COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
by Alexander von Humboldt
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It is difficult to understand how so striking a natural phenomenon should have failed to attract the attention of physicists and astronomers until the middle of the seventeenth century, or how it could have escaped the observation of the Atabian natural philosophers in ancient Bactria, on the euphrates, and in the south of Spain. Almost equal surprise is excited by the tardiness of observation of the nebulous spots in Andromeda and Orion, first described by Simon Marius and Huygens. The earliest explicit descriptions of the zodiacal light occurs in Childrey's 'Britannia Baconica',* in the year 1661. p 139

[footnote] *"There is another thing which I recommend to the observation of mathematical men, which is that in February, and for a little before and a little after that month (as I have observed several years together), about six in the evening, when the twilight hath almost deserted the horizon, you shall see a plainly discernible way of the twilight striking up toward the Pleiades, and seeming almost to touch them. It is so observed any clear night, but it is best illac nocte. There is no such way to be observed at any other time of the year (that I can perceive), nor any other way at that time to be perceived darting up elsewhere; and I believe it hath been, and will be constantly visible at that time of the year; but what the cause of it in nature should be, I can not yet imagine, but leave it to future inquiry." (Childrey, 'Britannia Baconica', 1661, p. 183.) This is the first view and a simple description of the phenomenon. (Cassini, 'DŽcouverte de la Lumi dfd Žleste qui paro”t dans le Zodiaque', in the 'MŽm. de l'Acad.', t. viii., 1730, p 276. Mairan, 'TraitŽPhys de l'Aurore BorŽale', 1754, 0. 16.) In this remarkable work by Childrey there are to be found (p. 91) very clear accounts of the epochs of maxima and minima diurnal and annual temperatures, and of the retardation of the extremes of the effects in meteorological processes. It is, however, to be regretted that our Baconian-philosophy-loving author, who was Lord Henry Somerset's chaplain, fell into the same error as Bernardin de St. Pierre, and regarded the Earth as elongated at the poles (see p. 148). At the first he believes that the Earth was spherical, but supposes that the uninterrupted and increasing addition of layers of ice at both poles has changed its figure; and that as the ice is formed from water, the quantity of that liquid is every where diminishing.

The first observation of the phenomenon may have been made two or three years prior to this period; but, notwithstanding, the merit of having (in the spring of 1683) been the first to investigate the phenomenon in all its relations in space is incontestably due to Dominicus Cassini. The light which he saw at Bologna in 1668, and which was observed at the same time in Persia by the celebrated traveler Chardin (the court astrologers of Ispahan called this light, which had never before been observed, 'nyzek', a small lance), was not the zodiacal light, as has often been asserted,* but the p 140 enormous tail of a comet, whose head was concealed in the vapory mist of the horizon, and which, from its length and appearance, presented much similarity to the great comet of 1843.

[footnote] *Dominicus Cassini ('MŽm. de l'Acad.', t. viii., 1730, p. 188), and Mairan ('Aurore Bor.', p. 16), have even maintained that the phenomenon observed in Persia in 1668 was the zodiacal light. Delambre ('Hist. de l'Astron. Moderne', t. ii., p. 742), in very decided trms ascribes the discovery of this light to the celebrated traveler Chardin; but in the 'Couronnement de Soliman', and in several passages of the narrative of his travels (Žd. de Langls. t. iv., p. 326; t. x., p. 97), he only applies the term niazouk (nyzek), or "petite lance," to "the great and famous comet which appeared over nearly the whole world in 1668, and whose head was so hidden in the wewst that it could not be perceived in the horizon of Ispahan" ('Atlas du Voyage de Chardin', Tab. iv.; from the observations at Schiraz). The head or nucleus of the comet was, however, visible in the Brazils and in India (PingrŽ, 'ComŽtogr.', t. ii., p. 22). Regarding the conjectured identity of the last great comet of March, 1843, with this, which Cassini mistook for the zodiacal light, see Schum., 'Astr. Nachr.', 1843, No. 476 and 480. In Persian, the term "nizehi ‰tesch”n"(fiery spears or lances) is also applied to the rays of the rising or setting sun, in the same way as "nay‰zik," according to Freytag's Arabic Lexicon, signifies "stell¾ cadentes." The comparison of comets to lances and swords was, however, in the Middle Ages, very common in all languages. The great comet of 1500, which was visible from April to June, was always termed by the Italian writers of that time 'il Signor Astone' (see my 'Examen Critique de l'Hist. de la GŽographie', t. v., p. 80). All the hypotheses that have been advanced to show that Descartes (Cassini, p. 230; Mairan, p. 16), and even Kepler (Delambre, t. i., p. 601), were acquainted with the zodiacal light, appear to me altogether untenable. Descartes ('Principes', iii., art. 136, 137) is very obscure in his remarks on comets, observing that their tails are formed "by oblique rays, which, falling on different parts of the planetary orbs, strike the eye laterally by extraordinary refraction," and that they might be seen morning and evening, "like a long beam," when the Sun is between the comet and the Earth. This passage no more refers to the zodiacal light than those in which Kepler ('Epit. Astron. Copernican¾', t. i., p. 57, and t. ii., p. 893) speaks of the existence of a solar atmosphere (limbus circa solem, coma lucida), which, in eclipses of the Sun, prevents it "from being quite night:" and even more uncertain, or indeed erroneous, is the assumption that the "trabes quas [Greek word] vocant" (Plin., ii., 26 and 27) had reference to the tongue-shaped rising zodiacal light, as Cassini (p. 231, art. xxxi.) and Mairan (p. 15) have maintained. Every where among the ancients the trabes are associated with the bolides (ardores et faces) and other fiery meteors, and even with long-barbed comets. (Regarding [Greek words] . see SchŠfer, 'Schol. Par. ad Apoll. Rhod.', 1813, t. ii., p. 206; Pseudo-Aristot., 'de Mundo, 2, 9; 'Comment. Alex. Joh. Philop. et Olymp. in Aristot. Meteor.', lib. i., cap. vii., 3, p. 195, Ideler; Seneca, 'Nat. Qu¾st.', i., 1.)

We may conjecture, with much probability, that the remarkable light on the elevated plains of Mexico, seen for forty nights consecutively i8n 1509, and observed in the eastern horizon rising pyramidally from the earth, was the zodiacal light. I found a notice of this phenomenon in an ancient Aztec MS., the 'CodexTelleriano-Remensis',* preserved in the Royal Library at Paris.

[footnote] *Humboldt, 'Monumens des Peuples Indignes de l'AmŽrique', t. ii., p. 301. The rare manuscript which belonged to the Archbishop of Rheims, Le Tellier, contains various kinds of extracts from an Aztec ritual, an astrological calendar, and historical annals, extending from 1197 to 1549, and embracing a notice of different natural phenomena, epochs of earthquakes and comets (as, for instance, those of 1490 and 1529), and of (which are important in relation to Mexican chronology) solar eclipses. In Camargo's manuscript 'Historia de Tlascala', the light rising in the east almost to the zenith is, singularly enough, described as "sparkling, and as if sown with stars." The description of this phenomenon, which lasted forty days, can not in any way apply to volcanic eruptions of Popcatepetl, which lies very near, in the southeastery direction. (Prescott, 'History of the Conquest of Mesico', vol. i., p. 284.) Later commentators have confounded this phenomenon, which Montezuma regarded as a warning of his misfortunes, with the "estrella que humeava" (literally, 'which spring forth'; Mexican 'choloa, to leap or spring forth'). With respect to the connection of this vapor with the star Citlal Choloha (Venus) and with "the mountain of the star" (Citialtepetl, the volcano of Orizaba), see my 'Monumens', t. ii., p. 303.

This phenomenon, whose primordial antiquity can scarcely be doubted, and which was first noticed in Europe by Childrey and Dominicus Cassini, is not the luminous solar atmosphere itself, since this can not, in accordance with mechanical laws, be more compressed than in the relation of 2 to 3, and consequently can not be diffused beyond 9/20ths of Mercury's heliocentric distance. These same laws teach us that the altitude of the extreme boundaries of the atmosphere of a cosmical p 141 body above its equator, that is to say, the point at which gravity and centrifugal force are in equilibrium, must be the same as the altitude at which a satellite would rotate round the central body simultaneously with the diurnal revolution of the latter.*

[footnote] *Laplace, 'Expos. du Syst. du Monde', p. 270; 'MŽcanique CŽleste', t. ii., p. 169 and 171; Schubert, 'Astr.', bd. iii., ¤ 206.

This limitation of the solar atmosphere in its present concentrated condition is especially remarkable when we compare the central body of our system with the nucleus of other nebulous stars. Herschel has discovered several, in which the radius of the nebulous matter surrounding the star appeared at an angle of 150". On the assumption that the parallax is not fully equal to 1", we find that the outermost nebulous layer of such a star must be 150 times further from the central body than our Earth is from the Sun. If, therefore, the nebulous star were to occupy the place of our Sun, its atmosphere would not only include the orbit of Uranus, but even extend eight times beyond it.¥

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 408. Compare Sir John Herschel's considerations on the volume and faintness of light of planetary nebul¾, in Mary Somerville's 'Connection of the Physical Sciences', 1835, p. 108. The opinion that the Sun is a nebulous star, whose atmosphere presents the phenomenon of zodiacal light, did not originate with Dominicus Cassini, but was first promulgated by Mairan in 1730 ('TraitŽ de l'Aurore Bor.', p. 47 and 263; Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 412). It is a renewal of Kepler's views.

