We returned late to Carhaix, and left next day for Guingamp, passing, about two miles out of the town, through the village of St. Catherine on the Hierre, where the church has fleur-de-lise windows, like that of Penmarch. We here entered the department of the Cotes-du-Nord through Callac, where we changed horses; the country was hilly and wooded. On the left we saw the spire of the church of Notre Dame-de-Graces, where repose the remains of Charles of Blois; on the right appeared the cathedral towers of Guingamp. At this last place we took the rail to Caulnes-Dinan, and on, by diligence, to Dinan, whence we proposed returning by St. Malo; but, finding the time of the boat's sailing did not suit our arrangements, we returned by Paris and Dieppe to London.
1320. Du Guesclin born. 1338. Marriage of Charles of Blois and Jeanne de Penthievre. Du Guesclin at the tournament. 1341. Death of John III. Beginning of the War of Succession. 1342. John de Montfort, prisoner in the Louvre, 1345. Escape to England and death. 1346. Siege of Hennebont defended by Jeanne de Flandre. 1347. Charles of Blois taken prisoner at La Roche Derrien. " War of the two Jeannes. 1351. Combat of the Thirty. 1356. Charles of Blois liberated. 1359. Siege of Dinan. 1364. Battle of Auray. 1365. Treaty of Guerande. 1370. Du Guesclin, Constable of France. 1375. John IV. flees to England. 1380. He is recalled. 1387. Death of Du Guesclin. 1387. Clisson marries his daughter to Jean de Penthievre. 1407. Death of Clisson. 1420. Seizure of John V. by the Penthievres. 1488. Battle of St. Aubin du Cormier.
1. GEOFFROY II. CONSTANCE 3rd son of Henry II., = Heiress of Britanny 1175 Arthur, 1196.
CONSTANCE, -2. GUY DE THOUARS Heiress of Brittany. Alix, 1213 -Pierre de Dreux. John II., 1286. Beatrix, daughter of Henry III. 1. Maria, - Arthur II., 1305 -2. Jeanne de Montfort. Vicountess de Limoges + + - Jean Comte de Montfort + 1345. Beatrix. Jean III. (Bon), 1313. Gui Comte de Penthievre.........Jeanne de Flandre........Gui de Laval. Isabelle de Valois. Beatrix de Laval Jeanne la Boiteuse. Jean IV. (Vaillant), 1366. Charles de Blois + 1364 ....... 1. Mary of England. Richard de Bretagne. 2. Joan Holland.........Marguerite d'Orleans. + 3. Joan of Navarre. Jean Comte de Penthievre. Gui. Henri. Marguerite de Clisson. Died in captivity. + - - Francis II., 1458 -+ John V., 1439 Arthur III., 1457...1. Marguerite de Bretagne. Olivier Charles Guillaume ................ Jeanne de France Constable. 2. Marguerite de Foix. + + Francis I., 1442. Pierre II., Maria. Gilles. Anne, 1488. 1. Yolande d'Anjou. 1450. Francoise de Dinan.......1. Charles VIII. 2. Isabeau d'Ecosse. Francoise d'Amboise. 2. Louis XIII. + Claude. Renee.
Abelard, 192. Ancenis, 217. Angouleme, Duke and Duchess, 167. Anne, of Austria, Queen, 122, 269. Anne de Beaujeu, Regent, 203, 229. Anne of Brittany, Queen-Duchess, 42, 50, 62, 98, 121, 153, 221, 222, 223. Arre, mountains, 103, 136, 297. Arthur and Geoffroy Plantagenet, 216. Arthur III., Duke of Brittany, Constable of France, 190. Artois, Comte d', 29. Auray, 157. Auray, battle of, 161. Auray, Ste. Anne d', 158. Avranches, 23. Audierne, 269.
Baciocchi, Princess, 187. Baie des Trepasses, 274. Barbes, 28. Barkers (aboyeurs), 214. Bas-Foins, 49. Beaumanoir Chapel, 56. Beaumanoir, Jean de, 52, 206. Beauport, Abbey of, 76. Belle-Isle-en-Mer, 250. Belliere, Chateau of, 54. Berri, Duchess, 226. Bertheaume, Island, 128. Bigouden, 258. Biniou, 249. Bisson, 155, 194. Blanche of Castille, 149. Blue Beard, Breton, 194. Boisgelin, Chateau, 75. Bonchamps, 237. Bourg-de-Batz, 217. Brest, 118. Bretesch, Chateau of, 248. Breton bed, 239; — butter, 153; — character, 99; — chestnuts, 203; — cow and pig, 153; — distaffs, 259; — farmhouse, 86; — knitting, 74; — soup, 112; — threshing, 117; — vehicles, 37.
