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NOTE.—The abbreviation "f." following a page number signifies "and following page"; "ff." "and following pages."
ABSOLUTISM, Socialism makes for, 460 ff.
ABSTINENCE, Co-operation, and Thrift denounced by Socialists, 131 ff., 311 ff.
ADMINISTRATION, Imperial, Socialist views regarding, 179 f. National, Socialist views regarding, 213 f.
ADULT suffrage demanded, 213
ADULTERATION, cause of, 84 f.
AGITATORS, Socialistic, appeal to passions, 10, 446, 470 Socialist wish to govern themselves, 411
AGRICULTURE, Socialist views on, 261 ff., 288 ff.
AIMS and policy of Socialists, 92 ff.
ALCOHOLIC DRINK, expenditure of British workers on, 166, 319, 479
ANANIAS, the story of, 385
ANARCHISM and Socialism, similarity of views and aims of, and connection between them, 81, 90, 118, 328, 381 f., 394 ff.
ANARCHISTS, Chicago, and Socialists, 401 f.
ANGLO-FRENCH agreements, views of Socialists on, 188
ANTWERP DOCK strike, 295
APPROPRIATION without adequate compensation is theft, 102
ARBITRATION, international, Socialists on, 188, 190 f.
ARMED nation, why many Socialists are in favour of, 193 ff.
ARMIES, standing, are to be dissolved, 194 ff.
ARMY reform of Mr. Haldane, condemned by Socialists, 197 ff. Socialist propaganda to undermine discipline and cause revolt in, 200 ff. Socialist proposals regarding the, 192 ff.
ASSIGNATS, history of the, 283 f.
ATHEISM, Socialism and, 354 ff.
BANKS and banking, Socialist views on, 258 f., 278 ff.
BARRICADES, Socialist views on, 258 f., 278 ff.
BARTER, international, proposed by Socialists, 279
BENEFICENCE, sense of, relied on by Socialists as principal motive in men, 458 f.
BETTING, expenditure of working men on, 166
BLACKLEGS, British, in Antwerp and Hamburg, 295 f.
BREMEN, Socialism in, 440
BRITISH EMPIRE—see Empire, British
BROTHERHOOD OF MAN promised and proclaimed by Socialists, 25 f., 185 ff., 370, 382, 444
BUDGET, national, Socialist proposals regarding, 160 ff.
CADE, JACK, 326 f.
CAPITAL is theft, 81 f., 102, 370 national growth of, owing to savings of capitalists, 64 f. private, cannot leave the country, 153 f. is immoral, 80 ff. is not to be tolerated, 152 ff. why its constant increase is necessary, 45
CAPITALISTS and landowners are thieves, 38, 102, 370 f. and workers, division of national income between, 40 ff., 75 ff. relations between, 30 ff., 75 ff. are the managers and trustees of the national wealth, 35 employ labour only at a profit, 33 exploit the poor, 31, 75 ff. greatest, were originally working men, 60 live in idleness, 30, 75 ff. maintain the workers, not the workers the capitalists, 168 private, are responsible for commercial crises, 67 ff. are responsible for unemployment, 65 ff., 125 f. useless and unnecessary, 155, 168 benefit from unemployment, 69 f. have no rights and no claims to consideration, 154 their disappearance would be a blessing, 155, 168 usefulness of, 64 f., 168, 315
CARNEGIE, ANDREW, on drink, 321 f.
CATECHISM for the mob, 367 the Red, 372 ff.
CHEAPNESS, Socialist views on, 290 ff.
CHICAGO Anarchists and Socialists, 401 f.
CHILDREN, free maintenance of, demanded, 138 free meals for—see Free Maintenance production of, to be regulated by the State, 347 f. will belong not to parents but to society, 345 f. will belong to parents, 348
CHRIST, name of, used for electioneering purposes, 363
CHRISTIAN Socialism, 375 ff. programmes of, 490 f.
CHRISTIANITY and religion, Socialist attitude towards, 354 ff.
CIVILISATION, Socialist views on, 11 ff.
"CLARION," circulation of, 437
CLASS war doctrine, the, 72 ff. disproved, 79
CLASSES of society, are there only two? 72 ff.
