In 676 he retired, first to a cave near Howburn, and later to Fame Island, where he remained in strict seclusion for nine years.
He was elected bishop of Hexham in 684, and with much difficulty was persuaded to undertake the duties. He soon exchanged Hexham for Lindisfarne.
As bishop, Cuthbert was diligent in preaching, protected the poor from their oppressors, lived on very little, and fed and clothed the poor.
Towards the end of 686 he gave up his bishopric and returned to his beloved Fame Island, where he died in March 687.
1. Her Cuthbert was forbid layks and plays As S. Bede i' hys story says.
2. Her the angel did hym eale And made hys grievous sore to hele.
3. Her saw he Aydan's sawl up go to hevyn bliss w^{th} angels two.
4. Her to hym and hys palfray God send hem fude in hys jornay.
5. Her on Melross for to converse W^{th} hỹ Bosle and laws reherse.
6. The angel he did as gest refreshe With met and drynk and hys fete weshe
7. Her Basel told hy yt he must de And after yt bysshop should be
8. Her to hys breder and pepyl eke He preched godys word myld and mek
9. Her stude he naked in y^e see till all David psalms sayd had he.
10. He was gydyd by ye egle fre And fed w^{th} ye delfyne as ye see
11. Fresh water god sent owt of ye ston to hym in Farn and befor was noon
12. Consecrate byshop yai made hỹ her off Lyndisfarne both far and nere.
13. Her by prayers fendys out Farne glad and w^{th} angel hãds hys hous made
14. To thys child god grace (here gave) he Thro hys prayers as ye may se.
15. Byshop two yerys when he had beyn In Farne he died both holy and clene
16. The crowys yt did his hous unthek This for full low fell at hys fete
17. xi yere after yt beryd was he Yai fan hym hole as red may ye.
St. Anthony, one of the primitive hermits, and the founder of monasticism, was born at Coma, in Upper Egypt, in A.D. 251. Before he was twenty years old he lost his parents, and inherited great riches from them, but within a year he sold all that he had and gave the money to the poor. He then retired into solitude near Coma, passing his time in manual labour, prayer, and study. Later, he went farther into the wilderness, and lived in a cave. Satan is said to have tempted him by sending spirits to him, disguised as beautiful women. Finding this ineffectual, it is related that the Evil One made a violent attack on him, and beat him so severely that he left him for dead. At the age of ninety he heard of another hermit (St. Paul the Hermit), and made a journey to visit him. St. Paul died soon after this meeting, and St. Anthony, aided by two lions, buried him. In his 105th year he told some of his disciples that he was going to die; then, accompanied by a few monks, he retired deeper into the wilderness, where he died, having first obtained a promise that they would keep the place of his burial secret.
(In the time of Innocent IV. all hermits who lived under no recognised discipline were incorporated and reduced under the rule of St. Augustine.)
1. Of Anton story who lyste to here In Egypt was he bornt as doyth aper.
2. Her is he babtyd, Anton they hym call Gret landes and renttes to hym doeth fawl.
3. As scoler to the kyrk here is he gayn To here the sermontt and aftyr itt he's tayn.
4. Here geyffith he to the kyrk boith land and rent To leve in povert is hys intent.
5. Here in Agello to oon oulde man he wentt To lerne perfeccion is hys intent.
6. Here makyth he breder as men of relig', And techyth them vertu to leve in perfecco.
7. Here to the wyldernes as armet geon he And thus temptyth hym covytice with oon gold dyshie.
8. The sprytt of fornycacon to hỹ her doth apper And thus he chastith his body with thorne and brer.
9. The devill thus hat hỹ wounded w_t lance and staf And levyth hỹ for deyd lyying at his cayf
10. Here Crist haith hym helyd the devill he doth away And comfortyd his confessor deyd as he lay
11. Here comands he y^{is} bests and ffast away th_a flie Y^e bor hỹ obbays and w^{th} hỹ bydeds he.
12. Here makyth he a well and water hath uptayne And comforted hys breder thyrst was nere slayn.
13. Here commandith he best to make hỹ a cayf And thus he berys Paulyn and lay hỹ in graf
14. Thus walked he over the flode water doth hỹ no der Theodor hỹ se and dare nou cũ hỹ nere
15. Here departith Anton, to hevyn his saul is gone Betwixt his two breder in wilder's thẽ alone.
16. Here in wilderns they bery hym that no man shud him knaw For soo he comanded syne hom first tha draw.
17. Thus levyth he i wildern's xx^{ii} yere and more Without any company bot the wylde boore.
St. Augustine, the first great saint of the Order, and patron of the canons of the cathedral. He was born at Tagaste, in Numidia, A.D. 354. His father, Patricius, was a Pagan, while his mother, Monica, was a Christian. Patricius, perceiving the ability of his son, "spared nothing to breed him up a scholar." When quite young he had a severe illness, and expressed a wish to be baptized, but on his recovery the wish vanished. Later, his morals grew corrupt, and he lived a profligate life until he became a convert of the Manicheans at the age of nineteen. After teaching grammar at Tagaste, and rhetoric at Carthage, he proceeded to Rome, against the wish of Monica. He next became professor of rhetoric at Milan. Ambrose was then archbishop, and through listening to his preaching, St. Augustine abandoned the Manichean doctrines, and was baptized at Easter the following year, A.D. 387. Monica, who had prayed unceasingly for his conversion, now visited him at Milan, and was greatly rejoiced at the answer to her prayers. His mother started to return to Africa with her son, but died at Ostia. At a villa outside Hippo, St. Augustine passed three years in the company of eleven pious men. "They had all things in common as in the early Church; and fasting and prayer, Scripture-reading and almsgiving, formed their regular occupations. Their mode of life was not formally monastic according to any special rule, but the experience of this time of seclusion was, no doubt, the basis of that monastic system which St. Augustine afterwards sketched, and which derived from him its name." He then entered the priesthood, A.D. 390, and five years afterward was made coadjutor in the bishopric of Hippo, and eventually became bishop. The rest of his life he devoted to defending the Christian religion, both by preaching and by writing. He died in Hippo, A.D. 430, while the Vandals were besieging it. St. Augustine is called "the greatest of the Fathers." His great work "De Civitate Dei," "the highest expression of his thought," engaged him for seventeen years. In his well-known "Confessions" is given an account of his spiritual progress, and of his state before he was converted.
