COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
by Alexander von Humboldt
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[footnote] *The northrn lights are called by the Shetland Islanders "the merry dancers." (Kendal, in the 'Quarterly Journal of Science', new series, vol. iv., p. 395.)

While the Aurora is a phenomenon of rare occurrence in Italy, it is frequently seen in the latitude of Philadelphia (39 degrees 57'), owing to the southern position of the American nagnetic pole. In the districts which are remarkable, in the New Continent and the Siberian coasts, for the frequent occurrence of this phenomenon, there are special regions or zones of longitude in which the polar light is particularly bright and brilliant.*

[footnote] *See Muncke's excellent work in the new edition of Gehler's 'Physik Worterbuch', bd. vii., i., s 113-268, and especially s. 158.

The existence p 199 of local influences can not, therefore, be denied in these cases. Wrangel saw the brilliancy diminish as he left the shores of the Polar Sea, about Mischne-Kolymsk. The observations made in the North Polar expedition appear to prove that in the immediate vicinity of the magnetic pole the development of light is not in the least degree more intense or frequent than at some distance from it.

The knowledge which we at present possess of the altitude of the polar light is based on measurements which from their nature, the constant oscillation of the phenomenon of light, and the consequent uncertainty of the angle of parallax, are not deserving of much confidence. The results obtained, setting aside the older data, fluctuate between several miles and an elevation of 3000 or 4000 feet; and, in all probability, the northern lights at different times occur at very different elevations.*

[footnote] *Farquharson in the 'Edinburgh Philos. Journal', vol. xvi., p. 304; 'Philos. Transact.' for 1829, p. 113. [The height of the bow of light of the Aurora seen at the Cambridge Observatory, March 19, 1847, was determined by Professors Challis, of Cambridge, and Chevallier, of Durham, to be 177 miles above the surface of the Earth. See the notice of this meteor in 'An Account of the Aurora Borealis of Oct. 24, 1847', by John H. Morgan, Esq., 1848.] — Tr.]

The most recent observers are disposed to place the phenomenon in the region of clouds, and not on the confines of the atmosphere; and they even believe that the rays of the Aurora may be affected by winds and currents of air, if the phenomenon of light, by which alone the existence of an electro-magnetic current is appreciable, be actually connected with matrial groups of vesicles of vapor in motion, or, more correctly speaking, if light penetrate them, passing from one vesicle to another. Franklin saw near Great Bear Lake a beaming northern light, the lower side of which he thought illuminated a stratum of clouds, while, at a distance of only eighteen geographical miles, Kendal, who was on watch throughout the whole night, and never lost sight of the sky, perceived no phenomenon of light. The assertion, so frequently maintained of late, that the rays of the Aurora have been seen to shoot down to the ground between the spectator and some neighboring hill, is open to the charge of optical delusion, as in the cases of strokes of lightning or of the fall of fire-balls.

Whether the magnetic storms, whose local character we have illustrated by such remarkable examples, share noise as well as light in common with electric storms, is a question p 200 that has become difficult to answer, since implicit confidence is no longr yielded to the relations of Greenland whale-fishers and Siberian fox-hunters. Northern lights appear to have become less noisy since their occurrences have been more accurately recorded. Parry, Franklin, and Richardson, near the north pole; Thienemann in Iceland; Gieseke in Greenland; Lotur, and Bravais, near the North Cape; Wrangel and Anjou, on the coast of the Polar Sea, have together seen the Aurora thousands of times, but never heard any sound attending the phenomenon. If this negative testimony should not be deemed equivalent to the positive counter-evidence of Hearne on the mouth of the Copper River and of Henderson in Iceland, it must be remembered that, although Hood heard a noise as of quickly-moved musket-balls and a slight cracking sound during an Aurora, he also noticed the same noise on the following day, when there was no northern light to be seen; and it must not be forgotten that Wrangel and Gieseke were fully convinced that the sound they had heard was to be ascribed to the contraction of the ice and the crust of the snow on the sudden cooling of the atmosphere. The belief in a crackling sound has arisen, not among the people generally, but rather among learned travelers, because in earlier times the northern light was declared to be an effect of atmospheric electricity, on account of the luminous manifestation of the electricity in rarefied space, and the observers found it easy to hear what they wished to hear. Recent experiments with very sensitive electrometers have hitherto, contrary to the expectation generally entertained, yielded only negative results. The condition of the electricity in the atmosphere* p 291 is not found to be changed during the most intense Aurora; but, on the other hand, the three expressions of the power of terrestrial magnetism, declination, inclination and intensity, are all affected by polar light, so that in the same night, and at different periods of the magnetic development, the same end of the needle is both attracted and repelled.

[footnote] *[Mr. James Glaisher, of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in his interesting 'Remarks on the Weather during the Quarter ending December 31st, 1847', says, "It is a fact well worthy of notice, that from the beginning of this quarter till the 29th of December, the electricity of the atmosphere was almost always in a neutral state, so that no signs of electricity were shown for several days together by any of the electrical instruments." During this period there were 'eight' exhibitions of the Aurora Borealis, of which one was the peculiarly bright display of the Aurora Borealis, of which one was the peculiarly bright display of the meteor on the 24th of October. These frequent exhibitions of brilliant Aurorae seem to depend upon many remarkable meteorological relations, for we find, according to Mr. Glaisher's statement in the paper to which we have already alluded, that the previous fifty years afford no parallel season to the closing one of 1847. The mean temperature of evaporation and of the dew point, the mean elastic force of vapor, the mean reading of the barometer, and the mean daily range of the readings of the thermometers in air, were all greater at Greenwich during that season of 1847 than the average range of many preceding years.] — Tr.

The assertion made by Parry, on the strength of the data yielded by his observations in the neighborhood of the magnetic pole at Melville Island, that the Aurora did not disturb, but rather exercised a calming influence on the magnetic needle, has been satisfactorily refuted by Parry's own more exact researches,* detailed in his journal, and by the admirable observations of Richardson, Hood, and Franklin in Northern Canada, and lastly by Bravais and Lottin in Lapland.

[footnote] *Kamtz, 'Lehrbuch der Meteorologie', bd. iii., s. 498 and 501.

The process of the Aurora is, as has already been observed, the restoration of a disturbed condition of equilibrium. The effect on the needle is different according to the degree of intensity of the explosion. It was only unappreciable at the gloomy winter station of Bosekop when the phenomenon of light was very faint and aptly compared to the flame which rises in the closed circuit of a voltaic pile between two points of carbon at a considerable distance apart, or, according to Fizeau, to the flame rising between a silver and a carbon point, and attracted or repelled by the magnet. This analogy certainly sets aside the necessity of assuming the existence of metallic vapors in the atmosphere, which some celebrated physicists have regarded as the substratum of the northern light.

When we apply the indefinite term 'polar light' to the luminous phenomenon which we ascribe to a galvanic current, that is to say, to the motion of electricity in a closed circuit, we merely indicate the local direction in which the evolution of light is most frequently, although by no means invariably, seen. This phenomenon derives the greater part of its importance from the fact that the Earth becomes 'self-luminous', and that as a planet, besides the light which it receives from the central body, the Sun, it shows itself capable in itself of developing light. The intensity of the terrestrial light, or, rather the luminosity which is diffused, exceeds, in cases of the brightest colored radiation toward the zenith, the light of the Moon in its first quarter. Occasionally, as on the 7th of January, 1831, printed characters could be read without difficulty. This almost uninterrupted development of light p 202 in the Earth leads us by analogy to the remarkable process exhibited in Venus. The portion of this planet which is not illumined by the Sun often shines with a phosphorescent light of its own. It is not improbable that the Moon, Jupiter, and the comets shine with an independent light, besides the reflected solar light visible through the polariscope. Without speaking of the problematical but yet ordinary mode in which the sky is illuminated, when a low cloud may be seen to shine with an uninterrupted flickering light for many minutes together, we still meet with other instances of terrestrial development of light in our atmosphere. In this category we may reckon the celebrated luminous mists seen in 1783 and 1831; the steady luminous appearance exhibited without any flickeriing in great clouds observed by Rozier and Beccaria; and lastly, as Arago* well remarks, the faint diffused light which guides the steps of the traveler in cloudy, starless, and moonless nights in autumn and winter, even when there is no snow on the ground.

[footnote] *Arago, on the dry fogs of 1783 and 1831, which illuminated the night, in the 'Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes', 1832, p. 246 and 250; and, regarding extraordinary luminous appearances in clouds without storms, see 'Notices sur la Tonnerre', in the 'Annuaire pour l'an. 1838', p. 279-285.

As in polar light or the electro-magnetic storm, a current of brilliant and often colored light streams through the atmosphere in high latitudes, so also in the torrid zones between the tropics, the ocean simultaneously develops light over a space of many thousand square miles. Here the magical effect of light is owing to the forces of organic nature. Foaming with light, the eddying waves flash in phosphorescent sparks over the wide expanse of waters, where every scintillation is the vital manifestation of an invisible animal world. So varied are the sources of terrestrial light! Must we still suppose this light to be latent, and combined in vapors, in order to explain 'Moser's images produced at a distance' — a discovery in which reality has hitherto manifested itself like a mere phantom of the imagination.

As the internal heat of our planet is connected on the one hand with the generation of electro-magnetic currents and the process of terrestrial light (a consequence of the magnetic storm), it, on the other hand, discloses to us the chief source of geognostic phenomena. We shall consider these in their connection with and their transition from merely dynamic disturbances, from the elevation of whole continents and mountain chains to the development and effusion of gaseous and p 203 liquid fluids, of hot mud, and of those heated and molten earths which become solidified into crystalline mineral masses. Modern geognosy, the mineral portion of terrestrial physics, has made no slight advance in having investigated this connection of phenomena. This investigation has led us away from the delusive hypothesis, by which it was customary formerly to endeavor to explain, individually every expression of force in the terrestrial globe: it shows us the connection of the occurrence of heterogeneous substances with that which only appertains to changes in space (disturbances or elevations), and groups together phenomena which at first sight appeared most heterogeneous, as thermal springs, effusion of carbonic acid and sulphurous vapor, innocuous salses (mud eruptions), and the dreadful devastation of volcanic mountains.*

[footnote] *[See Mantell's 'Wonders of Geology', 1848, vol. i., p. 34, 36, 105; also Lyell's 'Principles of Geology', vol. ii., and Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', 2d ed., 1848, Part ii., ch. xxxii., xxxiii.] — Tr.