Considering the narrow limitation of the Sun's atmosphere, which we have just described, we may with much probability regard the existence of a very compressed annulus of nebulous matter,* revolving freely in space between the orbits of Venus and Mars, as the material cause of the zodiacal light.

[footnote] *Cominicus Cassini was the first to assume, as did subsequently Laplace, Schubert, and Poisson, the hypothesis of a separate ring to explain the form of the zodiacal light. He says distinctly, "If the orbits of Mercury and Venus were visible (throughout their whole extent), we should invariably observe them with the same figure and in the same position with regard to the Sun, and at the same time of the year with the zodiacal light." ('MŽm. de l'Acad.', t. viii., 1730, p. 218, and Biot, in the 'Comptes Rendus', 1836, t. iii., p. 666.) Cassini believed that the nebulous ring of zodiacal light consisted of innumerable small planetary bodies revolving round the Sun. He even went so far as to believe that the fall of fire-balls might be connected with the passage of the Earth through the zodiacal nebulous ring. Olmsted, and especially Biot (op. cit., p. 673), have attempted to establish its connection with the November phenomenon — a connection which Olbers doubts. (Schum., 'Jahrb.', 1837, s. 281.) Regarding the question whether the place of the zodiacal light perfectly coincides with that of the Sun's equator, see Houzeau, in Schum., 'Astr. Nachr.', 1843, No. 492, s. 190.

As p 142 yet we certainly know nothing definite regarding its actual material dimensions; its augmentation* by emanations from the tails of myriads of comets that come within the Sun's vicinity; the singular changes affecting its expansion, since it sometimes does not apper to extend beyond our Earth's orbit; or, lastly, regarding its conjectural intimate connection with the more condensed cosmical vapor in the vicinity of the Sun.

[footnote] *Sir John Herschel, 'Astron.', ¤ 487.

The nebulous particles composing this ring, and revolving round the sun in accordance with planetary laws, may either be self-luminous or receive light from that luminary. Even in the case of a terrestrial mist (and this fact is very remarkable), which occurred at the time of the new moon at midnight in 1743, the phosphorescence was so intense that objects could be distinctly recognized at a distance of more than 600 feet.

I have occasionally been astonished in the tropical climates of south america, to observe the variable intensity of the zodiacal light. As i passed the nights, during many months, in the open air, on the shores of rivers and on ilanos, i enjoyed ample opportunities of carefully examining this phenomenon. When the zodiacal light had been most intense, i have observed that it would be perceptibly weakened for a few minutes, until it again suddenly shone forth in full brilliancy. In some few instances i have thought that i could perceive — not exactly a reddish coloration, nor the lower portion darkened in an arc-like form, nor even a scintillation, as mairan affirms he has observed — but a kind of flickering and wavering of the light.*

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1832, p. 246. Several physical facts appear to indicate that, in a mechanical separation of matter into its smallest particles, if the mass be very small in relation to the surface, the electrical tension may increase sufficiently for the production of light and heat. Experiments with a large concave mirror have not hitherto given any positive evidence of the presence of radiant heat in the zodiacal light. (Lettre de M. Matthiessen ˆ M. Arago, in the 'Comptes Rendus', t. xvi., 1843, Avril, p. 687.)

Must we suppose that changes are actually in progress in the nebulous ring? or is it not more probable that, although I could not, by my meteorological instruments, detect any change of heat or moisture near the ground, and small stars of the fifth and sixth magnitudes appeared to shine with equally undiminished intensity of light, processes of condensation may be going on in the uppermost strata of the air, by means of which the transparency, or rather, the reflection of light, may be modified in some peculiar and unknown manner? p 143 An assumption of the existence of such meteorological causes on the confines of our atmosphere is strengthened by the "sudden flash and pulsation of light," which, according to the acute observations of Olbers, vibrated for several seconds through the tail of a comet, which appeared during the continuance of the pulsations of light to be lengthened by several degrees, and then again contracted.*

[footnote] *"What you tell me of the changes of light in the zodiacal light, and of the causes to which you ascribe such changes within the tropics, is of the greatr interest to me, since I have been for a long time past particularly attentive, every spring, to this phenomenon in our northern latitudes. I, too, have always believed that the zodiacal light rotated; but I assumed (contrary to Poisson's opinion, which you have communicated to me) that it completely extended to the Sun, with considerably augmenting brightness. The light circle which, in total solar eclipses, is seen surrounding the darkened Sun, I have regarded as the brightest portion of the zodiacal light. I have convinced my self that this light is very different in different years, often for several successive years being very bright and diffused, while in othr years it is scarcely perceptible. I tyhink that I find the first trace of an allusion to the zodiacal light in a letter from Rothmann to Tycho, in which he mentions that in the spring he has observed the twilight did not close until the sun was 24¼degrees below the horizon. Rothmann must certainly have confounded the disappearance of the setting zodiacal light in the vapors of the western horizon with the actual cessation of twilight. I have failed to observe the pulsations of the light, probably on account of the faintness with which it appears in these countries. You are, however, certainly right in ascribing those rapid variations in the light of the heavenly bodies, which you have perceived in tropical climates, to our own atmosphere, and especially to its higher regions. This is especially in the clearest weather, that these tails exhibit pulsations, commencing from the head, as being the lowest part, and vibrating in one or two seconds through the entire tail, which thus appears rapidly to become some degrees longer, but again as rapidly contracts. That these undulations, which were formerly noticed with attention by Robert Hooke, and in more recent times by Schršter and Chladni, 'do not actually occur in the tails of the comets', but are produced by our atmosphere, is obvious when we recollect that the individual parts of those tails (which are many millions of miles in length) lie 'at very different distances' from us, and that the light from their extreme points can only reach us at intervals of time which differ several minutes from one another. Whether what you saw on the Orinoco, not at intervals of seconds, but of minutes, were actual coruscations of the zodiacal light, or whether they belonged exclusively to the upper strata of our atmosphere, I will not attempt to decide; neither can I explain the remarkable 'lightness of whole nights', nor the anomalous augmentation and prolongation of the twilight in the year 1831, particularly if, as has been remarked, the lightest part of these singular twilights did not coincide with the Sun's place below the horizon." (From a lettr written by Dr. Olbers to myself, and dated Bremen, Marth 26th, 1833.)

As, however, the separate particles of a comet's tail, measuring millions of miles, p 144 are very unequally distant from earth, it is not possible, according to the laws of the velocity and transmission of light, that we should be able, in so short a period of time, to perceive any actual changes in a cosmical body of such vast extent. There considerations in no way exclude the realith of the changes that have been observed in the emanations from the more condensed envelopes around the nucleus of a comet, nor that of the sudden irradiation of the zodiacal light, from internal molecular motion, nor of the increased or diminished reflection of light in the cosmical vapor of the luminous ring, but should simply be the means of drawing our attention to the differences existing between that which appertains to the air of heaven (the realms of universal space) and that which belongs to the strata of our terrestrial atmosphere. It is not possible, as well-attested facts prove, perfectly to explain the operations at work in the much-contested upper boundaries of our atmosphere. The extraordinary lightness of whole nights in the year 1831, during which small print might be read at midnight in the latitudes of Italy and the north of Germany is a fact directly at variance with all that we know, according to the most recent and acute researches on the crepuscular theory, and of the height of the atmosphere.*

[footnote] *Biot, 'TraitŽ d'Astron. Physique', 3me Žd., 1841, t. i., p. 171, 238 and 312.

The phenomena of light depend upon conditions still less understood, and their variability at twilight, as well as in the zodiacal light, excite our astonishment.

We have hitherto considered that which belongs to our solare system — that world of material forms governed by the Sun — which includes the primary and secondary planets, comets of short and long periods of revolution, meteoric asteroids, which move thronged together in streams, either sporadically or in closed rings, and finally a luminous nebulous ring, that revolves round the Sun in the vicinity of the Earth, and for which, owing to its position, we may retain the name of zodiacal light. Every where the law of periodicity governs the motions of these bodies, however different may be the amount of tangential velocity, or the quantity of their agglomerated material parts; the meteoric asteroids which enter our atmosphere from the external regions of universal space are alone arrested in the course of their planetary revolution, and retained within the sphere of a larger planet. In the solar system, whose boundaries determine the attractive force of the central body, comets are made to revolve in their elliptical p 145 orbits at a distance 44 times greater than that of Uranus; may, in those comets whose nucleus appears to us, from its inconsiderable mass, like a mere passing cosmical cloud, the Sun exercises its attractive force on the outermost parts of the emanations radiating from the tail over a space of many millions of miles. Central forces, therefore, at once constitute and maintain the system.