1. Her fader and mod^r of sanct Austyne Fyrst put hym her to lerne doctryne
2. Her taught he gramor and rethorike Emongys all doctors non was hỹ lyke
3. Her promysed he w^{th} hys moder to abide Bot he left her wepyng and stal y^e tyde grace de diu (on the ship's sail)
4. There taught he at rome the sevyn science Y^t was gret prece tyll hys presence
5. Her prechyd Ambrose and oft tymys previd Qd lettera occid_t wych Austin mevid
6. Her Poinciane hym tald ye lyffe of Sanct Anton And to Elipius he stonyshed said thus anone Q^r patim^r surgut indocti et Coelu^m rapiu't Et nos cũ doctrinis ĩ infer_r demergimur
7. Her sore wepying for hys gret syn He went to morne a garth wythin
8. Her wepyng and walyng as he lay Sodenly a voice thus herd he say Tolle lege Tolle lege
9. No word for tothewarke here myght he say But wrote to the pepil for him to pray
10. Her of Sainct Ambrose chrysteyned was The gret doctor Austyne throgh Godes grace Te Deum laudamus Te Dom'm confitemur
11. Her deyd his moder called Monica As thai were returning in to Affrica
12. Her was he sacred prest and usyd Of Valery the Bishop thoffe he refusyt
13. Her after (Godes word mylde and mek taught he) Hys (men of) religion as ye may see
14. Her fortunate the heretyk concludit he Informyng the laws of Maneche
15. Consecrate Byshop was this doctour By all the cuntre with gret honour
16. As ys woman come to hỹ for consolacion She saw hym wth the Trinite in meditacion
17. When he Complyn had said and come to luke He was full cleyn owt of y^s knafys buke (Penitet me tibi ostendisse librum)
18. They beried hys body wyth deligence her in hys aun kirk of Yponese.
19. Her Lied-brand the kyng of Lũberdy Hym translate frõ Sardyne to Pavye
20. Thei shrynyd hys banes solemnly In sanct Peter kyrk thus at Pavye
21. Thys prior he bad soon do evynsang her And helyd hym that was sek thre yer
22. Her he apperyd unto these men thre And bad yam go to ... y^t hale
Between the compartments devoted to the lives and deeds of St. Anthony and St. Cuthbert are pictures of the twelve Apostles with the words which, according to tradition, each one contributed to the Creed.
ST. PETER I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth
ST. ANDREW And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord
ST. JAMES Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary
ST. JOHN He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried
ST. THOMAS He descended into Hell: rose again the third day from the dead
ST. JAMES And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty
ST. PHILIP From whence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
ST. BARTHOLOMEW I believe in the Holy Ghost
ST. MATTHEW The Communion of Saints
ST. SIMON The Forgiveness of Sins
ST. THADDEUS The Resurrection of the Body
ST. MATTHIAS And the Life Everlasting.
At the time of the Reformation these paintings were all whitewashed. Dean Percy (1778) removed the whitewash from some of them, and they are now all restored to their original condition as far as possible.
Retro-choir.—The extreme eastern bay of each aisle, and the passage behind the altar, form the retro-choir, which is Late Decorated.
Its acutely-pointed windows are practically of identical pattern, the mullions and side-mouldings having richly floriated capitals.
The last arch of the main arcade is supported by a bracket of foliage. A fragment of rib still remaining was for the cross-groining of the aisle; but as this would have interfered with the arch mouldings, the rib was terminated higher up the wall upon a bracket in the form of a crouching figure.
The wall-arcade has three divisions, the capitals of the columns are foliated, and the point where the hood mouldings meet is ornamented with the carving of a human head.
The low doorway forms the entrance to a staircase leading to the upper part of the cathedral, and the belfry.
Beneath the great east window there is a plain tablet in memory of Archdeacon Paley, and another in memory of his two wives and infant son.
Another tablet is in memory of Dean Cramer: "Apud Oxonienses Historiae Profr. Regius," died 1848.
Opposite is a monument to Bishop Law, the work of T. Banks, R.A. A figure of Religion leaning on a cross is above the tablet. This monument was originally fixed on the pillar behind the pulpit ("Columnae hujus sepultus est ad pedem"). It was removed to the north aisle because of the weakening of the pillar through having been cut to receive the memorial; and in 1894 was again removed and fixed here, about as far away from the bishop's grave as it could possibly be placed.
Under the great window, a little to the south, is a tombstone, similar to that of Bishop Bell in the choir, but the brass is missing.
On the south side the last arch of the main arcade is supported by a bracket representing a human figure sustaining mouldings, resembling the one at the end of the north aisle.
The small east window is in memory of John Heysham, M.D. (1753-1834). He graduated at Edinburgh in 1777, and settled in Carlisle where he practised till his death. He is famous for his statistical observations; a record of the annual births, marriages, diseases, and deaths in Carlisle (ten years to 1788); a census of the inhabitants in 1780 and 1788. The actuary of the Sun Life Assurance Office used these statistics as the basis of the well-known "Carlisle Table of Mortality." Aided by the dean and chapter he established the first dispensary for the poor at Carlisle. He died in 1834, and was buried in St. Mary's Church.
One of the heads ornamenting the wall-arcade is said to represent Edward I.