In a general view of nature, all these phenomena are fused together in one sole idea of the reaction of the interior of a planet on its external surface. We thus recognize in the depths of the earth, and in the increase of temperature with the increase of depth from the surface, not only the germ of disturbing movements, but also of the gradual elevation of whole continents (as mountain chains on long fissures), of volcanic eruptions, and of the manifold production of mountains and mineral masses. The influence of this reaction of the interior on the exterior is not, however, limited to inorganic nature alone. It is highly probable that, in an earlier world, more powerful emanations of carbonic acid gas, blended with the atmosphere, must have increased the assimilation of carbon in vegetables, and that an inexhaustible supply of combustible matter (lignites and carboniferous formations) must have been thus buried in the upper strata of the earth by the revolutions attending the destruction of vast tracts of forest. We likewise perceive that the destiny of mankind is in part dependent on the formation of the external surface of the earth, the direction of mountain tracts and high lands, and on the distribution of elevated continents. It is thus granted to the inquiring mind to pass from link to link along the chain of phenomena until it reaches the period when, in the solidifying process of our planet, and in its first transition from the gaseous form to the agglomeration of matter, that portion of the inner heat of the Earth was developed, which does not belong to the action of the Sun.

This material taken from pages 204-248

COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 by Alexander von Humboldt

Translated by E C Otte

from the 1858 Harper & Brothers edition of Cosmos, volume 1 —————————————————————————

p 204 In order to give a general delineation of the causal connection of geognostical phenomena, we will begin with those whose chief characteristic is dynamic, consisting in motion and in change in space. Earthquakes manifest themselves by quick and successive vertical, or horizontal, or rotatory vibrations.*

[footnote] *[See Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', 2d ed., 1848, p. 509.] — Tr.

In the very considerable number of earthquakes which I have experienced in both hemispheres, alike on land and at sea, the two first-named kinds of motion have often appeared to me to occur simultaneously. The mine-like explosiion — the vertical action from below upward — was most strikingly manifested in the overthrow of the town of Riobamba in 1797, when the bodies of many of the inhabitants were found to have been hurled to Cullea, a hill several hundred feet in neight, and on the opposite side of the River Lican. The propagation is most generally effected by undulations in a linear direction,* with a velocity of from twenty to twenty-eight miles in a minute, but partly in circles of commotion or large ellipses, in which the vibrations are propagated with decreasing intensity from a center toward the circumference.

[footnote] *[On the linear direction of earthquakes, see Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', p. 515.] — Tr.

There are districts exposed to the action of two intersecting circles of commotion. In Northern Asia, where the Father of History,* and subsequently Theophylactus Simocatta,** described the districts of Scythia as free from earthquakes, I have observed the metalliferous portion of the Altai Mountains under the influence of a two-fold focus of commotion, the Lake of Baikal, and the volcano of the Celestial Mountain (Thianschan).***

[footnote] *Herod, iv., 28. The prostration of the colossal statue of Memnon, which has been again restored (Letronne, 'La Statue Vocale de Memnon', 1835, p. 25, 26), presents a fact in opposition to the ancient prejudice that Egypt is free from earthquakes (Pliny, ii., 80); but the valley of the Nile does lie external to the circle of commotion of Byzantium, the Archipelago, and Syria (Ideler ad Aristot., 'Meteor.', p. 584).

[footnote] **Saint-Martin, in the learned notes to Lebeau, 'Hist. du Bas Empire', t. ix., p. 401.

[footnote] ***Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. ii., p. 110-118. In regard to the difference between agitation of the surface and of the strata lying beneath it, see Gay-Lussac, in the 'Annales de Chimie et de Physique', t. xxii., p. 429.

When the circles of commotion intersect one another — when, for instance, an elevated plain lies between two volcanoes simultaneously in a state of eruption, several wave-systems may exist together, as in fluids, and not mutually disturb one another. We may even suppose 'interference' p 205 to exist here, as in the intersecting waves of sound. The extent of the propagated waves of commotion will be increased on the upper surface of the earth, according to the general law of mechanics, by which, on the transmission of motion in elastic bodies, the stratum lying free on the one side endeavors to separate itself from the other strata.

Waves of commotion have been investigated by means of the pendulum and the seismometer* with tolerable accuracy in respect to their direction and total intensity, but by no means with reference to the internal nature of their alternations and their periodic intumescence.

[footnote] *[This instrument, in its simplest form, consists merely of a basin filled with some viscid liquid, which, on the occurrence of a shock of an earthquake of sufficient force to disturb the equilibrium of the building in which it is placed, is tilted on one side, and the liquid made to rise in the same direction, thus showing by its height the degree of the disturbance. Professor J. Forbes has invented an instrument of this nature, although on a greatly improved plan. It consists of a vertical metal rod, having a ball of lead movable upon it. It is supported upon a cylindrical steel wire, which may be compressed at pleasure by means of a screw. A lateral movement, such as that of an earthquake, which carries forward the base of the instrument, can only act upon the ball through the medium of the elasticity of the wire, and the direction of the displacement will be indicated by the plane of vibration of the pendulum. A self-registering apparatus is attached to the machine. See Professor J. Forbes's account of his invention in 'Edinb. Phil. Trans.', vol. xv., Part i.] — Tr.

In the city of Quito, which lies at the foot of a still active volcano (the Rucu Pichincha), and at an elevation of 9540 feet above the level of the sea, which has beautiful cupolas, high vaulted churches, and massive edifices of several stories, I have often been astonished that the violence of the nocturnal earthquakes so seldom causes fissures in the walls, while in the Peruvian plains oscillations apparently much less intense injure low reed cottages. The natives, who have experienced many hundred earthquakes, believe that the difference depends less upon the length or shortness of the waves, and the slowness or rapidity of the horizontal vibrations.* than on the uniformity of the motion in opposite directions.

[footnote] * "Tutissimum est cum vibrat crispante Aedificiorum crepitu; et cum intumescit assurgens alternoque motu residet, innoxium et cum concurrentia tecta contrario ictu arietant; quoniam alter motus alteri renititur. Undantis inclinatio et fluctus more quaedam volutatio investa est, aut cum in unam partem totus se motus impellitae — Plin., ii., 82.

The circling rotatory commotions are the most uncommon, but, at the same time, the most dangerous. Walls were observed to be twisted, but not thrown down; rows of trees turned from their previous parallel direction; p 206 and fields covered with different kinds of plants found to be displaced in the great earthquake of Riobamba, in the province of Quito, on the 4th of February, 1797, and in that of Calabria, between the 5th of February and the 28th of March, 1782. The phenomenon of the inversion or displacement of fields and pieces of land, by which one is made to occupy the place of another, is connected with a translatory motion or penetration of separate terrestrial strata. When I made the plan of the ruined town of Riobamba, one particular spot was pointed out to me, where all the furniture of one house had been found under the ruins of another. The loose earth had evidently moved like a fluid in currents, which must be assumed to have been directed first downward, then horizontally, and lastly upward. It was found necessary to appeal to the 'Audiencia', or Council of Justice, to decide upon the contentions that arose regarding the proprietorship of objects that had been removed to a distance of many hundred roises.

In countries where earthquakes are comparatively of much less frequent occurrence (as for instance, in Southern Europe), a very general belief prevails, although unsupported by the authority of inductive reasoning,* that a calm, an oppressive p 207 heat and a misty horizon, are always the forerunners of this phenomenon.

[footnote] *Even in Italy they have begun to observe that earthquakes are unconnected with the state of the weather, that is to say, with the appearance of the heavens immediately before the shock. The numerical results of Friedrich Hoffmann ('Hinterlassene Werke', bd. ii., 366-376) exactly correspond with the experience of the Abbate Scina of Palermo. I have myself several times observed reddish clouds on the day of an earthquake, and shortly before it on the 4th of November, 1799, I experienced two sharp shocks at the moment of a loud clap of thunder. ('Relat. Hist.', liv. iv., chap. 10.) The Turin physicist, Vassalli Eaudi, observed Volta's electrometer to be strongly agitated during the protracted earthquake of Pignerol, which lasted from the 2d of April to the 17th of May, 1808; 'Journal de Physique', t. lxvii., p. 291. But these indications presented by clouds, by modifications of atmospheric electricity, or by calms, can not be regarded as 'generally' or 'necessarily' connected with earthquakes, since in Quito, Peru, and Chili, as well as in Canada and Italy, many earthquakes are observed along with the purest and clearest skies, and with the freshest land and sea breezes. But if no meteorological phenomenon indicates the coming earthquake either on the morning of the shock or a few days previously, the influence of certain periods of the year (the vernal and autumnal equinoxes), the commencement of the rainy season in the tropics after long drought, and the change of the monsoons (according to general belief), can not be overlooked, even though the genetic connection of meteorological processes with those going on in the interior of our globe is still enveloped in obscurity. Numerical inquiries on the distribution of earthquakes throughout the course of the year, such as those of Von Hoff, Peter Merian, and Friedrich Hoffmann, bear testimony to their frequency at the periods of equinoxes. It is singular that Pliny, at the end of his fanciful theory of earthquakes, names the entire frightful phenomenon a subterranean storm; not so much in consequence of the rolling sound which frequently accompanies the shock, as because the elastic forces, concussive by their tension, accumulate in the interior of the earth when they are absent in the atmosphere! "Ventos in causa esse non dubium reor. Neque enim unquam intemiscunt terre, nisi sopito mari, coeloque adeo tranquillo, ut volatus avium non pendeant, subtracto omni spiritu qui vehit; nec unquam nisi post ventos conditos, scilicet in venas et cavernas ejus occulto afflatu. Neque aliad est in terra tremor, quam in nube toonitruum; nec hiatus aliud quam cum fulmen erumpit, incluso spiritu luctante et ad libertatem exire nitente." (Plin., ii., 79.) The germs of almost every thing that has been observed of imagined on the causes of earthquakes, up to the present day, may be found in Seneca, 'Nat. Quaest.', vi., 4-31.

The fallacy of this popular opinion is not only refuted by my own experience, but likewise by the observations of all those who have lived many years in districts where, as in Cumana, Quito, Peru, and Chili, the earth is frequently and violently agitated. I have felt earthquakes in clear air and a fresh east wind, as well as in rain and thunder storms. The regularity of the horary changes in the declination of the magnetic needle and in the atmospheric pressure remained undisturbed between the tropics on the days when earthquakes occurred.*

[footnote] *I have given proof that the course of the horary variations of the barometer is not affected before or after earthquakes, in my 'Relat. Hist.', t. i., p. 311 and 513.