Our Sun may be considered as at rest when compared to all the large and small, dense and almost vaporous cosmical bodies tht appertain to and revolve around it; but it actually rotates around the common center of gravity of the whole system, which occasionally falls within itself, that is to say, remains within the material circumference of the Sun, whatever changes may be assumed by the position of the planets. A very different phenomenon is that presented by the translatory motion of the Sun, that is, the progressive motion of the center of gravity of the whole solar system in universal space. Its velocity is such* that, according to Bessel, the relative motion of the Sun, and that of 61 Cygni, is not less in one day than 3,336,000 geographical miles.

[footnote] *Bessel, in Schum., 'Jahrb. fŸr' 1839, s. 51; probably four millions of miles daily, in a relative velocity of at the least 3,336,000 miles, or more than couble the velocity of revolution of the Earth in her orbit round the Sun.

This change of the entire solar system would remain unknown to us, if the admirable exactness of our astronomical instruments of measurement, and the advancement recently made in the art of observing, did not cause our advance toward remote stars to be perceptible, like an approximation to the objects of a distant shore in apparent motion. The proper motion of the star 61 Cygni, for instance, is so considerable, that it has amounted to a whole degree in the course of 700 years.

The amount or quantity of these alterations in the fixed stars (that is to say, the changes in the relative position of self-luminous stars toward each other), can be determined with a greater degree of certainty than we are able to attach to the genetic explanation of the phenomenon. After taking into consideration what is due to the precession of the equinoxes, and the nutation of the earth's axis produced by the action of the Sun and Moon on the spheroidal figure of our globe, and what may be ascribed to the transmission of light, that is to say, to its aberration, and to the parallax formed by the diametrically opposite position of the Earth in its course round the Sun, we still find that there is a residual portion p 146 of the annual motion of the fixed stars due to the translation of the whole solar system in universal space, and to the true proper motion of the stars. The difficult problem of numerically separating these two elements, the true and the apparent motion, has been effected by the careful study of the direction of the motion of certain individual stars, and by the consideration of the fact that, if all the stars were in a state of absolute rest, they would appear perspectively to recede from the point in space toward which the Sun was directing its course. But the ultimate result of this investigation, confirmed by the calculus of probabilities, is, that our solar system and the stars both change their places in space. According to the admirable researches of d'Argelander at Abo, who has extended and more perfectly developed the work begun by William Herschel and Prevost, the Sun moves in the direction of the constellation Hercules, and probably, from the combination of the observations made of 537 stars, toward a point lying (at the equinox of 1792.5) at 257¼degrees 49.'7 R.A., and 28¼degrees 49.'7 N.D. It is extremely difficult, in investigations of this nature, to separate the absolute from the relative motion, and to determine what is aloone owing to the solar system.*

[footnote] *Regarding the motion of the solar system, according to Bradley, Tobias Mayer, Lambert, Lalande, and William Herschel, see Arago in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 388-399' Argelander, in Schum., 'Astron. Nachr ., No. 363, 364, 398, and in the treatise 'Von der eigenen Bewegung des Sonnensystems' (On the proper Motion of the Solar System), 1837, s. 43, respecting Perseus as the central body of the whole stellar stratum, likewise Otho Struve, in the 'Bull. de l'Acad. de St. PŽtersb.', 1842, t. x., No. 9, p. 137-139. The last-named astronomer has found, by a mo4re recent combination, 261¼degrees 23' R.A.+37¼degrees 36' Decl. for the direction of the Sun's motion; and, taking the mean of his own results with that of Argelander, we have, by a combination of 797 stars, the formula 259¼degrees 9' R.A.+34¼degrees 36' Decl.

If we consider the proper, and not the perspective motions of the stars, we shall find many that appear to be distributed in groups, having an opposite direction; and facts hitherto observed do not, at any rate, render it a necessary assumption that all parts of our starry stratum, or the whole of the stellar islands filling space, should move round one large unknown luminous or non-luminous central body. The tendency of the human mind to investigate ultimate and highest causes certainly inclines the intellectual activity, no less than the imagination of mankind, to adopt such an hypothesis. Even the Stagirite proclaimed that "every thing which is moved must be referable to a motor, and that there would be no end to p 147 the concatenation of causes if there were not one primordial immovable morot."*

[footnote] *Aristot., 'de C¾lo', iii., 2, p. 301, Bekker: 'Phys.', viii., t, p. 256.

This material taken from pages 147-203

COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 by Alexander von Humboldt

Translated by E C Otte

from the 1858 Harper & Brothers edition of Cosmos, volume 1 —————————————————————————

The manifold translatory changes of the stars, not those produced by the parallaxes at which they are seen from the changing position of the spectator, but the true changes constantly going on in the regions of space, afford us incontrovertible evidence of the 'dominion of the laws of attraction' in the remotest regions of space, beyond the limits of our solar system. The existence of these laws is revealed to us by many phenomena, as, for instance, by the motion of double stars, and by the amount of retarded or accelerated motion in different parts of their elliptic orbits. Human inquiry need no longer pursue this subject in the domain of vague conjecture, or amid the undefined analogies of the ideal world; for even here the progress made in the method of astronomical observations and calculations has enabled astronomy to take up its position on a firm basis. It is not only the discovery of the astounding numbers of double and multiple stars revolving round a center of gravity lying 'without' their system (2800 such systems having been discovered up to 1837), but rather the extension of our knowledge regarding the fundamental forces of the whole material world, and the proofs we have obtained of the universal empire of the laws of attraction, that must be ranked among the most brilliant discoveries of the age. The periods of revolution of colored stars present the greatest differences; thus, in some instances, the period extends to 43 years, as in ¹pi of Corona, and in others to several thousands,, as in 66 of Cetus, 38 of Gemini, and 100 of Pisces. Since Herschel's measurements in 1782, the satellite of the nearest star in the triple system of [Greek letter] of Cancer has completed more than one entire revolution. By a skillful combination of the altered distances and angles of position,* the elements of these orbits may be found, conclusions drawn regarding the absolute distance of the double stars from the Earth, and comparisons made between their mass and that of the Sun.

[footnote] *Savary, in the 'Connaissance des Tems', 1830, p. 56 and 163. Encke, 'Berl. Jahrb.', 1832, s. 253, etc. Arago, in the 'Annuaire' 1834, p. 260, 295. John Herschel, in the 'Memoirs of the Astronom. Soc.', vol. v., p. 171.

Whether, however, here and in our solar system, quantity of matter is the only standard of the amount of attractive force, or whether 'specific' forces of attraction proportionate to the mass may not at the same time come into operation, as Bessel was the first to conjecture, are questions p 148 whose practical solution must be left to future ages.*

[footnote] * Bessel, 'Untersuchung. des Theils der planetarischen Storungen, welche aus der Bewegung der Sonne entstchen' (An Investigation of the portion of the Planetary Disturbances depending on the motion of the Sun) in 'Abh. der Berl. Akad. der Wissensch.', 1824 (Mathem. Classe), s. 2-6. The question has been raised by John Tobias Mayer, in 'Comment. Soc. Reg. Gotting.', 1804-1808, vol. xvi., p. 31-68.

When we compare our Sun with the other fixed stars, that is, with other self-luminous Suns in the lenticular starry stratum of which our system forms a part, we find, at least in the case of some, that channels are opened to us, which may lead, at all events, to an 'approximate' and limited knowledge of their relative distances, volumes, and masses, and of the velocities of their translatory motion. If we assume the distance of Uranus from the Sun to be nineteen times that of the Earth, that is to say, nineteen times as great as that of the Sun from the Earth, the central body of our planetary system will be 11,900 times the distance of Uranus from the star 'a' in the constellation Centaur, almost 31,300 from 61 Cygni, and 41,600 from Vega in the constellation Lyra. The comparison of the volume of the Sun with that of the fixed stars of the first magnitude is dependent upon the apparent diameter of the latter bodies — an extremely undertain optical element. If even we assume, with Herschel, that the apparent diameter of Arcturus is only a tenth part of a second, it still follows that the true diameter of this star is eleven times greater than that of the Sun.*

[footnote] *'Philos. Trans.' for 1803, p. 225. Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 375. In order to obtain a clearer idea of the distances ascribed in a rather earlier part of the text to the fixed stars, let us assume that the Earth is a distance of one foot from the Sun; Uranus is then 19 feet, and Vega Lyrae is 158 geographical miles from it.

The distance of the star 61 Cygni, made known by Bessel, has led approximately to a knowledge of the quantity of matter contained in this body as a double star. Notwithstanding that, since Bradley's observations, the portion of the apparent orbit traversed by this star is not sufficiently great to admit of our arriving with perfect exactness at the true orbit nd the major axis of this star, it has been conjectured with much probability by the great Konigsberg astronomer,* "that the mass of this double star can not be very considerably larger or smaller than half of the mass of the Sun."

[footnote] *Bessel, in Schum., 'Jahrb.', 1839, s. 53.

