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Having by a providence a letter or to y^t came to my hands concerning the proceedings of their Re^d freinds in y^e Bay of y^e Massachusets, who were latly come over, I thought it not amise here to inserte them, (so farr as is pertenente, and may be usefull for after times,) before I conclude this year.
S^r: Being at Salem the 25. of July, being y^e saboath, after y^e evening exercise, M^r. Johnson received a letter from y^e Governor, Mr. John Winthrop, manifesting y^e hand of God to be upon them, and against them at Charles-towne, in visiting them with sicknes, and taking diverse from amongst them, not sparing y^e righteous, but partaking with y^e wicked in these bodily judgments. It was therfore by his desire taken into y^e Godly consideration of y^e best hear, what was to be done to pacifie y^e Lords wrath, &c. Wher it was concluded, that the Lord was to be sought in righteousnes; and to that end, y^e 6. day (being Friday) of this present weeke, is set aparte, that they may humble them selves before God, and seeke him in his ordenances; and that then also such godly persons that are amongst them, and know each to other, may publickly, at y^e end of their exercise, make known their Godly desire, and practise y^e same, viz. solemly to enter into [181] covenante with y^e Lord to walke in his ways. And since they are so disposed of in their outward estats, as to live in three distinct places, each having men of abilitie amongst them, ther to observe y^e day, and become 3. distincte bodys; not then intending rashly to proceed to y^e choyce of officers, or y^e admitting of any other to their societie then a few, to witte, such as are well knowne unto them; promising after to receive in such by confession of faith, as shall appeare to be fitly qualified for y estate. They doe ernestly entreate that y^e church of Plimoth would set apparte y^e same day, for y^e same ends, beseeching y^e Lord, as to withdraw his hand of correction from them, so also to establish and direct them in his wayes. And though y^e time be shorte, we pray you be provocked to this godly worke, seing y^e causes are so urgente; wherin God will be honoured, and they & we undoubtedly have sweete comforte. Be you all kindly saluted, &c.
Your brethren in Christ, &c.
Salem, July 26. 1630.
S^r: etc. The sadd news here is, that many are sicke, and many are dead; y^e Lord in mercie looke upon them. Some are here entered into church covenante; the first were 4. namly, y^e Gov^r, M^r. John Winthrop, M^r. Johnson, M^r. Dudley, and M^r. Willson; since that 5. more are joyned unto them, and others, it is like, will adde them selves to them dayly; the Lord increase them, both in number and in holines for his mercie sake. Here is a gentleman, one M^r. Cottington, (a Boston man,) who tould me, that M^r. Cottons charge at Hamton was, that they should take advise of them at Plimoth, and should doe nothing to offend them. Here are diverce honest Christians that are desirous to see us, some out of love which they bear to us, and y^e good perswasion they have of us; others to see whether we be so ill as they have heard of us. We have a name of holines, and love to God and his saincts; the Lord make us more and more answerable, and that it may be more then a name, or els it will doe us no good. Be you lovingly saluted, and all the rest of our friends. The Lord Jesus blese us, and y^e whole Israll of God. Amen.
Your loving brother, &c.
Charles-towne, Aug. 2. 1630.
Thus out of smalle beginings greater things have been prodused by his hand y^t made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so y^e light here kindled hath shone to many, yea in some sorte to our whole nation; let y^e glorious name of Jehova have all y^e praise.
[182] Anno Dom: 1631.
Ashley being thus by y^e hand of God taken away, and M^r. Allerton discharged of his imploymente for them, their bussines began againe to rune in one chanell, and them selves better able to guide the same, Penobscote being wholy now at their disposing. And though M^r. William Peirce had a parte ther as is before noted, yet now, as things stood, he was glad to have his money repayed him, and stand out. M^r. Winslow, whom they had sent over, sent them over some supply as soone as he could; and afterwards when he came, which was something longe by reason of bussines, he brought a large supply of suitable goods with him, by which ther trading was well carried on. But by no means either he, or y^e letters y^ey write, could take off M^r. Sherley & y^e rest from putting both y^e Friendship and Whit-Angell on y^e generall accounte; which caused continuall contention betweene them, as will more appeare.
I shall inserte a leter of M^r. Winslow's about these things, being as foloweth.
S^r: It fell out by Gods providence, y^t I received and brought your leters p^r M^r. Allerton from Bristoll, to London; and doe much feare what will be y^e event of things. M^r. Allerton intended to prepare y^e ship againe, to set forth upon fishing. M^r. Sherley, M^r. Beachamp, & M^r. Andrews, they renounce all perticulers, protesting but for us they would never have adventured one penie into those parts; M^r. Hatherley stands inclinable to either. And wheras you write that he and M^r. Allerton have taken y^e Whit-Angell upon them, for their partners here, they professe they neiver gave any such order, nor will make it good; if them selves will cleare y^e accounte & doe it, all shall be well. What y^e evente of these things will be, I know not. The Lord so directe and assiste us, as he may not be dishonoured by our divissions. I hear (p^r a friend) that I was much blamed for speaking w^t[CT] I heard in y^e spring of y^e year, concerning y^e buying & setting forth of y^t ship;[CU] sure, if I should not have tould you what I heard so peremtorly reported (which report I offered now to prove at Bristoll), I should have been unworthy my imploymente. And concerning y^e commission so long since given to M^r. Allerton, the truth is, the thing we feared is come upon us; for M^r. Sherley & y^e rest have it, and will not deliver it, that being y^e ground of our agents credite to procure shuch great sumes. But I looke for bitter words, hard thoughts, and sower looks, from sundrie, as well for writing this, as reporting y^e former. I would I had a more thankfull imploymente; but I hope a good conscience shall make it comefortable, &c.
Thus farr he. Dated Nov: 16. 1631.
The comission above said was given by them under their hand and seale, when M^r. Allerton was first imployed by them, and redemanded of him in y^e year 29. when they begane to suspecte his course. He tould them it was amongst his papers, but he would seeke it out & give it them before he wente. But he being ready to goe, it was demanded againe. He said he could not find it, but it was amongst his papers, which he must take w^th him, [183] and he would send it by y^e boat from y^e eastward; but ther it could not be had neither, but he would seeke it up at sea. But whether M^r. Sherley had it before or after, it is not certaine; but having it, he would not let it goe, but keeps it to this day. Wherfore, even amongst freinds, men had need be carfull whom they trust, and not lett things of this nature lye long unrecaled.
Some parts of M^r. Sherley's letters aboute these things, in which y^e truth is best manifested.
Sir: Yours I have received by our loving friends, M^r. Allerton & M^r. Hatherley, who, blesed be God, after a long & dangerous passage with y^e ship Angell, are safely come to Bristoll. M^r. Hatherley is come up, but M^r. Allerton I have not yet seen. We thanke you, and are very glad you have disswaded him from his Spanish viage, and y^t he did not goe on in these designes he intended; for we did all uterly dislick of that course, as allso of y^e fishing y^t y^e Freindship should have performed; for we wished him to sell y^e salte, and were unwilling to have him undertake so much bussines, partly for y^e ill success we formerly had in those affairs, and partly being loath to disburse so much money. But he perswaded us this must be one way y^t must repay us, for y^e plantation would be long in doing of it; ney, to my rememberance, he doubted you could not be able, with y^e trade ther, to maintaine your charge & pay us. And for this very cause he brought us on y^t bussines with Ed: Ashley, for he was a stranger to us, &c.
For y^e fishing ship, we are sorie it proves so heavie, and will be willing to bear our parts. What M^r. Hatherley & M^r. Allerton have done, no doubt but them selves will make good;[CV] we gave them no order to make any composition, to seperate you and us in this or any other. And I thinke you have no cause to forsake us, for we put you upon no new thing, but what your agent perswaded us to, & you by your letters desired. If he exceede your order, I hope you will not blame us, much less cast us of, when our moneys be layed out, &c. But I fear neither you nor we have been well delte withall, for sure, as you write, halfe 4000^li.?, nay, a quarter, in fitting comodities, and in seasonable time, would have furnished you beter then you were. And yet for all this, and much more I might write, I dare not but thinke him honest, and that his desire and intente was good; but y^e wisest may faile. Well, now y^t it hath pleased God to give us hope of meeting, doubte not but we will all indeavore to perfecte these accounts just & right, as soone as possibly we can. And I supposs you sente over M^r. Winslow, and we M^r. Hatherley, to certifie each other how y^e state of things stood. We have received some contente upon M^r. Hatherley's returne, and I hope you will receive good contente upon M^r. Winslow's returne. Now I should come to answer more perticulerly your letter, but herin I shall be very breefe. The coming of y^e White Angele on your accounte could not be more strang to you, then y^e buying of her was to us; for you gave him commission[CW] that what he did you would stand too; we gave him none, and yet for his credite, and your saks, payed what bills he charged on us, &c. For y^t I write she was to acte tow parts, fishing & trade; beleeve me, I never so much as thought of any perticuler trade, nor will side with any y^t doth, if I conceive it may wrong you; for I ever was against it, useing these words: They will eate up and destroy y^e generall.
Other things I omite as tedious, and not very pertenente. This was dated Nov^r. 19. 1631.
In an other leter bearing date y^e 24. of this month, being an answer to y^e generall order, he hath these words:—
[184] For y^e White Angell, against which you write so ernestly, and say we thrust her upon you, contrary to y^e intente of y^e buyer, herin we say you forgett your selves, and doe us wrong. We will not take uppon us to devine what y^e thougts or intents of y^e buyer was, but what he spack we heard, and that we will affirme, and make good against any y^t oppose it; which is, y^t unles shee were bought, and shuch a course taken, Ashley could not be supplyed; and againe, if he weer not supplyed, we could not be satisfied what we were out for you. And further, you were not able to doe it; and he gave some reasons which we spare to relate, unless by your unreasonable refusall you will force us, and so, hasten y^t fire which is a kindling too fast allready, &c.
Out of another of his, bearing date Jan. 2. 1631.
