The species are natives of various parts of tropical America, chiefly Mexico and Central America, where they are found generally growing, in company with Bromeliads and Orchids, upon the trunks of gigantic forest-trees. Phyllocactuses are therefore epiphytes when in a wild state, but under cultivation with us, they thrive best when planted in pots or in baskets—the latter method being adapted for one or two smaller kinds. It is easy to imagine the gorgeousness of a group of these plants when seen enveloping a large tree-trunk, clothing it, as it were, with balls of brilliant or pure white flowers. We are told by travellers of the splendours of a Cactus haunt during the flowering season, and those who have seen a well-managed pot specimen of Phyllocactus when covered with large, dazzling flowers, can form some idea of what wild plants are like when seen by hundreds together, and surrounded by the green foliage and festooning climbers which associate with them in the forests where they abound.
Cultivation.—For the following cultural notes we are indebted to a most successful grower of Cactuses in Germany, whose collection of Phyllocactuses is exceptionally rich and well managed: The growing season for these plants is from about the end of April, or after the flowers are over, till the end of August. As soon as growth commences, the plants should be repotted. A light, rich soil should be used, a mixture of loam, peat, and leaf-mould, or rotten manure with a little sand, being suitable. Small plants should have a fair shift; larger ones only into a size of pot which just admits of a thin layer of fresh soil. When pot-bound, the plants flower most freely, and it is not necessary to repot large specimens more often than about once every three years. When potted they should be placed in a sunny position in a close house or frame, and be kept freely watered. In bright weather they may be syringed overhead twice a day. For the first few days after repotting it is advisable to shade the plants from bright sunshine. A stove temperature is required until growth is finished. After this they should be gradually ripened by admitting more air and exposing to all the sunlight possible. During winter very little water is needed, just sufficient to prevent shrivelling being safest. Excess of moisture in winter is ruinous, as it often kills the roots, and sometimes causes the plant to rot off at the collar. The lowest temperature in winter should be 50 degs., lower than this being unsafe, whilst in mild weather it might be 5 degs. higher.
It is a bad plan to turn these plants round, in order, as some think, to ripen the growths properly. As a matter of fact, it does no good, but often does harm, by suddenly exposing the tender parts to the full force of sunlight.
The stems may be trained either in the form of a fan or as a bush. Old branches which have flowered and are shrivelling may be cut away in the spring.
Some fine specimens have been grown in pockets on old walls inside lean-to greenhouses, where the conditions have been favourable to the healthy growth and flowering of most of the species. When grown in this way, water must be supplied exactly as advised for plants grown in pots; if the pockets are not within easy reach of the watering pot, the plants can be watered by means of a heavy syringing.
Propagation.—For the propagation of the Phyllocactus either the whole plant may be divided at the base, or cuttings of the branches may be used; the latter, after having dried by remaining with their bases exposed to the air for a day or two, should be planted in small pots filled with very sandy soil; they may be placed on a dry, sunny shelf near the glass, and be slightly sprinkled overhead daily till rooted. Seeds, which sometimes ripen on cultivated plants, should be gathered as soon as the fleshy fruits have turned to a purplish colour, dried for a day or so, then sown in a light, porous soil, and placed in a warm frame or house to germinate.
P. Akermanni (named after a Mr. Akermann, who introduced it from Mexico in 1829); Fig. 10.—Stem becoming cylindrical at an early age, and clothed with little clusters of spiny hairs; the branches are flattened out, and form broad, rather thin, blade-like growths, with the margins sinuately lobed (waved and notched). The flowers are large—over 6 in. in diameter—the petals, very acutely pointed and undulated along the edges; flower tube 2 in. long, with a few small scales scattered over its surface; stamens curved, clustered around the stigma, and almost hiding it. Colour of whole flower a rich scarlet, with a satin-like lustre. Flowers in June and July.
This is one of the best-known kinds, having been extensively cultivated as an ornamental greenhouse plant till within the last few years. It was grown by several nurserymen for Covent Garden Market about eight years ago; small plants, about 1 ft. high, and bearing each from two to six flowers, finding much favour among the costermongers, as the plants could be bought at a low price, and, owing to their large, brilliant flowers, always sold well at a good profit. This species has been employed by the hybridists for the obtaining of new kinds, and some very handsome and distinct varieties have consequently been raised. As well as crossing with other species of Phyllocactus, P. Akermanni has been used in combination with several species of Cereus, good hybrids having been the result. As a compact-growing and free-flowering species, this may be specially recommended.
P. anguliger (angle-stemmed); Fig. 11.—The branches of this kind are distinguished by having the notches along their margins more like the teeth of a saw than the others. The habit is rather stiff and erect. The flowers are produced near the apex of the branches, and are composed of a curved tube 6 in. long, spreading out at the top to a width of 6 in., and surmounted by a whorl of pure white petals, in the centre of which are the stamens, rather few in number, and the large, ten-rayed stigma. The flowers are developed in December and January, and have a powerful and delicious odour. Introduced, in 1837, from West Mexico, where it is said to grow in oak forests.
P. (Disocactus) biformis (two-formed); Fig. 12.—This is a small plant, and is intermediate between this genus and the Epiphyllums. It possesses no particular beauty or distinctive character such as would render it of much value for garden purposes. The branches are short, rather narrow and drooping, the margins notched and tinged with red. The flowers are borne generally on the ends of the branches, and are drooping in habit; in form they are more like the Epiphyllums than the ordinary Phyllocactuses, as they have their petals arranged in a sort of tube about 3 in. long. The fruit is a red berry as large as a gooseberry. Honduras, 1839.
P. crenatus (toothed); Bot. Reg. 3031.—A large-flowered and very beautiful species, rivalling, in the size and fragrance of its blossoms, the gigantic night-flowering Cereus grandiflorus. It grows to a height of about 2 ft., with round-based branches, the upper portion flattened out and the margins serrated. The flower tube is 4 in. long, brownish-green, as also are the sepals; petals 4 in. long, in a whorl, the points curving inwards; stamens and pistil erect, forming along with the petals a large star of a pale cream-colour. The beauty and fragrance of these flowers, which open in June, render them specially valuable for cutting and placing in rooms, where, notwithstanding their short duration, they never fail to win much admiration. Introduced from Honduras, in 1839. This fine species is one of the parents of the hybrids which have been raised both in this country and in America, where Mr. Hovey succeeded in obtaining some of the choicest as regards colour and size. Some of these latter were exhibited in London two or three years ago, and were much admired.
P. grandis (large-flowered).—The large, creamy-white flowers of this plant are like those of the night-flowering Cereus; and, in addition to the similarity in form and size between these two, there is a further one in the time when the flowers expand, this species, along with one or two others, opening its flowers after sunset; and although they remain in good condition till late on in the day following, and sometimes even longer, we may suppose that the proper flowering time is at night. The delicious almond scent of the flowers of this fine Cactus is so strong, that during the flowering period the atmosphere of the large Cactus-house at Kew Gardens is permeated with it, the large specimens there having usually a score or more flowers open together, the effect of which is truly grand. Even this number of flowers is, for this species, by no means extraordinary, specimens having been grown elsewhere, in pots only 8 in. across, with as many flowers open on each. From this it will be seen that P. grandis is one of the most useful kinds, its large, sweet-scented flowers, and its free-growing nature, rendering it of exceptional value as a decorative plant. Its branches are broad and notched along the margins, and the flowers are 1 ft. in length, including the tube, whilst across the broad, spreading petals they measure almost as much. Honduras. Introduced 1837 (?). Time of flowering, summer and autumn.
P. Hookeri (Hooker's); Bot. Mag. 2692, under Cactus Phyllanthus.—A robust-growing kind, often attaining to the size of a good shrub. Its flowers expand in the evening, and are sweet-scented. They are produced along the margins of the broad, flat, deeply-notched branches, the serratures being rounded instead of angled, as in some of the kinds. The tube of the flower is long and slender, no thicker than a goose quill, and covered with reddish scales; the petals are spreading, and form a cup 6 in. across; they are narrow, pointed, and pure white, the outer whorl, as well as the sepals, being tinged on the under side with a tawny colour. The stamens form a large cluster in the centre, and are bright yellow, the style being red and yellow. It is probable that this plant has been in cultivation for many years, as it was figured in the work quoted above under the name of one of the first introduced kinds of Phyllocactus, from which, however, it is abundantly distinct, as will be seen by a comparison of the descriptions of the two. There are, in the Kew collection, several large plants of P. Hookeri that flower annually during the summer and autumn. Brazil.
P. latifrons (broad-stemmed); Bot. Mag. 3813.—This is another large-growing species, as large at least as P. Hookeri, to which, indeed, it bears a close resemblance, both in flowers and in habit. Like that species, too, its date of introduction is not known, though it appears to have been cultivated in England at an early period. It may be grown so as to form a large shrub in a few years; or by cutting it back annually, or growing on young plants from cuttings every two years, nice little pot plants may be obtained; and as the plant produces flowers freely when in a small state, it is available for small greenhouses as well as for large ones. A fine specimen, such, for instance, as that at Kew, which is over 8 ft. in height, and well furnished with branches, is an attractive object when clothed with numerous creamy-white flowers, here and there tinged with red. The branches are from 4 in. to 5 in. broad, and deeply notched; the flowers are about 8 in. in length, and the same across the spreading petals. Mexico. Spring.
