[Footnote 1: Book II. Chap. IV. See also his History of the Settlements and Trade of the East and West Indies, by Europeans, Book XVIII. Vol. VII. page 359, of the English translation. Lond. 1787.]
Mr. Warden, adopted this account, but varied a little from it; for he says, "It happened that Oglethorpe was named executor for the disposal of a legacy left by a wealthy Englishman for the deliverance of insolvent debtors, detained in prison; and this donation, with others, procured from generous individuals, and ten thousand pounds sterling advanced by the government, was employed for the establishment of a colony, where this unfortunate class of men might find an asylum."[1]
[Footnote 1: Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of America. Vol. II. p. 471.]
Mr. Graham has also followed this statement, and given the testator the credit of projecting the release of prisoners for debt; a project which originated solely with Oglethorpe.[1]
[Footnote 1: History of America. Vol. III p. 180.]
I have sought in vain for early vouchers of this statement, and feel assured that the project did not grow out of a bequest either of a "whole estate," or a "legacy" of any amount, left by "a rich citizen," or "a wealthy subject" of Great Britain. The story, like most others, becoming amplified by repetition, arose from the fact that Edward Adderly, Esq. had given, in his Will, the sum of one hundred pounds in aid of the settlement of Georgia; but that was two years after the settlement had commenced; and it was not to Oglethorpe individually to manage, but to the Trustees to appropriate.
Among my authorities are the publications of the day, when facts and circumstances are mentioned as taking place, and may, therefore, be relied on. I dwell on them more particularly, and lay on them greater stress, because all the early narratives speak of Oglethorpe as the projector of the undertaking, the leader of the emigrants, the founder of the colony. The publisher of "An account of the first planting of the colony of Georgia,"[1] speaking of his engagedness in this noble cause, says, "This was an instance of generosity and public spirit, and an enterprise of fatigue as Well as of danger, which few ages or nations can boast."
[Footnote 1: Account of the first planting of the colony of Georgia; published from the records of the Trustees; by BENJAMIN MARTIN, their Secretary. Lond. 1741, p. 11.]
Ambition and enterprise were strong traits in his character; and what he devised, his firmness of constitution, vigor of health, force of principle, and untiring perseverance, enabled him to pursue to its accomplishment.
The emigrants embark—Arrive at Charlestown, South Carolina—Oglethorpe visits Governor Johnson—Proceeds up the Savannah river—Place of settlement fixed upon—Town laid out—Labors superintended, and assisted by Colonel Bull—Treaty with Tomo Chichi—Progress of settlement—Oglethorpe makes a visit to Governor Johnson, and presents himself before the House of Assembly, and makes an Address of grateful acknowledgment of favors received—Returns to Savannah—Holds a treaty with the Lower Creeks—Goes to head-quarters on the Ogechee—Fort Argyle built—Savannah laid out in wards, and Court of Records instituted.
On the 16th of November, 1732, the intended emigrants embarked, accompanied by the Reverend Henry Herbert, D.D., a clergyman of the Church of England, as Chaplain, and Mr. Amatis, from Piedmont, who was engaged to instruct them in raising silk-worms, and the art of winding silk. The, following "account of their setting forth," is taken from a contemporary publication.
"The Ann galley, of about two hundred tons, is on the point of sailing from Depford, for the new Colony of Georgia, with thirty-five families, consisting of carpenters, brick-layers, farmers, &c., who take all proper instruments for their employment on their arrival. The men are learning military discipline of the guards; and are furnished with muskets, bayonets, and swords, to defend the colony in case of an attack from the Indians. The vessel has on board ten tons of Alderman Parsons's best beer, and will take in at Madeira five tons of wine for the service of the colony. Many of the Trustees were on board for the purpose of ascertaining whether they were suitably accommodated and provided for; and to take leave of the worthy gentleman of their own body, who goes with them to take care of them, and to direct in laying out their lands, and forming a town."[1]
[Footnote 1: GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE for 1732, p. 1029.]
In pursuance of the benevolent design of the Trustees, Oglethorpe engaged in this expedition entirely at his own expense; furnished his own cabin-fare, on board; and was constantly attentive, during the whole voyage, to the situation and comfort of the passengers.
On the 13th of January, 1733, the ship dropt anchor outside of the bar, at the port of Charlestown, South Carolina. Excepting that two infirm children died on the passage, all that went on board had been well, and arrived in good health.[1]
[Footnote 1: The following details are taken from what appears to be information sent to the Trustees in London, and by them published in that popular Journal entitled "The Political State of Great Britain," Vol. XLVI. page 234, collated with The History of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Colony of Georgia, in HARRIS'S Collection of Voyages, II. 327.]
Oglethorpe, with his suite, went on shore to wait on the Governor of the Province, his Excellency Robert Johnson. He was received in the kindest manner, and treated by him and the Council with every mark of civility and respect. Sensible of the great advantage that must accrue to Carolina from this new colony, the Governor afforded all the assistance in his power to forward the settlement; and immediately sent an order to Mr. Middleton, the king's pilot, to conduct the ship into Port Royal, and to furnish small craft to convey the colonists thence to the river Savannah.
In about ten hours they proceeded with this naval escort. On the 18th Mr. Oglethorpe went ashore on Tench's Island, where he left eight men, with directions to prepare huts for the people who would disembark, and tarry there till he could make farther arrangements. He proceeded thence to Beaufort, a frontier town of South Carolina, situated on Port Royal Island, at the mouth of the Coosawatchie river, having an excellent harbor.
Early the next morning he went ashore, and was saluted by a discharge of the artillery. The Colonists, arriving on the 20th, were cheerfully received and assisted by Lieutenant Watts, Ensign Farrington, and other officers of the King's Independent Company on that station; and were waited upon and welcomed by Mr. Delabarr and gentlemen of the neighborhood.[1]
[Footnote 1: "Brief Account of the Progress of the First Colony sent to Georgia,"—inserted in the 46th volume, p. 234, of the "Political State of Great Britain;" and it makes the second Tract in FORCE'S Collection.]
While the sea-worn emigrants rested and refreshed themselves, the indefatigable Oglethorpe, accompanied by Colonel William Bull, a man of knowledge and experience, went up the river to explore the country. Having found a pleasant spot of ground near to Yamacraw, they fixed upon the place as the most convenient and healthy situation for the settlers, and there marked out a town, which, from the Indian name of the river that ran past it, they called Savannah.
On the 24th he returned, and with the emigrants celebrated the following Sunday as a day of Thanksgiving for their safe arrival. A sermon was preached by the Reverend Mr. Jones,[1] by exchange of services with Doctor Herbert, who officiated at Beaufort. There was a great resort of gentlemen and their families, from the neighborhood, to welcome the new-comers, and unite with them in the gladness of the occasion.
[Footnote 1: REV LEWIS JONES. See some account of him in DALCHO'S History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina, p. 378.]
On the 31st they arrived at the place selected for their settlement, the description of which by Oglethorpe himself, in a letter to the Trustees, dated the 10th of February, 1733, cannot fail to give both interesting information and much pleasure to the reader.
After referring to a former letter, and giving a brief notice of their arrival at Beaufort, and his selection of a site, a few miles higher up the river, for laying out a town, he adds, "The river here forms a half-moon, along side of which the banks are about forty feet high, and on the top is a flat, which they call 'a bluff.' The plain high ground extends into the country about five or six miles; and, along the river side, about a mile. Ships that draw twelve feet of water can ride within ten yards of the bank. Upon the river side, in the centre of this plain, I have laid out the town, opposite to which is an island of very rich pasturage, which I think should be kept for the cattle of the Trustees. The river is pretty wide, the water fresh, and from the key of the town you see its whole course to the sea, with the island of Tybee, which is at its mouth. For about six miles up into the country, the landscape is very agreeable, the stream being wide, and bordered with high woods on both sides.
"The whole people arrived here on the first of February. At night their tents were got up. Until the tenth they were taken up with unloading and making a crane, which I then could not finish, and so took off the hands, and set some to the fortification, and began to fell the woods.
"I have marked out the town and common; half of the former is already cleared; and the first house was begun yesterday in the afternoon.
"I have taken ten of the Independent Company to work for us, for which I make them an allowance.
"I send you a copy of the resolution of the Assembly of Carolina, and the Governor and Council's letter to me.[1]
[Footnote 1: Appendix, No. X.]
"Mr. Whitaker has given us one hundred head of cattle. Colonel Bull, Mr. Barlow, Mr. St. Julian, and Mr. Woodward are come up to assist us, with some of their servants.
"I am so taken up in looking after a hundred necessary things, that I write now short, but shall give you a more particular account hereafter.
"A little Indian nation, the only one within fifty miles, is not only in amity, but desirous to be subjects to his Majesty King George, to have lands given them among us. Their chief, and his beloved man, who is the second in the nation, desire to be instructed in the Christian religion."[1]
[Footnote 1: "The beloved man is a person of much consequence. He maintains and exercises great influence in the state, particularly in military affairs, their Senate, or Council, never determining an expedition or treaty without his consent and assistance." BOUDINOT, Star in the East, p. 202.]
