137. Baldpate. MARECA AMERICANA. Summer resident; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet.
139. Green-winged teal. NETTION CAROLINENSIS. Common summer resident; abundant in migration; a few breed on the plains; more in mountains and upper parks.
140. Blue-winged teal. QUERQUEDULA DISCORS. Same records as preceding.
141. Cinnamon teal. QUERQUEDULA CYANOPTERA. Common summer resident; breeds both east and west of the range; a western species; in winter south to Chili, Argentina, and Falkland Islands; sometimes strays east as far as Illinois and Louisiana.
142. Shoveller. SPATULA CLYPEATA. Summer resident; abundant in migration; breeds in suitable localities, but prefers mountain parks 8,000 feet in altitude; breeds throughout its range, which is the whole of North America.
143. Pintail. DAFILA ACUTA. Rare summer and winter resident; common migrant; mostly breeds in the North.
144. Wood duck. AIX SPONSA. Rare summer resident.
146. Redhead. AYTHYA AMERICANA. Common migrant; breeds far north; migrates early in spring.
147. Canvas-back. AYTHYA VALLISNERIA. Migrant; not common; breeds far north.
148. Scaup duck. AYTHYA MARILA. Rare migrant; both sides of the range; breeds far north.
149. Lesser scaup duck. AYTHYA AFFINIS. Migrant; not common; a little more common than preceding.
150. Ring-necked duck. AYTHYA COLLARIS. Rare migrant, though common in Kansas; breeds in far North.
151. American golden-eye. CLANGULA CLANGULA AMERICANA. Rare migrant; breeds far north.
152. Barrow's golden-eye. CLANGULA ISLANDICA. Summer and winter resident; a northern species, but breeds in mountains of Colorado, sometimes as high as 10,000 feet; rare on plains.
153. Buffle-head. CHARITONETTA ALBEOLA. Common migrant throughout State; breeds in the North.
154. Old squaw. HARELDA HYEMALIS. Rare winter visitor; a northern species.
155. Harlequin duck. HISTRIONICUS HISTRIONICUS. Resident; not common; a northern species, but a few breed in mountains at an altitude of 7,000 to 10,000 feet.
160. American eider. SOMATERIA DRESSERI. Very rare; only two records—one somewhat uncertain.
163. American scoter. OIDEMIA AMERICANA. Rare winter visitor; northern bird, in winter principally along the sea-coast, but a few visit the larger inland lakes.
165. White-winged scoter. OIDEMIA DEGLANDI. Same habits as preceding; perhaps rarer.
166. Surf scoter. OIDEMIA PERSPICILLATA. Same as preceding.
167. Ruddy duck. ERISMATURA JAMAICENSIS. Common summer resident; both sides of the range; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; a beautiful bird; author's observations given in Chapter VII.
169. Lesser snow goose. CHEN HYPERBOREA. Migrant and winter resident; not common; breeds far north.
169a. Greater snow goose. CHEN HYPERBOREA NIVALIS. Rare migrant; only two records; the eastern form, which does not come regularly as far west as Colorado.
171a. American white-fronted goose. ANSER ALBIFRONS GAMBELI. Rare migrant; breeds far northward.
172. Canada goose. BRANTA CANADENSIS. Summer and winter resident; rare, except locally; common in migration; breeds about secluded lakes at 10,000 feet.
172a. Hutchins's goose. BRANTA CANADENSIS HUTCHINSII. Common migrant; breeds in the North; a few may winter in the State.
172c. Cackling goose. BRANTA CANADENSIS MINIMA. One record; Pacific coast bird; breeds in Alaska.
173. Brant. BRANTA BERNICLA. Rare or accidental migrant; an eastern species seldom coming west; breeds only within the Arctic Circle.
180. Whistling swan. OLOR COLUMBIANUS. Migrant; not common; formerly fairly plentiful; breeds far northward.
181. Trumpeter swan. OLOR BUCCINATOR. Rare migrant; not so common as preceding; breeds from Iowa and Dakota northward.
183. Roseate spoonbill. AJAJA AJAJA. Accidental; two instances; habitat, tropical and subtropical America.
184. White ibis. GUARA ALBA. Rare migrant; one taken on plains; habitat, tropical and subtropical America, coming north as far as Great Salt Lake and South Dakota.
[185.] Scarlet ibis. GUARA RUBRA. Accidental; one specimen taken; a wonderful record for this tropical species.
186. Glossy ibis. PLEGADIS AUTUMNALIS. Accidental; two fine specimens taken in the State; this is far out of its ordinary tropical range.
187. White-faced glossy ibis. PLEGADIS GUARAUNA. Summer visitor; rare; fairly common in New Mexico and Arizona; sometimes wanders into Colorado; Aiken found it breeding at San Luis Lakes.
188. Wood ibis. TANTALUS LOCULATOR. Rare summer visitor; southern range.
190. American bittern. BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS. Common summer resident; breeds throughout the State, from plains to about 7,000 feet.
191. Least bittern. ARDETTA EXILIS. Rare summer visitor; a few records east of mountains; one specimen seen west of the divide.
194. Great blue heron. ARDEA HERODIAS. Summer resident; common in migration; seldom goes far up in the mountains, though Mr. Aiken found one at an altitude of 9,000 feet.
196. American egret. ARDEA EGRETTA. Rare or accidental; one seen; general range, the whole of the United States; in winter south to Chili and Patagonia.
197. Snowy heron. ARDEA CANDIDISSIMA. Summer visitor; not known to breed; the highest altitude is the one taken near Leadville, 10,000 feet.
198. Reddish egret. ARDEA RUFESCENS. Rare or accidental; only two specimens secured; southern range.
202. Black-crowned night heron. NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX NAEVIUS. Summer resident; not common; local; more plentiful in migration.
203. Yellow-crowned night heron. NYCTICORAX VIOLACEUS. Rare summer visitor; southern species; not known to breed in State.
204. Whooping crane. GRUS AMERICANA. Rare migrant; more common east of Colorado.
205. Little brown crane. GRUS CANADENSIS. Migrant; few taken; northern breeder.
206. Sandhill crane. GRUS MEXICANA. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; in migration common; breeds as high as 8,000 feet; has been seen in autumn passing over the highest peaks.
212. Virginia rail. RALLUS VIRGINIANUS. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds on plains and in mountains to at least 7,500 feet.
214. Sora. PORZANA CAROLINA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 9,000 feet.
216. Black rail. PORZANA JAMAICENSIS. Rare migrant; one specimen secured.
219. Florida gallinule. GALLINULA GALEATA. Summer visitor, not known to breed.
221. American coot. FULICA AMERICANA. Common summer resident; breeds on plains and in mountain parks.
222. Red phalarope. CRYMOPHILUS FULICARIUS. Migrant; rare; once taken at Loveland by Edw. A. Preble, July 25, 1895. Breeds far north.
223. Northern phalarope. PHALAROPUS LOBATUS. Migrant; not uncommon; breeds far northward.
224. Wilson's phalarope. STEGANOPUS TRICOLOR. Common summer resident; more common in migration; breeds below 6,000 feet.
225. American avocet. RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA. Common summer resident; occurs frequently on the plains; less frequent in mountains.
226. Black-necked stilt. HIMANTOPUS MEXICANUS. Summer resident; most common in the mountains, going as high as 8,000 feet; more common west of range than east.
228. American woodcock. PHILOHELA MINOR. Rare summer resident; Colorado the extreme western limit of its range, going only to foothills.
230. Wilson's snipe. GALLINAGO DELICATA. Rare summer resident; common migrant; winter resident, rare; found as high as 10,000 feet.
232. Long-billed dowitcher. MACRORHAMPHUS SCOLOPACEUS. Somewhat common migrant; all records restricted to plains; breeds far northward.