These facts agree with the observations made by Adolph Erman (in the temperate zone, on the 8th of March, 1829) on the occasion of an earthquake at Irkutsk, near the Lake of Baikal. During the violent earthquake of Cumana, on the 4th of November, 1799, I found the declination and the intensity of the magnetic force alike unchanged, but, to my surprise, the inclination of the needle was diminished about 48 degrees.*

[footnonte] *Humboldt, 'Relat. Hist.', t. i., p. 515-517.

There was no ground to suspect an error in the calculation, and yet, in the many other earthquakes which I have experienced on the elevated plateaux of Quito and Lima, the inclination as well as the other elements of terrestrial magnetism remained always unchanged. Although, in general, the processes at work within the interior of the earth may not be announced by any meteorological phenomena or any special appearance of the sky, it is, on the contrary, not improbable, as we shall soon see, that in cases of violent earthquakes some effect may be imparted to the atmosphere, in consequence of which they can not always act in a purely dynamic manner.

p 208 During the long-continued trembling of the ground in the Piedmontese valleys of Pelis and Clusson, the greatest changes in the electric tension of the atmosphere were observed while the sky was cloudless. The intensity of the hollow noise which generally accompanies an earthquake does not increase in the same degree as the force of the oscillations. I have ascertained with certainty that the great shock of the earthquake of Riobamba (4th Feb., 1797) — one of the most fearful phenomena recorded in the physical history of our planet — was not accompanied by any noise whatever. The tremendous noise ('el gram ruido') which was heard below the soil of the cities of Quito and Ibarra, but not at Tacunga and Hambato, nearer the center of the motion, occurred between eighteen and twenty minutes 'after' the actual catastrophe. In the celebrated earthquake of Lima and Callao (28th of October, 1746), a noise resembling a subterranean thunder-clap was heard at Truxillo a quarter of an hour after the shock, and unaccompanied by any trembling of the ground. In like manner, long after the great earthquake in New Granada, on the 16th of November, 1827, described by Boussingault, subterranean detonations were heard in the whole valley of Cauca during twenty or thirty seconds, unattended by motion. The nature of the noise varies also very much, being either rolling, or rustling, or clanking like chains when moved, or like near thunder, as, for instance, in the city of Quito; or, lastly, clear and ringing, as if obsidian or some other vitrified masses were struck in subterranean cavities. As solid bodies are excellent conductors of sound, which is propagated in burned clay, for instance, ten or twelve times quicker than in the air, the subterranean noise may be heard at a great distance from the place where it has originated. In Caracas, in the grassy plains of Calabozo, and on the banks of the Rio Apure, which falls into the Orinoco, a tremendously loud noise, resembling thunder, was heard, unaccompanied by an earthquake, over a district of land 9200 square miles in extent, on the 30th of April, 1812, while at a distance of 632 miles to the north-east, the volcano of St. Vincent, in the small Antilles, poured forth a copious stream of lava. With respect to distance, this was as if an eruption of Vesuvius had been heard in the north of France. In the year 1744, on the great eruption of the volcano of Cotopaxi, subterranean noises, resembling the discharge of cannon, were heard in Honda, on the Magdalena River. The crater of Cotopaxi lies not only 18,000 feet higher than Honda, but these two points are separated by the colossal p 209 mountain chain of Quito, Pasto, and Popayan, no less than by numerous valleys and clefts, and they are 436 miles apart. The sound was certainly not propagated through the air, but through the earth, and at a great depth. During the violent earthquake of New Granada, in February, 1835, subterranean thunder was heard simultaneously at Popayan, Bogota, Santa Marta, and Caracas (where it continued for seven hours without any movement of the ground), in Haiti, Jamaica, and on the Lake of Nicaragua.

These phenomena of sound, when unattended by any perceptible shocks, produce a peculiarly deep impression even on persons who have lived in countries where the earth has been frequently exposed to shocks. A striking and unparalleled instance of uninterrupted subterranean noise, unaccompanied by any trace of an earthquake, is the phenomenon known in the Mexican elevated plateaux by the name of the "roaring and the subterranean thunder) ('bramidos y truenos subterraneos') of Guanaxuato.*

[footnote] *On the 'bramidos' of Guanaxuato, see my 'Essai Polit. sur la Nouv. Espagne', t. i., p. 303. The subterranean noise, unaccompanied with any appreciable shock, in the deep mines and on the surface (the town of Guanaxuata lies 6830 feet above the level of the sea), was not heard in the neighboring elevated plains, but only in the mountainous parts of the Sierra, from the Cuesta de los Aguilares, near Marfil, to the north of Santa Rosa. There were individual parts of the Sierra 24-28 miles northwest of Guanaxuata, to the other side of Chichimequillo, near the boiling spring of San Jose de Comgngillas, to which the waves of sound did not extend. Extremely stringent measures were adopted by the magistrates of the large mountain towns on the 14th of January 1784, when the terror produced by these subterranean thunders was at its height. "The flight of a wealthy family shall be punished with a fine of 1000 piasters, and that of a poor family with two months' imprisonment. The militia shall bring back the fugitives." One of the most remarkable points about the whole affair is the opinion which the magistrates (el cabildo) cherished of their own superior knowledge. In one of their 'proclamas', I find the expression, "The magistrates, in their wisdom (en su sabiduria), will at once know when there is actual danger, and will give orders for flight; for the present, let processions be instituted." The terror excited by the tremor gave rise to a famine, since it prevented the importation of corn from the table-lands, where it abounded. The ancients were also aware that noises sometimes existed without earthquakes. — Aristot., 'Meteor.', ii., p. 802; Plin., ii., 80. The singular noise that was heard from March, 1822, to September, 1824, in the Dalmatian island Meleda (sixteen miles from Ragusa) and on which Partsch has thrown much light, was occasionally accompanied by shocks.

This celebrated and rich mountain city lies far removed from any active volcano. The noise began about midnight on the 9th of January, 1784, and continued for a month. I have been enabled to give a circumstantial p 210 description of it from the report of many witnesses, and from the documents of the municipality, of which I was allowed to make use. From the 13th to the 16th of January, it seemed to the inhabitants as if heavy clouds lay beneath their feet, from which issued alternate slow rolliing sounds and short, quick claps of thunder. The noise abated as gradually as it had begun. It was limited to a small space, and was not heard in a basaltic district at the distance of a few miles. Almost all the inhabitants, in terror, left the city, in which large masses of silver ingots were stored; but the most courageous, and those more accustomed to subterranean thunder, soon returned, in order to drive off the bands of robbers who had attempted to possess themselves of the treasures of the city. Neither on the surface of the earth, nor in mines 1600 feet in depth, was the slightest shock to be perceived. No similar noise had ever before been heard on the elevated tableland of Mexico, nor has this terrific phenomenon since occurred there. Thus clefts are opened or closed in the interior of the earth, by which waves of sound penetrate to us or are impeded in their propagation.

The activity of an igneous mountain, however terrific and picturesque the spectacle may be which it presents to our contemplation, is always limited to a very small space. It is far otherwise with earthquakes, which although scarcely perceptible to the eye, nevertheless simultaneously propagate their waves to a distance of many thousand miles. The great earthquake which destroyed the city of Lisbon on the 1st of November, 1755, and whose effects were so admirably investigated by the distinguished philosopher Emmanuel Kant, was felt in the Alps, on the coast of Sweden, in the Antilles, Antigua, Barbadoes, and Martinique; in the great Canadian Lakes, in Thuringia, in the flat country of Northern Germany, and in the small inland lakes on the shores of the Baltic.*

[footnote] *[It has been computed that the shock of this earthquake pervaded an area of 700,000 miles, or the twelfth part of the circumference of the globe. This dreadful shock lasted only five minutes: it happened about nine o'clock in the morning of the Feast of all Saints, whien almost the whole population was within the churches, owing to which circumstance no less than 30,000 persons perished by the fall of these edifices. See Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', p. 514-517.] — Tr.

Remote springs were interrupted in their flow, a phenomenon attending earthquakes which had been noticed among the ancients by Demetrius the Callatian. The hot springs of Toplitz dried up, and returned, inundating every thing around, and having their waters colored with iron ocher. In Cadiz p 211 the sea rose to an elevation of sixty-four feet, while in the Antilles, where the tide usually rises only from twenty-six to twenty-eight inches, it suddenly rose above twenty feet, the water being of an inky blackness. It has been computed that on the 1st of November, 1755, a portion of the Earth's surface four times greater than that of Europe, was simultaneously shaken. As yet there is no manifestation of force known to us, including even the murderous inventions of our own race, by which a greater number of people have been killed in the short space of a few minutes: sixty thousand were destroyed in Sicily in 1693, from thirty to forty thousand in the earthquake of Riobamba in 1797, and probably five times as many in Asia Minor and Syria, under Tiberius and Justinian the elder, about the years 19 and 526.

There are instances in which the earth has been shaken for many successive days in the chain of the Andes in South America, but I am only acquainted with the following cases in which shocks that have been felt almost every hour for months together have occurred far from any volcano, as, for instance, on the eastern declivity of the Alpine chain of Mount Cenis, at Fenestrelles and Pignerol, from April, 1808; between New Madrid and Little Prairie,* north of Cincinnati in the United States of America, in December, 1811, as well as through the whole winter of 1812; and in the Pachalik of Aleppo, in the months of August and September, 1822.

[footnote] *Drake, 'Nat. and Statist. View of Cincinnati', p. 232-238; Mitchell, in the 'Transactions of the Lit. and Philos. Soc. of New York', vol. i., p. 281-308. In the Piedmonese county of Pignerol, glasses of water, filled to the very brim, exhibited for hours a continuous motion.

As the mass of the people are seldom able to rise to general views, and are consequently always disposed to ascribe great phenomena to local telluric and atmospheric processes, wherever the shaking of the earth is continued for a long time, fears of the eruption of a new volcano are awakened. In some few cases, this apprehension has certainly proved to be well grounded, as, for instance, in the sudden elevation of volcanic islands, and as we see in the elevation of the volcano of Jorullo, a mountain elevated 1684 feet above the ancient level of the neighboring plain, on the 29th of September 1759, after ninety days of earthquake and subterranean thunder.

