Rive (Abbe Jean Joseph). See Bibliographical Index.
Roche (Mr.). His communication respecting Count M'Carthy, 518
Roscoe (Mr. William). Proposed to write a life of Erasmus, 222 His commendation of handsome book-binding, 514
Rosicrusius. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 127, 128
Roveray (Du). His publications commended, 481
Rowe Mores (Edward). Sale of his library, 501
Roxburgh (John, Duke of). Anecdote of, 523
Royal Institution. Catalogue of the library of, 99
Sales, Book. Account of their establishment, 304-308 Number of, in the years 1806-7, 456, 457
Satin. Books printed upon, 512
Saxius (Christopher). See Bibliographical Index.
Scaliger (Joseph). The author's estate compared with that of, 564
Scott (Robert). A celebrated bookseller, 310
Scott (Sir Walter). Beauty of his poetry, 410. See Bibliographical Index.
Scotus Erigena (Johannes). Account of his writings, 168
Scribes, or Scriveners. Ignorance of the ancient, 184
Seaman (Dr.) Catalogue of his books, 304-306
Sharp and Hailes. Their publications commended, 431
Sherington (Sir Walter). Regulations concerning his library, 194, 195
Similis. Inscription upon his tomb, 562
Smith (Consul). Catalogue of his library, 95, 376
Smith (Richard). Account and sale of his library, 302-304 Engraving of his portrait, 503
Smyth (George). Account of his library, 403
Snuff-box of Mr. L., 122
Soubise (Prince De). Catalogue of his library, 96
Southgate (Richard). Account of his collections, 419
Spencer (George John, Earl). His purchase of Count Revickzky's library, 92 His copies of the Mozarabic Missal & Breviary, 162 Copy of the Siege of Rhodes, printed by Caxton, 407 Copy of Pynson's edition of Chaucer's works, 417 Copies of illustrated Shakspeares, 498 Copy of Pliny, printed by Sweynhem and Pannartz, upon vellum, 519 Eulogy upon his character, 524 Armorial ensigns of, 525 Copy of the "Assertio Septem," upon vellum, 565
Stafford (Marchioness of). Description of a private publication by, 533 Her skill in etching, 534
Stanley (Colonel). His fine copy of De Bry, 512
Steevens (George). Some account of, 427-440 Analysis of his library, 428-436 His verses on Eleanour Rummin, 437 His letters to Herbert, 438-440
Strange (John). His library commended, 441
Strawberry-Hill Press. Account of books printed there, 534, 540 Vignette device of the house, 540
Struvius. See Bibliographical Index.
Stubbes. See Bibliographical Index.
Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of). His whistle, 241 An intended edition of his works by the Rev. Dr. Nott, ib.
Sutherland (Col. Alexander Hendras). His extraordinary copy of an illustrated Clarendon, 499
Sycorax. A literary character, 7-9
Sykes (Sir Mark Masterman). His copy of the Revickzky Catalogue, 92 of Rapin's History of England, 494
Tanner (Thomas, Bishop of St. Asaph). Account of his editorship of Wood's Athen. Oxon., 46 His Bibl. Brit. Hibernica, 52
Testament, Greek. Number of editions of, 542
Tewrdanckhs. A book so called, 65, 390
Theobald (Lewis). His love of old books, 343
Theodore (Archbishop of Canterbury), 165
Theological volumes. Great number of, in the Imperial Library at Paris, 109
Thuanas [De Thou, Jaques Auguste]. Account, and catalogue, of his library, 96
Thynne (William). A distinguished bibliomaniac, 242
Tiptoft (John, Earl of Worcester), 198, 199
Tiraboschi (Girolamo). See Bibliographical Index.
Titles of Books. Strangely lettered upon the binding, 88
Todd (Rev. Henry John). See Bibliographical Index. His editions of Milton and Spenser commended, 550
Triphook (Mr. Robert)—bookseller, 308 His projected work on, 'The History of Playing Cards,' 399
Tristrem (Sir). A book-auction bibliomaniac, 134
Trithemius (John). Some account of, 541, 542 Wood-cut portrait of, 542
True Editions. Account of, 525-527
Tutet (Mark Cephas). Account of his library, 399, 400
Ulpian. A book-auction bibliomaniac, 132
Uncut Copies. Passion for the possession of, 494-496
Unique Copies. Illustration of, 511-514
Utterson (Mr. Edward Vernon). His copy of Stubbes's Anatomy of Abuses, 279 of Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft, 492
Valliere (Duc De La). Anecdote of him and the Abbe Rive, 59 Catalogues of his library, 97
Vellum, books printed upon, 68, 97, 321, 322—but see particularly 515-521
Visitors of ancient Monasteries, 231
Wakefield (Robert), 235, 413
Walpole (Francis). Heraldic quarterings of, 100
Walpole (Horace). See 'Strawberry Hill Press.'
Wanley (Humphrey). Some account of, 346, 347
Warton (Thomas). Celebrated under the character of Menander, 7
West (James). Account of, and analysis of his library, 376-383 Prices of some of his books sold by auction, 377, 380, 381 Comparison of his library with J. Ratcliffe's, 393
Wicliffe (John). Bishop Fell's character of, 318 Mr. Baber's edition of his New Testament, 339 Life of, by Lewis, 340
Wilbraham (Mr. Roger). His copy of the 'Manner and Forme of Confession,' 224
Wilkes (John). Account of his Library, 447
Wilson (Thomas, Bishop of Sodor and Man). His edition of the Bible, 109
Witches. Tracts relating to, at Brand's sale, 454
Wolfius (John). See Bibliographical Index. Wood-cut portrait of, 112
Wolsey (Thomas, Cardinal), 225-228 His character by Skelton, Roy, and Tyndale, 225, 226, 227 Fine books presented to him, 227
Wood (Anthony). Some account of, 312-316. See Bibliographical Index. Woodcut portrait of, 315
Woodford (Emperor John Alexander). Sale of his library, 459
Woodhouse (Mr. John). His collection of prints, 441-444 His collection of books, 444-446
Worsley (Dr.). Sale of his books by auction, 306
Worsley (Sir Richard). His 'Museum Worsleyanum,' 532
Wright (Richard, M.D.). Account of his library, 401, 402
Wynne (Edward). Account of his library, 323, 324
Ximenes (Cardinal Francis). See Bibliographical Index. Life of him by Lord Holland, or Mr. Southey, a literary desideratum, 160
Youth. Character and History of the Education of the ancient English Youth, 282-285