We purpose to keep y^e Freindship and y^e Whit Angell, for y^e last year viages, on the generall accounte, hoping togeither they will rather produse profite then loss, and breed less confution in our accounts, and less disturbance in our affections. As for y^e White Angell, though we layed out y^e money, and tooke bills of salle in our owne names, yet none of us had so much as a thought (I dare say) of deviding from you in any thing this year, because we would not have y^e world (I may say Bristoll) take notice of any breach betwixte M^r. Allerton and you, and he and us; and so disgrace him in his proceedings on[CX] in his intended viage. We have now let him y^e ship at 30^li. p^r month, by charter-partie, and bound him in a bond of a 1000^li. to performe covenants, and bring her to London (if God please). And what he brings in her for you, shall be marked w^th your marke, and bils of laden taken, & sent in M^r. Winslows letter, who is this day riding to Bristoll about it. So in this viage, we deale & are with him as strangers. He hath brought in 3. books of accounts, one for y^e company, an other for Ashley's bussines, and y^e third for y^e Whit-Angell and Freindship. The books, or coppies, we purpose to send you, for you may discover y^e errours in them better then we. We can make it appear how much money he hath had of us, and you can charg him with all y^e beaver he hath had of you. The totall sume, as he hath put it, is 7103. 17. 1. Of this he hath expended, and given to Mr. Vines & others, aboute 543^li. ode money, and then by your books you will find whether you had such, & so much goods, as he chargeth you with all; and this is all that I can say at presente concerning these accounts. He thought to dispatch them in a few howers, but he and Straton & Fogge were above a month aboute them; but he could not stay till we had examined them, for losing his fishing viage, which I fear he hath allready done, &c.
We blese God, who put both you & us in mind to send each to other, for verily had he rune on in that desperate & chargable course one year more, we had not been able to suport him; nay, both he and we must have lyen in y^e ditch, and sunck under y^e burthen, &c. Had ther been an orderly course taken, and your bussines better managed, assuredly (by y^e blessing of God) you had been y^e ablest plantation that, as we think, or know, hath been undertaken by Englishmen, &c.
Thus farr of these letters of M^r. Sherley's.[CY]
[185] A few observations from y^e former letters, and then I shall set downe the simple truth of y^e things (thus in controversie betweene them), at least as farr as by any good evidence it could be made to appeare; and so laboure to be breefe in so tedious and intricate a bussines, which hunge in expostulation betweene them many years before y^e same was ended. That though ther will be often occasion to touch these things about other passages, yet I shall not neede to be large therin; doing it hear once for all.
First, it seemes to appere clearly that Ashley's bussines, and y^e buying of this ship, and y^e courses framed ther upon, were first contrived and proposed by M^r. Allerton, as also y^t the pleaes and pretences which he made, of y^e inablitie of y^e plantation to repaye their moneys, &c., and y^e hops he gave them of doing it with profile, was more beleeved & rested on by them (at least some of them) then any thing y^e plantation did or said.
2. It is like, though M^r. Allerton might thinke not to wrong y^e plantation in y^e maine, yet his owne gaine and private ends led him a side in these things: for it came to be knowne, and I have it in a letter under M^r. Sherley's hand, that in y^e first 2. or 3. years of his imploymente, he had cleared up 400^li. and put it into a brew-house of M^r. Colliers in London, at first under M^r. Sherley's name, &c.; besids what he might have other wise. Againe, M^r. Sherley and he had perticuler dealings in some things; for he bought up y^e beaver that sea-men & other passengers brought over to Bristoll, and at other places, and charged y^e bills to London, which M^r. Sherley payed; and they got some time 50^li. a peece in a bargen, as was made knowne by M^r. Hatherley & others, besids what might be other wise; which might make M^r. Sherley harken unto him in many things; and yet I beleeve, as he in his forementioned leter write, he never would side in any perticuler trade w^ch he conceived would wrong y^e plantation, and eate up & destroy y^e generall.
3^ly. It may be perceived that, seeing they had done so much for y^e plantation, both in former adventures and late disbursements, and allso that M^r. Allerton was y^e first occasioner of bringing them upon these new designes, which at first seemed faire & profitable unto them, and unto which they agreed; but now, seeing them to turne to loss, and decline to greater intanglments, they thought it more meete for y^e plantation to bear them, then them selves, who had borne much in other things allready, and so tooke advantage of such comission & power as M^r. Allerton had formerly had as their agente, to devolve these things upon them.
4^ly. With pitie and compassion (touching M^r. Allerton) I may say with y^e apostle to Timothy, 1. Tim. 6. 9. They that will be rich fall into many temtations and snares, &c., and pearce them selves throw with many sorrows, &c.; for the love of money is y^e roote of all evill, v. 10. God give him to see y^e evill in his failings, that he may find mercie by repentance for y^e wrongs he hath done to any, and this pore plantation in spetiall. They that doe such things doe not only bring them selves into snares, and sorrows, but many with them, (though in an other kind,) as lamentable experience shows; and is too manifest in this bussines.
[186] Now about these ships & their setting forth, the truth, as farr as could be learned, is this. The motion aboute setting forth y^e fishing ship (caled y^e Frindship) came first from y^e plantation, and y^e reasons of it, as is before remembered; but wholy left to them selves to doe or not to doe, as they saw cause. But when it fell into consideration, and y^e designe was held to be profitable and hopefull, it was propounded by some of them, why might not they doe it of them selves, seeing they must disburse all y^e money, and what need they have any refferance to y^e plantation in y^t; they might take y^e profile them selves, towards other losses, & need not let y^e plantation share therin; and if their ends were other wise answered for their supplyes to come too them in time, it would be well enough. So they hired her, & set her out, and fraighted her as full as she could carry with passengers goods y^t belonged to y^e Massachussets, which rise to a good sume of money; intending to send y^e plantations supply in y^e other ship. The effecte of this M^r. Hatherley not only declared afterward upon occasion, but affirmed upon othe, taken before y^e Gov^r & Dep: Gov^r of the Massachusets, M^r. Winthrop & M^r. Dudley: That this ship-Frindship was not sett out nor intended for y^e joynt partnership of y^e plantation, but for y^e perticuler accounte of M^r. James Sherley, M^r. Beachampe, M^r. Andrews, M^r. Allerton, & him selfe. This deposition was taken at Boston y^e 29. of Aug: 1639. as is to be seen under their hands; besids some other concurente testimonies declared at severall times to sundrie of them.
About y^e Whit-Angell, though she was first bought, or at least the price beaten, by M^r. Allerton (at Bristoll), yet that had been nothing if M^r. Sherley had not liked it, and disbursed y^e money. And that she was not intended for y^e plantation appears by sundrie evidences;[CZ] as, first, y^e bills of sale, or charter-parties, were taken in their owne names, without any mention or refferance to y^e plantation at all; viz. M^r. Sherley, M^r. Beachampe, M^r. Andrews, M^r. Denison, and M^r. Allerton; for M^r. Hatherley fell off, and would not joyne with them in this. That she was not bought for their accounte, M^r. Hatherley tooke his oath before y^e parties afforesaid, y^e day and year above writen.
M^r. Allerton tooke his oath to like effecte concerning this ship, the Whit-Angell, before y^e Gov^r & Deputie, the 7. of Sep: 1639. and likewise deposed, y^e same time, that M^r. Hatherley and him selfe did, in the behalfe of them selves and y^e said M^r. Sherley, M^r. Andrews, & M^r. Beachamp, agree and undertake to discharge, and save harmless, all y^e rest of y^e partners & purchasers, of and from y^e said losses of Freindship for 200^li., which was to be discounted therupon; as by ther depossitions (which are in writing) may appeare more at large, and some other depositions & other testemonies by M^r. Winslow,[DA] &c. But I suppose these may be sufficente to evince the truth in these things, against all pretences to y^e contrary. And yet the burthen lay still upon y^e plantation; or, to speake more truly and rightly, upon those few that were ingaged for all, for they were faine to wade through these things without any help from any.
[187] Concerning M^r. Allerton's accounts, they were so larg and intrecate, as they could not well understand them, much less examine & correcte them, without a great deale of time & help, and his owne presence, which was now hard to gett amongst them; and it was 2. or 3. years before they could bring them to any good pass, but never make them perfecte. I know not how it came to pass, or what misterie was in it, for he tooke upon him to make up all accounts till this time, though M^r. Sherley was their agente to buy & sell their goods, and did more then he therin; yet he past in accounts in a maner for all disbursments, both concerning goods bought, which he never saw, but were done when he was hear in y^e cuntrie or at sea; and all y^e expences of y^e Leyden people, done by others in his absence; the charges aboute y^e patente, &c. In all which he made them debtore to him above 300^li. and demanded paimente of it. But when things came to scaning, he was found above 2000^li. debtore to them, (this wherin M^r. Hatherley & he being joyntly ingaged, which he only had, being included,) besids I know not how much y^t could never be cleared; and interest moneys which ate them up, which he never accounted. Also they were faine to alow such large bills of charges as were intolerable; the charges of y^e patent came to above 500^li. and yet nothing done in it but what was done at first without any confirmation; 30^li. given at a clape, and 50^li. spent in a journey. No marvell therfore if M^r. Sherley said in his leter, if their bussines had been better managed, they might have been y^e richest plantation of any English at y^t time. Yea, he scrued up his poore old father in law's accounte to above 200^li. and brought it on y^e generall accounte, and to befreind him made most of it to arise out of those goods taken up by him at Bristoll, at 50. per cent., because he knew they would never let it lye on y^e old man, when, alass! he, poore man, never dreamte of any such thing, nor y^t what he had could arise nere y^t valew; but thought that many of them had been freely bestowed on him & his children by M^r. Allerton. Nither in truth did they come nere y^t valew in worth, but y^t sume was blowne up by interest & high prises, which y^e company did for y^e most parte bear, (he deserving farr more,) being most sory that he should have a name to have much, when he had in effecte litle.