233. Stilt sandpiper. MICROPALAMA HIMANTOPUS. Rare migrant; breeds north of United States.
239. Pectoral sandpiper. TRINGA MACULTA. Common migrant; occurs from the plains to the great height of 13,000 feet.
240. White-rumped sandpiper. TRINGA FUSCICOLLIS. Not uncommon migrant; a bird of the plains, its western limit being the base of the Rockies; breeds in the far North.
241. Baird's sandpiper. TRINGA BAIRDII. Abundant migrant; breeds far north; returns in August and ranges over mountains sometimes at height of 13,000 to 14,000 feet, feeding on grasshoppers.
242. Least sandpiper. TRINGA MINUTILLA. Common migrant; found from plains to 7,000 feet.
243a. Red-backed sandpiper. TRINGA ALPINA PACIFICA. Rare migrant; only three records; range, throughout North America.
246. Semipalmated sandpiper. EREUNETES PUSILLUS. Common migrant; from the plains to 8,000 feet.
247. Western sandpiper. EREUNETES OCCIDENTALIS. Rare migrant; breeds in the remote North; western species, but in migration occurs regularly along the Atlantic coast.
248. Sanderling. CALIDRIS ARENARIA. Rare migrant, on plains; range nearly cosmopolitan; breeds only in northern part of northern hemisphere.
249. Marbled godwit. LIMOSA FEDOA. Migrant; not common; a bird of the plains, but seldom seen; occasionally found in the mountains.
254. Greater yellow-legs. TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS. Common migrant; in favorable localities below 8,000 feet.
255. Yellow-legs. TOTANUS FLAVIPES. Common migrant; distribution same as preceding.
256. Solitary sandpiper. HELODROMAS SOLITARIUS. Summer resident; not common; in migration, common; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet.
258a. Western willet. SYMPHEMIA SEMIPALMATA INORNATA. Summer resident; not common; common migrant, especially in the fall; breeds from plains to 7,000 feet.
261. Bartramian sandpiper. BARTRAMIA LONGICAUDA. Common summer resident; abundant in migration; a bird of the plains; rare west of mountains.
263. Spotted sandpiper. ACTITIS MACULARIA. Abundant summer resident; breeds on the plains and at all intermediate altitudes to 12,000 feet, even on top of mountains of that height, if a lake or pond can be found; in fall, ranges above timber-line to 14,000 feet; some may remain throughout winter.
264. Long-billed curlew. NUMENIUS LONGIROSTRIS. Common summer resident; breeds on the plains; also in Middle and South Parks; found on both sides of the range.
265. Hudsonian curlew. NUMENIUS HUDSONICUS. Rare migrant; all records thus far from the plains; general range, North America.
270. Black-bellied plover. SQUATAROLA SQUATAROLA. Migrant, not common; bird of plains below 5,000 feet; breeds far north.
272. American golden plover. CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS. Migrant, not common; same record as preceding.
273. Killdeer. AEGIALITIS VOCIFERA. Abundant summer resident; arrives early in spring; breeds most abundantly on plains and at base of foothills, but is far from rare at an altitude of 10,000 feet.
274. Semipalmated plover. AEGIALITIS SEMIPALMATA. Migrant, not common; breeds near the Arctic Circle.
281. Mountain plover. AEGIALITIS MONTANA. Common summer resident; in spite of its name, a bird of the plains rather than the mountains; yet sometimes found in parks at an altitude of 8,000 and even 9,000 feet. Its numbers may be estimated from the fact that in one day of August a sportsman shot one hundred and twenty-six birds, though why he should indulge in such wholesale slaughter the author does not understand.
283. Turnstone. ARENARIA INTERPRES. Rare migrant; breeding grounds in the north; cosmopolitan in range, but chiefly along sea-coasts.
289. Bob-white. COLINUS VIRGINIANUS. Resident; somewhat common locally; good reason to believe that all the quails of the foothills are descendants of introduced birds, while those of the eastern border of the plains are native. A few were introduced some years ago into Estes Park, and are still occasionally noticed.
293. Scaled partridge. CALLIPEPLA SQUAMATA. Resident; common locally; southern species, but more common than the bob-white at Rocky Ford, Col.
294. California partridge. LOPHORTYX CALIFORNICUS. Resident, local; introduced at Grand Junction, Col., and have flourished so abundantly as to become troublesome to gardeners.
295. Gambel's partridge. LOPHORTYX GAMBELII. Resident, rare; known only in southwestern part of the State; a western species.
297. Dusky grouse. DENDRAGAPUS OBSCURUS. Resident; mountain dwellers; breed from 7,000 feet to timber-line; in September wander above timber-line to 12,500 feet, feeding on grasshoppers; remain in thick woods in winter.
300b. Gray ruffed grouse. BONASA UMBELLUS UMBELLOIDES. Rare resident; a more northern species, but a few breed in Colorado just below timber-line; winters in higher foothills.
304. White-tailed ptarmigan. LAGOPUS LEUCURUS. Common resident; one of the most strictly alpine species; breeds entirely above timber-line from 11,500 to 13,500 feet; thence ranging to the summits of the highest peaks. Only in severest winter weather do they come down to timber-line; rarely to 8,000 feet. In winter they are white; in summer fulvous or dull grayish-buff, barred and spotted with black. This bird is colloquially called the "mountain quail." The brown-capped leucosticte is the only other Colorado species that has so high a range.
305. Prairie hen. TYMPANUCHUS AMERICANUS. Resident; uncommon and local.
308b. Prairie sharp-tailed grouse. PEDIOECETES PHASIANELLUS CAMPESTRIS. Resident, not common; once common, but killed and driven out by pothunters; some breed in Middle Park; noted in winter at 9,500 feet.
309. Sage grouse. CENTROCERCUS UROPHASIANUS. Common resident. "As its name implies, it is an inhabitant of the artemisia or sage-brush plains, and is scarcely found elsewhere." Ranges from plains to 9,500 feet.
310. Mexican turkey. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO. Rare local resident; southern part of the State.
310a. Wild turkey. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO FERA. Resident; rare; once abundant, but will probably soon be exterminated; not certain whether Colorado birds are eastern or western forms.
312. Band-tailed pigeon. COLUMBA FASCIATA. Summer resident; local; breeds from 5,000 to 7,000 feet and occasionally higher.
316. Mourning dove. ZENAIDURA MACROURA. Summer resident; very abundant; breeds everywhere below the pine region up to 10,000 feet, though usually a little lower; in fall ranges up to 12,000 feet.
319. White-winged dove. MELOPELIA LEUCOPTERA. Four records of this straggler in Colorado; its usual range is subtropical, though not uncommon as far north as the southern border of the United States.
325. Turkey vulture. CATHARTES AURA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 and even 12,000 feet.
327. Swallow-tailed kite. ELANOIDES FORFICATUS. Summer visitor; rare or accidental; bird of the plains, not regularly west of central Kansas.
329. Mississippi kite. ICTINIA MISSISSIPPIENSIS. Accidental; two records; a bird of eastern and southern United States, and southward.
331. Marsh hawk. CIRCUS HUDSONIUS. Common resident; most common in migration; a few remain throughout winter; breeds on plains, and in mountains to 10,000 feet; in fall may be seen at 14,000 feet.
332. Sharp-shinned hawk. ACCIPITER VELOX. Common resident; much more common in mountains than on plains; breeds up to 10,000 feet.
333. COOPER'S HAWK. ACCIPITER COOPERI. Common resident; breeds from plains to 9,000 feet.
334. American goshawk. ACCIPITER ATRICAPILLUS. Resident; not uncommon; breeds from 9,000 to 10,000 feet; more common in winter than summer.