P. phyllanthus (leaf-flowering).—This species is now rarely seen in cultivation. As the oldest of the garden kinds it is, however, deserving of a little notice. Philip Miller grew it in his collection in 1710. The branches are broad and flat, the edges waved, not notched, and the flowers are composed of a thin tortuous tube, 9 in. in length, bearing at the top a whorl of recurved greenish petals, 1 in. long, with a cluster of whitish stamens and a green, club-shaped style and stigma. Brazil.
P. phyllanthoides (phyllanthus-like); Bot. Mag. 2092.—For the introduction of this handsome-flowered kind we are indebted to the great travellers and naturalists, Humboldt and Bonpland, who discovered it growing in the woods upon the trunks of old trees around Cartagena in South America. Plants of it were forwarded by them to France, where they flowered for the first time in 1811. From that time till now this species has been in favour as a garden plant, though it is, at the present time, much less common in English gardens than it deserves to be. The branches are broad, triangular when young, flat when old, about 1 ft. long by 2 in. wide, with shallow incisions, the serrations rather sharply angled. The height of the plant is from 2 ft. to 3 ft. The flowers are produced on the margins of the young branches, and are composed of a short, thick tube, not more than 2 in. in length, and short, dark, recurved scales; the petals are broad, pointed, and form a stellate cluster about 4 in. across; they are of a bright rose-colour, streaked with white, and shaded here and there with a darker colour of red. The stamens are numerous and pure white. The flowers open in the day-time, and are scentless; they last in perfection for two or three days, and may, therefore, be employed as cut flowers for vases, &c. Early summer.
In addition to the cultivated species of Phyllocactus there are numerous hybrids and varieties, many of which are beautiful and distinct either in colour or in size of blossom.
The following is a selection of the best of them:
P. albus superbus (superb white).—The most beautiful of white-flowered kinds. Flowers fragrant, 6 in. across, resembling those of the night-blossoming Cereus grandiflorus; sepals greenish-white, petals pure white.
P. aurantiacus superbus (superb orange).—A compact plant, with numerous large, brick-red flowers, 5 in. to 6 in. in diameter.
P. Conway's Giant.—Flowers full, deep scarlet, about 8 in. in diameter.
P. Cooperi (Cooper's).—An English hybrid, remarkable for its large, beautiful yellow flowers.
P. Franzi (Franz's).—Flowers 3 in. to 4 in. across; petals numerous, outer ones scarlet, inner violet.
P. General Garibaldi.—Flowers very large, scarlet, tinged with orange on the reflex side.
P. grandiflorus (large-flowered).—Flowers bell-shaped, 4 in. across; sepals narrow, scarlet; petals incurved and of a fiery orange-scarlet colour.
P. Haagei (Haage's); Fig. 13.—Flowers about 5 in. across, flesh-coloured when first expanded, becoming carmine before fading.
P. ignescens (fiery).—Flowers 8 in. across, almost flat when expanded; petals numerous, deep brilliant scarlet.
P. Jenkinsoni (Jenkinson's).—Flowers medium in size, colour cherry-red.
P. Johnstonei (Johnstone's).—Flowers large, with broad scarlet petals.
P. Kaufmanni (Kaufmann's).—Flowers purplish-red, very large.
P. kermesina magnus (large scarlet).—An enormous-flowered kind, having produced blossoms which measured 10 in. across; petals vivid orange with a tip and central stripe of red; sepals blood-red.
P. Pfersdorffii. (Pfersdorff's).—Flowers as in Cereus grandiflorus, 8 in. to 10 in. across, very fragrant; petals white; sepals yellow, brownish outside.
P. Rempleri (Rempler's).—Branches three-angled; flowers with short, linear, incurved sepals; petals long, broad, arranged like a tube, colour salmon-red.
P. roseus grandiflorus (large rose-flowered); Fig. 14.—Flowers 6 in. long and broad, nodding, white.
P. Schlimii (Schlim's).—Branches three-angled; flowers large, sepals bright purple; petals broad, purple, tinged with scarlet.
P. splendens (splendid).—Flowers 8 in. across, purple-pink.
P. Wrayi (Wray's).—Flowers 5 in. long by 8 in. in diameter; sepals brown on the outside, yellow inside; petals yellowish-white, fragrant when first expanded.
(From cereus, pliant; in reference to the stems of some species.)
Over 200 distinct species of Cereus are, according to botanists, distributed over the tropical and temperate regions of America and the West Indies, extending to the Galapagos, or "Tortoise" Islands, 200 miles off the coast of Peru. It was in these islands that the late Charles Darwin found several small kinds of Cereus, some of them growing near the snow-line in exposed situations on the highest mountains. In Mexico, C. giganteus, the most colossal of all Cacti, is found rearing its tall, straight, columnar stems to a height of 60 ft., and branching near the top, "like petrified giants stretching out their arms in speechless pain, whilst others stand like lonely sentinels keeping their dreary watch on the edge of precipices." In the West Indies most of the night-flowering kinds are common, their long, creeping stems clinging by means of aerial roots to rocks, or to the exposed trunks of trees, where their enormous, often fragrant, flowers are produced in great abundance, expanding only after the sun has set. Between these three distinct groups we find among the plants of this elegant genus great variety both in size and form of the stem and in the flower characters of the different species. A large proportion of the 200 kinds known are not cultivated in European gardens, and perhaps for many of them it is not possible for us to provide in our houses the peculiar conditions they require for their healthy existence. But there are a good many species of Cereus represented in gardens, even in this country, and among them we shall have no difficulty in finding many useful and beautiful kinds, such as may be cultivated with success in an ordinary greenhouse or stove. Lemaire, a French writer on Cactuses, groups a number of species under the generic name of Echinocereus; but as this name is not adopted in England, it is omitted here, all the kinds being included under Cereus.
The most interesting group is that of the climbing night-flowering kinds, on account of their singular habit of expanding their flowers in the dark and of the very large size and brilliant colours of their flowers. In habit the plants of this set are trailers or climbers, their stems are either round or angled, and grow to a length of many feet, branching freely as they extend. By means of their roots, which are freely formed upon the stems, and which have the power of attaching themselves to stones or wood in the same way as ivy does, these kinds soon spread over and cover a large space; they are, therefore, useful for training over the back walls in lean-to houses, or for growing against rafters or pillars—in fact, in any position exposed to bright sunlight and where there is a good circulation of air. Soil does not appear to play an important part with these plants, as they will grow anywhere where there is a little brick rubble, gravel, or cinders for their basal roots to nestle in. They have been grown in the greatest luxuriance and have produced flowers in abundance with nothing more than their roots buried in the crumbling foundations of an old wall, upon which the stems were clinging. The chief consideration is drainage, as, unless the roots are kept clear of anything like stagnation, they soon perish through rot. During the summer, the stems should be syringed morning and evening on all bright days, whilst in winter little or no water will be required.
Like all other Cactuses, these plants may be propagated by means of large branches, which, if placed in a porous soil, will strike root in a few weeks. We saw a very large specimen of C. triangularis, which last autumn suddenly rotted at the base, from some cause or other, and to save the specimen, a mound was built up of brick rubble and soil, high enough to surround the base of the plant above the rotted part. In a few weeks there was a good crop of new roots formed, and the plant has since flowered most satisfactorily. With almost any other plant, this course would have proved futile; but Cactuses are singularly tenacious of life, the largest and oldest stems being capable of forming roots as freely and as quickly as the young ones.
C. extensus (long-stemmed); Bot. Mag. 4066.—This has long rope-like stems, bluntly triangular, less than 1 in. thick, with very short spines, arranged in pairs or threes, about 1 in. apart along the angles, and aerial roots. The flowers are developed all along the stems, and are composed of a thick, green, scale-clothed tube, about 3 in. long; the larger scales yellow and green, tipped with red, and a spreading cup formed of the long-pointed sepals and petals, the former yellow, green, and red, the latter white, tinted with rose. The flower is about 9 in. across. When in blossom, this plant equals in beauty the finest of the climbing Cactuses, but, unfortunately, it does not flower as freely as most of its kind. It is cultivated at Kew, where it has flowered once during the last five years. A native of Trinidad, whence it was introduced, and first flowered in August, 1843. Judging by the conditions under which it grows and blossoms in its native haunts, no doubt its shy-flowering nature under cultivation here is owing to the absence of a long continuance of bright sunshine and moisture, followed by one of drought and sunlight. If placed in a favourable condition as regards light, and carefully treated in respect of water, it ought to flower.
C. fulgidus (glittering); Bot. Mag. 5856.—In the brilliant deep scarlet of its large buds, and the bright orange-scarlet of the expanded flowers, this species stands quite alone among the night-flowering, scandent-stemmed Cereuses. Its one drawback is its shy-flowering nature, as it is rarely seen in blossom even when liberally treated, and along with the other kinds which flower so freely. The history of this plant is not known; but it is supposed to be a hybrid between C. Pitajayi or variabilis and one of the scarlet-flowered Phyllocactuses, or, possibly, C. speciosissimus. It first flowered at Kew, in July, 1870. Stems bright green, slow-growing, three or four-angled, about 2 in. wide; angles much compressed, so that a section of the stem shows a cross; margins notched, with clusters of short, hair-like spines at each notch. Flowers 6 in. long, and about the same across the top; tube covered with soft hairs and short deep-red scales, which are enlarged towards the top, where they spread out, and form, along with the petals, a large rosette of several whorls, arranged as in a semi-double rose, the centre being occupied by a brush-like cluster of greenish stamens, with the radiating stigma standing erect in the middle. It is to be regretted that the flowers are not more freely produced by cultivated plants.
