COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
by Alexander von Humboldt
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Having thus delineated the structure and dynamic activity of volcanoes, it now remains for us to throw a glance at the differences existing in their material products. The subterranean forces sever old combinations of matter in order to produce new ones, and they also continue to act upon matter as long as it is in a state of liquefaction from heat, and capable of being displaced. The greater or less pressure under which merely softened or wholly liquid fluids are solidified, appears to constitute the main difference in the formation of Plutonic and volcanic rocks. The mineral mass which flows in narrow, elongated streams from a volcanic opening (an earth-spring), is called lava. where many such currents meet and are arrested in their course, they expand in width, filling large basins, in which they become solidified in superimposed strata. These few sentences describe the general character of the products of volcanic activity.

p 234 Rocks which are merely broken through by the volcanic action are often inclosed in the igneous products. Thus i have found angular fragments of feldspathic syenite imbedded in the black augitic lava of the volcano of Jorullo, in Mexico; but the masses of dolomite and granular limestone, which contain magnificent clusters of crystalling fossils (vesuvian and garnets, covered with mejonite, nepheline, and sodalite), are not the ejected products of Vesuvius, these belonging rather to very generally distributed formations, viz., strata of tufa, which are more ancient than the elevation of the Somma and of Vesuvius, and are probably the products of a deep-seated and concealed submarine volcanic action.*

[footnote] *Leop. von Buch, in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. xxxvii., s. 179.

We find five metals among the products of existing volcanoes, iron, copper, lead, arsenic, and selenium, discovered by Stromeyer in the crater of Volcano.*

[footnote] *[The little island of Volcano is separated from Lipari by a narrow channel. It appears to have exhibited strong signs of volcanic activity long before the Christian era, and still emits gaseous exhalations. Stromeyer detected the presence of selenium in a mixture of sal ammoniac and sulphur. Another product, supposed to be peculiar to this volcano, is boracic acid, which lines the sides of the cavities in beautiful white silky crystals. Daubeney, op. cit., p. 257.] — Tr.

The vapors that rise from the 'fumarolles' cause the sublimation of the chlorids of iron, copper, lead, and ammonium; iron glanceI and chlorid of sodium (the latter often in large quantities) fill the cavities of recent lava streams and the fissures of the margin of the crater.

[footnote] *Regarding the chemical origin of iron glance in volcanic masses, see Mitscherlich, in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. xv., s. 630; and on the liberation of hydrochloric acid in the crater, see Gay-Lussac, in the 'Annals de Chimique et de Physique', t. xxii., p. 423.

The mineral composition of lava differs according to the nature of the crystalline rock of which the volcano is formed, the height of the point where the eruption occurs, whether at the foot of the mountain or in the neighborhood of the crater, and the condition of temperature of the interior. Vitreous volcanic formations, obsidian, pearl-stone, and pumice, are entirely wanting in some volcanoes, while in the case of others they only proceed from the crater, or, at any rate, from very considerable heights. These important and involved relations can only be explained by very accurate crystallographic and chemical investigations. My fellow-traveler in Siberia, Gustav Rose, and subsequently Hermann Abich, have already been able, by their fortunate and ingenious researches, to throw much light on the structural relations of the various kinds of volcanic rocks.

p 235 The greater part of the ascending vapor is mere steam. When condensed, this forms springs, as in Pantellaria,Iwhere they are used by the goatherds of the island.

[footnote] *[Steam issues from many parts of this insular mountain, and several hot springs gush forth from it, which form together a lake 6000 feet in circumference. Daubeney, op. cit.] — Tr.

On the morning of the 26th of October, 1822, a current was seen to flow from a lateral fissure of the crater of Vesuvius, and was loong supposed to have been boiling water; it was, however, shown, by Monticelli's accurate investigations, to consist of dry ashes, which fell like sand, and of lava pulverized by friction. The ashes, which sometimes darken the air for hours and days together, and produce great injury to the vineyards and olive groves by adhering to the leaves, indicate by their columnar ascent, impelled by vapors, the termination of every great eqrthquake. This is the magnificent phenomenon which Pliny the younger, in his celebrated letter to Cornelius Tacitus, compares, in the case of Vesuvius, to the form of a lofty and thickly-branched and foliaceous pine. That which is described as flames in the eruption of scoriae, and the radiance of the glowing red clouds that hover over the crater, can not be ascribed to the effect of hydrogen gas in a state of combustion. They are rather reflections of light which issue from molten masses, projected high in the air, and also reflections from the burning depths, whence the glowing vapors ascend. We will not, however, attempt to decide the nature of the flames, which are occasionally seen now, as in the time of Strabo, to rise from the deep sea during the activity of littoral volcanoes, or shortly before the elevation of a volcanic island.

When the questions are asked, what is it that burns in the volcano? what excites the heat, fuses together earths and metals, and imparts to lava currents of thick layers a degree of heat that lasts for many years? it is necessarily implied that volcanoes must be connected with the existence of substances capable of maintaining combustion, like the beds of coal in subterranean fires.

[footnote] *See the beautiful experiments on the cooling of masses of rock, in Bischof's 'Warmelehre', s. 384, 443, 500-512.

According to the different phases of chemical science, bitumen, pyrites, the moist admixture of finely-pulverized sulphur and iron, pyrophoric substances, and the metals of the alkalies and earths, have in turn been designated as the cause of intensely active volcanic phenomena. The great chemist, Sir Humphrey Davy, to whom we are indebted for the knowledge of the most combustible metallic p 236 substances, has himself renounced his bold chemical hypothesis in his last work ('Consolation in Travel, and last Days of a Philosopher') — a work which can not fail to excite in the reader a feeling of the deepest melancholy. the great mean density of the earth (5.44), when compared with the specific weight of potassium (0.865), of sodium (-.972), or of the metals of the earths (1.2), and the absence of hydrogen gas in the gaseous emanations from the fissures of craters, and from still warm streams of lava, besides many chemical considerations, stand in opposition with the earlier conjectures of Davy and Ampere.*

[footnote] *See Berzelius and Wohler, in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. i., s. 221, and bd. xi., s. 146; Gay-Lussac, in the 'Annals de Chimie', t. x., xii., p. 422; and Bischof's 'Reasons against the Chemical Theory of Volcanoes', in the English edition of his 'Warmelehre', p. 297-309.

If hydrogen were evolved from erupted lava, how great must be the quantity of the gas disengaged, when, the seat of the volcanic activity being very low, as in the case of the remarkable eruption at the foot of the Skaptar Jokul in Iceland (from the 11th of June to the 3d of August, 1783, described by Mackenzie and Soemund Magnussen), a space of many square miles was covered by streams of lava, accumulated to the thickness of several hundred feet! Similar difficulties are opposed to the assumption of the penetration of the atmospheric air into the crater, or, as it is figuratively expressed, the 'inhalation of the earth', when we have regard to the small quantity of nitrogen emitted. So general, deep-seated, and far-propagated an activity as that of volcanoes, can not assuredly have its source in chemical affinity, or in the mere contact of individual or merely locally distributed substances. Modern geognosy* rather seeks the cause of this activity in the increased temperature with the increase of depth at all degrees of latitude, in that powerful internal heat which our planet owes to its first solidification, its formation in the regions of space, and to the spherical contraction of p 237 matter revolving elliptically in a gaseous condition.

[footnote] *[On the various theories that have been advanced in explanation of volcanic action, see Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', a work to which we have made continual reference during the preceding pages, as it constitutes the most recent and perfect compendium of all the important facts relating to this subject, and is peculiarly adapted to serve as a source of reference to the 'Cosmos', since the learned author in many instances enters into a full exposition of the views advanced by Baron Humboldt. The appendix contains several valuable notes with reference to the most recent works that have appeared on the Continent, on subjects relating to volcanoes; among others, an interesting notice of Professor Bischof's views "on the origin of the carbonic acid discharged from volcanoes," as enounced in his recently published work, 'Lehrbuch der Chemischen und Physikalischen Geologie'.] — Tr.

We have thus mere conjecture and supposition side by side with certain knowledge. A philosophical study of nature strives ever to elevate itself above the narrow requirements of mere natural description, and does not consist, as we have already remarked, in the mere accumulation of isolated facts. The inquiring and active spirit of man must be suffered to pass from the present to the past, to conjecture all that can not yet be known with certainty, and still to dwell with pleasure on the ancient myths of geognosy which are presented to us under so many various forms. If we consider volcanoes as irregular intermittent springs, emitting a fluid mixture of oxydized metals, alkalies, and earths, flowing gently and calmy wherever then find a passage, or being upheaved by the powerful expansive force of vapors, we are involuntarily led to remember the geognostic visions of Plato, according to which hot springs, as well as all volcanic igneous streams, were eruptions that might be traced back to one generally distributed subterranean cause, 'Pyriphlegethon'.*