The South Choir Aisle is in most particulars the same as the corresponding aisle on the north. The windows of its two bays next to St. Catherine's Chapel are Early English of a later period than the others, but the effect they produce is not by any means so pleasing. The decorations of the capitals of the Early English columns are not so elaborate as those in the north choir aisle.
In the third bay east of St. Catherine's Chapel, two arches of the wall-arcade have been thrown into one, forming a doorway. The arch is formed by seven segments, and its hood-moulding terminates in the cornice immediately above the arcade.
Monuments in South Choir Aisle.—At the east end is an altar tomb with recumbent effigy in white marble, of Bishop Waldegrave, by H.H. Armstead, R.A.
The words "vae mihi si non evangelizavero" (1 Cor. ix. 16) are on the edge of the upper part of the tomb. Below this is the following inscription:—
Samuel Waldegrave 57th Bishop of Carlisle Born Sept. 13, 1817; Consecrated, Nov. 12, 1860; Entered into rest Oct. 1, 1869. "To me to live is Christ and to die is gain."
Phil. i. 21.
A tribute of Affection, Admiration, and Respect. Raised by public subscription.
A.D. 1872.
A recess with low pointed arch beneath the third window from the east formerly contained a monument to Sir John Skelton, Knt. (1413-22).
Outside St. Catherine's Chapel is an altar tomb with a damaged effigy in red sandstone of Bishop Barrow (1423-29). Originally it was painted and gilt, and, although greatly injured, the remains show that the statue was well executed.
Opposite, under a carved oak canopy, is a bronze recumbent figure by Hamo Thornycroft, R.A., of Harvey Goodwin. The following is inscribed on a bronze tablet:
In memory of Harvey Goodwin, Fifty-eighth Bishop of Carlisle. at Cambridge, and Ely, and in this diocese a proved leader of men. Learned, eloquent, wise, untiring, he used his rare gifts of mind and heart in the service of his master for the good of the English people, and of the Church of Christ at home and abroad.
Born, Oct. 9, 1818; Consecrated, Nov. 30, 1869; Died, Nov. 25, 1891.
Next to this, under a richly-carved canopy, is a recumbent figure in white marble, by H.H. Armstead, R.A., of Dean Close. The monument bears the following inscription:—
Francis Close, D.D., 25 years Dean of this cathedral, died 1882, aged 85. Erected by public subscription as a mark of affection and esteem (1884).
The canopy, given by his son, bears the words following: "This canopy was erected by Admiral Close in memory of his father."
Francis Close was born in 1797, and was educated at St. John's, Cambridge. From 1826 till 1856 he held the living of Cheltenham. He was a liberal subscriber to societies for various philanthropic purposes whether in connection with the Established Church or not. In 1856 he was nominated Dean of Carlisle. Although a very popular preacher his theological views were far from broad. He was, also, a strenuous opponent of betting, theatre-going, indulgence in alcoholic liquors, and smoking. The poor people of Carlisle lost a good friend when he passed away. His failing health obliged him to give up the deanery in 1881, and at the end of the following year he died at Penzance, where he was wintering.
The fourth window is filled with glass in memory of members of the Mounsey family, and Captain John Oswald Lambert.
The following subjects are represented:—
Our Lord The Transfiguration. Pilate writing rebuking the title the Sea. for the Cross.
The Adoration The entry into Our Lord of the Magi. Jerusalem. before Pilate.
St. Paul St. Paul before St. Paul before the King Agrippa. on board Chief Priests. ship.
At the back of the bishop's throne are some shelves containing a few standard devotional books for the use of the congregation before and after divine service. It would be a good thing if this custom could be generally adopted, and every church in the land furnished with a small library of the works of such men as Thomas a Kempis, St. Augustine, Taylor, Law, and Keble.
The low doorway in the north-eastern angle of the retro-choir opens on a staircase leading to the upper part of the cathedral, and the tower.
If we ascend to the clerestory we may pass along the ambulatory, and obtain a nearer view of the great east window (especially the old glass in the tracery), the choir roof, and the clerestory windows. At the end of the ambulatory we come to the belfry.
There are six Bells, one of which, bearing the date 1396, was furnished by Bishop Strickland. It is inscribed as follows:—
In: voce: sum: munda: maria; sonando: secunda.
Another bell bears the following sentence:—
"Jesus be our speed." Date 1608.
A third has on the rim—"This ringe was made six tuneable bells at the charge of the Lord Howard and other gentree of the country and citie, and officers of the garrisson, by the advice of Majer Jeremiah Tolhurst, governor of the garrisson 1658." This bell was cracked while ringing during the rejoicings held in honour of the peace after Waterloo.
On a bell dated 1657 can be read, "I warne you how your time doth pass away, Serve God therefore while life doth last, and say Glorie in excelsis Deo."
Of the remaining bells, one is dated 1659, and the other 1728.
In war time the tower was useful as a watch-tower, especially when the enemy was approaching from Scotland. The small turret was used for fire signals.
There is an interesting record in connection with the tower which is found in an account of the trial of the Governor of Carlisle in 1745. It is as follows:—
"I desired that two men might be posted upon the high Tower of the Cathedral with a very large spying glass I had brought with me, and to send me a report of what they observed in the country. The Chancellor proposed to the clergy to take this duty, which they readily did, and were very exact and vigilant, and when the Rebells came before Carlisle they took up arms as Volunteers most of whom served under me as aides-de-camp."[6]
[6] "Guide to the Cathedral of Carlisle," by R.H. and K.H.
The Monastic Buildings were erected on the land south of the cathedral. The cloisters, enclosing a large open court, stood west of the south transept, communicating with the two doors—one in the north-east angle, the other in the north-west.
The dormitory, built upon an arcade, was joined to the south transept, and had a door opening into it above the present modern doorway.
West of the dormitory, and parallel with the nave, was the fratry; adjoining the east end of which, and stretching to the south-east, were the domestic offices.