If we could obtain information regarding the daily condition of all the earth's surface, we should probably discover that the earth is almost always undergoing shocks at some point of its superficies, and is continually influenced by the reaction p 212 of the interior on the exterior. The frequency and general prevalence of a phenomenon which is probably dependent on the raised temperature of the deepest molten strata explain its independence of the nature of the mineral masses in which it manifests itself. Earthquakes have even been felt in the loose alluvial strata of Holland, as in the neighborhood of Middleburg and vliessingen on the 23d of February, 1828. Granite and mica slate are shaken as well as limestone and sandstone, or as trachyte and amygdaloid. It is not, therefore, the chemical nature of the constituents, but rather the mechanical structure of the rocks, which modifies the propagation of the motion, the wave of commotion. Where this wave proceeds along a coast, or at the foot and in the direction of a mountain chain, interruptions at certain points have sometimes been remarked, which manifested themselves during the course of many centuries. The undulation advances in the depths below, but is never felt at the same points on the surface. The Peruvians* say of these unmoved upper strata that "they form a bridge."

[footnote] *In Spanish they say, 'rocas que hacen puente'. With this phenomenon of non-propagation through superior strata is connected the remarkable fact that in the beginning of this century shocks were felt in the deep silver mines at Marienberg, in the Saxony mining district, while not the slightest trace was perceptible at the surface. The miners ascended in a state of alarm. Conversely, the workmen in the mines of Falun and Persberg felt nothing of the shocks which in November, 1823, spread dismay among the inhabitants above ground.

As the mountain chains appear to be raised on fissures, the walls of the cavities may perhaps favor the direction of undulations parallel to them; occasionally, however, the waves of commotion intersect several chains almost perpenducularly. Thus we see them simultaneously breaking through the littoral chain of Venezuela and the Sierra Parime. In Asia, shocks of earthquakes have been propagated from Lahore and from the foot of the Himalaya (22d of January, 1832) transversely across the chain of the Hindoo Chou to Badakschan, the upper Oxus, and even to Bokhara.*

[footnote] *Sir Alex. Burnes, 'Travels in Bokhara', vol. i., p. 18; and Wathen, 'Mem. on the Usbek State', in the 'Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal', vol. iii., p. 337.

The circles of commotion unfortunately expand occasionally in consequence of a single and usually violent earthquake. It is only since the destruction of Cumana, on the 14th of December, 1797, that shocks on the southern coast have been felt in the mica slate rocks of the peninsula of Maniquarez, situated opposite to the chalk hills of the main land. The advance p 213 from south to north was very striking in the almost uninterrupted undulations of the soil in the alluvial valleys of the Mississippi, the Arkansas, and the Ohio, from 1811 to 1813. It seemed here as if subterranean obstacles were gradually overcome, and that the way being once opened, the undulatory movement could be freely propagated.

Although earthquakes appear at first sight to be simply dynamic phenomena of motion, we yet discover, from well-attested facts, that they are not only able to elevate a whole district above its ancient level (as for instance, the Ulla Bund, Delta of the Indus, or the coast of Chili, in November, 1822), but we also find that various substances have been ejected during the earthquake, as hot water at Catania in 1818; hot steam at New Madrid, in the Valley of the Mississippi, in 1812; irrespirable gases, 'Mofettes', which injured the flocks grazing in the chain of the Andes; mud, black smoke, and even flames, at Messina in 1781, and at Cumana on the 14th of November, 1797. During the great earthquake of Lisbon, on the 1st of November, 1755, flames and columns of smoke were seen to rise from a newly-formed fissure in the rock of Alvidras, near the city. The smoke in this case became more dense as the subterranean noise increased in intensity.*

[footnote] * 'Philos. Transaci.', vol. xlix. p. 414.

At the destruction of Riobamba, in the year 1797, when the shocks were not attended by any outbreak of the neighboring volcano, a singular mass called the 'Moya' was uplifted from the earth in numerous continuous conical elevations, the whole being composed of carbon, crystals of augite, and the silicious shields of infusoria. The eruption of carbonic acid gas from fissures in the Valley of the Magdalene, during the earthquake of New Granada, on the 16th of November, 1827, suffocated many snakes, rats, and other animals. Sudden changes of weather, as the occurrence of the rainy season in the tropics, at an unusual period of the year, have sometimes succeeded violent earthquakes in Quito and Peru. Do gaseous fluids rise from the interior of the earth, and mix with the atmosphere? or are these meteorological processes the action of atmospheric electricity disturbed by the earthquake? In the tropical regions of America, where sometimes not a drop of rain falls for ten months together, the natives consider the repeated shocks of earthquakes, which do not endanger the low reed huts, as auspicious harbingers of fruitfulness and abundant rain.

p 214 The intimate connection of the phenomena which we have considered is still hidden in obscurity. Elastic fluids are doublessly the cause of the slight and perfectly harmless trembling of the earth's surface, which has often continued several days (as in 1816, at Scaccia, in Sicily, before the volcanic elevation of the island of Julia), as well as of the terrific explosions accompanied by loud noise. The focus of this destructive agent, the seat of the moving force, lies far below the earth's surface; but we know as little of the extent of this depth as we know of the chemical nature of these vapors that are so highly compressed. At the edges of two craters, Vesuvius, and the towering rock which projects beyond the great abyss of Pichincha, near Quito, I have felt periodic and very regular shocks of earthquakes, on each occasion from 20 to 30 seconds before the burning scoriae or gases were erupted. The intensity of the shocks was increased in proportion to the time intervening between them, and, consequently, to the length of time in which the vapors were accumulating. This simple fact, which has been attested by the evidence of so many travelers, furnishes us with a general solution of the phenomenon, in showing that active volcanoes are to be considered as safety-valves for the immediate neighborhood. The danger of earthquakes increases when the openings of the volcano are closed, and deprived of free communication with the atmosphere; but the destruction of Lisbon, of Caraccas, of Lima, of Cashmir in 1554,* and of so many cities of Calabria, Syria, and Asia Minor, shows us, on the whole, that the force of the shock is not the greatest in the neighborhood of active volcanoes.

[footnote] *On the frequency of earthquakes in Cashmir, see Troyer's German translation of the ancient 'Radjataringini', vol. ii., p. 297, and Carl Hugel, 'Reisen', bd. ii., s. 184.

As the impeded activity of the volcano acts upon the shocks of the earth's surface, so do the latter react on the volcanic phenomena. Openings of fissures favor the rising of cones of eruption, and the processes which take place in these cones, by forming a free communication with the atmosphere. A column of smoke, which had been observed to rise for months together from the volcano of Pasto, in South America, suddenly disappeared, when on the 4th of February, 1797, the province of Quito, situated at a distance of 192 miles to the south, suffered from the great earthquake of Riobamba. After the earth had continued to tremble for some time through out the whole of Syria, in the Cyclades, and in Euboea, the shocks suddenly ceased on the eruption of a stream of hot mud p 215 on the Lelantine plains near Chalcia.*

[footnote] * Strabo, lib. i., p. 100, Casaub. That the expression [Greek words] does not mean erupted mud, but lava, is obvious from a passage in Strabo, lib. vi., p. 412. Compare Walter, in his 'Abnahme der Vulkanischen Thatigkeit in Historischen Zeiten' (On the Decrease of Volcanic Activity during Historical Times), 1844, s. 25.

The intelligent geographer of Amasea, to whom we are indebted for the notice of this circumstance, further remarks: "Since the craters of Aetna have been opened, which yield a passage to the escape of fire, and since burning masses and water have been ejected, the country near the sea-shore has not been so much shaken as at the time previous to the separation of Sicily from Lower Italy, when all communications with the external surface were closed."

We thus recognize in earthquakes the existence of a volcanic force, which, although every where manifested, and as generally diffused as the internal heat of our planet, attains but rarely, and then only at separate points, sufficient intensity to exhibit the phenomenon of eruptions. The formation of veins, that is to say, the filling up of fissures with crystalline masses bursting forth from the interior (as basalt, melaphyre, and greenstone), gradually disturbs the free intercommunication of elastic vapors. This tension acts in three different ways, either in causing disruptions, or sudden and retroversed elevations, or, finally, as was first observed in a great part of Sweden, in producing changes in the relative level of the sea and land, which, although continuous, are only appreciable at intervals of long period.

Before we leave the important phenomena which we have considered not so much in their individual characteristics as in their general physical and geognostical relations, I would advert to the deep and peculiar impression left on the mind by the first earthquake which we experience, eeven where it is not attended by any subterranean noise.*

[footnote] *[Dr. Tschudi, in his interesting work, 'Travels in Peru', translated from the German by Thomasina Ross, p. 170, 1847, describes strikingly the effect of an earthquake upon the native and upon the stranger. "No familiarity with the phenomenon can blunt this feeling. The inhabitant of Lima, who from childhood has frequently witnessed these convulsions of nature, is roused from his sleep by the shock, and rushes from his apartment with the cry of 'Misericordia!' The foreigner from the north of Europe, who knows nothing of earthquakes but by description, waits with impatience to feel the movement of the earth, and longs to hear with his own ear the subterranean sounds which he has hitherto considered fabulous. With levity he treats the apprehension of a coming convulsion, and laughs at the fears of the natives: but, as soon as his wish is gratified, he is terror-stricken, and is involuntarily prompted to seek safety in flight."] — Tr.

This impression is not, p 216 in my opinion, the result of a recollection of those fearful pictures of devastation presented to our imaginations by the historical narratives of the past, but is rather due to the sudden revelation of the delusive nature of the inherent faith by which we had clung to a belief in the immobility of the solid parts of the earth. We are accustomed from early childhood to draw a contrast between the mobility of water and the immobility of the soil on which we tread; and this feeling is confirmed by the evidence of our senses. When, therefore, we suddenly feel the ground move beneath us, a mysterious and natural force, with which we are previously unacquainted, is revealed to us as an active disturbance of stability. A moment destroys the illusion of a whole life; our deceptive faith in the repose of nature vanishes, and we feel transported, as it were, into a realm of unknown destructive forces. Every sound — the faintest motion in the air — arrests our attention, and we no longer trust the ground on which we stand. Animals, especially dogs and swine, participate in the same anxious disquietude; and even the crocodiles of the Orinoco, which are at other times as dumb as our little lizards, leave the trembling bed of the river, and run with loud cries into the adjacent forests.