[footnote] *According to Plato's geognostic views, as developed in the 'Phaedo', Pyriphlegethon plays much the same part in relation to the activity of volcanoes that we now ascribe to the augmentation of heat as we descend from the earth's surface, and to the fused condition of its internal strata. ('Phaedo', ed. Ast, p. 603 and 607; Annot., p. 308 and 817.) "Within the earth, and all around it, are larger and smaller caverns. Water flows there in abundance; also much fire and large streams of fire, and streams of moist mud (some purer and others more filthy), like those in Sicily, consisting of mud and fire, preceding the great eruption. These streams fill all places that fall in the way of their course. Pyriphlegethon flows forth into an extensive district burning with a fierce fire, where it forms a lake larger than our sea, boiling with water and mud. From thence it moves in circles round the earth, turbid and muddy." This stream of molten earth and mud is so much the general cause of volcanic phenomena, that Plato expressly adds, "thus is Pyriphlegethon constituted, from which also the streams of fire ([Greek words]), wherever they reach the earth ([Greek words]), inflate such parts (detached fragments)." Volcanic scoriae and lava streams are therefore portions of Pyriphlegethon itself, portions of the subterranean molten and ever-undulating mass. That {Greek words] are lava streams, and not, as Schneider, Passow, and Schleiermacher will have it, "fire-vomiting mountains," is clear enough from many passages, some of which have been collected by Ukert ('Geogr. der Griechen und Romer', th. ii., s. 200): [Greek word] is the volcanic phenomenon in reference to its most striking characteristic, the lava stream. Hence the expression, the [Greek word] of Aetna. Aristot. 'Mirab. Ausc.', t. ii., p. 833; sect. 38, Bekker; Thucyd., iii., 116; Theophrast., 'De Lap'., 22, p. 427, Schneider; Diod., v., 6, and xiv., 59, where are the remarkable words, "Many places near the sea, in the neighborhood of Aetna, were leveled to the ground, [Greek words];" Strabo, vi., p. 269; xiii., p. 268, and where there is a notice of the celebrated burning mud of the Lelantine plains, in Euboea, i., p. 58, Casaub.; and Appian, 'De Bello Civili', v., 114. The blame which Aristotle throws on the geognostical fantasies of the Phaedo ('Meteor.', ii., 2, 19) is especially applied to the sources of the rivers flowing over the earth's surface. The distinct statement of Plato, that "in Sicily eruptions of wet mud precede the glowing (lava) stream," is very remarkable. Observations on Aetna could not have led to such a statement, unless pumice and ashes, formed into a mud-like mass by admixture with melted snow and water, during the volcano-electric storm in the crater of eruption, were mistaken for ejected mud. It is more probable that Plato's streams of moist mud ([Greek words]) originated in a faint recollection of the salses (mud volcanoes) of Agrigentum, which, as I have already mentioned, eject argillaceous mud with a loud noise. It is much to be regretted, in reference to this subject, that the work of Theophrastus [Greek words] 'On the Volcanic Stream in Sicily', to which Diog. Laert., v., 49, refers, has not come down to us.

p 238 The different volcanoes over the earth's surface, when they are considered independently of all climatic differences, are acutely and characteristically classified as central and linear volcanoes. Under the first name are comprised those which constitute the central point of many active mouths of eruption, distributed almost regularly in all directions; under the second, those lying at some little distance from one another, forming, as it were, chimneys or vents along an extended fissure. Linear volcanoes again admit of further subdivision, namely, those which rise like separate conical islands from the bottom of the sea, being generally parallel with a chain of primitive mountains, whose foot they appear to indicate, and those volcanic chains which are elevated on the highest ridges of these mountain chains, of which they form the summits.*

[footnote] *Leopold von Buch, 'Physikal. Beschreib. der Canarischen Inseln', s. 326-407. I doubt if we can agree with the ingenious Charles Darwin ('Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands', 1844, p. 127) in regarding central volcanoes in general as volcanic chains of small extent on parallel fissures. Friedrich Hoffman believes that in the group of the Lipari Islands, which he has so admirably described, and in which two eruption fissures intersect near Panaria, he has found an intermediate link between the two principal modes in which volcanoes appear, namely, the central volcanoes and volcanic chains of Von Buch (Poggendorf, 'Annalen der Physik', bd. xxvi., s. 81-88).

The Peak of Teneriffe, for instance, is a central volcano, being the central point of the volcanic group to which the eruption of Palma and Landerote may be referred. The long, rampart-like chain of the Andes, which is sometimes single, and sometimes divided into two or three parallel branches, connected by various transverse ridges, presents, from the south of Chili to the northwest coast of America, one of the grandest instances of a continental volcanic chain. The proxiimity of p 239 active volcanoes is always manifested in the chain of the Andes by the appearance of certain rocks (as dolerite, melaphyre, trachyte, andesite, and dioritic porphyry), which divide the so-called primitive rocks, the transition slates and sandstones, and the stratified formations. the constant recurrence of this phenomenon convinced me long since that these sporadic rocks were the seat of volcanic phenomena, and were connected with volcanic eruptions. At the foot of the grand Tunguragua, near Penipe, on the banks of the Rio Puela, I first distinctly observed mica slate resting on granite, broken through by a volcanic rock.

In the volcanic chain of the New Continent, the separate volcanoes are occasionally, when near together in mutual dependence upon one another; and it is even seen that the volcanic activity for centuries together has moved on in one and the same direction, as for instance, from north to south in the province of Quito.*

[footnote] (Humboldt, 'Geognost. Beobach, uber die Vulkane des Hochlandes von Quito', in Poggend., 'Annal. der Physik', bd. xliv., s. 194.

The focus of the volcanic action lies below the whole of the highlands of this province; the only channels of communication with the atmosphere are, however, those mountains which we designate by special names, as the mountains of Pichincha, Cotopaxi, and Tunguragua, and which, from their grouping, elevation, and form, constitute the grandest and most picturesque spectacle to be found in any volcanic district of an equally limited extent. Experience shows us, in many instances, that the extremities of such groups of volcanic chains are connected together by subterranean communications; and this fact reminds us of the ancient and true expression made use of by Seneca,* that the igneous mountain is only the issue of the more deeply-seated volcanic forces.

[footnote] *Seneca, while he speaks very clearly regarding the problematical sinking of Aetna, says in his 79th letter, "Though this might happen, not because the mountain's height is lowered, but because the fires are weakened, and do not blaze out with their former vehemence; and for which reason it is that such vast clouds of smoke are not seen in the day-time. Yet neither of these seem incredible, for the mountain may possibly be consumed by being daily devoured, and the fire not be so large as formerly, since it is not self-generated here, but is kindled in the distant bowels of the earth, and there rages, being fed with continual fuel, not with that of the mountain, through which it only makes its passage." The subterranean communication, "by galleries," between the volcanoes of Sicily, Lipari, Pithecusa (Ischia), and Vesuvius, "of the last of which we may conjecture that it formerly burned and presented a fiery circle," seems fully understood by Strabl (lib. i., p. 247 and 248). He terms the whole district "sub-igneous."

In the Mexican highlands a mutual dependence is p 240 also observed to exist among the volcanic mountains Orizaba, Popocatepel, Jorullo, and Colima; and I have shown* that they all lie in one direction between 18 degrees 59' and 19 degrees 12' north latitude, and are situated in a transverse fissure running from sea to sea.

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Essai Politique sur la Nouv. Espagne', t. ii., p. 173-175.

The volcano of Jorullo broke forth on the 29th of September, 1759, exactly in this direction, and over the same transverse fissure, being elevated to a height of 1604 feet above the level of the surrounding plain. The mountain only once emitted an eruption of lava, in the same manner as is recorded of Mount Epomeo in Ischia, in the year 1302. But although Jorullo, which is eighty miles from any active volcano, is in the strict sense of the word a new mountain, it must not be compared with Monte Nuovo, near Puzzuolo, which first appeared on the 19th of September, 1538, and is rather to be classed among craters of elevation. I believe that I have furnished a more natural explanation of the eruption of the Mexican volcano, in comparing its appearance to the elevation of the Hill of Methone, now Methana, in the peninsula of Troezene. The description given by Strabo and Pausanias of this elevation, led one of the Roman poets, most celebrated for his richness of fancy, to develop views which agree in a remarkable manner with the theory of modern geognosy. "Near Troezene is a tumulus, steep and devoid of trees, once a plain, now a mountain. The vapors inclosed in dark caverns in vain seek a passage by which they may escape. The heavier earth, inflated by the force of the compressed vapors, expands like a bladder filled with air, or like a goat-skin. The ground has remained thus inflated, and the high projecting eminence has been solidified by time into a naked rock." Thus picturesquely, and, as analogous phenomena justify us in believing, thus truly has Ovid described that great natural phenomenon which occurred 282 years before our era, and consequently, 45 years bfore the volcanic separation of Thera (Santorino) and Therasia, between Troezene and Epidaurus, on the same spot where Russegger has found veins of trachyte.*

[footnote] *Ovid's description of the eruption of Methone ('Metam.', xv., p. 226-306): "Near Troezene stands a hill, exposed in air To winter winds, of leafy shadows bare: This once was level ground; but (strange to tell) Th' included vapors, that in caverns dwell, Laboring with colic pangs, and close confined, In vain sought issue for the rumbling wind: Yet still they heaved for vent, and heaving still, Enlarged the concave and shot up the hill, As breath extends a bladder, or the skins Of goats are blown t'inclose the hoarded wines; The mountain yet retains a mountain's face, And gathered rubbish heads the hollow space." 'Dryden's Translation'. [footnote continues] This description of a dome-shaped elevation on the continent is of great importance in a geognostical point of view, and coincides to a remarkable degree with Aristotle's account ('Meteor.', ii., 89, 17-19) of the upheaval of islands of eruption: "The heaving of the earth does not cease till the wind [(Greek word)] which occasions the shocks has made its escape into the crust of the earth. It is not long ago since this actually happened at Heraclea in Pontus, and a similar event formerly occurred at Hiera, one of the Aeolian Islands. A portion of the earth swelled up, and with loud noise rose into the form of a hill, till the mighty urging blast [(Greek word)] found an outlet, and ejected sparks and ashes which covered the neighborhood of Lipari, and even extended to several Italian cities." In this description, the vesicular distension of the earth's crust (a stage at which many trachytic mountains have remained) is very well distinguished from the eruption itself. Strabo, lib. i., p. 59 (Casaubon), likewise describes the phenomenon as it occurred at Methone: near the town, in the Bay of Hermione, there arose a flaming eruption; a fiery mountain, seven (?) stadia in height, was then thrown up, which during the day was inaccessible from its heat and sulphureous stench, but at night evolved an agreeable odor (?) , and was so hot that the sea boiled for a distance of five stadia, and was turbid for full twenty stadia, and also was filled with detached masses of rock. Regarding the present mineralogical character of the peninsula of Methana, see Fiedler, 'Reise durch Griechenland', th. i., s. 257-263.