334a. Western goshawk. ACCIPITER ATRICAPILLUS STRIATULUS. Winter visitor; rare, if not accidental; Pacific Coast form; comes regularly as far east as Idaho.
337a. Krider's hawk. BUTEO BOREALIS KRIDERII. Resident; not uncommon; nests on the plains; no certain record for the mountains.
337b. Western red-tail. BUTEO BOREALIS CALURUS. Abundant resident; this is the Rocky Mountain form, of which Krider's hawk is the eastern analogue; the ranges of the two forms overlap on the Colorado plains; calurus breeds from plains to 12,000 feet; not a few winter in the State.
337d. Harlan's hawk. BUTEO BOREALIS HARLANI. Rare winter visitor; one specimen; natural habitat, Gulf States and lower Mississippi Valley.
339b. Red-bellied hawk. BUTEO LINEATUS ELEGANS. Rare migrant; Pacific coast species.
342. Swainson's hawk. BUTEO SWAINSONI. Common resident; breeds everywhere below 11,000 feet.
347a. American rough-legged hawk. ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS SANCTI-JOHANNIS. Somewhat common winter resident; arrives from the north in November and remains till March.
348. Ferruginous rough-leg. ARCHIBUTEO FERRUGINEUS. Rather common resident; breeds on plains and in mountains; winters mostly on plains and along lower streams.
349. Golden eagle. AQUILA CHRYSAETOS. Resident; common in favorable localities; breeds from foothills to 12,500 feet; in winter on plains and also in mountains, often at 11,000 feet.
352. Bald eagle. HALLAEETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS. Fairly common resident; mostly in mountains in summer; on plains in winter.
355. Prairie falcon. FALCO MEXICANUS. Not uncommon resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; quite numerous in more open portions of western Colorado.
356. Duck hawk. FALCO PEREGRINUS ANATUM. Resident; not uncommon locally; breeds up to 10,000 feet.
357. Pigeon hawk. FALCO COLUMBARIUS. Summer resident; not common; usual breeding grounds 8,000 to 9,000 feet; some breed on the plains.
358. Richardson's merlin. FALCO RICHARDSONII. Rare summer resident; not uncommon in migration; naturalists not quite sure that it breeds in the State; has been taken in summer at an altitude of 11,000 feet.
360. American sparrow hawk. FALCO SPARVERIUS. Abundant resident; the most common hawk from the plains to 11,000 feet; some winter in State; breeds throughout its range.
360a. Desert sparrow hawk. FALCO SPARVERIUS DESERTICOLUS. Resident, though rare; taken in Middle and South Parks.
364. American osprey. PANDION HALIAETUS CAROLINENSIS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; breeds as high as 9,000 feet; has been taken in fall at an altitude of 10,500 feet.
365. American barn owl. STRIX PRATINCOLA. Resident; quite rare; a southern species rarely coming so far north as Colorado.
366. American long-eared owl. ASIO WILSONIANUS. Common resident; winters from plains to 10,000 feet; breeds from plains to 11,000 feet; eggs laid early in April.
367. Short-eared owl. ASIO ACCIPITRINUS. Resident, but not common; highest record 9,500 feet.
368. Barred owl. SYRNIUM NEBULOSUM. Resident; few records; one breeding pair found in the northeastern part of the State.
369. Spotted owl. SYRNIUM OCCIDENTALE. Resident; not common; a little doubt as to its identity; but Mr. Aiken vouches for its presence in the State.
371. Richardson's owl. NYCTALA TENGMALMI RICHARDSONI. Rare winter visitor; a northern species.
372. Saw-whet owl. NYCTALA ACADICA. Resident; not uncommon; occurs throughout the State below 8,000 feet.
373. Screech owl. MAGASCOPS ASIO. Rare resident; the eastern analogue of the next.
373e. Rocky Mountain screech owl. MAGASCOPS ASIO MAXWELLIAE. Common resident; found from plains and foothills to about 6,000 feet; rare visitant at nearly 9,000 feet.
373g. Aiken's screech owl. MEGASCOPS ASIO AIKENI. Resident; limited to from 5,000 to 9,000 feet.
374. Flammulated screech owl. MEGASCOPS FLAMMEOLA. Rare resident; rarest owl in Colorado, if not in the United States; ten instances of breeding, all in Colorado; twenty-three records in all for the State.
375a. Western horned owl. BUBO VIRGINIANUS PALLESCENS. Common resident; breeds on the plains and in the mountains.
375b. Arctic horned owl. BUBO VIRGINIANUS ARCTICUS. Winter visitor; not uncommon; breeds in arctic America.
376. Snowy owl. NYCTEA NYCTEA. Rare winter visitor; occurs on the plains and in the lower foothills; range in summer, extreme northern portions of northern hemisphere.
378. Burrowing owl. SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA HYPOGAEA. Resident; abundant locally; breeds on plains and up to 9,000 feet.
379. Pygmy owl. GLAUCIDIUM GNOMA. Resident; rare; favorite home in the mountains; breeds as high as 10,000 feet.
382. Carolina paroquet. CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. Formerly resident; few records; general range, east and south; now almost exterminated.
385. Road-runner. GEOCOCCYX CALIFORNIANUS. Resident; not common; restricted to southern portion of the State; breeds throughout its range; rare above 5,000 feet, though one was found in the Wet Mountains at an altitude of 8,000 feet.
387. Yellow-billed cuckoo. COCCYZUS AMERICANUS. Rare summer visitor, on the authority of Major Bendire.
387a. California cuckoo. COCCYZUS AMERICANUS OCCIDENTALIS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; mostly found on the edge of the plains, but occasionally up to 8,000 feet in mountains.
388. Black-billed cuckoo. COCCYZUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS. Rare migrant; only two records.
390. Belted kingfisher. CERYLE ALCYON. Common resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; a few remain in winter.
393e. Rocky Mountain hairy woodpecker. DRYOBATES VILLOSUS MONTICOLA. Common resident; breeds from plains to 11,000 feet; winter range almost the same.
394c. Downy woodpecker. DRYOBATES PUBESCENS MEDIANUS. Visitor; rare, if not accidental.
394b. Batchelder's woodpecker. DRYOBATES PUBESCENS HOMORUS. Common resident; breeding range from plains to 11,500 feet; winter range from plains to 10,000 feet.
396. Texan woodpecker. DRYOBATES SCALARIS BAIRDI. Resident; rare and local; southern range generally.
401b. Alpine three-toed woodpecker. PICOIDES AMERICANUS DORSALIS. Resident; not common; a mountain bird; range, 8,000 to 12,000 feet; even in winter remains in the pine belt at about 10,000 feet.
402. Yellow-bellied sapsucker. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS. Rare migrant; eastern form, scarcely reaching the base of the Rockies.
402a. Red-naped sapsucker. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS NUCHALIS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet, but partial to the mountains. Author saw one at Green Lake.
404. Williamson's sapsucker. SPHYRAPICUS THYROIDEUS. Common summer resident; breeds from 5,000 feet to upper limits of the pines; range higher in the southern part of the State than in the northern.
405a. Northern pileated woodpecker. CEOPHLOEUS PILEATUS ABIETICOLA. Resident; very rare; only probably identified.
406. Red-headed woodpecker. MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; late spring arrival; same form in the East and West.
408. Lewis's woodpecker. MELANERPES TORQUATUS. Common resident; characteristic bird of the foothills; sometimes seen as high as 10,000 feet in southern Colorado; probably does not breed above 9,000 feet.
409. Red-bellied woodpecker. MELANERPES CAROLINUS. Summer visitor; rare, if not accidental; eastern and southern species, not occurring regularly west of central Kansas.
412a. Northern flicker. COLAPTES AURATUS LUTEUS. Rare migrant; range extends only to foothills; no record of its breeding.