CLERGY, Socialist views on the, 13
COAL, production of, in 1845, 475
COBDEN, Socialists on, 287
COIN—see Money
COMMANDMENTS, the capitalists' ten, 368 the Socialist ten, 371 f.
COMMONS, House of, Socialist views on the, 209 ff.
COMMUNE of Paris, Socialists and the insurrection of the, 407 ff.
COMMUNISM and Socialism, 381 ff. early Christian, 386 in Sparta, 389 of Fourier, 392 f. Socialist recommendations of, 21, 381 ff. why it is impossible, 393
COMMUNIST manifesto quoted, 77 f., 92, 103, 107, 112, 183 f., 332 f., 405
COMMUNITY of women, 331 ff.
COMPENSATION has no place in Socialist ethics, 100 f. or no compensation in expropriating private property? 95 ff., 149 f.
COMPETITION and co-operation, 82 ff., 312 ff., 444 ff., 470
COMPLAINTS, the, of Socialists, 30 ff.
COMPULSORY labour, necessity of, in Socialist commonwealth, 455 ff.
CONFISCATION, plans of, 95 ff. probable result of, 168 f., 251 f., 254
CONTRACT, freedom of, useless to workers, 33
CO-OPERATION and competition, 82 ff., 312 ff., 444 ff., 470 cannot benefit British worker, 31 greatly benefits British worker, 315 ff. is opposed by Socialists, 84, 131 ff., 311 ff. thrift and abstinence denounced by Socialists, 131 ff., 311 ff.
CO-OPERATIVE societies, record and statistics of the British, 315 ff.
COURTS-MARTIAL, Socialist agitation against, 201 f.
CRIME—see Justice, Theft
CRIMES, sexual, Socialist views on, 340 ff.
CRISES caused by private capitalists, 67 ff. could they be prevented by Socialists? 70 f., 124 f.
CROWN, the—see also Monarchy is unfit to administer the Empire, 179
CURRENCY—see Money
DEBT, Local, huge increase and danger of, 246 ff. Local, will it be repudiated? 248 National, repudiation of, 110, 156 ff.
DEMONETISATION of gold and silver—see Money
DESERTION of family, frequency of, 307
DISARMAMENT, Socialists and, 189 ff.
DISTRIBUTION, alteration of, will abolish misery, 65 ff. is more important than production, 65 ff. disproved, 70 f.
DIVISION, general, of existing property disclaimed, 93 is the principal aim of Socialists, 471 f.
DOCTRINES, fundamental, of Socialism, 50 ff.
DOWNING STREET, Socialist views regarding government from, 179 f.
DRINK, expenditure of workers on, 166, 319, 479
DRUNKENNESS, condemned and combated by foreign Socialists, 322 ff. excused and encouraged by British Socialists, 319 ff.
DUTIES—see Budget
ECONOMIC policy of Great Britain, 474 ff.
EDUCATION, Socialist views and proposals on, 302 ff.
EMPIRE, British, federation of, opposed by Socialists, 173 f. federation of, is necessary, 478 German Socialists' views on the, 181 f. has been a failure, 179 Socialists and the, 170 ff.
EMPLOYERS and capitalists benefit from unemployment, 69 f. and workers' interests are opposed, 77 identical, 79 are useless, 168
ENGLAND—see Great Britain
ENTERPRISE, Governmental and municipal, inefficiency and wastefulness of, 85 ff., 251 ff. municipal, 240 ff. is undertaken regardless of cost and profit, 252 ff.
EQUALITY of all races proclaimed by Socialists, 185 ff.
ESPERANTO, why studied by Socialists, 188
ESTATE Duty—see Budget
EXPENDITURE, local, 246
EXPROPRIATION of private property without compensation, 95 ff., 149 f.
FABIAN SOCIETY, details regarding, 94, 418 ff. programme of, 486 f.
FAMILY, desertion of, very frequent, 307 Karl Marx on, 332 Socialism and the, 330 ff.
FATALISM of Socialists, 327 f., 360 f.
FEDERATION, Imperial, opposed by Socialists, 173 f. why necessary, 478
FEEDING of school-children—see Free Maintenance
FISCAL policy, Socialist views on, 285 ff. reform, why it is necessary, 474 ff.