This year also M^r. Sherley sent over an accounte, which was in a maner but a cash accounte what M^r. Allerton had had of them, and disbursed, for which he referd to his accounts; besids an account of beaver sould, which M^r. Winslow & some others had carried over, and a large supply of goods which M^r. Winslow had sent & brought over, all which was comprised in that accounte, and all y^e disbursments aboute y^e Freindship, & Whit-Angell, and what concerned their accounts from first to last; or any thing else he could charg y^e partners with. So they were made debtor in y^e foote of that accounte 4770^li 19. 2.[DB] besids 1000^li. still due for y^e purchase yet unpayed; notwithstanding all y^e beaver, and returnes that both Ashley & they had made, which were not small.
[188] In these accounts of M^r. Sherley's some things were obscure, and some things twise charged, as a 100. of Bastable ruggs which came in y^e Freindship, & cost 75^li., charged before by M^r. Allerton, and now by him againe, with other perticulers of like nature doubtfull, to be twise or thrise charged; as also a sume of 600^li. which M^r. Allerton deneyed, and they could never understand for what it was. They sent a note of these & such like things afterward to M^r. Sherley by M^r. Winslow; but (I know not how it came to pass) could never have them explained.
Into these deepe sumes had M^r. Allerton rune them in tow years, for in y^e later end of y^e year 1628. all their debts did not amounte to much above 400^li., as was then noted; and now come to so many thousands. And wheras in y^e year 1629. M^r. Sherley & M^r. Hatherley being at Bristoll, and write a large letter from thence, in which they had given an account of y^e debts, and what sumes were then disbursed, M^r. Allerton never left begging & intreating of them till they had put it out. So they bloted out 2. lines in y^t leter in which y^e sumes were contained, and write upon it so as not a word could be perceived; as since by them was confessed, and by y^e leters may be seene. And thus were they kept hoodwinckte, till now they were so deeply ingaged. And wheras M^r. Sherley did so ernestly press y^t M^r. Allerton might be sent over to finish y^e great bussines aboute y^e patente, as may be seen in his leter write 1629. as is before recorded, and y^t they should be ernest w^th his wife to suffer him to goe, &c., he hath since confessed by a letter under my hands, that it was M^r. Allerton's owne doings, and not his, and he made him write his words, & not his owne. The patent was but a pretence, and not y^e thing. Thus were they abused in their simplicitie, and no beter then bought & sould, as it may seeme.
And to mend y^e matter, M^r. Allerton doth in a sorte wholy now deserte them; having brought them into y^e briers, he leaves them to gett out as they can. But God crost him mightily, for he having hired y^e ship of M^r. Sherly at 30^li., a month, he set forth againe with a most wicked and drunken crue, and for covetousnes sake did so over lade her, not only filling her hould, but so stufed her betweene decks, as she was walte, and could not bear sayle, and they had like to have been cast away at sea, and were forced to put for Millford Havene, and new-stow her, & put some of ther ordnance & more heavie goods in y^e botome; which lost them time, and made them come late into y^e countrie, lose ther season, and made a worse viage then y^e year before. But being come into y^e countrie, he sells trading comodities to any y^t will buy, to y^e great prejudice of y^e plantation here; but that which is worse, what he could not sell, he trustes; and sets up a company of base felows and maks them traders, to rune into every hole, & into y^e river of Kenebeck, to gleane away y^e trade from y^e house ther, aboute y^e patente & priviledge wherof he had dasht away so much money of theirs here; [189] and now what in him lay went aboute to take away y^e benefite therof, and to overthrow them. Yea, not only this, but he furnishes a company, and joyns with some consorts, (being now deprived of Ashley at Penobscote,) and sets up a trading house beyoned Penobscote, to cute of y^e trade from thence also. But y^e French perceiving that that would be greatly to their damage allso, they came in their begining before they were well setled, and displanted them, slue 2. of their men, and tooke all their goods to a good valew, y^e loss being most, if not all, M^r. Allerton's; for though some of them should have been his partners, yet he trusted them for their partes; the rest of y^e men were sent into France, and this was the end of y^t projecte. The rest of those he trusted, being lose and drunken fellows, did for y^e most parte but coussen & cheate him of all they got into their hands; that howsoever he did his friends some hurte hereby for y^e presente, yet he gate litle good, but wente by y^e loss by Gods just hand. After in time, when he came to Plimoth, y^e church caled him to accounte for these, and other his grosse miscarrages; he confessed his faulte, and promised better walking, and that he would wind him selfe out of these courses as soone as he could, &c.
This year also Mr. Sherley would needs send them over a new-acountante; he had made mention of such a thing y^e year before, but they write him word, that their charge was great allready, and they neede not increase it, as this would; but if they were well delte with, and had their goods well sent over, they could keep their accounts hear them selves. Yet he now sente one, which they did not refuse, being a yonger brother of M^r. Winslows, whom they had been at charge to instructe at London before he came. He came over in the White Angell with M^r. Allerton, and ther begane his first imploymente; for though M^r. Sherley had so farr befreinded Mr. Allerton, as to cause[DC] M^r. Winslow to ship y^e supply sente to y^e partners here in this ship, and give him 4^li. per tune, wheras others carried for 3. and he made them pay their fraight ready downe, before y^e ship wente out of y^e harbore, wheras others payed upon certificate of y^e goods being delivered, and their fraight came to upward of 6. score pounds, yet they had much adoe to have their goods delivered, for some of them were chainged, as bread & pease; they were forced to take worse for better, neither could they ever gett all. And if Josias Winslow had not been ther, it had been worse; for he had y^e invoyce, and order to send them to y^e trading houses.
This year their house at Penobscott was robed by y^e French, and all their goods of any worth they carried away, to y^e value of 400. or 500^li. as y^e cost first peny worth; in beaver 300^li. waight; and y^e rest in trading goods, as coats, ruggs, blankett, biskett, &c. It was in this maner. The m^r. of y^e house, and parte of y^e company with him, were come with their vessell to y^e westward to fecth a supply of goods which was brought over for them. In y^e mean time comes a smale French ship into y^e harbore (and amongst y^e company was a false Scott); they pretended they were nuly come from y^e sea, and knew not wher they were, and that their vesell was very leake, and desired they might hale her a shore and stop their leaks. And many French complements they used, and congees they made; and in y^e ende, seeing but 3. or 4. simple men, y^t were servants, and by this Scoth-man understanding that y^e maister & ye rest of y^e company were gone from home, they fell of comending their gunes and muskets, that lay upon racks by y^e wall side, and tooke them downe to looke on them, asking if they were charged. And when they were possesst of them, one presents a peece ready charged against y^e servants, and another a pistoll; and bid them not sturr, but quietly deliver them their goods, and carries some of y^e men aborde, & made y^e other help to carry away y^e goods. And when they had tooke what they pleased, they sett them at liberty, and wente their way, with this mocke, biding them tell their m^r. when he came, that some of y^e Ile of Rey gentlemen had been ther.[DD]
[DE] This year, on S^r Christopher Gardener, being, as him selfe said, descended of y^t house y^t the Bishop of Winchester came of (who was so great a persecutor of Gods saincts in Queene Maries days), and being a great traveler, received his first honour of knighthood at Jerusalem, being made Knight of y^e Sepulcher ther. He came into these parts under pretence of forsaking y^e world, and to live a private life, in a godly course, not unwilling to put him selfe upon any meane imployments, and take any paines for his living; and some time offered him selfe to joyne to y^e churchs in sundry places. He brought over with him a servante or 2. and a comly yonge woman, whom be caled his cousin, but it was suspected, she (after y^e Italian maner) was his concubine. Living at y^e Massachusets, for some miscariages which he should have answered, he fled away from authority, and gott amonge y^e Indeans of these parts; they sent after him, but could not gett him, and promissed some reward to those y^t should find him. The Indeans came to y^e Gov^r here, and tould wher he was, and asked if they might kill him; he tould them no, by no means, but if they could take him and bring him hither, they should be payed for their paines. They said he had a gune & a rapier, & he would kill them if y^ey went aboute it; and y^e Massachuset Indeans said they might kille him. But y^e Gov^r tould them no, they should not kill him, but watch their opportunitie, & take him. And so they did, for when they light of him by a river side, he got into a canowe to get from them, & when they came nere him, whilst he presented his peece at them to keep them of, the streame carried y^e canow against a rock, and tumbled both him & his peece & rapier into y^e water; yet he got out, and having a litle dagger by his side, they durst not close with him, but getting longe pols they soone beat his dagger out of his hand, so he was glad to yeeld; and they brought him to y^e Gov^r. But his hands and armes were swolen & very sore with y^e blowes they had given him. So he used him kindly, & sent him to a lodging wher his armes were bathed and anoynted, and he was quickly well againe, and blamed y^e Indeans for beating him so much. They said that they did but a litle whip him with sticks. In his lodging, those y^t made his bed found a litle note booke that by accidente had slipt out of his pockett, or some private place, in which was a memoriall what day he was reconciled to y^e pope & church of Rome, and in what universitie he tooke his scapula, and such & such degrees. It being brought to y^e Gov^r, he kept it, and sent y^e Gov^r of y^e Massachusets word of his taking, who sent for him. So y^e Gov^r sent him and these notes to y^e Gov^r ther, who tooke it very thankfuly; but after he gott for England, he shewed his malice, but God prevented him.
See y^e Gov^r leter on y^e other side.[DF]
S^r: It hath pleased God to bring S^r. Christopher Gardener safe to us, with thos that came with him. And howsoever I never intended any hard measure to him, but to respecte and use him according to his qualitie, yet I let him know your care of him, and y^t he shall speed y^e better for your mediation. It was a spetiall providence of God to bring those notes of his to our hands; I desire y^t you will please to speake to all y^t are privie to them, not to discovere them to any one, for y^t may frustrate y^e means of any further use to be made of them. The good Lord our God who hath allways ordered things for y^e good of his poore churches here, directe us in this arighte, and dispose it to a good issue. I am sorie we put you to so much trouble about this gentleman, espetialy at this time of great imploymente, but I know not how to avoyed it. I must againe intreate you, to let me know what charge & troble any of your people have been at aboute him, y^t it may be recompenced. So with the true affection of a frind, desiring all happines to your selfe & yours, and to all my worthy friends with you (whom I love in y^e Lord), I comende you to his grace & good providence, & rest
Your most assured friend, JOHN WINTHROP.