413. Red-shafted flicker. COLAPTES CAFER. Abundant summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet; almost as plentiful at its highest range as on the plains; early spring arrival; a few winter in the State.
418. Poor-will. PHALAENOPTILUS NUTTALLII. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet; has been noted up to 10,000 feet.
418a. Frosted poor-will. PHALAENOPTILUS NUTTALLII NITIDUS. Rare summer resident; few typical nitidus taken; a more southern variety.
420a. Western nighthawk. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS HENRYI. Abundant summer resident; breeds on the plains and up to about 11,000 feet; in fall ranges up to 12,000 feet; most common on plains and in foothills.
422. Black swift. CYPSELOIDES NIGER BOREALIS. Summer resident; abundant locally; southwestern part of the State; breeds from 10,000 to 12,000 feet, and ranges up to 13,000 feet.
425. White-throated swift. AERONAUTES MELANOLEUCUS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; breeds in inaccessible rocks from 6,000 to 12,000 feet, if not higher; most common in southern part of the State.
429. Black-chinned humming-bird. TROCHILUS ALEXANDRI. Summer resident; local; only in southwestern part of the State, and below 6,000 feet.
432. Broad-tailed humming-bird. SELASPHORUS PLATYCERCUS. Common summer resident; Colorado's most common hummer; breeds from foothills to 11,000 feet; ranges 2,000 feet above timber-line in summer.
433. Rufous humming-bird. SELASPHORUS RUFUS. Summer resident; local; a western species, coming into southwestern Colorado, where it breeds from 7,000 to 10,000 feet, and ranges in summer several thousand feet higher; a few records east of the range.
436. Calliope humming-bird. STELLULA CALLIOPE. Summer visitor; rare or accidental; but two records, one near Breckenridge at an altitude of 9,500 feet; western species.
443. Scissor-tailed flycatcher. MILVULUS FORFICATUS. Summer visitor; rare or accidental; but one record; southern range, and more eastern.
444. Kingbird. TYRANNUS TYRANNUS. Common summer resident; occurs only on plains and in foothills up to 6,000 feet; same form as the eastern kingbird.
447. Arkansas kingbird. TYRANNUS VERTICALIS. Common summer resident; more common in eastern than western part of the State; fond of the plains and foothills, yet breeds as high as 8,000 feet.
448. Cassin's kingbird. TYRANNUS VOCIFERANS. Common summer resident; breeds on plains and up to 9,000 feet in mountains; occurs throughout the State.
454. Ash-throated flycatcher. MYIARCHUS CINERASCENS. Rare summer resident; western species, coming east to western edge of plains.
455a. Olivaceous flycatcher. MYIARCHUS LAWRENCEI OLIVASCENS. Summer visitor, rare, if not accidental; a southern species; taken once in Colorado.
456. Phoebe. SAYORNIS PHOEBE. Rare summer visitor; comes west to eastern border of the State.
457. Say's phoebe. SAYORNIS SAYA. Common summer resident; most common on the plains; occurs on both sides of the range; the author found it a little above Malta, at Glenwood, and in South Park.
459. Olive-sided flycatcher. CONTOPUS BOREALIS. Common summer resident; breeds only in the mountains, from 7,000 to 12,000 feet.
462. Western wood pewee. CONTOPUS RICHARDSONII. Common summer resident; most common in breeding season from 7,000 to 11,000 feet.
464. Western flycatcher. EMPIDONAX DIFFICILIS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet, but most common in upper part of its range.
466. Traill's flycatcher. EMPIDONAX TRAILLII. Fairly common summer resident; most common on the plains, but occurs in mountains up to 8,000 feet; breeds throughout its Colorado range.
467. Least flycatcher. EMPIDONAX MINIMUS. Rare migrant; west to eastern foothills; probably breeds, but no nests have been found.
468. Hammond's flycatcher. EMPIDONAX HAMMONDI. Common summer resident; comes east only to the western edge of the plains; breeds as high as 9,000 feet.
469. Wright's flycatcher. EMPIDONAX WRIGHTII. Abundant summer resident; breeds from 7,500 feet to 10,000.
474a. Pallid horned lark. OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS LEUCOLAEMA. Abundant winter resident; literature on this bird somewhat confused on account, no doubt, of its close resemblance to the next; winters on the plains abundantly, and sparsely in the mountains.
474c. Desert horned lark. OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS ARENICOLA. Abundant resident; winters on plains and in mountains up to 9,000 feet; breeds from plains to 13,000 feet; raises two broods.
475. American magpie. PICA PICA HUDSONICA. Common resident; breeds commonly on the plains and in the foothills and lower mountains; a few breed as high as 11,000 feet.
478b. Long-crested jay. CYANOCITTA STELLERI DIADEMATA. Common resident; seldom strays far east of the foothills; breeds from base of foothills to timber-line; winter range from edge of plains almost to 10,000 feet.
480. Woodhouse's jay. APHELOCOMA WOODHOUSEI. Common resident; most common along the base of foothills and lower wooded mountains; sometimes breeds as high as 8,000 feet; in fall roams up to 9,500 in special instances.
484a. Rocky Mountain jay. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS CAPITALIS. Common resident; remains near timber-line throughout the year.
486. American raven. CORVUS CORAX SINUATUS. Resident; common locally; breeds; rather of western Colorado, but visitant among eastern mountains.
487. White-necked raven. CORVUS CRYPTOLEUCUS. Rare resident now; formerly abundant along eastern base of the front range and a hundred miles out on the plains; now driven out by advent of white man.
488. American crow. CORVUS AMERICANUS. Resident; common in northeastern Colorado; rare in the rest of the State.
491. Clark's nutcracker. NUCIFRAGA COLUMBIANA. Abundant resident; a mountain bird; breeds from 7,000 to 12,000 feet; sometimes in fall gathers in "enormous flocks"; at that season wanders up to at least 13,000 feet; most remain in the mountains through the winter, though a few descend to the plains.
492. Pinon jay. CYANOCEPHALUS CYANOCEPHALUS. Resident; abundant locally; breeds almost exclusively among the pinon pines; keeps in small parties during breeding season; then gathers in large flocks; wandering up to 10,000 feet.
494. Bobolink. DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS. Rare summer visitor.
495. Cowbird. MOLOTHRUS ATER. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to about 8,000 feet; author saw several in South Park.
497. Yellow-headed blackbird. XANTHOCEPHALUS XANTHOCEPHALUS. Common summer resident; breeds in suitable places on the plains and in mountain parks.
498. Red-winged blackbird. AGELAIUS PHOENICEUS. Common summer resident; breeds mostly below 7,500 feet, though occasionally ascends to 9,000.
501b. Western meadow-lark. STURNELLA MAGNA NEGLECTA. Abundant summer resident.
506. Orchard oriole. ICTERUS SPURIUS. Summer visitor; rare, if not accidental.
507. Baltimore oriole. ICTERUS GALBULA. Marked as a rare summer resident, though no record of nesting.
508. Bullock's oriole. ICTERUS BULLOCKI. Abundant summer resident; breeds on plains and in mountain regions below 10,000 feet.
509. Rusty blackbird. SCOLECOPHAGUS CAROLINUS. Migrant; rare, if not accidental; two records.
510. Brewer's blackbird. SCOLECOPHAGUS CYANOCEPHALUS. Abundant summer resident.
511b. Bronzed grackle. QUISCALUS QUISCULA AENEUS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; comes only to eastern base of mountains.
514a. Western evening grosbeak. COCCOTHRAUSTES VESPERTINUS MONTANUS. Resident; found every month of the year; no nests found, but evidently breeds.
515a. Rocky Mountain pine grosbeak. PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR MONTANA. Resident; not uncommon; most common in late summer and fall when most of them are just below timber-line; stragglers descend to foothills and plains.