FOOD—see Agriculture and Protection
FORCED labour, necessity of, in Socialist Commonwealth, 455 ff.
FOREIGN policy, Socialist views on, 183 ff.
FOURIER, Communism of, 392 f.
FRANCE, aspect of, before the Revolution, 433
FRANCHISE and suffrage in Great Britain and other countries, 213
FREEDOM of contract useless to workers, 33
FREE love, 330 ff. maintenance for children, 138, 303 ff. trade and protection, Karl Marx on, 300 Socialist views on, 285 ff. why it must be abandoned, 474 ff.
FRONTIERS are to be abolished, 184 ff.
GAMBLING spirit in Englishmen, 459
GERMAN and British Socialism compared, 88, 236, 432 f. Socialists' patriotic and imperial attitude, 181 f., 190 f., 205, 433 views on colonial policy, 181 f, 190 f. Great Britain, 181 f., 190 f.
GERMANY, composition of electorate in, 440
GLASGOW, vast Socialist plans regarding, 252
GOD—see Religion
GOLD and silver money are to be abolished, 21, 258 f., 278 ff.
GOVERNMENT—see also Administration complaints about, 11 f., 394 ff., 411 ff. of Socialist State, 463 ff.
GREAT BRITAIN, aspect of, resembles pre-Revolution France, 433 changed economic position of, 475 ff. dangerous position of, 484 f. German Socialists' views on, 181 f., 190 f.
GRIEVANCES of Socialists, 30 ff.
GRONLAND advises Socialists to appeal to the passions, 10
HALDANE, Mr., and Woolwich Arsenal dismissals, 296
HAMBURG DOCK strike, 295
HISTORY, all, is untrue, 91
HOME—see Family
HOME RULE, Socialists and, 180
HOUSE OF COMMONS, Socialist views on the, 209 ff.
HOUSE OF LORDS, Socialist views on the, 211 to be abolished, 109, 110, 216 i.
HUMAN nature and Socialism, 444 ff.
HUNGRY children—see Free Maintenance
IDLING, how it is to be prevented, 457 ff.
IMMORALITY, sexual, Socialist views regarding, 336 ff.
IMPERIAL federation opposed by Socialists, 173 f.
INCOME, national, how divided between capitalists and workers, 40 ff., 75 ff. of workers and capitalists compared, 40 ff, 75 ff.
INCOME-TAX—see Budget
INCREASING misery, law of, 56 ff. disproved, 57 f.
INDEBTEDNES, local, 246 ff.
INDEPENDENT LABOUR PARTY, details regarding, 417 f., 435 f. programme of, 485 f.
INDIA, Socialist views and aims regarding, 174 ff.
INHERITANCE, right of, 103 ff., 108
INTEMPERANCE—see Drink, Drunkenness, Temperance
INTEREST, profit and rent are theft, 38, 80 ff., 102, 371, 374 Socialist objections to, 38, 80, 258 f., 280 f.
INTERNATIONAL Arbitration, Socialists on, 188, 190 f. relations, Socialist views on, 183 ff., 469
INTOXICATING drink—see Drink, Drunkenness, Temperance
IRON law of wages, 53 ff., 245, 312 f., 319 f. disproved, 54 ff., 313 f., 320
JUDGES, English, Socialists on, 325 f.
JUSTICE and Law, Socialist Views regarding, 100 f., 114, 325 ff., 396 f.
KEIR HARDIE resembles John the Baptist, 28
LABOUR CHURCH, the, and its teaching, 369 fewer hours of, promised by Socialists, 117 f. forced, would be necessary in Socialist commonwealth, 455 ff. is the only source of wealth, 50 ff. disproved, 52 organisation of, in Socialist commonwealth, 455 ff. Party, details regarding, 424 ff. informal programme of, 425 f. representation committee, details regarding, 424 remuneration of, in Socialist commonwealth, 450 ff. sweated, proposals regarding, 461 time theory, 450 f.
LABOURER is entitled to entire product of labour, 38, 61, 451 absurdity of demand, 62 ff., 451 ff. receives only from one-third to one-fifth of his rightful wage, 30, 43, 48 f.