Boston, May 5. 1631.
By occation wherof I will take a litle libertie to declare what fell out by this mans means & malice, complying with others. And though I doubt not but it will be more fully done by my honourd friends, whom it did more directly concerne, and have more perticuler knowledg of y^e matter, yet I will here give a hinte of y^e same, and Gods providence in preventing y^e hurte that might have come by y^e same. The intelligence I had by a letter from my much hon^d and beloved friend, Mr. John Winthrop, Gov^r of y^e Massachusets.
S^r: Upon a petition exhibited by S^r. Christo: Gardner, S^r. Ferd: Gorges, Captaine Masson, &c., against you and us, the cause was heard before y^e lords of y^e Privie Counsell, and after reported to y^e king, the sucsess wherof maks it evident to all, that y^e Lord hath care of his people hear. The passages are admirable, and too long to write. I hartily wish an opportunitie to imparte them unto you, being māy sheets of paper. But y^e conclusion was (against all mens expectation) an order for our incouragmente, and much blame and disgrace upon y^e adversaries, w^ch calls for much thankfullnes from us all, which we purpose (y^e Lord willing) to express in a day of thanks-giving to our mercifull God, (I doubt not but you will consider, if it be not fitt for you to joyne in it,) who, as he hath humbled us by his late correction, so he hath lifted us up, by an abundante rejoysing, in our deliverance out of so desperate a danger; so as that w^ch our enemies builte their hopes upon to ruine us by, He hath mercifully disposed to our great advantage, as I shall further aquainte you, when occasion shall serve.
The coppy of y^e order follows.
At y^e courte at Whit-hall y^e 19. Jan: 1632.
Sigillum Lord Privie Seale Ea: of Dorsett Lo: Vi: Falkland Lo: Bp: of London Lord Cottinton M^r. Tre^r M^r. Vic Chamb^r M^r. Sec: Cooke Maister Sec: Windebanck
Wheras his Ma^tie hath latly been informed of great distraction and much disorder in y^t plantation in y^e parts of America called New-England, which, if they be true, & suffered to rune on, would tende to y^e great dishonour of this kingdome, and utter ruine of that plantation. For prevention wherof, and for y^e orderly settling of goverment, according to y^e intention of those patents which have been granted by his Ma^tie and from his late royall father king James, it hath pleased his Ma^tie that y^e lords & others of his most honourable Privie Counsell, should take y^e same into consideration. Their lordships in y^e first place thought fitt to make a comitie of this bord, to take examination of y^e matters informed; which comitties having called diverse of y^e principall adventurers in y^t plantation, and heard those that are complanants against them, most of the things informed being deneyed, and resting to be proved by parties that must be called from y^t place, which required a long expence of time; and at presente their lordships finding the adventurers were upon dispatch of men, victles, and marchandice for y^t place, all which would be at a stand, if y^e adventurers should have discouragmente, or take suspition that the state hear had no good opinion of y^t plantation; their lordships, not laying the faulte or fancies (if any be) of some perticuler men upon the generall govermente, or principall adventurers, (which in due time is further to be inquired into,) have thought fitt in y^e meane time to declare, that the appearences were so faire, and hopes so greate, y^t the countrie would prove both beneficiall to this kingdom, and profitable to the perticuler adventurers, as y^t the adventurers had cause to goe on cherfully with their undertakings, and rest assured, if things were carried as was pretended when y^e patents were granted, and accordingly as by the patentes it is appointed, his Majestie would not only maintaine the liberties & privileges heretofore granted, but supply any thing further that might tend to the good govermente, prosperitie, and comforte of his people ther of that place, &c.
Anno Dom: 1632.
M^r. Allerton, returning for England, litle regarded his bound of a 1000^li. to performe covenants; for wheras he was bound by y^e same to bring y^e ship to [190] London, and to pay 30^li. per month for her hire, he did neither of boath, for he carried her to Bristoll againe, from whence he intended to sett her out againe, and so did y^e 3. time, into these parts (as after will appear); and though she had been 10. months upon y^e former viage, at 30^li. p^r month, yet he never payed peney for hire. It should seeme he knew well enough how to deale with M^r. Sherley. And M^r. Sherley, though he would needs tye her & her accounte upon y^e generall, yet he would dispose of her as him selfe pleased; for though M^r. Winslow had in their names protested against y^e receiving her on y^t accounte, or if ever they should hope to preveile in shuch a thing, yet never to suffer M^r. Allerton to have any more to doe in her, yet he y^e last year let her wholy unto him, and injoyned them to send all their supplye in her to their prejudice, as is before noted. And now, though he broke his bonds, kepte no covenante, paid no hire, nor was ever like to keep covenants, yet now he goes and sells him all, both ship, & all her accounts, from first to last (and in effecte he might as well have given him y^e same); and not only this, but he doth as good as provide a sanctuary for him, for he gives him one years time to prepare his accounte, and then to give up y^e same to them here; and then another year for him to make paymente of what should be due upon y^t accounte. And in y^e mean time writs ernestly to them not to interupte or hinder him from his bussines, or stay him aboute clearing accounts, &c.; so as he in y^e mean time gathers up all monies due for fraighte, and any other debtes belonging either to her, or y^e Frindship's accounts, as his owne perticuler; and after, sells ship, & ordnans, fish, & what he had raised, in Spaine, according to y^e first designe, in effecte; and who had, or what became of y^e money, he best knows. In y^e mean time their hands were bound, and could doe nothing but looke on, till he had made all away into other mens hands (save a few catle & a litle land & some small maters he had here at Plimoth), and so in y^e end removed, as he had allready his person, so all his from hence. This will better appere by M^r. Sherley's leter.
S^r: These few lines are further to give you to understand, that seeing you & we, that never differed yet but aboute y^e White-Angell, which somewhat troubleth us, as I perceive it doth you. And now M^r. Allerton beeing here, we have had some confferance with him about her, and find him very willing to give you & us all contente y^t possiblie he can, though he burthen him selfe. He is contente to take y^e White-Angell wholy on him selfe, notwithstanding he mett with pirates nere y^e coast of Ierland, which tooke away his best sayles & other provissions from her; so as verily if we should now sell her, she would yeeld but a small price, besids her ordnance. And to set her forth againe with fresh money we would not, she being now at Bristoll. Wherfore we thought it best, both for you & us, M^r. Allerton being willing to take her, to accepte of his bond of tow thousand pounds, to give [191] you a true & perfecte accounte, and take y^e whole charge of y^e Whit-Angell wholy to him selfe, from y^e first to y^e last. The accounte he is to make and perfecte within 12. months from y^e date of this letter, and then to pay you at 6. and 6. months after, what soever shall be due unto you and us upon the foote of y^t accounte. And verily, notwithstanding all y^e disasters he hath had, I am perswaded he hath enough to pay all men here and ther. Only they must have patience till he can gather in what is due to him ther. I doe not write this slightly, but upon some ground of what I have seen (and perhaps you know not of) under y^e hands & seals of some, &c. I rest
Your assured friend, JAMES SHERLEY.
Des: 6. 1632.
But heres not a word of y^e breach of former bonds & covenants, or paimente of y^e ships hire; this is passt by as if no such thing had been; besids what bonds or obligments so ever they had of him, ther never came any into y^e hands or sight of y^e partners here. And for this y^t M^r. Sherley seems to intimate (as a secrete) of his abilitie, under y^e hands & seals of some, it was but a trick, having gathered up an accounte of what was owing form such base fellows as he had made traders for him, and other debts; and then got M^r. Mahue, & some others, to affirme under their hand & seale, that they had seen shuch accounts y^t were due to him.
Mr. Hatherley came over againe this year, but upon his owne occasions, and begane to make preparation to plant & dwell in y^e countrie. He with his former dealings had wound in what money he had in y^e patnership into his owne hands, and so gave off all partnership (excepte in name), as was found in y^e issue of things; neither did he medle, or take any care aboute y^e same; only he was troubled about his ingagmente aboute y^e Friendship, as will after appeare. And now partly aboute y^t accounte, in some reconings betweene M^r. Allerton and him, and some debts y^t M^r. Allerton otherwise owed him upon dealing between them in perticuler, he drue up an accounte of above 2000^li., and would faine have ingaged y^e partners here with it, because M^r. Allerton had been their agent. But they tould him they had been fool'd longe enough with such things, and shewed him y^t it no way belonged to them; but tould him he must looke to make good his ingagment for y^e Freindship, which caused some trouble betweene M^r. Allerton and him.
M^r. William Peirce did y^e like, M^r. Allerton being wound into his debte also upon particuler dealings; as if they had been bound to make good all mens debts. But they easily shooke off these things. But M^r. Allerton herby rane into much trouble & vexation, as well as he had troubled others, for M^r. Denison sued him for y^e money he had disbursed for y^e 6. part of y^e Whit-Angell, & recovered y^e same with damages.
