Buchanan's Journal of Man, February 1887 - Volume 1, Number 1
Author: Various
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Upon these subjects the JOURNAL OF MAN has a new physiological doctrine to present, which may be stated in the initial number, and will be illustrated hereafter.

In the volume of "Therapeutic Sarcognomy," which was so speedily and entirely sold upon its publication, it was clearly demonstrated that the doctrine of vitality taught at this time in all medical colleges is essentially erroneous, and that human life is not a mere aggregate of the properties of the tissues of the human body, as a house is an aggregate of the physical properties of bricks and wood, but is an influx, of which the body is but the channel and recipient.

That demonstration need not be repeated just now, as my object is merely to state the position of the JOURNAL. Life is an influx from the world of invisible power, aided by various forms of influx from the material world, without which it would promptly cease. If this naked statement should seem fanciful or erroneous to any reader, he may be just to himself by suspending his opinions until he shall have received the demonstration. We have all been educated into false opinions on this subject, and it is almost as difficult for the American scholar to release himself from the influence of education and habit in such matters, as for the Arab to release his mind from the influence of the Koran.

It has been only within the last ten years, and as the sequel of investigations of the seat of life beginning in 1835, that I succeeded in ascertaining the absolute falsity of the doctrines on this subject maintained by all scientific biologists at the present time, and demonstrating that the human body is only a tenement, of which life is the builder, and which drops into decay when life deserts it to meet its more congenial home in a nobler realm.

It is not therefore in the physical but in the spiritual constitution that the real basis of his character, his health, and longevity is to be found, for the primitive germ or protoplasm of man cannot be distinguished from that of a quadruped or bird. It is the invisible and incalculable life element that contains the potentiality or possibility of existence as a quadruped or a man, as a virtuous or vicious, and as a long lived or short lived, being. The life element of the germ limits the destiny of the being. That life element is invisible.

This truth, however, does not contradict the truth of development and the capacity of science to estimate the probable health or longevity of an individual from his organization, for the life force organizes a body in accordance with its own character; and the development of the entire person shows the character of the vital force as modified by the environment of food, air, motives, and education. The brain, no less than the body,—indeed, more fully than the body,—shows the elements of the life and the tendency to health and longevity, or the reverse, upon which an expert cranioscopist can give an opinion.

In accordance with the doctrine of influx and in accordance with the functions of the brain we are compelled to recognize health and longevity as more closely associated with the higher than the lower faculties,—the moral rather than the animal nature. This is the reason that woman, with a feebler body but a stronger moral nature, ranks higher in health and longevity than man; and although from four to sixteen per cent more males are born, women are generally in predominance, often from two to six per cent. The researches of the Bureau of Statistics of Vienna show that about one third more women than men reach an advanced age. De Verga asserts that of sudden deaths there are about 100 women to 780 men. The inevitable inference is that the cultivation of virtue or religion is the surest road to longevity, and the indulgence in vice and crime the most certain ruin to the body and soul.

There is a curious illustration of these principles in the evidence of life insurance companies in reference to spirit drinking and abstinence. The oldest two life insurance companies of England, the General Provident and the United Kingdom, have made records for forty-five years which distinguish the total abstainers and the moderate drinkers. Drunkards they do not insure at all. The care with which lives are selected for insurance results in a smaller rate of mortality among the insured than in the entire population. This gain was but slight among those classed as moderate drinkers, for their mortality was only three per cent less than the average mortality; but among the total abstainers it was thirty-one per cent less. Thus the proportion of deaths among moderate drinkers compared to that of total abstainers is as 97 to 69.

The temperance advocate would assume that this was owing entirely to the deleterious effects of alcohol, and that is partially true; but there is a deeper reason in the difference of the two classes of men. The man in whom the appetites are well controlled by the higher energies of his nature, and who has therefore no inclination to gluttony or drunkenness, has a better organization for health and longevity than he in whom the appetites have greater relative power, and who seeks the stimulus of alcohol to relieve his nervous depression. The inability or unwillingness to live without stimulation is a mark of weakness, which is an impairment of health; and this weakness predisposes to excessive and irregular indulgence, though it may not go so far as intoxication.