517. Purple finch. CARPODACUS PURPUREUS. Migrant; rare, if not accidental; only one specimen, and that a female.
518. Cassin's purple finch. CARPODACUS CASSINI. Common resident; winters from plains to 7,000 feet; breeds from that altitude to 10,000 feet.
519. House finch. CARPODACUS MEXICANUS FRONTALIS. Abundant resident.
521a. Mexican crossbill. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA STRICKLANDI. Resident; not uncommon; has been seen in summer at 11,000 feet; breeds in mountains, perhaps in winter like its eastern antitype.
522. White-winged crossbill. LOXIA LEUCOPTERA. Rare winter visitor; one record.
524. Gray-crowned leucosticte. LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS. Rare winter visitor; western species.
524a. Hepburn's leucosticte. LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS LITTORALIS. Rare winter visitor; summers in the North.
525. Black leucosticte. LEUCOSTICTE ATRATA. Rare winter visitor; summer range unknown; winters in the Rockies.
526. Brown-capped leucosticte. LEUCOSTICTE AUSTRALIS. This little bird and the white-tailed ptarmigan have the highest summer range of any Colorado birds.
528. Redpoll. ACANTHIS LINARIA. Common winter resident; lives from plains to 10,000 feet.
528b. Greater redpoll. ACANTHIS LINARIA ROSTRATA. Rare or accidental winter visitor; one record.
529. American goldfinch. ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS. Resident; quite common in summer; sometimes reaches 10,000 feet.
529a. Western goldfinch. ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS PALLIDUS. Migrant; probably common; added by Mr. Aiken.
530. Arkansas goldfinch. ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to over 9,000 feet.
530a. Arizona goldfinch. ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA ARIZONAE. Summer resident; not common.
530b. Mexican goldfinch. ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA MEXICANUS. Rare, but believed to be a summer resident at Trinidad.
533. Pine siskin. SPINUS PINUS. Common resident; breeding range from plains to timber-line.
000. English sparrow. PASSER DOMESTICUS. Rapidly increasing in numbers; has settled at points west of the range.
534. Snowflake. PASSERINA NIVALIS. Rare winter visitor; one record west of the range; several east.
536a. Alaskan longspur. CALCARIUS LAPPONICUS ALASCENSIS. Common winter resident; breeds far north.
538. Chestnut-collared longspur. CALCARIUS ORNATUS. Rare summer resident; winter resident, not common; common in migration.
539. McCown's longspur. RHYNCOPHANES MCCOWNII. Common winter resident, dwelling on the plains.
540a. Western vesper sparrow. POOCAETES GRAMINEUS CONFINIS. Abundant summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet.
542b. Western savanna sparrow. AMMODRAMUS SANDWICHENSIS ALAUDINUS. Common summer resident; breeds from base of foothills to almost 12,000 feet.
545. Baird's sparrow. AMMODRAMUS BAIRDII. Migrant; not common; a number taken east of the range, and one west.
546a. Western grasshopper sparrow. AMMODRAMUS SAVANNARUM PERPALLIDUS. Not uncommon summer resident; breeds on plains and in lower foothills.
552a. Western lark sparrow. CHONDESTES GRAMMACUS STRIGATUS. Common summer resident; breeds on plains and in mountain parks to 10,000 feet.
553. Harris's sparrow. ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA. Rare migrant; abundant migrant in Kansas.
554. White-crowned sparrow. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS. Abundant summer resident.
554a. Intermediate sparrow. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS GAMBELII. Common migrant, both east and west of the range; breeds north of the United States.
557. Golden-crowned sparrow. ZONOTRICHIA CORONATA. Accidental winter visitor; Pacific Coast species; breeds in Alaska.
558. White-throated sparrow. ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS. Rare migrant; but three records.
559a. Western tree sparrow. SPIZELLA MONTICOLA OCHRACEA. Common winter resident; mostly on plains and in lower mountains.
560. Chipping sparrow. SPIZELLA SOCIALIS. Rare summer resident; common in migration; goes as far west as base of the mountains.
560a. Western chipping sparrow. SPIZELLA SOCIALIS ARIZONAE. Abundant summer resident; breeds from base of foothills to 10,000 feet.
561. Clay-colored sparrow. SPIZELLA PALLIDA. Summer resident; not uncommon; scattered over State east of mountains.
562. Brewer's sparrow. SPIZELLA BREWERI. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet.
566. White-winged junco. JUNCO AIKENI. Common winter resident; on plains and 8,000 feet up in the mountains.
567. Slate-colored junco. JUNCO HYEMALIS. Winter resident; not common; not found above 8,000 feet.
567b. Shufeldt's junco. JUNCO HYEMALIS CONNECTENS. Abundant winter resident; most common in southern part of the State; not uncommon elsewhere.
567.1. Montana junco. JUNCO MONTANUS. Winter visitor; not uncommon.
568. Pink-sided junco. JUNCO MEARNSI. Common winter resident; plentiful at base of foothills in winter; in spring ascend to 10,000 feet; then leaves the State for the North.
568.1. Ridgway's junco. JUNCO ANNECTENS. Rare winter visitor; one record.
569. Gray-headed junco. JUNCO CANICEPS. Abundant resident; breeds from 7,500 to 12,000 feet; sometimes rears three broods.
570a. Red-backed junco. JUNCO PHAEONOTUS DORSALIS. Rare migrant; abundant just south of State.
573a. Desert sparrow. AMPHISPIZA BILINEATA DESERTICOLA. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; found only in southwestern part of the State.
574a. Sage sparrow. AMPHISPIZA BELLI NEVADENSIS. Abundant summer resident; common on sage-brush plains of western and southwestern Colorado; ranges as far east as San Luis Park and north to Cheyenne, Wyoming.
581. Song-sparrow. MELOSPIZA FASCIATA. Rare migrant; found only at eastern border of State.
581b. Mountain song-sparrow. MELOSPIZA FASCIATA MONTANA. Common summer resident; a few remain on plains in mild winters; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet.
583. Lincoln's sparrow. MELOSPIZA LINCOLNI. Common summer resident; abundant in migration; breeds from base of foothills to timber-line.
584. Swamp sparrow. MELOSPIZA GEORGIANA. Accidental summer visitor; one record.
585c. Slate-colored sparrow. PASSERELLA ILIACA SCHISTACEA. Rare summer resident; only three records.
588. Arctic towhee. PIPILO MACULATUS ARCTICUS. Winter resident; not uncommon; comes to base of Rocky Mountains in winter; breeds in the North, as far as the Saskatchewan River.
588a. Spurred towhee. PIPILO MACULATUS MEGALONYX. Common summer resident; upper limit, 9,000 feet.
591. Canyon towhee. PIPILO FUSCUS MESOLEUCUS. Resident; common locally; all records from Arkansas Valley; rare at an altitude of 10,000 feet.
592. Abert's towhee. PIPILO ABERTI. Rare summer resident; species abundant in New Mexico and Arizona.
592.1. Green-tailed towhee. OREOSPIZA CHLORURA. Common summer resident; melodious songster.
593. Cardinal. CARDINALIS CARDINALIS. Winter visitor; rare, if not accidental; two records.
595. Rose-breasted grosbeak. ZAMELODIA LUDOVICIANA. Accidental summer resident; one record.
596. Black-headed grosbeak. ZAMELODIA MELANOCEPHALA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 8,500 feet; has been seen at 10,000 feet.
597a. Western blue grosbeak. GUIRACA CAERULEA LAZULA. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; southern part of State; author saw one pair at Colorado Springs.