C. grandiflorus (large-flowered); Bot. Mag. 3381.—There is scarcely any plant that makes a more magnificent appearance when in full blossom than this. A strong plant will produce many flowers together, but they do not remain long expanded, opening at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and fading at sunrise the next morning; nor do they ever open again, even when cut and placed in warm water in a dark place. The closing of the flowers may, however, be retarded for a whole day by removing the bud before it is fully open and placing it in water. The stems are almost cylindrical, with four to seven slight ridges, or angles, which bear numerous tufts of wool and short stiff spines. Roots are thrown out from all parts of the stem, even when not in contact with anything. The flowers are developed on the sides of the stems, principally the younger, shorter ones; the flower tube is about 4 in. long by 1 in. in diameter, and is covered with short brown scales and whitish hairs; the calyx is 1 ft. across, and is composed of a large number of narrow sepals of a bright yellow colour inside, brown on the outside; the petals are broad, pure white, and arranged in a sort of cup inclosing the numerous yellow stamens and the club-shaped stigma. The flower has a delicious vanilla-like odour, which perfumes the air to a considerable distance. Flowers in July. Native of the West Indies. Introduced 1700, at which time it is said to have been cultivated in the Royal Gardens at Hampton Court.
C. Lemairii (Lemaire's); Bot. Mag. 4814.—In the size and fragrance of its blossoms, and also in the brilliancy of its colours, this species rivals C. grandiflorus; differing in the following particulars: the tube is covered with large green, crimson-edged scales instead of small brown scales and white hairs; the sepals do not spread out in a star-like manner, as in C. grandiflorus, and they are tinged with crimson; the stem of the plant shows a bluntly triangular section, and the angles are marked with a row of distant spines instead of the clusters of spines and wool in C. grandiflorus. In all other particulars, these two species are almost identical, so that where space is limited either the one or the other will be sufficient to represent both. C. Lemairii was introduced into England through Kew, whither a plant was sent in 1854 from the Royal Botanical Garden of Hanover, under the name of C. rostratus. It blossoms in the Kew collection every June, the flowers lasting for several hours after sunrise. Seeds are freely ripened by this plant. Native of Antigua (?)
C. Macdonaldiae (Mrs. MacDonald's); Bot. Mag. 4707.—A magnificent Cactus, producing flowers often 14 in. in diameter, with the same brilliant colours as are described under C. Lemairii. The stems are slender, cylindrical, not ridged or angled, bearing at irregular intervals rather fleshy tubercles instead of spines, and branching freely. Its flowers are produced on both young and old stems, several crops appearing in the course of the summer when the treatment is favourable. Roots are not so freely thrown out from the stems of this kind, and as the latter are slender and very pliant, they may be trained round a balloon trellis, so as to form handsome pot specimens, which, when in flower, may be carried into the house, where their large, beautiful flowers may be enjoyed. Writing of this species over thirty years ago, Sir Wm. Hooker said: "Certainly, of the many floral spectacles that have gratified lovers of horticulture at the Royal Gardens, Kew, of late years, few have been more striking than this to those who were privileged to see the blossoms in bud and fully expanded. The plant was received from Honduras through the favour of Mrs. MacDonald, and was planted at the back of the old Cactus-house, and trained against a wall. It first showed symptoms of blossoming in July, 1851. A casual observer might have passed the plant as an unusually large form of the 'night-blooming Cereus' (C. grandiflorus), but the slightest inspection of the stems and flowers, the latter 14 in. in diameter by 14 in. long, shows this to be a most distinct species."
C. Napoleonis (Napoleon's); Bot. Mag. 3458.—This is very like C. grandiflorus, and is slightly and not very agreeably perfumed. The flowers sometimes open very early in the morning and fade in the afternoon, so that they may be enjoyed during the day-time. The flower tube is 6 in. long, curved upwards, and clothed with rose-tinted scales, which become gradually larger towards the top, where they widen out into a whorl of greenish-yellow sepals, above which are the white petals forming a broad shallow cup, 8 in. across, with a cluster of yellow stamens in the centre. The stems are three-angled, light green, and bear clusters of short stiff spines along the angles at intervals of 2 in. Flowers in autumn. Mexico (?), 1835.
C. nycticalus (flowering at night); Fig. 15.—Stems four to six-angled, 2 in. wide, dark green, bearing little tufts of hair and thin white spines along the angles, and a profusion of aerial roots. Flowers as large as those of C. grandiflorus; tube covered with tufts of white hairs; sepals or outer whorl of segments bright orange, the inner pure white, and arranged like a cup. They open at about seven o'clock in the evening, and fade at seven on the following morning. This plant may still be met with in some old-fashioned gardens, but only rarely as compared with its popularity a generation ago, when it was to be found in almost every collection of stove plants. At that time, the flowering of this Cactus was looked upon as an event, and it was customary for the owner to invite his friends to meet and watch the development of the flowers, and enjoy to the full their almost over-powering but delicious fragrance. So bright are the colours of the flowers, that a sort of luminosity seems to surround them when at their best. Flowers in autumn. Mexico, 1834.
C. triangularis (three-angled); Bot. Mag. 1884.—This plant is easily recognised because of its stout triangular stems, which increase at a rapid rate and bear roots freely; by means of these roots they cling to almost any substance with which they come in contact. There are large examples of it in the Kew collection, where it bears numerous flowers annually, which open in the evening and close at about eight o'clock next morning. The flowers measure 1 ft. in length by about the same in width of cup, and are composed of a whorl of long narrow green sepals, with pale brown points, a cluster of pure white petals, bright yellow stamens, and a large club-like stigma; they appear in autumn. Mexico. This species was cultivated at Hampton Court in 1690.
C. speciosissimus (most beautiful).—Although not a night-flowering kind, nor yet a climber, yet this species resembles in habit the above rather than the columnar-stemmed ones. It is certainly the species best adapted for cultivation in small greenhouses or in the windows of dwelling-houses, as it grows quickly, remains healthy under ordinary treatment, is dwarf in habit, and flowers freely—characters which, along with the vivid colours and large size of the blossoms, render it of exceptional value as a garden plant. Its stems are slender, and it may be grown satisfactorily when treated as a wall plant. For its cultivation, the treatment advised for Phyllocactuses will be found suitable. When well grown and flowered it surpasses in brilliancy of colours almost every other plant known. Specimens with thirty stems each 6 ft. high, and bearing from sixty to eighty buds and flowers upon them at one time, may be grown by anyone possessing a warm greenhouse. The stems are three to five angled, spiny, the tufts of spines set in little disks of whitish wool. The flowers are as large as tea saucers, with tubes about 4 in. long, the colour being an intense crimson or violet, so intense and bright as to dazzle the eyes when looked at in bright sunlight. When cut and placed in water they will last three or four days. April and May. Mexico, 1820. "Numberless varieties have been raised from this Cereus, as it seeds freely and crosses readily with other species. Many years ago, Mr. D. Beaton raised scores of seedlings from crosses between this and C. flagelliformis, and has stated that he never found a barren seedling. Much attention was given to these plants about fifty years ago, for Sir E. Antrobus is said to have exhibited specimens with from 200 to 300 flowers each. I have been informed that an extremely large plant of this Cereus, producing hundreds of flowers every season, is grown on the back wall of a vinery at the Grange, Barnet, the residence of Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart." (L. Castle).
These are characterised by a thin, drooping or trailing stem, and, though not strictly climbers, they may most fittingly be considered in a group by themselves. Some botanists have made a separate genus for them, viz., Cleistocactus, but for all practical purposes they may be grouped under the above heading, whilst popularly they are known as the Rat's-tail or Whipcord Cactuses. Two of them—viz., C. flagelliformis and C. Mallisoni—are generally grafted on the stem of some erect, slender Cereus or Pereskia, or they may be worked on to the stem of a climbing Cereus, such as C. triangularis, in such a way as to hang from the roof of a house. A large specimen of C. flagelliformis, growing from the climbing stem of C. rostratus, was, for a long time, conspicuous among the Cactuses at Kew, but owing to the decay of the "stock" plant, this fine specimen no longer exists. A large Pereskia, trained along the roof in the Cactus-house at Kew, has recently been grafted with a number of pieces of C. flagelliformis, which in a few years will, no doubt, form a handsome specimen. In the same establishment a specimen of C. Mallisoni is grafted on the stem of another kind, and is very attractive when in flower. C. serpentinus thrives well upon its own roots. For the cultivation of this little group, the instructions given for the climbing and other kinds may be followed.