LABOURERS, rural, 266 f.
LAND—see also Agriculture and Landlords and Socialists, 145 ff. belongs to all, 102 f., 145 ff. individual men have no right to, 102 f., 145 ff. is to be had rent free from Socialist State, 146 is not to be had rent free from Socialist State, 146 f. is to be seized without compensation to owners, 95 ff., 149 f., 486 property in, is robbery, 38, 102, 145 ff., 370
LAND settlement policy of Socialists, 262 ff.
LAND Tax—see Budget
LANDOWNERS and capitalists are thieves, 38, 102
LAW and Justice, Socialist views regarding, 100 f., 114, 325 ff., 396 f. iron, of wages, 53 ff., 245, 312 f., 319 f. disproved, 54 ff., 313 t, 320 of increasing misery, 56 ff. disproved, 57 f.
LAZINESS, how it is to be prevented, 457 ff.
LIBERAL PARTY, Socialist dissatisfaction with, 233 ff. views of and attitude towards the, 226 ff.
LITERATURE, Socialist, increase of sales of, 435 ff.
LOAFERS and tramps, ideal conditions for, to be created by Socialists, 254
LOCAL expenditure, 245 f. Government, Socialist views and proposals regarding, 166, 240 ff. indebtedness, 246 ff.
LONDON, fantastic schemes regarding, 249 ff.
LORDS, abolition of the House of, demanded, 109, 110, 216 f. House of, views of Socialists on the, 211
LOVE, free, 330 ff.
MAGDEBURG, Socialism in, 440
MAINTENANCE, free, for children, demanded, 138, 303 ff. why demanded, 138, 308
MAN, brotherhood of, promised and proclaimed by Socialists, 25 f., 185 ff., 370, 382, 444 has no right to himself, 102 is not responsible for his actions, 327 f.
MAN, nature of, and Socialism, 444 ff.
MARRIAGE—see also Family, Women is akin to prostitution, 335 f.
MARX and Engels, Communists' manifesto quoted, 77 f., 92, 103, 107 f., 112, 183 f., 332 f., 405
MARX, KARL, appreciation of, 89 on Christianity and religion, 359, 366 on Free Trade and Protection, 300 on women and the family, 332 f. political programme of, 107 f. unmerited praise of, 88 f. was not a scientist, but a demagogue and a revolutionary, 472
MEALS, free, for school children—see Free Maintenance
MEMBERS of Parliament, payment of, advocated, 213, 216
MIDDLE CLASS, importance of strengthening the, 441 ff. Socialistic attempt to permeate the, 442 f.
MIDDLEMAN, promised suppression of, by Socialists is illusory, 241 f.
MILITARY LAW, Socialist agitation against, 201 f.
MILLIONAIRES are criminals, 81
MINES and minerals to be taken over without compensation, 149
MIR, the, 388
MIRABEAU on paper money, 283 f.
MISERY, law of, increasing, 56 ff. disproved, 57 f.
MONARCHY, abolition of, 109, 110, 207 f. Socialism and the, 207 f.
MONEY, abolition of gold and silver proposed, 21, 258, 278 ff. consequences of, 279 f. banks and banking, Socialist views on, 258 f., 278 ff.
MORALITY, sexual. Socialist views regarding, 336 ff.
MUNICIPAL and national enterprise, inefficiency and wastefulness of, 85 ff., 251 ff. enterprise, 240 ff. enterprises are undertaken regardless of cost and profit, 252 ff. Socialism, 240 ff.
NATIONAL budget, Socialist views regarding, 160 ff. debt, repudiation of, 110, 156 ff. enterprise, inefficiency and wastefulness of, 85 ff., 251 ff. income, how divided between capitalists and workers, 40 ff., 75 ff.
NATIONALISATION of land—see Land
NATURE, human, and Socialism, 444 ff.
OFFENCES, sexual, Socialist views on, 340 ff.
OLD-AGE pensions, Socialist plans regarding, 19, 122 f.
OPINION, public, under Socialism, 466 f.
ORGANISATION of work proposed by Socialists, 17, 70 f., 124 I, 455 ff, fallacies regarding, 70 f., 85 ff., 124 f., 241 f.