Realizing how important it was to obtain the consent of the natural proprietors of the region, to the settlement of his colony here, and how desirable to be on good terms with those in the vicinity, he sought for an interview with Tomo Chichi, the Mico, or chief of a small tribe who resided at a place called Yamacraw, three miles up the river. Most fortunately and opportunely, he met with an Indian woman who had married a Carolinian trader by the name of Musgrove; and who understood and could speak the English language; and he availed himself of her assistance as an interpreter.[1] The conference ended in a compact and treaty, favorable to the new comers. From this venerable chieftain he afterwards learned, that, besides that immediate district, the territory was claimed and partly occupied by the tribes of the upper and lower Creeks, whose formidable power, no less than their distinct pretensions, rendered it important that their consent should also be obtained. Accordingly, to gain their favor and sanction, he engaged Tomo Chichi to despatch an invitation to their chiefs, to hold a conference with him at Savannah.
[Footnote 1: Oglethorpe afterwards allowed her an annual stipend for her services, finding that she had great influence with the Indians.—Some years afterwards she married the Reverend Mr. Bosomworth; and then she put on airs, and united with him in a vexatious claim for a large tract of land. See McCALL, Vol. I. p. 213. Bosomworth had been a Chaplain in the Regiment of the General; had received many favors from him personally; and a salary from the Society for propagating the Gospel in Foreign parts.]
A letter from Oglethorpe, dated Savannah March 12th, 1732-3, gives the following additional information.
"This Province is much larger than we thought, being one hundred and twenty miles from this river to the Alatamaha. This river has a very long course, and a great trade is carried on by it to the Indians, there having above twelve trading boats passed since I have been here.
"There are in Georgia, on this side the mountains, three considerable nations of Indians; one called the Lower Creeks, consisting of nine towns, or rather cantons, making about one thousand men able to bear arms. One of these is within a short distance from us, and has concluded a peace with us, giving up their right to all this part of the country; and I have marked out the lands which they have reserved to themselves. The King comes constantly to church, and is desirous to be instructed in the Christian religion; and has given me his nephew, a boy, who is his next heir, to educate.
"The two other nations are the Uchees and the Upper Creeks; the first consisting of two hundred, the latter of eleven hundred men. We agree so well with the Indians, that the Creeks and Uchees have referred to me a difference to determine, which otherwise would have occasioned a war.
"Our people still lie in tents, there being only two clapboard houses built, and three sawed houses framed. Our crane, our battery of cannon, and magazine are finished. This is all that we have been able to do, by reason of the smallness of our number, of which many have been sick, and others unused to labor; though, I thank God, they are now pretty well, and we have not lost one since our arrival here."[1]
[Footnote 1: Political Taste of Great Britain, Vol. XLV. p. 445.]
The following extract from a letter dated Charlestown, 22d March, 1732-3, and printed in the South Carolina Gazette, describes, in honorable terms, the attention which the leader of this enterprise devoted to its furtherance.[1]
[Footnote 1: See also "Account showing the progress of the Colony of Georgia from its first Establishment." Lond. 1741. The Appendix, No. 2 contains the Letter, with this notice—"Written by a Gentleman of Charlestown, who, with some others, went thither, [i.e. to Savannah] out of curiosity."]
"Mr. Oglethorpe is indefatigable, and takes a great deal of pains. His fare is but indifferent, having little else at present but salt provisions. He is extremely well beloved by all the people. The general title they give him is Father. If any of them are sick, he immediately visits them, and takes a great deal of care of them. If any difference arises, he is the person that decides it. Two happened while I was there, and in my presence; and all the parties went away, to outward appearance, satisfied and contented with his determination. He keeps a strict discipline. I never saw one of his people drunk, nor heard one of them swear, all the time I was there. He does not allow them rum; but in lieu gives them English beer. It is surprizing to see how cheerful the men go to work, considering they have not been bred to it. There are no idlers there. Even the boys and girls do their part. There are four houses already up, but none finished; and he hopes, when he has got more sawyers, which I suppose he will have in a short time, to finish two houses a week. He has ploughed up some land; part of which he has sowed with wheat, which has come up, and looks promising. He has two or three gardens, which he has sowed with divers sorts of seed, and planted thyme, sage, pot-herbs, leeks, skellions, celery, liquorice, &c., and several trees. He was palisading the town and inclosing some part of the common; which I suppose may be finished in about a fortnight's time. In short, he has done a vast deal of work for the time; and I think his name justly deserves to be immortalized."
"Colonel Bull, who had been sent by Governor Johnson to assist in laying out the town, and to describe to the people the manner of felling the trees, and of clearing, breaking up, and cultivating the ground, was a very efficient helper. He brought with him four of his negroes, who were sawyers, to help the workmen; and also provisions for them; being resolved not to put the Trustees to any expense; but to bestow his aid in the most free and useful manner. Others from Carolina, also, sent laborers, who, being accustomed to preparing a plantation for settlement, were very expert, and of essential service."
Thus generously assisted, the new settlers were enabled to cut down a great number of trees[1]; to clear the land, to construct comfortable houses[2], to make enclosures of yards and gardens, to build a guard-house and fortification, and to effect other means of accommodation and defence.
[Footnote 1: Four beautiful pine-trees were left upon the plain, under which General Oglethorpe encamped.]
[Footnote 2: These were all of the same size; 22 by 16 feet. The town-lots consisted of one quarter of an acre; but they had other lots, at a small distance out of town, consisting of five acres, designed for plantations.]
A public garden was laid out, which was designed as a nursery, in order to supply the people with white mulberry trees, vines, oranges, olives, and various necessary plants, for their several plantations; and a gardener was appointed for the care of it, to be paid by the Trustees.
Things being put in a good train, and the proper station and employment of every man assigned him, Oglethorpe went to Charlestown on a visit to Governor Johnson and the Council. His object was to make a more intimate acquaintance with them, gratefully to acknowledge the succors for the new comers which had been so generously bestowed; and to consult measures for their mutual intercourse.
On Saturday, June 9th, presenting himself before the Governor and House of Assembly, he thus addressed them.
"I should think myself very much wanting in justice and gratitude, if I should neglect thanking your Excellency, you gentlemen of the Council, and you gentlemen of the Assembly, for the assistance which you have given to the Colony of Georgia. I have long wished for an opportunity of expressing my sense of the universal zeal which the inhabitants of this province have shewn for assisting that colony; and could not think of any better opportunity than now, when the whole province is virtually present in its General Assembly. I am, therefore, gentlemen, to thank you for the handsome assistance given by private persons, as well as by the public. I am to thank you, not only in the name of the Trustees, and the little colony now in Georgia, but in behalf of all the distressed people of Britain and persecuted Protestants of Europe, to whom a place of refuge will be secured by this first attempt.
"Your charitable and generous proceeding, besides the self-satisfaction which always attends such actions, will be of the greatest advantage to this province. You, gentlemen, are the best judges of this; since most of you have been personal witnesses of the dangerous blows which this country has escaped from French, Spanish, and Indian arms. Many of you know this by experience, having signalized yourselves personally, either when this province by its own strength, and unassisted by any thing but the courage of its inhabitants and the providence of God, repulsed the formidable invasions of the French; or when it defeated the whole body of the southern Indians, who were armed against it, and was invaded by the Spaniards, who assisted them. You, gentlemen, know that there was a time when every day brought fresh advices of murders, ravages, and burnings; when no profession or calling was exempted from arms; when every inhabitant of the province was obliged to leave wife, family, and useful occupations, and undergo the fatigues of war, for the necessary defence of the country; and all their endeavors scarcely sufficient to guard the western and southern frontiers against the Indians.
"It would be needless for me to tell you, who are much better judges, how the increasing settlement of a new colony upon the southern frontiers, will prevent the like danger for the future. Nor need I tell you how every plantation will increase in value, by the safety of the Province being increased; since the lands to the southward already sell for above double what they did before the new Colony arrived. Nor need I mention the great lessening of the burden of the people by increasing the income of the tax from the many thousand acres of land either taken or taking up on the prospect of future security.
"The assistance which the Assembly have given, though not quite equal to the occasion, is very large with respect to the present circumstances of the Province; and, as such, shows you to be kind benefactors to your new-come countrymen, whose settlements you support; and dutiful subjects to his Majesty, whose revenues and dominions you by this means increase and strengthen.
"As I shall soon return to Europe, I must recommend the infant Colony to your further protection; being assured, both from your generosity and wisdom, that you will, in case of any danger or necessity, give it the utmost support and assistance."
To the insertion of this speech in the Political State of Great Britain, October, 1733, page 361, it is added, "On the Sunday evening following he set out again for Georgia; so that we may perceive that there is no endeavor wanting in him to establish and make that settlement a flourishing colony; but his conduct in this whole affair is by much the more extraordinary, and the more to be applauded, because, by the nature of the settlement, he cannot so much as expect any private or particular benefit; he cannot possibly have any other reward but that which is the certain, the eternal reward of good actions, a consciousness of having done a service to his country, and to mankind."
Favored by their industry, and the smiles of a propitious providence in that delightful region, "the wilderness and the solitary place was glad for them; and the desert rejoiced and blossomed as a rose."[1] "They planted vineyards, and made themselves gardens, and set out in them trees of all kinds of fruits."[2]
[Footnote 1: Isaiah, xxxv. 1.]
[Footnote 2: Ecclesiastes, ii. 3.]