C. flagelliformis (whip-formed).—Stems prostrate, or, when grafted on a tall stem, pendent, 1/2 in. in diameter, round, with numerous ridges almost hidden by the many clusters of fine bristle-like hairs. Flowers 2 in. long and 1 in. wide; colour bright rosy-red. In some parts of Germany this plant is one of the commonest of window ornaments, and it is so well grown by the peasants there, that the whole window space is completely screened by the numerous long, tail-like stems, 4 ft. or 6 ft. long, which hang from baskets. It is sometimes cultivated by cottagers in England, and we have seen a very fine specimen in a cottager's window in Gunnersbury. Without its pretty bright-coloured flowers, this Cactus has the charm of novelty in the form and habit of its stems, and as it is easily cultivated in a window through which the sun shines during most of the day, it is just the plant to grow for the double purpose of a screen and a curiosity. If planted in baskets, it should be potted in a porous loamy soil, and kept moist in the summer and perfectly dry in winter. Summer. Peru. Introduced 1690.
C. Mallisoni ( Mallison's); Bot. Mag. 3822.—This is supposed to be of hybrid origin, a Mr. Mallison having sent it to Dr. Lindley to be named, and stating that he obtained it by fertilising flowers of C. speciosissimus with pollen from C. flagelliformis. Whatever its origin, it is a distinct kind, with stems similar to those of the last-named, but thicker and slightly less spiny, and flowers 4 in. long by 4 in. across the spreading petals, the whole being bright red with a cluster of pale yellow stamens protruding 1 in. beyond the throat. The flowers are produced from the sides of the stems, a few inches from the apex, and as they are borne in abundance and last three or four days each, a large specimen makes a very attractive display for several weeks in the summer. The plant at Kew, a large one, is grafted on the stem of C. Macdonaldiae, which is trained along a rafter, so that the stems of C. Mallisoni hang conspicuously from the roof.
C. serpentinus (serpent-like); Fig. 16.—When young, the stems of this plant are erect and stout enough to support themselves; but as they lengthen they fall over and grow along the ground, unless supported by a stake or wire; they have numerous ridges, with clusters of hair-like spines, which are usually purplish. Flowers large, handsome, fragrant; tube 6in, long, green; petals and sepals spreading and forming a star 3 in. in diameter, the petals purplish on the outside, and pinkish-white inside; stamens arranged in a sort of cup 1 in. deep. This plant rarely produces aerial roots. Small specimens are ornamental even when not in flower, the bright green, regularly ridged stem, with its numerous little clusters of fine spines, at the base of which are short tufts of a white woolly substance, being both curious and pretty. It flowers freely every summer. South America, 1814.
Many of these are unsuited for culture in ordinary plant-houses, whilst others are so rare that, although cultivated in botanical collections, they are not available for ordinary gardens, not being known in the trade. There are, however, a good many species that may be obtained from dealers in Cactuses, and to these we shall confine ourselves here. At Kew, the collection of Cereuses is large and diversified, some of the specimens being as tall as the house they are in will allow them to be, and the appearance they present is, to some eyes at least, a very attractive one. Such plants are: C. candicans, which is a cluster-stemmed kind, very thick and fleshy, and in shape like an Indian club; C. chilensis;—with tall hedgehog-skinned stems, the numerous ridges being thickly clothed with clusters of yellowish spines, which become dark brown with age; C. Dyckii, 10 ft. high, the stems thick and fleshy, with ridges 11/2 in. deep; C. gemmatus, a hexagonal, almost naked-stemmed species 10 ft. high; C. strictus, C. peruvianus, C. geometrizans, and C. Jamacaru, which are tall, weird-looking plants, 10 ft. or more high, some of them freely branched. The following is a selection of the largest-flowered and handsomest kinds:
C. Berlandieri (Berlandier's); Fig. 17.—A distinct and beautiful plant, of dwarf, creeping habit, forming a tuft of short branchlets springing from the main procumbent stems, none of which exceed 6 in. in length by 3/4 in. in thickness. They are almost round when old, the younger ones being slightly angled, and bearing, along the ridges, little tubercles, crowned with short spines. Even old stems are very soft and watery, and, on this account, it is necessary for the safety of the plant, in winter, that it should be kept absolutely dry. The flowers are produced on the young upright stems, and they are as much as 4 in. across. They are composed of a regular ring of strap-shaped, bright purple petals, springing from the erect bristly tube, and in the centre a disk-like cluster of rose-coloured stamens, the stigma standing well above them. In form the flowers are not unlike some of the Sunflowers or Mutisia decurrens. They are developed in summer, and on well-grown plants the display of blossom is exceptionally fine. This species is sometimes known as C. repens and C. Deppii. It is a native of South Texas and Mexico, where it is found growing in sandy or gravelly soils, on dry, sunny hill-sides. It should be grown in a cool greenhouse or frame, in a position where it would get plenty of sunshine to ripen its growth and induce it to flower. In winter it should be placed close to the glass, where the sun can shine full on it, and where it will be safe from frost. It will not thrive if wintered in a warm house. In April, it should be examined, repotted if the soil is sour, and kept watered as growth commences.
C. Blankii (Blank's); Fig. 18.—This is very similar to the C. Berlandieri in habit and stem characters, differing only in having longer, broader, less spreading petals, a club-shaped stigma, and in the colour, which is a deep rose, flushed in the throat with crimson. A comparison of the figures here given will show the differences better than any description. C. Blankii comes from Mexico at high elevations, and thrives under cultivation with the same treatment as the preceding. It is very common in Continental gardens, where it is grown out-of-doors, being protected from cold in winter by a handlight and straw. It flowers in summer.
C. caerulescens (blue-stemmed); Bot. Mag. 3922.—An erect-growing, tall Cactus, rarely branching unless made to do so by cutting off the top of the stem; furrows and ridges about eight, the ridges prominent, waved, and bearing tufts of blackish wool, in which are set about a dozen black spines, 1/2 in. long; the stem when young and in good health is bluish in colour. Flowers springing from the ridges, about 8 in. long, the tube covered with reddish-grey scales, which pass upwards into the sepals; petals spreading, white, the margins toothed, and forming a spreading top, not unlike a large white single Camellia; the stamens are arranged in a sort of cup, and are yellow-anthered, with a large rayed yellow stigma in the middle. In the Botanical Magazine it is stated that the flowers of this species are equal and even superior to those of C. grandiflorus; but we have not seen flowers such as would bear out that statement. This species is too tall-stemmed to be recommended for windows or small greenhouses; but where room can be afforded it, the attractive colour of its stems, together with the size and beauty of its flowers, should win it favour. It blossoms in summer, generally about July, and is a native of Mexico. Introduced in 1841.
C. caespitosus (tufted); Fig. 19.—A dwarf species, the stem not more than 8 in. high by about 4 in. in diameter, sometimes branched, or bearing about its base a number of lateral growths, which ultimately form a cluster of stems—hence the name. The bark or skin of the stem is greyish-green, and the ribs, of which there are from a dozen to eighteen, are thickly covered with clusters of whitish wool and spines, the latter rose-tinted, and radiating in all directions. The flowers are produced on the top of the stems, and are short-tubed, the tube clothed with little bundles of spines; spread of the petals (from thirty to forty in each flower), 4 in.; colour deep rose; anthers and stigma forming an eye-like cluster, the former yellow, and the latter bright green. Flowered at Kew for the first time in 1882, but, although new to cultivation, it is becoming plentiful. Native of New Mexico and Texas. For windows or small greenhouses this is a most suitable plant, as it flowers freely and keeps in good health in an ordinary greenhouse temperature, always, however, requiring plenty of sunlight and rest during winter. By placing it upon a shelf near the glass from October to March, allowing it to remain perfectly dry, and afterwards watering it freely, the flowers should make their appearance early in summer. A plant with several stems, each bearing a large bright rose blossom, sometimes two, presents an attractive appearance.
C. cirrhiferus (tendril-bearing).—A prostrate, branching-stemmed, small-growing kind, very proliferous, with roots along the main stems; branchlets upright, five-angled, with slightly raised points, or tubercles, upon which are ten short hair-like spines, arranged in a star, and surrounding three or four central erect spines, all whitish and transparent. Flowering branches erect, 4 in. high, by about 1 in. in diameter, bearing, near the apex, the large bright red flowers, nearly 4 in. in diameter, regular as a Sunflower, and lasting about a week. This species was introduced from Mexico in 1847. It is one of the best-known and handsomest of this group. It requires similar treatment to C. Berlandieri.
C. ctenoides (comb-like); Fig. 20.—Stem 3 in. to 5 in. high, and about 3 in. in diameter, egg-shaped, unbranched, rarely producing offsets at the base. Ribs fifteen or sixteen, spiral, with closely-set cushions of stiff, whitish spines, which interlace and almost hide the stem; there are from fourteen to twenty-two spines to each cushion, and they are 1/4 in. long. Flowers produced on the ridges near the top of the stem; tube short, spiny; petals spreading, like a Convolvulus, 3 in. to 4 in. across, bright yellow; stamens yellow, pistil white. The flowers expand at about 9 a.m., and close again soon after noon. They are developed in June or July. This species is a native of Texas, and is rare in cultivation. When not in flower it might easily be mistaken for Echinocactus pectinatus. It should be grown in a sunny position, in a warm house or pit, all summer, and wintered on a shelf, near the glass, in a temperature of from 45 degs. to 50 degs. during winter. Under cultivation it is apt to rot suddenly at the base, more especially when old. Should this happen, the rotten parts must be cut away, and the wound exposed to the air in a dry house for a week or two.