p 241 Santorino is the most important of all the 'islands of eruption' belonging to volcanic chains.*

[footnote] *[I am indebted to the kindness of Professor E. Forbes for the following interesting account of the island of Santorino, and the adjacent islands of Neokaimeni and Microkaimeni. "The aspect of the bay is that of a great crater filled with water, Thera and Therasia forming its walls, and the other islands being after-productions in its center. We sounded with 250 fathoms of line in the middle of the bay, between Therasia and the main islands, but got no bottom. Both these islands appear to be similarly formed of successive strata of volcanic ashes, which, being of the most vivid and variegated colors, present a striking contrast to the black and cindery aspect of the central isles. Neokaimeni, the last-formed island, is a great heap of obsidian and scoriae. So, also, is the greater mass, Microkaimeni, which rises up in a conical form, and has a cavity or crater. On one side of this island, however, a section is exposed, and cliffs of fine pumiceous ash appear stratified in the greater islands. In the main island, the volcanic strata abut against the limestone mass of Mount St. Elias in such a way as to lead to the inference that they were deposited in a sea bottom in which the present mountain rose as a submarine mass of rock. The people at Santorino assured us that subterranean noises are not unfrequently heard, especially during calms and south winds, when they say the water of parts of the bay becomes the color of sulphur. My own impression is, that this group of islands, constitutes a crater of elevation, of which the outer ones are the remains of the walls, while the central group are of later origin, and consist partly of upheaved sea bottoms and partly of erupted matter — erupted, however, beneath the surface of the water."] — Tr.

It combines within itself p 242 the history of all islands of elevation. For upward of 2000 years, as far as history and tradition certify, it would appear as if nature were striving to form a volcano in the midst of the crater of elevation."*

[footnote] *Leop. von Buch, 'Physik. Beschr. der Canar. Inseln', s. 356-358, and particularly the French translation of this excellent work, p. 402; and his memoir in Poggendorf's 'Annalen', bd. xxxviii., s. 183. A submarine island has quite recently made its appearance within the crater of Santorino. In 1810 it was still fifteen fathoms below the surface of the sea, but in 1830 it had risen to within three or four. It rises steeply like a great cone, from the bottom of the sea, and the continuous activity of the submarine crater is obvious from the circumstance that sulphurous acid vapors are mixed with the sea water, in the eastern bay of Neokaimeni, in the same manner as at Vromolimni, near Methana. Coppered ships lie at anchor in the bay in order to get their bottoms cleaned and polished by this natural (volcanic) process. (Virlet, in the 'Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France', t. iii., p. 109, and Fiedler 'Reise durch Griechenland', th. ii., s. 469 and 584.)

Similar insular elevations, and almost always at regular intervals of 80 or 90 years,* have been manifested in the island of St. Michael, in the Azores; but in this case the bottom of the sea has not been elevated at exactly the same parts.**

[footnote] *Appearance of a new island near St. Miguel, one of the Azores, 11th of June, 1638, 31st of December, 1719, 13th of June, 1811.

[footnote] **[My esteemed friend, Dr. Webster, professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy at Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S., in his 'Description of the Island of St. Michael, etc.', Boston, 1822, gives an interesting account of the sudden appearance of the island named Sabrina which was about a mile in circumference, and two or three hundred feet above the level of the ocean. After continuing for some weeks, it sank into the sea. Dr. Webster describes the whole of the island of St. Michael as volcanic, and containing a number of conical hills of trachyte, several of which have craters, and appear at some former time to have been the openings of volcanoes. The hot springs which abound in the island are impregnated with sulphureted hydrogen and carbonic acid gases, appearing to attest the existence of volcanic action.] — Tr.

The island which Captain Tillard named 'Sabrina', appeared unfortunately at a time (the 30th of January, 1811) when the political relations of the maritime nations of Western Europe prevented that attention being bestowed upon the subject by scientific institutions which was afterward directed to the sudden appearance (the 2d of July, 1831), and the speedy destruction of the igneous island of Ferdinandea in the Sicilian Sea, between the limestone shores of Sciacca and the purely volcanic island of Pantellaria.*

[footnote] *Prevost, in the Bulletin de la Societe Geologique, t. iii., p. 34; Friedrich Hoffman, 'Hinterlassene Werke.' bd. ii., s. 451-456.

p 243 The geographical distribution of the volcanoes which have been in a state of activity during historical times, the great number of insular and littoral volcanic mountains, and the occasional, although ephemeral, eruptions in the bottom of the sea, early led to the belief that volcanic activity was connected with the neighborhood of the sea, and was dependent upon it for its continuance. "For many hundred years," says Justinian, or rather Trogus Pompeius, whom he follows,* "Aetna and the Aeolian Islands have been burning, and how could this have continued so long if the fire had not been fed by the p 244 neighboring sea?"**

[footnote] *"Accedunt vicini et perpetui Aetnae montis ignes et insularum Aeolidum, veluti ipsis undis alatur incendium; neque enim aliter durare tot seculis tantus ignis potuisset, nisi humoris nutrimentis aleretur." (Justin, 'Hist. Philipp.', iv., i.) The volcanic theory with which the physical description of Sicily here begins is extremely intricate. Deep fissured; violent motion of the waves of the sea, which, as they strike together, draw down the air (the wind) for the maintenance of the fire: such are the elements of the theory of Trogus. Since he seems from Pliny (xi., 52) to have been a physiognomist, we may presume that his numerous lost works were not confined to history alone. The opinion that air is forced into the interior of the earth, there to act on the vocanic furnaces, was connected by the ancients with the supposed influence of winds from different quarters on the intensity of the fires burning in tna, Hiera, and Stromboli. (See the remarkable passage in Strabo, liv. vi., Aetna.) The mountain island of Stromboli (Strongyle) was regarded therefore, as the dwelling-place of Aeolus, "the regulator of the winds," in consequence of the sailors foretelling the weather from the activity of the volcanic eruptions of this island. The connection between the eruption of a small volcano with the state of the barometer and the direction of the wind is still generally recognized (Leop. von Buch, 'Descr. Phys. des Iles Canaries', p. 334; Hoffmann, in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. xxvi., s. viii), although our present knowledge of volcanic phenomena, and the slight changes of atmospheric pressure accompanying our winds, do not enable us to offer any satisfactory explanation of the fact. Bembo, who during his youth was brought up in Sicily by Greek refugees, gave an agreeable narrative of his wanderings, and in his 'Aetna Dialogus' (written in the middle of the sixteenth century) advances the theory of the penetration of sea water to the very center of the volcanic action, and of the necessity of the proximity of the sea to active volcanoes. In ascending Aetna the following question was proposed: "Explaina potius nobis quae petimus, ea incendia unde oriantur et orta quomodo perdurent. In omni tellure nuspiam majores fistulae aut meatus ampliores sunt quam in locis, quae vel mari vicina sunt, vel a mari protinus alluntur: mare erodit illa facillime pergitque in viscera terrae. Itaque cum in aliena regna sibi viam faciat, ventis etiam facit; ex quo fit, ut loca quaeque maritima maxime terrae motibus subjecta sint, parum mediterranea. Habes quum in sulfuris venas venti furentes inciderint, unde incendia oriantur tn tuae. Vides, quae mare in radicibus habeat, quae sulfurea sit, quae cavernosa, quae a mari aliquando perforata ventos admiscrit Aestuantes, per quos idonea flammae materies incenderetur."

[footnote] **[Although extinct volcanoes seem by no means confined to the neighborhood of the present seas, being often scattered over the most inland portions of our existing continents, yet it will appear that, at the time at which they were in an active state, the greater part were in the neighborhood either of the sea, or of the extensive salt or fresh water lakes, which existed at that period over much of what is now dry land. This may be seen either by referring to Dr. Boue's map of Europe, or to that published by Mr. Lyell in the recent edition of his 'Principles of Geology' (1847), from both of which it will become apparent that, at a comparatively recent epoch, those parts of France, of Germany, of Hungary, and of Italy, which afford evidences of volcanic action now extinct, were covered by the ocean. Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', p. 605.] — Tr.