To man the earthquake conveys an idea of some universal and unlimited danger. We may flee from the crater of a volcano in active eruption, or from the dwelling whose destruction is threatened by the approach of the lava stream; but in an earthquake, direct our flight whithersoever we will, we still feel as if we trod upon the very focus of destruction. This condition of the mind is not of long duration, although it takes its origin in the deepest recesses of our nature; and when a series of faint shocks succeed one another, the inhabitants of the country soon lose every trace of fear. On the coasts of Peru, where rain and hail are unknown, no less than the rolling thunder and the flashing lightning, these luminous explosions of the atmosphere are replaced by the subterranean noises which accompany earthquakes.*

[footnote] *["Along the whole coast of Peru the atmosphere is almost uniformly in a state of repose. It is not illuminated by the lightning's flash, or disturbed by the roar of the thunder; no deluges of rain, no fierce hurricanes, destroy the fruits of the fields, and with them the hopes of the husbandman. But the mildness of the elements above ground is frightfully counterbalanced by their subterranean fury. Lima is frequently visited by earthquakes, and several times the city has been reduced to a mass of ruins. At an average, forty-five shocks may be counted on in the year. Most of them occur in the later part of October, in November, December, January, May, and June. Experience gives reason to expect the visitation of two desolating earthquakes in a century. The period between the two is from forty to sixty years. The most considerable catastrophes experienced in Lima since Europeans have visited the west coast of South America happened in the years 1586, 1630, 1687, 1713, 1746, 1806. There is reason to fear that in the course of a few years this city may be the prey of another such visitation."] —Tr.

Long habit, and the very p 217 prevalent opinion that dangerous shocks are only to be apprehended two or three times in the course of a century, cause faint oscillations of the soil to be regarded in Lima with scarcely more attention than a hail storm in the temperate zone.

Having thus taken a general view of the activity — the inner life, as it were — of the Earth, in respect to its internal heat, its electro-magnetic tension, its emanation of light at the poles, and its irregularly-recurring phenomena of motion, we will now proceed to the consideration of the material products, the chemical changes in the earth's surface, and the composition of the atmosphere, which are all dependent on planetary vital activity. We see issue from the ground steam and gaseous carbonic acid, almost always free from the admixture of nitrogen;* carbureted hydrogen gas, which has been used in the Chinese province Sse-tschuan** for several thousand years, and recently in the village of Fredonia, in the State of New York, United States, in cooking and for illumination; sulphureted hydrogen gas and sulphurous vapors; and, more rarely,*** sulphurous and hydrochloric acids.****

[footnote] * Bischof's comprehensive work, 'Warmelchere des inneren Erdkorpers'.

[footnote] **On the Artesian fire-springs (Ho-tsing) in China, and the ancient use of portable gas (in bamboo canes) in the city of Khiung-tsheu, see Klaproth, in my 'Asie Centrale', t. iii., p. 519-530.

[footnote] *** Boussingault ('Annales de Chimie', t. lii., p. 181) observed no evolution of hydrochloric acid from the volcanoes of New Granada, while Monticelli found it in enormous quantity in the eruption of Vesuvius in 1813.

[footnote] ****[Of the gaseous compounds of sulphur, one, sulphurous acid, appears to predominate chiefly in volcanoes possessing a certain degree of activity, while the other, sulphureted hydrogen, has been most frequently perceived among those in a dormant condition. The occurrence of abundant exhalations of sulphuric acid, which have been hitherto noticed chiefly in extinct volcanoes, as for instance, in a stream issuing from that of Purace, between Bogota and Quito, from extinct volcanoes in Java, is satisfactorily explained in a recent paper by M. Dumas, 'Annales de Chimie', Dec., 1846. He shows that when sulphureted hydrogen, at a temperature above 100 degrees Fahr., and still better when near 190 degrees, comes in contact with certain porous bodies, a catalytic action is set up, by which water, sulphuric acid, and sulphur are produced. Hence probably the vast deposits of sulphur, associated with sulphates of lime and strontian, which are met with in the western parts of Sicily.] — Tr.

Such effusions p 218 from the fissures of the earth not only occur in the districts of still burning or long-extinguished volcanoes, but they may likewise be observed occasionally in districts where neither trachyte nor any other volcanic rocks are exposed on the earth's surface. In the chain of Quindiu I have seen sulphur deposited in mica slate from warm sulphurous vapor at an elevation of 6832 feet* above the level of the sea, while the same species of rock, which was formerly regarded as primitive, contains, in the Cerro Cuello, near Tiscan, south of Quito, an immense deposit of sulphur imbedded in pure quartz.

[footnote] * Humboldt, 'Recucil d'Observ. Astronomiques', t. i., p. 311 ('Nivellement Barometrique de la Cordillere des Andes', No. 206).

Exhalations of carbonic acid ('mofettes') are even in our days to be considered as the most important of all gaseous emanations, with respect to their number and the amount of their effusion. We see in Germany, in the deep valleys of the Eifel, in the neighborhood of the Lake of Laach,* in the crater-like valley of the Wehr and in Western Bohemia, exhalations of carbonic acid gas manifest themselves as the last efforts of volcanic activity in or near the foci of an earlier world.

[footnote] *[The Lake of Laach, in the district of the Eifel, is an expanse of water two miles in circumference. The thickness of the vegetation on the sides of its crater-like basin renders it difficult to discover the nature of the subjacent rock, but it is probably composed of black cellular augitic lava. The sides of the crater present numerous loose masses, which appear to have been ejected, and consist of glassy feldspar, ice-spar, sodalite, hauyne, spinellane, and leucite. The resemblance between these products and the masses formerly ejected from Vesuvius is most remarkable. (Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', p. 81.) Dr. Hibbert regards the Lake of Laach as formed in the first instance by a crack caused by the cooling of the crust of the earth, which was widened afterward into a circular cavity by the expansive force of elastic vapors. See 'History of the Extinct Volcanoes of the Basin of Neuwied', 1832.] — Tr.

In those earlier periods, when a higher terrestrial temperature existed, and when a great number of fissures still remained unfilled, the processes we have described acted more powerfully, and carbonic acid and hot steam were mixed in larger quantities in the atmosphere, from whence it follows, as Adolph Bronguiart has ingeniously shown,* that the primitive vegetable world must have exhibited almost every where, and independently of geographical position, the most luxurious abundance and the fullest development of organism.

[footnote] *Adolph Bronguiart, in the 'Annales des Sciences Naturelles', t. xv., p. 225.

In these constantly warm and damp atmospheric strata, saturated with p 219 carbonic acid, vegetation must have attained a degree of vital activity, and derived the superabundance of nutrition necessary to furnish materials for the formation of the beds of lignite (coal) constituting the inexhaustible means on which are based the physical power and prosperity of nations. Such masses are distributed in basins over certain parts of Europe, occurring in large quantities in the British Islands, in Belgium, in France, in the provinces of the Lower Rhine, and in Upper Silesia. At the same primitive period of universal volcanic activity, those enormous quantities of carbon must also have escaped from the earth which are contained in limestone rocks, and which, if seprated from oxygen and reduced to a solid form, would constitute about the eighth part of the absolute bulk of these mountain masses.*

[footnote] * Bischof, op. cit., s. 324, Anm. 2.

That portion of the carbon which was not taken up by alkaline earths, but remained mixed with the atmosphere, as carbonic acid, was gradually consumed by the vegetation of the earlier stages of processes of vegetable life, only retained the small quantity which it now possesses, and which is not injurious to the sulphurous vapor have occasioned the destruction of the species of mollusca and fish which inhabited the inland waters of the earlier world, and have given rise to the formation of the contorted beds of gypsum, which have doubtless been frequently affected by shocks of earthquakes.

Gaseous and liquid fluids, mud, and molten earths, ejected from the craters of volcanoes, which are themselves only a kind of "intermittent springs," rise from the earth under precisely analogous physical relations.*

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. i., p. 43.

All these substances owe their temperature and their chemical character to the place of their origin. The 'mean' temperature of aqueous springs is less than that of the air at the point whence they emerge, if the water flow from a height; but their heat increases with the depth of the strata with which they are in contact at their origin. We have already spoken of the numerical law regulating this increase. The blending of waters that have come from the height of a mountain with those that have sprung from the depths of the earth, render it difficult to determine the position of the 'isogeothermal lines'* (lines of equal internal p 220 terrestrial temperature, when this determination is to be made from the temperature of flowing springs.

[footnote] *On the theory of isogeothermal (chthonisothermal) lines, consult the ingenious labors of Kupffer, in Pogg, 'Annalen', bd xv., s. 184, and bd xxxii., s. 270, in the 'Voyage dans l'Oural', p. 382-298, and in the 'Edinburgh Journal of Science', New Series, vol. iv., p. 355. See, also, Kamtz, 'Lehrb. der Meteor.', bd. ii., s. 217; and, on the ascent of the chthonisothermal lines in mountainous districts, Bischof, s. 174-198.

Such at any rate, is the result I have arrived at from my own observations and those of my fellow-travelers in Northern Asia. The temperature of springs, which has become the subject of such continuous physical investigation during the last half century, depends, like the elevation of the line of perpetual snow, on very many simultaneous and deeply-involved causes. It is a function of the temperature of the stratum in which they take their rise, of the specific heat of the soil, and of the quantity and temperature of the meteoric water,* which is itself different from the temperature of the lower strata of the atmosphere, according to the different modes of its origin in rain, snow, or hail.**

[footnote] *Leop. v. Buch, in Pogg., 'Annalen', bd. xii., s. 405.

[footnote] ** On the temperature of the drops, of rain in Cumana, which fell to 72 degrees, when the temperature of the air shortly before had been 86 degrees and 88 degrees, and during the rain sank to 74 degrees, see my 'Relat. Hist.', t. ii., p. 22. The rain-drops, while falling, change the normal temperature they originally possessed, which depends on the height of the clouds from which they fell, and their heating on their upper surface by the solar rays. The rain-drops, on their first production, have a higher temperature than the surrounding medium in the superior strata of our atmosphere, in consequence of the liberation of their latent heat; and they continue to rise in temperature, since, in falling through lower and warmer strata, vapor is precipitated on them, and they thus increase in size (Bischof, 'Warmelehre des inneren Erdkorpers' s. 73); but this additional heating is compensated for by evaporation. The cooling of the air by rain (putting out of the question what probably belongs to the electric process in storms) is effected by the drops, which are themselves of lower temperature, in consequence of the cold situation in which they were formed, and bring down with them a portion of the higher colder air, and which finally, by moistening the ground, give rise to evaporation. The cooling of the air by rain (putting out of the question what probably belongs to the electric process in storms) is effected by the drops, which are themselves of lower temperature, in consequence of the cold situation in which they were formed, and bringi down with them a portion of the higher colder air, and which finally, by moistening the ground, give rise to evaporation. These are the ordinary relations of the phenomenon. When, as occasionally happens, the rain-drops are warmer than the lower strata of the atmosphere (Humboldt, 'Rel. Hist.', t. iii., p. 513), the cause must probably be sought in higher warmer currents, or in a higher temperature of widely-extended and not very thick clouds, from the action of the sun's rays. How, moreover, the phenomenon of supplementary rainbows, which are explained by the interference of light, is connected with the original and increasing size of the falling drops, and how an optical phenomenon, if we know how to observe it accurately, may enlighten us regarding a meteorological process, according to diversity of zone, has been shown, with much talent and ingenuity, by Arago, in the 'Annuaire' for 1836, p. 300.

