In former reformations also, the advancement used to be progressive, beginning where the former reformation stopt, and going forward, after they had got removed what obstructed: But now the motion is retrograde, going as far back as that in 1592, muffling many excellent steps of reformation attained after that in 1649. In former reformations, our worthy ancestors used to begin with renovation of the national covenants, and acknowledgments of the breaches thereof, which hitherto hath been neglected, to the great grief of many.
It is also matter of lamentation to reflect, that in former reformations, though adversaries troubled the builders, hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose: Yet, being furnished and spirited of the Lord, for that generation work, they never studied to please men, but to acquit themselves, as faithful servants of their princely Master Jesus Christ, in witnessing against all sins and corruptions of great and small impartially; and in acts of assembly, ordaining and recommending to all ministers, this faithfulness, in applying their doctrine to the sins of the time, under pain of censure. But now, though there was never greater freedom and encouragement for, and necessity of faithfulness, when the adversaries of Judah are seek up to build, but on design to mar the work, and many are too much inclining to join in affinity with the people of those abominations; yet it is sadly wanting, and much desiderated among many ministers, who being long accustomed to fears, and constrained silence, have not yet recovered their confidence and courage, to cry aloud against, and not to spare the iniquities of the time.
Though in former reformations, this church was for order and authority, beautiful as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, and terrible as an army with banners; Yet now alas! the crown hath fallen from our heads, wo unto us that we have sinned. This holy and beautiful fabric hath been burnt up, with the fire of enemies fury, with the fire of our divisions, and with the fire of the Lord's indignation, burning against us for our defections, whereby the Lord was provoked to forsake his house; and since his departure there hath been nothing but disorder among his children and servants. The popish, prelatic and malignant party, have come in by force and fraud, and by the cedings of those, that should have stood in the gap, have broke down the carved work of our covenanted reformation, rescinding all the legal bulwarks of ecclesiastical constitutions, civil sanctions, and national covenants, wherewith it was fenced. Wherein, alas! they were too much encouraged by our faint resistance, and too universal involvement in the sin of submitting to, and countenancing of the intrusions of the prelatical party. At length having set up these their ensigns for signs, in sign of complete victory, obtained over the servants and subjects of our exalted Prince, after they had invaded his kingdom and place, and made havock and slaughter of such as would not yield; they offered some tempting terms, whereupon they would suffer them to live in subjection to these usurpations, painted indeed with pretences of favours, but really, at least indirectly, requiring a recognizance of the usurper's power, and a cessation from opposing the peaceable possession of their robberies. These and the like defections, on the one hand, together with many extravagancies on the other, have brought the godly into many confusions.
We did indeed demur to concur with and follow, and did think it our duty to withdraw from these ministers who promoted courses of defection after specified; and to adhere to those (though but few) who were more stedfast and faithful. When the case was so stated that we thought communion could not be kept by us with them, from whom we withdrew, without sin; while the very exercise of their ministry was so far depending upon, subordinate unto, complying with, modified and authorized by unlawful usurpators, that our joining would have inferred, at least in our conference, a submission to, symbolizing with, and approving of their offensive yieldings to these encroachments. Yet we never thought this a schism: Therefore,
That this happy and desirable union, may be holy and comfortable, in a way that may procure, and secure our union and communion with the Lord: And, considering in all the periods of this church from the first reformation, a witness hath never been wanting, against the same, or equivalent corruptions, that have offended us: And no method can be more adapted for recovering and restoring, union, than that which was used for preserving it: And that having aimed hitherto, to offer and keep up our mite of a testimony against the same: if now, under the convictions of its remaining righteousness, we shall pass from it; and so seem to condemn what we approved before, and approve what we condemned before, it will leave an undefiable reproach, not only on ourselves, but on our contendings and sufferings.
We earnestly desire, Right Reverend, you would be pleased to condescend to us, in some things, that we humbly conceive, are very needful, just to be sought, and easy to be granted. We know and are confident, your zeal for truth and peace, will suggest the same means and measures, for obtaining this end, and will urge you to take notice of the same things, we desire, without our advertisement: Nor do we take upon us to prescribe the methods, terms or conditions, necessary for composing these unhappy differences, and restoring the holy and happy union in the Lord; but we think, the word and works of God this day, point at these which we crave leave in the bowels of Christ, to remonstrate unto your serious consideration:
I. That to the end the causes of our divisions, the anger of the Lord as the holy cause, and our mutual offences, as the sinful cause may be removed, that the effect may cease, a mutual, impartial, and accurate search and trial may be made into our ways, to find out, and remember from whence we are fallen, and discover our manifold and manifest defections, from the right ways of the Lord; that the great wrongs and indignities done to our great Head and King by enemies encroachments on his prerogatives, and his kingdom's liberties, and our compliances therewith, on the one hand, and on the other, may not be past in oblivion but diligently inquired into; and what accession to them, or participation with them, all of us have been involved in, these thirty years bygone: Particularly that it be laid to heart, what indignity to the Lord Jesus, and injury to his church, was done by the introduction of abjured, diocesan and erastian prelacy, and the several degrees of compliance therewith; as ministers leaving their pastoral charge, at the command of the magistrate, and laying aside the exercise of their ministry, giving way unto, and not testifying against the intrusions of prelatic curates: Particularly owning and submitting to their ministry, and receiving ordinances dispensed by them, and by counsel and example, encouraging others to do the like; which we cannot but plead and protest against, as sinful and scandalous.
1. Because they were, and are manifest intruders, not entering in at the door, in the way and order of Christ, and not having, yea despising and renouncing a call from the people, and ordination by the presbytery and having no other external call, authority, or right to officiate in this church, as its proper pastors, but the collation of bishops, and presentation of patrons, who are none of Christ's officers, and forfeiting and foregoing any other right, that any of them formerly could pretend to, by palpable defection to the enemies of this church.
2. Because both in principle and profession, and in the way of their entry unto their pastoral charge, they were, and are erastians, deriving their power from, and subjecting it in its exercise to another head than Christ, the magistrate's supremacy, by which only they were authorised, without Christ's warrant, or the church's consent.
3. Because they were and are schismatics, who caused divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine of this church, breaking her union and order, going out themselves from the fellowship of this church, and leading people away from her vowed reformation; yea, who violently thrust out, and persecuted her faithful pastors and children, for adhering to that reformation, which they designed to raze and ruin.
4. Because they were, and are perjured covenant breakers, avowedly disowning our covenants, and stated in opposition to that reformation, which is therein sworn to be maintained.
5. Because they were, and are in several points erroneous, in their doctrine, many of them tainted with the leaven of popery, arminianism, and socinianism, and all of them hetrodox, in the point of the magistrate's power in church matters, in the matter of oaths, and in condemning the work of our reformation, and covenants; seducing thereby their hearers, and both positively by these doctrines, and privately by with-holding other necessary instructions and warnings, murdering their souls.
6. Because they were, and are, upon all these accounts, scandalous, and the object of the church's censure: And though through the iniquity of the times, their deserved censure hitherto hath not been inflicted, yet they stand upon the matter convict, by clear scripture-grounds, and by the standing acts, and judicial decision of this church, in her supreme judicatories.
7. Because this hearing and submitting to them, was required as a badge, test, and evidence of due acknowledgment of, and hearty compliance with erastianism and prelacy, or his majesty's government ecclesiastic, Act parl. 1. Char. II. July 10th, 1663, which made it a case of confession to withstand it.
8. Because, by our covenants, we are obliged to stand at a distance, from such courses of defection, and to extirpate them, yet, in contradiction hereunto, we were commanded by the rescinders of the covenants, to hear the prelatic curates, as a badge of our yielding to the rescinding of the covenants.
9. Because this course was offensive and stumbling, both in hardning those that complied with prelacy, and weakning the hands of those that opposed it, and inferred a condemning of their sufferings upon this head. Especially,
10. When communion with them was so stated, that therein was not only a case of controversy among the godly, in which always abstinence is the surest side, not only is the judgment of many a case of confession, which it is always dangerous to contradict and condemn, but undeniably a case of competition, between the true church of Scotland, her ministers and professors, owning and adhering to her holy establishments, claiming a divine right to their offices and privileges, contending for the church's reformation; and a schismatical party, setting up a new church, in a new order, under a new head, robbing them of their offices and privileges, and overturning the reformation.