In order to explain the necessity of the vicinity of the sea, recourse has been had, even in modern times, to the hypothesis of the penetration of sea water into the foci of volcanic agency, that is to say, into deep-seated terrestrial strata. When I collect together all the facts that may be derived from my own observation and the laborious researches of others, it appears to me that every thing in this great quantity of aqueous vapors, which are unquestionably exhaled from volcanoes even when in a state of rest, be derived from sea water impregnated with salt, or rather, perhaps with fresh meteoric water; or whether the expansive force of the vapors (which, at a depth of nearly 94,000 feet, is equal to 2800 atmospheres) would be able at different depths to counterbalance the hydrostatic pressure of the sea, and thus afford them, under certain conditions, a free access to the focus;* or whether the formation of metallic chlorids, the presence of chlorid of sodium in the fissures of the crater, and the frequent mixture of hydrochloric acid with the aqueous vapors, necessarily imply access of sea water; or, finally, whether the repose of volcanoes (either when temporary, or permanent and complete) depends upon the closure of the channels by which the sea or meteoric water was conveyed, or whether the absence of flames and of exhalations of hydrogen (and sulphureted hydrogen gas seems more characteristic of solfataras than of active volcanoes) is not directly at variance p 245 with the hypothesis of the decomposition of great masses of water?**

[footnote] * Compare Gay-Lussac, 'Sur les Volcans', in the 'Annales de Chimie', t. xxii., p. 427, and Bischof, 'Warmelehre', s. 272. The eruptions of smoke and steam which have at different periods been seen in Lancerote, Iceland, and the Kurile Islands, during the eruption of the neighboring volcanoes, afford indications of the reaction of volcanic foci through tense columns of water; that is to say, these phenomena occur when the expansive force of the vapor exceeds the hydrostatic pressure.

[footnote] ** [See Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', Part iii., ch. xxxvi., xxxviii., xxxix.] — Tr.

The discussion of these important physical questions does not come within the scope of a work of this nature; but, while we are considering these phenomena, we would enter somewhat more into the question of the geographical distribution of still active volcanoes. We find, for instance, that in the New World, three, viz., Jorullo, Popocatepetl, and the volcano of De la Fragua, are situated at the respective distances of 80, 132, and 196 miles from the sea-coast, while in Central Asia, as Abel Remusat* first made known to geognosists, the Thianschan (Celestial Mountains), in which are situated the lava-emitting mountain of Pe-schan, the solfatara of Urumtsi, and the still active igneous mountain (Ho-tscheu) of Turfan, lie at an almost equal distance (1480 to 1528 miles) from the shores of the Polar Sea and those of the Indian Ocean.

[footnote] *Abel Remusat, 'Lettre a M. Cordier', in the 'Annales de Chimie', t. v., p. 137.

Pe-schan is also fully 1360 miles distant from the Caspian Sea,* and 172 and 218 miles from the seas of Issikul and Balkasch.

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. ii., p. 30-33, 38-52, 70-80, and 426-428. The existence of active volcanoes in Kordofan, 540 miles from the Red Sea, has been recently contradicted by Ruppell, 'Reisen in Nubien', 1829, s. 151.

It is a fact worthy of notice, that among the four great parallel mountain chains which traverse the Asiatic continent from east to west, the Altai, the Thianschan, the Kuen-lun, and the Himalaya, it is not the latter chain, which is nearest to Kuen-lun, at the distance of 1600 and 720 miles from the sea, which have fire-emitting mountains like Aetna and Vesuvius, and generate ammonia like the volcano of Guatimala. Chinese writers undoubtedly speak of lava streams when they describe the emissions of smoke and flame, which, issuing from Pe-schan, devastated a space measuring ten li* in the first and seventh centuries of our era.

[footnote] *[A 'li' is a Chinese measurement, equal to about one thirtieth of a mile.] — Tr.

Burning masses of stone flowed, according to their description "like thin melted fat." The facts that have been enumerated, and to which sufficient attention has not been bestowed, render it probable that the vicinity of the sea, and the penetration of sea water to the foci of volcanoes, are not absolutely necessary to the eruption of p 246 subterranean fire, and that littoral situations only favor the eruption by forming the margin of a deep sea basin, which, covered by strata of water, and lying many thousand feet lower than the interior continent, can offer but an inconsiderable degree of resistance.

The present active volcanoes, which communicate by permanent craters simultaneously with the interior of the earth and with the atmosphere, must have been formed at a subsequent period, when the upper chalk strta and all the tertiary formations were already present: this is shown to be the fact by the trachytic and basaltic eruptions which frequently form the walls of the crater of elevation. Melaphyres extend to the middle tertiary formations, but are found already in the Jura limestone, where they break through the variegated sandstone.*

[footnote] *Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont, 'Explication de la Carte Geologique de la France', t. i., p. 89.

We must not confound the earlier outpourings of granite, quartzose porphyry, and euphotide from temporary fissures in the old transition rocks with the present active volcanic craters.

The extinction of volcanic activity is either only partial — in which case the subterranean fire seeks another passage of escape in the same mountain chain — or it is total, as in Auvergne. More recent examples are recorded in historical times, of the total extinction of the volcano of Mosychlos,* on the island sacred to Hephaestos (Vulcan), whose "high whirling flames" were known to Sophocles; and of the volcano of Medina, which according to Burckhardt, still continued to pour out a stream of lava on the 2d of November, 1276.

[footnote] *Sophocl., 'Philoct.', v. 971 and 972. On the supposed epoch of the extinction of the Lemnian fire in the time of Alexander, compare Buttmann, in the 'Museum der Alterhumswissenschaft', bd. i., 1807, s. 295; Dureau de la Malle, in Malte-Brun, 'Annales des Voyages', t. ix., 1809, p. 5; Ukert in Bertuch, 'Geogr. Ephemeriden', bd. xxxix., 1812, s. 361; Rhode, 'Res Lemnicae', 1829, p. 8; and Walter, 'Ueber Abnahame der Vulken. Thatigkeit in Historischen Zeiten', 1844, s. 24. The chart of Lemmos, constructed by Choiseul, makes it extremely probable that the extinct crater of Mosychlos, and the island of Chryse, the desert habitation of Philoctetes (Otfried Muller, 'Minyer', s. 300), have been long swallowed up by the sea. Reefs and shoals, to the northeast of Lemnos, still indicate the spot where the Aegean Sea once possessed an active volcano like Aetna, Vesuvius, Stromboli, and Volcano (in the Lipari Isles).

Every stage of volcanic activity, from its first origin to its extinction, is characterized by peculiar products; first by ignited scoriae, streams of lava consisting of trachyte, pyroxene, and obsidian, and by rapilli and tufaceous ashes, accompanied by the development p 247 of large quantities of pure aqueous vapor; subsequently, when the volcano becomes a solfatara, by aqueous vapors mixed with sulphureted hydrogen and carbonic acid gases; and, finally, when it is completely cooled, by exhalations of carbonic acid alone. There is a remarkable class of igneous mountains which do not eject lava, but merely devastating streams of hot water,* impregnated with burning sulphur and rocks reduced to a state of dust (as, for instance, the Galungung in Java); but whether these mountains present a normal condition, or only a certain transitory modification of the volcanic process, must remain undecided until they are visited by geologists possessed of a knowledge of chemistry in its present condition.

[footnote] *Compare Reinwardt and Hoffmann, in Poggendorf's 'Annalen', bd. xii., s. 607; Leop. von Buch, 'Descr. des Iles Canaries', p. 424-426. The eruptions of argillaceous mud at Carguairazo, when that volcano was destroyed in 1698, the Lodazales of Igualata, and the Moya of Pelileo — all on the table-land of Quito — are volcanic phenomena of a similar nature.

I have endeavored in the above remarks to furnish a general description of volcanoes — comprising one of the most important sections of the history of terrestrial activity — and I have based my statements partly on my own observations, but more in their general bearing on the results yielded by the labors of my old friend, Leopold von Buch, the greatest geognosist of our own age, and the first who recognized the intimate connection of volcanic phenomena, and their mutual dependence upon one another, considered with reference to their relations in space.

Volcanic action, or the reaction of the interior of a planet on its external crust and surface, was long regarded only as an isolated phenomenon, and was considered solely with respect to the disturbing action of the subterranean force; and it is only in recent times that — greatly to the advantage of geognostical views based on physical analogies — volcanic forces have been regarded as 'forming new rocks, and transforming those that already existed'. We here arrive at the point to which I have already alluded, at which a well-grounded study of the activity of volcanoes, whether igneous or merely such as emit gaseous exhalations, leads us, on the one hand, to the mineralogical branch of geognosy (the science of the texture and the succession of terrestrial strata), and, on the other, to the science of geographical forms and outlines — the configuration of continents and insular groups elevated above the level p 248 of the sea. This extended insight into the connection of natural phenomena is the result of the philosophical direction which has been so generally assumed by the more earnest study of geognosy. Increased cultivation of science and enlargement of political views alike tend to unite elements that had long been divided.

This material taken from pages 248-

COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 by Alexander von Humboldt

Translated by E C Otte

from the 1858 Harper & Brothers edition of Cosmos, volume 1 —————————————————————————

p 248

If, instead of classifying rocks according to their varieties of form and superposition into stratified and unstratified, schistose and compact, normal and abnormal, we investigate those phenomena of formation and transformation which are still going on before our eyes, we shall find that rocks admit of being arranged according to four modes of origin.

'Rocks of eruption', which have issued from the interior of the earth either in a state of fusion from volcanic action, or in a more or less soft, viscous condition, from Plutonic action.

'Sedimentary rocks', which have been precipitated and deposited on the earth's surface from a fluid, in which the most minute particles were either dissolved or held in suspension constituting the greater part of the secondary (or flotz) and tertiary groups.

