliament can A state shall not impose any alone impose duties or taxes on taxes or duties upon imports imports. except such as are necessary for executing the inspection laws of a state, but the net produce of all charges so levied shall be for use of the, commonwealth, and such inspection laws may be annulled by the parliament of the commonwealth.
Similar power. The parliament of the commonwealth may from time to time admit new states, and make laws for the provisional administration and government of any territory surrendered by any state to the commonwealth, or of any territory placed by the Queen under the commonwealth, or otherwise acquired by the same.
The Judiciary. The Judiciary.
The same. The parliament of the commonwealth can establish a federal supreme court, called the High Court of Australia, and other federal courts for the commonwealth; the judges to be appointed by the governor-general, to hold office during good behaviour, No such provision with respect not to be removed except upon to diminution of salary during an address of both houses of tenure of office. parliament, but so that the salary paid to any judge shall not be diminished during his continuance in office.
Similar provisions by statutory The high court can adjudicate enactments of Dominion in cases arising out of the parliament. constitution, or controversies between states, or in which the commonwealth is a party.
No such stringent provision Appeals only allowed to exists in the Canadian Queen-in-council from high court constitution, but appeals in all on constitutional issues between civil—though not in commonwealth and any state, criminal—cases are allowed, by or between two or more states, virtue of the exercise of the when high court gives leave to royal prerogative, from appeal. Otherwise, the royal provincial courts as well as prerogative to grant appeals is from the supreme court of Canada not impaired. Parliament may, to the Queen-in-council; however, make laws limiting i.e., in practice, to the such appeals, but they must judicial committee of the privy be reserved for her Majesty's council. pleasure.
Judges of the superior and Judges in the states are appointed county courts in the provinces and removable under existing state (except those of probate in New constitutions, which the state Brunswick, Nova Scotia and parliaments can change at will. Prince Edward Island) are appointed by the governor-general-in-council, and removable only by the same on the address of the two houses of parliament. Their salaries and allowances are fixed by the parliament of Canada.
The provinces have jurisdiction Similar powers in the states. over the administration of justice in a province, including the constitution, maintenance, and organisation of provincial courts, both of civil and criminal jurisdiction, and including the procedure in civil matters in those courts.
The enactment and amendment With the states. of the criminal law rest with the Dominion parliament.
The enactment and amendment With the states. of all laws relating to property and civil rights rest with the provinces.
Trade and Finance. Trade and Finance. Customs and excise, trade and The parliament of the commonwealth commerce, are within exclusive has sole power to jurisdiction of Dominion parliament. impose uniform duties of customs and excise, and to grant bounties upon goods when it thinks it expedient. As soon as such duties or customs are imposed, trade and intercourse throughout the commonwealth, whether by internal carriageor ocean navigation, is to be free.
The Dominion government The parliament of the commonwealth can veto any such unconstitutional may annul any state law. law interfering with the freedom of trade or commerce between the different parts of the commonwealth, or giving preference to the ports of one part over those of another.
The power of direct taxation Direct taxation may be imposed is within the jurisdiction of both by the commonwealth Dominion parliament and provincial and by each state within its own legislatures, the one for limits—but taxation, when Dominion and the other solely exercised by the commonwealth, for provincial purposes. must be uniform.
Both Dominion and provincial Same is true of commonwealth governments have unlimited and states. borrowing power under the authority of parliament and legislatures.
Certain money subsidies are Of the net revenue of the paid annually to the provinces commonwealth from duties of towards the support of their customs and excise, not more governments and legislatures. than one-fourth shall be applied annually by the commonwealth towards its expenditure. The balance shall, in accordance with certain conditions of the constitution, be paid to the several states, or applied towards the payment of interest on debts of the several states. This arrangement is limited to ten years. Financial aid may be granted to any state upon such terms as the federal parliament may deem expedient. Western Australia may, subject to certain restrictions, impose duties on goods imported from other parts of the commonwealth.
No such provision; but the For the administration of the Dominion parliament and provincial laws relating to interstate trade legislatures could by the governor-general-in-council legislation arrange a similar may appoint an interstate commission. commission.
Canada is liable for amount of The parliament of the commonwealth the debts and liabilities of the may consolidate or provinces existing at the time of take over state debts by general the union, under the conditions consent, but a state shall and terms laid down in the indemnify the commonwealth, and constitution. the amount of interest payable in respect to a debt shall be deducted from its share of the surplus revenue of the commonwealth.
Imperial Control over Imperial Control over Dominion Legislation. Australian Legislation. Bills may be reserved by the The same. governor-general for the Queen's pleasure, and her Majesty in As the old state constitutions council may within two years continue in force until amended after receipt of any Dominion by the state, state legislation is act disallow the same. still subject to power of disallowance by Queen in council.
No such provision. The governor-general may return any "law" presented to him for the Queen's assent and suggest amendments therein, and the houses may deal with them as they think fit.
The recommendation of the The same. crown is required before initiation of a money vote in parliament.
Amendments to the Amendments to the Constitution. Constitution.
By the imperial parliament on Any proposed amendment to an address of the houses of the the constitution must be first Dominion parliament to the passed by an absolute majority Queen. of each house of parliament, and submitted in each state to the electors qualified to vote for members of the house of representatives. If in majority of the states a majority of the electors voting approve the proposed law, and if a majority of all the electors voting also approve the proposed law, it shall be presented to the governor-general for the royal assent.
I confine these notes to the most accurate and available books and essays on the history of Canada.
For the French regime consult.—Jacques Cartier's Voyages, by Joseph Pope (Ottawa, 1889), Charlevoix's History and General Description of New France, translated by J. Gilmary Shea (New York, 1868); Cours d'histoire du Canada, by Abbe Ferland (Quebec, 1861); Histoire du Canada, by F.X. Garneau (4th ed., Montreal, 1882); F. Parkman's series of admirable histories of the French regime (Boston, 1865—1884), The Story of Canada (Nations' Series, London, New York and Toronto, 1896), by J.G. Bourinot, necessarily written in a light vein, is largely devoted to the days of French rule, and may profitably be read on that account in connection with this later book, chiefly devoted to British dominion.
For the history of Acadia, consult.—Acadia, by James Hannay (St. John, N.B., 1879); History of Nova Scotia, by Thomas C. Haliburton (Halifax, N.S., 1829). A valuable compilation of annals is A History of Nova Scotia or Acadie, by Beamish Murdoch (Halifax, 1867). Builders of Nova Scotia, by J.G. Bourinot (Toronto, and "Trans. Roy. Soc. Can.," 1900), contains many portraits of famous Nova Scotians down to confederation, and appendices of valuable historical documents.
Cape Breton and its Memorials of the French Regime ("Trans. Roy. Soc. Can.," vol. IX, and in separate form, Montreal, 1891) by J.G. Bourinot, gives a full bibliography of voyages of Northmen, the Cabots, Carrier, and Champlain, and of the Histories of the Seven Years' War. The same remarks apply to Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America (Boston, 1886—89). The "Trans. Roy. Soc. Can.," since 1894, have several important papers by Archbishop O'Brien, Dr. S.E. Dawson, and others on the Cabot discovery.