II. We must presume to plead also, That enquiry be made into the heinous and heaven-daring affront done to the holiness of God, in the horrid violation of our holy covenants, national and solemn league; not only how the popish, prelatical, and malignant party, have broken them, enacted the breaches of them by law, burnt them and endeavoured to bury them, by making it a capital crime to own their obligation, and by bringing in and substituting in their room, conscience-ensnaring anti covenants, oaths, bonds, and engagements renouncing the former, and obliging to courses contradictory thereunto: But that it may be considered, how many ways ministers and professors, in this time of tentation and tribulation, have been guilty of breach of these holy covenants; particularly by consenting unto, subscribing, swearing, and taking any of the new multiplied, mischievously contrived, capriciously conceived, and tyrannically imposed oaths, tests, or bonds, in matters of religion, since the overturning of the covenanted reformation and establishment of prelacy; and by persuading people to take them, and forbearing a necessary warning of the danger of them, and leaving people in the dark to determine themselves, in the midst of these snares. All which we plead and protest against, as sinful and scandalous:
1. Because all of them did infer, import, and imply a sinful unitive conjunction, incorporation, association and confederacy with the people of these abominations, that were promoting a course of apostacy from God.
2. Because all of them were incapable of qualifications required in sacred engagements, to be taken in truth, righteousness and judgment.
3. Because all of them, in the sense of the imposers, interpreted by their acts and actings, were condemnatory of, and contradictory unto the covenants, and some part of the covenanted reformation.
4. Because, by the ancient acts of assembly, all public oaths imposed by the malignant party, without consent of the church, are condemned, July 28, 1648. Ante merid. sess. 18. and sess. 26 those ministers are ordained to be censured, who subscribe any bonds, or take any oaths not approven by the General Assembly; or by their counsel, countenance and approbation, make themselves accessory to the taking of such bonds and oaths by others.
III. In like manner, we dare not forbear to cry and crave, That it may be considered, what wrongs Christ hath received from the Erastian and Antichristian usurpation of the supremacy, encroaching upon the prerogative of the Lord Jesus Christ, his incommunicable Headship and Kingship, as Mediator, giving to a man a magisterial, and Architectonic power, to alter and innovate, authorize and exauctorate, allow or restrain, and dispose of the government and governors of the church, according to his pleasure; invading the liberties of the gospel church, introducing a civil dominion upon her government, contrary to its nature, being only a ministerial stewardship, distinct from the civil government, in its nature, causes, ends, officers, and actings; and giving to the magistrate the power of the keys, without and against Christ's donation and authority, even the dogmatic, critic and diatactic decisive suffrage and power in causes ecclesiastic, which Christ hath intrusted to the church representative; and denying to the church the exercise of these keys and powers, without the magistrate's warrant and indulgence. We crave also, That it may be inquired into, how far this encroachment hath been connived at, submitted unto, complied with, homologate, strengthened and established, by receiving and accepting, without consent of the church, yea against the express dissent and testimony of some faithful ministers, to the contrary, the indulgences anno 1669, and 1679; and by the silence of others, not witnessing against the same, and others censuring the faithful for discovering the sinfulness thereof.——Which we remonstrate upon these grounds, complexly considered:
1. Because, as the contrivance and end of the grant thereof was to advance and establish the supremacy; to engage presbyterians, either to co-operate towards the settling and strengthening thereof, or to surcease from opposing the peaceable possession of the granter's usurpation, and to extort from them, at least an indirect recognizance of acknowledged subordination in ministerial exercises, to his usurped power, in a way which would be best acquiesced in; to suppress the preaching and propagation of the gospel in persecuted meetings in fields and houses, so necessary at that time; and to divide, and increase differences and animosities among presbyterians, by insinuating upon these called the more moderate, to commend the indulger his clemency, while other non-conformists, adhering to interdicted duties, were justly complaining of the effects of his severity. And as the woeful effects of it, strengthening the supremacy, weakening the hands of those that witnessed against it, extinguishing zeal, and increasing many divisions, did correspond with these wretched designs; so these could not be counteracted, but very much strengthened and promoted, by the acceptance of the indulgence, which, in its own nature, was so palpably subservient thereto, even though there had been a testimony against these designs and ends, yet when the means adapted to these ends, were complied with, it was rendered irrite, and contra factum.
2. Because as the supremacy received much strength and increment from the indulgence, so reciprocally it had its rise, spring, conveyance and subsistence from the supremacy, from which it flowed, upon which it stood, and by which at length it was removed. And in the grant and conveyance of the indulgence, all the power of the supremacy was arrogate, asserted and exerted, in first taking away the power of the keys from Christ's stewards, and then restoring only one of them to some few, with restrictions bounding, and instructions regulating them in the exercise of that. The acceptance whereof, so clogged with these complex circumstances, without a clear and distinct testimony, in that case of confession, hath at least a great appearance (which should have been abstained from) of a conniving at, submitting unto, complying with, and homologating of that Erastian usurpation.
3. Because, as it was interpreted to be accepted in the same terms wherein it was granted, without a testimony against the supremacy, so the entry of those ministers to their churches, by this indulgence, was prejudicial to the church's privilege: Some of them being fixed in particular churches, whereunto they had no peculiar pastoral relation before, and some transplanted from one church to another, without the interposition of any ecclesiastic presbyterial authority, without the free and orderly call of the people; being in many respects prelimited; and in the way of patronages, at the council's pleasure and order: And those that were restored to their own churches, being there admitted, not by virtue of their old right and claim of an undissolved relation, but by virtue of a new holding of the indulgence.
4. Because the embracing thereof, and the continuing therein, was a faint yielding to prevailing Erastianism, and a course of defection from former integrity of ministerial freedom and faithfulness, in which the servants and witnesses of Jesus Christ were famous and eminent in former times, who for writing, preaching, and protesting against the ecclesiastic supremacy in the magistrate, and all Erastian courses, did bear the cross of Christ, with much stedfastness; yea, a receding from, and foregoing of a very material part of the cause and testimony of the church of Scotland, which, till then, did constantly wrestle against such encroachments: And in this respect scandalous, because hardening to Erastian enemies, stumbling to many friends, and offensive to posterity.
5. Because it is contradictory to our covenants, to receive indulgences, contrived and conferred, on purpose, to divide (by the terror of persecution on the one hand, and the persuasion of this pretended liberty, taking off the legal restraint on the other) ministers and people from the cause and testimony of the church of Scotland, against the supremacy, and from their former blessed conjunction therein, and to induce them to make defection to that party, that were advancing Erastianism. And it is expresly contradictory to the engagement to duties, anno 1648, where the obligation bears, "Because many of late have laboured to supplant the liberties of the kirk, we shall maintain and defend the kirk of Scotland, in all her liberties and privileges, against all who shall oppose or undermine the same, or encroach thereupon under any pretext whatsoever."
IV. Likewise, we plead and obtest, that a search may be made into, and a review taken of the late toleration, and addressing for it, and acceptance of it, complexly considered: The sinfulness whereof, we could not, and now cannot forbear to witness against.
1. Because as the design of the granter, and tendency of the grant itself, in its own nature, being the introduction of popery and slavery, could not in any probability be counteracted, but rather corroborated, by this addressing for it, and accepting of it, even though there had been a testimony against the design thereof, as there was none, and could be none consistent with the continuance thereof; so being conveyed from absolute power, which all were required to obey without reserve, stopping, suspending, and disabling all the penal statutes against papists; thereby undermining all the legal bulwarks of our religion; The addressing for, and accepting of it, so conveyed, without a witness against this despotical encroachment, (yea, the very condition of enjoying the benefit of it, being exclusive of such a testimony, which might any way tend to the alienating of the people, from such a despotical government, in all its encroachments) did indirectly, at least, imply compliance with, if not the recognizance and acknowledgment of that usurped power, and the arbitrary exercise and effect of it in suspending the penal statutes.
2. Because it was extended, not only to prelacy, but to popery, quakerism, and all idolatry, blasphemy, and heresy, which was highly provoking to the Lord Jesus, and prejudicial to the peace and purity of his church; contrary to the scriptures of the old and new Testament; contrary to the confession of faith and catechisms, chap. xx. Sec. 1. and chap. xxiii. Sec. 3. Being placed also among the sins of the second command, in the larger catechism; contrary to the principles of the church of Scotland; being condemned, warned of, and witnessed against by acts of assembly, anno 1649. And by her faithful pastors preaching, writing, and protesting against such tolerations; (and sometimes even when papists were excluded, as that, against which the ministers of Fife and Perth did testify). And contrary to our covenants, wherein we are bound to preserve reformation, and uniformity in doctrine, worship, discipline and government, to extirpate popery, &c. to free our souls from the guilt of other men's sins, defend our liberties; and consequently never to comply with a toleration, eversive of all these interests we are sworn to maintain, and productive of these things we are sworn to endeavour the extirpation of.