'Transformed or metamorphic rocks',* in which the internal texture and the mode of stratification have been changed, either p 249 by contact or proximity with a Plutonic or volcanic endogenous rock of eruption,** or, what is more frequently the case, by a gaseous sublimation of substances*** which accompany certain masses erupted in a hot, fluid condition.

[footnote] *[As the doctrine of mineral metamorphism is now exciting very general attention, we subjoin a few explanatory observations by the 'New Philos. Journ.', Jan., 1848: "In its widest sense, mineral metamorphism means every change of aggregation, structure, or chemical condition which rocks have undergone subsequently to their deposition and stratification, or the effects which have been produced by other forces than gravity and cohesion. There fall under this definition, the discoloration of the surface of black limestone by the loss of carbon; the formation of brownish-red crusts on rocks of limestone, sandstone, many slate structures, serpentine, granite, etc., by the decomposition of iton pyrites, or magnetic iron, finely disseminated in the mass of the rock; the conversion of anhydrite into gypsum, in consequence of the absorption of water; the crumbling of many granites and porphyries into gravel, occasioned by the decomposition of the mica and feldspar. In its more limited sense, the term metamorphic is confined to those changes of the rock which are produced, not by the effect of the atmosphere or of water on the exposed surfaces, but which are produced, directly or indirectly, by agencies seated in the interior of the earth. In many cases the mode of change may be explained by our physical or chemical theories, and may be viewed as the effect of temperature or of electro-chemical actions. Adjoining rocks, or connecting communications with the interior of the earth, also distinctly point out the seat from which the change proceeds. In many other cases the metamorphic process itself remains a mystery, and from the nature of the products alone do we conclude that such a metamorphic action has taken place.] — Tr.

[footnote] ** In a plan of the neighborhood of Tezcuco, Totonilco, and Moran ('Atlas Geographique et Physique', pl. vii.), which I originally (1803) intended for a work which I never published, entitled 'Pasigrafia Geognostica destinada al uso de los Jovenes del Colegio de Mineria de Mexico', I names (in 1832) the Plutonic and volcanic eruptive rocks 'endogenous' (generated in the interior), and the sedimentary and flotz rocks 'exogenous' (or generated externally on the surface of the earth). Pasiward, [upward arrow] and the latter by the same symbol directed downward [downward arrow]. These signs have at least some advantage over the ascending lines, which in the older systems represent arbitrarily and ungracefully the horizontally ranged sedimentary strata, and their penetration through masses of basalt, porphyry, and syenite. The names proposed in the pasigraphico-geognostic plan were borrowed from De Candolle's nomenclature, in which 'endogenous' is synonymous with monocotyledonous, and 'exogenous' with dicotyledonous plants. Mohl's more accurate examination of vegetable tissues has, however, shown that the growth of monocotyledons from within, and dicotyledons from without, is not strictly and generally true for vegetable organisms (Link, 'Elementa Philosophiae Botanicae', t. i., 1837, p. 287; Endlicher and Unger, 'Grundzugeder Botanik', 1843, s. 89; and Jussieu, 'Traite de Botanique', t. i., p. 85). The rocks which I have termed endogenous are characteristically distinguished by Lyell, in his 'Principles of Geology', 1833, vol. iii., p. 374, as "nether-formed" or "hypogene rocks."

[footnote] *** Compare Leop. von Buch, 'Ueber Dolomit als Gebirgsart', 1823, s. 36; and his remarks on the degree of fluidity to be ascribed to Plutonic rocks at the period of their eruption, as well as on the formation of gneiss from schist, through the action of granite and of the substances upheaved with it, to be found in the 'Abhandl. der Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin' for the year 1842, s. 58 und 63, and in the 'Jahrbuch fur Wissenschaftliche Kritik', 1840, s. 195.

'Conglomerates'; coarse or finely granular sandstones, or breccias composed of mechanically-divided masses of the three previous species.

These four modes of formation — by the emission of volcanic masses, as narrow lava streams; by the action of these masses on rocks previously hardened; by mechanical separation or chemical precipitation from liquids impregnated with carbonic acid; and, finally, by the cementation of disintegrated rocks of heterogeneous nature — are phenomena and formative processes which must merely be regarded as a faint reflection of that more energetic activity which must have characterized the chaotic condition of the earlier world under wholly different conditions of pressure and at a higher temperature, not only in the whole crust of the earth, but likewise in the more p 250 extended atmosphere, overloaded with vapors. The vast fissures which were formerly open in the solid crust of the earth have since been filled up or closed by the protrusion of elevated mountain chains, or by the penetration of veins of rocks of eruption (granite, porphyry, basalt, and melaphyre); and while, scarcely more than four volcanoes remaining through which fire and stones are erupted, the thinner, more fissured, and unstable crust of the earth was anciently almost every where covered by channels of communication between the fused interior and the external atmosphere. Gaseous emanations rising from very unequal depths, and therefore conveying substances differing in their chemical nature, imparted greater activity to the Plutonic processes of formation and transformation. The sedimentary formations, the deposits of liquid fluids from cold and hot springs, which we daily see producing the travertine strata near Rome, and near Hobart Town in Van Diemen's Land, afford but a faint idea of the flotz formation. In our seas, small banks of limestone, almost equal in hardness at some parts to Carrara marble,* are in the course of formation, by gradual precipitation, accumulation, and cementation — processes whose mode of action has not been sufficiently well investigated.

[footnote] Darwin, 'Volcanic Islands', 1844, p. 49 and 154.

The Sicilian coast, the island of Ascension, and King George's Sound in Australia, are instances of this mode of formation. On the coasts of the Antilles, these formations of the present ocean contain articles of pottery, and other objects of human industry, and in Guadaloupe even human skeletons of the Carib tribes.*

[footnote] *[In most instances the bones are dispersed; but a large slab of rock, in which considerable portion of the skeleton of a female is embedded, is preserved in the British Museum. The presence of these bones has been explained by the circumstance of a battle, and the massacre of a tribe of Gallibis by the Caribs, which took place near the spot in which they are found, about 120 years ago; for, as the bodies of the slain were interred on the sea-shore, their skeletons may have been subsequently covered by sand-drift, which has since consolidated into limestone. Dr. Moultrie, of the Medical College, Charleston, South Carolina, U.S., is, however, of opinion that these bones did not belong to individuals of the Carib tribe, but of the Peruvian race, or of a tribe possessing a similar craniological development.] —Tr.

The negroes of the French colonies designate these formations by the name of 'Maconne-bon-Dieu'.*

Moreau de Jonnes, 'Hist. Phys. des Antilles', t. i., p. 136, 138, and 543; Humboldt, 'Relation Historique', t. iii., p. 367.

A small colitic bed, formed in Lancerote, one of the Canary Islands, and which, notwithstanding p 251 its recent formation, bears a resemblance to Jura Limestone, has been recognized as a product of the sea and of tempests.*

[footnote] *Near Teguiza. Leop. von Buch, 'Canarische Inseln', s. 301.

Composite rocks are definite associations of certain crytonostic, simple minerals, as feldspar, mica, solid silex, augite, and nepheline. Rocks very similar to these consisting of the same elements, but grouped differently, are still formed by volcanic processes, as in the earlier periods of the world. The character of rocks, as we have already remarked is so independent of geographical relations of space,* that the geologist recognizes with surprise, alike to the north or the south of the equator, in the remotest and most dissimilar zones, the familiar aspect, and the repetition of even the most minute characteristics in the periodic stratification of the silurian strata, and in the effects of contact with augitic masses of eruption.

[footnote] *Leop. von Buch, op. cit., p. 9.

We will now enter more fully into the consideration of the four modes in which rocks are formed — the four phases of their formative processes manifested in the stratified and unstratified portions of the earth's surface; thus, in the 'endogenous' or 'erupted rocks', designated by modern geognosists as compact and abnormal rocks, we may enumerate the following principal groups as immediate products of terrestrial activity:

1. 'Granite and syenite' of very different respective ages; the granite is frequently the more recent,* traversing the syenite in veins, and being, in that case, the active upheaving agent. "Where the granite occurs in large, insulated masses of a faintly-arched, ellipsoidal form, it is covered by a crust of shell cleft into blocks, instances of which are met with alike in the Hartz district, in Mysore, and in Lower Peru.

[footnote] *Bernhard Cotta, 'Geognosie', 1839, s. 273.

This surface of the granite, owing to the great expansion that accompanied its first upheaval."*

[footnote] *Leop. von Buch, 'Ueber Granit and Gneiss', in the 'Abhandl. der Berl. Akad.' for the year 1842, s. 60.

Both in Northern Asia,* on the charming and romantic shores of the Lake of Kolivan, on the northwest declivity of p. 252 the Altai Mountains, and at Las Trincheras, on the slop of the littoral chain of Caraccas,** I have seen granite divided into ledges, owing probably to a similar contraction, although the divisions appeared to penetrate far into the interior.

[footnote] * In the projecting mural masses of granite of Lake Kolivan, divided into narrow parallel beds, there are numerous crystals of feldspar and albite, and a few of titanium (Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. i., p. 295, Gustav Rose, 'Reise mach dem Ural', bd. i., s. 524).