This result is from actual measurement. The analogies deduced from the relatively larger mass of those planets in our solar system that are attended by satellites, and from the fact that Struve has discovered six times more double stars among p 194 the brighter than among the telescopic fixed stars, have led other astronomers to conjecture that the average mass of the larger number of the binary stars exceeds the mass of the Sun.*

[footnote] *MŠdler, 'Astron.', s. 476; also in Schum, 'Jahrb.', 1839, s. 95.

We are, however, far from having arrived at general results regarding this subject. Our Sun, according to Argenlander, belongs, with reference to proper motion in space, to the class of rapidly-moving fixed stars.

The aspect of the starry heavens, the relative position of stars and nebullae, the distribution of their luminous masses, the picturesque beauty, if I may so express myself, of the whole firmament, depend in the course of ages conjointly upon the proper motion of the stars and nebulae, the translation of our solar system in space, the appearance of new stars, and the disappearance or sudden diminution in the intensity of the light of others, and lastly and specially, on the changes which the Earth's axis experiences from the attraction of the Sun and Moon. The beautiful stars in the constellation of the Centaur and the Southern Cross will at some future time be visible in our northern latitudes, while other stars, as Sirius and the stars in the Belt of Orion, will in their turn disappear below the horizon. The places of the North Pole will successively be indicated by the stars § beta and a alpha Cephei, and ¶ delta Cygni, until after a period of 12,000 years, Vega in Lyra will shine forth as the brightest of all possible pole stars. These data give us some idea of the extent of the motions which, divided into infinitely small portions of time, proceed without intermission in the great chronometer of the universe. If for a moment we could yield to the power of fancy, and imagine the acuteness of our visual organs to be made equal with the extremest bounds of telescopic vision, and bring together that which is now divided by long periods of time, the apparent rest that reigns in space would suddenly disappear. We should see the countless host of fixed stars moving in thronged groups in different directions; nebulae wandering through space, and becoming condensed and dissolved like cosmical clouds; the vail of the Milky Way separated and broken up in many parts, and 'motion' ruling supreme in every portion of the vault of heave, even as on the Earth's surface, where we see it unfolded in the germ, the leaf, and the blossom, the organisms of the vegetable world. The celebrated Spanish botanist Cavanilles was the first who entertained the idea of "seeing grass grow," and he directed the horizontal micrometer threads of a powerfully magnifying glass at one time to p 150 the apex of the shoot of a bambusa, and at another on the rapidly-growing stem of an American aloe ('Agave Americana', precisely as the astronomer places his cross of net-work against a culminating star. In the collective life of physical nature, in the organic as in the sidereal world, all things that have been, that are, and will be, are alike dependent on motion.

The breaking up of the Milky Way, of which I have just spoken, requires special notice. William Herschel, our safe and admirable guide to this portion of the regions of space, has discovered by his star-guagings that the telescopic breadth of the Milky Way extends from six to seven degrees beyond what is indicated by our astronomical maps and by the extent of the sidereal radiance visible to the naked eye.*

[footnote] *Sir William Herschel, in the 'Philos. Transact.' for 1817, Part ii p. 438.

The two brilliant nodes in which the branches of the zone unite, in the region of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, and in the vicinity of Scorpio and Sagittarius, appear to exercise a powerful attraction on the contiguous stars; in the most brilliant part, however between beta and [Greek symbol] Cygni, one half of the 330,000 stars that have been discovered in a breadth of 5 degrees are directed toward one side, and the remainder to the other. It is in this part that Herschel supposes the layer to be broken up.*

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 569

The number of telescopic stars in the Milky Way uninterrupted by any nebulae is estimated at 18 millions. In order, I will not say, to realize the greatness of this number, but, at any rate, to compare it with something analogous, I will call attention to the fact that there are not in the whole heavens more than about 8000 stars between the first and the sixth magnitudes, visible to the naked eye. The barren astonishment excited by numbers and dimensions in space, when not considered with reference to applications engaging the mental and perceptive powers of man, is awakened in both extremes of the universe, in the celestial bodies as in the minutest animalcules.*

[footnote] *Sir John Herschel, in a letter from Feldhuysen, dated Jan. 13th, 1836. Nicholl, 'Architecture of the Heavens', 1838, p. 22. (See, also, some separate notices by Sir William Herschel on the starless space which separates us by a great distance from the Milky Way, in the 'Philos. Transact.' for 1817, Part ii., p. 328.)

A cubic inch of the polishing slate of Bilin contains, according to Ehrenberg, 40,000 millions of the silicious shells of Galionellae.

The stellar Milky Way, in the region of which, according to Argelander's admirable observations, the brightest stars of the firmament appear to be congregated, is almost at right angles p 151 with another Milky Way, composed of nebulae. The former constitutes, according to Sir John Herschel's views, an annulus, that is to say, an independent zone, somewhat remote from our lenticular-shaped starry stratum, and similar to Saturn's ring. Our planetary system lies in an eccentric direction, nearer to the region of the Cross than to the diametrically opposite point, Cassiopeia.*

[footnote] *Sir John Herschel, 'Astronom.', 624; likewise in his 'Observations on Nebulae and Clusters of Stars' ('Phil. Transact.', 1833, Part ii., p. 479, fig. 25): "We have here a brother system, bearing a real physical resemblance and strong analogy of structure to our own."

An imperfectly seen nebulous spot, discovered by Messier in 1774, appeared to present a remarkable similarity to the form of our starry stratum and the divided ring of our Milky Way.*

[footnote] *Sir William Herschel, in the 'Phil. Trans.' for 1785, Part i., p. 257. Sir John Herschel, 'Astron.', 616. ("The 'nebulous' region of the heavens forms 'a nebulous Milky Way', composed of distinct nebulae, as the other of stars." The same observation was made in a letter he addressed to me in March, 1829.)

The Milky Way composed of nebulae does not belong to our starry stratum, but surrounds it at a great distance without being physically connected with it, passing almost in the form of a large cross through the dense nebulae of Virgo, especially in the northern wing, through Comae Berenicis, Ursa Major, Andromeda's girdle, and Pisces Boreales. It probably intersects the stellar Milky Way in Cassiopeia, and connects its dreary poles (rendered starless from the attractive forces by which stellar bodies are made to agglomerate into groups) in the least dense portion of the starry stratum.

We see from these considerations that our starry cluster, which bears traces in its projecting branches of having been subject in the course of time to various metamorphoses, and evinces a tendency to dissolve and separate, owing to secondary centers of attraction — is surrounded by two rings, one of which, the nebulous zone, is very remote, while the other is nearer, and composed of stars alone. The latter, which we generally term the Milky Way, is composed of nebulous stars, averaging from the tenth to the eleventh degree of magnitude,* but appearing, when considered individually, of very different magnitudes, while isolated starry clusters (starry swarms) almost always exhibit throughout a character of great uniformity in magnitude and brilliancy.

[footnote] *Sir John Herschel, 'Astron.', 585.

In whatever part the vault of heaven has been pierced by powerful and far-penetrating telescopic instruments, stars or luminous nebulae are every where discoverable, the former, in p 152 some cases, not exceeding the twentieth or twenty-fourth degree of telescopic magnitude. A portion of the nebulous vapor would probably be found resolvable into stars by more powerful optical instruments. As the retina retains a less vivid impression of separate than of infinitely near luminous points, less strongly marked photometric relations are excited in the latter case, as Arago has recently shown.*

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 282-285, 409-411, and 439-442.

The definite or amorphous cosmical vapor so universally diffused, and which generates heat through condensation, probably modifies the transparency of the universal atmosphere, and diminishes that uniform intensity of light which, according to Halley and Olbers, should arise, if every point throughout the depths of space were filled by an infinite series of stars.*

[footnote] *Olbers, on the transparency of celestial space, in Bode's 'Jahrb.', 1826, s. 110-121.

The assumption of such a distribution in space is, however, at variance with observation, which shows us large starless regions of space, 'openings' in the heavens, as William Herschel terms them — one, four degrees in width, in Scorpio, and another in Serpentarius. In the vicinity of both, near their margin, we find unresolvable nebulae, of which that on the western edge of the opening Scorpio is one of the most richly thronged of the clusters of small stars by which the firmament is adorned. Herschel ascribes these openings or starless regions to the attractive and agglomerative forcesof the marginal groups.*

[footnote] *"An opening in the heavens," William Herschel, in the 'Phil. Trans.' for 1785, vol. lxxv., Part i., p. 256. Le Francais Lalande, in the 'Connaiss. des Tems pour l'An.' VIII., p. 383. Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 425.