British rule, 1760-1900:—Garneau's History, already mentioned, gives the French Canadian view of the political situation from 1760 until 1840; William Kingsford's History of Canada (Toronto, 1887-1898) has a fairly accurate account of events from 1760 until 1840, in vols. V-X; A History of Lower Canada, by R. Christie, a member of the assembly of the province (Quebec, 1848-1854) is very useful for copies of public documents from 1774 until 1840.
The most important accounts of the U.E. Loyalists of the American Revolution by writers in the United States are:—L. Sabine's Loyalists (Boston, 1864), and Tyler's Literary History of the American Revolution (New York, 1897). Canadian accounts are to be found in Egerton Ryerson's Loyalists of America (Toronto, 1880)—remarkably prosaic—and Canniff's History of Upper Canada (Toronto, 1872). Consult also articles of J.G. Bourinot in the Quarterly Review for October, 1898, and the Canadian Magazine for April, 1898, in which names of prominent Canadian descendants of Loyalists are given.
Kingsford's History, vol. VIII, has the best Canadian account of the War of 1812-15. The most impartial American record of its causes and progress is Henry Adams's History of the United States of America (New York, 1860), vols VI and VII.
Garneau's History gives the most favourable estimate of Papineau and his party, who brought about the Rebellion in Lower Canada. Kingsford (vols. IX and X) writes impartially on the risings in the two Canadas.
Other works to be consulted are:—Lord Durham's Report on the Affairs of British North America (London, 1839); Life of W. Lyon Mackenzie, by Charles Lindsey, his son-in-law (Toronto, 1863); The Upper Canadian Rebellion, by J. Charles Dent (Toronto, 1885). The Speeches and Letters of the Hon. Joseph Howe (Boston, 1858) contain the ablest expositions of the principles of responsible government by its greatest advocate in British North America. See also Campbell's History of Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown, 1875). New Brunswick has not a single good history. The Life and Times of Sir Leonard Tilley, by James Hannay (St. John, N.B. 1897), can be read with advantage. See Prof. Ganong's valuable essays on the early history of New Brunswick in "Trans. Roy. Soc. Can," New Series, vols. I—v. Rev. Dr. Withrow's History of Canada (Toronto, 1888) has chapters on affairs of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, to date of publication.
For the history of Canada since 1840, consult.—Canada since the Union (1840—1880), by J. Charles Dent (Toronto, 1880—81); Le Canada sous l'Union, by Louis Turcotte (Quebec, 1871); Memoirs of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, by Joseph Pope, his private secretary (London and Ottawa, 1894); Debates on Confederation (Quebec, 1865); Confederation, by Hon. J.H. Gray, M.P., a delegate to the Quebec Conference (Toronto, 1872).
For the constitutional development of Canada, consult.—A Manual, by J.G. Bourinot (Montreal, 1888, and included in latest edition of his Parliamentary Procedure, 1891); How Canada is Governed, by the same (Toronto, 1897—1900); Parliamentary Government in the Colonies, by Alpheus Todd (London, 1894); Documents illustrative of the Canadian Constitution, by W. Houston (Toronto, 1891). Parliamentary Government in Canada, by J.G. Bourinot (Amer. Hist. Association, Washington, 1892, and "Trans. Roy. Soc. Can.," 1892), contains a long list of books relating to the constitutional history of Canada. Also consult How Canada is Governed for works on constitutional, legal, municipal and educational history of the provinces of Canada.
For Manitoba and the North-west Territories the reader may consult:—Manitoba. Its Infancy, Growth and Present Condition, by Rev. Prof. Bryce (London, 1882); History of the North-west, by A. Begg (Toronto, 1894); The Great Company, by Beckles Wilson (Toronto and London, 1899); Reminiscences of the North-west Rebellions, by Major Boulton (Toronto, 1886). A remarkable History of the Hudson's Bay Company, by Rev. Prof. Bryce (London, New York and Toronto, 1900). For British Columbia:—A. Begg's History (Toronto, 1896).
For the literary progress of Canada, consult:—The Intellectual Development of the Canadian People, by J.G. Bourinot (Toronto, 1881); Canada's Intellectual Strength and Weakness ("Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada," vol. XI, also in separate form, Montreal, 1893), by the same, contains an elaborate list of Canadian literature, French and English, to date. The 17 volumes of the same Transactions contain numerous valuable essays on French Canadian literary progress.
Other valuable books to be consulted are:—Canada and Newfoundland in Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel (London, 1897), by Dr. S.E. Dawson, F.R.S.C.; The Statistical Year Book of Canada, a government publication issued annually at Ottawa, and edited by Geo. Johnson, F.S.S.; The Great Dominion (London, 1895), by Dr. G.R. Parkin, C.M.G., LL.D., the eloquent advocate of imperial federation for many years, merits careful reading. Canada and the United States, in Papers of the Amer. Hist Assoc. (Washington, July, 1891), and Canada and the United States: their Past and Present Relations, in the Quarterly Review for April, 1891, both by the present author, have been largely used in the preparation of the last chapter of this book.
With respect to the boundaries of Canada and the English colonies during the days of French dominion, and from 1763 until 1774—i.e. from the Treaty of Paris until the Quebec Act—consult a valuable collection of early French and English maps, given in A Report on the Boundaries of Ontario (Toronto, 1873), by Hon. David Mills, now Minister of Justice in the Laurier government, who was an Ontario commissioner to collect evidence with respect to the western limits of the province. Consult also Prof. Hinsdale's Old North-west (New York, 1888); Epochs of American History, edited by Prof. Hart, of Harvard University (London and Boston, 1893); Remarks on the French Memorials concerning the Limits of Acadia (London, 1756) by T. Jefferys, who gives maps showing clearly French and English claims with respect to Nova Scotia or Acadia "according to its ancient limits" (Treaty of Utrecht). These and other maps are given in that invaluable compilation, Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America. See also Mitchell's map of British and French possessions in North America, issued by the British Board of Plantations in 1758, and reprinted (in part) in the Debates on the Quebec Act, by Sir H. Cavendish (London, 1839). For text of Treaties of Utrecht (1612), of Paris (1763), of Quebec Act (1774), and other treaties and imperial acts relating to Canada, see Houston's Documents, cited above, p. 329. The maps of Canada and the disputed boundary in Alaska, which I give in this book, are taken from the small maps issued in 1899 by the Department of the Interior at Ottawa.