West of the fratry was the prior's lodging (now the deanery).
The chapter-house, which was built somewhere in the angle formed by the choir and the dormitory, has disappeared entirely. It was octagonal in shape, about 28 feet across, and had a conical roof.
The great fire in 1292 caused great destruction to the priory buildings. They were put up again about 1350, and Prior Gondibur almost entirely rebuilt them towards the end of the fifteenth century.
There is no reason for doubting that the various buildings were handed over in good order at the dissolution of the priory. The destruction which has left standing only the fratry, the prior's lodging, and the gate tower (1528), was the act of the Parliamentary troops and their Scottish allies in 1645, when, in addition to pulling down part of the nave, they destroyed most of the monastic buildings, in order to use the materials for the erection of guard-houses, and to strengthen the fortifications.
Dr. Todd says: "The Abbey Clois^{rs}, part of ye Deanery, and Chapter-House.... they pulled down, and employed ye stone to build a maine guard, and a guard-house at every gate; to repair y^e walls, and other secular uses as they thought fit."
The Fratry still remains. It was built about the middle of the fourteenth century, and rebuilt by Prior Gondibour (1484-1511) towards the close of the fifteenth century. It contains the canons' dining-hall, a fine hall, 79 feet by 27. At the upper end is a beautiful little reader's pulpit, and in the north wall there are two handsome canopied niches. The Perpendicular windows on the south side are very fine specimens; the tracery, however, is modern, but that of the west windows is very old. The late Mr. Street very carefully restored the fratry in 1880, and it is now used as a chapter-house, library, and choir-school. Beneath the fratry is a very fine Decorated crypt, with a groined roof. The boss of one of the pillars bears the initials of Prior Gondibour.
Near the fratry, to the south-west, is the prior's lodging, which, having been enlarged, is now the Deanery. It has an embattled tower, and was a refuge for the abbey inmates when danger was near; in fact, to all intents and purposes it was a "peel tower." Formerly there was a covered passage leading from the first floor, over the cloisters, into the cathedral. There is a remarkable room in the deanery, the priors' dining-hall, with a very fine ceiling, put up by Prior Senhouse (1507-1520). It is of oak, richly carved and painted; and covered profusely with verses, armorial bearings, and devices. In every third compartment are two birds holding a scroll between them, on which, and on the cross beams, the following rude verses are written in old English characters:—
Remember man ye gret pre-emynence, Geven unto ye by God omnipotente; Between ye and angels is lytill difference, And all thinge erthly to the obediente. By the byrde and beist under ye fyrmament, Say what excuse mayste thou lay or finde; Thus you are made by God so excellente But that you aughteste again to hy' be kinde, Simon Sonus sette yis Roofe and Scalope here, To the intent wythin thys place they shall have prayers every day in the yere. Lofe God and thy prynce and you neydis not dreid thy enimys.
The abbey gateway is to the north-west of the nave. It is a plain, round-headed archway, built by Prior Christopher Slee, and bears the following inscription:—"Ora te p^r anima Christofori Slee Prioris qui primus hoc opus fieri incipit A.D. MDXXVII." Formerly, it was provided with battlements, which have now been removed.
Near the south transept, two arches of the vestibule of the chapter-house are still visible.
Ecgfrith, king of Northumbria, drove the Britons away from what is now the northern part of Lancashire, and the Lake district, 670-675. Some years later he granted Carlisle with a circuit of fifteen miles to St. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindisfarne (685-687), and his successors. In 883 Chester-le-street was chosen as the seat of the bishopric on account of the Northmen's raids on Lindisfarne, and in 995 the see was finally removed to Durham. Carlisle thus formed part of the bishopric of Durham until the death of Flambard in 1128. This bishop had greatly displeased Henry I., and in order to curb the power of the bishops of Durham he reduced the size of the diocese. Carlisle, owing to its distance from Durham, and because of the laxity of ecclesiastical supervision in the surrounding district, was chosen as the seat of a new bishopric, and, with about half of the present counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland, made independent of Durham. A further reason for the choice of Carlisle may have been the presence of the priory church begun by Walter, and finished by Henry I. William Rufus in his lifetime had definitely made the district of Carlisle part of the kingdom of England, and "Henry gave the special care of this last won possession of the English Crown to a prelate, whose name of AEthelwulf is sure proof of his English birth." AEthelwulf, the king's own confessor and prior of Carlisle, was accordingly consecrated bishop in 1133.
More than 400 years later, at the Reformation, the priory was dissolved (1547) and the cathedral re-dedicated to the Holy and Undivided Trinity.
In 1856, on the death of Bishop Percy, a large part of Westmoreland was transferred to Carlisle, and the diocese now embraces all Cumberland (except the parish of Alston), Westmoreland, and Lancashire north of the Sands.
Aldulf (or AEthelwulf) (1133-1155), Prior of St. Oswald's (Nostell); Prior of Carlisle; Confessor to Henry I. He was one of those who elected Henry Murdac, Abbot of Fountains Abbey, to the archbishopric of York, although the election displeased Stephen; and received him as his metropolitan when he came to Carlisle on a visit to David, king of Scotland, in 1148. He died in 1155.
Bernard (1203), Archbishop of Ragusa. For more than thirty years there was no appointment made to the see, perhaps because "the bishop's revenues were so small that no able and loyal person would accept thereof." It is not known how long Bernard held the bishopric.
Hugh of Beaulieu (1218-1223), Abbot of Beaulieu, Hampshire, was constituted Bishop of Carlisle by Gualo the Pope's legate. Henry III. had complained to Honorius III. that the canons had elected a bishop against his will and in opposition to the legate, and had sworn fealty to the king of Scotland, at that time the enemy alike of Henry and Honorius. So the canons were banished, and Hugh made bishop. He died at La Ferte, Burgundy, while returning from Rome.
