In order to diminish the woes of authors and to help the maimed and wounded warriors in the service of Literature, we should like to rear a large Literary College, where those who have borne the burden and heat of the day may rest secure from all anxieties and worldly worries when the evening shadows of life fall around. Possibly the authorities of the Royal Literary Fund might be able to accomplish this grand enterprise. In imagination we seem to see a noble building like an Oxford College, or the Charterhouse, wherein the veterans of Literature can live and work and end their days, free from the perplexities and difficulties to which poverty and distress have so long accustomed them. There is a Library, rich with the choicest works. The Historian, the Poet, the Divine, the Scientist, can here pursue their studies, and breathe forth inspired thoughts which the res angusta domi have so long stifled. In society congenial to their tastes, far from "the madding crowd's ignoble strife," they may succeed in accomplishing their life's work, and their happiness would be the happiness of the community.
If this be but a dream, it is a pleasant one. But if all book-lovers would unite for the purpose of founding such a Literary College, it might be possible for the dream to be realised. Then the woes of future generations of authors might be effectually diminished, and Fatal Books have less unhappy victims.
Ablard, Canon of Notre Dame. Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, astrologer. Alexandre, Noel, Church historian. Anderton, William, Jacobite printer. Aretino, Pietro, satirist. Arlotto of Padua, historian. Arnold of Brescia, disciple of Ablard. Arthington, pamphleteer. Ascoli, Cecco d', poet. Athos, Monks of Mount, Quietists. Audra, Joseph, historian.
Bacon, Roger, philosopher. Balzac, pretended poverty of. Barnes, Joshua, translator. Baronius, Caesar, Church historian. Barrai, L'Abb, his opinion of Fnlon. Barrow, pamphleteer. Bastwick, pamphleteer, attacked Laud. Bde, Nol, controversialist. Bekker, Balthazar, opponent of demoniacal possession. Berruyer, Isaac Joseph, Jesuit historian. Beverland, Adrian, poet. Biddle, John, Socinian and Unitarian. Billard, Pierre, satirised Jesuits. Boccalini, Trajan, Italian satirist. Bogarutius, anatomist. Bohun, censor. Bonfadio, Jacopo, Genoese historian. Borri, Joseph Francis, charlatan. Boursier, Jean Laurent, controversialist. Bruccioli, Antonio, translator. Bruno, Jordano, philosopher and atheist. Bruto, John Michael, Florentine historian. Buchanan, George, poet. Burton, attacked Laud. Bussy, Roger Rabutin de, satirist.
Campanella, Thomas, philosopher and atheist. Carlyle, Thomas, an example of energy. Carpzov, Samuel Benedict, libelled Rdiger. Carranza, Bartholomew, Archbishop of Toledo. Cartwright, pamphleteer. Castell, Edmund, polyglot. Caveirac, L'Abb, Jesuit defender. Cinelli, John Giovanni, satirist. Clarke, Samuel, philosopher and theologian. Cole, William, author of Athenae Cantabrigienses. Collins, poet. Coppinger, pamphleteer. Cotgrave, Randle, lexicographer. Cowell, Dr., supporter of absolute monarchy. Cowley, Abraham, dramatist. Crbillon, the younger, dramatist.
Danchet, Antoine, dramatist. Darigrand, author of L'Anti-Financier. Darrell, John, cleric and demonologist. Dassy, satirist. David, Francis, theologian. Dee, Dr., alchemist. Defoe, Daniel, satirical writer. Deforges, poet. Delaune, author of A Plea for the Nonconformists. Diderot, Denis, collaborateur of D'Alembert. Doleman, printer. Dolet, Etienne, printer and author. Dominis, Antonio de, Archbishop of Spalatro. Dort, Synod of, some of its proceedings. Dryander, nom-de-plume of Enzinas. Dryander, John, brother of Enzinas. Dupin, Louis Elias, Church historian. Durosoi, editor.
Edzardt, Sebastian, theologian. Enzinas, Spanish translator, 23. Estienne, see Stephanus.
Falkemberg, John de, fanatic. Felbinger, Jeremiah, Unitarian. Fnlon, Franois de la Mothe, Archbishop of Cambrai. Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, opponent of royal divorce. Fontaine, Nicolas, collaborateur of Le Maistre. Francus, Nicholas, poet. Fraser, "Catalogue," censor. Frischlin, Nicodemus, poet. Froull, Jacques, bookseller. Fust, John, printer.
Gacon, Franois, poet and satirist. Galileo, "father of experimental philosophy." Gnbrard, Gilbert, controversialist. Giannone, Peter, Italian historian. Godonesche, Nicolas, engraver. Grafton, Richard, printer of Coverdale's Bible. Grandier, Urban, cur of London, opponent of celibacy of clergy. Greenwood, pamphleteer. Grotius, historian.
Hacket, pamphleteer. Hales, John, pamphleteer. Harsnett, Bishop, the exposer of Darrell. Hartley, exorcist, friend of Darrell. Haudicquer, genealogist. Hlot, poet. Hemmerlin, Felix, satirist. Heron, Robert, voluminous author. Histriomastix. Homeric victims. Huss, John, reformer and martyr, his writings.