"They are parts of our starry stratum," says he, with his usual graceful animation of style, "that have experienced great devastation from time." If we picture to ourselves the telescopic stars lying behind one another as a starry canopy spread over the vault of heaven, these starless regions in Scorpio and Serpentarius may, I think, be regarded as tubes through which we may look into the remotest depths of space. Other stars may certainly lie in those parts where the strata forming the canopy are interrupted, but these are unattainable by our instruments. The aspect of fiery meteors had led the ancients likewise to the idea of clefts or openings ('chasmata') in the vault of heaven. These openings were, however, only regarded as transient, while the reason of their being luminous and fiery, instead of obscure, was supposed to be owing to the p 153 translucent illuminated ether which lay beyond them.*

[footnote] *Aristot., 'Meteor.', ii.,, 5, 1. Seneca, 'Natur. Quaest.', i., 14, 2. "Coelum discessisse," in Cic., 'de Divin.', i., 43.

Derham, and even Huygens, did not appear disinclined to explain in a similar manner the mild radiance of the nebulae.*

[footnote] *Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 429.

When we compare the stars of the first magnitude, which, on an average, are certainly the nearest to us, with the non-nebulous telescopic stars, and further, when we compare the nebulous stars with unresolvable nebulae, for instance, with the nebula in Andromeda, or even with the so-called planetary nebulous vapor, a fact is made manifest to us by the consideration of the varying distances and the boundlessness of space, which shows the world of phenomena, and that which constitutes its causal reality, to be dependent upon the 'propagation of light'. The velocity of this propagation is according to Struve's most recent investigations, 166,072 geographical miles in a second, consequently almost a million of times greater than the velocity of sound. According to the measurements of Maclear, Bessel, and Struve, of the parallaxes and distances of three fixed stars of very unequal magnitudes ('a' Centauri, 16 Cygni, and 'a' Lyrae), a ray of light requires respectively 3, 9 1/4, and 12 years to reach us from these three bodies. In the short but memorable period between 1572 and 1604, from the time of Cornelius Gemma and Tycho Brahe to that of Kepler, three new stars suddenly appeared in Cassiopeia and Cygnus, and in the foot of Serpentarius. A similar phenomenon exhibited itself at intervals in 1670, in the constellation Vulpis. In recent times, even since 1837, Sir John Herschel has observed, at the Cape of Good Hope, the brilliant star [Greek symbol] in Argo increase in splendor from the second to the first magnitude.*

[footnote] *In December, 1837, Sir John Herschel saw the star [Greek symbol] Argo, which till that time appeared as of the second magnitude, and liable to no change, rapidly increase till it became of the first magnitude. In January, 1838, the intensity of its light was equal to that of 'a' Centauri. According to our latest information, Maclear in March, 1843, found it as bright as Canopus; and even 'a' Crucis looked faint by [Greek symbol] Argo.

These events in the universe belong, however, with reference to their historical reality, to other periods of time than those in which the phenomena of light are first revealed to the inhabitants of the Earth: they reach us like the voices of the past. It has been truly said, that with our large and powerful telescopic instruments we penetrate alike through the boundaries of time and space: we measure the former through the latter, for in the course of an p 154 hour a ray of light traverses over a space of 592 millions of miles. While according to the theogony of Hesiod, the dimensions of the universe were supposed to be expressed by the time occupied by bodies in falling to the ground ("the brazen anvil was not more than nine days and nine nights in falling from heaven to earth"), the elder Herschel was of opinion* that light required almost two millions of years to pass to the Earth from the remotest luminous vapor reached by his forty-foot reflector.

[footnote] *"Hence it follows that the rays of light of the remotest nebulae must have been almost two millions of years on their way, and that consequently, so many years ago, this object must already have had an existence in the sidereal heaven, in order to send out those rays by which we now perceive it." William Herschel, in the 'Phil. Trans.' for 1802, p. 498. John Herschel, 'Astron.', 590. Arago, in the 'Annuaire', 1842, p. 334, 359, and 382-385.

Much, therefore, has vanished long before it is rendered visible to us — much that we see was once differently arranged from what it now appears. The aspect of the starry heavens presents us with the spectacle of that which is only apparently simultaneous, and however much we may endeavor, by the aid of optical instruments, to bring the mildly-radiant vapor of nebulous masses or the faintly-glimmering starry clusters nearer, and diminish the thousands of years interposed between us and them, that serve as a criterion of their distance, it still remains more than probable, from the knowledge we possess of the velocity of the transmission of luminous rays, that the light of remote heavenly bodies presents us with the most ancient perceptible evidence of the existence of matter. It is thus that the reflective mind of man is led from simple premises to rise to those exalted heights of nature, where in the light-illumined realms of space, "myriads of worlds are bursting into life like the grass of the night."*

[fotnote] *From my brother's beautiful sonnet "Freiheit und Gesetz." (Wilhelm von Humboldt, 'Gesammelte Werke', bd. iv., s. 358, No. 25.)

From the regions of celestial forms, the domain of Uranus, we will now descend to the more contracted sphere of terrestrial forces — to the interior of the Earth itself. A mysterious chain links together both classes of phenomena. According to the ancient signification of the Titanic myth,* the powers of organic life, that is to say, the great order of nature, depend upon the combined action of heaven and earth.

[footnote] *Otfried Muller, 'Prolegomena', s. 373.

If we suppose that the Earth, like all the other planets, primordially belonged, according to its origin, to the central body, the Sun, and to the solar atmosphere that has been separated into nebulous p 155 rings, the same connection with this continguous Sun, as well as with all the remote suns that shine in the firmament, is still revealed through the phenomena of light and radiating heat. The difference in the degree of these actions must not lead the physicist, in his delineation of nature, to forget the connection and the common empire of similar forces in the universe. A small fraction of telluric heat is derived from the regions of universal space in which our planetary system is moving, whose temperature (which according to Fourier, is almost equal to our mean icy polar heat) is the result of the combined radiation of all the stars. The causes that more powerfully excite the light of the Sun in the atmosphere and in the upper strata of our air, that give rise to heat-engendering electric and magnetic currents, and awaken and genially vivify the vital spark in organic structures on the earth's surface, must be reserved for the subject of our future consideration.

As we purpose for the present to confine ourselves exclusively within the telluric sphere of nature, it will be expedient to cast a preliminary glance over the relations in space of solids and fluids, the form of the Earth, its mean density, and the partial distribution of this density in the interior of our planet, its temperature and its electro-magnetic tension. From the consideration of these relations in space, and of the forces inherent in matter, we shall pass to the reaction of the interior on the exterior of our globe; and to the special consideration of a universally distributed natural power — subterranean heat; to the phenomena of earthquakes, exhibited in unequally expanded circles of commotion, which are not referable to the action of dynamic laws alone; to the springing forth of hot wells; and, lastly, to the more powerful actions of volcanic processes. The crust of the Earth, which may scarcely have been perceptibly elevated by the sudden and repeated, or almost uninterrupted shocks by which it has been moved from below, undergoes, nevertheless, great changes in the course of centuries in the relations of the elevation of solid portions, when compared with the surface of the liquid parts, and even in the form of the bottom of the sea. In this manner simultaneous temporary or permanent fissures are opened, by which the interior of the Earth is brought in contact with the external atmosphere. Molten masses, rising from an unknown depth, flow in narrow streams along the declivity of mountains, rushing impetuously onward, or moving slowly and gently, until the fiery source is quenched in the midst of exhalations, and the lava becomes incrusted, as it were, by p 156 the solidification of its outer surface. New masses of rocks are thus formed before our eyes, while the older ones are in their turn converted into other forms by the greater or lesser agency of Platonic forces. Even where no disruption takes place the crystalline moleculres are displaced, combining to form bodies of denser texture. The water presents structures of a totally different nature, as, for instance, concretions of animal and vegetable remains, of earthy, calcareous, or aluminous precipitates, agglomerations of finely-pulverized mineral bodies, covered with layers of the silicious shields of infusoria, and with transported soils containing the bones of fossil animal forms of a more ancient world. The study of the strata which are so differently formed and arranged before our eyes, and of all that has been so variously dislocated, conforted, and upheaved, by mutual compression and volcanic force, leads the reflective observer, by simple analogies, to draw a comparison between the present and an age that has long passed. It is by a combination of actual phenomena, by an ideal enlargement of relations in space, and of the amount of active forces, that we are able to advance into the long sought and indefinitely anticipated domain of geognosy, which has only within the last half century been based on the solid foundation of scientific deduction.

It has been acutely remarked, "that notwithstanding our continual employment of large telescopes, we are less acquainted with the exterior than with the interior of other planets, excepting, perhaps, our own satellite." They have been weighed, and their volume measured; and their mass and density are becoming known with constantly-increasing exactness; thanks to the progress made in astronomical observation and calculation. Their physical character is, however, hidden in obscurity, for it is only in our own globe that we can be brought in immediate contact with all the elements of organic and inorganic creation. The diversity of the most heterogenous substances, their admixtures and metamorphoses, and the ever-changing play of the forces called into action, afford to the human mind both nourishment and enjoyment, and open an immeasurable field of observation, from which the intellectual activity of man derives a great portion of its grandeur and power. The world of perceptive phenomena is reflected in the depths of the ideal world, and the richness of nature and the mass of all that admits of classification gradually become the objects of inductive reasoning.