3. Because it was clogged with such conditions and limitations, as did exceedingly hamper the freedom of the ministry, being offered (in proclamations) and accepted (in addresses and obedience) with restrictions to persons who might preach, (allowing some, and discharging others, who had as good authority as they, to exercise their ministry) to places where they should preach (only where intimation was given of the name of the place, and of the preachers, to some of the lords of the council, &c.) and to the matter what, or at least what they might not preach, to wit, nothing that might have any tendency to alienate the hearts of the people from a popish and tyrannical government; and consequently nothing against the wickedness, or of the misery of tyranny; nothing against the toleration, and the open sins proclaimed therein, and wicked ends designed thereby; nothing against disabling the penal statutes, or for the obligations of them, and ties of national covenants strengthening them.
4. Because of the manifold scandal of it, we cannot but witness against it, because so disgraceful to the Protestant religion, and prejudicial to the interest thereof. It was reproachful to our religion, sometimes established by law, then only tolerate, under the notion of an evil to be suffered: How confounding and consternating was this to all the reformed churches, that sometimes admired and envied Scotland's establishments, now to see her so dispirited and deceived, as to accept and address for a toleration, without a testimony, whereby instead of all the laws and covenants securing her reformation, the only tenor and security for it she had now remaining, was, the arbitrary word of an absolute prince, whose principles obliged him to break it? What occasion of disdainful insulting, did it give to the prelatical party, then pleading for the nation's laws, to observe presbyterians, acquiescing in that which suspended and stopped the penal statutes? Yea, what matter of gloriation and boasting was it to papists, to see presbyterians sleeping and succumbing, and not opposing, when, at this opened gap, they were bringing in the Trojan horse of popery and slavery?
V. Moreover, with respect to some things, at present, which we account corruptions, and are offensive to many, we cannot forbear to remonstrate and plead, That consideration may be taken, of the sinfulness of the too universal defect and neglect of zeal and faithfulness, in receiving the buried national covenants, when now they seem to be laid aside, and many ministers forbear to preach plainly the obligation of them, and discover particularly the breaches of them, and to mention them in engagements which they require of parents, when they present their children in baptism, according to the continued custom of faithful ministers, these many years bygone. And it is stumbling to many, that in all addresses to king and parliament, the renewing of them hath not been desired. This we think very grievous,
1. Because in the scriptures, as we have many precepts, promises, and precedents for renewing them, and demonstrations of their perpetual, indissoluble obligation, being in their matter and form agreeable with the word of God; so we have many denunciations and certifications of unavoidable threatenings of all evils, rational, personal, temporal, spiritual, and eternal, against forsaking or forgetting them.
2. Because as there is no other way to prevent the curse of the covenants, and this threatened wrath imminent upon the land, for breach of covenants, but to acknowledge the breaches of them, and engage again to the duties of them; so these omissions cannot consist with that faithfulness required of ministers in such a case.
3. Because it is a plain defection from first love, and former attainments of our fathers, who commenced all reformations with renovation of the covenants; And in their ecclesiastic constitutions, enjoined all ministers to preach up the covenants, and witness against all defections from them, and indifferency or lukewarmness to them; which also is a breach of covenant in itself.
VI. Hence, more particularly, we cannot but signify how much we and many others are offended, at the too general keeping silence at, or very ambiguous speaking against, and omitting the plain, impartial, doctrinal rebuking of such crying sins and scandals of the times, as cannot be controverted among presbyterians; such as the imposing and taking many bonds and oaths, repugnant to the covenants and work of reformation; which many complied with to shift persecution, and many others to purchase preferments unto places of trust; the accession of nobles and rulers to the wicked establishments and framing mischiefs into laws in former times; the manifold involvements of great and small, in the guilt of persecution, by delating and informing against honest suffering people, riding with armed force to pursue and apprehend them; appearing under displayed banners for the defence of tyranny, on expeditions against them at Pentland, Bothwel bridge, &c. sitting in courts, juries and assizes, to condemn them; putting them out of houses and tenements under them, because they would not comply with sinful impositions: And especially, the defiling of the land with blood, which hath yet a cry in the ears of the Lord God of Sabaoth: All which the servants of the Lord are obliged, by the word of God, and the constitutions of this church, to cry against, and not to spare, and to reprove and rebuke in season and out of season.
VII. Finally, We must presume to lay open our own, and the general complaints through several corners of the land, of the sad slackness and remissness of discipline: The report fama clamosa whereof, at least, doth wound our ears and pierce our hearts, viz. That some who had gone a great length in the above-mentioned compliances, even to the swearing the test itself, besides other wicked oaths, and to the prosecuting of the godly sundry ways, are admitted to the sacrament of the Lord's supper, and to present their children to baptism: And that others are admitted to the charge of elders, who had not only habitually complied with prelacy, and had borne the name of that office under that government, but had taken these scandalous forementioned oaths; yea, and that of late, some are admitted to the ministry, that constantly followed episcopacy, and were trained up to be curates, and were deeply involved in the foresaid compliances, without due trial of their past conversation, and requiring of their public profession of repentance, and resentment of these respective scandals; whereby the precious are not taken from the vile, and a little of that old leaven, may quickly leaven the whole lump, and offenders are not like thereby to be gained to repentance, but rather hardened in, and tempted to think little of these destroying sins.
We plead not here, that every one of the defects, or every degree of these offences should be, in the case of this epidemic involvement, proceeded against by disciplinary censure; nor do we urge, that all chargeable with these offences above taxed, especially such as are in controversy, should be either personally rebuked in public, or obliged publicly to confess their own degree of the guilt of them; though it would give glory to God, and comfort to the church, and peace to their own consciences, for all to confess their offences, that have been most stumbling to the godly; so far as from the word of God, and known principles of this reformed church, they may be convinced. Nor do we propose, that the condemnation of every one of these steps of defection, that are questioned, should be so far stretched quoad momentum rei, as either to be stated by us, as a ground of separation formerly, or now required as a necessary condition of communion; though still, we conceive the complication of them together, when they stood, was a ground that necessitated our withdrawing from many in the same circumstances.
We only desire, they may be so far inquired into, that what guilt is in them before the Lord, may be in some measure discovered, and the wrongs done to Christ thereby, may not be passed over in an act of oblivion: But as the right honourable the estates of parliament, have found and declared these acts and actings of the overturners of our reformation: and the mischiefs of prelacy, supremacy and tyranny established by wicked laws, which were the foundations and fountains of all the offensive compliances above mentioned, to be grievances against the laws of the land; so the right reverend, the members of this venerable assembly, may find and declare, these wicked establishments and compliances supporting them, and defections flowing therefrom, to be sins against the laws of Christ; and so far as they can find iniquity in the foresaid offences, may provide by ecclesiastic constitutions for the future, that the like compliances with the like contrivances of usurping enemies, may never again be allowed, under pain of church censures, to prevent and preclude all fears of divisions, to be occasioned by the like defections, in time coming. And as we offer and promise, so far as we are, or may be convinced, to confess our offences, any manner of way that church-judicatories shall appoint; so, for the satisfaction of all concerned in the late differences, and removal of offences, given or taken, we desire and expect, that such failings in the above specified particulars, or others, be laid to heart by all sorts of ministers and preachers, as they are convinced of, or after search, may be discovered to them by this reverend assembly: And that these, among the sins of the land, be set down in order as causes of a public fast, upon some week day, through all the meetings of Presbyterians within this kingdom; and that the sins of the people be intermixed among these causes. Further,
As we humbly conceive, it would prove a very proper and promising expedient, for promoving, preserving and propagating reformation; for settling and keeping order and union; for preventing and precluding innovation or corruptions; for discovering and discouraging apostates or schismatics, malignants or sectaries, and excluding them from access to do further hurt; so we hope, we shall be approven and seconded by many in this reverend Assembly, in craving the renewing of the covenants, either both the national and solemn league, with accommodations to our times, or one made up of both, with additions or explications, suiting our present case and day, with a solemn acknowledgment of the public breaches, and engagement to the duties of the covenants: Humbly moving, that none be forced to swear or subscribe the same, or so much as admitted to it, except they be such, as may be judged, in charity, to have a competent knowledge, and sense of the sins and duties thereof.