ORGANISATIONS, Socialist, and their policy, 415 ff.
OVER-PRODUCTION, complaints as to, 66 f. are not justified, 70 f. can it be prevented by Socialists? 70 f., 124 f. is not the cause of crises and unemployment, but ill-balanced production, 70 f.
OVERWORK, complaints of, 16
PAPER money, unlimited issues of, proposed, 258 f., 278 ff. consequences of, 279 f.
PARIS Commune, Socialists and the insurrection of the, 407 ff.
PARLIAMENT, Socialism and, 209 ff. Socialist spirit in, 437 f. unofficial Socialists in, 438
PARLIAMENTARY Government to be abolished, 218 ff.
PARTIES, Socialist attitude towards the, 225 ff. the Socialist and their policy, 415 ff.
PASSIONS, Socialists appeal to the, 10, 446, 470
PATRIOTISM, Socialism is destructive of, 114, 186 f., 202 ff.
PAUPERISM and distress, growth of, under Socialist regime, 242 f.
PAYMENT of Members of Parliament advocated, 213, 216
PEACE conference, 189 ff.
PEASANT proprietors are everywhere hostile to Socialism, 263 Socialists object to, 262 ff.
PEASANTRY, importance of re-creating the, 443
PENSIONS to workers, 19, 122
POLICY, agricultural, of Socialists—see Agriculture and aims of Socialists, 92 ff. fiscal, of Socialists—see Free Trade and Protection foreign, of Socialists—see Foreign Policy
POSTAGE, Socialist proposals regarding, 166 f.
POST OFFICE, British, praised by Socialists, 21 condemned by Socialists, 411, 413 fallacies regarding business aptitude of, 85 ff. servants, Socialist proposals regarding, 166 f.
POVERTY and drink and gambling, 166, 319, 479 f. extravagant Socialist estimates of, 165, 242, 302 f. complaints about, 16, 33, 165 of the poor is caused by wealth of the rich, 30, 34 ff., 161 disproved, 35, 159
PRESS, the, under Socialism, 466 f.
PRIVATE trader to be abolished, 242 ff.
PRODUCTION, ill-balanced, causes crises and unemployment, 70 f. is carried on for the profit of a class, 36 is less important than distribution, 65 ff. is more important than distribution, 71
PROFIT, what it is and why it is necessary, 39, 45 interest and rent are theft, 38, 80 ff., 102, 371, 374 the working at a, objected to, 33, 38 ff., 252 ff. sharing in Socialist commonwealth, 459
PROGRAMME, political, of Karl Marx, 107 f.
PROGRAMMES of Socialism, 92, 107 ff., 481 ff.
PROPERTY—see also Capital, Land, Mines instinct of, is as old as humanity, 444
"PROPERTY is theft," 81 f., 102, 370 f.
PROPERTY, private, general division of, disclaimed, 93 is the real object of Socialism, 471 ff. private, is immoral, 80 ff. is to be acquired without compensation, 95 ff., 149 f., 486 ought to be abolished, 82, 92 Socialist plans regarding, 95 ff., 149 f. right to, denned by Socialists, 80, 96 ff., 102, 145
PROSTITUTION, 339 ff. is akin to marriage, 335 f.
PROTECTION, why it must be adopted, 474 ff. and Free Trade, Karl Marx on, 300 Socialist views on, 285 ff.
PROUDHON quoted, 81, 90
PUBLIC opinion under Socialism, 466 f.
RAILWAY rates, preferential to foreigners denounced, 269 ff.
RAILWAYS and shipping, Socialist views on, 269 ff. nationalisation of, demanded, 271 f. seems too speculative an undertaking, 277 should be run free of charge to all, 272 ff. wastefulness and inefficiency of, 269 ff.
RATES, alarming increase of, 245 f. increase of, means increase of rent, 243, 245
RED CATECHISM, the, 372 ff.
REFERENDUM demanded by Socialists, 217 ff. opposed by Socialists, 220
REFORM, fiscal, why it is necessary, 474 ff. social, the true, 480
RELIGION and Christianity, Socialist attitude towards, 354 ff. Socialism is a, 26, 364 ff. Socialist views on present, 13, 354 ff. the, of Socialism, 364 ff.