The effects of marriage furnish a parallel illustration. It is well-known that bachelors are more short lived than married men, but this is not owing entirely to the hygienic influence of marriage. It is partly owing to the inferiority of bachelors as a class. The men who remain celibate are either too inferior personally to win the regard of women, or are generally deficient in the strong affections which seek a conjugal life, and the energies which make them fearless of its responsibilities and burdens. Evidently they have not as a class the robust energies of the marrying men, and the urgent motives to compel them to regular industry and prudence. Everything which stimulates men to exercise the nobler qualities of their nature is promotive of health and longevity; and the true religion which anthropology commends will increase human longevity in proportion as it prevails.

In future numbers the true basis and indications of longevity in man will be fully illustrated.

The attainable limits of human longevity are generally underrated by the medical profession and by popular opinion. Instead of the Scriptural limit of threescore and ten I would estimate twice that amount, or 140 years, as the ideal age of healthy longevity, when mankind shall have been bred and trained with the same wise energy that has been expended on horses and cattle. Of the present scrub race, a very large number ought never to have been born, and ought not to be allowed to transmit their physical and moral deficiencies to posterity.

The estimate of 140 years as a practicable longevity for a nobler generation is sustained by the number of that age (fourteen, if I recollect rightly) found in Italy by a census under one of the later Roman emperors. But for the race now on the globe a more applicable estimate is that of the European scientist, that the normal longevity of an animal is five times its period of growth,—a rule which gives the camel forty years, the horse twenty-five, the lion twenty, the dog ten, the rabbit five. By this calculation man's twenty years of growth indicate 100. But growth is not limited to twenty, and if we extend the period of maturing to twenty-eight, the same rule would give us 140 as an age for the best specimens of humanity, which has been attained in rare cases, its general possibility in improved conditions being thus demonstrated.

There are many fine examples of longevity at this time. The famous French chemist Chevreul has just completed his hundredth year at Paris, in the full vigor of his intellect.

The Novosti, a Russian journal, recently mentions the death in the almshouse of St. Petersburg of a man aged 122 years, whose mental faculties were preserved up to his death, and who had excellent health to the age of 118.

We have similar examples in the United States. Mrs. Celia Monroe, a colored woman, who died a few weeks ago at Kansas City was believed to be 125. She was going about a few days before her death.

Farmer O'Leary of Elkton, Minnesota, is over 112. Noah Raby of Plainfield, New Jersey, is in his 115th year. He supports himself by his work in the summer, and looks like a man of 80.

Of very recent deaths we have: Amos Hunt of Barnesville, Georgia, who died at 105, leaving twenty-three of his twenty-eight children. Mrs. Raymond of Wilton, Connecticut, was still living recently in her 106th year. Ben Evans, part Indian, part negro, a great hunter of Wilkes County, Georgia, died at 107; baptized after he was 100. Mrs. Betsy L. Moody died on the 4th of July in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, aged 104. Wm. Henry Williams of Cincinnati, died a few months ago at 102. James Fitzgerald of Prince Edwards Island, over a hundred years old, is still able to work. Mrs. Lydia Van Ranst lately died on East 16th Street, New York, aged 100 years and ten months; and Mrs. Johanna O'Sullivan in Boston in her 103d year. Mrs. Betsy Perkins of Rome, N. Y., was apparently in excellent health when she died suddenly at the breakfast table in her 101st year. Rev. Hugh Call died in Wayne County, Indiana, at 104. After his hundredth year he once fancied death was near, and sent for his family to see him die; but when they arrived in midwinter, they found the old man busy cutting wood to make a fire for his visitors.

Many of these examples show that the faculties of both soul and body ought to be maintained in good condition to the last, as fruit falls from the trees ripe and perfect. When we leave our earthly tenement, we ought to leave it in a respectable condition, and not carry any infirmities from it to the better world.


"Signor Merlatti, a young Italian, completed in December his fifty days' fast, at the Grand Hotel, Paris, in time to enjoy the festivities of the holidays. Unlike his rival, Succi, he partook of no mysterious elixir, but existed on water alone. At the conclusion of his feat, he was so nearly dead that the surgeons were anticipating by way of dissection more light on the effects of privation from food. He was barely able to move about without help. His stomach was unable to hold any solids, and at the big banquet over which he presided he could not have had a very convivial time, as he was unable to take a mouthful of food. He has since gradually recovered. Succi, meanwhile, is engaged in another fast. He fences and takes any amount of exercise, to show that his mysterious liquid is what does it."