Abbott, Sir John; prime minister of Canada, 257; death of, ib
Aberdeen, Earl of; governor-general of Canada, 265-267
Aberdeen, Lady, 267
Acadia College, N.S., founded, 163
Acadie or La Cadie; name of, 8; settled by France, 8, 9; ceded to Great Britain by Treaty of Utrecht (1713), 9; French inhabitants expelled from, 22, 23
Adams, President John; on the U.K. Loyalists, 76
Alaskan Boundary, 310-312; map of, 311
Alexander, Sir William (Lord Stirling); names Nova Scotia, 11
Allan, Sir Hugh; contributes funds to Conservative elections, 236; results of, 237
Allouez, Father; founds mission at La Pointe (Ashland), 17
Almon, M, B.; banker and politician of Nova Scotia, 178
American Revolution; causes of, 56-65; momentous events of, 63-67; its effects upon Canada and Maritime Provinces, 67-74, 81
Angers, lieutenant-governor; dismisses Mercier ministry in Quebec, 247
Anglican Church: first built in Upper Canada, 84
Annand, William; Nova Scotian journalist, and first minister of province after Confederation, 218
Annapolis (Port Royal) named, 9
Archibald, Sir Adams, delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 204; first lieutenant-governor of Manitoba, 230
Architecture in Canada, 288, 289
Art in Canada, 288
Assiniboia; name of Lord Selkirk's domain in North-west, 225
Australia, Commonwealth of; constitution of, 282, 283; comparisons between Canadian and Australian federal systems, 315-326 (Appendix A)
Baccalaos, or Newfoundland, 8
Bagot, Sir Charles, governor-general of Canada, 169
Baldwin, Robert, efforts of, for responsible government, 168, 169; joint leader with Lafontaine in Reform ministry, 170, 173; admirable character of, 184
Ballot, vote by; established, 239
Basques in Canada, 5
Batoche, N.W.T.; victory of loyal Canadian forces at, in second North-west rebellion of 1885, 253
Bay of Chaleurs Railway; scandal connected with, 247
Bering Sea dispute, 308, 309
Bibliographical notes, see App. B
Bidwell, Marshall Spring; reformer of Upper Canada, 146, 149, 151; unjust treatment of, by lieutenant-governor Head, 153
Big Bear, Indian Chief in N.W.T.; rebels against Canada and is punished, 253-254
Bishop's Palace; first parliament house of Lower Canada, 92, 160
Blair, Mr.; Canadian statesman, 265
Blake, Edward; Canadian statesman, 230, 231, 234, 241, 244, 255
Blanchard, Hiram; Nova Scotia, Unionist, defeated in 1867, 218
Botsford, Amos; first speaker of assembly of New Brunswick, 88
Boucherville, M. de; prime minister of Quebec, 245, 247
Bouchette, Joseph, Canadian general and author, 164
Boundary disputes; in North-west, 292; in Maine, 296-300; in Oregon, 300-302; in British Columbia (San Juan) 301, 302; in Alaska, 310-312. See Maps
Boundary of Ontario settled, 238
Bourgeoys, Sister, 34
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie; prime minister of Canada, 257
Brant, Joseph (Thayendanega), Mohawk Chief, 84; his loyalty to Great Britain, ib.
Brebeuf, Jean de, Jesuit martyr, 12
Bretons in Canada, 51
Briand, Bishop; consecrated after conquest, 43; loyal mandement of, in 1775, 58
British American League suggests federal union of provinces, 194
British Columbia, province of; its early history, 231, 232; enters Confederation, 232
British North America Act of 1867; passed to unite provinces, 215. See Constitution of Canada.
Brock, General; services of, during war of 1812-15, 114, 119; death of, ib.
Brown, George; Canadian journalist and reformer, suggests federal union, 196; advocates representation by population, 197; assists in bringing about Confederation, 197; joins the Tache-Macdonald government with other reformers, 198; leaves the coalition ministry, 217; unsuccessful mission to Washington to obtain reciprocity, 306; assassination of, 256; character of, 197, 202
Brown, Thomas Storrow; leads Canadian rebels at St. Charles in 1837, 134
By, Colonel, founder of Bytown (Ottawa), 158; engineer of Ruleau Canal, ib.
Cabot, John; voyages of, to North America, 4, 5
Caldwell, Receiver-General; defaulter to government, 126
Calvet, Pierre du; opponent of Governor Haldimand, 72; disloyalty of, 72, 73
Campbell, Sir Alexander; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 203
Campbell, Sir Colin; governor of Nova Scotia, 173; opposes responsible government, ib.
Canada, name of, 6; discovery and settlement of, by France, 4-15; French exploration of, 15-21; conquered by Great Britain, 21-27; political, economic, and social conditions of, during French rule, 27-36; beginnings of British rule in, 37-45; influence of Quebec Act of 1774 upon, 45-48; during American Revolution, 67-74; United Empire Loyalists settle in, 81-86; political divisions of (in 1792), 91; effects of war of 1812-15 upon, 110-123; rebellion in, 134-156; social and economic condition of, in 1838, 156-164; union of, in 1840, 166; responsible government in, 167-173; social and economic conditions of, in 1866, 185-192; Confederation of, 215, 216; federal constitution of, 273-284, 315-326; first ministry of, under Confederation, 216, first parliament of, 218, 219; trade and revenue of, in 1899, 273; literature in, 284-287, art in, 288; sculpture in, ib.; architecture in, 288, 289; education in 289, 290; libraries in, ib.; relations with England and the United States, 390-314; bibliographical notes of, 327-330; maps of, see Maps
Canada's representation at "Diamond Jubilee" (1897), 35, 36, 270, 271
Canada Temperance Act. See Temperance Legislation
Canada and the United States, relations between (1783-1900), 290-313
Canadien, Le; established in French Canada, 95
Canadian Pacific Railway; history of 232, 233, 236, 242, 244
Canadian Trade Acts; respecting Upper and Lower Canada, 153
Canals of Canada, 273
Cape Breton, name of, 5
Carignan-Salieres regiment settled in Canada 14
Carleton, Guy (Lord Dorchester); governor general of Canada, 44; his just treatment of French Canadians, ib.; his part in framing of the Quebec Act, 45; saves Canada during American revolution, 67; again governor-general, 89; his tribute to the U.E. Loyalists, ib.
Carleton, Colonel John; first governor of New Brunswick, 87
Carnarvon, Earl of; introduces British North America Act of 1867 in British Parliament, 215
Caroline steamer; seized by Canadians 295; international complications respecting 295, 296
Caron Father le; French missionary, 16
Caron, Sir Adolphe; minister of militia during North-west rebellion of 1885, 252; resists Riel agitation in French Canada, 254
Carter, Frederick B.T.; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Cartier, Sir George; a father of Confederation, 201; great public services of, ib.; death of, 233
Cartier, Jacques, discovers the St. Lawrence, 6, 7
Cartwright, Sir Richard; Canadian statesman, 94, 265
Casgrain, Abbe; Canadian author, 284
Cathcart, Lord; governor-general of Canada, 171, 172
Champlain, Samuel; founds Quebec, 9; career of, in Canada, 9-12, character of, ib.
Chandler, Edward Barron delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205; public career of, 206
Chapais, J.C., delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 304
Chapleau, Sir Adolphe; resists popular clamour in French Canada for Riel's pardon after rebellion of 1885, 254
Charlesbourg-Royal, 7
Charlevoix, Jesuit priest; historian of New France, 19
Chartier, Abbe; Canadian rebel of 1837, 135
Chartrand, murder of, in Lower Canadian rebellion of 1837, 135
Chateauguay, battle of; won by French Canadians, 116, 121
Chateau of St. Louis; founded at Quebec, 31; destroyed by fire, 160
Chauveau, Pierre O.J.; his services to education, 192; first prime minister of Quebec after Confederation, 217
Chenier, Dr.; Canadian rebel, 134; monument to, 135
Christie, Mr.; expelled from assembly of Lower Canada, 127;
Chrystler's Farm, battle at; won by British troops in 1813, 116
Civil Law of French Canada, 29; established under British rule, 46, 278
Clergy Reserves Question; origin of, 141; powerful factor in political controversy for years, ib.; settled, 186
Cockburn, James; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 204; first speaker of commons' house of Dominion parliament, ib.