C. enneacanthus (eight-spined); Fig. 21.—Stem seldom more than 6 in. high by less than 2 in. in diameter, cylindrical in shape, bright green, simple when young, tufted in old specimens. Ribs shallow, broad, irregular on the top, with spine-cushions on the projecting parts; spines straight, yellowish-white, semi-transparent, variable in length, longest about 1 in. There are frequently as many as twelve spines in a tuft, although the specific name implies eight spines only. Flowers on the ridges near the top of the stem, with spiny tubes, spreading petals of a deep purple colour, and yellow stamens and pistil. They are developed freely in June and July. This is a soft-fleshed species, from Texas; it is not easily kept in health, and is therefore rarely seen. It should be treated as advised for C. ctenoides. Neither of these plants will flower unless it is grown in a sunny position as near to the roof-glass as is possible.
C. Fendleri (Fendler's).—One of the best of the dwarf-stemmed kinds. It has a pale green stem, about 6 in. high, rarely branching at the base, but often found growing in clusters. Ridges nine to twelve, running spirally round the stem, and bearing clusters of brown spines, some of them nearly 2 in. in length. Flowers composed of a tube 1 in. long, green, fleshy, and spiny, with a spreading cup-like arrangement of petals and sepals, 3 in. in diameter, and of a bright purple colour; stigma and anthers green. It produces its flowers in June. It was introduced from the mountainous region of New Mexico about five years ago, and has blossomed freely in several collections, notably in that of Mr. Loder, of Northampton, who has cultivated this and several other species from the same region in a sunny sheltered position out of doors, where, for several years, they have withstood winter's cold with no other protection than that afforded by an over-hanging wall. Mr. Loder says of C. Fendleri that it is the best of all Cactuses for cool treatment, as the flowers last more than a week, closing at night, and opening only in sunshine, when its rich purple colour is quite dazzling to the eye. It also blossoms freely under glass; but the colour of the flowers is not so vivid as when they are produced in full sunshine out of doors.
C. giganteus (gigantic); Fig. 22.—This is the most colossal of all Cactuses, in which respect it is chiefly interesting. Its stem, when young, is very similar to that of other dwarfer species, whilst, so far as is known, its flowers have not been produced under cultivation. It grows very slowly, a plant 6 in. high being eight or ten years old, so that, to attain its full development, a very long time indeed is necessary. When young, the stems are globose, afterwards becoming club-shaped or cylindrical. It flowers at the height of 10 ft. or 12 ft., but grows up to four or five times that height, when it develops lateral branches, which curve upwards, and present the appearance of immense candelabra. The flowers are 4 in. or 5 in. long, and about the same in diameter. There is a small specimen, about 3 ft. high, in the succulent collection at Kew. The appearance of a number of tall specimens of this wonderful Cactus, when seen towering high above the rocks and scrub with which it is associated, is described by travellers as being both weird and grand. Judging by the slowness of its growth, the prospect of seeing full-sized specimens of this species in English gardens is a very remote one, unless full-grown stems are imported, and this is hardly possible. Native of Mexico and California.
C. Leeanus (Lee's); Bot. Mag. 4417.—A dwarf plant, the stems not more than 1 ft. in height, and about 5 in. in diameter at the base, tapering gradually towards the top, so that it forms a cone; the furrows number about a dozen, and the ridges are 1/2 in. high, the angles sharp, and clothed with clusters of pale brown spines, the central one 1 in. long, the others much shorter. The flowers are produced on the top of the stem, four or five together, and are large, handsome, brick-red in colour, the tube 2 in. long, clothed with yellowish, green-tipped scales, and little clusters of hair-like bristles. The arrangement of the petals, and the cluster of yellow anthers in the centre, give the flowers the appearance of Camellias, if looked at from above. Introduced from Mexico by Mr. Lee, of Hammersmith, in 1848, and flowered soon afterwards at Kew, in summer. Being a native of the higher, more northerly regions of Mexico, this species needs only to be protected from severe frosts; it has been known to bear a little frost without injury. For windows and greenhouses it is a very desirable plant.
C. leptacanthus (slender-spined); Fig. 23.—One of the most beautiful of all Cactuses, and one of the easiest to cultivate, the only drawback being that it rarely flowers under cultivation. In habit it is similar to C. Berlandieri. A plant 8 in. across bears about twenty short branches, each of which, under careful cultivation will produce several flowers in the months of May and June, and these, when expanded, last about eight days before withering; they close every afternoon, opening about ten o'clock in the morning. The petals are arranged in a single series, spreading so as to form a shallow cup, and are notched on the edges near the upper end. They are coloured a deep purple-lilac on the upper half, the lower part being white, like a large pied daisy. The stamens are pure white; the anthers orange-coloured, as also is the star-shaped stigma. The plant is a native of Mexico, and was introduced in 1860. It requires the same treatment as the preceding kinds. The illustration is sufficient to show the beauty of this little creeping Cactus, which, although so long known, is not grown in English gardens, though it is common enough in Continental collections.
C. multiplex (proliferous); Fig. 24.—A globose-stemmed species, becoming pear-shaped with age; height 6 in., by 4 in. in diameter; ridges angled, clothed with clusters of about a dozen spines, the central one longest. Flowers 6 in. to 8 in. long, and about the same across the spreading petals; tube clothed with small, hairy scales; the sepals long and pointed; petals 2 in. or more long, 1 in. wide, spreading out quite flat; stamens arranged in a ring, with the whitish-rayed stigma in the middle. This species flowers in autumn. It is a native of South Brazil, and was introduced in 1840. It thrives best when kept in a warm, sunny position in a window or heated greenhouse.
At Fig. 25 is a curious variety of the above, the stem being fasciated and divided into numerous crumpled, flattened branches. It is remarkable as a monster form of the type plant. So far as is known, neither this nor any other of the monster Cactuses produces flowers.
C. paucispinus (few-spined); Bot. Mag. 6774.—A dwarf-stemmed species of recent introduction, and one which, owing to the beauty of its flowers and the hardy nature of the plant, is certain to find much favour among growers of Cactuses. The stem is about 9 in. high, by 2 in. to 4 in. in diameter, the base much wider than the apex, the ridges irregular, very thick and rounded, giving the stem a gouty or tumid appearance. Upon the prominent parts of these ridges are stellate tufts of long, pale brown spines, some of them nearly 2 in. long, and each tuft containing about eight spines. When young, the stems are more like some of the Mamillarias than the Cereuses. The flowers are developed near the top of the stem, two or three opening together; they are composed of a tube 2 in. long, clothed with long spines and large, green, scaly sepals below, the latter gradually enlarging till at the top they become as large as the petals, which are 2 in. long, with a spread of nearly 3 in., rounded at the tips, and coloured deep blood-red, tinged with orange inside. The stamens are clustered together sheaf-like, with the dark green stigmas protruding through them. This is a native of New Mexico, whence it was introduced in 1883, and flowered in May. Mr. Loder, of Northampton, has successfully cultivated it in a cool frame in the open air, and it has also grown well in the Kew collection when treated in a similar way. This suggests its hardiness and fitness for window cultivation. Owing to the watery nature of the stems, it is necessary that they should be kept quite dry during the winter.
C. pentalophus (five-winged); Bot. Mag. 3651.—As the name denotes, the stem of this erect-growing, somewhat slender species has five very prominent sharp-edged ridges, along which are little clusters of small spines about 1/2 in. apart; the stem is 1 in. in diameter, and the angles are wavy. The flowers are about 3 in. wide, spreading, the petals, broad and overlapping, rose-coloured, except in the centre of the flower, where they become almost pure white; the anthers are yellow, whilst the colour of the rayed stigma is purplish-blue. A native of Mexico, introduced and flowered in 1838. For its cultivation, the temperature of a warm greenhouse is required, though during summer it may be placed in a sunny position in a frame out of doors. If grown in windows, it should be kept through the winter in a room where there is a fire constantly.
C. peruvianus (Peruvian).—A tall-grower, the stems fleshy when young, and very spiny. The ridges on the stem number from five to eight, with stellate bundles, about 1 in. apart, of small, stiff black spines. The flowers appear upon the upper portion of the stem, and are 5 in. across, the petals pure white above, tinged with red below, and forming a large saucer, in the middle of which the numerous stamens, with yellow anthers, are arranged in a crown. There is something incongruous in the tall, spine-clothed, pole-like stem, upon which large, beautiful, water-lily-like flowers are developed, looking quite out of place on such a plant. Flowers in spring and early summer. It requires warm greenhouse or stove treatment. There are some fine examples of this species at Kew. A variety of this species, with a fasciated or monstrous habit, is sometimes cultivated. Introduced in 1830.
C. pleiogonus (twisted-angled); Fig. 26.—An erect cylindrical-stemmed species, from 6 in. to 1 ft. high by 4 in. in diameter, with from ten to fourteen angles or ridges; these are somewhat tumid, and marked with depressions, from which the star-like clusters of spines spring, about a dozen spines in each cluster, the central one much the largest. The flowers are about 8 in. long, the tube being rather thick and cylinder-like, expanding at the top, so as to form a sort of cup, in which the petals are arranged in several rows, with the middle filled by the numerous stamens, surmounted by the club-like pistil. The colour of the flowers is purple-red. This species appears to have first found its way into cultivation through some Continental garden, its native country being unknown. It thrives only in a warm house, developing its flowers in summer.