This is a little over the record of Dr. Tanner, but the result is very different. Dr. Tanner came out in good condition, with a splendid and healthy appetite. In the first twenty-four hours he ate something every hour or two, indulging largely in watermelons, milk, apples, beefsteak, potatoes, English ale, and Hungarian wine. He gained eight and a half pounds weight in thirty hours. Everybody was astonished, and the doctors were confounded; the crowd cheered, and the music resounded as the fast was finished and the feasting began in Clarendon Hall, the doctor being in as good health and spirits as when he began, except as to physical strength.

Now it is proper to mention what I believe has not before been published, having been carefully concealed by Dr. Tanner. As he was encountering the whole force of a brutal prejudice in the medical profession, and trickery and falsehood were used to defeat him by Dr. Hammond and Dr. Landon C. Gray, (a shabby story indeed, if the whole truth is ever told,) Dr. Tanner did not think it safe to elicit any additional hostility by confessing his mediumship.

The whole performance was a triumph of spiritual power! Dr. Tanner came to me in New York to aid him in giving a demonstration of his fasting power, which had been denied in an insolent and scurrilous manner by Dr. Hammond and others. Dr. Hammond, with a great deal of duplicity and unfairness, evaded the test, and it was carried out with the aid of other parties in a very satisfactory manner.

The organization of Dr. Tanner was not such as I would have selected for a fasting performance, and he did not undertake it on his own resources alone. He was thoroughly a medium, and, when in my parlor, Indian spirits would take control of him, and carry him through a lively performance, speaking through his lips, and promising to sustain him through the fast; and they did. I have no doubt that with a suitable organization, such as is more frequently found in India than in America, a fast could be sustained by spirit power for six or twelve months. Indeed, there are records of such fasts in the old medical authors, which are omitted in all recent works. The spirit of dogmatic scepticism had carried the medical profession generally into such a depth of ignorance on these subjects that Dr. Landon C. Gray declared that a forty days' fast had never occurred, and that if Dr. Tanner attempted it, it must be assumed "that he will cheat at every turn."

The kind of sentiment cultivated by colleges in the medical profession was shown by the deportment of the medical visitors. The report of the fast says:—

"The most curious episodes, probably, on the whole, were afforded by the appearance of sceptics, and members of the medical profession from the country. Many of the latter came long distances to satisfy their respective curiosity, or vent their scepticism, as the case might be. As a rule they were long-visaged, not a few were unkempt, and many were downright seedy in wearing apparel. Almost invariably they insisted upon boring the doctor with numberless questions, many of which were idle. The majority displayed ignorance, and it might truthfully be said, they were rude almost without exception. One man insisted upon feeling Dr. Tanner's arms and legs; another wanted to feel his pulse; a third demanded a view of his tongue; a fourth declared food must be given to him surreptitiously, else he would be dead; a fifth wanted to search his pockets; the sixth asserted his professional reputation (sic) that there was fraud about the whole business; the seventh had some patent surgical, or other appliance, which he wished to test upon the patient; and yet another wanted to analyze even the water he used, before the faster drank it.

"The effect of these boors in their constant inroads upon a fasting man, whose surroundings and conditions were not of the best, to say the least, may be easily imagined. When these fanatics were prevented by the watchers from extracting what little of life was left in the object of their devotions, their indignation took various forms of expression. As a rule they denounced the whole thing as a humbug, and every one participating as frauds. Now and then it became positively necessary, in common decency and self-respect, to show these charlatans the way to the door, notwithstanding their protests that they had paid twenty-five cents for the purpose of ventilating their empty heads. As a general thing, by Dr. Tanner's direction, the admission fee was returned to these people. Even on the thirty-ninth day, when the doctor desired all the quiet he could obtain, one of these gentry, who said he was a physician from Long Island, talked so loudly that he had to be called to order, and then nothing daunted, he asked the faster to go in his enfeebled condition to the south gallery, where his writing materials were, to prepare an autograph for the applicant. The Herald reporter on watch at the time, through whom the request was made for the autograph, gave the fellow a settler by remarking, that he, as a layman, thought the first rudiments taught in the medical profession, were those of feelings of humanity.