Code Napoleon in French Canada, 278
Colbert, French minister, 27
Colborne, Sir John (Lord Seaforth); represses rebellion in Lower Canada, 134, 138; governor-general of Canada, 138
Colebrooke, Sir William; lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, 174
Coles, George; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Colonial Conference at Ottawa (1894), 200
Commissions, International, affecting Canada; Maine boundary, 296, Washington (1871), 302, 304-306; Washington (1887), 307, 308, Bering Sea, 309; joint high commission (Quebec and Washington, 1897-98), 309-313
Commonwealth of Australia. See Australia
Confederation of the British North American provinces; foreshadowed, 194; beginnings of, 195-198; initiated at Quebec Convention of 1864, 199; fathers of, 199-206, consummated, 206-215; birth of Dominion of Canada, 216; constitution of, 206-209, 273-284; first ministry under, 216; first parliament under, 217; results of, 272, 273
Congregation de Notre-Dame established, 34
Constitutional Act of 1791; forms provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, 90, 91; general provisions of, 91, 92
Constitution of Canadian Dominion, 273-281; compared with that of Australian Commonwealth, 282-284, 315, 326 (App. A)
Cornwallis, Colonel, founds Halifax, 49
Corrupt elections: measures to restrain and punish, 239
Cortereal, Gaspar and Miguel; voyages of, to North America, 5
Coureurs-de-bois, 17, 18
Coutume de Paris established in French Canada, 29
Craig, Sir James; governor-general of Canada, 96; quarrels of, with leading French Canadians, character of, 96, 97
Cremazie, Canadian poet, 192
Crozier, Superintendent; defeated by half-breeds in North-west rebellion of 1885, 252
Cut Knife Greek, N.W.T.; Colonel Otter engages Indians at, in North-west rebellion of 1885, 253
Dalhousie College, Nova Scotia; founded, 163
Dalhousie, Lord, governor-general of Canada; quarrel of, with Papineau, 129
Daly, Sir Dominick; first minister of Canada under Lord Metcalfe, 170
Davies, Sir Louis; Canadian statesman, 265
Davies, English navigator; voyages of, to Canada, 7
Dawson, Sir William; Canadian scientist, 192, 286
Dickey, R.B.; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 305
Dochet Island (St. Croix River); first settlement of French on, 8
Dominion of Canada; origin of name, 215; established, 215, 216; first ministry of, 216; first parliament of, 217; completed from Atlantic to Pacific, 227, 232, 234; history of, from 1873-1900, 236-272; map of, at end.
Dorchester, Lord; see Carleton, Sir Guy
Douglas, Sir James; governor of British Columbia, 232
Drew, Captain; seizes steamer Caroline on U.S. frontier, 154. See Caroline.
Drummond, Attorney-General; member of MacNab-Morin ministry, 186
Drummond, Dr., Canadian poet, 285
Drummond, General, services of, during war of 1812-15, 116, 117, 122
Duck Lake, N.W.T., defeat of government forces at, in Canadian rebellion of 1885, 252
Dumont Gabriel; takes part in Riel's North-west revolt of 1885, 252, 253
Dufferin, Lord; governor-general of Canada, 241, 243, 267
Durham, Earl of; high commissioner to Canada after rebellion of 1837, 136; his humanity and justice, 137; returns from Canada when rebuked in England, ib., his report on Canadian affairs, 165
Durham Terrace, constructed, 160
Education in Canada; state of, under French rule, 33, 34, in 1838, 162, 163; after union of 1840, 192; present condition of, 290; contributions by government and people, ib.
Elgin, Lord; governor-general of Canada, character of, 172, 173; established responsible government, 173; action of, on Rebellion Losses Bill in 1849, 188, 189
Falkland, Lord; governor of Nova Scotia, 176; quarrels with Joseph Howe and Liberal party, 177-179; returns to England, 179
Family Compact in Upper Canada; meaning of, 141; controls government, ib.
Fenian raids; in 1866, 213; in 1870-71, 230, 231, Canada never indemnified for, 305
Ferland, French Canadian historian, 192
Fielding, Mr., finance minister of Canada, 265, his budget of 1897, 209
Fish Creek, N.W.T.; General Middleton checked at, in engagement with rebels of 1885, 253
Fisher, Charles; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205
Fishery question between Canada and the United States, 293, 302, 304, 307, 308
Fitzgibbon, Lieutenant; successful strategy of, at Beaver Dams in 1813, 116
Franchise Act of Dominion, passed, 255, repealed, 268
Frechette, French Canadian poet, 285
Free Trade policy of England; its early effects upon Canada, 172, 187, 189
French Acadians See Neutrals
French Canada; during French regime (1534-1760), 4-37; under military government after conquest by Great Britain, 37, 38; desire of British government to do justice to, 44, 45, provisions of Quebec Act affecting, 45, 48; political struggles and rebellion in, 124-138; influence of Union Act of 1840 upon, 170, 187; brought into confederation, 216; results of union upon, 273; literature in, 284, 285
French exploration in great valleys of North America, 15-21
French language; use of, restricted by Union Act of 1840, 187; restriction removed, ib.
Frobisher, English navigator; voyages of, to Canada, 8
Frog Lake, massacre at, in North-west rebellion of 1885, 252
Frontenac, Count de (Louis de La Buade); French governor of Canada, 13; eminent services of, ib.
Galloway, Thomas; his scheme for readjusting relations between Great Britain and her old Colonies, 79
Galt, Sir Alexander; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 20; public services of, ib.
Garneau, French Canadian historian, 192
German and Belgian Treaties; denunciation of, 261, 271
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey; takes possession of Newfoundland, 8
Glenelg, Lord; colonial secretary in 1838, 137
Gordon, Lt.-Governor; promotes federal union in New Brunswick, 212
Gosford, Lord; governor-general of Canada, 132, 134
Gourlay, Robert; misfortunes of, as a reformer in Upper Canada, 143-145
Grasett, Colonel; assists in repressing North-west rebellion of 1885, 253
Gray, Colonel; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Gray, John Hamilton, delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205
Grey, Earl; colonial secretary, 172
Haldimand, general; governor-general of Canada, 71, 72
Haliburton, Judge, author of Sam Sack, etc., 164
Halifax, founded, 49
Harvey, Colonel; victory of, at Stoney Creek in 1813, 116. See Harvey, Sir John.
Harvey, Sir John; governor of Nova Scotia, of New Brunswick, establishes responsible government in the maritime provinces. See Harvey, Colonel.
Haviland, Thomas Heath; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206; public career of, ib.