In aid and encouragement of the settlement, the Trustees received a letter from THOMAS PENN, Proprietor of Pennsylvania, dated Philadelphia, March 6th, 1732-3, approving very highly of the undertaking, promising to contribute all the assistance in his power, and acquainting them that he had for himself subscribed one hundred pounds sterling, and that he was collecting what sums of money he could get from others, to be sent them, in order to be employed for the purposes of their charter[1].
[Footnote 1: Political State of Great Britain, for June, 1733, Vol. XLV. p. 543.]
It has been already observed that "Oglethorpe endeavored very early to secure the favor of the Indians, who, by ranging through the woods, would be capable of giving constant intelligence to prevent any surprise upon the people, and would be a good out-guard for the inland parts of the Colony; as also to obtain of them grants of territory, and privilege of undisturbed occupancy and improvement[1]." He was pleased, therefore, on his return from Charlestown, to find the chiefs of the Lower Creeks in waiting; the purpose of whose visit, as made known by Mr. Wiggan[2] and Mr. John Musgrove, who acted as interpreters, was to treat on an alliance with the Colony.
[Footnote 1: Account, showing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia, from its first Establishment. Lond. 1741, p. 13.]
[Footnote 2: William Wiggan, who accompanied Sir Alexander Cuming in the beginning of the year 1731, on his journey to the Cherokees, is, in the narrative of that expedition, called not merely "the interpreter," but "the complete linguist."]
These Creeks consisted of eight tribes, united in a kind of political confederacy; all speaking the same language, but being under separate jurisdictions. Their deputation was composed of their micoes, or chiefs, and leading warriors, about fifty in number.[1]
[Footnote 1: "Besides a king, every Indian town has a head warrior, who is in great esteem among them, and whose authority seems to be greater than their kings; because the king is looked upon as little else than a civil magistrate, except it so happens that he is at the same time a head warrior." Narrative of a Journey among the Indians in the Northwest parts of South Carolina, 1731, by Sir ALEXANDER CUMING. See, also, Appendix, No. XII.]
The General received them with courtesy, and then invited them to "a talk," in one of the new houses. He informed them that the English, by coming to settle there, did not pretend to dispossess, nor think to annoy the natives; but above all things desired to live on good terms with them, and hoped, through their representatives, now present, to obtain from them a cession of that part of the region on which he had entered, and to form and confirm a treaty of friendship and trade.
When he had explained his views with respect to the settlers, and their designs in making the location, Ouechachumpa, a very tall old man, in the name of the rest, informed the British adventurers what was the extent of the country claimed by their tribes. He acknowledged the superiority of the white men to the red; and said that he was persuaded that the Great Spirit who dwelt above and all around, (whose immensity he endeavored to express by throwing abroad his hands, and prolonging his articulations as he spoke,) had sent the English thither for the good of the natives; and, therefore, they were welcome to all the land which the Creeks did not use themselves. He confirmed his speech by laying before Oglethorpe eight buckskins, one for each of the Creeks; the best things, he said, that they had to bestow. He thanked them for their kindness to Tomo Chichi, who, it seems, had been banished with some of his adherents, from his own nation; but for his valor and wisdom had been chosen mico by the Yamacraws, an emigrating branch of the same stock.
The declarations of the speaker were confirmed by short speeches of the others; when Tomo Chichi, attended by some of his friends, came in, and, making a low obeisance, said, "When these white men came, I feared that they would drive us away, for we were weak; but they promised not to molest us. We wanted corn and other things, and they have given us supplies; and now, of our small means, we make them presents in return. Here is a buffalo skin, adorned with the head and feathers of an eagle. The eagle signifies speed, and the buffalo strength. The English are swift as the eagle, and strong as the buffalo. Like the eagle they flew hither over great waters; and like the buffalo nothing can withstand them. But the feathers of the eagle are soft, and signify kindness; and the skin of the buffalo is covering, and signifies protection. Let these, then, remind them to be kind, and protect us."
The alliance was soon made. The treaty contained stipulations on the part of the English, concerning trade; reparation of injuries, should any be committed; and punishment for impositions, should any be practised upon them; and, on the part of the Indians, a free and formal cession of that part of the region which was not used by the Yamacraws, nor wanted by the Creeks. By this cession they made a grant to the Trustees of the lands upon Savannah river as far as the river Ogechee, and all the lands along the sea-coast between Savannah and Alatamaha rivers, extending west as high as the tide flows, and including all the islands; the Indians reserving to themselves the islands of Ossabaw, Sapeloe, and St. Catherines, for the purposes of hunting, bathing and fishing; as also the tract of land lying between Pipe-maker's bluff and Pallachucola creek, above Yamacraw bluff, which they retained as an encampment when they should come to visit their beloved friends in that vicinity. This special reservation of some islands had been made by them in their treaty with Governor Nicholson, in 1722.
Oglethorpe then presented to each of the eight chiefs a laced coat and hat, and a shirt; to each of the eight war-captains, a gun, with powder, flint, bullets and shot; to the beloved men a duffle mantle of coarse cloth;—and distributed some smaller presents among their attendants. Upon this they took their leave of him, highly satisfied with the treatment which they had met.[1]
[Footnote 1: This Treaty was sent to England, and was confirmed by the Trustees on the 18th of October, 1733. For a copy of it, see McCALL, History of Georgia, Appendix to Vol. I. p. 357.
The History of Georgia, by Major McCALL has great merit. It was written by the worthy author under circumstances of bodily suffering, submitted to, indeed with meekness, borne with heroic fortitude, and endured with unfailing patience. It is wonderful that he succeeded so well in the accomplishment of his work, considering the scanty materials which he could procure; for he says, that, "without map or compass, he entered an unexplored forest, destitute of any other guide than a few ragged pamphlets, defaced newspapers, and scraps of manuscripts."]
Having taken much pains to become acquainted with the character of the natives, he furnished a very intelligent traveller, by whom he was visited, with an interesting account of their manners and customs; who annexed it to the published volume of his travels.[1]
[Footnote 1: As this is an extremely rare book, I give the title from a copy in the library of Harvard College. "A new voyage to Georgia, by a young gentleman: giving an account of his travels in South Carolina, and part of North Carolina. To which is added a curious account of the Indians by an Honorable Person; and a Poem to James Oglethorpe, Esq., on his arrival from Georgia." London, 1735. 12mo.
The author of the "History of Georgia," contained in the 40th volume of the "Universal History," page 456, quotes passages from this "Account of the Indians," and ascribes it to Oglethorpe.—Mr. SALMON in the 3d vol. of his Modern History, p. 602, giving an account of the present state of Georgia, introduces a quotation from what he calls "Mr. OGLETHORPE'S account of the religion and government of the Creeks," in the following words: "Mr. OGLETHORPE, speaking of the religion and government of the Creek nation, in 'a letter from Georgia to a person of honor in London,' says 'There seems to be a way opened to our Colony towards the conversion of the Indians,' &c. This is decisive in fixing the author; for Mr. SALMON knew the General personally; and, on publishing another edition of his elaborate work, obtained from him, a very interesting 'Continuation of the present state of Georgia.'" The Letter is copied into the Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. III. p. 108 and 483. See also Appendix, No. XIII.]
On the 18th of June he went to the Horse-quarter, which lies six miles up the river Ogechee, and there took with him Captain McPherson, with a detachment of his rangers, on an excursion into the interior. After a march of forty miles westward, he chose a post, commanding the passages by which the Indians used to invade Carolina in the late wars. Here, upon an eminence which commands all the country round, he directed that a fortification should be built, to be called "Fort Argyle," in memory of his honored patron John Duke of Argyle.[1] It is on the west bank of the Ogechee river. Its design was to protect the settlers from invasions by the Spaniards. Captain McPherson and his troop were to be quartered there, and ten families from Savannah to be removed, as cultivators, to its immediate vicinity.
[Footnote 1: See Appendix, No. XIV.]
On the 7th of July, at day break, the inhabitants of Savannah were assembled on the strand for the purpose of designating the wards of the town, and assigning the lots. In a devotional service, they united in thanksgiving to God, that the lines had fallen to them in a pleasant place, and that they were about to have a goodly heritage. The wards and tithings were then named; each ward consisting of four tithings, and each tithing of ten houses; and a house lot was given to each freeholder. There being in Derby ward but twenty one houses built; and the other nineteen having no house erected on them, Mr. Milledge and Mr. Goddard, the two chief carpenters, offered, in the name of themselves and seventeen of their helpers, to take the unbuilt on lots, and give the built ones to those who were less able to help themselves.
The people then partook of a plentiful dinner, which their generous Governor had provided.[1]
[Footnote 1: An account of this transaction in the South Carolina Gazette, under the date of August 8th, closes with this remark; "Some of the people having privately drunk too freely of rum, are dead; and that liquor, which was always discountenanced there, is now absolutely prohibited."]
In the afternoon the grant of a Court of Record was read, and the officers were appointed. The session of the magistrates was then held, a jury impanneled, and a case tried.
These were necessary regulations for establishing a due regard to order, discipline, and government. And yet, with all the influence which their honored leader could give to sanction the measures and support the authority, there was much to be done to render the administration effective. The settlers had no common bond of attachment or accordance; of course, it was very difficult to dispose them to the reciprocal offices of a social state, much more so to the still higher obligations of a civil compact. Together with these aims of those who were put into places of authority, they were obliged daily to use their endeavors to bring the restive and quarrelsome into proper subordination; to keep the sluggish and lazy diligently employed, and to teach the thriftless to be economical and prudent.