Though y^e partners were thus plūged into great ingagments, & oppresed with unjust debts, yet y^e Lord prospered their trading, that they made yearly large returnes, and had soone wound them selves out of all, if yet they had otherwise been well delt with all; as will more appear here after. [192] Also y^e people of y^e plantation begane to grow in their owtward estats, by reason[DG] of y^e flowing of many people into y^e cuntrie, espetially into y^e Bay of y^e Massachusets; by which means corne & catle rose to a great prise, by w^ch many were much inriched, and comodities grue plentifull; and yet in other regards this benefite turned to their hurte, and this accession of strength to their weaknes. For now as their stocks increased, and y^e increse vendible, ther was no longer any holding them togeather, but now they must of necessitie goe to their great lots; they could not other wise keep their katle; and having oxen growne, they must have land for plowing & tillage. And no man now thought he could live, except he had catle and a great deale of ground to keep them; all striving to increase their stocks. By which means they were scatered all over y^e bay, quickly, and y^e towne, in which they lived compactly till now, was left very thine, and in a short time allmost desolate. And if this had been all, it had been less, thoug to much; but y^e church must also be devided, and those y^t had lived so long togeather in Christian & comfortable fellowship must now part and suffer many divissions. First, those that lived on their lots on y^e other side of the bay (called Duxberie) they could not long bring their wives & children to y^e publick worship & church meetings here, but with such burthen, as, growing to some competente number, they sued to be dismissed and become a body of them selves; and so they were dismiste (about this time), though very unwillingly. But to touch this sadd matter, and handle things together that fell out afterward. To prevent any further scatering from this place, and weakning of y^e same, it was thought best to give out some good farms to spetiall persons, y^t would promise to live at Plimoth, and lickly to be helpfull to y^e church or comonewelth, and so tye y^e lands to Plimoth as farmes for the same; and ther they might keepe their catle & tillage by some servants, and retaine their dwellings here. And so some spetiall lands were granted at a place generall, called Greens Harbor, wher no allotments had been in y^e former divission, a plase very weell meadowed, and fitt to keep & rear catle, good store. But alass! this remedy proved worse then y^e disease; for w^{th}in a few years those that had thus gott footing ther rente them selves away, partly by force, and partly wearing y^e rest with importunitie and pleas of necessitie, so as they must either suffer them to goe, or live in continuall opposition and contention. And others still, as y^ey conceived them selves straitened, or to want accomodation, break away under one pretence or other, thinking their owne conceived necessitie, and the example of others, a warrente sufficente for them. And this, I fear, will be y^e ruine of New-England, at least of y^e churches of God ther, & will provock y^e Lords displeasure against them.
[193] This year, M^r. William Perce came into y^e cuntry, & brought goods and passengers, in a ship caled y^e Lyon, which belonged cheefly to M^r. Sherley, and y^e rest of y^e London partners, but these hear had nothing to doe with her. In this ship (besides beaver which they had sent home before) they sent upwards of 800^li. in her, and some otter skines; and also y^e coppies of M^r. Allertons accounts, desiring that they would also peruse & examene them, and rectifie shuch things as they should find amise in them; and rather because they were better acquaynted with y^e goods bought ther, and y^e disbursments made, then they could bee here; yea, a great part were done by them selves, though M^r. Allerton brougt in y^e accounte, and sundry things seemed to them obscure and had need of clearing. Also they sente a booke of exceptions against his accounts, in such things as they could manifest, and doubted not but they might adde more therunto. And also shewed them how much M^r. Allerton was debtor to y^e accounte; and desired, seeing they had now put y^e ship White-Angell, and all, wholy into his power, and tyed their hands here, that they could not call him to accounte for any thinge, till y^e time was expired which they had given him, and by that time other men would get their debts of him, (as sume had done already by suing him,) and he would make all away here quickly out of their reach; and therfore prayed them to looke to things, and gett paymente of him ther, as it was all y^e reason they should, seeing they keept all y^e bonds & covenants they made with him in their owne hands; and here they could doe nothing by y^e course they had taken, nor had any thing to show if they should goe aboute it. But it pleased God, this ship, being first to goe to Verginia before she wente home, was cast away on y^t coast, not farr from Virginia, and their beaver was all lost (which was y^e first loss they sustained in that kind); but M^r. Peirce & y^e men saved their lives, and also their leters, and gott into Virginia, and so safly home. Y^e accounts were now sent from hence againe to them. And thus much of y^e passages of this year.
A part of M^r. Peirce his leter[DH] from Virginia.
It was dated in Des: 25. 1632. and came to their hand y^e 7. of Aprill, before they heard any thing from England.
Dear freinds, &c. Y^e bruit of this fatall stroke that y^e Lord hath brought both on me and you all will come to your ears before this cometh to your hands, (it is like,) and therfore I shall not need to inlarg in perticulers, &c. My whole estate (for y^e most parte) is taken away; and so yours, in a great measure, by this and your former losses [he means by y^e French & M^r. Allerton]. It is time to looke aboute us, before y^e wrath of y^e Lord breake forth to utter destruction. The good Lord give us all grace to search our harts and trie our ways, and turne unto y^e Lord, and humble our selves under his mightie hand, and seeke atonemente, &c. Dear freinds, you may know y^t all your beaver, and y^e books of your accounts, are swallowed up in y^e sea; your letters remaine with me, and shall be delivered, if God bring me home. But what should I more say? Have we lost our outward estates? yet a hapy loss if our soules may gaine; ther is yet more in y^e Lord Jehova than ever we had yet in y^e world. Oh that our foolish harts could yet be wained from y^e things here below, which are vanity and vexation of spirite; and yet we fooles catch after shadows, y^t flye away, & are gone in a momente, &c. Thus with my continuall remembrance of you in my poore desires to y^e throne of grace, beseeching God to renew his love & favoure towards you all, in & through y^e Lord Jesus Christ, both in spirituall & temporall good things, as may be most to the glory & praise of his name, and your everlasting good. So I rest,
Your afflicted brother in Christ, WILLIAM PEIRCE.
Virginia, Des: 25. 1632.
Anno Dom: 1633.
This year M^r. Ed: Winslow was chosen Governor.
By the first returne this year, they had leters from M^r. Sherley of M^r. Allertons further ill success, and y^e loss by M^r. Peirce, with many sadd complaints; but litle hope of any thinge to be gott of M^r. Allerton, or how their accounts might be either eased, or any way rectified by them ther; but now saw plainly y^t the burthen of all would be cast on their backs. The spetiall passages of his letters I shall here inserte, as shall be pertinente to these things; for though I am weary of this tedious & uncomfortable subjecte, yet for y^e clearing of y^e truth I am compelled to be more larg in y^e opening of these matters, upon w^ch [194] so much trouble hath insued, and so many hard censures have passed on both sids. I would not be partiall to either, but deliver y^e truth in all, and, as nere as I can, in their owne words and passages, and so leave it to the impartiall judgment of any that shall come to read, or veiw these things. His leters are as folow, dated June 24. 1633.
Loving friends, my last[DI] was sente in y^e Mary & John, by M^r. William Collier, &c. I then certified you of y^e great, & uncomfortable, and unseasonable loss you & we had, in y^e loss of M^r. Peirce his ship, y^e Lyon; but y^e Lords holy name be blessed, who gives & taks as it pleaseth him; his will be done, Amen. I then related unto you y^t fearfull accidente, or rather judgmente, y^e Lord pleased to lay on London Bridge, by fire, and therin gave you a touch of my great loss; the Lord, I hope, will give me patience to bear it, and faith to trust in him, & not in these slipery and uncertaine things of this world.
I hope M^r. Allerton is nere upon sayle with you by this; but he had many disasters here before he could gett away; yet y^e last was a heavie one; his ship, going out of y^e harbor at Bristoll, by stormie weather was so farr driven on y^e shore, as it cost him above 100^li. before shee could be gott off againe. Verily his case was so lamentable as I could not but afford him some help therin (and so did some were strangers to him); besids, your goods were in her, and if he had not been supported, he must have broke off his viage, and so loss could not have been avoyded on all sides. When he first bought her, I thinke he had made a saving match, if he had then sunck her, and never set her forth. I hope he sees y^e Lords hand against him, and will leave of these viages. I thinke we did well in parting with her; she would have been but a clogge to y^e accounte from time to time, and now though we shall not gett much by way of satisfaction, yet we shall lose no more. And now, as before I have writte, I pray you finish all y^e accounts and reconings with him there; for here he hath nothing, but many debtes that he stands ingaged to many men for. Besids, here is not a man y^t will spend a day, or scarce an hower, aboute y^e accounts but my selfe, and y^t bussines will require more time and help then I can afford. I shall not need to say any more; I hope you will doe y^t which shall be best & just, to which adde mercie, and consider his intente, though he failed in many perticulers, which now cannot be helped, &c.
To morrow, or next day at furthest, we are to pay 300^li. and M^r. Beachamp is out of y^e towne, yet y^e bussines I must doe. Oh the greefe & trouble y^t man, M^r. Allerton, hath brought upon you and us! I cannot forgett it, and to thinke on it draws many a sigh from my harte, and teares from my eyes. And now y^e Lord hath visited me with an other great loss, yet I can undergoe it with more patience. But this I have follishly pulled upon my selfe, &c. [And in another, he hath this passage:] By M^r. Allertons faire propositions and large [195] promises, I have over rune my selfe; verily, at this time greefe hinders me to write, and tears will not suffer me to see; wherfore, as you love those that ever loved you, and y^t plantation, thinke upon us. Oh what shall I say of that man, who hath abused your trust and wronged our loves! but now to complaine is too late, nither can I complaine of your backwardnes, for I am perswaded it lys as heavie on your harts, as it doth on our purses or credites. And had y^e Lord sent M^r. Peirce safe home, we had eased both you and us of some of those debts; the Lord I hope will give us patience to bear these crosses; and that great God, whose care & providence is every where, and spetially over all those that desire truly to fear and serve him, direct, guid, prosper, & blesse you so, as y^t you may be able (as I perswade my selfe you are willing) to discharge & take off this great & heavie burthen which now lyes upon me for your saks; and I hope in y^e ende for y^e good of you, and many thousands more; for had not you & we joyned & continued togeather, New-England might yet have been scarce knowne, I am perswaded, not so replenished & inhabited with honest English people, as it now is. The Lord increase & blesse them, &c. So, with my continuall praiers for you all, I rest
Your assured loving friend, JAMES SHERLEY.
June 24. 1633.
By this it apperes when M^r. Sherly sould him y^e ship & all her accounts, it was more for M^r. Allertons advantage then theirs; and if they could get any there, well & good, for they were like to have nothing here. And what course was held to hinder them there, hath allready beene manifested. And though M^r. Sherley became more sinsible of his owne condition, by these losses, and therby more sadly & plainly to complaine of M^r. Allerton, yet no course was taken to help them here, but all left unto them selves; not so much as to examene & rectifie y^e accounts, by which (it is like) some hundereds of pounds might have been taken off. But very probable it is, the more they saw was taken off, y^e less might come unto them selves. But I leave these maters, & come to other things.