Cancale, 39. Carnac, 177. Cesson, Tour de, 71. Carhaix, 297. Chalais, Comte de, 226. Champ des Martyrs, 166. Champtoceaux, Chateau de, 218. Chandos, Sir John, 16, 46, 89, 162. Chateaubriand, 36, 41. Chateaulin, 135. Chatelet, J. du, 302. Chene-Ferron, Chateau of, 57. Cherbourg, 1. Charles the Bad, 134. Charles of Blois, 67, 75, 82, 161. Charles V., 223. Charles VI., 185. Charles VII., 47, 191. Charles VIII., 203, 229. Clisson, Constable, 25, 89, 186, 209. Clisson, Marguerite, 89, 218. Colomb, Michel, 127, 221. Combat des Trente, 206. Combourg, Chateau de, 36. Comorre, 194, 297. Concarneau, 142. Conquet, Le, 128. Constance of Brittany, 216. Cornouaille, 135. Costume, 23, 133, 140, 234, 249, 258, 283, 288, 298. Coueron, 34. Couesnon, 29. Courcorro, 181. Coutances, 19. Crepes, 11, 169. Croisic, Le, 232. Crosses, 104.
D'Andelot, Sieur, 248. Dinan, 44, 50. Dinan, Francoise de, see Francoise. Dinan, Roland de, 53. Dinard, 44. Dogs of St. Malo, 42. Dol, 30. Douarnenez, 276, 279. Dubourg, 29. Du Guesclin, 24, 44, 45, 51, 53, 74, 143, 162, 209.
Elven, Chateau of, 199. Edward III., 15, 112, 153, 223. Edward IV., 201. Escoublac, 232. Estouteville, Sieur d', 13, 26. Epinglettes, 160. Ermine, Order of, 126.
Filet, saint, 264. Faouet, Le, 287. Folgoet, Le, 120. Fouquet, N., 256. Francis I., Duke of Brittany, 47, 126 note, 185. Francis II., Duke of Brittany, 221, 229. Francoise de Dinan, 46, 215. Fontenelle le Ligueur, 267. Frerie Blanche, 72. Frobisher, 134.
Gavr' Inis, 174. Gesril du Papeu, 166, 167. Gilles de Bretagne, 46. Goemon (wrack), 94. Grallo, King, 139, 275. Guerande, 245. Guimiliau, 115. Granville, 21. Guingamp, 72.
Haedic, Isle, 250, 257. Haye du Puits, La, 17. Harcourt, G. d', 15. Hennebont, 156. Henry II., 4, 24, 26. Henry IV., 71, 134, 191. Henry V., 13, 26, 134, 201. Henry VI., 201. Henry VII., 201. Henry VIII., 128. Henri IV., 216, 225. Herce, 167, 183. Hoche, Gen., 166. Hunaudaye, Chateau de la, 62. Huelgoat, 300.
Indian corn, 251. Inclined axis of church, 106. Is, City of, 274. Ingrandes, 217.
James II., 72, 205. Jean de Montfort, 67, 112, 153. Jeanne d'Arc, 190. Jeanne de Flandre (Montfort), 83, 156. Jeanne de France, 185, 219. Jeanne de Penthievre, 83. Jeanne (Joan) of Navarre, 106, 121, 134, 194, 246. John I. (Roux), 189, 194. John II., 204. John III. (Bon), 67, 160, 205. John IV. (Victorieux), 25, 67, 71, 119, 121, 126, 160, 185, 223, 246. John V., 88, 121, 185. Josselin, Chateau, 211. Jugon, 61, 187.
Kergrist, Chateau, 96. Kermartin, 84. Kermario, 177. Kersanton stone, 122, 135. Kerserho, 181. Kerscaven, 269. Knights Templars, 69. Knollys, Sir R., 119, 143. Korn-er-Hoet, 187. La Foret, Bay, 143. La Garaye, Chateau of, 57. Lamballe, 67. Lanleff, 68. Langoat, 83. Langoustes, 94, 147. Lannion, 94. Lanvaux, Lande de, 187. Larochejaquelin, 22. La Tour d'Auvergne, 297. Lehon Abbey, 56. Lavandieres de la Nuit, 290. Lesage, 188. Leonnais, 103. Leon, Viscounts, 110. Lezardrieux, 80. Lessay, 17. Locmariaker, 170. Loctudy, 261. Lorient, 155. Louis XI., 26, 201. Louis XII., 32, 223. Louis XIV., 119, 189.