In fine, Though we will not take upon us, to propose the time or the way of purging out the episcopal clergy, yet we cannot and dare not forbear, to plead and obtest that they may not be continued, nor kept in the churches whereinto they have intruded; nor re-admitted that are, or may be laid aside, until they give approvable evidence of their repentance, for their sinful conformity. (1.) Upon all these grounds, exhibited above, against hearing of them. (2.) Because former experience of the hurt received by the entertainment of the episcopal clergy, anno 1638, does now plead for their care to prevent it in time coming. (3.) Because the people under their ministry, have hitherto been, and are perishing in ignorance and irreligion; being either starved for want of faithful and spiritual instruction, or poisoned with false instruction; and therefore pity to them, and zeal to propagate the gospel, should prompt to all endeavours to purge them out. (4.) Because the settlement, purgation, and plantation of the church, will be exceedingly obstructed by the continuance of them that unsettled it, corrupted it, and pestered the Lord's vineyard, with plants not of his planting, and whose leaven will be always in hazard to leaven the whole lump. (5.) Because, all of them are among these, whom the laws of Christ do oblige, the constitutions of this church do ordain, and the present civil sanctions for establishing church government do allow the church-representative, to try and purge out; being all of them either insufficient, or negligent, or erroneous, or scandalous, if these characters may be applied, or interpreted, according to scripture rules, or as the church hath extended them heretofore.
We are content that none of the curates be put out, but the insufficient and ignorant, if this be one part of the trial of their knowledge, to inquire not only into their gifts but their graces; if ignorance of conversion, regeneration, sanctification, and communion with God; both as to the doctrine of these benefits, and as to their own experience of them, so far as may be discovered by human judgment, be reputed insufficiency: We are content, none be put away but the negligent, if so be they that do not warn the wicked of their destroying sins, that feed themselves and not the flock, that do not strengthen the diseased, nor heal the sick, &c. that omit the pressing of necessary duties impartially on persons and families, and the censuring of scandals without respect of persons, be comprehended in that character: We are satisfied, none be removed but the erroneous; if they be judged to be such, who not only own points of popery, Arminianism and Socinianism, but are unsound in their explanation of the kingly office of Christ, or the perfection of the scriptures, in the point of church-officers and government, in the matter of oaths and of the magistrate's power, and do maintain Erastianism, an exploded and abjured error in this church: And we seek no more but that all be removed who are scandalous, and none but they, if intruders, covenant breakers, perjured subscribers of scandalous oaths and tests, schismatics and persecutors, be counted among the scandalous.
Some things are indeed extraordinary, which we here urge; but as extraordinary exigencies do force us, to move without a precedent; so they furnish you a power, to make a precedent for the like cases thereafter: We confess also, it may seem precipitant to press all these things so hard, and so soon, in a bruckle time, before things be better settled; but we fear, if new delays be procured, till all things be fully settled, that the observing of wind and clouds shall hinder both sowing and reaping. But it, laying aside the plaisters, wherewith the wounds of our backslidings have been slightly covered rather than cured, you put to your hand to the healing of your breaches, in condescending to these our humble desires, you shall win the blessing of many souls, rent and racked with these divisions; you shall disburthen the land of many weights and woes, whereof it is weary; you shall send to all the neighbouring churches a pattern, transmit to posterity an example, and erect to all ages a monument of self denying, zeal and wisdom; a work to be paralleled with the glories of former times. If herein our hopes shall fail us, we shall not know whether to wish, we had died with our brethren, by the enemies hand, and had never seen this reviving in our bondage; for it will be a death to us, and not a reviving, if there be not a returning together to the Lord, searching and trying, and discovering the iniquities of our ways. But however, we intend not to separate from the church, but to maintain union and communion in truth and duty, with all the ministers and members of this church that do, and in so far as they do follow the institutions of Christ; and to approve ourselves, God assisting, as much for peace and concord, as ever we were suspected to be men of divisive principles; hoping it shall appear, we are seeking where he feedeth, and where he makes his flock to rest at noon, and are not as such, who turn aside by the flocks of his companions, but going forth by the footsteps of the flocks, beside the shepherds tents: Yet with this protested dissent from, and testimony against all the above mentioned corruptions, defections, and offensive courses, which obliged us to stand at a distance in times of deformation; that our present joining in these circumstances, when these are removed, may not infer, or be interpreted an approving of what we formerly condemned: and be free from all partaking in these defections, by consent, connivance, compliance, or communion therein. For which we humbly supplicate, that these our humble proposals may be recorded in the books of assembly.
[247] See this Act V. Sess. 9. Ass. 1999. wherein the lesser paper is inserted.
[248] Pat. Walker says, That Mr. Shields much lamented his silence before the assembly, and of his coming so far short of his former resolutions, and if ever he saw such an occasion, he would not be so slack. Messrs. Lining and Boyd had too much influence upon him, being in haste for stipends and wives. Rem. of the lives of Messrs. Semple, &c. first edit, page 78.
[249] See a more full account of Mr. Shields both while in Caledonia and Jamaica, in the history of Darien, lately republished, from page 42 to 49.
[250] This family that pursued him is long ago extinct, and their house (as Mr. Dickson very publicly foretold in the hearing of many), after it had been an habitation for owls, the foundation stones were digged up. The inhabitants there could not but observe, that those who were informers, accusers and witnesses against Mr Dickson (some of them magistrates then in the town) were brought so low, that they were sustained by the charity of the parish. So hard a thing it is to meddle with the servants of Jesus Christ.
[251] It was no doubt such faithful freedom that made that defamatory scribbler say, in his Presbyterian Eloquence, that he said in a sermon at Galashields, that cess paying to Charles II. was as bad as sacrificing to devils, see page 15.
[252] Mr. Dickson being one who maintained and defended the lawfulness of defensive arms, either about this time or at the restoration before he was ejected, he kept the sacrament of the Lord's supper (probably at Rutherglen), while the people kept guard by centries under arms the whole time of the dispensation thereof. Which truly sets forth the danger and hazard of these times, and the aggravations of our sins in misimproving these mercies and privileged which they could not peaceably enjoy.
[253] If these were Mr. Dickson's sentiments then of the revolution settlement, so much now gloried in and boasted of by many, they must be either ignorantly blind or under an infatuation, who see not that things are a great deal worse (though the same as to the constitution) than in his day. For how many are the clogs and impositions, that are annually (I may say daily) wreathed about the neck of the church, in these degenerate isles of sea, Britain and Ireland. And could any thing be believed by an apostate generation, we should think that his words should be of some weight, who was no opponent, but a member of the established church, yea and more, a seer in our Israel, and, we may say, one among a thousand, for as the man is, so is his strength, &c.
[254] Calderwood's history, page 776.
[255] Wilson's impartial relation of Bothwel bridge, where the reader will find a full account of the most material transactions done there at that time.
[256] In the hands of some friends, are yet to be seen two of these commissions in Latin, wrote on parchment, one of which is a very beautiful copy on copper-plate.
[257] See a more full account of his negotiations in the Netherlands for the suffering remnant, in a large letter of his now published in Faithful Contendings, page 186,——{illegible}.
[258] Memorandum of occurrences in manuscript, page 1st and 2d.
[259] See the above-mentioned declarations, protestations and declinatures with some of his many religious letters, lately published in a pamphlet intitled, the Christian Conduct, &c.
[260] And even some others (Walker and others) who have pretended a great regard for the principles and memory of some of our late sufferers, such as Mess. Cameron, Cargil and Renwick. But in this they are not aware whom they have obliged: for it is pretty notour, That this gentleman and these worthies, particularly the last, were the very same in principle to their lives end, as their own letters and testimonies do evidence; and so in condemning him, they have not only tacitly condemned them, but most avowedly relinquished the substantial part of the covenanted testimony of the church of Scotland in her purest times; and what can the arch-bishop of Canterbury require more, never once to mention an anti-covenanter, a nullifidian, or lukewarm presbyterian.
[261] This life is substracted from his life at large in the first edition.
[262] See his life at large wrote by himself, Scots Worthies page 486.