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Relation Historique', t. ii., p. 99

Further to the south of Lake Kolivan, toward the boundaries of the Chinese province Ili (between Buchtarminsk and the River Narym), the formation of the erupted rock, in which there is no gneiss, is more remarkable than I ever observed in any other part of the earth. The granite, which is always covered with scales and characterized by tabular divisions, rises in the steppes, either in small hemispherical eminences, scarcely six or eight feet in height, or like basalt, in mounds, terminating on either side of their bases in narrow streams.*

[footnote] ** See the sketch of Biri-tau, which I took from the south side, where the Kirghis tents stood, and which is given in Rose's 'Reise', bd. i., s. 584. On spheres of granite scaling off concentrically, see my 'Relat. Hist.', t. ii., p. 497, and 'Essai Geogn. sur les Gisement des Roches', p. 78.

At the cataracts of the Orinoco, as well as in the district of the Fichtelgebirge (Seissen), in Galicia, and between the Pacific and the highlands of Mexico (on the Papagallo), I have seen granite in large, flattened spherical masses, which could be divided, like basalt, into concentric layers. In the valley of Irtysch, between Buchtarminsk and Ustkamenogorsk, granite covers transition slate for a space of four miles,* penetrating into it from above in narrow, variously ramified, wedge-like veins.

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. i., p. 299-311, and the drawings in Rose's 'Reise', bd. i., s. 611, in which we see the curvature in the layers of granite which Leop. von Buch has pointed out as chracteristic.

I have only instanced these peculiarities in order to designate the individual character of one of the most generally diffused erupted-rocks. As granite is superposed on slate in Siberia and in the Departement de Finisterre (Isle de Mihau), so it covers the Jura limestone in the mountains of Oisons (Fermonts), and syenite, and indirectly also chalk, in Saxony, near Weinbohla.*

[footnote] *This remarkable superposition was first described by Weiss in Krsten's 'Archiv fur Bergbau und H¬ttenwesen', bd. xvi., 1827, s. 5.

Near Mursinsk, in the Uralian district, granite is of a drusous character, and here the pores, like the fissures and cavities of recent volcanic products, inclose many kinds of magnificent crystals, especially beryls and topazes.

2. 'Quartzose porphyry' is often found in the relation of veins to other rocks. The base is generally a finely granular mixture of the same elements which occur in the larger imbedded p 253 crystals. In granitic porphyry that is very poor in quartz, the feldspathic base is almost granular and laminated.*

[footnote] *Dufrenoy et Elie de Beaumont, 'Geologie de la France', t. i., p. 130.

3. 'Greenstones, Diorite', are granular mixtures of white albite and blackish-green hornblende, forming dioritic porphyry when the crystals are deposited in a base of denser tissue. The greenstones, either pure, or inclosing laminae of diallage (as in the Fichtelgebirge), and passing into serpentine, have sometimes penetrated, in the form of strata, into the old stratified fissures of green argillaceous slate, but they more frequently traverse the rocks in veins, or appear as globular masses of greenstone, similar to domes of basalt and porphyry.*

[footnote] *These intercalated beds of diorite play an important part in the mountain district of Nailau, near Steben, where I was engaged in mining operations in the last century, and with which the happiest associations of my early life are connected. Compare Hoffmann, in Poggendorf's 'Annalen', bd. xvi., s. 558.

'Hypersthene rock' is a granular mixture of labradorite and hypersthene.

'Euphotide' and serpentine, containing sometimes crystald of augite and uralite instead of diallage, are thus nearly allied to another more frequent, and I might almost say, more 'energetic' eruptive rock — augitic porphyry.*

[footnote] *In the southern and Bashkirian portion of the Ural. Rose, 'Reise', bd. ii., s. 171.

'Melaphyre', augitic, uralitic, and oligoklastic porphyries. To the last-named species belongs the genuine 'verd-antique', so celebrated in the arts.

'Basalt', containing olivine and constituents which gelatinize in acids; phonolithe (porphyritic slate), trachyte, and colerite; the first of these rocks is only paartially, and the second always, divided into thin laminae, which give them an appearance of stratification when extended over a large space. Mesotype and nepheline constitute, according to Girard, an important part in the composition and internal texture of basalt. The nepheline contained in basalt reminds the geognosist both of the miascite of the Ilmen Mountains in the Ural,* which has been confounded with granite, and sometimes contains zirconium, and of the pyroxenic nepheline discovered by Gumprecht near Lobau and Chemnitz.

[footnote] *G. Rose, 'Reise nach dem Ural', bd. ii., s. 47-52. Respecting the identity of eleolite and uepheline (the latter containing rather the more lime), see Scheerer, in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. xlix., s. 359-381.

To the second or sedimentary rocks belong the greater part of the formations which have been comprised under the old p 254 systematic, but not very correct designation of 'transition, flot' or 'secondary', and 'tertiary formations'. If the erupted rocks had not exercised an elevating, and, owing to the simultaneous shock of the earth, a disturbing influence on these sedimentary formations, the surface of our planet would have consisted of strata arranged in a uniformly horizontal direction above one another. Deprived of mountain chains, on whose declivities the gradations of vegetable forms and the scale of the diminishing heat of the atmosphere appear to be picturesquely reflected — furrowed ony here and there by valleys of erosion, formed by the force of fresh water moving on in gentle undulations, or by the accumulation of detritus, resulting from the action of currents of water — continents would have presented no other appearance from pole to pole than the dreary uniformity of the llanos of South America or the steppes of Northern Asia. The vault of heaven would everywhere have appeared to rest on vast plains, and the stars to rise as if they emerged from the depths of ocean. Such a condition of things could not, however, have generally prevailed for any length of time in the earlier periods of the world, since subterranean forces must have striven in all epochs to exert a counteracting influence.

Sedimentary strta have been either precipitated or deposited from liquids, according as the materials entering into their composition are supposed, whether as limestone or argillaceous slate, to be either chemically dissolved or suspended and commingled. But earth, when dissolved in fluids impregnated with carbonic acid, must be regarded as undergoing a mechanical process while they are being precipitated, deposited, and accumulated into strata. This view is of some importance with respect to the envelopment of organic bodies in petrifying calcareous beds. The most ancient sediments of the transition and secondary formations have probably been formed from water at a more or less high temperature, and at a time when the heat of the upper surface of the earth was still very considerable. Considered in this point of view, a Plutonic action seems to a certain extent also to have taken place in the sedimentary strata, especially the more ancient; but these strata appear to have been hardened into a schistose structure, and under great pressure, and not to have been solidified by cooling, like the rocks that have issued from the interior, as, for instance, granite, porphyry, and basalt. By degrees, as the waters lost their temperature, and were able to absorb a copious supply of the carbonic acid gas with which p 255 the atmosphere was overcharged, they became fitted to hold in solution a larger quantity of lime.

'The sedimentary strata', setting aside all other exogenous, purely mechanical deposits of sand or detritus, are as follows:

'Schist', of the lower and upper transition rock, compositing the silurian and devonian formations; from the lower silurian strata, which were once termed cambrian, to the upper strata of the old red sandstone or devonian formation, immediately in contact with the mountain limestone.

'Carboniferous deposits':

'Limestones' imbedded in the transition and carboniferous formations; zechstein, muschelkalk, Jura formation and chalk, also that portion of the tertiary formation which is not included in sandstone and conflomerate.

'Travertine', fresh-water limestone, and silicious concretions of hot springs, formations which have not been produced under the pressure of a large body of sea water, but almost in immediate contact with the atmosphere, as in shallow marshes and streams.

'Infusorial deposits': geognostical phenomena, whose great importance in proving the influence of organic activity in the formation of the solid part of the earth's crust was first discovered at a recent period by my highly-gifted friend and fellow-traveler, Ehrenberg.

If, in this short and superficial view of the mineral constituents of the earth's crust, I do not place immediately after the simple sedimentary rocks the conglomerates and sandstone formations which have also been deposited as sedimentary strata from liquids, and which have been imbedded alternately with schist and limestone, it is only because they contain, together with the detritus of eruptive and sedimentary rocks, also the detritus of gneiss, mica slate, and other metamorphic masses. The obscure process of this metamorphism, and the action if produces, must therefore compose the third class of the fundamental forms of rock.

Endogenous or erupted rocks (granite, porphyry, and melaphyre) produce, as I have already frequently remarked, not only cynamical, shaking, upheaving actions, either vertically or laterally displacing the strata, but they also occasion changes in their chemical composition as well as in the nature of their internal structure; new rocks being thus formed, as gneiss, mica slate, and granular limestone (Carrara and Parian marble). The old silurian or devonian transition schists, the belemnitic limestone of Tarantaise, and the dull gray calcareous p 256 sandstone ('Macigno'), which contains alggae found in the northern Apennines, often assume a new and more brilliant appearance after their metamorphosis, which renders it difficult to recognize them. The theory of metamorphism was not established until the individual phases of the change were followed step by step, and direct chemical experiments on the difference in the fusion point, in the pressure and time of cooling, were brought in aid of mere inductive conclusions. Where the study of chemical combinations is regulated by leading ideas,* it may be the means of throwing a clear light on the wide field of geognosy, and over the vast laboratory of nature in which rocks are continually being formed and modified by the agency of subterranean forces.

[footnote] *See the admirable researches of Mitscherlich, in the 'Abhandl. der Berl. Akad.' for the years 1822 and 1823, s. 25-41; and in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. x., s. 137-152; bd. xi., s. 323-332; bd. sli., s. 213-216 (Gustav Rose, 'Ueber Gildung des Kalkspaths und Aragonits', in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. xli., s, 353-366; Haidinger, in the 'Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh', 1827, p. 148.)