598. Indigo bunting. CYANOSPIZA CYANEA. Rare summer visitor; range, farther east.
599. Lazuli bunting. CYANOSPIZA AMOENA. Abundant summer resident; does not breed far up in the mountains, but has been taken at 9,100 feet.
604. Dickcissel. SPIZA AMERICANA. Rare summer resident; only on plains and in foothills.
605. Lark bunting. CALAMOSPIZA MELANOCORYS. Abundant summer resident; very plentiful on the plains; sometimes breeds as far up in mountains as 9,000 feet.
607. Louisiana tanager. PIRANGA LUDOVICIANA. Common summer resident; in migration common on the plains, but breeds from 6,000 to 10,000 feet.
608. Scarlet tanager. PIRANGA ERYTHROMELAS. Rare migrant.
610a. Cooper's tanager. PIRANGA RUBRA COOPERI. Rare or accidental summer visitor; abundant in New Mexico and Arizona; only one record for Colorado.
611. Purple martin. PROGNE SUBIS. Summer resident; local; rare in eastern, quite common in western part of the State.
612. Cliff-swallow. PETROCHELIDON LUNIFRONS. Abundant summer resident; breeds everywhere from plains to 10,000 feet; nests on cliffs and beneath eaves.
613. Barn swallow. HIRUNDO ERYTHROGASTER. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet.
614. Tree swallow. TACHYCINETA BICOLOR. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds occasionally on the plains; more frequently in mountains up to 10,000 feet.
615. Violet-green swallow. TACHYCINETA THALASSINA. Summer resident; abundant locally; a few breed on plains; more commonly from 6,000 to 10,500 feet.
616. Bank swallow. CLIVICOLA RIPARIA. Rare summer resident; rarest Colorado swallow; from plains to foothills.
617. Rough-winged swallow. STELGIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds below 7,500 feet.
618. Bohemian waxwing. AMPELIS GARRULUS. Winter resident; not uncommon; breeds north of the United States.
619. Cedar waxwing. AMPELIS CEDRORUM. Resident; not common; breeds from plains to about 9,000 feet.
621. Northern shrike. LANIUS BOREALIS. Common winter resident; on its return from the North in October it first appears above timber-line, then descends to the plains.
622a. White-rumped shrike. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS EXCUBITORIDES. Common summer resident; breeds mostly on the plains; sometimes in mountains up to 9,500 feet.
624. Red-eyed vireo. VIREO OLIVACEUS. Rare summer resident; an eastern species, coming only to base of foothills; still, one was taken at 11,000 feet.
627. Warbling vireo. VIREO GILVUS. Common summer resident; breeds sparingly on the plains; commonly in mountains up to 10,000.
629a. Cassin's vireo. VIREO SOLITARIUS CASSINII. Rare or accidental summer visitor; not known to breed; a southwestern species.
629b. Plumbeous vireo. VIREO SOLITARIUS PLUMBEUS. Summer resident; common; breeds in foothills and mountains up to over 9,000 feet.
636. Black and white warbler. MNIOTILTA VARIA. Rare summer visitor; two records.
644. Virginia's warbler. HELMINTHOPHILA VIRGINIAE. Common summer resident; western bird, but breeds along eastern base of foothills.
646. Orange-crowned warbler. HELMINTHOPHILA CELATA. Summer resident; not uncommon; common migrant; breeds from 6,000 to 9,000 feet.
646a. Lutescent warbler. HELMINTHOPHILA CELATA LUTESCENS. Summer resident; not uncommon: western form of the orange-crowned warbler; ranges to eastern base of mountains.
647. Tennessee warbler. HELMINTHOPHILA PEREGRINA. Rare migrant; eastern Colorado to base of mountains.
648. Parula warbler. COMPSOTHLYPIS AMERICANA. Rare summer resident; comes to base of foothills.
652. Yellow warbler. DENDROICA AESTIVA. Abundant summer resident; breeds up to 8,000 feet.
652a. Sonora yellow warbler. DENDROICA AESTIVA SONORANA. Summer resident; probably common; to the southwest aestiva shades into sonorana.
654. Black-throated blue warbler. DENDROICA CAERULESCENS. Rare migrant; one record.
655. Myrtle warbler. DENDROICA CORONATA. Common migrant; scarcely known west of the range.
656. Audubon's warbler. DENDROICA AUDUBONI. Abundant summer resident; breeds from 7,000 to 11,000 feet.
657. Magnolia warbler. DENDROICA MACULOSA. Rare migrant; breeds northward.
658. Cerulean warbler. DENDROICA RARA. Rare migrant; one record.
661. Black-poll warbler. DENDROICA STRIATA. Rare summer resident; sometimes common in migration; one breeding record for the State—at Seven Lakes; altitude, 11,000 feet.
664. Grace's warbler. DENDROICA GRACIAE. Summer resident; common in extreme southwestern part of the State.
665. Black-throated gray warbler. DENDROICA NIGRESCENS. Summer resident; not infrequent; breeds in pinon hills near Canyon City.
668. Townsend's warbler. DENDROICA TOWNSENDI. Summer resident; not uncommon; western species, coming east to base of foothills and a few miles out on plains; breeds from 5,500 to 8,000 feet in western Colorado; in fall it is found as high as 10,000 feet.
672. Palm warbler. DENDROICA PALMARUM. Rare or accidental migrant; one specimen seen.
674. Oven-bird. SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS. Rare breeder, on Mr. Aiken's authority.
675a. Grinnell's water thrush. SEIURUS NOVEBORACENSIS NOTABILIS. Rare migrant; appearing from plains to 8,000 feet.
678. Connecticut warbler. GEOTHLYPIS AGILIS. Rare or accidental migrant; one record by Mr. Aiken.
680. Macgillivray's warbler. GEOTHLYPIS TOLMIEI. Common summer resident; breeds from base of foothills to 9,000 feet.
681. Maryland yellow-throat. GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS. One taken at Colorado Springs by Mr. Aiken.
681a. Western yellow-throat. GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS OCCIDENTALIS. Common summer resident, almost restricted to the plains; both sides of the range.
683. Yellow-breasted chat. ICTERIA VIRENS. Accidental summer visitor.
683a. Long-tailed chat. ICTERIA VIRENS LONGICAUDA. Common summer resident; scarcely found in the mountains, but frequent in the lower foothills and on the plains; never seen above 8,000 feet.
685. Wilson's warbler. WILSONIA PUSILLA. Abundant summer resident; centre of abundance in breeding season, 11,000 feet; known to breed at 12,000 feet; also as low as 6,000.
685a. Pileolated warbler. WILSONIA PUSILLA PILEOLATA. Summer resident; not uncommon; Mr. Aiken thinks it as plentiful as preceding.
686. Canadian warbler. WILSONIA CANADENSIS. Rare or accidental migrant; one record by Mr. Aiken.
687. American redstart. SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA. Summer resident; not uncommon in eastern, rare in western, Colorado; breeds below 8,000 feet.
697. American pipit. ANTHUS PENSILVANICUS. Common summer resident; breeds only on summits of the mountains.
701. American dipper. CINCLUS MEXICANUS. Resident; common in favorite localities; one seen above timber-line in October.
702. Sage thrasher. OROSCOPTES MONTANUS. Summer resident; breeds from plains to nearly 10,000 feet; western species, coming east to mountain slopes.
703. Mocking-bird. MIMUS POLYGLOTTOS. Summer resident; common locally; mostly on plains, but sometimes reaches 8,000 feet.
704. Catbird. GALEOSCOPTES CAROLINENSIS. Common summer resident; from plains to 8,000 feet.
705. Brown thrasher. HARPORHYNCHUS RUFUS. Not uncommon as summer resident; almost restricted to the plains.
708. Bendire's thrasher. HARPORHYNCHUS BENDIREI. Summer resident; rare and local; south central part of State.
715. Rock wren. SALPINCTES OBSOLETUS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet.
717a. Canyon wren. CATHERPES MEXICANUS CONSPERSUS. Rare resident; one nest recorded.