Cold springs can only indicate the mean atmospheric temperature p 221 when they are unmixed with the waters rising from great depths, or descending from considerable mountain elevations, and when they have passed through a long course at a depth from the surface of the earth which is equal in our latitudes to 40 or 60 feet, and according to Boussingault, to about one foot in the equinoctial regions,* these being the depths at which the invariability of the temperature begins in the temperate and torrid zones, that is to say, the depths at which horary, diurnal, and monthly changes of heat in the atmosphere cease to be perceived.

[footnote] * The profound investigations of Boussingault fully convince me, that in the tropics, the temperature of the ground, at a very slight depth, exactly corresponds with the mean temperature of the air. The following instances are sufficient to illustrate this fact:

Stations Temperature at Mean Height, in within 1 French foot Temperature English Tropic [1.006 of the of the feet, above Zones. English foot] air. the level below the of the sea. earth's surface.

Guayaquil 78.8 78.1 0 Anserma Nuevo 74.6 74.8 3444 Zupia 70.7 70.7 4018 Popayan 64.7 65.6 5929 Quito 59.9 59.9 9559

The doubts about the temperature of the earth within the tropics, of which I am probably, in some degree, the cause, by my observations on the Cave of Caripe (Cueva del Guacharo), 'Rel. Hist.', t. iii., p. 191-196), are resolved by the consideration that I compared the presumed mean temperature of the air of the convent of Caripe, 65.3 degrees, not with the temperature of the air of the cave, 65.6 degrees, but with the temperature of the subterranean stream, 62.3degrees, although I observed ('Rel. Hist.', t. iii., p. 146 and 195) that mountain water from a great height might probably be mixed with the water of the cave.

Hot springs issue from the most various kinds of rocks. The hottest permanent springs that have hitherto been observed are, as my own researches confirm, at a distance from all volcanoes. I will here advert to a notice in my journal of the Aguas Calientes de las Trincheras', in South America, between Porto Cabello and Nueva Valencia, and the 'Aguas de Comangillas', in the Mexican territory, near Guanaxuato; the former of these, which issued from granite, had a temperature of 194.5 degrees; the latter, issuing from basalt, 205.5degrees. The depth of the source from whence the water flowed with this temperature, judging from what we know of the law of the increase of heat in the interior of the earth, was probably 7140 feet, or above two miles. If the universally-diffused terrestrial heat be the cause of thermal springs, as of active volcanoes, the rocks can only exert an influence by the different capacities p 222 for heat and by their conducting powers. The hottest of all permanent springs (between 203 degrees and 209 degrees) are likewise, in a most remarkable degree, the purest, and such as hold in solution the smallest quantity of mineral substances. Their temperature appears, on the whole, to be less constant than that of springs between 122 degrees and 165 degrees, which in Europe, at least, have maintained, in a most remarkable manner, their 'invariability of heat and mineral contents' during the last fifty or sixty years, a period in which thermometrical measurements and chemical analyses have been applied with increasing exactness. Boussingault found in 1823 that the thermal springs of Las Tricheras had risen 12 degrees during the twenty-three years that had intervened since my travels in 1800.*

[footnote] *Boussingault, in the 'Annales de chimie', t. lii., p. 181. The spring of Chaudes Aigues, in Auvergne, is only 176degrees. It is also to be observed, that while the Aguas Calientes de las Trincheras, south of Porto Cabello (Venezuela), springing from granite cleft in regular beds, and far from all volcanoes, have a temperature of fully 206.6 degrees, all the springs which rise in the vicinity of still active volcanoes (Pasto, Cotopaxi, and Tunguragua) have a temperature of only 97 - 130 degrees.

This calmly-flowing spring is therefore now nearly 12 degrees hotter than the intermittent fountains of the Geyser and the Strokr, whose temperature has recently been most carefully determined by Krug of Nidda. A very striking proof of the origin of hot springs by the sinking of cold meteoric water into the earth, and by its contact with a volcanic focus, is afforded by the volcano of Jorulla in Mexico, which was unknown before my American journey. When, in September, 1759, Jorullo was suddenly elevated into a mountain 1183 feet above the level of the surrounding plain, two small rivers, the 'Rio de Cuitimba' and 'Rio de San Pedro', disappeared, and some time afterward burst forth again, during violent shocks of an earthquake, as hot springs, whose temperature I found in 1803 to be 186.4 degrees.

The springs in Greece still evidently flow at the same places as in the times of Hellenic antiquity. The spring of Erasinos, two hours' journey to the south of Argos, on the declivity of Chaon, is mentioned by Herodotus. At Delphi we still see Cassotis (now the springs of St. Nicholas) rising south of the Lesche, and flowing beneath the Temple of Apollo; Castalia, at the foot of Phaedriadae; Pirene, near Acro-Corinth; and the hot baths of Aedipsus, in Euboea, in which Sulla bathed during the Mithridatic war.*

[footnote] *Cassotis (the spring of St. Nicholas) and Castalia, at the Phaedriadae, mentioned in Pausanias, x., 24, 25, and x., 8, 9; Pirene (Acro-Corinth), in Strabo, p. 379; the spring of Erasinos, at Mount Chaon, south of Argos, in Herod., vi., 67, and Pausanias, ii., 24, 7; the springs of Aedipsus in Euboea, some of which have a temperature of 88 degrees, while in others it ranges between 144) qne 167 degrees, in Strabo, p. 60 and 447, and Athenaeus, ii., 3, 73; the hot springs of Thermopylae, at the foot of Oeta, with a temperature of 149 degrees. All from manuscript notes by Professor Curtius, the learned companion of Otfried Muller.

I advert with pleasure to these p 223 facts, as they show us that, even in a country subject to frequent and violent shocks of earthquakes, the interior of our planet has retained for upward of 2000 years its ancient configuration in reference to the course of the open fissures that yield a passage to these waters. The 'Fontaine jaillissante' of Lillers, in the Department des Pas de Calais, which was bored as early as the year 1126, still rises to the same height and yields the same quantity of water; and, as another instance, I may mention that the admirable geographer of the Caramanian coast, Captain Beaufort, saw in the district of Phaselis the same flame fed by emissions of inflammable gas which was described by Pliny as the flame of the Lycian Chimera.*

[footnnote] (Pliny, ii., 106; Seneca, 'Epist.' 79, 3, ed. Ruhkopf (Beaufort, 'Survey of the Coast of Karamania', 1820, art. Yanar, near Delktasch, the ancient Phaselis, p. 24). See also Ctesias, 'Fragm.', cap. 10 p. 250, ed. Bahr; Strabo, lib. xiv., p. 666, Casaub. ["Not far from the Deliktash, on the side of a mountain, is the perpetual fire described by Captain Beaufort. The travelers found it as brilliant as ever, and even somewhat increased; for, besides the large flame in the corner of the ruins described by Beaufort, there were small jets issuing from crevices in the side of the crater-like cavity five or six feet deep. At the bottom was a shallow pool of sulphureous and turbid water, regarded by the Turks as a sovereign remedy for all skin complaints. The soot deposited from the flames was regarded as efficacious for sore eyelids, and valued as a dye for the eyebrows." See the highly interesting and accurate work, 'Travels in Lycia', by Lieut. Spratt and Professor E. Forbes.] — Tr.

The observation made by Arago in 1821, that the deepest Artesian wells are the warmest,* threw great light on the origin of thermal springs, and on the establishment of the law that terrestrial heat increases with increasing depth.

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire pour' 1835, p. 234.

It is a remarkable fact, which has but recently been noticed, that at the close of the third century, St. Patricus,* probably Bishop of Pertusa, was led to adopt very correct views regarding the phenomenon of the hot springs at Carthage.

[footnote] *'Acta S. Patricii', p. 555, ed. Ruinart, t. ii., p. 385, Mazochi. Dureau de la Malle was the first to draw attention to this remarkable passage in the 'Recherches sur la Topographie de Carthage', 1835, p. 276. (See, also, Seneca, 'Nat. Quaest.', iii., 24.)

On being asked what was the cause of boiling water bursting from the earth, he replied, "Fire is nourished in the clouds and in the interior p 224 of the earth, as Aetna and other mountains near Naples may teach you. The subterranean waters rise as if through siphons. The cause of hot springs is this: waters which are more remote from the subterranean fire are colder, while those which rise nearer the fire are heated by it, and bring with them to the surface which we inhabit an insupportable degree of heat."

As earthquakes are often accompanied by eruptions of water and vapors, we recognize in the 'Salses',* of small mud volcanoes, a transition from the changing phenomena presented by these eruptions of vapor and thermal springs to the more powerful and awful activity of the streams of lava that flow from volcanic mountains.

[footnote] *[True volcanoes, as we have seen, generate sulphureted hydrogen and muriatic acid, upheave tracts of land, and omit streams of melted feldspathic materials; salses, on the contrary, disengage little else but carbureted hydrogen, together with bitumen and other products of the distillation of coal, and pour forth no other torrents except of mud, or argillaceous materials mixed up with water. Daubeney, op cit., p. 540.] — Tr.

If we consider these mountains as springs of molten earths producing volcanic rocks, we must remember that thermal water, when impregnated with carbonic acid and sulphurous gases, are continually forming horizontally ranged strata of limestone (travertine) or conical elevations, as in Northern Africa (in Alberia), and in the Banos of Caxamarca, on the western declivity of the Peruvian Cordilleras. The travertine of Van Diemen's Land (near Hobart Town) contains, according to Charles Darwin, remains of a vegetation that no longer exists. Lava and travertine, which are constantly forming before our eyes, present us with the two extremes of geognostic relations.