I would here allude to the advantage, of which I have already p 157 spoken, possessed by that portion of physical science whose origin is familiar to us, and is connected with our earthly existence. The physical description of celestial bodies from the remotely-glimmering nebulae with their suns, to the central body of our own system, is limited, as we have seen, to general conceptions of the volume and quantity of matter. No manifestation of vital activity is there presented to our senses. It is only from analogies, frequently from purely ideal combinations, that we hazard conjectures on the specific elements of matter, or on their various modifications in the different planetary bodies. But the physical knowledge of the heterogeneous nature of matter, its chemical differences, the regular forms in which its molecules combine together, whether in crystals or granules; its relations to the deflected or decomposed waves of light by which it is penetrated; to radiating, transmitted, or polarized heat; and to the brilliant or invisible, but not, on that account, less active phenomena of electro-magnetism — all this inexhaustible treasure, by which the enjoyment of the contemplation of nature is so much heightened, is dependent on the surface of the planet which we inhabit, and more on its solid than on its liquid parts. I have already remarked how greatly the study of natural objects and forces, and the infinite diversity of the sources they open for our consideration, strengthen the mental activity, and call into action every manifestation of intellectual progress. These relations require, however, as little comment as that concatenation of causes by which particular nations are permitted to enjoy a superiority over others in the exercise of a material power derived from their command of a portion of these elementary forces of nature.

If, on the one hand, it were necessary to indicate the difference existing between the nature of our knowledge of the Earth and of that of the celestial regions and their contents, I am no less desirous, on the other hand, to draw attention to the limited boundaries of that portion of spacefrom which we derive all our knowledge of the heterogeneous character of matter. This has been somewhat inappropriately termed the Earth's crust; it includes the strata most contiguous to the upper surface of our planet, and which have been laid open before us by deep fissure-like valleys, or by the labors of man, in the bores and shafts formed by miners. These labors* do not extend beyond a vertical depth of somewhat more than 2000 feet (about one third of a geographical mile) below the p 159 level of the sea, and consequently only about 1/9800th of the Earth's radius.

[footnote] *In speaking of the greatest depths within the Earth reached by human labor, we must recollect that there is a difference between the 'absolute depth' (that is to say, the depth below the Earth's surface at that point) and the 'relative depth' (or that beneath the level of the sea). The greatest relative depth that man has hitherto reached is probably the bore at the new salt-works at Minden, in Prussia: in June, 1814, it was exactly 1993 feet, the absolute depth being 2231 feet. The temperature of the water at the bottom was 98 degrees F., which assuming the mean temperature of the air at 49.3 degrees gives an augmentation of temperature of 1 degree for every 54 feet. The absolute depth of the Artesian well of Grenelle, near Paris, is only 1795 feet. According to the account of the missionary Imbert, the fire-springs, "Ho-tsing." of the Chinese, which are sunk to obtain [carbureted] hydrogen gas for salt-boiling, far exceed our Artesian springs in depth. In the Chinese province of Szu-tschuan these fire-springs are very commonly of the depth of more than 2000 feet; indeed, at Tseu-lieu-tsing (the place of continual flow) there is a Ho-tsing which, in the year 1812, was found to be 3197 feet deep. (Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', t. ii., p. 521 and 525. 'Annales de l'Association de la Propagation de la Foi', 1829, No. 16, p. 369.)

[footnote continues] The relative depth reached at Mount Massi, in Tuscany, south of Volterra, amounts, according to Matteuci, to only 1253 feet. The boring at the new salt-works near Minden is probably of about the same relative depth as the coal-mine at Apendale, near Newcastle-under-Lyme, in Staffordshire, where men work 725 yards below the surface of the earth. (Thomas Smith, 'Miner's Guide', 1836, p. 160.) Unfortunately, I do not know the exact height of its mouth above the level of the sea. The relative depth of the Monk-wearmouth mine, near Newcastle, is only 1496 feet. (Phillips, in the 'Philos. Mag.', vol. v., 1834, p. 446.) That of the Liege coal-mine, 'l'Esperance' at Seraing, is, according to M. Gernaert, Ingenieur des Mines, 1223 feet in depth. The works of greatest absolute depth that have ever been formed are for the most part situated in such elevated plains or valleys that they either do not descend so low as the level of the sea, or at most reach very little below it. Thus the Eselchacht, at Kuttenberg, in Bohemia, a mine which can not now be worked, had the enormous absolute depth of 3778 feet. (Fr. A. Schmidt, 'Berggestze der oter Mon.', abth. i., bd. i., s. xxxii.) Also, at St. Daniel and at Geish, on the Rorerbubel, in the 'Landgericht' (or provincial district) of Kitzbuhl, there were, in the sixteenth century, excavations of 3107 feet. The plans of the works of the Rorerbubel are still preserved. (See Joseph von Sperges, 'Tyroler Bergwerksgeschichte', s. 121. Compare, also, Humboldt, 'Gutachten uber úerantreibung des Meissner Stollens in die Freiberger Erzrevier', printed in Herder, 'uber Herantreibung des Meissner Stollens in die Freiberger Erzrevier', printed in Herder, 'uber den jetz begonnenen Erbstollen', 1838, s. cxxiv.) We may presume that the knowledge of the extraordinary depth of the Rorerbuhel reached England at an early period, for I find it remarked in Gilbert, 'de Magnete', that men have penetrated 2400 or even 3000 feet into the crust of the Earth. ("Exigua videtur terrae portio, quae unquam hominibus spectanda emerget aut eruitur; cum profundinus in ejus viscera, ultra efflorescentis extremitatis corruptelam, aut propter aquas in magnis fodin, tanquam per venas scaturientesaut propter seris salubrioris ad vitam operariorum sustinendam necessarii defectum, aut propter ingentex sumptus ad tantos labores exantlandos, multasque difficultates, ad profundiores terrz' partes penetrre non possumus; adeo ut quadrigentas aut [quod rarissime] quingentas orgyas in quibusdam metallis descendisse, stupendus omnibus videatur connatus." — Guilielmi Gilberti, Colcestrensis, 'de Magnete Physiologia nova'. Lond., 1600, p. 40.)

[footnote continues] The absolute depth of the mines in the Saxon Erzgebirge, near Freiburg, are: in the Thurmhofer mines, 1944 feet; in the Honenbirker mines, 1827 feet; the relative depths are only 677 and 277 feet, if, in order to calculate the elevation of the mine's mouth above the level of the sea, we regard the elevation of Freiburg as determined by Reich's recent observations to be 1269 feet. The absolute depth of the celebrated mine of Joachimsthal, in Bohemia (Verkreuzung des Jung Hauer Zechen-und Andreasganges), is full 2120 feet; so that, as Von Dechen's measurements show that its surface is about 2388 feet above the level of the sea, it follows that the excavations have not as yet reached that point. In the Harz, the Samson mine at Andreasberg has an absolute depth of 2197 feet. In what was formerly Spanish America, I know of no mine deeper than the Valenciana, near Guanaxuato (Mexico), where I found the absolute depth of the Planes de San Bernardo to be 1686 feet; but these planes are 5960 feet above the level of the sea. If we compare the depth of the old Kuttenberger mine (a depth greater than the height of our Brocken, and only 200 feet less than that of Vesuvius) with the loftiest structures that the hands of man have erected (with the Pyramid of Cheops and with the Cathedral of Strasburg), we find that they stand in the ratio of eight to one. In this note I have collected all the certain information I could find regarding the greatest absolute and relative depths of mines and borings. In descending eastward from Jerusalem toward the Dead Sea, a view presents itself to the eye, which, according to our present hypsometrical knowledge of the surface of our planet, is unrivaled in any country; as we approach the open ravine through which the Jordan takes its course, we tread, with the open sky above us, on rocks which, according to the barometric measurements of Berton and Russegger are 1385 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. (Humboldt, 'Asie Centrale', th. ii., p. 323.)

The crystalline masses that have been erupted from active volcanoes, and are generally similar to the rocks on the upper surface, have come from depths which, although not accurately determined, must certainly be sixty times greater than those to which human labor has been enabled to penetrate. We are able to give in numbers the depth of the shaft where the strata of coal, after penetrating a certain way, rise again at a distance that admits of being accurately defined by measurements. These dips show that the carboniferous strata, together with the fossil organic remains which they contain, must lie, as, for instance, in Belgium, more than five or six thousand feet* below the present level p 160 of the sea, and that the calcareous and the curved strata of the Devonian basin penetrate twice that depth.