719b. Baird's wren. THRYOMANES BEWICKII LEUCOGASTER. Rare summer resident.
721b. Western house wren. TROGLODYTES AEDON AZTECUS. Common summer resident; from plains to 10,000 feet; raises two broods, sometimes three.
722. Winter wren. ANORTHURA HIEMALIS. Rare resident; no nest found.
725a. Tule wren. CISTOTHORUS PALUDICOLA. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet; some remain all winter in hot-water swamps.
725c. Western marsh wren. CISTOTHORUS PALUSTRIS PLESIUS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally.
726b. Rocky Mountain creeper. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS MONTANA. Common resident; in breeding season confined to the immediate vicinity of timber-line, where some remain the year round.
727. White-breasted nuthatch. SITTA CAROLINENSIS. Resident; not common.
727a. Slender-billed nuthatch. SITTA CAROLINENSIS ACULEATA. Common resident; western form; commonly breeds from 7,500 feet to timber-line.
728. Red-breasted nuthatch. SITTA CANADENSIS. Not uncommon resident; migrant on the plains; resident in the mountains to about 8,000 feet, sometimes 10,000.
730. Pigmy nuthatch. SITTA PYGMAEA. Abundant resident; mountain bird; makes scarcely any migration; most common from 7,000 to 10,000 feet.
733a. Gray titmouse. PARUS INORNATUS GRISEUS. Resident; not common; southern species, coming to eastern foothills.
735a. Long-tailed chickadee. PARUS ATRICAPILLUS SEPTENTRIONALIS. Not uncommon resident; winters on plains and in foothills; breeds from 7,000 to 10,000 feet; sometimes on plains.
738. Mountain chickadee. PARUS GAMBELI. Abundant resident; nests from 8,000 feet to timber-line; ranges in the fall to the tops of the loftiest peaks.
744. Lead-colored bush-tit. PSALTRIPARUS PLUMBEUS. Resident; not common; western species, coming to eastern foothills.
748. Golden-crowned kinglet. REGULUS SATRAPA. Rare summer resident; rather common in migration; breeds only near timber-line at about 11,000.
749. Ruby-crowned kinglet. REGULUS CALENDULA. Abundant summer resident; breeds from 9,000 feet to timber-line.
751. Blue-gray gnatcatcher. POLIOPTILA CAERULEA. Rare summer resident; breeds on the plains and in the foothills.
754. Townsend's solitaire. MYADESTES TOWNSENDII. Common resident; breeds from 8,000 to 12,000 feet; winters in mountains, though stragglers are sometimes seen on the plains. The author saw a pair on plains near Arvada, in company with a young, well-fledged bird.
756a. Willow thrush. HYLOCICHLA FUSCESCENS SALICICOLA. Summer resident; rather common; breeds in foothills and parks up to about 8,000 feet.
758a. Olive-backed thrush. HYLOCICHLA USTULATA SWAINSONII. Rare migrant.
758c. Alma's thrush. HYLOCICHLA USTULATA ALAMAE. Rare summer resident; in migration common.
759. Dwarf hermit thrush. HYLOCICHLA AONALASCHKAE. Rare migrant.
759a. Audubon's hermit thrush. HYLOCICHLA AONALASCHKAE AUDUBONI. Common summer resident; breeds from 8,000 feet to timber-line.
759b. Hermit thrush. HYLOCICHLA AONALASCHKAE PALLASII. Rare migrant; comes to the eastern edge of Colorado, just touching range of auduboni.
761. American robin. MERULA MIGRATORIA. Summer resident, but not common; some interesting questions arise in connection with intermediate forms.
761a. Western robin. MERULA MIGRATORIA PROPINQUA. Abundant summer resident; breeds from plains to timber-line.
765a. Greenland wheatear. SAXICOLA OENANTHE LEUCORHOA. European species; a straggler taken at Boulder by Minot.
766. Bluebird. SIALIA SIALIS. Rare summer resident; west to base of Rockies.
767a. Chestnut-backed bluebird. SIALIA MEXICANA BAIRDI. Summer resident; not common; western form, coming east as far as Pueblo.
768. Mountain bluebird. SIALIA ARCTICA. Abundant summer resident; breeds from plains to timber-line; in autumn roams up to at least 13,000 feet.
Aerial song, 50, 51, 86, 87, 239, 268-270, 286, 287, 299-301.
Aiken, Charles E., xiii, 50, 63, 67, 118, 134, 136, 157, 161.
Arvada, 193, 194, 278, 289, 301.
Blackbird, Brewer's, 25, 98, 125, 126, 133, 139, 140, 141, 187, 215, 230, 259, 264, 266, 268, 271-274. red-winged, 98, 142, 215, 271. yellow-headed, 141, 142.
Bluebird, mountain, 22, 55, 67, 99, 128, 192, 231, 237, 259.
Bobolink, 286, 287, 289.
Boulder, 162, 178, 184, 186, 206, 279, 282.
Breckenridge, 259, 293, 294, 302.
Buena Vista, 32, 38, 112, 127, 132-136, 139, 146, 162, 193, 267.
Bunting, lark, 187, 285-292. lazuli (also called finch), 25, 121, 154-159, 178, 187, 290.
Burro ride, 223-256.
Butterflies, 177, 252, 253, 266.
Canary, 127.
Canyon, Arkansas River, 43, 117. Cheyenne, 109, 170. Clear Creek, 184, 187, 197. Eagle River, 117, 125. Engleman's, 40. Grand River, 44, 125. South Platte, 206, 259, 278-282, 293.
Catbird, 31, 36, 121, 133, 189.
Chat, yellow-breasted, 186. long-tailed, 186.
Chatterers, 302.
Cheyenne Mountain, 91.
Chewink, 36.
Chickadee, black-capped, 66, 67, 76, 119. mountain, 66, 67, 73, 76, 77, 119, 212, 231, 235, 254, 262.
Colorado Springs, 38, 42, 50, 68, 83, 89, 90, 117, 121, 155, 157, 160, 177, 178, 183, 187, 193, 210, 279.
Cooke, Wells W., 24, 51, 67, 76, 134, 184, 261.
Coot, American, 145, 146.
Cottonwood Lake, 112, 146, 162.
Coues, Dr. Elliott, 24, 76, 302, 303.
Cowbird, 271.
Coyote, 99, 100.
Crane, 146.
Crossbill, Mexican, 262, 263.
Crow, 25.
Denver, 26, 159, 177, 178, 179, 181, 183, 187, 193, 241, 263, 282, 289, 292.
Dickcissel, 36.
Dipper (see water-ousel), 163-174, 209, 210.
Dove, turtle, 43, 44, 97, 122, 126, 129, 186.
Ducks, 72, 143, 146. ruddy, 143-145.
East and West, birds of, compared, 19, 21, 23-27, 31-40, 43, 44, 54, 55, 62, 67, 69, 76, 90-95, 106, 119, 121, 125, 129-131, 133-136, 149-159, 186, 191-193, 198, 205, 215, 266, 270, 272, 286, 287.
Flicker, red-shafted, 25, 55, 73, 119, 126, 213, 231, 254, 262, 298. yellow-shafted, 25, 55.
Flycatchers, 25, 151. Arkansas, 95-97, 99. crested, 95. least, 214. olive-sided, 73, 261. western, 209, 215, 218.
Georgetown, 193, 197-219, 224, 238.
Glenwood, 38, 40, 109, 120-125, 129, 158, 183, 271.
Golden, 162, 184, 193, 296, 298.