Johnson, Samuel, divine, author of Julian the Apostate.
Keats, poet, Endymion cruelly reviewed. Kelly, Edward, necromancer, friend of Dr. Dee. Kuhlmann, Quirinus, "Prince of Fanatics".
La Beaumelle, Laurence de, Memoirs of Madame de Maintenon. La Grange, poet. La Peyrre, Isaac de, ethnologist. Le Courayer, Pierre Franois Canon of St. Augustine. Leighton, Dr., author of Syon's Plea against Prelacy. Leland, archaeologist. Le Maistre, Louis, Jansenist and translator. Lenoir, Jean, Canon of Sez, political writer. Liesvelt, Jacob van, Dutch printer. Lilburne, "Honest John," bookseller and author. Linguet, Simon, political writer, de Lisle de Sales, philosopher. Liszinski Cazimir, Polish atheist. Literary College, ideal. Literary Fund, Royal. Lufftius, John, printer of Wrtemburg. Lyra, Nicholas de, commentator, ruins his printers. Lyser, John, advocate of polygamy.
Maffei, Raphael, his epigram on Valla. Maggi, Jerome, Venetian statesman. Maintenon, Madame de, Memoirs. Mariana, John, Spanish historian. Marolles, L'Abb de, translator. Marot, Clement, poet, versifier of Psalms. Marprelate, Martin, nom-de-plume of various Puritan authors. Melanchthon, reformer, works published by Peucer. Molinos, Michael, Spanish theologian. Montague, Lord, victim of Reginald Pole's book. Montanus, Arius, translator of Polyglot Bible. Montgomery, James, poet. Morin, Jean, printer. Morin, Simon, fanatic.
Nogaret, novelist. Nordemann, follower of Kuhlmann.
Ochino, Bernardino, a Franciscan, advocate of polygamy. Ockham, William of, "The Invincible Doctor". Ockley, Simon, Vicar of Swavesey. Ovid, poet, exiled by Caesar.
Page, printer of Stubbs' pamphlet. Palearius, Antonius, "Inquisitionis Detractator." Pallavicino, Ferrante, Italian satirist. Palmieri, Matteo, Italian historian. Pannartz, printer. Paolo, Fra, see Sarpi. Pasquier, his Letters quoted. Pasquinades, origin of term. Pays, French poet, quoted. Penry, pamphleteer. Petit, Pierre, poet. Peucer, Caspar, doctor of medicine and Calvinist. Pole, Sir Geoffrey, arrested by Henry VIII., escapes. Pole, Reginald, denounced Henry VIII. Primi, John Baptist, Count of St. Majole, historian. Prynne, William, author of Histriomastix.
Quesnal, Pasquier, translator and theologian. Quietism.
Reboul, Italian pamphleteer. Reinking, Theodore, historian, condemned to eat his book. Richer, Edmund, political essayist. Ritson, Joseph, antiquary. Rosires, Franois de, Archdeacon of Toul, historian. Rothe, John, pretended prophet. Rousseau, Jean Baptiste, satirist. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, philosopher. Rudbeck, Swedish historian. Rudiger. John Christopher, biographer.
Sacy, de, see Le Maistre. Salisbury, Countess of, victim of Pole's book. Sarpi, Pietro, Venetian historian. Savonarola, Florentine preacher. Scaliger, his criticism of Dolet. Schweynheym, printer. Scioppius, Caspar, satirist. Selden, John, author of De Decimis. Servetus, Michael, scientist and theologian, persecuted by Calvin. Sidney, Algernon, his manuscript a witness against him. Starkie, Nicholas, household possessed by devils, see Darrell. Stephanus or Stephens, Robert, Parisian printer. Stephens, Henry, son of above, printer. Strutt, author of English Sports and Pastimes. Stubbs, John, opponent of Elizabeth's marriage. Sydenham, Floyer, translator.
Thophile, poet. Thou, de, French historian. Thou, Frederick Augustus de, son of above. Toland, John, freethinker. Tutchin, John, editor of Observator, persecuted by Jeffreys. Tyndale, William, translator of Bible and controversialist.
Udal, Nicholas, part author of Marprelate pamphlets. Unigenitus, Papal Bull. Urseus, Anthony, becomes insane through loss of book.
Valla, Lorenzo, Roman satirist. Vanini, Lucilio, philosopher and atheist. Villanovanus, nom-de-plume of Servetus. Virgil, Bishop of Salisbury, cosmologist. Vizetelly, publisher. Volaterranus, see Maffei. Voltaire, Franois Arouet de, satirical poem.
Wecchiettus, Jerome, theologian. Wechel, Christian, Parisian printer. Wechel, Andrew, son of above. Weiser, Caspar, Swedish poet. Wentworth, Peter, pamphleteer. Wharton, Henry, died of overwork. Whitchurch, Edward, printer. Willenberg, Samuel Friedrich, advocate of polygamy. Williams, John, poet. Woolston, Thomas, freethinker.
Yorke, Sir John, imprisoned for Roman Catholic play performed in his house.