C. polyacanthus (many-spined).—A newly-introduced species, from El Paso, in Mexico, where it is common on the sand ridges and stony hills. Stem 10 in. high, 2 in. to 4 in. wide, pale green or glaucous, with about eight ridges, the spines being placed along the angles in clusters of half a dozen or so, and about 1/2 in. apart. The flowers are 2 in. to 3 in. long; the tube spiny; the petals semi-erect and concave, rounded at the tip, and forming a shallow cup or wine-glass-like flower; the colour of the petals is deep blood-red. This beautiful Cactus is exceptional in the length of time its flowers remain expanded and fresh, lasting a week or more; and as the plant is very free flowering, there is usually a beautiful display of rich red blossoms for about six weeks. It may be grown in a cool greenhouse or window, requiring no artificial heat beyond what would be necessary to insure its protection from frost. It flowers in spring.
C. procumbens (trailing); Fig. 27.—This is a very pretty little Cactus, with spreading prostrate stems, from which upright branches grow to a height of 3 in. or 4 in.; they are 1/2 in. thick, generally only four-angled or square, with small spines in tufts along the angles. The flowers are developed on the ends of the branches, and are 3 in. long and wide, the sepals spreading and recurved, as in a Paris daisy, their colour being bright rose purple. The anthers form a corona-like ring, inclosing the upright, rayed stigma. A native of Mexico; flowers in May and June. In its native haunts we learn that this little Cactus is very free-flowering, but under cultivation in this country it flowers only rarely. It thrives best when grown in a dry, sunny greenhouse, and kept perfectly dry during autumn and winter. If allowed to get wet in that season, it is apt to rot, the stems being soft and watery.
C. reductus (dingy); Bot. Mag. 4443.—Stem erect, sometimes 3 ft. high, and about 4 in. wide, deeply furrowed, the furrows usually numbering about fourteen; the ridges tumid and irregular, and coloured a dingy glaucous-green. Spines embedded in a tuft of grey wool, about a dozen spines in each cluster, 1 in. long, a few of them only half that length. Flowers on the top of the stem, three or four opening together, each being 3 in. long and wide; the tube short and scaly, with overlapping sepals and saw-edged petals, which are white, slightly tinged with rose. Stamens filling the whole of the flower-cup, bright yellow. A native of Mexico, introduced in 1796, flowering in summer. This species was evidently a favourite many years ago, but it is rare with us now. It thrives in a house where the winter temperature does not fall below 45 deg., requiring no water at that time, but a liberal supply in the summer when growth is being made, and all the sunlight possible. When without its star-shaped, handsome flowers, the stem is remarkably ferocious-looking, the spines upon it being quite as thick and as strong as on a hedgehog.
C. repandus (undulated); Fig. 28.—Stem erect, 10 ft. or more high, unbranched, unless compelled to do so by the removal of the top. Ribs eight or nine in number, rounded, somewhat undulated, and bearing spine-tufts nearly 1 in. apart; each tuft contains about ten spines, which are almost equal in length, fine, stiff, brown, and persistent; there is a little cushion of white wool about the base of the spines. Flowers produced on the side, within a few inches of the top of the stem; they are composed of a scaly tube, 4 in. long, a circular row of spreading, incurved, pale brown sepals, and two rows of broad, overlapping, snow-white petals; stamens white, with yellow anthers; stigma yellow. The flowers, developed in summer, are very beautiful, but, unfortunately, each lasts only a few hours. A native of the West Indies, and an old introduction to English gardens (1720), but rare in cultivation now. It requires the treatment of a stove all the year round.
C. Royeni (Royen's); Bot. Mag. 3125.—This plant is not one of the handsomest as regards flowers; but its stems are ornamental, and the form of the flowers is such as would please those who admire the curious. The stem is erect, several feet high, 2 in. in diameter, with about ten acute ridges, along which are little tufts of white wool about the base of the clustering spines, which are dark brown and 1 in. long. The flower-tube is 2 in. long, thick, spineless, scaly, the scales becoming large near the top of the flower, where they form a cup-like whorl, enclosing the small rose-coloured petals, the stamens being white. Introduced from New Grenada, in 1832. It flowers in spring and summer. It should be grown in a stove.
C. variabilis (variable); Bot. Mag. 4084, under the name of C. pitajaya. —A tall-growing plant, rather straggling in habit, branching freely, the stems usually four-winged, but sometimes with three, five, or more, constricted at intervals, as in Phyllocactus, the wings spiny along the edges; spines 1 in. long. Flowers on the sides of the stems, rather low down, long-tubed; large, showy; tube 6 in. long, smooth, fleshy, with a few scales near the top, and a whorl of greenish, strap-shaped, pointed sepals, the petals spreading, with toothed margins and a long acute point, white or cream-coloured; anthers yellow. A native of various parts of South America and the West Indies, but always close to the sea. It flowers in July; the flowers, which open generally in the evening, remain expanded all night, and close before noon the day following. This species requires tropical or warm house treatment. There are some old plants of it in the Kew collection, where it flowers annually. Except for large houses, this species is not recommended for general cultivation, as it blossoms only after attaining a good size, and the stems, when old, are not at all ornamental.
(From echinos, a hedgehog, and Cactus.)
Many of the plants included in the genus Echinocactus are very similar in habit and stem-characters to the Cereus. Botanists find characters in the seed vessel (ovary) and in the seeds by which the two genera are supposed to be easily separable; but, so far as can be made out by a comparison of their more conspicuous characters, there is very little indeed to enable one to distinguish the two genera from each other when not in flower. A comparison of the figures given in these pages will show that such is the case.
The name Echinocactus was given to E. tenuispinus, which was first introduced into English gardens in 1825. The spiny character of this species is surpassed by that of many of the more recently introduced kinds; still it is sufficient to justify its being compared to a hedgehog. Some of the kinds have spines 4 in. long, broad at the base, and hooked towards the point, the hooks being wonderfully strong, whilst in others the spines are long and needle-like, or short and fine as the prickles on a thistle. The stems vary much in size and form, being globose, or compressed, or ovate, a few only being cylindrical, and attaining a height of from 5 ft. to 10 ft. They are almost always simple—that is, without branches, unless they are compelled to form such by cutting out or injuring the top of the stem; the ridges vary in number from about five to ten times that number, and they are in some species very firm and prominent, in others reduced to mere undulations, whilst in a few, they are separated into numerous little tubercles or mammae. The species are nearly all possessed of spines, which are collected in bundles along the ridges of the stem. Generally, the flowers are about as long as wide, and the ovary is covered with scales or modified sepals. The fruit is succulent, or sometimes dry, and, when ripe, is covered with the persistent calyx scales, often surrounded with wool, and usually bearing upon the top the remains of the withered flower. The position of the flowers is on the young part of the stem, usually being perched in the centre, never on the old part, as in some of the Cereuses. The flowers open only under the influence of bright sunlight, generally closing soon after it leaves them.
The geographical distribution of the species, of which over 200 have been described, extends from Texas and California to Peru and Brazil; they are in greatest abundance in Mexico, whence most of the garden kinds have been introduced. The conditions under which they grow naturally vary considerably in regard to temperature and soil; but they are all found in greatest numbers and most robust health where the soil is gravelly or sandy, and even where there is no proper soil at all, the roots finding nourishment in the clefts or crevices of the rocks. As a rule, the temperature in the lands where they are native is very high during summer, and falls to the other extreme in winter, some of the species being found even where frost and snow are frequent; the majority of them, however, require what we would call stove treatment.
Turning now to a consideration of those kinds known as garden plants, we find that comparatively few of the species known to botanists are represented in English collections, though, perhaps, we may safely say that not one of the kinds known would be considered unworthy of cultivation except by those who despise Cactuses of whatever kind. Their flowers are conspicuous both in size and brilliancy of colour; and in the curious, grotesque, and even beautifully symmetrical shapes of their stems, one finds attractions of no ordinary kind. The stem of E. Visnaga shown at Fig. 48 may be taken as an instance of this—apart from the cluster of star-like, bright yellow flowers seen nestling upon the top of their spine-protected dwelling, the whole suggesting a nest of young birds. This plant is indeed one of the most remarkable of the Echinocactuses, owing to the size and number of its spines—which are 3 in. long, almost as firm as steel, and are used by the Mexicans as toothpicks—and to the gigantic size and great weight of the stem. The following account of a large specimen of this species introduced to Kew in 1845, is taken from an article from the pen of the late Sir Wm. Hooker in the Gardeners' Chronicle of that year. This gigantic plant was presented to the nation, in other words to Kew, by F. Staines, Esq., of San Luis Potosi. Such was its striking appearance, that it was stated that, if exhibited in the Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, some hundreds of pounds might be realised by it. In a letter from Mr. Staines, here quoted, our readers will perceive how difficult it often is to obtain living specimens of these plants from their native habitats. He writes: "I mean to have a large specimen of E. Visnaga deposited in a strong box, sending the box first to the mountain where the monsters grow, and placing it on the springs of a carriage which I shall despatch for that purpose. My monstrous friend cannot travel any other way, from his stupendous size and immense ponderosity, which cannot be adequately calculated for here, where the largest machine for conveying weights does not exceed sixteen arrobes, or 400lb. This enormous plant will require twenty men at least to place it upon the vehicle, with the aid of such levers as our Indians can invent. It grows in the deep ravines of our loftiest mountains, amongst huge stones; the finest plants are inaccessible to wheeled vehicles, and even on horseback it is difficult to reach them. I shall pack him carefully in mats before applying to his roots the crowbars destined to wrench him from his resting place of unknown centuries. He will have to travel 300 leagues before he reaches Vera Cruz." Being too large to be packed in a box, it was first surrounded with a dense clothing of the Old Man's Beard or Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides)—and a better covering could not have been devised—and well corded. Fifteen mats, each as large and as thick as an ordinary doormat, formed the exterior envelope. When unpacked on its arrival at Kew, this monster Cactus was seen as perfect, as green, and as uninjured as if it had been that morning removed from its native rocks, its long, rope-like roots arranged in coils like the cable of a ship. When placed in scales it weighed 713lb., its circumference at 1 ft. from the ground was 41/2 ft., and its total height, 8 ft. 7 in.; the number of ridges was forty-four, and on each ridge were fifty bundles of spines, four spines to each bundle. Thus there were 8800 spines or toothpicks, enough for the supply of an army. A still larger specimen was a year or so later successfully brought to Kew, and which weighed 1 ton; but this, as well as the smaller one, survived only a short time. There have been numerous other large specimens of this Cactus in English gardens lately, all of them, however, succumbing to the unfavourable conditions of our climate. Mr. Peacock, of Hammersmith, recently possessed two large plants of E. Visnaga, one of which weighed nearly 5cwt., and measured 8 ft. 6 in. in circumference.