[footnote] *Basin-shaped curved strata, which dip and reappear at measureable distances, although their deepest portions are beyond the reach of the miner, afford sensible evidence of the nature of the earth's crust at great depths below its surface. Testimony of this kind possesses, consequently, a great geognostic interest. I am indebted to that excellent geognosist, Von Dechen, for the following observations. "The depth of the coal basin of Liege, at Mont St. Gilles, which I, in conjunction with our friend Von Oeynhausen, have ascertained to be 3890 feet below the surface, extends 3464 feet below the surface of the sea, for the absolute height of Mont St. Gilles certainly does not much exceed 400 feet; the coal basin of Mons is fully 1865 feet deeper. But all these depths are trifling compared with those which are presented by the coal strata of Saar-Revier (Saarbrucken). I have found after repeated examinations, that the lowest coal stratum which is known in the neighborhood of Duttweiler, near Bettingen, northeast of Saarlouis, must descend to depths of 20,682 and 22,015 feet (or 3.6 geographical miles) below the level of the sea." This result exceeds, by more than 8000 feet, the assumption made in the text regarding the basin of the Devonian strata. This coal-field is therefore sunk as far below the surface of the sea as Chimborazo is elevated above it — at a depth at which the Earth's temperature must be as high as 435¼degrees F. Hence, from the highest pinnacles of the Himalaya to the lowest basins containing the vegetation of an earlier world, there is a vertical distance of about 48,000 feet, or of the 435th part of the Earth's radius.

If we compare these subterranean basins with the summits of montains that have hitherto been considered as the most elevated portions of the raised crust of the Earth, we obtain a distance of 37,000 feet (about seven miles), that is, about the 1/524th of the Earth's radius. These, therefore, would be the limits of vertical depth and of the superposition of mineral strata to which geognostical inquiry could penetrate, even if the general elevation of the upper surface of the earth were equal to the height of the Dhawalagigi in the Himalaya, or of the Sorata in Bolivia. All that lies at a greater depth below the level of the sea than the shafts or the basins of which I have spoken, the limits to which man's labors have penetrated, or than the depths to which the sea has in some few instances been sounded (Sir James Ross was unable to find bottom with 27,600 feet of line), is as much unknown to us as the interior of the other planets of our solar system. We only know the mass of the whole Earth and its mean density by comparing it with the open strata, which alone are accessible to us. In the interior of the Earth, where all knowledge of its chemical and mineralogical character fails, we are again limited to as pure conjecture, as in the remotest bodies that revolve round the Sun. We can determine nothing with certainty regarding the depth at which the geological strata must be supposed to be in state of softening or of liquid fusion, of the cavities occupied by elastic vapor, of the condition of fluids when heated under an enormous pressure, or of the law of the increase p 161 of density from the upper surface to the center of the Earth.

The consideration of the increase of heat with the increase of depth toward the interior of our planet, and of the reaction of the interior on the external crust, leads us to the long series of volcanic phenomena. These elastic forces are manifested in earthquakes, eruptions of gas, hot wells, mud volcanoes and lava currents from craters of eruption and even in producing alterations in the level of the sea.*

[footnote] * [See Daubeney 'On Volcanoes', 2d edit., 3848, p. 539, etc., on the so called 'mud volcanoes', and the reasons advanced in favor of adopting the term "salses" to designate these phenomena.] — Tr.

Large plains and variously indented continents are raised or sunk, lands are separated from seas, and the ocean itself, which is permeated by hot and cold currents, coagulates at both poles, converting water into dense masses of rock, which are either stratified and fixed, or broken up into floating banks. The boundaries of sea and land, of fluids and solids, are thus variously and frequently changed. Plains have undergone oscillatory movements, being alternately elevated and depressed. After the elevation of continents, mountain chains were raised upon long fissures, mostly parallel, and in that case, probably cotemporaneous; and salt lakes and inland seas, long inhabited by the same creatures, were forcibly separated, the fossil remains of shells and zoophytes still giving evidence of their original connection. Thus, in following phenomena in their mutual dependence, we are led from the consideration of the forces acting in the interior of the Earth to those which cause eruptions on its surface, and by the pressure of elastic vapors give rise to burning streams of lava that flow from open fissures.

The same powers that raised the chains of the Andes and the Hiimalaya to the regions of perpetual snow, have occasioned new compositions and new textures in the rocky masses, and have altered the strata which had been previously deposited from fluids impregnated with organic substances. We here trace the series of formations, divided and superposed according to their age, and depending upon the changes of configuration of the surface, the dynamic relations of upheaving forces, and the chemical action of vapors issuing from the fissures.

The form and distribution of continents, that is to say, of that solid portion of the Earth's surface which is suited to the luxurious development of vegetable life, are associated by intimate connection and reciprocal action with the encircling p 162 sea in which organic life is almost entirely limited to the animal world. The liquid element is again covered by the atmosphere, an a‘rial ocean in which the mountain chains and high plains of the dry land rise like shoals, occasioning a variety of currents and changes of temperature, collecting vapor from the region of clouds, and distributing life and motion by the action of the streams of water which flow from their declivities.

While the geography of plants and animals depends on these intricate relations of the distribution of sea and land, the configuration of the surface, and the direction of isothermal lines (or zones of equal mean annual heat), we find that the case is totally different when we consider the human race — the last and noblest subject in a physical description of the globe. The characteristic differences in races, and their relative numerical distribution over the Earth's surface, are conditions affected not by natural relations alone, but at the same time and specially, by the progress of civilization, and by moral and intellectual cultivation on which depends the political superiority that distinguishes national progress. Some few races, clinging, as it were, to the soil, are supplanted and ruined by the dangerous vicinity of others more civilized than themselves, until scarce a trace of their existence remains. Other races, again, not the strongest in numbers, traverse the liquid element, and thus become the first to acquire, although late, a geographical knowledge of at least the maritime lands of the whole surface of our globe, from pole to pole.

I have thus, before we enter on the individual characters of that portion of the delineation of nature which includes the sphere of telluric phenomena, shown generally in what manner the consideration of the form of the Earth and the incessant action of electro-magnetism and subterranean heat may enable us to embrace in one view the relations of horizontal expansion and elevation on the Earth's surface, the geognostic type of formations, the domain of the ocean (of the liquid portions of the Earth), the atmosphere with its meteorological processes, the geographical distribution of plants and animals, and, finally, the physical gradations of the human race, which is, exclusively and every where, susceptible of intellectual culture. This unity of contemplation presupposes a connection of phenomena according to their internal combination. A mere tabular arrangement of these facts would not fulfill the object I have proposed to myself, and would not satisfy that requirement for cosmical presentation awakened in me by the p 163 aspect of nature in my journeyings by sea and land, by the careful study of forms and forces, and by a vivid impression of the unity of nature in the midst of the most varied portions of the Earth. In the rapid advance of all branches of physical science, much that is deficient in this attempt will, perhaps, at no remote period, be corrected and rendered more perfect, for it belongs to the history of the development of knowledge that portions which have long stood isolated become gradually connected, and subject to higher laws. I only indicate the empirical path in which I and many others of similar pursuits with myself are advancing, full of expectation that, as Plato tells us Socrates once desired, "Nature may be interpreted by reason alone."*

[footnote] *Plato, 'Phaedo', p. 97. (Arist., 'Metaph.', p. 985.) compare Hegel, 'Philosophie der Geschichte', 1840, s. 16.

The delineation of the principal characteristics of telluric phenomena must begin with the form of our planet and its relations in space. Here too, we may say that it is not only the mineralogical character of rocks, whether they are crystalline, granular, or densely fossiliferous, but the geometrical form of the Earth itself, which indicates the mode of its origin, and is, in fact, its history. An elliptical spheroid of revolution gives evidence of having once been a soft or fluid mass. Thus the Earth's compression constitutes one of the most ancient geognostic events, as every attentive reader of the book of nature can easily discern; and an analogous fact is presented in the case of the Moon, the perpetual direction of whose axes toward the Earth, that is to say, the increased accumulation of matter on that half of the Moon which is turned toward us, determines the relations of the periods of rotation and revolution, and is probably contemporaneous with the earliest epoch in the formative history of this satellite. The mathematical figure of the Earth is that which it would have were its surface covered entirely by water in a state of rest; and it is this assumed form to which all geodesical measurements of degrees refer. This mathematical surface is different from that true physical surface which is affected by all the accidents and inequalities of the solid parts.*

[footnote] *Bessel, 'Allgemeine Betrachtungen uber Gradmessungen nach astronomisch-geodŠtischen Arbeiten', at the conclusion of Bessel and Baeyer, 'Gradmessung in Ostpreussen', s. 427. Regarding the accumulation of matter on the side of the Moon turned toward us (a subject noticed in an earlier part of the text), see Laplace, 'Expos. du Syst. du Monde', p. 308.

The whole figure of the Earth is determined when we know the amount of the p 164 compression at the poles and the equatorial diameter; in order, however, to obtain a perfect representation of its form it is necessary to have measurements in two directions, perpendicular to one another.

Eleven measurements of degrees (or determinations of the curvature of the Earth's surface in different parts), of which nine only belong to the present century, have made us acquainted with the size of our globe, which Pliny names "a point in the immeasurable universe."*

[footnote] *Plin., ii., 68. Seneca, 'Nat. Quaest., Praef., c. ii. "El mundo espoco" (the Earth is small and narrow), writes Columbus from Jamaica to Queen Isabella on the 7th of July, 1503: not because he entertained the philosophic views of the aforesaid Romans, but because it appeared advantageous to him to maintain that the journey from Spain was not long, if, as he observes, "we seek the east from the west." Compare my 'Examen Crit. de l'Hist. de la Geogr. du 15 me Siecle', t.i., p. 83, and t. ii., p. 327, where I have shown that the opinion maintained by Delisle, Freret, and Gosselin, that the excessive differences in the statements regarding the Earth's circumference, found in the writings of the Greeks, are only apparent, and dependent on different values being attached to the stadia, was put forward as early as 1495 by Jaime Ferrer, in a proposition regarding the determination of the line of demarkation of the papal dominions.