'Salses' deserve more attention than they have hitherto received from geognosists. Their grandeur has been overlooked because of the two conditions to which they are subject; it is only the more peaceful state, in which they may continue for centuries, which has generally been described: their origin is, however, accompanied by earthquakes, subterranean thunder, the elevation of a whole district, and lofty emissions of flame of short duration. When the mud volcano of Jokmali began to form on the 27th of November, 1827, in the peninsula of Abscheron, on the Caspian Sea, east of Baku, the flames flashed up to an extraordinary height for three hours, while during the next twenty hours they scarcely rose three feet above the crater, from which mud was ejected. Near the village of Baklichli, west of Baku, the flames rose so high that p 225 they could be seen at a distance of twenty-four miles. Enormous masses of rock were torn up and scattered around. Similar masses may be seen round the now inactive mud volcano of Monte Ziblo, near Sassuolo, in Northern Italy. The secondary condition of repose has been maintained for upward of fifteen centuries in the mud volcanoes of Girgenti, the 'Macalubi', in Sicily, which have been described by the ancients. These salses consist of many contitiguous conical hills, from eight to ten, or even thirty feet in height, subject to variations of elevation as well as of form. Streams of argillaceous mud, attended by a periodic development of gas, flow from the small basins at the summits, which are filled with water; the mud, although usualy cold is sometimes at a high temperature, as at Damak, in the province of Samarang, in the island of Java. The gases that are developed with loud noise differ in their nature consisting for instance, of hydrogen mixed with naphtha, or of carbonic acid, or, as Parrot and myself have shown (in the peninsula of Taman, and in the 'Volcancitos de Turbaco', in South America), of almost pure nitrogen.*

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Rel. Hist.', t. iii., p. 562-567; 'Asie Centrale', t. i., p. 43; t. ii., p. 505-515; 'Vues des Cordilleres', pl. xli. Regarding the 'Macalubi', the 'overthrown' or 'inverted', from the word 'Khalaba'), and on "the Earth ejecting fluid earth," see Solinus, cap. 5: "idem ager Agrigentinus eructat limosas scaturigenes, et ut venae fontium sufficiunt rivis subjinistrandis, ita in hac Sicilae parte solo munquam deficiente, Aeterna rejectatione terram terra evomit."

Mud volcanoes, after the first violent explosion of fire, which is not, perhaps, in an equal degree common to all, present to the spectator an image of the uninterrupted but weak activity of the interior of our planet. The communication with the deep strata in which a high temperature prevails is soon closed, and the coldness of the mud emissions of the salses seems to indicate that the seat of the phenomenon can not be far removed from the surface during their ordinary condition. The reaction of the interior of the earth on its external surface is exhibited with totally different force in true volcanoes or igneous mountains, at points of the earth in which a permanent, or, at least, continually-renewed connection with the volcanic force is manifested. We must here carefully distinguish between the more or less intensely developed volcanic phenomena, as for instance, between earthquakes, thermal, aqueous, and gaseous springs, mud volcanoes, and the appearance of bell-formed or dome-shaped trachytic rocks without openings; the opening of these rocks, or of the elevated beds of basalt, as p 226 craters of elevation; and, lastly, the elevation of a permanent volcano in the crater of elevation, or among the 'debris' of its earlier formation. At different periods, and in different degrees of activity and force, the permanent volcanoes emit steam acids, luminous scoriae, or, when the resistance can be overcome, narrow, band-like streams of molten earths. Elastic vapors sometimes elevate either separate portions of the earth's crust into dome-shaped unopened masses of feldspathic trachyte and dolerite (as in Puy de Dome and Chimborazo), in consequence of some great or local manifestation of force in the interior of our planet, or the upheaved strata are broken through and curved in such a manner as to form a steep rocky ledge on the opposite inner side, which then constitutes the inclosure of a crater of elevation. If this rocky ledge has been uplifted from the bottom of the sea, which is by no means always the case, it determines the whole physiognomy and form of the island. In this manner has arisen the circular form of Palma, which has been described with such admirable accuracy by Leopold von Buch, and that of Nisyros,* in the Aegean sea.

[footnote] *See the interesting little map of the island of Nisyros, in Roise's 'Reisen auf den Griechischen Inseln', bd. ii., 1843, s. 69.

Sometimes half of the annular ledge has been destroyed, and in the bay formed by the encroachment of the sea corallines have built their cellular habitations. Even on continents craters of elevation are often filled with water, and embellish in a peculiar manner the character of the landscape. Their origin is not connected with any determined species of rock: they break out in basalt, trachyte, leucitic porphyry (somma), or in doleritic mixtures of augite and labradorite; and hence arise the different nature and external conformation of these inclosures of craters. No phenomena of eruption are manifested in such craters, as they open no permanent channel of communication with the interior, and it is but seldom that we meet with traces of volcanic activity either in the neighborhood or in the interior of these craters. The force which was able to produce so important an action must have been long accumulating in the interior before it could overpower the resistance of the mass pressing upon it; it sometimes, for instance, on the origin of new islands, will raise granular rocks and conglomerated masses (strata of tufa filled with marine plants) above the surface of the sea. The compressed vapors escape through the crater of elevation, but a large mass soon falls back and closes the opening, which had been only formed by these manifestations of force. No volcano can, therefore, p be produced.*

[footnote] *Leopold von Buch, 'Phys. Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln', s. 326; and his Memoir 'uber Erhebungscratere und Vulcane', in Poggend., 'Annal.', bd. xxxvii., s. 169. In his remarks on the separation of Sicily from Calabria, Strbo gives an excellend description of the two modes in which islands are formed: "Some islands," he observes (lib. vi., p. 258, ed. Casaub.), "are fragments of the continent, others have arisen from the sea, as even at the present time is known to happen; for the islands of the great ocean, lying far from the main land, have probably been raised from its depths, while, on the other hand, those near promontories appear (according to reason) to have been separated from the continent."

A volcano, properly so called, exists only where a permanent connection is established between the interior of the earth and the atmosphere, and the reaction of the interior on the surface then continues during long periods of time. It may be interrupted for centuries, as in the case of Vesuvius Fisove,* and then manifest itself with renewed activity.

[footnote] *Ocre Fisove (Mons Vesuvius) in the Umbrian language. (Lassen 'Deutung der Eugubinischen Tafeln in Rhein. Museum', 1832, s. 387.) The word 'ochre' is very probaby genuine Umbrian, and means, according to Festus, 'mountain'. Aetna would be a burning and shining mountain, if Voss is correct in stating that [Greek work] is an Hellenic sound, and is connected with [Greed word] and [Greek word]; but the intelligent writer Parthey doubts this Hellenic origin on etymological grounds, and also because etna was by no means regarded as a luminous beacon for ships or wanderers, in the same manner as the ever-travailing Stromboli (Strongyle), to which Homer seems to refer in the Odyssey (xii., 68, 202, and 219), and its geographical position was not so well determined. I suspect that tna would be found to be a Sicilian word, if we had any fragmentary materials to refer to. According to Diodorus (v., 6), the Sicani, or aborigines preceding the Sicilians, were compelled to fly to the western part of the island, in the consequence of successive eruptions extending over many years. The most ancient eruption of Mount Aetna on record is that mentioned by Pindar and Schylus, as occurring under Hiero, in the second year of the 75th Olympiad. It is probable that Hesiod was aware of the devastating eruptions of Aetna before the period of Greek immigration. There is, however, some doubt regarding the work [Greek word] in the text of Hesiod, a subject into whci I have entered at some length in another place. (Humboldt, 'Examen Crit. de le Geogr.', t. i., p. 168.)

In the time of Nero, men were disposed to rank Aetna among the volcanic mountains which were graduallybecoming extinct,* and subsequently Aelian** even maintained that mariners could no longer see the sinking summit of the mountain from so great a distance at sea.

[footnote] *Seaeca. 'Epist.', 79.

[footnote] ** Aelian, 'Var. Hist.', viii., 11.

Where these evidences — these old scaffoldings of eruption, I might almost say — still exist, the volcano rises from a crater of elevation, while a high rocky wall surrounds, like an amphitheater, the isolated conical mount, and forms around it a kind of easing of highly elevated p 228 strata. Occasionally not a trace of this inclosure is visible, and the volcano, which is not always conical rises immediately from the neighboring plateau in an elongated form, as in the case of Pichincha,* at the foot of which lies the city of Quito.

[footnote] *[This mountain contains two funnel-shaped craters, apparently resulting from two set of eruptions: the western nearly circular, and having in its center a cone of eruption, from the summit and sides of which are no less than seventy vents, some in activity and others extinct. It is probable that the larger number of the vents were produced at periods anterior to history. Caubney, op. cit., p. 488.] — Tr.

As the nature of rocks, or the mixture (grouping) of simple minerals into granite, gneiss, and mica slate, or into trachyte, basalt, and dolorite, is independent of existing climates, and is the same under the most varied latitudes of the earth, so also we find every where in inorganic nature that the same laws of configuration regulate the reciprocal superposition of the strata of the earth's crust, cause them to penetrate one another in the form of veins, and elevate them by the agency of elastic forces. This constant recurrence of the same phenomena is most strikingly manifested in volcanoes. When the mariner, amid the islands of some distant archipelago, is no longer guided by the light of the same stars with which he had been familiar in his native latitude, and sees himself surrounded by palms and other forms of an exotic vegetation, he still can trace, reflected in the individual characteristics of the landscape, the forms of Vesuvius, of the come-shaped summits of Auvergne, the craters of elevation in the Canaries and Azores, or the fissures of eruption in Iceland. A glance at the satellite of our planet will impart a wider generalization to this analogy of configuration. by means of the charts that have been drawn in accordance with the observations made with large telescopes, we may recognize in the moon, where water and air are both absent, vast craters of elevation surrounding or supporting conical mountains, thus affording incontrovertible evidence of the effects produced by the reaction of the interior on the surface, favored by the influence of a feebler force of gravitation.