"Tantae molis erat disjunctis condere Gentem!"
Oglethorpe intended to visit Boston, in New England—Governor Belcher's Letter to him—Provincial Assembly appoint a Committee to receive him—Sets out on an exploratory Excursion—Names an Island, Jekyl—Visits Fort Argyle—Returns to Savannah—Saltzburgh emigrants, conducted by Baron Von Reck, come to settle in Georgia—Oglethorpe assists them in selecting a place—They call it Ebenezer—He then goes up the river to Palacholas—Returns—Goes to Charlestown, with Tomo Chichi and other Indians, in order to take passage to England.
Oglethorpe intended to have made the tour of the Colonies; particularly to have visited Boston, in Massachusetts. Apprized of this intention, Governor Belcher addressed to him the following letter[1].
[Footnote 1: Copied from the letter-book of Governor Belcher, in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society.]
Boston, New England, May 3d, 1733. HONORED SIR,
It is with great pleasure that I congratulate you on your safe arrival in America; and I have a still greater in the advantages which these parts of his Majesty's dominions will reap from your noble and generous pursuits of good to mankind in the settlement of Georgia. May God Almighty attend you with his blessing, and crown your toils with success. Several of my friends, sir, from London, acquaint me with your intentions to pass by land from South Carolina, through the king's territories as far as this place; where I shall be very proud of shewing you the just esteem which I have for you; and shall depend that you will please to accept such quarters as my habitation affords during your stay in this government. When you get to Philadelphia or New York, I shall be glad of the favor of a line from you, to know how and when you make your route hither.
I am, with great respect, sir,
Your most obedient, and most humble servant,
At the next Assembly of the Province, the Governor, in a special message, apprized them of the expectation which he had of a visit from the General; and in the House of Representatives "it was ordered that a committee should be raised to prepare for the reception of James Oglethorpe, Esq., who may be expected in Boston this summer; that so the government may express their grateful sense of his good services to the public interest of the Province."
June 21st, 1733, the following motion was agreed on:—
"Whereas James Oglethorpe, Esq., a member of Parliament, and now at Georgia, near South Carolina, hath at several times appeared in favor of New England; and, in a particular manner done many good offices for this Province, of which this Court hath been advised by Mr. Agent Wilkes, and that he intends, in a short time, to return to Great Britain, by the way of Boston:—
"Voted, That Mr. Speaker, Mr. Cooke, Major Brattle, Mr. Thacher, Mr. Welles, Mr. Cushing, Mr. Hall, Mr. Webb, and Major Bowles, be a Committee, from this House, to congratulate that honorable gentleman upon his arrival at Boston; and, in their name and behalf, acquaint him that the Assembly are well knowing of the many good offices he hath done this Province, in that, when the interest, trade, and business thereof have been under the consideration of the British Parliament, he hath, in a distinguishing manner, consulted measures to perpetuate the peace and lasting happiness of this government. And, as his worthy and generous actions justly deserve a most grateful and public acknowledgment, to assure him that this country will retain a lasting remembrance of his great benefactions; and that a recognition of the favors which they have so frequently received from him, is the least that the House can offer; while they earnestly desire the continuance of his good will towards this Province."
His Excellency then made the following speech:
"Gentlemen of the Council and House of Representatives,
"I am glad to see the respect which you have expressed in your vote to the Honorable Mr. Oglethorpe, a member of that wise and august body, the Parliament of Great Britain; but, as there is no money in the treasury to defray the charge of the reception and entertainment of that honorable gentleman, I have taken early care to invite him to my house, when he may come into this Province, and I shall endeavor to entertain him in such a manner as may express the great esteem which I have of his attachment to his Majesty and to his Royal House, and of his regard to this Province, as well as of his great merit. And this I will do at my own charge, till the treasury may be supplied. And for these reasons I have not made your vote an order of this Court."
The Editor of the publication, entitled "The Political State of Great Britain," makes the following remarks upon these doings of the Legislature of Massachusetts:[1]
[Footnote 1: Vol. XLVIII. p. 173.]
"This expression of gratitude towards Mr. Oglethorpe shows that the gentlemen who are members of the House of Representatives in that Colony, are men of good sense as well as lovers of their country; and there is certainly no greater incitement to generous and public spirited actions than that of public acknowledgment and praise."
Circumstances, however, prevented his making a visit, so earnestly expected, and which would have been so mutually gratifying.
On Wednesday, January 23, 1734, Oglethorpe set out on an exploratory excursion, to view the southern frontiers, in a row-boat commanded by Captain Ferguson, attended by fourteen companions and two Indians; followed by a yawl loaded with ammunition and provisions. They took "the inland passages." Thus are named the passes between the belt of "sea-islands" and the main land. For the distance of seven miles from the ocean along the whole coast, there is a margin of islands and marshes, intersected by rivers, creeks, and inlets, communicating with each other, and forming a complete inland navigation for vessels of one hundred tons.
Having reached the north-west coast of the islands of Ossabaw, St. Catherine, and Sapelo, they passed the entrances of Vernon river, of the Ogechee, and of the northern branches of the Alatamaha; and, on the 26th landed on the first Albany bluff of St. Simons, where they lay dry under the shelter of a large live oak tree, though it rained hard. The next day they proceeded to the sea point of St. Simons, in order to take an observation of the latitude. They afterwards discovered an island, of which the general asked the name, and, finding that it had none, he called it JEKYL, in honor of Sir Joseph Jekyl, his respected and particular friend[1]. They reconnoitred various other places, and the mouths of rivers; and, on their return went up the Ogechee to Fort Argyle, where they lay in a house and upon beds, "for the first time since they left Thunderbolt[2]."
[Footnote 1: This eminent man, who was the son of a clergyman in Northamptonshire, Great Britain, became known as an able lawyer, and an eloquent statesman. As the friend of the Whigs, he was one of the managers of Sacheverell's trial; and, after maintaining his principles and popularity undiminished, he was made, in the reign of George I., Master of the Rolls and Privy Counsellor, and was also knighted. He died in 1738, aged 75.]
[Footnote 2: This startling appellation was early given to a little settlement in the neighborhood of Savannah, in reference to an awful explosion there, the effects of which were said to be perceivable in the sulphuric smell and taste of a spring of water. "Adhuc tenet nomen, indelibile!"]
The fortifications there, by the unwearied diligence of Captain McPherson, were finished, and very defensible; being well flanked, and having several pieces of cannon.[1]
[Footnote 1: Letter from a Gentleman of Savannah to his friend at Charlestown, S.C., inserted in The New England Weekly Journal, May 13, 1734.]
By this excursion he ascertained how expedient it was to have an outpost, with a well-manned fort on the island of St. Simons; and how desirable to form a settlement and military station near the mouth of the Alatamaha, for the protection and defence of the colony.[1]
[Footnote 1: "At the west side of the island is a high bluff, compared with the marshes in its front; and here Frederica was afterwards built. The shore is washed by a fine river, which communicates with the Alatamaha, and enters the ocean through Jekyl sound, at the south end of the island. It forms a bay which is navigable for vessels of large burden." McCALL, I. 170.]
A strong sense of indignation had been expressed in England at the persecution of the Protestants at Saltzburg, in Bavaria, who had been banished by an Episcopal edict from their homes on account of their religion, and, in the midst of winter, driven from the region to seek a place of refuge[1]. Oglethorpe had shared largely in the general sympathy; and, in a speech in the House of Commons, had declared his regret that no provision had been made for their relief in the late treaty. He proposed to the Trustees for settling the colony of Georgia, that an asylum should be there opened for these exiles. The proposition met with ready concurrence. A letter was addressed to their Elder, the venerable Samuel Urlsperger, to inquire whether a body of them would be disposed to join the new settlers, if measures were taken for their transportation. A favorable answer was received. An English vessel was sent to convey them from Rotterdam to Dover; and thence they embarked on the 8th of January, 1734, on board the ship Purrysburgh, Captain Frey, under the more immediate care and conduct of the Baron Philip George Frederick Von Reck, together with their Reverend Pastors, John Martin Bolzius and Israel Christian Gronau. After many difficulties and dangers, they arrived at Charlestown, South Carolina, on the 7th of March[2]. Oglethorpe, who happened to be there, as they piously considered, "providentially," bid them a cheering welcome. He had their ship supplied with provisions; and sent the sea-sick pilgrims, what is so grateful and refreshing after a voyage, many baskets of cabbages, turnips, radishes, lettuce, and other vegetables, "of which the gardens were full." He introduced the Baron and the ministers to the Governor, who received them with much civility, and with whom they dined.
[Footnote 1: Gentleman's Magazine, 1732, p. 866, and Appendix, No. XV.]
[Footnote 2: See Appendix, No. XVI.]