If these measurements do not always accord in the curvatures of different meridians under the same degree of latitude, this very circumstance speaks in favor of the exactness of the instruments and the methods employed, and of the accuracy and the fidelity to nature of these partial results. The conclusion to be drawn from the increase of forces of attraction (in the direction from the equator to the poles) with respect to the figure of a planet is dependent on the distribution of density in its interior. Newton, from theoretical principles, and perhaps likewise prompted by Cassini's discovery, previously to 1666, of the compression of Jupiter,* determined, in his immortal work, 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia', that the compression of the Earth, as a homogeneous mass, was 1/230th.

[footnote] *Brewster, 'Life of Sir Isaac Newton', 1831, p. 162. "The discovery of the spheroidal form of Jupiter by Cassini had probably directed the attention of Newton to the determination of its cause, and consequently, to the investigation of the true figure of the Earth." Although Cassini did not announce the amount of the compression of Jupiter (1/15th) till 1691 ('Anciens Memoires de l'Acad. des Sciences', t. ii., p. 108), yet we know from Lalande ('Astron.', 3me ed., t. iii., p. 335) that Moraldi possessed some printed sheets of a Latin work, "On the Spots of the Planets," commenced by Cassini, from which it was obvious that he was aware of the compression of Jupiter before the year 1666, and therefore at least twenty-one years before the publication of Newton's 'Principia'.

Actual mesurements, p 165 made by the aid of new and more perfect analysis, have, however, shown that the compression of the poles of the terrestrial spheroid, when the density of the strata is regarded as increasing toward the center, is very nearly 1/300th.

Three methods have been employed to investigate the curvature of the Earth's surface, viz., measurements of degrees, oscillations of the pendulum, and observations of the inequalities in the Moon's orbit. The first is a direct geometrical and astronomical method, while in the other two we determine from accurately observed movements the amount of the forces which occasion those movements, and from these forces we arrive at the cause from whence they have originated, viz., the compression of our terrestrial spheroid. In this part of my delineation of nature, contrary to my usual practice, I have instanced methods because their accuracy affords a striking illustration of the intimate connection existing among the forms and forces of natural phenomena, and also because their application has given occasion to improvements in the exactness of instruments (as those employed in the measurements of space) in optical and chronological observations; to greater perfection in the fundamental branches of astronomy and mechanics in respect to lunar motion and to the resistance experienced by the oscillations of the pendulum; and to the discovery of new and hitherto untrodden paths of analysis. With the exception of the investigations of the parallax of stars, which led to the discovery of aberration and nutation, the history of science presents no problem in which the object attained — the knowledge of the compression and of the irregular form of our planet — is so far exceeded in importance by the incidental gain which has accrued, through a long and weary course of investigation, in the general furtherance and improvement of the mathematical and astronomical sciences. The comparison of eleven measurements of degrees (in which are included three extra-European, namely, the old Peruvian and two East Indian) gives, according to the most strictly theoretical requirements allowed for by Bessel,* a compression p 166 of 1/299th.

[footnote] *According to Bessel's examination of ten measurements of degrees, in which the error discovered by Poissant in the calculation of the French measurements is taken into consideration (Schumacher, 'Astron. Nachr.', 1841, No. 438, s. 116), the semi-axis major of the elliptical spheroid of revolution to which the irregular figure of the Earth most closely approximates is 3,272,077.14 toises, or 20,924,774 feet; the semi-axis minor, 3,261,159,83 toises, or 20,854,821 feet; and the amount of compression or eccentricity 1/299.152d; the length of a mean degree of the meridian, 57,013.109 toises, or 364,596 feet, with an error of + 2.8403 toises, or 18.16 feet, whence the length of a geographical mile is 3807.23 toises, or 6086.7 feet. Previous combinations of measurements of degrees varied between 1/302d and 1/297th; thus Walbeck ('De Forma of Magnitudine telluris in demensis arcubus Meridiani definiendis', 1819) gives 1/30278th: Ed. Schmidt ('Lehrbuch der Mathem. und Phys. Geographie', 1829, s. 5) gives 1/20742d, as the mean of seven measures. Respecting the influence of great differences of longitude on the polar compression, see 'Bibliotheque Universelle', t. xxxiii., p. 181, and t. xxxv., p. 50: likewise 'Connaissance des Tems', 1829, p. 290. From the lunar inequalities alone, Laplace ('Exposition du Syst. du Monde', p. 229) found it, by the older tables of Burg, to be 1/3245th; and subsequently, from the lunar observations of Burckhardt and Bouvard, he fixed it at 1/299.1th ('Mecanique Celeste', t. v., p. 13 and 43).

In accordance with this, the polar radius is 10,938 toises (69,944 feet), or about 11 1/2 miles, shorter than the equatorial radius of our terrestrial spheroid. The excess at the equator in consequence of the curvature of the upper surface of the globe amounts, consequently, in the direction of gravitation, to somewhat more than 4 3/7th times the height of Mont Blanc, or only 2 1/2 times the probable height of the summit of the Chawalagiri, in the Himalaya chain. The lunar inequalities (perturbation in the moon's latitude and longitude) give according to the last investigations of Laplace, almost the same result for the ellipticity as the measurements of degrees, viz., 1/299th. The results yielded by the oscillation of the pendulum give, on the whole, a much greater amount of compression, viz., 1/288th.*

[footnote] *The oscillations of the pendulum give 1/288.7th as the general result of Sabine's great expedition (1822 and 1823, from the equator to 80 degrees north latitude); according to Freycinet, 1/286.2d, exclusive of the experiments instituted at the Isle of France, Guam, and Mowi (Mawi); according to Forster, 1/289.5th; according to Duperrey, 1/266.4th; and according to Lutke ('Partie Nautique', 1836, p. 232), 1/270th, calculated from eleven stations. On the other hand, Mathieu ('Connais. des Temps', 1816, p. 330) fixed the amount at 1/298.2d, from observations made between Formentera and Dunkirk; and Biot, at 1/304th, from observations between Formentera and the island of Ust. Compare Baily, 'Report on Pendulum Experiments', in the 'Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society', vol. vii., p. 96; also Borenius, in the 'Bulletin de l'Acad. de St. Petersbourg', 1843, t. i., p. 25. The first proposal to apply the length of the pendulum as a standard of measure, and to establish the third part of the seconds pendulum (then supposed to be every where of equal length) as a 'pes horarius', or general measure, that might be recovered at any age and by all nations, is to be found in Huygens's 'Horologium Oscillatorium', 1673, Prop. 25. A similar wish was afterward publicly expressed, in 1742, on a monument erected at the equator by Bouguer, La Condamine, and Godin. On the beautiful marble tablet which exists, as yet uninjured, in the old Jesuits' College at Quito, I have myself read the inscription, 'Penduli simplicis aequinoctialis unius minuti secundi archetypus, mensurae naturalis exemplar, utinam universalis!' From an observation made by La Condamine, in his 'Journal du Voyage a l'Equateur', 1751, p. 163, regarding parts of the inscription that were not filled up, and a slight difference between Bonguer and himself respecting the numbers, I was led to expect that I should find considerable discrepancies between the marble tablet and the inscription as it had been described in Paris; but, after a careful comparison, I merely found two "ex arca graduum plusquam trium," and the date of 1745 instead of 1742. The latter circumstance is singular, because La Condamine returned to Europe in November, 1744, Bouguer in June of the same year, and Godin had left South America in July, 1744. The most necessary and useful amendment to the numbers on this inscription would have been the astronomical longitude of Quito. (Humboldt, 'Recueil d'Observ. Astron.', t. ii., p. 319-354.) Nouet's latitudes, engraved on Egyptian monuments, offer a more recent example of the danger presented by the grave perpetuation of false or careless results.

Galileo, who first observed when a boy (having, probably, suffered his thoughts to wander from the service) that the height of the vaulted roof of a church might be measured by the time of the vibration of the chandeliers suspended at different altitudes, could hardly have anticipated that the pendulum would one day be carried from pole to pole, in order to determine the form of the Earth, or, rather, that the unequal density of the strata of the Earth affects the length of the seconds pendulum by means of intricate forces of local attraction, which are, however, almost regular in large tracts of land. These geognostic relations of an instrument intended for the measurement of time — this property of the pendulum, by which, like a sounding line, it searches unknown depths, and reveals in volcanic islands,* or in the declivity of elevated continental mountain chains,** dense masses of basalt and melaphyre instead of cavities, render it difficult, notwithstanding the admirable simplicity of the method, to arrive at any great result regarding the figure of the Earth from observation of the oscillations of the pendulum.

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