M^r. Roger Williams (a man godly & zealous, having many precious parts, but very unsettled in judgmente) came over first to y^e Massachusets, but upon some discontente left y^t place, and came hither, (wher he was friēdly entertained, according to their poore abilitie,) and exercised his gifts amongst them, & after some time was admitted a member of y^e church; and his teaching well approoved, for y^e benefite wherof I still blese God, and am thankfull to him, even for his sharpest admonitions & reproufs, so farr as they agreed with truth. He this year begane to fall into some strang oppiīons, and from opinion to practise; which caused some controversie betweene y^e church & him, and in y^e end some discontente on his parte, by occasion wherof he left them some thing abruptly. Yet after wards sued for his dismission to y^e church of Salem, which was granted, with some caution to them concerning him, and what care they ought to have of him. But he soone fell into more things ther, both to their and y^e governments troble and [196] disturbance. I shall not need to name perticulers, they are too well knowen now to all, though for a time y^e church here wente under some hard censure by his occasion, from some that afterwards smarted them selves. But he is to be pitied, and prayed for, and so I shall leave y^e matter, and desire y^e Lord to shew him his errors, and reduse him into y^e way of truth, and give him a setled judgment and constancie in y^e same; for I hope he belongs to y^e Lord, and y^t he will shew him mercie.
Having had formerly converse and famliarity with y^e Dutch, (as is before remembred,) they, seeing them seated here in a barren quarter, tould them of a river called by them y^e Fresh River, but now is known by y^e name of Conightecute-River, which they often comended unto them for a fine place both for plantation and trade, and wished them to make use of it. But their hands being full otherwise, they let it pass. But afterwards ther coming a company of banishte Indeans into these parts, that were drivene out from thence by the potencie of y^e Pequents, which usurped upon them, and drive them from thence, they often sollisited them to goe thither, and they should have much trad, espetially if they would keep a house ther. And having now good store of comodities, and allso need to looke out wher they could advantage them selves to help them out of their great ingagments, they now begane to send that way to discover y^e same, and trade with y^e natives. They found it to be a fine place, but had no great store of trade; but y^e Indeans excused y^e same in regard of y^e season, and the fear y^e Indans were in of their enemise. So they tried diverce times, not with out profite, but saw y^e most certainty would be by keeping a house ther, to receive y^e trad when it came down out of y^e inland. These Indeans, not seeing them very forward to build ther, solisited them of y^e Massachusets in like sorte (for their end was to be restored to their countrie againe); but they in y^e Bay being but latly come, were not fitte for y^e same; but some of their cheefe made a motion to joyne w^th the partners here, to trad joyntly with them in y^t river, the which they were willing to imbrace, and so they should have builte, and put in equall stock togeather. A time of meeting was appointed at y^e Massachusets, and some of y^e cheefe here was appointed to treat with them, and went accordingly; but they cast many fears of deanger & loss and the like, which was perceived to be the maine obstacles, though they alledged they were not provided of trading goods. But those hear offered at presente to put in sufficiente for both, provided they would become ingaged for y^e halfe, and prepare against y^e nexte year. They conffessed more could not be offered, but thanked them, and tould them they had no mind to it. They then answered, they hoped it would be no offence unto [197] them, if them sellves wente on without them, if they saw it meete. They said ther was no reason they should; and thus this treaty broake of, and those here tooke conveniente time to made a begining ther; and were y^e first English that both discovered that place, and built in y^e same, though they were litle better then thrust out of it afterward as may appeare.
But y^e Dutch begane now to repente, and hearing of their purpose & preparation, indēoured to prevente them, and gott in a litle before them, and made a slight forte, and planted 2. peeces of ordnance, thretening to stopp their passage. But they having made a smale frame of a house ready, and haveing a great new-barke, they stowed their frame in her hold, & bords to cover & finishe it, having nayles & all other provisions fitting for their use. This they did y^e rather that they might have a presente defence against y^e Indeans, who weare much offended that they brought home & restored y^e right Sachem of y^e place (called Natawanute); so as they were to incounter with a duble danger in this attempte, both y^e Dutch and y^e Indeans. When they came up y^e river, the Dutch demanded what they intended, and whither they would goe; they answered, up y^e river to trade (now their order was to goe and seat above them). They bid them strike, & stay, or els they would shoote them; & stood by ther ordnance ready fitted. They answered they had comission from y^e Gov^r of Plimoth to goe up y^e river to such a place, and if they did shoote, they must obey their order and proceede; they would not molest them, but would goe one. So they passed along, and though the Dutch threatened them hard, yet they shoot not. Coming to their place, they clapt up their house quickly, and landed their provissions, and left y^e companie appoynted, and sent the barke home; and afterwards palisadoed their house aboute, and fortified them selves better. The Dutch sent word home to y^e Monhatas what was done: and in proces of time, they sent a band of aboute 70. men, in warrlike maner, with collours displayed, to assaulte them; but seeing them strengtened, & that it would cost blood, they came to parley, and returned in peace. And this was their enterance ther, who deserved to have held it, and not by freinds to have been thrust out, as in a sorte they were, as will after appere. They did y^e Dutch no wrong, for they took not a foote of any land they bought, but went to y^e place above them, and bought that tracte of land which belonged to these Indeans which they carried with them, and their friends, with whom y^e Dutch had nothing to doe. But of these matters more in another place.
It pleased y^e Lord to visite them this year with an infectious fevoure, of which many fell very sicke, and upward of 20. persons dyed, men and women, besids children, and sundry of them of their anciente friends which had lived in Holand; as Thomas Blossome, Richard Masterson, with sundry [198] others, and in y^e end (after he had much helped others) Samuell Fuller, who was their surgeon & phisition, and had been a great help and comforte unto them; as in his facultie, so otherwise, being a deacon of y^e church, a man godly, and forward to doe good, being much missed after his death; and he and y^e rest of their brethren much lamented by them, and caused much sadnes & mourning amongst them; which caused them to humble them selves, & seeke y^e Lord; and towards winter it pleased the Lord y^e sicknes ceased. This disease allso swept away many of y^e Indeans from all y^e places near adjoyning; and y^e spring before, espetially all y^e month of May, ther was such a quantitie of a great sorte of flies, like (for bignes) to wasps, or bumble-bees, which came out of holes in y^e ground, and replenished all y^e woods, and eate y^e green-things, and made such a constante yelling noyes, as made all y^e woods ring of them, and ready to deafe y^e hearers. They have not by y^e English been heard or seen before or since. But y^e Indeans tould them y^t sicknes would follow, and so it did in June, July, August, and y^e cheefe heat of somer.
It pleased y^e Lord to inable them this year to send home a great quantity of beaver, besids paing all their charges, & debts at home, which good returne did much incourage their freinds in England. They sent in beaver 3366^li. waight, and much of it coat beaver, which yeeled 20^s. p^r pound, & some of it above; and of otter-skines[DJ] 346. sould also at a good prise. And thus much of y^e affairs of this year.
Anno Dom: 1634.
This year M^r. Thomas Prence was chosen Gov^r.
M^r. Sherleys letters were very breefe in answer of theirs this year. I will forbear to coppy any part therof, only name a head or 2. therm. First, he desirs they will take nothing ill in what he formerly write, professing his good affection towards them as before, &c. 2^ly. For M^r. Allertons accounts, he is perswaded they must suffer, and y^t in no small sumes; and that they have cause enough to complaine, but it was now too late. And that he had failed them ther, those here, and him selfe in his owne aimes. And that now, having thus left them here, he feared God had or would leave him, and it would not be strang, but a wonder if he fell not into worse things, &c. 3^ly. He blesseth God and is thankfull to them for y^e good returne made this year. This is y^e effecte of his letters, other things being of more private nature.
I am now to enter upon one of y^e sadest things that befell them since they came; but before I begine, it will be needfull to premise such parte of their patente as gives them right and priviledge at Kenebeck; as followeth:
[199] The said Counsell hath further given, granted, barganed, sold, infeoffed, alloted, assigned, & sett over, and by these presents doe clearly and absolutly give, grante, bargane, sell, alliene, enffeofe, allote, assigne, and confirme unto y^e said William Bradford, his heires, associates, and assignes, All that tracte of land or part of New-England in America afforesaid, which lyeth within or betweene, and extendeth it selfe from y^e utmost limits of Cobiseconte, which adjoyneth to y^e river of Kenebeck, towards the westerne ocean, and a place called y^e falls of Nequamkick in America, aforsaid; and y^e space of 15. English myles on each side of y^e said river, commonly called Kenebeck River, and all y^e said river called Kenebeck that lyeth within the said limits & bounds, eastward, westward, northward, & southward, last above mentioned; and all lands, grounds, soyles, rivers, waters, fishing, &c. And by vertue of y^e authority to us derived by his said late Ma^tis Lrēs patents, to take, apprehend, seise, and make prise of all such persons, their ships and goods, as shall attempte to inhabite or trade with y^e savage people of that countrie within y^e severall precincts and limits of his & their severall plantations, &c.