[263] The most judicious historians that I have seen upon this subject, grant that Charles 2d was poisoned by the direction of the Papists, but B. Burnet in his History, and Dr. Welwood in his memoirs say, the king had no suspicions he was poisoned. Burnet insinuates that his harlot the duchess of Portsmouth and her confessor were the instruments, and that the king died in good terms with his brother. Dr. Welwood who gives both sides, relates this story: Some time the king, having drunk more liberally than usual, retired to the next room in the castle of Windsor, wrapt himself in his cloak, and fell asleep on a couch. He was but a little time returned to the company, when a servant belonging to one of them, lay down on the same couch, and was found stabbed dead with a poinard, nor was it ever known who did it: the matter was hushed up, and no inquiry made. Mem. page 88. But as to the circumstances of his death, no doubt, Mr Vetch had the advantage to know as well as many others, being often at London, and acquainted with some who frequented the court.
[264] Viz. Mr. Hepburn.
[265] This letter was read Aug. 17. 1643, in the Scots general assembly, as it stands in the collection of the acts thereof from 1638, to 1649. page 205.
* * * * *
GLASGOW, April 22d, 1782
A COMPENDIOUS VIEW Of Natural and Revealed Religion.—In Seven Books.
By JOHN BROWN, Minister of the Gospel in Haddington.
BOOK I. Of the standard of all religion;—the law of nature in its foundation and contents,—the insufficiency of the light of nature to render a man truly virtuous and happy;—the possibility, desireableness, necessity, propriety, reasonableness, credibility, divine authority, properties and parts of that revelation which is contained in the scriptures of the old and new Testament.
BOOK II. Of God, the author, or, object and end of all religion,—in his perfections, persons, purposes and works.
BOOK III. Of the bonds of religious connection between God and men,—the covenants of works and grace in their origin, parties, parts and administration in time and eternity.
BOOK IV. Of Christ the mediator of the covenant of grace, in his person, offices and states.
BOOK V. Of the blessings of the covenant of grace, effectual calling, justification, adoption, sanctification, spiritual comfort, eternal glory.
BOOK VI. Of the dispensation of the covenant of grace by means of law, gospel and ordinances thereof.
BOOK VII. Of the new covenant society or church, in her constitution, members, offices and government.
* * * * *
I. The book will be printed on a fair paper and new Type, in two Octavo volumes, to consist of about 300 and 30 pages each volume.
II. The price to Subscribers will be One Shilling and Sixpence Sterling each volume, sewed, and Two Shillings neatly bound. A few copies on a fine Demy paper at Two Shillings sewed, and Two Shillings and Sixpence bound, each volume.
III. Those who subscribe for twelve copies, shall have one Gratis.
IV. The book will be put to the press as soon as a competent number of subscriptions are obtained.
The encouragers of this work are desired to send in their Names, with the number of Copies they want, to the Publisher immediately as few copies will be printed but those subscribed for.
SUBSCRIPTIONS are taken in by JOHN BRYCE, Printer, Glasgow; and by all others intrusted with Proposals.
* * * * *
The Judgment and Justice of God EXEMPLIFIED.
WICKED LIVES and MISERABLE DEATHS of some of the most remarkable Apostates and bloody Persecutors in Scotland, from the Reformation till after the Revolution;
COLLECTED FROM Historical Records, Authenticated Writings, and other well-vouched Relations.
PSALM lv. 23. But thou, O God, shalt bring them down to the pit of destruction. Bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days.
PSALM vii. 12. He hath also prepared for him the instruments of death, he ordained his arrows against the persecutors.
2 THESS. i. 6.—It is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.
—— Immemores Dei Gentes mors inopina Aeternis tenebris premit.
Psalm ix. 17.—BUCHAN.
Had I not confined myself at first to the limits of an Appendix to the lives of our Scots worthies, I might have written a volume, containing the same hints of the most notable Apostates, Blasphemers, and wicked Persecutors, Jew and Christian, in all the different kingdoms and countries wherein the true religion and knowledge of the true God hath been professed, from the earliest ages to this present century; and which may be yet attempted, if this meet with the approbation of the Public, and a call and farther encouragement be given for that purpose.
I presume, that any person, who has diligently perused the history of the lives of our noble Scots worthies, will by this time be able to form some idea in their own minds of the religious, virtuous and faithful lives, joyful and comfortable deaths of a certain number of Christ's noble witnesses, confessors and martyrs, who through much tribulation emerged forth of all their difficulties in much faith and patience, and are now inheriting the promise in that land and celestial Jerusalem above, where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary be at rest.
It now follows of course, that I should present another scene unto the reader's view, viz. a short index or memorial of the wicked, apostate, perfidious and flagitious lives, and miserable and lamentable deaths of some of the most particular persons that opposed and oppressed the church of Christ, and mal-treated and persecuted them. But previous to the opening of this tragical train of examples, (of the Lord's righteous justice and judgment on his and his church's enemies) let the following few particulars be observed. And,
1st, Let none think that this is a subject foreign or remote to either scripture, apocrypha, or history. No; I might instance Cain, the proto-persecutor and murderer; Pharaoh, who was drowned in the Red sea; Corah and others, who were swallowed up quick and burnt before the Lord; Saul, who finished his own regicide; wicked Joram, whose bowels fell out; apostate Joash and Jehoiakim, who burnt the roll, came to ignominious ends: Ahab and Zedekiah, false prophets, whom the king of Babylon roasted in the fire; Haman, who was hanged: Antiochus Epiphanes, who was eaten of vermin, and rotted while alive; Melenaus the apostate, who was smothered to death in ashes; Herod, who killed the children of Bethlehem, and had the same fate with Antiochus; Herod Antipas, who killed John Baptist; Herodias and Salmon the dancer came to fearful ends: Judas and Caiaphas became their own executioners; Pilate also ended his own wretched life; Herod Agrippa was eaten up of worms: Nero and all the succeeding emperors, authors of the ten persecutions; Philip II. of Spain, Charles IX. Henry III. and IV. kings of France, Dukes of Guise, Anjou, Austria, &c. the cardinals Wolsey and Pool, bloody Mary of England, bishop Gardiner, with an immense number more both of this and inferior ranks, too tedious here to mention, came all to deserved wretched deaths suitable to such wicked and bloody lives.—Nay, God will have such reverence paid to what bears the name of deity and religion, that even amongst the very heathens, who had not the knowledge of the true God, those who blasphemed or affronted the gods, robbed their temples, or mal-treated and persecuted their priests, did not pass without some public mark of divine displeasure, (of which I might give a number of instances from history, were it needful). And should such as are favoured with an objective revelation of the true God and way of salvation in and by him, who destroy his heritage, persecute his people, blaspheme his name, and make a mock of religion, go unpunished? Nor,
2ndly, Is the collecting or recording such exemplary instances without precept or precedent? Moses, by the Lord's direction, commanded the centers of those who were burnt up when offering strange fire to be made broad plates for a covering to the altar, for a memorial to the children of Israel.—And, passing other instances in scripture, historians and martyrologers, we find the reformed church of the Netherlands at the famous synod of Embden 1571, amongst other things, enacted and ordered the Lord St. Atergonde to write the history of the persecution by the Duke de Alva, with the visible judgments that befel the persecutors at that time. The same thing was agitated and concluded upon by the united societies in Scotland, both before and after the Revolution, which, had their resolutions been accomplished, had either anticipated this publication, or rendered it more complete than what it can otherwise be expected.[266] Nor,
3dly, Can it be expected, that all our Scots apostates and persecutors are here narrated. No; there have many of God's eminent saints and dear children made their exit out of this world without any note or observation: in like manner, every wicked and notorious offender has not been made a Magor Missabib, a wonder unto themselves and others. We can ascribe this to nothing but divine wisdom and sovereignty. But there have been as many instances of both kinds as may serve for a monitor both to saints and sinners, to encourage the one and deter the other, and that others may hear and fear. Again, there have been several of these wicked enemies of God even in our own land, whose deaths have been as remarkable as those now related, which have either not been recorded, or else the records have been lost, and cannot now, after such a long time elapsed, be retrieved[267]. And
4thly, This may be observed, That, though numbers in this black catalogue have nothing different as to the taking away of the life temporal, such as by heading, hanging, &c., from what has befallen God's dear children and martyrs,—yet it is the cause of their death, their disposition and frame at that time, must only cast the scale of balance. Jesus as man, and the obstinate malefactor on the cross, are an illustrating proof of this: for, while the one goes off the stage triumphing in the justice of their cause under the sensible manifestations of God's gracious presence, crying out, Farewel, friends and relations, holy scriptures, duties, sun, moon, stars,—all created enjoyments:—Welcome, death, scaffold, gibbet for precious Christ; welcome eternity, glory, angels, spirits of just men made perfect; welcome, Jesus Christ, Spirit of all grace, God the judge of all, and life for evermore:—The other (although I do not meddle with their eternal state, as being no-ways my province or prerogative to determine upon) at least those I have here condescended upon, died either in a senseless, secure, supine stupidity, or else belching out the most fearful oaths, and imprecations against themselves or others, or worse, if worse may be, roaring out in despair in the most dreadful horror of an awakened conscience under the sense of God's wrath and fiery indignation ready to be poured forth upon them for their former wicked lives; which must be one of the most exquisite torments in this life, as expressed by the poet,
——Siculi non invenere Tyranni Tormentum majus.——
Nay, some have had very wicked lives or actions in life, and yet through the Lord's goodness have obtained mercy at last, though none of this stamp to my knowledge, as far as could be discerned, are brought into this category[268]. And
5thly, Let none think that I have dragged any in here, because they were king, queen, or bishop; no, there are others here; it was because they were tyrants, apostates, perjured wretches, wicked persecutors and bloody deceitful men: a Charles on the throne, a Lauderdale in the state, a M'Kinzie at the bar, a Jefferies on the bench, a Dalziel in the army, and a Judas Sharp in the church, amongst others inrolled in the annals of time, (and we may fear in eternity too) are terrible monuments of this.—It is true, all this black group attained not the same altitude of wickedness; but they all acted from the same principle, and bended toward the same point, and that was to propagate Satan's kingdom, and persecute the saints of the Most High, as far as their power, station and office would allow; (although some of them were more humane than others) yet they must all be brought to the same standard, seeing divine sovereignty has ordered it so.