The General sent one of his men to their ship, as a pilot, as also to announce their arrival, and bespeak the attention of the magistrates at Savannah; and, on the 9th they set sail for the desired region of peace. They entered the river on the 10th, which was reminiscere-Sunday; and "they called to remembrance the former days, in which, after they were illuminated," (and because they were so,) "they endured a great fight of afflictions, partly while they were made a gazing-stock in their dispersions, and partly while they became companions of them that were so. But they took unresistingly the spoiling of their goods, trusting to those who had compassion on their sufferings."[1] "And they remembered the kindnesses of Oglethorpe."
[Footnote 1: Hebrews, x. 32-34.]
In the journal of their pastor,[1] it is stated, "While we lay off the banks of our dear Georgia, in a very lovely calm, and heard the birds singing sweetly, all was cheerful on board. It was really edifying to us that we came to the borders of 'the promised land,' this day, when, as we are taught in its lesson from the Gospel, that Jesus came to the borders by the sea-coast, after he had endured persecution and rejection by his countrymen."
[Footnote 1: URLSPURGER, I. p. 80.]
On the 11th the ship got upon the sand; but was floated off by the tide on the 12th, and as they passed up the river, they were delighted with the pleasant prospect on both sides. The balmy odors of the pine trees, wafted by the land-breeze, seemed like incense mingling with their orisons, and the carols of the birds were in accordance with their matin-hymn of praise. This second reference to the minstrelsy of the grove, will not be wondered at by those who have visited that region in the spring of the year. The various notes of the feathered choristers are enchanting, even now, when the din of population has frightened them into coverts. But then, free and fearless, the strains were lively and joyful, and the chorus full.
As the vessel was moored near the landing-place, the inhabitants flocked down to the bank, and raised a cheering shout, which was responded with much gladness by the passengers on deck. Some of them were soon taken off in a boat, and led round to the town, part through the wood, and part through the newly laid out garden of the Trustees. Meanwhile "a right good feast" was prepared for them, and they were regaled with "very fine wholesome English beer." And, as otherwise much love and friendliness were shewn them by the inhabitants, and as the beautiful situation round about pleased them, they were in fine spirits, and their joy was consecrated by praise to God.
The pastors Gronau and Bolzius, with the commissary Von Reck, and Dr. Zweitzer were lodged in the house of the Reverend Mr. Quincy[1], whom they had met at Charlestown, on his return from a visit which he had been paying to his parents in Boston, Massachusetts, when he obligingly offered them the accommodation. For the emigrants barracks and tents were provided till the return of the General from Charlestown, whither he had gone to take passage for England, "but out of good will to the Saltzburgers, he put off his voyage for some days, and was resolved to see them settled before he went[2]." He had promised them that they should have liberty to choose such part of the country as they thought most convenient, fertile and pleasant; and that he would go out with some of their elders, and select a place to their liking. They desired one at a distance from the sea, on gently rising ground, with intervening vales, near springs of water, and on the border of a small river, or clear brook; such being the nature of the region where they were born. To fulfil this engagement, immediately after his return, attended with Paul Jenys, Esq., Speaker of the House of Assembly of South Carolina, and some other gentlemen, he set out on the 15th of March, with Baron Von Reck, the commissary, Mr. Gronau, one of the ministers, Mr. Zweitzer their Doctor, and one of the elders, taking some Indians as guides, to explore the part of the country which answered to the description of the Saltzburgers. They went up the river in boats as far as Mr. Musgrove's cow-pens, where horses were got ready; and, after a ride of about fifteen miles, westward, through the woods, they arrived at the banks of a river, eighty feet wide, and twelve deep, with high banks. The adjacent country was hilly, with valleys of cane-land, intersected with little brooks, and bordered with springs of water. The Saltzburgers were extremely pleased with the place, and adopted it They then kneeled down by the river side, and devoutly thanked God for bringing them out of their persecutions, safe through so many dangers, into a land of rest; in memorial of which, they desired that the place might be called EBENEZER—"Hitherto the Lord hath helped us!" With the Bible in their hands, they then marched up to a site which was judged most proper to build upon; sung an hymn, and the pastor pronounced a benediction.
[Footnote 1: The Rev. Samuel Quincy, a native of Boston, Massachusetts, having been educated in England, and received priest's orders on the 28th of October, 1730, by Dr. Waugh, Bishop of Carlisle, was, in 1734 sent, by the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, as a missionary to Georgia.]
[Footnote 2: Extract from a manuscript of Von Reck's Journal, furnished me by J.K. Tefft, Esq. of Savannah.]
Having thus assigned to the exiles, "a local habitation and a name," they all went to Abercorn, a village lately built, about the distance of six miles. Thence the commissary and his companions returned to Savannah, and Oglethorpe, with the speaker, went to Purrysburgh on the 18th in order to row up the river to the Palachocolas Indians, but the floods from the Cherokee mountains had so swelled the freshes, as to make that passage too tedious. They, therefore, went back to Abercorn, and thence to the designed settlement of the Saltzburgers, where Oglethorpe, parting with his honorable friend, crossed the river with the Indians, and renewed his excursion to Palachocolas. There he found a fort erected at the lowest passage of the river, and forty-five miles from Savannah. Returning from this visit, as he entered Ebenezer he found eight of the most able-bodied men at work, with their minister Gronau, in constructing booths and tents against the arrival of the families. In furtherance of their labors, he laid out the town, and directed the carpenters, who had arrived also in obedience to his orders, to assist in building six houses.
These attentions to the accommodation of the poor Protestants were gratefully acknowledged, and are recorded in the journal of the Reverend Mr. Bolzius, with a respectful tribute to the religious character of Oglethorpe, of which the following is a translation;[1] "So far as we can conclude from a short acquaintance with him, he is a man who has a great reverence for God, and his holy word and ordinances; a cordial love for the servants and children of God; and who wishes to see the name of Christ glorified in all places. So blest have been his undertakings and his presence in this land, that more has been accomplished by him in one year than others would have effected in many. And since the people here have had such good cause to appreciate his right fatherly disposition, his indefatigable toil for their welfare, and his illustrious qualities, they feel that his departure would be a real loss to them. For us he hath cared with a most provident solicitude. We unite in prayers for him, that God would guide him to his home, make his voyage safe and prosperous, and enrich him with many blessings!"
[Footnote 1: URLSPURGER, I. p. 91.]
In journeys often and labors more abundant, he returned to Savannah; and set out from thence on the 23d of March, with the Speaker, to Charlestown, where he arrived on the 27th with a retinue of Indian chiefs, whom he had persuaded to accompany him to England. He had rightly judged that it would be an advantage to the colony to let some of the natives have a sight of England, as it would give them a high idea of that kingdom. He had gained the consent of Tomo Chichi and Scenawki his wife and Toonahowi his nephew; of Hillispilli, the war chief; Apakowtski, Stimalchi, Sintouchi, and Hinguithi, five chiefs of the Creek nation; and of Umphichi, a chief from Palachocolas; with their interpreter.
They embarked in the Aldborough man of war on Tuesday, the 7th of May, 1734.
Oglethorpe arrives in England with his Indian Escort—Is welcomed by the Trustees—Apartments are provided for the Indians—They are introduced to the King and Royal Family—One of their number dies of the small pox—Visit the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Eton College—Shown the public buildings and institutions in London—Embark for Georgia—Their arrival.
The Aldborough arrived at St. Helen's, in the Isle of Wight, on the 16th of June, 1734, bringing the founder of the new Colony, with the most gratifying accounts of his labors and success. He had "laid the foundation of many generations." He had made "the desolate wilderness a pleasant portion;" and, for its wildlings, had substituted offsets which should become "plants of renown." And he had brought with him some chiefs of the Indian tribes, to testify their accordance with the new settlement, and to repeat the expression of their desire to receive instruction in the language and religion of the settlers.
When a Roman General returned a conqueror, he entered the Imperial City with a triumphal procession, in martial pomp and pageantry, dragging at his car the kings and captains he had vanquished. But here was a return from a successful campaign, not bringing captives taken in battle, but an escort of unconquered chieftains, themselves sharers in the ovation of benevolence and the triumph of philanthropy.
Oglethorpe immediately addressed a letter to Sir John Phillips, Baronet, notifying him of his return, and giving him the pleasing intelligence of the safe arrival of the Baron Von Reck, and the Saltzburgers, whom he called "a very sensible, active, laborious, and pious people." He mentioned their location as selected to their liking; and said that he left them busily employed in completing its settlement. He added, "An Indian chief, named Tomo Chichi, the Mico, or king of Yamacraw, a man of an excellent understanding, is so desirous of having the young people taught the English language and religion, that, notwithstanding his advanced age, he has come over hither with me to obtain means, and assistant teachers. He has brought with him a young man whom he calls his nephew and next heir; and who has already learned the Lord's prayer in the English and Indian language."
"I shall leave the Indians at my estate, till I go to the city, where I shall have the happiness to wait upon you, and to relate all things to you more fully; over which you will rejoice and wonder[1]."
[Footnote 1: Not having met with an English copy of the letter, I have given a version from the German in "Ausfuerliche Nachrichten von der Salzburgischen en America, von SAMUEL URLSPURGHER". Halle, 1745. 4to.]
Having repaired to his house in old Palace-Yard, Westminster, he notified the Trustees of his arrival. Some of the gentlemen immediately called on him, and escorted him to the Georgia office, where he received their congratulations, with "expressions of their great satisfaction in the eminent services which he had performed in behalf of their new settlement."[1]
[Footnote 1: Gentleman's Magazine, June, 1734, p. 327.]