"Then the wits had their time of it. They showered in caricatures and doggerel by the barrel. None enjoyed these more than the doctor himself. By his direction the funniest of the cartoons were pasted against the wall of the gallery in which the doctor slept and the watchers sat. Above the whole was the legend in German text, 'Tanner Art Gallery,' and during the closing days and hours of the fast it was a source of much attraction and a great deal of merriment to the thousands of visitors who sought the place."

Before the fasting began I witnessed an amusing specimen of the medical scepticism. One of the medical visitors inspected the hall closely, and finding in the back part that a piece of nearly worn out carpet remained on the floor, proceeded to rip it up and tear it away, as if he suspected there might be a trap door concealed.

Medical education has been miserably cramped and benighted by the total ignoring of the nobler element of the human constitution.


The comprehensive system of science developed by experiment on the brain, perfected by psychometric exploration, demonstrated by pathognomy, corroborated by personal experiences and the sensations of the head, enforced and illustrated by the study of comparative development throughout the animal kingdom, based upon anatomy, illustrated by pathology, and proven by every examination of a living head, as well as every scientific experiment upon the brain in sensitive and intelligent persons, has now been for forty years in the hot crucible of experimental physiological investigation by vivisection, ablation, autopsy, and electricity, and still remains as the solid gold of eternal science.

The labors of Ferrier, Fritsch, Hitzig, Schiff, Bastian, Charcot, and others, have added many valuable facts; but no new fact can contradict a fact previously well observed, and nothing has occurred to dethrone the founder of cerebral science, Dr. Gall, who ranks immeasurably beyond all his contemporaries, and who prepared the way for the full development of Cerebral Psychology, resulting from the discovery of the impressibility of the brain, which has opened the entire realm of cerebral psychology, and through that has given us access to every realm of wisdom.

The long expected and long promised work upon this subject cannot be published now, for it requires an amount of elaborate research and criticism to bring the new discoveries en rapport with the investigations of more than a hundred physiologists and anatomists, whose labors should not be overlooked in a complete or systematic work uniting anatomy to psychology.

Under these circumstances it is necessary and practicable, since my "System of Anthropology" has been entirely out of the market for thirty years, to present a concise exposition of cerebral psychology and physiology, to satisfy those who perceive the inadequacy of the Gallian system, and who are aware that my discoveries have thoroughly revolutionized as well as enlarged cerebral science, rendering the old term phrenology inadequate to express its present status.

I propose therefore to publish in the successive numbers of this Journal a concise "Synopsis of Cerebral Science," giving as concisely as possible the outlines of that vast theme, in so clear and practical a manner that each reader can test its truth in nature by examining character, correcting the errors of phrenology, demonstrating the science by his own experiments, and applying its principles in the treatment of disease, in experimental investigation, in education, self-culture, and elocution. This may satisfy the urgent present demand, until time shall permit a satisfactory work, containing the illustrations and proofs, the important modern discoveries in cerebral anatomy and vivisecting experiments, as well as the vast and interesting philosophy into which we are led by cerebral science. The March number will contain the first instalment, and its publication will be continued through the volume.


The claims of music were never so thoroughly presented as in the "New Education," in which it was shown that music was the most effective of all agents for the cultivation of man's higher nature, and the elevation of the world from its purgatory of selfishness, poverty, and crime. This idea was most fully realized by MRS. ELIZABETH THOMPSON, who has spent a considerable amount in promoting the currency and use of music, especially of a religious character.

The idea that music should exercise a world redeeming power, and promote all social advancement, must appear strange, when first mentioned to those who are familiar only with fashionable operatic performances and the heartless style of vocal and instrumental music in vogue at the centres of musical education, which is robbed as thoroughly as possible of all ethical life, all soul inspiring power.

There is music, however, which sways our noblest emotions, which can bring smiles to the face or tears to the eyes, hope to the dejected or courage to the timid,—which can rouse the strongest impulses of love and duty. The musical reformer who shall change the tide of popular music from its present low channels to that higher sphere of sweet and noble sentiments, will be far more than a Wagner,—aye, more than a Luther.