The philosopohical inquirer will escape the deception of apparent analogies, and the danger of being led astray by a narrow view of natural phenomena, if he constantly bear in view the complicated conditions which may, by the intensity of their force, have modified the counteracting effect of those individual substances whose nature is better known to us. Simple bodies have, no doubt, at all periods, obeyed the same laws of attraction, and, wherever apparent contradictions present themselves, I am confident that chemistry will in most cases be able to trace the cause to some corresponding error in the experiment.

Observations made with extreme accuracy over large tracts of land, show that erupted rocks have not been produced in an irregular and unsystematic manner. In parts of the globe most remote from one another, we often find that granite, basalt, and diorite have exercised a regular and uniform metamorphic action, even in the minutest details, on the strata of argillaceous slate, dense limestone, and the grains of quartz in sandstones. As the same endogenous rock manifests almost every where the same degree of activity, so on the contrary, different rocks belonging to the same class, whether to the endogenous or the erupted, exhibit great differences in their character. Intense heat has undoubtedly influenced all these phenomena, but the degree of fluidity (the more or less perfect mobility of the particles — their more viscous composition) has varied very considerably from the granite to the basalt, while at different geological p 257 periods (or metamorphic phases of the earth's crust) other substances dissolved in vapors have issued from the interior of the earth simultaneously with the eruption of granite, basalt, greenstone porphyry, and serpentine. This seems a fitting place again to draw attention to the fact that, according to the admirable views of modern geognosy, the metamorphism of rocks is not a mere phenomenon of contact, limited to the effect produced by the apposition of two rocks, since it comprehends all the generic phenomena that have accompanied the appearance of a particular erupted mass. Even where there is no immediate contact, the proximity of such a mass gives rise to modifications of solidification, cohesion, granulation, and crystallization.

All eruptive rocks penetrate, as ramifying veins either into the sedimentary strata, or into other equally endogenous masses; but there is a special importance to be attached to the difference manifested between 'Plutonic' rocks* (granite, porphyry, and serpentine) and those termed 'volcanic' in the strict sense of the word (as trachyte, basalt, and lava).

[footnote] ([Lyell, 'Principales of Geology', vol. i.i., p. 353 and 359.] — Tr.

The rocks produced by the activity of our present volcanoes appear as band-like streams, but by the confluence of several of them they may form an extended basin. Wherever it has been possible to trace basaltic eruptions, they have generally been found to terminate in slender threads. Examples of these narrow openings may be found in three places in Germany: in the 'Pflaster-kaute', at Marksuhl, eight miles from Eisenach; in the blue 'Kuppe', near Eschwege, on the banks of the Werra; and in the Druidical stone on the Hollert road (Siegen), where the basalt has broken through the variegated sandstone and graywacke slate, and has spread itself into cup-like fungoid enlargements, which are either grouped together like rows of columns, or are sometimes stratified in thin laminae. The case is otherwise with granite, syenite, quartzose porphyry, serpentine, and the whole series of unstratified compact rocks, to which, from a predilection for a mythological nomenclature, the term Plutonic has been applied. These, with the exception of occasional veins, were probably not erupted in a state of fusion, but merely in a softened condition; not from narrow fissures, but from long and widely-extending gorges. They have been protruded, but have not flowed forth, and are found not in streams like lava, but in extended masses.*

[footnote] *The description here given of the relation of position under which granite occurs, expresses the general or leading character of the whole formation. But its aspect at some places leads to the belief that it was occasionally more fluid at the period of its eruption. The description given by Rose, in his 'Reise nach dem Ural', bd. i., s. 599, of part of the Narym chain, near the frontiers of the Chinese territories, as well as the evidence afforded by trachyte, as described by Dufrenoy and Elie de Beaumont, in their 'Description Geologique de la France', t. i., p. 70. Having already spoken in the text of the narrow apertures through which the basalts have sometimes been effused, I will here notice the large fissures, which have acted as conducting passages for melaphyres, which must not be confounded with basalts. See Murchison's interesting account ('The Silurian System', p. 126) of a fissure 480 feet wide, through which melaphyre has been ejected, at the coal-mine at Cornbrook, Hoar Edge.

Some groups of dolerite and trachyte indicate p 258 a certain degree of basaltic fluidity; others, which have been expanded into vast craterless domes, appear to have been only in a softened condition at the time of their elevation. Other trachytes, like those of the Andes, in which I have frequently perceived a striking analogy with the greenstones and syenitic porphyries (which are argentiferous, and without quartz), are deposited in the same manner as granite and quartzose porphyry.

Experiments on the changes which the texture and chemical constitution of rocks experience from the action of heat, have shown that volcanic masses* (diorite, augitic porphyry, basalt, and the lava of AEtna) yield different products, according to the difference of the pressure under which they have been fused, and the length of time occupied during their cooling; thus, where the cooling was rapid, they form a black glass, having a homogeneous fracture, and where the cooling was slow, a stony mass of granular crystalline structure.

[footnote] *Sir James Hall, in the 'Edin. Trans.', vol. v., p. 43, and vol. vi., p. 71; Gregory Watt, in the 'Phil. Trans. of the Roy. Soc. of London for' 1804, Part ii., p. 279; Dartigues and Fleurieu de Bellevue, in the 'Journal de Physique', t. lx., p. 456; Bischof, 'Warmelchre', s. 313 und 443.

In the latter case, the crystals are formed partly in cavities and partly inclosed in the matrix. The same materials yield the most dissimilar products, a fact that is of the greatest importance in reference to the study of the nature of erupted rocks, and of the metamorphic action which they occasion. Carbonate of lime, when fused under great pressure, does not lose its carbonic acid, but becomes, when cooled, granular limestone; when the crystallization has been effected by the dry method, saccharoidal marble; while by the humid method, calcareous spar and aragonite and produced, the former under a lesser degree of temperature than the latter.*

[footnote] *Gustav Rose, in Poggend., 'Annalen.' bd. xliii., s 364.

Differences of temperature p 259 likewise modify the direction in which the different particles arrange themselves in the act of crystallization, and also affect the form of the crystal.*

[footnote] *On the dimorphism of sulphur, see Mitscherlich, 'Lehrbuch der Chemie', 55-63.

Even when a body is not in a fluid condition, the smallest particles may undergo certain relations in their various modes of arrangement, which are manifested by the different action on light.*

[footnote] *On gypsum as a uniaxal crystal, and on the sulphate of magnesia, and the oxyds of zinc and nickel, see Mitscherlich, in Poggend., 'Annalen.' bd. xi., s. 328.

The phenomena presented by devitrification, and by the formation of steel by cementation and casting — the transition of the fibrous in the granular tissue of the iron, from the action of heat* and probably, also, by regular and long-continued concussions — likewise throw a considerable degree of light on the geological process of metamorphism.

[footnote] *Coste, 'Versuche am Creusot uber das bruchig werden des Stabeisens.' Elie de Beaumont, 'Mem. Geol.', t. ii., p. 411.

Heat may even simultaneously induce opposite actions in crystalline bodies; for the admirable experiments of Mitscherlich have established the fact* that calcareous spar, without altering its condition of aggregation, expands in the direction of one of its axes and contracts in the other.

[footnote] * Mitscherlich, 'Ueber die Ausdehnung der Krystallisirten Korper durch die Warmelehre', in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. x., s. 151.

If we pass from these general considerations to individual examples, we find that schist is converted, by the vicinity of Plutonic erupted rocks, into a bluish-black, glistening roofing slate. Here the planes of stratification are intersected by another system of divisional stratification, almost at right angles with the former,* and thus indicating an action subsequent to the alteration.

[footnote] * On the double system of divisional planes, see Elie de Beaumont, 'Geologie de la France', p. 41; Credner, 'Geognosie Thuringens und des Harzes', s. 40; and Romer, 'Das Rheinische Uebergangsgebirge', 1844. s. 5 und 9.

The penetration of silica causes the argillaceous schist to be traversed by quartz, transforming it, in part, into whetstone and silicious schist; the latter sometimes containing carbon, and being then capable of producing galvanic effects on the nerves. The highest degree of silicifaction of schist is that observed in ribbon jasper, a material highly valuable in the arts,* and which is produced in the Oural Mountains p 260 by the contact and eruption of augitic porphyry (at Orsk), of dioritic porphyry (at Aufschkul), or of a mass of hypersthenic rock conglomerated into spherical masses (at Bogoslowsk). At Monte Serrato, in the island of Elba, according to Frederic Hoffman, and in Tuscany, according to Alexander Brongniart, it is formed by contact with euphotide and serpentine.

[footnote] *The silica is not merely colored by peroxyd of iron, but is accompanied by clay, lime, and potash. Rose, 'Reise', bd. ii., s. 187. On the formation of jasper by the action of dioritic porphyry, augite, and by persthene rock, see Rose, bd. ii., s. 169, 187, und 192. See, also, bd. i., s. 427, where there is a drawing of the porphyry spheres between which jasper occurs, in the calcareous graywacke of Bogoslowsk, being produced by the Plutonic influence of the augitic rock; bd. ii., s. 545; and likewise Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. i., p. 486.

The contact and Plutonic action of granite have sometimes made argillaceous schist granular, as was observed by Gustav Rose and myself in the Altai Mountains (within the fortress of Buchtarminsk),* and have transformed it into a mass resembling granite, consisting of a mixture of feldspar and mica, in which larger laminae of the latter were again imbedded.**

[footnote] *Rose, 'Reise nach dem Ural', bd. i., s. 586-588.