Head, Sir Francis Bond; lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 148; his unjust treatment of reformers, 149-151; his rashness before rebellion, 152; represses rebellion, 153
Henry, William A.; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 204
Hincks, Sir Francis; Canadian statesman, melancholy death of, 233
Historian of Canada, 192, 284
Hochelaga (Montreal); Indian village of, visited by Jacques Cartier, 6
Howe, Joseph; father of responsible government in Nova Scotia, 175, 176; his quarrel with Lord Falkland, 176-179; ability of, 183, 184; advocate of imperial federation, 195; opposes confederation from 1864-1868, 212, 219; his reasons for receding from his hostile position, 219; enters the Macdonald ministry, 220; lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, ib; sudden death of, ib; orator, poet, and statesman, 220, 221
Howland, Sir William P.; delegate to Westminster Palace Conference of 1866-67, 214; lieutenant-governor of Ontario, 217
Hudson's Bay Company; its great territorial privileges, 231-324; its claims purchased by the Canadian government, 227; map illustrating its charter, 222
Hull, General; defeat of, by Brock at Detroit, 114
Hundred Associates, Company of; established in Canada, 10
"Hunter's Lodges"; formed in United States to invade Canada, 154
Huntington, Lucius Seth; makes charges against Sir John Macdonald, 236
Huron Indians; massacre of, by the Iroquois, 12
Hutchinson, Governor Thomas (of Massachusetts); on relations between Great Britain and her old Colonies, 98
Iberville, founder of Louisiana, 19
Immigration to Canada, 78, 79
Independence of old Thirteen Colonies acknowledged, by Great Britain, 74
Indians; British treatment of, 41,42; Canadian relations with, 238, 239
Intellectual culture in Canada; under French rule, 35; under British rule, 164, 192, 284, 285
Intercolonial Railway; history of, 191, 215, 219
Iroquois Indians; ferocity of, 10-13
Jameson, Miss Anna, her "Winter Studies and Summer Rambles" in Upper Canada in 1838, 157-159
Jesuit College at Quebec, 34
Jesuits' Estates, Act; political controversies respecting, 248
Jesuits in Canada, 11, 12; their estates confiscated by the British government, 38; restored in part, 248
Johnson, John; delegate to the Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Johnston, James William; public career of, 175; eminence of, 185; early advocate of confederation, 194, 195
Joliet, Louis; discovers the Mississippi, 18
Journalism in Canada, 164, 287
Judiciary, independence of; political contests for, 128, 139
Keewatin, district of; established provisionally, 238
Kent, Duke of; commander of British forces in Canada, 193; gives name to P.E. Island, 53; letter to, from Chief Justice B.C. Sewell on union of provinces, 194
King, George E.; prime minister of New Brunswick after Confederation, 218
King's University, Nova Scotia; founded, 163
Kingsford, Dr.; Canadian historian, 284
Kingston, city of; first parliament of Canada meets at, in 1841, 167
Kirk, David; captures Quebec, 10, 11
Labrador, discovery of, 5; origin of name of, 7
Lafontaine-Baldwin Ministry, 170, 173; its successful administration of Canadian affairs, 173
Lafontaine, Sir Louis Hippolyte; Canadian statesman and jurist, 170, 173, 184
La Gallissoniere, French governor of Canada, 35
Lake of Woods, international boundary at, 292, 293; map of, 293
Lalemant, Gabriel; Jesuit martyr, 12
Land question; in Upper Canada, 143; in Prince Edward Island, 54, 234
Langevin, Sir Hector; Canadian statesman, delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205; charges against, 258
Lansdowne, Marquess of; governor-general of Canada, 207
Lartigue, Bishop; mandement of, against French Canadian rebels, 135, 136
La Salle, Sieur de (Rene Robert Cavelier); at Lachine, 18; descends the Mississippi, 18, 19; assassination of, 19
Laurier government; formation of, 265; measures of, 268-272
Laurier, Rt Hon. Sir Wilfrid; prime minister of Canada, 265; settles Manitoba school question, 266 267; represents Canada at celebration of "Diamond Jubilee" (1897), 36, 270; his action on Canadian aid to England in South African War, 372; his mastery of English, 267
Laval, Bishop; first Roman Catholic Bishop of Canada, 12; establishes tithes, 29
Laval University, Quebec, 290
La Valmiere, a disloyal priest, 72
Lawrence, Governor; expels French Acadians from Nova Scotia, 23; encourages New England emigration, 51; opens first assembly in Halifax, 53
Lepine, Canadian rebel; punished, 241; his sentence commuted, ib.
Letellier de Saint-Just; lieutenant-governor of Quebec, 246; dismissed, 246, 247
Levis, General; defeats Murray at St. Foye, 26
Liberal or Reform party; formed in Nova Scotia, 99; in Upper Canada, 141
Liberal Convention in Ottawa (1893), 259
Libraries in Canada, 290
Lisgar, Lord, governor-general of Canada, 267
Literature in Canada, during French regime, 35; before union of 1840, 164; after union, 192; since Confederation, 284-287
Londonderry in Nova Scotia; origin of name of, 51, 52
Lome, Marquess of; governor-general of Canada, 244; His services to Art, Science, and Literature, 267
Louisiana, named by La Salle, 19
Louis XIV establishes royal government in Canada, 12, 27, 28
Lount, Samuel; Upper Canadian rebel of 1837, 148, 152-153; executed, 155
Loyalists. See United Empire Loyalists
Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada; usefulness of, during war of 1819-15, 121
Lundy's Lane, battle of; won by British in 1814, 117, 120
Lymburner, Adam; opposes separation of Upper from Lower Canada, 90
Macdonald, Andrew Archibald; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Macdonald, Baroness (of Earnscliffe), 257
Macdonald, Colonel George; at Ogdensburg in 1813, 115; at Chateauguay, 121
Macdonald, John Sanfield; first prime minister of Ontario after Confederation, 217
Macdonald, Rt. Hon. Sir John; enters public life, 173; member of government, ib.; settles Clergy Reserves question, 186; takes lead in establishing Confederation, 198, 199, 209; first prime minister of the Dominion, 216; resigns under unfortunate circumstances, 236; initiates the "National Policy" of Conservative party, 243; prime minister again, ib.; death of, 256; great ability, and patriotism of, 200, 256; mourned by all Canada, 257; monuments and tributes to his memory, ib.
Macdonell; Colonel John; first speaker of assembly of Upper Canada in 1792, 94
Macdonell, Vicar-General; first Roman Catholic Bishop of Upper Canada, 120
Mackenzie, Alexander; prime minister of Canada, 237; character of, ib., 243; his administration of public affairs (1873-78), 238-242; death of, 257
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander; North-west explorer, 224
Mackenzie, William Lyon; journalist and reformer, 146; enters Upper Canada legislature, 146; unjustly expelled, ib., first mayor of Toronto, 147; indiscretions of, ib.; moves for committee of grievances, 148, its report, ib.; defeat of, at elections of 1836, 150, resorts to rebellion, 152; defeat of, at Montgomery's and flight from Canada, 153; on Navy Island, 154; imprisoned in the United States, ib.; returns from exile, 182, exercises no influence in Canadian politics, ib.; poverty and death of, ib.; character of, 182, 183
MacLeod, international dispute respecting, 295
MacNab, Sir Allan; leads loyal "Men of Gore" against Canadian rebels in 1837, 153; orders seizure of steamer Caroline on. U.S. frontier, 154; prime minister of Canada, 186
Maine Boundary Dispute, 292, 296-300; map of, 296
Maisonneuve, Sieur de (Paul de Chomedey); founds Montreal, 12
Manitoba, first visited by French, 20; province of, established, 230
Manitoba school question, 262-265, 266, 267
Maps relating to Canada; of French, Spanish and British possessions in North America in 1756-1761, at end; of British possessions in 1763-1775, at end; of boundary established in 1783 between Canada and the United States, 75; of Hudson's Bay Co.'s territory, 222; of North-west boundary in 1842, 293; of North-eastern boundary in 1842, 297; of Alaskan disputed boundary, 311; of the Dominion of Canada in 1900, at end.