Dr. Talcott, Superintendent of the Middleton, N. Y., State Asylum of the Insane, has introduced music into all of the wards of his institution with excellent results, judging from his last annual report, from which the following is extracted. "It is said, that before Moses dwelt upon the banks of the Nile, the Egyptians erected temples and altars for the treatment of the insane; and, among the most notable measures for the accomplishment of the cure of lunatics, music took an exalted rank. There can be no doubt that music exercises a potent influence in producing calm and restfulness in minds which are disturbed by cerebral diseases. Musical instruments have been provided in nearly every ward, and the results have been most favorable. Even turbulent patients will subside when the pleasures of music are afforded to them. One of the most effective attendants we ever had upon our disturbed wards was a good musician. After his work was done, he would sit down among his patients, and play upon the violin. Immediately the most excited persons in the ward would group themselves about him, and listen with profound attention so long as he continued to play for them. Where good music can be provided for the turbulent insane, there exists but little necessity for restraint of a physical nature."


The tendency of modern civilization is toward insanity. It is increasing throughout Christendom, and far more where the boasted influences of modern education and the so-called progress are most fully realized. The whole fabric of education and society is unsound, and this is proved by the results.

A true civilization advancing in wisdom must develop the ability to correct its own evils, but the civilization that we have is drifting on, downward and helpless.

The philosophy of insanity and the philosophy of its remedial treatment can be found only in the profound study of the brain, and its relations to the soul and body. But there is not a glimmer of the psychic science of the brain to-day in our colleges. In due time, this theme shall be discussed in the Journal.

A proper understanding of this subject will show what method of life and thought tends toward insanity, and by what methods we escape it. It will show also the relation of disease to insanity, and the proper methods of moral and physical treatment.


OUR NARROW LIMITS AND FUTURE TASKS.—As the Journal goes to press I realize vividly how utterly inadequate a dollar monthly is for the expression of the new philosophy, even in the most condensed form, and for the periscope of progress that it should contain. A large amount of desirable matter is necessarily excluded. Nevertheless a modest beginning is prudent; for the vitality of a young journal, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, is as delicate as that of an infant. It is to be hoped that the friends of progress will secure patronage enough to the Journal this year to justify its enlargement in 1888. Meantime the minister whose circuit embraces many stations cannot visit them all each week. In like manner the JOURNAL OF MAN has too large a circuit to approach each of its themes every month. The science of man being the highest and most comprehensive of themes, occupies the chief position in the first number. Hereafter we must consider in succession such themes as

1. PSYCHOMETRY and its revelations; SPIRITUAL science and philosophy. 2. MEDICAL progress and reform; HYGIENE and temperance. 3. EDUCATIONAL principles and progress; PROGRESS in science and invention. 4. The truth in RELIGION; the prevention of WAR. 5. LAND AND LABOR questions; the extinction of MONOPOLIES. 6. WOMAN'S rights and progress; the condition of the WORLD.

And a score of other important themes. It may be two years before they can all be reached. Those who preserve their Journals will in time have a small library, embodying the knowledge that progressive minds would cherish.

PALMISTRY.—Mr. E. Heron-Allen, a very intelligent gentleman from England, with a fashionable prestige, has been interesting the fashionables of New York and Boston in palmistry, or, as he calls it, cheirosophy, with considerable profit to himself. The human constitution is so unitary in itself that every portion reveals much of the whole. Physicians learn a great deal from the globules of the blood, others draw many inferences from the excretions. The amount of study given to the hand renders it probable that palmistry may have considerable value as a physiognomic science. As it comes now in a fashionable style it may flourish, but of course it was only a vulgar imposture when practiced by gypsies. Circumstances alter cases.

SUICIDE.—Eight months of the present year show 150 suicides in the German army. Suicides will be greatly diminished when nations disband their armies.

THEOSOPHIST REVIEWS.—The Theosophist, published at Madras, India, may be considered the leading organ of Oriental Theosophy; the Path, published at New York, bids fair as the American representative of the Theosophic School; and Lady Caithness, Duchesse de Pomar, has started at Paris a review devoted to theosophy and occult science.

APPARITIONS OF THE DEAD.—Prof. Barrett of the English Psychical Research Society, states that: "It has been demonstrated almost as certainly as has been the law of gravitation, that scores of cases have occurred where some persons in one town, have, at a certain hour or minute, seen the figure of a friend flit across the room, and have afterwards discovered that at that very hour and minute the friend breathed his last in a distant town, or, may be, in a foreign country. Now these cases are inexplicable by any formula of science, yet that they have happened is scientifically proved."