[footnote] **In respect to the volcanic origin of mica, it is important to notice that crystals of mica are found in the basalt of the Bohemian Mittelgebirge, in the lava that in 1822 was ejected from Vesuvius (Monticelli, 'Storia del Vesuvio negli Anni 1821 e 1822', 99), and in fragments of agrillaceous alte imbedded in scoriaceous basalt at Hohenfels, not far from Gerolstein, in the Eifel (see Mitscherlich, in Leonhard, 'Basalt-Gebilde', s. 244). On the formation of feldspar in argillaceous schist, through contact with porphyry, occurring between Urval and Po•et (Forez), see Dufrenoy, in 'Geol. de la France', t. i., p. 137. It is probably to a similar contact that certain schists near Paimpol, in Brittany, with whose appearance I was much struck, while making a geological pedestrian tour through that interesting country with Professor Kunth, owe their amygdaloid and cellular character, t. i., p. 234.

Most geognosists adhere, with Leopold von Buch, to the well-known hypothesis "that all the gneiss in the silurian strata of the transition formation, between the Icy Sea and the Gulf of Finland, has been produced by the metamorphic action of granite.*

[footnote] * Leopold von Buch, in the 'Abhandlungen der Akad. der Wissenschaft zu Berlin, aus dem Jahr' 1842, s. 63, and in the 'Jahrbuchern fur Wissenschaftliche Kritik Jahrg.' 1840, s. 196.

In the Alps, at St. Gothard, calcareous marl is likewise changed from granite into mica slate, and then transformed into gneiss." Similar phenomena of the formation of gneiss and mica slate through granite present themselves in the oolitic group of the Tarantaise,* in which belemnites are p 261 found in rocks, which have some claim to be considered as mica slate, and in the schistose group in the western part of the island of Elba, near the promontory of Calamita, and the Fichtelgebirge in Baireuth, between Loomitz and Markleiten.**

[footnote] * Elie de Beaumont, in the 'Annales des Sciences Naturelles', t. xv., p. 362-372. "In approaching the primitive masses of Mont Rosa, and the mountains situated to the west of Coni, we perceive that the secondary strata gradually lose the characters inherent in their mode of deposition. Frequently assuming a character apparently arising from a perfectly distinct cause, but not losing their stratification, they somewhat resemble in their physical structure a brand of half-consumed wood, in which we can follow the traces of the ligneous fibers beyond the spots which continue to present the natural characters of wood." (See, also, the 'Annales des Sciences Naturelles', t. xiv., p. 118-122, and von Dechen, 'Geognosie', s. 553.) Among the most striking proofs of the transformation of rocks by Plutonic action, we must place the belemites in the schists of Nuffenen (in the Alpine valley of Eginen and in the Gries-glaciers), and the belemnites found by M. Charpentier in the so-called primitive limestone on the western descent of the Col de la Seigne, between the Enclove de Monjovet and the 'chalet' of La Lanchette, and which he showed to me at Bex in the autumn of 1822 ('Annales de Chimie', t. xxiii., p. 262).

[footnote] ** Hoffmann, in Poggend., 'Annalen', bd. xvi., s. 552, "Strate of transition argillaceous schist in the Fichtelgebirge, which can be traced for a length of 16 miles, are transformed into gneiss only at the two extremities, where they come in contact with granite. We can there follow the gradual formation of the gneiss, and the development of the mica and of the feldspathic amygdaloids, in the interior of the argillaceous schist, which indeed contains in itself almost all the elements of these substances."

Jasper, which,* as I have already remarked, is a production formed by the volcanic action of augitic porphyry, could only be obtained in small quantities by the ancients, while another material, very generally and efficiently used by them in the arts, was granular or saccharoidal marble, which is likewise to be regarded solely as a sedimentary stratum altered by terrestrial heat and by proximity with erupted rocks.

[footnote] * Among the works of art which have come down to us from the ancient Greeks and Romans, we observe that none of any size — as columns or large vases — are formed from jasper; and even at the present day, this substance, in large masses, is only obtained from the Ural Mountains. The material worked as jasper from the Rhubarb Mountain (Raveniaga Sopka), in Altai, is a beautiful ribboned porphyry. The word 'jasper' is derived from the Semitic languages; and from the confused description of Theophrastus ('De Lapidibus', 23 and 27) and Pliny (xxxvii., 8 and 9), who rank jasper among the "opaque gems," the name appears to have been given to fragments of 'jaspachat', and to a substance which the ancients termed 'jasponyx', which we now know as 'opal-jasper'. Pliny considers a piece of jasper eleven inches in length so rare as to require his mentioning that he had actually seen such a specimen: "Magnitudinem jaspidis undecim unciarum vidimus, formatamque inde effigem Neronis thoracatam." According to Theophrastus, the stone which he calls emerald, and from which large obelists were cut, must have been an imperfect jasper.

This opinion is corroborated by the accurate observations on the phenomena of contact, by the remarkable experiments on fusion p 262 made by Sir James Hall more than half a century ago, and by the attentive study of granitic veins, which has contributed so largely to the establishment of modern geognosy. Sometimes the erupted rock has not transformed the compact into granular limestone to any great depth from the point of contact. Thus, for instance, we meet with a slight transformation — a penumbra — as at Belfast, in Ireland, where the basaltic veins traverse the chalk, and, as in the compact calcareous beds, which have been partially inflected by the contact of syenitic granite, at the Bridge of Boscampo and the Cascade of Conzocoli, in the Tyrol (rendered celebrated by the mention made of it by Count Mazari Peucati).*

[footnote[ *Humboldt, 'Lettre a M. Brochant de Villiers', in the 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', t. xxiii., p. 261; Leop. von Buch, 'Geog. Briefe uber das sudliche Tyrol', s. 101, 105, und 273.

Another mode of transformation occurs where all the strata of the compact limestone have been changed into granular limestone by the action of granite, and syenitic or dioritic porphyry.*

[footnote] *On the transformation of compact into granular limestone by the action of granite, in the Pyrenees at the 'Montagnes de Rancie', see Dufrenoy, in the 'Memoires Geologiques', t. ii., p. 440; and on similar changes in the 'Montagnes de l'Oisans', see Elie de Beaumont, in the 'Mem. Geolog.', t. ii., p. 379-415; on a similar effect produced by the action of dioritic and pyroxenic porphyry (the 'ophite' described by Elie de Beaumont, in the 'Geologie de la France', t. i., p. 72), between Tolosa and St. Sebastian, see Dufrenoy, in the 'Mem. Geolog.', t. ii., p. 130; and by syenite in the Isle of Skye, where the fossils in the altered limestone may still be distinguished, see Von Dechen, in his 'Geognosie', p. 573. In the transformation of chalk by contact with basalt, the transposition of the most minute particles in the processes of crystallization and granulation is the more remarkable, because the excellent microscopic investigations of Ehrenberg have shown that the particles of chalk previously existed in the form of closed rings. See Poggend., 'Annalen der Physic', bd. xxxix., s. 105; and on the rings of aragonite deposited from solution, see Gustav Rose in vol. xlii., p. 354, of the same journal.

I would here wish to make special mention of Parian and Carrara marbles, which have acquired such celebrity from the noble works of art into which they have been converted, and which have too long been considered in our geognostic collections as the main types of primitive limestone. The action of granite has been manifested sometimes by immediate contact, as in the Pyrenees,* and sometimes, as in the main land of Greece, and in the insular groups in the gean Sea, through the intermediate layers of gneiss or mica slate.

[footnote] *Beds of granular limestone in the granite at Port d'Oo and in the Mont de Labourd. See Charpentier, 'Constitution Geologique des Pyrenes', p. 144, 146.

Both cases presuppose a simultaneous but heterogeneous process of transformation. p 263 In Attica, in the island of Euboea, and in the Peloponnesus, it has been remarked, "that the limestone, when superposed on mica slate, is beautiful and crystalline in proportion to the purity of the latter substance and to the smallness of its argillaceous contents; and, as is well known, this rock, together with beds of gneiss, appears at many points, at a considerable depth below the surface, in the islands of Paros and Antiparos."*

[footnote] *Leop. von Buch, 'Descr. des Canaries', p. 394; Fiedler, 'Reise durch das Konigreich Griechenland', th. ii., s., 181, 190, und 516.

We may here infer the existence of an imperfectly metamorphosed flotz formation, if faith can be yielded to the testimony of Origen, according to whom, the ancient Eleatic, Xenophanes of Colophon* (who supposed the whole earth's crust to have been once covered by the sea), declared that marine fossils had been found in the quarries of Syracuse, and the impression of a fish (a sardine) in the deepest rocks of Paros.

[footnote] *I have previously alluded to the remarkable passage in Origen's 'Philosophumena', cap. 14 ('Opera', ed. Delarue, t. i., p. 893). From the whole context, it seems very improbable that Xenophanes meant an impression of a laurel ([Greek words]) instead of an impression of a fish ([Greek words]). Delarue is wrong in blaming the correction of Jacob Gronovius in changing the laurel into a sardel. The petrifaction of a fish is also much more probable than the natural picture of Silenus, which, according to Pliny (lib. xxxvi., 5), the quarry-men are stated to have met with in Parian marble from Mount Marpessos. 'Servius ad Virg., AEn.', vi., 471.

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