Manny, Sir W., 128, 153, 157. Manoir, 81. Martinvast, 12. Matilda, Empress, 3. Mary, daughter of Edward III., 106. Mercoeur, Duke de, 225. Menhir, 35. Mingant Rock, 119. Minihy (sanctuaries), 88. Mivoie, Chene de, 207. Montafilant, Chateau, 46. Montfort, 215. Mont St. Michel, 25. Motto of Dukes of Brittany, 126, 161. Morbihan Sea, 174. Morlaix, 97.
Nacqueville, Chateau, 6. Nantes, 221. Napoleon I., 3, 4. Notre Dame-de-Comfort, church, 279. Notre Dame-du-Roncier, 213.
Octeville, 5. Ouessant Isle, 128, 133.
Paimboeuf, 229. Paimpol, 80. Palais, Le, 251. Penmarch, 263. Penmarch, Torche de, 262. Penthievre, 149, 210, 225. Periers, 18. Perros Guirec, 92. Peter, Duke, 72. Philip Augustus, 28. Pierre de Dreux, 216. Pierres de Croix, 286. Pleudaniel, 81. Ploermel, 203. Plouaret, 96. Plougastel, 133. Plouharnel, 180. Ploumanach, 92. Pointe du Raz, 271. Pole, W. de la, Earl of Suffolk, 13. Pontacallec, Marquis de, 226, 294. Pontaven, 150. Pontcroix, 276. Pont l'Abbe, 257. Pontorson, 24. Port Navalo, 250. Potatoes, 251. Poulignan, 233. Porzmoguer, 130.
Querqueville, 5. Quiberon, 165. Quimper, 138. Quimperle, 151.
Rance River, 43. Richelieu, Cardinal, 96, 119. Richelieu, Duke, 82. Rennes, 216. Retz, Cardinal, 226. Rieux, Marshal, 202. River scenery, 103, 216, 250. Roads, 84, 91. Roche Bernard, La, 247. Roche Derrien, La, 82. Roche Jagu, La, 81. Rochefort, Chancellor, 229. Rocking stones, 93, 149, 300. Rohan family, 98, 99, 111, 210. Rosaries, 282. Roscoff, 111. Rosgrand, 153. Rosporden, 285. Rustephan, Chateau, 149.
Sacring bells, 279. Saire, Monk of, 5. Ste. Anne la Palue, 282. St. Armal, 204. — Aubin du Cormier, 229. Ste. Barbe, 287. St. Brieuc, 71. — Corentin, 137. — Cornely, 178. — Fiacre, 20. — " church, 293. — Florent, 217. — Genevroc, 105. — Germain, 5, 34. — Gildas, 192. — Guenole, 263. — Herbot, 303. — Ives, 85, 88. — Leonard, 75. — Malo, 39. — Mathieu, 129. — Michael, Order of, 26. — Nazaire, 230. — Pair, 23. — Pol de Leon, 103. — Samson, 32. — Thegonnec, 114, 117. — Urlose, 152. — Vincente Ferrar, 184. Salt, 233. Sardine fishery, 144. Sarzeau, 192. Scaer, 285. Scales, Lord, 21. Sein, Isle, 272. Sevigne, Madame de, 203. Skull-boxes, 91. Soeurs de la Misericorde, 16. Soeurs de le Providence, 11. Sombreuil, Comte de, 164, 183, 184. Stuart, Charles, 113, 230. Stuart, Mary, 98, 112. Sucinio, Chateau, 189.
Teigneuse, Isle, 250. Thomas a Becket, 24. Tocqueville, A. de, 7. Tombeleine, Isle, 28. Touquedec, Chateau, 95. Tourlaville, Chateau, 7. Treguier, 88. Tregunc, 149. Trieux River, 80. Trinite, La, 130. Tumiac, Butte de, 199. Typhaine, the Lady, 24, 44, 54.
Valognes, 14. Vannes, 183. Varades, 217. Vendean army, 217. Veneti, 183. Venus' ear, 2. Victoria, Queen, 1, 3, 14.
Walsh, 230. War of the two Jeannes, 83. War of Succession, 67 note. Washing, 18. Wells, holy, 125, 285. Welsh Baptists, 100. William the Conqueror, 4.
On page 7: "recals" —> "recalls" On page 25: "John IV Duke of Britanny" —> "Brittany" On page 93: "slighest" —> "slightest" On page 104: "calvarys" —> "calvaries" In Ill. 22: "Creisker" —> "Creizker" On page 144: "mackarel" —> "mackerel" On page 149: "out out" —> "out" On page 167: twice "d'Angoulme" —> "d'Angouleme" On page 178: "Erdevan" —> "Erdeven" On pages 196/197: several extra double quotes removed On page 212: "ballustrades" —> "balustrades" On page 270: "promonotory" —> "promontory" On page 272: "corronation" —> "coronation" On page 303: "in in" —> "in"