Notwithstanding the good intentions of some of the members of that society, its general conduct has been so unfair in its investigations that Stainton Moses, the vice-president, has felt it to be his duty to resign and withdraw. The truth is, the pioneers in philosophy can expect no cordial co-operation and no real justice from their oldtime opponents. The American Psychic Research Society is far behind the English.

HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY.—A girl was taken before the Paris tribunal charged with stealing a blanket. She pleaded that she was under the influence of another person and could not help herself. In prison it was found that she was in a hypnotized condition, and acted readily under the commands of others, doing anything that was told her. She was examined by a commission of Chacrot, Brouardel, and Mollett, who reported that this condition came from the use of morphia, suffering, and hunger; that these suggestions from others, acting on an unstable nervous organism, greatly deranged by morphia and other causes, rendered her irresponsible for her acts. She was acquitted.

HUMAN TAILS.—M. Eliseff presented to the French Anthropological Society a woman with a caudal appendage covered with hair. This anomaly was present in several of the maternal ancestors of the woman.

MEN WHO LIVE IN TREES.—Dr. Louis Wolf, who made the sensational discovery a while ago that the Sankuru River afforded a more direct and more easily navigated route to Central Africa than the Congo, made another discovery in the course of the same journey which was quite as remarkable if not so important. On the banks of the Lomami River, far toward the centre of the continent, he says he found whole villages that were built in the trees. The natives, partly to protect themselves from the river when in flood, and partly to make it more difficult for their enemies to surprise them, build their huts on the limbs of the trees where the thick foliage almost completely hides the structures from view. The inmates possess almost the agility of monkeys, and they climb up or descend from their little houses with astonishing ease. It is believed they are the only Africans yet known who live in trees.

In Borneo some of the natives are said to live in trees, and Mr. Chalmers, in his book on New Guinea, tells of a number of tree houses that he visited on that island. These huts, which are built near the tops of very high trees, are used for look-out purposes, or as a place of refuge for women and children in case of attack. They are perfect little huts with sloping roofs and platforms in front, to which extends the long ladder, by means of which the natives reach the huts. Mr. Gill describes one of these houses which was used as a residence. He says it was well built, but that it rocked uncomfortably in the wind.

PROTYLE. The address of Professor William Crookes before the British Association, upon the "Genesis of the Elements," is one of the most important contributions to chemical philosophy that has been published for a long time. Reasoning from the recently discovered law of periodicity among the elements, he discusses the possibility of their being formed from the cooling of one primitive form of matter, which he calls protyle. While he admits that we have no direct evidence that the elements are different manifestations of the same form of matter, yet he thinks that the observed phenomena of chemistry and physics point very strongly to such a conclusion, and agrees with Faraday, that, "to decompose the metals, then to reform them, to change them from one to another, and to realize the once absurd notion of transmutation, are the problems now given to the chemist for solution." We consider Professor Crookes to be one of the most eminent scientists now living, and any views he may advance are entitled to serious consideration.—Popular Science News.

THE KEELEY MOTOR, at Philadelphia, which has long been regarded as a visionary or deceptive enterprise, is coming out now with the endorsement of engineers who have witnessed its operation and say that it develops a new power which cannot be accounted for by any of the known laws of dynamics. It may, however, be a long time before the proper machinery can be invented and constructed for bringing this power into use.


Every departure from the stereotyped plan of humanity is an interesting proof of the vast capacities of nature, and therefore a prophecy of possible variation and grander development for the coming generations; hence the hairy family—Moung Phoset, his mother, Mahphoon, and the giant Winkelmeier—are deeply interesting to the anthropologist.

WINKELMEIER, according to the London Standard, is now in London at the Pavilion, standing eight feet, nine inches high, a foot higher than Chang, the Chinese giant, and evidently the tallest man living. He was born in 1865, in Upper Austria. Neither his four brothers, parents, nor grandparents, are unusually tall. He is healthy, strong, and intelligent, and is expected to continue growing.

MOUNG PHOSET, and his old mother, MAHPHOON, whose pictures are here given, are now in London on exhibition. They were the hairy family of King Theebaw of Burmah, and when Theebaw was captured by the British army, they escaped to the jungle, where they were robbed by Dacoits, but were recovered by Captain Piperno, and brought to England. Moung Phoset, like his mother, has his face and entire body covered by long, fine hair, from five to twelve inches long, which even fills the ears, and on the forehead is so long that it has to be drawn back over the ears to uncover the eyes. He is an intelligent and well-behaved man, and has a fair Burmese education. His wife, however, is a common Burmese woman. Moung Phoset, having no children, is the last of a hairy species, which it is said, originated in his great grandfather, who was caught wild in the forest between Upper Burmah and Siam.