Walter Mauclerk (1223-1246). This bishop was a favourite of King John, and was employed by him on many missions; for instance, in 1215 he was sent to Rome to support the king against the barons; and in 1228 he went on an embassy to Germany to treat for the king's marriage with Leopold of Austria's daughter. He was made treasurer of England by charter in 1232. The following year he was deprived of the office by the machinations of the Bishop of Winchester, and fined L 100. Mauclerk set out to appeal to the Pope, but was stopped at Dover by command of the king. The Bishop of London, happening to witness this ill-treatment, excommunicated all those who were hindering Mauclerk, and, proceeding to the king at Hereford, renewed the sentence, in which he was supported by all the bishops there present. This had the effect of gaining permission for the release of Mauclerk, and leave to go to Flanders. In 1234 the bishop was restored to favour. He resigned the bishopric in 1246, and became a Dominican friar at Oxford. When this order of friars first came into England he had stood their friend, presenting them with land and mills. He died in 1248.
Sylvester de Everdon (1247-1255), Archdeacon of Chester; Lord High Chancellor. Sylvester was among the bishops who supported the Archbishop of Canterbury in his opposition to the king's encroachments upon the liberties of the Church, particularly in the matter of electing bishops. He was killed in 1255 by falling from his horse.
Thomas Vipont (1255-1256). This bishop enjoyed the bishopric for less than a year. He died in October 1256.
Two years elapsed before the next appointment.
Robert de Chause (1258-1278), Archdeacon of Bath; Chaplain to Queen Eleanor.
Again there was an interval of two years before the appointment of
Ralph Ireton (1280-1292), Prior of Gisburne. He was elected by the prior and canons of Carlisle, in 1278, without royal licence; so the king (Edward I.) fined the chapter 500 marks, and refused his assent. Eventually Pope Nicholas III. quashed the appointment on the grounds that it had been technically wrong, and then nominated Ireton to the vacant see. Edward agreed to this, pardoned the prior on payment of L 100, and restored the temporalities in 1280. Ireton was avaricious, and extorted money from the clergy. This he used for building a new roof to the cathedral. He died in 1292, and was buried in the cathedral; where, shortly after, his tomb and a great deal of his work was destroyed by the great fire which occurred in May that same year.
John of Halton (1292-1324), Canon and Prior of Carlisle; Custos of Carlisle Castle. He defended the city against Wallace. The diocese suffered so often from the ravages of the Scots that more than once he had to obtain remission of the Papal taxation levied on the clergy. He was employed many times in various negotiations with Scotland, his last embassy being in 1320. He died four years later, and was buried in the cathedral.
John de Ros (or Rosse) (1325-1332), Canon of Hereford. He was appointed by the Pope to Carlisle in 1325. During his episcopate he was frequently non-resident. He died in 1332.
John de Kirkby (1332-1352), Prior of Carlisle, was bishop during very troubled times, and took part in many raids made on the Scots. He helped to raise the siege of Edinburgh in 1337. Five years later he took part in an expedition to raise the siege of Lochmaben Castle. In 1345 the Scots made a raid into Cumberland, and were defeated. The bishop, while fighting valorously against them, was unhorsed and nearly taken prisoner. The following year he was one of the English leaders at the battle of Neville's Cross. He died in 1352.
Gilbert Welton (1353-1362). The chapter of Carlisle had, with the king's leave, elected John de Horncastle, but the Pope annulled the election, and made Gilbert Welton bishop. He was a very busy official of the king; amongst other matters he was one of the commissioners who treated for the ransom of David of Scotland, and was also a warden of the western marches.
Thomas Appleby (1363-1395), Canon of Carlisle. More than once during his episcopate he was a warden of the western marches. In 1372 he was required by the king, in conjunction with the Bishop of Durham, and others, to be ready to repel any invasion by the Scots. He was also one of the commissioners, in 1384, to treat with the king of Scotland for a renewal of the truce, and, in 1392, to execute that part of a treaty with France which concerned Scottish affairs. He died in 1395.
Robert Reade (1396-1397), a Dominican friar. In 1394 he was appointed by the Pope to the bishopric of Waterford and Lismore, and, in spite of the election of William Strickland by the canons, translated to Carlisle, whose temporalities he received in March 1396. In October, however, he was translated (by Papal bull) to Chichester, receiving the temporalities of that see May 1397.
Thomas Merke (or Merkes) (1397-1400). Educated at Oxford. The Pope, at the king's request, compelled the chapter of Carlisle to elect him in 1397. He is said to have been a boon companion of Richard II., and remained faithful to that king. He was one of the eight whose safety Richard demanded when surrendering to Bolingbroke. He is said to have made a strong protest in Henry IV.'s first parliament (October 1399) against the treatment which Richard had received. The following January he was tried for high treason, and, after being deprived of his bishopric, was committed to the Abbey of Westminster (23d June 1400). Pope Boniface IX. intervened in his favour, and, by translating him to a titular eastern see (ad ecclesiam Samastone), prevented his being degraded and handed over to the secular arm. He died in 1409, having, after his deposition, held benefices at Sturminster, Marshall, and Todenham, his eastern see affording him no revenue.
William Strickland (1400-1419), whose election (after the death of Bishop Appleby) had been annulled, was now made bishop. He rebuilt the tower of the cathedral, and provided the tabernacle work in the choir. He also furnished Penrith with water from the Petteril. He died in 1419, and was buried in the cathedral.
Roger Whelpdale (1420-1422). Educated at, and Fellow of, Balliol College, Oxford; Provost of Queen's College. He founded and endowed a chantry in the cathedral, and made various bequests to his old colleges at Oxford, dying in London 1422.
William Barrow (1423-1429), Chancellor of the University of Oxford; translated from Bangor. In 1429 he was one of the commissioners for the truce with Scotland which was concluded at Hawden Stank. He died in 1429, and was buried in the cathedral.