Now it so fell out, that one Hocking, belonging to y^e plantation of Pascataway, wente with a barke and comodities to trade in that river, and would needs press into their limites; and not only so, but would needs goe up y^e river above their house, (towards y^e falls of y^e river,) and intercept the trade that should come to them. He that was cheefe of y^e place forbad them, and prayed him that he would not offer them that injurie, nor goe aboute to infring their liberties, which had cost them so dear. But he answered he would goe up and trade ther in dispite of them, and lye ther as longe as he pleased. The other tould him he must then be forced to remove him from thence, or make seasure of him if he could. He bid him doe his worste, and so wente up, and anchored ther. The other tooke a boat & some men & went up to him, when he saw his time, and againe entreated him to departe by what perswasion he could. But all in vaine: he could gett nothing of him but ill words. So he considred that now was y^e season for trade to come downe, and if he should suffer him to lye, & take it from them, all ther former charge would be lost, and they had better throw up all. So, consulting with his men, (who were willing thertoe,) he resolved to put him from his anchores, and let him drive downe y^e river with y^e streame; but comanded y^e men y^t none should shoote a shote upon any occasion, except he comanded them. He spoake to him againe, but all in vaine; then he sente a cuple in a canow to cutt his cable, the which one of them performes; but Hocking taks up a pece which he had layed ready, and as y^e barke shered by y^e canow, he shote [200] him close under her side, in y^e head, (as I take it,) so he fell downe dead instantly. One of his fellows (that loved him well) could not hold, but with a muskett shot Hocking, who fell downe dead and never speake word. This was y^e truth of y^e thing. The rest of y^e men carried home the vessell and y^e sad tidings of these things. Now y^e Lord Saye & y^e Lord Brooks, with some other great persons, had a hand in this plantation; they write home to them, as much as they could to exasperate them in y^e matter, leaveing out all y^e circomstances, as if he had been kild without any offenc of his parte, conceling y^t he had kild another first, and y^e just occasion that he had given in offering such wrong; at w^ch their Lords^ps were much offended, till they were truly informed of y^e mater.
The bruite of this was quickly carried all aboute, (and y^t in y^e worst maner,) and came into y^e Bay to their neighbours their. Their owne barke coming home, and bringing a true relation of y^e matter, sundry were sadly affected with y^e thing, as they had cause. It was not long before they had occasion to send their vessell into y^e Bay of y^e Massachusetts; but they were so prepossest with this matter, and affected with y^e same, as they comited M^r. Alden to prison, who was in y^e bark, and had been at Kenebeck, but was no actore in y^e bussines, but wente to carie them supply. They dismist y^e barke aboute her bussines, but kept him for some time. This was thought strang here, and they sente Capten Standish to give them true information, (togeather with their letters,) and y^e best satisfaction they could, and to procure M^r. Alden's release. I shall recite a letter or 2. which will show the passages of these things, as folloeth.
Good S^r:
I have received your lrē^s by Captaine Standish, & am unfainedly glad of Gods mercie towards you in y^e recovery of your health, or some way thertoo. For y^e bussines you write of, I thought meete to answer a word or 2. to your selfe, leaving the answer of your Gov^or lre to our courte, to whom y^e same, together with my selfe is directed. I conceive (till I hear new matter to y^e contrary) that your patente may warrente your resistance of any English from trading at Kenebeck, and y^t blood of Hocking, and y^e partie he slue, will be required at his hands. Yet doe I with your selfe & others sorrow for their deaths. I thinke likewise y^t your generall lrēs will satisfie our courte, and make them cease from any further inter medling in y^e mater. I have upon y^e same lre sett M^r. Alden at liberty, and his sureties, and yet, least I should seeme to neglecte y^e opinion of our court & y^e frequente speeches of others with us, I have bound Captaine Standish to appeare y^e 3. of June at our nexte courte, to make affidavid for y^e coppie of y^e patente, and to manifest the circumstances of Hockins provocations; both which will tend to y^e clearing of your inocencie. If any unkindnes hath ben taken from what we have done, let it be further & better considred of, I pray you; and I hope y^e more you thinke of it, the lesse blame you will impute to us. At least you ought to be just in differencing them, whose opinions concurr [201] with your owne, from others who were opposites; and yet I may truly say, I have spoken w^th no man in y^e bussines who taxed you most, but they are such as have many wayes heretofore declared ther good affections towards your plantation. I further referr my selfe to y^e reporte of Captaine Standish & M^r. Allden; leaving you for this presente to Gods blessing, wishing unto you perfecte recovery of health, and y^e long continuance of it. I desire to be lovingly remembred to M^r. Prence, your Governor, M^r. Winslow, M^r. Brewster, whom I would see if I knew how. The Lord keepe you all. Amen.
Your very loving friend in our Lord Jesus, THO: DUDLEY.
New-towne, y^e 22. of May, 1631.
Another of his about these things as followeth.
S^r: I am right sorrie for y^e news that Captaine Standish & other of your neigbours and my beloved freinds will bring now to Plimoth, wherin I suffer with you, by reason of my opinion, which differeth from others, who are godly & wise, amongst us here, the reverence of whose judgments causeth me to suspecte myne owne ignorance; yet must I remaine in it untill I be convinced therof. I thought not to have shewed your letter written to me, but to have done my best to have reconciled differences in y^e best season & maner I could; but Captaine Standish requiring an answer therof publickly in y^e courte, I was forced to produce it, and that made y^e breach soe wide as he can tell you. I propounded to y^e courte, to answer M^r. Prences lre, your Gov^r, but our courte said it required no answer, it selfe being an answer to a former lre of ours. I pray you certifie M^r. Prence so much, and others whom it concereth, that no neglecte or ill maners be imputed to me theraboute. The late lres I received from England wrought in me divere fears[DK] of some trials which are shortly like to fall upon us; and this unhappie contention betweene you and us, and between you & Pascattaway, will hasten them, if God with an extraordinarie hand doe not help us. To reconcile this for y^e presente will be very difficulte, but time cooleth distempers, and a comone danger to us boath approaching, will necessitate our uniting againe. I pray you therfore, S^r. set your wisdom & patience a worke, and exhorte others to y^e same, that things may not proceede from bad to worse, so making our contentions like y^e barrs of a pallace, but that a way of peace may be kepte open, wherat y^e God of peace may have enterance in his owne time. If you suffer wrong, it shall be your honor to bear it patiently; but I goe to farr in needles putting you in mind of these things. God hath done great things for you, and I desire his blessings may be multiplied upon you more & more. I will commite no more to writing, but comending my selfe to your prayers, doe rest,
Your truly loving freind in our Lord Jesus, THO: DUDLEY.
June 4. 1634.
By these things it appars what troubls rise herupon, and how hard they were to be reconciled; for though they hear were hartily sorrie for what was fallen out, yet they conceived they were unjustly injuried, and provoked to what was done; and that their neigbours (haveing no jurisdiction over them) did more then was mete, thus to imprison one of theirs, and bind them to [202] their courte. But yet being assured of their Christian love, and perswaded what was done was out of godly zeale, that religion might not suffer, nor sinne any way covered or borne with, espetially y^e guilte of blood, of which all should be very consciencious in any whom soever, they did indeavore to appease & satisfie them y^e best they could; first, by informing them y^e truth in all circomstances aboute y^e matter; 2^ly, in being willing to referr y^e case to any indifferante and equall hearing and judgmente of the thing hear, and to answere it els wher when they should be duly called therunto; and further they craved M^r. Winthrops, & other of y^e reve^d magistrats ther, their advice & direction herein. This did mollifie their minds, and bring things to a good & comfortable issue in y^e end.
For they had this advice given them by M^r. Winthrop, & others concurring with him, that from their courte, they should write to the neigboure plantations, & espetially that of y^e lords, at Pascataway, and theirs of y^e Massachusets, to appointe some to give them meeting at some fitt place, to consulte & determine in this matter, so as y^e parties meeting might have full power to order & bind, &c. And that nothing be done to y^e infringing or prejudice of y^e liberties of any place. And for y^e clearing of conscience, y^e law of God is, y^t y^e preist lips must be consulted with, and therfore it was desired that y^e ministers of every plantation might be presente to give their advice in pointe of conscience. Though this course seemed dangerous to some, yet they were so well assured of y^e justice of their cause, and y^e equitie of their freinds, as they put them selves upon it, & appointed a time, of which they gave notice to y^e severall places a month before hand; viz. Massachusets, Salem, & Pascataway, or any other y^t they would give notice too, and disired them to produce any evidence they could in y^e case. The place for meeting was at Boston. But when y^e day & time came, none apered, but some of y^e magistrats and ministers of y^e Massachusets, and their owne. Seeing none of Passcataway or other places came, (haveing been thus desired, & conveniente time given them for y^t end,) M^r. Winthrop & y^e rest said they could doe no more then they had done thus to requeste them, y^e blame must rest on them. So they fell into a fair debating of things them selves; and after all things had been fully opened & discussed, and y^e opinione of each one demanded, both magistrats, and ministers, though they all could have wished these things had never been, yet they could not but lay y^e blame & guilt on Hockins owne head; and withall gave them such grave & godly exhortations and advice, as they thought meete, both for y^e presente & future; which they allso imbraced with love & thankfullnes, promising to indeavor to follow y^e same. And thus was this matter ended, and ther love and concord renewed; and also M^r. Winthrop & M^r. Dudley write in their behalfes to y^e Lord Ssay & other gentl-men that were interesed in y^t plantation, very effectually, w^th which, togeather with their owne leters, and M^r. Winslows furder declaration of things unto them, they rested well satisfied.
[203] M^r. Winslow was sente by them this year into England, partly to informe and satisfie y^e Lord Say & others, in y^e former matter, as also to make answer and their just defence for y^e same, if any thing should by any be prosecuted against them at Counsell-table, or els wher; but this matter tooke end, without any further trouble, as is before noted. And partly to signifie unto y^e partners in England, that the terme of their trade with y^e company here was out, and therfore he was sente to finishe y^e accounts with them, and to bring them notice how much debtore they should remaine on y^t accounte, and that they might know what further course would be best to hold. But y^e issue of these things will appear in y^e next years passages. They now sente over by him a great returne, which was very acceptable unto them; which was in beaver 3738^li. waight, (a great part of it, being coat-beaver, sould at 20^s. p^r pound,) and 234. otter skines;[DL] which alltogeather rise to a great sume of money.