6thly, It is here hoped, that none of the offspring of those will be offended at what is related of their ancestors, unless they approve of their deeds; seeing no man can help the evil qualities of his forefathers. A good Jehoshaphat begat a wicked Jehoram and a wicked Ahaz, and Amnon begat a good Josiah. And though the Lord has declared that he will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, yet he has also said, The son shall not die for the iniquity of his father; if he turn from it, he shall live.—It is granted, that virtuous and religious lives are necessary to be set before us for our example, and why should not the contrary vices be eschewed by viewing a portrait of the reverse qualities? for he who has said that the memory of the just shall be blessed, has also said, that the memory of the wicked shall rot; that is, they shall either sink into oblivion, or else in consuming away shall become nauseous unto posterity, as says the prophet, Their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten.
Lastly, For the matter and method of the following examples, though there be severals of them touched at in the lives of the Scots worthies as connected with the subject, yet I have brought them unto this composition, that the reader may view them all at once; and for the method I have arranged them in, each example is as near the order of time when they died as could be guessed, and as concise as possible, being restricted to such narrow limits. As for the authority of the authors from whom they are collected, (except a few relations as well vouched as at present could be obtained) they are much the same with those of the lives of the worthies, historical faith being all that can be claimed in human and imperfect composures.
And for a conclusion, let us see all scenes closing, let us, through the foregoing mirror and following prospect, view the Lord's admirable goodness to his own dear children even when walking through the furnace of affliction, with his just and severe indignation and resentment even in this life upon his and their enemies.—Let us behold the one wafted over the dark river in the arms of a Redeemer (though sometimes on a bloody bottom) unto the flowery banks of Emmanuel's land;—while the other is with an awful gloom of horror hurled head-long into the pit of destruction. Let us by faith apprehend those thousands of thousands at Christ's right hand, singing, Allelujah, true and righteous are his judgments; he hath judged the great whore, and avenged the blood of his servants,—with a numberless throng on his left hand of these miscreants sentenced unto that place of torment and woe, where they shall have an eternity to bewail their infidelity, impiety, avarice, ambition, cruelty, and stupidity in.—And, in fine, if the following hints shall serve for no other purpose, they will stand for an incontestable evidence of the very first principle of religion, that there is a God to reward the righteous and punish the wicked:—So that men shall say, Verily, there is a reward for the righteous; verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth.
The Judgment and Justice of GOD Exemplified, &c.
JOHN CAMERON, sometime bishop of Glasgow was a most wicked wretch: he not only committed many acts of avarice and cruelty upon the poor people of his diocese, but also encouraged those in place and power to do the like: So that he became the author of almost all the mischief in that part of the country.—But in this he did not long escape the just judgment of God; for in the night before (what they call) Christmas day, 1446, as he lay in his own house in Lockwood about seven miles from Glasgow, he seemed to hear an audible voice summoning him to appear before Christ's tribunal to give an account of his doings.—He got up affrighted, and called for his servant to bring a light and sit by him; he himself took a book and began to read; but the voice was heard a second time louder, which struck all his servants with horror. His servant being gone, the voice called a third time more terrible than before; at which the bishop was heard give a groan, and so was found dead in his bed with his tongue hanging out of his mouth; and so came to an end deserving of such a life.—Buchanan and Spotiswood's Histories.
SIR GEORGE STEEL, a parasite and mighty flatterer of James V.; but one of the greatest enemies to God and his people (that then began to profess the true religion) that was in all the court, being such a bigotted papist, that, one day in a large audience, he renounced his portion of Christ's kingdom, if the prayer of the Virgin Mary did not bring him hither.—But one day, while in presence of the king, he dropped down dead from his horse and never spoke a word.—Knox's history.
JAMES HAMILTON, a natural brother to the earl of Arran was by the popish clergy's influence advanced in the reign of said James V. and was so cruel and terrible against all such as were supposed to favour the protestant religion, that even some of his own relations were brought under his power—being by the intercession of these poplings by the king made judge or lord justice for that purpose. But while he was employing himself to crush the gospel in the very bud, his cousin James Hamilton sheriff of Linlithgow, whom he had caused to be banished before on that account, returned home and accused him of treason, and in spite of all the popish clergy could do in his behalf, he was arraigned, condemned, beheaded and quartered at Edinburgh, and his quarters placed upon the public places of the city.—Buchanan and Fulfilling of the Scriptures.
THOMAS SCOT, a privy counsellor and justice clerk to the said James V. was a notable enemy and persecutor of these professing the reformed religion. But falling sick at Edinburgh, he fell into despair: he was most vexed for what he had done against Christ's witnesses, and still cried out, Justo Dei judicio condemnatus sum, I am condemned by God's just judgment, and damned without remedy. And (if he be the same who is called by some, Blair) when the monks began to comfort him, he charged them to be gone with their factions and trumperies, saying, till now, I never believed there was God or devil, heaven or hell. I acted only as a politician to get preferment and money, and for that purpose I joined the bishops side, and prevailed with the king to cast out their adversaries. All your masses can do me no good: the devil has me already in his gripes to carry me to hell and torment me eternally. In this situation he died the same night, he appeared to the king when lying at Linlithgow with a company of devils, and uttered these words to him, O woe to the day that ever I knew thee or thy service; for the serving of thee against God, against his servants and against justice, I am adjudged to endless torment.—Knox's history, Appendix to Sp{illegible}'s relation.
ALEX. CAMPBELL, a dominican friar, a man of wit and learning, who though he agreed almost in every point with Patrick Hamilton, yet being more desirous to save than hazard his life for the truth, was prevailed upon by his friends not only to prefer a public accusation against the said Patrick, but even when bound at the stake in the fire, over the belly of the light of his own conscience, continually cried out, Convert, heretic; call on our lady: say, salve regina, &c. to whom the martyr said, depart from me, and trouble me not, thou messenger of Satan. But while this friar still roared out these words with great vehemency, He said again to him, "O thou vilest of men, thou art convinced that these tenets which thou now condemnest, are certainly true, and didst confess to me that they are so. I cite thee against a certain time before the tribunal seat of Christ Jesus, &c." In a few days after, Campbel turned quite mad, and died in Glasgow as one in despair.—Buch. Knox's hist. and others.