Marquette, Father, founds mission of Sainte-Maria, 17; discovers the Mississippi, 18; death of, ib.;
Marriage laws in early Canada, 97
Maseres, Attorney-general, 43
Matthews, Peter; Upper Canadian rebel, 148, 151, 153; executed, 155
McCully, Jonathan; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205
McDougall, William, delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 203; provisional lieutenant-governor of N.W.T., 227; Half-breed rebellion prevents him assuming office, ib.; disappears from public life, 230
McGee, Thomas D'Arcy; historian and orator, delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 203; his political career in Canada, ib.; assassinated, 221
McGill University, Montreal; founded, 163
McGreevy, Thomas, impeached for serious misdemeanors, 258; punishment of, ib.
McLane, executed for treason in 1793, 101, 102
McLure, General (United States General); burns Niagara in 1814, 116
Mercier, Honore, prime minister of Quebec, 247; dismissed, ib.
Merritt, W. Hamilton; originator of Welland Canal, 159
Metcalfe, Lord; governor-general of Canada, 170; antagonism of, to responsible government, 171; retirement and death of, ib.
Metis or Half-breeds of the Canadian North-west, 225, 228, 249
Middleton, Major-general; commands Canadian forces on Riel's revolt of 1885 in North-west, 252-254
Military rule in Canada after 1760, 37, 38
Mills, David; Canadian statesman, 206
Minto, Earl of; governor-general of Canada, 268
Mitchell, Peter; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205; public career of, ib.
Mohawks, members of the Iroquois confederacy, 10; humbled by the Marquis de Tracy, 13. See Brant Joseph, Iroquois.
Monk, Lord; governor-general of Canada at Confederation, 216, 267
Montcalm, Marquis de; loses battle on Plains of Abraham, 26; death of ib.
Montgomery, Brigadier-General; invades Canada, 69, 70; death of, at Quebec, 70
Montreal founded, 12
Monts, Sieur de; founder of French Acadie, 8
Monts-Deserts named by Champlain, 9
Mowat, Sir Oliver; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1804, 203; public career of, 203, 265, 266
Municipal system of Canada; established, 185, 186; nature of, 278
Murray, General; in command at Quebec, 26; defeat of, at St. Foye, ib.; governor-general of Canada, 42; his just treatment of French Canadians, 43
Mutual or reciprocal preferential trade between Canada and England; advocacy of, 260, 271
Nation Canadienne, La; Papineau's dream of, 130, 133, 134
"National Policy," or Protective system; established by Conservative party (1879), 243, 244
Navigation Laws repealed, 187
Navy Island, see Mackenzie, William Lyon
Neilson, John; Canadian journalist and politician, 127, 131
Nelson, Robert; Canadian rebel of 1837-38, 138
Nelson, Dr. Wolfred; leader in Lower Canadian rebellion of 1837, 134
Neutrality of the Great Lakes, 294, 295
"Neutrals," on French Acadians; expulsion of from Nova Scotia, 22, 23
Newark (Niagara), meeting of first Upper Canadian legislature at, 93; seat of government removed from, to York, 101
New Brunswick; originally part of Acadie and Nova Scotia, 53; province of founded by Loyalists, 83; capital ib.; state of, in 1838, 162; political struggle for self-government in, 173, 174; takes part in Quebec Convention, 198, 205; brought into Confederation, 215, 216; boundary dispute with Maine, 296-300
New Brunswick school question, 201, 2O2
New Brunswick University; founded at Fredericton, 163
New Caledonia; old name of British Columbia, 232
Newfoundland; delegates from, to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206; refuses to join the Dominion, 235
Niagara, see Newark
Nicholson, General; captures Port Royal, 9
Norse voyages to Canada, 4
North-eastern Boundary question, 296-299; map of Boundary, 1842, 297
North-west Company; rival of the Hudson's Bay Company in North America, 224, 225
North-west Boundary dispute, 292, 293; map of, 293
North-west Territories, early history of, 221-227; annexation of, to Canada, 227, 230; first rebellion in, 227-230; government of, 277; second rebellion in, 249-255; districts of, 277
Nova Scotia (Acadie); first settled by France, 8, 9; foundation of Port Royal (Annapolis), 8; ceded to Great Britain by Treaty of Utrecht, 9; population of, at conquest, 15; first called Nova Scotia, 11; Halifax founded, 49; settlement by colonists of New England, 50, 51; expatriation of the Acadian French, 22, 23, 50, 51; population of, in 1767, 51; Irish immigration, ib.; Scotch immigration, 52; early government of, 52, 53, included New Brunswick, C. Breton, and St. John's Island (Pr. Edward I), 53; early courts of justice, 55; coming of Loyalists to, 82; state of in 1837-38, 162, political struggles in, for self-government, 174-180; take part in Quebec Convention of 1864, 198, 204; brought into Confederation, 215; people opposed to, 212, 218, 219; repeal movement gradually ceases in, 233
Novelists, Canadian, 164, 285, 286
O'Callaghan, Dr.; Canadian journalist and rebel, 130
O'Donohue, Canadian rebel, 231; amnesty to, 241
Ohio Valley, French in, 23
Oregon Boundary, dispute respecting, 300-302
Osgoode, Chief Justice; first speaker of legislative council of Upper Canada in 1792, 94
Ottawa, city of; founded, 158
Pacific Cable; action of Canadian government with respect to, 271
Palmer, Edward; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Panet, Joseph Antoine; first speaker of assembly of Lower Canada in 1792, 93
Papineau, Louis J.; leader of French Canadian malcontents in rebellion of 1837, 129-134; conduct of, on outbreak of rebellion, 134, 135; return of, from exile, 181; opposes responsible government, ib.; loses political influence, ib.; character of, 180-182
Pardon, prerogative of; instructions respecting exercise of, 241
Parishes established in French Canada, 29
Parker, Gilbert; Canadian novelist, 286
Parr Town, first name of St. John, New Brunswick, 83
Perry, Peter; founder of Upper Canadian Reform party, 141, 146, 150
Pictou Academy, Nova Scotia; founded, 163
Pitt, the elder (Lord Chatham); gives Canada to Great Britain, 25, 35, 36
Pitt, William (the younger); introduces Act separating Upper from Lower Canada (Constitutional Act of 1791), 90, 91
Plains of Abraham; Wolfe's victory on, 26
Plattsburg, battle of, pusillanimity of General Prevost at, 117
Plessis, Bishop (Roman Catholic); patriotism of, in war of 1812-15, 120
Poets in Canada, 192, 284, 285
Pontiac's Conspiracy, 39
Pope, William H., delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Portuguese discovery in Canada, 5
Post Office in Canada; under British management, 164; transferred to Canada, 187
Poundmaker, Indian chief in North-west; rebels against Canadian government, 253; punished, 254
Poutrincourt, Baron de; founder of Port Royal, 8
Powell, Chief Justice, his unjust treatment of Robert Gourlay, 145
Preferential trade with Great Britain, 200, 201, 269, 271
Prevost, Sir George (governor-general of Canada), retires from Sackett's Harbour 1813, 115; retreats from Plattsburg in 1814, 117; character of, 113
Prince, Colonel; orders execution of American raiders in 1838, 155
Prince Edward Island. See St. John's Island
Prince of Wales visits Canada, 193
Princess Louise, arrives in Canada with the Marquess of Lome, 244; her support of Art, 288
Proclamation of 1764; for government of Canada, 40-42
Procter, General, defeats General Winchester in 1813, 115; beaten at Moraviantown in 1813, 116
Prohibitory Liquor Law; agitation for, 340; popular vote on, ib.