On the evening of the 21st they gave a grand entertainment in honor of so distinguished an associate; and heard from him, with admiration, the narrative of his achievements.[1]
[Footnote 1: London Magazine, June, 1734.]
On a special meeting they "voted their unanimous thanks to him for the ability, zeal, activity, and perseverance with which he had conducted the affairs of the settlement, and assured him that they should ever hold his services in grateful remembrance."
A publication of the day thus announces his arrival;[1] "On the 16th of last month, James Oglethorpe, Esq., member of Parliament for Haslemere, in Surrey, and of the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, arrived in the Aldborough man of war, at St. Helen's, on his return from that colony; he having had so much generosity and public spirit as to go along with the first number of persons that were sent out for its establishment, where he has been ever since; being resolved to be a sharer with them in all the fatigues and dangers that might happen, either from the inclemency of a new climate, or from any of the accidents that usually attend the settlement of a new colony; and not to leave them till he saw them in a condition, not only to provide their own subsistence, but to defend themselves against any enemy that might probably attack them; all which fatigues and dangers he exposed himself to, and has undergone at his own charge, and without the least view of any private advantage or satisfaction, but that which every good man must feel in contributing to the relief of the distressed, and the public good of his country. This is such an action as the Roman historians, in the times of their greatest virtue, would have been proud of recording; and such an one as ought not to escape the notice of any man who pretends to give an account of the transactions of this kingdom."
[Footnote 1: Political State of Great Britain, Vol. XVIII. p. 19.]
His return was congratulated in some very complimentary verses; as was also the arrival of Tomo Chichi[1]; and the head of Oglethorpe was proposed by Mr. Urban for a prize medal[2], to commemorate his benevolence and patriotism.
[Footnote 1: Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. IV. p. 505.]
[Footnote 2: Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. V. 178. "The die was broken after a few were struck off." See Editorial note in Gentleman's Magazine for July, 1785, p. 517. I have procured an engraving, of the size of the original.]
Comfortable apartments were provided for the Indians in the Georgia office; and, when they were suitably dressed, and had curiously painted their faces, according to their custom, Sir Clement Cotterell was sent, on the 1st of August, to the Georgia office, whence he took them all, except one who was sick with the small pox, and had them conveyed, in three of the King's coaches, drawn by six horses, to the palace at Kensington. They were received at the door by the body guards, and then, by the Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain, presented to his Majesty, whom Tomo Chichi addressed in the following characteristic terms.
"Great king; this day I see the majesty of your person, the greatness of your house, and the number of your people. I am come in my old days; so I cannot expect to obtain any advantage to myself; but I come for the good of the Creeks, that they may be informed about the English, and be instructed in your language and religion. I present to you, in their name, the feathers of an eagle, which is the swiftest of birds, and flieth around our nations. These feathers are emblems of peace in our land, and have been carried from town to town, to witness it. We have brought them to you, to be a token and pledge of peace, on our part, to be kept on yours.
"O great king! whatsoever you shall say to me, I will faithfully tell to all the chiefs of the Creek nation."
To this the king replied,—"I am glad of this opportunity of assuring you of my regard for the people from whom you came; and I am extremely well pleased with the assurance which you have brought me from them. I accept, very gratefully, this present, as an indication of their good dispositions towards me and my people; and shall always be ready to show them marks of favor, and purposes to promote their welfare."
They were then introduced to her Majesty, who was seated on a throne in the great gallery, attended by ladies of the court and nobility. The aged Mico thus addressed her: "I am glad to see you this day, and to have the opportunity of beholding the mother of this great nation. As our people are now joined with yours, we hope that you will be a common mother, and a protectress of us and our children." To this her Majesty returned a courteous answer.
After this they were introduced to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess of Orange, the Princesses Amelia, Caroline, Mary, and Louisa; and then were conducted back to their lodgings.
On the 3d of August they were greatly afflicted by the decease of one of their companions by the small pox, notwithstanding the best medical attendance; but it occasioned no bad consequences, as his associates were with him, and saw that much better care was taken of him than could have been at home. He was interred, after the manner of their country, in St. John's burial ground, Westminster. The corpse, sewed up in two blankets, with a deal-board under and another over, and tied down with a cord, was carried to the grave on a bier. There were present only Tomo Chichi, three of the chiefs, the upper church-warden, and the grave-digger. When the body was laid in the earth, the clothes of the deceased were thrown in; after this, a quantity of glass beads and some pieces of silver; the custom of these Indians being to bury such effects of the deceased with him.
As all methods made to console them were disregarded, Oglethorpe took them out to his estate, that in the country retirement they might have a better opportunity to bewail the dead according to their custom, and that the change of the place might serve to abate their sorrow.
On the 17th of August, the aged and venerable Archbishop of Canterbury[1] had them taken in his boat to Putney, where they were received and entertained in a very agreeable manner. On taking leave, Tomo Chichi intimated his inability, from want of a knowledge of the English language, to express suitably the acknowledgments of himself and his companions of the kind notice taken of them.
[Footnote 1: Rev. William Wake, D.D.]
The following day they visited his Grace at Lambeth, and endeavored to make known to him how deeply affected they were with the ignorance in religion in which they and their people were involved; and how much they not only needed, but desired instruction. In their conference with Dr. Lynch, the son-in-law of the Archbishop, the Mico was more explicit, and requested that some person might be sent to teach them; more particularly their youth.
On the next day they went to Eton College, and were received by the Rev. Dr. George, Dr. Berriman, and the rest of the Fellows present. On closing their visit to the school-room, Tomo Chichi begged that the lads might have a holiday when the Doctor thought proper; which caused a general huzza. They were then shewn the several apartments of the college, and took a respectful leave. Afterwards they went to Windsor, where they were graciously received; and thence to St. George's Chapel, where the prebends present named Dr. Maynard to compliment the Mico from the Dean and Chapter. The following day they went to Hampton Court; saw the royal apartments; and walked in the gardens, where a great concourse of people had assembled to see them. After these more distinguishing attentions, they were shewn the Tower, the public buildings, Greenwich Hospital, and all the great and interesting spectacles in London; and nothing was neglected that might serve to awaken and gratify their curiosity, and to impress them with the grandeur and power of the British nation.
After having staid four months, they were taken to Gravesend in one of his Majesty's carriages, whence they embarked aboard the transport ship, the Prince of Wales, George Dunbar, Captain, on the return voyage to Savannah, where they arrived on the 27th of December, 1734.
Captain Dunbar, in a letter to the Trustees, announcing his remarkably quick and prosperous passage across the Atlantic, wrote thus: "We arrived here all cheerful and in good health. The Indians behaved with their accustomed modesty; as did also, the Saltzburgers, who are a sober and pious people, and gave much less trouble than I expected; nor do I think any of them were dissatisfied while on board." In conclusion, he added, "Tomo Chichi, Toonahowi, Hillispilli, and Umpichi were so kind as to come on board on the morning of our intended departure to see me. They have a very grateful remembrance of the many civilities which they received in England, and desire me to inform your honors that Santechi has gone to the Upper and Middle Creeks, who are at present extremely well disposed to the British interest, and their deputies are expected down in two months."[1]
[Footnote 1: London Magazine for March, 1735, p. 162. See also the whole letter, in the Political State of Great Britain, April, 1735, p. 374.]
Oglethorpe remains in England—Trustees make Regulations—Oglethorpe, desirous of providing for the conversion of the Indians, applies to Bishop Wilson to prepare a Book of Religious Instruction for them—Trustees seek for Missionaries—Engage John and Charles Wesley.
Oglethorpe remained in England to attend to his duties as a member of Parliament, and to suggest to the Trustees measures for the furtherance of the settlement of Georgia.
In consequence of the information which he could give from his personal observation, and that which he had received from others, respecting the state of the colony, and what would be expedient for its advancement in good order and prosperity, the Trustees prepared a regulation, which was enacted by the government into a law, "for maintaining peace with the Indians." This included the provisions and immunities of the act of the General Assembly of South Carolina in 1731; and, of course, was accordant with the relations and mutual interests of both Provinces. There was, also, passed a law for a like salutary purpose for preventing trouble with the Indians, as well as preserving the health and morals of the people already settled or that might be settled in their new colony, from the pernicious effects of spirituous liquors, entitled "An act to prevent the importation and use of rum and brandies into the Province of Georgia, or any kind of ardent spirits or strong waters whatsoever." A writer of the day makes this remark, "At the same time the Trustees endeavored to supply the stores with strong beer from England, molasses for brewing beer, and with Madeira wines; which the people might purchase at reasonable rates, which would be more refreshing and wholesome for them."[1]
[Footnote 1: Account, showing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia in America, from its first establishment: published by Order of the Trustees. Lond. 1741; page 16, under the year 1734.]
An unchecked indulgence in ardent spirits has ever been followed by lamentable effects. It demoralizes the conduct, destroys health, prevents usefulness, and ruins reputation. It breaks up domestic peace, wastes property, leads to impoverished circumstances, and entails wretchedness upon the members of the family of which the head was the victim. The prohibition, therefore, if it led to the disuse of the dangerous potation, would have been the present removal, and prevented the subsequent extension, of one of the greatest evils which has corrupted the social condition.