JAMES V. son to James IV. who began to reign 1514, notwithstanding a quick genius and inclination at first to sobriety and justice, yet soon became corrupted with licenciousness and avarice the bane of that age; and, being wholly under the direction of the pope and his poplings in Scotland he turned a most violent persecutor of the professors of the true religion, (which then began to dawn) in so much that Patrick Hamilton, of the royal stock, behoved to suffer the flames; many others were oppressed and banished the nation as hereticks. Nay, such was his furious zeal, that he was heard say, that none of that sort need expect favour at his hand, were it his own sons if guilty: and it appears he would have been as good as his word, (from a paper or list of their names given in by the clergy found in his pocket at his death) had not divine providence interposed: for being pushed on to an unjust war with the English by the advice of Oliver Sinclair and others, his army was shamefully defeated at Solway moss, where this Oliver his general fled and was taken: upon which, James fell into a delirium, still crying out, O fled Oliver: is Oliver taken? After visiting some of his mistresses, he went to Falkland, (after he had had some frightful dreams at Linlithgow) and hearing the queen was delivered of a daughter, he broke forth unto this desperate expression, "The devil go with it, it came with a woman, and will go with a woman, &c." But still his continued cry was, Is Oliver taken, &c. till cardinal Beaton came, whose intrigues with the queen were before known, and by whose direction it was supposed the king received a dose, of which he soon expired in that situation, 1542.—Buch. Knox, &c.
DAVID PANTHER, bishop of Galloway, was a violent enemy to the gospel. For advancing the queen regent's interest he got an abbey in France. He would by no means admit of a disputation with any of the reformed; but recommended fire and sword for the only defence of the catholic religion. "Our victory (said he) stands neither in God nor his word, but in our own wills, otherwise we will no more be found the men we are called, than the devil will be approved to be God, &c." Amongst other extravagances, he became a notable Epicurean, eating and drinking becoming the only pastime of his life, and in that excess, he at last fell down and expired.—Knox, &c.
—— DURY, a fowl of the same nest, was, for his filthy course of life, called Abbot Stottikin. But being a furious papist, he obtained the see of Galloway, and became such a persecutor of the reformation, that he roundly vowed, that, in despite of God, as long as they prelates lived, that word called GOSPEL should never be preached in this realm. But his boasting lasted not long; for being suddenly seized by death, the articles of his belief or dying words were, "Decarte, you, ha, ha. The four kings and all made, the devil go with: it is but a varlet from France; we thought to have got a ruby, but we got nothing but a cohoobie." And so this filthy enemy of God ended his life.—Knox, &c.
DAVID BEATON was made arch-bishop of St. Andrews, and by the pope, cardinal of Scotland. But, being a man of a strange nature and cruel disposition, he set himself to crush the professors of the reformed religion with fire and faggot. Captain Bothwick was by his influence accused, but fled to England: four men by his direction were burnt on the Castle-hill of Edinburgh 1538; as were Russel and Kennedy the year after. Thus he continued at this game, at the same time wallowing like a hog in a stie in all manner of filthiness, till the year 1646, that he got that man of God George Wishart brought to the flames.—While he was at the stake before the cardinal's castle at St. Andrews, that the cardinal might gratify his eyes with this desirable sight, the cushions were laid for him and his company to lean upon, while looking forth at the windows.—After the fire was kindled, the martyr said amongst other things, "This fire torments my body, but no ways abates my spirit, but he who now looks down so proudly from yonder lofty palace, (pointing to the cardinal) and feeds his eyes with my torment, shall ere long be hung out at that window as ignominiously, as he now there leans with pride." Accordingly some gentlemen vowed to avenge Mr. Wishart's death. The wicked monster getting previous notice, said, Tush, a fig for the fools, a button for the bragging of heretics. Is the Lord governor mine? witness his oldest son with me as a pledge. Have not I the queen at my devotion? Is not France my friend? What danger should I fear?—But in a few days, Norman Lesly, John Lesly, and the laird of Grange entered the castle in the morning, just as one of his harlots Mrs Ogilvie was gone out of bed from him. The noise soon alarmed the cardinal, who was but a little before fallen asleep. He got up and hid a coffer of gold in a corner. Afterward with some difficulty they got in. John Lesly drew his sword, and in sober terms told him their errand, but could bring him to no signs of repentance or preparation for death.—Whereupon they stabbed him; upon which he cried out, I am a priest: fy, all is gone; and so he expired. The provost and his friends came in a fray, and demanded what was become of him, and would not depart; which made them hang his carcase over the window, according to Mr Wishart's words; and then they departed;—after which he lay a considerable time unburied[269].
A FRENCH OFFICER and gentleman volunteer in the queen regent's army, whom she employed to cut off the professors of the reformed religion, after several outrages by him committed in Fife upon them, entered into a poor woman's house, with a small family of children at Whiteside, to plunder it. She offered him such provision as she had; but this would not satisfy him; for notwithstanding all her tears and intreaties, the cruel wretch must have what little meal and beef she had to sustain her and her young infants. She perceiving this, upon his stooping down into a large barrel or pipe to take what was there, first turned up his heels, and then with what help her family could afford, kept him in, till amongst the meal he ended his wicked life.—Knox.
MARY of Lorrain, sister to the duke of Guise, and second wife to James V. after her husband's death, aspired to the regency; and being sprung from a family who always had shewn themselves inveterate and implacable enemies to the kingdom of Christ, she set herself with might and main, to exterminate the gospel and its professors out of Scotland.—She told them, in plain words, that, in despite of them and their ministers both, they should be banished out of it, albeit they preached as true as ever St. Paul did: and, for that purpose, procured to her faction in Scotland some thousands of French soldiers, which obliged them to lift arms in their own defence. One time, these cruel savages having obtained a small advantage in a skirmish at Kinghorn, and committed many outrages of plunder in Fife, she broke out into the following expression: "Where is now John Knox's God? My God is stronger than his, even in Fife." At another time when the reformed had pulled down some monuments of idolatry at St. Johnston, this catholic heroine vowed, "She should destroy both man, woman and child in it, and burn it with fire: and that, if she had a fair pretext for the deed, she would not leave an individual of the heretical tribe, either his fortune or life." Again 1560, when her Frenchmen had obtained another victory at Leith, and having stripped the slain, and laid their bodies upon the walls before the sun, at the beholding of which from the castle of Edinburgh, it is said she leaped for joy and said, "Yonder is the fairest tapestry I ever saw! I would the whole field were covered with the same stuff." But God soon put a stop to this wicked contumely; for in a few days (some say the same day) her belly and legs began to swell of that loathsome and ugly disease whereof she died in the month of June following. Before her death, she seemed to shew some remorse for her past conduct; but no signs of true repentance, else she would not have received the Popish sacrament of extreme unction. The papists having now lost their head, and the church not suffering her to be buried with the superstitious rites of popery, she was coffined, and kept four months, and then went to France: and so she, who a little made the followers of Christ when killed lie unburied, could not obtain a burial in the kingdom of Scotland[270].
DAVID RIZIO or Riccio, born at Turin in Savoy, came over, and was introduced unto queen Mary's musicians (being of that craft) and complying with her humour in every thing, he was advanced to be one of her secretaries. But being one of the pope's minions and a deadly enemy to the cause of Christ in Scotland, he laid continual schemes to ruin the noble reformers. He laid a plot to murder the good earl of Murray with his own hand, but it miscarried. He had a principal hand in the queen's match with Darnly; but soon became his rival, and the queen's paramour. He exceeded the king in apparel and furniture, and intended to have cut off the Scots nobility, and brought in a set of foreign ministers. He counterfeited the king's seal, and nothing could be done without him at court. He was apprized of his hazard, but nothing could affright him. Whereupon the king, with James Douglas, Patrick Lindsay, &c. knowing that he was gone in privily to the queen one night, (as his custom was) came in upon them, while he was sitting by the queen at supper. She sought to defend him by the interposition of her body; but bringing him to an outer chamber, at first they intended to have hanged him publicly, which would have been a most grateful spectacle to the people; but being in haste, James Douglas gave him a stroke with his dagger, which was by the company succeeded, to the number of fifty-three strokes, and so he soon expired, March 9, 1566[271].