Protestantism unknown in French Canada, 28
Provincial governments established under Confederation, 217, 218
Provinces, constitution of, under Confederation, 275, 276
Puritan migration to Nova Scotia, 50
Put-in Bay (Lake Erie); British fleet defeated at, in 1813, 116
Quebec Act; origin of, 44, 45, its provisions, 45-47; how received in Canada, 46; unpopularity of, in old British colonies, 67
Quebec, Convention of, 1864; delegates to, 199-206; passes resolutions in favour of federal union, 206-209
Quebec founded, 9
Queenston Heights; battle of, in 1812, 114
Railways in Canada; in 1865, 191, in 1899, 273. See Intercolonial R. Canadian Pacific R.
Rebellion in Lower Canada; its origin, 124-133; Louis J. Papineau's part in, 129-134; outbreak of, 134; prompt action of authorities against, ib.; Dr. Nelson wins success at St. Denis, ib.; defeat of Brown at St. Charles, ib.; flight of Papineau and rebel leaders, ib.; fight at St. Eustache and death of Chenier, ib.; murder of Weir and Chartrand, 135; collapse of the rebellion of 1837, 135, 136; loyal action of Bishop Lartigue, 135; arrival of Lord Durham as British high-commissioner and governor-general, 136; his career in Canada, 137-138; Sir John Colborne; governor-general, 139; second outbreak of rebellion, 1838, ib.; promptly subdued, ib.; punishment of prominent insurgents, ib.; action of United States government during, 139; social and economic condition of Canada during, 159-162; remedial policy of British government, and new era of political development. See Responsible Government in Canada.
Rebellion in Upper Canada; effect of family compact on, 140, 141; of clergy reserves on, 141, 142; influence of Archdeacon, afterwards Bishop, Strachan in public affairs, 142; unjust treatment of Robert Gourlay, 143-145; persecution of William Lyon Mackenzie, 146-148; other prominent actors in, 148; indiscretions of the lieutenant-governor, Sir Francis Bond Head, 149-152; outbreak and repression of, 152, 153; flight of Mackenzie and other rebel leaders, 153; Mackenzie's seizure of Navy Island, 154; affair of the Caroline, ib.; filibustering expeditions against Canada from United States in 1838, 154, 155; prompt execution of filibusters by Colonel Prince, 155; action of U.S. authorities during, ib.; execution of Von Schoultz, Lount, Matthews, and other rebels, ib.; Sir George Arthur, harshness of, ib.; social and economic conditions of Upper Canada at time of, 156-159; rebellion leads to the enlargement of political privileges of people, See Responsible Government in Canada.
Rebellion Losses Bill (of 1849); its nature, 188; assented to by Lord Elgin, 189; consequent rioting and burning of parliament house at Montreal, 189, Lord Elgin's life in danger, ib.; his wise constitutional action, ib. Rebellions in North-west: See North-western Territories, and Riel, Louis.
Reciprocity of Trade between Canada and the United States; treaty of 1814, 190, 191; repeal of the same, 303; efforts to renew it, 304, 307; Canadians not now so favourable to, 310
Recollets, or Franciscans, in Canada, 11
Redistribution Acts of 1882 and 1897; measures to amend, rejected by Senate, 268
Representative institutions in Canada; established in Nova Scotia, 53; in New Brunswick, 88; in French or Lower Canada (Quebec), 91; in Upper Canada (Ontario), ib.; in Prince Edward Island, 54; in Manitoba, 230; in British Columbia, 232
Responsible government in Canada; beginnings of, 165-175; consummated by Lord Elgin, 173; struggle for, in New Brunswick, 173, 174; in Nova Scotia, 174-180; in Prince Edward Island, 180; prominent advocates of, 183-185; results of (1841-1867), 185-192
Revenue of Canada in 1899, 273
Riall, General; defeated by United States troops at Street's Creek in 1814, 117
Richardson, Major; Canadian author, 164
Richelieu, Cardinal; his effort to colonise Canada, 10
Rideau Canal, constructed, 158
Riel, Louis; leads revolt of French half-breeds in North-west, 228; murders Ross, 229; flies from the country, ib; elected to and expelled from the Canadian Commons, 241; reappears in North-west, and leads second revolt, 249-253; captured and executed, 253, 254; political complications concerning, 240, 254
Roberval, Sieur de (Jean Francois de la Rocque); attempts to settle Canada, 7
Robinson, Chief Justice; public career of, in Upper Canada, 145
Rocque, Jean Francois de la. See Roberval
Roebuck, Mr.; Canadian agent in England, 131
Rolph, Dr.; his part in Canadian rebellion of 1837, 151-153; character of, 183
Roman Catholic Church in Canada, 28, 29, 43, 46, 47
Rose, Sir John, effort of, to obtain reciprocity with United States, 304
Rosebery, Earl of, unveils Sir John Macdonald's bust in St. Paul's Cathedral, 256
Rouse's Point, boundary at, 302
Royal Society of Canada, 286
Rupert's Land; origin of name of, 224. See North-west Territories of Canada.
Russell, Administrator, 101
Russell, Lord John; introduces resolutions respecting Canada in British parliament in 1836, 132; also Act reuniting the Canadas in 1840, 166; lays basis of responsible government in Canada, 167. See Responsible Government in Canada.
Ryerson, Rev. Egerton; Loyalist, Methodist, and educationalist, 141, 147, 192
Sainte-Genevieve (Pillage Bay); named St. Laurens by Jacques Carrier, 7
Salaberry, Colonel de; defeats United States troops at Chateauguay, 121
Sanderson, Robert; first speaker of assembly of Nova Scotia, 53
San Juan Island; international dispute respecting, 301, 302
Sarrasin, Dr., French Canadian scientist, 35
Saskatchewan River (Poskoiac), discovery of, 20
Sculpture in Canada, 288
Seaforth, Lord. See Colborne, Sir John
Secord, Laura; heroic exploit of, in 1814, 120
Seigniorial tenure in French Canada, 14, 32; abolished under British rule, 186
Selkirk, Lord; attempts to colonise North-west, 225; death of, ib.
Seven Years' War; between France and Great Britain in America, 21-27
Sewell, Chief Justice (Loyalist); adviser of Sir James Craig, 96; suggests union of provinces, 194
Shea, Ambrose; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Sheaffe, General; services of, during war of 1812-15, 114
Shelburne, in Nova Scotia, founded by Loyalists, 82
Sherbrooke, Sir John, governor of Nova Scotia, 118; occupies Maine in war of 1812-15, ib.