Goldfinch, American, 33, 121, 202, 203, 290. Arkansas, 32, 33, 121, 133, 290.
Grackle, bronzed, 25, 140, 271, 272. purple, 25, 140.
Grassfinch, eastern, 99, 129. western, 92, 99, 121, 129, 186, 192.
Graymont, 183, 230, 232.
Gray's Peak, 26, 178, 190, 193, 206, 224-256, 260, 261, 262, 270, 298. ascent of, 241-243. summit, 243-251.
Green Lake, 208-214.
Grosbeak, 25, 298, 299. black-headed, 39, 290. cardinal, 39, 127. rose-breasted, 39. western blue, 39, 157.
Halfway House, 47, 74, 75, 76.
Harrier, marsh, 99.
Herbert, George, 59.
Hawk, pigeon, 214.
House-finch, 119, 127, 133, 181-183, 217.
Humming-bird, 25. broad-tailed, 73, 103-109, 112-114, 200, 209, 213, 217, 230, 260. ruby-throated, 106. rufous, 113.
Indigo-bird, 25, 154, 155, 178.
Jack-rabbit, 99.
Jay, blue, 24, 25, 26, 27, 149, 151, 153. long-crested, 25, 119, 133, 149-151, 154, 189, 230, 260, 279-281. mountain, 71, 119, 151-154, 205, 210, 233, 234, 261. Woodhouse's, 154.
Junco, slate-colored, 75. gray-headed, 67, 74, 75, 119, 209, 212, 231, 235, 254, 255, 259, 261.
Kelso, Mount, 232, 233, 238, 253, 254, 262.
Killdeer, 205, 270.
Kingbird, 97.
Kingfisher, 119, 282.
Kinglet, ruby-crowned, 64-66, 72, 119, 211, 216, 235, 254, 261.
Lark, desert horned, 49, 84-89, 186, 264, 268-270. horned, 85. pallid horned, 86. prairie horned, 86.
Leadville, 38, 126, 127, 183, 202, 271.
Leucosticte, brown-capped, 22, 27, 59, 60, 125, 240, 241, 244, 248, 251, 252, 254, 262.
Lowell, James Russell, 59, 289.
Magpie, 25, 40-43, 72, 119, 122, 133, 188, 270.
Manitou, 31, 32, 36, 38, 47, 75, 76, 79, 140, 178.
Martin, purple, 90.
Meadow-lark, eastern, 26, 90-95. western, 22, 26, 90-95, 133, 160, 186, 187, 192, 264, 267, 290.
Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, 113.
Migration, 19-23, 51, 52, 63, 65, 66, 124, 277, 278.
Mocking-bird, 98, 301, 302.
Moraine Lake, 61, 66-73, 146.
Muir, John, 172, 173.
Nighthawk, eastern, 191. western, 24, 119, 129, 190, 191, 262.
Nutcracker (also crow) Clark's, 25, 67, 71, 72, 119, 122.
Nuthatch, pygmy, 119, 174, 279. white-breasted, 119.
Ohio, 21, 65, 141, 215.
Oriole, 25. Baltimore, 33-35. Bullock's 33-35, 97, 121, 192, 290. orchard, 34.
Owl, burrowing, 178-180.
Phoebe, 125. Say's, 125, 131, 270, 271.
Pike's Peak, 21, 26, 31, 38, 66, 71, 73, 83, 103, 104, 110, 129, 134, 146, 152, 159, 224, 239, 250, 252, 262, 281. ascent of, 47, 56-58. descent of, 49-56, 58-79. summit, 47-49, 58, 59, 60.
Pipit, American, 27, 49-52, 125, 239, 244, 254, 262.
Ptarmigan, white-tailed, 60, 248.
Pueblo, 117, 183.
Raven, 25, 53, 125.
Red Cliff, 38, 40, 109, 117, 120, 183.
Redstart, 184.
Rexford, Eben E., 192.
Ridgway, Robert, 24, 94, 136, 285, 303.
Roberts, Charles G. D., 69.
Robin, eastern, 32, 73, 95, 127, 205, 206. western, 22, 24, 31, 32, 55, 68, 70, 72, 73, 106, 121, 127, 129, 151, 192, 199, 200, 205-207, 210, 216, 231, 253, 270, 290.
Royal Gorge, 43, 117, 122.
Sandpiper, spotted, 51, 73, 163, 204, 271.
Sapsucker, red-naped, 211, 212. Williamson's, 75-79, 160, 161.
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 194, 229, 272.
Seven Lakes, 55, 61, 70, 71, 72, 104, 146.
Shrike, white-rumped, 98.
Silver Plume, 183, 207, 216, 224, 226.
Siskin, pine, 128, 200, 202, 203, 210, 216, 231, 261.
Skylark, European, 87.
Solitaire, Townsend's, 261, 270, 290, 298-303.
South Park, 131, 206, 250, 259, 263-278.
Sparrow, 25. Brewer's, 186. chipping, western, 24, 130, 215, 216, 259. clay-colored, 128, 203. English, 127, 181-183. lark, western, 24, 192. Lincoln's, 70, 71, 73, 99, 106, 134, 187, 200, 278. mountain song, 126, 133-135, 193, 278, 290. savanna, western, 264, 266, 267, 274-276. song, 92, 126, 133-135, 193, 288. white-crowned, 21, 22, 52-55, 60, 61, 68, 72-74, 103, 126, 129, 200, 204, 213, 214, 231, 238, 239, 244, 253, 255, 256, 259, 261, 281, 282.
Swallows, 131. barn, 279. cliff, 99, 118, 213, 263, 266. violet-green, 207, 208, 259, 279.
Tabb, John B., 192.
Tanager, 25, 151. Louisiana, 39, 40, 119, 279. scarlet, 39, 40. summer, 39.
Thompson, Maurice, 35.
Thrasher, brown, 37, 302.
Thrush, 37, 302. hermit, 69. mountain hermit, 38, 68-70, 72, 73, 204, 210, 212, 215, 218, 219, 231, 235, 236, 262. veery, 135, 136. willow, 135, 136, 200, 230. wood, 69.
Tillie Ann, Mount, 260-262.
Torrey's Peak, 232, 237, 239, 241, 244, 245, 250, 256.
Towhee, 36, 37. green-tailed, 37-39, 62, 72, 98, 126, 130, 133, 185, 191, 200, 203, 204, 210, 218, 259, 278, 292-295. spurred, 36, 37, 185, 189, 191, 200, 204, 290.
Vireo, 151. warbling, 31, 73, 118, 198, 199, 209, 215, 218, 230, 262.
Warbler, Audubon's, 62-64, 68, 70, 126, 159, 200, 204, 208, 215, 216, 231, 235, 237, 238, 259. Macgillivray's, 200, 205, 209. mountain, 157. myrtle, 62, 159. pileolated, 63. summer, 31, 119, 133, 157, 158, 192, 290. Wilson's, 63, 64, 70, 72, 126, 200, 204, 213, 214, 231, 238, 244.
Water-ousel (see dipper), 163-174, 185, 209, 210.
Woodpeckers, 24, 75, 160, 211, 262. Batchelder's, 67, 72. downy, 67. Lewis's, 160-162, 190. red-headed, 162.
Wood-pewee, eastern, 32. western, 32, 119, 121, 132, 192, 261.
Wren, Bewick's, 297. Carolina, 64, 297. rock, 185, 186, 189, 191, 296-298. western house, 73, 106, 117, 118, 217, 230, 278, 279.
Yellow-throat, western, 193, 290.
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Transcriber's note:
Page 140 The illustration entitled "Brewer's Blackbirds" appears to be one of Yellow-headed Blackbirds. Unchanged.
Page 333 000. English sparrow. PASSER DOMESTICUS. This item falls between item 533 and 534. Unchanged from original.