Cultivation.—The soil for Echinocactuses should be similar to that recommended for the Cereuses, as also should be the treatment as regards sunlight and rest. It cannot be too clearly understood that during the period between October and March these plants should be kept perfectly dry at the root, and in a dry house, where the temperature would not fall below 50 deg. There is no occasion for re-potting the Echinocactuses every year, it being by far the safest plan to allow them to remain in the same pots several years, should the soil be fresh and the drainage perfect.
All the larger-stemmed kinds may be kept in health when grown on their own roots; but for some of the smaller species it is a good plan to graft them upon the stem of some of the Cereuses, C. tortuosus or C. colubrinus being recommended for the smaller kinds, and for the larger C. peruvianus, C. gemmatus, or any one the stem of which is robust, and of the right dimensions to bear the species of Echinocactus intended to be grafted. Some growers prefer to graft all the small Echinocactuses upon other kinds, find certainly, when properly grafted, they are safer thus treated than if grown on their own roots. In grafting, the two stems (stock and scion) must be cut so that their edges meet, and in securing them two or three stakes must be placed in such a way as to afford support to the graft and hold it firmly in position.
Propagation.—Besides grafting, cuttings of the stems may be utilised for the multiplication of Echinocactuses, first removing the upper portion of the stem and putting it into soil to root, and afterwards, as lateral stems develop on the old stock, they may be cut away with a sharp knife, and treated in a similar manner. Should a plant become sickly, and look shrivelled and cankered at the base, it is always best to cut away the healthy part of the stem, and induce it to form fresh roots, thus giving it a new lease of life. Seeds of these plants may be obtained from dealers, more especially Continental nurserymen, and to watch the gradual development of the plant from the seedling is both interesting and instructive. The seeds should be sown in soil, and kept moist and warm; in about a month after sowing, the little pea-like, green balls will be seen pushing their way through the thin covering of soil, and gradually but slowly increasing in size, their spines also increasing in number and strength, the ridges forming according to the character of the species, till, finally, they assume the mature characters of the plant, both in stem and habit. The flowers, of course, appear according to the length of time it takes for the species to grow to flowering size.
E. brevihamatus (short-hooked).—Several kinds of Echinocactus are distinguished from the rest in having the ridges divided into tubercles, which are often globular and arranged in a spiral round the stem, as in the genus Mamillaria; to this section the present species belongs. The stem is almost sphere-shaped, from 4 in. to 6 in. high, the tuberculated ridges about 1/4 in. deep, and upon each tubercle is a tuft of about a dozen brown, radiating spines, with a long central one hooked at the point. The flowers are borne in clusters on the top of the stem, three or four opening together; they are 1 in. in length, and the same across the spreading petals, which are pink, shaded with deep rose. A native of the mountainous regions of South Brazil; introduced about 1850. Flowers in summer. This pretty little plant will thrive if placed upon a shelf in a greenhouse where it will have full sunshine during the greater part of the day. It grows very slowly, especially when on its own roots, but succeeds better when grafted on another kind.
E. centeterius (many-spined); Bot. Mag. 3974.—This has a conical-shaped stem, 6 in. high by 4 in. wide, with about fourteen ridges, which are notched, and bear star-shaped clusters of pale brown spines, 1/2 in. long. The blossoms are borne rather thickly on the summit of the stem, from six to nine flowers being sometimes open together; and as they are each nearly 3 in. across, and of good substance, they present an attractive appearance. The petals are of a deep straw-colour, with a reddish streak down the centre, and 11/2 in. long, with the apex notched or toothed. The stamens are spirally coiled round the stigma, which is club-shaped and white. This species is probably a native of Mexico, and was first flowered in England at Kew, in 1841. A cool, dry greenhouse suits it best; or it may be grown in a sunny room window where frost would not be allowed to reach it in winter. Unless subjected to very dry treatment during the winter months, and also kept in a position where all the sunlight possible would reach it—even when at rest—there is not much chance of this plant producing its large flowers. It may be kept alive by giving it uniform treatment all the year round, but it would never flower.
E. cinnabarinus (cinnabar-flowered); Bot. Mag. 4326.—This is another of the Mamillaria-like kinds, and is remarkable for the depressed form of its stem, which may be likened to a sea urchin, both in size and shape. Old plants are from 6 in. to 8 in. in diameter, and about 4 in. high; the spiral formed by the tubercles rises very gradually, and each of the latter is surmounted by a tuft of strong, brown, radiating spines, imbedded in a little cushion of wool. The flowers spring from the outside of the depressed top of the stem, two or three opening together and forming a beautiful picture, both as to size and colour. The tube is short and green, with a row of long green sepals at the top, and above these the petals, which are 2 in. long, overlapping, recurved, the edges toothed, and the colour a brilliant cinnabar-red. The stamens are in two series, very numerous, and the anthers are bright yellow. Looking at the flattened, spiny stem, it seems impossible that such large, handsome flowers should be produced by it. A native of Bolivia; introduced about 1846. It blossoms in July, and may be grown on a shelf in a cool greenhouse, as advised for the E. centeterius.
E. concinnus (neat); Fig. 29.—A small species with a globose stem, 2 in. high and 3 in. wide, and about twenty ridges, which are rounded, rather broad, each bearing about half-a-dozen little bunches of spines arranged in a star. The flowers are numerous, as large as, or larger than, the stem, being 3 in. long and broad, the tube covered with brown hair-like spines, and having a few reddish scales, whilst the petals are in several rows, overlapping, with pointed tips, and are coloured dark yellow with a red streak down the centre. Several flowers are sometimes developed together on a little stem, when they have the appearance of being much too large for so small a plant to support. The pale green of the stem and its brown spines contrast prettily with the handsome yellow flowers, which are brightened by the streaks of red on the petals and the clear red colour of the stigma. It is a native of Mexico, and was introduced about 1840, flowering early in summer. It requires a warm greenhouse temperature all the year round, with, of course, plenty of sunshine. It may be grafted on the stem of an erect-growing Cereus, such as C. serpentinus or C. Napoleonis, the stock to be not higher than 6 in., and about as wide as the plant of E. concinnus is at the base.
E. coptonogonus (wavy-ribbed); Fig. 30.—Stem globose, seldom more than 5 in. in diameter, depressed on the top, with from ten to fourteen strong, sharp-edged, wavy ribs, the furrows also being wavy. Spine tufts set in little depressions along the margins of the ribs, five spines in each tuft, the two upper 1 in. long and four-angled, the two lower flattened and shorter, the fifth, which is the longest, being placed in the top of the cushion. Flowers 2 in. across, daisy-like, produced in April and May; tube very short; sepals and petals linear, spreading, white, with a purple stripe down the centre; stamens red, with yellow anthers; pistil purple, with an eight-rayed, yellow stigma. A native of Mexico. (Syn. E. interruptus.)
E. cornigerus (horn-bearing).—This remarkable plant, of which a portion is represented at Fig. 31, has the stoutest spines of all cultivated Cactuses, and their arrangement on the ridges of the stem is such as would withstand the attacks of all enemies. The broad tongue-like spine is purple in colour, and as strong as iron; the three erect horn-like spines yellow, and as firm as the horns of an antelope, to which they bear a resemblance. The stem is sphere-shaped, grey-green in colour, and is divided into from fourteen to twenty-one stout wavy ribs, upon which the spine tufts occur at intervals of about 2 in. The arrangement of the spines is shown in the illustration, as also is the position of the flowers, which are small, with narrow purple petals and brown-red sepals. The plant is a native of Mexico and Guatemala, and would require stove treatment. We have seen only small living examples, but according to descriptions and figures, the most interesting character it possesses is its spiny armament. It has been called Melocactus latispinus and Echinocactus latispinus.