RENT, interest and profit are theft, 38, 80 ff., 102, 371, 374
REVOLUTION, French, parallels furnished to Socialist proposals by the, 168 f., 283 f, 352 f., 365 f. aspect of France before the, 433 Socialists and, 404 ff.
REVOLUTIONARY aims and plans of Socialists, 77 ff., 112 ff., 183 ff., 200 ff., 394 ff., 403, 404 ff., 410, 470 ff.
REVOLUTIONS always cause depravity of morals, 450
RICH, the, are the managers and trustees of the national wealth, 35 are thieves, 80, 102, 370 f. cause poverty of the poor, 30, 34 ff., 161 disproved, 35, 159
RICHES of the rich are the cause of poverty, 30, 34 ff., 161 disproved, 35, 159
RIGHT to work, sinister aim of Socialists in proclaiming, 128 f. disregarded by Socialists, 461
RIGHTS of individual defined, 102
ROBBERY encouraged by Socialists, 82, 114
ROCHDALE Pioneers, history of the, 315 f.
RURAL labourers, 266 f.
SAVING—see Thrift
SAVINGS, contemplated confiscation of, 157 ff.
SAVINGS banks deposits, 46
SELFISHNESS and Socialism, 444 ff.
SEXUAL crimes. Socialist views on, 340 ff. offences and crimes, 340 ff.
SMALL holdings, 262 ff.
SOCIAL-Democratic Federation, details regarding, 415 ff. programme of, 481 ff.
SOCIALISM and Anarchism, similarity of views and aims of, and connection between, 81, 90, 118, 328, 381 f., 394 ff. and Christianity and religion, 354 ff. and Communism, 381 ff. and education, 302 ff. and Free Trade and Protection, 285 ff. and law and justice, 325 ff. and the monarchy, 207 f. and Parliament, 209 ff. and revolution, 395 ff., 404 ff. appeals to passions, 10, 446, 470 British and German compared, 88, 206 Christian, 375 ff. definitions of, I ff., 390, 469 flourishes on dissatisfaction and misery, 131 fundamental doctrines of, 50 ff. growth and danger of, 431 ff. is a religion, 2, 26 ff., 364 ff. is a science, 1, 2, 3, 87 is based, not on science, but on deception, 91 is destructive of patriotism, 114, 186 f., 202 ff. is it possible? 444 ff. is merely a plan of spoliation and of general division, 471 f. is not a science, 87, 89 f., 470 ff. means absolutism, 460 ff. municipal, 240 ff. disregards cost and profit, 252 ff. presupposes perfect men, 444 ff. principal demand of, 92 programme of, 92 ff. progress of, how it may be checked, 440 ff. promises to alter human nature, 448 f. to abolish war, 186 f., 189 to make all races equal, 185 ff. why it is impossible, 390 f., 444 ff.
SOCIALIST and Anarchist doctrines compared, 81, 90 f. Labour Party, details regarding, 428 programme of, 488 ff. literature, increase of sales of, 435 ff. organisations, the, and their policy, 415 ff. Party of Great Britain, details regarding, 428 programme of, 487 f. spirit in Parliament, 437 f. State, how will it be governed? 463 ff. of the future, 5 f., 17 ff., 444 ff. -enterprise, will it be more efficient than private enterprise? 85 ff. Sunday schools, 369 ff.