To these prudent and salutary regulations followed a statute entitled "An act for rendering the Province of Georgia more defencible, by prohibiting the importation of black slaves, or negroes, into the same." For this enactment, besides the consideration stated in the title, the following reasons are assigned: 1. On account of the cost of purchase, which, the settlers themselves being too poor to defray, must be met by the Trustees; on whom it would be a tax greater than they had funds to pay, or believed that they could obtain. 2. Because of the additional expense of their after maintenance, which must be provided, in addition to that already incurred for the support of those by whom they were to be employed. And 3. because the Trustees were desirous that the settlers should acquire the habits of labor and industry, of economy and thrift, by personal application.[1]
[Footnote 1: See their reasons at large in the publication entitled Impartial Inquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia, Lond. 1741; or in Collections of the Georgia Historical Society, Vol. I. pages 166-173, and McCALL'S History, Vol. I. p. 25, &c.]
It is remarked by Mr. Burke, that "These regulations, though well intended, and indeed meant to bring about very excellent purposes, yet might at first, as it did afterwards, appear, that they were made without sufficiently consulting the nature of the country, or the disposition of the people which they regarded."[1]
[Footnote 1: European Settlements in America, Vol. II. p. 266.]
Governor Belcher, of Massachusetts, in a letter to Lord Egmont, observes, "I have read Mr. Oglethorpe's state of the new colony of Georgia once and again; and by its harbors, rivers, soil and productions, do not doubt that it must in time make a fine addition to the British Empire in America; and I still insist upon it that the prohibitory regulations of the Trustees are essential to its healthy and prosperous condition; and the alteration of the Constitution to the advantage of females must give great encouragement to first undertakers or settlers, as your Lordship observes."[1]
[Footnote 1: Letter Book, in the archives of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Vol. V. p. 254.]
The visit of the Indians was made subservient to the favorite purpose of Oglethorpe, by rousing attention to the improvement of the race in knowledge and religion. At their earliest interviews with him, they had expressed a wish that their children might be taught to speak and read the English language, and they themselves instructed in the principles of Christianity. From their intercourse with the Carolinians for many years, they had been made sensible of the superiority which such attainments conferred, even where that intercourse had been, as it mostly was, with the traders; but no missionary had been sent, as in our times, to form them to civilization, and "teach them which be the first principles of the oracles of God." Oglethorpe felt extremely desirous of obtaining for them these advantages; and expressed to the trustees his belief that they would readily avail themselves of an opportunity for their attainment. In furtherance of this most important object, he applied to the Reverend Dr. Wilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man, to prepare a manual of instruction for them. The good Bishop complied with his request with great readiness; and the work was printed at the expense of "the Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign Parts." The volume was dedicated to the Trustees; and, in the preface, the author states that it "was undertaken in consequence of a short but entertaining conversation, which he, and some others, had with the honorable and worthy General Oglethorpe, concerning the condition, temper, and genius of the Indians in the neighborhood of Georgia, and those parts of America; who, as he assured us, are a tractable people, and more capable of being civilized and of receiving the truths of religion than we are generally made to believe, if some hindrances were removed, and proper measures taken to awaken in them a sense of their true interest, and of their unhappy condition, while they continue in their present state."
"And, indeed, that most worthy gentleman's great and generous concern for both the present and future interest of these nations, and his earnest desire and endeavors, so well known, to civilize them first, and make them more capable of instruction in the ways of religion and civil government, and his hearty wishes that something might be done to forward such good purposes, prevailed with the author, however indifferently qualified for such a work, to set about the following essay for propagating the Gospel amongst the Indians and negroes."[1]
[Footnote 1: The title of the book is, "The Knowledge and Practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacity; or, an Essay towards an Instruction for the Indians." London, 1740. 12mo. A tenth edition was printed in 1764; and a translation in French, at Geneva, in 1744.]
On receiving a copy of this work, when it was printed, five years afterwards, from the Reverend Dr. Thomas Wilson, son of the Bishop, Oglethorpe addressed to him the following letter:[1]
[Footnote 1: Not finding an English copy I have translated this from the French version.]
Frederica, in Georgia, April 24, 1741.
I have received, with not less pleasure than profit, the book sent to me by you, which was composed by your father. This work breathes so strongly the spirit of primitive piety; its style is so clear and simple; its plan is so easy for minds even the most limited, and at the same time so well adapted to make them understand the most profound mysteries, that it is a true representation of the religion in which it instructs its reader. Had our Methodists, instead of their lofty imaginations, been taught enough of the language of the Indians to be able to translate this book; or had they been sufficiently instructed to permit them to read it with advantage, I doubt not that we should immediately see surprising results from it; but God will accomplish his good work by the means which he will judge proper to employ. I have written to Mr. Varelst to buy, to the amount of five pounds sterling, copies of your father's work, and to send them to me.
"Have the kindness to commend me to the prayers of a Divine so worthy and pious; and be assured that I am,
"Your affectionate friend, and very humble and obedient servant,
The Trustees were now desirous of obtaining proper persons to go to Georgia to teach, and endeavor to convert, the Indians; and to officiate as chaplains to the colonists at Savannah, and at the new town about to be built on the island of St. Simons. They fixed their eyes upon Mr. John Wesley and some of his associates, as very proper for such a mission. The amiable and excellent Dr. John Burton,[1] one of the Board, who was well acquainted with Wesley, having learned that he was in London, went thither himself, in order to accompany him to Oglethorpe, with whom, indeed, he was already acquainted by family attentions as well as public fame. The matter was proposed to Wesley, and strongly urged by such arguments as they thought most likely to dispose his mind to accept the proposal.[2] Several influential friends concurred in advising him to go; and, as even his mother encouraged it, he yielded his compliance. His brother Charles agreed to accompany him, as did Benjamin Ingham, a member of their association at Oxford, and Charles Delamotte, son of a merchant in London.
[Footnote 1: When the settling of Georgia was in agitation, in 1732, Dr. Burton was solicited by the excellent Dr. Bray, and other Episcopal Clergymen,[A] to give his assistance in promoting that undertaking. Accordingly he preached a Sermon in its recommendation before the Society for conducting it; and his Discourse was afterwards published, with an Appendix concerning the State of the Colony. BENTHAM, de vita et moribus Johannis Burtoni. 8vo. London, 1771, page 12.]
[Footnote A: Rev. Dr. HALES, Dr. BERRIMAN, and others.]
[Footnote 2: Life of the Rev. JOHN WESLEY and of the Rev. CHARLES WESLEY, his brother, by the Rev. HENRY MOORE. 8vo. Lond. 1824. 2 vol. Vol. I. p. 334. This interview was on the 28th of April, 1735.]
In consequence of this engagement of the Wesleys, the General deemed it highly proper to visit their venerable and excellent parents at Epworth, not only to confirm their consent, but to communicate to them such information as should interest them strongly in every measure which aimed at the instruction, civilization, and christianizing of the natives of Georgia, from whom he and the new settlers had met so kind a reception. A reference to this, gives me the opportunity of introducing a letter from that aged minister, the Reverend Samuel Wesley, written rather more than a year before, in which he mentions the progress which he had made in a work that he was about to publish, and acknowledges the obligations which he was under to the General for kindnesses shown to himself and sons.[1]
[Footnote 1: This letter is not in the "Memoirs of the Wesley Family," published by Dr. Adam Clarke in 1822; having been recently discovered.]
Epworth, July 6, 1734.
Honored sir,
May I be admitted, while such crowds of our nobility and gentry are pouring in their congratulations, to press with my poor mite of thanks into the presence of one who so well deserves the title of UNIVERSAL BENEFACTOR OF MANKIND. It is not only your valuable favors on many accounts to my son, late of Westminster, and myself, when I was not a little pressed in the world, nor your more extensive charity to the poor prisoners; it is not these only that so much demand my warmest acknowledgments, as your disinterested and immovable attachment to your country, and your raising a new Colony, or rather a little world of your own in the midst of wild woods and uncultivated deserts, where men may live free and happy, if they are not hindered by their own stupidity and folly, in spite of the unkindness of their brother mortals.
I owe you, sir, besides this, some account of my little affairs since the beginning of your expedition. Notwithstanding my own and my son's violent illness, which held me half a year, and him above twelve months, I have made a shift to get more than three parts in four of my Dissertations on Job printed off, and both the paper, printing, and maps, hitherto, paid for. My son John at Oxford, now that his elder brother has gone to Tiverton, takes care of the remainder of the impression at London, and I have an ingenious artist here with me in my house at Epworth who is graving and working off the remaining maps and figures for me; so that I hope, if the printer does not hinder me, I shall have the whole ready by next spring, and, by God's leave, I shall be in London myself to deliver the books perfect. I print five hundred copies, as in my proposals; whereof I have about three hundred already subscribed for; and, among my subscribers, fifteen or sixteen English Bishops, with some of Ireland.
"If you will please herewith to accept the tender of my most sincere respect and gratitude, you will thereby confer one further obligation, honored sir, on
"Your most obedient and humble servant,
"To James Oglethorpe, Esq."
It appears, from a list of subscriptions annexed to Mr. Wesley's Dissertations on the Book of Job, that General Oglethorpe took seven copies of the work on large paper, which would amount to at least twenty pounds.