This year (in y^e foreparte of y^e same) they sente forth a barke to trad at y^e Dutch-Plantation; and they mette ther with on Captaine Stone, that had lived in Christophers, one of y^e West-Ende Ilands, and now had been some time in Virginia, and came from thence into these parts. He kept company with y^e Dutch Gove^r, and, I know not in what drunken fitt, he gott leave of y^e Gov^r to ceaise on their barke, when they were ready to come away, and had done their markett, haveing y^e valew of 500^li. worth of goods abord her; having no occasion at all, or any collour of ground for such a thing, but having made y^e Gov^r drunck, so as he could scarce speake a right word; and when he urged him hear aboute, he answered him, Als 't u beleeft.[DM] So he gat abord, (the cheefe of their men & marchant being ashore,) and with some of his owne men, made y^e rest of theirs waigh anchor, sett sayle, & carry her away towards Virginia. But diverse of y^e Dutch sea-men, which had bene often at Plimoth, and kindly entertayned ther, said one to another, Shall we suffer our freinds to be thus abused, and have their goods carried away, before our faces, whilst our Gov^r is drunke? They vowed they would never suffer it; and so gott a vessell or 2. and pursued him, & brought him in againe, and delivered them their barke & goods againe.
After wards Stone came into y^e Massachusets, and they sent & commensed suite against him for this facte; but by mediation of freinds it was taken up, and y^e suite lett fall. And in y^e company of some other gentle-men Stone came afterwards to Plimoth, and had freindly & civill entertainmente amongst them, with y^e rest; but revenge boyled within his brest, (though concelled,) for some conceived he had a purpose (at one time) to have staped the Gov^r, and put his hand to his dagger for that end, but by Gods providence and y^e vigilance of some was prevented. He afterward returned to Virginia, in a pinass, with one Captaine Norton & some others; and, I know not for what occasion, they would needs goe up Coonigtecutt River; and how they carried themselves I know not, but y^e Indeans knoct him in y^e head, as he lay in his cabine, and had thrown y^e covering over his face (whether out of fear or desperation is uncertaine); this was his end. They likewise killed all y^e rest, but Captaine Norton defended him selfe a long time against them all in y^e cooke-roome, till by accidente the gunpowder tooke fire, which (for readynes) he had sett in an open thing before him, which did so burne, & scald him, & blind his eyes, as he could make no longer resistance, but was slaine also by them, though they much comended his vallour. And having killed y^e men, they made a pray of what they had, and chafered away some of their things to y^e Dutch that lived their. But it was not longe before a quarell fell betweene the Dutch & them, and they would have cutt of their bark; but they slue y^e cheef sachem w^th y^e shott of a murderer.[DN]
I am now to relate some strang and remarkable passages. Ther was a company of people lived in y^e country, up above in y^e river of Conigtecut, a great way from their trading house ther, and were enimise to those Indeans which lived aboute them, and of whom they stood in some fear (bing a stout people). About a thousand of them had inclosed them selves in a forte, which they had strongly palissadoed about. 3. or 4. Dutch men went up in y^e begining of winter to live with them, to gett their trade, and prevente them for bringing it to y^e English, or to fall into amitie with them; but at spring to bring all downe to their place. But their enterprise failed, for it pleased God to visite these Indeans with a great sicknes, and such a mortalitie that of a 1000. above 900. and a halfe of them dyed, and many of them did rott above ground for want of buriall, and y^e Dutch men allmost starved before they could gett away, for ise and snow. But about Feb: they got with much difficultie to their trading house; whom they kindly releeved, being allmost spente with hunger and could. Being thus refreshed by them diverce days, they got to their owne place, and y^e Dutch were very thankfull for this kindnes.
This spring, also, those Indeans that lived aboute their trading house there fell sick of y^e small poxe, and dyed most miserably; for a sorer disease cannot befall them; they fear it more then y^e plague; for usualy they that have this disease have them in abundance, and for wante of bedding & lining and other helps, they fall into a lamentable condition, as they lye on their hard matts, y^e poxe breaking and mattering, and runing one into another, their skin cleaving (by reason therof) to the matts they lye on; when they turne them, a whole side will flea of at once, [204] (as it were,) and they will be all of a gore blood, most fearfull to behold; and then being very sore, what with could and other distempers, they dye like rotten sheep. The condition of this people was so lamentable, and they fell downe so generally of this diseas, as they were (in y^e end) not able to help on another; no, not to make a fire, nor to fetch a litle water to drinke, nor any to burie y^e dead; but would strivie as long as they could, and when they could procure no other means to make fire, they would burne y^e woden trayes & dishes they ate their meate in, and their very bowes & arrowes; & some would crawle out on all foure to gett a litle water, and some times dye by y^e way, & not be able to gett in againe. But those of y^e English house, (though at first they were afraid of y^e infection,) yet seeing their woefull and sadd condition, and hearing their pitifull cries and lamentations, they had compastion of them, and dayly fetched them wood & water, and made them fires, gott them victualls whilst they lived, and buried them when they dyed. For very few of them escaped, notwithstanding they did what they could for them, to y^e haszard of them selvs. The cheefe Sachem him selfe now dyed, & allmost all his freinds & kinred. But by y^e marvelous goodnes & providens of God not one of y^e English was so much as sicke, or in y^e least measure tainted with this disease, though they dayly did these offices for them for many weeks togeather. And this mercie which they shewed them was kindly taken, and thankfully acknowledged of all y^e Indeans that knew or heard of y^e same; and their m^rs here did much comend & reward them for y^e same.
Anno Dom: 1635.
M^r. Winslow was very wellcome to them in England, and y^e more in regard of y^e large returne he brought with him, which came all safe to their hands, and was well sould. And he was borne in hand, (at least he so apprehended,) that all accounts should be cleared before his returne, and all former differences ther aboute well setled. And so he writ over to them hear, that he hoped to cleare y^e accounts, and bring them over with him; and y^t the accounte of y^e White Angele would be taken of, and all things fairly ended. But it came to pass [205] that, being occasioned to answer some complaints made against the countrie at Counsell bord, more cheefly concerning their neigbours in y^e Bay then them selves hear, the which he did to good effecte, and further prosecuting such things as might tend to y^e good of y^e whole, as well them selves as others, aboute y^e wrongs and incroachments that the French & other strangers both had and were like further to doe unto them, if not prevented, he prefered this petition following to their Hon^rs that were deputed Comissioners for y^e Plantations.
To y^e right honorable y^e Lords Comissioners for y^e Plantations in America.
The humble petition of Edw: Winslow, on y^e behalfe of y^e plantations in New-England,
Humbly sheweth unto your Lordships, y^t wheras your petitioners have planted them selves in New England under his Ma^tis most gratious protection; now so it is, right Hon^bl, that y^e French & Dutch doe indeaouer to devide y^e land betweene them; for which purpose y^e French have, on y^e east side, entered and seased upon one of our houses, and carried away the goods, slew 2. of y^e men in another place, and tooke y^e rest prisoners with their goods. And y^e Dutch, on y^e west, have also made entrie upon Conigtecute River, within y^e limits of his Maj^ts lrs patent, where they have raised a forte, and threaten to expell your petitioners thence, who are also planted upon y^e same river, maintaining possession for his Ma^tie to their great charge, & hazard both of lives & goods.
In tender consideration hereof your petitioners humbly pray that your Lo^pps will either procure their peace w^th those foraine states, or else to give spetiall warrante unto your petitioners and y^e English Collonies, to right and defend them selves against all foraigne enimies. And your petitioners shall pray, &c.
This petition found good acceptation with most of them, and Mr. Winslow was heard sundry times by them, and appointed further to attend for an answer from their Lo^pps, espetially, having upon conferance with them laid downe a way how this might be doone without any either charge or trouble to y^e state; only by furnishing some of y^e cheefe of y^e cuntry hear with authoritie, who would undertake it at their owne charge, and in such a way as should be without any publick disturbance. But this crossed both S^r Ferdinandos Gorges' & Cap: Masons designe, and y^e arch-bishop of Counterberies by them; for S^r Ferd: Gorges (by y^e arch-pps favore) was to have been sent over generall Gov^r into y^e countrie, and to have had means from y^e state for y^t end, and was now upon dispatch and conclude of y^e bussines. And y^e arch-bishops purposs & intente was, by his means, & some he should send with him, (to be furnished with Episcopall power,) [206] to disturbe y^e peace of y^e churches here, and to overthrow their proceedings and further growth, which was y^e thing he aimed at. But it so fell out (by Gods providence) that though he in y^e end crost this petition from taking any further effecte in this kind, yet by this as a cheefe means the plotte and whole bussines of his & S^r Ferdinandos fell to y^e ground, and came to nothing. When M^r. Winslow should have had his suit granted, (as indeed upon y^e pointe it was,) and should have been confirmed, the arch-bishop put a stop upon it, and M^r. Winslow, thinking to gett it freed, went to y^e bord againe; but y^e bishop, S^r Ferd: and Captine Masson, had, as it seemes, procured Morton (of whom mention is made before, & his base carriage) to complaine; to whose complaints M^r. Winslow made answer to y^e good satisfaction of y^e borde, who checked Morton and rebuked him sharply, & allso blamed S^r Fer^d Gorges, & Masson, for countenancing him. But y^e bish: had a further end & use of his presence, for he now begane to question M^r. Winslow of many things; as of teaching in y^e church publickly, of which Morton accused him, and gave evidence that he had seen and heard him doe it; to which M^r. Winslow answered, that some time (wanting a minster) he did exercise his gifte to help y^e edification of his breethren, when they wanted better means, w^ch was not often. Then aboute mariage, the which he also confessed, that, haveing been called to place of magistracie, he had sometimes maried some. And further tould their lord^ps y^t mariage was a civille thinge, & he found no wher in y^e word of God y^t it was tyed to ministrie. Again, they were necessitated so to doe, having for a long time togeather at first no minister; besids, it was no new-thing, for he had been so maried him selfe in Holand, by y^e magistrats in their Statt-house. But in y^e end (to be short), for these things, y^e bishop, by vemente importunity, gott y^e bord at last to consente to his comittemente; so he was comited to y^e Fleete, and lay ther 17. weeks, or ther aboute, before he could gett to be released. And this was y^e end of this petition, and this bussines; only y^e others designe was also frustrated hereby, with other things concurring, which was no smalle blessing to y^e people here. |
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