SOCIALISTS, aims and policy of, 92 ff. and Chicago Anarchists, 401 f. and land and landlords, 145 ff. and revolution, 395 ff., 404 ff. and rural labourers, 266 f. and terrorist outrages, 402 f. and the Empire, 170 ff. and the two Parties, 225 ff. and the working masses, 115 ff. and Trade Unionists, official connection between, 141 ff., 434 f. relations between, 131 ff., 424 ff., 434 f. are antagonistic to providence, thrift, and temperance, 312 ff. are hostile to the Empire, 170 ff. to their own country, 114, 186 f. assert that all history is garbled, 91 assert that man has no right to himself, 102 condemn imperial administration, 179 f. national administration, 213 f., 394 ff., 411 ff. State Socialism, 411 ff. consist of two classes, revolutionaries and visionaries, 183 demand free maintenance for children, 138 Government purchase of all British railways and shipping, 271 ff. denounce co-operation, thrift, and abstinence, 131 ff. desire the destruction of the State, 381 f., 394 ff., 411 ff. different aims, proposals, and views of, 6 f. disregard right to work, 461 encourage theft, 82 excuse and encourage drunkenness, 319 ff., grievances of the, 30 ff. numbers of, in various countries, 432 on Free Trade and Protection, 285 ff. oppose co-operation, 84, 312 promise brotherhood of man, 25 f., 185 ff., 370, 382, 444 equal wages for all, 22 gratis amusements, 22 baths, 250 clothing, 21 concerts, 250 food, 21 fuel, 21 libraries, 250 lodging, 21 travel and transport on railways and tramways, 22, 250, 272 S. on ships, 275 f. wash-houses, 250 working men's clubs, 250 to transform the world into a paradise, 19 ff. propose issuing paper money in unlimited quantities, 258 f., 278 ff. revolutionary aims and plans of, 77 ff., 112 ff., 183 ff., 200 ff., 394 ff., 403, 404 ff., 410 try to destroy discipline in the army and so cause it to revolt, 200 ff. unofficial in Parliament, 438 wish for an international language, 188 to abolish parliamentary government, 218 ff., the army, 192 ff. the existing languages, 310 the monarchy, 109, 110, 207 f. to capture or abolish Parliament, 209 ff. to conquer Parliament, 238 f. to dissolve the army, 192 ff. German, on Peace Conferences, disarmament, and international arbitration, 190 f. patriotic and imperial attitude of, 181 f., 190 f., 205, 433 views of, on colonial policy, 181 f., 190 f. regarding Great Britain, 181 f., 190 f.
SOCIETY, Socialist views on, 10 ff.
SPARTA, Communism in, 389
SPENCER, Herbert, 447 f.
SPOLIATION, plans of, 95 if., 149 f. probable result of, 168 f., 251 f., 254
STAMP duties, proposals regarding, 166 f.
STATE enterprise usually inefficient, 85 ff., 251 ff. Socialism, Socialist attitude towards, 411 ff. Socialist, of the future, 5 f., 17 ff., 444 ff. how will it be governed? 463 ff. Socialists are hostile to the, and desire its destruction, 381 f., 394 ff., 411 ff.
STOCKS, Municipal, are no longer first-class investments, 258
STUTTGART, International Socialist Congress at, 90, 177
SUFFRAGE, adult, demanded, 213 and franchise in Great Britain and other countries, 213 reform demanded, 213 f.
SUNDAY, will it be abolished? 365 schools, Socialist, 369 ff.
SURPLUS-VALUE doctrine, 58 ff., 244 f. disproved, 59 f.
SWEATED labour proposals of Socialists, 461
TARIFF reform, Socialist views on, 285 ff.
TAXATION, indirect, condemned by Socialists, 165 f. leading Socialist principle of, 255 local—see Rates national—see Budget
TAXING private property out of existence, plans for, 99 f., 149, 153, 160 ff., 244 f., 255
TEMPERANCE condemned by British Socialists, 319 ff. praised and encouraged by foreign Socialists, 322 ff. providence, and thrift are antagonistic to Socialism, 131 ff., 312 ff. Socialistic views on, 131 ff., 311 ff.
TEN COMMANDMENTS, the capitalists', 368 the Socialist, 371 f.
TERRORIST outrages. Socialist views on, 402 f.
THEFT encouraged by Socialists, 82, 114
THRIFT denounced by Socialists, 131 ff., 155, 311 ff. is immoral, 314 f. is theft, 155 providence, and temperance are antagonistic to Socialism, 131 ff., 312 ff. Socialist views on, 131 ff., 311 ff.
TRADE Unionists and Socialists, official connection between, 141 ff., 434 f. relations between, 131 ff., 424 ff., 434 f. Unions and unemployed problem, 127 ff. have become Socialistic, 141 ff., 434 f., 471 secretaries are to administer the Empire, 179
TRADER, private, to be abolished, 242 ff.