The elder son of the Rector, also, paid a tribute of respect to the General; and this in harmonious and polished verses; in which, however, he indulged, too freely, the poetic license in highly wrought description of the settlement of Georgia, and of the climate and productions of the region.[1]
[Footnote 1: GEORGIA, a Poem; TOMO CHICHI, an Ode; and a copy of Verses on Mr. Oglethorpe's Second Voyage to Georgia. These were beautifully printed, in a large type, on nineteen folio pages. They were ascribed to SAMUEL WESLEY, as their author, in the tract entitled "True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia," by P. Telfair and others. Charlestown, S.C. 1741, page xi. of the Preface.]
As our narrative is brought near to the period when the General is about to return thither, it may be pertinent to introduce a short extract, in which the poet addresses the new settlers, eagerly expecting his arrival.
"See once again, see on your shores descend Your generous leader, your unwearied friend! No storm or chance his vessel thither drives, No! to secure and bless you, he arrives. To Heaven the praise,—and thanks to him repay, And let remotest times respect the day. He comes, whose life, while absent from your view, Was one continued ministry for you; For you he laid out all his pains and art, Won every will, and softened every heart. With what paternal joy shall he relate How views the mother Isle your little State; How aids the Senate, how the nation loves, How GEORGE protects, and CAROLINE approves!— A thousand pleasures crowd into his breast, But one, one mighty thought absorbs the rest, 'And give me, Heaven, to see, (the Patriot cries), Another Britain in the desert rise!'"
Trustees make a new selection of Settlers—Their Proposals successful in Scotland—Embarkation of Highlanders for Georgia—Indian hieroglyphic letter sent to the Trustees—Further emigration of Saltzburgers—Great embarkation of Colonists, attended by Oglethorpe and the Missionaries—Employment and religious exercises on board during the voyage—Arrival—Beacon on the Island of Tybee—The people go on shore at Peeper's Island—Oglethorpe goes to Savannah with the Missionaries—Sends provisions and refreshments to the Emigrants—Moore's account of the Public Garden—Tomo Chichi welcomes his friend—Saltzburgers make application for a removal from Ebenezer—Oglethorpe sends pioneers to lay out a road to Darien.
"Some of the first settlers had proved as idle and useless members of society in America, as they had been in Great Britain;" and, as their external wants had been supplied from the common store, they felt no stimulus to industry or frugality.
The Trustees, finding that the conduct of these drones and loungers tended rather to impede than promote their benevolent intentions, began to look round for a better stock of settlers; a hardy race, with good habits; such as were accustomed to laborious occupation and agricultural pursuits.
That all persons who should be disposed to go to Georgia, might be fully apprized of the several conditions which they were to perform, and of what was expected, and, indeed, would be required of them, in return for the assistance and support that would be afforded them, a statement was made, and rules and regulations were drawn up, printed and circulated; in which the Trustees indicated the qualifications of such as offered themselves, with the expectation of being engaged.[1] They examined, at their office, such persons as applied for the benefit of the charity; and, out of these selected those who had the best characters, and were the truest and most deserving objects of compassion.[2] They very explicitly and frankly acquainted the applicants with the inconveniences to which they would be subjected, and the hardships which they must expect to endure. They told them that on their arrival they would be under the necessity of living in slight hovels, till they could form materials for the construction of houses; that they must use great provident foresight to acquire comfortable subsistence, for their wants were to be supplied only till their industry brought in returns. They remarked to them that they, indeed, gave them lands, and furnished them rations for a year, but these lands were to be cleared up and tilled, in order to yield crops; that they must eat salt meat, and drink only beer or water. They reminded them, with solemn caution, that the sicknesses, to which a change of climate would expose them, were most dangerous to those who drank distilled liquors; so that temperance, which was every where commendable and salutary, would be absolutely necessary to preserve health. Finally, they were plainly told that if they were distrustful, or reluctant at putting forth their strenuous exertions, they must not engage in the undertaking.
[Footnote 1: Account, shewing the Progress of the Colony of Georgia. Lond. 1741. Appendix to the Volume, No. 3 and 4.]
[Footnote 2: MOORE'S Voyage, page 10.]
Several were disheartened; but their place was soon filled up by others, who thought these difficulties not very great; and that, whatever they might be, they could encounter them; and that they could submit to temporary inconveniences, and persevere in efforts, stimulated by the proffered encouragement and aid.
In Scotland the proposals of the Trustees met with such success that, at Inverness and its vicinity, one hundred and thirty Highlanders were enrolled for emigration. These, with fifty women and children, were transported to Georgia, where they arrived in the month of January, 1735; and with them came several private grantees, with their servants. The Scots were destined to settle on the frontiers, for the protection and defence of the province. After tarrying a few days at Savannah, they conveyed themselves in periaguas, to the southward; and, ascending the Alatamaha river about sixteen miles from St. Simons, pitched upon a place for a residence, where they soon raised a little fort, in which they mounted four pieces of cannon. They, also, built a guard-house, a store, and a chapel, for they brought a pastor with them; and soon put up several huts for temporary accommodation, till they could prepare and erect commodious dwellings. The location, at their desire, was called "Darien;" which name the District still bears, and the town they called "New Inverness," a name no longer retained.[1]
[Footnote 1: In the early publications this is written with the article—"the Darien."]
While Oglethorpe was in England, what was intended for a letter was sent over to the Trustees. It was composed by a chief of the Cherokees, drawn and curiously marked in red and black figures on the skin of a young buffalo, neatly dressed. A translation into English had been made from the Indian interpretation, when first delivered, in the presence of above fifty of their chiefs, and of the principal inhabitants of Savannah. It contained the grateful acknowledgment of the Indians of the honors and civilities shown to Tomo Chichi and his companions; their admiration of the grandeur of the British Court and kingdom; and declared their strong attachment to General Oglethorpe.
This hieroglyphic painting was set in a frame, and hung up in the Georgia office in Westminster.[1]
[Footnote 1: American Gazetteer. Lond. 1762. 12mo. Vol. II., article "Georgia."]
To provide for the raising of silk-worms and winding the thread from the cocoons, was an early purpose of the Trustees. Liberal encouragement was given by the Government and the Board of Trade to the importation of all that could be produced. Samples had been sent to England which gave promise of success. In the beginning of May, this year, the Trustees and Sir Thomas Lombe, waited on the Queen with a specimen, who was highly gratified with learning that a British Colony had produced such silk, and desired that the fabric into which it should be wrought might be shewn her. Accordingly, on the 21st of October, these gentlemen, with Mr. Booth, the weaver, again waited on her Majesty with a piece of the manufactured silk; and she expressed great admiration of the beauty and fineness of the silk, and the richness of the pattern; and, as a further testimony of her satisfaction both with the produce and the manufacture, she ordered a suit to be made up immediately for her own wear, in which she appeared on her birth-day.[1] To this, a poet of the time, in a description of the products of Georgia, thus alludes—
[Footnote 1: Political State of Europe, Vol. L. p. 242, and 469.]
"The merchant hence the unwrought silk imports, To which we owe the attire of Queens and Courts."[1]
[Footnote 1: New Voyage to Georgia, p. 61.]
A large number of intended emigrants having been enrolled, Oglethorpe had been most busily engaged for several months in making preparations for their embarkation. Various tools were to be collected, suits and changes of raiment prepared, articles of maintenance selected and packed for the public store at Savannah, and accommodations and provisions got ready for the voyage. The indefatigable leader of the expedition gave his personal attendance and directions, and saw that every thing was in the train of accomplishment, aided by the services and supervision of Mr. Francis Moore, whom the Trustees had appointed keeper of the stores. Oglethorpe had become acquainted with this gentleman as Factor to the Royal African Society, and as having had the charge of Job Jalla ben Solomon, the African Prince, whom the Company sent back to Africa.
There were two ships freighted, the Symond, of two hundred and twenty tons, Captain Joseph Cornish, master; and the London Merchant, of about the same burden, Captain John Thomas, master; and one of his Majesty's sloops, under the command of Captain James Gascoigne, was ordered to assist the Colony, and carry over the General, who intended to inspect the settlement; but he chose to go in one of the ships, though crowded with the emigrants, "that he might be able to take care of the people on the passage."
"The whole embarkation amounted to two hundred and twenty people on the Trust's account, besides Mr. Oglethorpe and the gentlemen with him, and his servants, whose passage he himself paid."[1]
[Footnote 1: Voyage to Georgia, begun in the year 1735; by FRANCIS MOORE, 8vo. London, 1744, page 11. The author accompanied General Oglethorpe on what is called "the great embarkation," as keeper of the stores. The first date in the book is "15th of October, 1735," and the last, "22d of June, 1736." He resided at St. Simons, and was "Recorder at Frederica." By an advertisement, at the end of this volume, we learn that he made another voyage to Georgia in 1738, where he continued till 1743, when he returned to England. During his residence, he kept a Journal, "in which is an account of the siege of St. Augustine, in 1740, and of the Spanish invasion, in 1742." He adds, "I think myself obliged to acquaint the public that if I find the foregoing well received, I shall, without delay, publish my other Journal, as, also, a continuance of this, containing the treaty with the Governor of Augustine; and the regulation of several matters, relating to the Indian nations." That the Journal was not published is greatly to be regretted.] |