Shirley, Governor; deep interest of, in Nova Scotia, 49
Simcoe, Colonel; first lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 93; public career of, 94
Simultaneous polling at elections established, 239
Slavery in Canada, 98
Smith, Chief Justice (Loyalist); first president of legislative council of Lower Canada in 1792, 92; suggests federal union of provinces, 194
Smith, Donald (Lord Strathcona); intervenes in North-west rebellion of 1870, 229
Social and economic conditions of the Canadian provinces; in 1838, 156-164; in 1866, 189-192; in 1900, 272-290
South African War; Canadians take part in, 271, 272
Square Gulf, or "golfo quadrado"; old name of St. Lawrence Gulf, 7
St. Charles; defeat of Canadian rebels in 1837 at, 134
St. Denis; Canadian rebels repulsed by British regulars in 1837 at, 134
St. Eustache; stand of Canadian rebels at, 134; death of Chenier, ib.
St. John, New Brunswick; founded, 83
St. John's, Island; named Prince Edward, 53; under government of Nova Scotia, ib.; survey of, ib.; separated from Nova Scotia, 54; public lands of, granted by lottery, ib.; political struggles in, for self-government, 180, 185; takes part in Quebec Convention of 1864, 206; enters Confederation, 234; settlement of its land question, ib.
St. Lawrence, River and Gulf of; origin of name of, 7
St. Lusson, Sieur; takes possession of the Sault, 18
St. Maurice forges founded, 30
Stadacona (Quebec), Indian village of, visited by Jacques Cartier, 6
Stanley, Lord, governor-general of Canada, 267
Steeves, William H.; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
Strachan, Bishop (Anglican); patriotism of, during war of 1812-15, 121; his influence in Upper Canadian politics, 142
Strange, Lt.-Col.; engaged in repressing North-west rebellion of 1885, 253
Stuart, Andrew; prominent Canadian lawyer and politician, 127, 131
Sulpitians in Canada, 37
Superior Council of French Canada. See Supreme Council
Supreme Council, established by Louis XIV in French Canada, 28, 29
Supreme Court, established in Canada, 239
Sydenham, Lord (Poulett Thomson); governor-general of Canada, 166; carries out scheme of uniting the Canadas in 1840, 167; opinions of, on responsible government, 168; death of, 169
Tache, Sir Etienne Paschal; chairman of Quebec Convention of 1864, 199; character of, ib.
Talbot, Colonel, pioneer in Upper Canada, 157
Talon, Intendant, 13
Taite, Israel; accuses McGreevy of grave misdemeanours, 258; member of Laurier ministry, 206
Temperance Legislation; "Scott Act" passed, 239; plebiscite on Prohibition, 240
Thompson, Sir John; prime minister of Canada, 257; sudden death of, ib; great ability of, ib.
Thomson, Poulett. See Sydenham, Lord
Tilley, Sir Leonard; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 205; public career of, ib.; introduces scheme of "National Policy," 244
Timber trade in Canada, in early time, 162
Tithes established in French Canada, 29
Todd, Dr.; Constitutional writer, 286
Tonge, William Cottnam Tonge; Nova Scotian Liberal, 99; his controversy with Governor Wentworth, ib.
Trade of Canada in 1899, 273
Treaties, international, affecting Canada; of St. Germain-en-Laye (1632), 11; of Utrecht (1713), 9, 21, 22; of Paris (1763), 38; of Versailles, 292; of Ghent, 293; of 1818, 294; Ashburton (1842), 299; Oregon (1846), 301; reciprocity (1854), 303; of Washington (1871), 305, 306; Bering Sea, 308, 309, Anglo-Russian (Alaska), 310-312
Treaties with Indian tribes of Canada, 41, 238
Trutch, Sir Joseph; first lieutenant-governor of British Columbia under Confederation, 232
Tupper, Sir Charles; prime minister of Nova Scotia, 192; services of, to education, ib.; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 204; introduces legislation for construction of Canadian Pacific Railway, 244; high commissioner of Canada in London, 258; re-enters political life, ib.; action of, on Manitoba school question, 264; prime minister of Canada, 265; defeat of, at general elections of 1896, ib; difference with Lord Aberdeen, when governor-general, ib.; remarkable ability of, 204, 258; leader of Liberal Conservative party from 1896-1900, 258; policy of, on "preferential trade" with Great Britain, 271
Tyler, Professor, on U.E. Loyalists, 76
Uniacke, James Boyle; Nova Scotian statesman, 175; advocate of responsible government, 176; first minister of Nova Scotia, 180
Union of the Canadas in 1840, 166, 167
United Empire Loyalists; number of, during American Revolution, 76; justice done to, ib.; opinions of, on issues of revolution, 77, 78; suffering of, during revolution, 79; treatment of, after the peace of 1783, 80; compensation to, by British government, 81; settle in British America, ib; privations of, in Nova Scotia, 80; founders of New Brunswick, 83; of Upper Canada, 84; eminent descent of, 86; Canada's debt to, ib origin of name of, 89; representatives of, in first legislature of New Brunswick, 87, 88; of Upper Canada, 94; services of, during war of 1812-15, 188-120
Universities in Canada, 163, 289
University of Toronto, beginning of, 164
Upper Canada, founded by Loyalists, 84; first districts of, 89, 94; made separate province, 91, first government of, 93; Newark, first capital of, ib.; York (Toronto), second capital of, 94; rebellion in, see Rebellion in Upper Canada; state of, in 1838, 159; reunited with Lower Canada, 166; joins Confederation as Ontario, 216
Upper Canada College, Toronto, founded, 163
Ursulines at Quebec, 34
Vancouver Island; history of, 231, 232
Verendrye, Sieur de la (Pierre Gauthier de Varennes); discovers Manitoba and North-west of Canada, 19, 20
Verrazzano, Giovanni di; voyages of, to North America, 5
Victoria College, Upper Canada, founded, 164
Vincent, General; services of, in war of 1812-15, 115
Von Schoultz; leads filibusters into Canada, 155; executed, ib.
War of 1812-15; origin of, 103-110; population of Canada and United States during, 110-112; loyalty of Canadian people during, 113; services of General Brock during, 114; campaign of 1812 in Upper Canada, 114, 115; of 1813, 115, 116; of 1814, 117; maritime provinces during, 117, 118, close of, 118; services of Loyalists during, 118-120; Laura Secord, heroism of, 120; description of striking incidents of battles during, 121-123
Washington, George; eminent character of, 66
Washington Treaty of 1871, 304, 305
Weir, Lieutenant, murder of, in Lower Canadian rebellion of 1837, 135
Welland Canal commenced, 159; completed, 190
Wentworth, Sir John; Loyalist governor of Nova Scotia, 99
Westminster Palace Conference in London; Canadian delegates arrange final terms of federation at, 214, 215
Wetmore, Attorney-general; first minister of New Brunswick after Confederation, 218
Whelan, Edward; delegate to Quebec Convention of 1864, 206
White, Thomas; Canadian journalist and statesman, 256; sudden death of, ib.
William IV visits Canada as Prince William Henry, 193
Williams, Lt.-Col.; death of, in North-west rebellion of 1885, 254
Williams, Sir Fenwick ("hero of Kars"); lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, 213, 217
Wilmot, Lemuel A.; father of responsible government in New Brunswick, 174, 185; lieutenant-governor of the province, 217
Wolfe, General; at Quebec, 25; his bold ascent of heights, 25, 26; wins battle on Plains of Abraham, 26; death of, 26; a maker of Canada, 35
York (Toronto) made capital of Upper Canada, 101
Young, Sir William; Nova Scotian statesman and jurist, 185
Yukon, district of; gold discovery in, 209; administration of, ib, 277; boundaries of, 310-312