TRAMPS and loafers, ideal conditions for, to be created by Socialists, 254
UNDERFEEDING—see Free Maintenance
UNEMPLOYED, the, 37, 474 ff. and agriculture, 266
UNEMPLOYMENT benefits employers, 69 f. could it be prevented by Socialists? 124 f. is due to private capital, 65 ff., 125 f. disproved, 126 f. real causes of, 70 f., 124 ff., 474 ff. sinister aims of Socialists regarding, 128 f. Socialist plans regarding, 123 ff. views on, 67 ff., 123 ff.
USURY—see Interest
VOTES for women, 222 ff.
WAGES, amount and purchasing-power of, depends on production, 120 f. are to be abolished, 6, 21 are not to be abolished, 22, 278, 386 f., 450 ff. are to be equal for all, 22, 278, 386 f., 450 ff. are not to be equal for all, 390, 450 ff. different views of Socialists regarding, 6, 450 ff. factors determining amount of, 54 ff., 313 f. great increase of, in Socialist State promised by Socialists, 118 ff. doubted by German Socialists, 120 iron law of, 53 ff., 245, 312 f., 319 f. disproved, 54 ff., 313 f., 320 rise in, 57 f.
WAR will be abolished by Socialists, 186 f., 189
WEALTH creates poverty, 30, 34 ff., 161 disproved, 35, 159 is a crime, 80 ff. labour is the only source of, 50 ff. disproved, 52 love of, will disappear, 23, 448 various sources of, 52 why unequally distributed, 473
WEST HAM, 243, 363
WOMAN, the family, and the home. Socialism and, 330 ff. will be given the vote, 222 ff., 349 will be made equal to man, 349 f. will be made free, 349 will have to work for a living, 349 f. will her privileges be abolished? 350 f. will receive wages for childbearing, 345
WOMEN, community of, 331 Karl Marx on, 332 f.
WOMEN'S Freedom League, 429 Social and Political Union, 429 split in, 429 suffrage. Socialist views on, 222 ff.
WOOLWICH Arsenal dismissals, 296.
WORK, fewer hours of, promised by Socialists, 117 f. is a curse, 115 organisation of, in Socialist Commonwealth, 455 ff. remuneration of, in Socialist Commonwealth, 450 ff. Socialist views regarding, 115 ff.
WORKERS and capitalists, division of national income between, 40 ff., 75 ft. relations between, 30 ff. are entitled to entire produce of their labour, 38, 61 ff., 451 absurdity of demand, 62 ff., 451 ff. are most prosperous where capitalists are richest, 35, 159 are swindled out of their earnings, 34 become capitalists every day, 60 British, are slaves, 15, 18, 31 f. how to improve conditions of, 474 ff. cannot acquire capital, 31 ff. expenditure of, on betting, 166, 479 f. on drink, 106, 319, 479 f. miserable state of, 13 ff. possess absolutely nothing, 33 poverty of, 16, 33, 165 receive only from one-third to one-fifth of their rightful wages, 30, 43, 48 f. value of property owned by, 46
WORKING masses and Socialists, 115 ff.
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- Typographical errors corrected in text: Page 84: reponsible replaced with responsible Page 89: Britian replaced with Britain Page 103: repected replaced with respected Page 108: furthur replaced with further Page 112: Social-Democrary replaced with Social-Democracy Page 157: MacLachlan replaced with McLachlan Page 167: interefere replaced with interfere Page 178: self-goverment replaced with self-government Page 212: parasities replaced with parasites Page 217: 'which will be be made' replaced with 'which will be made' Page 260: Parliamentry replaced with Parliamentary Page 279: Co-opervative replaced with Co-operative Page 280: irreligous replaced with irreligious Page 290: beleagured replaced with beleaguered Page 322: democrary replaced with democracy Page 328: L'Etat replaced with L'Etat Page 334: (fn 905) Fornightly replaced with Fortnightly Page 337: marrige replace with marriage Page 350: L'Etat replaced with L'Etat Page 406: Parlement replaced with Parliament Page 425: indentical replaced with identical Page 446: enconomic replaced with economic Page 419: Progessives replaced with Progressives -