E. corynodes (club-like); Fig. 32.—The stem of this is about as large as a Keswick Codlin apple, with the broad end uppermost, and the sides cut up into about a dozen and a half rather prominent sharp ridges, with bunches of stout yellow spines arranged, at intervals of about 1 in., along the edges. The flowers, which are produced in a cluster on the top of the stem, form a crown of bright yellow petals, studded with scarlet eye-like stigmas. Each flower is 2 in. in diameter when fully spread out, cup-shaped, and composed of two or three rows of over-lapping petals. In the middle of these nestle the short stamens, and projecting well beyond them is the bright scarlet stigma, forming a beautiful contrast to the petals. This plant is a native of Mexico, and was introduced about the year 1837. It is also known in gardens under the names of E. rosaceus and E. Sellowianus. There was a pretty little specimen of this flowering in the Kew collection last year, and the opening and closing of the flowers, as the sunlight reached or receded from them, was almost as rapid as that observed in the daisy. The whole plant is so small, and, when in flower, so charming, that no one could fail to admire it. It requires similar treatment to E. concinnus.
E. crispatus (curled); Fig. 33.—The flattened, wavy or curled ridges of this species are characteristic of several other kinds of Echinocactus. Its long, stout, ferocious-looking spines, directed upwards, have a very forbidding aspect. The stem grows to a height of about 8 in., and is said to produce its large, long-tubed, purple flowers in the summer months. It has been introduced by a Continental nurseryman, but, so far as is known, has not yet flowered in any English collection. It is apparently closely allied to E. longihamatus.
E. Cummingii (Cumming's); Bot. Mag. 6097.—A pretty little species, with a globose stem about 3 in. in diameter, the ridges divided into tubercles, and running spirally round the stem. From each tubercle springs a radiating cluster of yellowish, hair-like spines. The flowers are numerous, 1 in. long and wide, the scales on the tube tipped with red, whilst the petals stamens, and stigma are an uniform bright ochre-yellow; so that, looked at from above, they suggest the flowers of the common marigold. A well-managed plant produces as many as half-a-dozen of these flowers together, which open out widely under the influence of bright sunlight. It is one of the hardiest of the genus, thriving well in a frost-proof house or frame. During winter, the atmosphere surrounding it should be as dry as possible; but in summer it likes plenty of moisture, and exposure to full sunshine. A variety of E. Cummingii was raised from seeds a few years ago by Mr. Daniel, of Epsom, the flowers of which were pale almost to whiteness. The type is said to attain a height of 8 in. in its native country, Bolivia, whence plants were introduced to Kew in 1847, and flowered in July.
E. cylindraceus (cylindrical).—A large-growing kind, attaining a height of several feet, very broad, and, as the name denotes, cylindrical in shape. When large, the stem often develops lateral branches about its base. Cultivated plants of it are 6 in. high, the sides marked with about a score of ridges, upon which, arranged in a dense cluster, are the stout, strong spines, the longest of them 3 in. long, hooked, and projecting outwards, the shorter spreading and interlacing so as to form a sort of spiny network all round the stem. The flowers are yellow, 2 in. long, and are composed of a short, thick tube bearing from forty to fifty fringed sepals, and about half that number of petals, which are also fringed. There are as many as a dozen flowers opened together on stout, aged plants; it is, however, more because of the densely spinous stems than the flowers that this species has found its way into cultivation. It cannot be recommended for any except large collections, and where it can be grown in a stove temperature. It is a native of the hot deserts of Colorado, and was introduced about ten years ago. There are several healthy young specimens of it in the Kew collection.
E. echidne (viper; probably in allusion to the fang-like spines).—This species is remarkable in having a stout cylindrical stem, 12 in. high by 8 in. wide, with about a dozen deep ridges; these are disposed spirally, and bear tufts of rigid, broad spines, 1 in. or more long, spreading, so as to interlace and form a wire-like network all round the stem. It may be mentioned here that an American naturalist has recently suggested that the object of these iron-like spines on the stems of many Cactuses, and more especially on the majority of the Hedgehog kinds, is not so much to defend the fleshy stems from browsing animals as to afford protection from the scorching rays of the sun, which would otherwise cause the stems to blister and shrivel; and the nature of the spiny covering of E. echidne seems to support such a view. As in many others, the clusters of spines in this plant have their bases embedded in a tuft of whitish wool. The flowers are developed near the centre of the top of the stem, and are of medium size, bright yellow, with whitish stamens; they are produced two or three together, in summer. This species is a native of Mexico; it thrives in a greenhouse where frost is excluded, but only rarely flowers with us under cultivation.
E. Emoryi (Emory's); Fig. 34.—This is a very large-stemmed kind, specimens having been found nearly 3 ft. in height and about 2 ft. in diameter. Smaller plants, such as are in English collections, have globose stems 1 ft. through, with about thirteen ribs, the ribs tuberculated, the tubercles large, and rounded; the spines are borne on the apex of the tubercles in star-shaped bundles of eight or nine, and are angled, often flat on the top side, articulated, with hooked points, whilst in length they vary from 1 in. to 4 in. The flowers are 3 in. long, the tube clothed with heart-shaped scales or sepals; the petals are red, with yellowish margins, spreading so as to form a beautiful, large, cup-like flower, with a cluster of deep yellow stamens in the centre. The flowering period is in the autumn, and the plant is a native of the Lower Colorado and California. Living plants of it have only recently been introduced into English collections. At Kew, it is cultivated in a warm greenhouse, where it is in good health. From accounts of it in its native haunts, it will, however, probably prefer a cool house in winter, and as much sun and warmth as possible in spring and summer; for we are told that during winter it is often subjected to severe frosts and heavy snowfalls, whilst in summer the fierce heat of the sun is such as to burn up all vegetation, except Cactuses and other similar plants.
E. gibbosus (humped).—A small apple-like plant, not more than 4 in. high, with a depressed top, the lower part being narrowed. It has sixteen ribs or ridges, composed of rows of thick fleshy tubercles, upon every other of which are six or eight horny spines, 1 in. long. The flowers are pushed out from the edge of the depression on the top of the stem, and are large; the tube 11/2 in. long. The petals spread to a width of 3 in., and are arranged in several rows, overlapping each other, becoming smaller towards the centre of the flower, as in an aster; they are pure white, except for a tinge of red on the tips of the outer ones, the stamens being bright yellow. Two flowers are usually developed on a plant, generally in June. This species was introduced from Jamaica about 1808, by a nurseryman in Hammersmith; but as no Echinocactuses are wild in the West Indian Islands, it must have been introduced into Jamaica from some of the Central American States, or probably from Mexico. It may be grafted on to another free-growing kind with advantage, as it does not always keep healthy when on its own roots. It should be grown in a cool greenhouse, or in the window of a dwelling-room, always, however, in a position where it would get plenty of sunlight.
E. Haynii (Hayne's); Fig. 35.—An upright cylindrical-stemmed species, very much like a Mamillaria in the form and position of the tubercles and the numerous greyish hair-like spines arranged in a radiating ring on the top of each tubercle. The flowers are much longer than in any yet described, the tube being 6 in. in length, clothed with large sepals on the upper portion, and the petals are semi-erect with recurved points, and coloured a brilliant purple-red. A native of Peru, where it is found at high elevations, growing in crevices of rocks and exposed to full sunlight. With us it thrives in a warm greenhouse, producing its beautiful flowers in summer. Introduced about 1850.
E. hexaedrophorus (tubercles six-sided); Fig. 36.—This plant is distinguished by the gouty-looking tubercles into which its broad, spiral ridges are divided, and which look as if they would suddenly burst like a blister if pricked with a pin. It grows about 4 in. in height, and is similar in form to what is shown in the accompanying figure, except that the top is usually flatter than here represented. The whole stem has a glaucous hue, and the spines are reddish-brown. The flowers, which are produced freely in June and July, are short-tubed, spreading to a width of 2 in.; the petals toothed at the tips, and arranged in several rows, overlapping each other, the colour being white, tinted with rose, with a disk-like cluster of yellow stamens in the centre, and a white-rayed stigma. A native of North Mexico, introduced about 1830. It is very slow-growing, attaining full size in not less than six years from seed; indeed, it is stated that in twelve years a plant of it did not grow more than 2 in. Still, slow as it is, it remains in good health when kept in a sunny position on a shelf in a greenhouse or in a dwelling-room, so that it may be recommended for places where space is very limited. Like E. gibbosus, it does best when grafted on to another kind. We have seen perfect "drum-sticks" formed by grafting a full-grown plant of this on the stem of a Cereus.
E. horizonthalonis (spreading-spined); Fig. 37.—Stem globose, usually flattened on the top, and divided into eight or nine large ribs or ridges, grey-green in colour. Spines in crowded star-shaped clusters along the apex of the ribs, seven spines in each cluster, all of them strong, slightly curved, horn-like, and marked with numerous rings; they are yellow, tipped with red when young, ash-coloured when old; the longest are about 2 in. in length. Flowers terminal, springing from the young spine tufts, each 4 in. across, with two rows of petals arranged regularly in the form of a cup; colour deep rose, paler on the inside of the cup; stamens very numerous, with white filaments and yellow anthers. The flowers expand at sunrise and close again in the evening, each one lasting about a week; they are very agreeably scented. Flowering season, May and June. The plant is a native of Mexico, and was introduced in 1838. (Syns. E. equitans, E. horizontalis.) |