Hairy irregularities, according to Darwin, are associated with irregularities of the teeth. In Moung Phoset the molar teeth are deficient.


The BUSINESS DEPARTMENT of the Journal deserves the attention of all its readers, as it will be devoted to matters of general interest and real value. The treatment of the opium habit by Dr. Hoffman is original and successful. Dr. Hoffman is one of the most gifted members of the medical profession. The electric apparatus of D. H. Fitch is that which I have found the most useful and satisfactory in my own practice. Bovinine I regard as occupying the first rank among the food remedies which are now so extensively used. The old drug house of B. O. & G. C. Wilson needs no commendation; it is the house upon which I chiefly rely for good medicines, and does a very large business with skill and fidelity. The American Spectator, edited by Dr. B. O. Flower, is conducted with ability and good taste, making an interesting family paper, containing valuable hygienic and medical instruction, at a remarkably low price. It is destined to have a very extensive circulation. I have written several essays in commendation of the treatment of disease by oxygen gas, and its three compounds, nitrous oxide, per-oxide and ozone. What is needed for its general introduction is a convenient portable apparatus. This is now furnished by Dr. B. M. Lawrence, at Hartford, Connecticut. A line addressed to him will procure the necessary information in his pamphlet on that subject. He can be consulted free of charge.

The spiritual newspapers, The Banner, The Religio-Philosophical Journal, Light for Thinkers, Golden Gate, Carrier Dove, and World's Advance Thought, embody a large amount of the leading truths of the age. He who does not read one of them robs himself of instruction and pleasure. Facts is just what its name indicates, a concise collection of interesting spiritual facts. Hall's Journal of Health has an established reputation, and of late is better conducted than ever.

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College of Therapeutics.

The large amount of scientific and therapeutic knowledge developed by recent discoveries, but not yet admitted into the slow-moving medical colleges, renders it important to all young men of liberal minds—to all who aim at the highest rank in their profession—to all who are strictly conscientious and faithful in the discharge of their duties to patients under their care, to have an institution in which their education can be completed by a preliminary or a post-graduate course of instruction.

The amount of practically useful knowledge of the healing art which is absolutely excluded from the curriculum of old style medical colleges is greater than all they teach—not greater than the adjunct sciences and learning of a medical course which burden the mind to the exclusion of much useful therapeutic knowledge, but greater than all the curative resources embodied in their instruction.

The most important of these therapeutic resources which have sometimes been partially applied by untrained persons are now presented in the College of Therapeutics, in which is taught not the knowledge which is now represented by the degree of M. D., but a more profound knowledge which gives its pupils immense advantages over the common graduate in medicine.

Therapeutic Sarcognomy, a science often demonstrated and endorsed by able physicians, gives the anatomy not of the physical structure, but of the vital forces of the body and soul as located in every portion of the constitution—a science vastly more important than physical anatomy, as the anatomy of life is more important than the anatomy of death. Sarcognomy is the true basis of medical practice, while anatomy is the basis only of operative surgery and obstetrics.

Indeed, every magnetic or electric practitioner ought to attend such a course of instruction to become entirely skilful in the correct treatment of disease.

In addition to the above instruction, special attention will be given to the science and art of Psychometry—the most important addition in modern times to the practice of medicine, as it gives the physician the most perfect diagnosis of disease that is attainable, and the power of extending his practice successfully to patients at any distance. The methods of treatment used by spiritual mediums and "mind cure" practitioners will also be philosophically explained.

The course of instruction will begin on Monday, the 2d of May, and continue six weeks. The fee for attendance on the course will be $25. To students who have attended heretofore the fee will be $15. For further information address the president,


The sentiments of those who have attended these courses of instruction during the last eight years were concisely expressed in the following statement, which was unanimously signed and presented to Dr. Buchanan by those attending his last course in Boston.