HENRY STUART, son to the earl of Lenox, returned to Scotland 1565, and was married to the queen; and being a bigotted papist, the reforming lords opposed his marriage, but were obliged to flee to England. While matters went well betwixt him and the queen, he was wholly at her devotion, and at her instigation, cast the Psalms of David into the fire. But after Rizio's death, the earl of Bothwel becoming the queen's beloved paramour, she fell in disgust with the king; and he being misled up in popery, and seeing himself thus forsaken of the queen, and despised by her faction of the nobility, wrote to the king of France, that the country was all out of order, because the mass and popery were not again fully erected in Scotland. But the queen, to be rid of him, caused to be given him a dose of poison. But being in the prime of youth, he surmounted the disorder. Being a man wholly given to sensual pleasure, he was easily deceived: the queen decoyed him to Edinburgh, where she and Bothwel laid a plan for his life wherein Bothwel was to be the aggressor. In prosecution of which, he with some others entered the king's lodging in the night, and while he was asleep strangled him and one of his servants, and drew him out at a little gate they had made through the wall of the city, and left his naked body lying, and so, like another Johoiakim, who burnt the roll, was cast without the gates of Jerusalem.
JOHN HAMILTON was, by his brother the regent, after the cardinal's death made arch-bishop of St. Andrew's. He exactly trod in the footsteps of his predecessors; and that not only in uncleanness, taking men's wives from them for his concubines, (as the popish clergy must not be married) but was also a violent oppressor and persecutor of Christ's gospel in his mystical members. Adam Wallace and Walter Mill were by his direction committed to the flames. Again, when Mr. Knox went with the lords to preach at St. Andrew's, he raised 100 spear-men to oppose him. He had a hand in most of the bloody projects, in the queen regent's management. In her daughter Mary's reign, she followed the same course. He had a hand in Henry Stuart's death, and was afterward one of the conspirators of the the death of the good regent the earl of Murray; but the reformed getting the ascendent, he was obliged to flee to the castle of Dumbarton, and was there taken, when it was taken by the regent earl of Marr, and for his former misdemeanours, was hanged up by the neck like a dog at Stirling, about the year 1572.
WILLIAM MAITLAND, commonly called in history, young Lethington, though a man of no small parts or erudition, yet became sadly corrupted by the court. He was made secretary to queen Mary, and with her became a prime agent against the reformation. He oftentimes disputed with Mr. Knox, and at last gave in a charge of treason against him on account of religion. And one time, he was so chagrined at the preachers of the gospel, namely Mr. Craig, that he gave himself to the devil, if after that day he should care what became of Christ's ministers, let them blow as hard as they would. He had a prime hand in the queen's marriage with Darnly, and against the lords who professed the reformed religion. After the queen fled to England, he was the principal manager of all the popish plots and tragical disasters that for some time happened in England and Scotland. But the queen's affairs growing desperate, he fled to Edinburgh castle, which was then held for the queen by the laird of Grange. Mr. Knox sent a message to them of their danger, and what would befal them. But Lethington made a mock of Mr. Knox and his advice; but the castle being taken 1573, he was imprisoned in the steeple of Leith, where six escaped further ignominy by public punishment. It was said he poisoned himself, and lay so long unburied that the vermin upon his body were creeping out at the doors of the house, in under the ground of the steeple.—Calderwood's history.
JAMES HEPBURN Earl of Bothwel was a wicked vicious man from his very infancy. At first he inclined as seemed to the protestant side, but becoming the queen's principal minion, he apostatized to popery, because it was her religion. He vigorously opposed the work of reformation, attempted to murder the good Earl of Murray, but was prevented. After the slaughter of Rizio, he succeeded in his place, and became a partaker of the king's bed. After which he murdered him, and married the queen (although he had three wives living at that time). He designed to have murdered James VI. then a child, but was prevented by the lords who rose in defence of religion and their liberties. The queen was by them made to abandon him, which made him flee to Shetland, where he became a pirate: but being obliged to escape from thence to Denmark, where after near ten years confinement, he became distracted and died mad.
JAMES DOUGLAS Earl of Morton was a man of no small natural endowments, but a man of a covetous and lecherous disposition. While chancellor, he got the Fulcan bishopricks erected[272], that the bishops might have the title and honour; but the nobility got the profit or church revenues. After he became regent, though things came to a more settled state, yet for his own political ends, he oppressed the people, but especially the clergy by promises to assign them stipends in parishes. He extorted from them the rights to the thirds of the benefice, and oftimes caused one minister to serve four or five parishes, while himself took all the stipends but one, (so that by the end of the century some ministers had but 11 l. and some but the half and miserably paid). He was the first that introduced prelacy into Scotland. Says a historian, "He threatened some of the ministers, misliked general assemblies, could not endure the free and open rebuke of sin in the pulpit, maintained the bishops and pressed his own injunctions and conformity with England; and had without question stayed the work of God, had not God stirred up a faction of the nobility against him." For first, the king took upon him the regency: then he was accused of the late king's murder. He had amassed great sums of money together; but it was partly embezzled by his friends, and partly conveyed away in barrels and hid; So that when brought to Edinburgh, he had to borrow twenty shillings for the poor. Thus having lost both his friends and his money, which might have procured him friends, he was condemned and executed at Edinburgh, June 2d, 1581. And so, for advancing the king's authority and supremacy over the church and introducing bishops into it, he was by him and them but poorly rewarded.—Calderwood and Fulfilling of the Scriptures.
JAMES STUART, son to the lord Ochiltree, was from a single centinel advanced to a captain in king James's minority; but, becoming still greater at court, he assumed unto himself the title of earl of Arran. He became the king's only favourite, and was by him advanced unto the helm of affairs; and then he set himself to ruin the church of God: for first, he got the king's supremacy in all causes civil and ecclesiastick, asserted by parliament; and then he got a set of wicked and profane bishops, like himself, again reinstated in the church. In a word, this ambitious, covetous, bloody, seditious Cataline, and scorner of religion and enemy to the commonwealth was the author of all the broils and disorders in church and state from 1680 to 1685; and would have done more (being now made chancellor and captain of the castle of Edinburgh) had not the Lord, by his own immediate hand of providence, interposed in behalf of his church; for, first, being disgraced at court, while on the pinnacle of dignity, he was tumbled down unto his first original: then taking a tour through Kyle, came near Douglas, and was at last set upon by James Douglas (afterward lord Fotherald) in the valley of Catslaks, in revenge for his accusation of his friend the earl of Morton, and thrown from his horse, and killed with a spear, and his body left lying exposed to be devoured of dogs upon the king's high way.—Calderwood, Spotiswood, and Melvil's memoirs.
MARY STUART daughter to James V. first married the dauphin of France, and after his death returned home, and took on her the regal government of Scotland. Tho' some historians represent her for a woman of a quick judgment and good natural abilities, yet it is evident she was of a revengeful temper and lecherous disposition; and being misled up in popery from her infancy, her opposition to the protestant reformed religion seems all of a piece. It would fill a volume to recite the wickedness, mischiefs and tragical disasters, that, through her instigation, by her command or example, were committed during her reign. For, not to mention her intrigues with Rizio and Chattelet the French dancer, whom she caused at last to be hanged; the court rung with all manner of wickedness, impiety and profanity. About 1566, she entered into a league with Charles IX. of France to extirpate the reformed religion. She and her favourites robbed the church of their patrimony to maintain the luxury of the court: So that they could all have scarce 2000l. yearly. Nor upon all their petitions, though in a starving condition, could they get any redress from her. She married Darnly, then fell in adultery with Bothwel, then they concerted his murder: and after she married the Regicide, lifted arms against the professors of the true religion, by whom she was obliged to flee to England. In a word, every dreary year of her unfortunate reign was blackened with some remarkable disaster, and by such acts of impudence and injustice, as corrupt nature and popish cruelty could suggest. After her elopement to England, the popish faction, of which she was the head, kept the nations in continual intestine broils, till a scheme was by them laid to marry the duke of Norfolk a papist, get rid of her son James and Queen Elizabeth, and grasp both kingdoms into the hands; but this proving abortive, she next endeavoured to have herself declared Second in England, whereupon Queen Elizabeth signed a warrant somewhat precipitantly for her execution; and so she was beheaded in Fotheringay castle, Feb. 18. 1586, or according to some 1587. She died with some fortitude, but would have nothing to do with the protestant clergy at the place of execution, saying, she would die in the catholick religion wherein she was bred and born, willing only to have her confessor: at last she lifted the crucifix and kissed it. And so she ended her days, as she lived, and with her ended bare-faced popery for a time in Scotland.—Knox, Melvil, Spotiswood, &c. |