Marmaduke Lumley (1430-1450). Educated at Cambridge; Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and Master of Trinity Hall. In 1447 he became Lord High Treasurer of England. Queen's College, Cambridge, was indebted to him for gifts of money towards its building, and books for its library. He was translated to Lincoln in 1450, and died in December of that same year.
Nicholas Close (1450-1452), Fellow of King's College, Cambridge; Chancellor of the University; Archdeacon of Colchester. Translated to the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield 1452, and died two months after his translation. He was a great benefactor to King's College.
William Percy (1452-1462), Chancellor of the University of Cambridge. Died in 1462.
John Kingscott (1462-1463), Archdeacon of Gloucester.
Richard Scroope (1464-1468), Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
Edward Story (1468-77), Fellow of Pembroke Hall; Master of Michael House, Cambridge, and Chancellor of the University. He was translated to Chichester 1477.
Richard Bell (1478-1495), Prior of Durham. He died in 1495, and was buried in the choir of the cathedral, where there is a fine brass to his memory.
William Senhouse or Sever (1496-1502). Educated at Oxford; Abbot of York. He was one of the commissioners sent to negotiate the marriage of Margaret, daughter of Henry VII., with James IV. Translated to Durham 1502.
Roger Leyburn (1503-1508), Master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge; Archdeacon of Durham. Died 1508.
John Penny (1509-1520). Educated at Lincoln College, Oxford; Abbot of St. Mary de Pratis, Leicester, 1496; Bishop of Bangor, 1504. Translated to Carlisle 1509. Died in 1520, at Leicester, and was buried there.
John Kite (1521-1537), "a creature of Wolsey." Educated at Eton, and King's College, Cambridge. He was appointed Archbishop of Armagh, by provision of Pope Leo X. 1513, and in 1521 translated to Carlisle. In 1529 he approved the action of Henry VIII. in calling in question his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, and in 1530 he signed the letter to the Pope which demanded Henry's divorce. Four years later he renounced the Pope's supremacy. His epitaph says that during his episcopate he kept "nobyl Houshold wyth grete Hospitality." He died in London 1537, and was buried in Stepney Church.
Robert Aldridge (1537-1556). He was educated at Eton, and King's College, Cambridge. Friend of Erasmus; Registrar of the Order of the Garter; Provost of Eton; and Almoner to Queen Jane Seymour.
Until the close of the year 1550 his opinion was much sought after on questions affecting the Sacrament and the mass, which at that period were much in dispute.
Owen Oglethorpe (1557-1559), Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. Living in the troublous times of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. he had, somewhat reluctantly, given his adhesion to the new order and form of service of the holy communion. He was raised to the bishopric of Carlisle by Mary in 1557. The following year she died, and the bishop being called upon to say mass before the new queen, elevated the Host, although she had expressly forbidden it. "A good-natur'd man, and when single by himself very plyable to please Queen Elizabeth," he crowned her queen when the rest of his order refused to perform the ceremony. But "when in conjunction with other Popish Bishops, such principles of stubbornness were distilled into him" that he refused to take the oath of supremacy, and was accordingly deprived of his bishopric the following May. His death, which occurred 31st December 1559, is said to have been hastened by his remorse at having crowned Elizabeth—an enemy of the "true Church"—queen of England.
John Best (1560-1570). After the death of Oglethorpe, the bishopric was offered to "the excellent and pious" Bernard Gilpin, "the apostle of the north," but he refused it.
John Best was then consecrated. He was educated at
Oxford. At the beginning of Queen Mary's reign he had given up all his preferments and lived privately and obscurely. Four years after his consecration he had permission from the queen "to arm himself against the ill-doings of papists and other disaffected persons in his diocese." He died in 1570, and was buried in the cathedral.
Richard Barnes (1570-1577), Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford; Suffragan-Bishop of Nottingham 1567; translated to Durham 1577. In a letter dated 1576 Barnes alludes to Carlisle as "this poore and bare living."
John Maye (1577-1598), Master of Catherine Hall; Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge. He died in February 1598 while the plague was ravaging Carlisle, and was buried in the cathedral.
Henry Robinson (1598-1616). Educated at Queen's College, Oxford, of which college he became Provost 1581. He took part in the Hampton Court Conference 1603, and was a great benefactor to his college. He died of the plague in 1616, and was buried in the cathedral, where his brother placed a brass to his memory.
Robert Snowden (1616-1621), Prebendary of Southwell. Died 1621.
Richard Milburn (1621-1624), Dean of Rochester. Translated from St. David's. He died 1624.
Richard Senhouse (1624-1626). Educated at Trinity College, and St. John's College, Cambridge. Dean of Gloucester. He preached at the coronation of Charles I. His death, which was caused by a fall from his horse, took place in 1626, and he was buried in the cathedral.
Francis White (1626-1629), Dean of Carlisle; translated to Norwich 1629. He brought himself into notice by preaching against popery; by a book written in antagonism to Fisher, the Jesuit; and, further, by holding a disputation with the same man in the presence of James I.
Barnaby Potter (1629-1642). Educated at, and Provost of Queen's College, Oxford; Chief Almoner of Charles I. Potter was one of the four bishops who advised Charles upon the attainder of Strafford. He died in London 1642.