"The undersigned, attendant, upon the seventh session of the College of Therapeutics, have been delighted with the profound and wonderful instructions received, and as it is the duty of all who become acquainted with new truths of great importance to the world, to assist in their diffusion, we offer our free and grateful testimony in the following resolutions:

"Resolved, That the lectures and experiments of Prof. Buchanan have not only clearly taught, but absolutely demonstrated, the science of Sarcognomy, by experiments in which we were personally engaged, and in which we cannot possibly have been mistaken.

"Resolved, That we regard Sarcognomy as the most important addition ever made to physiological science by any individual, and as the basis of the only possible scientific system of Electro-Therapeutics, the system which we have seen demonstrated in all its details by Prof. Buchanan, producing results which we could not have believed without witnessing the demonstration.

"Resolved, That Therapeutic Sarcognomy is a system of science of the highest importance, alike to the magnetic healer, to the electro-therapeutist, and to the medical practitioner,—giving great advantages to those who thoroughly understand it, and destined to carry the fame of its discoverer to the remotest future ages."

* * * * *

The "Chlorine" Galvanic and Faradic Batteries.


Description, Prices, and Testimonials Mailed Free, on Application.

6 JAMES ST., BOSTON, MASS., February 8, 1886.

D. H. FITCH, Cazenovia, N. Y.:

DEAR SIR: Your last letter has a valuable suggestion. Your Carbon Electrodes ARE the very best now in use, and Metallic Electrodes are objectionable from the metallic influence they impart, even if no metal can be chemically traced into the patient.


AURORA, ILL., Dec. 24, 1886.

D. H. FITCH, Cazenovia, N. Y.:

I am very glad to inform you that the battery which I purchased from you seven months ago is better than you represented it, and works as well to-day as it did on the first day.

The cells have not been looked at since they were first placed in the cabinet. The battery is always ready and has never disappointed me.

Resp'y yours, H. G. GABEL, M. D.

WORCESTER, MASS., Aug. 10, 1886.

D. H. FITCH, Cazenovia, N. Y.:

DEAR SIR: Over a year ago, as you will remember, I bought of you one of your "Chlorine Batteries" of twenty-five cells. This I placed in the cellar and connected with my office table for use there. It has been in almost daily use since without ever having to do the first thing to it, not even refilling, and now, after a year's service, I cannot see but that it runs just as well as it did the first day I used it, and the battery is just as clean as when put in, nor the least particle of corroding. This is a better record than any other battery can furnish with which I am acquainted. I can only say I am more than pleased with it, as every man must be who knows anything about electricity and has occasion to use a battery for medicinal purposes.


WHITESTOWN, N. Y., April 15, 1886.


DEAR SIR: The "Chlorine Battery" is simply admirable, complete, just the thing.

SMITH BAKER, M. D. President Oneida Co. Med. Society.

TYLER, TEX., Feb. 11, 1886.

D. H. FITCH, ESQ., Cazenovia, N. Y.:

I am so well pleased with your "Chlorine Faradic Machine" that I now use it in preference to any other. The current is so smooth and regular that patients like it and seem to derive more benefit from it than from the same strength of current from any other battery that I have used. I would not be without it for many times its cost.



P.O. Box 75. Cazenovia, N. Y.

* * * * *

Religio-Philosophical Journal.



92 La Salle Street, Chicago,



One copy, one year $2.50

Single copies, 5 cents. Specimen copy free.

All letters and communications should be addressed, and all remittances made payable to

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A Paper for all who Sincerely and Intelligently Seek Truth without regard to Sect or Party.

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Is the ablest Spiritualist paper in America.... Mr. Bundy has earned the respect of all lovers of the truth, by his sincerity and courage.—Boston Evening Transcript.

I have a most thorough respect for the JOURNAL, and believe its editor and proprietor is disposed to treat the whole subject of spiritualism fairly.—Rev. M. J. Savage (Unitarian) Boston.

I wish you the fullest success in your courageous course.—R. Heber Newton, D. D.

Your course has made spiritualism respected by the secular press as it never has been before, and compelled an honorable recognition.—Hudson Tuttle, Author and Lecturer.

I read your paper every week with great interest.—H. W. Thomas, D. D., Chicago.

I congratulate you on the management of the paper.... I indorse your position as to the investigation of the phenomena.—Samuel Watson, D. D., Memphis, Tenn.

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HALL'S JOURNAL OF HEALTH, 206 Broadway, New York City.

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