Although vocanoes are justy termed in many languages "fire-emitting mountains," mountains of this kind are not formed by the gradual accumulation of ejected currents of lava, but their origin seems rather to be a general consequence of the sudden elevation of soft masses of trachyte or labradoritic augite. The amount of the elevating force is manifested p 229 by the elevation of the volcano, which varies from the inconsiderable height of a hill (as the volcano of Cosima, one of the Japanese Kurile islands) to that of a cone above 19,000 feet in height. It has appeared to me that relations of height have a great influence on the occurrence of eruptions, which are more frequent in low than in elevated volcanoes. I might instance the series presented by the following mountains: Stromboli, 2318 feet; Guacamayo, in the province of Quixos, from which detonations are heard almost daily (I myself often heard them at Chillo, near Quito, a distance of eighty-eight miles); Vesuvius, 3876 feet; Aetna, 10871 feet; the Peak of Teneriffe, 12,175 feet; and Cotopaxi, 19,069 feet. If the focus of these volcanoes be at an equal depth below the surface, a greater force must be required where the fused masses have to be raised to an elevation six or eight times greater than that of the lower eminences. While the volcano Stromboli (Strongyle) has been incessantly active since the Homeric ages, and has served as a beacon-light to guide the mariner in the Tyrrhenian Sea, loftier volcanoes have been characterized by loong intervals of quiet. Thus we see that a whole century often intervenes between the eruptions of most of the colossi which crown the summits of the Cordilleras of the Andes. Where we meet with exceptions to this law, to which I long since drew attention, they must depend upon the circumstance that the connections between the volcanic foci and the crater of eruption can not be considered as equaly permanent in the case of all volcanoes. The channel of communication may be closed for a time in the case of the lower ones, so that they less frequently come to a state of eruption, although they do not, on that account, approach more nearly to their final extinction.

These relations between the absolute height and the frequency of volcanic eruptions, as far as they are externally perceptible, are intimately connected with the consideration of the local conditions under which lava currents are erupted. Eruptions from the crater are very unusual in many mountains, generally occurring from lateral fissures (as was observed in the case of Aetna, in the sixteenth century, by the celebrated historian Bembo, when a youth*), whenever the sides p 230 of the upheaved mountain were least able, from their configuration and position, to offer any resistance.

[footnote] *Petri Bembi Opuscula ('Aetna Dialogus'), Basil, 1556, p. 63: "Quicquid in Aetnae matris utero coulescit, nunquam exit ex cratere superiore, quod vel eo inscondere gravis materia non queat, vel, quia inferius alia spiramenta sunt, non fit opus. Despumant flammis urgentibus ignei rivi pigro fluxu totas delambentes plagas, et in lapidem indurescunt."

Cones of eruption are sometimes uplifted on these fissures; the larger ones, which are erroneously termed 'new volcanoes', are ranged together in line marking the direction of a fissure, which is soon reclosed, while the smaller ones are grouped together covering a whole district with their dome-like or hive-shaped forms. To the latter belong the 'hornitos de Jorullo',I the cone of Vesuvius erupted in October, 1822, that of Awatscha, according to Postels, and those of the lava-field mentioned by Erman, near the Baidar Mountains, in the peninsula of Kamtschatka.

[footnote] See my drawing of the volcano of Jorullo, of its 'hornitos', and of the uplifted 'malpays', in my 'Vues de Cordilleres', pl. xliii., p. 239. [Burckhardt states that during the twenty-four years that have intervened since Baron Humboldt's visit to Jorullo, the 'hornitos' have either wholly disappeared or completely changed their forms. See 'Aufenthalt und Reisen in Mexico in 1825 und 1834'.] — Tr.

When volcanoes are not isolated in a plain, but surrounded, as in the double chain of the Andes of Quito, by a table-land having an elevation from nine to thirteen thousand feet, this circumstance may probably explain the cause why no lava streams are formed* during the most dreadful eruption of ignited scoriae accompanied by detonations heard at a distance of more than a hundred miles.

[footnote] * Humboldt, 'Essaii sur la Geogr. des Plantes et Tableau Phys. des Regions Equinoxiales', 1807, p. 130, and 'Essai Geogn. sur le Gisement des Roches', p. 321. Most of the volcanoes in Java demonstrate that the cause of the perfect absence of lava streams in volcanoes of incessant activity is not alone to be sought for in their form, position, and height. Leop. von Buch, 'Descr. Phys. des Iles Canaries', p. 419; Reinwardt and Hoffmann, in Poggened., 'Annalen.', bd. xii., s. 607.

Such are the volcanoes of Popayan, those of the elevated plateau of Los Pastos and of the Andes of Quito, with the exception, perhaps, in the case of the latter, of the volcano of Antisana. The height of the cone of cinders, and the size and form of the crater, are elements of configuration which yield an especial and individual character to volcanoes, although the cone of cinders and the crater are both wholly independent of the dimensions of the mountain. Vesuvius is more than three times lower than the Peak of Teneriffe; its cone of cinders rises to one third of the height of the whole mountain, while the cone of cinders of the Peak is only 1/22d of its altitude.

[footnote] * [It may be remarked in general, although the rule is liable to exceptions, that the dimensions of a crater are in an inverse ratio to the elevation of the mountain. Daubeney, op. Cit., p. 444.] — Tr.

In a much higher volcano than that of Teneriffe, the Rueu Pichincha, other relations occur p 231 which approach more nearly to that of Vesuvius. Among all the volcanoes that I have seen in the two hemispheres, the conical form of Cotopaxi is the most beautifully regular. A sudden fusion of the snow at its cone of cinders announces the proximity of the eruption. Before the smoke is visible in the rarefied strata of air surrounding the summit and the opening of the crater, the walls of the cone of cinders are sometimes in a state of glowing heat, when the whole mountain presents an appearance of the most fearful and portentous blackness. The crater, which, with very few exceptions, occupies the summit of the volcano, forms a deep, caldron-like valley, which is often accessible, and whose bottom is subject to constant alterations. The great or lesser depth of the crater is in many volcanoes likewise a sign of the near or distant occurrence of an eruption. Long, narrow fissures, from which vapors issue forth, or small rounding hollows filled with molten masses, alternately open and close in the caldron-like valley; the bottom rises and sinks, eminences of scoriae and cones of eruption are formed, rising sometimes far over the walls of the crater, and continuing for years together to impart to the volcano a peculiar character, and then suddenly fall together and disappear during a new eruption. The openings of these cones of eruption, which rise from the bottom of the crater, must not, as is too often done, be confounded with the crater which incloses them. If this be inaccessible from extreme depth and from the perpendicular descent, as in the case of the volcano of Rucu Pichincha, which is 15,920 feet in height, the traveler may look from the edge on the summit of the mountains which rise in the sulphurous atmosphere of the valley at his feet; and I have never beheld a grander or more remarkable picture than that presented by this volcano. In the interval between two eruptions, a crater may either present no luminous appearance, showing merely open fissures and ascending vapors, or the scarcely heated soil may be covered by eminences of scoriae, that admit of being approached without danger, and thus present to the geologist the spectacle of the eruption of burning and fused masses, which fall back on the ledge of the cone of scoriae, and whose appearance is regularly announced by small wholly local earthquakes. Lava sometimes streams forth from the open fissures and small hollows, without breaking through or escaping beyond the sides of the crater. If, however, it does break through, the newly-opened terrestrial stream generally flows in such a quiet and well-defined course, that the deep valley, which we term the crater, remains accessible p 232 even during periods of eruption. It is impossible, without an exact representation of the configuration — the normal type, as it were, of fire-emitting mountains, to form a just idea of those phenomena which, owing to fantastic descriptions and an undefined phraseology, have long been comprised under the head of 'craters, cones of eruption', and 'volcanoes'. The marginal ledges of craters vary much less than one would be led to suppose. A comparison of Saussure's measurements with my own yields the remarkable result, for instance, that in the course of forty-nine years (from 1773 to 1822), the elevation of the northwestern margin of Mount Vesuvius ('Rocca del Palo') may be considered to have remained unchanged.*

[footnote] *See the ground-work of my measurements compared with those of Saussure and Lord Minto, in the 'Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wiss. zu Berlin' for the years 1822 and 1823.

Volcanoes which, like the chain of the Andes, lift their summits high above the boundaries of the region of perpetual snow, present peculiar phenomena. The masses of snow, by their sudden fusion during eruptions, occasion not only the most fearful inundations and torrents of water, in which smoking scoriae are borne along on thick masses of ice, but they likewise exercise a constant action, while the volcano is in a state of perfect repose, by infiltration into the fissures of the trachytic rock. Cavities which are either on the declivity or at the foot of the mountain are gradually converted into subterranean resevoirs of water, which communicate by numerous narrow openings with mountain streams, as we see exemplified in the highlands of Quito. the fishes of these rivulets multiply, especially in the obscurity of the hollows; and when the shocks of earthquakes, which precede all eruptions in the andes, have violently shaken the whole mass of the volcano, these subterranean caverns are suddenly opened, and water, fishes, and tufaceous mud are all ejected together. It is through this singular phenomenon* that the inhabitants of the highlands of Quito became acquainted with the existence of the little cyclopic fishes, termed by them the prenadilla.

[footnote] *Pimelodes cyclopum. See Humboldt, 'Recueil d'Observations de Zoologie et d'Anatomie Comparee', t. i., p. 21-25.

On the night between the 19th and 20th of June, 1698, when the summit of Carguairazo, a mountain 19,720 feet in height, fell in, leaving only two huge masses of rock remaining of the ledge of the crater, a space of nearly thirty-two square miles was overflowed and devastated by streams of liquid tufa and argillaceous mud ('lodazales'), containing large quantities of dead fish. p 233 In like manner, the putrid fever, which raged seven years previously in the mountain town of Ibarra, north of Quito, was ascribed to the ejection of fish from the volcano of Imbaburu.*

[footnote] *[It would appear, as there is no doubt that these fishes proceed from the mountain itself, that there must be large lakes in the interior, which in ordinary season are out of the immediate influence of the volcanic action. See Daubeney, op. cit., p. 488, 497.] — Tr.

Water and mud, which flow not from the crater itself, but from the hollows in the trachytic mass of the mountain, can not, strictly speaking, be classed among volcanic phenomena. They are only indirectly connected with the volcanic activity of the mountain, resembling, in that respect, the singular meteorological process which I have designated in my earlier writings by the term of 'volcanic storm'. The hot stream which rises from the crater during the eruption and spreads itself in the atmosphere, condenses into a cloud, and surrounds the column of fire and cinders which rises to an altitude of many thousand feet. The sudden condensation of the vapors, and, as Gay-Lussac has shown, the formation of a cloud of enormous extent, increase the electric tension. Forked lightning flashes from the column of cinders, and it is then easy to distinguish (as at the close of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, in the latter end of October, 1822) the rolling thunder of the volcanic storm from the detonations in the interior of the mountain. the flashes of lightning that darted from the volcanic cloud of steam, as we learn from Olafsen's report, killed eleven horses and two men, on the eruption of the volcano of Katlagia, in Iceland, on the 17th of October, 1755.

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