James Usher (1642-1656). Educated at Trinity College, Dublin; Bishop of Meath; Archbishop of Armagh. He visited England in 1640, and was consulted by the Earl of Strafford in preparing a defence against his impeachment. Charles I. also consulted him as to whether he should sanction the death of the Earl. Usher was present at the execution of Strafford, and ministered to him in his last moments. In 1641 Archbishop Usher suffered severe losses from a rebellion in Ireland; and this is no doubt the reason why he never returned to that country. About this time Charles I. gave him the bishopric of Carlisle in commendam, but the Archbishop does not seem to have obtained much revenue therefrom, as the district was greatly impoverished through the English and Scottish troops being alternately quartered there. A few years later Parliament seized on his lands and voted him an annual pension of L 400, which, however, he probably did not receive more than twice. During the troubles of these times he resided at Oxford and Cardiff. He came to London in 1646, and the next year, through his friend's endeavours, he was allowed to preach. He visited Charles at Carisbrooke in 1648. He died in 1656, and was buried, by order of Cromwell, in Westminster Abbey. He wrote "On the Original State of the British Churches," "The Ancient History of the British Churches," and his great work on sacred chronology, "The Annals of the Old Testament." It is said that Baxter wrote his famous "Call to the Unconverted" at the Archbishop's suggestion.
Richard Sterne (1660-1664). Educated at Trinity College; Master of Jesus College, Cambridge. He sided with the king on the outbreak of civil war, and was arrested by Cromwell in 1642 for endeavouring to send the college plate to Charles, and imprisoned in the Tower till the January following. He was kept prisoner in various places until 1645. He regained his Mastership at the Restoration, and soon after was made Bishop of Carlisle. He was translated to the archbishopric of York, leaving his bishopric in a very impoverished state. Sterne the novelist was his great-grandson.
Edward Rainbow (1664-1684). Educated at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and Magdalene College, Cambridge; he became Master of the latter in 1642-3. Dean of Peterborough 1661. He was very hospitable and liberal. He did not hesitate in years of scarcity (after he had exhausted his own stores of provisions) to buy corn which he gave away to the poor day by day. He died in 1684, and was buried at Dalston.
Thomas Smith (1684-1702). Educated at Queen's College; Prebendary of Durham; Dean of Carlisle. He was a very generous benefactor to Queen's College, Oxford, the Carlisle Grammar School, the chapter library, and the cathedral treasury. He died in 1702.
William Nicolson (1702-1718). A very learned antiquary. Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and Archdeacon of Carlisle. His most noted work is the "Historical Library" (1696-1699), which at one time "afforded a guide to the riches of the chronicle literature of the British empire." He was translated to the bishopric of Derry in 1718.
Samuel Bradford (1718-1723). Educated at St. Paul's School, the Charterhouse, and Corpus Christi, Cambridge. He was elected Master of Corpus Christi College in 1716. Dean of Westminster. Translated to Rochester 1723.
John Waugh (1723-1734). Educated at, and Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford; Dean of Gloucester. Died 1734.
Sir George Fleming, Bart. (1735-1747). Educated at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford; Dean of Carlisle. During his episcopate the Young Pretender entered Carlisle (1745) and it is said that he installed one Thomas Coppock, or Cappoch, a Roman Catholic, as bishop. Coppock was captured, and executed at Carlisle the following year. Sir George Fleming died in 1747, and was buried in the cathedral.
Richard Osbaldeston (1747-1762). Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge; Dean of York. He was chiefly a non-resident bishop, and, on his translation to London in 1762, his successor complained bitterly of the state of dilapidation and decay into which Rose Castle, the bishop's residence, had been allowed to fall.
Charles Lyttelton (1762-1768). Educated at Eton, and University College, Oxford; Dean of Exeter. In 1765 he was president of the Society of Antiquaries. He wrote numerous articles, some of which are included in the first three volumes of the "Archaeologia." He was very genial and hospitable, and had a remarkable knowledge of antiquities. He died in London 1768, and was buried at Hagley.
Edmund Law (1769-1787). Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge; Fellow of Christ's College. He was an earnest student, and zealous for Christian truth and Christian liberty. He believed that the human race progresses in religion equally with its progress in all other knowledge. He is said to have been "a man of great softness of manners, and of the mildest and most tranquil disposition." He died in 1787, and was buried in the cathedral.
John Douglas (1787-1791). Educated at St. Mary Hall, Oxford, and Balliol; Dean of Windsor; translated to Salisbury 1791. He wrote many political pamphlets.
The Hon. Edward Venables Vernon (1791-1808), Canon of Christ Church, Oxford; translated to York 1808. He assumed the name of Harcourt in 1831.
Samuel Goodenough (1808-1827). Educated at Westminster, and Christ Church, Oxford; Canon of Windsor, and Dean of Rochester.
In 1809 a sermon preached before the House of Lords gave rise to the following epigram:—
'Tis well enough that Goodenough Before the Lords should preach; But, sure enough, full bad enough Are those he has to teach.
He died in 1827, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
Hugh Percy (1827-1856). Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge; Bishop of Rochester, whence he was translated to Carlisle. During his episcopate he established a Clergy Aid Society (1838), and a Diocesan Education Society (1855). He died in 1856, and was buried at Dalston.
Henry Montague Villiers (1856-1860). Translated to Durham 1860.
Samuel Waldegrave (1860-1869). Educated at Oxford; Canon of Salisbury. Author of "New Testament Millenarianism" (the Bampton Lectures, 1854). Died 1869.
Harvey Goodwin (1869-1891). Second Wrangler, Cambridge; Dean of Ely. A very politic bishop. In one of his sermons he used words to the effect that "he was as high as the church was high, as low as the church was low, and as broad as the church was broad." Died 1891.
J.W. Bardsley (1892). Translated from Sodor and Man.
AEthelwulf (Aldulf) Walter John Bartholomew Ralph Robert Morville Adam de Felton Alan John Halton (Bishop, 1292) John Kendall Robert Adam Warthwic (resigned 1304) William Hautwyssel Robert Helperton Simon Hautwyssel (about 1325) William de Hastworth. 1325 John Kirby (Bishop, 1332) Galfrid John de Horncastle (resigned 1376) Thomas Hextildsham Richard de Rydale John de Penrith (resigned 1381) William de Dalston Robert de Edenhall. 1386 Thomas de Hoton Thomas Elye Thomas Barnaby. 1433 Thomas de Haythwaite Thomas Gondibour. 1484-1507 Simon Senhouse. 1507 Christopher Slee Lancelot Salkeld. 1532. (Last Prior and 1st Dean)
Lancelot Salkeld. 1542 Sir Thomas Smyth, LL. D. 1547 Lancelot Salkeld. 1553. Sir Thomas Smyth, LL.D. 1559 Sir John Wooley, M.A. 1577 Christopher Perkins, LL.D. 1596 Francis White, S.T.P. 1622 William Patterson, S.T.P. 1626 Thomas Comber S.T.P 1630 (Vacant 18 years) Guy Carleton, D.D. 1660 Thomas Smith, D.D. 1671 Thomas Musgrave, D.D. 1684 William Graham, D.D. 1686 Francis Atterbury, D.D. 1704 George Smallridge, D.D. 1711 Thomas Gibbon, D.D. 1713 Thomas Tullie, LL.D. 1716 George Fleming, LL.D. 1727 Robert Bolton, LL.D. 1734 Charles Tarrent, D.D. 1764 Thomas Wilson, D.D. 1764 Thomas Percy, D.D. 1778 Jeffrey Ekins, D.D. 1782 Isaac Milner, D.D. 1792 Robert Hodgson, D.D. 1820 John Anthony Cramer, D.D. 1844 Samuel Hinds, D.D. 1848 Archibald Campbell Tait, D.D. 1849 Francis Close, D.D. 1856 J. Oakley, D.D. 1881 W.G. Henderson, D.D. 1884
The Castle is built on the highest ground in the city, a kind of cliff at the north-west angle rising abruptly about sixty feet above the river Eden. An area of nearly three acres has been enclosed with walls, the longest side from north-west to south-east being about 256 yards long, the west side 143 yards, and the south side 200 yards. Two sides are very steep, and the south side, which slopes gradually to the town, is defended outside the wall by a wide moat 10 feet deep.
There are two divisions: the outer ward, and the inner ward. William Rufus erected the keep, which was at first the only building on the site, and this was enclosed by a wall on the north and east. A triangular ward was thus formed, having its entrance at the south-east. Carlisle was fortified in 1170, and the city walls were carried up to the castle. At this time the first entrance was blocked up and the present one made; the outer ward was also enclosed. The south wall, with its flat buttresses, is partly Norman, and partly thirteenth-century work; and this description generally applies to the north and west walls.
About 50 yards from the south-west angle and on the city walls is King Richard's Tower, a building of two storeys, where Richard III. is said to have lived when at Carlisle. It is also called the Tile Tower because of the thin bricks with which it was built. A subterranean passage leading to the keep was discovered here early this century. Entrance to the castle is gained by a bridge crossing the moat; this has replaced the old drawbridge and leads to a gatehouse with battlements, a kind of barbican, of two storeys. The passage is vaulted, and has massive doors of oak studded with iron; formerly there was also a portcullis.
This leads to the outer ward which is about four times as large as the inner ward. It is nearly square, and contains modern buildings for the use of the garrison.
The two wards are divided by a strong stone wall 90 yards in length. A wide ditch (now filled up) once ran in front. In the centre of this wall is a building—the Captain's Tower—which gives access to the inner ward through its gateway secured at each end with a strong door.
Some of the masonry of the Captain's Tower is Norman, but it is mostly Decorated. A half-moon battery of three guns once defended the Tower and commanded the outer ward, but it has now been removed.
The inner ward contains the great square keep, 66 feet by 61, where the governor had his apartments, and which was the final resort of the garrison when the place was entered by an enemy. The walls are 15 feet in thickness, except on the east side, which is only 8 feet thick. The building consists of a basement and three upper floors; the highest floor is vaulted to sustain a platform for artillery. The present height is 68 feet. On a clear day a fine view can be had from the top, embracing the mountains in the Lake district, the heights of Northumberland, the Solway Firth, and the Scottish coast. Several cells have been contrived in the eastern wall, in one of which Major McDonald (Fergus McIvor) is said to have been lodged. Some of the cell walls have been carved at various times with figures of men, birds, and animals. These were, perhaps, executed with a nail. In the north wall is the shaft of a well, 78 feet deep. This is supposed to be the well which was shown to St. Cuthbert when he visited Carlisle. The dungeons are in the ground floor, and of course are distinguished by a plentiful lack of daylight and fresh air.
Queen Mary's Tower, so called from having been the prison of Mary Queen of Scots, was in the south-east angle of the inner ward. It was pulled down in 1835, and a wall built round the angle. It was in part Norman work of the time of William Rufus, and partly Early English; and had a large rounded archway springing from capitals with zigzag decoration. There was also a portcullis for its defence. A passage used by Queen Mary to pass out to the Lady's Walk, which ran eastward from the gatehouse, has been walled up.
The Long Hall, a fine structure about 100 feet by 40, in which the Parliament of 1306-7 met, was also situated in this ward, but was demolished with several other buildings, 1824-1835. At various times the castle has undergone extensive repairs, notably in the reigns of Richard III., Edward III., Henry VIII., and Elizabeth.
During the siege in 1644-5 it suffered much damage, and was patched up by the Parliamentary troops. A hundred years later the Duke of Cumberland thought very little of its powers of defence, for he contemptuously called it "an old hen-coop."
Among the governors, several well-known men figure; for instance, Andrew Harcla, the Duke of Gloucester (afterwards Richard III.), and Hotspur. Upon the death of Lieutenant-General Ramsay in 1837 the office of governor was abolished. The castle now furnishes barrack accommodation for troops, and serves as a depot.
Choir, Length 134 feet Choir, Breadth 72 feet Choir, Height 72 feet Nave, Length 39 feet Nave, Breadth 60 feet Nave, Height 65 feet Transepts, Length 124 feet Transepts, Breadth 28 feet Tower, Height 112 feet
AREA 15,270 sq. ft.